I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf ·...

l a r 1 r 1 . i ‘C’ . w “'9' V ‘7_;.___ . . . q. . —- —- -; '. r . . v r .- . ._. ..-; \- - - . -, : ~~ ' K ~- ‘v ;' . . .r. -:P‘ " 4”, I i‘3\. '1-*9’/I.. '* Sb ?~'i .v- , _ .._..i1. p. ._ . ___.-_ ..___l; . ai_. 1- __;_. __.;.i._1..-.zi.______: .:r:' a__. __.,-,.. _s..d_ . HE CECIL GAZETTE, .'/Ind Farmers’ and Jlleclurnics’ dd-vertiser. . _ _ _ ___-____> _ . __,;__ _ __ ~ , ;_~_;;_;~_,_:...___. . . ___;____,__,_,;____-__-__-;__‘;___,_ -- _;__. _‘_.__;-_-.---_- --,_~;_~- _ :1;-.,.~:_~__;_‘ .-_—__ _-1 ': ___:-_~_:..c Tiri: lli.r.ni.~ro: or (ioi~r.a.~ntnrr,i.ixi: riiz Diciva or |lnrr.v,:irot.Ln uuciiso AI.lKI. cr-ox THI Ricn AND ma Pooa.“-Andrrie Jaclrrnn __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __5_ ,_ _ _,_ ____, _, _ ___ _ ___,___, ____.__ .. ._ ._. ,-;:-—--<-;-<-;:+-;;-T;-i—--:=:~;_-:1-:::.:_i;__ ._.... _ \ ii. voi.. 2. ' ' ni.it'roi\'. nn., Sr\TllRDAl' iYl0Iti\'li\'l-I, a‘!-zimihtiiv -2. iszio. ' i\'0- 31‘- -~~- -—~-— ‘=i 5 —- i i ""- ri:ni.r-iiizii r:vi:iur IA'I't2l0A\"l0ll(t2tO All Ilighl)‘ Important Catt- tioii to the Piililic. IIY ll. BOSEE. L . mm The following gviitlciiien have been lpp?i?b qg.-nu for the tier-rl tinzettr, by vrhnrii aub- rieripti-ma will be I\‘t2t:l\'t‘tl, receipt: given. llld UIllt‘f.1 Rn the t‘\\:L‘\lll0ll of work duly forward- ed to us: Ai.i.r~r .\sin'i\<rw, l~l\q., P. N., Port Deposit. J. J. llirmurr, Ii-q., l‘. .\l., l’i'rryv||lc. _\l \r|'||rt\\‘ \\’i:rit, Hr-|., l’. .\l., llising 3-1"- .\'urt'ri. ll-iwnwn, l~I--|.. l‘. .\l., lt'iWlaIltl\lll¢- Wit. ll. lli|.i-, lIi~|., I‘. \l., llliiv llill. wa. .\r. 'l'o\\ -..;..._ i-2-.,.,ii. M. lb...-r. " \vI..‘l\t‘Ki.\,":14|., F.iyi-tlrvilli'. 'l'iiiiiu: .\lurirr, I-I<q., I‘. =\l.,l\'oIllI Bill- .\l1j1it‘.lnI|\' ,\'. llL\t'lt. l‘. .‘ll.,(7liarli-i-triwii. lI\‘,\lA‘\_\ t‘.L,'owa-, H~q., t‘oivantowii. \v||.t.l\ll ll. .\!KRl‘l"l, l-I-|., t‘--r-ilton. lliviiiati l. Foiiui, Eu]. I‘. .51.,?t. Augustine. J. ii. ii...-.._ i:..,. l‘. M, \\'.\rwick. For Stile. I \lll'I .\'iili~r-rilwr will iiell at pIi\'alt' aale a 1 'l'uu~rii "ut|<\‘ riiiil lrot, witli?tnlilc and other mil tiiiilriiiigi, \\'l‘., r-lttlllvtl in (‘lr.1rli~ii- tu\vn,('r~ril roiinty, .\lil. 'l'hc property in vrry \.\lnahli- to any person wisliilig In ciigiigr iii public ln|~inr.~»,:i.- it is direrllyiriillir print marl front ll.rltiinori~ to l'liil.iih~lphin,:|ii| iit the head of iiavig-able w.itt~r oi’ the .\'urt|i l-Ia»-t riirr. Any per-uni Wlalllllg inpurrliaac will plraae callon the b_tll'!f‘fll>l‘I rit I‘.-rt Deposit. l\lr\ltY S.‘iU\\'l)l:IN. l'v!l ll.-po:it,()t‘l‘.!l)—-llrit. For Rent, A t-onifortzihle llwelliiig House. Lot niiil_lll;ir-ksiiiilliShop in Delaware, about half ll inile from the (Jlicsapeakc and l)t‘l;l\\’Zll‘l'('illIi\l,1lllt.l about two hun- :'Curr rir litrrlrrr' —llrimrc of jrillirig. OCTOR l:lVr\.\'S, ltltltlliatliairi at., take: Dthc present opportunity of tenilcrlng hiii lllt)~4l unlcigned ackriowlcilgciiiciila to the nu- merous patir-nta {irlllictrd with the \'lIIl0tlI liirni: ot‘ diacaau incident to humanity) who have roinriiitted \lll.'lIl$L‘l\'L‘I to liiii care, and he ha: the Illlllf-ltill?h of kiinwrng from many liv- ing etideiiei-ri,that his l'\'ll\t'LllLI l|ll\t! f\‘lllU\'\‘tl or rrlicvcd of their rn-|>ei~tivc miiladirn, as far naliea within the coinp.iior nfliriiiiiiii llll‘KlllI.—— llow diatrenring to the alllictcd is DYSl’l‘Il'- .<l.\ Ult li\'l)lGl'§§'l'lU.\'l pun-niiing lall the ~U\.|l't‘t‘! of hianipiyiiient, and leading in inany iiiatniice to the IlIll1t‘I|\'l of conlirincd hypo- cuiidriaeiirrii. Long I\I it ha: been iniidc the aulijcrl ul"iirp|lr_y by iiii-dicul author: it remain: iniolved in much nlieeirrity. Jitundicc, lb- -1rrhri~.i, t‘liolera und Cliulir, also peliirin rt enn- rrpiizuoiiv p.irt in tliedruiiia ofinorhid iall'ci'lioiia. llr. litam has ln-eii singularly riuecesiiful intlie trcatinuil of the above eornplaiiitir, by rciiicdit-a drawn lruni the I('l(‘ll€Cl|t'l ofthe llllllll ciniiicnl. plryiiieima in Europe. Ilc ha: aim had var-I. experience and IUCCIIPI throngliout tho whole family of delicate diacarer, all of which are for lhc ninal part aggravated by, rind rooted in the .\ll'Il(t‘Ultl.\l. MUlllll'ZRl-I|t.\‘, l’.\'l'ltlNt‘l- l'l.l~1ll, L'Nl-Il)UCA'l‘l'ill and UZ\'l'ltACl'l- the credulooa on to ruin. llr. l<Iv.irii-' ollicc i supplied with the Cll0lt‘t‘.'4l. rciiicdit-.: from for- eign markets, and coinpoirnuod on the rnnst acit-ntifie priuciploa. A pliyiiician ia'alwaya in attendancc.and all tlioaa who come there in the hour of need willgo off rejoicing. DR. “'. EVANS‘ SOU'l‘ll1.\'G SYRUP, Hrr Cliiltlrcri ’I'ri.~l!u'ng. Preparedby liiinsclfi TO MOTIIEIIS A.\'l) Nl.'llh'l'IS.—The par- eage of tho teeth through the gum: produce tlI'l‘tl yards front the l<l:istern Shore ltriil l\‘v'Il>|L‘~<""= I04 llllitvfvlll Iyllipl-vnim ll i Road. lt is well known to be a iguorl Slitllll for liiisirii-ss. Tr-rrns llllltlt‘ known lllltl pi)SSt‘.~si0li;1i\'l‘li by either ofllic sub- scriber's, living |lt‘ill‘ l-‘n~iiehto\vn, Md. lltll'l.lll~l\' llllll)l.lE. AUt.iUS'l'l.\'A Llll)llLld. Dee ‘.29-_-tf Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly, Scl. ' N application of Nathan Ward of Cecil ()t'uunty, by petition in writing, to inc the aubscribenrme nl'thc aasocialr: judges of the ()rph:in:' (‘ourt of (‘evil county, iiclling fortl that he iii in actual coiifoicriii-iit for debt he i unable lu pay, and mfering todt-liver up for the bcnclit of l|i.~ crcditora all his propt-rty, real, personal ainl inixcil, to which he lb in any way ' fatal iniiliidy, convulsioiis. kiinwii lry iiiolhcrii that there i: great irritatio crrzi-r-il,tlic child is rt-iwd wltli frequent an iluddcii litr of crying, alarting in the iilecp, an rrprrainii ofpcculiar part:-; the ehilu irhricka wit ' very, from being suddenly attacked with th entitled a schedule win.-reufzriid lttt ofln-r err- ASTHMA’ THREE YEARS‘ STAND' . - I . .’ tion on oath and praying tobcrliscliargeil from dita and rlebts hriiip anncavil to his Iiaiil peli actual e'on|iiit-iiient, and to have extended to l\(.i .\lr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, alllicled with the above diutrraain inrilad \‘ nirtonis: . . . . . i ' I .V- ‘F l him the be lit ot the srwral tttllUl\‘t!tIl. laws at (;;L-at |_,||pm,r_ ?;||i,i¢",-_,-_ djnurbqd nu‘ my- i“JI)'lHl\¢;L:ilt.l it appeuiiig to inc by compe- tciit lvirliliioiiy thiit the hilltl petitioner has ii-irid- cd within the State of .\laryl;ind for the last urn yearn neat before his ripplitation, I appoint- ed Jaineir ll..l.iniar lftlnlce for the bent-lit oftlic crcditnranflhe said .\’.ttlian Ward, whohaa en- tered into bond with security by lilt‘ prescribed vnuit lie.id.iehc, dillicttlly of hrealhing, tight- nciia and stricture across the breast, tllllilittia, iiervuus irritability and ICE-llt‘l!|lL‘5?, could not lie in a horizontal position without the sema- |_' g ' ii, p pr lhr heart, divtrcaaing cough, coitiveiicus, pain ofthe iitoiiiach, drowaiiicas, great debility and Ill the irioiitli and 'gnins during this proce:a.— 'l‘hi- t_'|tllIil awcll, the H‘t‘1(‘lltII\ of rialira ia in- ‘llcciiuu: in iill weather l'i|i hpppy arnl free, P0!-1'l‘llY. fl ___ THE \\'lN'l‘l~)ll KING. iir iiiaa ltA?4!~.\ll r-. uouui. 0! what will become of thrc, poor littlc bird? The niiittering :torrii.in the tlI'<ltIIl(‘t‘ i: heard; The rough winds are waking, the cloud: grow. ing black! 'l'hc_v'll noun iicatlcr rnow flake: all over thy bacli! Froin what runny clinie liaat thou wandered away? And v-lnit art tlruu doing tliia cold winter dayl ‘l‘m per-king the gum from the nld pr-arh tree, The atorni doe:'nttrouble mc—l'cc, doc, dcc.' lliit what maker tlicc acern no uiiconaciou: of care’ The brown earth ll frozen, the hraiiclie: are bare! And how caii‘at thou be ao light hearted and frec, Like l.il.~crty'ri forin with the apirit of glee, When noplace i: near liir thine err.-riing real, Nu lenffor thy at-rccn, for thy boaoin no neat’ 'llccauiietlie lame hand ll! a aliclier for me, 'l'hut look oil‘ tho auiniiicr lciivci!—-l'i-i~, dce, Cllnllltllllu? by the (‘t).\'>‘l’lltA(‘ll"L\' ol-I dee.‘ lliit man feel: a biirdrn of \\‘1lIIlll|1l.l of grief, (‘till in any art rave that ot' attempting to lead While pliieliiiig the cluster: and binding the I lliciill We lake frrnn the ocean, the earth and the air, And their rich gills do not iiileiiec our carr; ln aiiinrner we t'.iint, iii winter we're chilled, With ever a void tli.it iii yet lo bc filled. ‘A very Il?llll portion aullicirnt will hr, l|'a\veetciied it ilh gratitudi !—l'tt‘, div, doc.‘ l thank llirv, hri;l.t nioiiit-ii! \\‘llal thou lt.ial taught \\'illull he the llIt‘IlIC of the llilpflltilllllbllgltl. \\'e look at thi~ iloml-, \\'ltllt‘ the bird h.i: -in evi- 'l‘o hiin who reign» over tht-in cliangclciia aiid ' high; ' And now, little liern, jut-t tell tne thy riainr, " That liiiiiy be aure wliciicc my ortiele c.inir. d 'l'hi~y callrne the \\'i.\rr.a l\'i.~a.i!—l'ec,dce,di.~c.' d I, llut noon tlicre‘ll be ice weighing down the cttrcine iiolencr, and thrusts itri linger: into _ “Fm b°“Kl' _ _ y M "m",h_ If "mu, llrccurwry u).mpw"" "Q \\ lien-iipoii tliori art (lilting an merrily now! not speedily allcilatcil, irpoirinodie convulsions Ami ‘|'°"'-'|' ‘|l""" l "‘1'll"’¢ “Ill I"-104 I'll] uiiivcriially aupervcne, rind noon cuusc the dil- , _ _ iiolutinii of the ililiint. ll' lllUlllt'l’l who have l "'h'°l"'l5 ““' ""l "r‘hY ‘lchcna r°""~ llii'il' little b-rbca tllllltilttl with lllt'?t‘tlt.~lYl‘rl>lllg ‘E '1" "W" "'"_"""“'~{W-*1-_"-I I-"Iv law ""- r-yriiptoiiin, would apply l)r. Williaiit l*I\.ina'a '“"" mm" "°"' lmm "mu ll"-' "°"~ ""1 “'5 tfelebraterl Sootliing Syrup, wliirh hiia prciierr. ed liundreilrl of infants when thought pri:l.rer.o- warin, ulcttl C ‘l can t.l.Yi\\' tliein right up to my fi~athcra,you Ike. To warm thein,:nd ?y :\vayl—l’ce, dce, der.‘ ill ISCBLLANEOIYS. L‘().\'.lUGAl. P/tS'l'l.\ll-ZS. \'t'e heard of :rn olil Blue Beard of a follow \\ho enjoyul iiilinitc sport in lick- ling his wife lo dculh,in which inziinicv he innde awriy with about as great o num- ber us that notnble personage himself. [lull of llll btlltlltl iulloeatio al 'tation of A geiillcnian in the upper part ofthis city, though not with the same diabolical in- tent thought to have ulitlle arnuaeniciit and approved, lirr the faitliliil pcrthriiiiirirc of defieiviiiry oftlre nervous energy. Mr. R. Mon. hi: alltl trust; and the iiaid lnisti-c having ecrli tied to me that he is in full posscri-irni of al the property in the said lcherlule and lint oi debt: contained, lia\'e ordered and appointed the first S-rturdayni-at aller the ?rst lllonddy in April neat, ?ir the aaid l\'alhaii Ward to appear belbre the Juiigci of Cecil county court, at the eonrt house in lilltton, to airawer aueli ullega. tinnn and iiilerrogatories as may then be propos- ed to hini by his creditors; and the said Nathan ward liaving entered into bond in a penalty and with security by lne prescribed and ap~ proved so tn appear rind ant-wer as :ifore>iiid,l do hi.-rt-by order and direct that the iiaid Na. than Ward be iliitcliarged from pcygonal i:n|\~ lineinciit. and that ho give notice of this his application iiiid of the day ro by ine appointed ?ir his linal hearing intlecil county court to his creditors, by adverti-reiii-:i|t in some ncwrpapcr priritcd in Cecil county, once a week tiir threc lllbllllll, bclbrc the aaid ?rst Saturday next aller the ?rst .\lond.iy in April neat. Given under niy hand and real this l-tili day of August, I833. E.)\\'ARl) \\'lLSO.\'. } True copy. Teal, J.»\.\lflS SE\VALl., ('llt. Jan 5-Jrn $0 Insolvent N olice. N()TlCEia herebygiven to the creditor: of tit-orge,Wcitley, late art imprisoned debtor ofCc_cil couiily,tliat the aaid Wciitlcy has made application to Janice (7. hlagraw, one of the judge: of the Orpliana‘ (‘unit of raid county. for the bene?t of the insolvent lawn of the Bl.-"rte of Maryland, and that the laid judge liaa granted the laid insolvent areleaac {ruin inipri. aonment, and appointed the ?rat Sallirday alter the ?rst Monday in April nut for hi: personal appearance before Cecil County Court, to an. aivcr iiuelr allegation! or interrogatnrica u may be proponndcd to lillll by hil crcditura. Oct 20-3m. Insolvent Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to the credi- tors of Elisha Hitchcock, late an Impri- soned dcbtor of Cecil county. that the aaid Hitchcock hath made application to Enoch Cloud, ll\q., iriiit-rjiiitp-. of the Or- phans‘ Court of said county. or the bone ?t 'ol' the insolvent law: nfthe State of Maryland. and that the said judge has granted the said insolvent ii release from imprisonment. and appointed the ?rst Sa- turday atter the ?rst Monday ‘April next for his personal appearance bebre Oecll County Court, toanairer lt.l¢ll alle- gation: or lntarrogatorie: aaanybe pro- poundod to him by Na cmdttora. Dec 29-3m ' roe gait: up every thought of recovery, and dire l_ll(.‘hll.\ll'l\ll\on the vouittenaiicc of every person iiitcrt-i-led in hia existence or happinciia, till by accident he noticed in a public paper some euros clfcrted by l). Win. Bruits‘ .'\li-di_cinein his coiiipliiinl, which inilueed hiin in purchase rt psckiige of the Pills, which resulted in com lle wislieri to say liia inotiie ?n this declaration iii, that tlioic atllictcd with the ircinrc or any nyinplninii uiiiiilar lo those froin which hc in happily Ienlufetl, may liltt:I\‘i!(: receive the aaino iriestiiiiabli: benelil. Ll\'l§l1 COl\ll'L./\ll\l'l', TEN YEARS‘ S'l'r\.'\'l)l.'\'G. Mra. llannah l'lrowne,wifeof.loscpl| Ilrownc, North Sixth iit. ncar Second iit. Williarnaburgli, alllictcd for the laat ten year: with Liver (‘oin- plairit,rcatorcd lrr health through the treatment of Dr. Win. Evans. Syrnptoriiaz--llnl.iitual constipation of the bowel»-, lllhl of appetite, ex. crueiuting pain ofrthe epigastrie ri~ginn,great deprelaion nf apiritr, lringuor and other nymp- turns of cxtrcmc debilily, dinluriied sleep, inor- dinate llnw of the iucrinca, pain in tlielriglit ride, could not lie on her lell. aide, without an aggravation oftlic pain, urine high colored, with other ayinptornri indicating great deranegincnt in the funetiona of the liver. Mra. Browne war attcirdrd by three nfth: first phyaiciaria, but received but little relief from their rnedirine, till Mr. Browne procured aomcof Dr. William l'Ir:ins‘invaluableprrpara. tiona, which effectually relieved her ofthe a- 'bo\*e distressingayinptuinr, with otlicra, which it ia noteucnlial to intimate. J05!-TPH IIROWNE. Citiv and (‘ounty of New Ynrl-r,::. or-eph Browne, of Williamsburg, lining Ill- and, being dulysworn, did depoac and any that the facts u act forth iu the within at-itcnwnl, to which ho liu aulracribed liia name, are juat and true. .lOSl'Il‘ll BROWSE, llurband ofthe aaid llannali llrorrne. Sworn before me, thi: 4th day ol'J:n. 1837. PETER PlNCKNEY,t.oru.ofl\ecd:. tb'Tlte above Medicine la for sale by the subscriber. _ WM. TORBERT, Jr. Ellrton, Doc. 22+] y $15 Reward. STRAYED from the premises of the aub- aeriberini or about the lat da of Novem- b? lilt. lllrea 00W8,tivo of which were giv- ing milk The rriilcli eouva are both rod, one a rnuley,the other with a irlilta face and liorna, turned in at the points; Ilia other la a tihelr, with a white face and short tall. Fi?oea dol- larr vrlll be given for the return of laid coir: or information to the auliaeriber, onlanoplrlla- banof Elktaa, or?vadoltanforaitbarofllnp. ISAAC BENJAIIR. . .4 l"aIrfv?l:,J:nl2-tf ~ ut the expense ofhis lady. and so propos- ed to give her on cli-gant silk dress, ii she would hold her lingerlen minutes in aniix- _llll‘t? of suit and snow. 'l'lie oller was rt-uilily ni~cepled, rind the cxperiiiietit coiiiiiiericed. "lt is cold," said the Indy. i-l.~rt-ly mm-i-ii-it oi-t-ry»-yiiii-itiiii ..i‘iiii tliiealci "'l'ukl' il 0|-ll. "It'll." Said the husband.- “llut the dress!" "Ali, you will lose il," said the hiisbanrl. "l rnust have it." said the ludy. and she persevered most heroic- allytill the ten minutes expired, when, on ivillidrnwing her linger, it might have been as easily broken off us any linger on the huiid of Lot's wife,being com- pletely frozen; and the husband had the double aniiisciiicrit of payinga round bill to his doctor._ This instance ofpersevt-r- ancc is excc-l|ed‘only by7'tlll_lt'o'f the Indy who lllt‘t!?lt‘HCdi_lll?l. if her husband re- fused hcrrcquesl to an entertainment. to cut 0fl'onc of her ?ngers, antl on his re- fusal, acluiilly curried her threat into exc- cution; both abundantly proving the lrulh of the old couplct concerning wornun, that "When irha will ahc will—you iiiay depend on‘|, When ahe wo:i't ahe wnn't—and there’: It‘! end otr't." [Albany Trarircripl. Arriwrtsa Sroriv or .\la'ri:i\:1AL Dov: ln the village of Carrcggi, whetlierlt was that due precaution had not been taken, or that the disease was ofa parti- cularly malignant nature, one after uno- tlier, ?rst the young and then the nld, of ii whole family dropped oil‘. A woman who lived on the opposite side ofthe way, the wife of a laborer and mother of two little b0ys.t'ellhersclfaltncked bv I fever in the niglit;ln the morning it greatly in- creased, and in the evening the fatal tu- mor appcared. This was during the ab- sence of her husband, who went to work at a distance, and only returned on Satur- day nights; bringing home the acnnly means of aubsletcnce for the family for th? Week. Terri?ed by the example of the neighboring family, moved by (?g fondeat love for her-children, and deg“. mined not to communicate the dlcoare to them, ahe formed theherolc resolution of leaving her home, and going elaawherc to die. Locking them into e I0Om,_lndogg. cil?clng to their safety even the lat and aoleooinfortofa partlngerabraor,ott‘:he ramdqwn ?l_in. carrying ultii liar the :lieet:and¢lmrl¢t.lbat:lieinlglitluare . " pl. .'-;>=- -- r < ~ -r' ' "<3'.-l.." g _ ¢__ ....r, , __ .__(. . , _ .. ,_ " gt!-' ~ *' ,.-.-r-.> . . no Illt"il|lS oi contagion. She then shut the rlour with a siizli, iinil went nwriy; but the bigzitvst liruriiig the door gliul. \lL‘\\'S3lll)lll\l become (.‘l(‘i\l’(‘I‘. Alas! it is not so: there is :1 ciirtuiii to be ivitlidrziivn, il veil to he rent, before we Sllilll see things its they really arc. There nrc few, I trust, who dilbelieve in the cxistcricc of at-iod; nuy, l douht if tit all limes rind in all moods, any single l?tll\'lLltlill ever zi- dopled that hideous creed, though ttoroc have professes] it. Willi the belief uf n Deity, thiit ufllic linniurtiility of the soul and of the stale of future iewui'ds nnd piinisliiiients, is indissoliihly linked. More we are not to know of; but tlt‘lllll‘l' lire we pr0l.ihitt-ll from titteiiipts". liriwrver vriin,tn picr<"t:t|ic Stll?llll. S1ll'l't'4l ploinii. 'l'lic expressions mt-il in the Si'r'iplui'i~ ?res and llCtl\'t‘?ly Ill('lOlly are only rippli- cable to beings endowed Vtllll corporeal senses; and, iit least lill the period of the rrsttrreetiori, the spirits of nicn, whether eiiti-ring into the |lt‘I'll‘t‘llllflS of the just, or cornniiili.-.l to the re-F-ions of punish- incnl, lift‘ not t‘(lll|lt‘tJlt‘tl with l)t)<llt'§.-—- I\'either is it to be supposed lllill the glu- riiied bullies which shall ill'lSL‘ in the List i day, will be capable of the srinie gr'os>; in- dulgenccs with \\‘lllt‘ll ours are now so acvd. that the iileiiof Malioiiiet s puni- disc is inconsistent with the purity of utlf ously chosen us the least t'tIl'|IUlt‘Jl uf all type of love, unity, rind ti stoic of pence rind pcrlcel liappiticss. llul they have ii poor idea of the llcily, and the rcwnrils which are destined liir the just inzidc per- fect. wli0.cun mil dopt the lllt’l'Lll s<-use of nn cterniil cgxierl-a never-ending hirtli-diiy ode. l rnllier suppose this should he understood of some eoinniis- charge with the aipplnirse of u satis?ed must be supposed to feel love and affec- tion for the beings he has called into ex- istence, should delegate u portion ofthose powers. l, tor one, cannot cnrieeivc alto- gether so wrong riconjecture. We would then lind reality in Milton's sublime inu- cliiiiery of the guardian saints of genii of kingdoms. Nrry, we would approach lo the Cutholick idea of the employment of saints, though without npproachlng the nbsurdity of saint worship, which ric- wc must suppose, in these Clllpl0yItll‘lll3v employed would have certain appropriate powers. lcannot help owning a life of active benevolence is more consistent with my ideas, than nn eternity of music. But it isall speculation; and it in impossi- bleto guess what we shall do. unless we could ascertain the equally difficult previ- - - t be. But there la a God, and a just God-at own so much, let them act according to slur tle ed reh- ln. had been aent by a mechanic to collect a arrtall btll which had lust become due He began tn the usual way, by becoming the gentleman’: patience being exhausted. i ll\"l‘Ul.l-ZlU\N(,‘E. "~.q_._ ——— _—-_¢-- - ~»»—--- .\'iilirrul ('1'i'lr'r*1‘rrm-l iiltvriys llal|'|l Dr [-‘m"|,(|in |,,.r,,g in ,.nn,pnny wiw". with tl'ltll‘lll’llt‘J§llI'l' iolhr icniziilrs ninth- ,,m,|,.mn,.,. “.35 H“. s,,1,jcL.l ,",,c,,,,,,.d_ N“. by country pi-oplvon the linhils olviiilirinlii. And r\hrah:im‘s wrath was kintlled n BELHLF IN THE DEIT“ pains! the man, and he nrosc and drovc There is nothing inure ;r\\~fii| than to nt- llllll fnrlh into the wilderness with blows. leriipl to cost .1 gliirii-c urnong the elonrls And Hod szii-l,"ll:ivcl not borne with hiin and iriisis which hide the broken cxtri.~iiii- Nina!‘ lilt" lllill ¢‘i::|IlY)"3-1|‘!-1""!""""l5l' tyofthe L'(‘ll‘lll'Llt('ll bridge of .\lirza. Yt-l, ml hint do chitin-rl him, iiotwillislri|idinL' li ivheii every day lJl‘ll\],!8 us nipher ihzil ter- rr-Iii-lied iii,-ninsi on-, roirlilsl not thou, who niinuliiin, one would iiliiiost think our ?vl lh)‘Sl'll'-I ='lI""Pl'. DWI’ Will‘ ml" ""“ - .. night! A I) \‘ I C “Vi-n you :iri'ivi-s tn the dienity of saw- in‘ wood, l,uffyi-tic, if you is ever eIewu- lcd to thut‘en- prolr-ssion, ininil nii‘ snu- the biggest slicks liisl, ‘cause, vyl you'll lirivc only the little lll|S to saw vr-ii you tll‘lSltlt'it(‘|"(‘~l0Ul. \'i-n you ml: pit-, us l ‘opt-s you liven to lie it iiinn. :ilwu2‘t'!\l went to the window,nnil seeing her i'nn- [),,¢-m,-‘[4, i||,,,,mm- 5mm» |-,.,,,,,ri,, V,-hi,-1, A l‘()ll|'lll'ylltl\l'l was .-ilmwii ti:iiiihornni.'li'.~i "ml; in “ml """""~"'- C"l1“l "uh "(-i"t"l he hail made in Eivnr of lnlernlion, trio bl“ "l°ll""'~" l" 3 V"l'~'I390 ll-‘l\<ll?l‘ill"! up it llihlc, nnil ripening at Genesis, rr-:ir ‘l'°l""°l""""“)' $!"i‘|""l- llic following p.-iragrriph, ti) the surpri "Good bye, inotlier," repentcillhe y0nni_'- Hf the h[\;||'Q|‘;4' \\‘lllI wmiilr-r<~il.tliiit snr "5! cl'l"lv -“l""lChl'\l-1 hi" mill‘ l\""'l ""1 ‘Yr :i p:iss:igc hml t"!lt'lI|N'll their notice‘: “/tn-I the window; rind thus was the poor :illlii-l- it (-mite to pngq “?r-r the-to lhiiieii that A M "'°"""""'"li’(‘|leil for n time M c[|tll|Y(‘ hr:ili:iin sat in llll‘ rlonr of his lent about the drviiilliil conflict lietwveii the yo:ir'n- the going down ?ftltt‘ sun. And hrholll iogs which culled her l)ZtCi(, nnil the pity _1 mm, mm down with age was cnniinp and soliritiiilv which urgvil lIt‘|' on. .r\l 4",.-n [mm ii“; \\,'il|_][‘[||[‘3§,|?i\[\ll’\_? nn .1 length the lrilter cimqiicrerl, mid the flood stuff Am] /\i,|-,i|._;,m nrngc and met him, hf tears and tliefarcu-ell of llt‘l‘ children. and 5;|i,| mm, him, -~('nma in, Lprny who knew not the fziliil cruise and import ;i,p,._ and w;,_.,|, my f,.,.;_ and M,-ry H, oflhosc tears, she icnclir-rl the honsi- of mum," ,\|,r1 rim old mun said, "Nay for those who were to liiiry her. She l't'(‘0|ll- I will l'll)lllt' iinilt-r this tree." lllll Abra mended ll1‘l'lltlIl){ll"lll and cliililrt-n tothcm, imm pr;-semi him gonrly, 30 in- turned and ""'| lll1“'° ‘l"Y5 5'"! W1" ll" ""‘"‘- wcnl iritn the tr-nl. And when /thrnlinni Surely nothing can equal the lit?-1|’! Ofil saw that lic blessed not God. he sziirl unlu ttl0lllt‘t'. llnw pnlhcliclhe t‘xpr0sSion<rf him; --\vh¢|-mm» (Inst thou not worship 5 f'"6\' “'""'""- ‘"1 l'¢i"'l"!¢ Ill" ll-"ls" the most High (i?tl, Crerilnr of lleuvrn priell |'(‘lLlll‘ llil‘ story of r\l)rnliniii's rilli*i'- nnd Em-|]|!" Ami the mun imswcrcd rind iiiighis son lsaaciisri sil\"l"lll(‘(‘. “Ali! (i()tl s_-,i,|_ --| ,1‘, “(,1 wm-,;1iipgi\y (jotl, |t[§tll](‘I' “"’"|‘l "“"'~"' l“"'° "-‘tlulmll 5"?“ ll $1l¢Ti- do l call upon his n:imi'. forl lizivc ninth- “C9 Uri‘ “"""“"»" 1| God unln inysrlf, that rlwcllrtli in my hniise and |ll'OVllll‘lll me with all iliiiius " k rclr-hratc-l [Il(‘ll|l’l'of lhc pigs: “Tu liq | iriirr-,“ said hr, "they he tll'ilIlly likr pies: 5,. lint thr-ri' iii one fziiill-nnhmly ever saw y, lllI't't‘|Il_t!§ fc?liiiu tiiuctlirr, hut wlrnl rim- rin'iirn hnvl it foot lr. llic trmiglr -—{J(-.s>i~'s' . Nuturnl llislory. A .-\vire l)r'.vlirirli'inr.—$‘niiir lzngllsli hi- dici lmtliing til the tfnpe nftjrmrl llnpr mt mic oftlie piirly to Will(‘ll, in iir-li-r tn [_'lliIt'il ll?illflhl intrinion. 'l‘hr- sviiiinr-I giviiig the ulziriii of l'l'lil3('llll!It‘ footslcplz, c one of the fair hiithersrniseil hr-r lir~ait,liut cilmcil the n;iprclir'niiio|is uflier t‘l\1llll.'l?- . ions, by cxclaiining, "It is only a l)i|li~lr- man." A citizen who w:i.-i a moderate drink- er, was la-sought by .1 tr-iiiperrincc aperit to nllix his lilt!"-'lltl|‘(‘ to an rilnliiir-rice Pl(‘ll:_'l‘. lie rli-i-lim-il,—;_-iving \'€lll4iil8 l'f‘ilSUIlSI nt Inst, linwr-vi-r. he linislicil hy ri!isI~|'\'iiir1: "\\’cll, l'in willinu to Mill- .s("I‘llit', it lillle lri ln-lp you ;,|l(;n;;__[m1 mg 4f()tl‘!|fI)T air mrnrt/tr." » . -— .-_—==?-_-_.~-.—...-;. A boy was in happy iiillolenre in n silt gar lrogslicnrl, liixuriatirig on its glean- ing<- “‘lf Jini knnw‘d hnw l rim lixeil he " woiilil fcrf :iwfiil. Nolmily ni-eiln't tell inc about swiiig_'iiigallil:iy nn ci tlilllf rind Inppirii: l:is~ii~s. Such n rrmllr: nrc-rls no niiiiinny In rock it, or IIIITSL‘ to sing liill:i- hy. I ihiii't c.'ii'r' how the 'h'r:liiiii5 go if t7iIl'\(! grows. lrl-int lll4‘illl the one who killed his brother, but the sugar rrinc. If they have pot srtrli truck ln the happy plnrc, there l"llItl use iti llllltllltl almiit gol- tll'll pavvrnr-nls-l‘ll he gmiil and lake the old sugar liriyslit-nil for my share. 'l‘lir- ch:iptli:il Wlill('S us to rirlvnrtlse his . . - . I the crust frist.'i-:iiisi- the t'l'tlSl nint n gnorl\ Wll" -'1-‘K l"l\lIll: l"ll l"$ ‘it'll "ml b"""d- thin: to trip iilf willifspei-i.illy ifitstoiigli is inform:-ii that we shall do no siir-tithing niriltliirkrrs soil’ li-:ilhi'i'. \'r-ii you |n1t'$ ""l"»*5 ll" l“‘)"‘ ll" his “'l"'ms""‘"nl in up wuoil, nlwir/. put the hit: 'tlIl< to the lmltoin, i|li\'ll7. l.:illy-.-lli‘. 'i'uiisi- it's ill- urc. tluubtlesS. lllt'lilllllUl’lCilli fur peiitil "‘lL'l'lY ll-lfll l‘-‘<I'I‘I'i.\t- to lilt 't'rn lo the l"l . - . . ii‘ the tlllt‘. lhosv are the iesiills of huh- si-rvtitiriii. l.:ill'yvtlr-, :iii' iiiny he ilcpi-n-led on, tin‘ il'o all for your goo-l that l sziy it.“ “Vy, f.it|iei'," icspiiinlerl )’t)lll'Lf hnpi‘fiil, "vat u nnrinuus '.\peii|:|iee _\‘ -.i nitisl :i hull!" .-\ i.ovi:-r.i:i icii I‘lt1I.\1 .\ 'l'.\ii.oii "r0 A -\lA-\' 'll7.\ i\lAl\'lllt. The liiilnwiliiz lr-llcr from zitnilnr to his S\\'t‘t‘lllf‘1lrl. \\0('ll|\ front rin cxclinngfe. " “li'eniiirrrrl of iiiy lioprs! Mny lla- yipprrl from the horilrrs of your esteem. licnvenly religion, will be readily ;_zi'uiilt-ii; mid ?t‘\'<‘|‘ he l'“”"-'*¢" W ll"? 1'7"!’ "r Ym" um] Sm; M,“-k xjj_35_ ]];y|-||||_yny is U!"-j. l(lfl1lll¢‘S§, hilt l'in strongly uuniul to the Irrm nf your l)t‘;tlll_\'. .\lziy l ncvvr losen tl|(g g|';|[l?f;|li()|]5 (if 5r_~||5(-' 3|“) 35 [liq l/|r'rr|[rlt'fttll (if ytllll’ lit\‘?l'. l)lll yoti lIZI\'l‘ so enronglul llrrllrrirrrrl of my lIlltl('l'a'lill'l<.l- int: with tlint pretty oirlside nfynurs. ill“! mt v.'|?"(', We c:in‘t lllllllll‘ :1 wonirin riin- ninr; awny from ii inrin that nr-tzlccls lo ) pay the printer. Go it "[’hi-he."-[i\'eW- hurt! Joiirnul. We say tn "Phebe" go nhr-nil. A mill! who \v0n't pay the printer docs not de- er-rvc to have a wife. .-l Tr'en:rrrr/ilrlc Q?'enre.—.-‘t Scnlrlimnn nanml Henry Tliornpson has been lodg- ed in the Toronto II. C Jail for irhialling l'unl:ee I)oorIIr!--l~lis trial comes on soon. _,| ']',~,,¢ ll'IrriIr Story urn Second Jo- nirIi.—'l‘he following is an extract from the Boston Pnst Boy and Advertiser, of October l-1. l77l: --We learn from Ell:-'1l'l0\\'?. that =1 "'5' sicl lately arrived there from :1 wlirilintz vny:i|:c,unil on her vnyiigc, one ltlzirsliall Jenkins, with others, being in zi limit. lam slnrk mad in he your“*‘ Od-15 which strut-kn whale, she turned nnil hit horlkiiis! I nin suri-ly yniirs. every alilrli ofine nnrl my nrul/e liillows you.—'I‘hcre- fore. Ilfllfll not the puint ofiny vnilcavors; hiit let mc liuale myself to your kind- ness, that l may sr-t the li'ghlrrlo yourrif- sion from the lllgllt3$l,S0llltZtl|1l}' to lllS- frrliima I love you beyond wear-ire. but it is so llilftl In (‘r1/rlrrrgc one swt-cl conscience. That ilie Deity who himself l00l< TF0!" Y0"? "ill-"~‘ll0n8. lhill l illlll??l despair of having enoush to ‘finish my arril. Pray put a favorohle construction on this, and for the same l shall always sit or-on-legged for your sake; being my - dearest littlc_/loum-er." the boat in two. look Jcnkiria in her mouth, and went down with lllllli bl" 0" her raising! threw him into 00¢ P3" 9r the boat. whence he was taken on hoard the vessel by the crew. beine mvllvll bl""§' red-nnil that in about aforlinglit afl?‘. lir- pr-rft-elly recoverr-cl. This nccouiit we have from undoubted authority. ])m2_\-p;nt,n(;Y.--The New Orleans Sun says rt machine has her-n irivcritcrl down east whirl» criaiilos :1 man lo it-ll when he is gciiini: mo drunk to wrillr. ll in cnlled qfudrllerorrrrrirler. and gives the timely Ur -ro sKUl‘i‘—-AIt’tOnt!!t the items of',_-nming by hitting ii fellow suddenly Contingent Expenses of the Inst session ofthe U. S. H. ofR.. was 842.25_for ratify This accounts for the dignitaries of the land being no “good at tipinrh." Anoth- grades their religion. There would be. er-item was 8278 00 for making pmh A8 each memherof the Hnuae is supplied dilficuitrea to overcome and exenlom to with p¢n.|miv¢-,and quillg, utthe expense be made: for all whichthe celestial beings 0|‘ the people, they might at least make their own pens. The amount chartzod for stationary was $33-792 25. m0\’¢ "ll!" $140 for each member. We do not won- under the lug, the minute he has got enough. Goui, Womia. mo Mrs.-Gold is pro- ved by 5|-¢._w0m:rn'hy gold-and man by woman. Fire puri?es gol<l—20ld¢°\" rupla woman--anrl \Y0ltlIlll‘C0l’l'U[\ll man. Porsos mo Poirriw.--A forlorn damsel in it country village sought rellrf from dei' that we sometimes receive newspa- Me-S trnubka by ,,,;,||°,t-inn pnimn; rm; pera from Washington enveloped In pill edged letter paper.—Barlon Tramcripl. ous question, what we are about o Improved A“nm°my'_An Irhhman judgment and a future life—and all who m“l“'"lned in c°mp‘m7 mm ‘he sun did not make his revolution round the earth night." . Alb! Child.—-The IAIIDC rlerdrv more and more lmportunatq at lcnetli cribu.8m?véy”T-lofl8§'L:, hug: ' rl ed her T M ow. . . on ' hemlurpig, 'ii:,m:,'°:y::tnn;°'i: iiiiriuiwniy 3 why tti She ll raid to be 4 Q-et airmail‘ “ldvwl wow» 11>“ l~""“ ‘“ "’"‘h" “M “lying“iii: la of iiiai-tin» tl\0lUd,aot'l-t¢hlag.hll.beld."bIt1nyim& welsh 155")" 5'", I'°"° °' “'1 Mrllfe warm.-any ter la, and he irmta the money.” Milli“! l"d'l“'llw7' l fq?ungtely, the stomach pump prevented serious consequences, and the bellman celebrated her recovery in the following quatrain: "Gal: whole mind: have somethingodd in ‘em, on aeek relief it, uiiiiir I-Mwwn. ,, .. .. - ' A d ?n ii. ‘tic in lIlI|WlllIl', uieriiiii that our them. lwottltl not ll- mB'§a"°,“"; ,"“ °";;‘;":)'em‘-ml: " ' ' ' tlierange of my genil to this con?ned °‘ " ""5 "M ' ' » with There ta the univerae with all lta l" "it" he °°“ld bane“ ‘° mm in me gale}; “mm or wo?d‘ ' east, if he did not pas: underneath the (sir "um, scam globe!" "How puzzled you are." replied the obstinate, ignorant man: “lie returns the same way; and if it be not perceived, Ar°"d“7' "am ‘"33 u itiaoniiceountofhlaeomlng back by Forsaken gala aboirld nnllow pilin-" Appelilefor o_?ic¢.—'l‘he Frederick Her- ald atalea as an on dit, that there are no less than twenty-lbur applicants for the o?ioe of County Collector for Frederick County: ' A younir lady in Vermont baa recently recovered no lea than l22.000 from her aireethearl who ind broken liia pmmlna to marry her. If this dear girl could manage to-make lrro or three. such eon- tmcu. ahe might apuid riie»miiaAader.al‘ luaoiiidep?anet _~ \ _ '..»_ . ;: ;i: --.‘ '5» . - _ a-J '. P - '. ~ - - s - ~ <~.: 2" . ~ .. ,. _ I Infra--,4 _ ‘J! . _.>> _ I D,‘ S r ‘Q7-W g‘ .'\'.lr 9 Ari ~. 1: 2 ;.‘.¥ .. 4‘ u Q il"!"Qr~ 1 1 4 = i “-1 1.. » > 1- _ 1 1:‘ , --1 . . ,:> .3 ' ¢ I , . 5‘ E _-Y’ ~ r. . Y --. . _ \ . . ‘iii-:1".-v~ ,=.. . . -‘iii? _- t- Q-1365'“ -~;~.--‘ " "~‘=. , " _ _ _ y - - ~ _"_‘,1‘-1*,‘-"‘.-76' ,;‘f~.;__.. . ,'~_.-__‘_.-; ='>,-,---,5-',,.'.,, -- . - 1.. -_:- - _ - . .. , -* 4-‘ ~ ~ P’ . . .. .. , ~ ..,__... » ' "i '" i " ' ' ' 3 ~ ~ ‘-A " " -i‘-'>¥"" “"" *5 " i 4 -1+ I’. l

Transcript of I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf ·...

Page 1: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition

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HE CECIL GAZETTE,.'/Ind Farmers’ and Jlleclurnics’ dd-vertiser.


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Tiri: lli.r.ni.~ro: or (ioi~r.a.~ntnrr,i.ixi: riiz Diciva or |lnrr.v,:irot.Ln uuciiso AI.lKI. cr-ox THI Ricn AND ma Pooa.“-Andrrie Jaclrrnn

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ni.it'roi\'. nn., Sr\TllRDAl' iYl0Iti\'li\'l-I, a‘!-zimihtiiv -2. iszio.'

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ri:ni.r-iiizii r:vi:iur IA'I't2l0A\"l0ll(t2tO All Ilighl)‘ Important Catt-tioii to the Piililic.



The following gviitlciiien have been lpp?i?bqg.-nu for the tier-rl tinzettr, by vrhnriiaub-

rieripti-ma will be I\‘t2t:l\'t‘tl,receipt: given. llld

UIllt‘f.1 Rn the t‘\\:L‘\lll0ll of work duly forward-

ed to us:

Ai.i.r~r .\sin'i\<rw, l~l\q., P. N., Port Deposit.J. J. llirmurr, Ii-q., l‘. .\l., l’i'rryv||lc._\l \r|'||rt\\‘ \\’i:rit, Hr-|., l’. .\l., llising 3-1"-

.\'urt'ri. ll-iwnwn, l~I--|.. l‘. .\l., lt'iWlaIltl\lll¢-Wit. ll. lli|.i-, lIi~|., I‘. \l., llliiv llill.

wa. .\r. 'l'o\\ -..;..._ i-2-.,.,ii. M. lb...-r. "

\vI..‘l\t‘Ki.\,":14|., F.iyi-tlrvilli'.'l'iiiiiu: .\lurirr, I-I<q.,I‘. =\l.,l\'oIllI Bill-

.\l1j1it‘.lnI|\' ,\'. llL\t'lt. l‘. .‘ll.,(7liarli-i-triwii.lI\‘,\lA‘\_\ t‘.L,'owa-, H~q., t‘oivantowii.

\v||.t.l\ll ll. .\!KRl‘l"l, l-I-|., t‘--r-ilton.

lliviiiati l. Foiiui, Eu]. I‘. .51.,?t. Augustine.J. ii. ii...-.._ i:..,. l‘. M, \\'.\rwick.

For Stile.I \lll'I .\'iili~r-rilwr will iiell at pIi\'alt' aale a

1 'l'uu~rii "ut|<\‘ riiiil lrot, witli?tnlilc andother mil tiiiilriiiigi, \\'l‘., r-lttlllvtl in (‘lr.1rli~ii-

tu\vn,('r~ril roiinty, .\lil. 'l'hc property in vrry\.\lnahli- to any person wisliilig In ciigiigr iiipublic ln|~inr.~»,:i.- it is direrllyiriillir print marl

front ll.rltiinori~ to l'liil.iih~lphin,:|ii| iit the head

of iiavig-able w.itt~r oi’ the .\'urt|i l-Ia»-t riirr.

Any per-uni Wlalllllg inpurrliaac will plraaecallon the b_tll'!f‘fll>l‘Irit I‘.-rt Deposit.

l\lr\ltY S.‘iU\\'l)l:IN.l'v!l ll.-po:it,()t‘l‘.!l)—-llrit.

For Rent,A t-onifortzihle llwelliiig House. Lot

niiil_lll;ir-ksiiiilliShop in Delaware,

about half ll inile from the (Jlicsapeakcand l)t‘l;l\\’Zll‘l'('illIi\l,1lllt.l about two hun-

:'Curr rir litrrlrrr' —llrimrc of jrillirig.OCTOR l:lVr\.\'S, ltltltlliatliairi at., take:

Dthc present opportunity of tenilcrlng hiii

lllt)~4l unlcigned ackriowlcilgciiiciila to the nu-

merous patir-nta {irlllictrd with the \'lIIl0tlI

liirni: ot‘ diacaau incident to humanity) whohave roinriiitted \lll.'lIl$L‘l\'L‘I to liiii care, and he

ha: the Illlllf-ltill?h of kiinwrng from many liv-

ing etideiiei-ri,that his l'\'ll\t'LllLI l|ll\t! f\‘lllU\'\‘tl

or rrlicvcd of their rn-|>ei~tivc miiladirn, as farnaliea within the

coinp.iiornfliriiiiiiii llll‘KlllI.——

llow diatrenring to the alllictcd is DYSl’l‘Il'-

.<l.\ Ult li\'l)lGl'§§'l'lU.\'l pun-niiing lall the

~U\.|l't‘t‘!of hianipiyiiient, and leading in inany

iiiatniice to the IlIll1t‘I|\'l of conlirincd hypo-cuiidriaeiirrii. Long I\I it ha: been iniidc the

aulijcrl ul"iirp|lr_y by iiii-dicul author: it remain:iniolved in much nlieeirrity. Jitundicc, lb-

-1rrhri~.i, t‘liolera und Cliulir, also peliirin rt enn-

rrpiizuoiiv p.irt in tliedruiiia ofinorhid iall'ci'lioiia.

llr. litam has ln-eii singularly riuecesiiful intlie

trcatinuil of the above eornplaiiitir, by rciiicdit-a

drawn lruni the I('l(‘ll€Cl|t'l ofthe llllllll ciniiicnl.

plryiiieima in Europe. Ilc ha: aim had var-I.

experience and IUCCIIPI throngliout tho whole

family of delicate diacarer, all of which are for

lhc ninal part aggravated by, rind rooted in the

.\ll'Il(t‘Ultl.\l. MUlllll'ZRl-I|t.\‘, l’.\'l'ltlNt‘l-

l'l.l~1ll, L'Nl-Il)UCA'l‘l'ill and UZ\'l'ltACl'l-

the credulooa on to ruin. llr. l<Iv.irii-' ollicc i

supplied with the Cll0lt‘t‘.'4l. rciiicdit-.: from for-

eign markets, and coinpoirnuod onthe rnnst

acit-ntifie priuciploa. A pliyiiician ia'alwaya in

attendancc.and all tlioaa who come there in thehour of need willgo off rejoicing.

DR. “'. EVANS‘ SOU'l‘ll1.\'G SYRUP,

Hrr Cliiltlrcri ’I'ri.~l!u'ng.

Preparedby liiinsclfi

TO MOTIIEIIS A.\'l) Nl.'llh'l'IS.—The par-

eageof tho teeth through the gum: produce

tlI'l‘tl yards front the l<l:istern Shore ltriil l\‘v'Il>|L‘~<""= I04 llllitvfvlll Iyllipl-vnim ll i

Road. lt is well known to be a iguorlSlitllll for liiisirii-ss. Tr-rrns llllltlt‘ knownlllltl pi)SSt‘.~si0li;1i\'l‘liby either ofllic sub-

scriber's, living |lt‘ill‘ l-‘n~iiehto\vn, Md.lltll'l.lll~l\' llllll)l.lE.

AUt.iUS'l'l.\'A Llll)llLld.Dee ‘.29-_-tf

Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl.

' N application of Nathan Ward of Cecil()t'uunty,by petition in writing, to inc the

aubscribenrme nl'thc aasocialr: judges of the

()rph:in:' (‘ourt of (‘evil county, iiclling fortl

that he iii in actual coiifoicriii-iit for debt he iunable lu pay, and mfering todt-liver up for the

bcnclit of l|i.~ crcditora all his propt-rty, real,

personalainl inixcil, to which he lb in any way

'fatal iniiliidy, convulsioiis.

kiinwii lry iiiolhcrii that there i: great irritatio

crrzi-r-il,tlic child is rt-iwd wltli frequent an

iluddcii litr of crying, alarting in the iilecp, an

rrprrainii ofpcculiar part:-; the ehilu irhricka wit

'very, from being suddenly attacked with th

entitled a schedule win.-reufzriid lttt ofln-r err-ASTHMA’ THREE YEARS‘ STAND'




.’tion on oath and praying tobcrliscliargeil fromdita and rlebts hriiip anncavil to his Iiaiil peli

actual e'on|iiit-iiient, and to have extended to

l\(.i.\lr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, alllicled

with the above diutrraain inrilad \‘ nirtonis:. . . . .

i ' I .V- ‘F lhim the be lit ot the srwral tttllUl\‘t!tIl. laws at (;;L-at |_,||pm,r_ ?;||i,i¢",-_,-_ djnurbqd nu‘ my-i“JI)'lHl\¢;L:ilt.lit appeuiiig to inc by compe-tciit lvirliliioiiythiit the hilltl petitioner has ii-irid-

cd within the State of .\laryl;ind for the last

urn yearn neat before his ripplitation, I appoint-ed Jaineir ll..l.iniar lftlnlce for the bent-lit oftliccrcditnranflhe said .\’.ttlian Ward, whohaa en-tered into bond with security by lilt‘ prescribed

vnuit lie.id.iehc, dillicttlly of hrealhing, tight-nciia and stricture across the breast, tllllilittia,iiervuus irritability and ICE-llt‘l!|lL‘5?,could notlie in a horizontal position without the sema-

|_' g ' ii, p pr‘lhr heart, divtrcaaing cough, coitiveiicus, pain

ofthe iitoiiiach, drowaiiicas, great debility and

Ill the irioiitli and 'gnins during this proce:a.—'l‘hi- t_'|tllIil awcll, the H‘t‘1(‘lltII\ of rialira ia in- ‘llcciiuu: in iill weather l'i|i hpppyarnl free,

P0!-1'l‘llY.fl ___

THE \\'lN'l‘l~)ll KING.

iir iiiaa ltA?4!~.\ll r-. uouui.

0! what will become of thrc, poor littlc bird?The niiittering :torrii.in the tlI'<ltIIl(‘t‘ i: heard;The rough winds are waking, the cloud: grow.

ing black!

'l'hc_v'll noun iicatlcr rnow flake: all over thybacli!

Froin what runny clinie liaat thou wandered

away?And v-lnit art tlruu doing tliia cold winter dayl

‘l‘m per-king the gum from the nld pr-arh tree,The atorni doe:'nttrouble mc—l'cc, doc, dcc.'

lliit what maker tlicc acern no uiiconaciou: ofcare’

The brown earth ll frozen, the hraiiclie: are

bare!And how caii‘at thou be ao light hearted and

frec,Like l.il.~crty'ri forin with the apirit of glee,When noplace i: near liir thine err.-riing real,Nu lenffor thy at-rccn, for thy boaoin


'llccauiietlie lame hand ll! a aliclier for me,'l'hut look oil‘ tho auiniiicr lciivci!—-l'i-i~, dce,

Cllnllltllllu? by the (‘t).\'>‘l’lltA(‘ll"L\' ol-I dee.‘

lliit man feel:a biirdrn of \\‘1lIIlll|1l.l of grief,

(‘till in any art rave that ot' attempting to lead While pliieliiiig the cluster: and binding the

I lliciillWe lake frrnn the ocean, the earth and the air,And their rich gills do not iiileiiec our carr;ln aiiinrner we t'.iint, iii winter we're chilled,With ever a void tli.it iii yet lo bc filled.

‘A very Il?llll portion aullicirnt will hr,l|'a\veetciied it ilh gratitudi !—l'tt‘, div, doc.‘

l thank llirv, hri;l.t nioiiit-ii! \\‘llal thou lt.ial

taught\\'illull he the llIt‘IlIC of the llilpflltilllllbllgltl.\\'e look at thi~ iloml-, \\'ltllt‘ the bird h.i: -in evi-

'l‘o hiin who reign» over tht-in cliangclciia aiid' high;' And now, little liern, jut-t tell tne thy riainr," That liiiiiy be aure wliciicc my ortiele c.inir.

d 'l'hi~y callrne the \\'i.\rr.a l\'i.~a.i!—l'ec,dce,di.~c.'dI, llut noon tlicre‘ll be ice weighing down the

cttrcine iiolencr, and thrusts itri linger: into_

“Fm b°“Kl'_ _ y

M "m",h_ If "mu, llrccurwry u).mpw"" "Q\\ lien-iipoii tliori art (lilting an merrily now!

not speedily allcilatcil, irpoirinodie convulsions Ami ‘|'°"'-'|' ‘|l""" l "‘1'll"’¢ “Ill I"-104 I'll]

uiiivcriially aupervcne, rind noon cuusc the dil-, _


iiolutinii of the ililiint. ll' lllUlllt'l’l who havel "'h'°l"'l5 ““' ""l "r‘hY ‘lchcna r°""~

llii'il' little b-rbca tllllltilttl with lllt'?t‘tlt.~lYl‘rl>lllg ‘E '1" "W" "'"_"""“'~{W-*1-_"-II-"Iv law ""-

r-yriiptoiiin, would apply l)r. Williaiit l*I\.ina'a 1° '“"" mm" "°"' lmm "mu ll"-' "°"~ ""1 “'5

tfelebraterl Sootliing Syrup, wliirh hiia prciierr.ed liundreilrl of infants when thought pri:l.rer.o-



C‘l can t.l.Yi\\'tliein right up to my fi~athcra,you


To warm thein,:nd ?y :\vayl—l’ce, dce, der.‘


L‘().\'.lUGAl. P/tS'l'l.\ll-ZS.

\'t'e heard of :rn olil Blue Beard of afollow \\ho enjoyul iiilinitc sport in lick-

ling his wife lo dculh,in which inziinicv he

innde awriy with about as great o num-

ber us that notnble personage himself.[lull of llll btlltlltl iulloeatio al 'tation of A geiillcnian in the upper part ofthis city,

though not with the same diabolical in-tent thought to have ulitlle arnuaeniciitand approved, lirr the faitliliil pcrthriiiiirirc of defieiviiiryoftlre nervous energy. Mr. R. Mon. ‘

hi: alltl trust; and the iiaid lnisti-c havingecrli

tied to me that he is in full posscri-irni of althe property in the said lcherlule and lint oidebt: contained, lia\'e ordered and appointedthe first S-rturdayni-at aller the ?rst lllonddy in

April neat, ?ir the aaid l\'alhaii Ward to appearbelbre the Juiigci of Cecil county court, at the

eonrt house in lilltton, to airawer aueli ullega.tinnn and iiilerrogatories as may then be propos-ed to hini by his creditors; and the said Nathan

ward liaving entered into bond in a penaltyand with security by lne prescribed and ap~proved so tn appear rind ant-wer as :ifore>iiid,ldo hi.-rt-by order and direct that the iiaid Na.than Ward be iliitcliarged from pcygonal i:n|\~

lineinciit. and that ho give notice of this his

application iiiid of the day ro by ine appointed?ir his linal hearing intlecil county court to his

creditors, by adverti-reiii-:i|t in some ncwrpapcrpriritcd in Cecil county, once a week tiir threc

lllbllllll, bclbrc the aaid ?rst Saturday next allerthe ?rst .\lond.iy in April neat. Given underniy hand and real this l-tili day of August,I833. E.)\\'ARl) \\'lLSO.\'.

} True copy. Teal,J.»\.\lflS SE\VALl., ('llt.

Jan 5-Jrn $0

Insolvent N olice.

N()TlCEiaherebygiven to the creditor: of

tit-orge,Wcitley,late art imprisoned debtor

ofCc_cil couiily,tliat the aaid Wciitlcy has made

application to Janice (7. hlagraw, one of the

judge: of the Orpliana‘ (‘unit of raid county.for the bene?t of the insolvent lawn of theBl.-"rte of Maryland,and that the laid judge liaa

granted the laid insolvent areleaac {ruin inipri.aonment, and appointed the ?rat Sallirdayalterthe ?rst Mondayin April nut for hi: personalappearance before Cecil County Court, to an.

aivcr iiuelr allegation!or interrogatnricau maybe proponndcd to lillll by hil crcditura.

Oct 20-3m. ‘

Insolvent Notice.

NOTICEis hereby given to the credi-tors of Elisha Hitchcock, late an Impri-

soned dcbtor of Cecil county. that theaaid Hitchcock hath made application to

Enoch Cloud, ll\q., iriiit-rjiiitp-.of the Or-

phans‘ Court of said county. or the bone?t 'ol' the insolvent law: nfthe State of

Maryland. and that the said judge has

granted the said insolvent ii release from

imprisonment. and appointed the ?rst Sa-

turday atter the ?rst Monday ‘Aprilnext for his personal appearance bebre

Oecll County Court, toanairer lt.l¢ll alle-

gation: or lntarrogatorie: aaanybe pro-poundod to him by Na cmdttora.

Dec 29-3m'

roe gait: up every thought of recovery, and dire

l_ll(.‘hll.\ll'l\ll\on the vouittenaiicc of every personiiitcrt-i-led in hia existence or happinciia, till byaccident he noticed in a public paper some

euros clfcrted by l). Win. Bruits‘ .'\li-di_cinein

his coiiipliiinl,which inilueed hiin in purchasert psckiige of the Pills, which resulted in com

lle wislieri to say liia inotiie ?n this declaration

iii, that tlioic atllictcd with the ircinrc or any

nyinplninii uiiiiilar lo those froin which hc in

happily Ienlufetl, may liltt:I\‘i!(: receive the aaino

iriestiiiiabli: benelil.

Ll\'l§l1 COl\ll'L./\ll\l'l', TEN YEARS‘S'l'r\.'\'l)l.'\'G.

Mra. llannah l'lrowne,wifeof.loscpl| Ilrownc,North Sixth iit. ncar Second iit. Williarnaburgli,alllictcd for the laat ten year: with Liver (‘oin-

plairit,rcatorcd lrr health through the treatmentof Dr. Win. Evans. Syrnptoriiaz--llnl.iitualconstipation of the bowel»-, lllhl of appetite, ex.

crueiuting pain ofrthe epigastrie ri~ginn,greatdeprelaion nf apiritr, lringuor and other nymp-turns of cxtrcmc debilily, dinluriied sleep, inor-dinate llnw of the iucrinca, pain in tlielriglitride, could not lie on her lell. aide, without an

aggravation oftlic pain, urine high colored, withother ayinptornri indicating great deranegincntin the funetiona of the liver.

Mra. Browne war attcirdrd by three nfth:first phyaiciaria,but received but little relieffrom their rnedirine, till Mr. Browne procuredaomcof Dr. William l'Ir:ins‘invaluableprrpara.tiona, which effectually relieved her ofthe a-

'bo\*e distressingayinptuinr, with otlicra, whichit ia noteucnlial to intimate.


Citivand (‘ountyof New Ynrl-r,::.or-eph Browne, of Williamsburg, liningIll-

and, being dulysworn, did depoac and any thatthe facts u act forth iu the within at-itcnwnl,to which ho liu aulracribed liia name, are juatand true.

.lOSl'Il‘ll BROWSE,llurband ofthe aaid llannali llrorrne.

Sworn before me, thi: 4th dayol'J:n. 1837.

PETER PlNCKNEY,t.oru.ofl\ecd:.

tb'Tlte above Medicine la for sale bythe subscriber.



Ellrton, Doc. 22+] y

$15 Reward.STRAYEDfrom the premisesof the aub-

aeriberini or about the lat da of Novem-b? lilt. lllrea 00W8,tivo of whichwere giv-ing milk The rriilcli eouva are both rod, one a

rnuley,the other with a irlilta face and liorna,turned in at the points; Ilia other la a tihelr,with a white face and short tall. Fi?oea dol-larr vrlll be given for the return of laid coir:or information to the auliaeriber, onlanoplrlla-banof Elktaa, or?vadoltanforaitbarofllnp.

’ ISAAC BENJAIIR.. .4 l"aIrfv?l:,J:nl2-tf ~

ut the expense ofhis lady. and so propos-ed to give her on cli-gant silk dress, ii shewould hold her lingerlen minutes in aniix-

_llll‘t?of suit and snow. 'l'lie oller was

rt-uilily ni~cepled, rind the cxperiiiietitcoiiiiiiericed. "lt is cold," said the Indy.

i-l.~rt-lymm-i-ii-it oi-t-ry»-yiiii-itiiii ..i‘iiii tliiealci"'l'ukl' il 0|-ll. "It'll." Said the husband.-“llut the dress!" "Ali, you will lose il,"said the hiisbanrl. "l rnust have it." saidthe ludy. and she persevered most heroic-ally till the ten minutes expired, when, on

ivillidrnwing her linger, it might havebeen as easily broken off us any lingeron the huiid of Lot's wife,being com-pletely frozen; and the husband had thedouble aniiisciiicrit of payinga round billto his doctor._ This instance ofpersevt-r-

ancc is excc-l|ed‘only by7'tlll_lt'o'fthe Indywho lllt‘t!?lt‘HCdi_lll?l.if her husband re-

fused hcrrcquesl to an entertainment. to

cut 0fl'onc of her ?ngers, antl on his re-

fusal, acluiilly curried her threat into exc-

cution; both abundantly proving the lrulh

of the old couplct concerning wornun, that"When irha will ahc will—youiiiay depend on‘|,When ahe wo:i't ahe wnn't—and there’: It‘! end


[Albany Trarircripl.

Arriwrtsa Sroriv or .\la'ri:i\:1AL Dov:ln the village of Carrcggi, whetlierlt

was that due precaution had not beentaken, or that the disease was ofa parti-cularly malignant nature, one after uno-tlier, ?rst the young and then the nld, ofii whole family dropped oil‘. A woman

who lived on the opposite side ofthe way,the wife of a laborer and mother of two

little b0ys.t'ellhersclfaltncked bv I feverin the niglit;ln the morning it greatlyin-creased, and in the evening the fatal tu-mor appcared. This was during the ab-sence of her husband, who went to workat a distance, and only returned on Satur-day nights; bringing home the acnnlymeans of aubsletcnce for the family forth? Week. Terri?ed by the example ofthe neighboring family, moved by (?gfondeat love for her-children, and deg“.mined not to communicate the dlcoare to

them, ahe formed theherolc resolution ofleaving her home, and going elaawherc todie. Locking them into e I0Om,_lndogg.cil?clng to their safety even the lat andaoleooinfortofa partlngerabraor,ott‘:heramdqwn ?l_in. carrying ultii liar the



pl. .'-;>=--- r < ~ -r' '


_ ¢__ ....r, ,__ .__(. . ,



" gt!-' ~*'

,.-.-r-.> . .

no Illt"il|lS oi contagion. She then shutthe rlour with a siizli, iinil went nwriy;but the bigzitvst liruriiig the door gliul.

\lL‘\\'S3lll)lll\l become (.‘l(‘i\l’(‘I‘. Alas! it is

not so: there is :1 ciirtuiii to be ivitlidrziivn,il veil to he rent, before we Sllilll see

things its they really arc. There nrc few,I trust, who dilbelieve in the cxistcricc of

at-iod; nuy, l douht if tit all limes rind in

all moods, any single l?tll\'lLltlill ever zi-

dopled that hideous creed, though ttoroc

have professes] it. Willi the belief uf n

Deity, thiit ufllic linniurtiility of the soul

and of the stale of future iewui'ds nnd

piinisliiiients, is indissoliihly linked. More

we are not to know of; but tlt‘lllll‘l' lire

we pr0l.ihitt-ll from titteiiipts". liriwrver

vriin,tn picr<"t:t|ic Stll?llll. S1ll'l't'4l ploinii.'l'lic expressions mt-il in the Si'r'iplui'i~

?res and llCtl\'t‘?ly Ill('lOllyare only rippli-cable to beings endowed Vtllll corporealsenses; and, iit least lill the period of the

rrsttrreetiori, the spirits of nicn, whether

eiiti-ring into the |lt‘I'll‘t‘llllflSof the just,or cornniiili.-.l to the re-F-ionsof punish-incnl, lift‘ not t‘(lll|lt‘tJlt‘tl with l)t)<llt'§.-—-

I\'either is it to be supposed lllill the glu-riiied bullies which shall ill'lSL‘ in the List


day, will be capable of the srinie gr'os>; in-

dulgenccs with \\‘lllt‘ll ours are now so

acvd. that the iileiiof Malioiiiet s puni-

disc is inconsistent with the purity of utlf

ously chosen us the least t'tIl'|IUlt‘Jluf all

type of love, unity, rind ti stoic of pencerind pcrlcel liappiticss. llul they have ii

poor idea of the llcily, and the rcwnrilswhich are destined liir the just inzidc per-fect. wli0.cun mil dopt the lllt’l'Lll s<-use

of nn cterniil cgxierl-anever-endinghirtli-diiy ode. l rnllier suppose thisshould he understood of some eoinniis-

charge with the aipplnirse of u satis?ed

must be supposed to feel love and affec-tion for the beings he has called into ex-

istence, should delegate u portion ofthose

powers. l, tor one, cannot cnrieeivc alto-

gether so wrong riconjecture. We wouldthen lind reality in Milton's sublime inu-

cliiiiery of the guardian saints of genii of

kingdoms. Nrry, we would approach lo

the Cutholick idea of the employment of

saints, though without npproachlng the

nbsurdity of saint worship, which ric-

wc must suppose, in these Clllpl0yItll‘lll3v

employed would have certain appropriatepowers. lcannot help owning a life of

active benevolence is more consistent

with my ideas, than nn eternity of music.

But it isall speculation; and it in impossi-bleto guess what we shall do. unless we

could ascertain the equally difficult previ-‘

- - t be.

But there la a God, and a just God-at

own so much, let them act according to

slur tle ed reh-

ln. had been aent by a mechanic to collect

a arrtall btll which had lust become due

He began tn the usual way, by becoming

the gentleman’: patience being exhausted.

i‘ ll\"l‘Ul.l-ZlU\N(,‘E.

"~.q_._ ——— _—-_¢-- - ~»»—---

.\'iilirrul ('1'i'lr'r*1‘rrm-l iiltvriys llal|'|l

Dr [-‘m"|,(|in |,,.r,,g in ,.nn,pnny wiw". with tl'ltll‘lll’llt‘J§llI'l' iolhr icniziilrs ninth-

,,m,|,.mn,.,. “.35 H“. s,,1,jcL.l ,",,c,,,,,,.d_ N“. by country pi-oplvon the linhils olviiilirinlii.

And r\hrah:im‘s wrath was kintlled n‘

BELHLF IN THE DEIT“ pains! the man, and he nrosc and drovc

There is nothing inure ;r\\~fii| than to nt- llllll fnrlh into the wilderness with blows.

leriipl to cost .1 gliirii-c urnong the elonrls And Hod szii-l,"ll:ivcl not borne with hiin

and iriisis which hide the broken cxtri.~iiii- Nina!‘ lilt" lllill ¢‘i::|IlY)"3-1|‘!-1""!""""l5l'tyofthe L'(‘ll‘lll'Llt('ll bridge of .\lirza. Yt-l, ml hint do chitin-rl him, iiotwillislri|idinL' li

ivheii every day lJl‘ll\],!8 us nipher ihzil ter- rr-Iii-lied iii,-ninsi on-, roirlilsl not thou, who

niinuliiin, one would iiliiiost think our ?vl lh)‘Sl'll'-I='lI""Pl'. DWI’ Will‘ ml" ""“

- ..


A I) \‘ I C

“Vi-n you :iri'ivi-s tn the dienity of saw-

in‘ wood, l,uffyi-tic, if you is ever eIewu-

lcd to thut‘en- prolr-ssion, ininil nii‘ snu-

the biggest slicks liisl, ‘cause, vyl you'lllirivc only the little lll|S to saw vr-ii you

tll‘lSltlt'it(‘|"(‘~l0Ul. \'i-n you ml: pit-, us

l ‘opt-s you liven to lie it iiinn. :ilwu2‘t'!\l

went to the window,nnil seeing her i'nn- [),,¢-m,-‘[4, i||,,,,mm- 5mm» |-,.,,,,,ri,, V,-hi,-1, A l‘()ll|'lll'ylltl\l'l was .-ilmwii ti:iiiihornni.'li'.~i

"ml; in “ml """""~"'- C"l1“l "uh "(-i"t"l he hail made in Eivnr of lnlernlion, trio

bl“ "l°ll""'~" l" 3 V"l'~'I390 ll-‘l\<ll?l‘ill"! up it llihlc, nnil ripening at Genesis, rr-:ir

‘l'°l""°l""""“)' $!"i‘|""l- llic following p.-iragrriph, ti) the surpri"Good bye, inotlier," repentcillhe y0nni_'- Hf the h[\;||'Q|‘;4' \\‘lllI wmiilr-r<~il.tliiit snr

"5! cl'l"lv -“l""lChl'\l-1hi" mill‘ l\""'l ""1 ‘Yr :i p:iss:igc hml t"!lt'lI|N'lltheir notice‘: “/tn-Ithe window; rind thus was the poor :illlii-l- it (-mite to pngq “?r-r the-to lhiiieii that A

M "'°"""""'"li’(‘|leil for n time M c[|tll|Y(‘ hr:ili:iin sat in llll‘ rlonr of his lent aboutthe drviiilliil conflict lietwveii the yo:ir'n- the going down ?ftltt‘ sun. And hrholll

iogs which culled her l)ZtCi(, nnil the pity _1 mm, mm down with age was cnniinpand soliritiiilv which urgvil lIt‘|' on. .r\l 4",.-n [mm ii“; \\,'il|_][‘[||[‘3§,|?i\[\ll’\_?nn .1

length the lrilter cimqiicrerl, mid the flood stuff Am] /\i,|-,i|._;,mnrngc and met him,hf tears and tliefarcu-ell of llt‘l‘ children. and 5;|i,| mm, him, -~('nma in, Lprnywho knew not the fziliil cruise and import ;i,p,._ and w;,_.,|, my f,.,.;_ and M,-ry H,

oflhosc tears, she icnclir-rl the honsi- of mum," ,\|,r1 rim old mun said, "Nay forthose who were to liiiryher. She l't'(‘0|ll- I will l'll)lllt' iinilt-r this tree." lllll Abramended ll1‘l'lltlIl){ll"lll and cliililrt-n tothcm, imm pr;-semihim gonrly, 30 in- turned and""'| lll1“'° ‘l"Y55'"! W1" ll" ""‘"‘- wcnl iritn the tr-nl. And when /thrnlinni

Surely nothing can equal the lit?-1|’! Ofil saw that lic blessed not God. he sziirl unlu

ttl0lllt‘t'. llnw pnlhcliclhe t‘xpr0sSion<rfhim; --\vh¢|-mm» (Inst thou not worship5 f'"6\' “'""'""- ‘"1 l'¢i"'l"!¢ Ill" ll-"ls" the most High (i?tl, Crerilnr of lleuvrn

priell |'(‘lLlll‘ llil‘ story of r\l)rnliniii's rilli*i'- nnd Em-|]|!" Ami the mun imswcrcd rindiiiighis son lsaaciisri sil\"l"lll(‘(‘. “Ali! (i()tl s_-,i,|_ --| ,1‘, “(,1 wm-,;1iipgi\y(jotl, |t[§tll](‘I'

“"’"|‘l "“"'~"' l“"'° "-‘tlulmll5"?“ ll $1l¢Ti- do l call upon his n:imi'. forl lizivc ninth-

“C9 Uri‘ “"""“"»" 1| God unln inysrlf, that rlwcllrtli in myhniise and |ll'OVllll‘lllme with all iliiiius "

k rclr-hratc-l [Il(‘ll|l’l'of lhc pigs: “Tu liq| iriirr-,“ said hr, "they he tll'ilIlly likr pies:

5,.lint thr-ri' iii one fziiill-nnhmly ever saw

y, lllI't't‘|Il_t!§ fc?liiiu tiiuctlirr, hut wlrnl rim-

rin'iirn hnvl it foot lr. llic trmiglr -—{J(-.s>i~'s'.

Nuturnl llislory.

A .-\vire l)r'.vlirirli'inr.—$‘niiir lzngllsli hi-

dici lmtliing til the tfnpe nftjrmrl llnpr mt

mic oftlie piirly to Will(‘ll, in iir-li-r tn

[_'lliIt'il ll?illflhl intrinion. 'l‘hr- sviiiinr-I

giviiig the ulziriii of l'l'lil3('llll!It‘ footslcplz,c

one of the fair hiithersrniseil hr-r lir~ait,liutcilmcil the n;iprclir'niiio|is uflier t‘l\1llll.'l?-

.ions, by cxclaiining, "It is only a l)i|li~lr-man."

A citizen who w:i.-i a moderate drink-er, was la-sought by .1 tr-iiiperrincc aperitto nllix his lilt!"-'lltl|‘(‘ to an rilnliiir-rice

Pl(‘ll:_'l‘. lie rli-i-lim-il,—;_-iving\'€lll4iil8l'f‘ilSUIlSI nt Inst, linwr-vi-r. he linislicil hyri!isI~|'\'iiir1: "\\’cll, l'in willinu to Mill-.s("I‘llit', it lillle lri ln-lp you ;,|l(;n;;__[m1 mg

4f()tl‘!|fI)T air mrnrt/tr."


-— .-_—==?-_-_.~-.—...-;.

A boy was in happy iiillolenre in n silt

gar lrogslicnrl, liixuriatirig on its glean-ing<-

“‘lf Jini knnw‘d hnw l rim lixeil he" woiilil fcrf :iwfiil. Nolmily ni-eiln't tell

inc about swiiig_'iiigallil:iy nn ci tlilllf rind

Inppirii: l:is~ii~s. Such n rrmllr: nrc-rls no

niiiiinny In rock it, or IIIITSL‘ to sing liill:i-

hy. I ihiii't c.'ii'r' how the 'h'r:liiiii5 go if

t7iIl'\(! grows. lrl-int lll4‘illl the one who

killed his brother, but the sugar rrinc. If

they have pot srtrli truck ln the happy

plnrc, there l"llItl use iti llllltllltl almiit gol-

tll'll pavvrnr-nls-l‘ll he gmiil and lake theold sugar liriyslit-nilfor my share.

'l‘lir- ch:iptli:il Wlill('S us to rirlvnrtlse his.

. - . I

the crust frist.'i-:iiisi- the t'l'tlSl nint n gnorl\Wll" -'1-‘Kl"l\lIll: l"ll l"$ ‘it'll "ml b"""d-

thin: to trip iilf willifspei-i.illy ifitstoiigli is inform:-ii that we shall do no siir-tithing

niriltliirkrrs soil’ li-:ilhi'i'. \'r-ii you |n1t'$ ""l"»*5 ll" l“‘)"‘ ll" his “'l"'ms""‘"nl in

up wuoil, nlwir/. put the hit: 'tlIl< to the

lmltoin, i|li\'ll7. l.:illy-.-lli‘. 'i'uiisi- it's ill-

urc. tluubtlesS. lllt'lilllllUl’lCillifur peiitil "‘lL'l'lY ll-lfll l‘-‘<I'I‘I'i.\t- to lilt 't'rn lo the l"l. - . .ii‘ the tlllt‘. lhosv are the iesiills of huh-

si-rvtitiriii. l.:ill'yvtlr-, :iii' iiiny he ilcpi-n-ledon, tin‘ il'o all for your goo-l that l sziy it.“

“Vy, f.it|iei'," icspiiinlerl )’t)lll'Lf hnpi‘fiil,"vat u nnrinuus '.\peii|:|iee _\‘-.i nitisl :i


.-\ i.ovi:-r.i:i icii I‘lt1I.\1 .\ 'l'.\ii.oii "r0 A -\lA-\''ll7.\ i\lAl\'lllt.

The liiilnwiliiz lr-llcr from zitnilnr to his

S\\'t‘t‘lllf‘1lrl. \\0('ll|\ front rin cxclinngfe." ‘ “li'eniiirrrrl of iiiy lioprs! Mny lla-

yipprrl from the horilrrs of your esteem.

licnvenly religion, will be readily ;_zi'uiilt-ii;mid ?t‘\'<‘|‘ he l'“”"-'*¢" W ll"? 1'7"!’"r Ym"um] Sm; M,“-k xjj_35_ ]];y|-||||_yny is U!"-j. l(lfl1lll¢‘S§, hilt l'in strongly uuniul to the

Irrm nf your l)t‘;tlll_\'. .\lziy l ncvvr losen

tl|(g g|';|[l?f;|li()|]5 (if 5r_~||5(-' 3|“) 35 [liq l/|r'rr|[rlt'fttll (if ytllll’ lit\‘?l'. l)lll yoti lIZI\'l‘

so enronglul llrrllrrirrrrl of my lIlltl('l'a'lill'l<.l-

int: with tlint pretty oirlside nfynurs. ill“!

mt v.'|?"(', We c:in‘t lllllllll‘ :1 wonirin riin-

ninr; awny from ii inrin that nr-tzlccls lo

) pay the printer. Go it "[’hi-he."-[i\'eW-hurt! Joiirnul.

We say tn "Phebe" go nhr-nil. A mill!

who \v0n't pay the printer docs not de-

er-rvc to have a wife.

.-l Tr'en:rrrr/ilrlc Q?'enre.—.-‘tScnlrlimnn

nanml Henry Tliornpson has been lodg-ed in the Toronto II. C Jail for irhialling

l'unl:ee I)oorIIr!--l~lis trial comes on soon.

_,| ']',~,,¢ ll'IrriIr Story urn Second Jo-

nirIi.—'l‘he following is an extract from

the Boston Pnst Boy and Advertiser, of

October l-1. l77l:

--We learn from Ell:-'1l'l0\\'?. that =1 "'5'

sicl lately arrived there from :1 wlirilintz

vny:i|:c,unil on her vnyiigc, one ltlzirsliall

Jenkins, with others, being in zi limit.

lam slnrk mad in he your“*‘ Od-15 which strut-kn whale, she turned nnil hit

horlkiiis! I nin suri-ly yniirs. every alilrli

ofine nnrl my nrul/e liillows you.—'I‘hcre-fore. Ilfllfll not the puint ofiny vnilcavors;hiit let mc liuale myself to your kind-

ness, that l may sr-t the li'ghlrrlo yourrif-sion from the lllgllt3$l,S0llltZtl|1l}'to lllS- frrliima I love you beyond wear-ire.

but it is so llilftl In (‘r1/rlrrrgcone swt-cl

conscience. That ilie Deity who himself l00l< TF0!" Y0"? "ill-"~‘ll0n8. lhill l illlll??l

despair of having enoush to ‘finish myarril. Pray put a favorohle construction

on this, and for the same l shall alwayssit or-on-legged for your sake; being my

- dearest littlc_/loum-er."

the boat in two. look Jcnkiriain her

mouth, and went down with lllllli bl" 0"

her raising! threw him into 00¢ P3" 9r

the boat. whence he was taken on hoardthe vessel by the crew. beine mvllvllbl""§'

red-nnil that in about aforlinglit afl?‘.

lir- pr-rft-ellyrecoverr-cl. Thisnccouiitwe

have from undoubted authority.

])m2_\-p;nt,n(;Y.--The New Orleans Sun

says rt machine has her-n irivcritcrl down

east whirl» criaiilos :1 man lo it-ll when he

is gciiini: mo drunk to wrillr. ll in cnlled

qfudrllerorrrrrirler. and gives the timelyUr -ro sKUl‘i‘—-AIt’tOnt!!t the items of',_-nming by hitting ii fellow suddenly

Contingent Expenses of the Inst session

ofthe U. S. H. ofR.. was 842.25_forratifyThis accounts for the dignitaries of the

land being no “good at tipinrh." Anoth-

grades their religion. There would be. er-item was 8278 00 for making pmh A8

each memherof the Hnuae is supplieddilficuitrea to overcome and exenlom to with p¢n.|miv¢-,and quillg, utthe expensebe made: for all whichthe celestial beings 0|‘ the people, they might at least make

their own pens. The amount chartzodfor stationary was $33-792 25. m0\’¢ "ll!"

$140 for each member. We do not won-

under the lug, the minute he has gotenough.

Goui, Womia. mo Mrs.-Gold is pro-

ved by 5|-¢._w0m:rn'hy gold-and man

by woman. Fire puri?es gol<l—20ld¢°\"

rupla woman--anrl \Y0ltlIlll‘C0l’l'U[\ll man.

Porsos mo Poirriw.--A forlorn damsel

in it country village sought rellrf fromdei' that we sometimes receive newspa- Me-S trnubka by ,,,;,||°,t-inn pnimn; rm;

pera from Washington enveloped In pilledged letter paper.—Barlon Tramcripl.

ous question, what we are about oImproved A“nm°my'_An Irhhman

judgment and a future life—and all who m“l“'"lned in c°mp‘m7 mm ‘he sun didnot make his revolution round the earth


.Alb! Child.—-The IAIIDC rlerdrv

more and more lmportunatq at lcnetli cribu.8m?véy”T-lofl8§'L:,hug:' rl ed her T M ow. . . on '

hemlurpig,'ii:,m:,'°:y::tnn;°'i:iiiiriuiwniy3 whytti Shell raid to be 4 Q-et

airmail‘“ldvwl wow» 11>“ l~""“ ‘“ "’"‘h" “M “lying“iii: la of iiiai-tin»tl\0lUd,aot'l-t¢hlag.hll.beld."bIt1nyim& welsh 155")" 5'", I'°"° °' “'1 Mrllfe warm.-anyter la, and he irmta the money.” Milli“!l"d'l“'llw7' l

fq?ungtely, the stomach pump preventedserious consequences, and the bellman

celebrated her recovery in the following

quatrain:"Gal: whole mind: have somethingodd in ‘em,on aeek relief it, uiiiiir I-Mwwn.

,, .. ..-


A d ?n ii. ‘tic in lIlI|WlllIl',uieriiiii that our them. lwottltl not ll- mB'§a"°,“";,"“ °";;‘;":)'em‘-ml:

" ' '


tlierange of my genil to this con?ned °‘ " ""5 "M ' '»

with There ta the univerae with all lta l" "it" he °°“ld bane“ ‘° mm in me

gale};“mm or wo?d‘'

east, if he did not pas: underneath the

(sir "um, scam globe!" "How puzzled you are." repliedthe obstinate, ignorant man: “lie returns

the same way; and if it be not perceived,Ar°"d“7' "am ‘"33 u itiaoniiceountofhlaeomlng back by

Forsaken gala aboirld nnllow pilin-"

Appelileforo_?ic¢.—'l‘heFrederick Her-

ald atalea as an on dit, that there are no

less than twenty-lbur applicants for the

o?ioe of County Collector for Frederick


' A younir lady in Vermont baa recentlyrecovered no lea than l22.000 from her

aireethearl who ind broken liia pmmlnato marry her. If this dear girl could

manage to-make lrro or three. such eon-

tmcu. ahe might apuid riie»miiaAader.al‘


_~ \_ '..»_ . ;: ;i: --.‘ '5» .



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Page 2: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition




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,, .__ ,\_.

What is the course of the Federtrllstswhen and where they have tl1c ascen-

dancy! Sn far as my e.\-perience goes InIstrntiun!" -

I11 ll"-' -“t'l1=1lt‘ MR I3\‘1111*1.""1" "1" my Stttte,theFt-tlerulists clear the chess- b|,.me (,,c|n,5;|'y ml. mslmancrs pqlitcot1u11ttlt1t1ou t‘t|l‘|l<lt”lIlIl)Il8,to whit-h want board ol every man who is tainted with call)'- Allll?llgll I" l"ilI‘I"8"llP°I""l"‘"lI't'f1'l'1‘<1tI4lItt-petitionof the t‘ntt1n.i.<smn- I");-n;ot~r;tt.y,wht-never thpy lmve the 115- frlcntlg of the Administration are prcft1-rs and lnhahuanta of (‘turtles 'l‘o\~n, 1h t~<~n:l.1nry, when it can be done Without K-,1 ll, (vn(\|'||ic5‘ when [ht-ir politic; at‘et'|I county, tt‘|NllI\'tI a btll, rnttlletl, an piojtttlit-1-tiitheir party. I have In-en in- hm“-H’ mm-9 urc many cm;-q in Whigat-t to t1uthn1'|st~ the (‘u11|iiii~sinm-|~: ol I;.\l'lIl(‘tIII|I|l. under the latt‘ Federal-ltilncr mg 1),-p_-||-mt;-nl[mg no information 0

t-ll -(,'h.'trIt~5 'I‘o\\1I. in tetll cot1ntv,tn s

tunme Itatl Iluatl t'on1p.n._v;

p0\\‘t‘l‘, ttllllnst every Dernot-rat went hy

so, sonic genllvtirin front I"eun=ylvanin litit all 0 1 )0St‘(I to the Adniitiislratiolt._

. . ...

y H _

\\'lu<-h “'11-1"~~-1~ltl1t-111-1.1111-1hy s|1v- Canco1‘rt1t’"t mt-. l have little doubt hut \\'i|]|I|iL1l1y‘tyg|')(1(‘l,rial order the svv-111-I till-\‘. -"111 11l'1l\‘1'\‘\1 that the I-‘ederal reformati-in system will your 01,95],-,,l 59“-mmto he t.‘ll;_'l'U>M‘tI1111-:1 third rt'.11li|1;,';

It 11 asavcortltngly c11;,:1'ossetI,and,tltl lllutitlll ot .\lr. I-Ivuiut,

he t‘a1'ru*-I to the full extent in '\‘ew York

will he pt'l'lllIIll‘LIto Iluttcr in that Slate

A‘\1US \~ -. Kl-l.'D.-\I.L.

during: the short time the new powers Hm, ;\_ D‘,-5w“-_Sir. who atcthe spoils rt ' Wh

_ , . ._

. . . .

‘' I“ Y-

in-ad Irl\' thud Illl1l',Ily spot-tal older, llut, sir, let us exauitne this sulnect are they who are H.‘-,.||;,,L,_rioting an

p.1_\-ed,and §\'IlI to the Iluusc of Dt-it'- with a l>t-coining care. Such has been |uxu,»i;||i,,g um“ the 1,," Uf the ,.;,,p||iilIt'!.

Jnmmry ‘.I~I.

the cntlstatit luurtntulng about the oliice_

I > I ')~ 1

ltr1l.lt'1-z,and the Bp?lli party, thnt. u1any my 0|'U|];(-,.l,r,|,|L.|-3 and U“. hungry ,_.

In the Senate, the hill 1-ntita-.1. 21 iar- “I Ill" |"'"'~‘*l "lid I-l"""5ll<‘1‘lI"I1I‘°"l1l""I pectanls! This tahle and these conun

tI1t'|' S1||1||I(‘||11'IIl to tht: act, to lllt'Ul|NIl'il|l' I'll“ ““"""')'- ""1 ""lY “'_I"I\‘hill II"~'m ‘"9 uicatinns answer all these questions. WIthe \'1ll.1geul'I‘o1t I)\‘li1)sllt',in Lec1lcoun~


ten olht-era for one thatis 11eces~':|ry, und me |),.mm.|-mi‘. party be "gain mun“.

that they are tlerourttlg the sutllstariteof Wm, ",,.,‘,. q,p|,,-.mg Tmy mnwy\\':ts read the _sccond time, and nrde1‘~ ""3 I,""‘|‘l"-bl“ "ml "H “*9 °lI"""’1‘ “I II"-“ base rilI_\Il‘I|t)OtIin their application. Wi

rd to he etigrosseti ha‘ a third t't'adi1.g. (;0ve1'ut11t-at I)(1Ionl.! to the lJt-nmcrutie

In the IIousc,1t hill entitled an act to l"1'""l'- S“‘fI' ‘\'i1=i""* I'"l"i“§"l"""'i“Il‘ tho llmerienu people be again insulteuuthntise tlu: ctnutiiissiotlcrs ol (.'lu1rles- "llil" "W """‘I II)’“"3 *"'"I|"u41I "I““'¥" with the protnulgatiun of u hast‘ slandc

toun III t't-ml county. to sell and convey l*"l‘I"ll ll)’ II"? Ulfll‘l§"'°"-I_I““°"°c“'“'upon tln-n1.a|1d an I|HItIIt)llS falseltnnd u

at piece or parcel of laud lIl\‘I‘L‘IlIna't1l1tvl1-

,.,|_ |,,.|,,,,.P.;,,,_, H, 1|“. said ,,,“.,,_ m nu.‘ matterstands, ttntl, by inforn1atio1|fur-um, “wk. G0\.c,.mm,m! Tm. ,\,p,,;,,

|'|"l"l-l“|l1liin. \\'l|"'ll1l;tvn-1nd H;1lt|111ore "'*‘I'”‘I"'°1“'|""I" I """k) "my "°'°I“"l tralinn is denounced daily Ior removin‘

persntis from ot?cc "fur n]1mtu!1'J,.\‘nIn -rail road t~on1pany,

ly taken sonic pains to examine how that

upon with tolerable certainty, the I"cdc

_ 1

portersand friend: of the present Atln1ln- elccteillhlm,it ls :1 part nfhlr duty, nnti'ri

~- _._.. -.-._l.;___.. .1 r.a;.__ ________,E_-,_,_£'_1____I A

_ _-.

part ofthc oath he has talten tn faithfullyI have not ln?irnmllon which will enn- tliscliarge-it. Slr,l\vould like to see clean

l- work In this hulrint-sq';I would like to see3| the augean stahlelwept pfull the Federal

'l’- corruptions \rl1icl1have hcenneeumtllatingT9 Ihr many years, and which, solnntg usI1 they are permitted to remain, annaylandI1 Impede every leading measure of this.


. the s11hject. utul it Institutes no Inquiries am] ()rc\'@|"yulllor Atlntinlglmtinn, culcu.and rt-11\ ty ll ]Ilt‘t \'ul'|l.Iltl‘I ol tan-I thetv- lhv lto;nt|_ \\ ho t~:lt|1t‘ undt-r the l<Ixecu- into mp p,,|;|;,.s Ur “S im.,,n,|,,.m5_ |{|in lllt?lltrttt-.I. lw-lotietiitg tn the said town, live control, evt-n down to the laborers on |,¢l;,.,.c_|' |“,“.m.(,,._"m, mm... than h,,||-U111 U11‘ I'|11|-t1l"Il'l1i?- \\'lII11l11}1l1'" “WI U-Ih the public tvorlw. I may he in error; if ,,,mmmm.,-8 ,,( me U,,m_.,| gum-, un-

>1 Iatt-d to advance the interests ofDemocr11-1t‘ ey, the liberty of the people. and to per-

l10- pctuate the sovereignty ofthe Slate.

From U1: Delaware Gazelle.

‘DI§S'l‘RU(."I‘l\'E S'I‘0Itt\I Arm FIXES!!-I-IT.

O We we're visited on Friday night and

,| ?aturday morning last, with one of theU] most tlestrur-tivestorttls and frcslicts, that

\\‘|,0 n"(I the 5.0;]; ml -1 wt-Q the ?r. has ever oct-Iurrctlin this neighborhood.X.

Un Friday uiglit about8 o'clock it mm.

ll. tnenced rainhu.'. and continued lo increast‘

1| in violence until near midnight, from

,3 wldch time until Saturday abo11t I0 0'-

nclock it poured down in t.t>1'renls, inter-

|| mixed \vith llvht spriuklings of snow; nt

the good sense and mural cl1ara1'ter oi “'I'l"I‘ I'""" II M33" I" '~'I'~‘i"""“'i1Y- I11",| the \vind came out from the N. N. W.

r anti hlew a perfect. hurricane during the

p_whole day, and up tn Sunday nigl|t_ All

on those whnmthey have selected to man-III“ §“"‘“"‘~" I" “'15 "l“II"IY ““l"~' $\l'°IIt‘l1

is, lo an unusual height. 'I‘he water in the

Ilrandywine rose frtnn twenty to twentyE two feet a1i-I the velocity of its decent

'~ -‘ ->'1. 1'

'-t .-»

‘ -'

\‘\‘as read and referred to Messrs. mhsls “'9 "'1' SDOIISpart). Ihtre 11141) and there wasloud and lioistcrntk co|u- 5“‘l’l"Ir“'~"Y |I""{-"“llIl “"I"1I1 ll C-lllll‘

I-'uartl, (Gillespieand (‘u1negys.Jturttury 25.

In the House. Mr. Foard, cliairmau 0

the select cnnuttittt-e, ltl.'t(It: a favorable re-

port upon the hill fitnn tl1e Senate entitledan art I11;1IlII1t1l‘I§I' the cntnntissionets o

rottvey a piece or parcel of land thet‘t'ifllt‘l1ll1illl‘1I bt-ltutginc to the said town ti

the Plulatlt-lphia, Wilmington, and Llallinmre Ilail ltoad tfompany.

Wltittli was read the ?rst time, and or-

dered to lie on the tahle.

Jmumry 26..

~ V'


'' 1'

' I oftlS_ H A


,1, >\




In ts and ret‘e1\t'n git alt I‘ tllllllllllIll 1111 P. "I1 111011011 "I If hill“ ll‘:oliveset kvr. I tl11nk the fotmer tar be- ?n"I'“n“,n,5of Gum. Hm" “K. l)‘\'l‘[)(~ru(\hill. entitled :1 Iurther supplement tn th

net tn iricnrpoiate the \'lllngL' ul_I’u|‘t I)!‘

posite, wasrt-ad the third time by speeiaorder, ]\I1§>(‘tIand sent to the Ilousc.

In the Iltutsu, the t'I11i'k of the St-nate

tlt-liv<'red :1 hill t-tttillcd, n further supple-nlvnt tn an art t'IlllIIt‘tI, an art to incor-

|\tu‘:tIt' the village of Port Depositc latic-

eil t~->u11t)'.\\'hirh was read and referred to the

cunuitittec nu corporations.tin motion of .\Ir. -Qpcncer,tlrtlett-tl. 'I'l1at the Treasurer of the

Western $horc report to this Iiouse theamtrunt paid for surveying; and locating:tl:e E:1stt‘rn Shore Itailroatl under reso-

lution .\'o. l5.et' I835.

Juutmry 28.In the II-iuse of Delegtttcs, Mr. I-‘oard

presvntt-ti the pt-tilinu nf sundry citizensot‘('t-ril ('uunty, praying that .1 law maypass for the ]‘)l’t1I"(‘IIt1lIof the growers of.\Iorus Multieaulllt. Itt~t'er1'e1I to the Cotil-

mltt--e on Grievances and Court» of Jus-lice.

.fumtai‘y‘.19.inthr Ilousethe following resolution

was presented and laid on the table:Resolrul, 'I‘hat the Governor be author-

izcd and required to appoint five addition-at Inspectors of Lumber, at Port Deposite,i11Cecil county.


Extract from .\lr. Dt'NI::1s‘u npccch in the Ilutucof Rcprt~itent.\tivt~s,.Ii-tnuary I7, In3Sl, an the

nubjccl of the dcfaicatiens of Samuel Swath


The gr~ntlem:1n from Mississippi,[1\ir.Prentiss..] after attemptingto expose what

he Sllm)n$I‘S to he the cnrruptions of this

Government, says that they grow out ofthe maxim and the walchword, that to

the victors belong the spoils. 'I‘he gen-tleman from 'I't-nnessee [.\tr. Bell] saysthat ho r1~fnrrna1iun can be expect:-ti while

there are so many hungry expmlants.

Then’ is not a day nor an hour that pas-scs but we hear some taunt about the

spoils party, hungry cxpeclanls. oliiee

holders, the army of ollice holders, etc.

Sir. I think I once before was compelledto notice this hypocritical whining about

otiiie holders. \\'hr1‘e, I ask again,tIld."e ever hear of a Ii 1-0 Government \vith-out nfliet-l1oldt~rs' What do lgenllemen

he some errors on both sides of the (-;|Ic11-lation, hut the errors on one side will|1'ru-

ts a table consisting of two columns, one

tended t‘tIt‘lllIlSIS and the other Demo

;.crt1ts; each represent the I)epa1_‘tn\ents_,,n,i“m»".s sak(__.. Si“ "M uh“, 5!",I

.will tl e ' r ate tl l r I Iheer" I

.-’ ' '

- ~

t'harlt-5 town 1n t'cciI county, to sell andl I “ml cg‘ n m W U U 3 U

“Ml ""3 ¢Il“rLl"‘Ir I"'°Sm'Im°" “"5 mswe I"my “I which Hwy h"I““g' and “W

as it is ttt1l.!l'Zllt‘ftll.I look tllmn t,it-neral l"" ll‘ I"""" '1 ll"-‘“"‘="? “")“lJI' we “wishH

11'-'!1"‘S41l¢‘1'l"1011"l <‘1r$~\I"1‘i1'5llilld "1 Ill" ;m.k5,,,,-S and Mn ym, B,"-,.,,-3 md,,|, on the eastern side, hut which completely'

otlit-ers and clerks, Il1t‘ItltIIl1f1the heads nf

l)t~partments. Ilut, sir, lest I should be

niisuuilerslootl, it is proper to remark that

lhave no apology to olfer for the otfice

anti easy olliee holder,thana hungry lean

tore the latter.

Ft-tleraliats. Amount. Demo:-rats. Amount.

I I l-1.600 -I8 65.930Arm-rort‘s Orrn-:1.

25 3l.200 30 38,075

Iitttztst an at Orrtcc.2-I 27,050 none

Ftnsr Com-1 not.t.|:|t's Urrtcr.I3 l2.2.50 -I 7,500

Sccosu (.'n.\tr-1|t0Ll.£lt'u Orncn.

Futsr .~'lu>rro1t‘s Orrtes.

5 4,500 l l I-I,-I00St:c0t~‘n .-\t:tur0tt'rs Urrtcc.

I2 I5,000Fouinn llrntrorts 0mcr:.

CI _:.w'5)CO

8 I I.750 3 3,200

10 37.800

$360,065239. I 40




In favor

I-‘etlerallsts_S99,925The War, Navy,

pence, while In ollice, to their political en

cralit: party and the I)etnovralit: pt-int~iltnldcrs. I would rather he :1 eo1|1fortal>it~

mos Shmlm hold H large _m,j,,my UH|,,.,,[_I ‘

,,. ttrt-ly tIt‘tIlt\Il$II\‘1I. a|1-I swept away. All

y the tlams are hrnltt-t1, anti the hanks on

,|,,.,,,s,.|,.,.g' whose Ad,,,,nM,.;,,i,,,, it 3,‘ t1at:l1si=It'nl'tIlc creek, so u1tit'l1 Injured,

; I.A.\'I) OFFIPE. .'l||tI to whomthe Uuvcvntucnt heluttgzs.

sayl think hoth general lat-kson nut

their rountr

'I‘ItEt\SUlt\' DF.I’AIt'I‘.\IEN'I‘. farts upon whitzh I make it to he true. I

I0 l2.00(l I5 I9,450‘am sustained in the principle by high au


9 12.500 2 1,950 measures which the Gcnt=raI Governlilent

is pursuing; fortltis, in my opinion. wouh

be a sort of political sutcl-le. 'l‘l-at 1

lain.GEORGE \\'.-\SIIINGTON.'.'

would embitrrasslts movements is cer-

plninl lam told, by the Whigs oz ;\',.,._. iucontaet. AllthcbridgesnnlhisstreaniYo1'k:l1evr1t1seMr. Van IIllI‘t'll~tII1Inot1'e- “<“"'i‘l ll"-' “mi I‘n°“'" "5 III” “xnw

r hahly neutralise o1'oIl'-setthc other. Ilere nnmimm ‘he base and ;,,ra“_m,S s,.0,m, I3rid_qr1,“ nhoul 3 miles from this cily.t1ntl


,],.,,| g“.m.,w0m_ He bcing u (-,m5,.n._.,_ theRail iloatl Ilr|1lt:e,_wl|1cl1cr0sscs'tht-I F - ~ -

“W H was sum he was pm;,.r;|,,.,| {;,,- t"lt‘t1k|1t‘;1I‘llsl1tntttlI,\\t!lt!S\Vt'piOmIhc'

“-8latter was saved, in consetltwttre of a

0 etirve just ahove it. which cattsed the wa-

_ tit-sl1"oyt'-Ithe rail road for about a mile

om,“ {H [|,(.;,- L“-(-u|c“ |';“,|;, 'f|,(.,-C is Ireynntltl1t'i1l‘idut'. All the nulls and Inc-

"0 rmsun why ?u. ,.m.m;,-S |,, H“. ,|,.m,,_ tom-.~t. we understand for many miles up

_the Ilrandytvine nre more nrless Ill_IUl‘t!tI,

and :1 numher of small huildiu;.'s were en-

| as to t't-udt-r them almost itupassahle in1 some places. A great1unnhe1' of treesl

50 $56,200 48 850.950 Mr. \'nn Iluren have been tlt11'1'lict in duty “"'l“ I""" “P by ““' m“l5- “ml s“L"I“cr~::\"tsn.\t. rosa‘ or-‘t~'1t:1-1. mutt. matter, IIOIII to their liicnds and to 1101111 I111‘ S11'<'-1111-T111111"1" I111“ “T "18

water, or the nmsses nflumhcr of almost

I mink in?iischargclnm ‘_m.,.(,?_ Tm, vvt-ry <It‘$r‘I‘lplitllI cntniu-_yagainst them.

“me “.hk.h | Imp‘, (,.(Mh;,M Shows the Floors and roofs nfln1iltlins_vs, and hunter-. .

nus articles of furniture, are to he seen

_ on eatlt side of the crcek, which rendersit prohahlc that even some lives have

"I shall nnt, while I have the honor to I""'" I°5h “IlI'°"‘-ll‘“'9l“"'-‘- as Y" I193“

administer the Governntcnt. bring a mun“I

_":"l"- _ _

mm umce ?r ,.o"5,,qm,m.,,‘ k"0“.;,,g|y‘ Ihe loss sttstatned on the [i1'andyw1ne

wlmsc pn‘ili‘\nlu,m,,s an, nd,.,.,.s,, mme alone, has been estimatt-d at Sl0U,tlUU;and cannot, we imagine, fall fur short of

|-that mm.

‘ TIlt*I11§Stlflllt". rail road company musthe itutnetise. All the hridges betweenthis city and IIt1\Te-4I1‘~(irt.tL‘t‘, are more

or less injured, but not so much so as to

e 9,700 s 10.550 This 1» high authority; but t have 1"°1'_"" "1" P"-‘1=1t1'-‘°f "1" °“'*'_ ‘"‘°_“P‘Ftnlt At:ntr0n'u Ornt-1:. still higher authority ?ir the ground I Ill" “'5' "M °" Ii“ ““‘I- "hm" 5"‘ "M"!

8 Il.7ClU I l,I50 take, and It is the authority ofa nirnority'I't:r:.tsv:ncn's Orrtrc. of the Ar11r-riran people. I‘atr\otisn1

in dguides the Democracy in this country. l“' ma '

sum“ "'“'5 OITIUL am-I I“ 9""-Iry mh"r' in “W oxcrcis?or ‘he Framtlicl’um|yIrnr1iun. what \\'c have aI\ra)'§known and tlcllfccatvd as

3 “$00 2 ~ICl"I) Ii

f' ' ‘ (I — r '1 -

"’ ‘ J 0 ecuvc r'm(h'“‘ uur cxecmue an THE S7'()Itt'lI-l)L.S‘7')tt.r.'7‘ll L \\'rot1g,tl1ecutployuicutnf\l‘I|\\a ol?ct-rs hy theSTATE Dlii’.-\II'1.MEI\"]‘_ our representativeoflit-crsare electedup- FLOOD comm, gowmmml in Mu“ 0| prom and ,m_L

4 10,385 on rinel le. I\'IOIl\'(‘S of 'tr1nt1s1n arc '

- -i‘ P I“.

