I Claims Col Cin Of An If Tip Heldnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5r9538/data/0127.pdf · Biliousness is...

her till next thirty Jape are going to have euroenough TALK INO MATCH Tlio way it uIve talk for our GOODS and our fjnodn talk for us For the time mentioned wo are going to give you good HONKST VALUES at LESS that OLD TIME PRICES Wash Goods Now that the hot vrntlicr in on you will lio lookiiiR for thin fnliicN nol too high in price hut nice ill quality Wo were for ttl pricceIlcuty Big lot of Organdies Goo quality figured at lOc Protty figured Swisses at lire India Linensr5c lOc IGc IQc 25c and Uc Pretty him of Laces and Embroideries to trim any of these gouda Slipper Department Our stock is largo nod it must bo reduced The way we are going to do it is to CUT Tim IUICE You call buy our 200 Irei meyer lipiur in tan latest toe alSITr You can buy our 81 iii rihmcjer Slipper latest last black vest tog top for 81 T 0- Ynti can buy our 811i0 IViotmcyer Slipper in black for 812li This cornea in heel or spring heel Now in the lime lo wear tbu e goods and it is certainly the time to buy the- mHot Weather Articles for Men We urn fixed in the line of lcnlI Wear All wool Serge Coats 2f 0 to 815 E leas plain coil fancy Linen Suits 82 to 8- iiMjd I black Lustre Coal SI 25 to sa weightCu MIIIH Halbriggan Shine and Drawer 2fio each Buys Clauzo Vwt Are Moils nicri Kiiiiiinir St8rciilcr colors fait Jftc Rig lion latest styles mciiV and boys Straw Hide 2rclo 81 coil fast black pocks loe fir Iwo pairii fur 2o Same In tan Latoat style lowcut Shore 8100 to 8200 IJtg Mtleettnri Munn buoy Ncjjltgee Slnrlv ic each or six for 8 1 MlIMN extra MHO lordorc llMiidkriuliieti each or six Ii25c Silk Slcovcliuldor 5r MT pnJr- llx ton Garters all oilor Ific to 2Ac per pair Mund lancy iiminer Ties Ac to AOc We keep a stock Burpawed by none Kjcrinl prices on Table Linens blenchedand brown Cottonsf Shirting Prints V- cVISIT IirVIXJUAHTKHS WHICH LS Hartford Republican FRIDAY JULY 13 p Illinois Contrnl RallroadTlmo Tnblo New rIU B rant Numliiv In111k 111 HIMIII ltnnndorII No IB aw 41 tt m Nu Ifl ilivllM a in NIL lit dwM p M N 11 ds 2111 p w No iredsS p w Su HI dwep u- Lorne 1seigblr- Nu Ill lu tags tx xe ii dn Ira p m H II YaegarxettnIIL- Mr C M 1endleton Milldnle Ky Isin town I Mr W F Sttvens Heda called to see us yesterday Dr K II Shultz Narrows called to fee us yesterday I Mr Sam Cox is spending a few days at Diwton Springs Dr D II Codstyof Fordsville called to see us yrsttrdny Mr Ellis Own olOwensboro vls itcd in Hartfotd the first of the week Mrs J W Raley and son Karl are vlMtingr her brothers family Mr M L Heavrin Mirs Ada Johnson Hlizabethtnwn fs visiting her uncles family Dr S j Wedding Come to the show Monday night Admission inc Free exhibition at 730 each evening during the week Miss Annie daughter ol Mr and Mrs J B Blankenship near Beaver Dam has typhoid fever and is very sick Bring us your wool and be quick about it as the carding season will be short Highest ctih price paid forI wheat J W FORD Co 51 t2 Mr S B Vnnnifter wlfi and daughters Misses Addle and Annie were the guests of Dr S J Wedding Monday Mrs E V Barbour and daughter Miss Carolyn of Leltchfeild willar ¬ rive here tomorrow to be the guests of Mr and Mra J II Williams Prof A P Taylor in d wile who have been spe ding several weeks vis IIturn to resume their work in the school at that place The evidence in the examining trial of Jo Evans was concluded yes terday evening and the arguments by the attorneys and decision of the court were laid over until this morning In nil probability he wi 1 br > quitted u e e CURtS WHlKi AIL USt TAILS float Cough Bjrup TwtraUoud VM la time RId by drneeIta CONSUMPTION 1 Mr S P Roby ol Fordsvllle 18 in town I IMr J A Bean near town made us a pleasant call yesterday Miss Mary Bennett of near town is visiting MIMI Dena WoodwardCen tertown Miss Ernie Anderson mar town is visiting Miss Mattie Robertson near UclioK this week Mr John T Moore and wile left Tuesday for an outing of several days at Dawson Springs Miss Gurslc Woodward Center c town is visiting Misses Willie Smith and Effie Render Mrs E W Ford and daughter Miss Nancy visited in the Dundee community the past week Mr E P Neal went to Morgantown Monday and returned Tuesday ac companied by his family Mrs J W Lytle and son Master William Henry of Owensboro who pJ Children day exercise at Mt Her mon last Sunday was a complete sue cess Quite a large crowd congrega led and the good people of that church and community spreada sumptuous dinner to the delight of all Mrs Shelby Taylor city Miss Fan- nie Barnes Beaver Dam Mrs Jessie Paxton Splnx Central city and a crowd ol other ladles from the latter place left Tuesday evening for the Mammoth Cave on an excursion to Prof J d Taylor and family left yesterday for MIddleaboro where he will spend the next year as Superin- tendent of the city schools of that city cts This fancily has many friends in this section of Kentucky who regret their removal for realizing as they do the I almost certainty of the finality of their departure Usually young men leaping Ohio county inquest of the goal ol Hticcrss mIke their abode else- where and their presence forever iii ternaids with us is only as n visitor However this my be our best wish cs lhnll atttnd them and we hope IhUniccesH will crown their ifbrts proportion in their deservings u u 6 eo es wt + w v a + e s w I e wee o- I SCROFULA1thin the in paleness You have them In hot weather as well as in cold curesi pleasi t foetndjioo I all dnl 1sts us e 1 N111sseN Ie1es1 sasses seseeeee1eN10 DEATH Claims Col Quintus Cin clnnatus Shanks Was Resigned to go Who n Summonod Yesterday morning at I od ck Col Quintus Cinclnnatus Shanks died at his residence In Hartfntd lie had been quite feeble for a number ol yrars and he end was not a surprise to the family Old ale was the Immediate cause of his death He was one of the countys oldest and most respected citizens Col Shanks was born In Bullltt county near Shepardsville April i iSn He came to Ohio county at the age of 21 and has since lived in this county He served as Constable a number of years in the early history of the county when that office was regarded as very important He was later appointed Sheriff of the county by Governor Letcher about the year 441 and served in this capacity until 49 when he was elected to the Lower House of the Kentucky Legislature Alter his term had expired as repress entatlvehe was elected Sheriff of the county and was acting in this capac ¬ ity when he entered the Union as