i...aaaaaaaaaa AdMn Bf'HtoEYS r. aJRfeaaflIt' ' iaPVCBt ' 'aaVa'ilBTrai,:,a aMaaCweefSammhwA...

PAGES 1 TO l 12 PAGES. VOL XXXV. NO. 619C HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY, MONDAY, JUNE 1, 190a. PRICE FIVE CDITl HALEMAUMAU SHOWS SIGNS OF GREAT ACTIVITY AND THE FILLING UP OF THE IMMENSE PIT PROGRESSES 4 - - Lava Outburst From the Side of the I - l Prof. Kellogg Sees New Fires in Crater. Well Falls in a Cascade to the Lake. I I Tokn arnrk. B well X to til tonr- - I to ... . . 't seeking merely the wonderful and 11 Hawaii If tJcMlc roMlttiOM fr m ERUPTION LONG IB mint Im February last. any action a: I AND EXTENSIVE t f. "' ;? aaaaaaaaaa AdMn Bf'HtoEYS r. aJRfeaafl ' iaPVCBt ' 'aaVa'ilBTrai ,:,a It' mhwA Tamaaawl iayp arawssat 'pa''vtURaRLa' aMaaCweefSam c - M(BajJI - Bl ps5bv JeIt P tal Uaar ' 40 BE 8' SSBHE '''9 allaaB& '1 av' $ fi 6' aaaaaW ,raasV'tas lei I ' - - uT'ianaTJaTJaTasTaTlaw Ibt aumtnU crater to ascertain. Man-- 1 Waklrnn of Use Volcano Houea- - Professor V. L. Kellogg and Profes-ao- r u. K. AUaxdaee of Stanford Unl-i- y returned last Saturday evening on the Kinau from a visit to the vol- cano. Profeaor Kellogg secured sev-ei- al excellent views, one of which take in the lava laknahed of the old flow, in the foregrounl. shows the volcanic-cliff- s of 600 feet in height, and in the background exhibits the active crater from which a heavy, thick cloud is seen escaping. This cloud overhangs the whole scene and ascends into the air for hundreds of feet. Professor Kellcgg has taken a full series of pictures, be- ginning with the one above mentioned, rocuaaed from a distance of three and one-ha- lf miles, and by gradual stages lias reached the active crater itself. Tha Hllo Herald aaye: Condition at preaant estotlng at tha crater are mo eery different from anything In th- - T htotory of that wondrr that scientific X are at a loan to explain them. T to taat be tea MSB naaiher hre r nnoto from that quarter: but a nuaVr of other, including" K. D Maid-vi- a. th Ctrl I engines. Mat that they w mmI twain from th- - top of Ma one tot aa lata aa ytorday. Thai may ho aam Might activity tb-r- e. hot mm yt Oh niaMea la I Wilint to aweert K poallleety. At KfJaoea tha outer crater to on- - they admit that Hawaii. vo- - though may he affected by the recent dto- - t urban - at Martinique, old residents are free la aaying that th preeent heated term Indicate the near ap- proach of a lava flow from some one of the weak pot. In Manna Loa. and that Klluuen mi b active for a few that tha hot crack j toward I he Volcano a north and oath week before the flow alarm. 4 Manaser Waldron to aattofled that v. . ,.rnr.'i.,n si ill knu. fur N-- t are hott-- r than they wore on 1 n iTin ... . . ... - - - - . It. Vn I taat observed aotne time and will grow in extent. . 1 - I 'li ah mtrm At.mrn In the erater - the as. laa roc a are a raj -- - - , I Sunday nlcht maid aea no lava, but -- -a w.thia ate Incbee of tha anrfaca. wben a mU away u tbey were re- - 4 LOOK NG INTO THE CRATER II 1 1 ii I la a' fear ana da Tha bMUca- - La. none are atrona. JuBdtaaT from paet ex-- t ertenra, that a lake will form at thla ret. VOLCANOES ARE i NOT EXPLOSIVE of formation of a lava to a aimple one. The molten metal ! T : lv gradually melte the rock with Icaatc activity In the cratt rs of Ki- - touea and Mauna Loa may be expected whaah It aaaam la contact, eating Ita way apward and oat ward aa tha ub-trraae- an pi loeuia poahea the lower r train upward. When th Uva ati mm aaara tha surface, the a"eee ea-P'- aa tbrojab the surface cracks carry wibh theaa email "epaitera" of lava. bhta fan aad cons-ea- t around the ..peata. form laa a "spa tier cone." froaa mix to thirty feet blah, event- ually tha eat In away of the bank from oa or alxut July "4th and r.th. accord- - ifX to ITof3tfut' Lymx. the Covern- - i . at meteorolofrlst. Th- - influences - ivhich he believes acted upon the cra-- ? us of the West Indies are likely to :i ;nifst themelves on the Island of t Hawaii, bttt as neither of the volcandea X l... r' are explosie, as are those of the vt Indies, the most that can he ex- - l cted 'rom them is a flow Of lava .is in former times. The influences he refer to are those caused by the sun aad the moon. Professor Lyons, outlin-- d to an Ad-- i reporter yesterday his theories lo the present volcanic activity In . . ' .. . a m l i t r iAAa lava fmm ahaee. overct.m owr of the cruet ovr cf the lava colomo. and lh" aa and all fall into the molfr. ri ca -r- -'at jLm aaBBBLB saaaK 1 Itatfaaaaaal aaaaafaaattiiall - 'l I JB v1 ajjKaBfcCS JV ' rrJ; ' BaflaHaSaaH ' ' 'I-fEC- ? BHrTSHr' - ",.' MB Hf'5' t s, "' - '35' - wSl,1t 4f'''k9aBflBBsBst& ShSkS BBBHpjBTdBlaTaaaaav!mtf e 'yr'VEj as?alKlpBMBaacN4aaWG and a lake to formed, with a The pictures BbOW the cracks and fis- sures in the old lake and briny out very clearly the conformation of the upper surface. In an interview Professor Kellogg stated that the lava bed, which must be traversed before arriving at the smoking crater, is very hot and at no greater depth below the surface thaa three feet, fire is present. From the outer edge of the old lava lake to tb-fo- ot of the crater (about three and one-ha- il miles) there la a gradual rise amounting to about 300 feet, and this area is crossed anil intersected by crev-t- i e. formed by the irregular cooling of the lava. Arriving at the very edg of the burning mountain's mouth. Professor KeUogg and others of the party were enabled to get a good view Into the volcano, for as favorable winds bier v the strong, sulphurous steam la-sti- ins forth, the Internal action wa dearly visible. Professor Kellogg states with the assurance of an eye witness that lire was visible. The burning fto-- of lava in sight was accompanied by a s.iund of sizzling or like a sound of the wave of the sea dashing against rock. There seems to be little doubt that Kiiauea Is on the eve of a vio- lent outburst, and Professor Kellogg further believes that the whole lava surface" of the old lake holds beneath it a ast sea of fire The past eruptions of Kiiauea taken into consideration, the consensus cf opinion seems to be that the expected outbreak will be the greatest on rec- ord. While Professor Kellogg would offer no definite prediction, he said he would like to be here for the next two or three weeks. He says that the re- ports brought by the various ships' of- ficers he can willingly affirm. Mr. Frank Davey. the well-know- n photographer, was also one of the pas- sengers returning from a visit to Ki- iauea per 8. 8. Kinau. who went for th.- - purpose of a I "III Ilia photographs of the volcano in action. This is Mr. Davey's third trip and each time he has carefully observed the attendant H i urrences and he stated that it seem- ed to him that the anticipated erup- tion would certainly occur within a few weeks and that it would probably, in his estimation, exceed In violence those of the past. He says that by thrusting a stick in- to the outer crater's bed the part in- terred Is consumed by fire, showing clearly that not far below the surface an intense heat is present. It to ex- tremely probable that the whole under surface of this lake to like on. Im- mense fiery furnace. Fire was sees from the edge of the crater and though BO How tug lava was viewed, from the rushing, swashing sound heard It would tend to Indicate that mighty floods of molten matter are internally flowing. x.iiious pans oi giuij-- . n-- r uur r or rrm ien 10 ony etui continue, molten lava be- - . tnf thrown i urhUof; down a bile are bina poo and. conaeanna. e the hanks which mn- - melted away from be- - a-- a aa Vn of "cave i i I ." which eventually widen the Ink.- - I a uaarter. a half, and even a dtom- - --- fa mfte I chief seen of Pre-n- l tiv:ty ! main central pit of tlah-mau- - a. which waa formed by the sub- - n of a rreat lava lake in i Thia hi atm between Ma aad Ma feet a ru'X believe that it is settled yet as to whether the interior of the aith is ;r. lten or solid. Some people accept I as a fac t that it is solid but he oan-- M 1 it as such. There were :.iur tlieorK-- s advanced by him raapei t :K this phase of the cniestion leadinj? p to the caue for volcanic disturb-.it- ii . n is that this is a molten Ei'obe with a crust: another that the i.r is solid and that the pressure - so great that the h.-a- t to greater still. ither th.-or- y is that there la between :he crust and solid part a layer of V'llten matter: still another is that i'. ere is a reservoir of molten matter in th- - region of a eoicaaoL "What we seem to be concerned about now." said Professor Lyons, "Is what start a volcano to action? The question come up. Does thla molten matter arise simply because of its ac- cumulation, do (rases force It up, or Is s. ir.e other preaaure exerted? Is it a gas pressure or a mechanical pressure? If ., In either query, what determines -- ep and approximately a quarter ot rreat anaxmcdlaw within Ita walla since hiawrr last Th-- - flat floor or re- - . . a r . ... . a. n h II nip try (Ormni mmm m V I the extreme bottom has daapp-ar-- l - debri sionea fr I the perpendlou- - Photo by DaVey. VIEW FROM VOLCANO HOUSE J ..t t i ,r waOa to the center of the pit have look ' - . - i In ul,,m- - tht bench. The sound of fall- - . tisilw fhnr.i th-- ir snap- -, and tbouah thy had be-- n vioii.y turnmt t" th- - oran.. tt"U- - iarj mm- - twwa " - . k.l . In. .Iniud tlll WW-I- f h- - f I .Ml lffl t I V op. Ther. are rrequent Ucad a dtotlnct alow In the anvke. day aya me taae appear- - - "" T ' ' ' from tha walla aadj and If It were nut heard and h- - believe It to be the .ides la of rock OWly nlllna up. time It I Impossible to ae- - or In the day th- - . -- l. -t- w, ur h.h.vm. the of the crater cavlnx away under Ii to come at any particular time I 'ay-f- OI VeaflT 'hw w saevar "w ts lnr I RMMPMi rsvsssc- mm wsyw- , th. ,m-,- t, .tb a sharp rr.etal- - th- - nr- - :r. :hr hoitom would prove la enormous, preaaure of the lava urxinK PrraekWa weird; uncanny , Alec Lancaater. the well-know- n uid- - 'rir" tUind It. All around Halemaumau Zawald which male one urtcoaartowaly t the crater, baa made a trail to a y of Honlulu madr the there I surn of fir.-- : the cracka glow from of the pit. laflffe of pahoeho,. a dtolance of zw and went down Into rlxhtly at nUfht and the work of Talreto immeale volume of feet from the brink, and tak n ,,Vr Vei time.. He say that . ore bin postal card doe not con-- . . . .k.i ...im tboae visitor who delre. , ,k.. nme more than thirty snunda. He might ahy that it is reasoned that the molten matter rise up in duct or tube connecting the volcano with the interior of the earth. It has been gen- erally regarded as a fact that when ewpor rjul -- - - - lur', UIKHI lia- - tiaa - aarpwwr wit -- awaaa "T7 inspection than canl will be prand -- . . .k. .ii mmA is nukr ar ..st fire. wa. cxceedlnaly brlaht and that believe there a eruption cContlnued on Page 2). m nui'in.iui.mu ... - ...... m.a "Hnash" like water cl.isn- - rtlo bou7 r third of T at the edge Bo far not many ,ZZ iTTT wllllngneaa to accept n rtrl ahown a EE FSm. SomTS Alec , invitation. Ther to Mill a l.rg.-HeLaku- a cc-iS- C IB mile. away. akaeMtitjr M? mm TSff cracka In the vicinity of tl ,M be seen aa easily a hundred mile., hae pit. Houae and many new fissure ITttmSZSJ. .bou ovum On tkwK-I- ha, steam to aeen than ha MM bottom, more jnr wa-thtr- of the way to the Ible there for many jreara. In ,h. LtMaTMM. JThdWWMMdT. here to tm con.lderable and the heat In Ing f r .m the crack w.. tt ftoet appearvd it ran down to I lntrne t hang.s ,n h. ha Mttom of the p;t in a magnificent that condition, at the volcano are taking forming a amne Mfl fi high, Thia baa entirely dtoappeared place every day: where heat is JM the fallina walla and debr Uy the earth become, he . "pea. the molten lava on n- - xt. only to be warm again within the .Zuimrt hour. This peculiar- - the Pit waa visible xi twenty-fou- r to to have extended .the aaawwmeaa 1 alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS dS3Srttllb ' 'BBaaafj to the filling or a pit. me ouuaing '" J ,w aa over it. the formation or one no nas a noose mnr e - I . . . . . Kl. Kn thin. n..l a aboot tha baae or uw , mrm iw vn rs McKer.z o's Ambit onu The rumor that Geo. 8. McKenxto has gone to Honolulu to procure th appointment as sheriff of Hawaii succeed L. A. Andrews is not riven much importance by person, well aa- - quainted with M Kenxla He has fre- - quenteiy stated that he waa tired mt politics and came to Hawaii to get away from the annoyances Incidental to a political career. In view of the fact that the citixens of Hawaii are urging him for the plaoe. and as h.-rif- f Andrews has not been asked to resign by any one In authority, and as he has no intention of resigning of his own volition Just now, it Is not likely that McKer.zie will be sheriff within the- - next few days. Hilo Herald. Bip Cr'ip at Kealia. KF.AT.IA. Kauai. June 13. Make -- :;ar Company finished grinding the -- r p for the season of 1902 at 3:30 a an. Ja 11. Manager George H. Pairchild unces the crop as a littl? over 11.-to- being 1000 tons over the est:-- t . and the largest crop the corr.paay evex harvested by 1250 tons. . . - An An.. .? .v n . r . i . n ' i in" -- ami um-vni- i - ' . "PTa..;.2!l e .v. mmmmm .imcture. waa again cool. On the third day he I this ha! visited the plat In company with ptt. ' ravine a rri. nd and found the sand very warm. I a. Wi w- va -- . . - vmBH aaaaaCl. r .jisssssasw m7aaW"frsltaPr t ' 'as-.BB- al - ' i i rsr wmjgQyffxm 'StfiaSv.BssK ' SSt aB sasEMBBaw QV' -- QlafjBlBBf SsSfef! t - - -- iia aBBK -- jis - Z In IBM Th) filling up In support or nta opinim inai w ZZ dSwl thamu-u- al ha-- ( change wa cauaed by the change at ryatr hr My, tBat particular p.rt I and the normal po w begun, -i- w-vs In the .hade e of taken, blowhole., now sou rw - - , from the pit wnlta may b- - x-- , rarM tiuMfl MataM "f-.- ? In I M ndav there were more guest . full -- tad until the pit to iPlna h than at any time .Ince th- - a . - ... . atnriX on inunn e n. iTveryone a far aa seen by th- - -- nld expreae. the or'.n' p and aval flowing Meanwhile the alakt. while not a par-.- . arty excltt.g one to a person who aeen the stopendoue lava faas of Mauna Loa, or the great-- r tietty of Kltanea In former A ae af Intenee lnteret to any to obaerve at flrt hand bw Vft AI1F i K' H)k'C I'.C OUtBhC.AJS,. tt the trip : worm iiiiii. e lake tray n.-- t he what It . hen In year gop by It Ii n eav e ll V -