' -. . . |

the ruling principles with the Democracy; After u cold spell of unusual seventy |l11- “lugs are alvtnyg chlmoroul agntnlli. 1c

$239.l40 they are not blind tbllowers of men; they which ¢l0$¢‘\-I l>°l"_l’l\’t~‘l'$.fl W071" Ti-ll" :3-'°°_!I"1']“"I'"f!‘°'u|'_°U:"°'°'\:;"icnl'2_:'dzholfznreunliketltcir political enemies; they do 001111110119“!"fl I"'ld*‘Y_"ISM 'lfcl“"e'-"I_ oi; Vrnwonfo13“I ‘BL. tutaw



not carry their patriotism in their po(‘k- "ll"? 111111_l'~‘ll0 tilt-\0l<. WllllzllS0011 1ncrcus- ‘fl °“n_"2'|‘"°'1

Wild1;"F112;"‘£11t>'1’i"~ets. nor does their lnyality consist in ?l I0" \'\_°I\‘"II°"1I)'~'5I-‘Hie 1'"'"l’°\":' d"f"° '°°_'“'"°"' ‘_° °" "I °> m "5

hlind attachment anti slavish devotion to 91-I‘1<"‘<'" "I lull"-'"l$ "lllll about ""99 °' "W" "_°'°""l'l‘°l"“l’I'° "'5' II I‘? l'°“'" ‘°°

N] pate,“ on-me Dc_ n3,,,,;,m.d “-,.,,|||,_ clock on Saturday atternoon, wllcu the rnuchr.1fttvIuun_l‘m-the dcmocritticpartyy.-trimparttnents are not embraced in this esli- When, in l828,IGeneral Jackson was Wllld tflllllcllWill“"°l‘II““'f‘flv“I” ‘team’ "1 P°“" I-° “I1P°'"l'1"1I °°"I"1"° "I"!!! 1" "7-

male. I It-cl assured that in those De- elected I’rt-sident, the ticket that clectedcl" 1124"" '~"~‘¢°ll'"l€_¢‘~lI‘|-“"5 “"°'5‘ "P' f1¢¢=- 1'1 WY-BWH Slew. <11" 41WI\G°\'¢'1"1°1"

partments there will be ?lund to he t1 him had at his head the rt-presentation of Il"’I“'“5"s mwmuned on “(locum“rm” "I101" "1" l‘1‘°l'l1'lI"">‘4 llI°Iil¢1-I. I111! 11117011"

large tuajority of I-‘edcralisls with propor- the hickory broom, with the following _¥"<Illl‘l1b1'="li1"l§I-‘P_°r""319"-'“‘“I“la "WT!711"" 3"“) “'5' °"°'-7°’ ‘"5 "mill;

lionnlc salaries. I have no doubt hut a words: "’I'o atrcrp the augmn .rtnl/Ir." 11"I11~‘I1B¢ qt-'l111'-1*)’°l ‘"11" “'I1'"I1l°l|_111and l glaring one.We I-014 thin |)rinCll1I¥ln


large proportion of the United States ju- This was signdicatit of a wish on the $0 8001‘! ll l-""°- 11'1"’? full! "I"|1$'~‘11- 10¢‘in corruet—Ihzt I10 than i:_/it Or run L¢ hum-I Oliver Cromwell turned out the Rumptliciary, ol?cers of the army and navy, part of the people to have 8\"‘l1! ITO!" 05 Sch“Ylk'“n'°‘“ of me “'3' Y°5l°rdaY ‘Its’ in the rxecution ufllu duties qf ?u nj?u ta u-Inna

_ D _ __ v

and other United States otlieers, are op- lice those who were opposed to the De- I>_ll1Y°*l3 5’~““¢ °f ““°X“"'l’I°d ‘1e"“5l3'we Mould In unwilling lo git: our individual original picture of Oliver at Hunts; great

posed to the Adnilnistration. I have us- mocratic principles and institutions nt'our l1°'"_- V,_ _ _

support at Ila: ballot bu: when opyolnl to u polsuranct-s tor what I say from those who country, and amounted to Instructions to 1ll°S°|1")1Ikl"°°"""°"°°‘I "5'"Eab°“l !|'¢|1[f;|'¢y|d,1-‘(,1-no will; opposed to 1 worthy

speak the truth, and understand what displace from otlioe all whose "political 00¢ U'¢ItX'k 011 $é\l"I11"Y"nf~""°°"v""3 d,,,,,,,,,,t,,-°ul,_| w¢(gq|1,qur ballot, and tum._

" ' ' ' '

they say. As n portion of this Informa- tenets‘ were adverse to the poiley and 39°‘-‘I°°11ll"l1l"l§l°s\}'9-I-I-“““l“Ref mm’fort: holdtheirappointtnenttoo?i1:cn IMIIC-tlly

" ‘

tion. I ask leave to read a_lcttcr and un- measures of the Democratic Administra- "ISM. When l_twn_st'et1I118It?<1-l°ll¢ill-INS‘,,.,,,,,g,,,,| ,_r,,,g,.,°,,,, M |_|,,,l;|,mi,~, or ll“,gn-

swer whiehl hold in my hand: tion, which thazhtit-ket'\vasintentlgdto, lstltfeeélgggtigyfatnlezoitsrcet>trtlIl1ir;1g'_wmmcml our dcmocmic GW:m,,,, ha, m,



-and dim csmb"

' "rpm" mm I e in‘H


" ‘I fortunatcl forus

and for hitmclf ?rflcnintu an“Gk”: or nJ::l:::NTlA6r"]:;‘39Iiulllenceshown at um cxlltinsc or Ilrin' ‘llgghnmgm“ Ireaheton kebruury 2!“,

enarin reylatinntn some of his lPP°It1l1I1c|1Ls.Y ' ¢'.7I°~and ‘he Wm 0|-‘he people‘ by Geller’ '

. . .

Itwu nurcc to be exl1¢Ctcd that his 11I’P‘1int.

Dear Sin If not. inconsistent with y at ;ack5,,,,_ to ms pollllcal ,_-M-mics, con. Among the other heavy tnpn-res caused.

- » -_

-1 ‘ Id I II; b l I '


'1, It,rule you may have laid down for y ur smmed Wm, me me grml?g ghjgclipn by tlitscalaniltyts the destructionof the ::";‘:Tl";.-I;‘:i':l:dmun‘:;;l‘:|i'_";'cl':'.

int-an \vht>t1)lleytalk about the artny11f‘°mc'“|“I” P°I"'°“| °°"d°cl'I “'°“I‘! M to his administration. l"~'° I->"d8°5 in I-1"!” I‘°""Y- ml” °I‘I -"

from Wilruington, which is entirely goneSeveral very narrow escapes occutul on


- lllwsed to have been caused by lhelodglIn the hlers oflhe Ii'n;;n1t-ntaofthe ?oatingbriegge.whit.-l1 for a time formed n cmnplet


nll at once like an enormous vvavt-,ro;u'irand boiling as It rushed apparently nboten feet hi-_1h over I-‘alrmuunt Dam, the

with ja\'clius.I



.'I‘ll B CECIL G.\ZI5'l"I'I'I.

._~-a.-r 1-.. »

“l1.'r|1llAl:\' or 1'|t!1.A\\ I.\\'|| C0vs1'l‘rL"|'lov.

lilkton, lld.

S-\'l‘l5lH>-\Y. 1~‘r.1:ttUArtY 2, I830.

02]"I‘he I?ditor has been supplied willthe numbers of the Gazette which he rc-

quesled in his last paper-—but would h

be obliged to any one who will furuislhim with the numbers of tl1c 5th um

l2tl1 of January.-i_v—-ii

candidate was p11t in nomination.-1...-.--_-__,

reach of the deluge which inundated us.

The amount oflnss euunut be accurately

dollars of pr0pcrty._

DR. DU.\'C.\N'S SI'l‘lIi('II.

Dr. Duncan’; lpccclt recently delivered in the

foro vrhom that assassin puck, Wise, \\‘eI1l1 dcC0.I1aIc quakcd and trc111hIcd an friglttcucddccr before the lion. 'I'liey kltow his deadlyaim and fear it; they dread the glance of his

tyu and dare not eueotlnlt-r tho 1t-nor ul‘ Iris ri.

Iic. At the icry uicntiun ofltix name Wise has

had ague ?ts for 1xmonth,andll1c bearish wltis.Itera of Webb turned grizzlygray.

;-.—.—_.~.;_—.;-;-,--- —,--=|-.

EXI.§CI."I'I\'E AI’I‘UIX'I'.\IE1\"I'$.Ir1 the extract we |1\lbIIhIl Dr. Duncan iIIO\\'!I

to our reader: entire. Dr. Duncan in the aatueI

Kg]-|l|¢|n,-,\|"|who lain l,,,,__ ||,,, r,,l,,¢;,,,,,,;, or l,;, catlsed the I.-larl of Fife to retreat to the

lying colleague Ilond. 11¢ 1. also the 1~a|1lcI>1-. 1>1lwrl11111sr—l'- I’. 13-1" nnotht-r of old

IIickory's judges; took full mcasnte ofl1iu1 in the II. of R. when I was spi-alter;he reads the t'onstitution as he learnedthe alpliahel, a very narrow lninded con-tracted l‘ellow—Itt-ttsons 0t’ stat: jnstlly


broad constructions; the late Mr. .lcller-on head of the \'u. school, straiuetl at at

goat and swallowed :1 camel (and :1 pretty

large one) when he purchased Lmnsiana‘and had it annexed tothc U. S.-.\I1'.Madison another strict coiratrustiolrist;

greatly opposed to ?rst bank gut up byGen. Iiatnilton; hut when I’rt~-tidctrt, ?nd-

ig hitusclf |>t‘t‘ss01IIor money and trea-

sury notes, following lhetrack of French

assigtmts. with Secretary Dallns,conco<'t-edthc late chat ter, with greatly increased’

upital and extended powers--Llauk of

U. S. very convenient to 1nemhc1's whodabble in land spectilatinns and fare at

_I Washington-when the inquisitorial com-

mittee went on to Philadelphia many ofthe utemhcrs of Congress had ague tits; -

charged theru on the malaria ofthe Poto-- mac; no tear myself; knew I\'-k B-It:t mo well to doubt him; slatnmed the door

in their faces with as little ceremony as



._..a r'_._a__,_

‘Y detnollsltetl The drstr ction Isst1p- elpher only :1‘),-|c(."I1 .nal. It has evidently het-n la-pt by ;....,t_-

0great man of.the uatinri, rnnl Il'11t1|inl--r.

ll?ltt,\\‘IlIt‘IlI1lIt!r1L§IIlIllH‘SlWIlI1II’I’l‘SI!lIIIt_\"1" ovmrnco I um "r "lliliii-n hy Ilarryfury carrying all before lt.—Th¢ fl-¢-sh. of the West, who ITIINI have Inst it in tra.ct scenu-tl to ('u|t1L' down the Schuylkill veiling on tllt-1-,|il|-,_,,-,,|_

"I 1 1 .:3 lt>111.1l\e out more of tl.e yntrnal, I shallsend It to you. \\'hgt

whirlpool ht-low shoolin|_v ltnmense ple- l"°'"' 5"""ll"~‘ "I'll ll-1' t1Hl1li1"‘=-.11-rl holdcc: nftitnber high into the alr. ns ll'nn ar- that even private thntu:my of plants were uniuslng tlietnselres u man “S Hm-|-y 01- mu

be lost to the world,

'I‘hc galeofSatt1rday last in Yew York A 5"!‘ l'l'0lll an 0|t1 J0\tl'llll-was more terrible in its vinle?ce and dis- "H.136, Du,-. ,l|l1_ ?u]astrousin its effects, than any which has d11ll—mont~yscarce- Woccttrretl there for years. An Inuucnse uh Uld Hickory‘: tmagtn

amountoi property has been destroyed, mistake. Capital Invested in the Ii-e t\,which IS cstuuated as high asu million of 0-0 rail road, no dividen

miles finished, and worklonger joh than the siege 1

get to the Uhiulu I550 or '60, if the Stale

of I\I—-d will atillmiise (‘—I' J—c B-11


ti‘. t.'o. to make another six milllttu loan;no necessity to deal withand go to Eitglitlttl ul'tc1'w:11‘ds—-tnuncyC?n I10 got by the inII11enu1 of QueenVictoria; (.'—I‘ J-~e great


duubt_—l1a1-lmade lit-rruajcsty t1u;_'htypo-(_

lllll?r I11 Wasliingtun ('o11nly—;Ira\\s u

' Licrutull lip with great aet'11|a1'y¢--\Itt~-"

1vcnson tnight tell licr—spent his time atcourt with lords and ladies-111ucl1 heltcr employed in Itumut-y lensme:ts1t1'lugwind lnI|I$-—p1'u|1tisudllulliu

U. S. Fi:.\‘.\1on rrtom hl111tvt..t:~'n.-'l'l-etl|;1ugIlls‘—I‘XCUIIt‘lI1')IJl] 11,lA.‘§_'I1IrZlIllI‘L!of this State an Saturday swamps of I-1.N. oi .\Id.tit \

last eletrtctl the lion. \\'.\1. D. .\I|:n|ut~k u -1l).|~. -Illi.--I'a1tis:u;s t-all:-t

Seltatoroftlte Unit:-dSl:1lcs,fur.cix years to pay ('ol1|plI|l11'l1Is—\\t'llellllfrom the -Ilh of .\Iart~h next. .l\'o other \II$2t|il><,i||(t>|Iollit-e l~ol-Insult.

\\I11;;s—:t\|-1'y11intit-yri|.g_'.~trt-.|kt-tl pang-—lt1ort'I1at|t11I r.-r Ultl IIit:l;<u'ythan Io\'t'

Gnrzxr l"n1:s1u:r ASII I)cs~rnt"crtox or u.c-It—dy .l-it antI‘|1tn-t;|t'rv.-—Un Saturday last we were lieatl-h1.1r1ti11;.:It-dy's hooks and tl||III-visited with one of the most dest1'ucti\'e ing his wine put IIIIII straight U

frvslirts that has occurred within the |'c- --very willirtg I.e.\'iu;zlou mob 5Il(||lI.I

collection of our oldest inhahitants.- burn my hotel and }1L‘ltI;IIl)n);t'~$hy the -'tlreat dtuu:u;e has been done to properly balance st-:1lr—.l. I’. I(_tly vt-tilt-,;||t,\-,~l,.-;inunediatvly on the water courses by the greatly mistook his vocation;sweeping away of mill dams, bridges, l101t_1eat the fat-tory coloring (:ray‘s call.feuces,:1nd all other properly within the coca than painting htuuan passiot1s—t'ui1-

not determine whit-h is II1(‘\\'\II'aI, 1. I’.K-tly's prose or 'l'o;n K—tly‘s poetry.

estimated bulls very great in our county. “lice. 5Ili.—\\'ent into I-‘n~emaso1|'lSome Individuals liavc lost tltousuntls of Hull; U. S. tfourt. sitliu;_'; 'I‘-y on the

hcnclr; no great partiality for him; c.\pect-ed to f|i;;htt1u him out of the IJt'p(latl'.‘$,as we did Ililly lJ—ne; u very ohstinate

We give in ttuothcr column In extract from portinacious fcIIt>\\';Wt‘l1l. Iln! \\'I10It3 I10;with tlld Ilit.-kory; never heard

Iioule of Ilopmwntatiru. Thin‘ eclt is lI\ till he became a tnemher of the Senateinexcellent onc,antI we regret we t.'?t.1$:tgive it MIL In I3“); -IL‘l1llI-—|‘IOIl§ _lll0 ht‘ butm

ook the lead in that hotly, \vI1icI| soon

IJ. I‘. K—~tly:1ltl.e

or two \1rII;i.;U||,['-

$l|t-uld I he ahlt:

I now 1-l'Il\I is at

1lits of so ;_'1t~.1t:1 ‘-"

\\'t'.»t should not ' ‘

(1. .\'.


ltigs ch;n;;e it

'_v ortle1‘—.>u1alI

ds, only eightybadly 1Iol1t‘—-

rf 'I‘tny—|11ay

the L'u1upany


Ucn. l'L— y

r draininga.

l at I’a:_'e‘.~:nltlcd \\IlI1I Mttl-t‘l'n\'l.

n his It-gs

tunic at

nf him


Parliametttz when in England saw an

i. likeness to Nick; Oliver had lantern jawsand bull neck. so has Nick.

IItla‘.'llllgIOIl,Du. IOIII. Took myseat in the Senate; Whigs all look blue;

_\'anitcs all on thel1‘r,;h ropes; \V—ter

down in the cellar, behind the new mili-

tary chief and old daddy White; greatly

pertce with Old Hickory when he strang-

led nu?ilicittion; vanity tn believe he could"'

stand on his own hook; Plttludcipliians

“mm hnmrrs, Am ,h(,,.c more omcerslplcasetlif you would Inform me, Tn,,_.m;§ fQfbQ;]|1|nce?ow¢(l from me Floating Bridge was carried away on b"°=\"°"1'-‘"\°111l>¢t1'-)'=l I-11" l"°11""'~‘"l "‘°"‘- tickle.) hgn about ll-to presidency; Niel»:

than are wanted to matiape the Govern-ment! Then lvt them bepuintcd out andreninved. If gentlemen, who are eon-

stnnrly l|;1rpin;1ahoutoll'1t~eholders, know

of any sup:-r?unu» tIIlt‘tI, they are hound' - -



- -' ' ' ' 1 bl 1 1

in dmy m u,,.n,S,.1,.(.s ?nd ,_m.rr c°umry_ porters of the presentAdministration. ample ougm to hmc beg-n so 1-pl, and ml"; ttcd tbrce of theice and the current. Plus moat cnnltltcnl y IIIIIC t to governor w to

Isl, Of the number of posunaste in oodnegs or ht; Mg“;-t-_ lg is not “mom. Saturday utlemoon, and in the course of 5*" °f “‘° "°"‘°°"“I‘= l"‘"-Y-I[""'°"°‘_"“"‘°“'I'_

ill" U“I““I Slaw‘ lrgnnntosee some of our greatest and beg the night. the new and costly ltail [toad eddim, -ind have "Flt"! I-11"" ll‘P°"=4"1"""' vices; tt'very extravagant and _expcnsIvn-2d. 'I‘l1e aggregate amount of salary men ,3,“-t5“, me lliglu-r and mare ygllm. Bridge at the satnc place, lbrming an tn1- 13¢ I"=1"b'=" °f"1° PI"! "I10 l"11'°""d""11‘ fellow; life insun-<1 at $40,000, I)t!<.I,l’I:!I§

they receive in the year. hlg qualities of the head to the passlonqaml ‘portunt link in the connection between are alonelablame. Sent: wanted one u.-li

3d. \\'hat proportion of them re aup- 3ymp;|[hIP5of the heart. Sir, the nugwa this city and Baltimore, fell under the un~ continued l? o?icc andcome another, and no

- - -- ' dilice was just completed and its loss in n few lmtanccl carried outtheir principle

by the nature ofthctr other, and the oath S_h°“I‘Ill ml 5"" Y°‘"' l“"‘"°\'m""5“""' hickory nroom was insuf?ctent, the river 1%‘


I ‘_ Yd uh _

_ mid ‘ rmm “:12”! W m.

they have taken to discliarge the duties of this last lnterrogatory with accuracy. Alpllwg QIIOUIIIhave been tum;-4] from ?g will be severely felt bylthccommunity at Let each Ilctuocrat. who auht or rccommc it, one pr en .

the oiiice, to point them out, and to take

such order as would cause the instant re-

moval of such worthless drones upon the

public store house. lstl1enuiube1' of oth-

ccrs ton great! are they derelict in duty!ernre their !llI?l'It‘i too high! All these

evils can be lemedied If they exist; and Iinvite gentlenieu, who are evaporating so

much of the public money hy denouncingthe ollioc lioldemthe spoils party, the hun-

gry capec-tanls,¥tc.to point out the evil

slit-'tIf'.(‘i1Il)',and recommend t'le remedy.I will be foremost in carrying that rente-

dy into Immediate practice. But. air. I

cesa.-mt yt-lpnbout otiice holder: does no

grow out oflhe facfihat such evils, an Ihave represented, exist. It in hecaueethe

Democracy have the ascendancy. and theFederalist: cannot occupy all the ol?cea,and III the spoils\ht1nleIvel.--Thin lathet-muse ofall the Federal whimpering about

v?cehoIt.Ien~t1nd lpolll party.



..- ,


4 ~>.

_. -..~. . --

ww thclata a¢1ag~;tpt=k:<:upu-nslhérmttunutllnted. cannula-lpthnybetaahbu?vtrnluh




nursed him with large fees for small sch

56 for underwriters; J. Q. A-n1s’owcs hillW

1| grudge, and should not be surprised IfI111 he killed him Ina duel beirre the entl

1. of the session; got only it votes; glad of

inform me what you suppose to be the channel [of that purpcu-_ 1|‘ Fotlgntliglg large, no other communicationwiththe ed the lppuinttnuntuf n lolitary whig,t.lltethe la1at~century, and om; tn this, with one

probable number. nmlohnldu mnjm-iqyQfg? thgqf?cggin lhlj western shore of the Schuyllull being now blame uponhimself for nu:-In

rppomtmenhI ‘ml Yours: Wm‘ IIISIIl"5P<’¢‘lv Government, using, til they do, the means IBR@3999‘ "'9 Bfm?i ll Mam?‘ 5'-l\‘¢$ have been nude. We regret, nnccrely reg

d I to‘A~ DU‘\'CA5I- of ll1eGm'em1nent to advance their own The destructionof property has been \It\tGoItmor Grllon hu fallen Into the mm

Ml 8\'"1II°"' Dick J-“' ‘n I“ “M ‘

Hon. A. I(r:sn1tu., Po?maller Gmcrnl. rm-,-,,r,¢ Federal principles,how are your so great that ll is uuposatbte todo more at but inc," |.,, rm [men on .11mu by ill;

T11 ""11 ¢°1111111"1l°*11l°"I ""11'==l "1° Democratic institutlonsto be perpetuated, arm“! 11111111° mks It tzenml 11_v!1¢=9f titled friend: urgingthe Ippoizlnlut ofnntn

following answer: and your principle; mayntaim-<)_ 3;,-_ | the appeamnce of the scene of ruin. I\0 ,,|,;l,‘,,|,,; tau“ 1,,“ mu, ll,“ l,, lm 4,,“

W?tmrzta-row, January I7, I839. belicu-_ with General Washington, that ¢81?"'lllY°h\ slmlll“ °Xl¢_"11Pl‘°I~>flblYH" for mulch‘. citlmngb In favor of a “do:' Sir. I perceive no ohjectlnn to nnswer-

nu P,-"ldgnt ought to bring Into ol?cg 5 er occurred beiurcin‘I"h1ltu:Iclphta.Va-‘Wu? "4 nu 5,0,.--lb, “‘54,,,,,° ,,, hm, .1

ing unulfrctally your letter ofthe I6th in- mm who gs oppmcd to lhg hiding mm. rlous rumors are in circulation as to the"X. mm“ in w;u;‘m(;,..,,,,, 5, ,_m;,,,P,;,,

stunt. I, thereion.-, annex replies to your mm; of hi; administration. It is politi- I058 Ofllv?. WI1l_¢I1We trustare u1tfouad- "C u um ‘M of mmgtaq. mi] éo wrcugrlnmml I"l""°8“l°l'l"- 1 ‘cal suicide. and for the same reason it is ¢¢1Jll°“BIl“m"_31'“R"°l-“‘ml"YI-h'""l°BY M“, mm, of hr, ;,mg¢u.,.," tn “aim ,


I. “Whntnumber of trntlnastcrsthcre a duly that every Democratic President may have perished1n the course of the d°n°_i” ‘,m”"Hb!".‘ um?auarein the United States!" ow” to M, atec?om to ht, pfhcjvlgg. to night attempting’to rescue their boat; -

V, ‘ L‘


am im_um_d ,0 mink "mt commmmd m_ The number otpoatmaaters In the UnI- 9,, pi,-ty yhoogugtmn him Md to ht; But nothtng_de?nttcizltaotvn in relation_

, ted suites. on the ?rst day of Deccrnbtr ,,,,,,m|;, to remove tllooe from time to lhl;-WitMild. however. that I1 but 1u~t&trc¢-it Queuetust,v.aa I2.5-‘>2 glwg principles areoppoeedttotbelad. with mcnianurept away.


1 M‘ Emma A kw evwhuuu2. “The aggregate amount of nlnry pug mgnjtxei which he may have been_

-" ~-


‘on.they receive ln the yearl" dqgtql to carry out._ I think great vIgl- P. S. t?olutse since learned-that when walking outto lee the tilllll?

_ ’

The wmr1=11~1i<>11of nwmmerv for lanceln Ihilrespect lndue from the chter?w {IBM 111" ll the l1|sl1'It- it I

the year ending the 30th June, I838. va- M,8gu,u= ,m1l|'|,¢ l, ?mfnln mug. seventeen feetcoun

ried tilde from 0921.034. “pt”. “.3 deem; mm gt‘ the um; Im-

8-~W1»-trrvowtivnvfthwn =rw11> lportnce mutt» peopuau -mm;

u termcaeh. enough Ibr the "1ankcc>—-m, No vice president elected; \ ITEM" will‘!

P“. will ?nd him it wornwrood dtse; they, stand mighty ticklklt; ahsupin danger1 oi being lnstructalom of thclrcralstoab

,, ofthe reserved righlaoI'\’irg1n18; 1a_strur.s_

“on an hnml;ttg_-1__gl1 has resigned; _.

4_ caniqltcre with tzrcat rvpvmunn; Y3'8l~_

,nlanc peppered tum too high; tuned out

ulte a amatlnu: about the lame Ii”

mid “lion of Sam S--rd---sine: B--‘Iln

t Q


\' ,-‘-.1


mistook his positiomcnuld have made lush


TI_';.= 1

‘ '

.<-1 .'

vta -_


r,/t ~

Page 3: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition


1 af‘.'ir.Tiii.ilDe l'ti~lz—--Dick 13--rd ti very‘ B.-\L'l'l.\lORl'iZ MARKET--Jrin. 30.

l '

V 3 I ll R ll | 0 “"'

~ . I‘ ‘ '

l\l\?»l€¢Illlt' in:in; very ricrlre nnd‘ supple1-\\‘*"i"""’l'l‘l~l "l"l\"7l'J"'*B\"lll"‘°"°(/""“ lent for CXl\<)l'li have been illmleuflliiti" '.l""""""'l"l"""ll?"""""L."'l4'iC"""')"

"1"' ‘HF. !lll)S(.I'1lN"|‘ \r'l| lf l 1’ l|' I I-

——4_ "1-' _ -.

"V" ' ‘ '* '7


"Han" .: -

-\.'.* .-'

. \"'

.'.. .~


\"D _



0-1_ .1\_w_~ _;_:_' ~w"' n-tan-A1-1 ""'"" F" I “ >'

— ~ ‘-

._.. -.___ __

____.l§_L_E.?.. ._ ..-_...!$— ..._-~».-----~ - ~E-.. ll. .__ ._ \-;~ .~ ,‘1nn>u' *

_. ._.~_.___. ~.___g_. _-, _. ,—

I-‘LtlbR—§.ili'-s lOllC0l'lSltlt‘l"€llllP e\0 Ice Pal m fol Sale

‘""""" l" '51i'3= ""“l*‘ -‘ °"*" "‘""-“"="" =ii‘~l:~*iiw1l-l<>vr\\lllIl"=\f~'\\'<li1ys.=1! $¢l-- '1‘lll~2i:'l')c:§"tli¢;'?Zt1i"il'i'y"d't"1-'dliTiiiii;""1'lcit'l'1 -

’' I Sale. on 'l‘Ul~ISl)i'\Y('tl'it':'1""lll"ll';l';'" """ C‘"'"'.‘:"""""i"""'

i -1" 5"‘ »*""1"\‘1 l"ll=‘ Int‘ li\l"ll"‘l"l"l‘5 "l'l"- l‘:5 per lilil. ln SI)ll|(!lllnl£l|1CCH szilesli.-iri: ,,1111,,'..1°c1,_,\__\1_ (;,,11,.c1,,,,,,m.1;1,,1,¢,.'i,Q,,;

N Tm: Tow” or L"K'°'\" Mu‘of February next, a Filllll in l-last I\'ot-

li(“\‘ll inaile at -%,1"} lliililers ;r.-nei-al- are rcqiiciiciluniii.-nil lllll5(:l(lL‘llllZIl’lCCOI|lllI F rw |1n,,1,.,m Cecil mumy .“m_)kmd no", Y‘mm_ 01- I D‘ H. ‘r H"_(.hJn“_1. .. 1‘ _' "

_ _v ,~- -

' .4 " 2 -1:‘-'1 .- -

""3“l l" l""ll‘"" "W" GP" 8"’ l S "““"*!'l l)' "IVEl'|l’]ll\Jl!‘?.'l-';1l-Tl"? l{llll'\l'|'::l1"|"C|“ 3-7°“l°"".““E“.n.1.‘ Cu“ llIP'_"l’iCl(hl1"¢llllg"<Ill§'1‘.ndlliiiilnl! lands lglorof i\1:ii‘Ylainl.the Sllll'lL'I'lll(‘l' as4-1- ¢ -

~ 1 - ..

r-iil ro.i-l \,'Illll1l.ll’\y'liiirc located llll"lI'

1;-iiil 1iiiiii.l.itior\ for siich a work; tiiin

luck the ii le and make excellent ll\l:1lil-‘ii-ii. Slllhil irlilg nnil generous

niziii; eliiiim no ilani:i;_'i';_willing to payt.i\- for li;i11' lllt‘ l)l‘l1t‘lll—--—l)l(‘l(ll--T14‘,like inyolil l1‘lCll‘l Beau l');1\A‘50n,}ll‘l!WI‘

k|‘|‘|'l1i('l' loo lilghi-Wiliiiiiigton Whigsp;1[.I!\llalil'<'\lS; spoil their -fragrance anilruin their eoiiipli-xionl—l—B—-l'\i‘:bloom

lllfl-lt! (‘llfl‘t‘lll. l)."lI‘_\_'ZllIlbetween me ninl

,1, Q, A--"ns in 1:421, iinJ set that tiger(L !\li~D-<2 upon riieiex|x‘et l’-—n

the illll of March next.

'U O V U U U

"lhi-. 1.3!/i. Tom ll-n bold and dar-

I111!;1< 1~i-er; lbls Ill'.ll'l\lll,':called up his

e\-p:in-_-iii_-_'res-iliitiiiii; 1i-llow never li:ilts1rir li|'i~5; \\ lxll ll\‘ linil l)(‘t‘ll in slvnin limit

iiair-1; wuiil-l lli|\'l‘ worn with great plea-siirc vrape fol‘ thirty days." .

I 8 I U O Ii

A1‘1\tl.\"1‘.\1[C.\"l‘S BY (.i0\"l£ll.\'OR.

Lottery Coininissiiiiit-i‘s.--Xliclincl .\li:-

piiii yre .s or oui"i‘ei:eirei y tI1-Emm'hn%_m of Daniel Carter. l)J\‘l¢l Sllvlllicrd. l'i:ti-r Triisti-e will utler nt pn'ilii-<11--iiii‘TUES-roa-l la =.~.~; and the irugnn price ranges i_iV____.__.___. Y virtue of a Decree of the Cllt]n- _-\,-|1¢“- and D[hc1's' c,_,,,11,1n1n 1),


_31 1 1'1.-,1. 8 \\ tl lti .1 0 i'.'yie.l.iitfI'"'" W l" Q-l~’§~ |il"~'l'll"§ f-'1"'- Finliillg Shore lor Rent "ll"? "T Ml"Y|-"hi. the Subscriber llll' piiiillfhousrlOl¥('lll'llItgll".‘ItIll£‘l""iii

GRl\l;\'.--A sale of prime Md. rcd 111; su1,,..,,1,c, .,,;11u.,,11,1, 51,o",,_,n1.;1k ivill,as Trtislce, offer at piihllc salt-.tiii, 1-1 ,_

',C 1' ‘ 1| U,‘ "J-_

Wlicat yesterday 1118180 A cargo of Tlliicr "'17l’lllI willbo modcniu Ml) \'l) IY the lqui (lay of p11,,-“U,r ' ,.'““'t°lln' ‘cm 0"“ y’ "_ "' "H '


Corn ulluat.is held at ‘J0 cents-~87 cents J9"-“ l'- <~\5"‘7R- imrl. upon the preinlses in question, all The landms 1-niwis rm ii-.'ht. mid who hIs.h-1ml- .ii1l'ci'td. We qllote 01113 ill is Ccnls. -‘*"j‘{;“" '

' "

that \ ALUAIILIJ l‘.\\'t:_iix P?Ul‘£lt1‘YlUl(llot- \ oflimil. lyini: mid brill r in

lllfnllllllrll), 1‘01‘ R6111, “- - -- - .

_ ‘ A _

on -1-1,u,.s‘1ayN.,.|.i|1g, the 24th ultimo, 711115Furin Clllltll the ‘\'ll1llll\m1-‘-.irm,ad-1?rst f.i li|l'.;; J—( -..—n looks lltllfjlls. M Cw" paper Mills. by mc11o\._ Mn 11111_ joining llack t7rct-li l\lill|, C4.‘Cll cu. Md. by the 11111111; Q1 schools ni

trsi-Ml. vi»! co»-l 3.1110!‘ for hi! Pulldlnlli lei-. Mr. \\'ll.LIA.\l S.\'?\\'l.)E.\‘ to Miss Li-nii F°"°""'i""""' °"5\\1L'FlFltl-II-2\l\\i. The \Vnsliin"ton Ilotcl '


Elktoii. Lfei il county. Mn-

rylanil, called and l(llU\\'ll

is ofa pretty goodquality, witla gniiil portion of WOOD ant

.\1l~Z.-\|)l)W. in a very healthyn(‘1Hlll)4!l‘ll()O\l and eoiivenieiit

, .

to hl:ii'es Ol"PllllllCworship.“'l"'r“c."" (’l"."'k lulu" or

ldniills. The buililings P0115151_


I‘l","!'“l':l”of ,1 111.0 511,1-y1": 1)“.,,1_ i‘Olll-'ll?li'1f_'.'|lltllllS4‘VF1| nvres oflrinil, for-

A.\'.\',diiiigliter of ll0l!(‘1'lC8l'lt‘f. Esq. _1_,,, 19_1“,' '

' '' ' '

_ '

” '

lin,'_'House, iiearly newThis propeily is most nilianta eon lUii Tin-s lay evening last. by the ltcv. ———-———--———

smmed in "EL“nut Om l' _

3 53; will‘ “rKll"ll"g""‘"‘|""l

“"11-‘ 1) k._ M ._ S . “-_

_‘ V_

~ '* ie iusirit's§l‘¢" 'r:_'c l'ilm(‘ .irn with1 _ _

\\'lll rile <tr.iii_'ht u1l' to the moon before 10 '\1'1"=':11|.':m:'.,.A:\_\.my';]'11g':1-"51131:1',:(',_"" S. of thotown, fruntiiig100 fcct on Gay or stone cellar. A iwll of gnml wnter l1l‘iI|‘“'5 'l""'-'l‘l"" |"“7<"l"'ll' R“‘l'Jll’l'- an"-

ti\\II} 11,11 r.. r11 5 1,, "i,¢i- iiiiiii; \l.iiii slrcct 43ol"tei on l\'oiili street ' l 1 ~"

\lll\‘tl lll(Jll‘ly or li.1lfpai1 ofall that part‘ ofa lraet or parcel of land. sitiizite, lyingl

and l)(‘lll? in lteiit miunty. M.iryl:inil.cof-l(‘ll ziiiil kiioii-ii by the name of

'nicrly 1-r-I-lby 'l‘iitii:is Ruiliil1i|i,gnrl Di-n.ililsoii Ymilrs asIelizinlslnroiiiinon, wliit-I1\\'.i~i 4l(‘\'l§(‘ll by sziiil 'l'1)[ihig Rui111l11l11°

*_ __ _ _7__ _ _ _‘___ _ M 1 (

- ,0 .1“ ., ,. .. (:11 .' ~

,- ~ - -

, iiii- [IF 1 11».-ii1n,._._(13, 1 11».-1.1)»111.;,111,1'gm,\'~'="'<!.~* Eliv.-'\!~'th Ellis. and wlii1-lisul»se-

Mnsonic 1\'o"(.(._ /time but f-ill two l"'1|l"'l3ll5. mic rv-l. the iiimliaiely op1ii>sii.cthe (Jiiurt llullst‘. 1-‘iri- 111- can 11¢ £1111-mil rm 1111-1111-111,llilk.'l'l' -'f -. ‘I - ‘-. .

' ‘. .‘~


T"*= .. :-.‘.:.*.t..‘.°i.~_....'i.i1'll"L'.!L.JF{l2.1'."§2Z?L"i.1.iM an we i»~i»'-Cin-I A I-~i~»~ -~ ~i~-noqiieiilly descended to liercliildren and


lieirs at law._

‘.111 1;,,,,, ,, I,,,,¢,._.'_1,,,..1 11,6 _~;,,,,,,,,,1'Thuown"

1. mlm_m_d 10 come 1-m,wm1"lllgvl?hil 1130fret on a cross street lead- ecssnry, iis persons wisliiiig to |'\lll‘('lI7l5I‘ -fhis l"'"l"'|'ly lift!long been faiforaldylliiilgc Dl\l|t? 9211 til‘ 1-‘t~lirii;iry, iii C?llI|llt‘lIl(>-

|,w\.B pmlmm.' my C|m..u “.1 1,11,, 1111..., iiig from l\oit1i to Bow strrct, and cun- will view for lll(‘!lIS(‘l\'(.‘S. The propertyk""“'"l°ll‘¢ Pllllllb‘ 3-‘*3 "\05\ Pllllllli‘ $1!-

-. . . . .. ., .


(riiiioriof it u1i1ii1_;iniiii biiili d;i_v. I111‘.1ir1i-“ML tuinsaboutnnc ucrc oi land. will be shown and terms made known hy_ ‘ _

M11‘ |m.‘.,m 1,11).“"11 1,10“.“ up “.111, Kim ('(‘\!4|tbII, l'l(‘C\)IlI|\i|lIl'llby .-i lund u|_lllUt4lt‘,\\|ll Q 11r)L1 1\'(;51\-Q11'1'11, U -. - 1 1. .- ~ -

carrying trade. The romantic beauty of_ _

>.¢ . . pun tlils property is ereclci a arge the siihscriber, living near the Blue Balllc.i\e tho Lodge iit llo llL‘l(, and iiiinicilirit -l' J 1r1__1 _


. ._ _ _, _ ,-

_ ,- -


,,,.,m.u11o the 1111,1151Chcnch‘“,|'L_n_““_“_ $111,_

"“ “’_ _, _ __~

and eoiiiinoilious l.i\ti,li House. fiontliig East Z\ottin1:liam.Maryland.bu uh "mum ddmml by A_ ,1._ 1_.mmwD‘ -[for [gent about Gtilcet on Gay gtl'(‘(‘l and 5/1 feet on Sale to commence at l 1,‘;-lock. P. M.

lifqnuild. iiltvr a short l1llI‘flllll'~1(Il\,an a1ipm~' i\'0i'lli stl‘L‘l‘1,cliielly 01' lJI'lCk, llic \\'liult~ JOHN l’ll\DDUCK.

1iri:iti~nil-lri-u, liy t_li-illcv. \\'.\\'.\\4i.i.Aei:. [IE Siili,<r~1ibcro1l'i:u for rcnt tlielurgc |'1~1)111111111111C351 “"11 a r001-(.11pm“. or Jan |9__lg' '1 .~ i .\

. .

'. .

.“'c ““ll'“"l or I "m" x‘""|l5f"'“"1 ll“ ”l'l":"' T""‘l f‘f"""'“c“l IA‘ LRN l!Ul’5L w|"_“’ 11111713011 each f|'unl, \\'|{l| u 5111110 k1[cl1q_\11__. _i.-__..__.-__

iii giioilst-iiidiiig, are lL's1>(‘LllUllyru1ue-sled to lie now l’\‘?'li.l(‘\,at tlic Lower h.-iry, Opp?sllli“"l'" l" 11"’ l-rnci-.~~ion. lliirre Ill‘ (iracr.on llie corner of ||lC l"|lll£lll\'l'.'n"'2 war‘ The (“her buildings “re 3 OF

The lnliu iiinl gintltiiien of the \icinil iliia i~trmi1 iiiiil on the l’iirt Ill isil road ‘l~"l~(' “ml '~m\\c"ll‘"l- Sl"'ll'~‘- hum "lml.. .- .. ..


'.Yi'i* -.'1"'

"' 1"‘

llliiir. tsaniiiel .\.Dickeiison,Lii~o.t.ook— ..1~1.i...i...iii.liiiiiiu-iiil. |'|)v4.ll‘"1l"ll \\ill 1.1- gimi "ll iIic".‘.5|li of i\l2ll’Cll. pally of oak. a stone Smoke llouse,a L A N D_('<iiilii'iin~d.

lii.~;rili~entf"<)tl1llll\‘§l\l|llfl‘S—~ll)'..Qtiiin|i,11i¢l1;ii-.1 1’i‘isli1'.'1-Ziliviirdl’alincr-L'oii-lihiieil.

'1'ubac1~o lii.~1iectoi"s.—Juliii*1’.\\'ailles.ltieliaril W. lll;11,!lll$,'l'lioiiias (T. \\'ui'd,ll. .\. tiriilitli-1'0iiliriiicil.

llin-i~‘urs tn the Peiiiii~iitiai'y.—J:ico1iL1. l)(l\lt‘S, James H. .\li1lci'.JolinO.. Hew-

lett. ll. \\'illis Baxley. Mark Jenkiiis—L'uiitiriiic.1.

ltgciits of l‘eiiileiltiary.-lleale ll. Ill-(lll1ll'\lSUlI, Jaicoli \\'liitr—Uoiilii'ined.

l\l.iiiag_;ci'>for renioring free people of

cului'.—(.'liarli~.s lll)\\'il|'\l, \\'in. ll. Stew-

ait. Franklin .-\ii-li.-rsoii.

liispectorsol l.llllP.—-.l0llll Dutton,\\'in.\\'. .-\iiios—L'iiii1ii'iiii.-ll.

lll$]\t‘t‘l0l'of l'l.istcr 01'Paris —.\liL-liaclLflllll)—-'.'OYl1lflll(‘\l.

State l.i1ir.ii'i.iii.—I)arid ltidgely-t.'uiifirnied.

tieologist.-J ulius. '1‘. Ducaicl-t.‘on-1iriiic.l.

'l'opogr:i1iliic.1lEngincer.—-John H. A-

lcxaiiiilvr.1-Juiiiiiner General.-'l‘lionias Karney.“t"°'l>l€l' of t_'liuiicery.—-ltuiiisay \\'a-


l-‘lour Inspector General.--Jacob Bcani

-(‘on1irnieil.Leonard Kcrnan and Francis Gallagher

have been noliiinatcd Leatlicr lnspeclurs.11111postponed until the first of Ft-briiary.

Urpliaiis‘ (.'uui‘l—-Ball. City.-Jaiiiest‘:irr.)ll. Win. Baker, Jaincs U. l’ricc—-Coiitiriiicd.

Yisiters of the Jail.-Josepli \\'liitc,James Hooper, John ll. S(‘lllCllSll‘lt1lU.‘l',Samuel ltaiikin; Charles Jones. Dixon

Stansbury, Eli Lilly--L‘on1irincd.i'\riiiorer at Annapolis.-—AaronDurall

-Confirmed. "-

Liinibcr lnspectors.—Wiii. Robinson,(J00. L‘. Hall. James I\'orris‘.-Rol)ert Belt.CalehSliepliard, W. W. Wootlwarll. ltichard \V. Vnrden. Hugh Aiilil. CharlesBerryninn, Jonathan ls.1acs--l’ostpoiie.l.

\‘.'oo\l Cor1lci's.—Bdward U. Leary

ll)’ "ll" "l 1"" “~ 57-_

1"" MI"-‘ “l‘l‘l.' '° ll" -‘"l"“‘"l'*"-_

Poultry House, lrc House. (.'ill"l'lll"t'

uation forthe mercantile businessnnil the

'the scenery around it. togeilier with itsfacilities for the transaction of busiiiess,renilcr this property particularly desira-1110.

The improvements are two co:n1'ortalile-. frame Dwellings. a franic Store

mg‘ Housc.atwo story brick buil-

_~lin,i1formerly used asa count-

' "'_' ing house, hut more recently as


*'\‘“Uu" ‘“‘““l‘\D‘“‘E's°°' “‘\M‘El' 0“ E‘\'S' House, Slieildliio, dztr. A never lailiiigBY vlrluc of ri Decree ofthc High nilwi~lliii11,Kitchen. Stabling and otlien.|“\‘l>9_~___ _ ‘

Jen Ill-Zlw. 1 ..

.'-'. . . Court of ('b- nee" ,tl l " 1we-l of \\-itcr \\|lll pump near!) new ,11

.i iy ii-iini nisigiici,

buililinizs; iminr-diaicly on the wharf is


1‘ l‘\.m.)l‘\'G ‘Q CU" Um"§'g§"‘¥“ ‘VIII. ]'l‘hI(‘(! \\' §0Il tlic door, Triistee,will oil?-r iit Piiblie _Sale.on erected a large and convenient Granary

~. it .\I I. ,\'. ‘2i- »- ~


_~ . . _- ."I “‘.'.'.‘.':2.<1;2l?_“’"'"‘°"""=""'l"""~='i=s'>@~i 1""**"*Y"'~~*'.'~*~<»i~~~~r -~* "~~l~--i~-i~ii=~~

l.'l izlt 1-‘ l W"

. ,

. lit" '1. I. ii: '.

'. .

. 1 -._ . .~ ,1, .. next. in front uftlie (oiirt House in Elk- lnrgeqiiantity nfgralnstr '11, llaltiiiiorc. brulcfiil lir llc ltl "r:il pa. .

. _. . _. i_. \ V ‘r~ ~ 1-_‘I’ ~11!-I" en- '5 ollllllwfl “ml 3 lull‘ Hut‘


,_ - I i


ll’0:I'l\1:tEt‘Xll!Ildt'2|¢lll) llltrlll by )lllt'l'fi'rl'1~iii;.~iii,1I‘ U,I1:12]T;k:.l,§§}g_:l"_:1‘1.:gig'('.::_\~_and is in the lll11llCSlstate ofcultivation. 2""“_"“"9 ["""°Hf"‘"'l s'l“f“"d“l’""l “"~' '°'"'5 °rS°l°- “S P""5°'“"~"l ll)’ll"!('1-ell coiiiity, lIl08l!'¢l1)l‘(1.l'Illl)'i-iilit-it; litlllll?-l.l'.l'L'\-'l,'m'l.»_§ “I'll,011"‘,‘_"il_m__“dl_““_hThis Wrlm" 01- ,1‘, p,.“p(_ny_ 1-mmmg .>§iiiilrsfioin the llrick MeetingHouse

::L'§f,.‘:".‘l§,°¢,?,§f,';o'§j1,{;'§;'i~'°"“""“""°" ‘°

..i.i.» 1.. 11...1“...-ii...;......1 Itlltll 1..-.i...i 1.. 11.. iiiiiiiii -Jim ri~i-i tl|\l)t\ 0110 iii‘ the llll(‘Sl 3"\'*‘¢'l_¢°""lY-_1'f‘<1rtlivnylilicrv=1dl¢m1- "l'"'¢P""'|"l$¢"'°"°.V "Wish ""1111 day,l,.'"_,_&Npconnhnuy on 1u;“dI pond numb ._\"1irin1gas is Ct|ll\‘\'Illt:I‘.l to tlirni,and iiill rlilcr 5111.915 in 10“-n. 18 ;h1m1l.“1,1yca1Cu1nu_.(1 I111: 10 [all-t1.Hl1,\‘<I16l “E18 ormcrly Il\Ol'l

‘ _

mcnt 01' lfllClL‘lIll\ tlnir llIl(‘,\\'l|1Cll they nill ""'l|'."m"""""d";1";:i""§*"3']|;':'UF":':lllf';“l“tor laying lIll' lll litiil-liiig I013, anil if l1"11‘~“lll)’ ""9 M-'ihU|' "I.lV1't‘lll0 .l0- thereafter. Wllll lnl¢‘l'*’5l ffoln illc day 91'“.11.,,,,,1..,,;,,g1c,,,,,_ “Iii-"¢'*M=)"_|l_l"f‘:11-“h‘_‘|:.by'°"m“u;';‘_*r‘l|a‘:‘1c,,,m,\1 “_1\.;S“b1'__“.111 be so u11c,.,.d on st-pli Jiinvs nnil Ely \\arin1z. lt cun- sale. tobesecured by bond witliapprovccl1

F"l'*__[_ ,.ilt-.-....i'siii.'ii'.;i....l~2;_'1_-1-..\liil|n:lr)'st-lui. the 4111)’Of S111“ '§'l'““b°'“ Ml A°"'s'2 R°l’d““ml 13 5°°“r“7'


C '_"Vi." ' " _ V" ' kc. The .‘l|llllI.D\lil‘4 'l:rt-ct are Jruiarkzibly 'l'lii:rt‘ ls‘ J policy of lll$Ul';lnL‘l: tin tilt‘ lc"c_l“'50"}’l"f‘l'Ora ‘NY lnlllrfweahle And 0" Um ratl?calllm or ‘he 5319 byon nc "'5 l ‘can! \'lgI)|’Dll!, i.iiilii< \\'c 1‘ir»iiiii1>mii-ll lllt 1,[l'llllllIL‘ 1;“-1.,-1,111,115.. Hm] ,1;,|,1in.. for yz;;111111 r1ii:ility. llii'iiii1'irovcni1-iitsconsist of a ll1C(,'llil?(fCllO|'.and upon the paymcntofl—"f-'lluir-llin1ir|1llu1islc,the |wlI1o1eof the [7Ut‘CllZl!i(‘money,(andsloryaiii an in I11 i, 1 l\1- not >1. ole.) the llll(lt‘.fSl,'_'flI‘(l,as Trustee,\lf‘ll into ?iur apartiiienis, will by good and sufliricnt deed, to beaibore mid below stairs; a CXCCllll.‘(li.lll(l arkiiinvledgtiil according to

1,“, 2_u. ,...1_s¢..i1,cgtn i,,- p1|1i;ilir:ill?any C\lL‘Ill. “-111 he ..h,.1.,.f,,11y1-m.nis1,1.‘1by 111.. 5.11,, large Logllarii. l.:iviii;: a llll'l"SlIlIl[!‘ll0Ol'l-tw.eiiii1.-iiyiiitliepurcliiiscrorpurcliasers,——"-:1? -i-F t 1

l'|"*l""£'i ""~"’5"" 3 '"l‘-2 §(~1‘1')(\f10 any g,."11,.,m1,11¢-.,11~1|ig101111;

iii the 1':-litre and stalili-s on each ts'l1ll';{)-~-l-I13,her or their heirs the property to himis orica ‘:1 cc nsin. .l.ii.. i, lt‘3J—3sr—l*3 ‘'


‘ _‘,


,' Q .- ,, , ._ , , , _ _


X ,,,,._,,.,,, .,,.,,.,,,,,, ,,,, __________i_

-1i=-¢.-h~ ii-iiiciiii "Wt" hm =-1 his “-51- -*,"":§P'1",;f'_-*.'~7,,-ml-“*""lél1""Si~"mi "-cm =:>1il-cw do-vi-riddischarg-liilnlmruulhm] imu"?;|g mm‘ 1: mc to .111.1,".01- 0111,.“ 1,1111‘.10,1.“ 01' 1;1k1,,n_ Eb

l ii ft l*l.t.\l)l)ll the property ll ed frl'\niallclaimoftliccomplainanlsordai.i..i..i,¢ iii‘ the ciiiirii S1-110.1,ll,’ "?lly Tlllllt‘,

0 “-6- The 1t‘l‘lllS of llll‘ $&llt'i as 1Il"l‘5l'l'1lit‘1llJ)'.;;_.;- _. l!“"*l‘\l'i‘l\‘-full1'1-1-rh<)i'vli-iril.fmlmii in the cause wherein the said 11¢.iii‘ 'l‘riiy. .\'. \'.,.i \\'U!k \\'l')‘ lilglily tl|I1IYf1\‘l.‘diif I]_\ll[I\|l\tll'l’\l:l)f‘ll,('lllllIlll\~ll)l\i‘f$ =i1i;..iiiii-‘the lli-i-rec, reqiiiie the pa)-iiir~iit of on<'-

l'°"5‘"'* ‘l"*"'""* ‘flPllmll?slng crce was passed.by all 1L'Jt‘ll(‘l’lof _scl1oiil.~,-canbe liiid at the


L1] by('\'I:llt'iiiii1i1-‘t‘oiiii_l.ii.ilii1:iiinl ili-H1111-11011111.pm.u1ms(,m,“_(,).1"CH1] on we" ' are reqiinsleiliii \'1(-w ;1111l¢x;1. Salgm cQn]m[:nce M 11 0-c1Oc1(_ A_M_

"mu 0' "W """c"'m'\\.\1-1~o11111_.;11»1- Jr :."_":"'lml"! l;;_‘;l"cr(lily of salc, and tlic l).'llilll('t‘ in lWt'l\'l‘ I"l'"' 1"" l"'l""'*°° l"“' u"‘"'59l‘:('5-v

l"- 5- El-US. TIUSIQE.Rb 2_6w

. .

,. \_(l 1:1 t')IvI


_l - -


,,mm1,511,,.n.um.,. “~11~ 1 -.S11'- 1 ,

'l‘licteririsofs:i|e. as pl"l‘SL‘l'll)(‘tlby the i\. B. Persons dcsi 0 f h ~'

1‘ "°"*‘“ “ '~“" ;':.:.i""11'2‘F.f;T.?Il.i‘€§.fZ.111‘.'.':;'.'.i..‘.‘:*.‘.:".'.i-~~-~- M" i»-ii or 1»-

l*I'\V-"\'G»'1.k"""Pll" 'c""'c"c-C"'1A"""'alli-iitioii paid lI\' llicni,'tli.ittlii"tri-vs llicy Iiau‘ u'nml'r' lssul “ml “'hlch'“'lll he usslimul

""""' “'1 “’""'“'° ‘°- """"” ““‘ “"

...l.iii....- 1.1..-ii'.ii.ii.~i..i.i...ii<i:..ii..ii. llllllt‘1IlIl'£‘lli|$(‘r1with lli<‘ron.=i*i\l "f llwIn-rrtoforr, and piirticularly in llic lligli Court

U1. (.h_mcu,v and um (.mmo1~ M,Pu1L.\'. ll. Fruit Lllltl ()!l\i1lllt’llli|l 'l'l‘l'l.'F, PIJIHB nllicc iiisiii'iii1_'.Any Illltlllltlllill informa-

,Decree. reqiiiri; the payincnt of one-third

- ofsalc. and the hzilaiiccin twelve months

arlwnl‘ .\tlat.lI\lll iii .~iicli (‘IIL iinirle and 1-io _

r | ' "1 "ll "ml l '9,

uso pure asmg1 11.1.11.tlo llLI(‘l3_{'Kin: ii..ii.-r.tn Bil nlidiii ii 1111)’‘ll Shh‘. to he 5(‘(.'llI'(‘tl by iiiiiiil 'i\-iili D<‘¢I\“\'. ll"]llIl'<‘ tl.e 1I£l)'llll‘lll of one half are referred to Peregrine We-lhered. Esq.It or iiiiiy 1j<lll(‘\Il’ll,1l\ll\_\\‘I)hllllll lllttl on ilie ii.-iiil iip1ii'o\'er1 seeuiily. Anil on the l'ill1ll(‘(|. of tlir-piircliiis1- inoiiey lll(?llSlIl"ll'|lll(‘ day Turner's Crcck. or to Dr. George O.


9 lti-.il ll~l--tr. 1,11“: I" "=1" "l|Jl!'~' --f -'\'"rlh l'1n~'I.l1i1,11(,1'11,.. 5;,1,_.1,1.me 1-1m,,,.,.11,,,. Hm; 1," of sale. aiiil the reiiinliiingz one liiilfiii six 1'l’l‘l1l’l\2ll‘ll resirliinz on the premises, who

fl\lll<1_Storcli?ll?e ?nd Dwellillg Bl ;l_'l'l\':§:l“"lg!“f:‘l:m‘::g'd U10 1131.11,.-,,1,,r11,1- .\»1,.',1..0111,‘. 1;“,-..1,;,S..l1lOlllll\", with int(‘i't'st from the d:iynfs.ili~, willsliew the property.Chcsnptakc City lll present oi.-ciipied

M U"‘:\‘L"m:,"mi"{cd‘ ",0m.y_ (11,111Hm 111.11,,-(3)11,1. ,m,1,.,-S...;,,.,1 to be se<-iirell by bond to the Trtistee, January 12,—ts.by (‘ornelius (jnriison Pusscssiuiigivcn

" " '

'H. '

. 1"

nitli .i iiriiir-d e 't '. > ~ '- —-~' r

1i1,0,,M, _q_ 1i1,,,,,,,,_, as trush-ti, wil, by good and S1l1llClt‘lll '11 '

5 Fur‘) ‘ll 2.’ l fl\l. 1. ._


. . . ..

l~ - ~ -'



on w 1.-:r'8,l_|"S":;\;)lyto (:rreiiL1u‘§l’iunrll, d"""“ ho "Xl"":ulldll“? n'l‘n°“l“‘l~“\l M-0':/‘ha” lo ¢°m""““"c at H 0cl°Lk' ‘ €l‘_ _' _ _ ' _ J01", ford‘ Zll‘C0l( mg to liiu, (.0llH.‘) to llll) purclia

vl-.5lHl=lt T;)l3E.\1\E'I‘T. J,l;,,.0 _,n;,,,,On‘ ser or 1l1l|'CllilSl'I':4,niiil iii.-, lie; or 11,111,» J0llf\ F‘. ('I1tOO.\1E,Triislee. A N D L AN D"ll ~—’l“' ‘\‘,_,11,u" L,,,.1.1u,,,1 heirs, the property to hiin, lzer or iliein F-llil""--l""- '9» l5-93-15J.1“!1‘;_hn (~m,,,.,;,,;.,,,1;r,_ sold, free. clear and discliargeil froiii all


§'claim of the ':oiiiplaiii:iiits or defenilaiit in f\ 14?_|'|n

ALI. persons holdingthe promissory S-llc. the cause \\'llL‘l‘l§lll_llltESI1l<lI)_r-i'i'i-1:W351

Clicsa peakc City. 1-‘

N 01168. _;_____

iiulcs of the Stll):1’lll)(‘l‘ for labor un'

l\'lSSt‘(lor those (l-llllllll" Ii lioin oi iiiiml S ll 5- l"("'ll °"“'""- 5 "'11" "°"" N P“"‘“""‘c° Or 3 DPCWB (If U18 Hi ll.

_ _ _,. y. --<1 1 _' c

tlic C‘liesnpcakcand Delaware Canal, am‘ BY urtiic of ii writ of \'l"|Itlll|?Ill (‘X1I|\l‘l;l\li 1li_~r11191"-<1!‘i\l'l)'0f1hcn1=_111,611,181: I-“_PM Ekinri,.\l<l.. ro"lM"I"l! I'M" 193 It ourt of Chancery will be iiolilut Pub-


‘ * _\..- ,.'1: *1. , \crrr. 1 ‘il lilldl be» l 'l- - .

liereliy i~o<1uii"eilto preiiciit tlieni fur 11111,-_In‘ 0‘1‘lil;cl;h‘:I‘|illl'll"(:5:fd":"i'n“1’|‘;':i';;.‘g"';dirpulable.'

l'i':|"_'H]'.'a-"_;°mm1'unyam;";r$23211,he Sale. at the Court House in Elkton, on

if rtl 'il t 1' 1''

lll(‘l] u i\i-i i o iini at iis residence in ,,,- pm 1,C,,(,,;,'1|,L_ 1<,,1|,,,,.1,,gPmpuu.‘ V1,, R11 F. A. ELIAS, Trustee pl'0\'('lldL'I lo “inlcr 13 lltad iii‘ CJL 'I‘I|||rsl|€N' 2517* Fl!l>"u?Y' nu?!

JOHN RANDEL, J1‘. riil, iii and to the Home and 1.01. nllllilltf on thc


. ~- . 9“ ’=*"'°-‘*I i1T..1.2i‘.sit.11:13:...‘.':*:..i"..*:;::f.....-......... .». .1. 1-,. ....;....

“'lltllltl?10l’l Fill‘) o_4w-1 clrit nidc ol' llic main iitrcct of uiild rill-1:11: :ii.l- .' ~. .

'’ ll ‘7" P l 1' La tl


. ._.___....__'1_-._.a

I _ I 1

_ .‘ L T, F 1“ d d 1 ,1 L .in ...> creies o n situate on thejoining Philip s;ll|lIJ|'F, and now occupieil by ll ynoil1Il|'l'|l\Cn;f:lll':"1ll:'|“?1a"";nrlL‘:(?\'l:;":I:lill£main branch 01' l\'0l'll\ Et1'Slcreek. in NOI-

Thomns Scwall, Josiah Griiidle. Alltlf?lhl "ill §°"l"' 5"l“‘l,‘"d l‘l‘°" l"'°_°‘"°‘P"‘°"_


iiiiil .1 liiglily I'C‘|>t'C'lllbl\Ziii-i1<'libm-hmd.'

llnghqn C'¢_~¢1|1311111 M11 1' 1]Harrington, 'l'lioiiias Kemp, Patrick Me

" ll“ Pl"'P°"Y "f 5""! }"°\""‘-'~"'-\1"l')’“Judi! '

rllt. linnsc contain; ?\c rooim.' " n y' "l '1 propor-


"E ll. _l _ .. .

_ d "_ M,__& _,' _:: H _ _ _ E , |' ~__


tionof which is in Wood. Situate onDnmlllli -ll1('Ql1Sl3lll1All“?! D5l'v'l$. -loll" I ed ;';i$':'noli:cthat 1'»:-'illt~cll"t'li'¢:c:l»3i'i':''.l‘ClJI§ll"lb‘:I'\'I'Y::'§"'nr;l'il.":icar'E'l'l:'tn"ii :l'K;'l‘l'lll:"'U';llllj"lld'I'£l:'l:)';l:':]'l|"$':"“a'r'iil""5 propeny are me vmuame Mm seats

lion of .10?-1111(§c11r1gc,toiiiiirk and bound the property to the liiglicst liiddi-r for cznli, at the ing lnndii of Grccnbury Piiriicll and Nicliolaii__ a1_"gu"',_pr1ng'1mu,,_.'“.111, ,.xc',11cmknown 115 “The Falls 0f!l'lE North Q31."

tract: 0 an ca ed "llopewcIl"' “llnpcwt-ll hoinic of Mr. lticlinrd llcyiiolilr, ii the 16th .\l:irily and others, co l. i 'n H0 \c ,__ ,

- ~ Tlllsl‘ C taract 0l't!l)Ot.l"um" _cd,.. ‘ml “small H ',, il pd . d I. F b _ ‘UH R", _ _ _

. .

" A m z_ ‘ Y“ "ll"? iii-ilir, ttii. i-iliiiation hotli pleanriiit and Iicaltliy. 3’ 3 3 1

E. Pollct, James Geogliiglicn, \Vln. Pat-rick, Thos. Mcl{ntilt-Postponed.

Wliarliiigei‘ in Ualtiiiiore City.-JanicsCole. -

Coroners.-Henry Naylor, W. W. Hil-

ton, James Hogg, John Wriglil—(.‘on-?rmed.

Notary Piililics.-John Gill, Wm. Ei-

chelbcrcer. Of Jacob, Tlinmas Robinson,Robert l\l. Welch—Coii?rined.

‘I) I ope, ii an 1 In ity n c riinry nut, at oc .1. l\l. to I? or lu». The L-ind ll of l prittv good quality, -hm ‘me 1,111,111,. M311, “"1 "mm "M. 11-Ccci county according totlii: act: of Ancinlil ' lia1'y iiaid judgment and the legal eontii tli -renn. with ll "ood port' n of W id '11 .\l d "



P '


" " ‘in IUClI can: 'II1lI..lCand prnridcd. do licri.-bygiré 1\l»EX.‘\_.\'l/ER .\l. (Z.-\llll', n very lieallliyni-'i';'_vliborlioo<ol'millC0|l::lll,(:I'l"""c"' may be """"' '0 m"""c" "'8 P""""'"" 1'notice to all persons whom it may C0?CCI|l'll|:||. J-in 21i~l.tls (ii '.'.i) Coiistablc. ll'lIll’l(Cl',ll thr: rail road panicsivitliiii one liun- Ah?‘ '“""cd nn “PF"'.M'd ':'"'“"' Fill‘

_ y

— ilrcd ynrdl of the hriiicc, whirli isll two story

'“mc'"“ rm“ l‘° keel‘ "' "'""ll° l'°'" 4‘) '° 60 Wlllllll the small Sp-16601.70T0115. tl?d I8we shall tncct ill Joseph George‘: ltorc in ElkNeck on the 4th day 01' lllarch next ll lU Y ' frame dwelling, with ll kitclicii ulti: .lii.-d d 'F'"‘l° wlwm ‘ 'l“"= °r U“ Pmll“ will h‘

11195111-an]15111;" com. 11‘ -"

.o'cloc'kin ‘he inorninll. to Proceed in the busi. other buildin s. 'l'li r'

F t'i'l"" €"""' .

" c p""t" 's "fryI C D ll I l'lG\'\'f ll. . . .

,mm rm “.1,,c1, W: wen uW°1,md_ V-lvwundmlgmm Coumuummn .pPoM_ mum 01» wm, pming ,|,mu:1, the 1~“,,,‘ ‘:5 Addrcu W. nlllllf Ciillicot. Fall llill. thy. great. abunldlantV

for _any manufacturing.

IIcn'uim'n F. Murkull d li (‘~ ‘I U t t‘ - 1 d 11*. n dam ncnlly trcctcd lulllllltl l'?l'l inlll or other "ll" l"0')(:.°°“°°“m-l"‘“d' p""p°se'.

"' 'm""":'n ".m°5'adWmm‘1...’.S. M... 1.:i:..r::.’..1:i::.."a.;":.".:.. ii. 1......M-ii rmi»-~»=only==~i»=<1-=i~~r»mii=

, Gnmbury Purntu “id county. d,_.ce"u.1' ncc°rd1|,g1 t,_ unnecessary, as pcriions \r1.uliiiigtii purclmsc ._



_“.c M," um me ‘W Came Mchom Mm!!!‘'

.i..1..nftl1lc:c1Is11flIlK[1Cl!llJl)'in lIllClliCli(l“II\ltlt!Igd i1‘::ni=§1»11:1:111 Notlce‘ v}1ll3E9t1l'l\0rL1hroismlnd two miles from‘ '

,vii:,ocrci' iii" noiee\ou cun-

_ _-_ _

_"II '


‘' '

Freiic1t'1t11l1i-;11‘Riiilllt)iltl,'?l1(lthePhil.F b Q l83J_‘{0:q1h1.011111,_ _

:1im1i;1>umwcJun _1"§c‘cnlCowwmw" 9,,iiciibcnliviiigOh ii. JA“ES'FOsTEn"E paqnerlhiphmmrme "Ming. N?‘ l‘~$“mI;t:1|gu:Kilnnc1:n}r:1§1:‘ziI1i5)

fe1>li111ilgel11l‘iin;[Z1011ilntl Baltiinoic Rllll


C " ' " "mm'"'°'““'"' w¢d""d=Y ll"! 20"‘ ‘l-1)‘°r ~““'¢l"\"l- ‘l H ‘' tween (1 ‘V Moore and G W Irvin ll

_FRoad tlompanies were uiiilrd last week. ""if' 0-c1ock'1\1_1_opmcw1iM1w1m1“c"ra,,,,1,1u1, 7Jill155-4w

mi‘ My diug?mi by mum-1 é?nént‘ .1-hr "9l8l“'b°l‘l\°°<l‘"l"?l'¢ l?lwf ll low.

What willbethc 1.1.... lllll i ii ll lC 8 (3 W» ""l'P°""°d~ " ‘ ""—~

navigablewaters ofthe Cliesapenke at the

bll?lllflli will hereafter be wiiaiimi by c w. The l¢‘\‘"\= by the Devrre ire 5 uh4'. caonecan c~ ~ '. . .

. . .

' ‘ °-

1m.mim,_ -1-he smcks 01- both companies N pursuance of H Decree or Cm" {;f}}‘:Jl;‘1\1=(!)i‘f.G[LP‘NManufact0I_ 1‘1tooic1_wI1io_t1¢ili111i11:_act1:uwp:5:n=rh1niheliiieand1 on 6. 12 and 18 months credit,l""‘° ¢°"5"‘l"¢‘"llYl"¢\‘¢i-Mt! in V?llll‘;-— ICuuntyCourt. ns a court of Equity. l~'R.~t\'clsA. \\‘lll'l‘AKl~2R, y. 11::,':,'1.,';:.'11.'.,1,.,1,11.;11. 11';n11,:1mm '"'c"sH'r°m the day °l' 3*)‘ °"'h"me r.,1-mgr sold 1.151 week 1,, p1111;1111_.11,1,1nmade in u cause “.1,,__,.ein“ohm P‘,,1“_,_ NOEL!-I i>r:.\‘:\'ir§o'r0.\'. THE siii.-mi... -oiiia iiirimii his rll?hlli lg: Ell-Elldtd, Illa lI(l'p¢;,'l)%_¥:l’lCl\lltIlI.l0Q\ iii""f::"l”7m.°"“"°°“'°‘l“Y b°"‘l Ornotel.at 330 per share. for 825 paid;—:ind the _|1- wag ctlnlpllllnillll.and Wm F Sai.-in w"‘Ll*\-M KINBEAU. and thepublic generally, uiiii. ll? llll pi.ir- bu-incu.niid 1 ihrimiigli knowledge nfcuuing, W leml?ty to be approved by the

htterat S53 1'01‘S501\;\ld.-l)cIuu‘dre Gd» d '1'»d l bge '1 '

' ' ' 1'" 19' 1839' C°"""l"l°'\¢"- cliuedtlii: ntock of "uh which Mr. to meiit I ntill further share of public Pl\P0ll' Tn"l¢¢'~ '

_ r

i“ W .".Cll Hid l t‘l h '1: ..

JOHN PA1* ¢-


Public S=1lc.on s.\TimD.\\ the 9111day Sh .-11-. S 1 i.1i"r;_iii....{iiii.‘...I’.i'.'.'.".i,'i..'§'.'"ii. 1...-_.i....i>..i..ii... v...i. ....i Phil m'R'D°E'llem ant. tie su n ier will expose at

Qf 1\|111-ch1113,11‘at Q1131-|¢5 Tavern "-1 1119 I § 3 C. ply liu customers,by wholenlu Ill: delpliia fuhionn'nliuyIon hand, and garment Dec 22—u Trance‘

H0niiiui.r;-We learn from the Flcm- village °r poll’ D°P08l!. all the right, title BY virtue ofa writ of vendilioni ex- "llil-Willi Iillt. buvcr. fur and Ru-in Hmu °" "Y “"1 °' “Fl” “'1 5° ""5" l” °"l‘"’~_

lngaburgh Kentuckiain, that, a few days and l"ll'\'<‘='l °l' ‘he “id P1"'ll°5- “"11 01' ponds. issued out of Cecil County °l“?'P"'4 " r"l‘,l"_""'l’l""ll"? °"'l"°l'"3'\' "1':-""'l1';:::F"mdgqmwlny mm PM ' Niltl??.$80. ll -\ll‘- H¢"1lll°" °l' Mam“ °°"mY "ll l>‘"'5°"5 ¢lll¥"l"§ °l'v bY-ll"'°"Gll "1" Cotirt. and to me directed I w'll

°d'“ my °r '1'” °“"" P " 0' "n°'°' '


. ,I expose . , 11-

iiii iniiiiiiiiii dfutlitilhl. lltlllg lllS OWD SO11:under them. or other ofihcm. in and w 10 Public S8116 Oll SATURDAY the isiii 1,,,l.'.f,§l‘X.'§§1'§l‘1,§‘,“,';."{““'“l"',,f‘”“"°'F!" D“ "_(""' '2)1 'l'HE """°""’“°d' C°“*"“"‘°"'" 'P'


il ll ed h CEb0{_11b°"§12 );_¢‘?f50113-Fliraccidentally "1054!

_ilny of February next, at the front door llwljl be reiidy iii iniitiii"ll:-l|::"IB:I:'l'lC;"lll value':ii'¢ll"iliv1d

¢:ytheelcl':ocl'oEetaun'{erea in1zii1ugo rum.


icrc is no iic- F. ofthe Court Ilouse ln Elkton, bot 'een °r6¢r.ntliu-ti<iri=|111.,1i,._ '

; .


ggunl Qf1|1¢111-1;-51¢>f1|11-111111-11111-C1-_‘ J me hours o1~_12 and 2 olclmk anwe i\le_rchnnt|Ind olhcn Ira invited to all and "E he . . . A


ml“ M'u]dln'd°°”*d'L'l9 °l'C¢¢ll¢0lIl>'situated in the lower rt '01‘ the villa e rl ht title Interest and claim boil l

""“"“'° um"'"°’ T ‘nu ml" "um" mm '0 mm“. ',' w°°"d"'g '0 ""' p"°v"'°n' omwlcu

pa g g ,at aw Th 1- bunincu whielihc w_u 1mi|_uccutomd 01-A 1,1 1 hA Bu 1lI1u1;;1,_,-\ Mr, M1130“, a1. of Port Deposit, known and described on and in equity, of Alexander llf:Sbllt,lD,1111,

""' bu" ""'°"d """'°°""‘°~ 5°!‘ l"'° 1" 8'" "°"°' N ml """°"'°

W1“em y " N" an made "'d "'0'

~ -. -

_ed. do lien-by give notice; to all whomtempting to be familiar with ll highly res- the Plat of said village. by the following and to all thartruct. part of a tract. piece JAM T. BROWN. ‘M l'“l'll°‘ ll?“ "ll °9"‘!*'°l"Z°' ll" “"5

11 11pectnble lady iii lllc Lord M?y0r'5 i.1e iiiiiiiiim. 10 wit: 54. as, 56. 51 ll?tl as. or p:1rt:tll)f!aIlr.l,0t\lli:il1'l0Clt|€|IKlHlll.sl- I>¢= 15-}:


- ?"I"'“=};"_¢-ll‘"I“'l" In *h'::"'Lli'l.°~"""1 °°"°"“- "““"° '*' "'°*'°'"l'°

ball, W35 asked his namg by 11¢ 1,11.-11110;;Each lot ls said tofront on the River forty tuute, lying and being in Cecil county . 14 1,.1,any_ ..M,m,,,'M,,,1am_Myour “n,1c,_,_-- feet, and to run buck to the top of the hill aforesaid, which was conveyed to the R Etliioii. Jui 19, 1839-u‘

" """"y' on Nana):' Hm “Y “Q1-'1“ 111,; 1-1-1,1y_.01.; 1 ‘C,’- ,"1.,°‘1-1,11four hundred feet. or tliereabout; no that said John A. Nesbltt by adeed from John

mum mnm?‘ .

the falr Dame. turning upon her heel -11 the ?ve l0l-I present an undivided front of Nesbltt and others. containing 35} acres THE D"'"l"5 H°“’° in 3"“ '"'°'-‘ti For Rent l p' "' "N '0' """" '"' u‘

FORnoon u n

cientcncourlgenieialuuDUQIETmid Real Eltlte lying in Ell: Neck In up

February next, iii Id ocloclr A. Al,»

.lnted -


Pine-Mason, but not e tall"'

200 feet, with all the right and ndvanla- 01' land. more or lean. Seized and taken E"“°"-°°¢"l*¢ 57 -llm? 9- JNMI‘. 3 ‘iwpo ‘ ,¢0§at Q?esofthe river. lnto execution. and will be sold forcash E“! P°"°“l°" 81"" °" "l¢25lh 01' THE Home and but m¢1;p1,(1 1,‘


NW0 1 < )' ‘Cane Lost. '

_rity to be token for the credit payment. -i

, . .

. 11,111....1... -idehutc.--li‘ngg'rau1ve ==1==~¢<>m~=»~=~-1 iI<>'r4~l~~M- Job Printing._


_. roan H. Pl}lCE,'1‘ru|tee. -

._ . ..

~""l""“""'° ""**'~‘""'Y °*"“""*"°."’ N. u TM uuiiu believed l0ll0lndll- orwm mcuii-i-ip IlL1'I.Y'AID IIPDP

Byorder. . :,.- -rioiauN 1

§,,;;_ n.u=ci1u.oveHi $¢¢'l'¥- 1 PM-4'-

- "A - Al I


,l-¢o.*'-1‘'~ ‘ '

. l

~ -»-~..'. air.-~ .

. >_

- ., __ , ',; .


- ___/"'



. H; »v1‘.~' ~' '.§,;’;. _

rz.-1-. . =.;~a/ .‘L.

. ~-. ._- '- .' -’ ' -1"" ' ‘ '

.11} 7':


"~ 1 "

1 item .....-

r T mu of sale. u prescribed by the to mtlsfy a judgmentln favor of?enedict M"_°h"'4 APP” m ‘

William Jonel. and the Coach-?icker‘?_ ,



0 1'1 mi‘FUN L Decrece:One-third oftlrellllrtthase money mriiiiaroii ?g?lnltlllc aid 11. Neabllt iii‘ “’-’*"°'5 B‘ °°TT“‘“‘- 3"” °°°“"‘°“ by Dmd A'°"”d°"

l Joni; 8""""'a‘ vn ‘um llycvenhg ncxl ll L‘expect?to be paid at the time ofsale. and the bu- Cecil county court. Q"? 29-'4' The Home und_Lot occupied bylh“ D“ R'°l“‘"l 3- M"°"r P=°‘ld'~‘"! lance tit three and :1: montha, with lntc~ WM. MCCULLOUGH Sh?lCollege. wlll dellveru lecture bo- rest: notes or bonds with a ved 'ue¢u- an 26—tdI It 25

ROB 1' 'riuiclmiui3~a'_lUF c°m' m1n1"'


314» I .

miJ:Jrano-,.iiii.s,iu|,‘ >3.

{.1Z ~ ‘

." T:

Page 4: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition

5' wf_

'1 -l. L 1" .'_______!gg,___ _...____m:z.._.a.-_ .. _:t'.__.i._’_aee.1i_..:-P.TE ' ', 1



‘ ' l -


(‘ . .lllllI\l(?‘I"'l‘:I2‘

wit A\D‘Cl!EAP Idountaln Inn, A Real Dlcsstngto Motliers. A Catnlotriie of Reasons llrnndrcthbi Pills../cu 1rdl.Lt L. Fall Grands,

Two lloi.i.iiis per anninn, il'pali| in nilvavicc,

er 'l'ivo lloi.t.i|is and l-'ivri' ('r:vrl within the

year, and il |‘N|)'llla‘lllbe ili-ti rred to the end ol

the year, 'l'i|nvv l)Ul.l.\II viill hcilrimiiidrd.Nu suliai-riptioit will he rri-i-iveil for l\'I'I than

nix months, .tI|s.l no piper iliirontinued iiiitil all

arrravugci are |I.iti.l, iinlcu iii the ilistrctioii of

the editor.

Ant-iririii_iii'\1-i of one Il|\.\.\It7 iItl(‘llt‘t.l three

tiui--| fur mic it--llir, and for mob -nib-i~rpii-ntinst-rtioii t\\'r'|tt4\-.lii’e ccnlui longer l1lll‘I in


poition. Ailwrtt-iiu; \'ll~<\tsIlltf1 uill |Il\‘1l\k‘toni.i.k on the iu.inii<i iipt, how iuany llliflliilllo

till It'rlll|fl.'\l- If no inch iliri-rtion III piir-ii,thvadverliteiii--nt will be roiitiiitiril until furhiil,iiiiil i-liirgi il .iceoriliii|;ly.

All i~-i-iiiuuniritiuini to the liililor iiiitit be

pint paid.

Aiiierit-mi Illvisctlni.

I \lll§ Auirriraii Must-iini oi Literature and

I, lltl' Ari-, \\tll eninliiiiie the solidity of a

ri iii-w viitli thclighli-r Iltl<l‘l'll -n_v of a rii."i|g:i-

zini-; l>i-itiilcii iiipuitial fl'\ll\\h of iinportoiiivnrliv, and -hnrt Ill|lll‘L'I1 oi’ minor liti-riiry pro-ilitrtions liv tliei-ilitiirs, it will l‘lltlI|'.il‘l‘ l".-uiiys,tn.-._ i...i..'...-in... P...-ny. and .n.-"tine iliti'llt-

grin-i , .iiid lfit|l\ll||lIlt1 lioni ~t.inil.iiil an-I pe_Yllbtlllhsl it-irlu Ill

vtllltr l.in-,gn.ip.»-,i~-iiitrihutcd

he M>ll\t' iii‘ the ulil.~~.i wriii-rv nt the d.i_i-."l’hi‘ \li|1.i1ini- will iil~o uontiiii ii

avrirs of

IL'\lt'\\'ri--I‘-nieli Wflltvfl av havi-, by thvir talenu,

vilird lu~irt- upon.\llll"lL'-Ill lltL‘Y;tllll't'. 'l‘lii~sc

Y"\ll‘\\'\ will lie llt‘l't|lll|lJl||l|'Il by portraits nt the

Itlllllltfl, i~iigraii~d nii ?lfll by the best artist.»-

'l'Iii~ it-orli will be licaiililiilly printed, with

new typo, upon tini- paper,and \\‘lll inalic two

inliniics e.iuli year of iiion: than 500 page»Ql\‘ll.

.\;gi~iu~ii1\\ill hi: establidieil in tlie print-ip.il

ritii»-_ and llfl’-|It](l'Il\t.'I\l.l niadc lo di-liter thework |'ri-e of po~t.igi-. ll-4 the i\lllM‘\ltI\ iii

|I1llllt‘tlIIIlJ ll\l'lll\llIl and ii liitlfiilii-ct, the high.uit |i.>~t.igi~ that i-an lie ch.trgi~il tn any part of

the roiiiitrv, for inn-yr-.1r, will he Ql U5 t‘t‘lllI.l'v'Ii-ltrt|t4ll'\IflIlI! ofiii-tini; Ivl ngi-iil.v,will |Ilt'nICapply po~t paid. '|‘t‘IllIb, SJ per anuuin, paya-ble tilt the drlivery of the llfll iiunibt-r—Ii eo-

pies $20.l\'.\'l‘ll.\\' t‘. llll(lUKS,.l. IE. S\'()l)ti|l.-\S.\'.

I-Tililurs uni! l"ropri'tlo1'|.Nov I

llliirylimrl, (‘evil Coitnly, lo wit.-

.\' appliczitioii of llcnry Stewart of (Ti-cil

0t‘iilllll)',liy |>t'llll0II in writing, to nic thc

i-it».-n|..-¢_ (nnr nt' the !ll~!0('ltllt‘ Jtlllgli? ol the

(l|ph.ins' l'otirtnf (‘evil i‘ounty,) M'lllIl|{ forth

tli.it hi~ is in iii:tiialcurifiiit‘|rit~iil tiir ilelilii which

lii~ in uu.ililc to p.i_v, iinil otfi-ring to t.le|i\t'l'up

for the bi-nilitot Iiis cri-ditur=<,iill his properly’.rt-.il, pus--ii.il miil iiiiiud, lo which hi; ['4 in any

iiav viititli-il, tl M‘llf‘lllllt' wlit-ii-ot'.iiiil htt of In»

rreilitvik di-ht-i hi-iiig tlt\Ill‘Xt‘tl to his ittlltl pctitioii‘up-in oith, rind praying to be ilisrliargul froni

actual C0llllllt‘|tI(‘lll, Illtil to lll\\\: i~iii~nded to

hiiii tlic bent-tit of the I('\\‘|‘3ll iiisolviuit litivii of

.\t.irt-l.ind; and it appi-ariiig to inc hy eoinp<--

iaiit'ii~-iniimiythat the said |>¢'li\i~\m-rI-=o-IL“

sidi-d iuthin the Stitr of .\laiyl.iiiil for the List

two y\'tti‘.<, lIt‘ll l.)i’li)l't‘ his iipplic.itin|i, l tip.

poiiitril llciiry l‘. llviiiirtt trn-tee liir the bcntlit

of the L‘It‘t|llilt‘rt n|'the said lleury Sit-wait, vtlio

has t‘lllt‘lt'tl into lmtitl with v<\'t‘llIIly by llll‘ pri~-iicribed iiiiil appruii-il, for the faithliil pcrliirin-sure

of lii.~ said trii~t; and the mini trii~ti-e hav-

ing crilitii-d to inc tlialhn lllll liill |)Ul\('\tiiii|tof all the properly in lllt‘ iiiid iii-hcdulu .iiitl list

of di ht»: i'oiit.iiiit-d, li-ive iirdcrcd and appoiiitrdthe lint S.ituril.iy llt‘\l a'li-r the first Moudziy Ill

April iicit, for ilie siiiil lli-nryStt-wart toiippcurbi-tore the Jndigrn of Cecil county court, at the

inurt lilltl?‘ iii I-Illiton, to aiivwer such allcgi.l|I>lla and iiitcrr-vgzitorics as may then be propo-sci] to him hy lli!lClCt.ltlvltti;illItlthe said llcnryA\.l‘_‘\\’-lllllllllllgt‘l\lt‘l’('t.l into bond in

a penalty.iiid with securityh nic prewrilwd and approv-

ed, so to appearandanswer an aliircsaid, l do

lIt'fl.‘liyordcr and dircirt, that the s.iid HenryStewart be iliicliarged tl'oiu pi-rsoiial cnnlinc- ‘

incnt, and llhll. hegive

notice of this his applica-tiun, and of the day -io by ini- .ippoiiitcd for his

linal lir-uriiig in('ci-il eouiity court, to his credi.

torn, by .id\-crtiseini-nt in ttoinc newspzipcr print-ed in (‘cril county, once ri vrceli liar thrm:

uionilui, bctlui: the said first Saturday nvxt alter

the tinit .\loiidsy in Agrilnext. Given under

my hand and Iviil this liit day of July,M38.

l:ID\\':\RD \Vll.SOl\'.

'l rue copy. Tvsl.J.-\lllE5 SE\VALL,(,'lk.

Jan 5--Zlm .5

Maryliind, (‘veil Count!/(Ita wit:

Nicholson of Cecil

writing, to rne the

of the Orphans’forth that he iii

which he is una-

for the be-

l'Cpl, per-way co-

hia cred-



of ills.

competent tes-



lllt‘ to


iiili-il,its and


has radialthe lut twol appointednc?t of the


tvuittsaid Win.




who l

preset b.

certi-all the

of rlcbts

thc ?rst

in Aprilhe.the


is in



0J'0nre more cull at the (‘limp Store

i'ninii~iIiiitr/ynluiniile the I’a|l tf?irr.I \llH Sub-i-nborlisving jnii returned from

_l the City of Pliilsdelpliia with the largestasvirlmcnt and best selected Steel. of

Fall Goodshe has rvcr yet offered to the public, woiilil re.

i-pi-rtlitlly lttsllfll the stti-ntioii of his frii-nda.i|id the public in general to theni. 'l'hc Stock

comi-ts of

(,'l,() 'I‘II.5' of every rarirly. Cirrriniern,Uri-.vi'nrts, Siitinits. I'i'1ol Clothe, a ge-

iirriil (t.‘.‘Itll'l|Yl(1tf of SilIr.r, l‘.‘lt,t,'/fl/tand

I"ri-.1.-Ii Mrrinurs, Sliuielr, Culi'i'ou,

llimllen uni! (‘nllmi Plnnnrlc, "nicer-

Irma, Sill: l'eli'rtr and Vesliiigl, gen-

llenn-n‘r but French Huck lilnrel. fur

lop um! Iineil Glover, Hoots, S/ion,

Ilnts and Cups.All of which l ivill sr-lliit the lowest prices.

l-IDWAlll) li. l~'t)Alll).

N. fl. All liiiithi of CountryProduce talenin i-xchsiigc for Goods, and t ic liiglieiit pricesgiven. 1']. l.. F.


Bargains!Come and Sec!

Il?lll slll)I(‘fllV‘l’ hereby respectfully iuforiiir


his frirndn ariil the |l\lblll: in gent-ral,thathe liss justsrrivt-d friun New Yoaii, where he

has aildi-il to his liiririor SplendidStocli, I largerind choice ulcrtioti of

Dry Goods.

‘ 7Comprising aiipi-rfiuc blue, black, broivn, olive,|;recn,ilr:\b, dalilizi, pilot, llllll lIl‘I|\'('f Clotln-;

(tlic latter is a new and vi-ry IlI|l'I'iuf iirtii-lc

for over "0~'ll!l,) hluc, black, drab, inivi-il and

atiipcd t'iuu~iiiir-res; brown, blur-, drii h, iiiixcd

Illlll barred Niittiiictu; ailli, satin, \l|lt‘ltCl-\ iiiiil

swandoirn \‘i-.~tin|p-; gr:-iii, yi-llow, rut, whiteand scarlet \\'i-nli-ii and Ciintun Fl-lII|It'lH; a

lIt‘lllIllllIl iiiiiiiirliiieiil. of Morino avid ('ircait‘

..i,,|..; Silks; (iro ilc Naples; Um dc Swi-~; LUR-

trinp-;&t-. kw. l-Iugli-h and Fnwii-li Calir-oi-ii;bli-urlieil rind brnn ii -I-4 rind 5--l .\lii~linii; iloiiii~s-

tic l'l.1ids and Ki-r-eye; long lloot-; CINIIIC rind

line ladies’ Kid Shoes; avid childri-n‘s llootti-es,div-~;Silli Velvet; l..iwn Lawn; lllitll liiiicnr;and a beautiful iisiiortincnt of Shauls, dun;fur

and silk llrits; fur and seal sliin Caps.

Groceries.Superfino Rio (7o?'i-2; Young llyiion, old do.,

linperiul llltl lllacli Tear; Siigiirii; New Ur.

li-ans anil sugar house .\lol;i-iin-;tlu-. km; Hard»

wari-; Qiici-nvw-iri-; tTliiiiaivaii-;(il:niii-wart-; ('i--

il.ir-wiirr,:ind 'I'in-ware. 'l'i-pi-tlii-r witlicvi:ryl'lIll4"l(' usually lirpl in it country iiiori-.

||.iving bought tlic almve at the cheapestiimrliit liir i-a-b, hr will nrll on the nitut advan-

tagi-oiiii ti-rnni to |i\lfL‘llJM'fI.'l‘lir publir~‘i-liiinible iervzint,

W.\SlllZ\'G'l‘t).\' HYLAND.

l-Jlktnn, Oct 27-ti‘

Ne vv rt nil Cheap

Fall Goods

I IIE Fiihirriht-r rrriportfully informs his

l‘ll'lt’l\tllrind the public in gent-riiltliathcho-i jiiiit vi-tiirucd front Pliiladclpliis with a

liandsonie auortiiiriit of

Fall Goods,and will lie happy to supply thern iithis Clirnp

Starr ridjniniug the Court llnusr. llis stock is

much rnlargeil, and oiic oflhe bi-iit iiio-ortiiiciilii

ever otfi-rrd in l-Illiton. lt is hiii intention to svll

|50?tlItini low an they can bi: had at any ritorc in

tho neiglihnrliriod, and therefore hop?v piirchiiv.crs will give liiiii a call. 'l‘Iiii|iltliil liir the cu-

eoiirngcuicnt heretofore rccrivcd,it is his dctcr.niimitiiiii to iiiciit ii eontintianci: ofthc aziiiic, byiilrict attention tot-uiiiiiciui, and selling tit mode.rate prulits '

\vll.l.lAl\l'l‘0llIlliItT,Ji-.Ellitoii, Nov l'l

Y \Y ' I Y

l he Silk l rode!llO$l‘BCTl.‘S for publishingin llaltiinurc

Pa Monthly .'\ia urine tn be entitled Tllbi

SOU'l'|lBllN SllllfGROWER AND FAR.!lll:Ill'S .\lANUAl;. The work will be pub.

liiilied under the auspiccii ofa number ofgeatle-men actively engaged in the cultivation of

Horus Mitlticsuliv, feeding of the worms, and

inqnufarttiro of silk. ll will be editcd by E.

Ycstcii Reese, and furuislied to ltibocribcrv at

one dollsr pcr arinum.

Ample arriingenients have been insde, and

correspondents established to coal-le the editor

to present a ivork containing all the infnrrria.lion necessary to the plantingandcultivstion of

the lIL‘CI, the feeding of the worins, and the

successful miiasgeiueiit of the entire silk busi-

itcss. The wtirlt will also contain valuable in.

formation onericullure and faruiiiig generally.

lt will be theparticularobject of the editor

to promote the Interest oftliaiue engaged in thesilk culture iii the Southern States; as tlicre the

cpltivatorpossesses peculiar advantagesiii re.

speet to climate, soil, labor, &.c.

The first No. will be issuedon the l5t.h of the

p sent month. The citisena will be waited

u in a few days for tgirpatronage. lt is a

s 'cnttliat has excited rest attention of late,an has proved itselfto be one worthyof practi-cdstti-ntion. It is hoped that a liberal patron-s|e will be otfcrcd. '

prders by letter (post paid) with the subscrip-tidt for s year, will rocelva prompt attention.

A1rcas:1.Yates Reese, Baltimore.av 1



HE Subscriber would respoctflillyinformhis friends and the public that he is ready

Gceauperlhusl. The Msehlns lscove with new Cards, sod la complete order.

.lE1‘ltlt0 JOHNSON.izowiuto

1."“”°”' T°"iit.\ii-3st:ivr.u..Ctk-


An gpprenttcc Wanted

“IE ll lllll

"""“7.i.‘i'.t..-. III. r

v -'

- .

.' '5‘ ."'..'

. .~ 1wk“ 3""

-; .§§--'5 _j.~ _,3‘.

_ <1. .




E L K T U N, M D.

TIIE Subscriber having talteri the above

llmino, recentlyoccupied by .\lr. William

Kiiibcsd, rt-iipectfiil y informs lils friends andthe public, that nothing shall he wsntiiig on his

part turnalta it a coiiiliirtahle resort for personswhr. l|tl’l?l'lV0l’hiin with their patronage.

The Art is supplied with the beat Liquors,and the 'l'ist.I will iilwsys be ftirnisheil withthe best provisions lite market can afford.

livery attention Illllll be paid to his guests,and nothing will be It-It undone to malti: thel"OUN'l‘.\lN INN, cqusl to any in the county

or oiithr peninsula.The Sristiw uttiii.-lied to the llntel iii capa-

cioii-;-attiuilivc llusllcrs sic cinployed, andthe best prhvcndcr abundantlysupplied.

ll is thought unnecessary to say inarc—thc

public arc requested to call and judge fur tlii:in-selves.

GEORGE ltlcCULl.Ol.'Gll.May 5—tf

For Sale,1\ll.\T \‘aln:ihlt- l-‘nrrn lylni: in Cecil

county, lllnrylnnd, adjoining lzindti of

I-Zlkl?irgo, wltliiii two miles olthc town

of l-llkton.

The uhove property contains about

275 ACRES,of which there is about 30 or 40 acres of

good Bottom Meadow, and about 40 ii-

crcs of \Vooillond.‘Phi? l"ut'|n is well ndriptcil for rnising

grain, or grazing, or both if iiocessnry,and has upon ilogood Urcliurd ufu choiceculleetioii of Fruit.

'l'ho biiililiiigs nrca r*omfort:iblc Dwel-

ling llt)\lS(', it good llairn, nnd all llt.‘Ct'SSi'l-

ry otitlmililings; u pninp oft-xcellmit wai-

ti-r iit the door, and Kl good 3p|'l|t;.! and

spring h0tlst' coiivciiii-iit to the litiildinus.Tlicrc is ti good springin ulinost every

fiuld.The situation of the zibovc property is

8ll|l|lU$t‘tlto bo one of the iihut lmiiitiliil

in the county. The spectator iuziy sit inthe |iUl't‘|I,and have it i-oiiiinniiiling view

of the Wiliningiton und Siisqin-linniizi lteiilllonil livr netirly three Illllt‘.\‘, Iikt-iviw ll|t'

sti~;mi‘m;its of the Union Line and buycroft in Elk river.

It is bounded by the W£ltt'l'S ofthc lligl-ilk. 'l'lii: iiiiigliborliood is healthy, andsiirrouiideil with the best of society.

'l‘bi-r<~ tire rélfilllg iiiilir-ntions dfiron ore

on this property, sonic ]lill't‘(‘lSof which,from :i little clfori, having bet-ii’ found.

ll l§tlt't’lllt’il snperlltious tti give ti more

lllllllllt‘ iicronnt of the ?tlVllllltl]1(‘S (undlllt‘l't‘ zire inziny) of this lzinil, as persons

WlSlllllt1topnrchiise will no doubt cxainineliir lllf‘lll!$t‘l\'l‘§.

/\dilri-;s \\":i.~iliiiigtoii Rico, Vl'ilming-Inn, l)<~l., or the subscriber nenr I-Jlkton,Mil. JAMES S. SPltlNGl~llt.

Oct 28-if '

Notice.I-IIIIES\lll\Cfll)\‘l' having rciniived to the

room lately occupied asthe Post O?iec,

begs leave to infomi his former custasnevi andthe public generally, that he is now preparedto execute ttll orders in the Tailoring line, in


miinncr not rtirpansctl by any ln the town, and

iit the aliortt-at noticc.llaviiig received the lalcst fashions lie ssh

his friends to give liiin s cull. llc feels gratefulfor pant favors, avid would vay that those 'Wll0iuay favor hint with a call, shall havc their werli

CXl!lIlllCll iria manner inferior to none, and

which he hopes will give gcricral satisfaction.ABRi\llA.\l TAYLOIL

—tfJune 3!)

ON application to me the subsciiber.one of the Justices of the Orphans”

Court of Cecil county, by petition in writ-

ing.of.laines H. Green, stating that he ls

in actual custody rind cori?neniem, underarrest for debts, which he ls unable to pay,and praying lbr the henctit of the act ofasst-mbl y ln such case made and provided,for the relief of insolvent debtors, and

the scvcrzil supplements thereto, on theterms mentioned in said rici; andtbe sulrl

James H. Green having complied with allthe requisites of the said act of uxsem-ylily,and satis?ed mc that be has resided in

the State of Maryland lbr the last two

years, l do hereby order and direct, that

the said James ll. Green be dischargedfrom his con?nenient,/and that be be and

uppeiir belbrc the Jijdpesof Cecil CountyCourt, on the ?rst Saturday ofthe next

April term of said ‘County Court, unrl at

such other times s the Judges of sold

Court mayidlrcct, answer such allega-tlons and interrogat rlcs as may be made

‘against hlm by his itors; and that be

give notice to his editors by caiiiilngacopy of this order to be inserted In some

convenient newspaper published ln Cecil

county, once a week for three months,

prcvlousto the sald ?rst Saturday of thenext April term of mild Court, to attendand show cause, ifany they have, whythe said James H. Green should not have

the bene?t of said Insolvent laws as pray- -

ed. Given under my hand this 26th daynfluly In the year elghteen hundred and

thirty-eight. FJVOCH CLOUD.True copy. Test,


Jan 6—3m U5

Binkctirig,Ssttinctt, kc. at tho North East poygmg of .1] gm tmptemcnu of ha‘,

’*'::!.':.r:"s.':;rm":.‘.".i'.1l£..“:.'.:*:‘..‘::Chairs, g;g;»;;;-;;~M¢;,5;»--'--'<-=.



P. 8.-Sign Painting neatly exeeiwcd

on reasonable terms. T R.

Aug. 2_5f-tf_

Richard 0. llollyttly,Arrioiuvii: Y-



Iibr Cliililren Cutting their Tutli.

Tlll? infallible remedyhas preserved hun-drcds of Cliildreri, w en thought past rc-

novery, from covivuhiinns. As soon as the Sy.rup is rubbed on the gums, the child wlll re.

cover. This prr ration is so lnnocent, so chi-

ciieiuus,srid so plraaant,that no child will re-

fuse to lct its gums be rubbed with ii. Wheninfants are at the age of four months, thoughthere is no appearance of \lClll,OIlCll0lllC oftlic

Syrup should bc used on the gums, to open the

pores. Parents should rirvcr be without the

Syrup in the nursery wlii-to there are young

children; for if a child wakes in the night with

pain in the giiins, the Syrup imincdiutt-ly givesease hy opening tho pores arid healing the

gums, thereby preieiiting Convulaionv, l"c\'erii,tkc.

l‘llOOl" l’OSl'l‘l\'l-I OF Tllll l'IFFl(‘A(‘YOF DR. EVANS‘ S0O'l‘lllN(i SYRUP.

To tho .\ cnt of Dr. Evans’ SoothingSyrup:Dear sil’——'f'll?great l)t‘Il(’?t afforded to my sut-

frring infant by your Soothing Syrup,|n a case

of protracted and painful dentition, inui-t con-

vince cvt-ry feeling pl\t'l:llt how CII4‘lllltll an

early appln-alion of such an invaluable inedi-cine is to rrlicvc inf.iiit mivcry and torture. Myiiitliiit, while ti-ctliing, experieiiccd Illt Ii acuteiiutfciiiigs, that it was attacked with coiivul-

iiioui, and my wife and tiiinily l\t||1|lI!\t‘tl thatdi.-nth would noon rt-leave thc b.il-ii fioiii anguiiih,still we procured a

bottle ofyour Syrup; which

as soon av applied to the gums, a wonderful

changewas produced, and slli.-r a few applica-tioua the child di~|il.iyi-ilobiiouii relief, and bycontiiiiiing in its use I am glad to inlbrin you,the child has rtoinplctely rcrovcri.-d,aiiil no rc-

currt-ncc of that awtiil c.iinpl.iint has since oc-

currril; the teeth are ciiianntiii daily slid the

child enjoys pt-rli't't health. l give you niychvirrful pi-rii.ni ion to niiilie this aclinowlcdg.int-iit public, and will ghdly give any inforina.

lion oiitliis circuiustancc. .-

\\'.\l. .l()ll.\iSUN.

vA gt-ntleiiiari who miiilc trial of Dr. \\.

l‘;\'illl\|'lI Soothing Syrup in liia family, (in case

of ii ti~i-thing i.-hilil) niiihes its to slatt: tli:it ht:

lhund it entirely t'tl'ertiial iii rclit-ting pain in

the giiiini, and pri-icntcd the lI(lll~t'l|ll\'l|fI(7lwhirli ItIlll\‘llIlIL' tbllow. We clici-rlully coin-

ply ititli his rci|iicnt.-[l\'. Yorli Sun.

\\'c la-lictc it is generally acltiintvlcdgi-d bythose who have tricil il, that thy Soothing Sy-rup liar l-‘Iiililrcu Cutting 'l’i~tth, adirrtiiic-l in

iiiintlicrroliiiiiii, is a highly ii~i-fiil article liar the

piirposi: for wliicli it in inlt'nilei.l. Highly res.

pci.-t.ihlv.-pi-rsoni-, atiiny ratr, who have niadt:

use of it,do not liciiitutc to giie its virtues the

sanction of their iiaiiics.—lllovtoii Traveller.

A SI-IV!-Iltl-1 CASE OF 'l‘EE'l‘lllNG,\\'l'l'll .\'lJ.\l.lIBlt ('U.\ll’l.Al.\l'l', euicd by

the iiillilliblc Aiiiericaii Soothing Syrup of Dr.

\V. I-Ii-zins. illrn. .\lcl'licr|-on, residing at No.

ll, Jlidiaoii slrvct, called is few dayii since at theiiicilivaliilliic of llr. W. Evans, lllll lfliathain

i-trei-t, N. Y. iind purchased a bottle of tho Sy-rup for her child, who wuii iiulfcriiig excruciat-

ing pain during the proccsii of dentition, beingiiioniciitaiily tlircateiicd with curivuliiions, itsbowi-ls too were exceeding loose, and no tiiod

could bizrctaincd on the iitoinacli. Aliitniit iiu.

inediati ly on its application, the alarmingiiyuiptoina entirely ceased, and by continuingthe uni: oftlie Syrup on the gums, the bowels in

I short time bccauic quite natural. Au atri-

butc of gratitude liir the benefit alfordcd the

child, tlic iuulhcr came of her own ateord, and

lrecly sanctioned publicity to the above. l'ra_vbe paiticulsrin applying at lUll Clirithaui iilrt-ct,

as there are several countcrft-its adti-rtivcd.

Noutlier place iii the city has the genuinefor


(‘liildrcn generallystiffer roach uneasinessII'0m the cutting of their teeth. Whslcvcr

dangerousorfatal syiiiptoinl attend tlils pro-

css of nature, they are produced invariablyfrom the highly irritated and intlamcdlcongpJ

(1-lm-oiii-irrr 1'0 Moriicns.


tion of the parts--tliercfurc the prineip in i-

cations of cure are to abate the iutlammation,arid to sollcn, soothe, and relax the gurus. If

that is effected the infant is cscrvcd from

cg, twitching of tendons, eroup, canker,and convulsions, displaying their fatal consc-

quences. lfinotht-rs,nursca,urguardisns have

their bubca tortured with painful and protract-ed dentition, and this notice attracts tliir at-

SYRUP fur Children Teelliiig, tho incompara-ble virtue of which in completely relievingthe most diatrciiiiiig eases (when ipplicd to the

infant's gurus as directed) is invaluable. The

remedy has restored thousands of children

when on the verge of the grave, to the embra-

ccs again of their distracted parents, attacked

with that awful and ruortiferotu m:tlsdy—C-on-yglsioas.



0?'l’!etue'\sIiakethe bottle tolieri?rsl 0-‘

it perird.When children begin to bein pain with their

lCtllI|lll00\iItg in their gums, puts little of the

Syrup in a tea-spoon, and with the ?nger let the

child’: gums be rubbed fat twoov three min-

tha breast immediately, r ienii wou

coming through their gums, mothers should

iinrricdistclyapply the syrup; it will preventthe children having s fever, and undergoingthat painful operation of lsiicing the gums,which alwaysmabcs the next tooth much harderto come throughand sometimes causes death.

Bold at Dr. W. Evans's O?cc, 100Cliatliam-st, N. Y.

(b'Also by Mr. Willlum Torbcrt. Jr‘merchant. Elkton, Md.

Oct l3—ly

FarmersLook to your Interests.


tiireccive Wool to manufacture into Cloths LL I t estedln the t'n0ltl com?A personsner in.-


'snd for other

Castle Staten!Bile


l'EGL'1':lUlJ.‘ PILLS.

l. lleciiusc they are not aqusck I1\ttlir'iv|t,but the scientific compound of I rrguliir pliyai.ciari, who has inade his profession the study ofhis life.

9. llccaune thcy are not unpleasant to talie,nor iliatreii-ing tn retain, while they are themoot clfi-etivu to opcriitc.

3. lk-naiiae when once iulrodut-rd iiitea fa-

niily or villsgi-, they llinolt ininu-dialclytiiltethe prccedcncc ofsll other tncdiciites iiigrucralconiplaintii. K ah

4. llt-came a riiinibrr of the wonderful cures

they hiivi: ctli-cti.-d, ciiit be substantiated with-oiit any undue iiiraris being resorted to, to pro-cure invalid tcvtiiiioiiy.

5. llcciiiiiic their immposiiion is such that

they are t-qiiully spplicahli: to the usualdiscucs

ol'wiiriii,eold, and tcrnpcrute ClllIllll('l.

G llecaune two, or tlircc, arcin general suf-

ficicnt for a dost:--so that, as iii thii case withthe gcmriility of palcntiuediciiics-the patientis not coinpelled to inolte a inetil uftlitin.