a Recruiting officer He was of the ith Kentucky Infantry and was commissioned Colonel of the ulli Kentucky Cavalry on the nth of Oc tober 1862 and filled this position as he did all others with great credit On account ol ill health he resigned his commission In the fall ol 86JI Col Shanks lived a very life in his youthful days and had a great many friends throughout the State He was a member of the Grange organization which was very prominent in its day was one ol the organizers of the Metcnic ledge ol liaitloid and at his death was A mew brrol the Filsou Club ol Kentuckyan historic order His remains were Interred in Oikwood Cemttry by the Preston Motion Post No4 G A R ytMcrday afternoon in the pretence ol a large concourse 01 Illcnds He leaves an aged widow his IIfeI loug companion and one daughter Mrs Lucy Hubbanl and daughter Miss Mabel and a large circle ol Irlends h ri FOR SALK log team consisting 10 3 yoke of oxen and wagon in good condtions Terms reasonableI G M MADDox Rockport Ky 5118 rr You never read ol such cures elset where as those accomplished Hoods Sarsaparilla did you it isI Americas Greatest MedicineI NotlcoI The Telegraph Co also the Hartford Tell phone and Exchange Co have sold their telephone outfits to the Rough River Telephone Co and desires to- e wind up its affairs and go out of bus IntssI Eating and Stooping Food supplies the substance for re- pairing the wastes of the body and gives strength Sleep affords the op portunity for these repairs to be made Both arc necessity to health If you ant eat and sleep take Hoods Sar saparlll It creates n good appetite and tones the digestive organs and It gives the sweet restful sleep ol child- hood Be sure to get Hoods Biliousness is cured by Hoods Pills 25c Coal We will exchange coal or deliver from the Dr Miller Bank for any- thing in the Dry Goods Groceries or eed line at Hartford prices Tele 66 JNO A ED MIrrnRJ a What among human ills are more annoying than piles The afllictlons that prevent active exercise are badI rests miserable in worse Women are a mong its prrevteet martyrs LAB LERs BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT will cure the most obstinate cases Price 50 cts in bottle tubes 750 For sale by J II Williams Those who live on farms are liable many accidental cuts burns and bruises which heal rapidly when BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT is promptly applied Price 25 and 50 For sale by JII Williams Throo Intorostlng Locturos The teach ers nnd citizens who ap- preciate Ht ± ary feasts will have the pleasure daring the Institute to enjoy themselves Prol John C Willis will lecture on Monday night and i those who have heard him before will be tr sly glad to have the prlvi legs ot regain luarlng him Prof experIlence prepar1ed the lostltrte in this county has been very gnttitylDfr both to himself and the teachers and his address to teachers on the 30th ol this month will he on educational treat On Tuesday evening this Institute will be entertained by Prof John flnrk of Newport Kentucky the recently de ¬ posed State Superintendent of Public Imtrnetion It is not necessary for to hers state that Prof Burk will have a urge nuttjeace llls a man of much training nnd is thoroughly I prepiral la Intermit and liutrnct those who give him their ultenllon Many citizens of tilt county will come to hrar this eccomplUhcd educator lie will choose his own Miljcct hilt WP iu irintce it to Im of n nature thit will help the Governors of the con won school room- Wednesday evening Rev Boi Taylor ol Murray Kenttiky will nd dress the leachers He too will se ¬ tact the subject for his own discourse We have heard this young minister from the pulpit but never from the lecture platform It will not be put ting it loo strung to say that he is the most entertaining young speaker we have ever listened to He puts life and energy Into his discourses and his auditors are continually under his sway We unhesitatingly rtcom mend to the teachers this worthy young man It Is hoped that every teacher will take the advantage of this opportune ty and hear all of these discourses The Superintendent has arranged these for the special benefit of the teachers of which they should take the advantage To eradicate worms from thcnystem give the child plain nourishing food and WHITES CREAM VERM A FUGE The result will be childT r Misses Josle Thomason Seven Gums Ky Hctllc Bennett Ander- son vIIII and Lizzie Miller City werexery pleasant callers at this office yesterday Is your liver tired Does it fall to Its duty If so dont neglect is call for help A few doses of Him BINE may save you n spell of sickness HERBIKK Is the only perfect liver medicine It cures chills and lever Price 50 cts For sale by J II Wil ¬ llama YOUNG MiN WANTKD with fair education and good character to learn Telegraphy Railroad accounting and typewriting This Is endorsed by all lending railway companies as the only perfect and rellnMe institution ol its kind All our graduates ae asserted J to positions Lidlcfi also admitted Write lor free tfttilcgnc Fall teim opens August JStli Globe Telegraph College Lexington Ky CENTERTOWN KY Our Sunday school is on the up grade we have n very good attendance many are taking great interest in the work while some lire very careless about attending and are not prompt in their recitation It Is a strange thing that we can not have good Sun schools the year round Childrens Day exercises will be ob served by the Sunday school at Cen- tral Grove church the 4th Sunday in JulyMr Sam Rone and Prof II II Davis were selected as delegates to at- tend ¬ the Sunday school convention at Beaver Dam on the roar Mrs Horvc 11111 who has been ser iousty ill for several days is slowly improvingMr James wife and Mr M R Woodward ot Point Pleasant vial ted the famtlyof Mr II H Davis last weekMiss Estelln Kiuchcloe of Muhlen burg county visited relatives here this week Mrs McAdams daughter of Rev E V Phlpps is visiting her lather and many friends here Mr Jesse Warden is here again for a short visit Mr A Lee Bennett formerly an Ohio county teacher but now n resi- dent of Washington Ind is visiting the family C f his father Mr Jake Ben nett We are very glad to meet Mr Bennett and would like to have him in our list ol teachers again Mr Carl Benton and wife oi Irving are spending a short time with friends here Dr Chapman will scon be ready foi making brick and then look out boys stick walks and street lamps MAUDR S ILook In Your Mirror bealthytlnled I 1 ful form I ThUG attractions oro tho remit of good health It are absent there