Transcript of i...aaaaaaaaaa AdMn Bf'HtoEYS r. aJRfeaaflIt' ' iaPVCBt ' 'aaVa'ilBTrai,:,a aMaaCweefSammhwA...

  • PAGES 1 TO l12 PAGES.



    4 - -

    Lava Outburst From the Side of the I- l

    Prof. Kellogg SeesNew Fires in

    Crater.Well Falls in a Cascade

    to the Lake.

    I I Tokn arnrk. B well X to til tonr- -I to... . . 't seeking merely the wonderful and11

    HawaiiIf tJcMlc roMlttiOMfr m ERUPTION LONG

    IB mint Im February last.any action a: I AND EXTENSIVE t

    f. "' ;?


    AdMn Bf'HtoEYS r.aJRfeaafl ' iaPVCBt ' 'aaVa'ilBTrai ,:,aIt' mhwA Tamaaawl iayp arawssat 'pa''vtURaRLa'aMaaCweefSam c - M(BajJI

    - Bl ps5bv JeIt P tal Uaar ' 40 BE 8'SSBHE '''9 allaaB& '1 av' $ fi 6'aaaaaW ,raasV'tas lei I ' - - uT'ianaTJaTJaTasTaTlaw

    Ibt aumtnU crater to ascertain. Man-- 1Waklrnn of Use Volcano Houea- -

    Professor V. L. Kellogg and Profes-ao- ru. K. AUaxdaee of Stanford Unl-i- y

    returned last Saturday eveningon the Kinau from a visit to the vol-cano. Profeaor Kellogg secured sev-ei- al

    excellent views, one of which takein the lava laknahed of the old flow, inthe foregrounl. shows the volcanic-cliff- s

    of 600 feet in height, and in thebackground exhibits the active craterfrom which a heavy, thick cloud is seenescaping. This cloud overhangs thewhole scene and ascends into the airfor hundreds of feet. Professor Kellcgghas taken a full series of pictures, be-ginning with the one above mentioned,rocuaaed from a distance of three andone-ha- lf miles, and by gradual stageslias reached the active crater itself.

    Tha Hllo Herald aaye: Condition atpreaant estotlng at tha crater are moeery different from anything In th- - Thtotory of that wondrr that scientific X

    are at a loan to explain them. T

    to taat be tea MSB naaiher hrer nnoto from that quarter: but a

    nuaVr of other, including" K. D Maid-vi- a.th Ctrl I engines. Mat that they

    w mmI twain from th-- top ofMa one tot aa lata aa ytorday. Thaimay ho aam Might activity tb-r- e. hotmm yt Oh niaMea la I Wilint toaweert K poallleety.

    At KfJaoea tha outer crater to on- -

    they admit that Hawaii. vo- -thoughmay he affected by the recent dto- -

    t urban - at Martinique, old residentsare free la aaying that th preeentheated term Indicate the near ap-proach of a lava flow from some oneof the weak pot. In Manna Loa. andthat Klluuen mi b active for a few

    that tha hot crack jtoward Ihe Volcanoa

    north and oath week before the flow alarm.4

    Manaser Waldron to aattofled thatv. . ,.rnr.'i.,n si ill knu. furN-- t are hott-- r than they wore on 1 n iTin ... . . ... - - - - .

    It. Vn I taat observed aotne time and will grow in extent.. 1 - I 'li ah mtrm At.mrn In the erater -the as. laa roc a are a raj -- - - ,I Sunday nlcht maid aea no lava, but-- -aw.thia ate Incbee of tha anrfaca. wben a mU away u tbey were re- - 4 LOOK NG INTO THE CRATERII 1 1 ii I la a' fear ana da Tha bMUca-- La.none are atrona. JuBdtaaT from paet ex-- tertenra, that a lake will form at thla



    i NOT EXPLOSIVEof formation of a lavato a aimple one. The molten metal ! T : lvgradually melte the rock with Icaatc activity In the cratt rs of Ki- -

    touea and Mauna Loa may be expectedwhaah It aaaam la contact, eating Itaway apward and oat ward aa tha ub-trraae- an

    pi loeuia poahea the lowerr train upward. When th Uva ati

    mm aaara tha surface, the a"eee ea-P'- aatbrojab the surface cracks carry

    wibh theaa email "epaitera" of lava.bhta fan aad cons-ea- t around the

    ..peata. form laa a "spa tier cone."froaa mix to thirty feet blah, event-ually tha eat In away of the bank from

    oa or alxut July "4th and r.th. accord- -ifX to ITof3tfut' Lymx. the Covern- -i . at meteorolofrlst. Th- - influences

    - ivhich he believes acted upon the cra-- ?us of the West Indies are likely to:i ;nifst themelves on the Island of

    t Hawaii, bttt as neither of the volcandeaX l... r' are explosie, as are those of thevt Indies, the most that can he ex- -

    l cted 'rom them is a flow Of lava.is in former times. The influences herefer to are those caused by the sunaad the moon.

    Professor Lyons, outlin-- d to an Ad-- ireporter yesterday his theories

    lo the present volcanic activity In. . ' .. .a m l i t r iAAa

    lava fmm ahaee. overct.mowr of the cruet ovrcf the lava colomo. and lh"aa and all fall into the molfr.ri


    -r- -'at

    jLm aaBBBLBsaaaK

    1 Itatfaaaaaal aaaaafaaattiiall - 'l I JBv1

    ajjKaBfcCS JV ' rrJ; 'BaflaHaSaaH ' ' 'I-fEC- ?BHrTSHr' - ",.'MB Hf'5' t s, "' - '35' - wSl,1t 4f'''k9aBflBBsBst& ShSkSBBBHpjBTdBlaTaaaaav!mtf e 'yr'VEj as?alKlpBMBaacN4aaWG

    and a lake to formed, with a

    The pictures BbOW the cracks and fis-sures in the old lake and briny outvery clearly the conformation of theupper surface.

    In an interview Professor Kelloggstated that the lava bed, which mustbe traversed before arriving at thesmoking crater, is very hot and at nogreater depth below the surface thaathree feet, fire is present. From theouter edge of the old lava lake to tb-fo- ot

    of the crater (about three and one-ha- ilmiles) there la a gradual rise

    amounting to about 300 feet, and thisarea is crossed anil intersected by crev-t- i

    e. formed by the irregular coolingof the lava.

    Arriving at the very edg of theburning mountain's mouth. ProfessorKeUogg and others of the party wereenabled to get a good view Into thevolcano, for as favorable winds bier

    v the strong, sulphurous steam la-sti- insforth, the Internal action wa

    dearly visible. Professor Kellogg stateswith the assurance of an eye witnessthat lire was visible. The burning fto--of lava in sight was accompanied bya s.iund of sizzling or like a sound ofthe wave of the sea dashing againstrock. There seems to be little doubtthat Kiiauea Is on the eve of a vio-lent outburst, and Professor Kelloggfurther believes that the whole lavasurface" of the old lake holds beneath ita ast sea of fire

    The past eruptions of Kiiauea takeninto consideration, the consensus cfopinion seems to be that the expectedoutbreak will be the greatest on rec-ord. While Professor Kellogg wouldoffer no definite prediction, he said hewould like to be here for the next twoor three weeks. He says that the re-ports brought by the various ships' of-ficers he can willingly affirm.

    Mr. Frank Davey. the well-know- nphotographer, was also one of the pas-sengers returning from a visit to Ki-iauea per 8. 8. Kinau. who went forth.- - purpose of a I "III Ilia photographs ofthe volcano in action. This is Mr.Davey's third trip and each time hehas carefully observed the attendant

    H i urrences and he stated that it seem-ed to him that the anticipated erup-tion would certainly occur within a fewweeks and that it would probably, inhis estimation, exceed In violence thoseof the past.

    He says that by thrusting a stick in-to the outer crater's bed the part in-terred Is consumed by fire, showingclearly that not far below the surfacean intense heat is present. It to ex-tremely probable that the whole undersurface of this lake to like on. Im-mense fiery furnace. Fire was seesfrom the edge of the crater and thoughBO How tug lava was viewed, from therushing, swashing sound heard It wouldtend to Indicate that mighty floods ofmolten matter are internally flowing.

    x.iiious pans oi giuij-- . n-- r uurr or rrm ien 10 onyetui continue, molten lava be-- .

    tnf thrown iurhUof; down

    a bile are bina

    poo and. conaeanna. ethe hanks which mn- -melted away from be- - a--a aa Vn of "cavei i I

    ." which eventually widen the Ink.- - Ia uaarter. a half, and even a dtom- -

    --- fa mfte Ichief seen of Pre-n- l tiv:ty !

    main central pit of tlah-mau- - a.which waa formed by the sub--


    of a rreat lava lake in iThia hi atm between Ma aad Ma feet a

    ru'X believe that it is settled yet as towhether the interior of the aith is;r. lten or solid. Some people acceptI as a fac t that it is solid but he oan-- M

    1 it as such. There were:.iur tlieorK-- s advanced by him raapei t:K this phase of the cniestion leadinj?

    p to the caue for volcanic disturb-.it- ii. n is that this is a molten

    Ei'obe with a crust: another that thei.r is solid and that the pressure

    - so great that the h.-a- t to greater still.ither th.-or- y is that there la between

    :he crust and solid part a layer ofV'llten matter: still another is that

    i'. ere is a reservoir of molten matterin th- - region of a eoicaaoL

    "What we seem to be concernedabout now." said Professor Lyons, "Iswhat start a volcano to action? Thequestion come up. Does thla moltenmatter arise simply because of its ac-cumulation, do (rases force It up, or Iss. ir.e other preaaure exerted? Is it agas pressure or a mechanical pressure?If ., In either query, what determines

    --ep and approximately a quarter ot

    rreat anaxmcdlaw within Ita walla sincehiawrr last Th--- flat floor or re- -. . a r . ... . a. n h II niptry (Ormni mmm m V Ithe extreme bottom has daapp-ar-- l- debri sionea fr I the perpendlou- -

    Photo by DaVey.