T lk-can-c cacti iniliiidual llll is put up un~

der tliu iiiiini-diulc iiupcriuicnili-ntcof the pro-prirlor, s0 that nu

niii-take in the compositionor quantity ran poi-sibly occur through the-carch-iuini-iiii iifii less interested agent

8 llccau<c they purify the frauie without dc-

hililotirig tlic riyiitiiiii.ll llerniisc nolivithatandingtheir inimeuiie

popularity, no person has ever vcnturi.-d to nin-

iigainiit tht-in tho breath of censure, whichwould not havc been the case, lfi.-my could havi-

lll!4COYl"fl‘il in thi-in a ningle tlaiv tocavil at.ltl And lastly, ll(‘Cllll'K2 they arc aizlinowlrilgc.

cil In be nii uliiio-t infallialili: rvincdy for lliliouir

Fri‘:-r, Fi-vi-r and Ague, llyspcpiila, l-ivur (‘oni.

plaintw, Jriunilii-i-, Astlinia, llropviy, lllii-uin.i.

tisni, l'§iil.irgt~|iicrit of the Splueii, ls0WI|ll\ of

Spirits, l'ili-ii,I "olie, llcurthuni, l\'.iuai:n, l)istcn-

siun of tho Stoinrich and llovvclr, Fl-il|ilciici~,lliibituiil l'tY4ll\t'It|.'ll, Lows of ltppi-lite, lllotch.rd or -\'.illow (finiiplcxiuii, and in all cans of

'l‘urpor ofthc Uowcls, wliero it iiiild but clfcc.

tivi: riiediciiii: may hi. requisite.In FlllIIl,llltl gt-neral voice oftlic coiiununity

has l.lt‘l‘l\ll‘tl that Ila. Pl-I'l‘l'IltS‘ Vl~IUl-I'l‘A-

lll.E |‘ll.l-*7 iii one oftlicliappiciit div-coierieiiof iiiodi-rii days, and altogether unrivalled as a

gt-iii-r.ilsuoiln-r of bodily atllictioni.

K1-'l'lii-so iiivoluablc Pills tire for salein lilkton by ('. W. Parker. ln Port De-

posit by A. C. ll. Talc. hi Hiivre dcGrace by llutton and Sullivan. ln New,(‘usilc by \\'ui. ll. Mctlullougb and Wm.

Guthrie, and by llll the Prlnclpal Druggistsin Baltimore, l’liiludt*lphla,\'Vnshlngtoii('ity, rind throughout the Unltcd States.-

the Cnnndas, Texas, Mexico and the

West IndiesNov 2-l—ly

‘‘ \


..._- .\_..

.-. .-.


I_IEADA(flll'1,QICK 1i:oiNl-2lt\’()lJS.

Those who have suffered, and ari-

weary of sulft-ring from those distressingcnmllluintti,Will ?nd in l'ETl'IllS' VEG-l'1'l‘Alll.l-1 PILLS rt rcnicdy at once cer-

tain and imincillnte in itsclfccts.

IN l)\’Sl't-ZPSIA the-ystand unrivalled;

many have been cured in a few wccks af-ter having suffered under this dreadful

complaint fur years.ln linbitual tioatlvcness they are decid-

edly superior to tiny Vegetable l'ill over

yet iliscoverctl, and besides this they are

rccomiiicndcd by till the most cininent

and loading members of the Medical Fa-


For sale by ull the Principal Druggistsin llallimorc, Philadelphia and Washing-ton City. Nov. 24-ly

Peters’ Vcgetriblc

PILLS.NIOREthan three mlllitms of boxes of

thcso celebrated PILLS have beenP’

subseqiieiit feiicr, iii?atulatinn, spasniridie 501,1 in the United $1,-11¢; gincc January,I835.

Hundreds and thousands bless the daythey became acquainted with PETERS‘VEGETABLE PILLS, which in consc-

tcntion,they should lt0l‘l)ddctcrrcdfrpin fur:quencg of their exgmordinary goodness,chasing a bottle of l-.VAl\S‘S SOOl‘ll t\(.v

have uwlincd a popuhmy unprccedcnlcdin the hlstor ofrncdiciney


. >

When taken according to the directions

accompanying them they arc highly bon-eticlal in the prevention and cure of Bil-

iois I-‘evcrs, and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver

Complaints,_ Sick Headache, Jaundlcc.

Asthma. Dropsy, Rbeuinzitlsm, Enlarge-ment of the Spleen. Pllc?. Cliolic, Female

Obstructions, Heart Burn,l~‘urredTongue,Nausea, Distenslon of the Stomach and

Bowels, Incipient Dlorrhma. Flatulcncc.

Habitual Costiveneas, Loss of Appetite,Blotched or Sallow complexion. and in

all macs of Torpor of the Bowels, whereu cathartic or an npcricnt is needed.

atlon producing neither nausea, grlplngthe syrup o?‘ to soon. When the teeth arejiist ' '-mm

nor debillty.The et?ciicy of these Pills is so well

known, and their use so general, that fur-ther comment ls considered nnneoenary.

Nov. 24-l y





THS large and edmtaodloes Hotel

mated onthe

I-"L W- EVANS‘ €ELEBRA'l‘l£D mt--..... llQ(3U1'Ill\'-ll\ll’Ull'l‘Al\"l't‘AtT’l‘lt)N.

DE; l'mAlVl)Rl>i_'l'll'$Vegetable l'iiiirrnlIills havinggaiut-dgreat iii.-torii ty by the

Hirtllhey hair perhiri-iii-d,unpriiiripli ll iriidira

tilt"lC‘|-l|l'IItt.’,finiliiiirthere is a giiiit tall liq

;_"""If!‘¢°?IH|nfii_u-.hate hail the atldaiiiy HIOllt-I-. tlii- Ill!‘tllt'|Ilf. New l-c it Lnonii to llll

ptrri.that ltiundvelli'a Uriiuiiw \'t;ii;.l.]¢dni\c_r.~alI ills can IN'\t'l’ tic olitaiiit-d ot a vi n.

rr ol imiliion-, vi-licthi r dnipgni lI|’ dot-tor, 1.

Iwilhrrare all--vi-i il In It'll the ti. iiiiiiic llvaii.

‘\gl\lll.—.\ Hliiiiiicttil Procr-

iliirc.W" llltilvrstaudtliatl)r.Iliaridritl-‘v l'ill.i srs

count.-i-reiiiit by ii uisii Icsiflitigin the \l('ll"lllyof Fulton Market. Tbat any niie can he so

b_‘5e.I‘ll0]tlL‘ll‘|ldltn any thing liliv ri -pi llZsll|-

llll. II beyondour l‘0IlI]IIl'hPIlIl0|I} liovii it r,we

lllvc Ict'ii_ the CDtll’lll'Ili*il,wliicli is sold by Ina

"Y l-l\’\|t!|,'iitiivrlin profess go be Ii-iipii-t.ihlr.—lhit vii: should like to liiiovv the tlilli-ii

l|tCbi -

iwerrithe moral giiilfuf the count: illitt I or .

iiglilypopularnivilirnie, vihit-li has gaiiiid its

"_“_l'"lll""1_lIyits goorlnr~-i, nnil l|1'\\llI)l'|bll|lll'|'tcilii the rirt-tilatiiigIllttllllllt. 'l'lii-y la-th arr:

"‘l"'“." Kmll)‘.siid both coiiiiiiit the-ir rriiue forthe ruiiio

purpose, iiami-ly,to licni-?t thi inn lvva

pttheexpense of othcri. ','.\lsrlt! l\'n rlirm.

isl nor doctor has the genuine nu-diciiic for sale

Oiirc more‘.

llAi.1'|sto|ir.,.lnly19,1837,'-\lr. ll. ll. till I-IIZN-?is,—\'iiu arr convtaii:

ly ailverti-iiig in the Poppersof lllll pliicr, thatno tlIu|;gH-t k(‘|Il. the |;i~nu|ni: llr-indith l'ills.tlir l’t-opli; are a viare iit' it you l|t‘l'|l not maltr-ii dviiub fool of ypii It-lli:

on the occzitioii andknow you have iiiuiiita iiiani ll\‘ll you in."found

iinnie coiiiiti-rl'tit~,oii you geiiuinc pillsl'ri:pari>il hy, your aclti-, that that is lJl1)Illl aneyiloiipt in niy iiiiiid siiil if you do not lirep youriliiiiib llIll|a\‘lllt' out of llll' little Sun you willsutfrr by it Iiir I uill .\'ct Fire toyoiirhouiic andIvlnl you and your l'iln both l'!lltll-

f)plmJIrr‘fu ,\iurIi'|1m|__l‘-1.lhi~_\i"ryiicht time I rre :ini-y ofyour

d:iinb stull Ill llll' SIN voii inay lmilt out torvott hum for l \\lll -\'tt tit-r to it so iihnre as fate.




|'lu* aliou: li lll'l’ was rrrt-ind yrsli-rday inor-

ititig through the l'ost (ltlirc. l"ur lht: i-ililics.

lionof the puhlit: l liri\i: thotiglil proper to pub.llr-lt it litt-rally. 'l'lic writer. wliocicr ht: maybe,iii_ccrtaiulyuititlril tn, and I

now teniler Iiiiilmy iiiiiccrc tliaiilts for the piirtirulur Liuilunahc has irianili-vti~il toward: nu, as wt-ll as for the

friendly divpu-itioii he has aliou ii for the far.fniiicd lllli\l\'l)lll'i'l'|l l'll.|..\'. llopitig thathe will, at least, no tiir lay aaidv his l!t'|ll'\'L|ll'lll

designof iieiiiling inc to h~l,iintil the \t'e:itl.erbccouicii it lrrtle i-oolcr, l It ni:iiii his,

-“mil rcspci-tliilly,lt. ll. t.illl'iE§\',

Grin-ral Agent for llr. llriindreth.P. S. Any |l\‘fNltll iii-iliing to sci: the original

letter can do so, by czillirig at the llriiiidrcthiaiiotlici-, Nu. ct), Soiitli tjliarlcii street.

Oi“/'i\c.ti:t A.\iUTll!Zl't (,‘0U.\"l'l1RFIJlllZll

tJAl‘till'l'~£3A nnin (if iiiurt lie be) who has bccn carrying

on a vcr_v extensiic liiisiiicsii iii ti-titling coun-

terli-it llraiidrcth Pills, has been linzilly aircstiilat llaltiniorc, and held to bail iii the Illlll oi

$5.000. arid as hc i-otild not procure bail, was

eoiiiiigiicd to jail tin fraud and dccr-ptiun,tlietrial to talie plau: in &-pteuibcr next. This

riian had l)\'t'Ulllt: so lost to every iicnac ollioiior,that lic actually boasted of having sold titer It-iithousand boxes ofrountrrfrit Lll’lIlt.lf\'lll l'ills.lt appears that be,\vith several ‘others, harebeen iiithii habit ufiiupplying Urug and tfligui;icsl sl0|'i:l, with tho iibo'.c spurious iiicdicirir-;and they, in turn, with some few exceptions,have eoiitinucd to practice the saint: fraud upontheir cui-tnuiers.

If it iii thcirobjcctto destroy tlic fanic ofthiu

justly celebrated medicine, would it net boa

iiiori: honorable iuetliod totiy and make a better

nit-diciiie,aiid call it by itaoivn n.sini:,tltantbavtorlrcrire their custoine1|,tlic very persons uponwhoni they drprrid?r support.

Dr. llrandrctli begs lcavi: to caution countryinercliziiits and others against purchasing laidPills of auy Di-uggiiit or Apothecary, as they

arc iicvcr, under any circuina\.anees,appuiiiteilas agents for tlic sale of this raediciiie. Tlicre.fore all purchased ofthciii iiiust of necessity be

cciirilrrfrtt.The subscriber having in his possessions.

number of boxes of counterfeit llruidveth Pills,which were bought of Drtiggisll in llaltiiuorr,Norfolk, Va. and Wasliington City, D.C.also,the names of the persons from whoiri they were

l-ouglit,sllof which may be seen at the Bran-drctliian Is, No. 80, South Charles strcct,Baltiiiiarc.


FEITS.Dr. Brandrcth hasadopteilthe followingplll

to secure the GEN L'li\'li‘. llraiidretli Pills to thc

public. livery suthoriied Agent must have oneof the followingcertificates of agency; and itwill be seen that s double“ forgery must be coiu~

niittcd, beforeany one can procure a forgedcer-

ti?cate; and the person having it in liis|§>ssess-ion is upislly liable with the forgcr. o canwill chance ten years


State prison, for thosale of a box of counterfeit lltuidretli Pills.-At least l hope lo.

(I-‘spyof Certi?cate of Agency.)BRANIJRETH VFBETABLE UNl~

utea, tliree_tirnesp day. roltumustpkotbelplutt?t-2Th”, are gxccedyngb, mud in their op“,VERBAL PILLS.



dri;th's \'egl‘laiblt:l'illii -iiider any eireuuistuiiteswltslcver.




Page 5: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition













- ll \' II. B051-1E



7.. , .w

' --P29?--19$"-'!'_— —-~--~-'5 —- ..;.l!I_

gg_ ___%___,_____'_,__________;j_

__v______1__ 45-!-in ~


GIL GAZE TE__..... ‘__.-_.-_... - . . ._-__. W. ..__.._._.


____ _ ,_

- Y---If-» -___,

"'l‘itu IILKMINUIor (lot-v.iu<imt-r,t.iit: 'l'IIl Dztvit or |li:ivriv,itti<iui.i>u:scun ALIKZ tii-on Till llit-it ANII Tit: l'0l)l."——-Alllllfl? Jurltiun.

_»‘ -— ?:r -'- ':~:.- 1 r — : " ~~"—-~--—'-'--———-—-—i_?— ~-—~- ~ ~- ~ '—~—--—~ -- »-—~---— - ~ -- — '- - 1 ‘:1-.-_'-u -. -.. 9-: --- ----

*1‘—- ""Zi""‘i§i|‘~': " r

|-. ..|_| .in lb iti ll\ IA1‘tlIDlV Iottttttw


l'lllIi\Vlli" 11- nilvni. n l|‘t\t‘ horn itppmiit.-.t .1.-nit i1..- tl..~ t'.~. .t t:..i.-it<~, by wh.i...nili-

at fI|lltIIll'4 \\ Ill l..- v.».~.».vt ii, H't‘\‘l|l|I |,§lvl‘l1,and

....t.-nit». tl..- .-t.-.-hilt... oi‘ \\'i|i’li ditty f..rtvani-

t ll tn tt~Z

.\l.I i a \aiii-it~.t\_ Ii -it _

._ i . .- 5'.’'1 l'ovt I).-pnmit.l’.~|-r_yti|h-.

\l\riiim.v \\'>.ia, II-.|_, l‘. \l., ltiaiiiir Nutt-

.\'\tit<i't. It-|\\i.\\ii, ll-.|_, l’. \l., llnwl-itttlrillc.iv... ll. lint», i1... ,t'. st. iii...- |i..ii.

\\'\i. 1|. -|.~i\\\v|.\lI, |:'Il|-, ll. .\I. lliiiinr.w... .\t

t. ..» ., l-I.q,_ i-2... it.-.iit.~.'l'i|~-tun \lnitt i, l'§<-|.,I‘. \l.,."5t\1llI l':-l*|-

l“\]I!l'J'I|l1 N. lit it-k,l'. .\l.,t‘|tatli~~<t-iwit.“b.a|\\lt\ t‘, t 'n\i i-._ I2-i|., t '.n\i.i.tn\t'ii.\\'ii.I tut ll, llun-i it, II-<<|.,t‘--t illtili.

"l4'll\lltI l, l"o\tiii_ ll<.|. l'. \l., .\'l. .’\ti;{ii<liiit'.J. ll. J!-.iir-iv, ll.-|. I’. .\l., \\‘.ti\\it ll.

N0l»l(‘.t‘.y 1lllZ ...i... ..i-.-. i.......,; .. .......i t.. ..-.......- ..

l i...-t...-.- t\l...l.i..~ ..... i.....; .......-i.......|

i.._ t..-;;_ I. ...- t.. ;;.t-- |...tit.- Iii tl... .......... tt.n..- ,...i.i..-, .i.... h.- ...ii ..,..~.. ._... h....l .... .....-i.

i..;; il..~.-|,.-.<i...l i...;..-;--.. ... i|..~..ti |t1t,.t~

....... .... ~..ii".. t.-..t.-..- .......;;. ....~... -.|.:ill |..- ,,... ...

wu. lit ltli.

i~:|i.i...., .I.nt i2, twin - it

lltll. l\l:iiiiiliit:loi'_y.I \IllZ .\‘..l-....|..~. until-I iiilliriii hi~ iii.-n.l~.

I ..i..t t|..- pnl-i..> ;;. ...~n.l|_t-,tli.t l.t- h.-i~ pin-

A,.|...-.-.tt|..- »t.>< it at‘ il..t.. ..|...-l. .\lr.

-1 \t'.... li. .~..u.».t had .... i......i ..-t..-.. |..~'

it ll l§ll.ti.n, llllll i-now Ii~:nl_yto imp.

ply hi. . lt‘llIlHl'|~, iiy \tl...h Mill‘ iititl

r.-int, with v~lli\. I-.~..t.-r. liir and R||~\l.l llitt-< III

.-|.. ..|. .....t ..,. i:.-.i........i.i.- ..-. llicy ..... i... at-i.....<

ml ni=ii._\ ..i‘tl»t- ..t..-..._

l|i- iilmlizt-4 mi lt ttnl ll ittiittlivr ol'l ltlli‘~4' l"tirlt...la.-t- ...;..t.~ ..|\.-rit..- |..t.-~t t2.-l.i....-, .....i “.11

always he rmnlv lo l|l~Iltt! llata itiid lliillllrlhlil

nrnt-r, tllllti‘ hlliilltwi it-dirt..\li~ii~|i:nih¢ and otlit in arc iiii itid tn I'll“ .iiiiI

t-\...nin.- iI.t~ ~...n.-.

'l‘ht- l.itlit|\' hint hciii l't'|lttt\t‘llltt‘\| .l....ri..lllt' |'o.1llltlit'c.

J.\.\llZ.~' 'l‘. llltll\\'.\‘.

|)t-c I-'1-—ly

Notice.fl-Illlip.iltiii-raliip licrclofiirr t-ti»-ting ho.

twrrii ti. \\'. Moorii and ti. \\'. lrviii ii-

lliin thty tltay<t)l\t‘l| Ivy Itlllllllll t'ttii~i-ill. 'l‘ht-

htiutitu-- will lll'l't‘t\“\‘I l»<~t~.n..In.-t.-.| tiy (I. \\'.

Moon‘, \\l|U lii~iii;_'tlti- activv p.trliit'r iii tho l.tti~

liiiii, tilt-it it lllit dnty il\l\‘lltll‘l’ lint i-iitt-rrr

tliatiliit to tlic ptil-lit: lint tin: uiiltiiiih ll p.ilroii-agctwtt-inli-ti, lltlll |ltI]K‘!4,hy ntiitt ttllrltlillll to

liuaitiiti-~,.'tiitl a lliorotigli kitnul.-tl|;t> -tliriillitip,to tiwiit u

i-till litIlllt‘f aliurc ot‘ pnlilic patron-I‘.

ug'l'lit-l.otiilnii_ l'ari.~,Nt-w Yttrlt tiitd l‘liil.i-

lll'lplll|l rtl'4lllt'1t|illll\\‘.t)'-11|||i|;\tiil,tIiitl giiriin~tit~<oi‘ titty rut or >-tylr r.iti lw l||.|tlt‘ itltittlt r at thi-

alinrtt-iitii.ttii~.~,iind't'-pi.tl tointy frniit l'llil4.tllt'l'

phi-i or lldlllilltill‘.lire ll—-(J.tii IL‘) ti‘


Notice.1l\llEtll\ilt‘l'5lf_'lit‘il,('t\tllllIl$$lt)llt‘l'§ ap-

pointed iiy ljt-oil (fouiity (‘mitt to

value .1i\t_ldiri-lv lllt‘ ltval l~1>tatt-nl' limit-niiii Mzitiltliii, tlt't~cti.~:t‘ti,lillt! oft ‘i-i-il troun-

ty. zicctinliing to tho pt‘ti\’isltIllS oltlic tit-ts

oi" i\§<L‘llll1l)’in .\llt'lI case lllllill.‘ and pro-

\'itlt~.l. do licrcliy ;1i\'0 Itoth?. in all wliiiiiiit tiiaiy cottrt-rii. that we Sllitll lllt‘t‘l on tin‘

said ltvttl l-'.~tt;itt- lying; iii l-ilk .\'t~<’k ill tin‘

s:ti.l Ctilllll_\', on Moiitlny the llth day ul

Ft-lii'titir)' iicxt. at ltl o't-lurk .\. .\l., tn

proctx-.l iii thc l)llSlltt‘$S for wliiyli we arc

appointed.'l‘llii\li\.< S. 'l‘llti.\l.\R,ANllltt-IW |i.\ltltl-Z'l"l',ltti\\'l.1\.\'l) l-Zl.l.I.\‘,JOHN I-‘. .\‘l.\ll‘l-Ilt.\‘.ltlilll-Zlt'l' 'l'll.\t'l( \lt;'t.

DOC. 8—l.l ll" ('tiiitliii~~itttit-i's.

Insolvent Notice.

N't.l'l‘lt"l-Iis licrchy given to the ci'e.li-tors oft-Ilt»li;t llitclicock, late an impri-

soned debtor of Cct-il courtly. that thesaid liitclicoek hath iiiadc applit-:ttinii to

Enoch Cloud, i~Zst].,t'liicl‘jttdt_vi»of the Ur-

phaiis' (‘curt ol'§iild i-outity. for tl|t- hem-.?t of the lliSOl\‘(!Ili laws oftht: State of

Maryland, and that the said jtitlge has

granted the said iiisnlrcnt a release r.-.....

titiprlsotitnciit, .-ind appointed the ?rst Sn.turday after the ?rst Monday of Aprilnext for his personal appearance beforeCecil County t‘ourt.toansv:er such alle-

gations or interrogatories as l'I12lyl)¢p|'Q.pounded to him by his creditorl.

Dec 29—3m

wool. CA ltbimz, .1|.\.\t'.t~‘.w't'vitim;, ttc.

THE subacribcr would reapcctfiillyinformhiiifrieiiill and the public that he in ready

I0 receive Wool to itianulicture into Chilha

Blaiiltetitig,Sattinctt, &c. at the North HutI"actary,\vhcrcerei _attriiti<in will he paid ti.

the buttncu. Woofwill be carded itito rool,5'. 6 '3'"-' P‘! lh rub. The Macliine inor-lrcd with nrw Cards, and in complete artirr.

Jb"l‘liRO JOHNSON.July H—tl‘

Fresh Flour.'


20 Barrel: ?n! ‘nu .QalIIIa Coon-?rHolr juat nccived and fur Iain b

Z. lUDULPiLzlH.OIt|Jll-‘A839.



H I-


/\lI Ilitrlili. laiipoi-triiit 1 mi

lion to It‘ 'iiblic.

'('iiir in- liluIirn' -Ilrtruir uj /ailing(H IO" li\'.\N‘4 llltlt liulliiiiti nl , ltilttatln ptt.<t~itt op|><.ttiitiil_t ol ttinltili.-g lllll

ii...-t tltlll‘lt1|li d rt!‘l.tlt|'A‘li'tlut'tl|t'It|1liillii Illl.

int-1...... |>Iil|t'tllit I..i|l..~i.-tl \\'ltli i|..~ v..n-in.

forinn i.t' llilt‘ll~U lIIt'|lll‘tl\ to hunttiiiily) win-

lit-nu t‘UIlttIl|llt'4l tht~in-i-lit-ii In hin rim-, intd ln~lllll tlir rtitllIllll‘llI|l't i-l' kiitiitiiig |'roiii iiniiiy liv-

ing t-ritli-tit-t-ti,tliut liiit it-iiti-ili. < li:i\t~ rt-nnittilor rt-lit-vt~d ol' tlitir rt-..|»-. ti\.~ m..l=nln--, ll‘! llirIllirl within lhr t‘t|lltIlt|I0t nl'Iiiiiuait in.t..n-.-

lltiw lliIlil"4IlIlL' to tln- itlllllltll In lI\'-\'l'lil'-.\‘l.\ tilt |Nl)|(il'§$'|'l(i.\’

p.........t..gtill tin.-

atitlll imtil liiii l'||JlIyIt|l'Ill, tiiiil l?ltlllltf iti iittiiiyiii-.l.ttnr to llll‘ I|ll>\|'l'tll of coitlitiittil liypo-.-t-inlii.ii-twin. Long an it haa lK‘(‘|l Iltiiili‘ tlm

aulip it -il iti-|>iiv_tliy nu tlii~;il iiullioin it fI'lllill||'<

lll\I>l\\‘tl iii llllll'll .i|i~i-iiiity. .|.itnitlitt~, iii.

l\|'Iltll'.l, (‘litilvini itiitl l'linlit~, nl-to ]iI'll\YIlla 1-mi.

u-|i|l‘tIi|l|a p..|t iii tlivtlitiiiia nl iiiotliid titl1'i>Iinita.lli. li\-lIt’4 lt.ii< lit I'll t-iiigiiltitly nut t't‘N'4llll iiillit-

tn ..i.... ..| oi" lllt‘ .t|...t.-.-.....|-l..n.t~, |.y r. lI|l"|lIl‘Itlr.t\\ ii lIt1tll|llt‘IlhlllIlllt V‘\||>il|1'|IHI)l‘I‘llt|I|\‘|lh

p|i_t-ni.n.< ni lIni..p.-. l|-- llllil tllhti innl \‘ll'l. \pt'Il< in-v lllltl |tlll'(‘i'~<r4 lllltitl?litltll llir \\‘ltult'

iiiIllll_\ of tit lI\,'.||l' lll'4I'|l\l‘r, llll til' \\lltl'l| .itc lulllit~ lllllil pirl tty|;r.i\"i.itt-il ll\‘, and |-nit. ti iii llw

"Illl'-lllllllltll lay lint (.'t|\.\'l'llt.\t'l l-1.< ill-'

\llZltt'l1ltl \l. hlllltlil-Iltlrlll?, l'Nl’ltlt\'i‘l-l'l.lIll, l'\|‘I|ll‘t'.\'|'|‘il) ttiiil l3Nl'lli\l 'l'i-

i‘|;ti ... ....y ...i .-..\.~ that .-I ..tt. titpllliig to it ..dth. » Ittltiltlttl tllt lo riiiti. llr. i'i\.lltk' ..|li.-r i-.

r-ll|i|Ill\|l ttttli lllt‘ clioiri-t Il‘l|tt’llll‘N liuiii inl-

t-iigtiIll-tXl\\'lI, Illltl twiiitpniiiiiit-ti on lllt‘ itni~<l>|(‘il‘l|ltllI‘

piitit iplt-ii. A pliynit iait in tilwayn iii.iti.-in|.nn-.-,and all time win. tltlltc thcic in llli.‘liuur til'iii:t-d itill go till‘ rt~_piii.-iii|;.

;l.)ll. \\'. l'iVi\l\'S' Htlt)'l'll|'\'Li Z\'Ylllll‘,

I'll)’ (‘/ii'IiIi'iii 'l't'.lliiiig._

l‘rcpurt-tl by |.in.~.»l|l'l'ti .\lt)'l'lll‘lltS .\Nl) .\l ll.~1l‘1.~l.-'l'lit»paii.

~..i;.~n|' tlit:'lct-tli thruiigli t|n~ uttllm ||llIli\ll'l'It~...it.l.-<..iim and tiaiigcroua tiyi.ipt....n~. it i-.

l<.....t.i by 1..-iilivm th..t th.-rti ‘I arvat irritiititm

in lli.- ltllllllll and |;inn- diiriiig |lii'4 proccu.t.—-‘l'ln~ utltll? I-\\t'll, the ~.».'i.t|-iii oi“ hllli\'|t is iii-

.-r.;.-...|_il..- t llllll Id Mllril \\itli l'r.-tpiviit and-<|i.i.l~ II |it< ol‘ 4-iytttp, .-Ltitiiig iii thr i-it-t-p,and

~p,i--tit-4 oi |\1’l'lIltllf |I.lflr<; llicrlitlil r-lirit-kn uitli

.-\ti--n..- ti..l.»in~i-,and tliiiniit iln liiigtrn litlo

it-4 tin-iitlt. Il' lllt‘\4‘ pr.-4-tirmry uytiiptoiini urt-

ii.-l v<ptvilil_v:i|lt-iitttid, i~p.tIlllUtl\l' tlllltlllhllllla

iiiiivt-taul|_\'uiipt in-iii-, tlllll Pillltll l‘l|ll\l‘ tho clin-

....|..ti.,.. ..i‘ il.t- tiillllil. ll‘ tiiol|irr~4 \\ll-I |.=.t.<llu tr lll|lt' lizilwa nlllirti-il \\ itli iln ~.- tl|>~lt’l'v<.~|Il[§

ayiii|tt.iiin<_ t\oti|<| apply llr. \\'illiaiti l'lt.iii>.'»t't-li-lirali-il .\'~--itliiiig Syrup, \\ liit li lin~ |It’l'M rt-

.-.t |......i..-.i.. ..i‘ ...i....i. ..~i.. .. it.....,;i.i ....»i ..~. ..~

\t'I’, tiniti In-in; v-uiltlt-itly tttlzuzheil ttitli tlivliil.il .....|...i_,_ .-.......i-.......

i\$'l'll\li\, 'l'lll(l§l-I Yl'it\llS' S'l'1\i\'D-l.\'t;.

.\l.-. |:..i.. ll \t......-.-, st-t..._t~lldll, Illlli-It'llwith ill!‘ .tl»..tt- ili~tt- --.iti;_t iiiitlatly. .\‘y|iiptoiii_\:

tiruat l.iii;;ii<-r, lliittilt |\t’_\', Il|N|ll[l)t‘ll real, lll‘l"

\\>tl'4 lll‘-ltl-tt'lll‘, tlillititlty of hit-itliiitg, tight-|i\~.~:< ttllll .~im-tnii- ltt |tl\|~ tl..- l.n..»i, tliuiin-..~._

iit~it..n~ iriit.i|iilit -and rt-.~tlt-..><ttt~>t..,rtitllll lllillit-

iii -tlitirimiiltii

pn~i|inii witlintit tin‘ ~i timi-

lioii oi‘ iiiipiiiilltig itiilliirzitioii, piilpitatinti nl'-tln‘ ll!‘-Ill, (li!‘lf\‘IH||IL:i-ntigii, \'tiali\t‘|li"1t»,[Vl-till-il'tlic hlllltllltill, iliuttniiiw», gri-zit tlt-h|lil_r auiil

tl\‘rltIlt'Ill‘y ul'tlit- ltt'I\'i)lll c|n~ri,'y. .\lr. it. Mun.

roe paw tip i-tvry tliniiglit o|‘rvru\rry,tiinl dirr

dcitp-iirrat oii thc t-niintt~ii.tiicc oi‘ utrry prr.-oiiiviti~n'i-tul iii hilt .(‘.li~l\'tlL't‘or '1-l|lPi“|'l¥‘|lll hy.ll‘t'lllt'tll ill? iittticctl iii a ptililii: paper miiir

t‘llt'l'§ t'lli'lll‘ll liy ll. \\'iti. l‘Ii'.tIia' l\lL‘tlllIliIl3Ill

lllll t~oinpl.iiiit, whlrlt ittdiiccd him tn |Illft‘llJICti pit-l..ipr of tlii~ l'ill~, which |t':<ultt~tl iii rtvtii.

|Ilt'lt’l_\‘rt-tiiotiiti; i-ti-ty.~y niptoiii n|'l.i>t diiu':....r.llt~ \\ |~llt'\‘ to my hi» iiintitc litr this tlcrlariitioit

is, that tliow l'llllit‘ll‘tl with the name or any»<ytitpltitiis hllllillll’ lu those froiii wliirli he is

ll-\|I|Ill)' rtvdorrtl, may likewise rctzciii: theaaiiic

ll|t'hllll|..tlIlL' l.lL'|lt.'lll.

l.l\'l~llt CU.\ll‘l,:\li\"l', TEN YE.-\lt$'S'l'i\Xl)l.\'(i.

Mrs. lltiittirtli liruwitt-,will-of.lo~cpli iirowiir,.\'..rtlt Sitlh .~t. iitrar

St-mini itt. Williatii-tliiirigli,ttlllllI|t'll liir the laat lt‘ll years with ltivcr tfoiii.

plaiiit, rt--tnrt~d tn ht-altli through the tri-rttuirntof Ilr. \\'tti. l'§t'nii.t. .\'yittptotin=:-—lI-tliitu.ili-nindipatitiit t'il' the howelit, ill!!!‘ of itppctilc, ex.

t'H.iL'illll|ll1ptiii uf thv t~pi;;:iatrii: rt-pi.iii,grt~atd.-prt-i-~it-tioi‘ ipirita, liiigtior and utlict‘ i~ytitp-lullll oi‘ l‘\lfl’tll(‘ tlvltility, iliitttiritcd idcrp, inor-dinate tlotv tit‘ this lll\‘ll$\‘!I, p.-tin iii tll(“|l|{l|l>i<h',t'otiltl in-tin‘ on ltvr lrit itiilv, witltout uti

:i|g|;r.1t'atinii oftlic p..iii, tiriiic high colored, tt itliuthcr l_\'|ll|\lt)lIIIliinlivatiiig great deraticgtiieiitiii tho liiiictiutia oi" llIt' liti-r.

lllra. llrowitc wan ?"l‘l\lll‘ll lty l|irrn_n|'||||;lint pliy.~ticiaint, hut f\‘\'l irctl hut littlc it-lirfliotti their inctliclne, till .\lr. llrowtte procurctla0ltlI.‘ oi” Dr. \\'illiaiii l‘lt'.1its' iti\'.iltialilt~

prt-para-tinnr, which i:ll'i.ctti:illyYl‘llt‘\'Cll lttr ol'tlit- a-

linyi:di.~tri.-tt>'itiglyutptnittit, with otht-rn, ttliicliit tit iitit eitittrtitial to ititiiitatr.

.lOSl-'l’ll BROW.’\‘lI.(‘ity and Countyof New York,ini.

Joaeplillvowne,ol' Williattiidiurg, Lung bl.

rind, l\UlIlL'duly nworii, did depo>t- and may tlitttthe tact: as It-t lbrtli iii the within utatciiteiit,to wliicli hchait subscribed his tianit-, are juittand trui-. .lOSlil"li llRl)\\'NE,

lltitthiiiid nfllie laid llaitnalt Brownc.Sworn before me, thin '|lll dry ofliin. I837.

l'l-I'l'lill -.l'll\'CK.\'EY, Cuiii.ofI\ccda.0;‘7"I‘hc above Medicine is for sale by

the subscriber.\\'i\i. TORBERT, Jl‘.

Elltton, Dec. '.Z‘2—ly

$15 Reward.s'l‘ll_i\YEDfrom the premise! of this aub-

"mh" 0" 0! about the lat day of Novem-licr l-1_nt,tlirec U0\V8,twn oi.‘-hicli worn giv-ing milk The milch cow: are both red, one a

mtilcy,_tlieother with a vrhito flee lad harm,tiinied-in at the pointa; the other ill black,with l white face and ohnrt tail, X-‘iftnn 491.la}!a-ill he given for the rctiim of acid emuot"lnl'nrIviat§cIbilbo nhacribur, ov Joseph Ma-hlnwf Bllttoii, or ?re dollars r... zillirr oftlicirizl



I 0! IRY

l||\lS TU \l,\\\l‘Al I it I lllltllla

tiiw H1Il¢‘! in. I our atr..in'a loo grave,loo ltltll I. in-.rt|it) vmi lint,

'l‘.... ntinlt til».-tit Il‘llKllI|i;tiitc llltl v--tinr \\lll'l| and tttlutrtl tiili-it,tit. tllp -|..-ti ;_.|..».i»\\‘lll| Inn innliical. .1,

And li~iiilit lllilw

ii pi;;...ii.

l low to road, iiiiiillirr rriea,'|'lii»<t~ iiiniiatintiii lintliioiiiililte lirl-—

lii ntlivf \\i\1llI, tin»-c inm-I.-,i-.....,..,..-.i ..r t....,_-._.....i I-...-.i.. .....i i....i-,tIl' lmrilt-r it-tuit,tiini ti.-lliit; l||lItl|‘tl

'l'littt lllctl lu lltt‘ iii linvcla.

Nit, tin, l'IlI‘l mil", wt '\'(‘ llltil \‘IttItl|_[|ltil’ am li l'liltllIlllNlt‘ll low nivk atoll‘

'l'orriiit- tltv liiir rri-titioti;tilw It! IIIIIII Irritnt Inn-ign tiowii

iii‘ |t..-..i....-, 't‘.nl.»., lllll l'..lt-, or Jun,Ur any utln r n.itn.ii.

'|‘lii" titan iiftllill at-Ii..l;|»tii- lriru\\‘oii|tl liltv tllvwe ti liltlt: iiioru

lit lir-l It'll!‘ id Input nI' Latin;'l‘ht- ;;rntii lam \\l'lllll I. it'll tin- pricciii‘ i... .....| r~llL'i|I, i'.».ii .n..l ...».;

'l'ln- di..p. I,!¢l|l\ and Nltllll.

.\tllIl.ltt’I' I iii--, I ttattt ittare fiiii,.\ ttilty itnt;.-ill-tt or piiii,

A |l‘|||l-ll or ti iitltlhz.\'niiii- \\'l>\ll for pttvliaitii ttliiry ittttvii,And ltlltit‘, p.-rlnip-,ol' vim-r iiuwn,

\\'uuld !tlill\‘I lit-.ir ii litlillc.

'l'li.- . ritit~_tan, Iir i-|.n..dt i<I.i|I,.\lu~t dip in gall in-. gtiinlvr .piiil,

.\n.l in-r..ttl llL'|\ttlIl tin papt-r;til‘ all tliu littr..ry li»<.|-,lliid Ill nut l'lllll‘ul'\-ill It'lll|tIlI'

Hr tutti the grcatt at t aper.

Aitullit-r t-vit-it,I want to iucu

A piiiil.l.-d-tip\'lllll I)‘.

\'iiiii~ty ll till tliiiig»_A ......-.-||..... ...... ho.l;;.- |....i,;.- ptl?l,t'oiopo~rtl (I niily gitr tlii-hint)

Ufitiultiliiiiuu-1 xtllull lliniga.

l trtiitt \liiilt' iti.trii:t;;t- lit wn, aayii mill,It . ....~|.it.i. .. my llltjlll -i inn...

To in-arot' wttttiingi. pit-iity;For in ii titan til‘ pun. rat rain,xuttt‘ Milli! ir..t.. at .iit.ngl.i, ‘in plaiti,

.\t lt-.i.-tiiot itiit iii tticiity.

l waiit tnht-ar til" ilinitliit,Mlyl mic,t)t' |n'ii|il\‘ totally iiinioiir,

lly lo..~u<, lit. , ..r li:\'t'!;.\lttlllll'f t.lI|Y\W\‘P<, iiill III wiiu-,I'll l'lIlli\‘| lia\i~ tho Lillziiid rim

Ul' iucuoii sltiiia and lieaict.

Saint: aigiiify a nrcrtl winlil~'ur

iiotr and tlit-n it iinmite diith

tit’ |it-lilmt to lllll tlit-iii;lliit In rt: \\I' rent tit |)l'Ilt‘l‘| i-ant‘,


l~'.-r i-|....il.l tlii-y I\\t:.tl’ tlii: tiivoti was CllC('>it‘,\\'c l|t1\Cf IllUtllti i.oiil'tite tlictii.

l..iity or low, ‘i... ..ll|l.c »-.niir,'l'oo lnitiglity or inn liuiiililt-;

-\'o,hrtttlicri-tlitor»,ptira.i<-,'l‘ht- p.illi i|.,.tt.-.-it... the I»-..t to vii

Aatl ltt iI.. gflllltllltfn Lflllltltlt


W U i\l A N.

is it iii the 'a'llll's"llIlt“ U|' slrnlo, iii

Ur "ntr or ll\\ltI!lf4ttI\, \\ iltl or titiiic,

_ it,

)|'tlS--_ . . . . . |pcrity or Llll\‘t‘T.>'ll)',tli:it the frtiitile clin-

l‘tlt.‘lt‘l‘ displays its liriglitt-stvirtues!I." it lit tl ts ' iii -I ll t'~ ~s i yo i__ ml ;,iill.~ilis<eiiv'Q0l'

ptililit: lili:, or iii the rctirod u||.l>;nt~i,;l titl-t\'s ul' her tlotiicslic litcsitlc, that slit: PX-

cites adtiilriitiniil lll youili we tltlllllfi‘llt‘l‘; wiititli-rliig tlirotigli tlii- gildcdliatititsol'pli-;istii'c, utitl lluillillL_fiii Sylpll like

bcatity lllftllltlll the illilZt’.':l oftlie giddytltiiitrc; we aduiiri: litt'l'ostt-rlttg with w llfill

solitritutlc licr lt‘lltli:l' ull'spriiti;, or admin.i>it-riiigto the llt7lIit‘SllC liappincss of hcr

vel yas \li'llt'il \t't-bvltli .. itrrlicntlingllke a ;.')iiir-tliziii angel o’i~i' the t-?itTcliYl7?'l??ii'G33Y’tintlcht'ei'in;_gwltli ll(‘l' last faint parting: smileon the tied of tle:itli—tit tliclast tlt‘t'i\Il

cait~.~; htit wilting‘-wlicreis she so lo

parting, who, like her, can smooth thecouch of tlilglllsll, or light the torch of

hope iii the dark l)tIStllll of despair!'l‘iit- pride of nizttilinod soon hows lic-

ncatli the wciglit oi‘ sickness anti sorrow;

lltl\\'()nl!l\ tlu we lichnld hint in the iii Offl-

iiig of lilb, iii the hlootti of youth, tower-

ing likc the mountain oak iii strcniitli and

licatity; hut soon as iitruck liythe hand ofllllblllftuftt! and disease, dmopinglike thelowly willow. Yes. it ls then that thehand of allcctlon supports him throughthe tiying svelte.

l was It-d to these re?ections bya visitto the sick hell of an intimate friend; wehati hccii fiicnds front our earliest child-hood, and l nuw visited him with feelingsof unusual interest.

l cntcrcd with slow and mnurnful stepsto tlichousc ofaorrow, and walked silent-ly to the chamber of death; my friend laystretched upon his bed with his head to-

wards the window, the light from w

fell upon his countenance. nnw paleemneiate, but which lately glowedhealth and intelligence. Hts sisterbending over him with fond and dev




affection, fanning the cold drop: from his

pullldt1row,and regarding him with thatsoil, pltylng look, which only heartfeltIOITOW can 0Xpl'l‘$3.

I had seen her often in the hour oi‘ mirth.radiant with smiles,‘ but never had she ap-peutfcd so beztutltlil as then; the ulrot'alt-e sorrow. so dltfcrent trom botste

grlel‘, war even more lovetyttian healannota-unlleqtiereyenoltitlofaoulbtitv



, _A,-__I "




' )1?» -

lt‘|ll‘ll by .| ti-itr, (ltir hlitv \hl'4l!il> iiitt ii-ti lyl'It]_'lll.(‘4l lti tttttp) ll|'iIt|Ki‘ll Ill tit) bit-.i~itIii~ ltt-liitl ctiiotitiiiti, ltiltl tiiiitwlitiiiiitl

liy the pride til yniilii llilll iii.iiiliooil, ll

ti-ir till ll|><1|t lllt' i‘till(lI ol iii) lniigiiiidiiiig li'it-n.l --1,ilI.n.ii.

llU\V ll.\'l\'l-IltH.\l. l'l‘ IQ.

\\'c lll‘\'t'|‘ yet l<lll'W thi- lllllll who wotililwry, "l uiii tIvIlll'llll'tl." (iii wlii'rt' yoil

will, iiliiniig tiii- Ill'll illltl poor. tiit~ titan til‘l’tll|l]I4'lt’lIl'|‘, tll‘ llit: tiiliii who t'ltI'l|\' lll\'

lll't‘|Ill liy illt‘ it\v|':it Ill lila lir<i\\',ynii lli‘llI

tlit- stillllil nl' iintriiiiiriiitg uiid the voice nfi~nii\|.l;iiiit.

'l‘ht- nthi-r tlziy we .~.ttiuil liy ll t‘(IlI|If‘l',

'tvhii tvii-<|iluyiii;1 :i iiit-rry lllllt' \Vlll| hi.-i

at I"ll'lZt‘ nrniiii-i it i-intk. .\lt. hi}lllt"l ho,“Il|l||l' N ii lhllll lot-—-li.i'i~\'i'i' lI'lIlllIIL'Ttillilll ltlltl llllllltl like lttltI[_',iliiviiig :i\t'.iyat it hii<.p."

"llt‘|Lflltll" 8l11llt‘ll ll l|l.l|t'k\'l|illll. iii Ulll‘

ol lllt' ltil<- lint tl.iy:t,a~.'ht- '.t'i|i.~iltlii- drop».til |wi'~<pti.ttioiiillllll lllt. lnnw, \\’llll|' titt-

ri-tl lint lroii igliiwctl on ltl~<iiitvil—"t|ii-i itlilo \\illi it \'l‘ll;Zl‘ltllt'l‘i llll‘llllILf lillll li')'lli;_'oin-‘:4 ,\l'll U\l‘I' :i liiiriiliiil stiit.irt-_“

"4 him l.\.| li.nl liinli-," l']ilt‘lll.lll‘tl ii .>.l.nr~-

tii.iki-r_a~< li»- l)|‘lll ti\'t‘t‘ :i ltip\tniiv-- "lit-i'v

nlii l, tliiy tllit‘l‘ ilzty \\t-iirilig my siitll

nwtiy iii iiiiikliiig .\iil1'.~ l-ti‘ t.tl..~i'~; <~....p<-tltip ltl llil\ lit|Ii'7 ivy {I inniii--in-i'.'lin!"

“l illll 7\lt'l'( tvl_lliis l|l|l"lltiIT \\'oi'l:," 1-K-

tflilllttn the l‘.|l|ll‘lllI'I, '-lnolliitt! lllltlt'i"t|

!<l\\‘t‘lil'l'|Ill! siiii, or l‘¥|iti.\t‘il to the llll lI'l|l-

l‘l|ili‘i t.l' tht: \‘\'l'llllll'—-Il l \t'.'t.< -iiily ll

Liiloil""'l'liiw it illtl li:iil!" p.~|~pt~tt|.'\llyl‘I'll'.\i lln~

lIlilU|', “tn he .-..iiipt-Ili-it[ti Nil pi-rrlii-ti tip

In-it‘, |Il)'l|l;! lln- lI1‘I‘4lll' till llit‘ ll||it‘——

wtitil-l lllill lllllll' \\'ri~';i ll|4lH‘ZtI‘ll\'l' iill-.""l..t\t .l.iy n|' ;(i';it-.'._.‘i:iiik~'woii't clit-

coiiiit; L'U8llllll<‘lN wnii't ply; wlizit Nllillll

tl.i!"gt illlilt‘Nlli(‘ ll|l‘l'l‘llillll; “I llllll i':il_lit'i‘l)(? ii ti 'k llUl’.5t'—-?t(|ti:1--.|Ii)' tliiii|.;."

“l.l:||l y ii-llo\\'~!" [,1l'llitll\lll1‘lil\\'yl'|'.l|\In“ M'Iitl llt~.~ |il~: lii";|.| o\‘i‘t' sri|ttt- |)t‘|'[Ill'X-l|\L!l'il§'(‘,1|l'i\Illl"diI\i'|'§|ilil('lll>Yalllli‘tl)'rm-iittl; “litippy li'lhi\\'sY l ltznl l'illl|l'Fllillll'

tiicr Slllilt‘ lliitll t-ii-l¢_-.~lmy inuiiiiet tlll lhi~

lt‘tll4llt\, \'l'Xllll4Illr;|]Ill"vllllIl,"l\lltl ill_l lliitiiigliaill |lit- i:iiiiilit‘;itii.n~t.tl

slit-ivty,-iill. all uiv tiiiiiiitiiiiititg nl' lln-ti

t-iititlilioii-fiiiiliitig fault \\itli llll‘ll' piili-ctiliir ciilltitg. "if l wt-rt-tiiily this, or llll‘

nllii-I‘. l tilititihl |u~t-tiiitviit,“ is llll‘ llltl\‘l‘l'~

i:.il t~ry--“zitiy thing hiit what I .iiii." .\'t>

got-s the \\'t|l'ltl; so it has goth“, 1tlltlSlI it

will go.

A M/\'l‘l ll-I.\i.-\'l‘lI 'l.\.\'.

A boy ziliotit llll('t‘lI )'t‘.lt‘.'4ol-I ti||t‘l‘ sziltlto lllt‘ with itll l|ll|Itil'l.'tIll till‘, “l \\t'l|l

l.l\l‘(lU;1ll l)ti'>oll‘s tititliiiii-lii: llllt't' llittt'\‘

last wliitvr, alt‘; lltlll I (‘till do titty stiiii iii|lliclitirtlcxlt'yplit-riiigii-inkyoii.~;iiilii'iii;1."

lditl not tll!i|Iilll' liiiii, iior tltttllli lllll

what he could iiit-rliztiiimillyolitiiiilllt‘il|l~swt-r of .i|itio:al tiny aunt llititi-l III :i hook

litiiit-r it I‘tllt'.. llitt l tl:_'l1l. lit‘ ll.t'l, llkl‘

iii.iiiy IPltlIl‘|'.'<l,made ti?itw\\'lll|li|ll tlii|ik-iiig, and luskcd liiiii tlic hillo\\'liig ques-lion:

"\Vli:it will twenty |'l|>lll)il:1tif'iit-vfv-iiticto itt twt-l\'<- t'l‘Ill!<l pi-r pouii.l,pi'uui'.I.1lllirlirrfiii lien-I/iirilx full


llc ll(‘blttllt.‘\l it tvlnlc, and llH'll said, “lf

you will tell tiic what the f.tt comcs tu,l'lldo the sum."

llan'_'ht-.l licartily, ?ir l could not rea-

traiii iiiy.»"t'lf. llt: soon said to nit: witht:tiit>'itli:i';i!ilt: spirit:

"llynt: will tt-ll ttie the rule it comes

lt|l(lt‘l‘, l will tt-ll you what it coiiicstn."l still s.iitl iintliiiipz. forliis ltitiivrotis em-

lltll'l'tlb€llil‘lll prevetitt-tl tiiy spctikiiig at

the instant, when lie with great vehe-inence said:

"ll is an tinl':iir suni—l ncvcr saw such

ti Slllll iii ill!) hook iii itiy lilo"

llt~ L‘0l\Sitlt‘l'(‘tlme an iinpcrtinent schoolmaster, and l put liiin down as a ?air spe-

cimen ofinost oftlie Clllltlt'Enll1l.l}1lllll’\ our

comitiuri schools. They imilte no appli-cation of their lessons to the practicalhiinincaq of llfc. They do not tliliik.

They are not taught that tlilnltlnghasany thing to do in ohtalningan education.This pnllirtuiiatelad had never brought[hgl)tlSll'l9S3 ofiim wot-|.l or. the slatc?rl?to

lhg school-room. No; that two-thirds fat

he could not uadt-rsiantl_he could not putthe fat under any rule--he had nr-ver

seen asum that had any fut in it hct'orr~.--Satirical hint: on the Pzoplh Education.

JANE! Stiimiaiit KIUWLII might make

a good story ofthia of his narnesake:

James i(nnwles,ofPolntJudith.(Rhodeinland) in the last war, lived in an expos-ed station; near the ocean. and never

went to bed without having his gun char-

ged by his aide. Onenighl. "IMO will ll

violent thunder gust, which ahook the

house to the foundation, and awoke hiswith from amount! sleep; in atfrlght alielcrenmed

“Husband, husband, the British havi-

landrd or the day ofiiidgniant has come.

ldon‘t know which!"

"By gosh," said Knowles. lprioglng up

and aeizlag llll gun, Pm ready for either.”


niiiiiililr ntlvlt t'

|\U iitr ti |||llI|l'1'_"|llH '\i-is

)|lt‘.llI't Htiii riiiitiiitiii llll‘ following nu

._. '._. .

.-\ Ill ttili lititir

I t'llttI' y." . |.n"t.iii.l .iiitl ii I Ill

min- ttithil lni ot0§~ye.ttti <ii'i~. |i|lllIllI‘.\ln'tii" \\ill Willi kip of ,, |,,,|,,.r




























l<t'ttli~!"at». at-. 'l‘ln-ii-wi-

lii~ iii otirlitl|t-('l

pt-|~...n, lllt‘ 1-. t'oitiliiit.iliy iii Jtliiilll tln- l

at lo-t, .iii.l our |it".|tl l'.ll\l'4l lit it i|iL'l'l|""| i

lit-l;1lil, liy li.it'iiit1 tiiir I'(I|lll||'l|yi .~.liilli-~l.

~_'il tn l)l'tl wi- iit~t.-r li:ii't- to t-xt lziiiii. with l

..-‘f~ itidln llliil, "Woll, llt'I't' lit'~l it ~.iiit_'li- ‘

Illl‘i||.||l, llllll llil ltt|llt'\l. i‘tlillli', type ftii -In-rziiid li"\'ll,.'|llt‘I'Il llillll d.iy'-4wot it."\\"<' ll|l‘|| my (IllI' |n';iyi-i'.~t, ltirii Ill.'t'l' uii


tr it-ll .~ii-It‘,iiiitl go to sh-t-p.“




i'|ip.it|oti llit lion l-itvliil tl||I' and \l.‘t‘ll it.iinl ill'lt‘ll'l |t—uit~h .iii .nn- la llhlliil lllt? I

I-‘;ii'i|n-i‘. I. lli- i~ llllll til’ titr l.iii-I, .tll\l t.||,|

\llll~'b|'ii\\li\lil'ti|l||ill‘).llIll ;ii.l i.i=i-h.ii‘.li-it-it.~.l ltiiiitl-t_ lti: tlt'l‘Il ittil lI'l‘l tliiii|iiiiti\'i- iii the lt~\t, lli.it "rt liyiiiti 8 prolilulilc ttnt0

\vhii.- ;;ln\‘r- .1ii.l thv lir-t;i~l Ullllll, lllll' t)Iil'f‘

ll1‘\lll! lu l'\'t‘ll.lltl!l‘ llil‘ liiriii whip ill!‘ llw'

ty lll'lltl‘.1lll lIil\|' ili lii- t'lt|).\l‘, lilll llii-y I

illi ]_'I'i‘;tl1“\i glory. lltI' -\i;£ti ul'lii~i ot't'I|pt-l

with .‘1t)t‘Il'lY.lint \t'.- wntil.| |'l‘l'IIl|Illlt'l\ll'

.|.l.li'.-~w \-.'l|r-ii.~vt~i' iiii-t with liy lllt‘lll. l

‘l'ln-si~.'it"i- t~t~it.iiiily i':itl.i-rttilltii;1 iti:it-l

_ _

h_,._,_ mm, |,.,-,,,._, U, “-||,,,,, Hwy _,,.,. mi. apreziil l;ir and wiiletlitstiiorail1-fh'cta of

lrniii ii, ;.||.l t.n- |ii'oprn-ty of l".iritii-rit mi

t'|'\t'(' Pflllltllywith Ulltl‘l'(‘lIl~i\'l'S. l,ct AL’-rii tiltiii':il .\‘o.'it~ti<'~; l)" }1t‘lIt‘l‘-ll.mi-l their

meetings li't‘t|tiI‘llland lll.tll(‘l.\llIr inter-

cst. at they stirt-ly are to ova-ry fztrtiicr.


a. wcll for tlicir tendency to niaiiittiiii the

Cirrncr‘s just righm and elevate hi pttlilicc-ttiiiiatlon this down trotlih-n cl.is-i, as

hooks, ticwspapers, periotliciilsi, l).‘llil|)lllt‘lS,tr.1t'ts. reviews, 610., on all subjects which

.~ll(‘[‘lin for his share oflnllaeare and ben-

proper position, on this great arena bythose that are more assuming, but less

worthy and tm-full Surely he will heiinlcs he atantla up and defends his rights-unless he qrct-:hout his muscular arm,

ants that have supplanted ltini,dnwn to

their proper position. No! let him rath-

\1AltltV|\i|IiLlAl?l. iiii \~t.i rm it i-uni ii

—'l‘l.t- l'hiltiili-Ipliiii l.i'il;;<-r ll'l\.‘l'4l“4 ll.||'lll‘-

loi.~i to i1i't |ll.ll’|it‘tl, in-. illl'4l' tho witilt-r iu

|>t|lI iiw. ilnw tliw-4 lit‘ know lliiit tlii-ywill,

:i|iy lliliit! iit'\v!' "tilt ym,yt'!, got u|_'liiI‘lllll\i |i.ipi-|'! »- ll'~t rltork full ol'iiliiit'kl|it(ll‘l‘illl'lll\'_ 1'lIi||l'|||I'l||'l. rnl.t,4-7|,-,,_ "mi

lit‘ llt'll(‘lt‘tl liy ll|t- t'litiiii_'t'l 'l'hi-rt‘ lit |Nll||;t||ilI-|;4';||..| uni. i.|,.,_ ""1 |m,“i,.i,|,,vi-ciliitnty til‘ |1t‘llltI;_{ :t wiirin wili-. \Vc '

~<li'|'|t r'ii||||it|'l.tllly t'IIUlIt1li, tlioiigli wi- ~


-lllll pii'.ii'iilt'M. itii-l_-:iiitl__ln-uivli--4 tln-||-

tt i_'uotl l|l\'l‘ \tlllI')' iiii tht- lll'\tl piitgt-, imtl"“i' "|"'"‘- '|'|"'r" l" 7"’ "'“"|' “'“"'m'

it lot til lll‘I|lll§ illlll tt|:iii'i.lt:t~.\t. l't~i- ri-niltloii \\'itli ttti nit I|Illi'Ill'il liIf‘ll lllllI‘—-4|ll'li.{

x ynitr with li;i\\'llll1l out iii tln- iiii-i-llvviii,-l lliiiiiigzlt itllll llII'IlllL'lI. Slitilll |_'ii lllltl'|.-ii il tnr y.iti"' ".\'i-t'i~i' iniii-I now

tin-in-,;ht, wlicii ynti illt‘ riiliiyiiig; ilN\\t‘tl‘ will-_',,|; win" ,|p| y,,,, ,,.,y 5,, H“. 5,“

'l‘"|"- |llIlil|it‘I‘| ll llli.I. i-.ini1- vvilli tit" --\‘o¢

-~.lni.ii! l.'ll(t‘ :iw.iy yt.tt_r t-lho\t'!" |

".l:ttiit->4! |it- lll|lllt't‘ on tho other altlt‘! .

iiiitlniiiil, il hiIl,it iiiii tlti- l||D|I¢‘I' tlriiwi-r.""Flint lit tln- tit...-t iiiipr-rlaiitt ltruiiii Hit!

'nti‘ll I>.i\t-iiii- out oflwtl.”

1‘ I

|t:t|W‘I', will-_l‘ll ~it I’IL'l|l down and ?ir---ii- »- -


,,.titty! 4;-t tip ytiti l.i/y t n5; ltii . .ty

"llii~ii:ii'>l! ttirii otitziii-l put tiii that lt"t-

ii, \\‘lIlt‘l| i~ijii~il hit; i-iiongli liir oin~_ with

~4 rli-tilt wiiilv Nll('l'lN 3\|liI‘.|ll li\I‘|' uilt‘'

l\ I l '



IIltlt'T lllt‘ pillow. \\'i: Wlrlll tw \\'<-t|-

n~rt- now, lllslihttl of lit-rt‘. Wlit-ii wt-

ll‘ \'llllI'Il|~', yi-t tip‘it'.il»llti;: lt..iti:|tt—-“

\V.- ll1l\‘l'll|‘4lil d.u,'!" tiii tli~~ i-utitrairy."

\\'t- >ill|‘ll‘l| iiiil otir \\'i'.tiy lmtly lu il~i rllll '

‘ll"llI, l\\i- ilnii'| i'lltl UllI.\tl'lVl“t lipiii lit'tl. '

- \'l|l'_'~tll.lI|\ i|.>,) ;ni.l say’, in it lot


i-'...... llir i-i,..i...- 1-'......... _,

'l'it|-: i=.\tt.\tt-ills. .

-II-l ll|t~ iiiuiiey, and Him I'll rcuil tlin


Sitiv, ’l‘im;--\ i'|er|'yiii:in, who had

~nit~<itIi~r:il.li~iii'.i l;irin_;|-i w,|q pi-|t|-mlly

lit‘ t'ti-to ili Illll flirt-iiitln-i'\i"tl:iyri,went mi],

II hl‘I'1I|\l‘ oflii~iliilmt't~r-4, wt... win illl?l?hanu iii llll' livid, aiitl ln~l-itiinl iiiiii aiitiiiirlpoii

lii-t |iloti<,gli, it-~ii|ii;g liiti tram-_

"lnlin," ictitl in-, "would it not imci piio'liliiii lot" you to llZl\'l‘ it iitiih -it-ythr lierienil l>i- lllllililll? ti ?-tv hit-dn-.~twhile this

xi-ii itI'l' i'i~~itiiig"' Joliii. with it t:oiiiile-

IJIIll‘t' Wlll|'ll iiii;1Iit well l\7l\'t‘ in-i-iitiii-tiio

li\‘iItl‘ ll|l|l\'l‘ll, iii~<t:ititIy ii-tttrm-.l-

H. of"\\'t1nl~l it not he wt-ll

lull" liiryini to have

lNWlIl!.'liIlL' l>o:irii iii the ptilpil,.i|iil Wlirniii~y :iii' 'aI|IL'l|lLf, to NWlItL!lI‘:t littli- liar!"l'|ii~ ll'\‘t'I'('ll'l L14'I|lll'lI|.’|iI lllfilt'Il on his

it-i~l_ l-li|;§l||‘Il hi~:iil|y. illlll .~..ii.i no more

lititll liuliliiiitgliti~ihi-.~i.—Il.iiiipaItireGa»

-_ 'I'.'ic ('/iiirrli Illlll ltiiil ”I!IlIIl.-—-i\lIl!$-1-'mt<i‘ll.-ii-itlrvply inliriivlnl Ill tlir (‘Illi-

ll i.~i ll plory to rt iii.tii to lllIllUl' hit m-- Qtitiiiiiiii ol'.i i'.iilrori<l ttii~xti-iiillriiiti lion-

Illt)\\‘l'll it Nlitillltl ll!‘ hi~ pii.|i- to iivow il

lil‘ hlllilllll wall: l'il'I I, i-,.... int-. Ill l|i\i'|

llll ll! illl‘ \\'|'1il'l'il lI|lt' til llll‘ \lttll', tliiil l'l-lirh Ill]? l.i~ni;1 ltlililt‘ tn t‘lllt\i pii!ilii~ frol-iii_', .iii<l I‘il\l|lt' piit'.iti- tniitrihtilioti in

la‘ lzivui‘. 'l‘ht- |~illii\\'iii;_' i~|i‘t'ti|-tr l1lllC

.tlt'§l iito-li~tli:it wi- llil\'(‘ lltIlll'|'ii for brim!-W" dignity. t‘|;..l in li..|,_.- ,.iiii, \\'|ll||iil',1 :il.oiit that .nil.j.~i:t. It ltil'l'llH to tltt

h..t it i~. it propot.-.l iiii|ir~-'c|tii~nt upon

n- |ir.-n~.iH' of any tint‘. iiiir t-iivy tlii- all tliiiigs."—I’hilnrI. IF. S. Iinz.

'-lli(l|lL{ hllt‘lt. 'l'ln-~r' ityiiilyiisof iiiiitili-

t.it|l.l only lll'll' wlizit aliiiiil-l ii:i\'t- lN'l‘lI '1

.iii, llli lllllllxlly. his tiwliiliii-~-.'. \\'t- I

l!.,41.,.., Ih-i-t~.iilicr l'J, i838

l'i|i. llt:\'i;iti;\n——i—-

\1iillil‘tl liy tlii- \\'i-storii lttiilroad t‘nrpor-ilioii.t1i £l\»l\l. tlw -liri~i:tiir_~iin their appli-‘llllilll tn tl.i- l.l']_'i\l.'Ill||'t*liir nld to lin-.-di llit- l'li;lll to the \Vl'slI"l'll lliictif the

.\,"|,| M. W, ,,,,.‘,,,_, ,-,.,.,m,,,,,.,,,| p, H". .\'.t:ilt-, l'Iil\'(' lhtiiiglit tliail t|it'.'4t|t't‘5t way

t_' i li tii._ »» Ill ll|t‘ll |I|lt‘lIl|l l

itln-iii u \l',{illll".ll:l. t"lllll'til|il ol'~itt'li illl |

i- ll ill lit‘ \\ it .

t‘ itntill also lit-re sit-_'g1.~»t th.it i

tat i\\i‘|) iii;_' I (.lIIlf‘t | it it |.t

in-in i-, that "ll‘.li -i<l\.itit 119"» .irt- tit‘! ll. ed

claw :i\':iilii|;! llt4'lll$|"l\'l‘!l of l.lll\' inllt|-

ct /\;1l‘lt‘Ulltll‘.ll Jotirti.il~i he p itronist-.l

irthe valiialile iii?iriiintiiiti they cnnlriin.The present is an cra of pulilictilitiii,of

ictiiitid of man can lnvcsti|1ate—lt la an

er resaiireh-and shall not the farmer

fit. amidst all this wonder working ma-

hlncry! Bhall he in joatlod from his

ad consign the hosts of nervous aspir-

rrise above them. 'Whrn the farmer

stir, rcspectliilly, your very olimlient set‘


acatlemieii and collegcx; when he shall.“ttclaas. unite the power of all active mindswith that of a vigorous body—then willhe rise to his proper rank in society andnot till then.

foreign papers. that in thrfour countielo

last Miituler circuit eloaed without a tn-

pital conviction. These eotintielcontaln a

p"pt|.ldti0h oi two millions. and present a

Piltre of honor to the human name, to

which perhaps no district in the world oi’

equal population ?irnlsltean parallel. It

la a proud inoniimetit of irloli character.

andputa to ahaine the oppceuora who

Jorge her -

shall do this; when he shall claim for his

occupation the ?rst place in our schools.

Hoitoiun: -ro lit:t.Aan.—lt is stated, in

l'Cork, Clare. Limerick and Kerry. the


_.,l,' l

' 1 .

.“_. , '21

.~ in.-_..'.->£~ -4 ,'--.1»-\~....,\ _» ~r_

~ - *.-.;;'~_":-


he l|t||Nll'l.'t|lt'|' til‘ l’-'|ll|'|iLlilS hi-litre the'lirilv pt-oplv oliritir t'utiiiiioiiwi':iltli. IL!ll'I|)1|Il.lIli't' to our worlilly |)I'|N|Y'Tilywe

initit otit liy an Zt'lil|’I"4>4l‘lt't ul:iti~dtlir0iigh-Illl the stoic. litit Wt! art-dt-siroutt to

lilt.'t‘w$llllllIi}!(ll-laxol wliit-li wt- :ii<~ .ipi-:tk- l" "lllillll l"'~‘l" ""it“Tl- “‘""|‘| 5"’ in Milli!i : . i'lity:ill~li'i' " ' ost-


iii: rtiil t'n;td.~i on oitr widti apt‘:-allemin-

itiiiitltt: pulpit. lti this belief, we tiikt!

arc, iiiost rtispt-i-tftilly, hut eiirncslly,tiaisk you to take lt? t-.irly opportunity

to tit-|i\'i~r it (list-titii'sc i)l‘ilil't! your vt.n;:ra-

.1tini., nti lltt‘ iiioral cllcct of railroads inur wi.lt- extctidcil cotintry.

'I‘rti.~.tin;1that the }'_'l‘t‘.'llimportance of

rt-\\1-I. lttitlhi-y il|‘t!jl|\l. i|§l|llp(it‘l;l|ll-Pa‘l

Mm, ,.,,,_,,.,,__,.,, 1|“; ;1l(t_‘|]llt)lt of at It-.i~,t try. 'l‘liis, we lllllIl(,C&ilt lit-at be dime

nit .

'..|'i ~. -ll. I"

\t' Y .~ - - .|- Iv

lll‘ "'tl-' 's lly.-' liii~l





the suliji-t-i to every itiliiiliitzint of thisr oiiiniiiiiiiy will lK‘lt stifiirient apologyfor asking your ZlS.il.»'lilllC!!on this gr:-atwork, I hat-r~ the lmiiur to lit-, rt-verciid

‘i ‘ii

Chairman of the Cuinmittce nftliirrerpondenee.

A fricnd ofotir.-: suugcsts that hereafter

ifyouniz ladies should discover holes intheir stockliigs just as tlti-y are dressing

intellectual era ln which the power of ll" cllurcll-"m'i mmhc" ‘"9 ‘"9 ¢°"9¢l'-‘"'

mind works miracles upnn the uhjvcts of ll‘"""° 11-1"‘ ""°"l- l'l“? ll-1" l"'""‘ ld"P¢tlic filinpcl Hill rcmcdy, that 4;, hlzicktheskin with ink oppo?ite the hole.-This lsone ofthe iirczttt-st tllscovcrlea of modern

times.-[lNcckly hlesscnuer.

0£7"l‘lieBoston Post saystliat the kn-p.er nfa meiiagerle has tziuzht hia elephantto dance on the slack rope, and play on

the jaws harp.

A real Jonathan. renowned for hi: ro-

inarkahle shrewdnms. particularly in tak-

iniz a hint, heiniz asked why he had relin-

quished his practice of visiting ti certain

Miami, replied that the last time hewent to see her he was kicked out of the

house. “that was hint enough tbr hlin."

-Dru-ii your anxious mother know you'reout, my dear!‘ inquired an lmpudent fei-

lnw ot'a modest little damsel whom be met

in the ltrvct.

‘T0 be survahe docs.‘ waixhe pdywply.‘for she sent rne to buy Ionic pork.-

are you for saie!‘—Pranklia Democrat.

"I am trouhled with it strange kind ofrheumatic a?bctlon in my arm," said an

old lady. "it allow: iueto do something,but it pm-vents me from doing others; hrInstant:--I can pit‘: my Jiand into mypocket withnllttieeuei:ithewUld,'t'i\it‘timer can take any tlitiigoot."-' -v-1

l .

l"|\" l|"‘Y l"'l ll) ilily, "F6! liili ttilili .- -


../incl Farmers’ and Mechanics’ ./id/vertiser. c



. I

""|4. '3.i |'i|i|\"|‘0i\'. MIL, §1\T|l!{l)l\\' l"0|li\'li\'|ii, |;‘l‘i|'I|{|l1\I§Y 0, I743”.

. ., _, N". 39-

-i W i: :7‘:' '

,'' ' ' i’ '






'' .' I7. -t ‘to ll '


" -V ‘ “""\l' Lil‘-l" ' \" "'. ll. .

p:i- i

‘ -

ll I'





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""‘ ' "l ‘Y -~. < .

1_/ V

, . .


."' i" "1 ‘I " .'.I

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I__ ___'y

. . ._


D '

_ _.__ ._‘I

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.|.l"_. ._ _ _ .__

v .




_ .’ ,- i . .-


. _"1" 1

.- . - '

. . .



l)t'.it‘ S|r—l'lii- lfoiiittilsttlnnlrrl ap-

Page 6: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition

av-‘ wt. 1.}

.' >3l'


l‘.I i\ till‘ l\'.iilii.i;;liiii \t. ti...:..li-i.

'|'“ "Ir gr.-.-~§(|'."| nl-"N. |-n|_ tit-. rxlltllllll‘ iiiiiiiilil iiiiivet~niit:it:lrnin,

Ii-it slztten.

in l-til l-I'~~' \'-in an tin‘ iii~iiil uli

llii-,it ll--iiiii<~i.itli" |-iit\- nl ilIl1l‘iIl|ll

iii iiuiii lil niy nt my lt'lll-l|l\'4 .iii~ lltlt

1- l liii. aiiil .l|t‘ H1 ;i|\i»hi :i!i‘i~ tn. \'nn

t-nl Illlil i‘.i!iiiii~i l‘ll||tI'<‘|ll‘| i_ .l\ \-iiu'l‘li~-|i-.ni- l\\'1Il'l.\\i-"till pm viiia \\'|iii

|iiiit'i~i lii il liir -.|i.~.il.tii r iln"ti'ntli. lu \\


it" unt nit niivu l‘lIl'iIl)‘. You urn at

i|..- .i.iiii.ti~.t Iiy l||\'I‘lt‘|-'\ll‘, iitipiltithileil

.itr~ly Rl‘Ill Intn anmr litlll?flllllt‘ rxtlr, lrat the t1I't\ill'lllllll. tn wliniii ho wnl nt (\l’\('Piilnl l1lVl1ll up. llnl liiii-lug heurii that lir llllll

lil1|\li\ll‘lI\'\|I|l|\lll‘1l hy n ilnnliifiil lli\'|l\l- niniiw~il Ii) hlw l|iilttutry,nlin~i-In-Imilhi-i-u

ll“ lit lllillPily.(Zt|liIlil1‘l'lll>ll‘property, and al-

np Nil tlint he lllltl ll lurtze fnuilly. he verytry, |\ItIlI‘l|i\ In iillii-i-.----Hy Ilriu ynnr iiintlii-~ u1‘lll‘l'tillily|mi|inui-il tnintuniiult |ilin.n|»

.- _. .

" r

‘|\l| -iii~ iiiipiivtii-il, yiiin iii'2in|i'itiintii-iiirst it" l‘<l,i,~iiiu liiii-giimii: ‘k'l'\'l‘l'il‘\l'yiiiii Ii'l<~n

\I'l| i tiziiliiii-it, y-nu‘ -.ii|i|initi-rii rllilii-itaw yniir piriy lllllI‘l|il‘-l.

liiili 'l‘lu~ [lili’llL'i.i-i- Illl’~(l‘ tliln;-v, l\|\I‘ l<

(|‘ |l|l“ll‘ I |\| iv liv i.inl.v.|_ l4 iii-l|.li"ir'iil lii ll|I‘lI| tun, it \‘tI|I ilii tint--» null lN‘lll‘\'l‘ ll

iii~*;iriii~.'.I.iIthi- tiuiii Ii'.lI hi-i \'--n. ll-til ~<n‘-» .t-ii I \|Il“-lis It I‘ tiutli, and iiii-rt‘

l).i|| qii.\..i|.- tin--iii~l llllI'|Il'l I-i

liiiiiwly tinllia nl ?\'.ini ll". ll \\‘iii|l-I l

}(\\'l‘l‘ liiiii iii.nii' an ;ilie|itni'i-, tiiiiii |Ill‘\‘\I| thi- i.nt\'. lint in tln-lii~.ii|i il

\\llIl‘lI in-.!i-iii:--l ll"l!lil‘t pi--lit t|ul'1'l

Ill nn |i.i)niriit nl ii\l.iUtl. /llti-' ituiuo ritu--t- lilll|‘l’(lllll‘ lll‘]!lIllIllll\tl hy Mr. Hliitler on thi-

iinll pail nI'lIn- idn\'i-_ this aitintitil. wmt redn-ir-il tii $‘_IltlI, \dl|l< It in" \ll’|H‘lllil-4('lil‘Ill tn

'i'l |iay.iuiil thin».|niii~litini\ltlu?wilniii. 'l‘lilu

ii‘. lu- rvlimd-il tu iln, iiuil itniil llt‘ ttiinlil tint

lit t-lvi- |iinie_ tltllti ti-lllll, ti-lili-lt wu-i n|l'ri-i-itlhl‘

wiinw than ui .|lli"‘l --l|1I'\' Hie l"‘I‘"lll- in iiiiilp¢'m\i~i-H‘il‘l'll"i| tiy Mr. /\llnutt‘~¢.

i.iie- Ill" l'I‘ltl .i.,.| ii..||.li-ii-tit, uni tn thi- |I|ll

l .

I ».iii'\'_ lti|\l- i-\;il|'-l, '|lii~\ Ii-til lliril Ilivy

|t|\l|\" '.|lI‘.llv iii ]\l|i|Il>iIl;1Ilii'I'. |llI‘\'l‘| ‘all-'l||l‘-l, ili.it their \\'|\lIl"( ntv ili-iivif-ti

\\'.i: .i l'i--I---.41-i nl llt1'iII|ll‘. lilin iniv 1-I 1' l, l!i.iI Ila-\' t.ii'i' tlii'vl.iu--i-|' ntiiilti-lill

y,.i|i l|l4' ll‘! I"- .~ii~, in-t .i liii-il. ii,,il.i-i_l

\'Illl \\‘lll I‘\< I\"<' HI". ll I -ln in-I 'ilIIl\\'

t-1'lllII'>ll‘lil.l‘lt'illll|l I‘: il .i i.i.iilur.\\'lii~u yint \\‘I'|l‘ i-l-ili‘~l Inllm I

t-uiiiii-til zitiil ill\ii|l"lII .!.i- I \lItll'Jl llt

tr--ill. it \\'.i-. tint l-n nu) |l|||ll'|||l|r


I . . .ll

iii\' \\'|ll Illli :iii~ii\t'|. 'l'li~‘ir~ lI|ll‘\l ll!‘ \'5ll

|\\I\l li‘|_t‘i|i1‘ nuinn|_' yiitti liiviiilt, iii‘

Iiii- tiu.l lllI‘Itl .I\lt'l'l\ til llii-i-li"i'|iini~t nl l~‘4

,ii. _...'|‘|,i~y \\lll uni iii|.- int‘ ynnr ll|I|lit|\"l

l.ll‘il|Ill'Ili the |N’i'|lli' ll.lil tin yiiir ]\6‘l‘~'l|I ~ -Ila‘ l|Iif~|'lll)'|tl Iiii-ti |tllllt‘||Ill‘\ liiilililpity, liiil Iii-i.in.-~ iln-\' tl|'|'I|N"l tli:it


art I llllilillldltl piiiii ipli :,|'\\l‘lt||-ll l~

twui \' nl inn li~:|iii'-li-"nit lu-tiliiti.ni~<. \\

iiti~iiti|-i~t \\ iI’i \‘ItllIl‘ll

. tiiiu. .\'iiiin-ti

ii-.it ‘Vii iiill they l.iltv |i:iiu~ In tnle hirt

.ii..-l.\\|‘lll\I'l!| lilll i--»iiiili\. illlll tliv |l4‘|ltlil~:lllt_'tn ;_'nilt Ivy it_-- ~'i'l.i~y \\‘lli |\|l‘\l‘l'

lll1'\ iii |1l‘lll‘l'.ll,i|IIil In iii-l.nl, the L'It‘ill]Ii’l|lpiiiiviiili-~ lit-t\' he ll(“"I‘t ti--l iii‘ lIll|1l\liI'|I |i‘I'.1llii |\r'n|il<- lllVl‘ atiil i'lii-it.~i|i, nuil

In an i-iilhn~|.t~tu' .ill.ii-lnin-tit In llll‘ titan. thi- ~4iuii' Ill-IIllll‘l Ilin |ii-n|ih' |llI‘l|lal‘l\'

an lllti‘ll. \\'llI‘lt ilil"‘ .-il-4-i -n-rnuil tliiui

Ill llti‘ |..t .l.'.-" lI'lllIlI, llll'\‘ tun tint ili

i;lit\i \\i\lll‘l iliiI|' Ill |Iii~ii |i.iiti~i‘. Ynu ui~

\-Ill ‘init li‘~lI'tIl |.:iIln|_{ lN‘\'lllIil tin‘ \\'i~iln-\ nil

;ii=iiti--t lllll thi- ]Il|lI('l|\lt"! they l|I\|'1|N‘llIIl\'iu |\.t|Iy llll‘.|Y»l|ll‘l. Ynti ha

_ l.. .

an I i-l- '|t\ll, -tii~ i.ni lll.lill' |I|'Illllllll'Il

llii‘ 1II'l~l nl thi- niili\ilii.il ltirir llll.ll'll~€lIlI‘ll| ll-I I t*h‘\.i|r-l. llul ‘1ll<'ll |\ iiiit

i'.i\i- i\l' llll‘ |ui-tent .\'llllI|ll\lt.llllIll.

\\lI\ \lt'\l)iI\ti| In |uliti-t|iii-ii nlinii-, II

In-iiii-glit llI¢'lll iuln pniii-i'. :\llnni' 1'

ll)’ llin i-\itiiipli- Ill thi- l\l\ltlll l .\|, .\'l'.

l'.\"I'l-Ii-ZN, ll'.,)‘tIl|\' nii-it Itllli\'i' State I

il.i' ll.llll|"|, \tlnh- iitlii-i-i "-|i.i|i- tlni .~.iinil~i,ynnr Si-i ll".ll\' iil |Iii~ \1.t\v_ ltiii --pliiii l||,l| llil'\'IlIll'\i\'tl\llll.ll l-it |uini'iph-t tt

tinllt lll‘l‘-l\' li‘\\' ll*\‘\'l“. ut \|ii~i-i-ii,"\- tlii-ii l'lI|l ‘I nun ilI‘t‘ 'l'lii~4 itlztlr iii llll

\"l- llt‘a|'lll‘l' I" l‘ll llllt‘ the |\;it‘llt"i In lilllit‘

ivy tn tilt iiniIi-.iliIi- llIllt|l[1|‘llIl‘lIl. llllil ll|Nlll

nli" the il|l|llll‘l|lllill nl iIii~ idn\'o~‘ii 1-niiii.~.i»l,il-i|- ;-ii~i~il In it)‘ ltlr. Mliitill-4, thi- liiinl iliqin.lll‘ -.itiiiu nl IIn- |llIllll'l' \\ii-t int]-niiuril nu-i


until \\‘:~.liiv-~<-lav l:t'iI. Mi-:in\\l~lli-, thi-

ili- \l5|\'l‘ \\ll‘4('|tilliIlllll‘il In lIii- rliiirtgn nl .\lr.

1!-r |t.iytn|i, n|n- iil the k1‘l'|II‘|.‘4Ill lllt‘ ili'lit-

lI'- iii‘~ ili-;tiitiiii-tit nl llll‘ iii-w ini--nu. llI‘l(‘

.I.lii-1 ilniu- In i-livrlt this 1-iiittliiy in-lil' lir ti'ui:iitii-it iiiilil 3~'.|li|iil.i)' In-it, \VlI|‘il lu-

yiin will lll,|ill'l|i‘l l“&I’it|N‘, tint |i_\'li|i~.tlti|u1 t|iriiiii:liIll tlii~ wall. tll hy~itiniiiiii;1:ui) iil thi- l(t‘I‘|iil> cw, lint eiiiuply liy niakiiiig nu" I-I ill‘! ll‘i[.'4ll. iiiiil \\'i\ll\lll|f nnl.

In- \\'i- li:iii- lii~i~u lllliIl'l|l4‘il, hiil rattiinl

Ill‘\I‘||l r\<l|ll|lll\lIilll\Ill. liii they i.r-i- lltllll “nil iiill uni \'iillt‘ll lnttliv iiri~i|t‘tn't' iil'tiii~\"‘ luliii"in.it|iiti,tli:il \l|‘. ll.i\'tnii him \ilI‘l'I't'll~

1‘tl"llll‘ll.u<-|i:i~"~t-ii' |lIl‘ll wlin \\|ll l'.l|'|\’ nnl nil in "lllIllllIil_[ int" tn ili<~ t‘tI|lt|Illlll"l\i 1-I‘

l'l- |l|I‘hlil\'|', althniigqlt thi- tuau i-iiiuiriitli-il

lu |l{|'d i~~4i~:i|n~il.'i'Iil~i is nu (‘XlIiill|'4llll7lI')'"'4 |til‘l 1- n|' grind Iliitiiiw llllll ll ii Iiir tli:it

"‘|,ll‘.'l*\'llIini|_\' tlitit \\'l' ltl‘f<‘ H‘l'lIl'll Ilivlin-I.lit‘ \\'v in-.uil llial llnt iiliiillIlinil~l~iivliwi-il

VI‘ In llll\.Iill'1' :1 i'i'ul lll\\'|ll'll\i ll\il‘<ll|l‘Y llll‘

V- -darn in pnt'i'Ii.ii:lu;{ lll‘i iiniiiiuiiiwlnii. al-

ti'- |il|tll}'lI tln-y \\I'l4‘ vi-ry lIll~4Y, llltll ll'l\'thi- line yuit Ni'»tliln;! lllll (Iii-ii‘ iiiiirul 1'iillI'- .-,..i.-|< in L-rt tiiiii iiiit iii‘ ,\li-, A||iiii||'.i

It u-ivan-l thi-tr llt‘l'\'l‘,€>l\’f‘il _\‘iIl|l‘|I-'l|lYint Ni-tr Ynili In l>"1I. ll.iil they lniti-|

\I-l1‘|lll|iI||\K, anti liii‘i‘Ii't'ati~ |I|'l'lll\l|l‘l'i, \t'iinIil nut lliI\\' l|:|\'t~ hail It in ynnr |\i|\\‘l‘l'l‘ iill \'.ll'Illii't‘ll nu the ali:ii' nl'tlii~|iiih- vi‘ l"l'l‘l\‘llI'il ynnr i-iii-iiiiv~i.at the i-ttveiii-'<'lie tznnil. an-l

_\'n|n" livi-n .-tuil ill'lill\l\\'l(‘ilt{- of yntii‘ lilllllllll lll|‘llll.‘4. 'l'ln-iv \\':HI|n~ri

nit» tlii-ii. ynnr |i.itty \\'ll.\' rtiiiii--I.nnil vi

ill “l‘llll<‘lll‘“i."“I


Nlarylantl |,l‘l{iI4|lI|lll'l‘.

.\tt»-|itAi‘i' ritim ‘till; l'|tui lilttit?til til‘ 'llIll

i~il ln|'<':4i.-'lIt inIi'~I he llllllllll‘ii lv\' ynnr nu lllllllt‘t‘ttIt‘lll fnr tlii' hart)’ tn tall)’; Illlll l'i'““"""" ‘|""““""'i "mi S“N"":'” MM

"iI‘\'-ill-III. il' yiiu <ll|l|IIl\t‘ _\-nnr niliiiiiiia- iinlily iliil they inei-tt|n' i'ii.~<i~i.~»-A<luil|

|I.’lllI\ll i~nn lii~ ‘&I|\lI|llIl:li liy any |M\ltn\ll ut tihal thi- |i.iil_\' t'\"|><'iti'il In

;illi\|tI‘il at tlin tuiii- i-t’\'i-iii i~li-i-liun.

liiviv Nl.lllll\' thi- l.|i'l' I\|l‘ thi- Ii-xii

ilivy, ataiiil untwt hvtaiki-it hy yinir 1\ilinliIi~lIwe t|iiii_nr nit .\ll|‘t‘ nu l‘lll't'l Iiitliitni i-nnw.

I t .in tiin~<t l'ilI ul the tn~i.t i~li-i-iiiin. it in

llIl1' \'r'l li»nl:ili‘tiiu\'i'rl the i'\"il. lliyuit \\‘i

piiiii-||i‘i-< nt' llll‘ innit‘ ii-i |ll4|||\||\I‘l|ll\' iii sit.-Iiiiit the llviiiiii-i‘:iIii' |i.n'iy, ltl

' 4' llti-ii>ti_vlli~iiii>i-rulir |iiiiii'iplr~., ynn uni

iin‘ .<niiinniit yntirwll t\'tlh nnll|u<'|ii|i;; It"lilll\lIli>lI\' '|Il‘ii|‘\‘l'\NIII " lI ii iiiit .-ii.iii;;Ii

.-i-i-|i,.ui-l Il\ l\llt'|lIl\ iti'i1|~il, .l\" tlii-v wet

at llll‘ I liiw nI'tln' .\ii|uiiu~ti'.itinii ut' yi.

I" |\""l' i"‘li'"‘"*' l|"‘ 'l"l‘\linn nl niu t\'.|n»l.i-4 in 1Illll‘l‘. and lI'i It an liilll1l‘l' l

lll~l1‘|\t‘|ltit‘|ll 'l'ti~:i\iu't'Z-'l‘linn;-li, Nlliit

yiiii \l|t‘l'l't'tl in l‘\l-IlIl|\lil|\l! ili.it. || nli

ll||tr't'£ll\'_ lil~|lll\‘i li'ntn ynin‘ eiiipliiy l'\

il~l .i |lil\\|lill'l that it Ill-Ill is ll "tiiiiili-i'iiti‘ 0|-ni- piiiiviii." 'l‘lii- |ii-n|ili- \\'lll tlii-it l'\‘lll‘

tt'nt|lil i~iu\\'ii _\‘inii' .\<lnn|it~'tt.ilin|i \\'Illl. t.

Ilii-ii‘ t'l'l|lilll‘llt'l‘ in _\'nni' |Illlli‘_\\lU|l!i,nit

‘.'\ lil:i7i~ iil';_'lin_\'. It \t'utilil lit‘ at llll\llll< their l‘|ll‘l':[ll‘.“l itt Vniir !lll|I|Iii|’l. luillini-itt tn yiint' lIinn~ lillllt‘ tlllI';lltlI‘ llia

sine is at l\‘.\\l |i|nl>li~|i|:ttir‘:tl. I\tti| it-Ii

l' il' 'l'l|"ti“ i~ n|n- plain nuil |l|lt‘l|lli\ii':il rtiiuret. it l\ :t |i.||I\' tui':t<it|'<-, :|ui|l*' "I" l"“I‘ili~ tin‘ :tlt_\' !\ll|l|llll\il-llitlll

t‘i“i~t nl tin‘ ~.tuii~ »\ili|iiiiir.ti.iti.,i, ;"~,..pi-~i-.t in iI..niil rwiiiiiig illl|llI‘i\'[\1\\\'l'lnu-l ll\ilI}! :tll ilil‘ illlllll‘lIl‘t‘ tlii-lr vi-ry i

lii~i-Q i;i\i~.~i ihr-in. in tliwait the \'ll‘\\.\',

iiii l ti|\|tiI\‘(‘ thi- \t'ixlir-~i iiI'tln'i|'i~tit|iliiyi't''l‘ln~ inIlnrni-i- iii‘ ll|l‘.\<‘ ~ailiiit'iliu.iti- iii

vi-rel. \\-hn tiinuztgtv the li1'l.lllS nI' tu\~'tiii-

is Iii-ynnil i*unji‘rtti|‘i‘. ll|lllll1‘§'1llliil\‘\lll\l\t‘\‘. Yet _\'nii !4l‘t‘lll tn he su|p|'i~i-tlial i\tTl|'llilI?lIlll‘£lSlllt‘ttl.)’l\lll'Alilllill

traiinii l|¢l.<not lK‘1‘lt l'Slrl'lI‘ll, tvlii-it il llti

ji\t'il\' nlithr |N‘4l|ll(‘ilnnlitli-s~i il|llllt\\‘I‘llitt it l.-= lll‘li'l\|(‘Il in ynnr n\\'n lllltl\‘lllllil. liy yiiiii‘ ii\\'tt set \'ilill\", ttlin ||l;|l\(‘

tin-it‘ sttiily tn t‘1\lIlll\‘l’;It‘l ynnr |iulii‘y at

ii li-ii-tire will l-i- tttriii-it In 1.1-at in ynnr I'

y un\\' l|N‘\'llIll)l_\i' :l\\'1Ill‘4 ynn. l.i't lltt‘ ti:

i~ ynii, lllllliilllf l'l\l‘ \\Ill S.l\'l' ynti.

it 'l‘lii-\i- nti- |il.iu| ll'lllll\’, .nvIi I litiiiw :i

iii _yuii:ii't‘ iiiiii.-wit in limit‘. I aiii tin "illll'l

I"-"")' “ l‘~"i_\' Ila-:i<itii'. t‘\'i~u \\'llll :i f[ll‘.ll i-r. Ynti |i:i\i- lIt'l'|| llJlllI‘|l‘tl tun iiiui-ii'"="""l.\' "l'll"‘ l"“‘l'l\‘ in l-l\'iIl' nl'|t, tilii-ii :ilii~:iil\'. ||li1'\|'\il‘\i lIli'l'll|l£f‘i rind tinn-

il l-"1?" '""i'"ll)’ Ill l|n' \’lIlHlI'<lllIZll|'IIlll- wt


i.i~ it\i.n'ii.'

'1'" 'I'Ir||i'»=iIny,Jiirituiry Ill, |i31l'.i.

ll. 'i‘lit\ §\llljl‘('l, lIt‘|i\I'l' thi- l\'i‘|nili~, lieiiig"'l thi- lltlllllllillltlll ni .\‘iiiun|~i .\'nll\>lI-"l ll-"-

htiiiil, il1tIllt‘ Ill‘ illl' iiupr-i'tui~i til -“initial

"I l"i~li, ni thi- rity ul ll:i|lluini'|'. IN-‘i"lllI\ll-

*1|,.,; by ||..- iit>\l‘l'ltli|‘ nii t|n~ ‘llth inst.

"'i'hi- i|tii-.~.tiiiu\\':t~' |"Iii

“' "\\'lll ll|l' Svlnilii ilIl\i\l' anil ruti~4i‘tlt

"'tn the ll|I|IiIit|lllll'Ill(|l :\'iitiiiivl Nnitnn. u-


priw-:ililytn the iiinultniliun!"W

'l'ln- yea‘ unit iiuya l\t‘ll' thlivil lni.

‘flIlllll nu taking ill(‘lll, they iiiipt-nrvtinit lol-liitvti. '

V _ _

"' /|”ir|||4|l[|'4'_-\lt‘s$ll'*L l€ly, Evainr,lii;i.~~i. lint llii~ ~'iii-i~i-_\'a nl tli|~r nn~a- \‘lII',Xlllil Nlll't'I‘\\‘\\‘lll lnlliiiv, \\’l|I‘lI‘ \lt‘ll'|ll iil|l4l‘:\l)iII't|\lglt_i\ln|Ili|, i\l.|Itlii‘\\'l. vii ('..

H.\lult|it~t\'s, n|' A

, !\l:inl:iI-y,Nvntl, Wasnil.



.\'r;,'1iIi|'r.—-'l'liiunan, tui‘i.t-. l!i't'ltt'lI,"

ltiiiiiii-, l':l‘t'll'.\'ll|i|, llunnhu, .'\la-,:t'ii~|i~r,

l't>ll$, i'rnll, l‘tu'ui'||, lttc-in-l, .\Zte\\'art.—




I' -'- t l \"lI||)lililllIl'T

. viii;y |>uZili<'inii.'iumy liiilil :i tlllll‘|'\‘lll.. .

- .r

i‘r1nlmi,iiia|;i-triiiii- iniir -, in:

$11 It \\.l\ ll1‘ll‘TIilllN‘|l in the Iit'i_iiiiVI‘.

tiiilvit-il that it he uuti-il nit the excell-

|‘<‘lllll' iniu'iinit's,' hut still it it wliispi-ii-il um j,,.,,.,mi "ml ||... _‘\-,...,,;.,ri",,,,',,( mub<~i-ii iI\lIiIllll‘ll by one attliii ltI0ltlltt'fI\itlniir ti

~i. Iiniii \I.iil:\\\'n.~u"ii Li t|n- tril-l\nl‘:\tkaii-.:i>r,_

,', . . .

Unit Ilia Ii“. H1 "'1" "l 'l'" """"'""‘ "l lb" '"

llIll' iniiuty, \\Ulll1l nut hate \tIll'<l furtlivli- aiiil ilaily {!l'lI\\‘§ lnitilrr. \'n|i iiiay iiul n~jri‘ll“" "ll Sillllin-I gnu,“ ,,f ||,,,|-‘ml gii-iriiti-ii‘ i‘lllll’ll la tliliiiii-trit-i, i~xii-i~iti-il ii

~‘\ lirelillllll‘t\:n'uin_t:. lnit the t‘ntt.\t‘i|iit'iti"t'.~' ,.mm|)._ ".,,.,§.,;,i,-,| M Um. ,,|" ii". |m,‘m._Inmiliril iliillirra, bt-iiiiieu iidiliiiiiiiiil li<i-iii’-ir no

'l I ll5' ‘H ' "“" ltIi\ iil l-'i~li, hut Inr the (lt‘I'lilt‘l1liUtl nl'tl 1'‘l“" "" "l'l“‘"l"- "‘“""" “'“ ""l "“ "‘_“"_hum

_'l- “('nuung t‘\'I‘l|lIl vital their iili:iilutt'a l~r~|'i-re.“ _\-,."_“m- |'|»,,m \\‘;|_\-|.i|mi.,|| i-r||||,(y_[|m[ It tilean to believe that the “lawyeta ul lullitni

"" /in-l it ynn |ll|l'Slll‘ llllll‘ll lit|'llii~r thi- “-“,4 hit; I)\|||i||\‘t‘, mt Ullt‘ til‘ the ttliii-tooii are nuiielliiiii or uiulleiu an tlie litter wu

~t- In", M," H". u,,“- |,|||~,.\i|,;_-‘yin" ||.;,y_ Ht,-u..;,,.i ,.|,.,.|,"-5.‘ hy H-[ii-,i|i_Lvtn gti liitii au|I]i0nea,riiidthat tiiry w_nuldaggrariiltreliieii\l- tviii-n it is tun late, are the \‘l'l'Ul' tit ynnr thi- l‘ilt‘('lt\l'£ll I‘n||i-;gi~ tn tll‘§i|'Uy‘the lll(‘|) iielvt-ii

“?llll"; '"l'""')' "l lh" c"‘f“““"“-I"'_" \'"\|l'»‘"‘- l‘\|\l|llf_{ t'un.~.litntinn til‘ this State, lit nr-‘J We lulu: nccvioii lu notice the ‘n\"Z'

'1 liltl7'i‘llH. iter that tl hi-tier one inh_'|it he stthstitutcti. tr:iii~ii'cuurtii Iii-rtalii~r. in ilii.- lllltllil iiiiic \Il

It ~"

'l'ln~ r llk‘:ill(II1 was put npuii rtsseiittrttztlitrart ynnr‘ ltlt‘tl\llt't‘§, ll\tlt‘P|l‘\§ yntn


?ii~n<l\_ ttnil i-|u:niti:i;ge yiinr Ii-i‘s. lI'tl

|it‘npli~(‘lllllll ll!‘ llltill('(‘ll tii t'tnii:e in tlin.ijui'ity nlilirir Sl|"l‘llt§lll, thry uiipht r

slat this liziiit-lul il\iltll'tll‘(‘ hy thi- ni-i-

A-|iitini\l|'at|ii.i tn (‘ti-tI[It‘lilll‘ with till‘!

s.ti"iiIii1~_<. and they snim in-<-iiiiin Iiik


" '



..‘,‘M " ".3 <Ml'lV I »',


.‘\: .-,

K. "_t




Hi l\l l~1RSl"'l‘ COUNT Y.’

in llitinly.

l-Iii-i-tnr.-4, ivl.-i \\'tH uniulinilr-il liy i

(,iTIlIi|ll,tlhl a allliltfl‘ nttho Urptiiiiin‘ (‘uii

?ir (tin-i~n Aiint-‘ii i-iiiinty.

'I‘ll Ii ('l'1l1 I I4 lrIr\Zl'}'l"I‘l‘l.v-- I 1 lll"‘ . . .- -

'IllI'|\Y"l4'\' nr"r|ir l.AWI ARI! I'0nIt‘ri1'v1'inw

I-Illa tun . lllil.

N.\'l'|IllI)i\Y, i-'t~:i:itnAn\' ti, i.~<::1i.


n |il.ii‘.\ tu iiiir iwti.

'l'iiii '1l‘ul'lllltlII' nl' .\liirylnuil liiite ruiolt-i

tn illllltlllll llll Ilii '.'il til‘ \lrirrli iii-\t.

uiilli i rig.

w.- ,..-i..:n- i._. ii... ......<.».-.i..-,,..-ru... I.

.\'tili~il|ri-i~|nr ul' tlin lilltlnn llitilt, \\'ill

|>lill“I' in ll_\‘alntllig \\liI'H‘ ii i-i il? iii- ii, ll

i\ l|l‘lt itn imli - it ill lw rt rli'I'|tii-il'

'l'Iii» Nl‘\\‘ \'iirli |lil|N‘II iiiliirni Illtliiil II

|'niiiiuttlr|~ rt i-i-iitly ii|i|-ntuliil liy 4'-iugri an

iuti-iitigiilv tlin Niviiltniriil vl|~t'uli-iitininr,

|-tin.--i-tilting ||ll‘if liilinrii in llirtt 1 tly ti illi i-lnv-r

Ilimfl. \\'|i WlllllllIl\l\'I>~l'"ll'|Nlill‘I‘tnlw nu tlii

g\iitr.l. Illtlly “ii-t-in Itiuniig tlirin, nlill il' itit

|lt1|\l‘ ri~i'r:.i tnry. iii "iiinii- ili.-ir i-lltnw-" mil

iitil niili-ra, lltrll‘ in tin illllltu wlnll uixglil

tlu: uiiiiii lllil'l|\l‘. i

\\'i- lll|\t‘ In-i-rt rll?lillllfll with lliv‘ l'nlluwir

lrtli-r llllllI\‘I'-l'(l In uIlt' nl' nnr ri pri--iiitiiiiti

ri-|-ly iii llltt| |i.irt n|' thi- l\"I'I wliii ll iilliiitmil

tin, iii- lni\i- nuly tn nay, tliul we liui \\' tint, ll

i~iiri.iI, ti-liut iqiiiiinii-i ilii~ "litwyi iii iii lllkinii

i-iii--r|.iiiiii| iiiIi‘i-llliilt iii thi- I|l.IL'iIif-l\I'

,.,,..,t<. We iiiily ripri--n.i-it niir II\\Iliii rigii

tin-lritv lnni l><'i-u rriit Irniu tli.it pliirnlu lllt‘

i|..- lint ..r i|..- llll Iltlilinilall.

would liiut that the letter writer being a canal

, I ' _. .

'. '. . ~-,' ll

“.m.m and mP5m._.|“_“ ",M,."__“-“:__"M lt.it any tiuinuittvc ll|i|ttIt|tll‘t.l hy the in Port nt'p0I|l tliaii any other iiliiec in

then -|i~;gi|\ti~il. _

ll is inn ti tie. .'ni.l at pit)‘ that it is an

that Iln'< :\|lllllIii\l|illlIlll has no striin

linl-l nil lln‘ -lill‘t‘liI|ll.\' nl' the pviiiili-, till rt’ h:t\i~ ilinie nntIini_~_'in -Ii-st-r\'i~ it.

slum unt, III the Ir-.i>‘l iiieiitity itsellitvitthi- taste and Ii-minus i-ftiiv p.||'l)'. It

~ . - to|| ," . y R‘. ,. .m; t" ] bu “W -


- State. it ta not only rt great CUllIL|"¢"c‘3

t'titIllTlill‘(,Z(‘;hiltit: tvllligiiylilsltllll.tlzii U" mcimi“nr Mr’ Ely’ H was ordered.‘ii“: pm?!“ °r “'° "°i'i"l’°'l'°?d' "M T.‘ ('ll"(‘lllliSlllll(‘1'5 ritieiirlinp the seiectiun tit" mm mp lnjnn?mndi-)rm(Fiicy::n'.ietT0lti k;.i'.iiiiii'i‘li:iii'l'i°':“'i°"ur |’°r‘"'9—-—l-—llll ill"? 5i"'"°° mu" l"“"“'

I~ n t


.." thi- I|l(‘llilK‘l'5 iif llll\l t‘(l||Iltti[[l‘(‘ '| I it ed from me prm M m"s0 ‘C 8 Ji ~' ll Ii‘

, ?c n munthe rivcrbaiiincu. oun tliniktliritlvlrl

iniiiiial iharttitii oi siiine of tlioiii that°‘N‘m“c S“'s“m' mmhhm i 0 i

0 l ii-ii, nit ll-i<:Clnt'C to yol I


" ' '" -'



»ll’ li\‘\l.'['__‘f‘.