Is nearly always some disorder of dla- tinctly feminineorgena present Healthy- menstrual wean health and beauty everywhere McELREeS Wine of Cartful H I makes women beautiful and healthy It strikes at rite root of all their trouble There is no menstrual dIs- order ache or pain which It will not cure It Is for the budding girl the approachingthe crisis in a womans life it brings health strength and happIness It costs 100 of dealers specialdirections The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat tanooga TennC silts aril1 WM troubled al month I Interval with terrlUl raliu In m head aDd I buut tars Seen aat y AWrd by will of CarduL PROGRAMMEI Of Ohio County Teach ers Institute to be Held at Hartfor- di JulyOth to August 3d 190 10 a m Devotional exercisesPro I Willli 1020 a m Welcome Address John n Wilson 1035 Response W R Carson 1045 Remarks by County Super ¬ intendent n Organization 1130 Addrcns by Instructor NOON KFCnSS 130 Music 140 Roll Cal- lz45School Management Condi lions Requisite i The Teacher His Ability H C Crowder L Social Qualities Dona Wester field c Personality O V Wilson General Discussion 215 Environments a House and Pumiture S PMc Kenney Commue means of se- curing General Interest 245 Recess 355 The District IlbrarI 0 Its Value Ed b How Established M J Holj brook 340 Rcess 345 General Discussion of theI District Library Evening Exercises Address by Prof J C Willis TUESDAY 800 Devctional Exercle Rev Pttiie 825 Roll CHIII 830 9 Recess 905 The Relation of Geography History nnd Civics Henry Leach and C Hohirner 915 Geography Its Practical Ben cfit Aurora Storms 920 i Oral When Introduced Alvye John ¬ sont h How Teach Mattie Pirtle r To What Extent J A Duff 940 2 Advanced- a Methods of Teaching Birch Shieldsh Drawing R C Jarnagin r How Create and Hold Interest James DeWeese General Discussion Concluded by Instructor 1020 Recess 1030Spellinga H Carter b Advanced Spelling J HWood c Study of Synonyms Fannie Renderd ol the DictionaryErnest WoodwardGeneral Discussion concluded by Insructor I 1 RecitationFlorence Morton 1010 That Precocious Child Dora E Gibson 1 iroCvlcst Attained II Pruden 2 Oral WorkDeno Woodward 3 How TeachF L Sanderfur 4 Duty oi the State to Educate her Citizens J A Sanbach 5 Right of the State to Enforce Attendance R C Jarnagin 12 Adjournment Tuesday Afternoon 130 Roll Col- i140lgnomnt Citizenship a Public CilamityR T Wedding 155 Reading- I Primary a Word Method Mrs j A Wed ding l Alphabet MethodRachel San ¬ derfur c How secure Natural Reading Mary Holloway d Importance of proper Beginning U I Paxton General Discussion 235 Eecess 245 0 Advanced Reading n Till Teachers Piepiratlon JL Black t The Students Preparation Mary Mercer r How Secure an Interest PH i Rossd Supplementary Reading Mag gle Paxton t Importance of the Subject T Greers General Discussion Concluded by Instructor 325 Recess 330 Psychology Willis s4 Adjournment Evening Exercises 30 Lecture Prof John Burke VEDN ES DA- Y83oGenrralExerciseProf Burke 850 Roll Call of 9 School Management Would you Allow Whit peihig Why not How PreventjE Woodward C Crowder yi I PunishmentDr J S Fitzhugh c The Teacher on the Play ground C Iglehnrt of riHow Maintain Interest How Hold Attention Dora E Gibson t Class Work I The Teacherj1 Dally Preparation JE Davidson t 10 Recess 1015 Arithmetic a How teach Beginners C K arson h What Makes the Sul jert so Dlfi cultJ II ODell- c Discussion of the Signs Profr Willis and Burk- eI Rices- sioo5l Appreciation of Percentage by the loo pir cent MethodA D Park f Meusuration G O McDonald NOON RECESS 1 130 Roll Call 0t4o An Historical Review of Amtr lean Claimants of the Nineteenth Century A W Bennett 2 History 1 Kentucky History W RCar son 2 History of the United States a Importance May E Rogers h When BeginR II Miller r How Create and Hold Interest- In History H Prndeu d Best Method of Presenting the SubjectEd Patterson 240 General Study of History Willis 3 Recess 315 General Lessons Dora E Gibson 4 Adjournment Evening Exercise Address Rev Boyce Taylor THURSDAY 830 Devotional Fxcrclse by Rev Boyce Taylor 850 Roll Call 9 Grammar Its Importance Alex Rhoadsi A When and how Begin Daisy Godesy b When Introduce and how to use the Best E Woodward Bad Beginning Causes Distaste or Grammar R T Wedding 940 2 Advanced A How Create and Hold interest n the Work L W Godsey- b a Parsing A M Johnson c Diagraming R D Holbrook 1030 Recess 1045 Abjective and Subjective Methods of Teaching Willis I 1110 Inductive and Deductive Methods Prof Welborn 1145 NOON RltCrSSI Thursday afternoon 130 Roll Call 140 School Management A Daily Programme J D Oliver h Dally Preprntbn RCJarnagin c Class Work Prol Fred Taylor 210 Miscellaneous Questions by Teachers 235 Recess 240 Writing- a Importance James Barnes b When Introduce Arils Plummer c What Attention Should be Giv- en the Subject W W Whalenu 320 Composition I How Teach Beginners Compo sitlnn Moses Coppage 2 When Introduce S W Crowe h To What Extent Should it be Taught D P Mosely 4Its Value in Life Miss Lee China 4 Adjournment Thursday Uvcnlng- Enteltalnment by the Womans ClubFriday 8 Devotional Exercise Judge J P Miller 820 Roll Call 830 Physiology Dr JS Fitzhugh and D IIGodsey- Genernl Discussion 910 Benefits and Advantages of the A M College Gilbert Hoi brook 925 Recess 940 Mistakes In Employing a Teacher Judge J P Miller 10 What Amendments Should be made for the interest of Common Schools John B Wilson 1025 The Patrons Duty to the School Dr J J Mitchell 1045 General Discussion of the School law Its delects etc Intro duced by R C Jarnagin 1145 NOON RECESS 130 Roll Call 140 Discussion of the plans of the Teachers Association Introduced by W R Carson 210 Arrnnguients ol Association 250 Recess situ Distribution of Blanks 340 Adjournment FON ROGERS E WOODWARD > Com a- RCJARNAGIN The work of assigning duty to teachers was assigned to me This work I have done the best I could un- der theexlstlng circumstances Hid known all who will teach in the county this year I could have placed manyothers on duty Each teacher assigned to duty is expected to wAke especial preparation for the work as- igned and all should make jirepeia lion on the entire programme as each one may be tolled out several times during the work livery teacher who expects to teach in the county during the school year ending July 1901 will be requited to attend the Ohio County Institute Any ont telling to attend will lose a week of excellent Instruction and the benefit the organization of the Teachers AssociationI Actual sickness certified to by A reputable physician will