    VIEW FROM VOLCANO HOUSE J..tti ,r waOa to the center of the pit havelook '- . - i In ul,,m- - tht bench. The sound of fall- -. tisilw fhnr.i th-- ir snap- -, andtbouah thy had be--n vioii.y turnmt t" th- - oran.. tt"U- - iarj mm-- twwa" - . k.l . In. .Iniud tlll WW-I- f h- - f I .Ml lffl t I Vop. Ther. are rrequent Ucad a dtotlnct alow In the anvke. day aya me taae appear- - - " " T ' ' 'from tha walla aadj and If It were nut heard and h-- believe It to be the .idesla of rock OWly nlllna up.time It I Impossible to ae- - orIn the day th--. --l. -t- w, ur h.h.vm. the of the crater cavlnx away under Ii to come at any particular time I'ay-f- O I VeaflT 'hw w saevar "w ts lnr I RMMPMi rsvsssc- mm wsyw-, th. ,m-,- t, .tb a sharp rr.etal- - th- - nr- - :r. :hr hoitom would prove la enormous, preaaure of the lava urxinKPrraekWa weird; uncanny , Alec Lancaater. the well-know- n uid-- 'rir" tUind It. All around HalemaumauZawald which male one urtcoaartowaly t the crater, baa made a trail to a y of Honlulu madr the there I surn of fir.-- : the cracka glowfrom of the pit. laflffe of pahoeho,. a dtolance of zw and went down Into rlxhtly at nUfht and the work ofTalreto immeale volume of feet from the brink, and tak n ,,Vr Vei time.. He say that . ore bin postal card doe not con--. . . .k.i ...im tboae visitor who delre. , ,k.. nme more than thirty snunda. He might ahy that it is reasoned that themolten matter rise up in duct ortube connecting the volcano with theinterior of the earth. It has been gen-erally regarded as a fact that whenewpor rjul -- - - - lur', UIKHI lia- - tiaa -aarpwwr wit--awaaa "T7 inspection than canl will be prand-- . . .k. .ii mmA is nukr a r ..st fire. wa. cxceedlnaly brlaht and that believe there a eruption cContlnued on Page 2).m nui'in.iui.mu ... - ......m.a "Hnash" like water cl.isn- -rtlo bou7 r third of T at the edge Bo far not many,ZZ iTTT wllllngneaa to acceptn rtrl ahown aEEFSm. SomTS Alec , invitation. Ther to Mill a l.rg.-HeLaku-acc-iS-C IB mile. away. akaeMtitjr M? mm TSffcracka In the vicinity of tl,M be seen aa easily a hundred mile., haepit. Houae and many new fissureITttmSZSJ. .bou ovum On tkwK-I- ha,steam to aeen than ha MMbottom, more jnrwa-thtr- of the way to the

    Ible there for many jreara. In,h.LtMaTMM. JThdWWMMdT. here to tm con.lderableand the heat InIng f r .m the crackw.. tt ftoet appearvd it ran down to

    I lntrne t hang.s ,n h.ha Mttom of the p;t in a magnificent thatcondition, at the volcano are takingforming aamne Mfl fi high,Thia baa entirely dtoappeared place every day: where heat is JMthe fallina walla and debr Uy the earth become, he

    . "pea. the molten lava on n- - xt. only to be warm again within the.Zuimrt hour. This peculiar- -the Pit waa visible xi twenty-fou- rto to have extended .theaaawwmeaa


    alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSdS3Srttllb ' 'BBaaafj

    to the filling or a pit. me ouuaing '" J ,waa over it. the formation or one no nas a noose mnr e- I . . . . . Kl. Kn thin. n..l aaboot tha baae or uw , mrm iw vn rs

    McKer.z o's Ambit onuThe rumor that Geo. 8. McKenxto

    has gone to Honolulu to procure thappointment as sheriff of Hawaiisucceed L. A. Andrews is not rivenmuch importance by person, well aa- -quainted with M Kenxla He has fre- -quenteiy stated that he waa tired mtpolitics and came to Hawaii to getaway from the annoyances Incidentalto a political career. In view of thefact that the citixens of Hawaii are

    urging him for the plaoe. and ash.-rif- f Andrews has not been asked to

    resign by any one In authority, and ashe has no intention of resigning of hisown volition Just now, it Is not likelythat McKer.zie will be sheriff withinthe-- next few days. Hilo Herald.

    Bip Cr'ip at Kealia.KF.AT.IA. Kauai. June 13. Make --

    :;ar Company finished grinding the-- r p for the season of 1902 at 3:30 a an.Ja 11. Manager George H. Pairchild

    unces the crop as a littl? over 11.-to-being 1000 tons over the est:-- t

    . and the largest crop the corr.paayevex harvested by 1250 tons.

    . . - An An.. .? .v n . r . i . n ' i in" -- ami um-vni- i - ' .

    "PTa..;.2!l e .v. mmmmm .imcture. waa again cool. On the third day heI this ha! visited the plat In company withptt.' ravine a rri. nd and found the sand very warm. I a.Wi w- va - -

    . . - vmBHaaaaaCl. r .jisssssasw m7aaW"frsltaPr t ' 'as-.BB- al- ' i i rsrwmjgQyffxm 'StfiaSv.BssK

    ' SSt aB sasEMBBawQV' -- QlafjBlBBf SsSfef! t-

    - -- iia

    aBBK --jis -

    Z In IBM Th) filling up In support or nta opinim inai wZZdSwl thamu-u- al ha-- ( change wa cauaed by the change atryatr hr My, tBat particular p.rt Iand the normal pow begun, -i- w-vs In the .hade eof taken, blowhole., now sou rw - - ,from the pit wnlta may b-- x-- , rarM tiuMfl MataM "f-.- ?In I Mndav there were more guest .full-- tad until the pit to iPlna h than at any time .Ince th-- a. - ... .

    atnriX on inunn en. iTveryone a far aa seen by th- -

    --nld expreae. the or'.n' p

    and aval flowingMeanwhile the alakt. while not a par-.- .

    arty excltt.g one to a person whoaeen the stopendoue lava

    faas of Mauna Loa, or the great-- rtietty of Kltanea In former A

    ae af Intenee lnteret to anyto obaerve at flrt hand bw

    Vft AI1F i K' H)k'C I'.C OUtBhC.AJS,.tt the trip : worm iiiiii.e lake tray n.-- t he what It .hen In year gop by It Ii n eav e ll

    V -



    Horse Carriage Needs SHOWS SIGNS OF:o:- - ERFAT ACTIVITY

    W always keep on rale a full line of the best carriage goods

    ana ca fHl your order at the loweet prices. See eur window(Continued from Pace l )

    display ofMiller's Harness Oil, Harness Dressing,

    Harness Soap, Castile Soap, Chamois Skins,

    Carriage Duster, Axle Grease,Carriage Axle Washers, Wagon Jacks,

    Sponges, Curry Combs, Brushes,Mane Combs, Whips, etc.

    Carriage Paints and Varnishes,Hack and Carriage Rubber Tirea.

    the mountains become full of moltenmatter the volcanoes break out.

    "There seems to be some reason whya number of volcanoes break out at thesame time. There Is one very curiouscircumstance In craters like Kilaueaand Mokuaweoweo. which Is that lavacomes down, not in the crater, but uponthe land outside the crater. This hasoccurred both at Kilauea and Mokua-weoweo. Here is something that mayShed light on the subject. Tou benda wire back and forth repeatedly andyou develop heat. Take a piece of cubesugar and break it in the dark and youwill see a flash of light. The forceused in doing it is changed into heatIn one case and electricity In another.Now it is known that the crust of theearth is more or less plastic, and it

    I5cts a Yard5,000 Yards of Printed Swisses

    the very latest ideas ia patterns 4 jj

    and colorings, going this week at n uns

    A YARD

    Whitney A Marsh. L.tc5.

    would be likely in that case to feel theforce of attraction of the sun andmoon. This force of attraction variesas the earth turns on Its axis and thusproduces a stress upon the material ofthe earth's crust. Well. now. even If

    E. O. Hall & Son, LtdHew Buildi , Corner Fort and King Streets.

    the earth was solid this stress wouldproduce heat, and of course, with thesun ana moon togemer tne enrect isgreater, and we would naturally expect to And more liability of earthquakes and volcanic action at such

    Ad-rtle:w- changed Monday. times."In the eruption of 1880-188- 1. when

    the lava was flowing from Mauna Loatoward Hilo. and the front end of the

    THEOSOPHIC'AL SOCIETY.flow waa many miles from the sourceupon Mauna. Loa. it was noticed thatthe stream would sometimes come to

    Low Price Sale of SEASON-

    ABLE GOODSan entire standstill and then break outwith renewed vigor at Intervals. These

    1were intervale of about a month. Well.I noticed that they also came aboutthe time of the new moon, and peoplelaughed at me to think that such athing as the moon had anything' to dowith it. and considered it Impossible.


    Thursday, June 19th. 1902, 8 P. M.

    At ARION HALL. (Back of OperaHouse).

    Members' meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.

    A cordial welcome extended to all.

    MARY D. HENDRICKS.President, Aloha Branch. T. S.

    And aStillThey AreComing

    CARLOAD AFTERCARLOAD of theCelebrated

    in tenser-Busci- i BrewingAssociation

    However. I wrote up to Hilo. sayingYon cannot duplicate the prices belew anywhere in town forthe same quality of goods. Sale is for this week only. that

    I expected an advance in a partof the flow at such and such a time,with relation to the moon. Well, theflow came as predicted and that was

    33-in- ch Percale, per yard ldc

    also the last flow. Whether it was my10c10c10c

    WsjgsjBjeMBj white. or coloredKB Gtacbama. beat quality ssFancy Draperies, upward from

    prediction or the Incantation of thePrincess Ruth, according to ancientHawaiian' rites, that stopped furtherflows. I have not yet determined.

    "That was what set me to thinkingAwning Cloth, floe assortment of color aad variety of prices, spe

    rial tai week.! i 1 about the effect

    of this gravitation. ISummer Clothing


    Premium Pale ANDam Inclined to attribute the precipitation of volcanic action very largely tothis 'stress of gravitation.' as I call it.I PROGRESS BLOCK

    3 qH Street. If the earth Is molten It would certain-ly cause flows of lava, and If solid, theheat developed might be sufficient tomake lava, as well as to change solidsinto gases and cause explosions.

    Pale Lager BeerIn cases and barrels, quart and pint bottles. AMERICA'S STAND-ARD BEER AT POPULAR PRICES. Don't let the warm weatherfind you without it.

    "Kilauea and Mauna Loa are not explosive volcanoes; that Is. in their malacharacteristics. I don't think the seawater gets under Kilauea. and cer-tainly such outflows aa come from

    All the Desirable Shapes

    for Gentlemen, also

    Swell NeckwearAT - .

    Lando's New StoreOregon Block, Hotel Street.

    Men's Summer Suits Mauna Loa cannot be produced by gaseous action.mm. Roduotlon "The volcanoes in the West Indies. H. Hackfeld & Comp'y Ltd.

    SOLE AGENTS lor the Hawaiian Territory.and especially the one n Martinique.might be connect fd with an influx ofsea water through a broken stratum.I think also that there are periods whenRedaction of prices on our Flannel and Serge Summer

    Suita this week. the earth Is more susceptible to volcanic action. There is some reasonwhy the great flows from Mount Etna$12.60 Suits at - and from Mauna Ioa have been moreor less synchronus. I don't say that- $10.00

    - $15 00 these two volcanes are connected, but$17.50 ' the same Influences which cause out-breaks In one part of the earth are li

    Order fromJ. L. Goeas

    Queen Taste Hams and BaconsHeinz's KelishHeinz s .lamHeinz's Sweet PicklesMuffed OlivesPi in OlasOlives

    able to cause outbreak in another. In1878. while visiting Kilauea. I went

    The materials are the latest Summer Patterns and veryLight Weight Coats uo lined; suit consists of Coatand Trousers only. over the intervals of the great lavaformations on Hawaii, and it struck

    me that eleven or twelve year tierlodswould coincide more or less; that Is.Monarch Shirts $1.25 counting the flows of the 50 as onegroup by Itself. It was not for many Catsup. Tel. Blue 2312Celebrated Shirts are well made of the best r irt- -

    ing materials and have style and elegance; $1.25 buysyears afterwards that I found any

    between these and the sunspot periods. Whin I found a tableat sun spot periods. I was surprised toAnd there was such a correspondence.I make the distinction between mere

    I am satisfied withCLOTH B8 MADF


    W. W. AHAKA & CO.

    crater activity of the volcano and anactual flow of lava. We who havelived on Hawaii are best able to Judgeabout the relative Importance of erup-tions, and not those who simply pickup a miscellaneous list from the en

    Kash Clothing Co., Ltd.TWO STORES

    Corner Hotel and Fort Sts., and Hotel St. near Bethel.cyclopedia and strike an average period

    Merchant Tailors,

    1038 Nuuanu Ave.

    You get latest style?,a good tit and the

    In that way. ftThere Is one other significant thing. ChII and See Us anil WeWill Enlighten YouThe only nun spot period when there fiergstrom Music uo , Ltd.Fort Street, Honoluluwas no fl.iw here wan In 1812. In thatyear there were terrific outbursts In prices are right.

    the West Indies and South America allat the same time. St. Vincent's volClinton J. Hutchlns, cano broke out then. I believe. Since 444 44444444444then I have found that scientist else-where grant that volcanic activity and

    44444t IIONOLILU BRANCH Ob'earthquakes are more common at the

    time if the new and full moon. It 1Ax t The Harrison Mutual Burial Association tworth noticing thnt the present periodof moon Is nearest the earth, and therefore the new moon has the greater effect. I also took a list of the scatter


    ing earthquakes on Hawaii for a yearNo. 616.

    HONOLULU LODGE No. Of, B. P.X K., wUl meet In their new hall, onstiller and Beretania streets, every

    and T find that 75. per cent of themcame within a oouple of days of thenew and full moon.

    This association so well known throughout the Main- -4 land is now established in Honolulu. The officers are

    Prs. W H. R cp, Vice Pres. J. C. Axtell, .ect. and Treas.I J. II. Townsend, Boa.d of Control: H. E. Waity and H. C.

    Brown.For particulars apply at office of secretary, 393 Beresania X

    street or any member of the association. Phone Blue 571.

    4444 ..'

    friaay evening.There Is a new moon about July 5.

    I don't want to be classed with theranks who are always predicting

    By order of the E. P.D. L. CONKLIXO. Secretary.

    F If. BROOKS. E. R.

    If In Bad HumorMarine something great, but it I my belief

    ih.T on that date, or thereabouts, we1wl'l h' .ir of more wb-ani- activity.

    "It I also worth noticing that during the early part of this year thelolnmy Blook Fort trt.I SSM earth was in a very peculiar positionwith pe, t t i the f.lnr system. For Just ooei ved medaexample, draw a line through the earthat right ancles to the direction of theM. INIcK hn i sun and you will And that every planet SALMON,iriirpn chicken,


    HONOLULUBOWLING PARLORSand chuck a few lignum vitae balls atour tenplas.