“the l'liilailt~lplitans talks too much litera-

|i,lm_ "h}‘_? nl. Um Fmhmlms has hum‘ tinrt and loyitgllttll of §atiiu}i\1SuItlIe£.uti|i‘,,3 .|F__

alt the yin»;-‘yd?!’theI

hlllllil is. in htmihng thi- t)P(ililt". A enin- l"‘l‘|"5l’°c“"‘ U" “"m““° ‘. r‘ ' ‘ ' i>=°i'l° i:f"i‘"".Y\"_""*_l'l“°°~ '“‘° 'l‘"°isl

"im,,_,,.~,m, Run is r,,cumm,,nd,,,l m H“, It was nntr-rctt that the said procee<l- ii... (~.~¢.i r;;.;.,ii¢-, iii inn piiiicror l.-nit eatiir.

iii.|,.i....~ i|...i (‘nl. A.i..-.. \vi...iiii 1-. -i.-.i..|

'l‘|ir- iiiippi r l"r.iuliydid tint talus al all RlIliIl|'ll‘(.I”,k "J-Swm,,.“‘ Cmmly (-,m”__U.\._

llm faiiiity ul' lil-i falrnne wan in bat itiudt-rate

eirritinv-taiiii~-, aiiil living liirriar:lI' pour lie lil-

Ilihl. ;~§¢n;||.. hm‘ rpy-riuid U". n0m||m_ uilrrri lll\|l'll iiniiiratiu rcmtmuyl la-aide: hr

||n" (;|']_ lt‘ '|‘||.,\u,.' mwufitn. 'I\'i|,c|N-1. win anti-Iii-il, priiiiili il lll‘ t‘Olllll nhtani "IF at‘-

}.,\-, li-1 lliiltu nl' liln llllli iura. "'l'l|r- 1 unr-it nl' lrttf

|| lint," it in aiiiii_ "IlI‘\'l'I Illlll iii|inntli," aiiil

l"rririlty IllilI|1’l'l| in liiiw a rlul wlin iviiii iunrli

Il4l|t'I iliiiii liiiiiti-lt'. tum rm-iiing when lie

wiiu viiiitiiii‘ liin 1-iiiiriiii-r, rillrr tlie lhllllll lniil


lwi-ii apri-ail ivilli iIii- Iiiigiil meal llrllllllll and

_" uitlli, lnit ln-l'uit- the iiiuiily luiti lnltru theiri-i-iitii iii ilin talili-, lolll? min any:-ii i~'riiiilty'iirivul ruling lI|i.

liriiiii-dial: ly,"n t'li:iug|- |‘li|llI

n‘i-r tlii~ I\llllli||N‘I' ut‘ the ritual." Au lftiy nut-

git‘, Ilia talilo wan r.li-arul -inf lla liiarl, iiuil

'i'Iin lilll‘I Iill "'l‘iii 5in'r<ui\ii'|L" i-liiill hate “"“|l|" "i"“'i""'l l“ hi" Um hi" 1"" ""' "l"'"

wliilv ilnlh. tll.l|lI‘ t'Ulll'I0 ul'a lllllll tniir,

liniu-vrr, tlii» l-i|ili~\\lIll n|(:iiu liiriiiiiiii-il, uht an

1. liifnii-, hiit with tin: riuttalole n|-|wrn|ii|;rii fur

niulitnig Ii-u, riu<l with wuriii lirri-iii, aurli an la

lin-lily llillal il, iiiiil, in i-uiiiiuiiii |i.irl:irii .-_ llb"0'll

ii'i.iii ll ('...i;;i.~.~.ti.ii.|,1 1:. lliIlllII\\Y"l’l--- "~"""i'--\\-'»" \\l-P» ==|l\\"--"--|y.i-- in--ii--~

rii~tniu,lirn|lit-r A-.* Wm.§|..]|.»,| |,,,,,,). K,u..,.'

wlin, “Ill! lllll' xnlviriiiily, litruiln I'nliI~rl,ii|ii|“‘

nyi» ilni-id, |-rniiniiiir-iil tliu Iolluwiiig irri--

|iI4|t|t|tlll 1,. Iti'tllt||ii|IZI“ -~'i‘ii-- i....1 i..- pI..|l|'dllil lint» 1'... .......,.i-i

'|'.. ..- Y‘ lltl\\‘ ii.i..,;-i lift‘ Ilil'|||lv‘|l‘"PH ‘ii i-h--ii i.iki. l|||l\ ii-ii

I-'-iiIll|||tl r l Il‘I\

" Win II‘ iiiilli iiiiil iiiiiiili tvi ri- iuti-iiili il."I" “IN lllllllli-I iiiiiti-i-wiiiiy In lllltl iltiii, iiili-r

""' """l!\’""". FriiiiliyIll ti-rri-tnrtir-ii in Min iii-

*' l-lily 1....-, i.-ii i. ii 1.-~i i.-ii... iiii-ii-ituiiv.--I P.»-" I\'I\7IiI||l iii‘ In» Illlllll ii-imii-iiii iiiiil.

v .- . ..

iil' thi- WIlll4‘ll|'I lllllIill\|lll‘Il iii thi- l‘il>Il‘ Illllllltl ,\.i..1.-,_ _|iiIll4‘lll'|Ily iii’ a grnluili-anIr ilirtrai-ii~r, i|l‘lt|ll"|| for niir painr, tn iii-

I--~ ...-i.. ,..ii.u.-..i....., llttlll I» iiiii Wllll ....~..iia.;tiiiiii l"ru|.iy uiniiiiiig. 'l'hia will cw]-lain In

\lllV|lt‘ iiiii-ii-~ii~il ilir It ii-mu of the tinri~.i|-|><ni-‘ii

iii..- ..i' i|-.- lillalnu |iyl‘|'t|tIl II|Illl‘|‘»

Illlllt .\‘i.iii~ ll ;;i-litiiri-,l.y ll gi-iiili-innii liiiiii; Fur the i‘.-i-it izim Ill .

in I‘-"I l'-~i">~I'-"Ii" -- It *‘""i"i"- """~~'-"i"~.it.. I-:-uh... —'i'i... in-.iy or.\ii. ti-y. \\'liiI‘lI

lIlll'\ ll|ltll lll, Wt! will igiw it pnl-ln'|ly- Inmni fniiuil iii tliiii iiriglilinrlintiil,liiiii l|l'lllt'll

" nuuin iiili l'l'\1|. I \Vl)lllll liiut tn llii~ igvnllriuati"'

\\liIl r...i...i .i_i|...r it lliiultl. |in-aihly llilll‘ lnl'lI

init \!\l|ll llr. \\'i --'» trnult, nuii lin IA ||!ll’l ul

" ‘tln~ i.itii.i|.t.-.1...-iiiiiviizn niiiiieriiit iiitlitiie in-


[lIl;t|\lH', (‘IIll\UlliilIK lllt: IigIllll\IIl'I ni‘ it Wt)’ [mitt the juiiriinl llll'llll0Il|‘tl iii ynnr la~'t.

liirgii riinyirily I-l' ill \'"\\‘"i—""*li"""" '"""l4" iiml if it he |)(I3Sil>l\!tirtli'ripl|i't' lnnri-you

tn -r-\'.Ih<' iiaiiin 1-1' llwmillti-I "Y "I" |'"ll"“'"‘lt shall linvi- it. Iii-ar hnwevvr this (‘{lllI|Ul

Iriti-ii-iiiiil-,iii ill! IIWIIliiiiiit writing, iiiiiniig in. ,|,,,,,.'.f,,,- “,0 K,-..;,k.r p,,,ii.,;, ,,[ ii

iti:iuit~i1~rl|ithi l|I|Il'l| turn niiil xnili-il.—

'1'ln:Turi: llICSt\é\IlW()li\ iitvelllgatlmiin l'lI>II ll.


vi Ihr rm 1'.-.-:1 1.'.m-11..

Mn. I-Iiittiut: l give you niintlii-r id

\Vi- llltVC lli'Yt‘l'(lIl1'Ilililll'tl ii ihiiihi tliiit ilii~ '|'t..-ii- iii Il?t‘ |i.i;_'e that ]ti'l‘?<l(‘ltl-l-'l llllllil

\lL|\\"t('[' iii‘ |‘illtlI!l|," iiiiil iill ntlirr M'tIailIl¢ i'illl-lli.\llt'ill a|i|>t-n|"nii<'i-. (in it l trava-

|l|l‘|l ii-tin li.ii~i- i-ti-iithe mil Il'4lli\|I ni‘ lllll t-w ~.~pi-utintn-Ii tirni- in i~nilt-avnringtu Illllkl?

6. it utit. 'l'lil!~t page lit iiiii~it' hlratitgi-ly. . . --

» ' ' ‘ll.ll'()llllti anti at-rn.~x~i with ilivi-r.~i,

- ..,

.. .. , -..

I ii- --I t In til» It’I('lll‘tl iitwi grimy in-nkii-I» l.iiit:u.~i':i .

\ tllll LYIMI iii s inn) lii .-tilt nt. U“ nlnnm, M ML “‘mm.' [he fu||u“.1.,K Y '*"‘|I‘,':' _"i‘

H I" lm;r:_“hwy".~. lhitlapi-rili ill!‘ \'lbi|'l\ iil nu

iiliiiiwil |i.iii_y'. "rum. was "ml: fl“"m“ "l_'“' u

Tl“':“:::m_hmk Wu M" H shun l".“y,.r‘ "ml. imm,.,||“|,-iy fiilhiw.u

~ »'

I -i


,iU 1 -

'll iltviiil. it in tint, at ]lllY~l‘I\l, in lit\\ nii.l. .

‘I l" """"" ""

M mm ‘I-..\-N, “'||'kl‘tl Uillllhl, no lung in my., nrrit. 'l‘ln-si~ t-nnialii nuntln'tnn.~4 tltlililht

Mtilil llli-l<nry and tlit: Ft-iialur li'Ulll .\lls‘

41,.» l;iri1i- lil;ii~k lint <1. lint I i-an Illllllllyrmiil

Piiunri. 'l'lii: tiatii uti

thiw |I.t?I‘ is "Jun.

u_|l‘|t||, H157.“ l\in\\', it we Illll unt all

\.. kiiuw lliirry's i\l'llillltl‘lll.\l on ttii- RUllj4‘(1l

l r iifi-.r]ii1ii';i'ii;_-,we niitght (‘Ulll'll|llI‘ that hi-l.‘

hail In-Iaki~ti liini.\'i'|l'tu thi- r.r-Iiiu»,';iri,';pru-P

rum, in nrilrr tn liiiit nut SllllIl' til‘hi.-i sinliilnatlis. lntivt-tl l cuutiut lll‘l[7ltt‘l'l‘CX(‘lillIll-

"lug. what it pity it is that so |1ri~:it and

'° grind n man asllurry of the West siliuulii


“'he given to hard stvearliig. il. X.

_ _ . ‘ _

tit:-rt-tn; the yr-as and nnys were aakeil lllllli?y nut be ioduiiitnuierliiiilio |lP0l\§IlClii- 1'""" U" /‘- \- -"I" 1‘-'"~

tni-, aiiii iiii taking them, they uppeareil t'inii- llb.|‘t)itlT,-"till.titii, tr-Ziti.H I l

_ I “ it gonna‘ ' or 'l_W‘.tr‘ g\\',\|('t‘\\'QU']‘ ('0§]_\]|'|"1‘[-II-1, 3,; lnllu\\‘9t Dear l~'ir,—\\'i:li.avu in-t-uwitltrnttelianrprnit: I it‘. 'bli.--- t -

' ‘


l‘-, .|?;,.,,,“;;,.,____\(.-5;.-g,']‘tii.iii;ig_ [ii-mt, lltal Mr. tioiiiegyii iii llmltt iii iiitriiiiure ii

tiill sury on his way to the “trite ilnu.»c-

,._ _\\1' llllllt'l>l?lillthat tliiv eniriiiiittvt‘. m_;_'kl_LBoom,‘ nm,_,,|,,,_ M_1g,..,,i..,.'pun,‘ illlUll‘ll.'“0UIl;vU|l“Ull'Fi:lUn\Ill’CP\!1:i9ll;‘Lll-\\'l"‘l'"l"!-' l"'“""'"l_ """l|“‘l‘>‘- "I" "H" Wu“ .h""y “ ls? aiming “W mnnlwn "W Pratt l'tirnel|,Rlt'aiui.l.StewnrtiWi|s0n.'- uuii?uhmgim?mieiiiil ml ‘willll

i; _-._.,k;.“!;..,,|..,q,,..-ii"u,.f“,,...,mumm.h, nntv tri this Pity, iinil h;t\'i~ alt‘!-iiilyi'nni-‘ I" ~" I" "J" '_ '


1.‘_ l

'- - ll. pit-lt-iiiitn Illlhlll 0| the uitn at the pulp: l.


u Kl\"’ “'l"‘" ill"? 5"“ "" 'll—“i*‘§lll"'\ill llll‘ lll?mnl”l"‘m“m'S' In "W “mm "HWY" Ni-'-rilirr -Messrs. El)’. Evani. Cioltls- the othi-r iii»-triut-i.t-tit iii ulll I do ltiiow iliiii. tells nit: that by setting its sprni,,.~i ant

n.M.“ m k'“’“'.wl'" “"7 "'4"? “ml in hiiriiiiirli.Martin. hlattiit-ivs nt' 0. Mnt- tlio court in enii-iiltml I 3"“ P""l‘° I";

'l"‘)' l'4l\'\‘ nu lilillII‘t‘lllI‘lll in lllilltit‘ thi-“'l"'l -“'"y' “M hm“ Wm“ ulmlws H"-Y ttiv\t'<x til‘/\ ‘liaiilshy Scntt, \\'as0n.—9, ricfit. ti ll l1llIIli\l\'t.l un all_liiiii_il-1.1-Inll-old?d _ '


"' “lawMW" swwlmh “P M" nm my So ‘it was tleterntineii in the ut?rma P‘""“‘~“'°‘“ '~‘°"""l'~l"‘ l""‘l"""’“ "CL ‘ l'i-nii..liy which \nn nearly Inst the 5!-tit


A ?lip l'rom,an 0|l| Journal.

“’ fat unit lit-avy like ll South Brunch “X-—lc

; smooth surface fur Nick liq-lb’1" “l""'I>1‘"U

his wits on-Nick :1 ileep one-.lue l—ll

drawing his wlreiii Pu‘ U*"$ _"l>"" ll"~‘l pmji-ct (If utilliiying the U. S. Llauk at


—\'an wtitilii do well to send hint llliltialt‘l'_or to mi§gi,i_.giioil plaire for silly. lllt7t.l'llill}_1

u t'eIlnws—inuuy (it same sort been llieri:

‘° --wears glazed bouts-like the ri-at of

1- titre-tznttier violets on the liuiilts ul' the

||tigu§._§nilglit?nd them with lesstrutibte



- . lk'|i—t -ll' enii~ii~ =iti.ii-liiiii-iii in thi- in-i-.it tit-iiinvi-iitii~ |,“_sM,,m.s “mm 0 um, M (.6 ' ings be ptihlislied. ill)‘. law nmlv =1

vwlmt Muck entlww =9-"II. on the shores ofthc Schuy I 1 > in

|\|'lllt‘l|\lt‘5 alnin". ih.it lllll\lt‘l'$ the party

with |‘eg1rrt-_i-is, iiith tllS|\l4‘.l$Ill't‘~—lllpi't-ferericet1i\l‘ll ill nppniiitinriiii: tn nlliceto tnen tvliti hut-I |\l‘lilI‘l|llt‘Sdircetly oppnsiti-to ll\(‘ttlSI‘l\‘t'S. This is neter duneuiily ttlir-u nnmi-iliing II wrung nt the

il T "I "'9'_ _

v \’ ,l 14, niiii zyii they have been and nlwn Iwill

u __ _ __

. .

T v _

lent: Iirniiplit forward the resulntinn to np-Anni’ ‘ms H' i\slC,i‘f‘(:I;;_/Sijlyiui-(‘;,f;‘1flllmilvivilltviolent Iiilflilllll, kc. ii |\¢l’lII[

m "“'“ “ ‘ " “ 3 W"! s“m"'n' “P3 “N. pnint this very cinumittee. The i)i~iuo- H "1 ii '

1‘ ‘Tam. PM-ly are “n|\.(.nu||y in fuvm. nflhc _" alluiii: In the latu Uni-erriur, hut it haii lurprtaruny not It.lr|Il’l§0 any that lie Iltuttlil Ill

- lll\'t'.\tii:?Iitiii, and whtlt the srrlttiny to Avrolnnilswrsirv Wm 0vi'1rRi\'0R. =4 ---i;>r"'e1d'-B-W"';;§;'°;':j°F§",_c'j;‘,',;' otl '


he tlinrungh nnri complete. But they are By and with the advice and coiiunt oftlie pmq;rm,1: gmwwI d - U c "awantti ic irr not pa ll te in i Pill‘

‘ wide itwnlt? I0 llié irit‘lt\i 0l'tlit' FcilCl'tll- hermit. - the u?r Governorhv inaugural addreali l '|'°"l_dl fl k - - - . - . .

_, . it ‘


B t'

mm The cm“ ls had‘ R shows mests, an now ujry vii-llnlir-adyon \\ltlLlt HAL-“MORE UT‘


have iiuppn-edthat hc hiiii mi it_ u Ill’

|'I‘i\|tlt' that ynn are iiistrtistfnl of them

and i<ii.\triisifiil nf ynnr own pn|iularity--an-l that you ilveni it eazpeilieiit,ur ?nd it

nrrnumry, tn inztke tn yntirsi-lvi‘S friends.


‘ l . »

horse me ?ddle ihol?d placed‘ Camminioii?l Q/' lnaalcenf DCMDTIIQTifiiic ;l'llit?iJli3;::£ii’nL%i:)l:J?“?I:l\¢l'll"? “ammo” Lmhcdml‘

-'--‘ii th Ci‘! rid Caunlyqf Birlli'mor¢.-lien- tliiiii the people oi‘ the county. The ngcmliPi-om Ill New Yuk Tinm. ,y's..,,§',,‘:“mt Richard F,-;3by_ the pczglvstlllnlll?flllltdsfbltlI50;€l¢:‘:‘d|l;§_13°

. . ,run

A Slave story and the ride Prilon —A Flour In: ec!ura—David Rlcketts,h‘""‘l' ° “' c” "1 C "1

i- F ai. Illd -‘ti theiiiii» obliged

il'uotnl'ihr~uiammiiunfniii'i|;litenusness.:tt be h'rlPclcc. c ac c , VII inu


least Iihat is as hail, iif ynnr oppnnenis.Your aim S|'i‘lllS to he, tint to enenuratteand streuirthen tin; Denmeraitir party, tint

tn ciincilinte ynnr int-inies. The npposi-tinn tlicinsv-it-rs st-0 and avow this, and

laugh at, and ridicule the miserable, tim-

lil, and suicidal ptilicy tiiat adopts it. Thetime has now arrived--iltough Heaven

know: the people n(‘VfI\fXp(‘(‘lFilii- thnt

opposition to the Administration, ii a

|1as<port to its favor. Tlie Clerk oi‘ the

Hon?of Itcpresentatlvet. gives as n rea-

tmt or appointing two t-intent Whlgsaszuzieiants, that he irnuly following the ex-

ample at the llliile Ilouu. I do notrnmii yuu alone, Mr. President---lint youand your Cabinet--\\'lin scent to worslilpthe Federalist: from the same motives

-that the Indiana doihe evil siiirlt. Nnne

but a violent opposition aunt rnn befound

lit fora (.'iiiel'Clcrk.or the laud vfit Bu-reau; and ll’ an Auditor or Coniptrollerdiancea to be a Democrat, he is lmmodi-i

liaheria corpus./‘ upon which he was Wcrdut qlllie Puu'I¢nh'ary-Win. Hot 11813 WP?“ "W1 9" ‘"7" 5"‘“7l'‘ta N’

brought before the Recorder, at his cham- ton. ivualivlyl "Pk. “Q “' hm 7

hen, Whtm the rm Drill! being mi. AIL ivmm Ptlb|ic—J0lln cut and win. wk ind-?h"-“*8” '"*°""'““"'

M,tinder the tith


5° W-h has gone to italy to collect mute-

”rials lora del'ensi\'e history of l'np(: Alex-

Parson 1!--e gum‘

,, (hm-c 100,] gugpccl fora very dillerent

i:: purpose-wrote to lntn to l¢¢’9P°"'°rr w__|,'s way...wnuld not stick much to

H cixiphim in the Inquisition-Parson would

?nd it rt worse piano than the Villlllll 07

In a a a a b '.~~'

‘-1831, Jim. oui.._w-e and P-n

-_ 'i 5]] ii-tie.-very silly fel-

i:l§k._.o°ryltlpi?iiiliiiirynew b¢)'°"‘-l ‘Mil’

reach, and they spend their breath br

nqih|ng...reriiindme oi‘crou children.

who iltltilglggo‘!their whipping. set dottn

d or sp te.

““..;‘f,r,i.7lIl.-wchl into li. oi‘ ttq>—

J-r on the ?oor. I-?lunl '4"? l°"d "'°“l

Maryland treason and lnuiila; Governor’:

proclamation--very tmpudent fellow and

bail aliot-wish he vl?uiii lllk 1°15 W

ill!lIl'll to shoot better-fear he will some

11-‘; tong ri?e. and if be does Ben will

..i¢_ i rim -}”::“»»»='"“°‘ii~Yl&’.»-i-‘f.‘fi.°“i~ii.i“‘iii-beat .aiii;¢i- iii_c.ii.¢mi,--ot<i,B.t¢Iwr!iii IOI health‘ vs»:-.

rim - <-



"lll'.iiiiniiii .\'iviiit-iiini i mar in-thy tat geiillnitari.in ll“ HI. will "I "' 'l"l~'l! ‘“' “"1" "‘ ‘iv “"‘| "ml It wnnlil pr-iliii|il)' lir nl' tlri-at I ltvtrlniti-iih.»ti.~i.~,ii.-i \[IIl'|l|ll‘Il llllt ii-iitiiiii-iit~ Ill ll liir

.,,,.J'..iiiy iii‘ the intvi-i ni' (Ti ~ il. 'l'liitt_\\t'

l,,..,.,..I.lthi- iqiiiiiiiiiiiiii‘ thi- llvlliiil‘ nI' I'urt lie-

llulil no rm" tnimt liillv i‘nl!\l"""l- r""" um-


tint, itiiii Ililll'l'lllt‘l| - |it'lilt4IlI tin thi- ri't>t'Il

ll)R“ tliii iiiitinii that it iilinnld tin iieut lb .\lr. Wi-e



° matte very long. Wl"dY'9P°¢°h" in H‘ °l~to

utt I Mn years since. usiavt; named Heriryi Williams and Jntin Witmer.P”. ",0" "mt.-..i¢ii1]“, Ind without having Rel‘--4°ld 5°!“ ""8" Yum‘ °f uld

Walter Chaney run away from his tnns- Iupeclor qf Sole Leulllrr--I-¢0MI'd 1 lClli0\ll, V?llliblll and erpniiivii pwcm in

it-r, Mr. William Alluutts, of Frederick Kernan. J1-0 ¢°""\! “"1"-_ , m . l mc"d_county, Maryland. and came on to this Picklizspeclorr-ThomaaBaldwln.Car-_

5' if’P"‘¥tl;f$l'"I“ll:l\l'l°'}:'.‘:o“:3”:hum

city; where he located himself, and took vil Cooley and John Manley. 'n'"'lhealga",‘M, pl-ch M‘ cm, 1,

the precaution to change his nitrite. On Gouger: of Cask: and lnrpeclorl of [h(i|F|'l'l0llviiiteiitiiotttieit oppoiieiiu, -iiii_'iFINE?’ the l9th instant. Mr. Allnutts, Dnmulic I)t':li'llu! Syt'r|'ta—J0hn M'Ph¢r- ltnow ineri of ynur awn politicalvieirr in lhil

having infortnation of hi: alave‘ir Wll8l’Ctl- sun. Luther Ratclille. Daniel Hoovre and dim-tcttliat wquliiuptun the l?\t>"""°“ r"’“‘

bouts. came on to this elty to claim him, Diriwood H. Barrow. them with indignity}u M“ om "nuarid For that vvmvw "Pplled to Mi-. Re- Lumber lnlper-'l0rJ—\Villi1lmR0l)iIl- ""r'=~i'==;3d;_,!CwM.ER's_i-order illnrris. who issued his warrant, son, Robert Betta. James Norris, William

(\;'_l;l(;ll.\\'lIpéacidin the gandnoi‘ tzgicehrzVxogrhdwgfdidcg?flfi5I|;"|lLYII\¢\"i90-ANBCDO-;~;.;__0m(;1N,\;,Ayn TRUE.

ic inst an yons, w 0 arrest l e S e at an eorga a mu,,.,,u .,r .


Benslave at his residence in Mechanics‘ Alley, Imp. Q! Gram Hide: anti-Skins-'1‘h0l. :1"Fztatzagwrmzuaé-M, mu], by Mm‘ him "um" ",9 rm‘: or

Market street. where he wal residing B.Wnttl.' P‘, huh“ um “hug” .5,.,,;¢,;u

with his i'aml|)'-wife and several chll- "bod C'ord:n—Edward O'L¢al‘!i pm...“ Wd‘°himn"'h“.,,,u,,‘,,,m_

di-en-under the narne oI‘8amaeI Seweli Thomal Sewell, Josiah Grendle, Andrew '"“"" °°°"", H,. A young lady ta the neighborhoodbad WM

alinn Smith. Hamgen, Thomas Hendrix, John E Pal-d ?n‘ ha

He had Immediate recourse to a law- let, Wm. Patrick and Amoa Davla. "F°°'l°°"“‘l5° l‘_‘°°""°°"‘,P'h“mtyer, Mr. Shaier, /who took out B writ oi’ "liar;/in‘-er-Jame: Cole. 5" '“'""" D‘""'l u” ”°' ha 7

apoll bia pldgeop Il??i "'4 mil" °l


"?ll lien J. Q. ll-rm--iuy ealculut?i alllit int euil: rt-llnd Iirnt UII thi- people, Iht-umi the l|N(‘l'Iltll|'l]{line front the u-err-laryto the l-'rr-diivucy; irnt up thi- pririii: inlllaili iihjot‘l'tO tltl\'n the l'ilnilll'| lulu Ii‘-

iilgniiitmiiiuil lt‘il\‘!' ("ll iii.-1,...-y |.y |.i..,.

in-ll; Ht-vii-tury iit'.‘4|,iitp iii... y.-;,.|y¢., L...-,.In: Ht-t'n-tin-y iil‘ Nit-y tliiiiigliiilii-iiiiiiwntilil niuli. lllltl liiiit |IH‘||illI'il II rink

l-It‘lti'l int‘ Iiwliiiiiiltiu; $t'r'|i'l:i|y nI' \\i'iti’liit.'lilviiril iiui of lmi \\'ll~; ilinii;-ht lin

'""‘l| l»£'"'l'"“‘IlI r; li-aiiil iinni nun iii" ul|l'Vl'lf‘lli'~illi.tt lni lll|l‘1‘llil)'\lN‘ tin l]lll‘\‘-ill}:and ri'|i.iiiulritllir'twi-rnthi- t:ll|1'l'\'iii -iiatq

andtit-imtiry.\i'liliimt kriuvtliw Vi lll'llil'| llllllll in-nil or hin live-in; rlei-rrniiy iii‘ ‘|'|i~.,.

nary iniilerltood the Illllllr; ki-|it rnnl iuiil‘l'"“l; Vim Ill llit time lniilir-ii ax

|I' iii-

iii llhi-r knew or Cnrcil Iur trlint vi-.ni lI"llI'{"II; lpeiit thn ntrirnlna lri triillaiiiiriigthi-

Ullll-‘hi lllllll?ll lu Iliv iu-'iiii'i- rliaiiilw-t‘,nivi liht en-tilnir-tiii ii~.iiliu:: thi- ii-iiil.-int.\l|tiltnin' lle NI.n~l in wliliiw ' ' ' ' '_ iiiiit

iiiiitrttetliitt lll‘|' hi (imiunri |ll|lll|§\i||I|lY|I _lnliii-ii\\'--r and Iv ii

in \n< aunt;hlw nppnlriiuii-tit In i~|iiu~ ut.t lll|'k|||y;lN'llI'l‘ llllil It'll liiiii In tin liiw l\\‘i~titi;1-iiunltiiruliupr at thii (‘unit nl‘ Ni, JllI|lI‘!, im-lie lmu uiitwlttnil lltltl 4l\'l‘lH'.|l i,i-.| iitt iii‘

"‘<; W--i‘ hit lil-i l>l'll|lI i-nil-. in thi- ili'_yilnizli; I‘-ii iiuliiin-iy MllllillIl‘|I'|l in iiiilll.

lii-atinn. nuil I ||ly'tI’ll I-ihly tnwi-ii ll|I salt

rl\'i'|; ~nui~'tliin~~t tliiuk til lI'hl}{llilIi1 and"l"""l"'t£ l'n' I'I‘.\l uf iuy -lriyu in irupiuv-int: Iii" lll"4‘i| nl' uiy lhitliain mtlli-;\\‘l|lll4l|ll|llll"illlllI‘ ii I rnnl-i iip|viiut my'tlll‘l'I‘\r\|||' ri.-i iilit llirkiiry ||;..4 ,|.,|,,.; f,...|.-iiiiiii-i|ili~rr-.sl_I'-irtln'iii;1uity nl Ki-iittii-ky,aiiil Ii-nr Ill-ii ll.nili-u iiiigtit in-t my vim-i-;lll'\l‘l' i-niilil |llIlIIl'l‘ It:-ii ii, it-"iii, M.‘lit: 1- ninl llilllIl‘6l'\'(‘|yritritiiliiy, or pill rml\\'u i

ham :-li|tl'i a \t't-t'l."—-~---- ° °

' ‘ ' ' I 1 0 a


l'-.i lllr "It|ll:tIl'ilt.

n‘l'ZN.\'l‘I)ll Ji1ti\‘ lil)4lN, tit-‘ ('A|(I).l.I.\lZ t.'iil‘.\'i'Y.

“i'U‘1.\llllZ‘-l'Y iuni. Altl it n.\\i.i."

'l‘lii\linnnr.iliIi- yr-utlvniiiti l‘.l|l -4:iii~i-lyi-lnint uuIn'i'-l'iri|u any \ti|||ll

1-, |||lll"(| it lin

int‘ llll! iirilvr ln' has |'l‘t I-iilly ititimlui mt

lulu the Sruntv, t't|il.iuaIiii'y iil liiii tutu

till the tiritniiiatinii iil Mr. I\'.iiuin-l Siittuii

nl‘ ilarluril, Inr the llllit ltlil-‘/l-I/Iiiinpri-liir,Vv'llil‘llIl|'ll(‘l' it in lltl'li|lll|Wllt1: wniil.-.1

" lt‘llli\'l7 yiurnal, that tin: .\Z\-iiatnr _t'i-_imi(.'.tinlirn: rutiiily wuulii nut have vnlt-ii

liir the Il')t‘1'li|Ill uI' S.iiiuit~l .\'nttnti, ul'iiaiinrtl iuiiuty, liIllIlllli|ll*l us ours ul'thi- lith iiiwpi-4-tiirii, hutI'9r tlii: ili~i~Iar.t-tinu ul llm .\'t~iiiiInt' hnin \\'.ii;liin;;tiirictiniity, that it wan his |blll|IIM‘, as

nineul the |llltt‘l(‘('Il |'i-rusaut i:li-i'tiii:<,liy ri~lit.-iii“tu tin inln tlii: l':ll‘(‘l|Il'tll\'lIl-li~;.;i-,tn mmtrnytin: lll(7lI exiiitiiig outwit-

tiiliiin til tliiii -\'tutt', in uriler iliata h|'t-

tcruni: might he inih.\itltitti~il."'i'liiiinnli-r, tlii-n,¢-ontaiiiii Mr. liiiou'iii

nuly |i~.i.~iun Iiir the rt-ji-iztiun of the nouri-untiiiu llr Mr. !~i:ttinn_-I Sutton. Ami hi itpm~.ilili-, task, tlinl iirit uutil this late titty,has an iliiiiiiiggiiiiilii-if a Milli‘-\IllZlll mi the

lliUl'(‘.\'illIl Mr. Scnatnr llnnu, ll'ill|lI'€l the

olijerl iiftln: (iI.t)llii)l.'.‘~l i\iNl'l'l'l'Zi‘l:'\',\\'Iiniii hi: has bet-it plr-:t.st-ilIn ri-pruat-itwith this terru til Tllfllllllll,’ 'l'h:tl itWm tin: wiiili uinl ih'tt'riiuiiatiutt Qrlllli.\tM-:'t'i-:i-:.\: in iii.~ii- (‘llUl':-I! Iii i.ii~iiii.ythe (llll lllllthillllli?il uiiil Slllllliyit betterone in it~i [|litt'1',lIil‘4i.lll\‘il)'5hi-tat avuwi.-d,

and llilS lN'l‘ll wt-ll known tn every intelli-

gent iuuti in tlii: State. The iiiiirlmi, intheir il(lIl|'('b‘i tu their cunstitur-tits, and tu

the people of the State, set lrirth this an

their priiuary iihject and iii-sign. anti inthis measure they have, by the action of

sutisequi-ut iegiitlaturen, and by the majo-rity ottlie voters of Maryland, been fullysupiinrteil, or how else wou_lii reformliave been attained In our State! Mr.

ltnuii, it will.-lie recollected, at the last

i-lectiun raii nu the sau?: ticket with Mr.

itiiht-rt '1‘. Keene, who was one of the

iiiiirlmi, ariil than wlinni no man was

inure iirrii, ili-r-ided and uncompromisingin 2itt|)p0t'iii:l'llit:course "of the iiirictecn,aini I may vetiture tu my is entitled to

the hightsi r--spcctand coiifxdence lurlill

uiaiily and uuhli: course. Mr. iiu0n,l

lIit\‘t: learned. lu secure his own election

tu thi- >'enate, and _\Ir. Kt‘t:ui:'B ?nd ll!!!

ntliers nl' his ticket to the lluuse. gave lnln

the liiinds of the rt-ptihlican retbrip party

in Ciirulinc the sum oI'ONi'1 llUNDlll‘3D

and 1-‘ll"'l‘ Y DOLLARS. to he by tll?ll

applied tu party purposes. These reliirm-

era, supporters of the (ll:/rinir: Niiizlzui.

elected Mr. Lluua to the state senate lll

opposition to Mr. Burch:-rial.one oi‘ the

twenty one of lnlhmoaa memory. And

Mr. Boon hlmaeltj It lilmown. at the poll:voted for Mr. Keene. Andnpvy in-sooth

ll? rfjtttll Mr. saiiiiii-i simon. hmtlwhe

wan one of the viindzm. "Conant:-ncy












world. Mr. Senator Bonn, why it vraa

that you supported Mr. Keene. and gave

$150 to carry his election, and now ro-

jectjlilr. Sattoq. one.-"of his aasociutea in

the damningatn of refusing to surrender

the rlghta of his constituent: into the

handl or the tiristoeraiic representative:in the eiecioi-iiicoiiqge composed ol‘a_ml~

and time worn constlta?n and to NW3!abettcgonelaituatrada-I ¢°N1l"\“°"





" Uiilvivil, 'l'lial it he untwl uri the l'X- ‘






who wtihed to drat"! ”' "'N°°"'“°_


{.5 .

mom -innit to the nni=of?w.t>=>i*.1?;._;=, iiiiauiiiiupiiic of the uni 3'" l"l_=;"—1»‘

ask, brmun thrift~



!ib5¢IllIl‘l\|\l\i0fK§' on alt;-911%‘"

.=.,iit.t.mi. be iii|,;.;-=lnni=e<=\l»|


'.'f'-' . - naiéi?lrydnc --

' *:.'~. . i__ ~'-

;~ ~.=f~.;.,i2‘n"@xV:>."'-

t _


__ _

3- "+>..- .



. :'1i'<t.'?-';“'§'.'i‘ '2

I. ,

-‘i>'4:;'-1'? "i ' ~41. I.

15?_’~.-''3.‘ "-if3~*".5_~.—»_‘-,L"4".-i"’_.1" if "i

--'*="-' :‘-~ W

/.14 M- A-Z‘

' " -' 11""'


'\~ 1%,?‘ '

Lg, ‘ .-". 'l"".'.'3§i§‘?v->~ -


‘- ' '

~. '; ~ii.1’s\§...~. 1 ' '"““‘

rt ti

Rnuwul?. ‘.9 "M-‘mom’,-wovedb [mcmbe,.‘e,.,°|:y.¢o;,_~

_ _,: bx,‘ _~ 5‘--»i'.!>"~-11-';-; 24'




thou art a jewel." Pray explain lo tho I


Page 7: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition







-vans.-zen:-'|.~... _-.. .

ta? t-






-*"' 1;.» t1'n*;-‘

__.‘> M. .

~' 1 .

/' ,,'







,,__. . IiLim_~”-A’. ,,-grip V‘..

tlunr. ‘Hear pk-.t;;t-a I Iiuvc ttul seen.

hut hey; those who lttivli them llt portra-»t-ni to pivo lltt'lll |l\il)il\'Illlltlt. ‘l‘het‘eltti' in:iu_\' who wtnihl like In lien hmv theyl.tlly with Mr. ll-nin'a mum: of pt'n'?‘-l-in;- in tl.t' .\'l-niltr.

It N \\'tllYYtin~-ii |ii'l ll‘ that the \\'lllt‘l’ Oi

thisiviiititilinimitivtil htt~t at-vii tlt:it .\lt'. Ru-

,lN'll \\'.p< Ill ll-I‘-‘ ii-it lI\‘IllIIll‘tl to nrnw illll.t~ .\t‘Ii-Ill‘ lh.tt-tht~ |tIlI'|l'.\St' nftite t-lnrlmts

i\lllt‘lt‘t'll. in it-In-nut: to gt» lulu llI\‘t‘it‘tJ-

,1:-i.il t tiIit~;;t-, wiw t-iwltwltoy the |ht-nv~x-l-ltin'_' rtillulllllll-Itt Ill the Suite, ill <lt'll4'I‘that it ht-In-r tint‘ niiuttt be sllhslilutv:d."l'itl' ll|llilte.~t till-l -ttnitllly Ur Alt‘. “'ulD1l

on lite ‘\|lllil‘tl pt" rel'tirtn In Stine ahuar-s

ll-I\‘lltIl|[ ht-en l\|tlI\\'ll to inc, ulttl has in-

.‘€|lllt‘-lthe lll‘ltl wt‘.lt'y (‘Ir lill 00tll‘llytthli

t-|‘tht~ .\'l.ltt- \\'lllt the fullest cunil-lenrc tn' the l|llI‘}1tll_\' oi’ his uintives ntlvl tho

\-ttlttlllltwi t-l' hit piint ipleti. Al this tittythe in l::it:ittiu|ni|~t t-tnii.~e Ur the Nitteleeliit~t|liilrl no viii-lit-zitinii, lly uli ll la fullytill-lei ~t-i til, iill-I lI\' llll‘ tl'pilllllt‘I\llI Oi

.\l.il\'l Ill I tllilv ;|ppit't'l.th~-l. It lrinl thin,:ui-l ll\l~ :i|-nit-. tli.it lttttt I-it’ ttw the i't'liirttt\\<~ iinlr t-iii-vy, tin-I \\’lt‘.\lt‘tl lty litrrtl titt-

p.tirr~t' lilllll n rurrnpt -tntl ni‘lttot'i'.ttir~ltll'lIll|l that luitl lI|llll‘tlt! ;jtt\t‘l'Itt‘llnllr

P t\l' itl- \\’ii|i 4ll‘2ll-Ill(' .‘<l\\'il\‘. ulitl pi.it't'ililttn<~t- ll‘!-llll in the ll.tll‘l¢ t-[tile ht-e peo-

pie t-I" i\l.n_\-I.ui~l.~A (‘l'l'|'/.l-IN til” t‘l“.l‘il..

Q'1"l'ln~\\'hi': -\'I~lt.ttt' iii’ i\liII)‘l;llllliltt\‘lt']t‘l‘ll'-l the litilttltitip ittilttltt.iI5nlt-: tinnit-

|t_\' the thiwttttii:

‘ |"it.\\t-|.< (l.\l.i.\t.|n.u, for ltttpt-riot‘ til

i. "l-Ftlllll l'.

\\'tl.l.l \\l l{i'l'l t\'<.i;it. iiir (ilrngt-r,

‘ lUI'Il\lttt\\'. \'.lin-t:.'4. l.lluilu~i' lll‘i|lt‘l‘-int‘.

lirt.i| .\l‘In. tlti. ll".

iiniiiitu i‘\i.\ii:tt, liar llI\tll\t‘||l t'ti|n.

li!t\~'|ltIl<‘l'.ll t\l. \\'l.t.t ll. ltir .\'lll.li"\~_'i'iiluii.»- lillllt?w-l\'_ tin. null-\‘l litw, til’ llzlrhittl. tine tit the "(;|,|i|".

tn N Ill." Int l-'|~lt lii.~pt-l'tt»|'.


ti"/"I'|w niin\'t' llt\IltI‘tl |wr.~in|i»l h:ll'el""'lI \l‘il‘l‘i<‘-l hr lin- \\‘hi;! t~'t~it:ttt- nl'.\ln-l'\'i.iii=l.--_|ll‘ ll ll‘llll‘lIIlN‘It‘-l liy llle lh-.

llltwt-lt‘_Y l~l' tlt|~' .\'ti|li'. lliztt ti l|'/tt'L- Swil-

ult vi the ll .\‘ tl1tt'l‘ll‘j"l'lt‘ll .\lllttl1 \'1t~:lit IIl"(,ltlll the .\tt»in- \\‘l|lt‘ll the l\l|ll\lt‘l‘2l

tt‘|~'t'te-l lillt l>1‘l'lI l.Iltl'll lhr the ]lI'llll‘l|l;tlt'- It in-r.


The tiiiiulriuig rnrit‘~pnllilt~iit-e ltt'l\\’Ct‘ll

l't\IlIitltIllttl'\'~l i’nt:it.n zintl i-Il.l.nir1, In l‘t‘~

It'|t~titt‘ tn tt l‘t-rclit tI\'l'lll'lt‘lIt'l‘ lIl‘l\\'t‘l‘l|

them, lI]l|\t‘LlI:l ilitiie llillllllltlt't' .\'llit til‘

\\‘t‘-l|tl'~<~l.iy:tii.tun.l:rnvm, Fl-lii'lt;tt'y Z2-i.l?liil.

ill--a-.v:.v. I,‘tliIur.\'.--'l‘li (‘ltIl't‘t'l nil Ulis-

t-ntit-t-pllnli It\i to my npiuitilis llllll Ii-t-l-ln;_-< illlllt‘ time I Incl t‘t>liiiiin<lti|'t~ I-Iilintl

in ll-Illl|IllIIt‘,l 5t'It»l you the t“lll‘lll.\'l‘\l enr-

l'l\|tlil\ilt‘ll<|‘, whivhl \\‘Ill lllt\lIl\ yuu tu

pltliltalt\\‘|llt liii\' ll"lll'l‘.


\\'ltIi l_'i‘ent re.I|te<-t,

tYour rt-rv tih't. <er\"l.

llt\\'lll l'\lll'l‘l'ill.

[t'oi'\.|l'IIl"‘IlIll. Ilt‘t‘t~liilwl‘ ‘lilh, l.\‘It5.

Rut:--I hurt" the htilltir tn t‘lllIll\\l‘ to youthe i't~p_t' nl .1 letter \\'hit"It I ZlllIll't'$!~l to

tjniitiiiti-I-ii't' l-Iiiintt, 0Ct‘tISll\llt‘\l Iiy null‘-

lt‘§tt‘S <lllt‘lt‘-l to lllt‘ |Iltlllll‘l_\',wltiie I \\'tl§

I'4‘l|lt\\'lIl'.! linut the \\':t<|iin;;tnit lltulrozttl

\'lll'S in Ilttititiltilv, to those wltirli t‘t)llll‘

to this pinre.lll;l\'\' tlieliolinl‘ to he,

\\'itli ;1rt~;\I teslteel,Your \'i-ry tih't. st'r\"l,

Figtteti. ll.\\'ill l‘Ull'l‘I-Ill.lIon'hh:. J. K. l'.uu.t»i:tti.

.\‘et-relitry ol'thc i\'ti\'y.

t'nt:- nzti, lit-ceiliher ‘l2tl, tzliia‘.

; Stit'__.'l‘u nrnitl tiny llliStYtIlIt‘\‘pll\llI,its












, .

v -1 -. _- _.>->"

- _''

»*,._ ,



___5,-_ -,.- ..

> ".. _’ ,

,-\~ .


.. .~i. .--1?. ~e._'.- t-"W ~:, ~




_. 1.; w , ,-

- ~*~ " 1"» -

tniny ft‘t‘\‘l\'i|lj1 null l’t.‘llll‘ltlQf_'any entir-

tesies trout you. I have to I'l:f|ttt‘.~itthe ?t-

vttr, siitinltl _\\'t- liieei. tltztl ytilt will (‘Ull-

lillll‘I' lltt‘ (I8 -i perIi't't striiligt-t‘. tintil the

reports \\'hit'h tll't’ in t‘it‘t‘lll$lli\llt pit-jntli-viiil to you, zire t't‘litn\'etl It)’ the llt~t:i.~iioliuftt ctiiiipeteiit ti ihunnl.

The rt-.tsoti llll' lllllltllttl this I'('\']lIi‘$l is.that I llil\'t‘ three sons in the .'\'n\-y. who

I tun unwilling hlttlllitl think that l treat

StlL‘lt t‘t‘|ittt‘ls li;_"|tly.I ain with great coiisi-ier.ition,

Your rt-ry oh'l serriint.

Siglletl. ll.\\’lI) I’Olt'l‘l-lit.tioiitiiiotlore J. I). l::|.Ll(li’t‘.

I’itit.itocu-ills.January Stl. I539.Siir—\'our note of the '.t‘Jti llltiniu l'§

rt‘<'ei\'etl. It cannot he more tiprt-eabieto you than to uiysielf thut our tit'quaiu-Rance shout-l reuse. I uni sir,

lignetl JILSSH l)L'.\'CAN l-ZLLIUTT.To Dilrlu Punrizit,

Gl20ItGFt‘0\\'.\', January Gth. I839.Sm.--I have rt-ceivetl it note from Coni-

Jnodore Elliott, of which the enclosed isa copy. on whiciil shall only remark, that

the ntnn who is so lntlilferetit to opinion.and so reckless of his own character, is.I should think, tin un?t example to the

younger officers ofthc Navy.I hare the honor to be,

Willi great respect, -t

Your very oli‘t serv‘t.


Hon‘blc. J. K. PAULBING,

Secretary ol'the Navy.

BALTIMORE hlARl(E'F:l-‘c;ua_;_v_€FLOUR.-'l‘|ierc has been an active

demtintl for llnvmrti street Flour within

[we or three days past. chie?y for ?ir-

ctgn export. and sales to a considerable

talent hnré been made at the unlibrni

‘glee of 88,25. Parcels continued to be

taken this morning at that prlcet.-tnarkg-1?rm. The wnzzen and rail road prtcols t

Inihrm at O8.l‘;§.- G84-\lX.-Stiiesofgood rctl'vt-l_tcata,'ln


V_ 7;,-

.' '. '




. . _ 4

_-_. , L-.

-. .- -.


.. =1---.~--,1.‘b


~~ -~ '- -

- '- ~"

quolu Corn. mtnttniiliy. at 87 a ‘J0 lt‘lll'l,nntl Oats at 48 u 50 ct-nut.

ll‘Illll pnreeis by wagons. at ll.8tl. We


Dt-|t.1tttt| this liti- Jitmiiity ‘Milt. ltdllfl, near

t‘nwantonii_ .\|rw. "A\\All Itla\\vxi.L. in thti

illat _\i~.lrnl' In-r ii|;t-_l\\lit- til’ Allen Alaavlrli.)silt-t a |tlttlr|t tt-ti iliiir-at nt‘ao\l-it iimnt|itt,nnirlllttllll nit-tl Iiy It lrivgti tinle of rel-ttiolta autl im-

qtiailitnliisrt.(ht ll'u~ll|lt~atlnylvlIl| nt his it-vitlt-nre llt New.

nrll, llt~l., the "l'\‘. ,\hIIIlIW ll. lll'nst:t.i., in the

.\lllt yraruf llll |tgl'.,---_-a-an-ai-.

.('lllllllfll i\'U'l'll'l'i.

There will he nlvlllll Sertire lll the Episco-sl (‘hurl.-Ii. Iw the Rev. .\Ir. t'ou:atn,ot I'Iti-

ll-ltlt’l|IlllI\~'Illhltititlnyovlliiiiig in-at, tho llth

lit-1., til T ti't'lttellt.

Ft I1. ?lth, l*~Il l.


l'l‘li\'lNNl7l..-\ 'l'l~lhil'l'ill1\N('l*i (‘UN-\'l‘I.\"l'ltlN.

The Illl‘tIIlN‘|’l ni'lht- ('1 ril (‘minty 'l't-ntpt--rnnre liuinit. nre ht-rrltv imlilit-ll, llnil ti iiiret.

lug \\ Ill h-- hvltl in the illrtlttulial I'l|lIl’l‘ll nt Hilt-

lun, nit .\l<itttin_\'twriiing in-ll, at ti n‘t ltii-lt, tu

np|><\ilit It n ~It~lt-g-itt-ittn l’t'l*1l‘It"IIl the t-tinntyin it-t~ ‘t'.-tnpt-1 ll\t‘I‘ "1II|\l'|llllIll ?lr the NI -lt~ til‘

llelatvait-. and l~I.iatvrit .\‘ln-r--a til‘ Viqgiitiii ninl

tllitrylltml,tn be lnitl ut ('lltwtt rtunti on thelliltlt lllllltlll.

llt-INIIY ttut.|.tN<:s\vntt'l'||,Iilltl-iii, Ft It. El, lt~ZI'>. t‘-.1; St t-'r_v.


Notice.‘Q,’ i\I\"l'l1ll, a rt-apt-rllil-ie .\lttti ntill \\'o.

it...» n..- 0ttt'ltl II littin i.-tint, ll----.n.. .-

?ir llllt lntmr-. A ttiarrtrtl ¢'tiltpll' lsitltont t lili-tin-it \\tt|lltl he |-tthirrti. I.'nt|inte itt thin oI'~‘

lirrl"t h El rill’

Nl~ or llciit,y ‘Ill; .'\'--.5“. .\'\\'u|tt|t I-‘i-titling .\'h.»n-. I-‘tit

l l-not tlp|ll_Yltilll.lZ.\lll'I'i'll \\'I.\'tJA'l'l-I,

l'- I-‘I l\h' llttllfl‘a



N oticc.I \lllI_\'ltli-tzriltrr lllljtlll llll|t4lIll‘ll I\ "|‘Il(‘Yilll_ Iv-alttllllllll. of lltlrtlvriirr, ivliirli will ht-

atilil rll l'li||.iilt l|l'tl-I |trlt't~a_t\'lmlt~anl4~ iir rtllnll.l\lIiI\ lt.ia utt ll ltttl Attlrrlt?iit llnmll, Illllllllll‘

iiir rrtrpt-iitrts. rttlviltvt tlutltt-rt-, patiittra and

llnl|al' kt-t-prrn.N. ll. ll--\\iatitl'anitt| \\'poti'n .\lill tlllll (‘roa-

(‘tit :~'iivr-; (hat. .\'t<:tltt tlt at-.t-mi.

l'Il)\V.\llll lillllllll,Nu. TL‘,.\la\'ltl-l Nltt-l I, \\'illiii|igtuii, llrl.

I-1-it si_ti'

Wttiittetl.Vllilliltlltlvisigllietl Wllliel lli elltpiuy ti

- Nllljllt‘ lttllll who lIt|llt‘l’Altllltlll thot'ur-

thug; lllltl Spinning lnitiln's~t;titit- who can

t-nine \\‘l‘ll tel-nltilttrlnit-ll liir rill-tttiytlnil

lllIlII\‘ll'llllN lt:iliit.-l, trill lillil l'iitpl_ltylnl'nlnt lllI(‘|'ill \\':t}1t‘!4, front the tirst of Aprilnext, hy applying to

\\'.“. ll\l ‘Cllllfl,near t ‘ht-sit-rtowii.

l-‘eh it ~- -I \Vu

Notice.Il\lll'§-\'\ihal-tiliei having l\l'l‘Il prt-\'i~iitnl_ h_v

t-tigtiygettiriita In lltltilnurl-, rlilltt toilet ting»

ttrrtitlnla tlltt' Ill llir‘ lull‘ t‘Il-tltllllllllt Ill til‘ lllt'"Hiittnii ('-miter," lit-rt~h_ygit-ea ltltlll'l! that lir

intvntl-t ti-iling (2-rilthirltig tht- |lft‘I\4‘Itliittmtli,rot n..- |r\tI|nt>~l' ..r ti...-mp n--- it"-i-it... or -.-itl

t‘IlItt‘t"Itl .lutl lltt|tl'tt llt.tl nil iitliclttrtl will he

prepurt-tl to a<-ltie \\ liui vailvtl tin.

‘ C. l'_. (ll.Ul'll.

ll iltiiiitire, l"t~li. lhflfl.

',"i'hc llilltill-trig igvittlriiiuli nre anllitiriretlto rrrvtw llllll H‘(‘\3I|\lfor innilit-it tlltl~ the “Hilt-

toti('niiltrv."—(it~ti. ll. lllI\\'t\Hl, t--4|. i'Ill\loii;llugli llrtnvit, ran. North l‘:l‘l!ll;'l'llnllian "till!-

-itlt-,i--t-|, ('lt|ttlt‘llI)\\‘llZ Saiiitit-I tiny, c .


Itvpt--tit; I-tune llrtiwti, t-sq. l‘-iitnll-itigti;".loat-pit||.iiln~i<, rt-4|.

ll. llleetitig llnune; Julttt llit\v-

liiiga, cal]. llulicittiu Dltniur; and Wm. l’t-ircc.t-iu|. ('t"l'ii_tult. Felt. 'i'—2\Y

l)ltkeItrtrt‘a 1-tetternl Yttri-

(~l_\'Slurp’ No. till]. lltiltiinort:

street, liultiiiiore. where run he htitl on

rt~tls-iutihle terml. Wlinlesiile or llettiil,cozirsv tiutl lino Twiizes; I’utent Lnnipanti t‘:|t|»|le \\'irit; Spinning Wheels;

Silt‘l(lllL_!;hetl null sash t‘orlls; Willow

Sit-iglis; t':ii'ri:i-gt-s titttl Crtitlles; Bellows;

llrnslies; .\liirhit-s; t‘hnrns; Fishing Ilook.-t.

l.iut-s. lttitis.i\'ets.Neines, nntl every ltrti-

c|t- necessiiry lhr ii.~hin;:; \Vuotlen Ware.

:4lIt‘l| ns llatskt-ts. Pnintetl llliekets; Tubs;lll't‘£lll. Cliopping, Cnke tintl Wash llutirtis;

'I‘n\\"el Ilollt-rs; Sntzur Boxes; lltirrel (jo-

veis; ltowls; Mlitltilers; Lettion Sqtieezers;

Ilutter Prints; “'4-tiver‘s lteells niitl Shut-

tles; Spignls of nil sizes, and every otherarticle belonging to his line.

l)UKi*ZllAllT'SGeneral Variety Store.

Nu. itlll Uuitiutore street.

Felt 1l—‘2lii

tfttrltelittit ill’Iiert|t,.~I'!"I'()ll.\'I.' l' .-l '1' LA ll’,

lIA\"lNG~lIkt‘Ilup his residenceat Anna-

polis, will coittinuc tn PYICIIPCLaw its

hcrt-tofore, and particularly itt tlic lligii Courtof (‘hanccry and the ('uurt of Appeals.

Feb ll—tl'

"vAlt'l‘l:1RB. HARDING 6; ("O., tim-

cers and Comniiasinn Merchants, No.

9‘), Pratt street, bettvccn South and Calvert

atreels, llaltiinore. Grateful for the liberal pa.

trniiagceattrtdetl tn tlrtm bytheir l'rienv.'a in

('4-cil county, most rea,.¢!:tl'ul y solicits cnritia.

nsncuof the same, tintl pledge themselves to

uao ever cscrtion to iiterit it. '

'rllC)'{C(‘|1constantly onhand a good assort-

ment of avticlesin tht.ii' line.vvltich they will

sell on pleasingtcrius.Feb J-ll‘

itlasorttc Notice.

TIIE Brothers oi‘ Warren Lodge, No. 15;will fora: a procession at the Summit

lltidguoritlte 231! oi‘ February, in commemo-ration of Waahiuyt.on‘sbirth day. The pro-

cession, accotnpsn cd by a hand oi’ music, vvill

leave the Lodgeat ll o'clock, and llvtmedlaldlproceed tn the DsptiatChurch, when then willbe an Oration delivered by A. T. Ftntwoob.

Esq, and, alter s short intsrmisttiuu, an appro-

priate address. lgthe Rev. W._W.Wau.4es.The Brethren of nlou Lodge, and all otltarain guodtltanding,an respectfullyrequestedlb

units in the proernion.The ladies and [ttall??tl of UN Yldnlt]

arualso invited to attend,

Byorder of the W. ill.

F haQAMUKLllAl'l'lNPAL3,l¢¢.

c - /

. sf"0 .

lltatortcitl Catechism.

lniporlrtiit arltl inlttreatiiig itt-nta iii

attire of the subscriber.W ill. 'l‘0ll ilEIt'l', Jr.

Felt ?—(lw

For Rent,Vl\Ili€Blot’! Ilousc nutl Dwelling nt

("lit-stlpeltlteCity ltt prt-sent tIt't‘ll|tlI‘llIiytfnruelln-4(ittrrisum l’ussemilt>ii givenon the '.'.'ttli t-l'MtireIi.

I~‘nr terlns ntlply to

I-1-\l'I‘lll'iit 'l'. lll'ZNNl<l'I"l‘.

(‘Iieiuipenke Pity. I-‘eh ‘.’—-Iw


N 0 ticc.

ALI. |N‘l‘!llIIl! holtillig the prottii-otnr)lmteit nl' the lllll'4t‘|ll)l‘l’ liir luhur llll

the '_'ll(‘ltl|\t‘2ll(t‘ itlnl lll'luwiiret‘iitiiil, ltrl'

liereliy l’t‘(|lllI'l'tlIn |IfI‘Mt‘ill ll|l‘llI liir pity-

liienl furtliwlthtu liilil tit his rl-aitletiee lll

\\'tiliilitgtuti, llehlirllre.JHIIN llANDl<Il., Jr.

\\'llliiitit1lt>ti, l-"ell '3-—-l W’


N oticte.

Il‘ll ii ('tiiilniis-iniit-rs til‘ l't~t~ll (7tinnty, will

_in-~-i at tln-It t4l'i--t- in lht- t'<-ntt Iltniat-,mt

'l'lll'1\'IlA t’ nw l‘.'tlt tiny ..r l""eIituitry "I'll,ttt Ill trt-It-t~lt,A. .\l. t‘-.tl.~t-int» tail tltt|»--tvt-rml\H‘ It‘l[\IfIl('tl In itllenll nmlantllc llttiruettitinlit

lly ortlt-t,\\'.\l. l|l'1W|'l"l', (flit.

lillttnn, J-in '.‘tl~ titi

Fihllillg Nltore liir Ilettt.

ylqlit-:.~'.il.-.-iii" will ---ti hia §lt0rt'ott Illlt

lli:t-r. 'l't"rui» will ht» |Il|lIll‘f>ll4‘-JHIIN I~' t'.\7.ll-Ill

Jun I!)-lilv

it or ltcui ,

Il‘lll"il"rtrttl rtiilrll the \\'ltllltaIlt |"ut‘til, nil-

piliiltltr ll.u-it l'rt'l'lt Mills, (it'll rti. ,\l|l.

l"ur Irtitta lntpiitv ul'l'l.\.\llll'il- l"lll'il'i.\lA.‘l.

.l.ttl l!l- »lw


ht rays.Q .

‘ l/\ .\ll'I lu the litriil of lltv‘ HttllIt'IllN'P snutr

.'litiit- lall titll twn ll|‘Ill<'lIll."l_ IIIN‘ rtil, ll-v

tvllll I hi-it-it. 'l‘ht- Ilirtitrr it in-1.. .t|.,.<-..-ttm-» ll

springt~ilt'~~tltc l-ttt:-r ta fllilllll three yearn t-ltl.

'|')p-, uwttttf h n-tptw-it-tl to TIIIIN‘ lotwartl,|iHi\t' pit-petty, pay tltxrgra anti lahl: \ll\'lll

l\\I'l .Y>1. lI'.ll.|.lNt;S\\'t>it'l'll.

Jun l1l-- lw

For llcut.I \lll'i Hlilvartihvr villi-rs liir rt-tit |ll\‘ltlIKl.ZI itntl wiiitrttiritl 'l'A\’l'Zll.\' lllIl'.\‘i'l wht n~

llt‘ iitnv rt-silica, at lite lnnvt r l"'t try, t»ppoailt~

lltnreill‘ti|nt'e,ltttllil~1-tirtit'r or lite l'*llIIlll‘l'

pitia pmtl roall, llllll on the l'nrl llt-pm-it rti.itl.l‘na»t---|-iti will l»<- git-rn on lhr‘ ?fitlt til‘ .\iarcli.

For tt-rina ttppiy to lite Il|lIIt'Illtt r.

ll.\’-\'i.l'2'l‘ tl\\'IZ.\'i~l.

.l:ili Ill--flw

\\’tti. I'rint-e it Monwill imiltv I-alert Ul. 'l'|ll'il'l$ AND

l'l"l“l'|NlJ§ nl' the til-INlllt'\‘l'It'll|.\'l'I.\'l-I .'\llllll‘.\‘ .\ll'l.'l'll'.\ll.

l.l.\‘, .\llllll'.\‘ l'IXl'.\N.\'t\, .\l.l’lNH, ('.\.'\'.

'l'tl.\i. |llltll'.\'.\"\ ttittl other varit'Iit~a_ llt'll\t‘I.

aliIt- toilie |it|I\‘lllII‘1I at Il|t‘ll pt-rintl in tlie

-puny an t» CUltv't'l||l t.l lo thatn, anti will r-titerlIlllrI'l|tillitl'l|\ urttirtiiligly—-l'firt'Il -tntl lt‘!|tln

ix--'1'-t-.1 “mi trtitt.-it-_ will he i'<‘r?K-"tint tn

llll vllio itisy iipply fur llll‘III by ittilil,tta welltta

,..it.-....r.~'-it.\\'.-mt. 1:“-._ \Inlttt-try so-ti-,

trt~r,ptirt~lnm-rit art: i-tire oi‘ -ihtainiiig the truekiutl. it it frnni this t‘~1\lttf‘,IlI\tlfrniii the grctitatti-ntinii pnitl liy llIt‘ll'l,lllilllllt‘ trceii they hate

aultl intro |(l\‘e|| lniivrnttil aalinliicliiiii.

N. ll. Fruit and Oiiininriitttl 'l'rt-tn, l'lantaanti -“ectin can ho Ntl||1tlll‘tlto any Cltciit.

I-'iiialiin|;,tiiittr New York.)Jail. I, IBIIJ-Zlw-IS Q

N oticc.Till: unllc igtietl, (‘otniiiittttioltrrtt nppoint-

ed by (Te ll (7-vuiily t‘uutt, lintirr lltt: pcli.lion nI' Jost-pli ictirge, to tiiutlt and lxtnild thetractii of lttntl eallt-tl “llnpt-well;" "llnpCwt'llllrittineyt-tl;" anil "Stiiall llnpt-," sitlirttetl in

ticrilcnunty,uct~orilinl1ttithv at-ta of Aaseiulilyin ttuch dame itintlc aiill prm-itlrrl, tlti livrt-liy givenotice tn all pt-rsotiit tirlttmi it may concern, that

We ithall nict-t at .lI)a'(,‘]ilIGeorge's alurc in‘i:lllt

Ntflt, nit the -ltli day of March neat, at‘ Ill

ncaa fur witicii we were a i viiujet_1:.-..,‘.....'-"iil~Z.ii5?7€ZT1,°‘

John S. hit/fill,Grcrnbury I'ur‘viell,Nicholas lllunly,Jonpit Lorill,

I-‘ch 2,fI839—tm Cornmiasiotierv.


e h (‘eel ount ourt to vs uo and di-

vide tlie ll’;-alliatatenhllthn.\latl'itt,d:c'd.late of

Cecil coulity,accnttlit'lg to the proviainnii oftlieaetaof Aneitiliiy in_suelt case made and pro-

vitlcd, do herebygive v,t‘ol|l|ct',to ail wlloln

tna ' concern, t at we a a meet on the aai

llezlEstate, lyingin the villainof North East,on Tliuraday tliti 98th day oi‘ March next, atI0 o'eioclt,A. M., to proceed in tlin business for

which we are lppolnltd.Thomas S. Thomas,Greeribltry Pttrnell,Joltn Flird,Jethro Johnson,Nathan Lacklanll.

J_an96-—tm Couirriiuiouers.

Notice.HI-I undersigned, Cornmiuionern appointTed It Cecil Court, to value and di-

vlda the analEstate William Cosvan,Isle oflaid county, deceaatid, according ui the provi-aiorts ofthe acta oi‘ assemblyIn such one nisdaand pr0vlded,du_her'ebygivenotice to all nou-

t:¢rnnd,tbatwti shall moot at Cowaatowu an

a'elocl:. M. ta proceed tatha business Br which


usvt rvsou,WILLIAM H. GILPIN

QuartetsA. wtunttlttt."

oltut rimrintrrou

’‘wn.r.uutxuntsan.' Jane-ua(Ot!!)D

Jr. was ("IlItl|lllIlI\ll|ll,mt-I Win. I". 3-litvln,tit-frntlnnl. the llllIIt‘t‘llt(‘t' will fttptilw tit

Ptthllo Fhile. on SA'l‘llll DAY the tlth tinyof Mlirrh next, tit Qlnirlen ‘l':ivv-rn In llll‘

vlllntr? til Port l)¢‘|ltllll, nil the right. tltln

nntl Intereilt of the unlit piirth-it. runl ofnil persunlt rlriirtiinty ttf, iiy,lltrtili;1h, iir

nntier tlieiu, or either uftlwlit, in uutl to


5 Lots of Gi'ou_nll,altmttetl In the lower pnrt of lite rillnpeof l'nrt lh-pl-sit. known tintt ties:-rilwtl mithe I‘l-it of I-tlll \‘llltlt!l‘_ lty the foiltiwltity


itlitnhern. tn wit: Til. 55. .'>li. 57 null ."iii.

l~In<'liInt in it tlrl to front on the lliw-r fovtvii-el, null In rnn hnrll to the tnp llrllll‘ lllllfour llllttIllt'tl ft-et, ur llII‘I’r‘llltltlll; an Ihnl

the lit-r~lnltl |ll‘t'Nt"lll llfl tin-livlllt-ti Trout of':tlll feet, with nil Ilin right lllttl utivnii|n-gt-v nfllie liver.

'l'l'|'tn»t of ~i;til'. III |\|'I‘lit‘I’llN"l hy tip-llt-t't'l'l'. (lite Iltiitl lil'-ll~t-

pttrt hullv llintlt-yto lie |mi¢l til lite li|nI- tif vtuie, llllll lite ill!-

lltIl(‘I‘ :il llltl‘l‘ Illlll Nil tittmlinl. with ll|lt‘-

|l‘Nl1 IIltl|‘I tn‘ lmiillit with |t|I|>I‘t)\'l‘ll in-t-||.

lily lll ite tlll(l'll lhr the t-irtlit pnyltit-lit.Stile tn \‘llllllIlt‘t|t‘l‘ til l I li‘eltrlt, ll. M.

J1 IIIN ll. l'llll'i'I. 'l'rlultt~e.N. ll. 'l'ite title is lit"I|l'\'l'<i to he hitiia-

ptiizihit-.|"l-Ii ‘J-til

V n I ll rt Ii I t~.

Real El-state,l.t ilti: 'l‘tiwrt tit‘ l'1|.ttiu.<, Mn.

\ - t

l* or hole.

ISY \'ll’ltlt,‘ til ll l)t~t'n~t- of the (‘linu-

rt-llnr of Mnryhintl. llll‘ Htilinetitu-r

will, n~i 'l‘l‘lt~<tt‘e, tiller lit pnhliv itnlr-, on

All! Y” ll’ Ihr IHIII tltly ii/' I‘lhr‘ut|r‘ynnrt. nptiii the prt~ini~ti-it III i|ltv~tti'ili,iilltlt.it V/tl.li1tlil.t: 'l'ii\t:|t.~4 l'liol-izniv illlll Int

(ll llllltl, lying tiiuf In hip in‘

tun, t't-t~il rutittly. .\lll-

Tyltlllll. t':tlh~tl null lttiowll

liy the nzlliie of

Tile \\':t~tliiitt:toti Ilott-I.

'l‘hl\i prnpt't'ty hi tiiimt iltlvnliltitgi-oltslysitlultctl Ill the ct-litre nftlie lIll.\ll|ll‘N'4|);\Il

of the tuwn. l'i'uiitint.t ltitl ii't't nu tiny or

Mililt allevl, -l1li_iil't'l nu i'\'nith .-ltreel, int-

ltteiiizitely npltn-tilt-tlie t"titll'l illili-ie, l<'ll'F

\ -t t


inpii, untl llltl It-et llll ll ("lost >.trt~et lenti-

ing liuin Ninth in I'o'-v hlll't'l, ulttl cou-

tniiis ztholit one nt-re tll lnnti.

l |mII this |tt't>|N’Ily la t'l't-etetl a l-tfgt‘nutl lztiliiiiimittillai 'l';i\'r|li llnu-.e. liiitilllipabout tit} it-et on (lily !llFi‘1'li||tIl .’i-I let-t on

Not-tli street. chit-lly of lirirlt, the wholl-

lrnnt rollgh (jtnlt. untl ti rooii-<l porch or

piazza on l‘tt\‘ll hunt. with ti stone ltllt‘llt‘tI

tli the tent‘. 'l'iiet»tIu-r Iitnltlitius |ll'l‘ l\

liIl‘|1t‘IlltIl ('ltII\'(‘|Ill‘lIl .\‘tuhit~, linill pi'ilit'i-pailly of link. ti bltlll? .\'liiukt: llliuau, ti

ltnnllry llotise, ire llllllhl‘, (':irimgl-

liuui.-e, Siieiltlitig, A1‘. A in-\'t"t ltniniuwell uf \\'utei' with puiup nt~tnly new ut

the tloor.

tt-v. ‘l‘ht- i\lti|li<-tnilit 'l'rt-rs rite Yfllllllltllllly‘ Aboutoitt~hiiifnftlir- lot has hren ll‘lf‘tl

\'lgl>t'uttl, and mt wefir»-t itiiportetl the griiultic t\5tt gurrlrti, l.\H'ltt‘llISt'tl with it |t.tit- it'iit‘t',

I'll] ii ill the Iii;1lu'st at.ite lli eliltivtititill.This porlioii or the pluperty. limitingabout 280, Feet ll i one

of the lint-at

atrel-is ln town, isnqtlinirzihiylJlll(‘lllllll‘tl

lor ltiying oil in liuilthn;1 lots, ttntl if

lleelnetl nllvlsubie will be so ulirietl on

the day of sale.’i‘liere I-i n poiiry oi’ iiintirnnrr nn the

tnveru house null atiihliiig for $IltlUt!,which will nut expire lintii the llith oi'l)e-

eenther, I839. und whicli will he ussiituetlto the pnrehnscr, with the consent of the

oiiitte insuriiip. Any titltlittonul iiil'ni'imi-

will he eliet-rflilly i’ut'nishetl by the sult-

scriher to tiny gentleman tleiiirini: to pur-ehuse, who will cnli upon hint tit his resi-dence or olliee in the town of Elklon.

o'clock iii the ttiornlnp, to proceed in tlil: bull,-,) The KPH“! “rule salt is llrcwrilwll bythe Di-ert-e, require the poymr-nt oi‘ one-

third of the purchase ninney In cash on the

ritiy oi‘ sale. anti the balance In twelve

months thercatlcr, with interest from the

day of stile, to be secured by bond with

npproved security. Anti on the rati?ca-

tion ofthe stile by the Chancellor, nnci on

the payment ofthe whole ofthe purchusemoney. (anti not befort-,) the lindersiimedtis trustee. will, by good and sut?rient

tleetl. to be executed und aeknowietlgctlaccording to law. convey to tho purcha-ser or purchasers. and his, tier or their

heirs, the property to him. her or them

sold. free, clear anti discliurperl from allclaim of the conipluinnnts or defendant inthe cause wherein the said Decree was

passed. or those claiming by, from or un-

der them. or any of them. Tltclille is in-

diapulable.F‘. A. ELLIS, Trustee

Jan I9—ts

C0ustabIe’s Sale.BY'virtuoal'a vrrit ofvetiditioni upunas,

issued out oi‘ the Magistrates‘ Court nfthc

7th election district, will be sold in the villageof Port Dcpositqha followingproperty. via: all

the right, title, claim and interact til‘ Win. Nor.

ris. in and to the Housoaud Lot situate on the

eastaide of the main atraltt oi’ aald villssvc,ad-

joiuin Philip Santa's, and now oeeupscd bysaid Jerri; Seized and taken into executionaa the ropnrty of said Nonigtna?sf a jadg

givenot-lee thatl will aell up tit." describedI I

iii--t'ti Ir. mu-‘milsryuuldatnu 0.2 tsu-

d‘:£o('?¢hrua.rynut. at I to aa-

I Iltuj?dftzi?llldlliliii iii:

1» ..,



_". ..,_ :

l'ro<il llllll'l'\t null the ntlii-r pnhhr lillllii?

nun til tllr litml It-in lir-til lllttYlly

lIIlI|'tl, Vlllll pt-.4--...l i|..- p-.n vtiillllll

|tr|ivr'|trll‘I In Vllltll 1 Ill |I|'IlII nl tutt-


|lI‘l\Illl lit lunar-. 'l'lu~rl* la gt-tiltiuilter, and I-very I'll-Itl in W1" with-1.

rtl. 'l‘|tv- Fnrin la l?illllllvll on twtt -titlva by[mall ptihlir rmuln, anti ta tic-sr l'»ti't<-rira,inilia,lml

a ltigiily rt-aprrl -hie tit-igliluirlinml.~ ~ 'l'ht- i.--it-.. mpi..pt- livn I--....-_

'. nntr|-iitt- not-I.-it, ll ttm it-m_._ --to.

, -llriiilttigtitnlt-r, It II‘lIII<ll hint-t-, llllll



.. I-tma -.ptp-p it-tit-t~_Illll t-art tl- in

W.-let; lln atltlttllml It-lh plt-.v-"tit llllll In-..Ilhy.'l‘|-- ttttr |- ti-ttptpttttltl--. Illtll titt.--- t-~..t-,


tit-am ti, iiiny he ltllt-it t-i tuinplt It‘ lln» port li --t.

Al-ti, Wtlll|l‘ll nu l‘\|N‘Yll‘llI'l'Il I".tru-t|_ with

Atldtraa \V. |llitl:~rl'.il|it-til, I"-tir llill, (l‘.ty-rtte l'.tl.;lTrrt| l utility, .\ltl.

J.-it .1-ll‘

I ‘lll'i alll|nl'Ill>4‘I ttllfvit Iiir '4VIll' ti l"rtrltt lltI l'¢-ttil .-r..t..i_,-_Mll.tit'ar tent-..._ ,.|,..pt-tilg lnntll I-I li'rt'l-ltlniry |'l|rtil'll Ittlll Nlltltn.\l....|y ti.-l ..n..--._ t-....t .i..i.., no A-..~-_ p...“-

nr it--a. 'l'iir- lmti la nI' PI prt tty ytwttl tpi.-I

tiretiyattla ti|' lhi limt-it-, whit-It in a tutti al

mm-~ .1“.-ll.-.,,, t\|llI . tin-I.---I -it--i.--ti, K

nthl-r llllllllllIL'Iv. 'l'Iit-n-II a nt-trr l.tili

ttttrtttn tit‘ wan r |ma~.|It|[ llimngli the i‘ariii,ainl

a llllll in-titty rrt~t~lt ll atlllaltllr it»: a llllll in litltrr

water works. A Iatlhrr no-arriptinn ta tin-tiirtl

lititirrvasary. an perantia wialiing ll! purrliaanwill VIPW lnr tlirniiselti-a. 'l'hv- property will

he ah-iwn,ttntI lt‘IIllI inatir ltnown, h_vthe aulr-

al'riber,livinK on it.JA.'lllI-H l"Ul‘l’l'I-ill.

Jan l9-—4w

Fnrin for Sale.

Vlllll-IIllllK(‘TllK‘|' will olli-r ill PtihllrStilt-, on 'I‘l1l-;.\'|)/\Y the l2th titty

of I-'t'lnit:ti'y in-xt. til"iirnt itt i'1tt.ltt Nut-

tiupltniti, t‘t~i-it mitinly, ,\l:iry|;tlitI, twzir

lltt- Illirk i\1t'e|it|tg llI)lIN|', inljtiiliiitil lntilln

nl ll-lll|I‘l t';irIl-r. ll.i\'itl Slie|iln~t'tl, l't'It‘|'

.\~<l\vw,iiu-I tvtlient, t-oiitttittiiig

250 A crcs.

'l'lie llllltl i1til'ii pretty tgtioti t|uitilly. witlt_n trntill pttrtlult ni' Willi!) nntl

I\II-ZAilt)\V,in ll very heziilliy

rleighlmliilmtl, lllltl |'lrIt\'l'Illl‘IIlin |ii;tl‘t':<til’ ]lIll|lll' WltI"tltt|t,

seliutiis :ilitl iiiiil-l. 'l‘hl- liliiltlliigu t-nrisistl

vii‘ ll lvln story hwy; I)wt~|-

lint; lltitiw, iit~:il|y It<‘W,with ti l§lll‘llI'll |lllIll‘lt4‘Il,

- inl;:l- rI'(llIlI‘ il.it'ii \\lllI

atliiie (‘4'lliIl'. A wt-ll lll gt»-i! ..;itt-r til-nr

the tl\\‘1‘lllI\II. (J ';"l'nt'lity In .;<l oi (‘tit-

tlt- l::lli he l'-ittl-in-ti till the lill'Ill.A i.tltIn-r |ll’nl'Il|llI4>ll i». tlt'l'll|l‘ll llllllt"

t-t-ii-t.'tty. ii-i |N‘I'~lIlll!4 wishing tn plirriiziaewill \'|t'W for llIl'lIi‘lt‘l\‘I"4. The prop:-llywill lwsiitiwti :ln<l tvrimi Itiuile kntiwn hy

the ~utli\tl'ilhi-r. Iiting nt-:ir the illllt‘ Bull,I-List Nnttiiipiuiiii. .\ltiiyinnt!.

.\‘.lil' to l'1IlIlllI(‘lIl‘(‘ tit I u't'|t>t'lt, t-. M.

JUIIN tli\L>t)ul.'K.

'1-1 A

Jun I!)---t-r

Great W titer Power

/\ N D I. .\ .\' I)

At 'l‘rtlstcc’s Sale.

IN |\tIt"lll5llit'(‘ til' ti Lit-t'ree or the ilitzht'nnit of ('li:ilu-ery will he Mllll nt l’ult-

Iit: Stile, ill tilt-(‘butt llttusc in liiklmi, mi

ThlIl‘5l|1Iy '.‘_"21/lI‘-:-‘n'utiry1iz.r!,tit 3 ti't-tot-lr. I’. I\I., I52 Acres. 2 lloo-'55

uutl 25 I’:-rt~ht's ni I.-ilitl, situztte on the

tuiiiu lll'i|lll'll of .'\'ttrth l';$l‘4l err‘!-k‘.in .‘\'-it-

llnizlitiin, 1 '1-t-ii etiniity, t\l»l.,:t iiill propor-tit-n ni' whit-Ii iii in \\'nn<l. Slltiiite on

this property tire the vnlunhle Mill Sent:

lttinwii its "'I'he Fuilet nflhe North Bust."Thisis n ciitiirtict ofalniut

75 Feet Fallwithin the smnli i-ipace nl'70 rods. anti us

the stream is n large one the power is verygreat. nliuntlttnt iitr any nianuiiirtutitigpurpose. Thesttuatinn is iiinst ativnutu-

genus, helniz only 3 miles riiattint irom the

nul-lguhlc waters ofthetihesapeake at the

village oI'North l-Iast,and two miles fromthe mil road connecting Philatlelphta,Wilmington nnti Baltimore, and in ti

neighborhood where labor Is low.The terms by the Decree are § cnsh.

and 1 nn 6. I2 und I8 months credit,with interest from the day oi’ sale on the

crt-ditpaynientusecurcd hy bond or notes,tt-tth security to be approved by theTrustee.


llec 22-ts.


For Rent,THE House and Lot occupied by

William Jones. and the Coach-matter‘:

Shop occupied by David Alexander.

The House and Lot occupied by Bam-uel Sturgls.

The upper wharf Warehouse. frame

Dwelling Home and Garden, at Bk Land-


March. For terms apply to


W-1--1-1 -M tow -1-1 -r it--i ---=. -t w tnent J’...H. it,... a. a.t..- and I it-ti; Cane LOSt.

wamtppottiud. ~

tothnhl bastbiddc foruaslt tut‘ “"°"'°“""""°'°°‘l‘9""“""'wla ?uu ZlllasttutbaRisia|'Bua,aHieltnrytgaao,with ivoryhead ald lat:lad»

apsu ll. The ?nder will confer s

lusvlugitsltbaratt-belaasllr-hyas t‘E .5-I

Farm for Stile. ---,.

AN it....i..it-....p................»..Pttblic Sale.


A lltuitlsoint: l*‘o|'in "'"""""""”‘ '“""‘ °"‘

lltt‘ __

_ _ _. N

MW", “rum unm_dsm‘__‘,_y |h_my.|.""h_. purnlttlneeoi n I):-t-rm ot'_t t-pitl‘\:‘:_llpp't.l-..ttttt.-tt_--»tti’tt_v.*tl:£t:‘I“|t0|I(l]i;[A A D

nl"l‘my, N. \'..avwrlt vrryhiglily ap|-ltwrti Ull "l"ll)' l "llll. ill n Hunt til‘ I-.qttil_v.AH"

""' M‘ " """“"""7‘ p l‘Y

try all lnclicrauf at-lltnlt,-ct-ii bu had at the lltlltl(‘ in ti l-time wht-rein ltnhrrt l'.n'Iu-r.'

virtue t-Fri it---Kw oi’ lite HighI 'Hlltl til' l'ltilltt‘I‘ly, lite |HtIll'lllL{||F||'

ltd 'I'il|ati-t-, \Alll nilrr tit lilllllll‘ Knit-, on

'|'iI.'7llN|l,\ Y the I-tth tl.iy |tfl‘1'llllitlYYnext. in ll'llll 4-I'thr 1':-nit lit-tiw In I<Lllt-

lnn, “ll tin,-l 'l‘i.-it-t tif l.lII|Il ~nlli:ilr-tl nlmnt

:‘I|lilt'! ?vuii Ihr liilt It Mt-o-ling lltinse,

nil i-t ll vtiliiily. tle.lr tlir piihllr rmitIlr:i4l-

IlI|_' In iilltttni, wiilrli Willi lvnnietiy trinit-

!'|l"|‘ll I-y one /\|t,'iiir' llnwrll tn J0-

'w|i|i Jltnt-u tmtl lily \\'iit'l'lt{. ll 1'00-

l:iin-inlttnit lll[I1\|’|l“.'4. 2 lllmtbt ntitl lil

i‘I'irllI'v Ill |.ntnl. t'

c|’,_ llittmn-(‘rlliir'tpmlily. 'l’Irriinpn rntl hgiliniyttof n_

l-"L! llwl-lltittl “qt-.15,iiho253.-ttllitt-»tit ltirt<t~ In l\Pl‘|t in tittqr ‘mitt 4-1-.n: .

nrvt-it, In wlttttn a alt-re lll iht- pmlitt will he '-titty itn~l tin hnlf lilg-Ii, iltl-i-‘ltivrn.

_ ltlt--I into I--nr npitrtti-t-tits,illll|\f‘ titnl lH'llIW at-ill-4; a

inter i.t-1- lLilli. hni-mg! itllI|l'\l-l|i1'lllNII'Ill the Il'ltll0‘ llllll ltlill|ll‘\i IIIlI‘Il1i| lwlt~;it-‘llultI' .\'|ttlny lit-ltw niitl Niintltt. l|lIll‘§l;.

'l‘l.1-iv: l~t.ii~t-inn the pinpv-ily it

ytiml Attpiv <lIttl l'i~.n it t Ill It trtl.

l’t~tsti|i1 Ill'\|I'ltll*¢ Ill lint: lin-uni!:ir:- ii't|il|'\llvtl tn view l|lI1l‘|"ll-

|"" llllll" the pit-till»-1'1 iiii lltl-llitu-lies

M'l'tn- ti-rum Ill .~\.iit-_its lIll‘I1'|Il|1‘ll hy the

Mul I K,_,,,|‘,,,,",m 0|‘ W-,,,,,| ""4 _\|r,,,,,m.; U: Ilm-it-t-_ li'i|lllll' the pziylnt-nl nl one h:ill'

- tt--, lt?tllllly -.t~t,n.l.<-.|......|, ml I‘INI\'!‘IIlIIt| to I-I the |~un~h»\~<~tiwlwy In-in-lH>II tlit-ti-tyitntrltti-, Ila tit.-mil rurtll ||i'lIIt‘I\\'llllII\ 1IIll‘ltl|t|~ til‘ unit-_ nntl the I|'llt-Illllll? our liulflti six

ntv iunnthlt, with lIIll‘Il'1l hunt lltr tltiytif ilzilr,to he ll'l‘llll'tl tty hontl to the Trustee,with npprnvml M‘t'lIflly.

t’,t‘1"t~5iileto eointueutrc ut ll o'clock, s.


.llitt.'\' tr. t:ltririMF.. Trtiatrc.lClltt0u.J-'lit. I2, illIl'J—tei

Real ]‘lt~ll.llt0 -

Itt l(ent—(7oltnl_t', Maryland,

FUR hi/\Ll<1.l;Y Vllllll‘ trial l)t~t'il-|- ui tlrv l 'h:lttrel-

Int of hltiryitiini. the SIIl!!\(‘fllN‘r til

'l'rli:tlv-e will Itlil‘l' lit ptihlic nnlr nu 'l'lil-Z.‘l-

IMY the l'lth titty oi I-‘t-hrnitry next, at

the plihiil: linlm-<il't'url l.. Sttnlthv-rg. in

(‘lit-tttv-i'tti\vii, Kent 1 ‘utility, llll tlialt until-vitlt-tl innit-ty or

hull pnrt niiili thtit putt

ol'n tint t nr p:iri't-l nl liiiill, nilllnte, lyingnlnl ht-iny in Kent i-tiniity, Mitryltiiill. t':il-ll‘1llllI|l kliliwli hy lllt‘ tt:ilitl- til

\“'|‘IlI‘lIl‘I"rl(fret-It Point ‘or


t-olitairiingtih-nil lll‘\'I‘l[ ii. If‘§ll‘llll'tIl. flir-

iiirily ltl'l-l hy 'I'tihi;is lllnlulph, null Unn-illllnllll \'t-.itt-it .i-ttt-ii-iiitain t-tttiiiimii, whit-ll\V;l‘4 t'r*vt-.1-il hy tlniil 'l'tilii:i.\t Illtiiulph In

hi~i tlztut,-litl-r liti/.:il-etli lltl1l!ll|tlI. lllll‘l'-w.irtl-t I-liiz-tlwtli I-lliitl, tlllll wlnrh autist-

tpi--ntly tit->.t~en<lt~<Ilu her chiltiren anti

l|l‘ll!|‘illl1.tW'.This property hns long ht-en fnvorahiy

known totlie politic tun most eligitilr sit-

iizitiolt ?trthe nieit':intlie liusiiicslt tinll thvi

t-intynq; tnttlf‘. The rouinntic lwttttiy of

the .\it‘t‘llI‘l'y nrouml it. tnt;l~tht~r with its

ftlrilitit-a 14,- the trtitili-’tt‘tioti of iiuainrsa,t‘I‘i\ilCl’ this |lt|t|I'tly particularly desira-

l)lC.'The itiiprovr-nirnts are twn cnmfnrtalile

- lrliinn llwelluipil. it frnme Store'

ll()ll'li‘, ti two story lrriclt hull-

H? ,5. thug furiuerly useil nsti count-

" ' ""‘lug house, hut more rccentlyas

uilwo-llltttr, Kilelteli. Stuhiing and other

linihlllig-4; ituuietiinteiy on the wharf is

er‘:-rtt-tl it iltt'|,!t' ririil convenient Granary

ttntl Store ilnuse, calculated to store a

large quantity of ttrsiin.The trrina of Sillt‘, ns prescribed by the

Decree. require the ptlytnrnt of one-third

of the purr-Imse money in rush on the dayof sale. untl the hultinrein twelve months

lll(‘I'(‘illlI‘l'. with interest from the tiny of

stile, to be secured hy hond with uI'l""°\'¢d

security.Anti on the ratiiielitlnn of the sgle by

lln~t'litint1-llor, and upon the pnymrntofthe win-h~ nl' the purchase innney. (aidnot ht-fore.) the unllersitzned. til 'I'rueitre,will by ct-o-l untl sulfit-iv-tit rleed, to he

ext-rtitetl Illtll at-kiititt-It-tlgerlat-rortlinlz l0

ii\W,etmt'r'yltt the |tlll'(‘llll:ll‘t'0l’purchasers,his, hertir their lieirs,the properly tnliim,

her or them 9-ilil, tree, i it-air and discharg-etl from itll t-ltiini ofthe rompitiintiittsnr de-

fentlant in the muse wherein the said de-

crre was passed.Sale to commence at II o'clock. A.M-

I-‘. A. ELLIS. Trustee.

N. B. Persons tit-sit-nus of purchasingare referred tn Peregrine Wethered. Esq.Turner's Creek. or to Dr. George 0-

Trenehtird residing on the premise!» who

will shew the property.

January l2,—ts.

Sherii’i's Sale.

BY virtue ofa writ of venditlnnl ear-

pnnas. issued out of (‘cell CountyCourt.tind to me directed. I will exposeto Puhiie Sale on SATURDAY the I6th

day of February next, at the front door

oi‘ the Court House In Elltton, between

the hours oi‘ I2 and 2 o'clock. all the

right, title. interest and claim. both at law

and in equity. of Alexander Nesbltl..ln.

and to itil that tract. pm of a tract, pieceor parcel ofland. called Rockland Hill.si-

tuate. lying and being in Cecil countyaforesaid, which was conveyed to the

and John A. Nesbltt by adeed from John

Nesbitt and others. containing 85§ acres

Possession to hohrld on the 25th oi’ °r l“"d' mm °" l""' sdud ‘M “km

into execution. and will be acid caah

to aatlsfyajudgtnentln iavorof let

Dnrlliigtonagainst the said A. Neebltt tn

Cecil county court.WM. Mt:CULl.0UGH, BUT,

Jan 26--tda (ll 25)



At This Olen.





Page 8: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition

7V ‘ . . _.,.,

N 1- w :1 1| 1| (fl. 1-. n p IP01. Sale’ .\ II1-nl Illiwmlngtu .1lotl11-rm.‘A. (71.tal1.|;111- of llcnuonnl'l'iI!§."*5


'l‘.1-- ‘l'11.- ll.-1. 1- -1 .11-I l1-.-.1.,1..1.l .1 1--1.1. 1-1 1-.

1|.. .-1-11. 'l'11.~.. ll.-111.:

, x.. 1...1.....,.1..-..11.111-.........1..-.._.....11.-.,-.1-....--11.-;-111. 1-111l.11.1l

ll... .-l1l1.1.

\1..'11-11 1. -11\11-1|.-11--..-1 1‘... ..-.» -I--ll--. --

1..-.-11-.-11 1.1-~--1. 11..- ...

1--.11..... \-1..-.11 11-1: -

_.1..|. .11. l|..- 111-1111.. 111.1

.... 1.-......-.|. I1 n-.-11-

......-.1...-1...... ..-.. 1-.-

.-...1.1...;..1 .....1.1..-,-1111 . .1 ..........--..1......


ll1l_1/l<111.l_('1.'1'I 1'.-.1

\‘ -.|.|.l1--=11.-.11.11 .\

Q,1'.11l11|q,1.5- |-.1111--11

.111...-.1..._....1 .-111-. ..-.... 1. 1.1 11..-

-. .1111 1-.- .1.-....1..1.~.1. 1

.--1...ll--1|.--. 11

1.1. ..-..1-.. .

1 -1 1l.-- .1. - -1|

,,...1..- 1-...... l1'1..-.- \!.

11 -1-1-l1.1' . .11

.1-, l1-.1; 1.--1. - 1 |-1'

11.1 .1-..1..l| ,-I 1.1- 1- -1

_1.-1. ....-..-1.... .... 1.-1..1....-1.1-..'...--. 11..- 1

-. 1 " 11.1,




_ .\'.-1

.1| .11 \\‘1.-I .-1 1'.--1

1.1 -1.11... 1|.-

..-1- 1-.1.111.111.... 1.--1.1 .-1 1...! .-1--1.11.-. 111...; 1.-1111

1..- -1.111 1-1 .ll1|.- 1. 1l1

...,_-1.11-1.. 1 11..

111.. ,...., 1. 1. .1,1.l111l. I11 1 1.1 1.. .1 l

.-l 111|| l1-‘I111 1 1|..

1-11.1 1..l... -.11-| 11- 11

. --l I -. .11

1 |1.\1 1\l-1|-1ll-1

.,... 1,1 1l1...1| .-1

-- - I1. l

11.1, 1.1.... 1..... ...., 11.11. .-1.. 1

\|..1l I I--.1 |1l 1

.1 11 .

1I..|1|..-1.1...-1-1.11'---11 1.. 1--1.-11"‘--H '

l-. 11- 1-1 .-|' I... 1 ..-.l.1.-1..

1.....-1..-1.....1'......-.1, 1--

111l1Il. .|_ -1 ... 31--|11|-- 11l1..|1|~. ...1.l 1|. 1.1. I1. 111:! -‘"‘

1..... .... .-..1l. ..11.I |.1..1..1_g.1-111-I .-1.-.11...--1.--1.1, .111.ll11.11llw|u-.1--lit --1 1|..-

.11-..1.....1,.....1 .1 ....,-.-.-1.1111.-1.....-1111l1.111.1---1~.|

1. 11111.111..- >'1.1.- 1.1



- 1---.11.-.1...| 1|... -..1.l .\..1ll1-1.-I1111-.|1..11.l1111l1-...

.....| ..|.,...-...1,1'--. 11..- 11.I.--.111-ll.1.~.1;...1.l|11.-1..

1. .| 1-1 ...-- tl.-1| |1.- 11 111 lull p-11111-1-11111.-1 .111

I -.-l1.1l..l-- ....-1 I1-.1 .-1

-|.1.1. .....11-....--.|. l.-...- .1111.-.11l -.11-| ..V|._-..1111..l11..- .1. 1 >..1..1.l..y11--11-.11.. 1|..-1'1.-1.\l.--1.1.11 1--

.\,..-|.-- 11.11.1111.-~..1-IN

1111-11...,--111'1.111.. ....-

11.1.-..-11... _1...1,_.....1'1‘.

1- 1.111 l1......- ... lIlI.1-...,11--.1-1....1|.-.1..1---;..1.-...-..-|1..I1...11-1-I1...-1.-I11-.-

,.......11....,.,....1 .....1

1|.. l11..|.1 .11.t.1 .1111l1l1111..-. \\'....1 1... .1... -......li111-1111~11l_:111-l111.11 l11- L-1-.|.|111--..11.-11.11..l..1'1|---.|l-11l11 1111 1-.-r.-.l.1.-. Vl-_1-.111.--11-.--1.

...-.111-l...1'<~.~1l ..1....1.-.11.....1|.._l-.-1.-1. 11..- »--1.1 1.llir lir-.I \l<1111l1\' Ill .\|-1

.111 11...-.| 1.11.1 1..-1 11-1-l*l|“’. ll.

'l'1n1~ 1'n - '. 'l'1'~|.U.l \\l

11111.’. _.'l111 511

1"-1|'_1/I-11.1’.(‘1‘.‘|.' ('1--/.-

,x ....,.1..-.1...-. ..." \\‘1 (‘-11.1111/,|-.11-1-1111....1

111111..-111..-r,1-111- -.t'l|..- J1

(‘-1.111 1-1 1'.-.-1| 1'......1.,, 1

1.. 11.-1.1..lQ.-.111...---1.---1 1--1

|.l.~1-.|..11,..1..l..1|1.i.1;; 1-.

11.-1|l.1l'|.1~ 1-1..l1l-11.1.11 I

1.111-1|11111|...1\.-.l,1.. \1l111-l1.111-.1, .1 ... I.--.l.1l. 1111-1. ..1

.1. ...1.| .1. 1.1. 1..-11.1;111.11.-1

111.-111-1.111, .11ul |-; l1

111l11..l 1'-111li1.1-111.-111:1111l 11-(|1.- I11-111-T11.1l' ll.1- -1-111.1l

11,-l1111l;.1111l1111.-1.1-1r1.11;1nt1111.\11y ll1..l lliu 1.11.! 11.

1,111.111... 111.1... ....

u.-.11.- 11.-11l~1-1-.1.- 111-. ..|-|1|11~..1i...1,I .1|1|~1-.1‘--l1... 1I.1- l-.-1.1-111 .-1 ll..-

..\1.~l111|-1111,11l1.1 l.1~.

.-11111v I-1; 1111- |-1.-.1-1111.11l11'.1l |-.-rli.1.n.111.-.-.-1

1111.11-1-l1..1i11;g1-1-111-ll.......-...-.1. .-1 n||ll11-

I.1|.- 1.11.1 I1-.1 1.1 1|.-1.11n:11l 1.1-...11.11.~.l1l1.~111.1lint .\lm1.l.1_1/111 .\|1r1|.1-1..-

1'.-11.11.41‘.--1.1.11 1|..-

1 :111~11. 1 1111-l1 .1|l. 3.1-li-1111. .11.1l 111l1-11.-g.1l--r11-~.1-1.1../1|..-11l11-111.1p-.11-1-.11-.1-1... I-y I11. ...--111.

11-11111.1 1111-.\‘1.11c --I .\l11

l-;.1.....1.<.~...1... 11..-...-

1 r.-.|11<1n ..|' ll11- ~.\1.1\\'1.1

1-111.1-. 11.111-111....-l 1111I1 -.1-

1-1| ...1.l .1111-1.11.-.l,1'... 11..- 1..I11. ..-1-|1....1;.-...|1|..- .--1.l

li11l 11. 1111- l|1.1l I11- 1-. 111Iii

-.......-. ..., ...11..~ ...... .~.-1..

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l\'.-\Tll1\NJ. B. S.\'OEditor: n


For I

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wtho Printing_bun


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Nov. 55-|._.|y\. A

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N .1|1|.|i1-nlinntn 1111- tl11- sllhsr-rll>1-r, 1.--.11gl.,1.1-11--!-2.1-;-.l‘ t--11.11111.-,1-11-111., c:1.1l1ur, I535. '

\1.1.~1u.\1.111.\111|..\§11. ._ ,

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1‘11111l..l't‘1-1-il1~-111111)’.by |11-lili11n|nW1'it- 1111-yl1e1::1n1c 111:1|11:1i111c1lwith l'l~J'l'|-IRS‘'

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..|..... ...11., -...-11-;1.. I1.» .li..¢|1.11-;;.-.1I'r1...1 1.11-_111.11s.1ti.-511-1|1.11-t|1:1tI11-l1:\sr1-si1|1-1|in zmu"

mt-nt oflhc Spleen, |'i|..s_(;|,,,11,.V 1.-,.m,,|,,“"'"“| "‘"""""“""'- ‘""' "’ "“‘° """'“""l l" ll11- -“1:1t1- nl' f\|:\ry|:1n1l ?1r the lust two ‘ Dllll-ICTlOI\'S. Ulrslructinns lleurt llurn I1‘11|-rt-;]'1‘,m.1“-M"'“""“""m °r “W '“'““l m'°‘“""l““" "F

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,..1.-.1 ...11....11..- >;1..1.- or .\1.1.,1....1 11,1 11..- 11,1 fro...1.1.11-111111111-1111-111,.1111!that |11- he andV , _ , _ _ _

llnhituitl (Jostivem-sq, Low of Appetit--,

l-\'V--I1-'~-9. -I-'1:Y1-'1-""~‘|'l= "1'l'li_"l|"'\. l -1|_--:111|11-nrI1.-1111'.-1111-11111111-s111'(T1-1-llCnunlyl |'°;'V°V1'l'i||'Vl'°£‘""‘lV"‘i":l‘l°'"|.‘\‘;;l_l‘Blot:-l.e1l or Sullow Complexion, 111111111

l"f""-'-' ""'V"!Il-'_|-"'"*"§'"“"'° "" ""~‘ l*'""'l(.‘1.11rt, n1. 1111- ?rst S11l111'1|nyol'then1.-xt Pi: "5 H U g'.- ‘I U.“ I L 0

. all 1-uses 0l' T0rpor1.l'tl1e Bowcls, wl11-re1.1 ll11- 1-11-1l1l1.r-1 0| llic 111111]ll.-mu S11-1\url \1'l1n - -

- . .

5) "'l' "\ '\ l‘--1 "l‘°”". '""l “ll-I‘ ll" ?"H"' kl U".

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"V" mun,“ mm Mm, “Vim Mm-myby W; pmApril 1.1-rm nl 5:11-| 1 onnly (,nu1't,11n1| at 111.1111‘. ;_-1.1.1111»1-1-1.1..-.1 11.. 1.1-1,1,, mm, ,,,;,,. :1 catlmrtic or nn apcrV11-ntVis 1V'i1-e1lc1l.

1 1 ,1 | ~ | - ,1’. 1 ,1 $111-l11.1I11-1‘t1m1-s ns the Jnilges 111's:1l1l .111--,1l.r1:et11..1~.1n -l..y.!-o put to They nrc exceedingly m1l1l}1ntheir npcr.1-1-r...-1 .111, tnr l 11- 11. 1 11 |1c 11n11- '


-_ _ _ _

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-...... ...‘ 1.1-. .1111 11.1.-1; 1111111111:.-..i1| 1111-1.-c 11.1.-. Court may 1l11-cct. to nns.--1-r such 11|l1-g11-"I" ""‘~"'~ "'""'—'<!""~'|Y-r'_"’1"" '"'“‘ “'""l" Elk" 11t1on,p1-oducingneither nausea, griplng,~ - - - - - - - -


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1: 11 ru nil‘ l1. 1101.11. \\ lien lllch-¢ll1arc1u11l111;; 1-1-11111.11!-. ....-_1l..11l.--V1.1...t11ll pa--.1-.-.-1-1.1111111112111111111.1-rm|:z1tnr11-qas may be 111.1110 u;V“i-Z‘!Pun“ h "Mr um‘ "mum" “mum

nor delzilily.:§:|l'lV'L'_-"V_1;-V':1-i'V-}VV11|-H:V-;;V-V-*_V-:'|'--:1-;'V-_;---V-,1hf}:11!:1in1>t1.11.. by 11_1-1cr1-1l1tm"s;nn1l 11.... 11¢

,,,,,,_,.,,,,,__,, _‘,,,,,y,,,,,“,,,,,;,,,, ,,,,,'p,,,,,,, The efficacy of "1980 1-111: ls so well

u,H;",S,,,,,.',|,,y,,',.,,',,.1,.,:1":?r‘, ,"l1,f:|:,';’;:‘l!i\'B ""11" 1*‘ M" <‘"“m"'”" 1))’mllslng? 11.11 children 11:11-1...;1. fever, and u11d1-rg-.1111;known. nnd their use so general. that fur-

,,\p,,| ,,,_,,_ ,;,,. ,1", M5,,V||_:,,,y§,_.,,.m,,,nmN__,1-up):01:11.11111.11-rtnl.1*ins.-rie.l ln a11.nVe :1>:;"i3?cScfnlrv-'iil"!ll-:|11\:_-V;-5;thcr comment is considered unnecessary.l1c111rctl11-.l1_11l;;1-.1<111.-1-11 1-1.-.1.1y1-1.-.1-1.1111111;1‘nn11-n11-ntnc-w.<1pnp1-1 published in Cecil ) W


0° I-"ll" I


1-hurl l1nu.~1u 111 1-Z|l111.1.,11. u1.\\1.~1- 1110!. 11||1-g1\-1:111.111y,011913 11 \\'1-ck ?ll‘ llll’06 month.-1, ‘n com” "h'°“Ih “"1 '°""'“'"" °""" d‘3“'-l'-________ V


li1111-1and int.-1-r1.gulori1:1\m1n1.1ytl11-11 111-pr-11111. p?wimls to me SAM ?rs‘ Sum,-day of me S?ltl ll! D1’. W. E\'tll\i'8 OQCC, 100 "- -

{.11to him l_1yl11.11-r1-1l1t11n1;uI11l\|u:_1-.'1i.|llcnry “Pu Mn,“ mrm or MM Court to auend C||u[hum_5t" N_ Y_V

a ghin gtonht-w..rlhn1'111g 1.-1111-rttl lulu l.11n1l Ill -\ p1-nully

' ‘


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,,,d,,.;,1, wc,,,,,’1, ,,,,, ,,,.c,c,i1,,.,1 ,,,,,1 ,,,,;,,,,,,_ nnd sliuwcnusr-, 11'any they have, why (b?klso VbyMr. William Torbcrt, Jr HV

’1-11,.... 1.. npp<‘&l' amlumwcr .11 -.1‘-11-1.-1.111,l 11.. the s111.l.l1.n11-s l-I. Green should not luwc merchant, l-Jkton, Md.




lg-‘ml-y-ml" ‘W-1!-limrl. 111-\ tlw Hid I11-my the bent-?t nfsaid lnsnlvcnt laws as pray- Oct l8—ly -




>‘"“'l'l 5" '1"‘°""E°‘1 "4"" P<‘"‘""\l ¢""5"*" 1-1|. Glvc-11 under my l111ndt|1ls 26th daymi-nt, and that lll! give notice 01' this l1i11 applica-


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Rospcctfully tenders his prnfesllonal Delaware. and Cecil county. ln the Stateservices to hls friends and the public gen- Ri¢|Ill-Ill c- 11""! ill!’ of Maryland. _nndare now engaged in°muY- "9 may always be f?lllld lit hil _41111oRNEy A11 LA": mgkjng (by-ggygn -- . -,--1lli<>1-.116‘...doorto the 1:011.-1 Hon:-:, 1111- ‘Fnc-EMm, 0 W,“ Quad,‘ am, . GARBESEOOX 4.. Co.,less absent on byllnon . (Dana-IVWL


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l'. 7*’. 1\..y|1- 1.-1-1. 111-11.11151-. 1.1- lI11-1.r11gi1111ll1~1l1-r 1-11111l1. 1.1-,1-y|..|l.1-15--lll1~ llr-11.1l11;ll11a|1

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l 1111111-111-11ll1:1l lll‘, \11ll1 111-11-rul 1>l|.1-n-,|111\uIn 1-1. 111ll11- l1.1l.1| |.l1.11|.|.lyi11;_1llmg 111111(111-111-|1'.'\l -1.11. 1., 11111. ll..: 1.l-.--..- ..|.111-1--111 1111-1l11-luv;

l1..v1-| 1.1|.r11cli11_-ll.1; 11:11.1: lmu1l 11111.11U111: 1-11-111.1111-n1.

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111.-1li1-i11.~,1.1.1|1-all1ll1yi111.--1..,tl11-111ll11|111.1-h-r1..- 111.-ir 1-1.-.1-.1111-1-,tl.v\1ry |---111-1111011111.

llr. ll|111.1|1ct|. 1..-L--.1111.1.. 1.1..li.1111.nunlry1111-11-l..111t.111111] 1.||1. 11 1.g:1i111-1|11111l1.'111i|.gmid

1.11.1;-.1111 11.1 llu: 11:1l1-nl 1l1i.<1nc1li1-i111~. 'l'l1cl':.

l1111-1.l||1nr1|1..>1.1lul tl1c1u n1u11t ul 111-cu-xitybe

1-.-1.11.--J-11.'l‘l11= 11.11.-..:.ib-=1 having in l.i11 |.on111-1111ir.nL

11un1l11-r ul‘ l.-.111-11ol'cu1...1.-rli-il llr:111l1-1-ll. l'1ll1I,whn-l1 w1.-ru bought ul' l)r11|;gint.1 in ll¢lli1.11.r1-,.\'1-rl?1|l1,V... 1.1.1] W.n1l1i11gl111.('1ty, l).(‘.:1l|1o,

tl11:n.1111u- 01' t|11- P¢l'eu1111l1-1.111wl1u111 tlu-y wcru

|1o11;gl1l,u|| of wlilch?nayhe 111:1-n nl. llw Brun-

1lr1ll1i.1|1Ullicr, No. bl), South Cl-utlu 1111-cct,

R. R. (Zl{l-ll-Z.'\', Agvnt.SEUUIHT Y A(i1\lNS'l' CUUN'l'l£[l.-


llr. llralidr.-ll. |1:.111111l..|111_-1lllxc l'11||o11-ingplnn11.111-1-nrc lll\.' U l‘I.\l'l.\'lI llr-1111111.-tl1 l’ili11t0 U10

I-1.11-I11-.I-I1-1.1-y.'111t|11.1i11-d Agt-1.t111u>.tl1|\-1:unu

111' 11..- full-1.1-11.g1.-erti?1..tc.~. ul'|gc|1c_v: and it1.1'i|ll1cu1-1.ll.nl

:1 1luu|.l1: l'urg1-ry tllllll tn com-

1.1.11--1|,bcfurc any one can 111111.-111':n tin-gt-dcer-

lilit-;1l1; :.1n|l tlic |1cn111. l1:1111.git i11l.i>|11»acu-i1-.1i.1 1-1;u:1|lyliable "-\-ill. ll|1: fulgrr. S0 om:

will cl1..11c1- It-11 ycara in 1: Slaw pri11un, for llm

-..|c 111' :1 111.11111‘ counterfeit B1-.\u1ln.-tl1 l'illn_—~Al I1-nut I linpc no.

((.'1.11gnj Crrli?ralc of Agency.)lJll.\I\'lJl{l-l'l‘ll \"l-IUI-}'l‘1\|lLl.-I UNI-

\'l'Zl{S.-\L PlLLS.