be the onlyII JVery Superintendent of Common Schools = Ohio County I I NvrcEaswoHnl rcrowrxn 40VfarH Huomu lu tlieKuntb proves Ilaffbt i Tonlita great remedy for hills and nil MiUurlu revere lletttr that quinine Uuitrauttwd Irl At DruKK tJI COcnml ICUtiattlM S Nt NARROWS KY Wheat threshing has begun raid the yield is fairly good The contract for the building of the new Methodist church Ills been 2 An Expensive If Tip is the one which you cut off and p throw away every time that you = smoke a Five Cent cigar There IS nearly as much in making this end as all the rest of the cigar an- ds yet everyman who buys a cigar cuts it and throws it away You get all you pay for when you smoke 5 Old Virginia Cheroots 0 Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this = f year Ask your own dealer Price 3 for 5 cents T 1u1i awarded to Mr James Magan who will begin work on it at once Mr JOUles W Dantles little child has been seriously ill for several days Mrs Langley of Adaburg is visit- Ing her daughter Mrs Charles Black lock this week Mr Caleb Boswell and family went to Arkansas last tall They returned a few days ago with an accumulation I af chills sufficient lo last them until the winter solstice I Messrs Perry King and Willie Em bry of Caueyville are spending a few days with friends here and at DundeeMr Powers house was fired few days ago by sparks from his mill but the fire was put out before serious damage was done The stave factory near here wilt begin work in about three weeks It- s like the one recently operated at Hattlotd I The hoop factory at Dundee is do a good business The mad dog scare has resulted in the killing of several worthless curs May the scare increase I Tnt KniUBUCAMs stand for n stock law Is heartily endorsed in this neck of the woods Continue the good work The open sale of intoxicants in a neighboring village is a source of great society to our good citizens J HT Best for tho Bowels No matter what ails you headache a cancer will never get well ntil your bWeld are put right CAS CARETS help nature cure you with- out ¬ a grip or pain produce easy ural movements costs you just IDI cents to start getting your back CASCARETS Candy healthI tic the genuine put up in boxes every tablet has C stamped on it Beware of imitations a CQOPER SCHOOL HOUSE July toWheat threshing is the order of the day Acreage small Yield pretty fair Corn is looking better and taking a good color since the sun has begun shining Oats are good Tobacco is growing well Mr S T Stevens and family of Hartford accompanied by Miss Kittle Collins spent Tuesday in this vicinty Miss Winona Stevens of Hartford who hns been the guest of Miss Orpha Stevens for some time has returned- to her home Miss Debbie Taylor of Smallhouse who has been the guest of Miss Illlle Stevens the past week has gone to her grandfathers Mr P W Taylor of Liberty Miss May Rogers of Beaver Dam Is the guest of her uncle Mr Cyrus RogersMrs Magdelene Rogers of Hartford is visiting her sons Cyrus and n E Rogers o this place Mr J L Rogers and son were the guests of Mr Wayne Paxton last weekMr A C Stevens and wife were the guests of his mother Mrs Harriet Stevens yesterday Miss Maggie Brunton who is giving lessons at this place spent Sat- urday night and Sunday at her home in Beaver Dam Mr George Brunton and Miss Bessie Williams of Braver Dam made a fly ing visit to this place soil Cromwell SaturdayA from this place accompanied by Miss Debbie Taylor Smallhouse and Miss May Rogers of Beaver Dam spent Sunday afternoon at High Yiew Mr E W Jackson is visiting his brother in Owensboro I S B F- Our I Greatest Specialist I For 20 years Dr J Newton Hatha way has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknowledged to pro1fusion method of treatment for Verlcocele and Stricture without the aid of knife orcautery cures in 90 per cent ol all In the treatment ol Loss of Vital Forces Nervous Disorders Kld and Urinary Complaints Paraly ¬ Blood Poisoning Catarrhand Diseases peculiar to wo Hoods Pills Are prepared from Na ¬ turns and while are reliable and efficient They the Liver I Biljiousness and Constipation Sold everywhere 250 per box Prepared by XLUood A CotoeUMa I I DrHathaways double that of any other specialist Cases pronounced Hopeless by other I physicians readily yield to his treats ment him to day fully about your case He makes no charge for consultation or advice either at his of NewtonHathaway tI WHITE CREAM VERMIFUGE butlis etsFor cure Notlco For a nest job of cleaning clothes UulouStreet 1OO Roward 100 The readers of thin place x111 be pleased to learn that there loot least one dreaded dlwnie that wtf nre has l en nble to tore In all IU tua s- and that U rntnrrh lisps Catarrh Cure Uthe only posture cure now known to the mUral Iratenlty Catarrh beliK nronitltatlonal treat ¬ meet Hall Catarrh Cure In taken Internally action directly upon the blood and mucous iar faces of the njitemthereby defttroytag the fount ntlon of the dJwaw and string the paUrat strength by building np the constitution and Theproprleetore that they offer one hundred dollars for any raee that It fall to cure Send for list of tntlmon all Addreu FJCIIESEV Toledo O Sold by Urairglite Tie Half Family IUI are the best F assimilation ¬ the system which grow and are con firmed by neglect HERBINE gives gooddigestion J H Williams Called Him Down The Customer Walter Walter Bring me a lojster at once The Walter In ze one moment monsieur I will call zs proprietor All Right Now Overwork and loss of necessary sloe p made me very nervous and it was with the greatest difticultv ifaU I could execute my sojps A friend advised me to give pr Miles ne a trial which I did and received m mediate benefit In a few da l I was relieved 1 recommend f all musicians who suffer from QWr worked and disordered nerves r Otto H Bh < nunrr 9310 slat 81 Mlhutt W- IUr Miles Nervino Is told by all drull lI on guarantee first bottle benefits or money back Book on heart and nerves tent lice Dr Miles Medical Company Elkhart Ind QUARTERLY REPORT Of THE BfiWfir Dam jQflOSlt Bank At the Close of Business June 30th 1900- RESOURCES Loanxaud Discounts 8115729 04 Overdrafts Secured 199713 Overdraft Unsecured 24300 Due from Banks 3512039 Banking House and Lot 150000 Stocks and Bonds 130000 Cash in Safe 873285 Furniture and Fixtures I 50000 Total817682847LIABILITIES Capital Stock 2500000 Bjrpua a 500000 Undivided ProGti C303 95 Deposits 13927452 Unpaid Dividends 125000 Total 817682847 Sworn and subscribed to before mo by John H Barnes Cashier this 3d 1000 1M S RACILAND Clerk EP TAVLOU D C

