I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe...

I IN-CONFIDENCE Parliamentary C ommis s ion of Inquiry G.P.O. Box 52 18, Sydn ey. N.S.W. 2001. I c-a No . I ARCHIVAL ACTION FORMER PAPERS LATER PAPERS Related Papers __________________ ____ _ 2 3 4 5 Foli o Referred to Date Cleared Resubmit No. I ' . II f 2 3 Fofio Referred to No. I ' 4 5 Date Cleared Resubmit "TI r m z 0 i'

Transcript of I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe...

Page 1: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in



Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry G.P.O. Box 5218,

Sydney. N.S.W. 2001.


c-a No. I



Related Papers __________________ ____ _

2 3 4 5

Folio Referred to Date Cleared Resubmit No.

I ' .

II f

2 3

Fofio Referred to No.



4 5

Date Cleared Resubmit


r m z 0 i'

Page 2: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in

$/$ , . . RECEIVED 1 8 JU N 1986 ~~ /,')~ . r,

. 1,,1),,i-J

-----:;) ~ M O ,_ ~,.rp iJ ·-~ tv ~~ ,-lfva-,C.,.......:i""""""' - 9<...../. T" t-.O~d.f'a .... • r9 '-(! f -9._,. ~ 1 JL MARSHALL DAVID NI LSON -rt-~


!Vie l bourne 3001 in the State of Victoria

do solemnly and

sincerely declare


the f'ol Jowin.g documents bearing the name of a

Lion e l Keith Murphy we re recovered by me i n Eur·ope

during the course of a j ournalistic investigation in 1984. They are submitted in good f'aith and I believe them

to be photoco_pies of originals from the files o:f the Union

Ba..11k of Switzerl and in Zurich.

Accor·Jing t o the dates i t would a ppea r Mr Murphy was

a t the t i me a Judge of tbe High Court of l\ustreJ ia.

His na me appears on thre e document s , t wo f'or the join t

rental of a safety deposit box with other parties and one

whj_ch shows that shares in the UBS were attributed to

h i s name.

The 1""ourth doc ument reJ.ates to Mr Murphy' s _partnership

in a saf'e deJ;)OSit box with Edward Gough 'Nhitl a m, but shovrn

t hat a Miss Junie Moresi hol ds the key s .

AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true

and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of the Parliament of Victoria rendering

persons making a false Declaration punishable for wilful and corrupt perjury.

DECLARED at /,,,£4'{!t:f77,,t '?~,c;-"' in the

State of Vict;lr· ;eh· //£>. h /

day of 1 One Thousand / ,

~6 · nine hundred and c.:, Before me

Page 3: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in



~tatutnry Brr lurathttt OF

Page 4: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in


]! ~ ]l , STEP'rlEN JOHN FOLEY

of Cambe rwel 1 312!+

Melbourne m the State of Victoria

do solemnly and

sincerely declare

THAT the fo11owing d ocuments bear l.ng the name of' a Lionel

Keith Murphy were recovered by me in Europe durl.ng the

course of a journalistic inve.stigat ion in 198l.i.

They are submitted in good :fa ith a.nd I believe them

t o be photocopies of originals from the files of the

Union Bank of Swi tzerl and in Zurich .

Accora ing to t h e dates it would appear Mr Murphy

was 0.t the time a J udge of the High Gou.rt of 1\ustra1 ia.

His name appear s on three documents, t wo for t he

joint rental of' saf'ety a e_posi t boxes with other par ties

and one which shows shares i n the UBS attributed to

his name .

The fourth document reJ.ates to M:r Murphy ' s partnership

in a safe depo sit box wi t h Edward Gough NhitJ.am, but shows

that a Mis s J un i e Morosi h olds the keys to that box .

AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true

and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of the Parliament of Victoria r endering

persons making a false Declaration punishable

DECLARED at //c/£frz-,,c t,<£P in the

State of Victo~ this . / 7t« day of j-t:£/J(l / One Thousand

nine hundred and ;?3{_,"> Before me

for wilful and__.c.or.i:,upt perjury. /

Page 5: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in



~tatutnry Brrlaratinu OF

Page 6: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in

0 ... Si

~ 50


'MARCH 3Rb, ·1975 ·wvt2;..~UA

Oepot•Nr. Oepot No Sec. Acc. No

Cetrlm Conceml9 Re

Wir bez!ehen uns auf lhre bei uns per


Nous nous referons a votre depot chez nous au We refer to the fo llowing deposit as of