Serurity ugaim! Cu1111lcrfull:.T111: will1i11 nzuuctl ll.ll.Ulll£E.\', ol'Da|£5-

more, in my ammlcdLicncnl Agent for Um

Sula of My d mud Virginia and DinuictnfColuniliiminlzcUnilcd Stntcl of A1111.-rirl,Ill‘thin letter, 11-Incl. in uigncd by 1111-, llcnjnmlnBrand:-cth, in my own hand writing, must alsohe aigned by the within nlmcd G1.-ncral Agent,whens name will lllq appear in the pxiw;i£:.|upon

ol‘ H1:L'1;itcdStaten. The cadultanc'

come pgc y ncccnnry, to gun 1 c pulie 11.1%..numz-1-our cwnlcrlblu Ihizh an11111.01‘1|.; lhovo Epnln:mcdicinc.

Tllll lctln will II‘I¥-'ICIl every I9 month.’'l'l1ci-clhre,1hanU my nltcntqpn be made in lhndnle, donot purchuc; thcn in doubt.


I, r 0 d b - , d f ,- 0t'Ju|y in the year ciglitcc-Vnhundml and'

I ;' ($13111,-d) B. BRAN[)RE']Z}{_li11:ll‘i:nri'i1giiil‘:31lucimilnl';uc::1iii‘l,,lli1:I1iu:rr1-1liflhl"Y"3lgm-


hxub? CLOUD- F a P m e P SELKToN MD.

N0" Yllfkv -'""'".Y 1- I337-

tnrn, hy111l1'1:rti11p1111-111in1101111: newlpaenr print. TIUO COPY. T051, I k V

?PllI‘Cll;l..I3I! ?ll! l0l¢¢ lllt C¢'l’ll?¢llO.11... 1'.-.11 county, .11.... .1 -11.1. _.... 11..-. JAMES 5[;w,1L[_VC1k_ .00 to your intcrculs. T518 large and col-nmod|‘1V)usH0113orngenq-_-11!...-l1os¢ll1|1¢genui1.1:Br1m<

at ted on the corner o Gavan .1 111pm; 11¢“; o11¢_'xnuntlin, ht-I111-c l|11-uid F11-ntS11lurd11yVncxlllllcf Jan 5__3m $6 um

_ ft"“’ 5"‘ “"""'9 "‘ "'""' ""“‘ G"°" “"5" LL pcrsonslnterutedln the mostim- Court Streets. heretofore oecupled by G-[ha ?,11¢w{.1g.11-91-¢g111¢1»1,q.p°5n,

B. Mnckey, has bun taken by theIholudetermlned to make

ted Aar..'<1'I=_

lliltinm Tqrbert. J1-.. mercliant,ton; Illorgan §- Purl.-tr.

‘Han-o do GNCG; Tlonumenzhllll. Charleston-n; Jo):



1 1 1- . ... ,- 1 -- .... ...


Fa" (,,""(]s ,r,,V,-,.,.",,m,V,__ 1,-,,,.,,, ,,.,,,R M (.,_,_,, 1111. w.V1.1-V11.~..-.-gnu-.1111.\11.u ...... 111-11V111V.V1V1V\V

flu-1l,mer€)1antl.Noa-thlut. ~ - -

Page 9: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition

























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“Tit: lltxuiitun or Gavniuttlrr. uitl ‘run Dawn or ll:tvn4,niiotii.u nnvnntun: 1:1-on -rut Riiru /mo fir: l’oon."--Amlirw Jurhon .

i ‘

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|,i&'ro.\'. iit'ii., si\'rt;it|m\' llIOIli'\'INli, I-‘I-)llRIti\ll\' tn, it-mo. » ‘,\'or..2.’



|'lll'll.l:ll|hlI l‘.\'|ZllY IATUKDAY IORNINU

Il\' II. B?§I'iFi.¢--|_n—n1tnii

Tho lltllo-.riu'_';_u-nllt-nu-n have been appoint.ed nqcntu for ll|t' t‘i~~~tl linrvttu, by whom Illll

ncriplmint will lw It'l‘t‘l\l‘ll| rrcclptn glvnti, Illt

urtlvrl |'or the areriitioii of wurlt duly forward-

vtl to UH

A|.t.x~4 l\\|”'ll\'llY. l'l<q.. l‘. .\l., l'urt Deposit.J, J. lltzvvtttt r, I-I~<~|.,I‘. .\l., l‘t-rryiillc.!\ltr'rnr.w \\'rtn. l-I-q., l'. i\l., Ruling Sun.

Stvltirt. ll-i\\'|.\'\n, |'l~q., I‘. i\l.. lltiwlantlrillo.“in. ll. llinit, II-q.,l'. .\l.. nllll‘ llall.\V.\t. .l|. 'I‘m\ \\) \n,.l‘I-<q., ll. M. lluult‘.

\\'\t. \l u't.t.t', H-11].,Ftt_vt-llrvillt".'|'||o\|\~ .\l \I‘I'l1'I', H-q , I‘. .\l.,‘Nnrll| Halt.

i\lapir.l--tw N. Ilia:-|t,l‘. M., t'linrle-towii.

Iltiulnttu (T. (‘-swan. I-I-tq..tfnwautmvn.\Vti.i.itw ll. .\I;itt'lut,l*I~q.,\'t-riltott.llieiiutti l. l"ntn|-, limp l‘. i'lI.. -\'t. ltugultine.J. ll. .\lott1'o\', lhq. l‘. .\l., \\'-trwlclt.

Coiistablc’s Sale.\'{\irtut- of n writ of \'t"I\tllllt\Ill l‘X|K\IIltI,t-mvil out of tln~ .\l-'\|gi-trntvn‘t'niirtnI'tln-

7th.1.-viii-tttli-trii-i, “ill hi» hlllll in tl|t' tili.»;;i-

THE 8llUNAM\llT|’

"l. rm‘ “"l"”'i"""' r"""“i"l‘i l""l"_"-ll’ U“ "H /l"‘l lll‘ “'""lll ¢l°*" l‘"""i ""4 l\\‘i¥It‘ihi" 5"‘ mi“ [U "W ll"“'l"‘l ll'i"'ml""ss"l wllllllllll into iiiiothcr. wliitth was ultm 0\'t‘|'llIfl|t‘tl ziltlimigli corli t-ziri'it~il ii llt‘t'||St' to prur-

tlu~ ri,1hl,titlt‘,t-l.ti|nnut| inlrri-~t of \\'n|. Nor.

via, in ntttl to \llt‘ "lIllM‘I\lltl Lot nillirtlv tilt tin-

t~.1nt»iJt' nl' the iiiain atrrrl of Mild \'illit~_'t~,'Ill'

Jttlltlll? l'h|lip .\'.tiili-i't<, nntl |io~t- twt-tipirtl byuiil Noirin. .\'vi1t~il and t.il\t~|i into t‘lt‘('tllllIll

at llIt' |i|’tI|\t"rly nixhiil .\'t-rrin, lttrlillllrf l'\ jail“-nit-nt -loo ll. .\lyi~r~ t\ lloliev; and l li<~n-I|_\-gin‘ nntit-r that I will rrll thu ithot-c |l\‘ll'l'lllt‘tl

pro;-rri_y to the Iiigltrnt liiildcr for null, at the

l€“"‘ “C l“l‘l l"'l' l'l~" lll“lllll*'ll"lYl’~ll‘T)’-"ll""X" iiiul lirokeii, no-l lllt? ll<il‘?I‘! ritn ngniiiqt tit't' law in his |wi'ltt!l- lllll Jllllg" lllllil

ll‘ 1'"“M .'"""i" l”'k"_'""“"~l!0“ “ml “g“i"' l"""“l"‘l Ill“ ""“‘ll"'l—l"ll ll “'39 \l""l" tlitt vi-liii'leofiiiiotlier ll||t‘ll‘, lll)?t‘l it.:inil is ii prol'o|iiiil jllftal. nntlat izh.-iii" siglittul

|l|::.i:;::,,i::,,li:/kl‘:;:;:‘,:i,,iii:.b;;;,],,,,.|,,,,,,,._ ‘:l*_“"'l')'-57" llllll l'll3lll'll1l'lll'l\' <'I1"'l‘l-l‘ threw utttilioqv who were iiisitli-, without. lllllt.‘|)t‘llllI'lll Ju-lgiv. It la-liiio_\-i~sPt't‘l'y

|.',,r |),.,,||, |_,,,| c,,h.,,.,| H" ,,._,,,,.'|y||ilt'l)' torn “""|’lYfll'l‘l‘l' ll-lll l"-‘l‘" "ll hlllll-"\V "l liowever, injuring them serionuly_—-llwon $l‘llH|lllt‘ man to speak l‘t'.'l;)4"Cllllllytil inn

l*nnnlit~rlbnilnrim-,i|iciitt»tIn~r‘iipriilc ionl_|-iy. l'll'~l"l4'~'l" lll‘l'- lllll l‘\'l‘" ll‘ ll!‘ lllllllllll |'('|)¢l|‘l|‘tlt nle-io, says our iiifur|ii:nit. that zitljii-l|i'iitioi|.~i. l"ui'|iiyttt'|t, l uni pleasi--lWith =i<~hingln-nrt_,iot‘itnin-l'-iiioriiit -In bi-til prove guilty, yet shc kiit-iv alto fr]! slit‘ ;|.,. (;,l|,(.r 0,, n.|,,,.,,i,,,, I-mm U“, mlmmp Wm, H“. ,|..,-i§i.,,,_ 'fg,.,..¢ to n do.-.,u|~||1;_;

ll<‘t'|l"tH'l_t'W't)i__l=Il'lllllt h?il ltllllltlth ll "Wt /uri-llliiiii—lZiithli|l,tiiiiillt-mhlult>\‘t‘ t't‘ll1"- Ion-id his liouse on llll‘. ilvliull iii ll|t'\l' lt.iilro.iilu and t‘ui|.il\i that

'""""‘ “"‘- rd paruiiiount in her lit-art-—:tii<l slit: ?uid i~ )lI in-1 ti Ill iiitlivnltialproperly totin-liuw-t~ of -\lr. ltit-hard R-' Holds. mi the l?tlt win. t,i,..1|’- cm-15,.” .|;.|t).“ |.,.1.,»,.._.~,_ _

> ~_——i- l ")' - ll’

day of l-"t-lirtiuvynt-it. nt {o‘cloclt,l’. lll. tu na

tisfy iilllljllllljlllvlll and thi~ lt-gal coutn thereon.

/\|,l'IX.\l\'l)l'Ill M. ('.'\llR.Jan 96-til: (él ‘.‘.'v) (‘onalalilm

llitl l\l.aiitii'act.oi'y.1 llli -\.lllI<l‘Illl\'f \\'u\lltl iniiirin liia frirntln

raitd lhr pulilir prtirr-illy, that lie liriit pur-\'lll\'4l’ll lllt‘ i-lock of Ilntit \\lllCll i\lr.

\\'nt. ll. t'al\crt liatlon

lituid wlirn he

lvlt lilltton, and in now rt-nily to imp.ply his tn.~lu|i|t~ri~, by ttltult-t-tilt: and

n-tail. \\itl_it-illi. in-.tvt~r, liir nntl lltinsia llntn an

clicap and nil r-|!lllltIlIlllIlL‘ZlI they can ln: obtain-

ed in any ol'tlit~ eilu-ii.llt- almltrt-i


nI\\IlltlIt‘l’ nfl.1tlit~~<' |'ur

llitl wt-Ii-o_iochvr. who tn lli!\\‘llItlIIll on_ _

l“_l""l“'V _

A _1,,,‘._v1im.,, ",;,,___-|~|,,.,~,. pm p|.,.n,.||_ iit:~lii|.'tioii_of i-very pl'|\:illt' right’‘thatllad IlllIllYll\‘fl‘ll- '-Dguglttur ul lmiul. II it “(Vmm-rrnt lllllttllttuttltl niyown ~trit-lu~n dear, N. in 1 u"N,"m MN, m.,.m._]in,, U, H“, \-

(2-||||t'~i within tl.t- \t\\‘t't'|i oi tf|llll‘l'. lht:||'

‘\'r"\l\“l'il:|:\'l'lIl;§::?‘l';::'"]and "why?" lllt)lE:lL::;tlIran llltl lltlltl llitt',llt) l|l)IItt.(,|,h,“n8 pi,.Z,yum.. 5., X, nun ,h,“_" in“), illtll/itllliI}_'(i$

il|t- lI‘tlll’ll‘ill.\t~tltoo llll_':l|ivlrit-ii. . - . . . . ..


..' .-

‘ "'~

"'1 'Rl'

llilli rycl upratued to lleari-n, wltilu llio big l ltnow not, Ito-it not, if |;ii|lt'1~|n that lirail, “lllli'll'llllll!tl~|ll£l'll‘l”l'"|l|ll l1ll"‘l'lll‘-|lll‘ll H Ml Hi Hui,“_" ‘I. ‘n_i_U__Ii I“;tear,

lhot loiutr that l lti\t' lln-r \\'lli|l\'\'l‘l llion nit!’ ll-liim'_p|'ear‘lii~-4;i gooil 5l'l‘lll()lt, pliiys zi "8 l" 'l"'""|“"' fl ‘H "l “ “ "'"“ ’u‘“ ' lm

-jtolcdown lici palliilehctllt,niiillittrifililllit~_art,I|[)\°““tx|||*|~5;il)|y prcttiiitts |i|u~l Hllt'll llttotl t_':niie of poker, iw on I‘X(t‘lll'nt jtptm. llII\VllIhis Ill-lllultill lltttl?tt ill|llUl I||~al~:lr-'5,

- ‘ll‘l'_':fi";';":g')°r ""3 '0!" Y""')"‘ ' '° °““‘l'ti heitlil he to a tnnn sit.ilt‘d as Judge Wii- ofu liorlw l'Z|t‘t‘, lnix the in-st liilhtiiill ehiitk- I" ‘°'7"‘ “F‘";c"l“'l'“"‘I'll“Hum; "ml





. . . ,> - . ,

-. . . .

l'llWtl s r tirir i|~<e. i'ivt- niire~i-"C ,,,|,u m ,m_,q_:m,c_h“m,,, ",0 “M kerstiii! ll llL h.i.-. it llllll. oi the ll.'\'llIl;,{.~}einof nny ni.io in the P?llh.mid lays.-i r W"'_hIn “M1” _ d"‘"|i““mHFmintliit ltleetllitg llft'llIl,lItd lthl ln dun Wlllt‘lI tistially heloiig to huiuoii iiaturt-. b >\\'te knife iiei‘o~"s hm ltllllt‘ to kt-i-pll

l '~ ‘" _'.

, f‘_ _


My litirt-<tearthly drcaiiin. But while before he \\'ill rtll't‘\t_‘l' t-lit-rutli her \\'|lll ten told 0l"‘ll- 51 lllt‘ (‘till "rill" §t"'"\\llt§ ll" L!l\'t‘\‘ Ffmlml!>:'>“'"i0| H“

Pl"?!lmil "I

l'“‘ ll‘l'"""tiiorc cure than the “it|t|ilt‘ofliis eye


llc notice of tiic next lior>i- ll'l(‘(‘. llr is the ‘LL l:5°“-l“"“ "'"—(""“"““l' "'*‘ “

l lI"t:Ill:l.,:‘with meclt nilmiimoii to llll |a-

win um “WI, ',,,,.,,m..“,,. “-mus Ofm-m~p|; Stllltt pL.,-50,, “_.|m' while ..,m|,|;m_, |;,,m~- --=.....==-3--_“

~.\' .' ‘

.- - . - tW "



l ferl the around i\otlet‘p, can nt:'t~r be licalcd ll) ‘ml ll‘ l l‘“' l‘"l!»!lll)-H "ll ll r" ll" ‘ll ‘l ll"l '\l“l_‘l'l3~l1"lF° “"r"l All‘Il.lIIl).\' i.-' l)|;i.twA|ii:.—-5/mrl tllltl

lly nnirtaltont-h; for (),ll|ui| titan Ill.‘(i0tl' /lttil wliut \'t)llllllt‘.i does the condtul of‘lllltlll" t'""l'l "'ll _5l"I"lll ""_.l'l""l1<‘t'-iltltlSir-iri.--'l‘lw llIlll)\\'l|l',! In it-I lint si:_'IIlll-ll“ “'="' "‘l~' ""l)' "l"l*l- l

"“‘"llll‘ ltlllt‘ ltuml. the young liltl\' of llanl>towii speak for ll"l*'ll“ll ll -"ll'"‘l ‘ll"""“ll-‘“‘ “llll "ll“.l'~“~ ll“ cant l't'|l|||'l was lllillll‘ in ll|t- It--_-i~i!.itiiie

lltilllttiltllllittli nlltrlllt‘ltttt~llI1!lIltItI>. alttl uill ""_'""°‘ "‘ "‘"“ ll“'3'""“l“’“"'“"lll.l- the ltilllllltlt'. tln' tlilflllll, the uiifultvtltig l'l° llllllll l‘l‘*"l‘- ll l -"'lll L-Y"~lll‘l l~*"lll"l'-' oi l)t‘l1t\\'il|t‘. on the 5llll)t‘('l oi ztholitioii.

al\\'n_\-itlw rt-.~ul_vtoinake llitta and lluniictstnorder. nt tlu~ Illtltlt Fl notice.

.\lt-rrl|:int.< and others areiiititcd to call and

cxauiinr the nanir.

'l'lu- tiirlitry has been rciitavcd next door toll’!!!Post Ullirt‘.

Tm I5-ly

. -


THE p.1rtnvrnliip licit'toi'ore existing be-

J.\ ill ES T. llR(l\l’N.

tween (G. \\'. Moore anti ti. \\'. lrriu in

\lll\1 day tli.~ml\nl liy |i|utu.tl t‘ul|st*ttlt 'I'ln-

hlinitn-tot will lit-rrallt-r be roiitliictetl by ti.\\'.

Moorq.who being tho ncli\'t- partner in tlir late

?rm, fet-lw it liitt duty to lt‘lltl\‘l‘ hi: llll\‘I‘fl‘

tltaiilts to the public liir the tinliiuitt~d patron-

lgl.‘l‘XlL‘llllt‘ll,and ll0[It", by lllflll tlllt'l\llUIl to

llllbllltlll, and it tlioi-on;;liknowlt-dige tifrutliiig,to nieiit a Ill" liirtlicr iiliare ut' public patron-: r.g'l'lieLondon, Pariit, New Yorlt and Pliila.

(lt-lpliia lllslll?lll ulwaya on liantl, nod gariiiriitaof

any cut or ttylc can bu inadn tti order at the

Iliortmtt notice, and eqtial to artyfrom l’liil.idcl-

phi: or llaltiuiorc. “

Dee ll—(Jan I2)‘ tf

Notice.Tll? uiidt-rsigneil. Foiiiiiiissitiiicrs rip-

pointed hy Cecil County Court to

value and dividi: the llcril Fstatc of llciij.1-min .\l:uildin. deceased, l.ite ol't'ocil couii-

ty, according to the provisions oftlic uets

of Assembly iii such ease made and pro-vided. do licrehy give notice. to nll tvlioiiiit may eunt-ern. that we shall lll0(‘l on thesaid llmil Estate lying in l-Elk Neck in the

mid eouiity. on l\lond:iy the lltli day of

1-‘ehriinry next. at ltl u‘clo<'k A. M.. to

]il't)L‘t‘t‘tlin the business for which we tire

appointed.'l‘ll0.\l.\-Q S. T[lt)\li\S.Al\'llRl-Z\\' l‘lAlllll~l'l"l‘.lltl\\'l.:‘lI\'l) l-ILl.lS.

JOll.\' l". Sl.\ll‘l-IRS.lt0lll:Ill'I‘ 'I‘llAt‘K.\ltA,

Dec. 8—tl ll*' Coniiiiluhiners.i___._.__._._ . ._

.._...,._\_,___ __

Notice. '

THE Iiubieribcr hariiiga iiiinrl to rcitumc ii

bulincn which lit: VIII hon; ncetlrttiinrrl

to, begs leave tn gin: notice in thin mar >

the public, that be in ill open: lCll00l for

in‘ the clunical lingusgen in thin vil

noon an autliciciitcncourlgenicnt uhall B

Will. Dl I

Elltton, Jan 1'2, l33£l—tl'_

Fresh Flour.

20 Barrel: ?n! rate Con-rnFlour juut rtccircd and for ulu by

Z. RUDULPII.Elltton, Jun. 5, i839.


' Ricliitrd C. Ilollyday,A7'TOll.\'E_i'4'1‘ LAW.

0FFlCBit~irlyoppoaitn Kinlead'| Ilotcl

Elktnn.Md.lay! rs

An Apprentice \\'atitcd.

‘wtsrm at thin alien an Apprenticetothe Printing bunlneu. One with a

good F linh odantioo-is desired.Vit-t.“f. , -,

And when I l!L‘llll tlii- Love, nt morn and even,

rorlie \\‘iu~lroi|lilCtl,|1l\tl,I|\ hr ranted

giiged to be married to an accomplished

ciatlon in a late Kentucky paper.

wasti leetle started. htit thought his fiiriu

wliatl \vaiit.' said Jonatlioii; and in threeYllllllg lad)’ (ll Kcnlllclllb llllll llllll ll_l°weeks Jonatlian and Prutleiice were ‘myni:iri'iage was to have been soleiiiiitzcd in OM mani and llny OM wO,mm_va day or two after the liital rencontrc oc-

curicd. The l't‘p0l'l was no doubt accu. _ .1'

. . .. . .-

mm‘ as is prove“ by me Mmwing unnum A F R A G M E N T.Allli\0Otl says, he that wt l swear will lac. While removing an old niill, which stood

be unequal to your sutftrings;

understand riot" conceive of; to carry

To which he reeei\'t~d the fullowiiig la-

"Won't you lick me father!"

"No,"“Will you swear you won't!"


have been sold as the genuine inorus mu]

rascally cheat.- thiit throws an additional charm “mun your buxom the buried wedge

3': character of woman. Iliclincs |' p

To my “ml MM min“ Hm mm "mum laitliftiliicss of the l.!1‘|ltlL‘ irex! llow suh- -—--—-———-—— \\'e think thi~ hulic»! would ;_i.nu llItlt‘ll

lllt‘lit'fllllt-\\\'l‘llit'2mtIltllleltt|llt)\\'Cll hour. ll‘""\ l'"“' ‘l"l'2l‘ll“l ll’ "lll" ll‘ lll"““"' .-lrlmiiaus li‘o;':,'ii;'r.—“lluy rnn up liy ntti-oiling totlic nlvice ct-|it:iii|ed iii

I‘:Mlt‘lll tiou; nlttl iitrvcr niniu lciiipliitioii Ul llit-it‘ tiinil, their \l(‘VUlt‘li 5m1r_., t‘, j\'.,___;mil hriiiig diiwii my hag. tli(~l.ittt'i‘ pirt tlftlio rt-port,

bl'“l|||‘||'fmic“ Mme urmiuiiicri rrm““"”° luv"! N" llllslllllllllei llll llll"L'l'~"llYC3" page-litirry‘ l'ui nhotit iiiiiviii;_'." said it"'l‘hir (‘tlIlIllIlllt‘t‘ to wlioiii \\':i.~' ref--|'rr'il

t i". - -.

clllllliic lllclllt bl“ "ill Al‘l(illlS-IS-lllt'lll-ilkt‘-ltnlltlll" per.»-on the |lI‘lllltillof SH) "irumrn of lltt rily ofIP I .

(I U '“ '

1‘j§ff3,§,':::';1,i,,‘::f,,l;':?:,':“,:::.':,§l_',,“'l'ltrough joy and through aorrow, through }‘t'Ilt‘l'tlllylu it \\‘illlCl' ttl one til'Otl|‘ ttritt,-k lltliiiiiigliut uiitl county of ,\'¢:w (.'u:Ilc."

And in-r not-. M.'l’\t||ll of tiod, then nuppliratc _l;l"t’)‘and nliainc,_ >

lititell. irayliig for tin! “til/0/ilinrt of llitrt-ryi-,,,,,,,._ lliurlitart,tlitirdututtou,ntalwayatlrc intuit".

..\vh_,", is your b?ngngc’ muss“, and ””.,,,,g/|u,_.f 11"‘, ,$‘[“”'" mtg 1L.u“_. ‘O n_._

A‘t'lot|tl l|:ttl giitlit-red o'er the l'ropliet'abrow, what is hop. C


'l'lic |t|lrt|l’lll'l' lroiii the earth, iiotcti C U U ll T S ll l P. ““'lly lllrvc l'l‘lll’l5v3 Pack ?r C7lrllg~ n “Tlml "my rollsldpr um lwlllllmmg ‘ll

Suit tilt t-'t-r lltitltltlftl rflitll ll ~t~i-apli‘-lyre. J U, D , _

Bowie knife and one shirt. You'll liiid icuim-n to our l\'atloii:tl :indState l.e;ii.~i-Ft-ll

on ltt't"raplUrt'tlear, "Tiny dent] iihall rite Fblgilflla l:'|';‘f;:'|:Lri‘?l::l|£ru:i°d';;itlit:tii under my pillow.-[I'i¢uyimc. liittirm (which tin-y regret to see is ho.

°ll""", _ _ _ _ _g' _



iuiiuiiit: so gt-nt-rail :1 pratrtice) its -lerog:t-“pm lrudcnu ‘um’ mu““l§' “ml SM

B I T’ '|" f Q t'

q | t ry from th-it rcliiit-tin-iit 'lll(lllr‘ll("lt'_Y, , , .

‘. kg, |u5']t.d §f_ “_ .. . . . ?.\\'0.— ie wit-o ‘up inn tilftllltf " - < - '

“llS(/..'l'l'Ai\D".i$' ?Sl‘(:.‘(lll(‘Il'ifslii-wuuliil Cliiisc. of South Dennis. wliu was :iso|- \\lllt‘lt should. Ulltlt'|' .1l| (!ift‘lll1l§lIll'l('t‘.\l,

l-"ruin the Cincinnati \Vhig._ of his elbow. Slit: rt-solvetl slit: wotild, ‘mg"'l“lp_rl‘al“y"l,lcE" "mlm'v“|_“u"'"‘“cm:||i|Il:"_i1'Ifi;,::|i:__ _ , , _ and |u .1 1 . . _ -.|

‘.-an w IU lli ii pt-iisioni-r. am now in Its 11" l\ 1 ~ ~ " " l‘ - ' '

~ t‘>_-*1‘ Al P H I‘ U L LO v kn Juiiatlliuiillz-iii~il||i,:\-,|.;;:,:|,rii’,,:3i|.1)ii|tnil,.l|]ii;:l.‘l|1l|llllt‘lllyear, pivstriitetlliiiii with ti line that simuld oturt‘ l""l“»'l'lYl"‘l""l§ ll’ llll'"‘

.-Conic it-at in this bouoiii, iny own stricken we ‘exp lib-‘ttlpk“milye‘d§h,‘]T1t€|“]i11 wig“sun and duuglitt-rt twins, one day last f-itin-r.~'. llll§Ii7l|\tl<,(il' iirotln-rs.



‘ ‘ '

.- k__i| - |' - |‘- |';- |' 1| ~ - " n. "Your ClIlll|lllllt‘('1ll'l! :i‘<o ilecideilly of

um , ll .,; d ,_,. ,

are l(. trot Ill > o iur llltll'l"tJ,_t.,_ _ _

Tliouglitll?licrdliavellcd from tlice,tliy liuinc :hal.l:u£-‘Elam!gtvlslriig?rcE1lil:~tLl‘t_.llC‘€.?l;|t;,l_(l‘:':lwhich u_mNm_cdum lust y(,m._ \~L,,.||y' 1|". ,,|,imnn Uh“ U“. p,.“ym"[-|-5 “-|,,,_;¢

lit ntt itre; --


, . _ _ _ -_ ,

llcrc mil in llto nnilc, that nocluud

can o'et'- ter; Jtiiiutliaii tliought so ion, hut this “X. “'~‘ llllllk ll"? "lll ll¢'° 5 l"~"=ll°ll °llb'lll l° "“'"‘_"<"r'j“m""‘l l" ll“ m"m'“"“l "mkr

.- »

-‘ - i: iIl§tllI‘i‘ill|4In would conf'r iore realmitt _ mo was“ ,u"_|..|-_ A |.||,“. . . I (0 be duulilul.-[llualuii l..1;n"¢u. l




l "

And \llC‘lICll’land the liatttl, all lliine own to Lu;mm n bim,r|when |,(,La;c,|“.:1,:daLi,,.“..

.._.-.___.l)(‘llt-Ill tltyiii Short-ly, ll they lmn~;tl'ter con.

the last. - _ ._

' ' ‘ ‘'

_ ,

lint-il their '|tlt‘llllttll to |ll;|llt'l'B ofa damm-lllll “'ll=l~ W" l°t'= ""‘l° ll"’- ll 'll' "°l- ll" “H “mm. no run’ p'u'k""C° guusscd 0:7-A tmdismun “lime to a inn" mg’

Hr iiiilurr ‘andW?ttlil he more suliritotis,,,,,,c‘ . strawbcrricsztnd cream were slick. Jon~ l°"l¢l' K15 ll1ll°“‘51—“-\'ll’i Yul" lllll rut’ <-ll)’I I U‘_ r , . I 1

'I‘lirougli joy and tlirough sorrow. tlimugli utlinntliouglittlicy\v:ir'ntsu slick iisl’ru‘s goodshus l)t"UflUUllltllll{1ii long tllttll‘. by "mam. “' garmmu 0 Ho" mqmm Q

t!l°t.Y '""l ‘l'l""°-' lips. 'Now dent.‘ siiid Prue and she plv settling it you will much oblitte, “M Pmmmn‘ than ii)mm‘ me brm"/la or

I know iiot, I ank not. if guilt‘: in that heart. Jona'h,‘nIs arm an-

, I I'

I u _ Your-3 &._cD

T Sn the lti.\»\'5tltltl L'0nilttt|t|tin."l but know that l lure tlit-e, wliatetcr thou art."

' mu, nu ary lug" L ' ' '

Wllc" “'9 lllsl llclllll °llll° lecclll ll°l" wzintcd some fciinlc hel to look arter conic r~iI - "Vlr s‘-—- wli ~n the hillFM“ m°w'm""m"“’l'

ribleaifrayatthe Utlll llouse in Louie the |musc_ prm. knew 1,2“.wmnkc mic youspézikyol-isliréd Ur m'Am,L,:a|,_,,it B“.


"'_'llf‘-ll} “'l"l1ll -llllltle “lll<°l§°"-°l' M15‘ good bread. ‘Now don't.’ said l’rue.— uowrt. -Yuur's, 6.-.c. G. L." GAS-

sissippi, was the most prouiiiiciit actor, ~|[ [s|mu|d" Sam _|onm|,an_ .N0wd,,n'l_- [pull] p,-y_ The vmngc 0'-Frodoniu in me weswm

and priiieipul in the llUllllCltltE of two eiti- said ii,-u¢_ -,\,1_-,y_i,c~y.,;,,,.o,;r,p|5'{-_-_,m]' '

zcllsfll“ml l'l““_"“.°.'!9*"l.-as “n “cm -l"_'l"ll"§'lSllllck ?llO\'¢I'i ttt\d?’\1tl<III0l‘t't'- ()£;""Comc here, you iniscliievous fel- singular plienomt-non:—'l‘he village isto heighten the bCllSll.ltllllt?Slll the unfor- vim]. of you be cm,m,i,,g mm gmm, hm... run mu“ rmmuun-ulu andmmu‘ two

tuiiate iitfair, that the judge wusthciieii-ympd hen," mp i-,.y'_|m,._»-Tim,-S jug,

' y '

prirt ofthe State of N. York. presents this

from Lake Eric; a small but rapid stream

called the Canntloway. passes through lt,and alter turning several mills discharges

itselfiiito the lake below: nearthe mouth

"Then l won‘t come. fatlier for Parson is n neat small harbor with ii light house.-

partly over this stream. in Frerlonla three

_ _ __

"To enter this world without it wcl- Wooonx l\'u=i-tum.--The Hampshire years alnce.s0me bubbles were observed

uhlAllltll2D—ll'lBJl't.lbl0\A ti. KY-i °" come.—to leave it without an adieu-to (Mastt) Gazette states. tliiit I'0l'LAll trees to break frequently from the water, and

Tliursday evcning,Judge \\ ilkerson. of sun-“and _ _

Mlsslmllplt l° Ml“ Ha“ u°z'°r' °l ll": to stand n sad and silent monument amid tieuulls;one man in that vicinity was re- A company was formed; and o hole. anformer place." h .



Thcrclsu mom] sublimny in ‘his mapt ejoys of others, which you cannot mis- eently lilched out of 500 dollars by the Inch and a hzilfln diameter. being bored

on trial were found tobc in?ammable.

through the rock. tl solt fmtid limestone,the gas It-ll its natural channel and am

d r l_ u I Kiapplncsa. which arc never to grow, o Q1>'l‘h¢Green Mountain Argo; gives ccnded through thla. A gasorneter was

3 tkzgcxlgeculinlizintelligence which is never to buriit forth. the following deacriptionof a Hoosier‘; constructed, with a small house for its

WW I d be dof usefulness which is neverto germinate; hougg, by one ofthc tribe:

/ _ll’ ' °m°" la cl‘ ‘* to ?nd even your presence utllictlve. and

. .1' 4I A

'. .


~" 1-.’.

llollllced ll” ll mlllllelcli ll": p°p“l°l' “Y know not whether ou excite com siil rtha" ll mlwd llglllnsl mm‘ “lld ll“ 9°‘ or horror; ii wliolcicxlstcncetvlthtiiztoiie

" i‘;]°;l;lm9:*:r';“ill{'wolglggu?glggcheeringsound; without oncwclcomt: tlC-

cent, without one exhlleratlng thought;n" The “°l3¥ ‘levmees °[ “"13” without one recollection of the P3315 Willi-

~»»» ~i »

cloud of wretchedncss covcrl, surrounds-

Zi'"}.lZf.§T?.';§'if1i..i,‘5'i'.‘l§?éd'?”1‘5t'Z°J§l§“"°""° ""°" °"' '"=" " ‘>="'t=*"~*being the sweet rays of intelligence; to

t??y ¢">\vd that hall W" h°"""8 =- open the intellect. and to lt girth tam» tol'°“"‘l llllll lll l‘l' l‘°‘-ll‘ °l ‘ll°°l'l-“l"°" stream: of light and joy—to' rouse the

um‘ ‘beaumul rum!’ :)w&:£":::'d'33!‘uppai-nta0.—Aboata mile from the vil-

nnil prosperity soon disappeared. He 5- | h in reputation ocven un y d M he um

wt-=~~»w1»¢t~'iin ==°ld-<l"l*=ndsl°¢> ‘éo?'iZ2'$33§LrZii"I2i.,',?lZ.“£il}Y.i-"Rte-l~"'"*=l"="l"° '"""= "1 "~'= " i‘.’.‘f.'.‘Z.?..i.i..‘i<..f.".‘.‘.°E..J2i'§';",‘.;°?.3Z?ll’ lllllgll-:]°W" l"'°l“‘lf°‘lll-Vin all ht: chastlaemeats—to enlighten the loge hi‘:

‘myhe contractor fut‘ the light house pur-

iww it '- In = W" °P§"YP"°' mini tit lu and in'“ °“ °“ "“‘~" Elk-tiuienznitimtmaidupumuu

cllmed qinurdcmua malcfactor. ln thtg ___m era”mY“'p°:m:ml‘l‘lll:‘mw~:h“':he§and'll'l owe any pcruon else any tlilag, I8' bu, round 1, mpuubh m uh p

, _ 4

0 - .- --,t

'. . ._

- _\ ~_ »_~_ -

. t V,. 5,



One aide was hung with divers garments,The otltcr apreitd with akin: of varininta;Dried pumpkin:our

head were strung,Wlicrc lftlll?ln ham: in plnnty hung:Two ri?el placedabove the door—

Tlircc do n an atrctehcd upon the ?oor:Where li?fadozen ?oalicroonl.With mush and railk, tin capo and lpootu;

Wl-iitc hands, bare fect, and dirty face»,Seem mach inclined to ltccp their places-ln abort tho tlotuicil in rife,


With apecimciuof I Howler’: life.

Glotmn LOAr:It‘a S0i.tt.'0au!.—Here

period ofagonlzlngadversity, how pecu- “mm wah an Q,‘ ‘olun ‘uh °_freely forgive the debt.

ideuna we du|-"am in chug“,., _

. , ‘.-v l

protection. and plpcl being laid. the gasis conveyed through the whole village.

or less. at an expense of one dollar and

a halfyearly for each. The street; and

puhlle eliurehca arc lighted with it. The

howevcr. in high ?tvor with the inhabi-tants. The ga|otneter.1 found on mea-

nurement. collected elgtity.elght cubic feet

in twelve liourl during theday. but the

I man who has charge of it told me that

more might be procured with a larger

Unc hundred light: are fed from it. more


._..-it .-__.. _ _-- ---»g----

N0. /I0.» __...u_. ..._.. .,

I'0|'i'['l{Y. liilrly tieeilfiil wits ht"ofsoiiieeoiiiioliitlott. tlicr t‘l1lllll0lllIthiin lllll?t‘ nI'soi'row; llllll /l Hui! lluml I‘nu.-t'It:i|it:t~l|iir llihl», wry mt-.tt. It pri-ii-rrt-I its own iiiliiiztl'

Fur Um can Guam nl tit lt‘lt9t one lrieiid. in wliosw hosrtiiiill“ the niiiitl to tinilt-rutiiiitl. nlthough it,-H". nfl.oui.<villi-. Kt-nttirky. hii.-t jllSl'llb\‘tl|-tlIilIlIlt‘l\'. and lIlllIlIll‘tl tip In-yon-l llw

could pour the st-eret s->i'row.~tol hi» ?out. not liu.1r_!lh! wlmt it heiintiful nuppli_-- dell on liijiinvtimi stityliip tho lmitiiipioii

TM mam?u "H" W" P hi" ‘i: I rindwhere lie ('t|llltl he snrt‘ to find ti inttnl tt) the lit~nt-volt-ni-0 of llcii\~en!" tllnl Uliioltililroail tfoiiipany,lritiiiuiiiiigit lI\IIl‘lll‘tl llytlI'Il'_ll‘ll. niul in iuip;io~.t--l to


"' '" """‘ l.-iitlilnliind lly|tl]lilllIt‘llt' I't‘.‘\'|ltIll§l', llt- poiti-iiiof the titrtretit of L_otii|vllle.ltll

| Utt-r llir lifelenlcorn‘, she tliotiglit of one,

knpw llmvml “ml ll‘:hi"!"xl‘|'“""i"d v"“:‘* .. . . .

"W" umlruml‘ This d"mm“I C“ "mi

\\'lltilit lit‘! Iialitiicr tl~'l)'l1l|l<l l|NIl(l‘ll wt-rdn "l l‘""‘ ""‘l ‘ll'\'"l""' “'tllt<""‘ ll"""l" ll" l"‘"" "'” '"““"‘ “““ """"°' "t""|t lHlt'rt'Ht itt lh=\'- ltltt?h Tlttt I'll"-or ltiinlipttlninlof pcaetr. The l'i-oplict at‘ heart; hut she was ln :i distant |Ill|l‘t‘, and A Si-}lt|l~2\‘ Oil‘ l)lH/\!\"l‘l-IRS. llill has it long any to Ill reliitlon to it,

ll"-‘ '""- even lier ii~vliii~'~i ml tht he (‘ll‘tll 'l'll to A -

' ‘ 3 ' '>

. - . .

-' i'ow-viv-kan ronho ofttlili-rm lliiht lroin which we ioukt: the lollov/tin;et-

“ _ | ,_



L I,_

i. y.


ll?“ 3"‘ J°'""‘".ll"L'v "ll l"“l '"""“l ill“ \VllI'tlS lilui in tliiq seimtin ufailver.-city. mu; ,\||m;.,w,,_ ii." mm hp, f_,p,,.,.-| mp; gm,-1; -

And “?u. ;,,,,,"|"M "mm n “,|_|‘_mm_ g“",_ tll.*lL'l:llt‘l‘and ilriii-rtioii. pontl_ ,..|,i|.. gllilllltl on ti". iC,,_ (Int! of “\'\'e have not l’t!t‘t‘llllylieard of niiy

tlpi-n_l_ii|word-i they dtvrlt. with iiioru lll-ill \\nuld nhr still prove trnet \'l'ould hhi hrotln-r.=i wa.-i I]t".'|[‘l\Iltl went in his n|- i|<'ri/-iioii ii~icxtr.ior<liiiai'y as this oflulitt‘

FlI|tt\l_.I alto yr! t‘tiIt:4t'tll to follow his fortont~'-- ,4iqt;1nt>(~'|,|||, in-|,t<¢ ii).-miptt [In-, |('(y |||m. llililfii. if we t‘Xt't't_il the tlt't‘I$lUlll)lJllll|1I‘

"""|m‘l‘d'll"‘°l'°‘l ll“"‘v ll" ll" l'"ll 1‘""‘l‘"‘*' t‘otilil it he |NI‘lSil)lt7 that Plllt‘ would sllll .;..|[j A um.“ "mt ‘;,,m|, b,.,,l|,..,-_ um] llewitt. that tiStnte hint on power to lo._ I

With hini.vvlin In it ticry car. lllll gone,l"' w'""'l'i ll’ """""l'l l"‘T"ll Wllll ll """l~ then the Either attracted by the rrit-3 of clttltorute ll eityi llllll the into tlccitiioiioi ' "I" |""""l" "l 'l"'l ') "l" '"'t"~t""'-

llp tu_ tho tliluiin or Um]; Ind Wllllc tho nn- "l'l'"li!l"‘\lltttder tlic vlnlittr-d laws of his ‘mt: hwtiingqpyqgvgqnqupgy l>?Q(h(!|'_Judge. Mt-Klnli-y.tlint u Ctll‘|)(Jl’nll'tlI h:i.~i

tum.-_;.nnnl_ _

country for tho horrhl crime of iiiiirrlcr! in gay‘; jhqtm; but thpy inn tq-|| ti"-...|§l, tm phwor to eoiitrnvt out of the shit: liy

nlcprallllllgiluv='r:tolpli»lntiiadt-with Itamlt, And tliut. too. lN‘lt»l‘t?his trinl hml tnken 11,0 1.-1-_ The father and one of the lmyc WlllI'll it l5t hzirit-rt-tl. if the tl(‘L'lil|Il|l oi

tuner:-r towel ti na. 17- .-

., ,_ _- , .v __

___ } ‘ _

- -4

.__ , ,

till win-nthr~ llltmli ltllll tigliti-illiiilmni hill-, :1 wild“ho” ll “"9 fl‘ ll ll">_'l‘*|l'lllll‘t‘t(l.tltl‘ll(‘tl lllt iii-at-ltou, hut wt re tn|.tl»|t Jtidut._iliiili_|s'tiiiitit.itgo; thel‘c|n~_;th'l‘ln- linping t,.,,- ,,-,,,,|‘, rum,’ "W" hi‘ km“ Ill|,_ I

~»t_pro|ioti|u ed molly? lo exp< tt to rv-mic the three otlii-i-ii, nl t losiii,-,1cu-iy iailiitiit

In t lt vtnri , or\\'h|h- ln- \\util<l lrllof lliui, who when l'l"' rmlllllll “llll l"l“"'l'\'(‘l'llll! ll"‘ll‘l' lllll'll At the funcrzil of tliene hoyq, the t"IIl'l‘l- the llI'lllt'l|lll'~llll't'll|\|llltIill|ll!wlierevi-r fdll.

'l‘ln-tlillnt-mt ol'tlirtime tin-uld (‘tum-, (‘ll't‘llllI!~'l2ltlt‘l'K, \rnst0o l\lllt‘ll even liir his“LT of their lI1|t‘lt' wnq il;|~;hi-il to |ili-i-i-~;_roztil-i t‘hl\tl."

\\l\\llltlI--no llltl l'l1lll\'['l hoiiuin, and conic ow" ?tnii l,.,|,,.,; up “-,,_., pp,-',|,.x,.,| in Um hm_§'_N |)(_l_mni":_, "_g,i",’ “ml H“, "WN I, 83,5. vmmuy, l(,,,l,,._-,kOf .1,-(.35-i.,|,.,

"'“'" .t|"‘

-~ /.,- . . ~. ..- -‘ ~ 1- -'.

'l'o~lu-till with -int-i titt‘ll. or .imi»'- proin- ,,"l"_*,‘f"|"."_,ll“ “f‘l_"l"“l ""l_"_"'f"'-ill K H-llttr limit tirtgki-n._I-r ~ti_~Iotiitr-it.ill‘-L" by Jwlw lll'\~tlt "I lull-.'<lltlfltttrtt‘tl Slur,

u " " l "“ "“”l""l"lY 'l"“l‘l lllll l".ll"l- 'l‘lio~;i~ who liitd hcen in this i:iiri~i.|;ge. not li-y. Z\¢-itln-r ufthi-in r-\-or was it l.t»ty<'t.

l'|'ltl‘ll ofliit g.|son|t'lt'r. 'l'lm gnu |< rm‘-

l'tt|IIt". froth ltedsi of lulniiiinou>a r-mil; tieonly rock vliltilp, llltt\'t‘\"'l', llt'!t‘ and ton

i_'ri~:tt ext:-iit ttltmlt tho .~outIn-rii short: of.the lake, hi timed ltnii-.-itoiic.

. \


I-‘mm lbr Fiirmn and I-'nnIrnrr.

'l'hr‘ fllllltlltllllt :itnin in iIllIilllf‘l' (‘1tll||lll1

_iipo|t lllt‘ :ll|lii('t'l of tin" l‘llt'lZlH of ny\lt't'.‘4ll|‘ll lltlll‘. in ritlln-|' ili\i-n|ii'.tigtuu. Tlir

lll‘lll, go '1lI'tbll1'ly to iinpiew the rvanlrr

lwitli ll|i- l>t'lit~ftli;|l it liar! no ['"i1'?' y, .tl|tl

?tt the tniliievt in one -if t‘I|.|l lllllltill-tllltfto tho whole title w.it|'r I‘iilllllV_V, we siti-

rr-rt-ly hope that ‘1'llt‘ll of our remlerw on

iiiiiy lnive l|\‘l‘ll lllIlt' from slwlls. will Iliritr

the plllrlie. llirniig/i our rnluimin, with tlit:

l‘I‘~‘I|ll ofllieti rt-<pi~tivi~l‘X|)I'|'i|||[']|[§_We are tiwuri» that Ltrt-.il n~z-- has hi-rn

lllflllt‘ on the l-Z:i\li~rii Nliurir of this State

oftliia p.irtii"t||itr kiiul of lion-, nnil as we

lI1l\‘l" lll\ll|‘l'!QlINI|l tho lN‘\ll c-ll't-rts lIll\’1,'

:i'<>lIo*.\'i~ilill; ll~it‘. \\l' hope the tgvttllt-|i|(~[|

|wlinli:|vi- tlt'll\'l‘-l tlivstr lK'lll‘lilH will lI‘t'ltliet|i<el\'i-xmill-ii upon to Lt|\'t' the light oftheir I‘\’|l4'lll'lll't‘ In tli" pui-Iii-.

Q1~'l‘ti Iillr I,'iix!:rii .\'Imrr nliloriiilIll",/t!‘I‘ti. we riwpt-i-tftilly ]Ilf‘lI'l‘ llll‘ rc-

I]llt“\‘l. tli.'it't|u-y will tltl'ill\ll this zirtivle,

tout-tlier with the cniiinniiiic:ition in t|ltl‘.~I-

lion, in ortlvr that it may l’4‘t‘t'l\'('ll|l' pro-

lperrittl-olioii; tlii~ §lllIjt't'l be-in~_' oiu- oflll‘t‘p iiiip-itl.|i\i~¢-l1i:i very l:iru-- portionoftlir ll[,{l‘lt'lllllll'l\’lS ofthe c'-untry.

()‘i'S'l‘l-Ill Fill-ILL I.l.\ll-1.

Juiiuui'_i/25th. H339.

E. P. l(oi:r.|i'rt=. l"I<t|..._llmit Sni—'l:ivint' |EY|ll‘l‘S§l'll:iii opin-

ion ii|ilIitoi'ai‘ili~ lllllll‘ oy~i|er Rlll'll liiiu-as

ti iiiniivtri-, wltirli zippenrs to not (‘|>lll(‘ltlt!

“pith yoiirn, l will |1I'(Nfl‘t‘tl to stole mymastitis for this (it inny he) singiilar o-

pinion.In the year H32, I hiirnt about 2000

liuqlit-la. limit which linrt-lc zi (‘tII|i|>t)5l.oiie-hnlfiit It-nst of which. was compo-zr-ilofrleli rztrtli collected frtnii fence rows,

\\‘lllt‘ll hail l'(‘lll{llll¢‘ll nit-llowing nntl en-

I'it'llll\'_' its:-if hiral least twenty years.lntlm notuinn ofllie saiiie yenr, I zippliv-lthe ttririipost lirmtilcast on iiiy whr-at

t,Zf0ll|ltl,i|llll [llllt.l_L'llt'tlit in with the wheat.

'l'hi~ result was cxct-ctlliigly favoriilile.\\'llll‘lI I ll|t‘Il nltriiiuteil to the clli-rls ofthi~ lime. thrive since been ronriiit-ml.it was partly the rich earth lief-ire HIP“-

tioneil, (its it large proportion ofthe coin-

po.st,) ztiid oi deep ploiiggliing.lll tl|t~ ezirly pnrt of the yrnr I831. l

iiiirnt ahoiit -iiitltl lnislii-ls, and xprtrzi-l iton n llt'ltl of‘.£4aerr-s.th.1t ha-l l)4‘(?npln|l:_'li-

le.l in tho [l|‘<'Ct‘tlll1§.[autumn. In the

spring it \v.i=i llill'l't>Wt‘tl with a heavy three

hor.~;e liarrow, nnd cultivate-d l\t\i'll'l‘previ-on-i to putting it in corn. The corn wan

c.irt'fully (‘\llllV§llt‘ll, rind in the ionnth of

:\t.l',1llSl sown in timothy. Tiit-re ha;been no hem-fit perct-ivcil frnin the appli-cation in either the crop oft-urn or timo-

thy.ln May. 1837. leave the oy>;tirr shell

llmi-a more distinct trial. lo pirt of the

iii-ltl l S|l|‘(‘§‘ltlnii zi (‘lt)\‘(!l'~liIy‘IOU l)ll:il\f‘l§hnrilln ashes pcr acre; on the other |i.ttlufthe srtuie lit-l<l—:iiiil nil the lnoil equal-ly gnnil-was sprt-rid I00 litniliel: oystershell liuie per acre. The wltnle was

plun;;lied in early in June. when the i-lo.

ver w;i~i in hlossoiii. The ?eld w.i=

plouulir-ilthree lllll('$ prev.-intistn s'iwini_'

the whezit. The result was, the wheat

on the ground belied yielded nn ahtin.

dant crop. and that on the ground liined,

scarcely paid the expense nf cultivation.in several other parts of my farm, l have

applied the oyster shell time extensively.and have in no instance experienced anybenelicial result.

Une ofour very intelligent Marylandfariners assured me he always doubtedits efficacy. and had paid particular nt-

tention to its resulu ?ir the lnlt I5

years. and in no case has he discovered

any bene?t from the application of the

oyster sligll lime.

l"l reply to your enquiries of the oats

sown by me. and qii.-intity produced peracre. I take much pleasure tn informing

you, that in the year l837. l sowed lC§acres in what in generally called the Po-land oats, and the produce was 650} hush-

cls well cleaned meréhantahlc oats. and n

small quantity unmeasured. my I5 bush-

els light. that/wouldanswer all the purpose

?ame 5-hrs... bu; not ,0 ‘mm! or brp_ for feedto my stoclt—l um under the im-

"ml nu“; [mm in in om» C115,;5; |,. pression the yield would have been larirrrhad not they fallen about the time theywere maturing.

ln 18381 sowed l3 acresof the same

oats.‘ the produce 7l_5 bulbela. The

mode of cultivation val. to plough the

ground deep in the precedlng autumn, and

again tn the spring, alter it had been well

harrowc'd--I am under the impression the' above ls the general mode of cultivation.

but nfthath:am unable to form a correct

on. ring“ aovn.oata_oa at;?t‘:iintlltbc y?lI!'i537.‘



» . . .

r. .



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. l

Page 10: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition

- 0 ~ (1\"’ iu lb-it matter. riotvgive notice that they


wllllay sucho lnll belorelltislrnii:-e in


*$¢Y'pp-opportunity tor eorisultutiori and\ H




i1l:ii'yI:iml Legiirlatiire.

Itqiwr 4,! llrr -\t-let‘! (bntntilrte qr rhr

llviiru of I)-Iegolu qf ?ltrryluntl,


corirrnlttee towlrurn was rttfi-rreil

Ilse‘ rl\'t‘ tli.-it \\‘.il trtzitttcil, tirr r\ bill to

uholisli niipriwiirurut f-irtlclrt, l-trtoivirig‘the grc.it uttxir'l\‘ whit-lr is li-It nr rel rtion


, the

course ofiiext ivr-ck. it has been thoughtt\dvls.\lile tint to |ll‘tit‘t't‘kllinstrly, but to

lake time tiir due rlr-ltbernlinri on n uten-

cure of so much impor tnntre, and to alforilus

nlon aiitririg its frieiids.

‘The eoriitrtiltce do not imagine that

they are capable of presentin_-1 any new

views on ri subject which has heretofore

been so ably tilSt?tl§St‘il;Ill|l' do they air-

pire to do more th.iii to reproduce the

strong points which have been urgedelscwltere.--'l‘lir-y take this oer-asiort to

report imine of the corrsirleralirirrs which

ltztvrt iitllircricr-d the cnrrirriittee in arrivin!at the conclusion that the law of nupris-

Oriment for ilclit origlit tn be abiilislie-l

lll‘l\lt'X|llltlgt'<lfr-oiri the Statute liriok of

Mrirylairil. 'l‘ltey are irtruitlruoirsly ol

opinion, that it is univise, iinpohtie and un-

just, oppressive. cruel rind odious.it is in ri great uieasure tlic result ofjn-

tliciul usurpation.hirer-d t‘.t'\llSll'tlt‘llt)l‘l,andabsurd lt-gal lictions, transinitted its a

cirrst‘ to poster ity.It is an zihoiriiiiable nnil rlisgiisting rt‘-

lick ufthzit zitrncioirs policy ofartr-lent ands\iper.<lit|ni|s llniire, ivlrieh airtlriiriserl the

$\ih_iectin;1riftlrede!ttor‘s l\t‘l'§<\tt to l'llilillS,stripes and ignnminy: wl.r-rh snrictioriedthe ilisrrreitilnwiitgofhls body, the cuttingofit up into pieces. and the |i.ir‘u-lliiigofthetir mil, to inhrintari creditors, in sharesptuportinite-l to the nmoiint of iii-bt; or

\Vlllt'll perntitte-l his wife and cltil-lren to

be sold and exiled to pcrpetiral servitutle.It strlijects tou huiniltuting penalty an

cstiinableittizen, or a helpless fellow be-

ing, because he is not cniloivcrl with thesupcr-hum.-in faculty of controlling the

destinies ofl7rrtiirte, or oi performing thatwhich is :rn irtter impossibility.

It inlliets upon its victim a rigorouspirnislmient for tlicnrt‘-doingofthut, ivhieli

calarnitnus circumstances have disabledltirii froriidniri;1. and \vlrir'h it waittorilyand absolutely takes away from him theonly possible means ofperfnriuing.

it is not less unliiir an-l ttneqiral in its

npcrzition, than was its kindred iiieasiire.the law which gave the benelit of clergyto tliose ivhn hail the least moral claim to

exemption front punishnrent, whilst it

treated withtlicutinost severitythe greatmass of individuals. ivltose nrisl'ot'tttne it

was not to have been blessed with thread-

\‘?flll!'_'4‘S of having been instructed to

read and write, and of hccorniitit therebybettcr crtahlcd to uiiilerstand the law, so

ns tn abstain from committing infractionsof it, or to screen their misdeeds underits quirks and uriiliigirities.

lt treats the innocent as :1 culprit; it in-

carrcrntea hlniuri if he were a felon: and

it often visits him with greater severityand more prolonged sirlfering--therebyeonlininrliitg \'irtire with vice, indiscrelionwith fraud, and rnisfortune with crime.

'l‘here is no necessity for it; and there

is no reason in it, other tliait that whichis found in fallaeions nrginncnts based

upon erroneous prenri-res, aml derivedfrom the worst of ancient prejtiiiiccs, no

longer suited to tlte times and spirit oftheacc, nr to the state and eircnrnstanecs ofthe country.

It is iniinical to the American republi-can form oftzoverntnent; for WllI.‘l't‘\'(‘l‘,inother countries the creditor has been tru-thorized to exercisea control over the

person, as well as the property ofhis debt-or, it has irivariahly been found that lib-erty could not exist there long; or that itwas a mere name fur adespotisin in reali-

ty-or fora corrupt government ofpatri-cians arnl plebeians.

it is an abuse oftlre power ofthe Slate

by the encouragement which it holds nut

for oppression; and by the virtual with-

drawing from the weak and unfrienderl,that protection which the state owes to thehunrblest ofits citizens.

it isinconsistertt with that fundamentalarticleofourdcclrired rights; whichgurrran-tiestocvery Arircriean citizen, not chargedwith any criminal offence, the uninter-rupted pursuit of happiness and the un-

molcsted enjoyment of personal liberty.lt reverses the established principle of

law and justice which always presumesinnocence until guilt be nrade to appear.

It is in its utmost nroilification a harshand hrrniiliating restraint upon personalliberty—fur the very requiring of bail is

nothing less than a presumption of guilt.a direct insinuzition of fraud, or an impu-tation ofdishonor.

it is ti palpable violation of that chris-

tian precept, which teaches us to believe

upon our common faith in the Redeemer,

that it is far better that ninety-nine guiltybe spared, than that one who is innocent

should lutfcr.lt in calculated to blunt and impair thlll

moral oenoe ofobllgatlon, thooe lofly fee!-

lngs and pride of character, which would

operate upon the honest debtor, if he

were once assured that the party with

whom he contract: relied upon his integ-rity above every thing elae,nnd upon that

guarantee, instead of upon the powerwhich the law permit: any sordid and

hcartlcu creditor tohave over the bodyofthe debtor.

The vilest criminal. the common thief,ct the midnight plunderer,cannot be im-

prisoned, arrested or even held to bull,but upon an accusation by testimony, or

1 declaration of nusplciui under oalll;whilst the peer and ti-readies dolitbt’ tn;


-laily seized rind dragged away front tli

hearth of his family rind the ties of l

home, anti hclrl captive. for a time at le

or ufrr trial by it jury of his peers. bitton the bare suggestion of any vlnilictivcreditiir or his attorney.

The power of imprisonment for de

nrpprm: ii trespass wilfully coitririittwhere none was even intended.

it rmpposcsnn outrage against the penmid ih;:uiry ofthe State, where none hbeen attr-mpted or incilitated.

Nu person is compelled to becomecreditor of another: whenever that re

lion exists, it has been voluntarily eirt

ed into by the creditor. lfltc incurs an

risk by corrtrar-ting it, it is witlt his ow

consent; ntid he may ?rst satisfy lrims

an to the property. ability and integritythe party he is about to trust. lf, ltowe

er he neglect to take such precaution,to deal for ready nroney, mtlier than forno the additional gain which time int

to the debtor than to thc crt-dito':; fur,

gurus under his systeiu of cu-,|ii|,,g

mnirberof those wlvr ptrnctually me"lo" °"l!“l=l'~'l"\'l\l-‘. Serves as an insit

uni"-' fundto ctmrpen‘.-ate hint for what l

"“f"'f*"'““"Y'loses by others.ll"! Power to iarprison the debto

hol-isout aiiinduccmutl to the trudesnrOr iipeculator to trust more to the lathan to his own prudence and sauacitwhen, by u dnc exertion of these, lwould be more etfectually secured thaby all the power to inrprison his tlt‘lrtt

l:l.rger to lnree sales, he is less cautm

in his inquiries as to the character uitrneairsnl the pirrcltaser, to whnnr, as

tcnrptatrori to decoy hint tllQl'\! deeply'

debt, the creditor prutli-rs along cred

iutinrutc that a right to l|\\]ll‘l$0I\ shallimplied its a part uf the agreement.

it is questionable whether fraud is le

frcquciit on the part of the creditor" thaon the part oftlre debtor.

liitprisunrtrent for debt operates oiilor almost r.-xcltisively,on the rr-ally ll

ccssitous and truly urrlirrtuirate portionthe ebnrrnurrity; it has, tlterclnre, a l(‘l

dcircy tu drvrdc people iitiu classes, anto array the alllncrit against the need

and the tiuturraie against the unlortunai

oi ivlrieh will never be unlcto penetratebosonr where the feelirt-gsthat predunrnalv are those which sprrtig lront covet

UUo'lll‘2sS Ill‘ l't‘\L'llQC.Its etlieacy to deter in-livi-luals froi

ol the statute wltieh prohibits guinbltn

tron it is no (ll\\.l'\ upon tln liontst, pr

ability to comply with his engagenrcntand the fraudulent one will never be dc

taken timely measures to evade.The truilr ol the nraxirn. curcer non ml-

theinselves can no longer controicrt ii,with any slnidow of plausibility. The

dangcrs wlricli they have alli-getl are chi-rrtet"rr:al, the ft-air; which they have criter-

mined are rttia_;;irrary, and the apprv.-lreir-sions which they have t‘Nlll't'&st'il, may be

sct down as the snggestiorts oi cnprdityrather than the corivtctioris of rt-arson.

The pretended llt‘t't‘$sllywhith is ur-

ged in favor of the policy of imprisu|i-merit for debt, is but the repetition oftltestale and urrrrglrteous plea wliiclt tyrants,in every country, have always made as air

excuse fur the arbitrary power they would


Experience has fully shown that the ad-

vantages supposed to result frorii the prac-tice of iinprisoning debtors, have been

greatly overbalaiiced by the aggregateeadditional losses thereby sustained by thecreditors thernselvcs in costs, jail fees andother charges; ahd by the injury done to

the coiniriunity at large by the withdraw-

ing of the services ofthousands of indivlduals from active and useful employment;by withering the hand ofindustry, by par-

alyzing tlie sinews of enterprise, and bydiminishing, to the same extent, the tr-

mount of the productive labor upon whichthe prosperity ol the country dependsThe statements exhibited herewith, sulfi-

clently demonstrate that f-ict.

As a necessary consequence, then, im-

prlannment for debt is calculated to tbs-tcr indolcncc, produce bcggary, and pro-mote crime.

it drives multitudes ofour citizens into

exilc,coinpelling tlrerii to seek elsewherea new home, and a refuge from the per-secution of relentless creditors, for “freecitiu-ns own no country in which theyare not permitted to enjoy their freedom."

“it not only deprives the country of able

and patriotic defenders, but it strips wholefamilies ofthcir peace and coinfort; itrobsmothers, wives and children of their dai-

ly bread; and bereavcs than oftlrcir tight-ful guardians and natural protectors.

it is not only at war with the but inte-

rest: of society, but it is incompatible withthe essence of liberty, derogatory to the

character of liberal institutions, repug-nant to the nobleatfeellngs of humanity, re

vultlng to the just pride and manly spiritwhich should animate every cltizeri of an

independent Republic, degrading to ti peo-ple professing to be o nation of freemeti.and n disgrace to the enlightened ageand country in which we live and legio-late.



running into debt, lrketlrc sh-i-ping line.



ist'uhtr.r<lrcterl li_\‘ the t-xper'ieitcr' ul at

ages, as \\t'|i a~ i-It i-very day's observa-

dent deblor, because he doubts not ot'hi



-‘ mm-,2.i

‘lit Mr. Foard obtained leave to bring ln a'1" trill entitled, an act to authorise the cont-

nnt in pursuance oftlie sentence ofu court, m;,,,;°m.,-I of Cm-;| county to |c,,y u wk,"I" of iuoney to build a bridge over Buck

° Creek, at or near lloheurla village.Ordered. That Messrs. Fuard, Gillelpiemt and tfomegys report the name.

ed‘ Hrbrna 5Mr. Gillespie presented at petiiiirn‘of

1'1‘ trumlry citizens of (‘ecil county, praying"9 for the |tt.ls.-tu"t' of ii law rr.-1 tilriii the

_s I 8

cniirnrrssioticrs of said county to levy a" sum of money for the rebuilding of a

kl‘ bridge over Uctarora creek;“"' Which was readund referred to Messrs.

Y Gillespie, Foard and Cotncgys=1. I"¢-lrrurrry6.

9 Mr. llopc asked the following leave:"f heave to bring in a bill entitled an actV‘ to alter and amend the Cniistitutinii an as

"r in provide for the election of UountyU‘ (-‘lurks and Registers of Wills, iirrinedi-‘Y .

chance to give hint, the friult ls his o\vn__.."my by um pwwm

a fault not urrfrequeittly more ll‘ljll','it)u3“nuto

the hitter. -the aggregate of mt,|;||,,,,,,|nt

higher prices, derived from the whole

Un the question being ptrt “will theso grant the leave!"

lt was resolved in the affirmative.Mr. Hope culled for the yeas and nziys.(irt inutiori of Mr. lliscr,The house was called and the door-

“ keeper sent liar the absent menrbers.r‘ Un ruotiun of Mr. \Vllll.uns."" 'l‘hc house resolved to proceed with the

ordinary business of the session dI’lII"- the absence ofthe doorkeeper.


“n 'l‘lie doorkccpcr having returned rindW reported, that in obedience to order, he

Y9 had notilied the absent members that'° their attctrdairce in the house wuiirequircd,n 'i‘lie years and nays were then taken,

“'-nrr the leave u:-ked by Mr. llope, to bring

"5 in u brllcntitled, ati act toaltcritnd uincnd‘l

the constitutiotr, so asto provide for the

B election ofeounty clerks and registers of"' wills lllllllt‘tlldlt‘lyby the people, and ap-" peare-l as follows:

and pleasing terms, earelully avoiding to Am,.“mm.c ._3g~___-\-,_,,mh.e22'

Ll .

° ‘

C bu the house granted the leave.

S.\lr. Turner rnovt-it that said leave be

Sreferred to ti select connnrttee uflrvc to be

" uppoiiited by the clrair.

ltr-solved in thentlirnrative.

7:‘ 'l‘l-e speaker thereupon appointed‘ifMessrs. llope, l‘itt5. llandy, 'l‘lmtnas and9 'l‘u|'iter', to cnrnpnse said eoutinrttee.

'; Uri inotion oi Mr. Lliser,‘

.\‘.rid couiuiittr-e was tnlnr 'ed to sci err.'

Lr '


Yt by ridding thereto lilcssrs. Lllser and



Schley.li is ti power wlrich. us lung -ta rt shn

be tolerated by law, wtll uhstirrutely bi

detiarrcc topublic sentiment, the rntluenc

1} fllrrtrury 7..\lr. Conregys presented a petition of

F sundry citizens of t‘ecil county, prayingT‘a chiitige in the licence lutvs ufthis State;"

which was read and referred to the coin-u" rttittee on ways and tnentts. -

Mr. Gillespie presented a pctltinn ol“ sun-lry citizens of (‘cell county. praying"

thepassage ofa l.r\v retpiiring the corri-

li llil\'.-titlllt‘l'S nfsitld courtly to levy a stint

ofmirncy fur the repair rtliu bridge over

llle ttctorara creek, in said county, near


s_Whlen was read and referred to Messrs.

: Gillespie, (Iomegys and Foard.

tcireil by a perralty \\'lrlCli he uill haveMn uinmpic also nrcsemed . pembn

cunntngly laid htsplnns todcleat, urhave 9fS"n‘,rYC'"z'~'“s on-wll cl“-lm)'_~l"'°Y"mg for the passage ofa law requiring the

coninrissioiters of said county to levy a

ril, has becuineso manifest, llldlCl’t'dllO|‘5 win or "whey rnr the rcbullmng or n

bridge over the Uctorara creek, in said

county, at Porter's l~‘ord;'

Which tvas read and rcferrcdto Messrs.

Gillespie. tfonregys and l-‘oard.l\‘l r. (‘onregys presented two petitions of

sundry citizens of Cecil county. prayltfgthe passage ofa law to compel the Balti-


more, Wilntinptnn and Pliiladclplrla llailltoail Comp.-my to pay damages for inju-ries rlonc to stock on said road:

Vi'hii-h were rend and referred to

Messrs. Corncgys, For wood and Hook.

Iii r. Coincgys presented a petition,signed by U6 citizens of Cecil county,

praying the repeal of the law establishinginagistratcs‘ courts in this State, so far as

the same relatesto said county;Which was read rind referred to the

committee already appointed on that sub-‘ ject.

Iltrruary 8.

The Speaker laid before the house a

report from the clerk of Cecil countycourt, relative to the attendance of the

Jvdrzcs.Which was read and referred to the

committee on grievances and courts of

justice. ;

Mr. Comegys reported a bill entitled,

an aet to repeal an act entitled, an act to

establish magistrates‘ courts in the seve-

ral couties of this State, and to prescribetheir jurisdiction, passed at Decembersession. I835. chapter 20l, together withall the supplemcntithereto, lo far anac-

lates to Cecil county.‘

,The bill from the Senate, entitled, an

act authorising and empowering the com-

missioners of Charlestown, in Cecil coun-

ty, to sell and convey ti tract ofland, andfor other purposes; was taken up for con-

slderation, read the second time, and pal-tied.

ANNAPOLIS, Fab. 9, I839.

To the Editor of the Republican:Duit Sm: The Whigs were a good deal

confused in the House to-day. in come-

quence ofa motion mode by Mr. Spencer,to refer to the committee on the Judicia-ry. I resolution authorizing thehulngof

ii commission to W. D. Merrick an U. B.

Senator, for 6 years. from the 4th ofMarch next. Mnspeneertookthegroundthat Mr. Merrick had not. been constitu-

tionally elected-thatlt tvamrequlred thatthe person elected should receive n inn-

jority of the whole number of Irma; ofmembers in attendance; that lie jlurall

on the day of eleetloamfwhkih number

lul’. Merrick received only 48:: rm; one

declared there iru 91 member: pm-m_¢=II*="¢ltrtiw=ii<*=~*v<=tI¢nImlwi

~. I

_ .__» -_,__l..______l.__

lea than a tnajorltytl A good deal ofdc-‘bate was expected on the motion to re-

fer, hut it wa.-i disposed of lbr the presentalmost nan: rerzmanla, save rind exceptthe til-irm it gave to certain gentlemen ofthe Whig party. l would not he ltll‘pl'il-ed ifthc result would vacate the scat ofthe Illfll??fy Rcnator from Maryland.

The case of Mr. Lussel from Kent, willbe taken up on 'l‘liuraday next.

ltcapectfully yours, I’.

'l‘ll E CBCII4 GAZE'l"l‘l-I.“-. -_-- ..._-_ _- —~._

“nvrrtnttcv or run LAWI AND co.u1-11-tr-rioi1.“

lilklon, -Md.

SA'l‘Ultl)AY FEB[tilAl‘Y lb‘ l8 0.. \ . 3

_:l‘hc:rppoirrtrnciitnl'orMt_lii_rt_cuuiityhave not

yet conic to hand. When they phall be received

by Ill we will laythem bcforc our rcaderl.

The coiiiriiuiiication nigncd "One of llic Pro-

plr" reached Lil at loo late lb hour for irntorliolt

to~day. it uhnll ho attended to next wcck.

The writer, whoever ltc rniiy bc, ‘\'il'lll11an


p?l, and the expuiiitioir given lry ltiiir ofiuatlcrntouching the Entcrn Shore Rail liurrd, and thc

conduct of ccrtoin olliccr: connected therewith,irhowii that he in familiar with the rulijcct about

which hr: writcl.

Tlio Baltiiiiortl plpcrl of Wednesday an-

nounce the dciitli of Col. William Stewart of

tlnitcity, one oftha gallant dr.-fcriderl of Fort

hlcllcirry;rind in other l‘Cl]I.'l;ll a distinguishedcitizen.

\Ve give in another column the ltcport inatlc

by Janice W. Willinrnn, Earl. of the llousc of

Delegate: of tltil State, on the subject of rc-

pcalmg the laiv authoririiig iniprinnrriiicnt for

di.-ht, and claim for it an uttctititcpvrunl byour rcadcrir.

We lcarn from the Mt-lropoliit, a newDemo-

cratic paper rcccntly t.‘Il-'-\li|i.\|ICtl at \Va|liing-inn, and by the vi-try I very iilily cuirductcd

journal, and nnc that occaniumilly given Mt.

Van llurcn nomo vvlrolesouic advice in relation

to appuintincittrr, that the luveatigating Coin.

inittcc have rcturiicd to that city, and have

taken ta room in the Trcauirry building, where

they arc prosecuting tln-ir irripiiricri. lt is said

their iiricktigatiuirv at New York ltavcl"rni|li-ed tlicrti with it-ry little food to ti.-ed the contro-

rant appctitc of their slanderous orator: and

priirtr.-rv~,audit is not apprehended that they will

tirid airy thing in Waiilriugtun ufan “astoundingcli.rrncter." If l?se iihall fail in unrnuokingany villainy, which ho lriuiio furiuurdyChargedupon tho §t,L‘l'C\-'AI_Vof the 'l'reauury'| utiicial

iiiatingt-iirciit, tlrc innral scnnc of tho countrynlronldlrold him and his party rcuporrniblc for

tuul ll-indcrx.‘ The dcuouirccitrcirt in at hand.

-==__—_____~- -_;—_—-_~—-_ £-

Tlie Niulriillc llauncr of the 3tlth iilt. rrayn:“We o.-riv Ex-President Jackson in llth toivnthis week attending the trial of three of hit

ncfxncharged with liilling a negro man be-

lon rig to Stoltcly Doriclrron, Esq. We uw

the Ex-Provident at thc Court liounc, ycctcr.

day,vcry bury in giving direction! to his coun-

lcl inhiir own emphatic irranner. llc looks u

well u lic did ?re yearn ago."

In the House of Dclegatcl of this State, ontlrti llth inot., .\lr. Williurru of H:rrford,|ub-iitittcd the following order, which

was adopted.Ordered, That a cornrnitteu of 7 be appoint-

ed by the kfpeakcrto inquire ivhcthcr rxunion

or connection in MJIIIC way ltun not been formed

between Uni Pvitnnylvanil, Delaware and Mary.hind Rail Road Cunipriny, and the New Cutie,and Frencli Towri 'l'urnpi|re and Rail flood

Coinpahy; and whether, it’ ouch union or con-nexion hart taken place, it has not been formedwithout authority thcrcliir under thcirchartcrl,and i:i violation of their chartered privilegcl?And vvltcthcr the raid Uoinpaiiicii have not, bysuch proceeding, furfcitcd their cliartcrll or

Ivlicllicr either of nid clinrtcn lru thereby be-

come liah\tobe furfeitcill

Aim, to nquirc whether the Pennsylvania,Delaware and Maryluird Rail Road Companyhave not lately increased their rater for the

transportation of iiicrcltandiuc and for the con-

veyance ofprrllcrigvraon their road; and wlrctli.

r:r they have not exacted rote: or eharge|gtelt-er than they are allowed by law to tloriiand.And whether, if they have made and receivedmuch over charge, they have not violated their¢|Il"¢l’7 eAtLd ills further ordered that uid

Coininitlcglravj:power toocnd for pcnoru andpapers.

NEWARK COLLEGE,- Fcii. 13th, 1839. g

To the Editor qf the "Luci! Gazgllg,"

Sui: As Corresponding Committee ofthe Delta Phi Literary Society, we havebeen instructed to request of you thatyou would publish the following resolu-tions, unanimously adopted by the Societyon Saturday morning last. By so doingyou will much oblige your moat humbleand obedient servants,




Dam Pin‘ Society of 1\'etvr1rlcCollege,mtrt-o; sot, 1839.

The followingpreamble and resolutionswere unanimously adopted:

Whereas, this Society have heard with

anfelgned not-row of the dccease of theRev. Aunrinv K. Rv:a:i.i., an honorarymember of their annotation; and whereas,it is becoming on the pmientoccnotoa to

pay some tribute to themernory ofoneso juatlyesteomed and respected b Ill


Baolud, That in his death the oom-

munlty have loot it valuable member. the

and?cloatadvocato, and tlilnulociii»


will attend hit funeral from his late reel-tlence to day at clever. o'clock. and ?iat.agreeably to the request of the Facilityof this Institution, and an testimonial ufour l‘t'up('cl for the memory of our dc-ceascd father and friend. we will wear

crnpc on our lc? arm fur the space ol

tlilrly days.ltemlrrrl fnrllrer, That the CDl'l’t‘ilPOI\rl-

ing coiiiiiilttee be instructed to transmit a

copy of these rcsoltrtloris to the faiuily olthe deceased, and in the name qf the So-eir-ty express their sincere corirlolcttrcwith them irt this their great and irrepa-rable loss.

lluolred frrrllirr, That the foregoingresolutions be published.

(Jill e.rIr'ar'l from (lie rrrinuferr.)

A 'l‘ltr\l'l‘Olt UN.\lr\Sl(Bl).

Mn. lloo.~r.—As we proirtised last wt-ck,ive rinw proceed to specify the pledgewhich this geiitlenrnn nrnde. prcviuus lohis election, to the leading rrreinbcrs ofthe l)ertiocr.itie party of Caroline. ()nthis occasiort ive shall do no more thanpresent such facts as are in oirr posses-t-rion,deriverl from sources entitled to thehighest credit, and from gentlemen whofeel a deep interest in the subject. \\'ethink it unnecessary to parade alliduvitirbefore the public at this stage oi the sub-

ject, for no one better knows our abilityto produce nconi erirlcnre of tliecurrect-tress of the facts we shall presently state,than Mr. Boon himself. Uur zeal irt this

mutter is prompted by no other feelin"than that common to every memberthe Republican party who understandsthe nature of the case rind ifit were not

duct in its proper light before his Statuto-rial CUllt'llg\lt‘$and the people oftite State,for us, he might “go unwliipt of justice,"forgiven and lbrgottcn. But tohis pledge.

When asked by a leading member

the Republican party from Carolinehe would go with the Van Burt-n party,if elected, in all matters of importance.

particularly the election of a United StatesSenator," he declined answering at thetime tltc qucrition was propounded, andintiinzrtcrl his interition of withdrawingimmediately lrorn thecanvnss ifsuch were

the requisitions exacted of liim. He was

gii-cnplaiiily to understand that nothingshort of such a pledge could secure himthe vote of the Democratic party. Afterthe lapse ofa few days, and aller lic hadtaken a second thought, he aurnlcrl to

what ivlu required of Itim, only exactingthe promise, that his abandonment of hisformer political principlt-s,_gndirisexpres-sed lntcntioii of so doing, slio\.\l:ibe heldrw.-rrer until rrflcr the election. These as-

surances were satisfactory to ihosc to

wlruiii they were communicated, aml theycunseiited, with tlrul irnrlerslarrrling, to

give bitn a zealous support. if Mr. Boonjoins issue with us upon this subject, we

will produce such testimony as he can

neither evade nor gulnsay. \Vc challengc

hint to a denlal of tltc facts stated, and_ _ _


should he undertake to disprove tlicrn, "lllllnll H"°ll""'i‘§°5l" Dubll" l-"id °lh°l'

we will meet his presumption by adduc-

_.I-_ __J_ .-.i!_S-

Rewlcnl ?trtlter, That‘ this Society‘cricomiums are [Hi-l, in the Llverp.-rol[vi-perrr, to the cool and steady conduct of

Capt. Thompson. The ilrlp was ii lulnlwreck.


Tire ship l.uckwno<ls, with;i great itiiiii-

lrerrif|i.rs~i--tigers on lrorrrd, ivi-rrt upon

tlir: Ninth “illlk, her furl‘ an-l nrztin rituals

llrlling in the shock. Sim was llnar-ledby the same steain i-essr-l, the Vit-t<ni.i,which look irlftliirly-ll|i'ce |\.l‘4\l‘|l?t‘|S andabout severrtr-err of the cr'ew.—l-‘urty or

filly persons were l)t‘ilt?\'t‘-I toli:r\-epet'i1lt-ed on board the |.t><'l-t\\‘tm-l~t.

The prieltet ship l't.‘fllI'4yl\'3lllilwent on

the riarne North ll.-ink about a rpi.uter ofu mile eastward of the Lr)ck\Vtx)<l§, win-re

ltcr linll was nearly covered by the sea.The captain crew and |)&ls'st‘ttgI‘r5 wereseen in the rigging on Tues lay, the tith.On that evening the \'icto;iistc:rrm-r p- t

olfto their tJ$~llSlilllt3t', and Was within

sightofthctn the next rnorning, but could

rcrrdcr them no aid. The sirlli-rr-i's were

secn in the rigging and their cries could-be heard.

(lne of the passcrrgt-rs, .\lr. 'I‘li~n|tpst-rtof New York, had been seert by l,'tl|ttt|it\Nye, of the lrrdcpcndcnce, a‘l l.czist>we.lie reported that hintselfand three other

passengers and 5 seamen left the ship inone of the boats, wlrir-lr was s\v:rrrtped,and the other eight were iir_owned. r\lr.

'l‘honipson irscribed his own safety to it

life-prescrvcr which lie had on.it was reported on the l0th that ‘.26per-

sonshad been rescued from the Pennsyl-vniria-~l»i from the l.uck\voods—arrd £33

from the St. Andrew.Tire Pennsylvariia, (says the N. Y. Jour-

,l,_[nal ofComiiterr~e,) was a splendid ship, ofBUU tons hurtlren, bclrnigiiig to .\lt'sst‘$.tirinnell, Mlnlurn ti; t‘o.'s lint: of packets.

for the lrnpc of Placing‘;Mr. 1l0on's cnri- Sill‘ W"! \'=1l\ll'd ill -*7ll.llllU, and insuredin New York for $.'ltt,nnu_ tier nr-igtrtlist anroitittcd to about .C'.£7Ut),consistingof fine goods only; heavy goods havingbeen excluded entirely. The whole loss

of nfhcr cargo will not come rnireh short of

--if a nrillion of dollars. Some portion of it

was insured on the other side, and the rc-

mninder in New York. -

The Oxford belonged to Messrs. Good-‘hue 6:. Co.'s Old line of Liverpool packets.valued at 870,000, and insured there. itconsisted of American grmls, being the

cargo she reecivcil on board at New York.The freight list uf the St. r\ntll‘0\\’ zi-

mounted to .lJ‘.£.'iUU. The ship was 700

tons burtlren, and insured in New Yorkfor about $10,000.

The Lotzkwonds bad a full cargo ofmercltandise, destined for New York, tltc

greater part of which was insured there.The accounts front the interior are quite

as frightful as those front the sea-coast.

At lilanclicstcr the violence of the storm

was territic. in the surrounding countrythe destruction of trees was irirntensc.-—In one park alone l50 were prostratcd,and l7U more very much injured by theloss of large limbs and branches.. r\tIll.-rckburn no less than cleven factories

had their clrirnneys leveled, doing greatdamage in their liill.

The storm extended to Ireland. com--


ing evidence oftlrc tnitli of our charge in The l’1‘P°l'l0f MP8. Mack-an‘: death,

a different and more enlarged form lromthat we use to-day.

[Errrlern Shore ll'In'g.I

From the Baltimore American.

Very late from England.DIS TRESSINO I.-\"l'ELI.lGEl\'CE.

The packet ship Cambridge, Capt.Bursley, arrived at New York on Tucs-

day morning from Liverpool, whenceshe sailed on the lbth of January, She

brings London papers to the evening of

the Stir, and Liverpool to the lUth ofJanu-

ary, both inclusive. We cnpy the follow-

ing intelligence principally from the Comrnercial Advertiser. ~




Our late storm seems to have been far

exceeded in severity and extent of disas-

England on the Gth of January. No less

than thirteen columns of the LiverpoolMail are ?lled with details of its ravgesln that town the damage was sogenemlthat not one street entirely escaped.Great numbers of chimneys were. blowndown, crushing the houses in their t2'ril--roofs were carried away_garden walls

prostrated, dcc --and in some lnstanc

‘ruin. Several lives were l0Sl. but in a ve-

ry extraordinary number of cases, per-sona who were buried by the fall ofbricluand ruins, were subsequently extrlcatedalive, and for the most part littlclnjuced.

The disasters among the shipping were

terrible. No less than three of the New

York packets were I008. the OXFORD.


The Oxford went on shore in Bootle Buyon thenlght ofthe 6th, with all her malts

‘standing. The next morning the paucit-,ger:, I3 In number, with the captain andere iv, landed ln safety, with their luggage.The masts fell in the course oi the night.

Near to the some loot. the steamer

ltedwlng. is tender lbrthe mail. ivent ii-

shore. 80 violent vru the hurricane, that

although the Redwlng had three anchors

lout. and her full power ofntearri on. one

qftlc cable: snapped and tho other two

anchors dragged. the vessel going bodilyon lhoro, till at last the cathh Ila obli-

ged tonllp his cables, togvold rurmlrig

the veanalonhcr benmendxilnd-beinguoabletogottuirlieod lbiuil?lslllfwentonnhotolldeway. -

'rru sa.A-dawn-mun itiqau-hoSands Thepnoeoguo IQII binned



Y1 of,‘-‘. ..'_,V

.“¥~' 'i

ter by one which swept over the West of

(late Miss L. E. Landon,) on the coast oi‘

Africa, is, we regret to say, confirmed.

From Ur: Nun Orleanr Dre, Feb. 4.

EARTHQUAKE AT lilAlt‘l‘lNl(l.UE.

Tire Pauline which arrived yesterdayfrom St. Pierre, (island of Martinique.)-which shc lclt on the l2th ult., brings us

the unpleasant intelligence, that mi thellth, a dreadful earthquake took place in-

thatcolnny. Tire tow_nof St, Pierre has

suffered greatly, but the destruction hasbeen far greater at Fort Royal, in which

town the number of victims to this dread-

ful calamlty is not le§s than POUR HUN-'

i>ru;n,_at the dt'|);tt'ltll't!ofllic Pauline,

however, the entire extent of devastation.

produced by the earthquake was by no

means accurately ascertained.i

Hundreds of plantations on the island

had been utterly destroyed, and intelli-

gence of new disasters was continually;pouring into the town.

The following is an extract ofa private-letter from St. Pierre, under date of the12th.

'-The Pauline being ready to sail, l

transmit you in great haste. ti. Eew details.

of the catastrophe we have just experien-ced. Yesterday, on the llth inst. at 6

o‘clock A. M. a very severe shock of an. es

entire houses were reduced to heaps of earthquake was felt in this town, which

lasted about ?ve minutes, wlththe seine.


Many ofou: houses him: been oven

turned or shattered to pieces; among oth~lets two in the street in which we reside;ftwo individu.-rlsltave been birried beneath

the ruins of the latter. At Fort Royal.the calamity is fat’ more frlgbtfiil; from tho-

news received this morning. we learned:

that the number ol'vlctlmti already wlths

drawnioni the ruins. amounts lo morn

lthan THREE HUNDRED. Nearly alllthe houses tn that toivu are ilostroyerklln short. it is said that this unlbrtunatc ei-

lty is nearly cotbely overwhelmed and do-


To augment if polliblc thissadcalami-

ty, the yellow fever commit: terrible rav-

ages Aaioogotber victimsll Mr. Luoots

te, aid. do camp to the Governor.


i The National lntelllgenccr. in menlblk

[mo the 0,5,.d___-rib.‘ "@5335 ¢,-°,,,,-ting the nrrltrnl at Wuhhgton ofthecoai-v

tmatzlxe?ofthoFreoclutoum Qlgate Vdos

lt.'O- ' '"' '

l "Wt-_'y'ehappy toleoru from ogqtleqtman v!doaoompunlod’tticl‘hncho?ert\-r.onr‘B|ltlnin(e,,ttot_tioattitiln. ltdito hurt

byo dean v--i. the Bl?_r°"°!!“““’_‘!l!"!l!_;;-.@"'t°°'l‘l\“'*”°\

_ .,_,tM;' ';___ . .

.1:-QT‘ ‘



Page 11: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition

‘lmvn, i\lrs. l\lii.t.it:l:xr .\l.isl.\', at an nil




\ D

,‘-J‘ t

Y~w'-.- __ _ . -,-;_.:v. 1

‘ “"‘A'___ ‘___\.. -.‘==_

Wm. Prince & S0will rnultc iialcii of 'l‘|tl'I:L"ll?N?(,'U'I‘TlNf‘S F tl - t‘ Z.\' .\"1

_('tllNr.~ii.=;':ii(i'nt's'Lsttil.'rttriii,'.IN ll""ll=I""° "1 =1 D"<'rr-c of (‘Mill.l.\', .\lt)lll.'8 l-IXPANBA, Al.l'l.\'l-Z, t‘.\.\'. (‘utility (‘tii|rt. Fl! a ciiiilt of Equity,

‘'l‘t).\', lllll)l‘R~‘l\ and other viirirtiw, ileli\'¢'I'- inadt: in :i ciiiisv Wlll‘l't"lI\ ltiilicrt l'.iiki-r,

'g.____l_;_ 5_; 7,:-up rig: 5, ___4 . 1 "-1-1 1 Li


‘n Y‘ ' ‘

Tllrnugh the litter;-nntiim cl‘ Ailmlml - Jamgg P“ 51,‘, The truth is mighty and will Diikehartla General Vgirl1)0ll11l(183,cmiiniunilitigthe Dilllsli ?eet BOQT A ‘D Snot MA Kr“

|Il’CYl'l||. (:léa§l0l'C,i\0- lolli Bllll""0"‘on the Mexican coast, terms ot'accnmmo-


‘ ‘

I1‘ is lllrl?llil?lupward! nl"l50,000of Dr. street. ltiniore, where can he had onilntion have been mutually a;;rt-ed on tiy if y?llfn-VII!mi ltlllW0ft|_Il’t'I\t'qll'\;{,l..¢iil_y_aSiirriipaii|tiiBliiodhl?lli,hiivu been reasonable terms, Wliolcaalc or Retail.

.¢ tllclll‘lllL!t‘l’t‘lll!X,lllItl llt\§lllilil‘SlI?tl ceased. ‘l'Y°“ "9"" ""“"".= P“" ""‘.‘°°"" “M l""'"!"‘°,l"'"" "'°"' ':. M

course H"! ?ne 'l‘wlr-vs; l’iitvnt I-amtIlihp "U_"L" _ Wm ‘I uhtlcss roach us

Oral‘ vanipriig,liccl-tappingur i-citing,. ‘ I

It inafu-t—|_licy are tiiltcn iii innuiricra cand Cnmue wick; Splnning WI“-els; “MC mum pun,‘--H. n "uh p(_,,iM in H,P- t I


5 u . ll'liy yolld better call down lit J/liner] ughI. inutalicca to olivlali: and correct the |iiiac|iicv-

Sucking hen and Bash Cords; ‘vmow -mink M i. mnvmicm ,0 "mm. Ind W111 um.l)0l1)l‘t! l0_li‘_'-' _

uuii and bail ‘ctfccu of quack pillr and otherqloivh _'(_""i r d C


H‘ ~ Bellows‘ him Conny“ .nC"rdiI::Iy._'lI'icc‘ mu ‘,.m,_.


|li:l'iitlio‘l‘4al;;iali‘li>ll3<yr;Iild-\ii;>J.l:altI:l;gum-lliii;-iliciiicn,by which many liica iiri: cn- hrulghgis‘-wnrgll-'?S(l_1l"u_rns\’l:lil!$_iHuoki

,."'.‘."_" and cumllp Wm in 1;,,.w:,.d,,,| 1_. -. i v

r. _~ c o GI!‘ ir.~ an an ivnu cioolc: aiigerc . ‘i

05' .l ; ‘ Still! SI'M‘ l UN IA‘ I:U"' When ulv uilr lll‘t‘ll1 ii goodunder-taker, It in nfrlrl—'l'l\atill quack niediciiicii ron- 1 1 R‘)1] Ni

E ublic Sale.

'Jr. ivtiii conipl.iiii:inl. niiil Win. l~'. Sziviii,

r ll(‘rt'lllli\Ill,the SlIll.\(‘fllK'l' will e\pilt<i- zit

0 Pulllic Salt‘, tin .§'i\'l'L'lll).-\ Y llic lllli -lay‘ till who may apply for llIt‘llI by nuiil,aa wcllu of l\lllrt'li next, zit l)_ti:irlt'S 'l':t\'4-rti in the

On Tlilll"l'\)' <‘\'*‘"l"[!l*Cliru.iI‘}'2|“ Why i l'ootitto\lr Jiunrn l'"L'l" taiii iiiiiitralnor niercut) which quzickii thinkI mm ( 8' ?s'svi"o5' “ml "cry “rib l"l°""r 55"‘ WHHIII Rltltli -\l"l"¢‘"y -<"‘"'l‘i Vill?ttl‘ Hf Purl l)t'|It'*lli "ll ll"? llllllli mi"

.» ii I i I


‘ ' ‘'


. clc nt‘C(‘SSi'tl'y ?ll‘ ilslilll , \V00tlt‘tl “ are, \~c. The .\llillic. uliii 'l'r-c-i lru rctiiilrltulily 1' 1 . 1 1 .1

; "-_ 1‘ - I lgcturewill be llQll\‘L‘|'t‘tl by ProfessorN b l ‘ l_ I ::ll-‘I1’iiiu. oil cuita," and truitlnilicir (‘iTL‘('l!,

such as mskmsv P?imlf?Buck?s; .,,u,m; :.,,,,,,,,,,,_.,,.i,,. :0 r1IlIlil|:||0lll'tlthe gciiuiiicam 1" ml’ "r ' "‘ 5' ‘l l""l1*. ‘Hit! "T

PE‘ "mm" Ur ‘xcwmvk Course’ M um 2r'lI:lOr:f.il?I.l':0‘ii:I(l’lrl:t":l(i.IP:l'llC\\'I“;l.l‘:nB.}iI7l_—'rll€tl nuincroua quaclui iiiid t‘or- llrcotl. tiliiili?liilliFake and Wash lhizirils; "."“~lnlrrlllllfht ii,-0 tum Ur iititniiiitll '1'" 1"!""'i°“‘1’ “r ‘\5lm“.‘""y'. - Willi uni wi.r~¢iiilorP¢£-'°°°“'"“l “"I'P¢'i-— vigil iiiilioiitnii. tall lllt)llllIt:l\‘l.'I Diictorn. unit Tnivvl Rollers; Stittiir [taxi-s; Barrel (3o-


Q riliiiiifiir i1i:cuuion.—"Sh0\tld cm ~- -

- ' -'

all pt-rsiinii i.l.~ii;iiiii;_'of, liy,t|iriiti11li, or

h is‘ [mm um cuwvnul I-mm um “rm,tinder tliein, or cillicr uftlieiii, in and tu

-' ' -i I i~~ ~ --thoseH

'sun your choice )0“ may “KL M -hm" "Icy "my mow dru_ma")_ lmpwe "W" ‘sh VHS; Bowls; “u‘Mk‘rs;I omlm Q1 \wcz(_rS;

altintion paid ii) llIl.lIl,l iatl it. trcrii tliiy llitl

pital pUK]l$llllll‘l\tlie abolished!‘

lly lll'\ll‘|',i

ll. .\lt'L'l.'l.LOUGH,


Dll-ID,tin the .ltltliot' January. .\lrs. RACIIAII

1~‘|-t-.l¢-iii-k..\lil., (aiiil diiuglitcr til‘ the lat

iri the lirltli yr-zirof hcr net‘.On the l>t inst. ilII\‘lt\' \'i:.w.i:v. in the

3l’itliyvairof his ugi‘. a native of Uccil co.

but llir lill! l.i>-t l'cii' yr-iirs a rcaidclit 0

I _1':itap<i-0 .\'cck. ll:illiiiiiii'ccii_ Mil.

tin \\'t-iliics l.iy the lilli inst. at l~relich-

valiced ilgt‘.

D.\LTl.\lUl\l:Z l\lr\ltKl'TP—'Feb. l3.

street lloiir is feverish and unsettled.

Yesterday ll parcel of I000 l)i)l5. was ta-

kcn for export at .§\~5,:'i0, less 30 ilays in-

Erc vnur boot: tn their lint end are iciixiiw,.


Ne-illicr liilvrtiiiiciiiir linirimrr rrlim-,But close drive ii |L‘ll'f!!ll-U’ nftucks iii

The cmlre and the edge, at Jamu I'ugIi'|.i. - - ~


Ali! ll one lug iiliorll--and arc you IiiiipiiiglB. llomz. Will? Ur ~“r~ S"m""l R- u‘l§g~ °r Or lo! aiisyiiii halting iii your iicii-.~_"

0 All _lii_yeyc!—'l‘lit.-re iii a patent rri"iil/tingMajor \\‘il|iiini lloiildcii of lfccll county.) 1"““'" l|'="=l"*1 “‘°""~'i=\'- M" I ";."' '-

lily)ulirgrt~alltoc llirti‘ ii greatrciit 1IFC1Il'Ilz.'r l. iro' i tit.-ru Yl‘lll§ iiru UCN pro uiic

U if rou wants Ill‘l\lllll iuiiipii to lit-i-p iii.

l l

' $ut:li unruly nictiil-cru,go to I’u;_'/i':.

Ellttcn, lGlli Fclfry, H53).

.t 1

“ml ‘l""l!”"""‘ l""l""““°"“ “i“’""'° |'“"l"" Butler Pritits' \'i't-iivt-r'sllcc<ls and Slilit- N. ll l~‘iiiit and ()IIl:|IIIL'!||?i Tm-.-. rlilllttt F I f G ' Ia"i"E'"'ll"l"$.'ll"; §°"‘°‘l"i"°'_"

'° ““""1195- spigot‘ I-,1‘n11 51",, and every owe, and .~'ei-ilii call be iiiipplii-illii any extant.

J 0 I9

icy can tinyptlt: t‘ ieir tlnyus gaiii.__ _'_ ‘ _

j 1 . I,-I _|~L‘

_ N, ‘V k.It iii iifiiri-Tliat ihi- Illlllfkl iiiiil lornigii lIl'l- l‘.\l'ttLl(!belonging lo his line." "" '"' “" ‘"’ '" g

poiiti-rii ivliniiuw iiifi ll our country know no- l)Ui\l‘illl\llT'Sthing alioiit the riatiiri: of iiiciliciiicii, iiiucli lcu (;;_inm-3| \'m-kily Smut.about dl.\l‘4l>L'b oltlii: liiiinnli itystelii. N0 IOU‘ u?mmure sweet

n ill-2}‘()l.\l:‘:'21l:;\‘l:)R:It-'.'\Fl‘i.IFeb‘ 9_.lm Real Esta to

I! tr ur —- la r. . . . it'll)‘. ic nil y_ V _

proprii tor and iiiziiiiilat-turcr t.il't_lic$.iriiap-iiill.i l‘l€ll40lIIC i\0\I(‘(‘. 1lili-~11’-ll». ii =- "'1-!"l~",'l'|')"‘"'|“" -I W-‘ll =- vii: lltvlllcrn nr \i'iim~ii l....i,_»¢, No.16,npolllt,-1-;|f_\’.iiltciiti-ll_li_v\the iiimt colt-linitcd '_l_“.111 11"", ,, ',,,,,.,‘,‘i,,,, M um 5um,,,,1l'l'}'~‘“"*"""'l llw l»i--ml bi"1°"il"""'l{ Wl""" llriilge iiiiiiii» 22¢ iii" lwtiinii-y,iii (‘?llllIl(‘llI().


rntitiit oi‘ Wiiiiliiiigglnifii liirlli day. Thepru-|)r.l'li' “it D (Y

.' ' ‘ ' ~

- r. -ipiiiau, llr. llcirccti, Ur. llorlirr. lCll\l‘ the l.mlgi- at ll u‘i-lot-lt, and itiiiiiciliatrly

sold lIl\\'l‘ gin-ii uiiiii-riiiil iialiwliiciion.

Jan. l, lH39—3iv—l$

at Till: Tows or ELKTON, Mu.

‘QI‘ or bale. -

\‘lllli'llI‘ll iii the Iiiirt-r part of the \il|:i;_-uiil"l’ort l)i-posit, kiiown and dc.-ii~ri|ioil onthe l‘liit of saiil village, by the l'iilliii\'iiigntiliiiicrs, tn wit: .'il. 55, fill, .'i7 iiiiil 58.I-Int-lihit is S-llll tii friilitnii the Riva-l'l'nrtyrl‘l‘li1tnilltiltlii hat-k tn llic tiip iil‘llii- hillliiur liiitiilit-il fut-I, tir llit-rciihiiiil; SI) thatthe liic lulu 1ii't~<t~|ilmi tltiiliriilvtl lrliril of‘.500 liw-l, with rill tlic light and aill';iiit:i-gt-ii iifthe rircr.

SCRAGS D (‘h:\Ilt ,r. ibirin, Dr. Jiiiiica. ccmiiii.ncciiiiipaiiii-il hy ii llillld ol iiiuiiic, will

BY virmc or a l)?_rcc Or ‘he (,|m"_ Tcriiis (if salt‘, as prcscrilwil by the

. ..

Derrce: (Ir ~-ll irl flI~ Ii. *i


llr-Jwkw-i. Ur-ll-iii. Ur-t'<>iv.&<=- |l|‘nCr't“4il0[lit|l.||Ili'4l('llllH:l|,WllI‘!Ull\l!|’C will °"“‘"' ‘ll M‘"Y'“"‘l' 'l“‘ s'“’*“"""H ' i U plum H" “my

__ I," "f"d_.l.,mmcmrmlmrnln mood Pm‘bc an ("man ‘M"_[_m| by A T hmmmn Wm‘ us Tmsu_'_‘ U"-Pr “L public sale. on

tn he 1;-ii-ltil the ti|tit- iil's:ili-_ ?lill llic ha.


nl'l:inil, lying and living inElkton. ("evil county, .\la-

ryland, called untl knownl

_.. . -

.- - ~

' '~ \\ asliili 't0n llotcl.lcrcst. 'l 0-day siitiie holders are more

1'" "l'°"""! ‘"1" ‘W l"" °" |"""" '" 1") "H Mu ,,, 1 ~d,‘ The 5‘

VL ' ' io l‘lllIl"L‘ ol t.-t or Ycalfllllll l'roiii


desirous to realise, and have ollercil to l""l"r""" °"“"'-""'“i"’ “h°'“”""°"‘“‘°"u"'tc

'~ -l‘ ‘



-' ' _


-_ _ ._ _ _‘ , __l ‘ w

.- i "i'"““ "'"*=i~ -‘ll . I ».

""‘""*‘-"' ‘~""=°"""'- -1."Z?i“£?‘Z?L‘i.-'.i.?;‘1?§ii13l$Lii§’:i§L"L3lA “'"l*"""1 1‘11""sell at §§,\;J 1}.\\'llllL‘ others continue to

"L, |m,_N by mm __.m_"uon W ,mim___‘ ,0 ll?IIIIlt'l—i ii, \\l niii iy tioir opcr.i- N lnmlicil (_aMMm_ rmn"i_i" we bl ua \ _ 1

s:ll(‘S to-day from stores.


arc t-iiipliiyctl in the practice of iiiany pll)'iii- Ht-qaaiidi alter Ihllt?liiiIlll‘Y|lIiIi4iI)Ilvallappr 1\IU.\l).lY l/ll: l8!/l tluy of Ptlirutrryhm-P M Hlrpoalm Six umlmm Wm) imp-

‘b‘;:1i"':!‘13'\'l‘i°"""F:l“'il:'Y3:3‘!l"i='"’ 'd'5'°°'H bi’‘l"’ ll"- W-W-w'"-'-"L ii¢_rr, iipnn the nrt-nilsés in qiiciilion, nll.

I I‘ -.i.ii'..ci: ---. .'


‘up Sub?c?b? r?p?n-U"! ,:‘!-ur,,,-‘mi“om LC ‘ ‘

1‘ cl _ 1 _llit.llrclliriliof l niou Lotlgc,and all othtr I V ' I

. . . ) , - ‘ I0'1. Friciitlii and tlic Putiliv. that the liii l\‘liinu-n mm! J l'y‘l"gin I bu‘ or l“"5']

-'“ 15"“!"i“"'|'"|¥' "F "'l'°'-iillllly rcquulcd to

that \ “JAB”: I A‘ him i “OI Bury an I t

hum _ hcrcmrom carri?‘ on by Mr. Uni“ll icufurl—l hi-y are coiiipoiictlciilircly of

“min. 1,, 111,. ',,,_.,¢c,,,,,,,,_F[.UL'lt.—TllO lllilfltlli fill‘ lloivurtl

“, _“ )1 l _ _l 1“, mm and ii mmrrgrlalilrr, ivarraiitcdto (Z0l\l-Xlll no riicrcuryiir The 1_,,11,.,, ,,,,,1 l,.,,l1,.,ncn of the ygcinhy _u":h_:\h‘:”?;:~;:‘Oli’“"

""“ y ' '

iiii;i!l'Y;1lol'Ifull;"'Q;_;“"“-I I l k b H Iare ulm invited to iittciiil.


~_ ,L. - . .


1 .

Alljulu i_rihis line of liusiiicni \\‘lll lic neatly dv“c""‘;_“"ldin “H zgiryvlaloulltgbauiz? By l1rtg'Rgi1l'kt2;‘\t;iRhTlNDALE‘Sm.~ by tilt‘ name Oi

u°"‘""'l Mu‘ d°“l"‘id" uccupilitili or liu~int~i~; irithtiut liar of ltihiiig 1.‘ 1, Q Y '

.rt-tit: mites or limiils with ilP|lI’<)\l‘|l tern-

rily In ht: taken liii" the vrriht payltit-iil.Sale to CI)llllll(‘Ilt‘t‘ at ll 0'1 llK‘l(, A. M.

JUHN ll. l'ltlt‘E, Trustee.N. B. The title is ticllercil to beindis-

pulnlilc.Feb 2-ts

tiiiiii |I\ tic '

- the qiiniitit) laid ii, \\LilI\tll the ~) sttiiiwouiuch P‘ um ' U‘ mu I

l ' til all lil licltlt d t it

hold ?rmly M & 50 “-c heard or no "Him Um‘p_J"U"_\'"cUr mu pumic nml""0_,lioii(irliit-1|iiiny ire iiiililiir at.-tire according to Aim "hm ".n;_ \_‘. . pl .

3| ,,( 111,.10“,-it ft-tititilig 100 li:t"t tin Guy iir FDRS.\l.l~I, iii(‘t-cil cniintv,G I?lllfi north

Ul'tAl.\'.—.'\ szile of a parcel'ul' gooirod w_lle:itwas made lo day at $1.85 pct‘bushel.

Un Saturday a sale of Virginizi strait

colorcd (‘urn was made at 8! cents, uni

yesterday ti parcel of 3000 bushels nftlie ']_“.,"csubscrmcr Wm Om“! at Pumi‘: I‘ '3 “ /'"'-'|'|"‘)' l-""' '='".¢"l-"l vmwc

- smile description was sold at 85 cents.

T There is :i part-cl or two of Md. yellowtjorn in iiiarkct to day, for irliich 90 cent

are deiniinded--SS cents ollcrcd and re-fused.

continue to quote Oats at 48 :i 50 cents.