Transcript of I Claims Col Cin Of An If Tip Heldnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5r9538/data/0127.pdf · Biliousness is...

Page 1: I Claims Col Cin Of An If Tip Heldnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7stq5r9538/data/0127.pdf · Biliousness is cured by Hoods Pills 25c Coal We will exchange coal or deliver from the Dr Miller Bank

her till next thirty Jape are going to have euroenough TALKINO MATCH Tlio way it uIve talk for our GOODS and ourfjnodn talk for us For the time mentioned wo are going to give you


Wash GoodsNow that the hot vrntlicr in on you will lio lookiiiR for thin

fnliicN nol too high in price hut nice ill quality Wo were forttlpricceIlcuty

Big lot of Organdies Goo quality figured at lOcProtty figured Swisses at lireIndia Linensr5c lOc IGc IQc 25c and UcPretty him of Laces and Embroideries to trim any of these gouda

Slipper DepartmentOur stock is largo nod it must bo reduced The way we are going

to do it is to CUT Tim IUICEYou call buy our 200 Irei meyer lipiur in tan latest toe

alSITrYou can buy our 81 iii rihmcjer Slipper latest last black vest

tog top for 81 T 0-

Ynti can buy our 811i0 IViotmcyer Slipper in black for 812liThis cornea in heel or spring heel

Now in the lime lo wear tbu e goods and it is certainly the timeto buy the-

mHot Weather Articles for MenWe urn fixed in the line of lcnlI WearAll wool Serge Coats 2f 0 to 815 E

leas plain coil fancy Linen Suits 82 to 8-


black Lustre Coal SI 25 to saweightCuMIIIH Halbriggan Shine and Drawer 2fio each Buys ClauzoVwt Are

Moils nicri Kiiiiiinir St8rciilcr colors fait JftcRig lion latest styles mciiV and boys Straw Hide 2rclo 81

coil fast black pocks loe fir Iwo pairii fur 2o Same In tanLatoat style lowcut Shore 8100 to 8200IJtg Mtleettnri Munn buoy Ncjjltgee Slnrlv ic each or six for

8 1


extra MHO lordorc llMiidkriuliieti each or six Ii25cSilk Slcovcliuldor 5r MT pnJr-

llx ton Garters all oilor Ific to 2Ac per pairMund lancy iiminer Ties Ac to AOc

We keep a stock Burpawed by noneKjcrinl prices on Table Linens blenchedand brown Cottonsf

Shirting Prints V-


Hartford RepublicanFRIDAY JULY 13


Illinois Contrnl RallroadTlmoTnblo

New rIU B rant Numliiv In111k111 HIMIIIltnnndorIINo IB aw 41 tt m Nu Ifl ilivllM a inNIL lit dwM p M N 11 ds 2111 p wNo iredsS p w Su HI dwep u-

Lorne 1seigblr-Nu Ill lu tags tx xe ii dn Ira p m

H II YaegarxettnIIL-

Mr C M 1endleton Milldnle Ky

Isin town I

Mr W F Sttvens Heda called to

see us yesterday

Dr K II Shultz Narrows called

to fee us yesterday I

Mr Sam Cox is spending a few

days at Diwton Springs

Dr D II Codstyof Fordsvillecalled to see us yrsttrdny

Mr Ellis Own olOwensboro vls

itcd in Hartfotd the first of the week

Mrs J W Raley and son Karl arevlMtingr her brothers family Mr M

L Heavrin

Mirs Ada Johnson Hlizabethtnwnfs visiting her uncles family Dr S

j Wedding

Come to the show Monday nightAdmission inc Free exhibition at

730 each evening during the week

Miss Annie daughter ol Mr andMrs J B Blankenship near BeaverDam has typhoid fever and is verysick

Bring us your wool and be quickabout it as the carding season will beshort Highest ctih price paid forIwheat J W FORD Co 51 t2

Mr S B Vnnnifter wlfi anddaughters Misses Addle and Anniewere the guests of Dr S J WeddingMonday

Mrs E V Barbour and daughterMiss Carolyn of Leltchfeild willar¬

rive here tomorrow to be the guestsof Mr and Mra J II Williams

Prof A P Taylor in d wile whohave been spe ding several weeks visIIturnto resume their work in the school atthat place

The evidence in the examiningtrial of Jo Evans was concluded yesterday evening and the arguments bythe attorneys and decision of the courtwere laid over until this morningIn nil probability he wi 1 br> quitted



float Cough Bjrup TwtraUoud VMla time RId by drneeIta


Mr S P Roby ol Fordsvllle 18

in town I

IMr J A Bean near town made usa pleasant call yesterday

Miss Mary Bennett of near townis visiting MIMI Dena WoodwardCentertown

Miss Ernie Anderson mar town isvisiting Miss Mattie Robertson nearUclioK this week

Mr John T Moore and wile leftTuesday for an outing of several daysat Dawson Springs

Miss Gurslc Woodward Center ctown is visiting Misses Willie Smith

and Effie Render

Mrs E W Ford and daughterMiss Nancy visited in the Dundeecommunity the past week

Mr E P Neal went to MorgantownMonday and returned Tuesday accompanied by his family

Mrs J W Lytle and son MasterWilliam Henry of Owensboro whopJChildren day exercise at Mt Hermon last Sunday was a complete suecess Quite a large crowd congregaled and the good people of that churchand community spreada sumptuousdinner to the delight of all

Mrs Shelby Taylor city Miss Fan-nie Barnes Beaver Dam Mrs JessiePaxton Splnx Central city and acrowd ol other ladles from the latterplace left Tuesday evening for theMammoth Cave on an excursion

toProf J d Taylor and family leftyesterday for MIddleaboro where hewill spend the next year as Superin-tendent of the city schools of that city

ctsThis fancily has many friends in thissection of Kentucky who regret theirremoval for realizing as they do the I

almost certainty of the finality oftheir departure Usually young menleaping Ohio county inquest of thegoal ol Hticcrss mIke their abode else-where and their presence forever iiiternaids with us is only as n visitorHowever this my be our best wishcs lhnll atttnd them and we hopeIhUniccesH will crown their ifbrts

proportion in their deservingsu u

6 eo e swt + w v a+ e s w I e wee o-




paleness You have them Inhot weather as well as in cold

curesipleasit foetndjioo I all dnl 1sts use 1N111sseN Ie1es1 sasses seseeeee1eN10


Claims Col Quintus Cinclnnatus Shanks

Was Resigned to go Who n


Yesterday morning at I od ck ColQuintus Cinclnnatus Shanks died athis residence In Hartfntd lie hadbeen quite feeble for a number olyrars and he end was not asurprise to the family Old alewas the Immediate cause of hisdeath He was one of the countysoldest and most respected citizens

Col Shanks was born In Bulllttcounty near Shepardsville April iiSn He came to Ohio county at theage of 21 and has since lived in thiscounty He served as Constable anumber of years in the early historyof the county when that office wasregarded as very important He waslater appointed Sheriff of the countyby Governor Letcher about the year441 and served in this capacity until49 when he was elected to the Lower

