“I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto...

“I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”? What is my reason for adopting Michelangelo’s motto?

Transcript of “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto...

Page 1: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

“I Can Do It Better!”

The Art of Reflection“I am still learning.”

—Michelangelo's motto

Mr. T

What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?What is my reason for adopting Michelangelo’s motto?

Page 2: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

“Good Design Versus

Better Design”Overarching question:

How do you know what is good or bad if you do not reflect upon the characteristics that attract you to or repel you from an item?

My goal/objective is to be able to critically analyze what senses the body and mind experience to trigger the feelings we get that

allow us to like or dislike whatever we are experiencing.

Page 3: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Content Objectives

Students will be able to:

• Identify traits and characteristics of good web page design

• List those factors which have a deleterious (harmful) affect upon the viewer

• List and Identify the four major rules of web page design

Page 4: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?


Quality: HarmfulSimilar: OppositeDifferent: SameCharacteristic: How good or bad something is

Trait: Way it isDeleterious: having characteristics in


Mix and match…volunteers?

Remember I know your names!!

Page 5: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

C ontrast is what draws your eyes into the page

R epetition is the repeating of certain elements that tie all the disparate parts together

A lignment simply means that items on the age are lined up with each other

P roximity refers to the relationships that items develop when they are close together

MST web site

Visual Scaffolding

Page 6: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

What are Some Qualities of

Good Design?

Small group partner

Please join up with the people in your rows

Record them on your Content Note document

Page 7: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

What are Some Qualities of Bad


Gallery Walk

Please join up with the people in your rows

Record them on your Content Note document

Page 8: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Classroom Activity:

1. Please “log” on to the Internet

Page 9: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Classroom Activity:

If your LAST name starts with an A-H , please log on to

• www.pbs.org

• www.math.com


• http://www.rawa.org/women4.htm

Page 10: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Classroom Activity:

If your LAST name starts with an I - P , log on to

• www.cnn.com

• www.directron.com


• www.howstuffworks.com

Page 11: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Classroom Activity:

If your LAST name starts with a Q - Z , please log on to

• www.historychannel.com

• www.newyorktimes.com


• www.eagletribune.com

Page 12: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Classroom Activity:

• LIST one characteristic that you like about each web site and Why.

• LIST one trait you might change and Why

• Make one suggestion on HOW you would change it.

Page 13: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Language objectives:

My web site is similar to_________because it__________

My web site is different from_________because it__________

Page 14: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Classroom Activity:

Please pair up with a fellow classmate

COMPARE and CONTRAST your web site(s)

Focus on

1. Alignment

2. Proximity

3. Repetition

4. Contrast

Page 15: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks Alignment

Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering: May 2008

General Standard Learning Standard

1. Engineering Design 1.1,4

6. Communication Technologies 6.2-4

Massachusetts English Language Arts: June 2008

1. Discussion 1.1-6

2. Questioning, Listening 2.1-6

3. Oral Presentation 3.1-18

4. Vocabulary and Concept Development 4.20,22,23,25-27

6. Formal and Informal English 6.3

24. Research 24.4,6

26. Analysis of Media 26.5,6

Page 16: “I Can Do It Better!” The Art of Reflection “I am still learning.” —Michelangelo's motto Mr. T What is my reason for stating that “I can do it better”?

Massachusetts Arts: Oct./Nov. 2008


Media, Materials, and Techniques 1.9-15


Elements and Principles of Design 2.12-17