deponierten de in your sec. account


und gestatten uns, Sie auf die bevorstehende GeneraJversammlung dieser Gesellschaft aufmerksam zu machen. Als Beilage erhalten Sie die entsprechende Einladung, die Traktandenliste und allfallige weitere Unterlagen, soweit uns solche zur Verfugung gestellt wor· den sind. Sofern Sie selbst an der Versammlung teilnehmen oder einen Beauttragten dorthin entsenden wollen, bitten wir Sie, uns dies mittels beiliegendem Auftragsformular moglichst bald mitzuteilen, damit wir Ihnen rechtzeitig eine Eintrittskarte beschaffen konnen. Sollten Sie dies nicht beabsichtigen, sind wir gerne bereit, die Vertretung lhrer Stimmrechte im Sinne der Zustimmung zu den Antragen des Verwaltungsrates kostenlos zu ubernehmen. Im Falle lhres Einverstandnisses bitten wir Sie um Rucksendung der bei· llegenden Vollmacht. Wenn uns eine generelle Vollmacht vorliegt, werden wir lhre Titel ohne Gegenbericht vertre ten !assen.

L'assemblee generate des actionnaires de cette societe ayant lieu prochainement, nous nous permettons de vous adresser la con· vocation y relative ainsi que I' ordre du jour et autre documentation disponibfe. Si vous desirez assister personnellement a cette assem­blee ou si vous envisagez de vous y faire representer, nous vous saurlons gre de nous le faire savoir rapidement au moyen de la formule ci·jointe. afin que nous puissions vous procurer a temps une carte d'entree. Mais si lelle n'etait pas votre intention. nous serions volontiers disposes a representer sans frais vos actions et d'approuver les propositions du conseil d'administration. Dans ce cas, nous vous prions de nous retourner la formula de pouvoir cHncluse. Si vous nous avez deja donne un pouvoir general. nous representerons automatiquement vos titres, a moins que vous nous donniez un avis contraire.

We wish to draw your attention to the forthcoming General Meeting of the Shareholders of said Company and send you the notice of meeting, the agenda and other pertinent material in our possession. In the event that you wish to attend the General Meeting your· self or delegate some authorized person, we ask you to inform us as soon as possible so that we can-obtain a card of admission for you in time. If this is not your intention, we shall be pleased to vote your shares free of charge within the meaning of an approval of the proposals of the Board of Directors. In case of your agreement, kindly return the enclosed power of attorney. Should we be in possession of a general power of attorney, we shall have your securities voted unless we hear from you to the contrary.

Antwort erbeten bis Reponse jusqu'au Please reply by

Beilage Annexe Encl.

13.03.· NOON

Hochachtungsvoll - Vos devoues - Yours very truly

SCHWEIZERISCHE BANKGESELLSCHAFT Union de Banques Suisses - Union Bank of Switzerland

Olese Mlttellung tr{lgt keine Unterschritt. Cotta communication ne pone pa.s de signature. This notification does not require a s1gnaturo.

Page 7: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in

4:50 eN $. 71,

B?cD. .. . herewi1h rent{s) fiom the

un;on B&nl: of Switze1!and, Zurich in i ts va ult facilit ies,

the safe: di;posit bcx Nr. 8"343. Size 4

fo ; a _oeriod of _____ t_,\~~_l_v_. _9. _______ muri th~ ,::1,d co;; fi rm(s)

The con11actua! reiat,onship is subject to the Condi tions Governing the Rental of Safe Dtposn 5o>.es in the: vou~t that were iu.rn!sheO to me- / us C:Stid to the Genera l CGndJt~ons fisted on the reve:se side:.

ExeCuied in dupl icate in ... Zµrt<:.h, . Vis.rch 11 th , 1975

The Ciiem (s): . M.U:RPFi Lian..eL Keith..



Page 8: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in


Union Bank of Switzerland, ' Z Uri eh .. the safe deposit box Nr. 8597

for a period of . . twe 1 ve:....., .. in its vault facilities,

Size 4 months and confirm(s)

to have received the two keys belonging to said safe. deposit box. -The rental charge shall be Sfr. ;o.~ ae from llo~.1975

The contractual relationship is subject to the Conditions Governing the Rental of Safe Deposit Boxes in the vault that were furnished to me/ us and to the General Conditions listed on the reverse side.

Executed in duplicate in ..... Zurich, . 4th Ap_ril 1975

The Client(s}: ..... M.r .•. :t,ione.1...tc:e1th ... Murphy .....

. Miss .Junie MO~:._·:




i I



. ,.


Page 9: I c-a IN-CONFIDENCE No.dl.aph.gov.au/C8 - Response to advertisement - Wilson and Foley.pdfthe fo11owing documents bearl.ng the name of' a Lionel Keith Murphy were recovered by me in


816 QUITTUNG fiir Fr.

Von ~:erno.sr Junie : (Mias)

lifr i! lt: ft: il VO il\ 11. 3. J.975 tfr; 11. 3 . J. 9 7 6

inkl . P~ . 20.-- Schlilsselaufbewahrung SCMWEIZER!SCHE BANKGESELLSCHAFT

Z1i1:•J c h , d en 4. April 1975 ) ()'>:?I CUl) / NBA

. .

I' \,