House of the Kentucky LegislatureAlter his term had expired as repressentatlvehe was elected Sheriff of thecounty and was acting in this capac ¬

ity when he entered the Unionas a Recruiting officer He wasof the ith Kentucky Infantry andwas commissioned Colonel of the ulliKentucky Cavalry on the nth of October 1862 and filled this position ashe did all others with great creditOn account ol ill health he resignedhis commission In the fall ol 86JI

Col Shanks lived a verylife in his youthful days and hada great many friends throughout theState He was a member of theGrange organization which was veryprominent in its day was one ol theorganizers of the Metcnic ledge olliaitloid and at his death was A mewbrrol the Filsou Club ol Kentuckyanhistoric orderHis remains were Interred in OikwoodCemttry by the Preston Motion PostNo4 G A R ytMcrday afternoon inthe pretence ol a large concourse 01

IllcndsHe leaves an aged widow his IIfeI

loug companion and one daughterMrs Lucy Hubbanl and daughterMiss Mabel and a large circle olIrlends

h riFOR SALK log team consisting 10

3 yoke of oxen and wagon in goodcondtions Terms reasonableI


Rockport Ky 5118

rrYou never read ol such cures elset

where as those accomplishedHoods Sarsaparilla did you it isIAmericas Greatest MedicineI

NotlcoITheTelegraph Co also the Hartford Tellphone and Exchange Co have soldtheir telephone outfits to the RoughRiver Telephone Co and desires to-

e wind up its affairs and go out of busIntssIEating and Stooping

Food supplies the substance for re-

pairing the wastes of the body andgives strength Sleep affords the opportunity for these repairs to be madeBoth arc necessity to health If youant eat and sleep take Hoods Sar

saparlll It creates n good appetiteand tones the digestive organs and Itgives the sweet restful sleep ol child-

hood Be sure to get Hoods

Biliousness is cured by Hoods Pills25c


We will exchange coal or deliverfrom the Dr Miller Bank for any-thing in the Dry Goods Groceries or

eed line at Hartford prices Tele66 JNO A ED MIrrnRJa

What among human ills are moreannoying than piles The afllictlonsthat prevent active exercise are badIrestsmiserable in worse Women are among its prrevteet martyrs LABLERs BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENTwill cure the most obstinate casesPrice 50 cts in bottle tubes 750 Forsale by J II Williams

Those who live on farms are liablemany accidental cuts burns and

bruises which heal rapidly whenBALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT ispromptly applied Price 25 and 50

For sale by JII Williams

Throo Intorostlng Locturos

The teach ers nnd citizens who ap-

preciate Ht ±ary feasts will have thepleasure daring the Institute to enjoythemselves Prol John C Williswill lecture on Monday night and i

those who have heard him beforewill be tr sly glad to have the prlvilegs ot regain luarlng him Prof

experIlenceprepar1edthe lostltrte in this county has

been very gnttitylDfr both to himselfand the teachers and his address to

teachers on the 30th ol this monthwill he on educational treat OnTuesday evening this Institute will beentertained by Prof John flnrk ofNewport Kentucky the recently de ¬

posed State Superintendent of PublicImtrnetion It is not necessary for

to hers state that Prof Burk willhave a urge nuttjeace llls a man

of much training nnd is thoroughlyI

prepiral la Intermit and liutrnctthose who give him their ultenllonMany citizens of tilt county will cometo hrar this eccomplUhcd educatorlie will choose his own Miljcct hiltWP iu irintce it to Im of n nature thitwill help the Governors of the conwon school room-

Wednesday evening Rev BoiTaylor ol Murray Kenttiky will nddress the leachers He too will se ¬

tact the subject for his own discourseWe have heard this young ministerfrom the pulpit but never from thelecture platform It will not be putting it loo strung to say that he is themost entertaining young speaker wehave ever listened to He puts lifeand energy Into his discourses andhis auditors are continually under hissway We unhesitatingly rtcommend to the teachers this worthyyoung man

It Is hoped that every teacher willtake the advantage of this opportunety and hear all of these discoursesThe Superintendent has arrangedthese for the special benefit of theteachers of which they should takethe advantage

To eradicate worms from thcnystemgive the child plain nourishing foodand WHITES CREAM VERM AFUGE The result will bechildTr

Misses Josle Thomason SevenGums Ky Hctllc Bennett Ander-son vIIII and Lizzie Miller Citywerexery pleasant callers at thisoffice yesterday

Is your liver tired Does it fall toIts duty If so dont neglect is

call for help A few doses of HimBINE may save you n spell of sicknessHERBIKK Is the only perfect livermedicine It cures chills and leverPrice 50 cts For sale by J II Wil ¬


YOUNG MiN WANTKD with faireducation and good character to learnTelegraphy Railroad accounting andtypewriting This Is endorsed by alllending railway companies as the onlyperfect and rellnMe institution ol itskind All our graduates ae asserted Jto positions Lidlcfi also admittedWrite lor free tfttilcgnc Fall teimopens August JStli

Globe Telegraph CollegeLexington Ky


Our Sunday school is on the upgrade we have n very good attendance

many are taking great interest inthe work while some lire very carelessabout attending and are not promptin their recitation It Is a strangething that we can not have good Sun

schools the year roundChildrens Day exercises will be ob

served by the Sunday school at Cen-

tral Grove church the 4th Sunday in

JulyMrSam Rone and Prof II II

Davis were selected as delegates to at-


the Sunday school convention atBeaver Dam on the roar

Mrs Horvc 11111 who has been seriousty ill for several days is slowly

improvingMrJames wife and Mr M

R Woodward ot Point Pleasant vialted the famtlyof Mr II H Davis last

weekMissEstelln Kiuchcloe of Muhlen

burg county visited relatives herethis week

Mrs McAdams daughter of RevE V Phlpps is visiting her lather andmany friends here

Mr Jesse Warden is here again fora short visit

Mr A Lee Bennett formerly anOhio county teacher but now n resi-

dent of Washington Ind is visitingthe family C f his father Mr Jake Bennett We are very glad to meet MrBennett and would like to have himin our list ol teachers again

Mr Carl Benton and wife oi Irvingare spending a short time with

friends hereDr Chapman will scon be ready foi

making brick and then look out boysstick walks and street lamps



ILook In Your Mirrorbealthytlnled I


ful form I ThUG attractions oro tho remitof good health It are absent thereIs nearly always some disorder of dla-tinctly feminineorgena present Healthy-menstrual wean health and beautyeverywhere