    TQSHIEAtJA1M N. Hotel and163 8. King St.

    1 icyclea Kxcbanged, Repaired, Bought

    and Sold. Prices Reasonable.

    excepting a few asteroids would be onthe same side of the line as the sun. FRUITS,

    JAMS.that the earth was really in the exHouse, Sign and Decorative Painting treme limit of the solar system. Wheth-er that has anything to do with the increased disturbance of equilibrium IGraining, OUting, Paper Hanging and Tinting.

    First-Cla-ss Sign Work on Glass a Specialty. will leave It to the scientist to determine." J. E Goeas, Grocer fBeretania and Emma 8ts. Telephone Blue 2312.In hi" urmon at St. Andrew's cathe761 Alaska Street. dral Sunday mi.rnins; anon Mukin- -

    P. O. Bar M2. tvh made to the nrnei tma- -Telephone Main 62. tlon of peace between the British and SfcLa.Triia.gr Parlcrs,Corner Bethel and Hetel Streets.the Ikier. The hymn. "Now Tnank weAll Our Hod." was nun, also Sulli- -

    var'i. fin arranaement of muni, to thewnrds. The Son of Ood 0es Forth toRead the Advertiser. War " The holr nans 'hi last selec California Calimyrna Figstion grandly. Y. YUKN TAI,

    No. 1272 Fort Street, near KukuLMrs. Hertiman. w If- - f th- - uptain NOW ON SALE ATof the Alameda ar.d her son Murray arein town staying over a trip or two.75 cts. a Month. nriiswkr, LadI' rtrwar.Skirt.. Cht-rul.- Etc.A large Ho of ready-mad- e Mosquitc

    Nets always on band.Prince David leaves for Hilo Jvne 24. Box.521 King Street.to attend the races.


    lhc Orphcui THIRTEEN HO! FOR THE RACESBulletin for June 11thThe Success


    SilirJiJ EfeDfng, Jiqc 14th,Fr a Short Saaon Only

    iirrj Cogiil and Jack Sntton s


    A Week's Work ofMaui's Circuit


    pr a vioardepends on the

    expert skJO withwhich

    cia vu- -In High 1ies' White and Colored

    SHIRT WAISTSthe Havanar Atttnammleal is


    AttfRK TA0V- A-r iM' J o th Hlfh Wire Intra- -dacls AertsU Wnee.

    I sjsgi HARVCT- -tSsrta Comk Eflassaaa.

    ni, ROOTla r"hrr Da area,f V A I.IN4 SARIXAPa lb Trap.

    TW br hi't of comedy !VALLEY ISLAND'S


    If yo bmy from or stock this week you canattend the races in the handsomest shirtwaist

    in town. GIBSON styles and aU sizes from

    32 to 44TWOOAlCTTf fJIKIA" AalrrwU- -


    Iun-- and Mads la 30 sixesBOLT. ClYHCR a CO.. tht,PMaaaaata.D LAWRCftCt A CO..

    naeaavarseter Comedian u4 Husgnrta--nMM

    The St. Louis Fair Committer.

    Makawao Literary

    Society.1A HARVEYai Nanolaia. T. N..ngwtreas.

    .1 '. t MR III A.II Ias;

    1 AOI7TNALDOMoat Wonderful Lady fontortlaav MAUI. June 14. The Second Clr. ult

    Court haa been in aeaalon all the weekKt f th Day.with the exception of the two holidays

    Ready Made Clothing for Boys and GirlsRead these items carefully, they are special inducement for this

    week only. . .

    BOYS' BEUATTA 8UIT8 neatly triasmed and finished, guaranteedfaPt colore. Prices 81 50 to $3 00. . .

    The Mother's FrieII bots knee wash pants Prices and.PATEWT SHIRT WAIST.,

    on the 11th and 14th. The grand juryaVs nr opna at Orpheuma. m Regular Pi Ilia

    A first la attua'Tiokwaa discharged by Judge Kalua on theth. They brought in thirteen true bill

    and recommended that a man be at.i- -Uooed at the railroad crossin nearthe Walluku Sugar Co.'a mill to warnpeople of the approach of sugar trains.and also suggested that the high flumeORIENTAL BAZAAR which crosses the road in the vicinityof the mill should be covered to prevent pieces of cane from falling upon

    goods that defy compeuuen. rure tinea pauie,sisea from 4 to 15. 45c per pair.

    FAST COLOR WASH PANTS Reliablematerial and strongly made. 40c per pair.

    WHITE DUCK KNEE PANTS All sizes andstrong" y made. 35c per pair

    the brads of passers-b- y. Both theflume and the railroad crossing arethought to be places of danger to thepublic. The trial Jury probably hasstill two weeks' work ahead of it.


    All Maui people who have sportingblood In their veins are rejoicing because of the overwhelming victory of

    aBjja.. assortment a1 8ize3, white and colsredT Matter Prttnd ar ar raliiHjr".k h. ..c r ..o. n.awM, GIRLS RE4DT HAVE DRESSES New stock just opened. CeaaeMa rjSjBSMSl teU. wici U iMtif UM

    aS aSaS SS) wit m ill il tteteoaaaai' . ,mi. in ten. mutormtty m and see toem. . . .the Maui Athletic Association nine over

    We are Importers of thefinest and richest goods manu-factured in the Orient. Theyare too numerous to mentionhere, bat call at oar store andHow us te show you through

    each department. Our KaraBronses are the finest moneycan bay, the same may also be-- aid of oar Silks, Linens andEmbroideries.

    Every steamer brings us newdesigns sod attractive goods.

    BBo at baseball at Wella' Park on Ka- -mehameha day. The score of 18 to 2 fan C tte. iBwria "aaajaj iri4jtells the story of bow much Hllo wasoutplayed by Walluku. During theninth Inning Cornwell of the M. A. A.'a,at first base, while leaping up to catch

    hie-- ball, was bowled over Dy ir.cbase runner and badly injured at the PACIFIC IMPORT CO.

    MODEL BLOCK. FORT STREEThip. If it had not been for acci-.i- m

    the aeore would have been oneless for Hllo

    As this game was the only cclebra-i...- r,.. th nth in Central Maul, a

    Kreat crowd of people aasembled at "Wells' Park, fllllnic the grana stana wver flowing.

    Bax S2.I. o. FLEUR-DE-LI- STeleshaae Main 3.66-7- 2 King Street, corner of Smith. Ice Cream Parlors

    Alakea St.. between King and HoteLG. E-- MORSE A COMPANY .

    PHONE BLUB 181.

    After the game a fine luau was gienty the Athletic Association to the Hllooaseballlsts at the residence of T. B.Lyons. During the feast, at whichmore than 100 guests were present,speeches were made by I M. Baldwin,- of M. V A.: by Captain W.11 t'ornwell. Jr.. and by Messrs. Brownind Raston of Hllo. During the sameday. at Lahalna. the Morning Stars ofWalluku defeated the Lahalna nine by

    HawaiianJapanese Ballasting Co.

    OMce:ISIS Smith St.. near King.

    FMling in material either earth orcoral, furnished at a very low price,as w have a large stock en hand.


    closing exercises on Wednesday, theISth.

    Baa. H. P. Baldwin will be presentat the wedding of his son Arthur,which will take place on the 17th, atGlenville. O.

    Dr. Ft. L Boote of Walluku Is recov-ering from his Illness.

    Iftsa Maria Forbes of Honolulu Is vls-Itln- irher cousin. Mrs. W. O. Aiken, of

    Makawao.A most brilliant afterglow was wit-

    nessed during the evening of the 10th.John Fleming of Alexander & Bald-

    win of Honolulu made a flying visit tohis parents at Grove Banoh on the Tth.

    tWather Very" warm. v.ilcanic.winds, light and southerly; the ther-mometer registered 96 degrees in tnehade at Pala Plantation office during

    the ?tb.

    a score of 18 to 12.Though the Hllo people are desiroush.vinr a Walluku nine visit Hllo on

    July 4. the Walluku athletes prefer a CONCRETE WORK guaranteed, anddone at a very low price.

    Our wagon will deliver ardvrspromptly without extra charge.

    Special attention given ta supplyingReceptions. Parties, Weddlags andChurch Gatherings.

    Wing Wo Chan & Co

    The Wines of Hsti3 COXaOST-Z- "

    Who owa end conduct the

    Lr.t Vlneiy-- rd In WorldHire done more to make California famous than any other


    in the State.

    rontest on their home grounas wnnsome crack Honolulu club. They havei. m a Una ground, a new grandstand,and are playing "good ball." and nat-urally wish to contest with some of the

    BLACK AND WHITE SANK said,from 1.5S ta $1.75 per cubic yard, de-livered.

    Soecial law ark-- e ta CRU3HMD ,skilful players of the capital. There lareason to believe that a Sluui nine miRiuwin the baseball championship of the ROCK mt all grades frem Na. 1 f N

    5. ar rack sand.EIGHTEEN HEADTerritory.OF COMMON DRAT. $ per day.

    LA ROB DRAT. Si M per day.

    MAKAWAO LITERARY SOCIETY.The June meeting of the Makawao

    Literary Society will take place Fri-day evening, the 30th. at the residence

    ofThe wonderful

    Tl WINES or Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hair. Hamaku-apoko- .The operetta. "Barber of Bath."JSoay Farnltara,

    Cigars and Tobaasas,Caineae and Japanese Taa.

    Crockery. Mattings, W.Vases, Campbarwood Trwhka,

    Bat tan Chairs.


    US-i- ll Nnuaaa Straat.

    will be given again.MAUI'S FAIR COMMITTEE.

    The selection of Messrs. A. X. Ke--

    m il Driving hgisbsTo arrive per "S. C. Allen." due on or

    bout the loth.


    Honolulu Iron Works Co.;8TEAM ENGINK8

    BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, COOL-ERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGSand machinery of every dascrlptlosmade to order. Particular attentionpaid to ship's blscksmlthlng. Job workexecuted on shortest notice.

    poikaL D. D. Baldwin and R. J. eanas a committee to hav- - charge of Maulexhibits to the Louisiana Purchase Ex-position Is decidedly a good one. A.

    Dally Advertiser, delivered by carrierto any part of the city for 7i cents amonth.

    PURITY AND EXCELLENCE OF1. do. to their UNIFORMITY,QUALITY. All varieties are bottled for family use and

    are justly

    acknowledged to be the

    Best Table Wlnetand Cafes of the world.HotelsAre served in all the leadingSwiss ss Colony Labol

    On each bottle guarantees the quality. Tradesupplied

    by following jobbers:

    N Kepolkal Is the attorney tor tne n.C. A B. Co. and can well represent theauraa Interests. D. D. Balwdln Is the




    owner of the largest pineapple plan-tation on the island and An authorityIn educational matters and on Hawa-iian land shells and ferns, and R. C.Searle Is a partner in the largest coffeeplantation on Maul and the manager ofan extensive cattle ranch as welL Thusare moat of the local enterprises wellrepresented.

    MISCELLANEOUS.Saturday night, the Tth. at Pata. and

    Tuesday night, the 10th. at Hamakua-noko- .the Indian Jugglers, Mahomet

    Khan and his brother, gave exhibitions,.; their sk::i : large audience. Theaetwo Hindoos have visited Manila. Ja-pan and various places In Hawaii, andare now on their way to the mainland.

    Uy Wednesday's steamer Mr. andUrn W . Smith and U. 8. DistrictAttorney Breckons arrived on Maul andhave been the guests of H. A. Baldwinof Hamakuapoko. Mr. Smith returned... Honolulu per Mauna Loa on Friday.

    The evening of the 11th an "at home"aa given by Mr. C. B. Wells at his

    Walluku residence. A large number ofWalluku and Kahulul people were pres-ent and much enjoyed dancing on thenew lanal.

    Miss Cora Culbert of California Isvisiting her sister. Mrs. T. M. Churchof Kahulul. She Is the twin sister ofMiss Carsey Culbert.

    Today Mr and Mrs. J. L Zumwaltand four children depart for Honolulu.Intending to take the Sonoma for the('oast. Mr. Zumwalt will engage In

    hoslnes In California.


    aa S a Saa AH H 0 . a IfA ti Ma a a A A A AThe Trustees of the Oahn College offer for sale at very low

    prices, and on

    VERY FAVORABLE TERMS(One-thir- d cash; one-thir- d one year; one-thir- d two years' time,

    wita interest at 6 per cent per annnm) some very choice lotsat College Hills. The

    RAPID TRANSITCompany performs a twenty minute service through the property;the College has provided a splendid and abundant supply of artesianwater reaching over the entire tract and the charges are reasonable.


    and is entirely free from objectionable surroundings. No saloons,wa3h booses, ivery stables poi shops and other nuisances of likecharacter are allowed, and by all means is the most attractivesuburban district near Honolulu.

    a m m 11 a 1 J

    Hardware, Glassware,Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc.WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

    Call and Inspect onr Complete Lines.

    Grand Sale of FansAT OUR

    that sailedBy the steamer Tamplco.from Kahulul on the i:th. Mr and MrsWilliam Coffee and two children or

    I jilt its lifts departed for F--n Fra-

    ncis. They will Join Mr W J. Iow- -'rd Mr JohnRico. r- -rle In Portoj Perot" were also passengers by thTamplco.

    '. Last evening the Makawao DebatingHociety discussed the question. "Re-.v- H

    That the I.eper SettlementTTZ2 Institution."nw.,lnf m Pedera1

    .,offerel for afrw days. Keepcool

    PArmn in I 'ots i this oalitv wll be anie to BBoure run pamcniar in regrua A 1 a 1 Atin kit plyin? "a:, 'r. i;- - U-B- o or Jir. uvin i iiii' our." au woA Special 25c Fan

    this hot weatherLO rnse waa vj --of the Trustees, No. 404 Jndd r.uildmg P. C. JONES, Treasurer.