Notice.T a niccling of the I-Ilktuii (‘lub, ll(‘ltlK‘the liiiuiie of .\lr. George l\lt~t‘ullniigli

__ - . ,° b

tolcrably good, \\'llll ll good spring house'

and an exccllclit spring of ivatcr. lt is

al(‘t)ll\'t‘lllt‘lli to iiiills, forge, lilacksuiitli's

,,,, sliop.st<iri~s, tkc. and in a very healthy

Flalnlclicy; liiiligr.-tinn; \\':inl til’ Appctitr;Sour liructatiuii and at iility ol'lht- iitiiiiiach.Ulccroui iuircii otlhc

iiti-it-, thriizit iiuil iiody;Scaly cru|iliiiiiii and ll|l]lClH'7l or the akin;Dry and \\ itirv pin IL! and iuvtultii Oi the A l.l. persons holding: the proniissnry ,,“_‘|,mr

tho t-vi-iiiiig of \\'i.-i.liii-tdny itttliiiisrllic rill. nt-igliborhood. lt is tninci-essay to say mu "mlbu}, ', iii - 1 _- .-

nn,,,,,,,r1|,,- giitisi~ii'lit~i' ?ll‘ llllwl 1'" \| .l-ll‘ f l .l l llowing PL'5|)llIlltIll was adopti ll:

l)y ‘emu-liiiga copy til" tliciie proccciliiigii lu bi-


r iuu one ..i H Ill‘ (Ii ins teen ll§t‘t

I'"°“'- "5 i3°ml*'m"" “"“ W" and °x‘"'"“° Teller iiiiil'rin;,;woiiii~ the r.ill"Sll|K‘tlkU and |_)t'lil\\‘l1l'0 (anal. 1"“

iisn garilcii is i-iii~lii>i-il with ii pale lent"I ' 'I i ~ ' ’ ,

v ~4

- y v ~ n-

n a~ .



R'"' ""- ““" "‘° “"“*‘~"-' "° "'l""""~ furtlicmsi'I\'vs. wlirre mt:-iidiince will be S\\'t‘lilll}_'tlllti it-lft.lt‘llllI"' Orlll? giiiniiiririlio l><'Y<">)"“l""Hl I" ilitwit "ll"! rt" P~‘Y' nnil IS lll the lll"lIl'l. lilo f llil ti-i

. . . . . . . ..1 -

.. .' - ..*


nt' Ellttoii, \lil., colitaiiiiiigabout I03tiiiig i uti ii pirl - iiii iiiii~ uiiii-r it.E H


. _. _lii-niry ol tho biiiii-ilhtnti-.-, liy "Only liitih-,_Miilnstreet, 4.30 rill on .\<iilli strut, tin _ _


1 JOHN ult1i|l.»\.\l. “‘Y;‘;'€Il}:j_‘;f1§,l;f‘l‘:_:f:':Y’L‘::;"m_m,.L_um, ot"l'r0y, h. Y.,.lW0llt\'l'Iylll1{lllyiimiiiii-i~ii iii |||(‘ti|?l['ly tl1\17tiSllt'the triiiirt u?llsl‘, i‘ll’t' “"°"' 5"“‘° "' "" '“"" "“ """ "°“"'1-‘¢l,1t}__3,,, ~

_ _ _'_ _


liy iill \l’B£iICfN0f iiclioiil-<,—c;iii be had at the tirm? 015,.“ and we om“, u1,11c 13,111,],. l‘Ultll-ll-.lt or iiil-2 ULUUD , . 1,, i, ~,,,. P



‘ °"“ ° '° ““ ’°"

Lw“ .].0Rm,n.|. Jr hips, and I00 l'i'et on a cross street lead-' F01‘ §alC- Rl;‘i\‘Ul‘.l7UR or‘ TIIB sl's1'z:.i1 Ftll 2-cii


i"'-' l"""' ‘\'""" l“ 13°“ $"°°‘» ‘"“l °°“‘1 I‘\‘t*l' .ii.¢...-t-mi -—__ ._-_~_-_-—-- —~ wins atioiil one new cl kiiiil

liiiicd, and 1tf0tlllCI1Iltliiiiyeiir cririiigli‘ prowl-iitlcr tn winter l3 lieatl oi‘ cat-

tle and six lioriieii. 'l‘licrc in goodI titiibcr, and t.-very ?eld in will water-

.i:d. The Farm iii bounded an two siilcii by_ _



1 y i. P Upon this property is erectcil zi large good piililic l’4)liltlt4 and i-i llc;lr fact?llcl, lllilis,hale on the 1l|'t’Illl:‘tZ‘S,on .\lU.’\ D.-\\ Otli iii the tblliiiiiiirt tllvcascn.all or which are

I or and ,¢,,,,,,,,,,,1i,,u; '1-“,.,.m “,,,m.' (,,,,,1,,,gV

‘Ute 4'-ll day 4-trM-‘“3l‘ "cxli" Slmlll l"l"'"'i '"”"" ”.""“ C"‘“‘°‘] by ""P“""“ "f U" u”““‘HE Store House and l)\i'cIlin1: tit aiioiit G0 lcetiin tiziystrct-tanil 54 feet on

' Hm ""'"° °°“""" ?n "mm"Ptlnlilllllll" si‘<ty-?ve Acres, more or less “""”""""'/l"""- "“"“‘l"' '1

and a highly fCI1I‘Cl4lJl0neigliborlimd.' ‘F’ not q-lite ?niilrcd, a new barn, with


_ _

U -_\ _ _


m,,.,,,,,;,,,c A,yc,.,;,,,,,,;'St.,°1-u|,,; Clics.ipcakc ('ily at present occupied North Sl|-t;l‘l, cl-telly ul brick. the wtitih~ % W ualiliiig iiiidt-r,a ICll0(]l llDllhC, andll 18 Slitlfllcll"1 l-C0" 001101)’. 5111"! QT -‘ii-l‘ 15:;-tipt-lnit; Jaiiiidirc; ll».-tiitliuiii; hyf'oriir~liiis Lizirrisiiii. Possession given l'runt rtiiitzh cast. and ll rimfcll porcli or


"Ylil_"l1i"_l"19"l‘Pf-‘IfIF!" “rill” ml"! ‘ C‘ 1fi§¢=I-1111111‘l|_-<‘liwr. ~l\i"- lrwi-'~ Mid gl={i=!>:on the ‘.2-'ilhof Marvli. |il£IZ2ilon t-at-li liiiiit. with ll Sllllll‘ kitchen ,,.J,,.,; 1,“. _;,,,,,,,,,,, 1,,,11,,,|“,,,,,1,,,,,g |,,.,11|,y_vRye 15mm.“ ,,-,,,,1cd__n°,,(.i,(.,.,._ “re l¢‘¢l'_°"lllslllcli ?dJ""""t! Willis Oi U¢‘if’_T"'_l"l';'1"1"!"1'1-1lf*.'=1‘li|III_t;"Iv ‘Twit""1:rl"'I¢i For terms apply to in tlic l‘t‘tll'. The other l)lllltllD§_'$.irt' ti The lllli; l'4 illtll\1l\llJlll(‘, and tlircc yearn, it‘

1'0 l‘°"L_'°-D°¢l°l' A"°"il1|'"l °il'¢l’5- lite

°";' _'“J‘3'F"‘Ki‘ """.'“' “""‘““ " I-IS'l‘lll-Ill 'l‘. l3F.N.'\'E'I"1‘. large and t~oii\'enicnt Stable. liiiilt princi-land is of ti good quality; the lJUiltllll"S m‘."‘;l;""“""' “""' “' U": "'°“u"rm']

Clicsnpclikc Fit)’. Feb ‘.Z_lw hall)’ of oak. it stone Sinnke lliitisc.*""—' " '

_-—-—‘—"' Piitillry ll(I\lSl‘, ice lluiilit‘, (jarritig

llutrw, Slicililiiig,dzc. A tit-vi-i iillllll?_“'\'" 01' \\‘-1!" “"1" PW"? "1‘1"'|Y "CW 111 1\llllfl"4'4 iv. llllllt‘I’(:;\liiCU\, Fair llill,(Fay-

_- a large npring ll0\l!l‘.‘,with cxccllcnt.

dl'.\llt'(l, iii.iy be taken to coiiiplcte the purcliaiic.:1 i\l<<i, iiaiili-tl an cxprricnircd Fariiier, with

eiiiillirit-lit tiircc to keep in tillage lrnili 41 tn GUat-rt-ii,tu Wllulll :i iihiirc of the prolitii will be


cttc l’. ().‘,Ci.-cilcuiilily, i\ltl-

1 Jan 5-lt

t‘.1 ) .

., .

. . .-

i» r i- (iii-eat; Water l oivei._ ,,,,,_.,1,.,| ,,, 1|", Cm;|1;;,u.1,,._ ,0 Kim ,,°,,m, ,0

_L'l\'(‘ll niid terms made known by the lIl!Ci\,llI the gioiii-, liii=i.~t, kc. "Will i""l\“lll\ 10 him iii his l'(‘blllt‘lll‘l) in - i-



. .-

_ _ _ ___

_ lhii: piiition ul tl.c piiipcrty, fitintitithe llICllliICl’N uftlic club that the club "I?llll! 5uils‘7"il“'r' Numnh Wuglhl Ln" comlihuml “ am-' “llmmumm Uemwuro‘

' “ " ' '

' _ ‘MM’?

=, _ _ _ .ii..ii ...~-l ti-i-t ll,lII‘.l l\l\t‘ (ll the llllt‘

| “'9 sill‘: “"11 Colllmcllcc ‘ll H "‘5l'-lcki _.\1,,',,,,,,,_,,1,,,,,,,,,,1 ,1,3,.a,,,._, [,,,,d,,,.,.d by ,_ _ 'iUl)|‘\l“\*\DL"L' J" .~l,l't'l‘l$ iii town. is iiilniiralily czilciilaitct, ;1_M_



_ _ _ U

. lhliiniig-ton,Feb;-liv‘ 1,. |. .- ,, ,,"~~ , M ,, [ms .,,,]r


LEW!‘ THU“ ‘Slllrfllll) tlflllt, llIlll\.I;|lt<,Ol'll|t, £u|\3\_l1|jLl]L\, U‘

___ __ y ___

I i -i)iii._ in mi Ih._ . -1 I

Cd. um M mbac?b? be adlnnmlimoum club ‘ 1 _

' -3 . 4 .


~l,wi§hi"g §|“".c I-or “out <ll't‘tllt‘il :n_l\'.s:ililcwill ht: so uiicrcd 0

1.0) ll)-t8 0 ti.wu[i:rl—lli.itiirtcr iii a r~IlIgll' ii,.t.irtci;HF“ b k ‘T |_ Q1 F _

“K. ,1“). O1 M1,-',___.__.___ _______*--- l|.|\‘(7 iii.-y b(‘L‘||k|1QW|1 to be ..,,.,1 ,1“, ,i,,..,- V 1 1- ii wrmr vii-rv-it -ii -. ion-on .ll-

, .

now liiiislicd, and that lllt‘_\' lie rcqucsttd to calupon the iiccrctary on or before tlii: ‘llld instantand pay llii.-ir iiub:<i-ii|itiuiiii—and lurtlicr l’l‘stll\'

room unlilliis siiii-criptioii iii paid..

Hy order,A. T. FOR\\'l)0D, l'rcs'l.

Test: F. A. L'l.Ll.i, Scc'ry.

"€"Unstable’s Sale.'


' l '' "'

"“l ‘“l‘l> 'to the '\‘ll'('llZlSl‘l', with the (‘t)llSt‘ill til‘ti

BY “Hue “rm” Wm‘ Dr 'wdl°"|’""“" “("0" “'9 "Ml hm day’ the MlowmgN it'll Nlmliliélilh-"I,-o,‘“vM

~ - .iit?cc l|llSl|l‘llll'1iAn)’ Iitlilitioiial iiiftiriiin-

iiisiicil by ticorgc ll. |loi\':iril,rliict'judgi.~1ll'Op(‘t‘t)', tn Wit: 02- ‘

..‘ "Hf '“,"""°l‘,“ “W ‘|°_°“ i’°l°“' ill‘-_i‘nriiiralli-d liii: “liitliaiii iuirm, rHl-.- . - -. . -' V - ‘- 1 i - 1. .

. vmc i~,..,,,,111,,.t,,,1,|. 1., .1. A, \. . . ‘ _ ,\\|ll ill i I ll iliilly rUIlll>llt"til hy lit nu )

0| 11,c ,"ag,,,1,.,m.,i Cm", for um 2",] ,.|\,cuu,, Two Horses. 3 young Cows‘ young, _. B

M tlllLg t, 1 rptutii.)F ljullllllgll:i_ck(‘reek. lill~, (ccil cu. .\li..

sm_lm'|_ lu _my pvmlvman desiring to P, ._ ' _ H ,


_ _

’~" t" -It or criiia Ill uirc n ~ *

_ _ IZf ulllv. "~25. -*|1<‘\'l\-~1 |~":.L ‘ill-"'l'lYvi l-.. nflllgllufal, llr\|g;;inL \vill‘lliIl;_'tr‘ltl.q

$.\.\iL'l'Il. Fltl-II-2.\l.-\.\‘. i-|i:i<i-. *-rho \\‘llll'Flli upon llllll at nu resi-

g“)'k‘""‘lSti":“',i'Yxii“i‘€n'p('(°:n'iU““'i¥'ig".“'ll""i“"'‘l" l'3““""~ Md" -ll" 19-4" dent t- iir t'illlt‘t' iii llil‘ ttiivii of Ell-ttnn.1 tic ‘\\' l('Cl

, Jpruig l[‘il,

0 n OPS lint t" --— y -————i --

, .

diiitrict of L‘ccilciiiiiil_\‘, at the iiiiils oi‘ Eran

~. 6:. lloivard and \\i'illi.iui 'l'. >'cott, agaitint lhoiida and cliiitlcl-, lllllll and itlltllltlilv lit’ llic‘K .1 ‘

. . .

Truatccn of Coivaiitowli School llouiic,

A nil) Lapin

',At 'l‘rustee’s Sale.Kl “iii

IN pursuance of a Decree oi’ the High» -



" lilut Pill)-.

_ -_ - -.

i_ . rlIt"l't" i< .1 pohrv of lll5lll'i\n(‘(‘ on the l "ll" ‘lr (‘l‘*"“""'y “'“ be 5"

T 4' ""1 ‘wt l""‘l""= =lt;'""| vtlv?. ciiriii uiow 1 n"“" r‘“"’“'“l" "‘."‘!‘.""."..

. .


. 5 I ttie(‘ u'l ll ise in Elkton oniiiiidu,lii.i|i_l'ol'\rlioiiiwerccorilidcrcdinfuilblc.~

JOHA i‘ L"\/‘Han ml‘-‘ll “mu” "“‘| Siuhmlii 1"‘ '3"UUU‘ he "mu I O I m'

It ii ajarl -'|‘hi.-y arc prt-p.irtd onl h ' l)r.1"" 1!-l_'l“' “'l‘l"l' “'|l| "'4 P

ILL ll l>lll\‘l-.

i.y.’-... -. -.Wb1‘)ng:yso‘;‘(‘nt25‘:ltilt03!ri:*;'0;1f1:i|3;:?:al,',‘;,inl|i1l.iitcl|ilii.i,iiiiil hlllbl by hiiii cuiitii i, |bo‘J, .iiiil illllt li \\|ii lit .i=.i_mil

M 3 ".‘_hWk' R “W L52 Acrvsv 2 Rood‘

xplrc iiiitil the llllli rifUc- iIi|“"."|:| F Q5//i 51,,-,1“,-y,,¢_;~g_

itand ‘Z5 p\'TL‘llt‘$ til" Land, situate on the

main linilicli of .\'orth l-lust crcck, in Not-'

lliiuiiiini, lfu-il culnity, Mil, zi full propor-iir-

-lion of which is in \\ nod. Siluzitc on

this 1)1'npt3l't)' are the raliixihle Mill Seats

known as "‘1‘lieFalls of the North East."‘ "'?"?"_

'l"it- it rii; ~ I-l tin" rrile. :i< pi‘i-<<‘ribt'd by - - -.have seized and t.it<i-ii itilu execution, l)llU Appies liy the l)lI>lICl; also l \\:i;1;:(iii, 2 .


-i -




. .

Pills“ “ camraci °r‘m°u‘. , . . .

- I 0 ' 'houlc and lot ul' ground, liiiowil as Ctiivanlawn School House, arid Lot. I licrcbv git I.‘

notice that I will 1-xpo.~.c the saiiie at pulilii

of Bciijnniiii (7. tfowziii, in L'u\vaiitiii\'ii, on S.-i

tho l)i~t~im~ imtuiic ll 4- payiiit-iit of onc-('nrts. l’loiig_lis, llarrmis, and all kinds of


1, ||,,,_, ‘,1-,i,,p,,.,.i 5,. .,,,,,,,.,.,n ,.nS1,,,,, 1|“.

_lF;irjniiti;_'Ut(‘nSil§_i~Bac0nam.‘"?rings. $"T’\XT};|),ii rirspcctiililc .\!.iii and \\'o- i:\l\'rl;nil'EEiliili?rliiliiF~:l’ll.‘(l,oili:tiny of ~""‘. -"-l1'l ll?" l'illi1"""‘l" i“'(‘|\'¢

nlc,to tlic liiglit-at bidder tor ca<l|,al the aliircHouschom am] l\nchf\nFurmmmfBus’ "'“"_“'¢ °“" ‘*'_‘'1 ran" l"'"fli ll" '-'“"‘|' ollit-rlilaclt.' The liiriiirr in lriiili

opp: r..iicn ..‘mtitlll 5 ll f‘I'f"‘il(‘ '. with interest rlolll tilt’ Wllllln lilo small Sll??c °r70 rods‘ and as

.and ltlntiy Ollllff tll'tlClCS 100 li¢t.llUl.lB[U lbrllin liouiic. A iiiarriul couple iritliout cliil- ,,,,,.1,,g c;,1|*_u,,,| ii,‘ 1 ,,1,,,,,u1_,_L. , ,r, 01,1


_ __ 1 ,

.- '~; 3». - 1; i -,1. 1 C - 1 1 -' llicslrcaniislilarpeoncthcpowcrisvrryturd: March 9th, 1b'IlU lictwcit:

hour f ||lSC|'t. ‘hm “'°“M be l"'c("”“l~ L“'l“"° M ill" °f' The owner in rcqiir.-ti»il tn ('ll| i: lbrivard, U Ur.SH‘ M .10so med )y mm] .““hy. cii

tla o

10 A. M. and 9 o'clock, P. M. --

JOHN Ultr\ll.-\l\l,Coml.;ilile.Fab lG—ls

Vclidue.’I WILL be sold on MONDAY the 4th

day of .\lareli next, in Port.Dcpo-ail, at the house lately occupied by thin-nah ll. Quarll, deceased, all tlie persona

II. , . .1 t or an manulhcliiriii

Still.‘ ltl COll1ll'tChC0 On said day ill I0 ?";Icb9_s“_ prove propcrtl‘, pay clrirgi-.< and lulu: thcin ;:€"mel“|E?a::Jll:;_ si?m?onyisnms1mh.;,m;;:_Olcluck.A. M., ivlicri attendance will be

. . _. ___ . _ ._ -

"“"‘-Y"s_ “OLu\.b.S\,_.U,,,,,"_ mt, puylmm ‘dlilc “.,“:lc“Hm, ,;urchas(,;_ie(,u§' Ming only 3 mile; distant lrnni the

give“ by we subscriber‘ Terms Cash‘Jan 1U--tw

‘ i

inoiicy (aiiil not tieforc) the tiiidci"si"i'it‘d "1"'lé!11l'l°“'“l°"§ °m‘° (5l"'5"\l"“‘k“M me' ISAIAH J. S'l‘r\ltlt. .

P _ ‘V _ _, _

-1“. -4- -~ ------ --~~--- “S ,,.u;“_(,‘Wm hy géodand sumziom,,-i]1ugeQf1\'m1|| Eagngnd two miles from

Near ('oiv:into\\'ii, Feb It}-_2iv T:::;l§‘:1;:;'}y5“:“"'l'1*'"l""L'5l*°'¢- 1*"

For ,1,i,_.,1'1,, |,¢-,.,w¢-1,1,-,1,,,,,1 ackno“-1e,1g0,1the mil road connecting Philailclpliia,)'

' ' ""“""" “ l-ll lZ\l3E'l‘ll WING VI‘!-1,E S“ \

ticcording In lap’, convey to the piircli:i- “'ll"ll"¥l°" “ml "“mm°r°' mld in a

lublic Sate. ,_.__b9 _,w

' ‘

H. ,.‘_,.~_ TIL l.l’t‘liil‘l"‘0iTt‘l‘€i:0rf(‘nlftlIcl.Irgc-— JIICL oiiit

Md mm_L_nu_“, L“.hR\. HOUSE “_|“_rL_ scr or ptirtrliriscrs, and his. her or their "‘3l€l‘ll°"i'°°d “‘h‘-‘re |“h°" is ]°w‘

_. -|_ 1 ,1 L ._ 1,-,


5,. llt‘il‘S the properly to him her or the‘N accordziricc with an order oflhe Or- i'° "°" "“"°'- “

-'° "“" "'9' °l’.l"“‘_‘_ ‘




m The terms by the Decree are } cash,.» - -

.Id free clear and discharged ?oni all "ml i "ll 6' I2 3"‘! is "mmhs cram’p1-Qpm-ty of 5,11,] ,1“-o;,s(.,1 Cunslsung of I _ _ ‘

_ ‘I E _llarrc dc Grace, nil the rornrr of thePliiladil QriI , -

'__ l f U d r 5; IE on mea large and cxtciisire iissorliiicntof .i-‘musmm,0rLm|lc0-unly'i It S“ )

‘HE 1' -' 9"" 9"?‘ '°"“l' “ml P" "'° p°" D‘|’°"‘ '°“d' “l‘"'" "r ll " ll‘ l *1 r '3 l" Mm ‘macs! mm lo ?y D .

Houscliold l~‘urniturc. sutTiciciit to zicconi-module a large public Hotel. ivliicli theS?l(1,d0CtL‘ilS(‘L.lhad kc it, to wit ll) leitlicr

. 1 :- :

Beds, Bcdstcads and lleililing, ti niiinhcr-of walnut unit iiialingatiy Dining Tables,rt large nuinbcr of other Tabla-s suitablefor private and tll't‘>Slll_t!ruuins, one (‘llt‘Sl

Of Drawers and three Bureaus, ii greatnumber of Looking (Jlasst-s, large and

‘oinall, some elegant and large, severalsets of Brass i\lidir0ns,Shni't liilllil Tongs,some of tliein lar;.'<- and elegant, lr-in do.n great nuiiibcr of t‘li:iirs, ditll-rent quali-lies, a large qiiantity of lloor and stair

g»Carpeting, (fool-ting Stoves, ten plateStoves and Coal Stoves, one Clock, one

.B¢lr’l'lmc Piece, :1 complete set of liar

Furniture. with 35 bottles of Wiiic,_(Champaign):i substantial :issot1nit~nt of

-_KilcheiiFuriiiturc, with a great varietyof other articles not nientinned; two

Stages wliicli have been occupied forpublic lraiisportatlon of passeiigcrs, butline still strong and substtiiitliil, lbur setsof Stage Harness complete. one Horse701' ti yearn old. well broke to saddle nntll’llll'l‘lt‘R',pond size, and lianlsome, andtwo Milrh Cows.

Sale to commence at ll o'clock A, M,on said day, when terms til sale will bemade known hy

SAMUEL GAY, Ad:ii‘tor.Feb I6--ts ‘

N '


Tll??umrikrliiiiijiiatimporteda gt-nrr.-ilauortiiiciil of Ilardwarr, which ii-ill be

polil at nllllildtlylliilprim-i-, wlinlculc or rclail.‘ho hiia on hand Aiiicriciin Uooilii, iiuit;bl¢

for earrciitrrii, cabinet in.ikt-n, pilllll?fl and

~i.~.:=:.~'~- "1 11' ll Wood‘ M'll '

Col B4113’:-irzlain acuou‘.

'l ' ‘M cm“

'El)\VAlIl) GRUBB,



lc ..Unl u\||l'ln 5 Or 0 Ell Alli‘sciihcr iiill olftr at Public Sale, at the ']_ _

"m °rS'i!"°d “"“h"sl° °‘“pl"Y ‘1 Pimeiiiiiiii mllliogiveiiiiii lilC25|ll of Mnreli. "K, ,_.m,se“.|m.Ll,n"L,said Decrm. was Cl't¢dllp;1)'lllt‘hl§,§£‘CUl'C(]by bond ornotes,

house lifllobert Cuther, in the u i ‘l ciiil smglc "W" wll0ll|1'l!‘l‘illlIlll§ the (‘or 1-‘U, wt... 1 in the l||l_)i4|,fibQ1'.


__ ‘ _

_ . . ,-

- ii1i1iy . -V .

V‘ 1 ‘_ ' _

Wm, 5..-curity to be appr0\'Cll by theofthc villiiac of Port Dcimit. ‘P1153 LOT “mg and Spmmng busmvssione who can

J ‘l0 3

lush!” OWEAR o'rhiJ):l‘;’(t;li'liii‘citri§Tl’"5l°'-‘- ‘

Uh‘ GllUl.7.'\'l) owned by Jetfcrsoli \Viii. ?':"“‘°::":'l'~;§:‘[ll'"“‘r[?°*€‘Z"$"‘*i"lY"mt “iw _ W~


Wliilc, tlceeascd,situale in the upper end l‘ fl‘ m .5 “ ‘i “ll "l °'"i‘ "Y'"""_ -. Q

,_ _of Silltl villzigc, Frtintilig mi tlic niaiii ‘ll mleml “""-'4_"*'rml" “"3 “'51 ur ~’\l""l \Jun m_,s

F A ELus'Trus‘cestreet and river GUfeet, and running back "exit by aillli?ngm


HE Ul’\dC|'!izIlCd,cOlllllllllIi0YICPl appoint-200 feet, rind near the llat rock ware- “'“~ I3/lcc?usi Ted tiy (‘coil Count Court lo value and di-

I1|U"5(,_ T1": 1",“,-on.mem5 are n sub, near (,'llt‘Si0t‘t0\\'ll. vidc_tlicReal EslaleoffiilinMailitt,dcc'd.lati:of e.,

)Smmi,“ slum, D“.,,m",, Hous? l7t"i) 9--lw Cecil county, accoriliiigto the


.‘.- *___ ‘Wu sm,.ies‘suhj(_cl wgground " ii“ ._'E‘ “Z" tlctiiof Aaiiciiibly in aucli ciiao made and pro-


JOHN PARTRIDGE.Dec 22--ts Trustee.


I<or Rent,THE lliiusc and Lot occupied by

William Jones. and the Conch-maker‘:

""lCd~d° h°"*"'.l' KIN: iiotlcelt?ail wliorn it ' HE '“b'c'lb°' "5-"I rm’ "I" l F"m i" Shop océuphdby David Alexander‘

' ’ l:ll'tCc0cli:§v:r::i—T]cel:tipi£brli:l(:Y:;dug thiilikitzlki 'unnecessary, ll PQYIOM "hm"! 9° P“"h"'

Sllugli Brown,or


.Noi'thE.-int‘ :I‘li:ilri:iB on: will view tor 'thoni1ielvn. The proper! will

-.8 -t'


-fr‘. -yr“ . ,'.<





John Coniird and otliemund now ln the FY15?-if_ NOBLE P5 ?[N(}']‘()NI P 714

» * W —'—-——

.- "

- outOtxtllpllll?y of Ml'l..|l1llB Logan, COnll!ln- Wnnrca a HARDING iii co, on» WILLIAM IIJNKEAD, iwlw-w ‘nP°"°;'vhsetzy-_r=-~~'."-mIrlg 16 ncrel, more or 19". gm] | hereby

8’ Pcan and (.I:cmmiuiogwL‘l}:.-r::dwt6,dNo.101119, 1339. ~ Comlniaoiooera. wnolullmeetat neelih I M" ll

give ll0tlt‘t",llli1ll will expoacttig gal-new i PI" '!'°¢*v “"¢"_



'|,,.,,,,,,d 1,, um bui.

public sale, at the public inn of William ::"°':"3;‘l,:‘;";:§°‘,0G,;":‘r°,:Em '?‘l?°“,"Pi'l;C8116 ?u‘;-;l:tit¢li'::"::5.?oppiiiud.L-‘d“'n' in Clmrlcsmwnv on s‘mrd“Y til: Cecil‘c.ountymoat rcapocl?ilfylulicitl. cantil-{Kit (lay Oi. March n?xt, between tilt? lanes of tJio'umc,mdrrledpllilmnlvc tohour: of 12-and 3 o'clock, to the hlghect \IIf?"¢\'{°l"\5°'\ "J" it“

.c on concur: on 1 a-advbidder for cash. to satisfy uld judgments.

mm Zr“robinum!“um"mi°‘=q‘m\VH. MCCULLOUGH, Bh?inu on 1,,‘ km“ -

mi to-oi so ':- ;-.,,§'I.‘,}I _

~~ =-1




.‘%?r"?‘*€f_-.-L "

' O ,1..

q , I ll?l yM

I V _

C, I;

S IG‘ _ P .

_bealiowrnandtcrrrllmade known, by thelulr

BY virtue of two writs of lieri iiltfill?, ii.§.§i‘i'lIllllal: I9l\;in(‘7lt§n0tl‘?i,|Ylg:;‘10l€‘lJ'iiCh‘ii'iii_"1:,°',;:i,::E,l:,":§_lCl’ll\Cl’|llVll'l‘0lIit. '

issued by George Benjamin, ll-i"='» "'i- B- Mwlinz "met -Mi" R=W-vlaii uir lieuBiutii iir willilmc0Wln,lll6 of

In ,2 4'


“gains; me nods am] chum ~ands 3 d liiigii, es_i1. Bolicniia. Manor‘ and Wni. Peirce, ‘d 1 ,d d, di lii the prnvii


tenements 0%William L0gl1ll‘?‘0i'Til0lTlli‘S)ml‘ C""'“°'f''

ah‘ 7_2" f>‘;tia{:°‘=:c‘E:,;.:‘;‘;‘l‘cc';ri"L|'il'°h‘:".§,m°;?‘°and William Logan. Sen. at suit ol't‘aleb [)0]-n?ius 1|l9L¢an

‘" l"°'l ' ° ‘"7 7"" ‘M '


Reynolds and Rcbecca Gillespie l have ' °""°d‘"'“ " 'h'u mu‘ n cowmwm on

?g’-1;‘rent of ten dollars per annuin.-L 8

my c,,,,¢,,,,_ ,1,“ ,,.,, ,|,,|| ,,,,,,1,,,, ,1", R1,; __l‘C¢i:ilcounty, Mil. near I-Zlkton. adjain- The House and Lot occupied by Slim-~ ‘_

‘ Tilt! t'0ll(.lili0liS Or sale, as 1lr('- Til? Subacriber liaring ll-en prevciitcd, by ltciil Estate, lying iii llic village til‘ North l-Int, "ll him’ °r G'°°“l'“'Y ?'f""~'n ""1 Nlclmla uel Sturgls.scribed by said order. 3|-e_ onc_1m1|' in cngagciiieiita lii n1|llllItl‘ll't‘,'|‘l’0|lIcollectingon 'l"liurullythe 98th day of Mlftiil "Ulfll M"'|:2.'n,;i,’::h;':'d‘E:n::.':'n§cEl40three m0mhs' mm me residue in six :CC6l.lfli-Idue ‘totile late calabliiilitili-litof the 10 o clock, A. M., to proceed in lill! l7l1l}lCIIfor °Y_ nod _°n or woad"{dI“u:o'_‘I’;Dwemng House and Garden. M E11‘Land,

, , Ellttaii Courier. licreby given notice that he WlllCil we are appointed. “uh I I Wm * v‘llllllliilti,with interest from the duy of sale. i,,,c,,,|, ‘inning can during "W prawn, mom“. Thonu“ S_ Thoma, a very healthy neigliborhnod,anilcoiivaiileiitto i?8-0The day of sale will be llloriilay 11,9 rm um purpow or cloning um bmin". of “id Gnalbu Purntu’

' niarlicta, iu the rznl road p-lipcl iyithinone hun-' POSS8S8lnll t0 he lltld On the ..5til Oflltll day Ofhl?ftlll DEM, lit 2 O'clock, P. Conci-rn—-iiliil liopciithat all indebted will be

John Faayd‘ dud ylnh 0.‘ ‘he i.‘°m°‘‘finch " -

"Nd“orgM‘ D

ii pmmcd to “me when “Med

omJethro Jahmon - rii‘iiil'illi'ng'awliilh‘cr:‘iihe:efiiliiil'


<1 F- °L°"°- ' °



' Dec 29—tf. .

S ~ n-lllllll0l'c, Fri» 1839. N?lhu? Lddtldfltl, -iii-rii of --M i>--mil, thmuli 1h¢_I-m--M1'9‘) 10"“ Adm ‘Or D‘ B" N“',"l:hc following gentlemen are authoriud Jan 26—tm Comminioncra.

The upper wharf Warehouse, frame

March. For terms apply to


Sheriffs Sale.BY virtue ofa writ of vrndltlnnieir-

ponas. issued out pl‘Ceril CountyCourt,and to me directed, 1 will exposeto Public Sale on SATURDAY the l6th

day of' February next, at the front door

ofthe Court House in Elktnn, betweenthe hours of l2 and 2 o‘clock.all the

rlght,tlt|c, lnterut and clalm, both at law, ,

. . ,




- Armiiim 41' LAW \vtdIlCld?ythe 90th in, iii Marchnut. ii_u "F \=M"-_'wd- °°""'""'°'"" '


up liil reaidcncc illAnna- °.c|°°k‘ M’ to pirwdinn“ bum". fur "huh and kl 'qu“y' or AkxmsuNe‘hm' in’ng ,

I ll 0|‘ tlll C ti m 0 - 1' ' ~]| - ~ weltmlppointz .'

‘u _,, ,, d to 111]“; {rug 11 . [rjd “mggans,ln,aiidtoil tract of land lying and |,,,,,|:|?,,: u:':il;:i‘:,1hi,,p:|::‘i§F:.g‘:,,,u L5" TYSON mm or bud and H°Pe"n' Hop-cu an H pl ’

Baijauiin If Mnckall.I John 8. Mg?l.

in 1

-Niclotu '


Juqh Lorllt.Feb B,_l8$)—lni Canninioun

. _____Neck, on tho 4th day of hsrchnut, at 10

ll" Graenbury Pin-ildl,‘

_ _ _ iPl Y lg rt WILLIAM 1-;_ '(;|[,|I|N Rupncy:d;" and fsmall Hope," clttuted ill bf 1‘.Itll'l‘¢lOf land,called Rockland Hill,ll.

being ln Cecil county, adyolning lands of of Chanceryand uiii Court at‘ Appeals. FRANCIS Akwm-I-AKf,m' l:"l§l¢0}i;.¢:;llIl§:£tuate. lying and being ln Cecil countyaforesaid, which In conveyed to themid John A. Neobitt by adeed from JohnNeabltt and others, containing 85} acres

ot'land,moreorlan. Seized andtalten

lnto eiecntion. Ind will be lold br cullto ntlfy n llldgmt?tin lutirof?ellodlis

Dartlnt?wagalnalln raid A. tlutiltt tnOidl colttltyoourl. '


WI. MoCULI;0UGB, Sli? ‘

Jan 26-lid! (ll 25)i

- F ,.

.n ~

_ 4

-.~.-nt_..' .~

Page 12: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition

’"'— -"

,. t -- _. .§~»

' -R v ..

‘. r


_ ;_l;$}»g="?_"'».. kt“ . v‘

' ‘ax ~ ».‘ ..' n

. 3 a_\_'-"

TE]! DIS 0l-‘ TIIE

Cecil Gazette.‘l‘tvo l1or.r.ins per anunrn, ifpnld ln rnlranec,

or 'l‘uu lhi|.|.\it.s nml I-"rrrr (‘awn wit_hin tin-

year, aml il |mynu~nt be deferred to the end utth-: year, 'l‘nr:n; ll-\I,t.\It5 ttill be tl¢~maudr-d.

No ItlllIt"l'i|rliur| \\'Ill be rt-rr-ivetl for hut: thanail rnoutlis, and no |\.||N‘l' di>contimn-d until alllarrearagen arc paid, t|nlr‘!! at the diaert-tron ofthe editor.

¢\n\'r.artart\it-.\'1-inf one rnpiare inserted three

time: for n..e rlnll-r, and fur t-:n*h ~4ttlr.1t‘I|u4‘lllin~"rrti0n itwitty-?t'e ct~nt~; longer mu-it in pro-portion. .'\tl\'t'Ilir~i|Ig cu~tmn- ra will pl:-a~<~toin:."k on the Ill-lr\llll'l’l|Il, Inns many inat-rtiona

are rt-qnired. ll" no anch -lirr-~-lion I-4 ;;ivt-n,tIu-advcrliacmt-nt \\lll lvr eozitinnt-d until forbid,and charged accordingly.

All communications to the Editor ninsi be

poi! paid.

An Iligltly I|n|r0rt:int Cau-tion to the Public.

"Cue: nr litiil»r.r"—ll¢-u-are qfjalling.DUTOR l‘I\'.'\.\'F, ltll) (liatliani st., taltt-aDihc present opportunity of t<'ndt'rlrtg hia

moat nnlt-tuned ackitowlctlgeriirirta to the nu~

mernua p.rtn~nis (atlhvird with the varinunfnrma nl'di.~t:.i.~t~ lIIt'ltltIlI\ to humanity) whohave cmmnittrrl llI(‘lII9t‘l\'\'l\ tn hia care, and hehaw the rt.tti~lZiciinn nt' knowing l'rnm many lit-.

in; ctidv~nci~-,tlial his rc|nt~dit.< have removed

or relievtd of their reipcctive inularlic.-, an far|l!llt‘|t within the cornpara ofhunian nit~.ma.-

lluw dir-trt-~-ing tn the alllicted is l)\'Sl'lIl‘-Sl.\ Olt l.\dl|til§.\"l'ltlX.' poly-oniu;_' ail the

,inirt-ea of hit ci|_p\_vmrr|l, and h-arling Ill nntnylll\l.illtC to the ll\i!t‘l’it'a nt' cnnliriut-d hypo-condrixciaui. Long an it ltutr been made the

auluret ni in-piiry liy ilrctlicalittilll?ra it rt-rnziimt||i\rrl\t'tl in much nliwurity. .l.iumlicr~, lli.

arrhtra, t'|mh-ra and (‘holn-, aim pt-form zi con.

Ipleutnia p.rrt in lhcdr-ima nfmnrbitl nilicvlirrlil.llr. l‘:\'¢llI\‘ luv; bttn ~iugul.|rly aricecsrliil iuthetrcutnnnt of the .thu\c complaints, hy runicdicadrawn lrom the rcnmrelrrt. ot'the moat c|nint~ut

pI|y»iei.ina in Europe. lle ll?ll alao had va-texperience and aucve-a throughout the whnle

family nl' dt licute tli\t'.'|at‘i\, all of which are forthe moat part aggr.ivtttt~d hy, and ronitvl in theCI\?.\tlltlll0l\ liy the t7tl.\'$l'lRi\(.'ll‘1$ OF.\ll£ltCUltl.\l. \lUlll)llltlJll.\', L'.\'l’lllNt2|.

l'l.El), l'.‘v'l:Zl)L't‘.\'l‘l-ll) and U.\'l‘llr\tT'l'l-(‘till in any art Ii.t\‘C that of attempting tn leadthe ereduloun on to ruin. Dr. l*lvaint‘ otliee in

supplied with the choicest retncdica from tor-

eign in.irkt't:t, and cotnpnunut-tl on thc tnnstacirnlitic prinriplerl. i\ phyaician in alway\inait¢nd.1nce.and all lllllati who cmnc there in thehour of need will go oil‘ rejoicing.

DR. ll/. EVANS’ SOOTlll.\'Ci SYRUP.I'br C/tildrm ’l'rt-tiring.

l’rt‘part-d hy liirnself.

TO .\lt)'l‘llliltS .-\.\'l) .’\'L'l(Sl-ZS.—Thc pas-aagr of the teeth through the gums prodrnw-4trouble-omc and darigcrotin symptonnr. lt laknown by nmihcra that tlu-re is gr:-at irritationin the mouth and 'gun\s during this prncea<.-—-The gums swell, the accretion of saliva is in-creased, the child is l'('lllJll with frequent and

sudden tiia of crying, ttarting in the alcvp, and

apainns nfpceuliar parla; the t'l|iltl rltrivlut with

extreme violence, and throats its ringers intoits month. If these precuranry nyinptnnnt are

nut speedily alleitatcd, spaamodic eonvulainm

universally aupcrvcne, andnoon Chllh? the dis-

sulution nl the infant. ll“ mothers who lntvcthcir little babes atlliclcd with these lllr~lft‘rl>~lll[{lymptnltia, would apply‘ Dr. William l‘J\'aut'a

Celebrated SoothingSyrup, which has prru~rv-ed hundrcda of infant: when thought part reco-

very,t'rom being auddenly attacked with titt-fatal malady, convulricns.


Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, atllictedwith the above distressing malady. Syinptmm:Grcatlauguor,llatnlcncy, disturbed real, ner-

voua headache, ditlicnlty of breathing, tight-rwnt and atricturc acroaa tho breast, dizzint-ta,ncryona irritabilityand rel-ilcrumuui, muld not

lie in a horizunta position without the sensa-

tion ofirnpcnding auilbcatioti, palpitation til"the ht-art, distressing cough, coativcneau, painofthe tttnrnacli, drowniuesn, great debiliiy and

de?ciencyofthc nervousenergy. Mr. lt. Mou-

roe gave up every thought ofrccovery, and dire

despairsat on the countenance of every peraonl|'llCH:ttl2d in his eriatencc or lrappincxa, till byaccidcnt he noticed in

a public paper mine

cures effected by D. \\'rn. l'It'ans' Medicine inhis complaint, which induced hitn to purchanca package of the Pills, which renultcd in emu.

pletclyrernnvirig every symptom of his dircanc.He wiuhea to say his motive for this declarationis, that thoac atllicted with tbe nine or

anyayrnpiumaaimilar _to those from which he lb

happilyrestored. may llltewiae reoclvc the a.-imcineaiiniabh: bene?t.

LIVER COl\'ll‘L:\l.'\"l'. TEN YEAll.$'STAXl)l.\'G.


lllrl. liannah llrosrnc,wifi-of-loaephBrowne,I\orth Sixth at. near St-coml at. Williainabrirglr,aillittcd for the last ten years with Liver Corri-

plaint, restored tn health through the treatrmmtJf llr. ‘ll/in. Evanw. Sv|npiormr:—-llabitualeonst|pat_mnof the lmvela,lnu of appetite, ex.

crucialnig pain of the epigartric rt-gion,grcatdepression of spirits, langnor and other nymp-tomnof extreme debility, diaturiied sleep, inor-

dinate ?ow of the mcnaes, pain in the_rightaide, could not lie on her let! aidt, Witlmut an

llllravation ol'thc pain, urine high colored, with

othersymptom! indicating great defanegmentin the tunetiona of the lit-er.


Mrs. Browne will aitr.-mlrd by three of the?rut phyaicianl, but received but liltlo relieffrom their inedit-me, till .\lr. Browne procuredsome of Dr. William |‘:Vill'l.\' invaluable prcpara.tionr, which e?ictually relieved lief ofthc a-

bovediatrcning aympoims, with 0llll‘l'I, whichIt is not essential to iixtiinatt-.


Cityyand Countyof New Yorlt, as.

oacph llrownc, of Willi-tmaburg,Long lal.

and, being duly srorn,did dcpme and ray thatthe faeia as act forth in the within rtatemcnt,

to which he has subscribed hia narnr, are justand irov. JOSEPH BROW.‘€B,

llurhand nfthe said llannah Browne.?vrorn belhre me, this tth day oflan. 1837.


PETER PlNCK.N'BY,(‘om.ofl'\eed|.tD'The above Medicine is for anle bythe subscriber.


Elkton. Dee. 22-iy

$15 Reward.s'rntYt=:o.rmaiii. prornisel of the wt.

rcrilierort otabout the llt day of Novem-

P" l-Ifllkilll:l0:cU0l“'h8,twuof vvlutihvrcra giv-ing mi ' ' ho, ,4,rrwl¢y._th=.a..i"Liq.°l'i'.i.5'.'r....‘.14$11alignedink?’‘thepoaatpgtheime?aek,a Iv t ace an " 9|.lara will given for .tl:sv§tornoflsaidneayaor information to the aubncnher. or Janaph lta»Iran of 'ElHAn, or ?ve dollars for either of them.

if pi»



N application of hathan Ward of Cecil

iruvtd so to appear and amttver an ll0l’t‘1a|t‘l I

Jan 5—3m S6

Lourt oi -‘ y. ‘ t-Z_ _

in actual continc|ut~ut ‘tor debt whn~lr he ni una

Xicliolson having cult-red into bondin a penalty '5"

,,,,d “pp ,¢cu,»;|7 t,;; _‘ll' lr\’tr~t'tllPt'tlanrtapprm. (jed no to appear .n..1 ....»u-r:r as al'orc-mid,l doherchy urdcr and 'lll\\l that the rttlltl \\ lll>_4\|-

cholnm be tll:4\"llLll';{t!tlfrom periumal contine-mcnt, and that he give notlvc oftlua his appli-cation and of the rl iy to by iuc appointed tor his

tinal hearing in (Neil County(Twill. 1" lllr CIT"

ditnrn, by mlvr-iti.-t-inuit llt atnm: |.tt'\\'ap-i|r\‘l'printed llt (‘cell t‘ounty, lK'lIlft' the aunt firaimi.

turday next llllt'\’ the tn:-t .\lu||ilayi|iApril |n:\i.‘tiivt-n umlt-r my hand and ttcal this l?tlt day ul

Jan s-_-till‘ts

R?tnted the aald insolvent a release from

imprisonment. and appointed the ?rst Sa-turda after the ?rst Monda ot'»A l

Illnrylirrtd, Cecil County, In rrrl;i_______

\ -v




u~|>.tn rrl

1.4) 'I'IlS of crrry rnriily, Cuuinrercr,Criir?nrla‘, N/iliriels. l’|'Iol (‘lot/ur, (I gt‘-

nerrrl nxm|'liiitmI nf Silks, Englirlr and

l"rcitrli i\Iri'r';;rm'v, S/Irirrla, Culiconv,lliro!/rrr um! Collon F.trnnrl.I, limiter-

In-us. Ni/I: Vrlrr-I: uml lhlirigs, gen-tIcm4»n'.r In-:1 French Buck Glntfex, fur

[rip and lined Gluru, Iloal-r, Shoes,llnlv and Crrpr.


the public generally, that he ll nntv prep-ircd

covcry, from cumulniona. An soon an the Sy-rup is rubbed on the gums, tho child will re.

cover. Thin prc oration in ao innocent, no etli‘

cacinuc, and so pleasant,that no child will rc-

fnae to lct its gurna be rubbed with ii. Whenirifantsore at the ago of four months, thoughthcrc is no appearance of teeth, one bottle ofthe

Syrup ahouhl be ttacd on the gurus, to open the

porea. l'arents should never be Without tho

Syrup in thc nuracry where thereare young

children; for if a child waltea in the night with

pain in the gumw, the Syrup iiuntcdiatuly give:cue by opening the porea and healing the

gurnr, thereby prcttnting Convuliionu, l"c-vcrr,kc.

" ll" ' ''

. ~.. "'

l B,. .

.. 'blitu-ilCllIil.lilt‘|lll‘lI‘ly.tllllIt)have cxtt-nded tn him_

' “_ll-l-lI\-llTilnnl-ll l . -lf-____._ iiiona, and.

iuywife and tunnly supposed that

the bcneiit ot the at-vt-ral in>olvvnt lawn ul .\la- l‘-ll¢l°Il, 3'" ll death would soon release the babe from angunih,L ,|- ,_| 1| “cu-|||p tn mi: by competent tea. eke-i»

:lyll;t?l’l§lu'l,llZtliilic maid pilitinuer l|.ir4 Icattletl\-I,“- ‘VD C”L,_“, V "E Su|,__uib? “wing “km um ,,),,,,., as auon la applied‘to the gurus,a vvondcrful

"man "W slam 0'.‘M"'y|“'d.“"r the “hi moA I I - I Pllouxt-,recently occupied by .\lr. \\'illia|n '~',l'“"l~"3w“_l"°d_"°‘dvand "ll" 5 rfilv“llllllcr

ycara nut before Ina appl|r.ttmu. l tt|It~\l_I'-tt"l ‘ l I hinltvad, respt-ctliilly inliwr‘ his friends and‘ l"’“’f ll“: cllllqdliplaytd alum“, “:.hc.r'“ml bylcldward Scanlin tru~|cu

|nr\_uplbt-neht.lntlthc a ( S. "lo lmmic‘ um, "0,m,,L, ?lm]! be‘ ,,.,“,u,,g an hi! C;ll\\l{ll1|:;\;~'tn Ill URI:lantglad to ‘illlulsnyou,

°""l‘l°" "ll ll“ -“ll” Wm‘ ‘ 3': “' ““"' W '" l“ tart toutakc it rt crvmtnrtahle resort for persons " '° C “ ‘“ c"'“l’ " C .l' '°c°"§'m ‘ml. "u Kc’

mlwwd ‘Mn hm“! .“m' “i'iu"w hy "lo l'""sc"b'. 0j,.~0“r".‘“ureU1” ."l the (‘hm’),Slam. ivhn|t\1l}' favor hint with their Pzilrona c. cnncllcc "r lh“ ‘wall c‘“"l'la“"‘h.a‘““"ccoc'

ed and t||ipru\'td, tint;the lalllltlulp--riturmaneeot rninn-rliulvlynpporlc I/ie Par! tl?irr, -|-M "U, 5, ,,,,w,|i,,d Wm, me b,_._,,li_;,.|,,o,,_cprlrgd;the l(:t‘llIF:l’tiptnalppunidaily and theI‘ dt ~l'ant tn: can trustee raving certi-

_ _ , _ __ ,- -


~ . . be 1- ~ y d -‘H cu enyiys per ~c ica t. give you my151-T-“~»'-H»-"1"--'\"W in,t‘-J";--;~*;~"1 .-';yr '[‘,',',§;;'};r";;'1:§,g1;',3§,g,i*§,;;;§1;;";[;-1Zl‘.‘.i'llTT.‘.,f.?.I.'.I..‘.‘.l".».1'22.1%..‘

.»....r.p;......&..-.1§~mt. sh“ =@u<=;~=dt-property in the laid at: tc tl e an ‘la! ul re >ts_


I ‘

~ ‘aw, :,“c,,,inn ‘pan be Paid U, hi, gum,“ trtcntpu t_tc,pr\ tti g :i y give any in O?llih

i:unt.rincd, hate ordered and uppnmtcdthe firtt ‘"""“"‘“l ‘md be“ "lu“l"d sunk oraml nndhiugwill be left undone to rnaltc thd ‘"7" °“u"‘ °"‘3“""l'“"“"

_ ,

Saturday nest ?llff‘ the _tir.~t.\lunday in April la‘ G Q Fous-|-‘HS nus‘ cquallo any5,, um mum, WM. .lOll.\S0.\.

next lur the said \\ m. t\llCll?lNIlltpappear (I SD, on U", P‘_,,3,,__uh‘

\ U I d ‘_ l r Dr ‘V1010 tilt -l\"lEt'»‘ “ll (lcl (_“‘"'W ‘°‘U"- "1 ll"

. 'l'he Snni.t\u tI\l-'tClICtl-to the llotcl in c:ipa-‘ 55°“ °"'°_" ll '0 ml‘ c H“ .0



("null lwll?v ill Elhl"". l° “"'~“'" ""3" “ll*'K"' M ll“;Nu y'.'i.nm'"d m lb‘: p"m'_c‘.‘m'.'Mm‘r~imn~;—itttcnti\e lloatlcra

are employed. and l""‘“"" *f’°“""t<5l‘“§P"1 mlwlllvll“""5

rpm, and i|rtr<|-i-n;r.|tr>ric.~aain-iythen l>eprnp<is-"l""'l~"lll' *'{ltt'_llthe attention ol lpy lrp-rnl.<we but pm,.(_"dc, u|,u,,d“,,|y ,,,pp|icd'of a teyt-tlnu_gClllltl) winh1:a_nato tau: that he

‘id ,,, |,;,,, by |,,_. ¢,,,1;r,,,.; nlidthc aaid \\1“,

amt the pu_blu.tli general to theta. lhe blockH ix Umuuh, “"m_u_m"_y ,0 my ma,e__,hc {guildll, entm-layctfecluttgilllufvllvhltkP112‘:' ‘ '

»_ _ , ,.

- 1 ._

1: gnma an preven ic con_scquc‘

public art retpiutttd to tall and Judge for t tun

which wupmme MID“? ‘V0 chc?mny um“-l ca.



.at v

GEORGE ‘“cCL.LLOUG“_ ply with hia rcqucat.—[N.York bun.

\\'e believe it ia generally acltnowlcdgcd bythou: who have tried it, that thu Soothing S '-

Ch ldren Cuttln fcttli adtcrintedNI. '"P"" i.

.=' .-1' l"0 another column, ni a highlyuselul ai;tich:lforthe

. .,

- urpose for which it is intended. {ugh y res.

Tlln s“h‘“'b" lmlmg "limped3‘-theiiccttthleperaoint,at any rate, who have made

mum lull]-Vmm“li"“'“ M me ml Xmil;urc of it, do not liesitutc to give its virtuea thebeg! lcave to iuforin llll furiner curtoinera an

"noun" or their name-__“,unun .l.“vc“"_

Au ru t 1535. ' All of which l will at-llat the lnvveat prices. to execute all orders in the Tailoring line in a_ I . .



-r t

EDWARD w"‘so‘\"

,,, B AM. d ";'(’_“"\!*"fl)-‘Isl: -“=1,-arr,-vi'":"P=‘!_"‘lby ="-Y i""'°‘°‘"'i‘"" tvliiiisaidgiiiziz(c'imi'i.Aix'i',curctl byrue co . cu .

. . . Ill < u trtlll ry rot ucc a 'crt at tic a inr cs no icc._

_. - - S00] 5. |-D


pyJAMES SE\\'Al-lt,('llt- in c.vchan c for Good a d tl l heat rir: ll -' ~' *~d tle latest faalnona he aalts

U“ llihlhmcAmerican “mg .3.mp° r

3 ‘t ll “i “I P C’“mg

real“ '\V l-.t-any llra. l\lcPltcraon,rcsiuing at No.

Chairs,Y Y wt


next for his personal appearance before ANUFACTURED ‘"3 “Till? ll!(‘ecll County Court. to answer such alla D5

8' P.lTgn0uA'“(MCB-

gatlona or lnterrogatortes a.stnaybcpro- . 8-— git n g neatly accented‘,.",Vlnl|’lll is-iiwicm'm"““"'

pwgr?edto hlmbr bk wdlwn» ‘[M;:I;°;;°':ft".Wl-~ T!.R\_






. 1

Jan 5—3n\ $6 given. ~ E. L. l". hisliicnilatngiteliiinaeall. llc ft-chi grateful » “,1d."

,' _, “ed |~ .d . i .c “uh:"I ' i“


Elktnn.0ct ‘Z0 —tl' 1 for pa_atfawirtt,and tvotlgld;-.1y;Htl|attprn‘-cwh:::édi'm"’gS.‘:c";'i_‘y'V'E';":n,.“.l?]:,"éhulham.~ .- . .-.. . t‘(‘ .~. . ;';:t.§:'.';r'!::'*;:::';:.i".;.:.':..'=.:":.t;:":;.9.\',-ma-twd»,;»w»»~»-=>.;.. app roa ion n enry -_c\\'ar o e 1

_ _

4 _ . 3 f ~'

w owaa an ermg excrucia -0C(lUlllY,by |It'lili?Il III writing, to me the_ .

“'l"°l' ll” l“‘l’°' “"ll‘l?§? dfididuiiiiglhc proccaa of dentition, beinggrylrmribt-r, (one of the anoci.iti-pnlgcs nl the t . . - I ~| 1| “L, 4 Wm, com.u|,,i0n, 1“

Urpliam-' Court of (‘veil eounty,) at-lling fnrth ‘

' June 30—tf n-im,"_t‘“an ‘Y. "C M~ i

that he isin actual cuufmcn|;_-nttin drhi»i_tvhich 86, -—i-—— could bc,,cu;,,,,d an ",0 ,,w,M,;|,_ A|,,,w1 ii".heir unable tn pay and oi --ring tn drhver up

_ ‘ ' ‘v |- ' b -be‘, ,d- m| on in ippliuunn mu ,|;m,in-1

'"'.“-"M.‘.'-3*.:':“:t:":-."."..';i::":::*:r$;'1‘!.'.f*.§.".?;::'::;.1‘amt;§:’§:‘;,:11::;:'"a:::0Z.2“£.‘°3§Z°?.;l!L‘§.?'i..§“0if.§!...=.h--up,¢=“;t1-=\"i*l*>;°‘;)"'z‘l“‘|‘l'?lll't:.l , |ttTr~oii.t ant n ‘t , ic 7‘):_ _


_ ‘


__ ‘_ _ _

_, U |_ _‘ 1 1- umg_t1¢ wcuin

way entitled, a achedule whcrcnl'_anilhat of his he has _|u>-larrivt-<_lfrom _i\r.\v _Y0|rir,where he (_0tll'l Ol-t.t‘Cll count)’, by petitionIn W l‘rt-"32:?zinc”bg'cr::,:nquiwgnM"n|_A‘ I "Lcreditak. rlehta hcing annexed tnlunaaid petition has arldi_-itto lint lnruu-rSplendid btoclt, a large ]ng_(,f "-5 [L G|'(Icn' gating that he is hum of gmmudc |-M we bcncm up-,,,,)c,| um

“um 6-"M =-"1 n~>'i"r 3"b¢'d"¢"='r"“,t3°'*'""1 ¢l'°"~‘" "'°°“°" °lin at-tua custody and con?nement, under child, ta. mollicrcamc of her at-it accord, and

actual conlitrernmt, im to iavu extent c to-' Q _

._ ._

‘ r I ,- ed pnbnci, ,0 U", ,,bo,.c_ 1-"!hiui tllc bciielit of the several insolvent lawn ol‘ - D IvyG unis!rmildcbi:' ‘t\lh|Lll)]6h‘(:3llialbr(:(lil!l:l:§‘\i|ll,]l’oi.:\]pp|ying5 um ?uumm ?ne,‘

.\lar_vl:md;and it appearing to me by c0mpe- 3 - ml‘ Pl“) {lg ‘lr '9 ll

?edu ‘hue "B ‘?criy coumu,-Ci“ “h.,,,,?nd_

tent tealitnoriyth‘at the raid petitionerhas rc-co

. .

0 G M H k bf wn 0“ _ztssc_mhlyIn such c1150ltlilllcand P70“ r No om" Plug in we Ci,’ bu ‘kc gunning1'0‘. . . w.

tutu! a-run" the an-ta of Itlarylanritqr the ltutt m_c'::rr£p:,£sgyt?iincpillg‘"ts bu?"Clem;fur the relief of ltIS0lVt3l\l_debtors, and ,,|,,_

two car neat before llll u heatio Ia _‘ .' ‘


< - - ly I. PP_

H 9- ii | the scteral sunleruenta thereto on tie

PplplwdlltppyP. rusnnctt?rttrtectr;tlrclben??g§.:')':°nl::,i"c:,:a_;‘=i:i,,?:\i,|;:l::Yd::£fnI?\llXCu5aiulterms mention!-tilin grid pet; zindithesail] @1'l>tP0lt‘ra:n‘1'0 Moriicns.0 ic ere tors 0 te sa_t enry_ ewar '| . . -

: b _ M d - d V. - - ~l " ?r, ] in",hm" "= “Prtcribcd and apprnrcd, for the taithtul pt~rlnrn|- mmndumn vm?n M men N""“_ ml‘ “Mm

the t‘6t']UlSlll‘S (if the Salt ttt. O tiSSt‘lld n um" or rah‘ ‘ m mm‘ ‘mend ‘M, pm_

ante uf_hialaid trust; and |he_saitltruatce h_a-.'. 'd ‘ii wmllénEm“ICING“‘F|un;“__|. u(and satis?ed ll‘iL‘llIItl lI0lltiS l‘t3Sitlt‘Llin

Q gr l H yng mduccd in,,,,,hh|. 35' -

~ P I

“:3fl°',"r"““°""°.";T“'".:,"",r“'.'l'°"“°J"F":lbiiaulileultaalortlticntof .\lorino and Ciri‘:as-the State of .\luryland for the last two ?::;,°u,:a|:;{|y':{,,,_,,,,d,,,,; ,,,?,,,,,_.d ,.,,,,,|,.ll ‘ I l C ll I . \- r


‘ ' ' 'll" P'°l‘F ?ll,‘ '°-"d_‘um’, "_'m. ‘d nan»; Silks;Gro dc Napier; Gm dc Swm: l-u¢~ years, l do hereby order and direct. lll?l tton of the part-l—thercl'orcthe principaln_idt~ard"'M';m“"':,'"c' "Hi,"‘In,-“ii;;"pZ'm€tri?e»: 5w 4”» Euzzlilh and l-‘rcuch Calico"; the said Jamar ll. Green be discharged cation! or cure are to abate the m?l?imatinn,w 9"‘ ' ‘nur ay "ell ' or I ‘c in on ?y “I

hleanhcd and brotvn 4.-t and 5--1 Mualina;domeo- f hl p , d mm he be and and to gotten, soothe, Ind relax ll-W $lll'?l- llApril next, for the said lIt_-nrystewarttn appear

dc Plaid‘ ‘ml Kerwy” I0“? BM“; wane lnd rum S C0_llinernen , tinU1“ is exacted‘ we inrum ii Prucntd [mm

bcrw‘ ll“: 'l"ldgc' or ac.‘ ommly mun‘ “lb”tin ladies‘ Kid Shoes‘ and i:hlldreri'aBoottt-ca ullllear bclllre "'9-lu‘ll!5'5or Cecil calmly w “cm fa"; hl?llull?n?l |

modic. e . . 5*"! O P"

f_°“"‘|"“‘i'§‘°‘:'uk‘l°'.""°':::;':::‘“c,:'l:f;&,¢-;Silk vclvcl; Lawn Lawn; Irish Linena; C0uri,on the ?rst Saturday otthe Iacxtcoulh, twitching of tendons, eroap, canker,inm an Ill ~rmga oryesaa a ie



__. - . , y - d- I - u - r u‘ _

~ -.~ llwv225’15’§"l‘.1{f!.£??£§"£2If.‘t§.?Z%2‘,Zlf'*" '‘"' ;:;:‘.:;*.§:;‘£5.22’.2°::.';"..?‘;.‘:2';‘.“..t.:.::'.::.".'"l'.':*..“a...*;**.:..'.;'::.':"..:....°".r.':.

Stawarthnvmg entered into bond in a penalty_ ‘ . _ H “mi, bah“ lormnd ‘M, p‘,,,|-,5Ind prmnn,



_euand with security byme prcaerlbed and approv; ' ‘ C0\/lft may dlf?til. I0 tJlt8Vl8l' 8tlClt 3 Bgtb ed demmon ‘M ‘M’ nod“ ‘nun. may lb The gf?gaqy 01' those Pi ls IS S0 \l_cd, soto appear an answer as aforesaid, I do

_ _ -_‘

' o (km, and |n|,e|-3-QggtorlesBl may bl! mnoe‘mlion um,‘'h°‘”..‘»


‘hum up known. and ‘heir use so genera], “wk f -1

"““"'9 °“l" ."“l ‘“""" ""‘ "‘° "id """7 Super?ne Ilia Conn; Youngldysoo,old do., against hlm by hla creditors; and that he chum‘ , huh ,,4- gv rurnu me‘; wmn?-m ifcgngidered unnccewa_saw“ b”,d":l"-{pd?lm" Kiwi,‘-Icnn?nvl"\P"i=l ""1 Bl?ll Tw-i $1181"; N" 0r- glvc notice to his creditors by causinga sYRUl’for Children TqtHq.'thaiaeompara-


Nov. 24-lYilifxiksgulQpaphced?gvgnsy:c0.m;o[;n':d"l:,l;leans_andaugsr house,Vlolaut-a;&.c.L'.c.; Hard:copy o?m, order m be |,-‘gel-led tn game blo virtue fol‘wblclt. in ???lilelely _relleving ___ . 4

. . . . . . . ,Cl ;G| ; Ce treaal ll led to tli

?nal éltlztnfint ccil‘c_ouotyenurnm tn: cred». 3:‘¢::;‘§’[Ti':_";:l'¥:;cm::":=:}re°"ryconvenient newspaper published ln Cecilu |g':cl:;)(;"‘?ak. Th: _ ‘vash in g‘ 0 n

'°"' 9' "m"""m m “me

D°“"p‘F"pm“' article usually keptina country store. ¢w"tY- once 3 “Tek for three m°m'h" “med I3 |-catered tbouaamla of children .d ‘n Cu-il county, once a week o‘r. three - , y Sm rd qjfil7

uh ._ _.-

an-~~~~~ rt-is-1»-t-1 ..:§:::"i.::::".:.wa.:."::':.:;."....'""":;r:;%£L‘;".“A“'.l?.i'}i.‘2l“f.EZ¢...‘;,{'3.....'.i.::'""':."::.l:::=.‘:£.."::..s.";2::.........'""' HQTEL’iii‘ ii:;'bfldlm1g?;'§d°'"rww ""1" ti?P“"°l'""'* and ahgw

cause, if any they have.why Iithqtlntavrfhl and II<>rt£l'v"IllI_"'l\'I'7"'-7°" t ‘.*y. - EDWARD \Vl’i'.SON: Th“ p"ll',',°A'5l;.?'1',:'(l;‘ll~f)'1,§';',"yLA;qn_the aald James H. Green should not have '“l"l°“"



"' ’~

, y mgA Hm,= .

TN‘ °°P!: T"':,MmsSEW" L cmElktnn, Oct $17-tr the bene?t ofaaid insolvent laws as pray-

I DtREC'l.'lOl\S. '-

-. t

' ed. Given under my hand this 26th day U, ‘Mu! Wm, .1 °_ofluly ln the year eighteen hundred and lP'P"“‘ ' Pate‘.

?rl. - .


lngglvgnt N0ticg_ “ml” M°°‘”*“°UG“'thlrty-eight. moon ct.o_vt>.

NtiTlC:§E;Tp?rapyhtzlveplt3_tbe tt0l'll6y at Law, True copy‘J 5EwAu_,’ ¢||,_

.can m -

. .soneidndzhtorsof Cizc?obounty.that line R"P°°lf\::Yrr:€ngerapriegnonal.18" 5-3111 33-

sald Hitchcock hath made application to "°"l°§"‘° ' en ‘an map 5°gel?Enoch Cloud. I-sq-. ehleriudim of the 0r- °""Y" H’ my “"7! 5° gm “‘ h" WO0L UARDING. “NW7-

phuas‘ Court of said county, for the bent» d°‘:::‘M Wm mu!‘ “'1'

FAQTURINQ’ ‘Q?t of the insolvent lawa nfthc State of u“ n °n nu. ‘

Maryland. and that the said judgehas MW M‘

lIl\\Ll\l too acre exceeding loose, and no tood




For sale, F a rm e. r S‘




DR. ri-:1‘cns- CELEllRA'l'ED,

comphlnta.1- Because a number of the wondr.-rftil cures

theyhave e?iictcd, can be aubstaiitialctl with.out any undue

rncana beingit-sortr;tl ltr, to pro-cure invalid tertimony.

5. Because their tompoaitiun in ruch that

they are equally applicable to the usual iliacancsol'wlrni,eold, and temperate clintatca.

ti Because two, or threc, are in general lull?cient for a do-e—au that. aa iii the cslc withtho generality of patent mediemctt—thc patientis not compelled to maltc a meal nfthun.

1 Because each individual pill in put up bu-der the itrnm-diate lllpct'iItlt‘Iltlt't|I.C ofthc

pin.|tIlt.'l0f, so that no iniataltc in the compositionor quantity can possibly occur through thecorcleuuesa ofa len lII‘t'l’t‘l\tILlilgt‘ltt

8 Because they purify the fratnc without dc.

hilitating the aystem.9 llecaune notwithstanding their imrncnro

popularity, no ptrson has ever ventured to raiseagaimrt them tho breath of censure, whichwould not have been the can-,it'r:nvy could havediscovered in them a aingle llatv tocavil at.

ltl And lastly, lrccauae they are acknowledge.ed to bean alnioat infalliable remedy for llilinua

lever, I-‘ever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Coin-

plainta, Iattndice, Aathtna. Dropay, Rlieunia.

tfapi, l-Inlargernentof the Spleen, Lownus of

bpirita, Pilcn. ('0lic, Heartburn, Nausea, lliatI:n-iiinn of the Stomach and llowels, l"l.itulcnce,llaliiiull Costivcness, Lon of Appetite, lllutch-

ed or .\'allow Ctnnplcxioii, and in all case» of

Torpor of the lluvvt-ht,where a mild but educ-tite nu-tlieine may bt requisite.

ln ahort,thc general voice o|'the communityhaa decitlrd that lla. l'll'l‘Elt$' Vl-2til2‘|‘i\.lll.lI l’lLl-S in one of tlieliappreat tlitrt‘0\'t'Iit'l

of modern day», and altogether unrivalledat I.

general soother of bodily atllictiona.

Q1-These invaluable Pills are fur salein l?lkton by t". \\'. Parker. ln Port Dc-

posit by A. C. ll. Tait‘. ln Hztvre dcGrace by Dutton and Sullivan. in NewCastle by Wm. ll. Mctlulluugh and Wm.Guthrie, and by all the Principal Druggistsin Baltimore, Philrulciphiri, WashingtonCity, and tlwoughout the United Stutcs.—the Canadas, Texas, Mexico and theWest lndics. '

Nov 2t--ly _


Those who have suffered, and are

weary of sutli*rin;,'from those distressingcomplaints, will tind in l.’E'l‘l£ltS‘ VEG-

E'l‘At3LE PILLS it remedy at oncc cer-

tain and immediate in its e?'ccis.

l.\' DYSPEPSIA they stand unrivalled;

many have been cured in a few weeks af-

ter having suffered under this dreadful

complaint for years._

ln habitual Uostivcncss they :irc_decid-

cdly superior tonny Vegetable Pill ever

' t d' d nd besides this the are

and ll‘Iltlll‘lgmembers ofihc Medical Fa-

culity.For sale by all the Principal Druggislii

in Ilaltiinorc, Pltiladelphiztand Washing-ton City. l\'ov. 24-ly


Peters’ Vegetable

PILLS.DIORE.tlianthree rnillions ofboxes of

these celebrated PILLS have beensold in the United States since January,I835.

. .

lltllltlft-tli and thousands bless the daythey became acquainted with l’E'I‘ERS‘

Vl:)GE'l‘ABLE PILLS, which in conse-

quence of thcifextraordlnary goodness,have attained n popularity unprecedentedin the history of medicine.

When taken accordingto the directions

accompanying them they are highly hen-

c?cial in the prevention and cttrc of Bil-

ious Ferers, and Aguc, Dyspepii?r l-l§"1l'Contplaiiits, Sick llcadachc, Jaundtce,

Asthma. Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlarge-ment of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female

Obstructions. llenrt llurn,l-‘erred Tongue.Nausea, Distcnsion of the Stomach and

llowels, Incipient Diarrhoea. ldiltlllt-‘KW-1'.

llahltual Costivcnesa. Loss of AppclitviBlotched or Snllow Complcxi?nr "ml in

all cases of Torpor ofthe Bows.-ls,_where

it cathartic or an upcricut is needed.

They arc exceedingly inlld ln their oper-atiomproduclng neither nausea, grlplng,‘nor dcbilitv.

situated on the corner of GayCourt Streets, heretofore occupied?ush hasbeen taken by

to make


‘ it‘0(.oun,y'bypetition in _vvriti_n|:,to rnctho. 5 d "Yr v I bl F I


1 C H _ :. uriso

aubqeribcr, oneof the asaoetate judges of the p|lmL:)el;:p,re:rn.T cgumyahpgrypangrrzmyilgglglllandicofIi00k 10 yont ilI'Cl’CI‘I.

O'l'l'“"l' i“°“"' or ("ll wumh ":1"?run-hreview with the lighter miscellanyof a maga- E|kpm- (. ‘withintwémilu om“. town ,


that hen maetaallr;*¥rlt_'iacrrl1‘cm_.tarti troptugmm Mid" ,m|,,,,,,| ,c,,_c," 9H,,,P,,,,,,, mkg" LL personalntercstcdtnthe mosthn- ll-.‘(iI.‘ 7'.tBLE I’l!.I.S, .“""l’l‘ l“ l'“3'““ n "H": '-“H P

work: and short notieenof iitinor literar ro-?r mm A rtunt Of tlll lit lm lcments Of hll!-

~' ' "

lwllvllt "Y "5" "“‘““"" ‘ll '"' 9"’-l’°“y‘mu‘d '


ll I d‘ ‘ ‘ll b tinP» The above Prollerty contains about Po-

p. .

1' ll°"‘."".‘.""Y “‘ “°‘ "5""? ""dl'=5""vpersonal and mixed, to which he ta in any wgy l-\1‘l;|0'rIliIMnyit“|tcc:itnrp;;tyrnid M73‘: ‘

laundry. the Crntrrfugul Ihumnnalor fut‘ bpt the lC|t'||llllC compoundol a regular pl?ai., t J ‘I I t d I‘ t fl n crc_ - - l'°'~ - 215 AQRE3’ aprcadlug llmc plulstcr marl and com

=11" WI I d I at I ti, i‘,.,,m|,,,| ,, ,,,; ,,~ u L» w IUICO an ll o I -_ , , ,


_ ,‘to tan ma e na pr easiuu tiettu o

. d tranalationa from standard and pe- | f.bl ld-b be 1|‘Xttil to lus said r-<ll- “~°'"7T"m. ~ - . -. - t anl f r "l 'l at n d ill. "" “*--m alll'l\tll“:lF~|ailI“tobedisehargvd trom

“°‘l'°'l “ml” "‘ "ill" l"'Z"ll§'-‘Ir°°"\\’\l'°l¢d or “huh were '5 about 30 or 40 “Cr” or nos ' i O so“ ng “ lo n ‘O or" Because the ar t lll" "" “ ' ll l

‘y g , | \ "kndcd ,0 by some of the nlileat writerso the dav l.{(I0tlBottom Meadow, tllitl t1l)0lll 40 0- slim“ Frill“! are r?luosrcd lo can on ‘he noildirtrtuin ti r lifnnutilnllc-ilm‘lo ‘uh.

. .' e ,

, . .




, . . , ,

c I - -".‘“:|l';""'f;.°""')'“;."l|‘l:"“c"~_E‘,Tnlolvm,hm of lhe .\lag.izme will also C0llll|l'| a_|ern:a of",3, of \v0Od|am1_ suhscillms. who hate pnrchnsctl the ]'\it~ m01l¢ll'~cli\'|3:l,9.,'

H L W) {"14"-t '| . cm ,I _ ‘ ’ _


_ t. opcrutt_

,_.lliii-yliiinl;arnl it appearing to me by ¢°"'P"' sn?rsirluch“

T0"F‘ l““l€-"7 um" l'.*ll‘:'\l~"-The Fan“ ,3 W91] m]3pg¢,] for faising tent right Of lllt‘ pt1l(.‘lilt‘(‘. f0l' the COUDUCS J. llecaune when oitce IlIll’0(lllC('¢l inloi l';-'

trnt \t‘nlllllt.rlt)'tlu-tthr:.uid petitioner htta it-sid~ ‘Q"Po" _""‘"°=f" l¢"l\"¢-_ WW‘Wain. or mzm 'or bmh if necessary‘ °[‘1\¢w Cagtlc |]n(] hem‘ in the Slam Qt rnily or village,they ll|'llt).\t ir_ni_n:diatt~lytahk ‘

"4 “l""" "'° '<“‘° "ll ‘““"d"'5] for ‘M la“ fr‘-"iii-xtcgiiniii-ldlotilbitrimddriliiditihi:llt.llIt'lS\ll€9l1lH!El00t.lOrchard of u choice D¢’l"“’a"‘- and C"'l| °°""lY» l" ll"? stall‘ u'° l"°°°d°"°” °““°"‘°" "'°‘l‘“'"“ l"E""-'"l-.“i1i1"'imii’iiiiiiiirii'i.'l"r'§iiiiii.i1.iiiltiiiiii1"-= \\'5rkgel"I» t~=\-willywt-led.win» ctilleetinn of Fruit. of Mmvland. and are new engaged inct antes ..\ ~ ' "


_ , . ., ,7

,,,,r,,,.,,...m..- "id Nathan Want, Whuhaa‘cu. t.vi»¢._ut»;>r=tum|-pwr.-aswill’-8-sivHf l‘hc buildings area comfortable Du el- m?klno the ?lly?‘-RETC ‘{ti-rt-J into bond with security hy me prcrcribcd l“"" “cl 3"“ ° mu“ “'5 " Pug“ ling lluusc, Lt gU0tl Barn, tlntl till Il0Ct‘SBt\-_

0- at C0».and t'lpp|0\t‘tl, for the |'aitht'ul |\crf0rtt|4llCtof

°"" "

_ _ ,_

_ _ ry outbuildings; ii pump ofexcellent wn- M|'1dlet0wn,Dcl.his raid trust; and the a.iitl_truateehavingcc_rt|- ‘Agencieswill he cittablulrqdin the principal tor at um door. and a good spring and Jam 20' ]838__"5,1] 1,, me 1),,“ |,¢ ii in lull poueaaion pl all Cl\tl'I, and arrangcrurnta made to deliver the _W_" I house cUm_cni[_m to ?u‘ buildingsthe property in the said achcdulc and ltpl of work tree of |>rr<tn|;t‘. Air thc .\lust'uut_II ~*l'l‘.l:~ _ _




A R |_

‘ ‘I I .debtw contained, have ordered and‘ppp<|>intr_‘dprinted ona ;ilt't.lllll|Ib::I\I-lplltalflnlu-et,thchighl-‘

F lllhcrcls ll gt)O<lspringin utmost t!H.‘l‘y ?ll CUSIIII 0 t 0| ICI S-

ihc lint Saturdaytiext atlcr the tirnt. out ay III eat poxlyigc t tat can c llrgft to any pail 0 to t.

. ,_ ‘

Aw“ nu,‘ |-,,, ",0 "54 Null,“ Ward to appear the country, tor one yr-av, will be Ql U5 cents. The simmiun or mo above vroperly isD1" “L EVANS Cnl-BBRATED

l"‘“"" ll" 'l‘l'l¥°,l,,:""'f°3'l-c,:':'::‘r:,'::,:l'_';|l,:;¢f”::°":o‘::"i:'-3"°.g.:'::":g;5 ‘is’? supposed to be one of the most beautiful SOOTlll.\'G SYRUPCutirt houv: ui 0 . -

' ‘' Pl l'l l ~ I‘ ‘v l Y '

- . r -

ti-inn and interru atoriea as may then be propos- tile on ihc drlivt-ry of the ?rst number-5 co- in me '70u"ll'- rho slwclillur mill’ all“lM .

- -.

ad tn him hy hialitredituriilndthe _a=idi\'athan pics $90.‘ ’ \

the porch,and ltrtvc n contnizintlingviewH” C If!’(‘ItPlitltrrg Teak.

\\'=\'d_l'='\"tt: _""""l "M l'""*l '" 1 l*'"~‘l'.Y l\/t l‘llAN 1 .lllt()0KS, ofthe lhlnunglon and bttsquelmrinzilluil |"S;,,,-“mm mmrdy I,“ pmmnd |mn_

and “uh ~¢v\H'".Y by ""= P""°"'~“'d_“"1 ."P J. E. S.\'t)l)Glt.-\SS, ltuzul for nearly three miles, likewise the TdICtllul Childn.-n, when thought put re.

I '

. 4

Erlilurr and Pro riclorr. stcambouts of the Union Linc and haydo hrreb order and direct that the said Na. P_ _ _ _

'- ‘a-luir ed froin wrsunal cnn-

N°" 3 ¢'l'i1ll~|" l‘-lk river-

i.'i.i.-i.'..ii.i'_".inliiti-I-iihe :|!l\'\3amideat ll-h l-i- ———~— - ‘ ~~~ ~ — —

—r - "’ It is bnumlvd by the Waters ?ttlw Bit;°i'Pll'=*"i°II ""4 "7 ll"! d-')'_!° “Y "'° “I'l'“l"“'_‘l i\' 0 II‘ II II ll CI! C II [D Elk. The neighlmrhnod is healthy, and

M.i"i‘mil.‘hc3rhiftritnli\:ct'i:|?indlllfitciilllhltllillir:G ‘ surrounded with the host of society.t'I\'lIIl'I,Vl\'C -t' '-‘ v

_ _,- - - -.

prim“, in he‘, mu",,_vmM_ I “Wk ,-H, ,|,,cc 3 S [‘ln.rettieatronglntlirtltionsofttonorelnonthw, before the tam lll'r~lb'1ittll't.l.|yIttsllllllif on this prnpmty.some parcels of “hull.

the ?rst .\luu'lay in April Ilt‘ll. GIVIEIIunderE S , . f. I.

from at little r-tfnrt, having: been foundll b I F ll



tlriysattatidand ncal llE:)‘l‘:lX;(lt§ay{vt7llLg(tl,l§llIl.T,}ic,,,|,u,:,i1rili::_ .lll$tl_(*(‘lllt‘tlStl|l0flltl0llStogive o more

°_. ~

_ T ‘lmtt put returned lmnt Pliilldvlplila “uh n

minute account nfihe udsantagzes (andl""'° °°l'3' “_,'A“ESSEWALL Cm liarullmiic a.-rortmcniut‘ there are litany) of this luml, as persons

1‘ *1 wislung tnpnrchusc will no doubt examine

M d C ., C 1 t ml, _

ll for tlietnselvi-s.“’9"”‘ ' ?“' °“."”' .‘.’ ‘

. ,,,,, ,,~,, ,, , , , ,,,, ,. ,.,Arhlress \\':l$lli|igton um-. \\'ilming- P1100!-‘ POSITIVI-I or THE EFFlt?.\CY

0*‘ "P""““"‘"‘ 9f “ -'"' .‘\"T"°"‘°""f c°°"S. '4 ~°-""l,y(9 '“"§,’?°"' f,‘-"'

lf”-"tnn Del. or the subscriber near Elktun, or on. EVANe" s00'riii.\'n svmr.ummy‘ by pumm, H, ,,,.,,,,,g_ 10,,“ ;|,,_. urea

]0lrltII;_' re nurt_

nuac. is nine ta 1 -‘


_P UYUFR ‘ ‘ _ _

m|“"iM_|,' Um, “,~u": _|u,|K,.,, of ,|,c Q,-p|,,,|,.' mur-ht~nl.irgt-il,rmrlone ni the by-ata<_.nrtnn~nt>- .\ltl. ..l.-\.\ll'.-5 -S. S l. . . vl-0,1,0 Age", or DL h,,;,,‘- ;,°,,,|,,,,g _g’.,,,,,;

‘ ' t‘u.|l Count atttm liwrlh that he in '~‘\'t‘\'"ll'L‘l’l“l III l-llil""- ll 1* ll" lIIll‘"ll"lI l" "ll Ut‘l ‘lS—lf Dear b'ir—'l'he great bent-lit atfordcd tumyaul-goods an


ilny e:.n he had at any t-tore in

. ft-ring iritimt by your Soothing >.'yrup,in a caac

hh; in puy, amt ntferiiig tndt~li\'t'r up lor the be.l

ll"! "<“i;!lI_l\nr||oo-l.null llIl'l"_‘ll"\'l'°l""‘ l""t'lI"-'- 1 0 of protracted and painful dentition, must con-

netit oi hi~ creditor: all llli property, real, |u-r-|<‘l'*‘“'ll 14"" l"I" Kl °_-\l|~l|[=l'lltlfIl_ll’PAl|I°1'11‘ ll vinee cicry lit-ling parent how essential ii_I\nnnal and |t|it(‘tl, tun hich ht is in any way t-n- l‘"_l"~'t_!\‘I"¢"llIt""‘l"l""-‘4"“'t"\'P'l-llI" ll" "\'l"t’- ’ early application o|' such an invaluable inedi-

mlcd‘ n ,w|m]u|L, “.h,_,,__,,, a,,d1,,,,, ,,| |,i,, ,_-mg, mnvatinn tn int-rit a rm|in|||aim~ ofthe tl1lItl‘,li)‘ .' _. rim; iqwrelit-\¢ inthnt milcfy and torture. Myih um, dub,‘ m_“,g ,,,,,,,.,,.,| 1,, |.|< ».u.1 pt-titnm atrirt :|llt‘llllUlI tnl»u.~ilrt'nI, and hflllllg at mode. "I.,». i"|‘_.||i_ \\~hi|<_- teething, experienced meh acute

ton orth and 1 to be dm-liarged trum "ll" l'"1m~" ‘ autllrin that it was attaolttd with convul

E L K T O N, .\l D. alill we procured abottlc of your Syrup; which

ye tscuvcre , a'

_.__)’_____;.irecommended by all the most ciniucnt





T}llS large and commodlous Hotel

Page 13: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition














l\l.l]l)f -lii|l\ N. ll|.At‘N, l ..l!., (‘liar t:~l.ii


Ilmiiitiw l‘. t‘ovi't\‘, l'I~<|.,Unwantiiwii. '







_! .



//-~ .

an-!..____..a=e -- rr ¢_-_____15_5_


.._ a=._.___i _i _.____ 4. _i t .$.$=|e-no ‘

HE CECIL GAZETTE,./ind Farmers’ and Jllechanics’ ./idvertiser.


_. ;r,.

if "_—W—”—i; i i'i_i*~i‘_MH”'MiW i 4

“T B

. __._'_’_-;—; :—;—._*_—'_._.;~—_>_;-._-_;':;~__._..i:_,;i____ _._._.

_ _ ,__ ___ _


v --- i

i ir i.uziwii or GtIVllNltllt'|‘,|-Ill ‘run Dzivs or "lll'IN,lll0l.'LD oiiiicz.-to ALIKI ui-ox ‘fill llicii Arm rii: Point."--Aiiilnia Jiichaii ..


.--._- M _._--_ '''' --

~__--_»=----..------___-___.__.._.__. ______,,______,________AT___,_____::::_____“_,_______:_ _ _____,-

» r ,

—" " " "'"—"*'* 1. —"_"“-'- " "'. _- __.e.-;_;_g~,-_----__

Him. 2._

~ i~:r.it'ro.\'. rin., SA'l‘l1_Rl)Al' ri0i:.\"i.\'t.:, I-‘l-IBIRUARY 2:2, iszio._



-'M, 4,_

|'Ulll.l5lllIlt |I\'lillY IATURDLY ¥QR5l$U


'l'lic f-ill-r-.iiiii,5igeiilleiiit-ii liarc been appoint-etl -l’_'4'lll.4 fur the t‘i~-'il tint-ilii, by whom sub-

scripli-ni-< iv ill lw ri-4-vivi-tl,rccciptii given. and

min r.<iii: the t‘\L‘\JtlllUll uf work duly forward-

cil to ii-:

l\l.I.l1\‘ .\\llYltI4>V‘ F.<q., I‘. l\l., Port Deposit.J. J. “I.I'K\lt r, I-I-<|.,l‘. \l.. l't'iry\illc..\l\rriii.\v \‘i'i.iii, l-Z~i|.,l‘. .\l., ltii-iiig Sun.

Stui-vi. ll~nvi.\\'ii, l-I-i|., I‘. \l-. Rrmlaiidvillc.iv... ii. nu.» i~;..,._i'. .\l._ mm nni.

\V\i. .\l. 'l'ii\\-\~r \ll, H-q., ll. .\l. llouiic.

\\'\i. \l \l'\l.\, l-1-~i.,F.iyi-ttr\ilb-.'l‘ii-nit. ii,»-tr,-r, |;.-,., l‘. !\l..!\'-rrili l-2ii~i.

' l ivii.

J. ll. .\l-iinii\', lIu|..|‘..ll., \V.ir\\'iclt.

Hat l\l:niiil':ict0i'y.I Illl-I $iili.<r-rilwr iruiilil infoiiii his fricnilw

1 and the |\\ll)li\Zgt‘ll\'I-lll_\', lllill ltl' ha» pill"


l‘lIil'4t'tlllll' nltbflt (ll. ll.il~< which .\lr.

Win. ll. t‘iilit-ri llittlllll li.nnl \\‘lll'll lit-

_,/' lvll. l-Illttuii, and i-i llt|\V l't‘tt\l)' to e.ii|i-

\Vii.i.i.w ll. .\h:iii'i1n, l‘:\4|., l‘i-villoii._

nl('I\\R|b l. Ftiiiin_ ll--|. l’. .\I., .\'i. .\iigui-tiiic.

93‘ ply his tjllli-l0llt\Jl'.\‘, by V\lllllL'!4<'\ltJ iiiiil

ri-I-iil, with iiilli, btiiirr, tiir and llulstil lint:-1 ni-

t-l|t~ap and ili l':i~liinii.iblc tt:4 they can be ublaiii-

cil iii any til‘ the cities.

ll-' .il-iili:ia tinli.nid ll IlUlI1lN‘l' oflailitw‘

“4lI\7lt.‘\! iiiailc allvr the l;tl.L‘r-l tlisliitiiw, iind

always be rt-aily to insiltc llats and llonnc

uruvr, attlic hlllllll i~t inilicv.

.‘lt'l'lIlli\l|l\ and utlicrs are iii\'itt:d to call

ex.iiiiiiii' the SJIIH‘. .

'l‘h-~ l'it-iiiry Ilia been ll‘lI|0\'Ctl iicxt door tn

llic l'<i.-tl)llit't‘.




.l.\.\ll'lS '1'. llliO\Vi\'.Dec l.'i-l y

Notice.Ill-1 [lllIll\t‘Yi-illllllicritofuri: existing

Tli\‘itiiG. \\'. Moore aiiil li. \\'. in

this day tlli\M|l\lI\l by niututil cniiuiit.

bu-iiiess will li<'n~.i|\ir be ciintliietcrl by U.

Moore, who being tln- at inc p.irtiicr in l.ll\’

liini,' fct-ls it his iliiiy tiitt-nilcr his sin

thaiikn to the piil-lit: for the Illlll|tlilL'll p;iiroii-l:t‘\"~lI.‘Il\li:tl, hlltl Imp-~-t,by i-tritl lllllililiullltl

lll..l\ltll.‘.\",and a tlinrougli kiioirlcdgr nl'cuttiii|;,to rnciit a i.-till liiitlicr share of public patron-ti r





(‘C ft?

g'|.llCLuiidon, l’ariii, Non‘ York and l‘li

delpliia fasliiuiis alwayit on hand, and garnicof any cut or style can

be insdt: to order at tlic

Illllflrnlllllll(‘t‘,l1Illl equalto any fruiii l’liiliiili.'l~

phi: or ll.iltimori-.

Dee ll—(Jun l'l) If

0Noticeill‘: iinilcrsigncd, t'niiiniiii-tioiicrn appoi

I t-d by t'ti-il t'ouiity Court, uiidt-r the pt

tiuii cl‘ Jo-cpli ticorgc, to iiiark and boiiiiil the

tract: of l.iiitl l'ttllt'tl ~-ii..,..-tr--11;""ll~|><\\'-'ll

Rcsur\'rycd;" aiiil ".\'ni.ill llripc,“ ..itn.iti‘il in

Ct-oil t-ouiily,accurdiii;gtotlic netsul‘ 1\!\'\‘l\tlIl)'

in such ease iiiade iiiid prnvidcd,do licri.-bygin:

notice in all pt-r>tni.< \\'lttll|\ it may coiiccr_II.t|I-1!we

shall nictl. at Just-pli (ii_~ofl!"'““lulu “l bu‘

X,-Ni,‘ M, ,|,,. .llll ilay ul .\l.ireh _iicit, iit lll0-¢|,,¢\, in ilw morning, tn |iItl'\‘t‘llin tlic l)tt>t'

hen fur irliicli we WL'lt! a|>p<-H\lu<l-lléiijiiiiiiii H Miiclcull,

Joliii S. .\liI?il1itirrenbiiry !’iii'n¢-ll,


1\'i'rIiolu_a-Miiiily.Josrpli Lorill,

Feb 2, l83il—tiii .Coiiimiiisioners.


TIIE iiiidersigiiel, Ctiiiiiiilssiiiners ti

pointed liy l1‘et~ilt.‘oiiiily t‘ourt to

valiie and divide the Real l-Estate of ll<~iij;i-

min Maultliii. duccaisctl, late ol’L‘t-t-il cunn-

ty, llC(‘(ll'tlilt_l,!to the lYftl\‘iSitll\Suftlie acts

ol'.ltsseiiibly in ?lltlll case inaidu tii'id pro-

\’lIlt‘tl, do lii~i"t-bygin-iititii-t-, to all \\'ll0l1l

it iiiziy Ct)ll(‘L'l"ll. llllll. we shall int-ct on llll‘

said l{(‘;ll Estate lying in lilk .\'t-ck in the

s.-iid cniinty, on .\luml;iy tbiz l ltli day of

Fcbruiiry next, at lt) o‘i:lur-lt A. l\l., to

proceed in the business for which we are

appointed.'l‘llO.\lAS 'Z‘ll().\li‘\$,AXl)RE\\' ll;\ltllE'l"l',Rt)\\'l..'\.\'l) l-‘.LL.l.\‘,

Jt)ll.‘i F. Sl.\‘ll’l:iltZ~i.lt()lll5lt'l‘ 'l‘llACKARi\.

,Dec. 8--tl lb‘ Cuiiiniissioners.

Notice.ill-I subscriber having s. mind to YCSUYIIC

l biuineu which he was long srcustouicdto, begii leave to give notice in this iiionnor to

the public,that he will open a selionl fur tenelr

lug tlie classical l'lI‘l:\lI1;'¢l iii tliil tillage, as

noon as aulliciciitciieouragetiicnt shall he given.W-.\l. DUKE.






Elkton, Jan l'l, l@39—tf



TIIESubscriber would respectfully inform

his fiicndl and the public that he is readylo receire \Vool to manufacture into Clothe

Flsnkt-ting, Sottinctt,drt:. at the North I-last

I"actory.wberoever nth-iition will be paid to

the business. Wool’will be carded into tool,for 6 cents per lb. rut. The Mael|1be ls cov-

cred With new Cards, and In euinpleu: order.

JE'l‘llll0 JOIINSON.' July 14--tf


Richard C. llol_lytlny,_A TTOBQVE Y A T LA W. t.-

0YFlCEnewly opposite Kiukesd'l lldl-clElht?n, Mil. '


Ii! 9'V


Mu1'yloiid, (‘ail Coiuily, Si‘!-

0N ll|l|Ilit“\liUIl of Xatliaii Ward gl‘

Coniity, hy pttitiun iii \\'[ili|ic' in 1|

tltll)!l"l'llKl’,Ul\L'uftlnz iiiuociiitc judges of


that lic in in actual roiilineiiieiiiyliirtlcbl,uiiablt: in pay,aiitl ollcriiig t-iilcliit-r up l'ubent-lit ul‘ ill: i-rcditiirw all liiit property,pcriiniiul iiiid iiii.\cd, tu which he is

in anyi~ntitled,ii rrlii-ilulc wliureufaiitl list of Iiidit.l and dlflllnt being aiinizxcd tn llln said

lion onoatli and prayin,-3 to licilist-liargctl

artuul Ct|Illll|L‘ltlL‘IIl,and to llll\\7 extcndi

\l‘l\lil(’l1illl\tIll th-it lllt. xaiil N.llliOl\(‘l' has icuid

rd Jiiiiicri ll.J.iiniir trii-lei: lur tlit: btltt lit ul'rri-ditvraoftliu iiaid Nulliiiii Ward, \t.lio1ni

tin-I iiito buiirl \\lll| security by iiic prim-

llll. pru|>t'r\y ill the said sclit-tlule uiiil lillt'lIl'4 i"niit.iip\il, li.i\'i: nrdcrt-il Lllltl appo

April iirxi, liar llic i-aid Natliziii \\'ard to a|i|licliirv thi- Jiiilgi-s of t'ct:il county cuurl, ii

CI1lll’llIU\l\t: in lllltloii, in uiiitivtr r~llt‘ll al

liiiini and l|llt_‘l'fU|,:1AlI)l'l\Ni.l'6llI-1)’ thcii lit: pruposvtl to liiiii by lit! cit-ditnrs; and ilic i-aid .\'.iWard Iiiivingg t‘lll\'l't.‘tl into bond iii ii |\Lllninl \\llll .~eiurily by inc |irtr~t-ribcd and

|iItl\t\l MI to Ltppcal uud .iii.~ner atriliirt-~..i

tlll lit-rcliy oriltr and dirt-it ilwi ll“; ,,;,,,|th-iii \\'iiril be discliargctl liinii |lt‘l'i4t)ll1tlcuii

llIlt‘lllt‘|ll, and lliiit lic givr iiiiticu of llii-i

zip|ilii.'titiuii iiuil ul' the d.iy iio liy iiic appuiiittiliir his liinil ht-ariiig int 'i.cil county court l.u



priiitcd iii t l‘t‘Il ruiiiity,oiiu- a week for i

iiiontliii, bcliirc thu |~;llt.l lil'3ls~llil1l'(l~l_)‘lit'kl.the first .\luiiil;i_y iii April next. tiircii ii

iiiy litiiid and at-al this l-llli day ol'.'\ii;_'iislit-firs. lSJ\\'.\ltll wii.>:u.\'.

True copy. Tent,JAIIES Sl"1\\'.\l.L, Clk.

.laii5—(liii $6

lii our l-lnl we publi=lied I iioliuc of the dcatl

tribnlc to tlic incritet of tliu dteciiocd hiiv

it:i pltcc. lt is copied lioiii thc Frctlcriclt



DIED,On l.lic 1l‘Itli of Januriry, .'\lr.~.. R.-\(Tll.-\El

ll. lltltill, it-if: of .\li. .\'.iiniicl ll. ling I, oft

Boiildcn, ol t.Ti~cil c_nuiiiy,) in tlic Zloltli yearlit"! age. llcr last lllllfml, tliuugli i-liiirl. tiiid

ll‘lt‘t‘llIl'l‘E.lllltil'l‘\Cf,the uiisliakcii liriiiiits: ul

faith iii her lteileciiit-r. Slic act-iiicd bi be w

ling and rciidy iind t-veii luiigiiig in break aw

fmiiitill llt‘t' earthly tit~s—aiiil they were iiia


is l'.ir bcttt-r.“ .'\a .~lic mt.iint:d her ht.‘ll?4C! til

lllt‘ l.ir~t liiniiit-iil, shc was |»<-riiiitlctl to tcati

by lit-r triuiii;ili;iiit tliitli and liopc and the ca

and scttlul i.i;rciiity til" lit:r cuiiiitciiaiicv,

what |\t‘dL‘l3 a Cllllnll?ll can div. “lllcncd

the dead that die in tlic Lurd.“

'1'/ii: Clll'l3lllIIl siixluiiiul in Ilczilh.

'l'Iie lillloiringliiicst liaic li\Jt‘Il tliro\\'ii thtlier tipuii

the oceasiiiii of the last liil3ltl\L'»tt ii

death ul' .\lrs. ll., an ciiiiiit-iitly piutla l.id_vtlic l‘rci~bytcriaii euiigregatiuiiiiftlii: city.

'l'huii lay lhc aulfcrcr, with brow conipoii‘dAnd paticncc perfect; and cvcr'tirid anon

'l‘lironc of God, suuglil. atrcngtli iiiid griicc, ii

, thisllcr hour of greatcat need, nor sought in vain.

llc \VlIUr~\.‘ car, ever ltllllltlllit: to lniiiian plaiiits,And eliicily tlime from |Iit‘ty'a dccp lount

Uprising; iii lorc coiiiplais'iit liniti his lo

’l'o llt'l’ btiw‘d tlowii; and tliuii lllhllifi?g spokeNot \li’illl voice audible, nor sound ul‘ iiiigli


llusliiiig, but in spirit's Itill small whiripcr—

llauglitcr, thy pr.iy‘riililtciiiccii-c lu iiiy throne

lla\e conic with odor l\\'l.'t.l. ln that tlio

ll-ar'd»tFear tiot; lbr l through the iitniiing blood,Uii tliec iiiy seal hiiic r-ct, nor dratb, nor all

'l'lic pow'rs ullit-ll alilll lillKl|llllL‘tJ tiuglil.

.\ccda pans; noevil l-l,‘ilY,Ul'Eil'Clt.llllt!ll;t|')—-

For l lliy rod iiiid itt.all' will bc,aiid guideSullicitiit i\'ur lcatt: tlico tlicii, till safe cuii


To the mount of God, with host iiinumerabli:

And froiii its brtuielicii pluck fruitaiubrosial.

Nor ciidcd tbcii tliy work, till thou the eordl

Of it ro stt.un't.l to siitcctcst inclotly, -



Andyin tlic acclsims of souls rcdcciii'd sbal

pinTo llllttlll?l. me unto the death hath lov‘d.

'l‘uliiui bu glory, now,and without end.

'l'linl hearing, nor ituglit else desiring,She labrriiuivc and with mind scrcnu

RCl)lil‘tl,lJ1ll)llglllSince though, O God, art to

warm,Frail, weak and liizlplesl, thus become friend,Guido and comforter, nie,soul and body,uuivliito thy hands l yield, thy will be done.

'l'liisdnyJng,slit: courageous to the stream ti

cl I



bed, unwillingelptirc, sliti nor pain utt tcrro


pin'd— '

Nor dreading more tbothroes ofnoture,‘Ncsthtlio handofbhn, the biiotly inoanreh--

Aha with gnu: admiring. wisesurvey! the vutUuiiiaiii-or before the tbrorie,or in mid templelilanill, dayand niglit praising.

,0r the Limb ?illawing whillierso'er he leads,

By?ood, or ?eld, or valleyodorotu,S e nectar qusli, and Hill niunlngltntl Fndcrick, Feb-2. ' P. L. I. l .

. .




..~f;"f’;-T» -'."<‘~*'*-.~..":-'-i.’-'1"-"""*’

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. -.~



""3; r! ‘

~j ,0 .-

-,;. ‘-,.1y

"- -'. _.~

,- _-. , -,~ -;- ..-

~.-:.°'*i». .


.'; '

~- -*2


. -

i. ‘ -.>.0 '.-'\.~ -.,.


in thelhc

tlrpliiimi' (‘curt of Cecil count ,

lttllill I forth

lic In

r the


\t KIC-


ll toliiiii the lit-iiclit 01' the st:\tr.il llti<lll\'t.‘ltl. lll\\'! of

.\l.irylaiiil; and it appt~.-iriiig tn ini: by tiiiii|>i~-

_ ,. I . .

ed williiii lb! -\'talr~. ul‘ Marylziiitl liir thi; lziwt

l\\'t))t't'1l'l next lit-fore his a|i|iIii.atiuii, l il|I|iUtl\l-lllL'

ii cin-


and .'l|ipf0\'l‘tl, lirr the l':iitli|'nl pcrliiriiitiiice u|'lll! said truit; and the iniid tru-tn: liaving ct-rli.licd tn iuu that lic is in lull |ll|St4t.‘3~4ilIl\of all

~l uliiittil

the first .\'.iliiril.iy iii-tl allcr the liri~t .\luiitl.iy iii


t lhi:







C?fllllllfrl, by iiiliurliaciiit-iitiii .\UlllL‘ llt'\\:4|I;i1ltt'i lll‘L'l.



of .\lra. liacliacl ll. llogg, but the fullowiiigiiig

bcciiat-iit to us for publicalion,\vc willingly give


t-ity, (and tlaiigliti-r of the l.itc .\ln_|iirllllilliaiiiof



\'cn-, did not iiitcrrupt the |»ca,t;q gl,',bq[, v--lml,i.;i.

it ..- hm"



and strong-ii liaisbaiid aiiitl four little tltlU"l\-

tcru-and iu depart illlll “bu \\itli(Ibri:.t \\'lIlL‘ll





\\'iili eyt-ii iiplurnld, and hctirt aspirant to the




l'nri<u.iiit of my great desi inn, ili.~atli thou must

Of itiiiio clccl,thuu stand ‘ncatli lili:'ii fair tree,

And niiiiatrelsy ol' llcarcn, shall touch harmo-

And inhis blood bath waiili'd from all my sinv,


Went down; nor felt the terrors of its waters

Tho‘ rolling vrsvcs moiinlfnoiu high, on either

But lesriin on the urn of him, who once death‘

The ninbimgeoiushore of light and life new


Uti :~'i;i:.

t-crime 1;. llill'fl\‘l)ll, ti Sllll-ill-lit\V ofliiltliic, who was ti wealthy plaiiliri‘:

"tln Sunday last we saw llic bed\\‘lllt‘lI his rt-iiiaiiis were rt-sliii Y '~il.|l'l'(l

l"1U~i". who wci'e all tlt7\'()lCtl to biiii,

' jiisticn lo the scciii-. Tlll.‘)' were tllas

t-tl in it-airs. and piiuiiiig lortli the ii

in wlinse ariiis his iiiai.strr iiceidciiu

dii:\l.1lud who spoke of llllll with an

lL‘llSlly ul' Ruling ivliicli \\'oulil li;i\'u tl

htiiitir to any lllitll, was aiililitssiiigbit-ilircii iii the must plaiiitivu lcniis:--

‘\Vt-ll iiiny you wt-up-You li.ivq,- r¢,|

plaiiliitiuii, til‘ l)tllll sexes and iiliaill Cl‘

lloclw-l ill'Utllltl the gi'ii\'i:—ail roiiilin

iiiiil till the lll2lllilt.‘5lillllIllS ul‘ the iitiiidistress were poured liirlli over the c

llllg grave ul their iiizi.-tt-r. 'l‘lii~ ' bid I

and lllL’ll'litlllL‘l'.

_“.\lr.ll. has lL‘lllL'llllN'|‘t'tl ilii-in inkiiidcsitcriiis in his will. ll Z1|lCi|l(S


llieiii by ii;iinc—iii:ik<-s the most llll .i

ltll nitli xry l(lllll|ll'§.~5, and points ll

the iiianiicr iii which was lu be tlUl\t'.

l'“5_l~>’~"lul‘1lllicdalso $500 to the tjolul zation Society."


from Uir Ilulrimarc Sim, I-'.-liruury13.



place in ll|l$ city, \\'lilt’lI lllli cutised gri-5t‘l|S-llitill iii the Lisliioiiuble tzircles. Lit‘teimiit \\'allaci', a ytiiiiig uiiilgnlluiii in

ccr of the .\'.i\'y, hccaiiic L‘llttlllUl|I'Qtl ol

Wllllg lull)’. whose beauty aiiil ace-on

|lllSllllll'lllSliiiilgaiiied lier many adniiri:

lil.l?'..Ul]‘-'l)_ll°l!.1!lll’.Vill'l3ll.l»Pllli-l't'l;t'$Vt;QJi\,;~uvcrsc to the ulliaiice, forbade him t

and bis passioii scciiied to be return


,cd liiiii.—llow anlciit his lore inust lltl\'

that bzid been givcn tu his liaippiiicss, l

-16!. '


llc pror-iirediilarL'c quantity of torr

poison did its hllili \i'ni~l., and he died l

Sunday night iii tbc most liurri‘ile to

lures, it victim to unreqiiitud lore. ‘l'l


country has lust a gzillaiit ullicer, iind h

aged and l‘(.‘>pOC§ttl)lBparciits have bee


LOVE, 'l‘ltEAClll'lltY /\.\'D DESPMR.