McELREeSWine of Cartful H

I makes women beautiful and healthyIt strikes at rite root of all theirtrouble There is no menstrual dIs-order ache or pain which It will notcure It Is for the budding girl the

approachingthecrisis in a womans life it bringshealth strength and happIness Itcosts 100 of dealers

specialdirectionsThe Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga TennCsilts aril1 WM troubled al month I

Interval with terrlUl raliu In m head aDd I

buut tars Seen aat y AWrd by willof CarduL


Of Ohio County Teachers Institute to be

Held at Hartfor-

di JulyOth to August 3d 190

10 a m Devotional exercisesPro I

Willli1020 a m Welcome Address John

n Wilson

1035 Response W R Carson1045 Remarks by County Super ¬

intendentn Organization1130 Addrcns by Instructor


130 Music

140 Roll Cal-lz45School Management Condi

lions Requisitei The Teacher

His Ability H C CrowderL Social Qualities Dona Wester

fieldc Personality O V Wilson

General Discussion

215 Environmentsa House and Pumiture S PMc


Commuemeans of se-

curing General Interest245 Recess

355 The District IlbrarI0 Its Value Edb How Established M J Holj


340 Rcess345 General Discussion of theI

District LibraryEvening Exercises Address by

Prof J C WillisTUESDAY

800 Devctional Exercle RevPttiie

825 Roll CHIII8309 Recess

905 The Relation of GeographyHistory nnd Civics Henry Leach and

C Hohirner915 Geography Its Practical Ben

cfit Aurora Storms920 i Oral

When Introduced Alvye John ¬sonth How Teach Mattie Pirtler To What Extent J A Duff

940 2 Advanced-

a Methods of Teaching Birch

ShieldshDrawing R C Jarnagin

r How Create and Hold InterestJames DeWeese

General Discussion Concluded byInstructor

1020 Recess

1030SpellingaH Carter

b Advanced SpellingJ HWoodc Study of Synonyms Fannie

Renderdol the DictionaryErnest

WoodwardGeneralDiscussion concluded by

InsructorI 1 RecitationFlorence Morton1010 That Precocious Child Dora

E Gibson1iroCvlcst Attained II Pruden

2 Oral WorkDeno Woodward3 How TeachF L Sanderfur4 Duty oi the State to Educate her

Citizens J A Sanbach5 Right of the State to Enforce

Attendance R C Jarnagin12 AdjournmentTuesday Afternoon

130 Roll Col-i140lgnomnt Citizenship a Public

CilamityR T Wedding155 Reading-I Primarya Word Method Mrs j A Wed

dingl Alphabet MethodRachel San ¬

derfurc How secure Natural Reading

Mary Hollowayd Importance of proper Beginning

U I PaxtonGeneral Discussion

235 Eecess

245 0 Advanced Readingn Till Teachers Piepiratlon JL

Blackt The Students Preparation

Mary Mercerr How Secure an Interest P H i

RossdSupplementary Reading Mag

gle Paxtont Importance of the Subject TGreersGeneral Discussion Concluded by

Instructor325 Recess

330 Psychology Williss4 Adjournment

Evening Exercises 30Lecture Prof John Burke

VEDN ES DA-Y83oGenrralExerciseProf Burke850 Roll Call of9 School Management

Would you Allow Whit peihigWhy not How PreventjE Woodward

C Crowder yiI PunishmentDr J S Fitzhughc The Teacher on the Play ground

C Iglehnrt ofriHow Maintain Interest How

Hold Attention Dora E Gibson

t Class WorkI The Teacherj1 Dally Preparation

J E Davidson t

10 Recess

1015 Arithmetica How teach Beginners C K

arsonh What Makes the Sul jert so Dlfi

cultJ II ODell-c Discussion of the Signs Profr

Willis and Burk-eI Rices-sioo5l Appreciation of Percentage

by the loo pir cent MethodA D

Parkf Meusuration G O McDonald


1 130 Roll Call

0t4o An Historical Review of Amtrlean Claimants of the NineteenthCentury A W Bennett

2 History1 Kentucky History W RCar

son2 History of the United Statesa Importance May E Rogersh When BeginR II Millerr How Create and Hold Interest-

In History H Prndeud Best Method of Presenting the

SubjectEd Patterson240 General Study of History


3 Recess

315 General Lessons Dora EGibson

4 AdjournmentEvening ExerciseAddress Rev Boyce Taylor


830 Devotional Fxcrclse by RevBoyce Taylor

850 Roll Call9 Grammar Its Importance Alex


A When and how Begin DaisyGodesy

b When Introduce and how to usethe Best E Woodward

Bad Beginning Causes Distasteor Grammar R T Wedding

940 2 AdvancedA How Create and Hold interest

n the Work L W Godsey-b

aParsing A M Johnson

c Diagraming R D Holbrook1030 Recess

1045 Abjective and SubjectiveMethods of Teaching Willis I

1110 Inductive and DeductiveMethods Prof Welborn

1145 NOON RltCrSSIThursday afternoon130 Roll Call

140 School ManagementA Daily Programme J D Oliverh Dally Preprntbn RCJarnaginc Class Work Prol Fred Taylor

210 Miscellaneous Questions byTeachers

235 Recess

240 Writing-a Importance James Barnesb When Introduce Arils Plummerc What Attention Should be Giv-

en the Subject W W Whalenu320 Composition

I How Teach Beginners Compositlnn Moses Coppage

2 When Introduce S W Crowe

h To What Extent Should it beTaught D P Mosely

4Its Value in Life Miss Lee China4 AdjournmentThursday Uvcnlng-Enteltalnment by the Womans


8 Devotional Exercise Judge J PMiller

820 Roll Call

830 Physiology Dr JS Fitzhughand D IIGodsey-

Genernl Discussion

910 Benefits and Advantages ofthe A M College Gilbert Hoibrook

925 Recess

940 Mistakes In Employing aTeacher Judge J P Miller

10 What Amendments Should bemade for the interest of CommonSchools John B Wilson

1025 The Patrons Duty to theSchool Dr J J Mitchell

1045 General Discussion of theSchool law Its delects etc Introduced by R C Jarnagin


130 Roll Call

140 Discussion of the plans of theTeachers Association Introduced byW R Carson

210 Arrnnguients ol Association250 Recess

situ Distribution of Blanks340 Adjournment


RCJARNAGINThe work of assigning duty to

teachers was assigned to me Thiswork I have done the best I could un-

der theexlstlng circumstances Hidknown all who will teach in the

county this year I could have placedmanyothers on duty Each teacherassigned to duty is expected to wAkeespecial preparation for the work as-

igned and all should make jirepeialion on the entire programme as eachone may be tolled out several timesduring the work livery teacherwho expects to teach in the countyduring the school year ending July