    Tlione Main 107.ITS Hotel Street. The Maunaolu Seminary I t.


    SSL?"Sfe ZSl ttlSX Old as the Pyramidsaccordance with the spirit of Trpsl- -chore she to an acrobatic and graceful And as little changed by the ages.

    oiiiierclil Adfcrtlscr little lady with a full share of the ood gQfyl than which no disease,i.mMU mat rnaraiitTiM 1111 inmuum- - ,lon7 gare Consumption, is responsibleHarry Coalll proved himself a clever Jqj. a larger mortality, and Con-an- d

    versatile comedian and singer of

    handled Mt9 per day. "What a hame.aald the Cnlraso "Jurist." "that menwho handle each lars wmi of mwyrtmuld set no little! I don't blame themfor stealing. I'd teal myself If I were

    in their place- .- When Chicago getotired of thto judicial freak or his recorddrives bhn out. he should come to Ha-waii and Join our own Success to Crimejudiciary Believing that honesty to aquestion of income be would And thingsBOt uncongenial in a place where It tocalled a qn tloo of age.

    niirth-Drov.kl- ns ditties. As a lirht maw 10 i latgwwMi,JCSK VMOWDAT .It affects the glands, the mucousHUWdAL ABUSES.

    comedian Indeed bis merits are of ablah order and unforced in theirmethod. 1

    He was well assisted by the qfartelwho completed the cast of the' littlernmnlv u hlch ended the tlrnt part of

    membranes, tissues and bones;causes bunches in the neck, ca-tarrhal troubles, rickets, inflamed

    nl la Bit urtmAovrVM political

    the program and left the audience in eyelids, sore ears, cutaneous erup--Am ar tow nil of anyr, trr which ha not Had their a- -

    m n a. rt !h:uh rtwi numor. Aaann.i 1 aririu.

    4 rial rottorryb town rorv--.. .i.t. In All m




    JAS. E. PEPPEH & CO.

    F stab! i shed 1780Distilled under the Sit&e formula for over hondre4 years


    When the Rapid Transit cars reachthe Walkik! turn, people coming


    from the bach on the tram, can enanseto the trolley and et to the businesscenter in half the usual time and at noextra coat. The only way Pain canmeet this competition aa to expense to

    by giving nee coat fare from Kaplo-lan- iPark to King street.

    tdons, etc.I suffered from scrofula, the disease af-

    fecting the glands of my neck. I did every-thing I was told to do to eradicate it. butwithout success. I then began takingHood's SarMparilla, and the swelling In myDeck entirely disappeared and my skin re-sumed s smooth, healthy appearance. Thecure was complete." Miss Aita Mitchell,915 Scott St.. Covington. Ky.

    with a arareful flRure that drew rortnsincere If vlg-orou- s encomiums from thegallery of the race night crowd, showedher easy mastery of the trapeze, heract being especially effective In poseand cleverness after the trapeze hadbeen cast aalde for a rope held as tautas might be In the hands of an assist-ant.

    Mate Aries? showed undoubted dra-matic vigor and ability In the sketchof "The I took In Agent." played in con- -

    flUeamaa who buln . Ik thai.f Tammany Mall, to mlaaweraron

    far aoar. Morally toot a ruV- - !Sot-- optacl U Uto cla. ar ihV ta



    aad ood cltlsen. outb aoorcnlil and wit. Payment of bounties

    on beet sugarbaa been discontinued by Germany.B9 ll

    Hood's Sarsaparillaand Pills

    Thoroughly eradicate scrofula andA moC make pultun Junction with Harry CogUL Dave faa- -that power having ratified the programinr typical Tbe effect ton danced and sang himself Into lm- -the 11m it - confi-rilW- iiiw ar kiiMr i.M'Ui iriiv w.m xrvinaur. -KI la f thia Imoortant move uponthat llw mlllt la ar alwai tare, voice and makeup, disclosing ui tmua up toe yystem umi nas sui-re- al

    Sracefulneas Hoagagiaa cos- - fram iu,im w ikt racaiar prlc here will barea healthful Influ

    eiw oa the marketYork hoa of tnhrmak l U III e no - ' ' 7 M r v , r. . ;ton. too. might have felt more at homexo volsaae to less) llketf 10 bl I.k Jl.,.nl nr, tlMlr.lll.in

    'a ! m'ot ' f JTrvBT . i ft.-joU- .rtir" t ajsja. the JuaatiMT with every-- !It baad tbaahat. of Hawutar th accmmonmi delighted aa audience aJ- -, man vesta an'i Saures that the dsy obiecta.--ara rn rl in alaeed by dsai'iss ana no reaay irnini'miw in pam int'i'mn.;' LOVEJOY & CO.Sol Ltasbnbatort fr th Territory of HnwaiL

    Altro wasI concert of actio ard kM 0f Krawatoa nr .w ihi in'cataatropbe lih Everybodyr.perhaps, bnt khifeaedlv aa aaeelIbleMartknKtaa Jact wgs a Haiahed performaac and la,w.r Bat alw.fOow lttoo a '- . tral..a. a rmti

    1 u -trusts could .R.ik th beet aad l- - -'st .) I'" Rnse Agulnaldo esfled the"bm'.

    ber lithe body into Impossible hutlei-

    he easile 1 sabsa be -- mpTWrllygaira abamw taev wa

    sjaa preaatary aaiwissualways graceful combinations and'ahowiag unexpeoted strength In slender!arms Contortionist, or "marvellous

    ntrotioslst. aa th program has it.I.- - hardly the term for this oxceedlngly

    name aaw oot10 gr wmm taew toa. w'"aBve aag. per hap, honest per- -

    iboild tale t

    Malt Tonictkeie days for that

    tired feelingPhysician- - recommend

    d. sa utuir for and gt a propertywhUfh aajoaJiacatloa only oy.V, aa

    El-Princ- ipe

    De Gales

    latg the mar-ka- tting ihe isreiaai.prodiiiifrea of duby Mxj o to ready to

    ship ta tbe aeaf aad raaada the coal

    Antl-e-xpaaato- w saay be the nextDemocratic alogaa Any reference toThomas Jefferson, the Oetend

    maul-feat- o

    aad tbe Mexican war will markthe speaker a a baa Republican

    Torto Rico will, help Hawaii la thecoffee fight That la good. Porto Rico.It will be sbserved. to much more

    ta have with u tbaa PortoRlcaaa.

    ( add aafeguard of good gwr-S- olong aa those who want

    r bandbog and spending the

    limber demelselle. Her performancewaa marked by a grace and refinementeldom seen In such exhibitions. B-

    izarre aa It may sound, the young lady,wba to most prepossessing In appear-aac- e.

    concluded- - bar own act and thentire performance by gracefully sit-ting upon ber own head and balancingth weight of her body by her teeth.Th sinuous tody to distinctively a fea-tur- e

    af-t- be show which I well wortha visit. ALLAN DUNN.

    f the taxpayers have as much. . . ...,. 1..ear tSnui maaina "- -

    I rale aa rrapojm,vj " JOMl aaki If one Democratic leader pay $ foraetsse Against a tow by whichwho sapper 1ha, er ahall have a heifer, would tba starling of a dairyby a baaa faratofe a clue to he--say sa la haw H eaaU be spent

    be Tammany campaign The Standard for Over Half a Centurybe raiaed a- - - moM mtaalngfund.

    While photography seems to offermuch la topographic surveys, it is alittle surprising to And the tailor re-sorting to It- - By the process of M.Fran Dblesal. th persos to be meas-ured to photographed In several posi-tion behind a network, the squares ofthto network on the picture giving thtstlor the data necessary for drafting asuit of clothe.

    .vaa e.--aMn"- - ward wbb-b-. like

    la often the last refuge of artoaca of the Tae Souther paper are arh a

    unit agalnat tba water cur aa to in--

    . a W iV... willMooted ffgatsa to comfr.gslowly to tne

    spire th pieaamg Bnp -not the lynching cure.yet eocawsaa

    rwrtato) that the only Americanismwortb baviag Sa patitlca hi the kind

    H Sj pyadsxea honest and econdaslaalass sat.

    Saturday afternoon the local crlak- -afera mat na tba kfaklkl fntany friend by aCuba win not prastlce.

    trie faMur la tae



    general anxnaaty to American criminalsRatbboa. Meaty. al Mem 10 be fairIv well planed a they are

    ttea of the country recetvs

    Imperial Cigar StoreFORT STREET

    Distributing Agentstaaa sacreaae Twa latent oaa to AUCTION SLE UNDER

    FORECLCbURE !iSrn i th- - rport ox use aranaa beea iavsatigaUag ofat ffa. Loato aad hfi

    bg the tadlctaaent of fournra Oatrbebi from

    ssaawswasdd1 wBimm 1

    are aa feftowa:be rsgaaBIt it a aon intoxicant.sparkling and highly

    Vkdht akar aaag have beea aorrup-W- ssaber eMiea aa great as we

    haV baaa rwx a a place in the world.f 4 M tlsse known to history hartt --orraptlow been uncov- - oncntrale(i nquiaExtract of Halt a d HopsMg I ha ei ln Sttown SO BSBB1 Motive Powera 1 un Watand Tneae

    NgdflCB IB HBRBBT OIVBN THATta d signed, manager of th Terrl-bar- p

    Stabtss Company. Limited, will onbe bad dag of July. 103. at IB o'clockasaa ssoas ts be ssld at public tut-tie- s

    fsr ah. at th auotion mono ofJUa. F. Morgan. Na Queen street,Honolulu. Oahu, two bright bay horses,for the payment of the charge andexpense of feeding and sheltering saidhorses and of the advertising and salethereof, the Star Soda Water WorksCompany. Limited, having failed to pay-sai- d

    charges within thirty days afterdemand therefor.

    J. C. QUINN.Manager Territory Stable v., i.td.mi

    NOTU E 10 Milt- - 1'hl.S.

    Invaluable FOR


    attea-aegU- l ajovcbtaatloa Makeaad at the Orpha

    4 a ijia m-- 'r satlsfaetary prgramas glee at tba Orpheurn oa Saturday

    evening by the awttoa-Cogl- ll CompanyThere waa a dtottactlvety Kngitoh rau-- a

    hall Savor t it ad Ihe ftia wsboisterous at time, but it waa all veryclever and amusing. The only weakpart of the entertainment. Indeed, layin the ore beat ra. and that will doubt-lea- s

    have improved after one evening'practical rehearsal.

    The audience was a trifle apatheticat the start, but the merriment startedup with Cogiir appearance in theOalely Olrto" and "Khaki" melted the

    final reserve. Annie Taerr.a. petite andpretty, performed In clean, artisticrawfcSoa some difficult feats on the tightwire. Introduc'ng a novelty In the shapeof an aerial wheel. Lena Harvey, pe-tite and pretty and blonde, sang Inpleasing style several little ballads andplayed cleverly tbe role of Violet Win-some, one of the two gaiety girls. DellsRoes, a clever little danseuse. would

    to nursing mothers, convales-cent, dyspeptics, week chil-dren, etc., etc. Machine

    have been so appalling aaWrdatloa beyond belief, and it willbe year before the extent of the dls-twver- iea

    ft fatly realised.If the affalru of St-- Louis had been

    p nastily administered for the paat flf-tev-years, and if all ofTWr had bssn

    baweat. there would today be enoughaa --y fca the treaaury to put publicaadMaagp ta repair, pave streets thatage smsjs an paved, make sewers that areaow unmade, and build new buildingsmm raaob needed. Th high tax rat- -,

    u- - -ti - ' - onditlon of public inatl-lutUs- wl the depleted state of the city

    : r --aaury are aa heritage left by offlclalewb have prove traitors to the interata f the people and have trafficked

    taHr votea, influence and official ac-iKs-to the ii'a detriment.

    Tbasa diacloaurea make plain that the




    25o Per BottleDriving

    aaaCliTaBawataV "s.

    aaap Vra or at. ieuia nave win -..- -Sa)yaad pttileasly outraged for year a.

    Anyone operating machinery by power other than electrictynt using the beat methods. We are prepared to demonstrate

    iu ."i both by figures and refrence of those now using electrici-ty the economy and advisability of getting power from us.

    Will you 'phone us or let us know in some manner where tofind you we will send an expert to figure with you or call atthe office if you wish.

    ' k rr - 'hey nave pa in ie' tala

    SHIPPBRS OF FREIGHT BTsteamer f th Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Company. Ltd.. are herebynotified that a new form of snipping re-ceipt baa been adopted by th companyto go Into effect at on.

    Pielsht will b accepted, however, onthe old form of receipt up to October1st. IBM. after which date freight willbe received only on the new form ofreceipt, a copy of which can be seen attbe office of th Company, Queen street.


    .B1B1 J. BNA. President.

    squandered, liisfaan or ueing

    HollisterDrug Co.



    ,1 fnr th- - ouMic welfare l n 1- -been felanloualy dlaalpai-- d. : l haM

    s Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.King Street near Alakea. Tel. Main 300.

    t 1 a (1y crrupt nmc.ais wno negrow a opulent on small aalarlea

    It hi In evidence before ua that a tor-see- ruuslsslnr of the city of St. IjuIx.

    wba waa afterward mayor, received In-terest on public funds for his own pri-vate account. The sum so received waasaanathlng over tM.tSB. which with at

    to date would amount to aboutSMtiia An- - possible- - criminal bargeartelng out of tbla conduct baa beenbarred by the statute of limitation,which, unfortunately, to three year.Tbe civil action to recover the money,however, can atlll be brought and weunderstand waa Instituted. The secre-tary f the last mayor made a practice


    WE 8UPPL.T COOKS. WAITERS,yard boys, help for housework and daywork; carpenters for contractors, cooksand boys for marine service.

    WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD

    Win. O- - Irwin .President and ManagerClau 8preckel8....Ftrat Vice-Preside- ntW. M. Glffard... Second Vice-Preside- ntH. M. Wbltney Jr... Treasurer and Sec.Gaorr W. Row Auditor


    Commission Agents

    NOTICEThey Canft standfc'vcrythtns:of selling permit and extorting m-.ne-

    fines in criminalfor remittances ofSmoke

    AmericanTh. irt.-- r ..f the afg mgm ! 'h

    ANT WOMAN OR OTRL NEEDINGM lp or advice, to Invited to commu-i.lcate- .

    either In person or by letter,s-lt- Ensign Hattle E. Larrabee. raa-'ro- n

    of the Salvation Army Woman'Industrial Home, 48 King street, Ho

    Those tired eye of your alii standlots of aha, yet there to a limit totheir patience and their powers. nolulu.

    Tou may worry along for quite aAGENTS FOR THE

    Oceanic Steamship CompanyOf San Francisco. Cal.


    while, but there will come a time whenyou will regret your present Indiffer- -en. e

    Come to ua We will put you rightand your ryes at esse, and that at moderate coat. Plans and Estimates furnished fsr all

    elaases of Contracting Work.Boston Block. Honolulu.

    a member of the aaw-mbl- y or city of-Sei-ahall be interested, directly or In-

    directly, in city contract or furnishingawpplie to the city. The beneficent towfca. we and. moat grossly violated bymember of th municipal assembly.

    It i an old story, it baa be-- m toldver and over again in New York.

    Brooklyn. Chicago. Philadelphia. Bos-ton, t'tnrlnnati. New Weans. Denverad San Francisco, to aay not bins of

    smaller place, and until radl.-.i- l lesls-bxta- Bta bad. tba municipality must re-

    main the favorite hunting ground of po-litical raacato and the lower the tone

    f '.be electorate the more such bandltawOi thrive.

    It fca a rather curio ua fact that the.iien of Hawaii have never taken kind-ly to helmet hata Btoewhere In thetropic such headgear is in commonuae There is 00 more comfortable,aightly and aaaltary bat in the marketthan the helmet and the price la fSsV-ssaab- te.

    One special advantage Is Intbe benefit tbe eye set from tbe greenMains of the visor and another to the

    A. N. Sanford,Manufacturing Optician.

    Boston Building. Fort 8trt.ver My St Co.


    A Wrought IronHitching Po?t.


    Mortgage Loans

    We shall be pie: 8sl toapplications for loans

    upon choice business r resi-dence real estate security.

    In the scruHny of such ap-plications the following pointwill receive consideration :

    1st -- The borrower.2nd The Security as t

    Title, Improvements. Marginof Protection, etc

    The amount applied for mustnot be Rreater than 50 percent of the value of the secu-rit- v

    coiiserv lively estimated.

    aa CMiCMCBTgna ENGLISHpillsV une aaa o i j i..mhf..1 pi laaiaW--r .kTNaarx. iwp m- flllt IlI.-TKI- C-. IN(.I1M!ai Uia M1.1K ia aaaaa1 safiv " ai.naaMvtrtWM TaLr ikrr Befaaa

    1 NMUaliM. a4 Italia

    For sale hy

    J. C. Axtell,898 Berttania Street.Ph me Blue 571

    P. O. Box 842

    ara MalL. IS.SeS ThiiiiiiIi ft. 1 ,,Prate". Okkwur Ckt-aalra- l ELI'll! I A . frood effe. t anon th.- - hair of the airsp e in the Town st

    Henry Waterhoose A Conip'y.New Territory RestaurantJudge flear. who aald from the bench

    'hat be would have stolen money him INI IRON WORKSIC. Q. YEE HOP & CO

    vUUKIM I MEAT MARKETkm4 Ororary.


    JUST OPENED!'.( k. Bond. Insurance and

    Real Estate Brkers.FORT AND MERCHANT STSTeL Mata 313.

    self at tbe age of thirteen baa an Im-itator In Judge Dunne of hicg Itwaa up to Dunne the other day to sen -

    W THB NEW BT7ILDWG OPPOSITKMechanical and Hydraulic Engineers

    EZ. t. JONES, AgentH1asaSBB atah.

    er. - 4 mber.aitue tr who. an HONOLULUIt. 14 tlStsest. BSaaai Alake. Spreeke'.s' Buildingsalary of tU per v.-- ek aorr.-tlm- ea a Ben ssu.' ii '


    8Y AUTHORITY.I m prl nt S taadaFor j Q u alityKcad what - - --

    Mr. Paul Isenben says:



    Waimea Makes theHoliday a


    Honolulu, T. H., April 22nd, 1902.Pacific Hardware Ca., Ltd., Honolulu, T. H.

    J;1-- 1 of the horn-fl- y Pt In my hard of milchcowa naa bean a cause of aerioua apprehension to me, both on account of theconsequent deterioration in the condition of the cattle and the reduced pro-duction of milk. I am p aaaed to Inform you that the apphcation of the

    ifl7 1 purchased from on a few days since, has alreadyreeuited in a decided improvement in the condition of the cattle, as well aa anincrease of 20 per cent in the quantity of the milk produced, before the appli-cation of the Kilfly. Very truly youra, Paul R. Iskbkko.

    So-Bos-- So Kilfly Is a Liquid Mixturedeirned to protect cowa and horses from torture of flies. The preparation is posi-tively harmless. It ta aaad with splendid results aa a disinfectant and germicide.The Electric Sprayer discharges the 8o-Boe---o (Kilfly) in a fine, broad spray.From 80 to 60 oawa a a be sprayed in a few moments. The Electric sprayer is de-laafca- bla

    and tfcaa mmj be thoroughly cleaned. ,If "your ammak are arauhTad with lice, us Ho-Bos- Po XKiifly). It kjoocks themout. Spray yor aamlU haose with 8o-Bos-- (KWSfi- - " Kce or nnrersain that may lafeet the fowls. Sufferera from the Horn Fly should give Kilflya UiaL Wa axa sale agawts far the Territory of HawaiL

    Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.i -

    Pure Cane Sugar Only!i SomethingNew--


    Used in the man o facta ie of the high

    grade and popular products of the o:d

    reliable :

    CONSOLIDATEDSoda Water Works,


    Under and by elrtue of a certain ex-ecution Issued out of the Circuit Courtof the First Circuit of the Territoryof Hawaii, on the tth day of April.A. D. 1M2. in the matter of the Hono-lulu Stock Yards Company. Limited, acorporation, plaintiff, vs. W. C. Aebi.defendant. I bare, on this 6th day ofJune. A. D. 1902. levied upon and shallexpose for sale and sell at public au-tio- n

    to the highest bidders, at the Po-lice Station. Kalakaua Hale, in Hono-lulu. Island of Oahu. Territory of Ha-waii, at 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday,the 8th day of July. A. D. 190S. all theright, title and Interest of said de-fendant. W. C. Achl. In and to the fal-lowing described property, unless theJudgment and costs of execution,smounting to five hundred and fifty-nin- e

    and 00 dollars. Interest, costsand my expenses are previously paid:

    1 All that certain piece or parcel ofland situated st Kewalo. Honolulu.Oahu. describe In Royal Patent 571S.Land Commission Award No. 10605 to jKamakee Pilkot. conveyed to said W.C. Achl by deed of George N. Wilcox,dated December 15th. A. D. 1899. andrecorded in the Registry Office in saidHonolulu, in Liber J00. Page 337. SubJect to the mortgage made by satd W;fC. Achl' to Chaee M. Cooke. Ltd..dated December 18. A. D. 18. and re-corded In said Registry Office In Libert04. Page St.

    2 -- AM that certain piece or parcel ofland situated at Mokauea, Kallhl.Kona. Oahu. known as "KalulanlTract." containing an area of 154acres, and being a part of the prem-ises described as Apana I of LandCommission Award 8450. Royal Patent2509 to Kaunuohua for Moehonua, andthat being the same premises conveyedto said W. C. Achl by Kapiolani Es-tate Limited, by deed dated Octobertrd. A. D. 1899. and recorded in saidregistry office in Liber 200. Page 115.Subject to the mortgage made by saidW. C. Achl to W. R Castle, datedOctober 4th. A. D. 1899. and recordedIn said Registry Office id Liber 198.Page 878. and by said W. R. Castle toBank of Hawaii, Ltd., by assignmentof mortgage, dated October 5th. A. D.1S9S. and recorded In said RegistryOffice In Liber 194, Page S76.

    S All those certain pieces of landsituated at Mokauea. Kallhl, Kona,Oahu. conveyed to said W. C. Achl bydeed of Kapiolani Ketate. Limited,dated February 5th. A. D. 1901. and ed

    In said Registry Office in Liberttl. Page S4S, now known as "Kapio-lani Tract." and more particularly de-scribed aa follows:

    1st Containing 16S.2 acres, being apart of Apana 1 of Land CommissionAward Ho. S4SS to Kaunuohus for Moe-konu- a.

    tnd Loko of Pakounui and Kula. 28acres of fish pond (Loko) and 10.7 acresof dry land (Kula). being part of Apa-na 1 of Land Commission Award No.MM to Kaunuohua for Moehonua.

    trd The Loko of Pohouikl, containi-ng; 18.8 acrea, part of Apana 1 of LandCommission Award S4M to Kaunuohuafor Moehonua.

    8th Portion ef great S420. contain-ing 1.7 aurea.

    Cth A aot-Ue- n of the Kula of Anano-ho- .containing 6 5 acres.

    8th All that portion of the land con-veyed by deed of Mary Auld and W-Aul-

    to Kapiolani In Liber 172. Page841. and containing 1.88 acres and 0.67acres.

    Subject to mortgage made by saidW. O. Achl and wife. Mary Achi. toKapiolani Kstate. Limited, dated Feb-ruary SUa, A. D. 1901. for 8300.000. andrecorded In said Registry Office in Li-ber 221. Page M.

    CHAS. P. CHILLINQWORT1I.Deputy Sheriff, Ter. of Hawaii.

    Honolulu. Oahu.6189 June 7. 18. 14. July 1. 8.


    IN ACCORDANCH WITH THE PRO-rislon- sof a certain mortgage made by

    J. W. Kaikainahaole of Honolulu.Oahu. and Koolau Kaikainahaole. hiswife, to Samuel C. Allen of said Honolulu, dated May 4th, l5. recoraea inh nffln nt the Registrar of Convey

    ances, Honolulu, Oahu, In Liber 153,pages 171. 172 and 173. notice is nereoygiven that the mortgagee intends tofiru-in- u th &nm for condition broken, to wit. tbe non-payme- nt of principal ana interest.

    Notice Is likewise given that afterthe expiration of three consecutiveweeks from the date of the publicationof this notice, the mortgagee named insaid mortgage intends to and will fore-close said mortgage and will advertisefor sale the property covered and con-veyed therein and will sell the same atpublic auction at the auction rooms ofJas F. Morgan in Honolulu on Satur-day, the 28th day of June. A D., 1902.at twelve o'clock noon of said day.

    Following Is the description of saidproperty:

    All of that piece or parcel of land sit-uated at Kawalahao. Oahu. Territoryof Hawaii, being Royal Patent 692.Land Commissioners Aarabounded and described as follows:

    Commencing at the Junction of Ka-walahao Cemetery and these premises,thence:3. 4$ 30' E. 3 chains 35 8-- ft. to a nar-

    row lane on the makal side, thenceN. 63 00' E. 2 chains 52 10-1- 2 ft. (a nar-

    row lane also runs along this bound-ary) to the N. E. corner, thence:

    N. 40 00' W. 4 chains, to aforesaidcemetery, thence

    S. 52 Otr W. 3 chains. 6 -- 12 ft., alongsaid cemetery to Initial point.Containing In all one (1) acre, 90

    square yards. 27 square feet, more orless, together with the tenements, her-editaments, rights, privileges and ap-purtenances to the same belonging.

    Further particulars can be had ofKinney. Ballou A McClanahan. JuddBuilding. Honolulu. Territory of Ha- -

    rWted. Honolulu. T. H.. May 30. A. D.1902.

    S. C. ALLEN.82 Mortgagee.


    UNTIL Ft'RTHER NOTICE. THEregular monthly meetings of the Hoo-ul- u

    and Hools. Lahui will be discontin-ued aa ordered by the meeting of thetoeietr held in Honolulu on June 10.

    902 MRS. M. REIS.gjgf Secretary.


    Flo pasturage close to Honolulu. 300

    acre rua; for terms, etc . apply to

    room i Stangenwald building. M95



    Work-s- 601 Fort 8t. Telephone Main 71.

    Pr. mpt delivery anywhere in the city and Waikiki.

    m m

    m wedding,Reception,Society Note Paper


    High Grade Tablets

    We srs showing Me a

    extended line ef

    snre lopes to atatoh. ate --

    tylss of which we sag

    rour Inspection, lug seeIng and printing seaaekshort noUes, Wt. e ssr t. .

    ' ; S ISsamples and prleos. irmti

    Thos. G. Thrum,Boasts.

    You can't expect halfstarved hair to grow.

    Growth demands Food.

    Feed your hair with

    Pacheco'sDandruff '. Kilter

    Sold by all druggiststhe Union Barber Shop.

    Tel. Main 232.