An E_l'l§'llSllpaper ('Dlllitll\S ii toucliln

l:it~l, in ll letter from 'l‘lit-ss.iluiiicu, uiide

cliiol tlL‘lt.\ll>2

ablcsl. of all the public ollicers 0f'l‘iirltny,has just dcllreicil i\l£|t‘.0tlUIli€l frniii ii for-

midable band of brigiinds, who lizive in-

fcstcd the country for tipwarils of fou

that ti young Albamuii [,ll'l hearing ih

ding at i\lit-lnlk, a town on the frontier of

Greece. had secret coininunicatiuns will

the rubbers, Muslaplixibod lier watched

and l|UCSll0llL‘ll,but could not obtain anyl disclosures. He then engaged one ofliis

lieutenants, named Ismael, n young man

ofroinurkable personal beauty. to go and

endetivur to gain bcr affections. This

o?icer succeeded to such a degree tlia

she became warmly attached to him, and

informed him that her real name was

Eudoxiii Tlierem Gberundnxi, and that

she was niece of the chief of the brlgiinds.Michael Gregorio Glierundaxi. whose

troop amounted to between 1.400 and

1,500 men. She palnlcd in glowing terms

the charms oftheir errant and adventur-

ous life, and urged Ismael to joln them.He pretended to yield to her lnstiint-cl.and then learnt further fro.-n her that her

r uncle would hold ageneral muster of his

band on October 28th. la the forest of Phe-

loldos. All this Ismael communicated to

Mimiipba, but. in ordertoavert suspicion.went with hla fair one to the rendezvous.

'l‘he.wlly Mustiipba collected hiztroopc.surrounded the assembled lreebooters.

and iu they refused to surrender, attack-

ed them, with all his forces. Tho greatestnumber oftbo brlgandsfellun the spot,


i-- ~--

preferring death oath:

.-I .-L75‘?I


_ ~‘\



and nn ll_'l'1l'llllllli<)ll‘iext-cutlnn A ft-w

rt 1 ti l‘lI, and are ntiit viaitnigtheir st-iitcnce in lllt‘(.'ill\llt‘l ill ‘l'lir-ssrilon

5 IL‘ ie.i< were llillllll the

y ro c rum :i stibie, and the

yr-ring lit-tilt-iiaiil, l-iinzivl, wlinse llI't‘iHl

,_ I l)\\’Il it‘ \VI'l‘l(. \(.'tl lhll

r J -I l’ (I (‘llll1|) ll‘

THE I~]i\ll) OI" ‘UltE.\'l‘ \ll‘I\

(‘ls of gold rings ll‘()lll the lingt-rs of her

t‘-ill etiled li'oni the \\t)Illl tl. \\llt‘ll‘ lie

tliclr portraits, Sl‘t‘ll1t'tl to stand aslllt'

repress-ntatives of all ilmsv whom llll‘

mighty fallen!" ‘

Nor BM).-—:\S it train of curs was pas-siivr‘ aloii" one of the rail rozids ll low

g .,y




hzinil nnil tlnoe yuiing rbildrcn tn lamentA D T] , _ ‘ t

and‘ roiiitintic story. It is related ns.:i ‘hys Sm“ u'“h"' hm h"'“‘l““‘y' me_mg" lioriiiclziiiclioly fate. \Vu ltl't‘lIlltl that ti>- .

“‘cM"“'_ "Te “ya “en on ‘

net-r observed an old \\'i>in:iii l'l.llllIll\" to

bunt passing, waving her hzintls and ex

go by witlioutstupping. Siippnsiiig that

her errand was important, be checked

the locoinotivi: and inored slowly along

nntil the old lady-who had run herselfout of .2re.ith—:r.i<lually npprnnclietlwithin liailing distniire "Well niarm.

ci ied the conductor, "what do you want!‘

name of 'l‘liend0si:i i\l:iria Samik. resi-“I Wam'“ replied me dmlwtscrc-cching M

the trip of bcr voice, "I wanlto know'll'

ivuy the steam was put on the locomotive

for the next ?ve miles was a caution to

land turtles. -

Hunniu roit Till Mmtiz Bovs.—lf the

Roman matron bad children like the little

po , s g we

have called them lier jewels-but she

should have taken better care of them

than this Maine woman did:

The following fact Ls related to us by fl

tleinan from Maebias. Mrs.

eldest it boy of nlne years, and went to a

neighbor‘: to spend the evening, lockingthe door alter her. The oldest boy was

awakened by the roaring of ?re, and the

falling of cinder: on the bed. Hesprang‘up,took tbe Infant from the cradle, ran to

the door, and ?nding lt last. stove out o

window, jumped out and laid the lnfant

in ii place of safety--then retumcd, and

pulled the other children out of bed bytheir feet, and threw them tn succession

out of the wlndow,und then got out blui-

[Bangor Ooimer.


mmd who had it rmm ‘he mom“ or“ g'e2}_wlthlnball an lneh of the jugular veln! Gm-ng0,, EM,-rt _qw;M___t.M",.;¢din

Miichlos,Iell her five children in bed. the Tim dommic .m°n“erM-dmmmenoed P°'H”g‘ Ohm‘ °n me 27"‘ uh" by me

_______,___i_‘____ _ ,

lll?itlt |‘l‘ YE .»'tl.§\)Ll'l'|t)\'l*}'l“3 ‘ l'l fI Q Q

‘' ' ~

* --

Q1" vr iilliiiviiig piore -if iiil'urinut'

I ~ ~ - - —~——~- es ~11‘ - - --

.. ,

- - -P"Scum: .\'r Tlll; m:.ii|i or /i vlll(il.'t'l-\ Snvc ,,R‘:$.:,FrxixWin“

m‘ but ih_Ly_,\.“l‘"'“Q 3l""Y1ll1I‘flWH‘lt that u free miin W‘ l""'l'5l' l'"' ll!" l’""‘m l'l "Ur ‘lFll"'had been sold in Worcester county, in ‘l"""l tililisurlly-rob:i firw of \VllI)IlIa'\l‘! on‘ q

The [tit-liinuiiil lrliiquirt-riiitrodiicesllie inn. Aiiimi Y ll l l.


i i gig?iiiii,£,:c:i::u2f",i'?,i:':"‘gmniliiiloliliiljifkih“tailhukliliillonriiig scviic in uii ubiluui lll)li‘C of ~l'-l‘

'-< -


. . V4 - .

' “i .' ‘ u 0‘ ' "'

.- - K’ l‘-‘ll 5 0 )t"V -

. .

Y "Mn 'hL';:‘:“"“&~"‘;;“’l"‘9*‘ll‘,-1‘l"‘~l<*l-l'l"turned, rind remained hero lonrzirrllizin ‘f'"“l"W" our ‘pat rvr, lint we slmiilil

the lmv ulluivs. We learn ll’0ftIil\(' Siinw- l"“l “"l‘Y l=l"'illly l'Bllt‘\/Ptl if they wouldl 'll l '

i li ' ~' -' - I .

0“ hm‘ kw" WIILUMM I k t t Hii lIll\l‘l',l.lIt.\l 'lllS l'(‘ltlH‘ll|)S('l'\Illlllt_ ll) Ill’

l ' " ll’ *1 ""l‘- P 1“~ was enlirt-l volnntur ,i.islie WZHll'lll)l'ltl- "'I‘licr- '. ~



H l_ I I .15,. ll1dlll-ftliistnpliiicut tillllie lir~ad.~iof all the l<il- t.'ll of tlit. it-nalty,iiiidwarm-il that ii ~iiirp-issirirvll;'!iili‘lllillln|€tliifiiopuuyimU,

ci iy iiss.i\'L'=a—iiul.lietuiiitrstiesti his li--l. and llll? h’tl'itl‘l ll 2 '1 l ' l'-

-. .




I‘. _i

" ' 3'" "mn

bu‘ ‘hmunh N 0 ll l.1"“" "l "

Jl"""l‘l wouldbvinllictulupuiiliiiii. lle erqircti. i_-ineier expert ln 1-svziiw lh<- ;,-.,,,. . |S\‘\l liiiiisvll us perfi-ctly 'l£tlI\lllt‘\l with his l"\'t‘f', nl l

_ ‘ml '

by his ll\‘lll ll’tll\l\l It is iiii >- r' -

' ‘ ‘I '

i "' ""5! 0"" l" P3)’ ll"! l"'lIIlt'r



. pussililt. lu do iloai.i, on ili>ir'm.'t-riii" the tre icliury iiflicr ,~._. .- -

. .. . . _.


_ _


u|\~. |,,,-,_.,- has Mk" im_’;_SP ‘j l, Iv liiscrit.t.f)llIllllt|ll,and btly? that lit vv.i~. i\l| whv_it.iki.i |i.ipt'i down 1-;i~;|ii|i.| .10"-I \

iwll .iw.irc iif t.ie CUllS(‘l|lJt‘lll'(‘ ofilvlziy, pnyliirit .iri‘sii tr l.

. .-

t -' ' lint lll'lllt‘l|i -1 i,inst .ib:iiid<iiiiiit*iit and I5 l)t'llL‘\'t'\l to ll'l\'t!Cll- gm, that m r _ ,1 -

H _ .

W , ‘mu L '

-_ .

'‘ ‘


. I .1-ii'—-: ll -‘ - ....-

i~1wu> \~--11-its -\~--y --ii-1|-wit r'*'~|';".-1'k"'~"'{'“*j‘“<1av--W §“ll3l"lll'"I---1»

1.. 11..,..,....Z.§‘.if1>§.:i.ii.iiiitfiiliili,iii.-J.iiii".'[,,.‘y'“,f,‘,,,"f};ji‘“""““*-'**"""§' 3' l'l‘ ‘N "ll" "“"“'" ll" ‘ml’ “llll °f‘l'~'f"'l ‘ind tlicrcfurc lic \Vlllil\'l






_ _

- ,1 y rendered liiin- [Miiiluilliin /ti!m-r,‘,"-

ulllllc“Ml “ml;‘~'l'lr;-'I_$l'l'l"mlll°glllldlllullsclf liable to the tllélbtlillllllioftlie law. '

iequircss in lt. tttlh icilon her. [Haul-mo" S iui. _


l’l">¢"¢I0v~ C-rsics.-- t I_ on _

i my at the ace

\ttl Wtillul Y Dls 't% I‘!-it .

"" Y““'“- “"'"l "1 "lwull'-ii‘ the first


sun ‘-


'1n .

. -*1 -

' 1 . lime. The tciivlit-r, to test his iiifuriiin-

to ivt-t-p_‘iuii have not only lost your ‘ll-lllp(‘llllI;!tuczist my oyr-s_tipon ti The l'l:ittsburg ltvpiiblicniiof the 2tl lHin.mikt-il llllll "Wbi - |,. I"


i Hid‘ I ii.’


iiiuslvr, but yniir l|'l{‘||tl “ml |,,\|,,-,-_" 'p|,L- |llllllt'tl p.i;1e of Illllll-lltlft: |)IIflfltll~l, l |¥'l‘- inst. says—“llii the l?\'CllllI;1 tif the 25th buy could not iiirtwer 'l'|,,.‘Y,.:,,.|,,,,.iiitcriiieiil. 3L'L‘lltI ulitlic iivxl. tl.iy, l;;i[||L-5 (‘t'lVL'llil|1ll, the persiiiizigcs who oct:upit*ll lilt., one of the iiiiist iiii-laiicliuly and llll" ll"! proper it-ll§Wt-'I',and uh-tirctl |,:,;,

_ any de>'i'iiplioii \\'l|i\.'ll we ciiii giro ,,|'1,_ ilii: lllilil coiispiciiiitis places, were Ali:X- lieitrt-rciidiiig llCCltlL'|ll'§ ()t1('lll'l’L‘ll iii llir: tli rcineiiibi-r it. 5liiiiit- liuiirii ulli-r ilm

Theiiegivt-s<il'liis own an-l his brtitlit-r‘s ilI|4ll‘l‘,lllllllIll)ttl,l'iUSitl', and ll<>ii:ip.irte. l town ol'S.iruii:ic, in this eonnty. which it Miclier pnt tlit: same qiii-stinn ii, |.i,,,

_;.-S,lci-I 5t‘t't\ ilii-saiinc l|l|llUllll)t_‘l‘t‘tl tiiiii-s, lint has t'vi-.r f.illi~ii tu our Int tn ri-curd. .\lr. lliznin. The boy l’lllIlN.‘ll his lll‘Lt(lin lr,-4-at

i,,.- in-rt-r ilid the S\‘lIS.llll)llPi arise iii iiiy lio- Aiiilrew Otis, it l't"i|lt‘(‘l'ctllltJiiilizibitaiit of "¥“I\y. Ullll nt li-iigtliaiisivt-rcrl,~'l §\:Q“"


bly clatl, lll it >iii»\v stnriii, ll'.llS, gl'(lllllh, mill, as iiiy iiiiiiil lizistily gldiiccil ovt-i' that t0\vii,:iiid his \vil't-left their ilivclliiiii l'l/0 lllfgul lht: gentlt-iiiiin's nuiiic."i

my, thrir St?\‘l?I‘lIl liist-nit-s. III the curly part nfllic cvcnliig, to attend

log. _i\lexzin<li-r,allt-r llZt\"il_\:_'cliriilicdthe it rt'lii_'iou~: lll0t‘lll\1_', about ll iillle and at [>,u,,-,-,,,,,L,; |;,.,,,_\.,._,,,,‘__A comm cd._

3 ,3,“ div./.yliviizlils ulln~; illllllllllill, and with his llitll ilisl;iiit—lcaviiig the 1-liildren, liiur in ltir 5,-,y,.,__..“-Q,,,,,|,.,.,\, md "Vt _

y. I‘.gout| liyc‘—-they cullml 3,1,“ u,,.i,. 1*,-,,.,,,1li>|ll|ll\~$lirillllll with ('l|1l|Ilt~l~l dipped in l|tltllllt‘I‘, (ilie eldest between l2:iiid I} -.-iili|;||,,f;|,;., ;,,,,.,., s,.,_y;|,,,h.,:,:_'1,i:iH:

the blood til" t'l|llllllt‘S~2 ii.iiinn.~i, lunkml and the young:-st about 3 ytnirs of age.) it-rm ||\||]Il|’('l| tlullafq by ,,,,,.,‘,,hn‘lg,’-_11,9 llll\\'ll upon a t‘(>lll|llt.‘l’l‘tlwuilil, and wt-pi at lltlllll‘. llniiiig the nbst-nce uftlicp:ir- mm biisiiiess ?lltlvlll-‘Chunilre l;dll


0:‘ tlintlbcre \v:t~i nut aiiutlier world liirliiin t-tits, mid afit-r llii: cliiltlrcn bud retired, mu“; |,y|,,.m,,'g0",". ",0 I. I

i -ii an

.. , m- no to conquer-si:t:i city on ?re, and died in the lirinsc took lire; and lmfiire it was -

I PU “Um;

uiid lllIt.'l'ill ])l'UVi>itIllSllJ|'llll'lll cspt-t:i.i||y, :1 .~tr't-no iiftlt-bziiinli. tll.\"l’O\‘(‘|‘t‘il by the iir'i;;li|i0rs, il luidW. r .A _

and cnju his 1-lxccnlur to tit-at ll)t'lIl llitlllllllill, after li:iviii;,'tn the fHlt"Illl$ll- lllitllt: such pi'iigress as tu l'l'lltl(‘I‘ all ill-U

C “r"'5l'_"l'l P?llfra little earlier

ut iiientM"ltniiie.li:i~;scil ilk»;\llIS;ilrl(‘l'hat‘. it~iii|it.~i to t:.\llllll§Ul$llit, or to save tlie km“.‘m.ml.mHwcvk' la M .0“ Mada’

11,; big put to llllllll the Armies of this 'niis- sleeping Clliltll'L‘|‘l, nitt-rly fruitless. The Ii”:"hit."“"7"” l’°“" f*‘,ll"'Sal" in

,,i. truss ofllic wqrld.‘ rt-.sli'ippedtlirei~bush- \\'l'ClL‘lICtl parents arrived iiiily in limo touh" oi‘ sulldbic fur H‘a"k‘l3“""K Small‘-

witncss the $ltlll\lltl(‘fllIl,{ ruins iifilieir lati- ,”“"$""' n"'"'"‘-

silaugilitercd kiriizs. and made her re-ry linppy dwelling, in the niiilsi nfwliit.-li lay ,

rm“ is l‘|‘°“:9 sllf?lvli-'lll“l"'l"El"We

fnuiiilatlun tlunkc. lied from his country. the l)litl‘l(l‘llC(l and tlisliiiured bodies ollaw w?wun‘ mm E by-"ll °‘m°'- we

bciiig hulcil by lbost: \vliii once lZXUlllll|1- their littlc lliiiiily. \Vt~ ii_l'l§iiiiablir to ilc- hive SW!‘Suki“nlmiuiiws“S "H"-' mm.“

ly tl|lill‘t.l hi-1 iiziinc to that of their UUtl,'§t‘lll)l!the nppnlliiig 5|-i.‘(.'l£tL‘lt‘that wasmum (j'd"~".l'i“diiiiicslicl|'Ulll)ll‘g|‘ir .-gtinc

A iiieliniclioly Ot'lIlll'l‘t‘lllZ0 has taken :indcall-.~d bini llitlllllll-'tl,Ullll died aitlast, llt‘|'(‘ l)l'C\l'lllt'Illo the bclinlil.-|'s; nor vim'1 h“".i.m7"Ur ?sl'““="" “""l(° i“ her lam‘

at by poison £ltltllilll.slt.‘f(‘illiylilsuwn lniiids, ivnrds t-uni-i-y any ll"i\ ii|’ihi- riguiiv til"mm'“_'"Y‘"l"l!£">l¢_l"|'l‘<l'1WIi\-tilh the

u- lll|li1ll\"lllCll and tlllV\'t'||lllHl furuign hind.lib»iiiil1i|uiii.iii-p.iii-niéi.'l‘ht- llll'\l -‘.1--i‘Ti‘?i‘:U“l"n""mum" “lmm _'" ll'° £~'“'d¢'"v'

li- l‘;.rs.ir, tilli-r liaiviiig (.‘llll|‘|lll‘l'l‘(l('ll_'lIliillltl Alli-llllillllllltf ll('ttll. \\'uul-l l'i.t‘.t' ..=--ii-l“\m'lME?‘lU we the l'i“'l5l'""lc rml“ 5

ti buiiili‘e.l cilivs, rind dyiii;_'his ;;:irini-iil lll\L‘\liii syiiipiiliy at lii-airing [ll(‘ll' L-ii. t

.|_,-"l"'K'“i"‘‘ind h'“'d'c‘]3 ‘ll ‘”_“'u5c3,"'="!'=1- the bloodiifzimillionol'liishit~s--.ilit‘i‘liat'- tlii-y riiiiiglcd \\’lllI llll‘ llOlSl‘lIlilllt2 ci'uck- by cm“-my editors‘ hi" mm luggliig m

rs. ling pursued to t.lL'lllll tlir~only rival lieliiid ling ll.inii-.~, \\‘l|lt.‘il ivere cimsuiiiiiig all “ii“M mi bmrimvwk‘.in uifnmrk?go“

I ,,;t,‘,;»;;,;;1;,,,,\;,-,:¢,i,,;;-r,,,.;:\-_,'..11.,,:.2),;_i::.t}|.;.ii.-.| ......i.i i.;...i .i...... 1.. ..~..i. 1-I1 Iat-:dTt_il;]l§bi:iii_ulliE§§‘(£h!°Eg&uu;éM"

‘*5 "l "1 '°"Yl‘“'-"' "5" ‘“"" '" "‘ ‘Z’.


of this iiiipusiur is his arriv-il in Little

liiiuse. .\ot\ritlistaiitliiig this, they met bad bceii his greatest niiibilinn. Himnmhn Dmm "Y n“'m."'m“'*"" .. .,

W‘, ,,,_,r,, um, “,5 l- cl M,‘ , \| ltuclt, i\ik..iiis.is, wlieie licutlcinpted to

li'L'l[ll('llllyat the house ofriiiiutuul friciiil, l)<iinip:ii'tt', \\‘Qu~0 Millllllllc lilllll-*1"ml‘ ' W Y‘ r u U

' '-'.

- -. ...

- .-.

_ __


,, , .- - .. .- >- ». paliii hiiiistll ell as .1 iiiaiiol uud but

e prinr-es ohcycvl .illi-i llil\lll"‘ lllltl the l“‘ly ‘l"'l"r r"“'“‘lY “"“l"‘i-i '“ """ '

4-‘ '

'' i '


'- " '-. . . . ,-

. .

the 'uu(l pcoilcufihat district beiii ini-

L1,;-;>~,,,,_|,,y|,,, ,},5_,|,,5L.d ,0 hm. h,S|m.,.' ,.;,,.,|,wily,um ,,.,.,.,,r qrhii m,,,,,._..i,,?,-i|,i'it_y.tl_n-l.iii l..ii'ii..isltr_t_iii\\ eiliicsdtiylull?“and ti‘ mscd to N I_ 5




' z ti ins itiii urs,

and aslu.-d licrto l)t't:tJlllClll$. She rt-fus. his days in lnnt-1)’lizinisliini-iii. ailiii-isilitt--ll”‘°l'U‘ ii“! Md‘ "iii h”'ni'I‘ 'h“"""" M 5.


- -'

i W

tl|'lI|lllt)l)|il, i~i>iiiiiiiiiiit'.'iii-rl by the bite iifzi um“ me blwl "*'5“‘l“"'*3': °l six lwuls 3'

l’ Y 'I


' y' i

..‘ '


- l ..

-. . . tllull 'st tliein his ucautiliul be.'iril wiiicli

been, niid how ktm-lilybi: lt-ll the blow (‘ould SOllltJllltlt‘5 sec his t'tiiiiiti'y's buniii~i' ‘|"'~ l" um ( Hy " mm‘ l "“'“H"‘ gm“ '‘“ '

E ' '




-. . -. .. ,. - . . was ul uglussy bliclt and truly icliiru-

I w:ivin2o‘t-r tlit-ilvvll. wliicli ii-iiiililiioiui‘ Rf“ "“)' '""\t*l to Liiiiri-hi. Slirwtus_ _


‘' P


Y_ _

_ . ,, _ ._ ..

. _ 1u'lit its luflll and [low was slaved ulf

u?.L_cmm$ mm "mm with and hopes (‘Quid wt bring Inmnm, Tm“ llusc l-Uu,.,liiit\ii,liy.itli,1in llll stitct itliili. riturii I I. .I 0




. .. .- .< . , '. . idiedc ‘fit-Ed eastward. He boreth

blasted, mil)’ be lutltlud U)’his ulL’SlK3l'€tll.'menwho lrorn the |)i't‘llllZ|l'blllltlllulli lll rm! hum" inn“ ‘“‘“l"‘ °"' '" '“""~'-"ml T“ \. W e

,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,_,»,,.¢,|,,,, ,,,,. ,|,,,_. ,,._,,, ,,, ,, ,.,,,,,d llllllCllt)ll with cailiiiness and suuinistiun.

state .it the llllll‘, she h as .~ellll‘t! the occur-

' U‘ .. . . .' ,. . , .

sivu gulyliimilc,gimlisti-31],)“-,~,l,;_ '1'i,,_,- world calls great--ilit-se'l‘inii~ who(‘dell '_:"“"’vll'\“l1‘:“'l';:"l“Llr"‘fl;l‘f"‘:_:."';f'fl‘;°‘Fonrcscvs Diziirii.--The correspond-

,,,iii tnrir iiiade the t‘ill‘lll ti'unilili- to its vi-ry

‘ _""'“ "‘

_‘‘ Y “ '¢ ent nfa New Ynrk paper says. in speak-

,-, centre by their siinple lre;id,st\\'ei'ally died °l'-“"'=l'- A l“fY‘l")'$ l‘““""ll5 l~" ll“ing of Florida, that it is the ?nest place in

R.__.oni: by intoxication. or slililt‘ siippns- iimniluniuhmnlligsy"'l"°"l”°_|lh°‘“°“‘l'the world to make it fortur.e. lle says

{cm-d,by poison initialed in his \\‘lllt'——l)|lt‘‘l"l‘h°"“"‘ vj?"mu‘! ll“'“""l"_'*-"‘_"‘lill" persons in the retail dry goo-lsand gro->|M$llIs eiiiitiiiuc-Ll tn ll1l‘I‘t‘tISl3 in VltIlf‘llCC

,, zi siiicide—ont- lIlLlr’tll‘l'l‘i.l by his i‘i'ieiid—_


, _

' very business have amassed there in two

bereaved ul usolt who w;is|,li¢irpyi,_l,;and and one in lonely exile! "lluw are the "““l I l "cl'_"5kml “__""l,""$‘l“y?m§"'f""'years 60.000 ‘l"‘"""5 alm\'¢ II" \’XP¢"$4'l.when shr died tpeticlim of ii cniiiintil huh as 3 son 0|-dmw_hack_ he ,,,,.,,,,,_,n,

c;\\‘6lt‘S8l\l‘5S, pro lably nn the part of "'5 ibutthe liineral bell is nearly as common

owner nltlieilog,:ind rifuiiiin-ciifirecinent ‘hem as me dinner b,_."_iiftlieilug law. Mrs. Keely lizisleft tl bin-


‘ wards the last stapes of the disvusetlur- ?shmg mm day‘ when“ lhund" smrm


-- --

---,':l u.tl tl_hlock

date uf.\nv<:iiibi-r lUtli. We uiincx the ‘V‘“'d'< the "um [mm 3 l'°“"° l'l‘ “J5 ‘l inrv her lnci-l intci tals, she was conscious0'“ ng P my ran ° a am” em

0r"'h"imp(_m,in,,nu, and roqllcsml metree. a lew rods from the brook, for shel-

.._\1,,S,,,,,h;,pm,|m' mpmcd ,0 be we liibitin; gittitniixiityltsttlietiairishould m,,,,,,],,,,, p|,).5,,.,,,,, ,0 3,1,6 her f,,,m ,|,,.tel‘ -ll-'5!b'~l'_"’¢l-ll¢Yl’¢=1°h¢~l _'° "PC 1

. . 4- . bivered into ti thousand pieces by is

ll" nu which awaited her b blet-din" was. .

dirxitli.This wasofcouirsctleclinlislmke or |'“mmng' The boys slapped

ed but the request shnwstbe horror and aghasli M 1"“ °“° smd m me Wares!‘

ldrimlof those suffering With the disease "gamma" W“ l"'“7!" "Nu" "Bu" can

|" _V


.t -t

years. 'l‘be incaiis be took are too sin-' , __

[,!Ulill'not to be ?lt‘lllll)l'lt!tl. llriving learnt_

' ' " tones ofthunder. thoseowning dogs run- 9°’ s°m°"“"g "mil b°d°“°i"

,_ I, __

v. _ .

and her mcliiriclioly end rcproaclics. in )'°"l" “xf"" “N°r l"m‘"i bl" bY lln‘

"mg at large‘ cOnl:liii'|lyii‘r)Ihlii:iiLed; _‘vELLERlS\t?.‘-I-"YOUstick to me closer


“ P Hthan a brother, as the sick man said to

,you want to buy any squashes!" The his l’"5l°l"

I-‘citocinr or ii l‘t.i1-.—-Tlie Toronto (U. “M y dying day‘: ii comln." as the rat

C.) papers relate a singular circumstance said to the terrlcr when they opened his

which took pliice in that city, on the lllth cage,ult. A Mrs. Forbes left her child. an '-United we stand. divided we fall," as

infant oftwo month». aslr-ruin Mr bed. in the mi said to herchlrkenain Hawk time.

the morning. ?nd "Ell! B501" 71¢!‘"Quill “l have taken some pain: to come ln,"‘

,- I rl .~' P bl‘ . h ho

‘ renews ken or below he mi ht Hpursuits. Shortly iilter B young ti y as the toper Sdltl tn u ieiiii w en

whose bed-room was next that in which drove his bead through the window._


the chlld was lelt. hm: alarmed by its "How lrreaistlbly Irilling you are." u

screams. and on hastening to aseertaln the thief said to the hangman when be tied

their cause, she was horri?ed at perct-lv- the rope to his neck.

ll'l|l alarge rut tearing at ltii cheek, and

with the lnfant sband. which he had sc- Re“ M,._ S;,ua,‘M,.. Hog“ M,“ Bwmir

vcrely torn. but had abandoned It for ii

part from which more blood could be 0b~ SENATOR FROM Mlsslssmpp

ned Had h l d§.‘1i.........?2L§.f..¥Z:'?E.1.l..“'£2.§;-M --I---=-I M-=- -- -

H la now mm wm '00:‘ "cw". mm,‘lected Henderson, Whig‘. by a majority of

, r m, M bee ‘um ?ve votes, to till the vacancy ln_thcU. 8.n a °' mm,‘ Ye an Senate, occasioned by the resignation _ _

of R. J. Walker -¢N. Orleonc Bee, trt Rib.

blippefy Plano.-A fellow coining out_


of c uivern one ley morning. rather btim "'41 3°" N” ”""'?'5"‘ '1 “Fm” lb“

he fell on the door step. Trying to re~ Nashua 'l‘ele§\’IPl1= -_

gain nit footing. he remarked. -it ll the Ibw Chiwm at c DWI-=~W¢ hm_

self,and beg to lire t the mp Orltll bible we 1*" "kid “"4 °" Illww l'°'" "ml"! ""' ll” ‘!“'° ‘ll ‘ 3"-

volee. The entirelydestroyed. Plow‘. l will l>°l°°8 W I Ql??l °l“" swim kw‘. um’ lob“

fa l-

i rforlttsnioretbsulcmdo. ,tbIyvere <l¢l¢.l\°""\’ ‘_'

l'l?" '-.


Page 14: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition









’ I ‘

“um n l4 I


iii I.-_il1\.h.ivlllL' bi-ongill-v.-ttti-ilfmlll l1ll|il-O T‘ .Mp(_|. Quinn‘ (Um. ,,f;|,,. ,,|,,,.‘,.,.,,_)

“ 1- ~. \\'I\1 <tl\' -tI|ll‘-, tlil- l ties lint



l l 1

V I |

» f nltiy |\.ts~l, l1utl1oi'i.<lill;.{ the clerk of I ‘evil

' Me1~<rs.Col11egys,Mliillahyand I~'i1:lt'd.

. till lllntlitll ilf1\lr. \VIlllltll1s,ofHnr.

.._' .-5.




.\. _-

‘ -“t\l'_\'|5\lIl| Ill-‘({iU|:IIIIl‘l'. :ttiltl: ll cotllprlny tll11llll<t'ltl‘:ill road frmll 'l‘I|I'i CECII4 QAZETTE.\ltllllL‘ plillll tit III Ill‘d| hllttun In laid ciiull -1... l._.l..;:

.._ _

Kl \l<1‘-_\i,, t'ii\il--llun l~Zl.ci*lluri PE" I)‘. nu ll\~- “I\llllll0l‘l2't\IIt| Wiltllingtoli “It!l'l!ltAl'l‘ or 1-iii: LAWI lNDC‘01ll1lTl'T|tl.N."

11.1-i. ltnll Ron-l.tu tho I‘c1111syl\-alllnlhw.und -~~ - - - — *---- ~-

‘“ on 't‘l1l11-~.l.1,\'l.l~i tho llouac of |l<-le- l'\""'{ll';";l“"'l'""""‘iH ‘ i r


E I k '0 n’ 13'“'_...

, .. . .- . -- " .-.



- "l‘t‘S"\'('t"lI y rcltl .llni I‘I‘(‘t'-_ , , . . ,pm -'liIttl|Il|\‘1l\\|lltl\\|l lltrtlltl dl h.lll. “' "“

‘ v R I

‘ RDA‘ ',l,|.n|-An‘ ,2“ “gig.(l|(‘||l\I‘\IIIIl| ii~l.itlt'l- hi .\ll'. I.:1~~~~ll'\<"l-titlt ""l "_'-\l‘.‘“"“-I“""‘I')"‘l- |"“"‘l “"jl""l"'i_ |._____.._.‘._.


I-I :1 ~-nil Ill i'1»- l||Il|\t‘, 1\ll. I -ll-l";=t'~1 l'I"'-*'*"""‘l 1' l"‘l[""'f " To t:iii1iii.i1l-o.~lill:.-trii.--"Urutus,"—ln ro-'l'he lit-~tii1l1 lll\I |‘tlllII‘ ll l tlll llie lit‘‘l I ‘ '

-. .

lI'\lli)l\ to the talc dot-lltlon ofthe Ilolllc ofIqltllllltillq pll>ptwt~illit‘ \Il'. ll1.i~~ lit ll. \\"l1‘- ll

'~".ll-ll y l'.iir1~lw tll the li|'il1lli~tlll'l ltil t‘t‘lli-oltiltv. plxivltlgg the p.i\<;ii1t- til It l.l\\.

\\ lll iii ili~t-I III‘ \I|‘ l til he l‘llI‘ilt rip, t'll'll\".ll|t' lllt' pl |l‘L‘ Ulillllllllllgthe (‘lt‘t'llt)ll lit-lelflll" I" |'1‘,l“I‘ll|\|!ll"? Cl"l"|5 (Ir M"-'i' . .

i.. ‘i -

- -~

M‘ \,.;,;_ in \_||1lill\ll|t'I; l.l\!4§I'll of Kent us it ttletllller of lhill

.\tr .\I\u-1\' .1-I-ll-W-t'-l it lluv wol-ti» to \\ lIII‘|\\\'=l<n.t-llludl'l'li~i'rt'~llu Y\lt‘v‘YI!~hnily—l1nll bccll t'ervlvl-ll nnil sl|t1lll'l~-

l"‘ -\'l"""“"'- “"‘l"l' “"‘ ‘ll-l ""\ 'l"'l'"'")' """"‘l'y§' |"':“"| “ml ("||ml\h“ rt-ive nll cllrly ntlrllllilll._, . _ V

__ _. ,

,_-.-.._.._..__-._ __ _"‘-"- "'" "'“l‘ "“-“"'l I" I"


llb" I" ll‘ ‘"'l-"_1,I.” NHL" I-|”_-A‘-”_~|)_ II “I\ i\lrrcllttnt I.-l tloslrolisl of acelltl:

lll‘lt'\l\Jl)'ill print, it ltlillll nut bontl1llrl-x-ll|l' <ltllit-rt t-i lI'l\‘l‘ ll('t‘II !4lllIil‘Il‘Illl_\'ili-.hnll-tl. nll-I lllr |.\t'l\ lll the t'il~l‘ :l~ti~i~1i:till- N.\N'l‘1\ .-\.\'.i\ 1\l.\l)|-1 I'll!-I.<Illl'1i\"l‘ til’

rd M fl". "“h,.\. ,.,,,,|,| |,,.' ,.\,-|-‘- ,,,,.,,,|,,.,- Ml-IXII ‘ll. ]\t‘|Nl‘_ \\'ill he reilll llll‘ lust ptlrzltgrilpliMil-4 ll-1 tltlllltl lllllv |11t'p.IIt'll III villi‘. Illltl 'l'l"‘ ‘*l‘il' lI""‘l“l'~"‘ l""‘k"l N“ 3' r""" ill the ler|lt~t l1l' our |l:l|\cl'!

1c I ii lvli-it" 1’lllll'll Itll‘ ill" 1'! l-t'l'i1lia tl'll.t-\'1‘i‘ll I'rll7.. Jtlll. ‘.27, l1:i=l:1l'rivcll 1lt i\'l-iv

___ , . .

“ ,\ pill ,iii.l ill-l-1 li~'il III l.tr ir;>-lIii~1-tl\:1'\~I‘!. l1.l\'¢ I I. ' lllllll \t1I||tI' til bet‘ lI;lsql'lliter1 tllllt lltlt'lll— l‘ll'l'""‘l' l'"'"'l li"' l‘."“""' l"k """"l)'- I'll"

lll;3 lll‘l' 1'-lI1't\ lit \ t'l'llI till.

’|‘|,i- |,iilit\litl|ti-ill St|yl|——-" 1' t'tti'|\“l | llillllllllltl-il ll?! nllt- tlf lllt‘ Juilgl-1:of the

“,-‘ |;,,“,,; \|,,.,, p,.ip1i<l-ll;i |‘l\\ly||||lr)ll ucl1i~t- w.l\ l'l-l~l-ivcll .lt Vi-rll Ifrllz llll the |,,.,.|, ,-,~J,.,-p-.1liy ||,.- :<.-|,;||i-_

tll-vllllilp twtl \'.Itilllt ll‘-4 lit t"\|.t ill ll-r Ylllll "ll- lllill l59|"""|l -\‘"l'l“ All" WI“----

---~— -

‘||.h_,,‘m,m Hf |\,.,,; ,._,,,,,,‘._ ,,"_| H," H“. nppolllti-.l |ll'l'\Illl‘llltIl .\lexlmlilll I!lll'l'l|II,_

,H H,_ I. S I A i ‘ I-

_ _


.__ ‘ _ _,

- (If It‘ |l.t1 illlll iiitttrilynH k -i~§\"n “-y||~4 |.| ,-|,.,.h‘,“ “,.,.,,,,|m.!. \\ l1th- l'lt'>i<l<-lll lIll~.I.ltl1t illtltlt Illt lit .lll tll


_ 4

IW“ N ‘ I

-llltlll Il|4'|i w in til Illll|'t‘ll ll"i‘llIl‘il (Ii-llvrlll "l""l'"‘I""l """'-l“‘ 1“ illllll" l'|l"‘|\l"IIl "l_

.. ,.

)'\. ml" ‘,mn.,,|.i.,|i,," “mp ',|_,,.,. 1,,-|“-,-,~|i ll|'tI‘l\ ttt 'l'n:iipii~ll. 'l'lll- |:|w t'5pi~l|lll|_' llll‘ the ltvpllllllt‘ tll'i\lt"<il'tl..

-.. -' -

~ - -' ' ~ ~ --ltltl ‘""

. S . ; _| “L H ,,. -l\lll l|ii~ lrr~l1ili\l.ilsitob< lllttlllillbly (llI\If((IM" I" “HI "I ‘H '

r .


‘h T H ':(‘!'i\l'l til‘ Itorilli-ittr liitllllwill-Ili1:.'liltllt~ lti-qiillitioll. .'\ ~|=i!11Ilutl<l- ll"‘ -Ill! "|"l- ' '_

' '"

""' v


i ' -I"

1;,-,|,,,,, \\‘II||l\| -\li \' will 111-llliv lllt‘ 'l'hI' portal itf.\lcxl<'nn1'epii<ltlvt~lyclml- I.-in ri--ogiii-itliiiiwiil l? ll|U H-1-i1:1ti~-it .‘|llV)lI||tl-

m,mmH. In ,,m.,- ,,,, ,,|,].-,-litiil lilll~t .iilitp. rd, wltluilil t'xt‘I'pli|ll!. tltt the t‘tt|IIlIl|l ofD

-<""r -- n

"H" ‘H H ,,,,,,|,|,,.,| pm ,,,,| M,-,, up pi the “(il'lI_!'liII:<ll'1lcket thinks, tllllt oi 'l'tllll- \'iiii1i\~ii1 t~=l=.~li~n1n.-\Vl1i-ii ||ll' llllllll III!l‘Il Ill

’ii.l tl1l- _vi~.1sllltl1|l1 ya were tllkell. 'l‘l11')\\'t‘I't‘ )‘I'it‘t H. uzyyq -Ill -llllll ll |It‘\V t.'ll'l‘-than is u1"i|cl"cil iIt.‘<‘tll;!lll\l1l\'-

.Illl1ilpoli: Ii'epilh!l'clln.


Mr. Fiilllcgyst pl'rln'I\l¢‘~lI l"‘lll"'" "I

ullliill-y cltlzclul ill’ t't-l-il l-oullty, ltrllyiltgtl11- |l.l\\'il:(‘ Ul ll law Iilr the t‘ll*'"l||“l~""

li1l~t1l Ill ;1l.:l'i<~ultll1'e ill tllt: at-vt-l'al ctlulltiezl

'1‘ Il1l< .\'ttlIt';\\'lili'li was retl-I tlilil t‘elt~rrc-I tu the

t‘\iIllllIIlIt'l‘4ItI I\;_'I’ll‘IllltI|'t‘._ _!\ti-_ l;Illl‘§'|lil', I'l't\t\llt‘il it lilll l‘|lIlIlI'tl

:tll l\t‘I iii :tl1thi1l'l~t1\ tllt- \‘\Iltlllll\':1llI|Il‘|'S of

lji-.<i|.~i.iiiily,ti1l<~\'yl\ ?tltll of tl1l1lll-y lot‘

' l|11- Ut‘It>I'-lI‘.l ('11-~ii,i11 ('4-1-ll i~-willy. nit"

rlivll l't It l'~l \I|l|s.\\ llll I1 was Il'ili.l the Illa! tlltlc and oi

tl(‘l'l‘tl to ll!‘ oil the table.'

FHll‘llill'yI I.I

Mr. ("illllcgys prcsl-ittt'd tl peiltiull 0

'|'I|l)||)n! ,\ll-(‘i-t~11ry, prilyillg that u law

(M. |.,|,|i..;i- ill‘ ri-liltildlltg ll lIl'l<l,',_[l.'liver



ciitlllly elllirl tn grattlt llllll :i license to

keep llll llrdil1.ll'_\';\\'I1ll'll WIN rctill nnll rcl'l‘l'reil to

I"rIirll.iry l'l.'

‘The hour hltvillg zlrrived for taldllg tipthe ill'ili~rot'tht- day. the llilltse |Il'lN'l‘l'tll'4l

to cuiisl-ll-1' tl1i- lllll. i‘t'|im'tt-it by Mr. \\'tl' |i.1l1lsliiI’ll.lrl'i1rtl. l‘f\Illlt‘<l till ilvt Io tll1t1l-

isll ill the Niall-ol' i\l(\I'ylilII\l,the luiv of

i||]'i|'l1|tlI|lll’IIl llir ill-lit;.. ..- ... .._,1.....l- 'l\.'Jl...~-

ol'jll<lit~e;l)l‘lCl'llllIlf'd ll1 the ltcgntlve.

The yous and liiI)‘S \ve1'i- ordered zlttil

|'l|\pl‘lll'('tlno lllllt\\\‘§I—)'t‘6t$‘Z3, lttlys ‘ZS.‘S11 tile llilll-to ri-lilsi-d In rofl-1" said bill

to the colnlllittec on grlcvaltccs and courts

ofjustice.tin ri1otiotlnf1\lr. \\'illi.1ms of II.Siiiil hill \ViIS postponed ilnd mlldc the

sperilil order of the day for Tllursdilytltc‘lIst IIIQI.'

Ult ololiull 0f.\lI‘. CUl'l\t'[,()'§,,

'l‘lle hilllsc took up for eullsiileratiollthe 1'i-solltltoil lulbnlittcd by Mi". l\‘o.1rd.nil tllc ‘liltll llltilllll, Ill I't‘lIl'l\lIt to the ap-

poititlltctlt of live llllllllltllllll iltspccturs illlllllll)t‘|'. llt this village of I'ort l)E‘|)USll,ill(‘evil rollllty.


tilt lnotiilli of Mt". Pitts.Said 1-csollltioll was oluered to lic on

the tahlc.

I"I'Ill'lun'y I3.- Mr. (‘olllcgys prcsclltod ll ]k‘llIItlIIof

\\'illi:lln Dllltc nlld othel s, prnyillg the pris-

sngv of :1 law to illcorporatc the Elkton

Lye:-lllll;\Vhii'h was rcald and rcIi~rred to Messrs.

COllIt‘;1}’§,\\'illi;llils nl llzlt ford. Illltl Foztrtl.M1‘. tfolllvlzys |'(‘|\Ill'l(‘tl it bill entitled

llltri-ill'1l~~tpu|l1ll-tlt~4 ill Mexico rt~.~=p<'t'liiit.Ill!‘ prllllltlliltty illlt :l|it‘l~iI)'hl‘lllI‘I|tl‘lIl ill

|Illlll‘|Il‘I‘ llll‘ zllllvlll of rt-il1fi1rt'l-l1lt~l1Is til

?all'tl(l‘ ll llt'<'ivi\'r~l1lll\v.

1ll>tiit-x|ll'i-.~t-i--1 ih1llllI.~l of llll‘ prtillllbililvIlllll Mr. l'tiIicllll.ll1l will be ;lbli- to l~ll'1-rt

i'\|l i1rl'i1llgi~|lll-lit, lllld ltl ihl-i it rl1iuri<lt's

\\'itll :ll1 t-gprt-.~;~.lt1ltof l\\lIlll|'iIl Il.llttliil.

the" Iklrllelalbl pilI‘l(t‘l—-".‘\.\“€lt|t! yourtIlIllI'tII')'|IIl‘|1 that illlyiiiiilviilllv 11l'l'ul1gl--Illt'lll tlppt-:1l'~tto be lluprllt tivllllll-."


Q1-Tlll-tirccll Wt-sit-rtl Ill’l'l\'t‘ll tit NewYork yl~leti'r-l:1y,ltli~li1‘l-lorlt, I’. -\I. Slit‘

It'll "l'l\'lIIl illl the ‘JSIII tilt. at .'il1'l'hl<'kI‘, !\t_.__l!l d.1y.»~p.1\'<.'l;1l-.

.ll:l.-4 l1r'llll:l'llollt1'rllll l<Ias"l' l!v\)I.\.\IAN

/lso ITU Llvu-l.

l\t'l‘tII|lllS troiu lt1di:l IllIllt]llI|t‘t' lhc

lliss ill‘ llll\l ship, lmlilld fmui I-tllltltlll In

t'll|i'ulta, :tI Siliilll llelld. lll'£lI' the pl;tt't~ofhor llt‘-\llltliIlIt)lI- (Jul of I78 por>liln>lill] hoiii-1| only 5 were slaved, viz: 7 re-

l'rilits.lll1lI l |$t‘;lIll;l|I. 'l'Ilc ttlll1i|ieroI'lt--vrllita (Ill l>il.'1ril was I lli. it('t‘tltll|l.l|\ll'tlbylti wtlull-it llllll Ill t-bildrl-ll; t'I<'\\’ Zlli.

'l‘hl~ l'i~i1t<-i-tii1- \\'ll1v\lIl\‘L‘Iltlsllulo ill u

gale, while ill llll<~l1i1t'.

/\ l)l\‘ I'll l'I\'\'| \'(l lIl'il’iIII'l'

some voicailllc nctloll ilzlvlllgn (‘()ll|lt't‘lll>llwilll llll‘ l.llt' t‘:tl‘l|lqii:tkt‘ill .\lilIllIllI|lll‘-—U\l.l1lZllt\|\i‘l3 t|I\'l-led‘ I1y ll t‘|'t‘l‘l( i‘t1llllill;_'

nczuly tl11"ou;1h the l'l‘llIl’(‘ lit‘ tl1i~ Ixlnllil.tllll‘ :.l.ll' of which ls tt llIllI‘Slt)II(‘ lltfltlillltilland lheolltl-1' \'lIll"llI|ll'. Slime very rele-brsltt--l pl.lltl:ltil1lll>:, willl ('XII'|l_\iI\'t‘ bltl|d-

l|ll1S, llllt't‘ l1l' lgrrnl \':1llll~, lll'\‘ said lo ht‘

mlllpli-ll-ly SIll)lIl('I’f!|"t.l.”

tlltlt the re-llolllltttltiillltlfEuw.\1ll1l'.tl.1ll:li,

been unnllllllulisly (‘ilI\?l'lIlt‘tI lly the Sen-

nlc--'ll:\t bully hllvitlg ?rst illtilltntcll tnthe I-Iv-clltlve ll1.lt sll<-Ii re-iltllllintltiollwould be ttt't‘cpt;tllle.--lloll. llrp.

It would bi~ wt-ll to rcmilld the ptlblicI|l_('tIlItIIt‘l'Il‘II llilleu lmw In circulation, ofthe F1't~1let'it'k eottllty II:lnk, -'llli-red flnlllultetn ten tIlIllill'S. 'l'l1l-ylolly be easilytll‘ll‘l'lPll tlt ?rst sight, by |N'l‘30|iS acquaint-cd witlt the one ilollllr bills of that bank,which are lll dallly clreultltion.--l'b

The Untied States Gazelle says: “Agcnllelilnll showed to its ycstcrdtly, I!note on the Wihllillgtoll and Brundywinc

lliously altered frolll TWO to 'rwl:.\"r\'. We

0H“, \_,,_|~,,.,,_,,, ,,, M, _\- -|-,,,. ,_.,,,.,.. |...~o. ll.-l.........l .... ltt.....l..,- .-..-..1..,;. lltl'|-r‘. ...l.l.1.....-

,m,.,,',.,.,.- ,.- 1|, it 1| dil-l~.i1nl it-ilsli-.1lli~il Aihliirltl llullllilt (tiller-l ill iipiliiou l'rl1ttl .,i l.,.|l--liii;;~ lllltl llltl‘Il pl:lt'4'llll’ .~'--iialili, \\‘lllt-

\ - ' iiiil --ili Fllllu XIII t-lcciioll. Allllflfll 11 lli-- re-

llllll lll.l';lt‘l| toll"!

\lIllt.‘|'t‘l|l‘l‘~I, :ll1d he ll\\‘-tit~l wltll illl- liil. '.'il. Zlll.

-I7 -17'1-_.l---, -til

ll....._ lzt -1:. .-.1

.'\ Ii-tI1~l' l'ri1lll \'r‘r.l l'l‘IlZ 1-l'll1t‘ ‘.!'.‘tb till. l\l11-nu. "'4 '5" '5"

Qt-iiiiclllig, ‘J


Iii to-illlng ovi-r \lIl‘ lII|Il't‘l‘llIIIKIIof lillr l.c~

'l'hltt OllIl‘('t‘ thus lt=lili-l->~ac-l'tlii- i~;lpt;1iii ill‘ in-l.1l1ii--, \\'l‘4|ll\l‘I'\(‘ that "I" |.. lilloiiii lhr iii.

toii-i-ii |IYl‘Il|'lIlld IIIINJ ll(‘\:ll llllltitlrilly llUlItt'f.

l|\IIl' iiiiil \\'t- llllly rimuilllllbly prviiplliii that 11

grt-titer lllilltbcrof tllelil will he grlllltrtl ut thi-

|IH'\(‘I\lllI1llt lit l1ll_v prt'l-cilllig sir-iililll. ltlllrrll

wtl mitt-rlit the Ilicllliy with tthirli lll\|)YC\.l1 art-

iiliiiilliul tn vi-ry lutllly i-tliti-ii ill‘ our lliiliiu, alid

p-irlii-il|.irIy III our onit,

lblll‘ iii‘ t]ii~“l\‘Illl"ll cvll-1

iii Itllf .<y.ti1ii1,i1i11l<.iii<that rqilirw ii \§lllIl\'-

iiollle rrlilrlll. 'l'll:lt ililiirvcll iiluy \\llll lliu lit

ii1»i-it |lflI|\(l|'ly hr gralitt-d, anll iifriglit ought

tllln-,lil~11lllc ctllicil, V\L' liru Villllll“ to lilllllll;

l?lllllttl tltt: potvcr ulgritlltlllg lllcili in lull Ili-

qucillly tllullt illpldil-tuuiily and llllwiltcly, t‘.\€t'-

chit-ll, no eiitueiii clpl-tlly tnutillblit to ll redact-

lltg collltltullity. It in not ogliiliiit tho exert inc

of tltiltpowcr by our |‘t‘uI'lii|llIC‘ hllt llguillni.tin lll.tlU\! that we tvulllil w.lrll our llcgiutatiiru.'|'ilt~re are t'nilc<,orcurri1l;; lItIlll‘|' |l.tt’llL‘tll.lI1 ir-

t‘llltl.\l illclnw, lvllcro the lllarltiil riglitn h:l\c hit-ii

walitollly litld groa-ly oi1ir.igcd,i11 wI.1-hthc

ir 1rilt'ufill\ulu.1i l .iiitlol be ipli-1-iiolll-ll,but.


._ l‘." --;-

Tlll‘ -\"'“' \ I" k l\"""'"'““ _""'“l“’"“ ll -tltlltime-4 we bcli|:\l1l1Ibt'lJ|'Ullrttlll\Il)' rlitc oc-

'll§lr"5‘ll‘Il rplmlill I“ nu‘ """? “ml Hwicttlri-lli-i-.Thu It:lltlcllt'y uli divurci-ll inltiglllyt


- i '.-rt-litre ltl the l.\l.1IItl'tIl‘(||liltl?ll'I|‘)t>lln.~l"h_“mu,m":in “M mmnnmily‘ " um ,,,,l,,,,slink far bcliiw the Ildo level. llll-_i-l- qu__“M_w_m_“bmk“_|m"“ lhmww‘

r-lthrr than lliliilllildleil thc evllu they arc i1ltul1d-

I.'tl tli rriiielly. At the prrnolitday \lll‘y areal»-

I-illicd allltiut ulliuinlly, null with liil llltlo ct-

pcllilc, as it llullrtiigc ltccrlit-, and ll1al1y'ol‘tlli»u:ttllo llavo bccll culiiiectcd tugclliizr lll tho holybollllil ul'lltutrlll1nlly, If iliry ?llll tliclllltclvu

tlul lu 11 cll i-uitrll to cacll otheran they lillltlly

al1tli:1pati-ilili their Iullryoll drlyll ofcourialltp;li' th-~y liilll \ll\lIlt\tl\'\.'l iii.~<.1|1p<1li1tcllin their ox.

“"' l"i"'" l’Y P l""“" r"‘"" /\|"“ll'°ll*-1pct-t.it|i.-Ilaol'|'ortul1i- or lll ally other f\'utpL‘C\;or

tllllllliatt licdlll tclilpcr, too iri-quclltly, lllll?ld

fllrI‘nlnltiiQ:inl1t'ri-l'lnsolvl~|lI l)t‘l)lt)I'SlliI!ilU|L.",_k.“m,,"L, ,uh_mmmi_c mm p‘m_“,|’,be"

tlic conjugal yriltr, lly into ulnlu vi-iii-lit oilt-

hrcak at tho worst pa|lliolnl,al1d l.llt.'II petitiontllo ll-gialuturc lbr I rcdrcu of tho ulil theyhave walltolily and llccdlm-ly lnougllt upoll

tltclllnelves, and for wlliull tllcy have in llIt.‘||’

powcr the I'ull~|t rl:ult:l.ly. W1: hold, thcn, that

this Ircqul-nl granting of tlivorccii in nut ullly

dcnlorallziilgitl nutty CiM.'|l' but prcjullicill to

the cultivation of dolllctttic Ilarlllolly and cull-

juglll alfcctioll, and that in its clltl-lltlcll opera-

tion it ill ll growingevil, and requiresllluclr mo-dilication and rcfurln.

For the Cc:-ll Gazette.

Bank, llt Willulllgton, De|., very i11ge-'I‘O\5I‘IlEPRESIDENT A.'\'I) [)lR[-jlj.TURS OF 'l Illa EAS1 EIIN SIIORE.

all act th altlllorise the colllltlissiolicrs offhm" "'"'ly SN" Plece or vmillny m"r° RAIL ROAD CU“pANY-Ce:-il c-lltlliy, to levy at SIIIII ullllollcy to

rl~p.1irthc bridge llvcr Uctiirara creek, insaid county. near llmvlalldvillt-;

Which watt read the ?rst time and or-

dered to ltc llll the table.The hill l't‘|tllI'l(‘ll by Mi". Foardciililled

ft flilllil-r stlpplcnlclll to till act entitled an11--t to incorpoi-lite the I-larltcril Shore milrlirl-lciimpally, ]);ISSC(Int December ses-

shli l835.cl1:ip|er 338. was taken up furcollsi-lerntion.

on lnnlii1iio|'Mr. Spencer,Said hill was referred to the comnliltce

on corporations.Hrlzruilry I5.

Mr. Foard presented a |)t‘llIlUti fromthe town commissioners and other citi-zens of Elkton, lnticcil county, prayingthe passage ofun act authorising sald town

commissioners. to cut a ditch or canal to

neatly pc1"l'orl1led._

The ltlrrcunlile value of 0 i\'08e —A tri-

FLOUR.—Yesterday morning, beforethe new: _hy the Great Western came to

hand. sales of Howard street Flour werelnnde from stores to acme extent at 88.-l2§. and one parcel at 88. To-day, sincethe advices by the Great Western havebeen published, we have heard of no sales

aupply their town with water from the oflloward street. Holders generally are

Big Elk Creek, and to condemn the ne-

ccsanry quantity ofland for that purpose;willing to sell at $8.l2§; but as yettlieleappear to beno buyers In the market;

GENTLEWENZWlthln a few days past. Ihave 300" your report to the Stockl1old-


_. .


cra.on whicll report I now proposeto offer

1;‘.h“.J"sl_limo“pm“: m the C".-Y°r New for your sober (‘0I\SlIl(‘fl1Il0Hll few re?ec-ork in ulilclionc Edwin Norris brought "om. in as much as me Sm“: or Mm?;1:v;::";?‘ o|Yv'll'l|'i':mn}:“::‘sg‘hf‘:land is a very large stockholder, nllll as

drunken frtty D'lIIllr.(Ԥwere laid atone om" cmzenshimmysclr deeply up

BIO 000 T11}jui-yg0Wt,‘Vt‘I'tlecltlcd‘°'°"°" '“ ml‘ ""1"

thnt‘Mr.Norrls'nose.wtls onl ‘damnledThu.’ Duplex“? and mm-"sic" mg“ in

to the eiili-nti>rs2o00whleliitiiiseliii-lily°‘" °""""“'i°"' “‘ ""5 "?y ""i""""he mmppmd m my ‘Eh: can

manifest, not only by the length mid per-‘

Pl¢XllYDfywr rt~l»<li1. but by the mlmyLIAI.I‘l.\luttI'. l\iIAItKla'I‘-I-eh 20, strangeandstartllng facts which you dis-


By the provisions of the charter of theEastern Shore Rail Road Company, theState of Maryland engaged to take tltockin the Institution to the amount of one

million ofdollara, upon tl like cum beingsubscribed by private Individuals, and thatthe atockholders should appoint six direc-

tors, and the State ?ve. to constitute a

board to manage the affairs ofthe com-

Whlch wan road and referred to Messrs. and we cannot,therel'ore, quote a positive pony. Certain individuals, having YI01l‘I'iv-Fpard. Comegyn and Ciilleaple.

Mr. Foard presented it petition oflohnstore price. Yesterday the wagon andRail road price Wtll O8. but to-day that

L Olaytorl and Joshua Clayton, praying price cannot be ohtalned, dealers be-the passalle oh law to effect partition of lnlzunwilling to pay more than O7.87§.the real estate oflamu Lawson CInytonLdeceased.

GRAIN.-We know of no sales ofWheat. A sale of Vlrglnla mixed Com

nally complied with the terms of the char-ter, met at Denton In December l836.undappointed six directors. By negligenceIn drawing up the chartey.the appointingpower of the director; on the part of theState will not dellgnated, and when the

Which was read and rekrrctltohtesnre. today at 80 cents. We quote It at 80 a six llockholder dirctor: met the ensuingFoard, Comrgyn and Thoma.


February l6._82 cents. A sale of Maryland-yellow February. no director! had beenappol?b

‘Com yesterday at 88 cents—worth 87 a ed on the pnrt of tho State. The Legis-Mr. Cornetzys lluented three petition: 88 cents. lature wu then In session. and. upon op-

qlgocd by 3t2 cltlzengof Cecil county, We quote Rye at I00 a I05 cents.poylng that a low may pus, incorpor-

l .

i .

' '¢


~ '32 - u_' . ~


Oatsuerrorth 45:46 cents.,

pllcatlon. would with lpoeit have puaed I

supplementary law to rid the defect, and


the governor wlilicqtullpromplllt-as wouldhave appointed the live Slate tllrcctors;lllll tho lilx atocllllolder lllrectnrl, with u

pi-1-ciplilltliill llnd recklt-uncle \vI1lt~l1time lllttcl: lllurkell llloilt of their procu:iI-ll1g~l,orglil1l1.i-dthe lrorporatlolt by ohm-

lnlr |(L'llt'l'IllI~2llli1ryll1e|Il’l‘IlIl('lIl. \\'lt:ttfurther ttrtu they then dlll, tll)t‘I| not dis-

tinctly appcllr tly the report, hut I haw-llltIt' dllilbt they |llI‘lI ulao llppullttt-d thelwi-rettlry, the gt-llcrill ugcntulltl tlu- nilllurlIllI(‘|'I'lt. A prt-iiidellt wltllout olllrers.wollld have bet-ll like ‘a gcllcrnl withtilltIIIltl|l'|'-‘I. All llI(‘II of Illgh llegrtil- mi-l

highslt:llil1n,prell-i‘ to lime tlil-It‘ eltlblll-lt‘l'lI! tlbllllt lltt‘ID. Dull ttlliullte wl1.1

lll\1':ly.~l|1t-.~lt8il|l\'lll'1| will-ll he llllll Hull-

rllolll I1i~4 1'll)lI\\',(?\i'l'|l whl-ll l‘|lgll;.;l-ll llt

iiultln with willd |||Ill'( or Willi! l)ll].!.\l. ‘I‘l1i-lloliull Illill the xix tlll'l‘t‘lt|l'-'4Il|)|Xllllll‘llllytl1l- Nltll'l(l]llltlt‘|\' ttvlb to ot'g:lllizi- thi-

riil|1iil;1|iol1,llud llllll lt~;::ll tlllthiltlty tn

llppollittllltt-4-1-lttllll t't1tt"t' int-i i-ol1tl'.li't~,

N lilo plti-lile lilr tll';1llllil-illative II‘lIll-I-

Illltl. ll is Il|l‘(Wt“l!‘ll by llll‘ lllt'l, Illill Illt'Stole llltll lltl cl|lt:1l lIIlt'I't‘?ll iii the lll~tittl-

tiilll. llllll lllltl l't‘PlI‘l'\'l‘tl by llll' l'll.lllt-r the

pilwi-| i1l‘llpp<lillIiil;1liw-i|lt't‘t‘ti1t‘>ltilpru-ti-i~l lI\i lllll-l<'~il.~l. ‘l‘lil--in sit !|lI>l'klIl|lll(’r

lllI't‘t‘lIIl.\£ did l1l:ln_l,' very iltlpllrltllil llt'l“i.

l-Zlllt<~l' llt lhl-ir lil.~lI III" .\IIl>\'I'lllIl'lIl .~lI‘\\lllIl!<,

illi-y l-I4-rti-ilgl--1t~llil I-Illliilythe prl~~.l1lt-lllof tlil- rl>.ldut1dllxt-d Ill‘! .~.:lhlry; il1i-ytlp-pyillieil l.iltl<-tiilt ll. 'l'4-lii.kli-, it l1l~l1IIi~lll.ll1-ll gt-l1i~l‘-llIlllllv, l.lll'll' ;1;;t~ltt, tllltl »‘1(‘l\'('|l'llllit: tlullllr 4lIl|l'|‘l§<| Ill the

l~i>llt|1.1|ly. Thelili.ll-I ll1l\'l‘ not ill-i-lllvd it priip<~l' Ill tll~t-

t-|il.<t- tl1l- lllllilllllt til gt-l1lr.1l l-Zlll-'lt_v'.-4-'\-ll-

:li'y. 'I'|l.lt it \vll~<t'xtl:lv:1;:.lltl, we kliiitv

lllllll llll' l.i1~t that ill. tllt- >l-i oud lt|4‘l‘|Ill:!til tilt) §|,lll‘klItPl|lt'T.‘i it \\'1i~l ll‘Il\II'l‘ll till!‘

llllll, :1lliltll.1t lhi~ Iii-ll:-lull t'li|l‘iltlI‘|'§ it

wollll li1.~tillill: tllltl illiillly by :.IiIl Illllililluit lll tllt- |'l‘Il|ll'lIIlIl. 'l‘I1ir .~;:1ll1e lll;1y be

iilill il|'tlit- .'it't‘l’t'lll|y, tvlllllli they ltllIi't'l'lIl

ilulvil l'l'olll zllllllll to .~_Zt'1IllI.'l'ht-y lll)l)l-l.~illt'tI llllllly lllllltir (llllC('~| nllll the l:ll';_'l-oi1i- ol' gt-ll:-nil ti;,;\-lit, by whirl. Mr.'l't'lll‘l'(l\‘ llllil lutln t;1t-d Ul;1t‘l oi’ tllt- llIIl1l\til llii- i~lilll|1:llly -'_<Il(ll}IlIll}. /\lll~l‘ llll

lllt'\l' ill-ll Itl\|l|l“l, Il1t- lltlilrtl ill‘ tI|l‘l-i-Iiirs

t1l.ly t:t-llw to \\i'tIItllt‘|' or t~til11pl.li|ltll.lIll-l.-i'i-zlle vi-il:iill|1<-l'.~;ilt1.<, \\'lllIIIl they ill't'

pli~;i.<.i-dto l'illl "i'l1i~ilil'i-.~l Iii Illc lrorl.'," who

tllll llt‘l|t'\t‘, and \\'llU\'! lit-llcfiv lltiw roll-

llrl1il~-I, Iltill. this l':li| llliltl llI'll]I'l'l “Wll? ll

|||l'll‘ lltlll1Illl_~_r_guilt-ll up by |I.llIl(‘tlllll'ill-il|\‘iilll.i|-i for their lt\\'|I I'lIllIllI'|ll." This

lt|'('\t‘l|[ lttlllfll of tlIt'I‘(‘I0lN It'll us, thatthe six stucitlltllilvr ltllt'cttll's gllve tl coll-

HlI'll(‘lllIIl to the t'llil|'It‘|'. tl1epl'opl’ii-tyand

It-g.i|ityi1f\i-liiulithcydo lint l11cal1tucon-

truvurt. l‘crt1l1ps tlllll rcliltcd and scru-

pulous tlclil-:1t~ylllay llc lultlld ill tllc l1li:_I,lltutu tlllljtlriiy lll the lJUilttl \\'l1u sent lltti

l'cpol'l, ure the nix .stuellliiillll:l' di|'i-t:ltil:i'

wlill tlrgtlllizc-l the l:ull1p:l'llyand lItlI\Il'

llIt‘UI‘l;1llllllllppoilttllletllzl, tultl tl1L'l't-lure

lI.;tt the soullillless of their own opilllollwill y,-it be lplcl~llolll-dby lllt'lllSt'l\'\_'3 will

ht: l't';Itllly |l(‘l‘(‘l'I\'t.‘ll.Illtlecil wcl11i;;l1tas soon expect that Clli(‘lj|1.\l|t‘t3llllcllttllllll

woitlll llltlllly lllt! opilliotl by Wlitt'll ht:

SUN lllti >'lou~ “‘I.'ll.l"'"l°=iI-.'..ll.\.'-'.<;v.t1llrlillinl to lllako :1lrlpul'plca=lurcto l-Illgllllld,litrlll an ll('(|llilllllll|lt't' with the yullllg tltltl

bloolllillg I|tlt‘l‘l\ \'lt~tl1llrt, ullil (‘lll|$Ul'lwith tho lords ill wultillg and tllc lztdlusoftllc bell lrllalllllcr.

All nlcll ofplain and rcgtllar llltbits llltlst

lLlI\lt'lll. to S(‘t! the ullfallllful orgutlizlltiotlof this rail |'tliltl trltrpmittioll. Hy the

tt'l'll1suft|1t~ l7llllI‘It‘I", upon one luilliull

hcillg stthscl'ibcil, the State cllgaglrtl to

sltbserillo l1 like stun. .'I‘llc chariot‘ le-

lptircd not a Iltllllllllll papcr, but l1l1hul1t:stboilu _/iili:l<nll1.~1i~.t'iptlollby persons wil-ling uliil culllpetellt to p.1y. The shareswere struck at 2551, tlllll we lind Miss'l't~aclde, by the act ullllugcllcy ufhcr lil-thcr Littllelull D. 'l'euckle, allbscribillg Ibrll'.£l shares, more tllall two-Iiftlls oi the

whole, for not mic-tvlltll of which wallMiss 'I'c.1ekle llble to pay; and we mn‘yre nably conjecture lrolll the sequel,thmlr.L. I). 't‘t-ncklc, llur futl1cr,l1cvcrcontenlpluicd that she should pay lllorl:than tlle ?rst illstulmcllt of $1 upon cactishare. Ilow nlully illorc subscriptionsthere are ofthc salnc cllaructcr, we do not

know; we sec however frulll the rcpurt,that forfciturcs increase us lllstalllll.-llts

are called in, and we learn lllut ll liilllngis going on tn scc who will pay and whowill not. Porllnps when the siftcr shall

stop, one peck of wheut will be found forten or twellly busllt.-ls of cllalf.

Plain lncn, who know little of buildingup corporations, will be surprised forwhat purpose the otticc of general agentwas created, (which ls proved to havebeen entirely unnecessary by its beiitgsosoon at>olisl1ed,)and how Mr. LittlctunDcnnitl Teacklc, whose pernicious agencyin the Somerset Bank is so generallyknown, should have been appointed theagent. Persons better acquainted withthe spells of paper magicians. may con-

jecture that it was for his good servicesin procuring suburlpiloniforstock, whlcllwas necessary to the birth of this cor-

poration. There is one mutter stands

confessed by the report, that ‘Mr. L. D.Teackle, for his services In the unoccu-

sary ot?co nfgcnerul agent. doc. .dl.c.,rc-

ceivcd 83063 66; and that Min Teacltlc,alter deducting the stun of OI, the forfeit-ure on each of her shores, receives thecum of Q3493, and throws her H21

share: ol stock back on the company.When thll caiutropbe occurred, which Ithlnk might have been reasonably calcu-lated upon, the company walla anlmllarsituation to that In which the historianWeeml informs on old governor Dlowid-die was when the Indiana broke lliiothe

frontier oflllrgtnlo-"a pockoftrouhlel."The all-ernattn wal to atop the vorltor

tcrglre a colorable certi?cate upon come

strange ootlcnol'lnerget'; pretty lnoeh in


lilx dlrcctorl gave to the charter; bothwere rclcctell, and the clevl.-ll corpolotoriihave titllen tho idol-It Ill their lndlvldttllll"Il|)1\(1lI)',lilld l'lll8L'tI the futldil to nlcclatt

Inlltllllltl-llt. ’l‘libt stock l.-l now their own,

and If this riizlil uhzlll ever become the

lltll~it \':t|t|11b|t:"oll Illl! f.lt'c tlflllcgltiln-,"no they (‘t)|IllIl('|tlly lltulc, tlil-y will rt-uptllobeliclit; hllt it it ldulll tllrli lltlt, us tvl

cotllitlelltly nt1tll~lp.itl-,ltltelly wortllll-ml.

tbt-_5ttlll-will be tlulllllgvtl to this ullllllllll

of our luillioli ul'1l1llI.1r1l. ullil tlleile gentle-|IIl‘lt to the lllullltllt of Miss 'l‘o1icklc »

stlwk, lllclr llwll It|I(‘t‘lllillllllI. ll'tIll*y\ll?-

liiglii-il illtlt the Htulc was to be l-llutgcdwltll their ltIl‘lt‘ltl'll stock, the Stole ollghito llilvc l)l’t'II cunuliltcd. I cllll are no

illllr-l'dt|ltl:t;_{<: to tht' ruud, hy tltl.1|ll'I|Illll],£t|ll' will k llll ll1t' l.t';_gl~dttIi|rel1it~l,illtt the

:-lliw|1<'tlaiii1llll the :<.lIlll'lt's ol'tllt- |ll'l'hlllt‘l|l

Hll1l1- ill .\I:ll'yltlltilllll\I til ||llJl\(' good thi-


Nlltlll tlll1l- she will lllI\i'l‘ tlvzllly thi-\vl1i1Ii- of ll1l- .stlit'k on ht-t‘ h.1il1l.~l. 'l'l1i-llll\‘|'Ilill llll|Il't)\‘L‘|'.ibaltctllli-.1dy |llllI‘l‘llilll llllllt .\lalry‘>rlltll-Ii tt~l lutttrh il.~l alto cult

l-lirly. 'l'I1l- Illllltlr llllll lidt-lily ill tlm..i

l1illlt1r.thli-llli-li,l>lll"rt-pll‘~1l‘lttatItvl->tItt the

Klllte l.1-gi..I;illtlt". til wholll the |)l'(‘\ltIt"lIllllltl tll|'l‘( IIIIS rut|‘l4r1|lIt'liIlyllptliiil,.§l|I)|llll

I|t‘\t‘l' wrlililIlil'lllli1t;tl<i- ll'UlIl llIl':1i‘ I

lt-i'lilr»' .\il1l1ulilt:r:~ll1 lllllih-ll v-hirll Ilil-)|tlill'l’ll tltt-Ir ofllwll vulitiiili, zllld |Il1|l‘t‘itllp.1litflt' liolli-id S4Il:l'l‘ \\'lIl'l\llII{ p.lll (ll

tlii- riillllllllllity wltii lulrtl their hrctlil liylllt‘ i\\‘I'il|, t1l'tllt'il‘ lllt>\\'.~l,Wll<lot"l'k lint In

bllll-I lip lortllllt-.-t list IllL'IlI$l‘l\t'.\, llii-ll

Ilii-l1i|~i lltld tl(‘]K‘l|ll3l|llR, by st-lit-llliligllliil _\]N‘t‘lIlilllIl},1byt'.1llroiitlt-llll>.tl'1li-liligg,or ilrlullillg llll~ .~lw.ll1lp.~tul' the I'l.t.sIctll


til‘-‘I-1 till‘ 'l’lll'1 l’l-Itil'l.l~Z.N. ll. lil tll'd1'r that ll1t~tllmv1~lii:ly be

lillly ttl1iI1~l\hi11il, the ‘I'll-ll.~1tilt.-1'.-'bltlll?

llll‘Ill is ll\‘l't'\\'Illl1l|l|N‘ltllI‘1l.

'l'lIl-1ASl,'lll'Ill‘.\‘ S'I'1\'l'I-I.\ll'I.'\"l‘

(If (Ill; l‘u'cl'pIittulll I‘.I‘]lt'IllIlfIlI‘I':!if I/ll‘

I~,'uiiIl'r'/l N/lilrr Iluil Ill/ml l‘olll1ulrl_l/."l‘\’l‘l\‘l'tl by Jiiu. -\lilIllll‘Y?,’l‘li-.irllr.

(-|,lnitli plllutt .\'liii:ltlluld- "

er», lnl lliwtallilctlt, 8'_',.'l.'rIOI!


.\,..il I. ll"-.»l.~--.1 hy w. w..l..l.i1-

ll1ll,'I‘lc11iitlrl'r, friilii Stale

oI'.\|tl., I-t lllxl-'llIiIlJIII, IU,l)llll_0UJilly I. Iliitu frolii pll\.1ti: Stock-

llllhlt-rii,2il IIIIJMIIHCIII‘ I,'IliIi lllllliilii l‘rnill I)ll'C41l0I’l otl


I'urli‘ltl~ll lilnclt, 5.593 U’!

Oct. Ilitlilfmill State of .\ll1ry-Ialid, ‘Jtl illliltilllluil, L'll,llllUIll!Ulltu I'!tllli pllvutu $tot:lt-

llultlcril, ‘_‘tl ulill (Id hillbil-

|lll~lita, 2,-IGI Ill)ltttl-. Froiil llil-rctoril on

lLfiI.'Ilt’d iituclr, 4,323 Ill)


Dec. Ilitlii I'roi1l$t.1lc of .\l:iry-l;iutl,1lll IIIIIJIIIICIII, IlU,IlIl0 Ill)

\ a:;l_l;uu on

["1 am v:/tic/1 in lo be t1:llucIuIfur)ayulrnl|mililr,INIIU.

April. l'i1iil for nlottgugo llpiilt"

pllnzi;'£1'1r.l\l".'ll.Jt£‘£i’f":'-.\Illy. ‘aid li.ir ri-paint on 1\Il|il

'|'ul_:t:ltlt-‘llprilpcrty,(Jot. l'|ltd rcllt Iiir .\Il.~n 'l'c:ic.

klo-‘ll hiiilrc lli l‘. Anne,Paid L. I). Tctlckll:

uii Lio-lmral 1\ut'llI,|'1iid 1.. ll. 'l'l~ucLll: pcrlii1I.1t1l:l.~ on award,l'll1d to llfllilfdlllht on I1.I). 'l'u:1l.'ltll.-‘ii llllsllll-‘Ill

with tltt: Uulltpally,

Elli tltJ

i,-loo ml

£!,loft :l:l

550 33

.'.‘Ull UU

. $7,877 Ill}

Puitl Ellgillcrr'it. Dt-|nrl.-illclit, ilii-lllilitlgl-iatllltili.

- Ky, purcllliiic of instru-

lnellll-, Itlborcrn, &c. Il,‘.!IlIl U0Paid tI.lIllll“l‘Itlilr colldclll-


llutioll of ltilldn on lioutll-

crll end of road,Paid ualaricu,lncitlcllttll ¢Xpt:ns(‘I,lI.il.ii1i-c ill tlll; hand: oftllt:


0,0110 on

2,111; Illl

'_',Iltl'I u-l

-ll,~2litl 411

Dcc. 3,1838. (I-1.E.) i*T1I_liU9noW. W. .lOllN.s'l)S,


Truau. E. S. ll. II. Culll.

ELl('I‘UI\' L\'t.'l-2U.\l.

On Thur:-d-'ly cveltlllg next. n Lectltrcwill be delivered by Itcv..lo1l:~' ll.llAl2.\.\'Y.

upoll the “Pllilnsnplty oI‘.'\ppt1riIions.“Subject for llrbllle.--"Was the Govern-

ment ot'GrcatI3rit;1ltt jilstilii-d ill ciililiuingBonaparte on thé Island of St. Ill.~lcl1.1!"

By ordcr,ll. McCULLOUGll, Set-'ry.

M A RRI l-IIQ,On the 7th inst. near Port Deposit, Cc-

cll county, by thc Rev. Mr. Burrows, Mr.Jolllt Tomi, to Miss Jcxlala, daughter ofJames McCormick. Esq.-

On the 7th inst. by Rev. Samuel Grace,Jacob W Shauck. 0fCocll county, Mary-land.to Margery Mt-lratl1,nfChester co. Pa.

For Rent,THE Farm now occupied by William Fond

2] miles from Ellltoo, on the Cherry Hlllroad. For term: apply to


EDWARD L. FOARD.Elkton, Feb 23—3lr

Notice.N punttln I' Lb Nile I' C0 'I C tI(‘nt1rl.1. i1.?=.°L..31.. ,§.§’1.1....'I.l11",!

C. Cloud, fnrtlte oak or divinion oflhl ml co-

tatl of John Winmoll, dcctued, tho Indor-lignotloomuli-loner: will o?r It_ptllIIieoak.attbi hold of George HcCl|lloug,il1lhnmrnol‘Bl.tnn,trltBoturb!_-,Invh JB39, ll!

o'cloch’1;!-Ihdflnl Ihtn ofdlhoiggpgt l-nlaill, will a

pound aoqluotl -mu-b' thuifgiiorliiltui,‘

adglIl¢|hl|lIUportyefI1.JdnlloColI.--wk " w“'x:A:b§VllANtl'

- .0. l:.. llowuof~+wwva.:t_liuii.mss-i-‘ii , .




l"i~lt ‘,1.--IlI .I I’ _


Vnlllnblc l'ro|le1*t 3'11*or Sale.

ylvl:-::4..l»i»itl»-iwtll.ll-,...-.- -ii"..i ,..l...i.-

the lllIll' ullll.|1 nan laiil_y piirlli.i>< it of.

Ill-Ill‘: liiir-v, rdlllaittllml Iii‘; Iillt I'It,l" Ml-

illillirig .’1<Iriiit ii of l.i1iil, with ll i.il$'.t-I'll pl’Ill ti-rl.lli-liiiit lllllll ll.-- Iilll luul only pi-niit‘

mic mile Illlll ii hall‘. 'l‘lii1 pi-ipi ilv 1- il.iloy'hl,In emiililtir IlIIlfl' iitl\l1lilii|;i 1 |l~l1| »-1t-- I1-l .4 lili-

illlliit-tury thiili ally iitlii-r 111 ilii- 1.. ti;lil...iIi..--d,

Elhlllll, F-it 2.1 -ll‘

For Solo,lt1\l|.S. Ahmll .\'l?.\I.\lI-llt .\‘l-ll\l-I

in tbl- wlttt-r :1 Ii-w tilllv-t. Apply iiiJ. It.lllld illlil-rllllil-ei:-l lllltl t~ll;;l|1e1'l':. ll the Jiillllluln llll I-ilk llivrr, tippi1.~.|tl. l'i1l'il;i

I.zlliililll_r.lIlIll‘Ill‘4l .~lt1u'k on this I'IlIIIl, I llppll-|1l~llil ll.fb <_l;;___.|\,, o

‘. 1* or liellt,



Vlilll?llwrllitltl lliill~.l~ ill lIe.itt §ll'l‘ll,l?lltlrlil. Ul'l‘|l])lI'll liy .liI|tll"\ ll. J.llii:lt,

li-1|. |'l!‘i\l|'\i~tlllll L{l\'l'|l lili tlii- ‘.£.'illliiI'.\I;1ri-ll llvxt. Apply to

I-‘tll\M‘l.\'. ll. (;ti'l"l‘ll-Ill.

l’uhllg;Vcnllllo.fl\lll-I .‘~'llbwt'lilil-l' ulll M‘ll ill l'tllilii-

.\'.1li~,llll'l'|Jl-1Sll.\\' tht: Iilh day of§\I;ll‘t ll tll‘\l, .

|||-Q |'i~'|‘||§|'i §'|'0l'|(,I'lill\ai~:Iillg1l1l ti l|t'tItl til Il4IY.\l"{' I‘; {\1|!|||t'iiws,7 Ill wliiill ll:lvi- I';ll\|‘\‘ zit ll.--lr

*-I'll‘; l yi>|.i- til Illli-ll; ‘ll lwzld i1l'y1il1|i;gt'llII|t',Ii'tltll I I'l fl yt-.l|~l tllll; ‘.541 l1t'.l1l<1l'vl-ly .\l||it‘|Il|l' Nliii-p; '..'li l1i.i-liil'lIi1;-~; I

llx t':trt; lllll‘ llllzlll \\';1;'pl1li, tl|il~ Ilui.-ti:

I‘-1ll;i1lll~ t':irll;l;'l- lllid Ilzlllu-~i~; I tZi;_':lli_lllll; I |h':tllm|'|l zllltl ills; l'l<itl~;l.-t;ll.1lrli\l':.; l'lilllv:itiil\; l llol-\i- ltzikc;1‘lllI\'t'l~; I"1lil\.'~', Al‘. t\l'. /llvl I) lit--It

;lI|tl lk'll'Illl;_'. (lllllrI_I/ Il'll‘;) I l1;1ir.~;Fri-

lI‘t'>t;‘.'itI|WlllIQ'; l.tr<1Itillgg(1I-t\~.i--.; I l-ll?lf

lures; with ll yrvzlt \'J|l'll'I}' lit tiIhl~l' alti-

i-lex too triliiith In illwll.

I)’/‘-\':llctl1l~nlll|lll-lire ill lll o'l'li-rk tilt

anhl itzty. 'I'<-t'll1seal-ll.J(IIl.\ .\Ii\.\'l-Y.

V :1 Ill :1 |I|l'

Real I_‘l.~statc,

l;‘l' \'il'lt|t‘ of :1 lli-l-wt: of the (‘him-l'I'lllIl' u|’.\Ialryl:ll1d, i|ll- Silllsclllmr

will, tut 'I'rtl>-ltel-, tiller til. plihlil: with-, llll

ll‘/»,‘I),\'I-.‘.S'I).'lY I/lc (Ill dily of rlprtliii-,r1,lipol1 the ]lfl‘Illl‘<ll‘Siii qlll-stion,=tll

that v.'il.UAltl.lI 'l‘li1-i;li:¢ l‘liol-mil-v tlllll lot

The \\':l.~tI|i||t;l0n llolel.

'I'hi.-l property is luo~.t :1-lvtllitzlgl-liltslySllllitltrll ill the ct-ntrc ofthu lillsil1t~1.:<1part

Mzlul ntrtrrt, -till} feet on North rilrt-cl, illi-

|lll'tiliIl(‘lytllllluilll‘ the l.'ilttrt lIiill'~:t', I"lrcl'l'llol (Jill:-i-s Illlil the other pllbllc build-

ing frulll 1\'olth to Ilow street, alltl cull-lalills uhtillt one acre ul lttntl.

llpiill this property is erected rl. largeall-l cullllllodipus 'I‘t1vcrillIl1u.<c, frontingzlbliut Ill} lt,-ct on (lay slrI.v:t llll'l 54 fl:t'tol1_\'o1‘tll street, chiclly of hrirk, the wholefrolit rough cast,pt1d It rutlli-d porch or

piazza on each front, with ll atone kitchenill tho rl.-ar. The other buildings are a

I1lT;_j4'ttIllllronvcllictlt Stable, llu_iltpril1cl-pally of uzlk, -1 atone Slllokc lluuse, ti

il’ouItry llotlsl-, Ice Iluuee, (.'Cll’I'I£lgClllitlsc, Slloilding. dtc. A navirr tailingwell of water with pump nearly new at

the thllll‘. '

About one balfof the lot has been used

115:1 garden, is ellclusctl with a pale leltcc,and is in the hi-lhcst static ofculilvatioll.


l'l'his portion of the prtipcrty, frimtingabout 2:50 feet upon mic of the liticststrci.-ts ill towll, is admirably culculatcdfur laying oil in building; lots, and ifIlL‘(‘fIll‘tl advlsttblt: will be so offered onthe day of sale.


'I‘l1l:ro is a poliry of insurance on the-ta1'i.~rnh0usc and stahliug lilr #33000,which will not expire until the l3th ufDc-cl.-ulbcr, I839, ulld which will be assigned

will be cheerfully furnished by_tltc sub?’scrlher to any gentleman desiring to pur-chase, who willcall upon him at his resi-dence or olhcc in the town of Elkton.

Tile tcrnleof the sale, its prescribed bythe Decree, require the payment of onc-

tbird oftho purchase money in cash on the

dayof sale, and the balance In twelvemonth: therealtcr, with lnterést from theday of ale, to be secured by bond with‘approved security. And on the rati?ca-

tion oftho sale by the Chancellor, and on

tb§npuyl'llIl‘I!_0F§h¢whole of the purchasem ey, (and not before.) the undersignedIll trustee. villi, by good and suliicleutdeed. to be executed and acknowledgedaccording to law, convey to the purcllv

cold, free. clear and discharged from Ill:CIIIIII of the complainant: or defendant in .

the muse wherein the aid Decree wu ‘tderthemoranyofthem. 1'Iten‘iIei|h-

diaputable. Sale to__commct-lcoat 3o‘.g

bk, “Io .'§;"'1 '- '-,-

.-~" - F.A.Kl§Ll8.Tt'tIl\t>"mono



.t-- that .i1.l.i.l-la .\llii iltllt i:l:'l'v, ._v

l 1-IV:

allll will be ml-I 11 gti-at lIllI'[:>Illl. Apid, in_


. l.NIu II I Ltll ll.. .

('tNIkllI? -\'Ih\l‘; l it-ll pl.ili- do; ll-'|l' l"iv- -i

l"i‘t*nt~l1Iov.'n, I-'4-ll ‘£17-lll,

-- ~ ~


l.‘l llll: ‘Ions Ill‘ l'It.:t lo-4, Mn.‘

For Sale. '


i,1'l;iliil, lying and bring in

I-jlktnn, l‘t-1-it county. .\la-‘ "'

-,t----1. LIIJJUJ llfkl iiiiowlt /-—-—--yby the nztlllc ofI

nor or purchasers. and hill, her or thdr'


1- '

heirs. the property to him. her or then.‘

paused, or thooe clalluing by, Iiom0t'\tm- -

, ,


li‘i\'l-:llii>.iii=in.llii-1.1Till!‘ l ‘I ll-Z.\"l‘.\I"I‘

l lll‘t1bilittt‘0 ftltllulllq, whtl ll llll\'IIHl_v |it'l'|:

1n 4






i.l' llii: lowli,l'rol1tillg llill fl-t-t utl Guy or‘

iIIL,'-‘.and lllll Ii-et on at cross street lt~atl-.


ll -4




it t

to the purchzlscr, with the consent of thoollicc insuring, Any additional ll1forl11l.t- -



Page 15: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition



I a

QI‘ or Sale.FINN-I.‘=ii'i<r-'i'llt(will utter tit Pltlillr

~ .\'.rli~, on S.\'l‘ tum Y the ltlih il.iyiit' ,\t in-h iit'“. tit 2 ii‘i lIlt'l\. I‘. .\l. ull that

‘iui#"lI'.ll‘l,|ili-rein‘ ii l|'t‘l'l iit' l..tuil, nil-lttiil?jJltl-I1rit' lltilit-.1 t'.t|‘tt‘l‘. .l|illtt Mt"

Ou'm'y.'.l:i.iii-.~i l'.itt-in uu.t uttii-ni, enn-

irrlt?tiy liy t"4lllll.1lll)ll

150 Acres,“tiible iit' h-iii. 'l'lilw l.||i.l is |i.it\.ll'tillynl'u

;;iiii<l t|il-tltl_\', :|n-l (‘ll||\'t‘|\ll‘l|| tn irct'i'riil|\l.iri‘~4 iit' u-<u.~rlii|i, uillls, litt;tu|'lr!. llt‘ltU0ll.\\|‘. !~llll.lll‘|l in I ‘i-rll t‘\)il|tl)',slt\lli t)l!\l1\-

l'_\‘l.lll\l.tlll lllt‘ \\'t‘ll luiutvn nth-uin iil'\\'iitr\rnl'l.lltli- l-ilk, with iiiii-xcrllutll lllc ll)!‘ wu-

tvr \\’tI\l\'l l-‘iiitiii-rlythere Will it Snu-

hlill nu tlu- |il'l‘llllNi‘!. 'l‘hv l‘l'lt‘t‘ with it

mu ill i-qiuliw of t'll‘.lilltlt1 tvtmlil tttli\\’t‘i‘.l‘.ul .ii ilu' .l.iui it ~llll .~ii.iu.lin;;.

'l‘lii- niiiii.i\i-|iii'nl~i till‘ u \'iil|il<irlulrli-Li»; tttu-lli|i;{ ll.u|~u-_ tvm titu-

tii-<, llltll ll -itahlt-, with ti lt|\\|I\):..l' l",t'l'lll'lll \\‘.ilt‘l' (‘Ullii't‘lllt'lll..\ l'i||' |iiupi>lllliittil‘

\\'0mll:|ml t\ lluttoln Men-rlmr.

'l'lii~ ]\l'lt|\t‘il_\‘ liii \tI|IIt‘)'l‘.lI'i l|:i.\i llt'l‘lii.ull.-ii~~l tii lll'llll| ulii\.il~~.l. 'l‘ii i\|i (‘lIlt‘|‘-

|i.i.iii-: :ni.l lll-lll~lilltll'l illilll tI}.'Ii1hl up-

lttllllllllly |i|'i'.~t-ilt~i ltti-ll' to l|l'('l|l||"|illI‘\\‘r'.litli. ~- '

i\ l'i|rl!u~i' -l--~'.'ii|lli.iuii‘ ilvviiir--l unuv~

4-i-t-in‘, :l'i in-i~.i||~4 \\'t\Iiiil;; tii |lltl't li.ts4'

\\'lll \'u-iv liI|' lllt‘|l|'tl‘l\l‘»', \\'lil‘lI the pin-

|h‘ll\’ will lK'\lltI\\'ll In ]|lll'l‘liil~4t‘t'§Ivy lliv

i<ii!i<:'rilli~i'. ll\llI_',{iu~.n' llil' Hlll'li .\li‘i~ti|i;:llllll\'l‘. 'l'i~i'ui~i nli the il.iy ul's.lli-_ Niall-

in t.ilu~ ill.u'i-tlll the plvlili-4|-~i_\\'.\i. !\li\t 'ltl'ZY, .\¢...i

tin‘ lli'i|'.~i ul' .\lilllll.\ l'till., ili'r"il.

l"t~li, '.'l|—-H.



1 9 1(/Oiisltlliltj s bale.!g\' virti|i~ tit ll wlii iii“ \'t‘ItIlllliIlll rt-

’ l"'ll<i\', l\‘\'l|l‘<l mil HI‘ the .\l.it;islr||ii-.~i't'nIlll i-l'llu- Ttli t‘ll‘t‘ll|tll rll~lrit'l. will hr‘snl-l in the \ill.i;gi-iii l'.i|l l)t'|)it\ll, the titl-liiu ui;_' |ii'.i|ii-rt)‘, viz: ull the rliglit. till.-_

r-l.iiiu .in-I iiiti-it-.~t iit' \\'u|. I\'n|‘|'i~i, in u|i~lin the lmiise nu-I l.-it .~'ilu:itt- nu the (‘ilSl::i<li~iil'lli-- lllillll .\llt't‘l til‘ suit! villtlgr‘,attl.

j.ii|iin;: l'luh|i i\'.lllll‘t"<' itllll lllI\\' lN'l'll|Il'i-il Ivy <.l’|.l l\'iii'ii< .\'i~im--l tlllll lulu-iiliitii l‘\I‘tllllllIll .l\' the iirtiiwr |_\' iilisrii-l Niiiv

\t\'. in \.|ll\'l_\':i _|ii\l!!llll‘ill tllll‘ ll. I\l_\'i-i~ \\

|l<ik.~i~; an-l l lu~t'.'!i_\- ;1|\'4‘ nntii-v lli-ll l \\ ill

xvll [|||\ ;|lin\'v ilt-\\'l'ilii-il |\|‘ii|ii'tl_\' in tin‘Iiiiglii-~t liillili-i‘ tor ('.l\'ll, zit the lttIll§t' i-I

Mt‘. llirliiiril ltr'\'|iiili|s'. nu the llitli il;i_ynl I-‘vi-|'ii.ii"_viu~\t, iii l ii‘.-lti.-ii. t'. M. tii

ri:iii~i_r .~<.u.l ju.li;iiu-iit aiiul the It-;;.tl 4'->.\t»~


i\l.l-IX.-\I\'l)l~lll .\l.t‘.\ltll,Jun ‘.‘li—tils Cuiistiililr.

O ‘_i-'l‘lii' :\lm\'r' s:|lt- it |)t).\'l|ll\|l(‘lliiiilllMtt.\lli.\ Y the -lth nl l\lil|'t‘ll iii-xt. iit Mi:ll. lh')'liulrls' ll\)lt‘l, zit Ii n'i'liu‘l<, l’. M.

A. i\l. t‘.-\ltlt, tfniist.

___j"eh ‘.13--ts $2

Nut ice.A1‘ in \ilt‘l'lill|{ nl' the Hlltlltlt ('lnli, heltl ll

lllt‘ ii...i-.~ ..i' .\ti. l;.-.ii,;.- .\l.-t‘.ill....;|. ....

ll“) .~..-iiiiii; .ii‘ \\‘v.lii.~...l.iv lilllilllvl. i|..- |;.i.lowiiig n--uiluiiiui \\'ui~ .ul.i|it.~i|:

Ii'rsii!l~ri!, 'l‘hiil the .\‘wn-t.ir_v he Y\‘llllt'l~lt'(l,hy i~.iii..iiigIt e.i|»_\ iii‘ llil'.~\* lt|<)t'll'll|tI:Yl i.i lit‘iii-rrlril III the (‘rt il ll.»-n iii", tn

g|\i- tiutii-i~ iiillir ||u'|nlirriuit' thi- rliili tli.it tlu' rluli miiiii i-4

ii.i.i~ iiiiii-li..|_..ii.ltl...l ll|l‘\' l..~ [t'tllh'!lt‘ll t.i <~;.liliioiii the \t‘l'[\'l~lf)' "ll llf lirliirr tlu‘ ‘.‘Il.l |n.~i.iiil,nuil inn‘ lltrlfvtllll? Il|lll\lit'\ ~.llIll liiittii-i r.-i...l.-vii. th.il llll ~nli~i-ril>< r he -ltlllilu\'ll iulu the rluli

lU\Il|l until lll.~ \lllI~l'l'l|ilitIIl it |i.iiil.lt_\' tlltll'f,

.'\. 'l‘ I-'()lt\\'ti()ll, Pro.-‘t.'l'i-st: l~'. .\. I.'i.iiii, .\'\-u'ry.

C0nstable’s Sale.'l:\' virtue iit' t\\0 ivrilvr til. \t'l|tll r't|i.in-1*,


|"-\"l’il hy t2.~<irg-~it. Ht\\\1\f(l,\‘l\ll‘l‘ iii.lg.-oi‘Uri"||i.\gi<ir.1ti'i4' vtiurt tiir the ‘.'iul l'll‘i‘l|iIlI\li~tru~t of(‘cult--iiliitt-,iit the Fllll? oi‘ lC\'.iu~.\ ii....»....i .....l \\'.i|...... '1'. .~‘.-..ii_..L...i...i ii..~giuitli¢ti|iilrli.\ilr'l~, l.\iul~ dull lt‘lli‘IIl\’I||\ iit' lltr'l'riii~ten"-i iit' ('u\\".iiii<i\\ii -\'vliiitil l|nu>i.~, Ihave iwilril null ‘4‘k'.|‘ iul-i i-irriltiiiii, nut:

lwllll‘ Illlil lut nl'gr<iuiul, luiowitnit t'ri\v.m-

town Seliiiol lliiii-t-, iiiul lint. I ll('H'll\' |gi\'\"iuitii-i~ that I \\'tll l‘\|>tl"\' :lu~ t4Jlltll' :it'|iuhli.~-{I-'.i-illit’ lii:lit'\l t~i.l.|.-r iiii .-.i.ili,iii i|ii~ rltift‘ct ll.-lijmliiitlt‘. t'u\\

nu, in ('n\\':ii|tn\\'il, \\|i S-1-

turoiy \l.irrli llth, lrlittl, li.~t\\-.1-it the liiiiin. .,|‘ll) A. M. tllltl -J ..'.-l...¢i._ |', ,\i,

JOHN til(.\ll.\l\I,('unntnlili:.Fcli lli—tii

Jalncs Pugh,lll1l)‘l‘A.\'i\ Snot" hltxun.

_ {ourllmilc

are lit rill worth renvwinig,( I \'0ll \v1ul o tint ulr iiir nl' \'hoe —

. . : l" ‘ ‘-

of ll Iaiilpiiig, lir'\'l-tziiiiiingiir sewing,Why you'd better e.ill duwii at Junie: I'ugIi'r.

Ho‘! the l'u~li‘uii_lilcll-inr null Silo: !i\KIfl;lle ul' ui:-l iir-t and lrul I wnuld cliomez

\\'heu my mlr llt'<‘tlI : good under-i.iLcr,Why I foot it to Mr. Janna l‘ugA':.

Now n brogan, n horilor :i iiliiiper,_'l'lmm all three he lI'iJliI‘I

or rciievro\\'ith the rm:-curl

nr pe;_v.ir'oodand nipp¢r,...Sure your choice you ml] take at Jnnu

I ugh'u.

Ere your boot: to their lint en? are tearing,Neither lapwtenrnor boomer refure,

Bot clone driro n l.Cll~(¢I1l-IT oftorh inThe centre nod the edge, at Juan I’vgA‘|.

Ah! in one leg nhort?--and no you limping‘!Or lo! oreyou halting in your rieweiAll my eye!—Ther¢ ill patent crimping

To cure that and worse, at Mri I'ugi't.~\ » e

3‘ In your great toe thro' o greet rent per.-pin ‘Y “Bo -

0mm‘ din“ ""_"' "° ‘°°" Pmr"-"f7


§u{;"u::3"li;':;dt:*:"'-ll?1;=_i==gm mid ti PliiladelptijaPfi?ll, wholeeele ... rotoil. us Suliltltilitt arm for fl!!! 11.. llrf? Ctue ii. uii. firm oi‘ the s..iii..iiiii.- some- 3' ~K° ° "l_ '; e

Mm liu on hand American Geode, eniteble ‘ end convenient TAVERN HOUSE when llm? l-In Tl" 1'0 55117535. "II N3. "'1

Elk ' _

SCRAGS. hi 0Il'|I¢IIll2l’l, gubinol.makers. pointer: and ii. new i-wide-, at the Liiim FQII],Oppoolto Mh=rblI=lr- The former in from nppezrnnu nl°“' mil‘ F“ ‘-7- l'333- ll°“"~‘ ll¢¢l"~'"= Hure do Grlce, on the comer et‘ tho Pl:lleidel- ¢=lt'—the latter in about three your old.

.N. ll. Ron-l|od'n and Wood‘: hlllhlnd Crone iepvll told, end on tho Port Depooltrood. M 0'11" ll l'P\'|ll°'\ld W B00" f°f'"4i

' ‘ Cut 5-ivrlilirul?ocdnin IBIIOIL eneeoloo willbe ivcnou tho25th ofllrdl II". Yi »Pl =51" "'4 ll“ ‘hm

~y.: ‘l

two M llcli




“.5 Notice, ,Shei'iil"s Sale._

Notice.V \lll lliilnr~|'llir~rlm\liii{lwiu iintt-iii.-ii liy“

- nu ir iiu . -l _I_ "~

' '--']_‘l:|B:“""°|':l”",'fl'i"."3,,',5,,,!f-i‘::"§|u"‘“_JgY thine iiftwn wiiiii iii‘ lii it hill‘.M.

, ,,a,.g.-...i...i-1.. li..ii........-_li-.....--.11.-.-......nwmvTw:‘:'%)m"‘cl::r'hf:.'“L by ML “Mm

lHllll'il liy George lleujailuln. mi. ||\:'rIt||tll .iiie_tiiili~lltlliI‘tll.t|tl|Ilttilt‘||l ..|'ii..

... ...... .-............. .... »- i--~-M-l it-P L-.~~:""'"‘"""""'"- ‘iit" :‘.:.'t.'f;' 1.'.‘rr'.'.:"'.-YTunder llll oiiiilnil. li‘Ili‘itli‘lll8t)l \\'lllltl|ii l-"iit'" ("l "ml" ‘I

I" "_ ‘Hr - ;.'"'

"""‘|*|'"i 7"‘ """ "'.""'l". , .. ._ . .-. ....-.....~ .-

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Alljiihn in lihi ilno tlr liuiiiiiru uilliw iiniitly “till \\ lllluiu Lngiln, hull. ltt nliit ul t ulr li mm_‘_":IL“:“HIM Jill’ 11'“;-lllnlllumuul “ml '|l"ll“u h'

- “l‘)'""l‘l| mltl llt!l\t'4't't| Ullll"I|ll¢'iI lmw‘tirflilh l |-- with whvn i-ill. ll ..ii_

Tin npiiuiliig uiil iii.

‘nitIIII l|lIilIf‘_I.Il\Hill}:.4-|1,I‘tl|Ihtl ink,-n hm, ,.x,.,-.|||.i|i, nll the (3 |_ ( hm.“ ,

t _|l‘I:;:lnlllflllllI‘-i‘l'l"l:‘::t::nu"Hmu‘ uuhmmn H

|h.l|il.litlt'i liitvrmit llltll vl.ilui iil rcilil l.v\- ll-ll-1-W1". "Iv. lP""t. 1f""" I""""' """‘- """ " """ """"""“'"M


.‘ ..~ .- "Tl I--ll. |-- 1 '-in

ii» i---..»- '-2"‘"’ " “M M ‘W W" ':: :.::::.:t."f.'....“I2'..f‘I7l-'.'.‘.rrrviw the I’-‘"""“.li" "' "'" I“""""""".""- |"‘l"ll lllkcvll v"\1IIl)’--"'1"l""‘" '"""”"

i....i .......~._'- .i:..... It. i|....-....| l'Ill»ll»|i'‘“i"I"'"'"""""'1""""l""""""'!"'“"""" “' Julm t‘<"\"I'\l""*l""""""""' '"'“' '" l_"“||..,.i. ii.......,.-.... :~'...ii. l'Z..»t "l'i.........|i..i..i"mm "““"“"“'

...-.»ii|i:.iii-y iit' Mr-i. Julie I-"null. """l""" -|-I--.--ii.

r'l...i|.--i......~ i-1....... |'<:...»_... . |'...inu. in-1....


. .

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In: mm.‘-,.,_ m,,H.(.| ||‘_vt~t,llll\l l liuri-Ii) tl.|.....i|, i-...iii~ |lII|t\iI,t'Il| Imiiriiviiigiii lIIt'||lI

.~<ii\ l-u ll Illl \\-vwlvii \\m

‘ ‘ t'i\t-iintli-|~ ilmt I \\‘lll l‘\|ItI\l'ilii- ltIill|l‘llt l|""""'- "“i‘ "~ »‘l"\""'it ll'"I"~‘Z -|'-ll" _""\\--llor |I\|ltlll'.‘ti\ll':i||.the |llllllll' uni til Wllllulii !_"::l*i“('.":;|||',,:i“'""""'“"""'i""'||l\:"';|'i:"r'.

, _...- '- -r in t'huili~~itn\\|i nu .\':ilil|"iliiytlu-

_ _ __ M_' l_'r Iliiii .~i..i..i.-.li.i~.- will ..n -.< ..i i~..i.i..- ‘ ~-I" "-




.I .\':i|i- nu ilw |\ll‘llIl!\"4, nil3lttNl).\ \' ml‘ ""3' "1‘“‘;"';l'';"‘:'l|"‘i;""'|-"lhm‘,11"‘ "'""' i" ""i'7!"." "H" WI" ...i..._i.. Wlbttlll ll i-|..ir .ii u..- |.i..|.iii \\lll t..~_ . ._( 1'.» virus ...

the -ltli iliiy ril Milli-h iii-\i.i\ .~uu.iIl I-iiriii, :",'r:‘_“"'l_m]"'‘U :‘l'i:'l"‘:“I|“Ll'“:'_“hL1__ r

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rn |_.m__m__.,,W|m Mh_"~."MMhm___,_..|.|"_ luaumlm|m"_ ....-..L...i|....|‘.ii1.i....i' .|......i.|..l_|.......i..il..... hu ll Ill-Ill lluiiir

i-ii., Hi‘ ._ || . t ||m,, _v i|uii- ni-ih. iiiii- I-y \\ 3 . tIn?"‘TIMH :";m“‘lIR]Hi‘: ' H‘I Til‘!H F \llt‘4‘l, l!.illi|iuii't', \\'lt|‘tt‘ t‘illi

ll!‘ hull llll ,|_.,.|;.-nil.I


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rii|i\'i-iilrnt In null-:. iiiiigi-, I-l:i<'k~n|iitli‘.~m I


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_ W "_Mh_““_“ Wm (_““m“l ‘_Wmim_ .\ll'lf‘ll_‘t. 4 :iiii.u.:i-~4 u|i.ll in-ll.-~i, l-4 nun. .i|;ii i»..|.....i.ii-, .-..|l l||t'|\iIl'|htt ',(K'ltlIII, lhi.t

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I _



,. I--...i..i;....il.i..“ l... il..- |'l|l\M‘t|l|l‘||l'l'I, .... i|...| rI1lt|lI‘Ili\l'|lI|l"| \\‘i"'" """"" """"""l. Mull

M||m.|.i|,,.|>_' ' “' ‘l ‘

' ‘I I _I‘ _ T 1|lI1'\' lllll riiily |l|II‘ltY| ilii-ir uiiJu~l giilu.