1901 will be requited to attendthe Ohio County Institute Any onttelling to attend will lose a week ofexcellent Instruction and the benefit

the organization of the Teachers

AssociationIActual sickness certified to by A

reputable physician will be the onlyIIJVerySuperintendent of Common Schools =

Ohio CountyI


NvrcEaswoHnl rcrowrxn40VfarH Huomu lu tlieKuntb proves Ilaffbt i

Tonlita great remedy for hills and nil MiUurlurevere lletttr that quinine Uuitrauttwd Irl

At DruKK tJI COcnml ICUtiattlM S Nt


Wheat threshing has begun raid theyield is fairly good

The contract for the building of thenew Methodist church Ills been

2 An Expensive If Tipis the one which you cut off and pthrow away every time that you =smoke a Five Cent cigar There IS

nearly as much in making thisend as all the rest of the cigar an-

ds yet everyman who buys a cigar cutsit and throws it away You getall you pay for when you smoke

5 Old Virginia Cheroots0 Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this =f year Ask your own dealer Price 3 for 5 cents T1u1iawarded to Mr James Magan who

will begin work on it at onceMr JOUles W Dantles little child

has been seriously ill for several daysMrs Langley of Adaburg is visit-

Ing her daughter Mrs Charles Blacklock this week

Mr Caleb Boswell and family wentto Arkansas last tall They returneda few days ago with an accumulation


af chills sufficient lo last them untilthe winter solstice I

Messrs Perry King and Willie Embry of Caueyville are spending afew days with friends here and at

DundeeMrPowers house was fired

few days ago by sparks from hismill but the fire was put out beforeserious damage was done

The stave factory near here wiltbegin work in about three weeks It-

s like the one recently operated atHattlotd I

The hoop factory at Dundee is doa good business

The mad dog scare has resulted inthe killing of several worthless cursMay the scare increase I

Tnt KniUBUCAMs stand for n stocklaw Is heartily endorsed in this neckof the woods Continue the goodwork The open sale of intoxicantsin a neighboring village is a sourceof great society to our good citizens


Best for tho BowelsNo matter what ails you headachea cancer will never get well

ntil your bWeld are put right CASCARETS help nature cure you with-out


a grip or pain produce easyural movements costs you just IDIcents to start getting yourback CASCARETS Candy healthItic the genuine put up inboxes every tablet has Cstamped on it Beware of imitations


July toWheat threshing is theorder of the day Acreage small Yieldpretty fair

Corn is looking better and taking agood color since the sun has begunshining Oats are good Tobacco isgrowing well

Mr S T Stevens and family ofHartford accompanied by Miss KittleCollins spent Tuesday in this vicinty

Miss Winona Stevens of Hartfordwho hns been the guest of Miss OrphaStevens for some time has returned-to her home

Miss Debbie Taylor of Smallhousewho has been the guest of Miss IlllleStevens the past week has gone toher grandfathers Mr P W Taylorof Liberty

Miss May Rogers of Beaver DamIs the guest of her uncle Mr Cyrus

RogersMrsMagdelene Rogers of Hartford

is visiting her sons Cyrus and n ERogers o this place

Mr J L Rogers and son were theguests of Mr Wayne Paxton last

weekMrA C Stevens and wife were

the guests of his mother Mrs HarrietStevens yesterday

Miss Maggie Brunton who is givinglessons at this place spent Sat-

urday night and Sunday at her homein Beaver Dam

Mr George Brunton and Miss BessieWilliams of Braver Dam made a flying visit to this place soil Cromwell

SaturdayAfrom this place accompanied

by Miss Debbie Taylor Smallhouseand Miss May Rogers of Beaver Damspent Sunday afternoon at High Yiew

Mr E W Jackson is visiting hisbrother in Owensboro




Greatest SpecialistI

For 20 years Dr J Newton Hathaway has so successfully treated chronicdiseases that he is acknowledged to

pro1fusionmethod of treatment for Verlcoceleand Stricture without the aid of knifeorcautery cures in 90 per cent ol all

In the treatment ol Loss ofVital Forces Nervous Disorders Kld

and Urinary Complaints Paraly¬

Blood PoisoningCatarrhand Diseases peculiar to wo

Hoods PillsAre prepared from Na¬

turns andwhile are reliableand efficient They

the Liver I

Biljiousnessand Constipation Soldeverywhere 250 per boxPrepared by XLUood A CotoeUMa


I DrHathawaysdouble that of any other specialistCases pronounced Hopeless by other

I physicians readily yield to his treatsment him to day fully aboutyour case He makes no charge forconsultation or advice either at his of

NewtonHathawaytIWHITE CREAM VERMIFUGEbutlisetsForcure

NotlcoFor a nest job of cleaning clothes

UulouStreet1OO Roward 100

The readers of thin place x111 be pleased tolearn that there loot least one dreaded dlwniethat wtf nre has l en nble to tore In all IU tua s-

and that U rntnrrh lisps Catarrh Cure Utheonly posture cure now known to the mUralIratenlty Catarrh beliK nronitltatlonal treat ¬

meet Hall Catarrh Cure In taken Internallyaction directly upon the blood and mucous iarfaces of the njitemthereby defttroytag the fountntlon of the dJwaw and string the paUratstrength by building np the constitution and

Theproprleetorethat they offer one hundred dollars for any raeethat It fall to cure Send for list of tntlmonall

Addreu FJCIIESEV Toledo OSold by Urairglite TieHalf Family IUI are the best

Fassimilation ¬

the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect HERBINE gives

gooddigestionJ H Williams

Called Him DownThe Customer Walter Walter

Bring me a lojster at onceThe Walter In ze one moment

monsieur I will call zs proprietor

All Right Now

Overwork and loss of necessarysloep made me very nervous and itwas with the greatest difticultv ifaU Icould execute my sojps A friendadvised me to give pr Miles nea trial which I did and received mmediate benefit In a few da l I was

relieved 1 recommend fall musicians who suffer from QWrworked and disordered nerves r

Otto H Bh < nunrr9310 slat 81 Mlhutt W-

IUr Miles NervinoIs told by all drull lI on guaranteefirst bottle benefits or money backBook on heart and nerves tent lice

Dr Miles Medical Company Elkhart Ind


BfiWfir Dam jQflOSlt Bank

At the Close of BusinessJune 30th 1900-

RESOURCESLoanxaud Discounts 8115729 04Overdrafts Secured 199713Overdraft Unsecured 24300Due from Banks 3512039Banking House and Lot 150000Stocks and Bonds 130000Cash in Safe 873285Furniture and Fixtures I 50000


Capital Stock 2500000Bjrpua a 500000Undivided ProGti C303 95Deposits 13927452Unpaid Dividends 125000

Total 817682847Sworn and subscribed to before mo

by John H Barnes Cashier this3d 1000