    Bo for tbe Mountains or

    tbe Seaside

    vacation is WereWe farnifh GROCERY


    For two persons camping teadays: or, for three personscamping ten days; or, for fourpersons camping one week; orfur four persons camping tedays,

    $20 OOTHE GKOCERS- -

    LEWIS & CO.20 Two Telephones 240

    1060 FORT STREET.

    All KindsOf FineVarnishes

    We carry a complete stock ofinterior, exterior and carriage fvarnishes among which is

    SHIPOLEUMIt stands heat and moistureremarkably, makes a beauti-ful interior finish, is veryelastic and never cracks.Applied like ordinary varnishDries in four hours.


    Fort Street.

    Merchant TailorsAND IMPORTERS

    nil 3"-aA3.aja.i- svmaara&Opposite eo Kin Near M-- Chiya

    Nwct to Corner Hotel sad Kuwaaa

    Suits Made to Order In the LatestStyles and a Coed Fit Guarantee

    Latest patterns and styles inTailors' Goods

    Clothes lliued and Reptird


    Rubber GoodsGoodyear Rubber Go.

    WL M. PMAAB, Present,mm rranelMo, Cat, Ci-J- k


    lo O tmtluc Uj Ware- -

    full leagtfcgtmtm mtrrmn la ta

    4eaa4 mmmr.h ru leagta

    it Wrses la takit tr.

    tip Mfrt ef ayy0U tm '4 U mj -

    mmI are aawot.UTKi.T Wfr

    Oar t rtorr jI I W- - taro t H--


    Ofititaea'i .ha legaw tbtaa to nu ifarm cor4pr.

    ShoeBlackingCases I

    SomiaJSHf et ana wa-- Xai ir as C ewe a sfcert fmm it was par for itassf. :A fall Ma --t UiSOlMVM.




    Range Men From Parker's DomainEnjoy Their Own Sports on

    Kamehameha Day.

    (Rpeclal to Tbe Ad vert leer.)WAIMKA. ajttb 12. -- The erea; Ha-- .altar. hollABkae duly celebrated at

    Waimea. JH0a wrth a race meet-ing. tfttbHbblR of the year. Wat-ma- a

    MtaT,wn tbe bl- - Parkerraoob. wVrre the flneat noraea and tbe"real" cowboys of Irlab and Americandcacent can be found. Tbe Jockeys intbe brilliant color of the LJndsey andPurdy clans compared faeorably wltbthe professionals on the Honol'ilu trackIn riding, taking advantage and usingstrong and expressive words in tbeEnglish-Hawaiia- n language spoken onall our local tracks. Colonel 8am Par-ker, the lord of the manor, was In Ho-nolulu and missed tbe fine exhibitionof the horses from his ranch. Tbeweather was calm and somewhat sultry, owing to tbe recent antics ofMadam Pele. and a Roodly crowd waapresent, evidently enjoying themselvesla true, noisy Hawaiian rashlom.

    The cowboys were on their good be-havior, owing to the strict temperancemiM of tbe ranch manaaesnent. andthe gathering bad the resemblance ofa Sunday school meeting, wnica wouiahave greatly surprised tbe progenitorsof the inhabitants of what once waa

    wild" Waimea. Tbe following Is theprogram:

    Race 1 Thomas Lindner's grey horsePrince defeated Sam Purdy'e buckeain,Hsnslei. Time. g7 seconds.

    Race S Bam Spencer's bay pony de-feated Dan Dart's grey mare Mary and8am Purdy's sorrel Claudlne. tbe lat-ter not getting steam op la tlmi.

    Race 8 The starters were ThomasLindsey's Keeonaula. Sam Purdy'sviitiimmoni. Georre Lindeer's Nkol,and J&mea Par Lindeer's Halekalewa.JCeaonaula waa a handsome winner la29 seconds and took the glory and thepurse.

    " Race 4 In this race tbe Llndseyfnmllv was well represented, tbe fol- -

    J lowing horses starting: Sam Purdy'sUalaklka. J. F. Landsey s waninenui.

    Vt-org- e L.indsey's Mlkllua and ThomasLlndacy's Uue. The last mentionawon. time 28 seconds, and the Llnd- -

    cl.iD cheevl with a will.The fifth race had four starters. Thy

    were J. T Undsey's Uapalloalll. W.Ht.noera Haunahl. Georee Llndsey's

    I Panaewa and Sam Purdy's Makce la--'and. Pax aewa won in zs seconaa. wno

    heard of "Makee Island" rsclng.anyhow?

    The starters In the sixth race hadnames which would make any ordinaryhorse weary. They were Kupele'sbrown Veu-o-ke-k- o. A Kaana's buck-skin Ulklnl-al-laa- u. Amo Koki's brownI'nknown. and W. Llndsey's sorrel JoeSnow. The "Indlan-who-eat-medicln-which in the translation of Kaana'shorse's name, gave the other starterstheir medicine and won In 17 seconds.

    The event closed with a match raceS a side, which was won by

    Thomas Llndsey's Prince In 2SV4 sec-onds. The real amount is omitted ascambllng Is strictly prohibited In Wai-mea.

    Aft-- r the meeting the crowd dlspers-- dTbe C laris gathered at Akona's ho-:- !.

    where s banquet was held, and dis-persed at a late hour after having cel-ebrated the eleventh In a true Hawa-iian fashion. A few of the boys whoobjected to Japanese "sports" in gen-eral, and to some of that race at thehotel especially, were accommodated bythe Sheriff with sleeping quarters ina publl.- - building until their excessive"steam" had evaporated.

    The exhibition of the horses at tbetr;i k shows the excellence of Hawaiianbred horses, which In size and speedare ep"clally adapted to the climateand to ranch work.



    Dr. Emerson and the turnkey of thepolice station spent most of the time

    morning before daylightpicking ut bird shot from the person

    f Becky Houghtaltlng. who was shotturlug the night by Ben Haaheo. wltb

    BBM hue been associated for some. : Kerky appeared at her home

    K in?.: :it.ut o'clock on SaturdayrVrniDfl in a hilarious mood, and BenHaaheo took offense at her manner.The "f the manor demanded thatthe mood be changed to one more seri-ous, and promised to do things If hiswishes were not obeyed. Becky did notfeel Inclined to yield and the outbreakcame.

    Haaheo got a shotgun and the In-mates of the hous.'. who were Becky'sson and a hante. proceeded to decamp.Before they had reached a place ofafety Ben began his bombardment and

    the bird shot scattered around thehouse as if they had come from a blun- -l. rbuss. Seven were stopped by BeckyIn her hips and thighs Her son caught

    -- hot In one of his fingers, and thehaole's big toe was nipped.

    The first Intimation the police hadof the affair was when Becky came totbe station and reported that ah wasfull of blrdshot. Dr. Emerson was sentfor and In a short time was at workpicking them out of her epidermis.

    Haaheo was traced from th- - house tothe end of the Rapid Transit line InManoa. and was captured while ridingMi ne of the ears.

    New Books!:o:

    New publication, Including Ikuixsiur nam on mmir. We fceet- - 11

    Tbe Keotoo. by W. D. Howell.A Double-Barrelle- d Dteli Kloty. by BJrk TwainThe Great Boer War. by Doyle.Mist re Urent. by Tfturetan.Tbe Pagan Cup. by Hume.Tbe Fervent", by Howard,oi l Farmer Alllmax. by let Hilling.Heeler Htair. by Win. Henry l owa

    ale of the Conquered, a.. IaWee.Ball or Log. by Kvana.Roek Haven, by Chaa. Mnnn.Ufe on tbe Mage, by CU atr r

    Many other new book too nunwreu- - : r.. i.i here.

    Hawaiian NewsMKRCHANT

    I J.Hopp&Co. jUAnnio rtnuflTUIUit .. DEALERS

    New Books!t Important book of recent


    Company, Ltd.BTI P.

    ... 1 t V Cm.

    Telephone Mam stw.vn " ''""- -

    to June 30.

    Castle & CookePreserve Film Negatives

    Your Braativaa bare coat you tiroa, troobla ami money, thea.afn . y .ravel. Howmajority you can never get

    to orererra these nefativea i a question eurcee.ully answeredKilm Negative lhum. Containsbr the introduction of Ea-tm- ..

    H O pockete all indexed Safe-- and you kt ow where to find any oneIndexed boxes and envelopesinst.iitly Com all mi ti'rofor the preservation of pl.te at wj 1 PncHonolulu Photo Supply Oo.Fort 8ireeL

    LIFE and FIRE

    Insurance Agents

    " -- "

    ,1 rf f ; Cecil r-- wr. 'r ' " . -"'ZZJZ'TtZ: H Atherton. ndltor: W H. Hooga. Treae- -aokvts ro




    orer and

    WHJMLAi:- - HETAH BALERS WFirewood, Stove, Steam. Blacksmith 3 Coal

    A. C Mmv Black and White SandSpecial AttentionPostponed

    Closing Ou-- t SalOoo Kim, 116Nuunu8t

    Pisa Stoek of Ora I inen JnstReceived.

    Slock and Bnod Broker.

    Real Estate and Insurance.

    403 Judd Btatidtrg.


    THI8 DAY.MUNICIPAL Auction Sale We Sell the

    GOVERNMENT Hold Furniture Finest Toilet SoapsON MONDAY. JUNE 16,

    Difficulties Which AT IS O'CLOCK A. M-- . There is not a popular brand we do not carry and weAt the. residence of Mrs. Oscar CLB. KERR 4 CO Lewis. No. 30 vineyard street, one always have a full stock. Hn-- e are some of the many kinds:house frem Nuuanu street. I will sellMust Be at Public Auction the entire household A foil line of Colgate's Perfumed Soaps, Cuticura Soap,furniture consisting of Pear's Bath, scented and undented, Glycerine Soap, PackersT'pholstered parlor furniture.Faced. Wicker ware, large mirror. Tar Soap, Wrisley'o Transparent Tar Soap, Special CarolinaLIMITED. Couches, chairs, rockers, bureaus,Washstands. wardrobes. Pine Tar Oil Soap, Buttermilk Soap, Turkish Bath, Hand

    One very handsome carved Leary Sapolie, Italian Violet, White Rose, Jockey Club, Cashmereoak bedroom set, center rugs.W. 0. SMITH GIVES Small rugs, lace curtains, Boquet, La France Ro?e, Lily of the Valley, MountainDining chairs and table, crockery,Hotel andr. VIEWS OF PLANS Glassware, meat safe, ice box. Violet, Bay Ram Soap.Oil store and ferns and plants.

    JAS. F. MORGAN,AUCTIONEER.Time Hardly Ripe for the Great

    Changes Must Await Devel-

    opment of Electorate. Sale M. MAY & OOLIMITED.

    Municipal rovernmet was the themeAn ImportantAnnouncement

    which drew to the residence of Mr. W. lephonOP

    Household Furniture


    O. Smith. Saturday eventna. a large at-tendance of the members of the YoungMen's Research Club, the principal paper being: that of the host. Mr. Smith At my salesroom. 65 Queen street.

    will sell at Public Auction, a larpegave at length a discussion of the va-rious forms of municipal government. quantity of household furniture, con

    sisting ofBeginning with Paris he showed thecombination of local and national con

    We take pleasure in informing the pnblic thai welave secured for this i ity the exclusive representationani selling rights of trol of the city, citing Manchester. En The

    Pride of the HomeReds, springs, mattresses, bureaus,Washstands, rockers, chairs,Tables, stove, agate ware.Large quantity rice, valises, etc.. etc


    gland, a a city where the limited fran-chise and property qualifications gov-ern the voters, and then turning to thegeneral American type, where univer-sal suffrage is the rule, saying In con is acluding this section of the paper: Auction Sale'The American democratic form Issuited only to a community In which White Sewing MachineOFthe average intelligence and educationof the voters is of a high order. Evenwith the standards of the American Palms and Ferns !people great abuses and misrule have


    At the residence of Mrs. Parmenter,KS Kinau street, near corner of Alapaistreet, I will sell at Public Auction the

    A Combination ofArt and Utility

    Used by many in preference to othermakes of the same price. It is demon-stra- ti

    Dg its merits:

    Built to Sew Well and to LastCall and inspect the different styles

    entire assortment of very choice palms,ferns and plants, consisting of

    This announcement comes after a long continuedeffort on oar part to secure for our own telling, thatmake of bhoes that best combined the feature of "grate-ful end correet design, vide choice in styles, exquisiteworkmanship, grrate$t tcear and durability," with a mod-erate price.

    Palms, Hawaiian palms, Sago palms,Begonias. Caladiums, Chrysanthe

    mums.Violets, Native ferns,Maidenhair ferns.Hot houao plants and many other as- -

    s rti'd plants.After a thorough pearch of the

    market we have found these factorso artistically nnited in the JAS. F. MORGAN,


    existed In many cases.Mr. Smith read at length from the

    Municipal Program, prepared by theNational Municipal League, two yearsngo, showing the difficulties in the wayof forming a system of municipal gov-ernment. In regard to acting for theseIslands he said the subject should beapproached dispassionately and thebest thought given to the subj t.While there are objections to the pit-sen- t

    centralized system no good citizen,he said, would favor change unless itwould promote the best Interests of thecommunity. Referring to Americanismhe said:

    "The basic American idea of govern-ment is to create and maintain a formof government best suited to developand protect the highest Interests ofthe citizen and the community. Underconditions existing generally through-out the country the popular form ofcity government with manhood suf-frage has vaccompllshed many good re-sults. But even the most ardent ad-vocate of democracy cannot be blindto the glaring evils and abuses whichhave existed under the system. Underthe common American form of citygovernment, and the political machin-ery which It has made possible andfostered, the result has in many casesbeen very far from government "of

    H. Hackfeld & Co.,UMITCD.

    Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.TRUSTEE'S SALEQUEENON SATURDAY, JUNE 21,

    AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON.Df that we have co hesi At my salesroom, 6 Queen street. Iwill sell at Public Anction, vbK orderof Mr. H. T. MARSH. Trustee In re Gall at Our Delicacy CounterA. E. Nichols, bankrupt, i

    tation in assuring our customers thatthey will find it in all respects "thehnndaomertJLhe beet fitting and the mostgenerally eatiefactory $hoe that moneywill buy."

