“I can describe what truly interests me, but it doesn’t have enough connection with what I’m...

CAREER: Choose Wisely.

Transcript of “I can describe what truly interests me, but it doesn’t have enough connection with what I’m...

CAREER: Choose Wisely.

“I can describe what truly interests me, but it doesn’t have enough connectionwith what I’m doing now.”

Tips on achieving a Career Goal

Analyze and evaluate your skills and capabilitiesWhether you’re employed, unemployed, considering a career change, or recently graduated, the first step

toward reaching your career potential is to objectively analyze and evaluate your skills and capabilities.

“Do what you love, the money will follow.”

Why to have a career goal? Does a career goal limit your future?

1. A career goal - focus on what you want to do for a living.

2. Rather than limiting your future, a career goal - discover career opportunities that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

• Set realistic goalsCreate a career plan that will give you a competitive edge. Be specific.

Have it reviewed objectively.

• Use an approach that meets your needsDon’t follow guidelines in a book or from a friend if they are not comfortable for

you and representative of who you are. Be authentic in designing a plan that really reflects who you are.

"Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams."

• Having goals for your career is very important for financial security and your own personal happiness and satisfaction.

• Conversely, having an unsatisfying job is likely to cause great stress and unhappiness.

• So choosing the right career in the first place and then managing your career to get the most out of it, is the key to set successful career goal.

“Good Career Goals Set Up Your Life”

“Career goal is based on your skills and interests, career possibilities, and job trends. Once you have chosen a career, think strategically to accomplish your goal.”

Think about your interests & Consider your skills

• What do you like to do? Think about experiences you have enjoyed.

• Make a list of 10 activities you have enjoyed doing in the past four years.

• Evaluate those interests. Think about what you liked about the activities. What challenges did the activities offer? What skills do you need to develop further to continue in those activities?

• After you have assessed your interests and skills, determine the relationship between skills and interests and possible careers.

“Listen To Your Heart”“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct

us along the path to its fulfilment.”- Earl Nightingale

My Top 3 Career Values Are:Have fun

Stay curiousEnjoy the process

Your values should align with your career. Do you believe in earth conservation, but work for a company that paves over

large acres of land? This example is extreme, but it happens all the time. People rationalize their choices and hate themselves

for doing it.

You have to understand what values you need to live to be happy.

“Can You Afford to Follow Your Dreams While Choosing Your Career?”

• I suppose a lot of it comes down to being able or willing to take risks. Once you discover what would make you happy, then to follow your dreams as best you can...

• Dreamers who took action have created everything around you.

• There are very few things worse than regret. What will you regret tomorrow that you didn’t do today?

• There are no rules in life so why limit yourself to what everybody else is doing?

• You learn a lot from failure. Since you will fail on your path you’ll learn a lot too.

• Your dreams and your actions define you. If you do what others tell you to do then you’re letting them define you. Your dreams and your actions define you. If you do what others tell you to do then you’re letting them define you.

• You want to be remembered. Everybody does. We remember those who follow their dreams.

Quick Success Secrets

• Know what ‘success’ means to you Visualise your ‘success’ so that you can strive towards it.

• Imitate success

Identify a suitable ‘successful’ role model and observe and emulate how they dress, behave and act.

Use your initiative and always be on the lookout for opportunities.

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

• It’s all about YOU! Your personality is unique to you,

and will influence your idea of success and how you achieve it.

• Get the right attitude positive attitude - powerful force in achievement. negative attitude - destructive to your happiness.

My Dream Jobis one where I can,

• DELIVER using my talent & skills

• RESULTS meaningful contributions

• EFFECTIVELY true integrity & hard work

• ACKNOWLEDGED recognized

• MOTIVATED to personal happiness

“If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's moving

you away from your goals.”

“The future you see is the future you get.”

“Fear melts when you take action towards a goal you really want.”


• Daksh Mehra• Mandeep Bhatia• Vamica Butola • Sagar Babbar