I am the_shift_apr_12


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The world needs a strategy for addressing seismic economic, social and environmental change. This entails a shift from a worldview where everything is separate to one where we are all connected energetically within a unifying life field, where essentially we are all One. Within this new paradigm, Conscious Evolution Coaching is a life strategy for coaches, therapists and healers. By changing ourselves together, we change the world as agents of conscious evolution. By individually experiencing an accelerated shift from lower to higher Self, from separation to Oneness, and from self-interest to serving the Highest Good, our goal is to be instrumental in decisively raising overall collective consciousness within the next 10 years to transition into the New Era. We are One. Being One, I am the Shift. I am the Shift by coaching others to be the Shift by coaching others…through Love. Through mutual group coaching and using a proven combination of traditional and modern energy-based spiritual tools and practices, we support each other to discover our true Life Purpose and to align our lower and higher Self with the co-creative evolutionary impulse of Source. These tools and practices enable us to free ourselves from our attachments to the current system and to prepare ourselves for emergence. These include Conscious Embodiment, Embodied Intuition, Emotional Release, and Re-framing Beliefs and Patterns. These are enhanced through the spiritual practices of Neutrality, Acceptance, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment. You can start by joining a small online group led by a program leader to directly experience the benefits of mutually supported practice. When you are ready you can run your own programs. Program leaders are paid for their work and train participants to set up their own programs. The organisation is designed to scale and is structured as a not-for-profit collaborative enterprise. Join the group in the Shift Movement Community: http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/

Transcript of I am the_shift_apr_12

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I am the Shift One with Source, I co-create our world through Love

I believe the spiritual impulse today is calling us not away from the world but toward the big next step we need to take in our world. That next step will not emerge by itself – it must be consciously created by human beings who have awakened to the same impulse that is driving the process.

Andrew Cohen: Evolutionary Enlightenment

How do you feel?

Why Conscious Evolution Coaching?

Many of us around the world are feeling that right now is a special and unique time to be alive, and that humanity is in the throes of some form of great shift or transition. This feeling is characterised both by an awareness of great danger, but also one of amazing opportunity. In facing the future we need to ask: what is our optimum response to the threats (however perceived), and how can we be the solution? What is our purpose and role in this great transition? Conscious Evolution Coaching is our answer to these questions.

Do we need to make a quantum leap in consciousness?

Are you prepared to be the Shift?

Are you called to co-create the next stage of evolution?

Have you released your attachments?

Do you wish to earn your living coaching others

to be the Shift?

Have you cleared your emotional baggage?

Have you re-written your life script?

Are you fully open to emergence?

Can you give and receive support?

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Conscious Evolution Coaching - Michael Wolff – [email protected] http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/home/

The totality of our current efforts does not yet match the scope, scale, and urgency of the necessary transformation. But if we collaborate and act with vision, foresight, and commitment we can lay the foundations of a global community that is peaceful, just, and sustainable. We may then ensure our survival and well-being, as well as that of future generations.

Ervin Laszlo and David Woolfson: The Worldshift 2012 Declaration

What is Conscious Evolution Coaching?

The world needs a strategy for addressing seismic economic, social and environmental change. This entails a shift from a worldview where everything is separate to one where we are all connected energetically within a unifying life field, where essentially we are all One.

Within this new paradigm, Conscious Evolution Coaching is a life strategy for coaches, therapists and healers. By changing ourselves together, we change the world as agents of conscious evolution. By individually experiencing an accelerated shift from lower to higher Self, from separation to Oneness, and from self-interest to serving the Highest Good, our goal is to be instrumental in decisively raising overall collective consciousness within the next 10 years to transition into the New Era.

We are One. Being One, I am the Shift. I am the Shift by coaching others to be the Shift by coaching others

…through Love.

Through mutual group coaching and using a proven combination of traditional and modern energy-based spiritual tools and practices, we support each other to discover our true Life Purpose and to align our lower and higher Self with the co-creative evolutionary impulse of Source. These tools include Conscious Embodiment, Embodied Intuition, Emotional Release, and Re-framing Beliefs and Patterns. These are enhanced through the spiritual practices of Neutrality, Acceptance, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment. The above enable us to free ourselves from our attachments to the current system and to prepare ourselves for emergence.

You can start by joining a small online group led by a program leader to directly experience the benefits of mutually supported practice. When you are ready you can run your own programs. Program leaders are paid for their work and train participants to set up their own programs. The organisation is designed to scale and is structured as a not-for-profit collaborative enterprise.

The lead coach receives a 60% revenue share of a flat fee of $97 per month from program participants, who in turn can lead their own programs and be paid. The remaining share of the revenue is for marketing (especially affiliate partners) and administration.

Running 10 programs with an average of 8 participants each, in Year 2 the coach can expect a net income of $55,872 for a total of 720 coaching hours.

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Conscious Evolution Coaching - Michael Wolff – [email protected] http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/home/

The organisational model is designed to scale virally worldwide in order to accelerate the collective shift in consciousness. The role of CEC as an organisation is to market and co-ordinate integral conscious evolution programs for coaches, therapists and healers whose goal is to become effective shift leaders of conscious evolution.