.,.|“_ “Iv Wm ‘_“m"",m_‘_ M H "TI." k_~iiii~li il'i‘ll.t'<lii‘l‘4.i_.iii.i.~.| llllltllln‘Ii I/II .. /...-i -‘iii... iii.-.,.....»i.-......i llitl|][|lliIl'

,\ ,“ lln-.i-l.i lu-|i|il|ii'.t nlwllliil \\-I\ i ll“-II--'~. |><..|--... \\lllIlNI\\ lltlllltllll .~....i.|iy l.ii.iw .....1 . . .

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._, .

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‘ml’ |h_-‘Hllliili-i‘ l'iiiii~. \\'.~i|\r~|'>‘ lll'l‘Ilh' uiul .\'lilii- lull",-ll-“ |':N|M'l‘"“Y l"-\‘7'|_-Q»


Hm. ._.l,,_,__,_.U. H" _i,,,\. “M ,.,.,.,._,. ,,,|,,., I! .".. .ir.i.i -'r|..i in. N. ll. i....i,._ u..- ....l_v" ' ||..N01 “Q0. mi-' |,. | .i,,,,,;h,;; ml _'hm:'

W;....!....~i..i....:li........i.i.UIIJII..i i|.. :4..r....|...i.

|l H ll

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In | H It ml“ “Him W

l""\"""'l' " ..,..lil...-....~',..ii.».i..i liv .|..- .....~i .--i.-l..-..i<-i

‘V ' ' "' "“‘ i ' " ‘ ‘ ‘- 't'i-n=t':il \'ni'ii~ty .\'liiii- | .


. [I '»|y4 ' I“mum. "H. ‘JMII in“ H Lm‘ ll


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. |l|v\>lll.lIlIill ilit ltlltt lllI“l|l\|l|l|lIL iviiiin

-l ‘‘ l\ti. llI|_. ll.|ltl|iiu|r-.\t|.-i-l. llll‘ >

7 ‘Illa lllIIli‘l'\l}_'lll‘tl wlwlii-ti t<i t-niiihiy ll

.lin;1rinil .\pii|iiiii;_' llil.-mic->~<;iiiie \\’lltl(‘tl|l

lilIlll\llllIll‘4 llillllltl, \\ill lliitl l‘Ill|iltl)IiiI‘lll

iintiui the next liiir iliiy, tlit: iiil|ilu'i|i;: ‘Th .| .3", tii, |‘|.3-ii.-l., llhlilltullll, tn, J..iii.~..,|,...,..-.|_t-_ 1.. u~ii:

_ ..- lir i"i...|-......., Iii. |i........, |l1."ii(IiiI,'l'\\'ii llIlI'!kl'.~i, It yiiiniig t'ii\\~-, _\'1IlillL!_ N


, ‘l"~J‘"'l""'"- ‘!"- ll-"'3 |"-l‘""'.~\'_'-

i‘;ltlli'. |lI'L“‘. .\'|ii-Fl" it l:|l'i!r- qlltllillly iil to _”" "|l‘“"l‘ l |";'""""~"""l'""ll-' |“"‘"l | ill‘

“Hy “ml _\_lmw by "I" hm‘ rm". UH“. Q _ ' \N_|_m‘ n ".M'“'m “hm "ml Wu’ iir. iii.|...... iii i..- ||[-.lt‘l||-|-.i|



V , Q - I_

-i....-,.....i ..., »i.....gi_. ...............|..i ii, .......,-llll<‘l<\\l"‘4\l. -‘l""‘L' “ l"‘"l- l'"l4'|'"‘*' 4'"'| V / '""" 'll"' """-'* " '""“ l'“""- ""‘ "ll" ' llii..ii;;li-.i.i ii..- t'..ili .| .\'i..i.

... |.\'.. i|i.- lllirt‘.

/\|i|lli‘H try tlu~ liii>lu-I; ul\'u l \\':|;';1u||, ‘.' ll" ""' l"*"""- »\ "'_""""|""‘_'l’l"“"|"'"' ' '“l_' Iii-iiii iii .-...ii|i.iii\iii;; . |N'l| I...\ ..| pill-<.}Fun“. l.|"":|W' H“n_““H' “ml "H kunh U‘ iii--iiuiiiilil h-- |ii.hiiu~il. l.t|i|l|llI‘ iii lliii< Ill’

I, H" /‘ml -|-|,,.\ “H. ,“,,,|,,,_,.,i ,.“|m|_v ,,|

|.',"~m|",. |'|,.“,-,i.,_ "“,.,," mu] H,.||i",,N_ '“‘|‘_;'I. _, G“fftjlllllllfl, ii-..ii.ii.|i~.l lu \Il|||.l|ll iio |l|l‘tl'lll]‘ Ill‘


. . .


' |iiii.li- :.l|i. .llnii.~.i~li.>Iiliiii.l l\llt'llt‘ll l<ur|i|luri- ltv<-.-' " ' """ f.""'

- Inn/ml ii... .....-1..-i.i....i.yi|.......-i- *- I


illlll inziiiy other ut'lii~l\'s ltm l\‘lllUl|:l tii _> l,1(,r . ,|_,||,._|,;',,,,,| ,,, nu ,',,:,.,",,,||_,,,,,H _,,,_,,,| .,,,,,,lIHl‘l'l.

_ V


...~. .i|i..ii-iii ill‘ l.ii-iii---, \\|ll|lil|| ll’llf_ll| i.l.....;guh. M ,-,,|,mm",.p on “M ,1“). M ||) Vl\ll|‘lNa: -\’\\'nin|i l'l*-hill}! $11-Irv. |‘I-I r..l.i;iiiilihiiliiiiiiigt. iii tliii. tlf r.>.iriiiiit liiiiii

n'.~lrii"l<, .'\. l\l., \‘v'll1‘il nth-|ul.|tii~v \\'i|l hr """" “l'l_i|""'. “-l\'i- -» .-

l""'|"""' l“"'iiIin II nil r‘ ' \\ r llil ir nzu r‘t._ _ _


I-I-l‘/~\llI-III -.\lI-. II _r -ii.) ill .... |._i -

i>"“‘“ bl U1" ‘“‘"l"“'rl|)"|~ lrlllw "ll ‘ll~ l"t-lill » lu' ||.n|ri-'~ |'l>|n|- Iiiiu.uli|i ii inuy l-|- iiiilili-r iii~li\'r- ni-wiiiliiig tn .,l.\‘i\l/\ll J. .\"l‘i\ltlt.

.i..-.,......i..,-...i..»...“......-..ii..~.,................-i. 'l'l“l""l"""Y 1-"'l|'v \=-|"=-'-I" -“'1' M-\~

Nl'ill' t'riw:inlii\\'||, l~‘eii lti-'J\v ..-....»-1 |liIfL'It||\t‘ lIl6‘ll|l’i|Il'I ii...

. _ -

‘ '' II ii.ij'im-‘i'l...t UH’) iii. ilii- ltllilll i-tl‘.~.~iii..l This i~i

ll <~:il:imi-t <il'iiliii|itl'Ult|l"ll'li. til‘ 'l‘llE ll|.l)Ul)1)" 1 .\‘lliL{ll"lllllllu li<iii|i.lr'r.-t.liiilii llii- t_‘ur-


it“ltlfi\'() i'.l'IY)It' HI" 'I‘III-.' .\‘l'.\"I'1:'.ll

I N ltt'p:|l'l‘l1tll(-u\\:ll_llnu iii-.lc|‘ ii]-(lit: (Ii-.‘_mm_ “TH Im_‘-Hmm_Mm|‘Ur mwly “ml


4 _|ili:iu:i t mirl vi t t‘t‘tl1'tIi|lll)’, the .\tllt- .








Itill ll _fIrrI-- i l|4 _i- ..i.- |..iitii iil.irl_y I‘llif‘Jt‘l>

5,-|-i|,,.|~ \\'lll tilli-r Hi |'|||,|i,. _\-_l|,. .|( H“._ _ ‘ k




__nuw in llll‘ |i.lli..\ui;; lll~4r.tl4'\, i.li iit' Wlllt'll


._ »_.

. , _ I _

' _‘__ ,

-\llil"I~1l \\.-'.}~. Item ll“ 1|“-1'/l ‘\l"Il .......~...i.4-. .-......-.i i., i...,.....i... ii; i/..- /./wthum“ "1 HUI" ll l "t “ " m l “ “mm H“lll‘\l lly ii|i|i|yiii~'tli .iii.liii.iii.iil/Iiii.I.. Ill i lv. . . . . . .

-. 1...» ,

"'l""."‘""§"I"‘""“"""""".'l“" "M'



\\'.\i. li.\t‘(‘llll§, iii..-......i..- ii...-._.......;.~>........i... 'til. tiltill .'\l) tI\\'|ll‘ll li_\' .lt'lll‘i:niit \V||i.

“Um, (.|“_sh_rm“,"_ [;,),,||,,.|_,_; JMHHIIH; ||_,“,nmm;I

\\'hiti~_ tlt'\‘l‘.lh\‘rl,§llllillL‘ til the tl]\|\t‘t' rii-I|_.l_h,, _1“_

lli»<i.i».-....| tli.- Iii.-i, -t.i.._ |...... ~i.iiil ul-li|Il\;uf .,;,;,| ,.,||_U_,,.' ||,,mi,,H 0|, U“. mum


.. ,....___ l'iiiiiiii tliiiiiiilv-,iil-ii.|; the |..ik tlltrl i.|.i...-_ ti... |-;.i[ y.,,..| .~.i||i,..,-iii,“ |~).t).,.||.||,i,;,,_Arm,‘ "ml |.“,(_|. |;U|l.\,t “mi Hnmhlg buck |‘"|-|“.|i“” "|1|“.a" over the il'|{liII1 nt‘ the linirtniirl >liiiiiiii~h;

' 7 lrmnnl lt'\l.‘l'I, li.iii tuiitii Ill the ni.iutli, liii.l-2(m|1.,.|' “mt m.m- H“. "Ht I-"ck W."-,._ ‘|-/-'1-“RN” Y '|']' ],,|||" lm_“h_' in-i|,1|iliiii'|iiiiiil wlu'l't' lztlmr it liiw.

l"'"“‘~ 'l'l"‘ l'"l"'"\"‘""‘"l~“> "F" ii $"lY-

I I.\\'t.\'ti |.\ltt‘Il

tlll lttn ft'>\lili'i|l‘t' .11 Aiiim~ Fl-'ll:|lll\l‘yi'llitlillflilllhlli \\'i.iit i.i‘ i'\iit><lite;


.\'l;lllli.tl .\lum~ l1\\-i-lliii" llriu>i-,_ ii-_.l.~,“Ill t'u||lItllI4‘ 1.. lIl'll|ll'l‘ i.iiw ill Btlilf l'il’llI’li|lItlll i....l lltilily vl ili.» -i..i.....-|...

.. l

|“-,N,l,,,i,.§'$,||,,,;,-i |., ;| LI|'(|\||||l ll\:ft'|ttlttIl',-i..l |.:iiu. ..|.iily ill the lligli (7-iiiri Ul1'1'r"uhI11Irl'I'|l-\l||‘ Illyul‘, tiii...t lllltl i...d)-; ,

'-'_ | l. : u _-

Wu‘ 0!" U." _|(,||_"s Pm. mm"m_tll t_'h..nri-r_t:iiuil tlii- t‘.iurl iit' .\|>pi-rilir. tsrlily rru|it|-iu- ltllil liliitirlii-ii iii‘ the iiluii; (.n.,|i| ',;|ym,.m,_§,.,.m-,.,]1,). i,,,|,,| ,,r|m“.,,_

_ _;"__ v- - ~

, , . ._i‘


Ury llltl wntcrt iiiiiiiilin nlllll iimttilcn vi lliullii- tlilltlIlltill> til .\.ili‘, .i.~. |u< - »

“um um, MJY;.~.~riiii-<l h_vSillll 1iI'tlt'I‘, ill't', tlllt‘.-|i.lll.iii ‘,v.\i.'|‘i2lt |iAltt>|.\'r: .\ (‘(i_, i.'..,. .‘.'_u"nmlm|z“_m_m;llll'I'\‘ iiinui|i.~<, null the I‘t'.sl\lllt.‘ in s-x

J _

"""‘ -""| "'"""'“""_‘ -‘l""'"""'j- l\"- Sir.-iliiiig iiiiil |i.ii.l.~i.iii;_-..l'ili:~ gleiiilniittliclll|llilll\'. with iiilt'i't‘st li'<iiii t.lu~ll.'|)'tllsulin N" I “H "l"_‘_"I'M?“'_". “"."u' "ml (“hl?

l"‘*‘l<-5"U" il"""‘- l'"'“l- \\"~

l. 1 ,“ | “ 1hlI'<tlvt,|l.lll|iIlri!t‘. l.r.iu~hil l..i- the lili<-r.il|i1- t_;l,m“L.|, m"u||_; [MU mmpluhm \y,,k,_

.I Y

uunre iit' l|u' miiiu‘, iiuil |IlI'tlglI tlreiiiiirlieir tul . .

'l""‘ ‘l-')'_" -“““ .“" "‘ * '3'"=')' 'l"‘ |....i..,;.-.-ii.-...i.~.i i.i “|(‘lIl l.,~ ll|r'|r i‘...-...:-ii. hm“.lltli tiny ul !\l;nt-ii uext,_:it ‘J oclock. |'- i".-i-ii t‘t)llIil\' lilli»lt'(v|>1tlllil| ...i..-.ii. i-.i.iziii.

.\i. All". corutiltitlriiml ili-i_:mri. prmliirr-il bymercury iir the iiiinenilii, rir ilu- ¢tiii...~<i.ii-tire oi

§i\.\llil".li 'C.\ Y. """"“ 7." ""' "'"“ “ "" "l "~i-llllitliii. luw-. \'i-iii~ri~iil.¢\'r{kc

iii '|'rii\, t\. \ .,.i utirk \i-r_y higlily iippruvril ul

. .. 'l‘li.- k.~.- .i-..ii~i:.iiilt- iii. li.....i ii 't)II(l |\lItIfl' ..

‘ '

. .i.,.], ||,_|_,; Ad“, lnf |)_ |;, ,\;_ Y l.



liiniifiiri-lliiit i|t‘Vl‘l’ ill ll ..iii|,;i.i iii»t.iiii---

‘ ~ w l

t|lt‘lll iifiirriilenliitliiir liiu~,\\liicl| they \\lll In“: "my Mu" kmm,“ ‘O M mu,“ that “my—*“v _>

"1:r;r'|£Ej?"':“nub dill nut pr ulure n “uml ttliet, ruling thtiuv . 1 . -»-

, ,u(,.__ _ _


l.1|ltll\\tl\lllI)'ll| whom WCft‘L‘l)i\Itl(lt'HIll tmruinlil-. ,|,.|,.",|"m‘ "H. ,",i“-,.,-|i,(.,- “.||| |.,‘I,(,\,. "1It iunjiizl ~'l'Iivy nrt. |li't |i.m.i only liy illi -


- -' .. M I -

' '' ' '

‘vll,l.lit-siilil.... Mo.\n.\\ the -tth lll?ttllt-ll li-""|"'""- N. ii. i....i,<,..r i-i..i.....-i..i...., ....i ...... i., i.i...

day oi Msircli next, in l‘ui't l)epu- A_Niii.ii<iii.~..l t'~.ii»<-liiw-. """'l""'l"'~' lit" \\'llt)lt‘IillCIllItl fflilllillllli

nit, ntthe lltillgg |m,.iy ,,,.,,,|,i,.,i by ||,m_y

iii.p..ii..i.i .....l iiii.-i.--t...g ii...... ii. the Ill-,‘,|I,'l‘ll [~,',\|l'()ItIli',i|

iiuli ll. N.llIl|‘ll. tlt‘(‘t‘tlS\‘ll. ull tlu' ll‘l'Sllilttl l"."l"ry“I .u"".ll"""‘|N"l""' I.‘-ll""'"y T"m‘“'.N"-1"” N"'“' 2"" "'""‘- ' ll" """"" b“'l"“'

Vinc,(higu ot the (mitt.luigle tk .\'vr|>cntl.)l"'"l\~"‘ty "F >'=\i~ltk't'¢j1~-wit.wit-'i~"iI\: "T i.,~ ..||'i.~.¢i.¢i.-..r-.-l..>..i~_-.....be iii._i o_lthe...... _., Q.

il I-"'l1'~'“ml (“¥l'~‘ll$l\'t‘il§$Di'liiil‘l\t ill IJIIIC uli the iiuluierilier. E. llriiigliunil, llruggii-l, Wiliiiingtnii.lluu.~:i-liriltl I-‘uriutltre, Sllllll'lt‘lll to :iccu|ii-


\\'M. 'l‘t)Rlil-2ll'l'.1r4 lh-.tJ. W. i'.irl.t-r, do iiiktiiii, Mil.

ni.iil:ili~ it l;u';;e |iuii|ii- lhitel, \\'lllCl\ the |"'l’ 2-5" "F" “F-1!’

_ ___

Silltl tli‘t‘('it§('\l lttlll kept, tn wit: -it) leiitlier_’

ii“ T “_”' i ' ' W ' "

i“ M‘ '_i'ii____‘°~__

llvtls, ll.-il~'tc:uls and lleililiiiw. ll num‘ier ll OI‘ I. ,_ . ,of walnut and ni:iliu;::iiiyDining 'l'iililes. ‘. __


';' .‘ "," ‘till ll|1I]L‘Il-l|{lll'tl,C0lIllllllP~l0l"iCY?lP|>4Ill’il~ii lan'i.:i' iiuiuber of other 'l‘ubl<~s suitulile ,_l““' Sum u.l.HSLand Dlwnmg at '1 "l "Y """-ll ‘i"""l 1-'"'"l ‘""|"° '1'"! ill"

tin‘ l\fl\‘ill0 and ilressiiu: TUOIHR one chest Cm5".lwM.wlily M lmvsl-M .m.c".mM""'““'”“"“l l':“““'“r'rl"'"M‘m“-""“"l-M”"7

Hf Ur_m_cm “ml mrw “"n__"'Nn Emu‘ l>y(?<irii<-liusi.riari'i.~nu.l’u.~isessluii given (‘coil ClllIt\l)',l(|ZC!IItllI‘lgto tlic p??lll?lll iifilie‘

‘ '


‘ "

1|_2-'1] 0 M -l, llCllIOl_/\l!|‘Il|> ' cl curt: m I" d .

llllII_]lit'I‘ of lmnkiiig (.lnsse.~:. large andU“ ‘P !_I:"_|“_r|"s“:?v:?yto viiivd, do l‘lt:l’Cl)§23,1,“,,',,|;c,._,,,:‘;|L:'|im,£r?l

small, some t'lt‘;1ttitland large, §e\'erul !_.§.l.“ER T m‘..\.\;ETT iiiiiy C0l‘lCCl’I\.llll|. we lllllll iii=et on ti... uidsets of limss i\nilll'l)llS,Sl.O\'L'liLlllil Tnilgs, Cl PS“ X_,lk;(it F _b I,

‘ '

|l=f|_E'l=l°- ')'i"lt 5" ll"= \‘ill=L'_°"l'N°'"l Bill.suuie of lllt'iii large nnd elegant, Iron do. ____i


"___:v |_l'|“":"I{Tl‘5:B"'“yd9' "|l",:‘l'l""“rr"'it gzrecit number of L'liiii|'s,dilli'reiit r|uali- N t‘ wh?‘,€.'::c‘an;.p';m?"l'c'r“

"' l '° “' M" °'

ties, a large quantity of Iloor and stnir 0 '

Tliamue S. 'I'Iiania|,C'=|riwtli\t:. Coukiiig Swvvs. ten plule ALL tX‘t'S0t\S litllrlliigllw promissory 5,-,,,,b.,§~9piimdiStnrcsuiul Coal Stores. "Ht! Cl0€l<. one notes oi‘ the BtlllSt‘i'll)(‘I' for luhor on Juli" pm], .


Bill‘ 'l‘lIm'_Pic?‘. ll complete set of Liar the Ch:-snpeuke and Delaware Canul. are J¢iIim JoltnjnnFurniture. with 35 bottles of Wine, lt?filllyrequired to present them for pny- M41/iim [,,,.~k1a;.,1.(lTlllll'il[)Jlf1li)tlsubstantial assortment Oi iiient forthwith to him at his residence in Jen 26-tin COIl'IlI\llll0l’tCII.l\llCll0l\ Furniture, with a great variety \l,'t|m|niitmi [)¢|awm—¢_ -

of other rirtieles not mentioned; two° ,

JQHN RANDEL, 1|-_ Notlce,5l"'l1_‘~‘5Wllldl lmvc MP" occulllcd fl" lvllmlnilmni Feb 2'-4W‘ HE undenigricd,Commiuioncrul|1poirit-public lrruisportation of passengers, but

_ ,_


i.".¢ Sim Sm," and ...,l.,i,,..ii..|_ four set, I-‘rslnug shore for Rent. vido oi lint Bio... ... wlllllm COIfl?,lll.|i iir

of Stage Harness complete, one Horse Tilt. -‘iubociilltrwillrcnt tin Siiuie on Elk '5'" °°\""!. Ikvcll?i. l=¢@'d'"L' 1° "W P""I-

7 0,. 8 years om we" brake m saddle and Rim-_ ]‘¢rin| will be modgyltg, noneoftlui net: oi‘ uoembly in ouch euc made

Ted li Cecil CountyCourt, to value end di


Joim 1-‘ Q,\Z[£|\ end provldechdo herebygive l'l0lll‘? to ell con-

Cows.hnrness, good size, and hundsonie, and Jun m_6w N,,,,d‘,h.,_ we ,t,_|| mu, n Cowwmwn on

Wcdneedaythe 20th dny of Mnreli next. et IQ

Sole to commence at ll'

1 -k \. M. ‘clock M.t roe ed tntlie busineuf r whichon said day, when terms oi,2.3:villibe For Rent, 2""°"PP°3:ll°d-

e 0

mode known liy TIIE F-.... cllltd the Whithlm F-i-..., |t|~LB" “'80”-WILLIAM H GILPINQAMUEL GAY’ Admqon joining Back Creek Mills, Cecil oo. Md. FRANCBA "VI"-I-Axim


Feb I6,-is,

F" ‘°"“' ““4“"° °'.

NOBLE i>r:i~iirmc'roN.'


1... 19, teas. C0mI;Iilll?\Q".WILLIAM l(lNl\EA D,


.ED“;ARDammo,i Fhrwumiiiipiyiiimi.-..ii-ceui.- 'vti.t;.""'“ ' M

. . - N iamuni Sine -

,. rmswr ownus. a. uoumcswonru.

)'"".vP"I"=4r1l lhlvq?ce. Lr..:a-tr “ "w“"“"‘°“'D"

. .r...ia--aii -

W” i J-is-aw' T

- ~. 1 1/‘.

A Ilaiiilsuine Fariii‘viii S.\l.|l, ltt(’|-rll riilliii\',ii iuli<-- Illtllll

I ..l' l1tl.i...., Mil, i»....i..i..|».t- iihiiiii lllfl

l\|'fl'I. Nniuv iit' the l.iiiIl hn In-en in-.iIilr

|;,,,,.,|_ ,,,,,| ||f|)1||||'I’Il lhii. yriii l'|t'Ill|(||

|.i..\-i..ii-i iii wiiiti-i lfi iiiiiil iit' r..I

tl- niiil III liririii-n. 'l'|~""' I" lt"”'l'

tiuilirr, rind t-vriy lll'lt’ lo wrll WI'I‘I‘

-.|. 'l'i..- I-‘...... l.. i........i~.| .... i..-i -i-I-~~ M

i..| i. |.i|;|.|_y i.-..|..-.-t..l.l.- Ill'lifl|ltv|Il||Il4l.'l'lw i........- .-....i..i..- ii.-.~ ......»-,

"' |u.| l|'I||It '|||I'<l|ll|‘ tl Ill'\\' liiiiu, with

ill,’ ~i..|.u..,,.....l.., .. ..--i.....l i.....-.-. ----it

V_’;\_-.,l...g.- .|.....L- i.....~-_ ...ii. .-...-.ii...i

.t..i. i; ltti -.i|.i..ii.-i. |...i|i |-ti-..-.....i ...ii| |ll'ill|ll)'.'l'l..‘ liit- i- ....t.-|i..ii|.|.-_ ..i..| lllll" \'----r~. It

I|I‘l|YI il, iiiuy he |r\l\l'l| tii l‘Il|l\xIllll‘ Ili|- ‘IIIYI li i-..-.

M-ii». wiililiiil nu l'(|ll'I|"I|ll'4l |"irr|m-I. *"l\

ulli- ii-iii lr\Iti' iii in-i~|i III tlll iqv Ir-ml '| 1 I" 4'"

“... ..._ _

,\.i.i..<-.. ts‘, il..i|.-.r.'..iii-»-.i, hi: llill. (hy-. tr. |', t i,,t ‘. . it< I>tlti|"' .\lil.

.i...i .’i it‘

l."ai'in ?ir Sale.

I ‘Ill-I I-illt1r'Ill|l'f .ilI'.»i.. i;.i -.i.i.- ll |"iIl'lII it.

I i'.»..i ....i..ii»_ .\l.i. ...... t:il.i...., ...iJ-....

.\liinly Illitl !IlltI'In| i-mil iiiiiiiy llll i\|-111, ui..ii-


,‘VIII. l'rinrr- k Hon

\ 'wlli iiiiiI.i- ii.ili-i. iit' 'l'ltIZl-ZS ANII'

('l7'|"l'lNliN iii‘ tliv tllZNl'|NHt'lll.\'l‘L\‘lI \lt>ltl'l< .\il'l.'l'li'.\l‘.

|.l.'~'. \lllltl'.'4 l1\‘l’\NN\, l\|.l'l‘H»I, t'.\Ni'l‘ii.*i, Itlttit .~1“~ \ ..-~-I lilllfl Illhllinl ,|..|,,,i.ti|.~ |.. tli.- ||\lI|‘lr|M|I ..| ~ii-ii |-.ii...| ... it...

-,..i..ii .... ii. i.-..v...i-..i i.. ||i"1II|IlIlt| Hill mini..|.....i.ti... 1.. ........|i..;;ly--l'.t..i~ IIYII‘ mi..-t-ii 'l'i...i. ..i..l I'..|iiiiii- iiitt he in.w..i.|..l In..ti i\I.i..i..y ..|.|.tv i... |I..... liy iiii.il,..- n-llne|..i..i...i Milk \v..i..... |:,,,,.., \|-.li..iiy .<.i.|.,.\- 't'|.. .\l..|i.. ...ii- 'r..~.- ..i.- Ivllllfl-0-lily\IL'l|IItt|a,ii|lll.l-1 it. |..-i I||i|I‘1IIti| ii... |‘|'t|I||l|l‘I!II',|miiIi.i1. II .in -uii- ‘II UIIIHIIIIIKllii truet.i....'. ii ..li--... ll... LitII'I',I|Ilr| 1...... Ilirtfliztl.iitr|il||ut lllllll Iiy i|..~.ii,i|...i ll.-~ ii.-ri. “|I',|||1l\.-..l.i iiiiu |'I\l ii ii..|\. I-..l ~-ii-llii ii-iii.

.\'. II. l-iiiit llllll "IIh|t|IlI||sl‘ 'I‘r.i-ii, l‘l.iiii|

..iiii St. ili. i-.iii l..- I\l|||ll|l'l||'l iiuy will Ill‘

l|...i....,-_... .. .'....- Y..1li,J .i.. I, l>Iil Iii.--~ I! 9

.\n lli;.:lrl_\ lmporlnnt l‘:m-tlon to the |'lI|l|il'.


--4'...» ... i.i..I..."- m.i-.ii.- iii 1../1...,-.ill‘ I I rtt |;\‘.\.\.\'_ ititit'i...il...... .i

, i..l-i-1I)ll|l|...

....r..|.|...iiiii.il_y Ill 'I|l'ltlltIL' llll

ti.-..t ltllll ii_-i.- .| ... km. \ll .l|;. lI|l‘l||r iii ihi iiii.

nu l~-u- |---in iiI- 1--lllliir-.1 i.ili. tl.<~ \.iii-iii-i

i-.....- ..i .i.--. .~.~ .... ..i. ..i i.. i.-..i......i,, ...-i...Ii...i~ r i-iiiiiiilli il iii.-ii.-i Iii ~ I-i l..-. i .iii-, ..iiii hr-l...». ll..~ i...ii-i... ti-... --i lii.....i..;; 1...... i...iiiy Ii...

iiig I..i..hi i.|' léii-i-iiliiivy |'nii.. ll illlll Ni.-Ii..l i~|i.._; i i..l- Ill 4 -, ii. .| ||l< ii llll llll -. l...\i~ Il‘|lIl|\| il

-r ll Iii i. .1 ..l |i.. II i. ~|..- |l\I' .i..il.i<li- -, ii-i l..r

..i |.-..~. 'l‘Iii~ l.i..l ll .,t’.. |ii.-try ii-i.‘><|.|ii.h|i,

with ll L'U01lfa-irti-iu iit' \\'iiii~l nuil \Ii-iiit.i\\; iii

.. ....» hi-iilthy ... .,.l.l...ii......i, .....l . ......-..l. ..i i..l

..il... |....|.|...-_.-, '|*i..-i.~ ... .. .....-. i..i...,,i

..i..-....i ..i' ...... Y |...--...|_. il.i...ii;I. iI..~ i..i..._ ..‘...l*

.. il..ii. ii.i.iiy .-ii-i-i.~.l "llllillilv |..i iiii.i||

... ..il.. .;.~..i.». ..-...i... ,\ r...il;.-. ...-.....,.i.-...... .i.-......i‘

rt IN |iiwill vi-~\v trir |llI'lllII4|\l'. 'l'lii- |iiii|i. vly will‘lw iihiiu-n,u|irl lrnuu llltllll‘ luiiiwii, li_v the nuli»Il"lltl r,litiug<iii it.

.l.\.\ll1S I-‘tIh"l'|I|t.Jim I‘) ~-ltv

Great W tilt)!‘ Power/\ .\‘ ll I. J\ N n

At 'l‘i'tistee’s Sale.

I\' |tlll'\‘llIl|tl'(‘ iit' ll lit-r r|~i- iil' the Illghi‘.i|l|l Ill t'lui|ii'i-r)‘ will ll!‘ will all l'lili-

lit- Nail:-, ul tlint ‘unit |‘tIl|)\l' in l?lktiiii, till

’I‘|| |||'ir||:|_y '.£"l'~ !~i-.’iriiiiryii.~.i-I,ut Ii ii‘i'lii|'lt, l', l\l., |.’i‘.! /\i'ir--r. L’ lttiiiilq:i|iil '5.'i l'l'lt‘llI“t til‘ liniiil, \<ilu;|l.-

Illl ilir

llliilll lti‘iIl|l'li iil'.\\irtli l'I.i~it r-it-ek, Ill Nut-lliiglizmi,1’:-riliwittiiiy, ,\lil.. it lllll pri.p<ii~

lmiiiil \\‘lllt'll lit in \\'ririil. ¥~'|tulili- iiii

kiuiwti u~4~"l'lu- l*'i|ll.~i ul ilu- .\'uill| l'Ztili'i."

75 l"eet Fallwilliln llll‘ tniull sp.iri~iil'Tll |'|iil\~. :iii.| {N

tlii- \lI('.lI|I i~ .l lIil],1l‘lllil' tlir- |ill\\l“ i- ~.~-iy

L'|<'.|t, illllllllllllll l'tl' liliy ll|.uiii| "'|l1ll:_'

|i|il‘|i.i~v'. '|'lir- .~ll\|:|lui|i |‘1'llU\lil‘l\.llllZI~

i.i\ i;.ilil< \\'l|ll‘I‘6 Illllll'l'lit‘\;I|)I‘1lhi'llllit!‘\|ll.i;_'i- iii Niiitli l-lnsl,uli<l tun iuil|'.\ili'tiiii

\\'iliiiiiigtriii ?llil ihilliiiiriri-, Zlllll lll n

'l‘I.r- ti~riii~. hy the iii-1-11-1' an-§ emit,and 1 nu ii, I15 mid lrl iiiiiutlm 4‘it‘\lll.\\'llll l|iti'|'t'.~.l limit ll 1' rl.iy iit' .\l~tll‘lllt the

willi !4"t‘lli'lly to he u|i|ii'.i\'r‘il liy lhi~'l'i'n»t\-i'.

J<)llN l‘.‘.l‘.'l'lllI)ttl'1. .

l'i-1 ‘If--I-i 'l'|‘ll:it|-0'.

:1 ulilie Sale.|u|i'<li.iii<-r- <it at nl‘i'l't‘\' til t'et:il

i‘ii|uily t‘ii|iit. ':i~< ll riiuii of liquity,iiintlv in

zi t‘;|lt.\’l‘ \\lii'lt‘lll ltvilwrt l‘.n‘kt-r.Jr. it-mi i‘lIllI[Il-tlllillll, iiiul Win. F. Suvln,

l'ulilii- Rule, rm S.\'l'l7l(l).\ Y the Utli rluyiit' .\l:iri'l| |tt‘\l, ril Qiiiirlr-.~i 'l'rit-vrti in the

villiige til l'.ii't l)<-|\ri<|t, :ill tht- ri;_'l|l,titleiintl iiiteri-st nl' the s:i|<l p:li‘tiM, unrl oflill perunlia (‘ll'\lfIilltL[ iii, liy, tliriiiigti, ortinder them, or citlicr oftliein, in iiud to


5 Lots oi‘ Ground,silunteil ln the lm\'r~r pzirt of the \'ll|:i;1enf Port Deposit, kiimvii zinil ll('.§t’|‘ll)(‘il onthe Plat Of Bald village. hy the t'rillnwiiii_:numbers, in wit: 5-1. 55, 56. 57 and 58.l‘illCli Int is siild t0 fruut mi the ltiver fortyfeet, and to run hack to the top nf the hillfriur hundred feet,nr thereiitiiiut; so thatthe live lots present on undivided front ot200 feet. with ell the right and advanta-

ges oi‘ the river.

Terms oi‘ sole, an prescribed by theDecree: One-third 0l'tl‘e purclimie moneyto be paid at the time oi‘ sale. and the ha-lunee at three and six months. with inte-rest: notes or bonds with approved secu-

rity t0 be taken for the credit payment.Stile to commence at ll o'clock. A. M.

JOHN H. PRICE, Trustee.N. B. The title in believed to beindi.1-

putuble. ..

Feb 2—t|_



For Rent;_

THE Home and Lot occupied byWilliam/-Jones. and the Coach-multer‘l

Shop occupied by David Alexander.The Home and Lot occupied by Sam-

uelSturgi|.The upper wharf Warehouse. frame

PwellingHouseand Garden, It Elk Lend-

ng.Possession tobehed on the 25th ct‘

.\ierch. For term: apply to.




An Apprentice Wanted.

wnnn et this e?ioe on marathonthe Printing" bruises. with o

potdw?lilhotloootiollabelled. '


...|.. _ ....il....i|..- .............. .»| i.......... ....-......

ii.... .i.....- ...,, ... .i..- ..|lliiti-il i. |I\'.\'l'lll'..\'l\ nu l\ll|t-I..\'llil\' ,.............. ...i ii.-~

i..-|...ii.- i.i ||.. i.ii..»ii.~ ..i .....|ii...-it i..'|...-.~.....i.....-...... i,....i; .... .i i..... l?lll ......i. the

...i,,. .i ..| ...-|-...,- i.,- .... .i.. ..l ...i|...... .-.- ........-

u.\..lu~.| ii. ...... 1. lilnvrlltlly. J....i.l.-.-_ iii....ii... .., r i...i. ... .....i t‘l.i.lir, |.. i...... .. .......

-[...-....... |i...i ... ii..-.|i....... ..i i.....i...i ..i|'. . ......-.

In-w I1 --It '. "- "I-'-M \‘|"l'1"L' |-- i..-l...-- liii. l~2i..i... |I.iI l,-... .....;;..l..i|y .-...-...-..i..i Iltllln|ll‘~l|lIlltil ..i' the ..|i.....»......|-|..i..ii.,liy (l'llll‘llllIilmuri lniiii ilii- ii Ill illl iii ii "I the llullll 1 iiiim tit.|.i.,-.-......... i:.....,... |i.~ i..... ..i...i....i ....i

I‘\|I iii i.--- i....t -.i..i-ii. il.r....glii...| il.i- iil..il..

liuiirly tit Ill liiuiu rliiu::iiu~n, nllt-I'v\|itIIr1i1r-hi!thii iniiitt Ihlfl uggrlvitli-rl liy, iiml f?llllll Ill thec..i.i-|ili.ii..ii liy i|.i- i'tl.\§l'lll..\t'|I-L\l tit-'.\ll‘1ltI'liItl\I. .\llllUll'll(l£lt.\', li.\l'ltl.'\1l-

l'l.|'Zlt, l‘NlIlil‘t?/\'l'lZIJ lllll l.'.\l’ltAl ‘I'l-t‘l-;|I iii iiiiy ...i ..,.ir lliul Ill i.|r--iiipiiiii; ii. Indll... .-i...i..i...... .... Ill i......

iii. i-:i....-- hill!’ it

eu|i|i||i1l Milli the 1-iiiiu-rnl 'l'|llI’IllII lniiii “],A

eiiiii iniirliit-, iiiiii .;..:ii|i..iiiiii..l llll tl.i- iii-in

it.-it ..|||ii; |i||ii|.|;ili ii, A |tlt,'Ill'l-Ill ll iiluiiyn in

nit:-|ul.iiii-i ,iiiiil iill ll|lll|' uh-i I n|ltl' "I4 re iii tho

hiiur ofneul will giiii?‘ II'J1|tt iiig.

Dlt. w. iii’/t.\‘.\:' .*itItiTllll\T.i s\'IllIt’.I'li! I 'IiiIilrrn 'I'rrt/Hug.


l'..-,......i i.) llllltorll.

'l'tt .\lil‘l'll'lI|i.\‘ .'\Nll .’\'lllttil-LS. -'l'hv-pu-

nig.-..|' ll..- lt'!lll |lii..ii|;ii ti..~ ultllil Illiltllllfli..,.,i.i........- .....i .i....,;. ...... -,»...|.i....... ii .-

|\||n\\'ll ti; l|ttilliI‘II ili..i tl..-i.- 1.. gii~..t inu..tiiin

iii lh.- iii-iulh llllll 'gunii| IIIIIIIIK thin |inir¢~-ii, -

'l'iii>guiiiit imvll, the II izniuiu ltl iiuliiir N Ill‘

.»i...-.-.i,ti.. tlttlll I4 ...ii..i with |Il‘l|lt1'lil .iii-I

tillllllill mi. Ill .-.)i..;;_ -t..iiiiiii i.i lli-: llIl'||,~lll'JIilllltlll iii |.. . ..Ii.ir ii.iii~; ilii I Iiilii Illlll |-- with

l'\lHIlll' ii..|~-t.i._..ii-I lliltlnll it-i ting-~iii uitn

it. iiiiiiilli. |l'tlit--1- |ll'l’|'llTl‘IY, -yr-It-Ilmll I!"

....i ......-.i.ty i.l|. ~...ii .|, I|ll|Ili|tl\llL' ~~i|iv\l!~wnl

uiiivi-|<.illy Illllil |tt'||", iuiii iiii<iii mun: the dil-

...|..|i...i ... i|..- ii.i..iii. li i..i.il.»ii. wt... have

ihi ir ltllll‘ l|.llii‘I iilllirlrrl with tlu-we tl|llIl'IIll’lKit-rim, |iviii;_' iiiily ll l|itll'*<lll\l.|I\l lt'|!Il| l1n":'Y"'l'l'--"'i """|'l "i'l'l)' D" w'“""" l';""""

N-lvl.r..|.i.iSiiiitliiiig .\‘yni|i, which hue preivcrvl.-diiiiii.|i. .ii- <.i‘ lltlilllll wt...-ii iiiiiiiglit ]l.|ll nu»

wry, lllllll In iii; l\ltllll‘ll|y attacked with the


.\STll~'\l/l, TllRl~Il'l YEARS‘ STAND-l:\i(i.

.\lr. Riilicrl. Mourlw, Ficliuylliill, elllirtnrl

with the nlmtn dliitrriiriirig malady. Nyniplmm:tin-at l.iu|;iiiir, iliitiilrimy, ilinturhtii rent, ner-

\‘lltIIl lit~.ul.iv-lie, tlillivulty iit' bteltliilig, tight-nriin lllitl Illitllllll‘ etrunn the brunt, diniui.-u,Itl"Vl|llI iiiitaliility iiiiil rci-tli~ium-iu, i-ouht nutiii: in ll liiiiiiiintiil iiiiuiiiiii vntiiiiui the menu-

lniii /it IIIIIK iiiliriig nutliirgotiiiii, in-ilpit.it|nn 0l'

the heart, IllIll'i"tII|lu l‘()\1“|I' r;i.iiti\i-iir'u,plin.i|'tli.- -iiiiiiiirli, <lniwiiliwiiii, great ilrhility end

rlelii.-runnyul the lll‘f\l|lll i-iiugy. Mr. ll. Mou-

rrie giivu U]! rtrry tliriuglitiil rcrznvi-ry,||ul rliro

dc-iiidir i-at on tliv i-iiuuti~n:iiirr ril' euzry pcrormiulr-f|-gllwl iii ltiii c1iIhf|ICl' or |ll|l|Illll|ll| till byIlCi.‘ltlt.‘|ll lit? nutii~i~<l iii 1 puhlir. p.:pri' name

run I r-ti‘.-rlrll ll,‘ I). Win. l-Iviiiin' .\In~i.ticir.e in

liiir v.oiu|il.iiiil, which iuduu~il liiiu tn purchasell |iiii-lizigu ul the Pills, wliiuli ieimltrrl lli enm-

|.i¢-iely reiiiiii-iiig cvcry iiyiiiiiiuiii til his dlw-rmllt- ui..lir-it lll ii.iy llll uii.li\'c liir lllll rlerliiriitiou

in, tliiit (lion: ritllicti-i.l with the nun: or any

i-yiuptiiniii niiuiltr to ihoec from which he in

lriiypily I!‘IlnfCll,may liltewile receive the lameiucniliilutih: benclit.

lilvl?ll COi\ll*li1\lN'l'. TEN YEARS‘S'l'i\Nl)lNG.

.\lrn. llillilllll Uro\rne,witi:ol'.l0\rpli llrownn,North Sixth ll. near $1-cniirl at. \\ illuuinburgli,oilliclcd for the l.n.t ten yeiiriu with Liver (‘out-

|il.iiiit, ri-i-tun-rl tli health through the trt--itvni-‘Illoi‘ llr. Win. l-Ivunii. §viii|itumI:—-lli-lillinlcriiuliiialiun o|' the hiiwi-li-, hii-in ol' ii|i|i<.tite, 1'1-

erurintiug pdlll oi’ the ciiiigutric n RllIlI,¥YCIldeprcniimt <ii' npiritii, l.iiigtiur amt other I""\p‘triuin ot' ntreiiiv dvhlliiy, diulurileil elem ii, inor-din-itc thiw iit' the iricmcn, |iiiin in the rightnide, could not he mi her leit nidt. Wllllbul In

lggrlroliourit the |bJlH,Ul’illlJliighcolnred, with

other nytiiptoiiin indicating greet dcrlnrgmenlin the Iiiiictium of the liver.

Mn. Browne win attended by three nfthetint phynlciam, but received but little relieffrom their medicine, till Mr. Browne procllrldlomc of Ur. William Evan!‘ invelulhlo prc 1-

tionl, which e?lctuelly relieved her ofthfrbovo dioirening lyinpt-inui, with othcrn, whichit in not cucntinl to intimate.

JOSPPH BROWNE.Cil Ind County of New Yorlr,u.

- ])lCpl|Browne, of \i/illiamnburg, Long hi.end, beingduly |worn,did ikpoee end uy that

the fact: on let forth in the witiliiri itatement,to which he hu nubocrihed hi: name, ere jutInd true. J@EFIl BROWNS,

lluehuid of the aid lhi-inah Browne.

Sworn beibre me, tliie 4th day of Jun. 1837.PETER PlNCKNEY,(Jom.oi'l'\eeth.

0:rTtie above Medicine is for sale bythe subscriber.


Elkton, Dec. 22-ty

$15 Reward.TRAYBD from the preiabeoei’ the nub-soeriberoootabout the lat day of Noven-

ber tut, three COWS. Ive of Ilueh wen giv-ing milk The mileh oowo on both rod, no I

eioloy,the other with e white funtoned in ll the point; thewith o white bee and Ihnrtlnowill be given in

oelolonatleo to thehnei’ Hktoo, or in





igiririi _. .


y. 2'



r*" ....‘



Page 16: I CECIL GAZETTE,cecilhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1839-02-CecilGazette.pdf · Mui'y!ririd, Cecil Coirrrly,Scl. ' ()t'uunty,N application ofNathan Ward Cecil by petition


'I‘I'lIl11l8 OF 'l‘l|I'l ‘W1-1\tl11-eme 111-lthyour ble1l 11111111with F S I‘



0 0 *1 ll11- 1111111 I11 w|1111n 1111-rL'\ll’)'lull l)1‘1'1\lltl- a e,- 1

F air m 0 r S g IA cnuilornr or main"-

‘_/('1l'.ll (l'1IZ[§t‘[§, 111l11l11t1-rmll N11: 1111w11ul1l1111ve tx-1-11 I11 ply"/,1‘Valuable 1-111-11119111,;ln Ce:-ll'



' '\

'l'1vlIllnt1.\I1s|1er |111111111, ll'p11l1ll11|11lI11n1-r,' ' ' ' ‘I . HlkF“r“"' whmn two mu”. olun tuw

or l'1111l)1111111\ v1111l l"1r11 1'1.\111111-1tl11111l11-" 11111 11 l1||g11ly1-1-.11-e-:tal1l1-,an1l1-1111be r1-- ,,f |1;||,1,,1,_

_11-11, 1-111111 ,1111111-111 111- 111-11111-11 1111111-1-1111111 |l'lT"-l l"- 'l‘l1¢ 11b11v1-property 1-nntnlna abouttl11- ya-111, 'l‘1t|1u U1111111111\-11|l I11-1l1-11111111l1-1|.

i\u 1111l1~1'r1|1l111111\tll lw 11-1-111-11l l'11t l1-11111l111

l |"‘ ‘

ant-1111131-11 an p111l, 1111|1--s 111 1l11- 1l1n-11-111-11tl11~1-1lil11r.

1 (|.)'ll1:11 1111;11r(‘11ur111:111-1:1r1:11r1.and nf

A111-x1\r1~rur.~11-1111 u111- 111l11111-i11~1-11--1| tl1t1-1- t\l"“‘l"" "l“ll'"“5- """" "'“"'-N

,>111l1o»1. .\1l\1-111-111gru11t111111111 Kill 11l1-1111-11111.\1 1111 tl1-- 11111111-1111,11,l1111v ll|u|1\' 111111-111111

1 1

" \l1n-to 11-I111 1111- |11y 111lv1-1tl111-111t't1lIt11It-llQ7“ A""$l"s$

1111.1111111111,1111111111 11 111.11111111111111111111111111 ,,"_,|_ m,,,,,_,,,,, ,,.,,,,.,, ,,,,,.,,,.,|,,_,,," may11f wl1lcl1tl11-r1-|11ul11111t Jllor 40111-rrs

\ '

,, ,l I11tt \i- l WU

I11-111111.l--l111t11-1111-111lw-r.w1>l\1-11wear "r'\V‘:L':|“m"::;_"‘um! Hum" 40

1111111 1111 .1111- 11.11111.111111111 1-.1111 -111-111-1111.-111','l'1l1u 111111-1111111-111‘1-11111llr11;111l11tsran“'0 |',“"l'l,' w"“_"""l'l°‘l rm r“l"l"

111-1-1-1i111111v1-11t1-11111 1-1-1111;11111;;--111111-11 111 |1r11. ,,,.,.,.,1 |,,. ,,-|,,-,| ,,,,,m M ummhm um". "M111, 111 K|"1'"ll- "1 lmlll if ""<'i"""\|’

111 l,“_m._‘_ 11111l|11w11111111it1111u111lU1‘1‘l1ur1lufu 1-hul

_-- 1 ., , _ _1_ .-1. 1

1-11ll1-1.-11111111l'I-'rult.11111-.,1111.-.,111»1‘-"1 ‘ I-'\"'I‘I-"-“--l-"FY /W"! "T

1 .


E LK T1) N, M I).

‘HE ?ulm-rilnr hula,talu-I1 tha above

'1‘,lluust-, rt-1:11111

111-1-u 1ed It ‘ll W"1


y ‘

1 y 1 1. llllum

Ki11i11-1111!,r1-11111-1-tl11Iy 111l'urm11hln frlamls and“' tl11- p11l1ll1-,1l1_11t1111tl1111'11l1sll he wanting on hls

|1111t11111111l1e1t a u-111I111tahla rasmt for persons

tt who 111-11 F1111-r l1i|11 with their patron! 1

y,'l'l111 lha is p1||1{1Ii1-dwith the ht-ntYlquot111

cua111l ll111'I'11I1.a 1v1l altvaya be l'1u|1i11l1t-ll with

tl11- ln:l\ |1r11v111i11|111the uunrlu-t 1-1111 1-1ll'1111l1

l'i1‘1~ry11111-11ti1111lllull l>1-pnlol 111 l1l11 '11!-11l11,

1111--1111-1111-111 11111 1.1- --11111111111-1l1111111 11.111111 Ur ll1'1111l1‘t-ll1l111lut\(11L'|'111-1-1/(‘I-r!1'_/l1:11lerm‘ hmmlnlu mp“ c'""r“""M" "WM" ""4 ""ll'i"|l will l"‘ l"|\ '""l""" W l"ILl\""W

1 1 , ..

11.111-1.11,;.-. M. |‘_rm_y ‘U “mm "W |m,,,h_ ,-mm |l111_'H1111-11-,111111111lll:t1'u.11111l11ll n1-1-1-111111- I-'t)(lN'l'/UN INN, 1-1|11s|to any i11 that-11u11ly_\,, ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,|,, |.;,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,b,, rm" L “ml uhlfrw mo ‘Mu H “hm m_ 1‘y11ut|111ll1l1111.g11;11|1u111|1111-1.111-1-ll.-11tw11. 111-11111111-,1.-111111111111.

11.111,111.1. r111-r1!t1-1* ut the 111111r.n111lu 1111111!nprlnu 11

K ',_

-111111111l1o11111~1-111111-11i1-11tt11tl11-1111 l ll

To the l'nt|-11t|1111l'tl11- llrau. 0'J"l"|‘ """"r'*‘“" "‘ ""'"""' ""9 -1.


" "'1

' tlrt-llt I'tlI11.

1\'1-lhinls I‘1-1 n1|II'11ll 111-mly 111111:1u11lr,A111! 0111 1111111111| I-111/1If!-r11/l11r.1l!t(II 1111 M11lIn111I1lrs|I111mwI1 lhr 111111 11-


lI.'|\l 1t'.»11ll1-1| ll'11111 ll11- 111l11111i11|\

'|‘l11- bl;-I1 1~l111r111-l1-r of the l'le11ul1u~ h11l1l.

l'1ll\ 111-1-1|-1 1111 1~111uu1t-11!.111111they 11111)’TIN‘ qiimunnHr H“. Mm". lmilllriy

I _ ‘W I" ‘I U‘. 11111-|>11-11~1t11l11-11111- 11l"ll1t-11111-1ll11-11t1tll


"' ""'H W")!



1 1 1 1 1 l1\t|11-1'111111ty'l'|1t- 111-1~1-t11t11rttm ult l"Hum", mm!" "“"""'.' ‘“"'“""i" “ “'HAM Hnundl I ' Jr"

ll11- |1111'1'l1l’\llill111v1-11 1-111111111||11li1l'111'l1-( “111; 1,1,,"-.1,-,.,|,.,,,.|

_ ,... , 1, 1 M11111 A151-11tl'11rI-Z|l1t1111.1



' _


l 1 1 -111111111 v

11‘: N’ H Ti""_"n_""mm"HRH "M" no,‘111 tl11 1l111l|11_t11|111111l R11-411111l111111u1 It11

!m”__ _


i1 .

l{'lll‘ll‘1'l1Ill " ll'.,llk-"-llllr.1111l11-t|1'11|’1ll-4, 1l111'111g11 ,,,.,,,,,| ,,|- ,,\,_ 11r11v11l1-1lll11-y are k1‘|1t1l1y. 3-l1111tI11-111

‘W " ' "_. ""' l" "‘ ‘ “|‘"

w1u‘1l-11-I 85 yw-In lb" 11111111-1-111,,,,,,,|H ,,,.,,,|,.,,,,-,, Wm 1,,,,| 11,1, ,,,,1,|,,.|,,,1,,,,,, "M, 1-111-1H11.11>1‘1|.~;(11lt 11- 1111111 l1l111. 11|11l l1.1'



_ 1-r'1 11 -I 111-1-1'.I1-11111*1l111111"y1-1111-11 WI111-111111-_,1|,,,,.,. ,,,.,-_ \\lll l1111ur1-l11-11ltl1t11ll11- 111-11|1l1-1111tl11lr


1111'1111~1|11111111l11|111l1'1-1l~1uI' lu1l1vl1luul11 ""l“""'-_ _ ____

\\'l111t11 ll11-y l1;1\'1- 11-st-111-1l lr11111 ul1111111l1

1-\'1lu|>l1-1l1-11tl1, 1|ll1't‘ tl1t-y lu|1l lK‘t‘II pr111111111-1-1|l111'11r11l1l1-l1ytl11.- 1111111 1‘111l1u-11!

1'1-1-111111111-|11l11111it tu the 1-11111-1"l11l1111tl('ctl11- |111l1l1t'.

V. 1

‘ l11r ll11-111-11-I1-1--1h|,h,,. um, ,,.“,,,_ um, |“,u|,|, W,,,|),,|,_,,,.", 11-s111l1l1-111111-1-1111 1111111-11~1l1111111 n-111l -11111111'- ‘ '“ 1| - 1v‘ 1' 1 111-- W11 1

_ _ , _ , 11,11... 1111|1_111111 ,.111,1111,- 1.. 1.1- .1111-1111111-1111111/\' - "‘" -H -I--11 --H ‘-1 "I --

0“ nu “mu” or lmuly l“ wlmh H" mm"! 111-t11.1l1-111113111-1111-111.11111It11l11111-1-111-11111-:ll11l1i111|"ll1 ll1-l.. III‘ l|11- 11|1l1-41'lll11-r111-11r l-Ill1!11

1‘;1111-111-1111111_111111-111-11-1.11-11111111-1-11111111-1_111'.\l1. 1\‘l1l. J1-\.\l11;_\1 __,_ H,,|u_\-,;|1;|1_H ryl11ud;11111l11111-|11-11111131111111-11y1-11111p11l1-11t_lrs-1,", 1_15__, 1'(11 llmuvty that tl11- 111111| 111-111111111-rI11111r1-a11lt~1l

_ _,_ _

N K-'1". \‘\‘t'ry 1-.u'1 ul the h111lyI11-ln1_11111|1ll1-1|1l111lywith new l1l11111l fr11111the l'1111'ous111ue1l. 1-1111111-11111-ntly,n1‘1~111"1lit111

|_1'_,, |,;____|y lt l14l1uu111|1-1l|1yll11- w11t1-1'1111ltl11-ll-—-—— I-ilk. 'l'l11'11--i1.:l1h11rl111111l111l11'11ltl1y,111

ll‘ M111-_yl11r11!,('1-(fl l'111111fy,(11 11-1'I: -11111111111111-11 wllh tl11- heat 11f 11111-lvly.9' ‘)N ||1|1l11-11111111111’W111. N11-1111111111111‘171-1-1| ’l‘|11-r1-1111-11t1'11ngln1ll1-111111111111l'lr1.111


or t‘11u11l_v,l1y111-till1111i11 111-11\i11g,lu 1111- tl11-,,,, ||,,., V,-,,,,,1|,yv ,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,-,-,.|,4,,|' Wm‘.

ll11- l.11-11l\)'_11t»llIy ll1'_ |lr.1111ltt-lh, ll1t- 1-1I111-111.11,-11111.1|'tI11- .l111l|;1-.1111' 1111-01111111111‘|-. llll1 ."- I . 1 .1 1' |- . -

- -. ., .

1‘. 11.1'1'.1-11171.1 1 -111. 121111 111111111-11'""'" ' ‘ ‘ ""' '“""“ " ‘ " "‘""'

1111-1-111111111| tlus \1--1l11l1l1- ll11l\t'1A1ll """'14- "1 ll l


M -1l1 1111-in w111'1ul all I - .-l 1 t 11 | 1

I1111r111.111~1111Ii111-1111-1111i111l1.-111v1l111~l1 I111 1111111111 lll"-l1'1'111t-1l1111111-1ll11111111t11 |;11*1- 11 1111‘ ‘ ' Y ‘ ""‘*' ‘“ "’ ‘J 1.11-111111911111111111:-111111111.-111-1-1111111111111-111-.111l1111t-- 111-1-1111111--l'Il1<- -1-l\'|1I\l1-1-M 111

"‘ 111-121111111111-11-1|1t111111llll1l11111-1,11-1111,11-11l,|-1-1- 1l11~11- 111'1- 1111111)-)11l'tl1l11 l11111|,1111|11-1111111111111l11111|111l\1-1l,111111-M1-I1I11-111 11111-11w11y1-u- .1 | - , -1 1. 1 | -

llr. llr11t11lr1'tl1 wlnlum 1111111l1ln1|t11 1-1111- 11111-11111111-111-1l11|1-11-111-11-111111111111111.tyl11111-11-1| if M mm "Wm mm “ I" "min" Minn"

llm ,11111~1,11,,,,,(_,1,,,,|,|,,,,(|' ,0 ,,,,,,,, N". 11-11111111111-$111111111' 1lI111y111111l1i.11111-11111 11111 u11pli1-11li1111111 1111- 1111-‘111111-11-1il.1:llnle uHl1cb111lyl-1‘ 11111r1- 111‘ l1-1111I11-ullh F-411;

1111tl11-I-we I111 11|1|1l11-11ti1111,1a11|>11111l1'1l 111,1, ,,1' 1|“. _1,,\,,,.,.,, ,,|" ||,,1 1),1,,|,,,,,y‘ ‘-1ltI11I1l$c1111l111 t1-111111-111111tl11- I11,-111-I1111l'tl1u .,

» . - -


-"1 ‘ 11111111111: .\11~1~1-1.1.111,'1:11.


I", 'l'l1t1Nru1|.1>.11 ullllI'lt|'1l t11ll111 ||11lnl in capl-


1-1111111;-11111-111110 lI1111l|r-rs 1111- e|11|1l11y1-1l,lntl"

tl11- In-111 ;1r1111.-111l1-r11l111111l111'11ly111||1pll111l1)' It i111I111111;l111111111-1-1-11-111y111 -11y 11111111—1l11

|111l1li1:1111- 11-1|111-1111-1|111 1:11Ila111lj111lg1-l'11rtl11-111.111-In-11.

H hlay’-Trill‘H M ?mu__ M” -

11 N 0ti1:1:.I , I U I ‘llli l411l1~1-11l»1-r l11111111|gr1-1111111.-1| I11 tl11~


>’ I 11.1111111111-1y1.1-1-111...-1111- 1111-1-1.11 1111111-,lrga l1-1111- tu i11li1r111 I111 l'11r1111-r 1-11111111111-rsand

it! ll11- |111l1l11-L11-111-rally.ll1r1tl11- 14 nnw |1n-|1nI1'-1||1| tn el1-n11t1- all 111-1l1-111in tlm 'l'a1l111111|(l|111-,i1111

1111111111-r 1111l1111r111111111-1lby any in ll111 tuwu, u111l

‘frat the 11l111rl1-11111111111-.

||111111|(I1-1-1-111-1| ll11- lutt-nl l'1111l1l1»111l11- halt-|1- 1.1-"111

F111 111111l'1111r 111ulw1ul1l 1111tl111ttl111l'l- wli-1

I -' '1 ' Y '

,,-,. 11111y l111111l11111w11l1 111~11ll,sl111llI1a-11-tl11-11work

ml 1-t1-1-1111-1| in 111111111111-r i|1l'1-r111r 111 1111111-,a111|

wl111-l1l111|11>|11-11mll 1111- gr-111-r11ls111l11f111l1-111.H 1\|lll1\ll.-\.\l 'l'1\Y|1lI|l.

1"‘ J11111. ;111.11‘

11- 1\'1-\v 11 n1l l‘.l11-11 p

l-‘all G001]:-1

'; yltul-:s1111-1-111.1-1 11.1,...-1r11t1y111r111111111111

" I111-|11l1111|11l1l11~ |1ul1||1-111 151-111-r11lll111tI11-

1,1,‘,uhhfin‘,,"_,.,,,;m,_ "N, “mu ‘,h,.m_,_|m_ b?dumlur "I" "ml Wm. N"_'m‘m"‘ who M‘11111! 11l t 1-1-llr11u11ly,hy ||11»1ll11111l11 wr1l- 111111;1111 11~1111111~1lI1-11111 1-|11l.1111-1 1I1is with 11

1‘ll11-1‘ 1-I the l1l11111l,l11 11 1 ut-stitm nl no llt- 1-1111-11-1-l111111l111111lu1l|1111-1-1111111l1y1111-1111--1-11111"'11!-"l J-11111-11ll. t1r1-1-11,at.1ll111: tl1ull11-I

llv i111|111|111ne1-tn 1-1-1-ry 1111livl1l11.1l.

rt-1-l |1111'i|11-1-11-l' l|11- l1l1>111l,tI11-re \v1l‘l

1-1l11111Ls11,111111-11,|'1111|11~1'11i1|11'1111-11111111111111-11111‘ lllu-'l1111l1-11-11111!)-11111l1-1111li111-1111-111.uu-l1-1

-1-|,,,| 11,-;,,,,|,-,.||,-5 |1,||.,,,,.,.1|,,1 ,,,,,,,1 ,|,_ I1111n11lt11111t;11111l1l11-11-1i1lt1111111-1~l1111-1111;1-1-111»11111-.~l l11r1l1-I111,\\'I111-I1l11-1-1u1111l1|1-1111111W

111-1l1111111-111111l11- 11 i11 l‘11|1|»1»1-1-1111i1111111 all 1111- 11111l |1r11yl111;liir ll1t- I11-111-litof tl11- 111-1

11111111-rly1111111‘ Illlll 111-I11-1l11loa111l l111\ 11l‘1l1-l1ts

l111 l1au1l1111111sa|1|111!l|111 11111l

1. Fall Gomls,11l

.. .-


1 1 - 1.

l "ll l -I »l-l- '4']-1 11--1

|,_,,_.,. |_,,,,,,,1,| 1|,,.;,-|,,,1“.,,, ,.,.,-y,.x,,.,,,,,,-,1 _\-_,,,,,,|,, ,,,.,, ,,,|,., ,1". ,3", -,|,,,",_, in A ,,I111‘ tlln r1-l11-l'11l l11s11l\*1-11! 1l1-|1111t'11,11111!

Y 5' I"1111l1- by 1111-lr1111'11 111l|l11si1' 1111'1ll; 111-111-1--l\"“\ 11"’ ll-1- 1--111!W111. N11-111111111111111111-1-1111.1-. ll"‘ ""\'l"'"l '"'l‘l’l"""~"'l“ ""‘"‘l"- "ll ll‘

111-1111-11111111-r1111-11-1111-1111-1111-111|,,.,. |,_,,,, |1111- tl11- J111Ig1~1-11t‘lf1-1~1l l'11u|1l1/l'1111rl111 1l11- t1-r11u1 111r-|1li11|11-1lil11111l1l111-I;u111ltl1u 11111

111-1*11111|1l1<l1t-1ll111-1-my\'l\l‘lt‘t_1'11l'1ll\1-n\1-'l'l11: 111-1-ul111r1111111111-1' tl11-.11-|11llS

1111-at 11111’|11l:i11g;their 11111-1'uli1111111l11-in

p111:-111-11-11-1 the 1-lr1-ul.11l11;gtl11l1l. 1111

111-111111lu 11 llur 1=t:1t1- 11l'l11-:1ltl1,11-1111


1l|ula11|| I11 1l1-11l1 1111-1|1111111 pr-111-1|11l1-1111l'1111-

l-‘l n1ll11I11u1 l1y l1i11 1-11-1l1111111;11111ltl1u nid \l1'1n.1ll“. i?lilmliju Ur U"! 5"“ "M Gr mwm

1: :\‘1.-111.1-11-.111...-1111111111-111111111111--11111111111111.1111"'Y-""‘l """'?'=‘l""‘"""l"‘l““""‘l‘l“"'

1|111r1- 01' l1-as |111w1-rl'11l,111-1-11r1ll11;(t11 tl11- -llltl n1ll1-1-c1111IyI1y11-1-1111-111-1-111111-111111|111mv- ill!‘ 5111"‘ "r M“"J'l"“ll r‘"' “"3 Ill“ ‘W

.1111.-111-111.111.-.1,111.11.1111-1.1'1|11-1.1111 11.11.1111...1111.' 1-\1't11ll'1-r1-1l Ill Hlltltttt. ll in lllll l|1l1'1|li11|| l1s 111 lltl |;1>111la1111l11wan tl11 y 1-1111 I>1- ltu any 11t11r1-ill

1'11111t I1111111111 I-Ill1t1111,111 11111111 1 11u1-I1 all1-gm _1,,,,,?, ||_ (1,-,.,.,,|,,“,,,,,1'c,,,,,,,|,,.,|“-111, ,||| tho 111-1|;l1l111rl111111l,1111111l11-r1-f11ra|11-.1|u111>I111v.

"_1-111 \111ll1_-ivu|11111a 1-11ll. 'l'l1aul1l'11l|'11r lllu


“ 1-1111111111-1111-111l1er1~t11f11n-ruei-1111-1l,iti11l1i11 1l1-11-1.111i|1-11111111111111-tit11 1-1111l11|lt|1|11'11ofllm name, l1y

"111111-t11111-nliuu tul1u11i111-1111,au1l11elli11g111l'1111tl1;-

,,r1l1111t11 11,1111-111111111111111111-1-1 11s 1111111111111,l 1111 y1':1r~:_ I 1l11 lit-1'1-hyur1lt'1' nml dl?et, ll111l 1.-111-1111111111.

i‘l11~11»l1y111111-111111l1l111.-1-t1l1.111|1111111111W111. .‘l1- 11,,13,1111 11.11111-11ll, (J11-1111be 111141-!1ur1(e1l " \\'II.l1lA.\l 'l‘?Rlll'Ill'I‘, Jr.

. .

o11ly1-11-1111-1-11rsl111l1tly11111111111»,1111-,111-111 __,,_,_,__,,,,,,,,_, ,_,_ u,,_,,,,_,,__,, __, ,,_,_ ,,,_ ,_m,,,jI----Hl1lsv--_11l1-11-111--111.1-ml tlw}If-'l_-1-1-I1-I_E"""‘fj_l""f_'7__ _~__

s1-.111:1-lyhe l1-It; 1111 the 1-1111t1‘11r_\'.i|' t|11- 1.111111111111111‘1111-11.111111l1y1111-1111111111111-1111111111"l’l“""' l"‘l“f"l:_'°J"‘ll1""“’ll‘ ""{[l;""""y \-I_1,,- “'1” (.I”.AI,t'u111|1l:1i|1tI11-t'l11'1111l1-111111!tl11‘1-11|111til11li1111ll'"Il |'*‘-""'l§ '“"‘ "'| """"'¥ "--"ll. I-1|-u 1-11- l'Ill|I‘t, (I11 I 11- 1r‘1l S11t111'1 ny 11 111-111-xt ‘ ' ' --


1,‘. ,,,,,,1|, ,|,.,.,,,, 9| ,1". ,1"~ ., .,,1- 1| . 111111111,11,- 11111111111-1111-111111 1111111 111-11-1111.11.11l\|11'ilt1-1111111'.-1:1i1lt‘111111ty ('11u1t u111l:11 ‘

I-\ (*1 1

M “,9 ?r’, H ?uls‘p““_‘_|_2"_‘?“;n“:,|{‘11111111-11111t'1~1-11121111111/.111-11111.tl11- 1111111131111511. ,,,,,.|, ,,,|,,.r ,|,,,,.,, ,,., ,|,,1 J,,,]g,.,,.1,f1z11l1l ‘ SI

sy-1111-111l1c111-edli'111ns11111t-11111-111111-1t 1111- I‘-mill"M“ um?lw hm ‘“""'l“'/ "' ‘\l"" "“". (T111111 11111 1lir1-1-1,111 11u11w1-r sut:l1 11l|i-

1111-1l11u1l turgll. l1ti1n111's. 'l'l1i11 111-1-1111

,1 Y ll


“mu “ml "M "M ml‘ “WM t11111s11111lll1lt'|‘l‘11|:ulu1'lt'111111uluy be n1111l

1111,11,,-,|_11,111,111 1,,_,1{{,-5.1,“1,, ,.,,,,,,,. ,,,.,, ,,,. l‘2l)\\'Allll \\'ll.S()N_ l\1;:1il1\l l1i111by |1la1'r1'1llturs;nn1l that l1

“‘()3-'fl111~e -mire 1-ull at H11: (‘/10111 §‘I11rr

_. 1 1

'0 11111111-1li11lrlytlylaolitcIII: I’ual Q?irr.

lh1e1- t‘t1|1l1ltl!41-f('1|t‘\111llnns1l1|lly,wlll11111111 T'“° °“l'7- T""1_ _

1:i\‘1- 1111t1r1- tn l1i11on-1llt0t‘8 “Y calming 3‘' ‘"|"s"'”"l',' lining


' "nun", hm"


1-1-,1,1,,11 11,11 ,1i",,,,,1, ,,,,,| ,|,,. ,.,,,N,,,,,,,,,,,J" 5 , n .‘_

1 1 ~ - -1 ~

1-11py 11l‘1l1i1111'1l1-1'l11l1t‘l1111t‘rt1-1]l|1 Hum_ . ,111111 11¢ 11-111111.--1 111 11 1111111- 111111-11111,1,,,,1

‘.1 _ - - » -~ 11-1111-1-11-I-l 111-\\'111>11111-r 1-uhllsht-J l11 l11‘1v

M111-yI11n1I,('1-1-1'!('u1u1Iy,lu 11-1'1: 1-11uuty. 11111-1: u w1-1.-kti1r three nluullm, lea“, 11|1,11i1».1111111111'II1-ury 1~'11-11-1111111'(‘e1-11 1111-111111111111tl11- 1u1i1lllrst .\‘11turdny11l'tl1e

1, 1'-_--H-l1'1|~y1--_l-I1--H1-1 WHH1-1:1 I-11-1-ll-r next /lpril term of said (2uurt_t1- attends11|1111-t1hrr,11>111:111 tl11: 11111111-i11t1~;u1l1;1-I111 tlu- 1 1



1 1 1 1| ,- - | ,

- ,-|- 1--. ,1,mp'mm_ (_mm"H_?_|l mm" I) Mm Mm 11111111111111 tune, 1f‘nnyI11-y tau-1 u 1y sp1r.11‘11llyl0llCll 1111 111111111111111 1111 11111 11

Y "'1 1 1111. 11' ' 1111 .'1'1s111 1111111-1.1.."111111-11"“ "‘"'lJ“"‘“‘“-"“‘"”""“"l "°"""’° "' " """“""°"°"' ° '°"' '° °°

, ,- -

1, .

' |' t l'111-1. 1.11.1111. 111,111,1111111111'.-1111,.1.1111111.-1 11,. IP11‘111"-I1!--I 8-1|-l lll?--l--"11"" "I 1"’")’-

°°“ " ' "

renqed 1-l,111r.I11-l11w111’e|111l1li:1l1e1lat ft-11' 111‘1111-1-111-1-

-1l11 vurlous 1lise11s1-11,which tl11- llr:1u1lr1l‘1lls l11111'c1-lf1\-ted;it will I11-1-111111-1~v1-1111111the persons rel'1-1'11.-1ltuurc highly r1-spewt11l1le.

J \\ll‘11‘-l ‘I-I“ All t'll1I the ffily 11l' l’l1il.11l1:l|1|1l11with the largest

Ha11sr1tt111t-111111111heal selected Stock u1i'

l1r1has ever y:t0ll'1-rc-11I11 the publir, wnultl rc-

1t.'1l1',,111R,,1111;5,,,51.1,,-,,,,,; D,,,,,,,,"y mm,‘ 11111111-111~1111'.111 111111~111111..111_11l1111111111,11111_,-,1-1l. t,il\-1:11 un1l1-1‘my l1r1111ltl1la26th day (71/07'”-*' "f wry W"‘l'!!y1C‘1lII"'m?'4'01

P111I:t111011'.(N. J.) A1113.18th, 11431}.Slr--l write this out of r1-sp1-1-111.1yo

11-.1l,|1-1a1111.1l11111l111u11l,t1| '1-I111-l1l11 in in u11y 11f j1||)- 111||11_~y1;,1|-(~igl1t1-Q-1|h||n1l|"(\1] |||1d11-11'. 1-1111111-11,11 111-l.1~1l11l1-wI11-11-111 .1111l I111 111'I11s ,|,,,.,)._,,|1,|,,__ 11;-\-UL-H (_LUUD_

11 cu-1l1l..1\ 1l1-I11-1b1‘111g11unrte.llt11l11-1 11.1i1lp1titinn " ‘

131,-)-1,,,,- U,-,.||,1,,, 1-,||5_ 1;". ,,,,,,, Mm, my 11,1111. 11.1111,:11111|1111)'111,;11. 111111.111-11.11111-1|11.11,, 11111:cup)’. P1-11!,

l.11nilytl1i11k it a great l1l1-;si11g.tl1:1t1-1'hu\'t- met witl1'th1-111 again. 111 this 1-11111

try; I101-nuse wt‘ kut-11' tlu-n1 I11 he ¢-111-e


.11-l11.1l ru11t1111-1111-ut, a111l In h111-1- 1 111111111-1lto ‘LAMEs SF‘\v/“-111 Cl)‘-‘

1111111111-111~111-1'11111‘11111 -11111111111111111-1111111111111' Jun 5--3111 .-

".\l.1r_vl11111l;1111d 11 11|1|1c.-111111;111 11111 hy r111|||IU- - - — —--

.'1" "'1'-

l- 11-111 11-1111111111111111111 1111- -11111 111-111111111-111111.11-. llluryfmld, Cert] l‘uur1!y.to wit;1,1,,‘ and pr,m|; “1|,,.,, M [,,1,1,|s ,,, 111"“. s11l1-d11~1tl1111 1111-51.111-at.\l111y\11111lI111l|11- lut N "pp"(.m,,m "r Juhn rr_ Akwnnde


111-11 y1-111-11,111-111 |11-111r1- l11s spplu-.1111-11,l 11 - ..


(‘11ui111-(11,1\‘11l1'url11,PUD! ('ln!I111, 11 ge-11r1'11I11.111111'lu1u1lrJS1'l/1'0,Ii/lglinla 111111fl‘:-n1'I1 Mcriltliea, Shawls, C1|!1'1-111-11,Ilimllrrt 11111!('11Ho11_I-‘Jinnrll.Bearer-

tttnl, Silk l'eI1-1.-I0 11111! l'u!1'ng|, gen-

tlemen‘: but H1-n1-h llurk Glover. furlop and !1‘111>1l(ilavu, Hoots, Shoes,

r, H1111 11111!Cups.'

1 W" W"! Bil‘l<1 111-111 box of llru111ln~tl1l'1l11111111!tl1ey Wlll cure you.

S11--I have been slrk ofn l1illl1111san

1'1-nllltiuglever, fur \\'hlel1l gut three I11111.

l-1|11l1I111-reit was 11lw11y11s.-1i1l ifutiy |11-r.

I l -1-nh1:1.l n111l 1111111111-1-1!,1211the l'111\l1|ul -11111111


1'1'1-1-1lcnuuty b tltmu ln wrltlu|1o1r1l1-11lI1-11ryl.llen111-1111111111-11 I111 the la-uchll U


' y pp* 1.1 1111111»1111.,.s11-11-111,.1-11.. 11- mt‘ the 1111111-1111111-r.(Me ofllw n-w>1:l- El"‘”\"l1 Y-- P"1\""-

11.1-11-1111-11-11111111111111111-1111111r1:1111ty by 1111- pm 1111-ju1l11t-1111l'tht- Urplutna‘ court of C1.-Cll1" ' 1‘11uuty.) s1-tting T111-ththat he la ln actual i'l°;°l""l° r°' u°°d"““"l 3' l"I"°'l l"i"°'

Int-r111'I '11-1; 11l I ~1-- ltl id _

.-" ‘ "' - ""‘ "' "“ "'""“" """ 1-11nl1|11‘n1t-ntfur 1le'1tal11~l~1unable to 1a

81 All of which l will 111-lllt tha l11v1-e11tprie¢.I.

K B All kinda ol'(‘ount Produce taken

111111-11.E. L. l".

,.,_,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,1,,,,,,,1,,,,_.,,,,,,-,.,_.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11111-111111.-.11111111 111111111<- .

' l Y‘ P1"-I-1-10¢l20—\l‘

all the |1l1y11i1:ever l took in 111 ll?-; for' eI11-l‘111el tunk tlu-111 l 11111: uluymutgun

u-i111 a liver c11mpl11iut;uml nmv 1 11111 111.1-1-llas ever l 11-as l11 my life. ht 111yE1-nnly 11-1-l111\~el1111lthree 11tt111-kedwith thell)’-“‘"lP1‘,Ylthey (Ill? Pills) cu1'1‘1l them in

twodttys, s11 that we l1:11-1-all ufus gn-11u1'1‘asi1111to praise D1". l.lr1111d1'etl1's Pills

lmn sir, yours very truly,and 1111-atlyolillued,

[Signed] RICIIAIH) ll1\.\‘ll’SlllRE.

VI)yrp1pn1'u Cured.

l\'=-h11r11h..\‘. \'..1-*1-11. 11.111313. Dr.

tlees you have recein-11 l'r11m respectable

tahlc L‘|1i\'ersnl Pills, ren111~1-11 11,-11,9,-11,;

mry for 1ne 1n1h1'1du1-tllyto eulogise, orthose who are i;:nm'a11t of the speel?q tdcensure. ' Hat-lug had ucular d1.-111oustt-1tinn as well as bo1lll_v,| 11111111111 111-(11111,frmn expressing and public-ly aeknowledging the signal result and ?nal cure ofthat dreadful disease known as Dyspep-sin; hoping such persons as may he at‘.?it-te1l with the above disease, this noticemay in?uence some to make the experlment. You are at liberty to refer themto me voluntarily on my part. €_Fg:r:1111your friend, JOHN A. STE ‘.

IUleur11al1'0In.A gentleman who had lost the use of

l11s1i1nhs with In?ammatory Rheumatism,and was so miserably u?lleted that hecould notturn in bed without aaaiatam-g;the palm were violent ln all pan; 011,1.body; but especially in his breast, 11111111,"F" lml feet. This person took no 0.tber medicine thugBr-andreth‘s Plfls-tartwo weeks he too 12 pillg pg; 11",.’andoften as many as 20. and in three week;he was able to get out; and now, hgyjn‘persevered with them mas to pfbd??gooptoua evacuation: every day, 1; ,1 11,1,time perfectly 1:111-ed;{Lianot two mo111111am 1.1 was 5111111111111111. 1.-1111,01


jaadrlth would ask, 1111114 11,1, |,““."1


_ 1 .

-. .'


Insolvent Nottce

tnra of!-Iltsha Hitchcock late an ltnprl

said Hltchoyclt hath made uppllcntlon to

Dec 29--31111

_,ly. He may always be found athla

111‘1.11 1111-,.11.,.111y1111111-11.111111111111111111.111111111 “"" "l-r“"""1 '° "“'""" “P 9"‘ "‘° l’°““l111'1l1~l1t111-11u1111111:1l,I111v--u11l1-red and 11;1poi11tc1l|

or M5 c"'d“‘"’9. llll l1l3 p1‘t1pCl'ly1 will W-'71111;f1111S.1111111.1v1111111'11-1 the F1111 M1.11d.1y111xonal and tr1lxo1l. to which he ls in an

s 1\1-ril 11:11, 1111tl11-1-=1i1l H1-111,St1:wsrt\1111pp<-atway pn1§1|¢1]_1| 31-111-111119wh1_-|-1-of5111] ?g; -

I11-|1111*tl1c .I111l,;1-1at I 1:r1lcu11at§ 1-ourt, at the0|-his c,.(,di,_,, and deb“ bdng ,'“mex‘.d‘

court I11111nc111 I-.ll1tu11,tu at111w1:r 1111cl1all1-1:111I 1 .

_ I.


11111111and i11lrrr11gat11ri:11t111muy\l11:11he pr11po-ll‘ 59"]pcmlon on oal'h' “ml Ilmymg '°-

-_ _


1.-111111.111111,,11.111111111111111111111111.1111111-1111"1! -11¢-‘l1=\-11¢-1froml-M1111 C--11l'1n1=111-1-nt.pg?-.s111111-111-11!-¢'¢l>1'-1'1»-*F-ll.v --1'---"


ho 1 sj?ll

55%. tdoort th Court!-I 2, - 1 A _''


mi Tm M” 1111igai1t'sn:w.tL1.<:111.Iv“ - 111111-3111 on -

and \-1-1tl1u-c11r1lyl>zluuprescribadand appror. nfqhc 5,1,1,1m| 1nso|ve,.,[ kw" 91‘ Maryud, solo appear an answer as afuresaitl I do | 1 dl11-rubyurdcr Ind direct, that the said llmry ?m.inn niappcarmgdw'"°il.’y°°“;l?°‘°"l5'"! °l’|°l°° “l“"l°" “r -

Stewart he di-11:l1ar3ed ll-nu1 pr.-rn11|1:1lc1111l'1ne- '€"""""_YUM we ml pp‘ "cu" "'3 re’

1111-11\,nr1<lthat ho give notice uflhis his npplicr m‘l"‘-l wmll" ""3 slam of M‘|r)'l“"'-l ?n‘

liun, and of llluday so by mo appoiuled_ti1rhis the ltlttl [W0 yrnra next he-lure hi! appli-linlll:11-arlngt_nl'uc1lc_1‘1untyc11u1t,tol11s1:11_~di-(Ion, I 11pp11lnt1-clGeorge W. Alexnndc

Ilratnlretli-Sir-. The many ?attering no- M5 y Ti“-Uummimin mm


_ 51' '

Y Y P ‘

my 111111111111seal 1.111111111 111; 111‘Jolly,1836. sr-rlhcd and approved. lbr t|1e faithful per-

. , 1

' _


. s


' '

, .,





Tr TE-“WAR” W I-50?‘ tbrmance of his sold trust, andthe said

“° °°l'y .;":,A‘"_:5SEWALL cutrustee having certified to me that be ts

said schedule and hat of debts containedhave ordered and appointed the ?r-st Sn

01‘}CEls herehy given to the cr1.\ll turd“? M“ “nor e ?n‘ Mommy in

April-next 11111111 ld John T Alexan

soned 111-blor of C0(‘ll coitntythat thed" lo "war bcraré me lode” 0‘ Cal“

county court. at the court house ln Elk

En h Chad chk,‘ “dc or h 0on, to answer such allegations and lnteh

W3.Cour; 57:1,“cm,,;l,yR5,,misen:mgutortes as may then be proposed to

?t of the Insolvent laws of the State of Mlmhy(;“'c,:edn°m3“,J°h?TMaryland, and that the amd Judge has Au" er “mg” n n a

ranted the laid insolvent a reldae from penalty and with “cum, by mepmf?bimprisonment, and appointed the ?rat Sa- tdfmdaprgmvetlk‘Dd";,;,p‘:M‘Sn M:d. d 1. T um ‘M "Hturday after the ?rst Monday of April ‘Yer M B T" fdjohTam‘)asmg:",';':,:',:,',:i|,I:,'::;':',,,,n,,,”‘,;,,,,,.,_


next for his personal appearance before d'"c" than “a ° n ‘ em“ er- ll vi '

ll the B11" tbs heaped.Ceciltfounty Coumtoanswer such alle- ‘mm gimzarhic?n?nemfnk111u1:=1'Er::.11,1le11il1=¢11os-1:11:mcsgtadval-_

- an ta egiven ecu s isapplco- u mmiuwnh-nn_€°°:::§:‘f:°i':,:n“,§’,§'},‘§'L:'ed‘:oT:ybe P'°' 111111;111111of the day so by meaprnlnted


1111his ?nal hearing in Ce-ell county court, WASHINGTON HYLAND.

to hls creditors. hyadvertlsemcnt in some nil-""1Q°*_97'-1! -

HIRAM McCUL!40UGI-I. newspaper printedin Cecil county, once. -


¢ .,-\ -1-r-my at Law,


01111111-11 1

Respectfully tenders his profeslonal in April11e11t. Given underlay handand Manupamunmcea to hls friends and the public gen- seal this 30th day 0| July. I888. 1

EDWARD mason.

l11fullpossesslon ofall the property 1n the

1t ‘

1 -. Bargains!°-'i' Come and ‘See!

l St:-s1-.a_t1l1avi11g_t-ntt-r1;d into bond in a p1.-nully tllttl to l1ll\'0 extended l0 lllm tltu bene?t 1 Ilia l'ri1-111111and tho public in gun;-ral,th11\irriv?l 117.111Nmw You. wlu.-re ha

ltaaaddv.-d ta his Turntcr Splendid Stool, a large

Dry Goods,_

r Compriuing IllPCI’rlnt!hlue,black, brown,_;1li;1c,Hi

In hm, mum,‘ M“ ‘ ‘Kt 0‘ ‘hm.trustee for the bene?t ?l'tl‘lBCf01.l1l0I‘l of [H!l‘lt,t1l|'IlJ, dalilia, pilot, and beaver-(1 at 111,

_ _111ontl1s,l11:1111-11l11 said ?rst Saturday ncxtaller ‘hc “id John T A_l¢x“PdH'wh“ has on

ln1l1\'1duals. uf the lllCCl‘S.‘-l nfyour Vt-11¢ tl1a Gm Mandsy 111 A 1-1l nut. Given under ‘"94 “"0 l'“"5l Wllh 996"?" b "W Y3

. .1'5"







.(ll1cla1.t1:ris a new and vary superior article

for over cosh.) blue. black, drab, lI\l.l¢d‘lIllistriped Ca11si111¢re1-;brown, blue, drab, nuacd

and hatred Ssttiuetts; silk, satin, valaacis a_ndswandavm Vestings; green, yellow, red, whnaand sou-tat Wnolnn and Canton I-‘lannfll;a

beautllhl unomnenl of Murine and Circu-

sians; Silks; Gro do Naples; Gm do Swi.|s;vL11u-‘ trinptkc. kc. English and I-'r1:n1:hCahconli

bleached and brown 4-4 and 5-C Mualiaa;domes-

tic Plaid! and Kcrseya; long aoarso and

?ue ladies‘ Kid Shoes; and chnldrenfsBaotlees,kc-; Silk Velvet;.LsIu Lawn; lush Linens;and

abesntillnl usortmeat of Shawls, Q1»;fur

and ailh Hall; llxrand aeal skin Cape.

Groceries. .

Super?neKla Coffee: Young Hysoa,old-do.,Imperial and Black Teas; Bugsn: New ,0r-laans and sugar haunt Molasses; to. 8.1:; Hard-1nrs;Q1seeuswsre;Ct1iaa1van;Glass-ware; Cc-





. 1

‘ ' L_

- g- \ ~1.

1 .1 1

111111111110|' 11l| the lmplt-n11-t1lIuf h

11111-t,n111l 1'11r 11111111111wheat 11111111111

1111l»1erll11-r11.wl111have 1111r1-l1n11e1l1111-tent rl1;l1tul'tl11-p11t1-1111-1-,fur the counth

lh-l11v111r1-,11n1l 1 e1 ll wunty, I11the Ht

111'M11ryl11111l,11n1l are now 1't1|;11g1-1|lnltklttg the -uune.

U/\lUl1l':T (‘?x J1. ('11.,Ml1l1ll1-t11\\'11,U1-l.

Jun. 20, I833--tl

1\ llt-nl III1-using I0 Mulllt-r

llli. \\'. l'lV1\NS' l‘l*Il1l-1llll1\'l'l'iU

S111>'l‘lll.\'(l H‘t'lt|il'

.H11’ ('/11/1/11-r1('11!l1'111;lI11'|'r 'I'11lI11

ll\l|l$ i11l'11ll1l1l1-r1-1111-1| has |1r1-111-rvrdI111

1|I1'1la 1.1 1'111l1l11-11,whentlmuglit put 1-

r11|1i11111l1l11-1l11111l111 g|l1|1n,ll|n 1-l1ll1l w1llr

1-1111-r. 'I'S1111|1r1-|111t|1l11111111 1111 111111101-11!,nu rl

1~111~1111111,11111lsq|1lusn11u1,th11t 1111 1-l1il1l nlll 11

1'11-11l11l1l 1|: 11111n I111ml1l>1-1| with ll. \\'l11-111li1|1ta lnr uflhrage 11l' T0111 ||t1111\l1a,ll1111|111I11-11-in 1111 11|11l1-11r11111-1-11F11~1-ll1,11|11-l111ttl1-11|ll-\'y111p11I11111l1lI11-11111-1|1111 ll11- 11111111,I110111-11ll

S_,~v11,1111lh1- 11111111-vywl1--ru 1111-m am y111111-|11l1l11-11;Ii1ril'11 1-l11l1lw11l11-11111ll11-111gI1t11,.111111.1111-1;111I1.1,1|11-s,1.1,.1111.111-111.11.-1y1111.1-11111 11,- 1.,..11.1111 1111- ,.1111-.1 111111 111-11111.1;1

11111115ll11-r1'l1y|1r1-111111111; l'u11v11l\11l1111,hm-1

1\ I‘.

P1111111‘ l'11.<|'l'lVl-1 111-‘ '1'11|-2 I-21-‘1-'11'.\1:

HI-' llll. IZVAN.-1‘ l~'t1(1’|‘lll.\'1i1-lYltl7l'.

1111 1 1I1l1111 |11la11l|111111|y11|11lt-1111111. 1“

.~l1ll wt: |1r»1:ur1"1lal111ltl1111l'y1111r1‘l)r11p;wl11l'1111 11111111 an 11|1|1l11-1l111 the guuin, 11 \A't|tt1l\:I

1-l1n111_-1111v1111|1r1.1l111-11l,autl 11111-r 11 few applu

1-urr1-111-11 1.1’\l111l11wl'ul 1:11n1|1l11iutl1a1111111t-u 111:.

1:11r1-ad;the 11:1-1l1 an: 1r1na1111ti|1 1ls1ly and tl11:

ment|1ul1li1¢, and will1;l111llygivu any 111I11r111

tiou outliia c1ru1|1111t;1111-1-1

\VM. Jt)llNSU.\'.

11l' 11 l1-1-tl1ing1l11|1l)wi11|11-11 tn to slalu that l

l1111111lit 1-111111-ly1-ll'1-1't11ul i1Lr_1-1'11-1-1111’1111111

ply Willi his r1.-111111111.-[N.Yurlt H1111.

D1000 vIl1o|1111'c trir1l it, that the t-\1u1tl1111|grup fur Cl1ildrt-n Uutlutg 'l'1~tth, advertisedanollivl culu111|1,'111a highly ua1:l'ulnrt11:l1:l'nr ll

pur|11m; fur wl1icl1 it in i11t1:111l1:1l. "1g|1ly 11-

pcct-1l1lcp1:nu>1111, alt-111y |11t1-, wl1_nl1_1-1'1:"Ill

111111111‘11,11111111tl11.-1111,1111:111 gin; itn \'11tuc11tl

sauctiuu uf their 11a1n1:I.-[llontun 'l‘Iaw.-ll1.-r.

)Vl'l‘ll Sll.\l.\Il'Zll (7().\ll'l1AlN'|'1 \"-"ml l

W. I-111111-1. Mrs. Mcl’l1cr1-1111,tcsitling at No.

U, Matlinun alrcct, called a fewdays aim-:1111ttl1u

medical otllcc 01' llr. W. l'1va1111,IUU (.hathan1

rup G11 her 1:l1ild,Wl1owan s11lT1~ringnxcruciul

in; pain duringthe process 111'd1.-nl11111n_,being-

yuontt-11l111ily\ trvllcncd Wllll co11vul111on11,1lnhowels tno Wcru exceeding 100461""1 "'1 f?°‘lgwld [1111-11la1|11:1l11|1the Il0IIIl!1‘lI. Alutoal im-

lhouse ofthc tiyrup on the guml,the l.1uw1.-l11i1

alhort time be-cutnu quite natural. As 11 tn

but: cl‘ gratitude for the bcnelit afl'u1do1ltl1

child, the inolhcr came cl‘ her awn accord. and

freely nsnctioned publicityt11tha_above. Praybt: particular in applying at lU0 (_.11athau1alrcct,la there ar1:

sew.-ral count1:tt'1-ttl ad1't:_rl1s1:d.No other place in tho city hu the gcnuluofur


Q1-l.\11-ot1.'r1:1-rT0 Mu-r111:1u. '

Clftldran generally sulfur u11.1ch uneasiness

tron the cutting of their 11:1-th. \Vl1_ulevcrdaugcruus or Fatal Iynlplntus attcnd_tl11s_pro-ecu of nature, they are prod11_1-ed1n1-111111bly

-from tho highly irritated and ia?anrrd 1:1§n11l1-.‘lion of the parLs--\l1c:11t“oretho l"-“"“l*'l “"1”

aud to lollon, sootl1¢,_and rt.-laxthe gurus. ll'

that in 1:?'ectr:d, the 1nfan1 111_pl’¢scl\'¢dF1011:aubaequenl liver, ln?alulaltun, spasmodtc

and convulsions. displayi?g their fatal counc-

?unwm H-,,,1,,1,1,r11,11111-ses,1'1r\5usZr1lia11shave

svau 1111c1111111=11_1-111A111;.1-l1-l~=11-=_-1-9‘

1.111 11111.1 11111111111.111111111p11\~b_-=1-mathamost.dipt.r11ssi.r1 esnstwlaeaa lzcdtotha

rum! has restand "_ "9

’y1;q|L|,l1gu:r|sol'tbs[1-ave,teth0am&1-eesapiaafthair dbtrIttc4psranh,attuhd,.

wig11l1sta1sfulaud1no:t.lfumns1aslsdg-—§4_1t-"vu 110011 '


0;-1-1-tum 1111111111111111111


1"1,|1-1-11’-- --11 1- ., .. .'11;:11"".-1:‘:".1r::.:::.'1:11".;..:.'::.1'. 1-1 1.. 1,-1.

-1-111-,11111l|11y w1l'1- 11111 l‘111111ly11111111111-1-1|tl111t l ll!-lllu l1y \\ 111. ll. M1-4 11ll-1111:l1:1|11l\\ 111.1l1-11tl1w1111l1l1111111111;lc1111rth1;l111|11-l‘1111111u11(11111l1,li11ll11l1‘,11111ll1y:1lltl11-l'ri|11i11;1l1)1~11,;pi,111

1l11- 111111111,111111|11u11-11t1~1lth roast-111111111-.en‘_

1111111111111111-1111111111111111-.W11 111 erlully ¢11111- 1.111111-l11111tfur y1ur11.

We la-li1-vc it in generally a:l11111wl1-rlygcdgh

11 1111s14_--

Ind 1111111ll111.11111]Illa c11nv11l1-1It‘1-1111‘w1111l1l ,-,,1,,,1y_1\|111-y|11|111,111111111-1111“111111111111‘Look to your |n'cre"-'



l111v1- h1-1-11 t1-1li0u11 'l'|11- uhovo 1-ntlnDlh Pl-I'I‘EIw' 1.;w§t111111'1'uuv

A l1l1 pt-rm11111lnterr-slt-1l l11the mn11th11- Vl1'(1'I.' 7'.III!1I‘.‘ I’II.I,.\’. -

""- 1. 111- 1 -


l""“lr)'- ill" """""/~"!1'"l I)I'urr1n'nul1n' fur hut tl111 1:I'l:lli:|kl11l'-l"-II‘af'ba::

11pr1~a1li11g111111-_1111111111-r.1111111,and c1nn- ;.~i_.111h111.1111.1111111111111111-;11¢Ill ll‘

e1‘ -

-11n:1ll11r11ln.11r1-r1-11111-1111-1|tn eull1111 the2' |1"""""' ""7 "'" ""‘ ""|""“"""‘ "' "l"-

nur 1l111t11:nl11gtn 11-1.111,1111111; ,|,,y ,,,,. umW1‘ 11111st1-ll'u-ti11.11111111-1st1-.


<‘_ 1-

‘I II. llwnyw1111111111111-.~111111141111111111... 111.1"; 1- 1

111N1-w (Jautlo 11111lK1-111.I11 tho I-111111-1.1mlly or v1l1111_1111- 11111.1..1;11111.-

-1 1 ,1“, Ll:p1it-1-¢:l11111:11ul'11?11ll11111111l1111,111 111111111-1-1

m‘ l1|1a111l<

4. Ila-11uu1s ntnnbcr 111"1111-1111111111f11lJ11rrs

tl11-yI1111111-1T1-1111111,111111 l11~.1111.-1111111.1111| 111111.

1111la11y11s11luv:1111-1111: l11111g11 1.1.1111| 111,|11|11u-111ru1u\'11l11l t1-v11i1111111y.

.5. lkcsuso 111111 111111|11.11i1i1.11111 111111 111-1

"'_"1Yl"I"|IIally 1-|1|1l1111l1l1-l11ll11-11-11»l1l1111n111ol warm, 1-11l1I,11111l11111111r1111»1l111.111111.

II. ti ll1-r1111s1~ 1111., 111 1l1111- 1111 111 14111111111111‘.I11-11-u\Ii1r a1l11111~

.111 1l111t,'1111 11.1111 1 .111- 11,11,Illa 111-1111nl1ty11f |111t1t1l1111 11111111s _ tl11~ |111t1111t1111111!r11111|11ll1 11111 11111|11~11 111111!1-1 tl11 111.

‘I II1-rsusa 1-111-I11111l1111|1111l |11ll1: |>11l11|11111~1l1-r H11: i1111111»1l111l1-11111111111111111111111-1111l11~ |1|11.|1111-l11r, so that

1111 u11-111l11- 111 tl11-1-1111|1~111111.11ur Tnulltycan 111-ml-ly 111 1111 1l111111gl1ll11-

"‘ 1-urr 1--111111-1111 11l'a l1--11 11111-11111111agvulH II1 run 1l11 l

1-11vrrY1 l'I111111-1111111tlni111111.As 11111111 an ll11- 5)‘: ~ ~ -L, y PIN“), l w "um “iumm ll“l11l1lal111gtl11 aylh 111.


U llcI'n11<11 111-lw1ll111t.-t111l111|;W111 11111111-1,11,

l |111|u1lat1ty,1111111-1111111has e111 11111111111 1111-11111:

1131111111!tlu-111 llt-1 I111-111l1 111 1-1111111|1~, v1l111'l1" W‘-"l-l ""ll-"P brw111l11- 1-11113111111-y1~1111l1lhueI1 11111111111-11 11.1111-1111111111111.11.11111.1-1111111.

"‘ 111 A1111l11-11,-,1.11»111111-1111y 1111- 111 111.111.11111-_I

-- 1-11.1111-1111.11.11.1111.1111111'.11-11-1111-111 111|.11r1-11: l‘11r1-|1t11 11I11111I1l111111-I l>1- w1tl11111l 1l11- |.- .

-. 1

‘v " '|.“'u'1 1- 1, I-1 vt-r 11111lA1311»,|),||11,1-111_|,11,. 1(,,,,,_

Ix |1l111|1ts,_.|.11|111l11-1-,/\111l1111n,|)r11|>11y,l(l11~ut1u1-' 1111111,l~1111..1,;1-1111-1111111111-N,.11111,I.1111111111 111

’* 14,1111!-,l'1|1~.1,I‘11l11-,II1-11|1|111111,54111111-1 D1111 11l-- -‘ 1111- 111111111111111111111111-11,111.111.1111.-1,

*1 1 1.11111-111..11,l.111111111‘1\,1,.11111-,1111.11-11.

11.l11r>111Il11w l'11111|1l1111.11, a111l 111 all 111111-11 of

Y l111|-111111'1l11- ll1.11.1 I11,11l1111.a u11l1ll1ul. 1.ll'1.1:.

11.11 11.1111. 1111- 1111,11 ...,.11..1.1_l1111l11111,1l11-,111111..1111111-1111111-1111111111111i1y

-|-",1". ,\,,,.,,, ,,r |1r_ |-;,,,,,,,-11,,,,|1,,,,,, 5-y,,,,,; l1.1~ ‘111-111111ltl1.1\ Ila. I'l;‘l'l-ill-‘V \'l-.t;l-?l‘A-|1,.,,, 51,, ,-|~|,,. ,:,,.,,,|,,.,,,|,1,,|1;,,,1,,||,,,,,y .,,|. lll1l‘.l'lI1I..*4 1- 11111» 111'\l.1~ l11|1,111-11111-11.111111-a

,,,",,,: ,,,,;",, by ).,,," ,;_m,1,,,,K_<,.,,,|,_,,, ,, ,._,,,. 111 111111l-ru1l11y11_11111l11l1111(11l11r1111t11'.1ll1-111111111l' pmtr-11'\1-1l111111|1.1i|1l'11l1l--11l1l11111,111\11-t 1'-ur l1£'""'"l-'P"llI"f -vl l-?llly lllllll-ll11|1I11

1-1111-1; 1-11~1_v1i1l111|,g|111r1-ull111w 1-11-111111:1l1111 @1"'l'l11-:1--i11\';1|u:1bl1- |'1ll~,11r1- lbr wilt:111tly11|1|1l11-11151111111-111-I1 1111 i11v11l1111l1I1-1111-d1- ||1|-111111111|,y1'_ \'V_ |',1y]11-|-_ |11 ['1,11 |)1;.1 - 111 - - Y pmll hy 1\. 1'. ll. 'l‘;1l1-. l11 ll:1\'11- 1l1-

ll i11 llulti111111'l:, l’l1||111l1-i|1l1i11,W11xl1i11ut11n'2 (‘lly, t1u1l tl1r11-.1gl11111tll11~lluit1-1l h't1111:11,_

11111111tl11- 1-l11|1ltl1splayc1l11l1v1u1111r1-l11<l',a111l hy ""3 ('"“""l"?i1T1111.-1, NI1-111;1;111111[I191-ont111u111g111 it: u|1elau1|gla1l to 111li11111y11u,


U111rl1il1l 1111111:1.111|1l1:tcly11:1-1111-11-11,1111111111 rc- N111’2 l--ly

1-l1il1l rnjnya 1-1:rl'r1t l11:11l1l1. l 111111 y1111 my lll'iAD1\l'lll-LFll!.'K A.*111l\'l-IRVOU1‘-l.cl11.-erl‘ulper1n111-ia11t11msku tl1i11 111:l1n11wl1-111;. '1-|,,,1,,. W1," |,,,,1,, ,,,,1|,.rc,|_ ,,,,,1 am

"' w1-;1ry11l 2111111-1i1111|r11n1tl111:1-1ll-1tr1--usingt-11t1111l11l11l11,will linll in l'l'I'l‘l-l|lS' Vl-‘ALI-2'l‘/\lll.l-} l'll.l.S u ream-1ly ul 11nc1_- 1:01’-

A g1-11111-1111111111111 m1-11l1- 11-3:11 of Dr. W. tuln and i1n1111-111.111:I11 il111~lI1-rt.-1.l-Zvs111‘112411111111111;t~'_1111|.111l11111'.1111ily,(i111111111 |_\' U‘-3|-|.;|-_q|A 1|,11y_.,1,,,,,| ,,,,,-,,,,,||11,];

muny l111v1:l11-1-111.-ur1-1li11 11 f1:.v 1111-1-1-ks11f»11-1' l1.1vi11y; 2111ll'1:r1-1luntlcrlhi-1 1lr1-11-ll'11l

ln l1:1l1it11:1lt111.11lvcn1:111-1they urn 1le1-ld-

, 1-1lly1-111111-ri11rt11n11y\'1'1(1-l:1l1l1-l'ill1~v1'1:r)

y1-t1l’1-w11v1:re1l,and I11--1i1l1-sthis tlu-y are

I-1 1-1u1llr-urliug1111-1ul1cr1411l'tl11- M1:1llcdl Fu-

;" culity.Z 1-‘11r11.111:by nll the l'rim-i|1:1lD1111.-:ist11

in llilllllIIOl't’, l'l1ilu1lclpl1i11:1n11W1111l1lng-tun City. l\'u1'. 24-ly


A Sl-ZVI-Zltl-I tY1\Sl-I OF 'l'l‘Il'7l'l|lNG1. 1, _


‘Y s 1 1 7 ’

the iul'allil1l1: Auwrlran Soothing Syrup of llr. | '~ “J.” ‘ c“c‘ab|c

PILLS.1111-1-11, N. Y.11111l p1111:h11ml11t>11ul1111r ll1c Sy- RI()ltE1l111nthree millions of boxes of

. 1these celebrated l ILLS 111111-1:beensold In the United States aincc January,I835.


llundrcdei and thousands bless the daymvdiatcly on

its n|1p1ic11ti1111.11111111111-111111;1111-yhecameacquainted with l'l-2'1‘!-IRS’

I‘u1pl0n1aCl\lltI:lyCcancd, and by ¢o111111u111g\-|.;(;|.;'l-_.\11L[§ [$11,113. 1,-1,1,3, 1“ con“-'

1|u1-n1-1:of tl11:ir'!;tr11or1llnurygoulness,é have attained a popltlarity unprecedented

in the hlstury of n1e1ll1:ine.'

When taken uccunling to the directions

nccuuipanying them they are highly ben-nhcial in the pres-1:11tionand curt: of Bll~inu.-1 Fever.-1, and A1111:-,Dyspepsia, Liver

Cutnplainht, Sick I11-adnche, Jaundlce,

Asthma, Drnpsy, Rheutnatism, Enlarge-tucnt 111'the Spleen, l-’ilea,(.‘|1olic, l-‘t-male(Jbstructi1111s, H1-art Uurn.l-‘11rred'l‘ongue,Nausea, Distetisinn of the Stomach andllmw-ls, Incipient Dlarrhmu, Flatulcnce.

llnhitual Custivencsb. Loss of Appetite,cations of cursarv: toabatc the i111la1umaL11111.-lllutcltctlor Sallow Complexion, and lll

ull rnsea of Torpor of the B0111-els, where

:1 cathartic or an npcrlt-nt ls needed.

anon, producing neither nausea, grlpmg,nor debilltv. -.

111111111111111tortured wuh _pn1nf wit 1-"'§"°‘ The ellieacyof these Pills ls so Id!F4 dF°‘l\3°°-1:233“ "ll" "' known. and their use I0 general. lb" 5-"‘~ '1

°,'3‘.'1;v_1,N3135001113‘km ther comment ls consideredunnecessary.‘



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11-1-111111111-n1l1:1lhy all the rnmtt t-1nlnc11t_--a~-







‘w‘h' “Rabin! or ,md°m,_ emu?‘ “,,,,,,,_ Theyare exceedingly mild in their 0§>¢r.


- 11l11==1111i-1111-E Thai,“ I" ?ashlhgton,u1l'an\‘sgumsu )




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; HOTEL, ,