    Two cows, two calves, one horse.One buggy and harness.One brush and curry comb.One feed cutter.One golfing outfit, one seesaw.the people, by the people and for the

    people, but rather manipulation andgovernment by 'the scheming, skillfulHEAVY SOLES few. In too many Instances the tyran

    An order on the Wahlawa Sugar Co.,Ltd.. for 750 shares of its capital stock,per value $100 per share, or $75,000.

    in Manhattan Life InsuranceCi l policy No. 115.6:8 on the life ofAluert n. Nichols, face (death) valueof policy $;o.OO.

    ny and despotism of the "machine" hasbeen diametrically opposed to trueAmerican principles.

    "The establishment of a Territorialgovernment under the Constitution andlaws of the T'nlt.-.- l Stat, s ir.irke.jgreat stride forward along the line of JAS. V. MORGAN,

    AUCTIONEER.democratic-republica- n government Inthese Islands. It Is still, however, inIts Infancy, and under the conditionsof the population and results thus far

    We hear manywomen say theycan't wear heavy-sole- d

    shoes; too stiffand clumy they say.

    We change theminds of auehworn n every time;we fit them with

    demonstrated, it would appear pruoent that further time be green for ad

    A call at our delicacy counter will be a pleasure. You will seethe" advantages offered by a large firm the variety, the ap-pearance, the excellence, the choice goods we handle and themanner of selling the:u. Here are a few items picked fromthe counter.

    Spiced Anchovies, Spiced Sardellen,Cervelat Wurst, Mttt Wuret,Salami, Frommage de Brie,All Fancy Cream Cheese, Edam and Rockfort Cheese,Swiss Cheese, both domestic and imported,German Hand Kase, Limburger Cheese,Fresh Horse Radih,Smok-- d Herring and Bloasters.

    Crystal Spring ButterMetropolitan Meat Co.


    Justment to the new condition, andthe development of civic Ideals, before

    NotClumsy another momentous step be taken."If experience shows that better re

    Trustee's Salein Bankruptcy


    At my salesroom, 68 Queen street, Iwill sell at Public Auction, by order ofMr. Daniel Logan, Trustee for the Aus

    suits cannot be obtained in the affairsof the freneral Territorial government

    ith the present voting populationthen greater voting privileges and powers should be withheld until the character of the voting population improves.

    "It Is to be hoped that In the near future the major ; of the voters of thiscommurlty will tr.ow that progress has

    tin Publishing Co., Ltd.. a bankrupt,the entire plant of the Austin Publish-ing Co. The stock consists of paper,a very large and splendid stock of Joblen mode In lh:r conception n of theresponsibilities and dlgrlty of citizen type; sufficient body type for twosh-.p- . and that additional steps may Urge weekly newspaper. Also a largessUely be taken In the development of stock of artistic and up-to-da- te typepopular government."

    During the discussion Mr. Smith ansome of which has hardly seen ink.

    Also all the presses, tools, instruswered questions, saying among other ments, shafting, pulleys, belting, office

    desks, etc., etc.things that he would favor division ofThe sale will also carry with It thegovernment first at HUo and Honolulu. Japanese Goods

    American Goodsname and good will of the "Paradisebefore it was introduced els He of the Pacific."

    Queen Quality Shoes are always flexible, always mJortable. 1 her make women forget their foot troublesand they don't cost any more than the common kinds.

    In case of the non-dispos- al of thesaid also that at first Honolulu wouldhave no property upon which to borrow stock as a whole the sale will be transCURIOSmoney, owii-- to the fact that all prop ferred to the premises of the Austin

    Publishing Co.. and will be held onerty rights He In the United States andthe same day.urrender Is hardly probable g thePrice for any style of Price for any style of CHI 5T smanner In which the people have exer JAMES F. MORGAN.eld their sufTrajcea. This would have AUCTIONEER, Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Streets.the only funds those secured by using

    taxes as security. He said a step mightbe made by establishing local boards$3.25 $2.75 and $3.25 FOR SALE I

    Furniture and EffectsNEW GOODS received by every steamer from Japan.of works and schools to try as an experlment

    eStore 2Te-x-r GroocisVon Hamm-Youn- g Oo. Buys Eclipse ef two Fine Lodgtag and Boarding

    The gasoline schooner Eclipse which Houses, centrally located.The two houses rua as one place. JAPANESE AND ARERICANhas been a source of worry and expense Large, airy rscma, well furnished.to the Hawaiian Navigation Company Rental. J 125 per ssoatn.

    I since Its construction over two years Twenty-eig- ht beoroosas, parlor, dln-- a

    profit oflng rooms, etc.

    Present business shewsL. B. Kerr & Co

    LIMITED.about $150 per sssath.

    Further particulars at say office 65 MERCHANT TAILORQueen street.

    ago. was finally sold at public auctionSaturday to the Von Hamm-Youn- gCompany. J. F. Morgan's representa-tive auctioneered the vessel at the Irm-gar- d

    wharf and the Von Hamm-Youn- jcCompany was the only bidder. Theypaid $7000 for the schooner. The Ha-waiian Navigation Company offered theboat to the Board of Health for $12,000.but Supt. Boyd refused to purchase itat that price. She was built two yearsago at a cost of $33,000. but has neverbeen a success. Th purchasers of the

    JAS. F. MORGAN.AUCTIONEER. kurodOor. Fort and Hotel

    Robinsen Block. Phone Whiu 2421. 14 Hotel Street.House For Rentboat Intend to reo.:el the schooner and Ry order of Mr. H. H. Waity. I offerfit her with a larger gasoline engine.

    Thy say that it ia an ffi wind that blowa no on juny oo3. and o it i3with this hot .weather.

    H AWAIIAN SODA WORKSThe improvements to be made will cost f r rent the hosns formerly occupiedby him on Beretaala street, between$3VjO or $4000. The Eclipse will continue

    Pllkol sad KMaoks strsets.in the Island trade, but will take in alarrer field than heretofore, as the addition of more powerful engines willpermit this. The Hawaiian Navigation JAS. F. MORGAN,

    S5 Qoen street.Ar- - rushed to their full capacity to supply the demand for their eo!ebraidrefreshing drinks. The best cowt no more than inferior foOo. Telephone twitordvn Blue imCompany is to dissolve.


    LOCAL BREVITIES.BRITONS MERRYTh Onbr ot he Ttlllv Coals Will 4Heywood,, OxfordOVER BOERS GIVE IN 1LW ttt"-- TR'

    k sai askcrkbrmlrd th Rnixh of Us

    Don'tGo on

    slve a prenuptlal dinner this evenlnsat the Moaaa hotel for George Angus.

    The music department of Oaha Col-lege will give a commencement concertJune II it I p. m. All are invited toattend.

    iorham D. Oilman of Newton. Mass..who waa consul general for Hawaii InBoston, on May 25. celebrated his Mth

    m Hatai-de-- essoirg withr.vn Antonto hall.

    of enthu- -it when th- -

    rmUMi to afikr bv Hubert birthday.Thr afterglow In the evening con $4.50BsW Zers sssssjssasaiilon, IMM MM h - U at i':::!!lMm, rsrt Krtth It Jus of bor a4 tinues as brilliant as ever. At 6 a. mf oonynb PP" Tny tn u

    (h --tr aod forties; and Ibcy 014 there la also a splendid exhibition oraftrrglow.(I th-- hour had crown11 iru lil nnd doom Than will he a meet In of the liter w;a tsTSsitn or nsArllsaalv sxnensive i! 'um ' nation in yourary exercises committee for the Fourth

    of July this afternoon at 3 o'clock Inturntb-- y thought should bo don to In-jlrs- ag

    o esrsr lbs MM eastto fwmrt now victories In pone. the mr of the i iiiiimlasliiii i of Agrl- -dlture.mb i allot. axiT caning inr

    to order. asked R- - A. Jordan Th Hawaiian National Guard has re- -r in. word, and stress as mm OSSTsd from the War Department up--

    wirn of tsa emaea of arms and ordnance tis stjlirh and proper shoe for lummer wear.Box

    calf, extennioa sole and Uieat shape.Two generatunt have learned that the name Hey wood

    on s the ia a guarantee of quality. .stores, aa well as general quartermas-ter's supplies.

    There is absolutely no occasion for it. Thousand- - ftiouse-koepe- rs

    throughout the islands have rerxovtd thin a.mojrunthemselves with the idea oer-fe-ctprablem entirely by acquainting

    light for the home. It is as brilhsnt as gas or eleatatctfjf,never smokes, smells or gives any trouble, is lighted andguished as eat-il- as gaf, and burn but little kero- - TJ Oflsene oil Our caUlogue shown all styles lrvm pis?vup, and is sent for the asking.

    THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Limited

    A t a senser on the last north-boun- dAustralian boat who had a volcanotrip coupon got It cashed. "The volcano be Ins active I don l care to go

    Lralsaa wan tlvvti. Mr. Jordan spokef- - l.rgi f the ctosr of tnr war nndwhat tlM chweti far iMMnMr am only to las peopir --X tton. ,uniry bat of South Artca aa well.U. W. Andwsoa. Cart Met I. furnishingn ssaae urt. anas on of hu b-- st

    . ,mK-- eeasjtT Mr. Pttacer Joined Mr.Matt and they jre eoeae ta. --

    nm MP with in national anthem, dur-m- twhtoh the rueatr stood and Joined

    here." he said.: M. Cooke, for the past year nlsht Manufacturers' Shoe Co., Limitedmanager of the Club Stable, to no

    lonsrr at that oost. aa last night low 1057 FORT STREET.ed bis period of service. W. E. Bel Unawin succeed him.

    The T. W. C. A and the T. M. C. A.W. U Stanley spoke cf theirart -- rising u as a just on. held a Joint picnic on Young Islandwar, e

    th.. hnrflrrnt r ults Haturday afternoon. Games and otheramusements were enjoyed, the partyorraklns: ud about S p. m.

    ,u foiiow the pacification of the

    atanaser Falrchlld of the MaJtee Su DON'T MISS THESEgar Company. Ksal la. Kauai.rportf.rntory and the great effect ot tneb. ruling toarther closer of colonics andK ngtamt waaAamsr ass effort Judgerftaaary recited Kipling's Bece. onal

    T. Clrvs Davie sang and gave an en- -

    When Down Town

    And Wish To


    the season's crop to be aoourv ii.jwiabs. This excels by lM tons in-- m ripest crop the company has everAnderoa aang a numorou.ore and iwuifri Charities will hold their dls' ShhUnusualV. Bower turneo awaym--Mf such referaansf h- - nueatkn-- rIn setting Judge Stanley annual meeting on Wednesday. June It.The public to cordially Invited to al-tera!. Reports and addressee will begit en by Off'. Dole. Geo. R. Carter and

    :itute. ana ioeand recitation without mmn to our store. w e hare a

    'phone placed oonvaniently for yonr.iters. n. ' 11 t Knftnn hnlsfl are hat: P Date aaid that Albert M. Webster. Deputy Collector use. We cordially in rite you ta uniireiy new iiue ui duu wbadw,nd the waiats are hand laundered. These are strong pointe ana..11 a lnsr relations of Internal It. venue, ana ns t utrt betawsa the American and Briton. the Cew. formerly steaograpoer ot tne

    IIrvutt Court. HI be marrwu juw -Thy will spend their honeymoon on




    make them fully equal to custom made. .Of latest calored materials: Blue, tan and red at J

    $5.50, and a beautiful line of white waists at $.5.00,and $4 00.

    We have alsi a large assortment of white waists of oheapermaterials and not so well made, at prices ranging fromto $3. 50.

    The tickets for Mm Gunn dain-tn-g

    exhibition will be on sals todsy gMW

    the former being one oc nuniij.It was late at nlsht when the pro-era-


    waa ever and every one empress ithe oatcome ofnkmsetf aa iliiiiH

    the 1 lei rat loo.


    but leare them at eur store until,r-- r bouse seat plan win o- - si " iilwo Specials fori! This Week

    vnu are readv to go home. WgNichols' store Wednesday m..rnmsh-r-e the tickets can be exchanged for want vou to feel that this is o u rreserved seats. T'home when down town. Make itIn the office of the Commlslon--r or .Agriculture and Forestry may be seen Summer Wash Skirtsjyour headquarters.s nne iipevimen oi w--- .. --.rather rare fruit. There are aiso wwof the es WHEN TIRED WITH WALK

    ING STEP INeewttee committee of the Jkey iud onions, each weigmns i Bun,r"-- a""--b-y


    Trimmed with bands ddeeper colored blue, $1 50

    and use our chaifs. That I whatTh-- rs will be a rehearsal ot tneCRASH 8KIRTS

    Trimrnel with linen color-ed braid, latest flare cut,


    . M tit AmMreW rllDMnil u! No. 1 Lace

    Curtainsthee are rjut out far. You will enirrtd'hTthMMerchan1?AasocMttoa Mfor ejpB y W U 7s nt'wt - w -

    Clement church cm Friday evening I i v the eool air for an the hottestdays, the electric fan keeps a coolnest at 7:39 o'clock

    in tne riiinm.ai.rehearse the music to he sung at thecoronation service. June St