Conscious evolution calls upon humanistic, transpersonal, and spiritual psychologies to move us from the early phase of personal growth and self-empowerment to the later stages of self-realization and self-transcendence as co-creators. Evolutionary [spiritual practices] are needed to help us to nurture within ourselves our higher qualities, to become mature, sovereign, co-creative humans attuning to the patterns of creation.

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious Evolution

Our Evolutionary Goal

Our core belief is that collectively as a species we are entering a critical phase in our own evolution and that a quantum leap in consciousness is required in order to transition safely to the next stage. We also believe that the year 2012 is a trigger point for an accelerated shift and that over the next ten years those of us who are aware are being called to consciously facilitate the process.

Using Dr David R. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness1 as a benchmark, we estimate that over this very short period in evolutionary terms some 2 million people need to shift.

This is to a level that Hawkins describes as “the Great Ones of history who originated the spiritual patterns that countless people have followed throughout the ages. All are associated with divinity, with which they’re often identified. This is the level of powerful inspiration; these beings set in place attractor fields that influence all of mankind.”

This will raise the collective level of consciousness to where it needs to be. We need to overcome any limiting beliefs that this elevated level of consciousness is only reserved for the few – the spiritual elite. To give an indication of the scale of this opportunity, we estimate that today there are only 25,000 people on the planet that are at or over this target level.

Our challenge therefore is to raise our own level of consciousness and help to raise the consciousness of others. Because time is so limited, the most effective use of our time is to focus our support on helping those already at high levels to achieve the required accelerated shift.

The Benefits of Participation

By joining a group program with up to 10 other people with the same goals, values and experience as yourself, you will

1 http://personalexcellence.co/blog/map-of-consciousness/

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Conscious Evolution Coaching - Michael Wolff – [email protected] http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/home/

discover how to clarify and optimise your role in the co-creation of the New Era

discover what is still preventing you from shifting to the higher levels of consciousness

learn how to use the simplest and most effective spiritual and conscious embodiment tools available to inform your daily practice in order to clear your negative scripts and old attachments and to raise your vibrations

learn how to be supported in your journey, and in turn, how to support others

be trained in how to set up, market and run your own programs as a paid-for service

be part of a collaborative enterprise of coaches sharing marketing and operational resources.

Accelerating your Shift in Consciousness

Conscious Evolution Coaching is a virtual group practice supported by a lead coach enabling you to accelerate your own shift in consciousness in order to coach others to do the same.

In the past it has taken decades and life times of dedicated practice to achieve a significant shift in consciousness. However in the last 30 years and in response to the threat of changing life conditions, the tools and practices for an accelerated shift have been pioneered and progressively perfected in the field of modern spiritual practice. These techniques and processes enable us to clear and release deeply rooted patterns of behaviour that would otherwise prevent us from making the evolutionary shift required to address the emerging challenges. As a species we are able for the first time in 4.5 billion years of life on this planet to consciously make the choices needed to avoid our own extinction. We have the tools that enable us to make these choices.

Our first major step is to release our attachments to the system that is currently endangering our future and to becoming fully open to the emergence of the new. These attachments are a form of conditioning and addiction.

Releasing Our Attachments

The following is an overview of the process:

Acknowledgement and liberation from attachment to old models, structures, relationships, and outmoded scripts

Accepting that one cannot release old patterns and accelerate a shift in consciousness without help

Recognising the need to align one’s whole being with the Source and the healing power of Love

Examining and releasing negative images, limiting beliefs, dysfunctional patterns and destructive cellular memories

Re-writing the script for one’s life to commit one’s Soul Purpose to the co-creation of the next evolutionary shift

Changing one’s lifestyle

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Conscious Evolution Coaching - Michael Wolff – [email protected] http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/home/

Helping others to accelerate their shift in consciousness.

The process for transcending from one level of consciousness to another starts with disassociation with the values of the current level, embedding in the values of the new level, and then re-integration with the positive values of the previous level.

The Coaching and Practice

To achieve an accelerated shift in consciousness, there are three iterative processes:

Weekly online group coaching sessions in which we coach and are coached by the participants in our program; from these sessions,

integrating customised practices into our daily spiritual practice; and from this,

being the Shift in our daily lives.

The basic process is through the use of a diagnostic tool such as Applied Kinesiology to get to the root of core issues (and to test outcomes), conscious embodiment of feelings that arise, and the practice of working with truth statements, affirmations and mantras.

There are five main modalities:

Conscious Embodiment - centring in breathing

Embodied Intuition – direct sensational feedback

Releasing Emotions – clearing/releasing trapped emotions

Re-framing Beliefs/Patterns – releasing old conditioning no longer appropriate

Spiritual practice - working with Acceptance, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude, Joy, and Prayer.

Variants of these are used in the coaching, daily and life practices.

The above modalities combine intentionality with visualization, commitment, perseverance, endurance, and practice. Various traditional and modern energy systems, such as Chi, Meridians and Chakras are also used. All the techniques are easy to teach, easy to learn, and easy to practice. Despite the simplicity, results can be rapid and surprising.

Each lead coach can customise these according to the needs of particular participants. The following is an example of an outline protocol of a four step energy-based process with a coach which includes a set-up, the coaching, closure, and the focus of the next practice.


1. Clarity of intention and the addressable issue (defined and measurable) 2. Centring and congruence of body, heart and mind (conscious embodiment) 3. Unconditional surrender to the Source, the healing power of Love 4. Prayer

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Conscious Evolution Coaching - Michael Wolff – [email protected] http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/home/


5. Addressing a core issue and determining its deepest roots 6. Resolving the resistance and pain of separation

a. Acceptance, acknowledgement without judgement of the feelings b. Embodying the feelings and releasing thoughts about the causes of the feelings c. Allowing new feelings to arise without judgement d. Continuing until full resolution of resistance (full acceptance)

7. Compassion (to self and others) 8. Forgiveness (to self and others) 9. Unconditional Love (to self and others) 10. Continuing until permanent and sustainable release


11. Gratitude to and oneness with the Source 12. Measurable and acknowledged resolution of resistance 13. Shift from lower level negative vibrations, now neutralised energetically and ceasing to

attract similar energies 14. Focus on higher level positive vibrations, now charged energetically as the new attractor

field, thereby raising the level of consciousness.

Outcomes can be measured using Applied Kinesiology or Subjective Units of Distress (SUDS), where the subject estimates the start and end points on a range of 0 – 10.


Following a coaching session, the participant may use a customised truth statement/affirmation/mantra/prayer to work with on their own during the week in order to further progress shifting consciousness. Practice is an essential element of the program.

The Program

The purpose of the program is to help participants to accelerate a shift in consciousness through supported practice. Led by a coach, each program consists of a maximum of 10 participants and is designed to continue indefinitely. The principle is similar to joining a MasterMind class. The process starts with a series of four one-to-one coaching sessions; these are to determine the participants’ core issues and then to introduce the tools and practices for shifting consciousness. These sessions are for 60 minutes, once per week, over four weeks. The participant then joins a group. To ensure an understanding of the process, in the following two months there will be a further two one-to-one sessions, one per month.

The group coaching sessions are conducted once a week using a teleseminar format for up to 90 minutes per session. The format for the sessions is mostly about interactive process, not content.

Each session includes a sharing of each participant’s practice in the preceding week, a break-out session where participants coach each other on the next steps in the practice, followed by a final sharing and commitment to the following week’s practice. Participants can provide each other further support during the week, if they wish.

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Conscious Evolution Coaching - Michael Wolff – [email protected] http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/home/

The Program Timeline

Month 1

Four one-to-one sessions, one per week: 4 hours

Months 2 and 3

Each month, one one-to-one session 1 hour

Each month, four weekly group sessions, 90 minutes each 6 hours

Month 4…

Four weekly group sessions, 90 minutes each 6 hours

The commitment to the program is a maximum of 7 (reducing to 6) hours per month in coaching, with a practice commitment of a minimum of 20 (and ideally 60) minutes per day.

The programs, once set up, are designed to run indefinitely, although participants are free to leave at any time.

Costs of Participation

The cost to participate is a flat fee of $97 per month, payable monthly in advance. For UK citizens the monthly fee is £75 including VAT. In the Euro zone the monthly fee is €75.

Because the process is front-end loaded in terms of one-to-one sessions and the payment model is a flat monthly rate in order to make it more affordable for participants, there is a minimum commitment of 6 months. Without this commitment, the coach would be bearing an unacceptably high risk.

The Business Model for Coaches

Our primary goal is to commit to becoming effective shift leaders. However in making this commitment, we also need to be able to support ourselves financially. We also need to be able to focus our efforts on running programs without having to spend huge amounts of our time recruiting new participants and managing business administration.

Our model therefore is to operate a not-for-profit social enterprise which supports the marketing, administration and operational development on behalf of its coaching members. The revenue generated from participants is shared on a 60:40 basis, where 60% goes to the coach, and 40% is applied to marketing and organisational costs.

Based on the flat fee model of $97 per month per participant, the above revenue share split, and an average of 8 participants per program, a coach can expect to generate an income in the first year of $5,587 per program at the rate of $40 per hour. The income remains the same for the second and subsequent years, but the rate per hour increases to $78.

Assume the set-up of one program per month for 10 months with 8 participants each in the first year. The total revenue in the first year amounts to $34,920 for 870 hours at an average rate per hour over all programs of $40. In the second and subsequent years the coach can expect to generate an income of $55,872 for 720 hours at the average rate per hour of $78.

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Conscious Evolution Coaching - Michael Wolff – [email protected] http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/home/

What Next?

We are engaged in a co-creative process. That means all participants can engage in the development of the process and the organisation supporting it.

We invite you to start your journey by joining the Conscious Evolution Coaching group within the Shift Movement community. You will then be able to meet program leaders and participants and attend any of the regular webinars that explain in more detail how you could contribute and benefit and introducing you to program leaders looking to form their own groups.

Join our group in the Shift Movement Community:

Conscious Evolution Coaching http://shiftmovement.com/groups/conscious-evolution-coaching/home/