HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot...

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Services at 9am and 11am Our FOOD DRIVE continues for the Frederick Food Bank On Sundays October 2 and 9 Please bring staples and canned goods. More information inside Worship with your church family this Sunday. Our doors are open and you are always welcome in God’s house. We look forward to seeing you. October 2005 Volume 3 Issue 10 If someone you know is in need of prayer or spiritual care please call the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN PARTY After 11 am Service on October 30. Prizes for the best costumes and ideas will be awarded. Come enjoy the games, the food, and the fun! Bring an appetizer-type dish or finger food to share. (it's Halloween remember!) The Church will provide drinks.

Transcript of HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot...

Page 1: HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Services at 9am and 11am

Our FOOD DRIVE continues for the

Frederick Food Bank On Sundays October 2 and 9

Please bring staples and canned goods. More information inside

Worship with your church family this Sunday. Our doors are open and you are always welcome in God’s house. We look forward to seeing you.

October 2005 Volume 3 Issue 10

If someone you know is in need of prayer or spiritual care please call the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern.


HALLOWEEN PARTY After 11 am Service on October 30. Prizes for the best costumes and ideas will be awarded. Come enjoy the games,

the food, and the fun! Bring an appetizer-type dish or finger food to share. (it's Halloween remember!) The Church will provide drinks.

Page 2: HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN

The Staff at the Jail were very pleased with our efforts, in bringing about CAMP STARFISH, and they now believe that we will have a much better response from the inmates next year. I told them that at our evaluation meeting we have decided to begin on Sunday rather than Monday next year,. I have requested the same dates for Mary Mac from Lari Grubbs, beginning on Sunday. We have been impressed with our response for Katrina victims - thus far. $1,441.00 as of September 18. How-ever, the needs are so enormous that we can not be at all content with this gift. You may still make an offering for this cause and please mark your check Week of Compas-sion" or Katrina. An important food gift effort is also underway. It is good to know that our choir is rehearsing again. They will appear in the chancel on Sunday, October 9th. I am again chaplain of the Magicians Alliance of the East-ern States. it is a pleasant duty. They meet once a year and have a splendid array of shows and lectures. We learn something each time. I try not to buy too many things from the wonderful dealers, but it is hard . May God continue to bless us as we make efforts to be an effective Church this year.


THE PASTOR’S PAGE October 2005 Volume 3 Issue 10

Page 3: HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN

Liturgical Schedule

Elders 9 am Worship 11 am Worship

Sept 25 / Oct 2 R. Masters P. Griffith J. Reister

Oct 9 / 16 H. Howard S. Turman B. Hunteman

Oct 23 / 30 G. Pierson L. Seaman B. Turman


Sept 25 / Oct 2 F. Hearl B. Yankaskas B. Dangler

Oct 9 / 16 E. Flook J. Moore W. Moore

Oct 23 / 30 T. Hearl S. Law P. McIntire

Liturgist 9 am Worship 11 am Worship Scripture

Oct 2 Sharron Smith Bob Turman Matthew 21:33-46

Oct 9 Colin Reitman Beth Sweeney Matthew 22:1-14

Oct 16 Matthew 22:14-22

Oct 23 Gail Howard Chris Moore Matthew 22:34-46

Oct 30 Debbie Flook Pierrette McIntire Matthew 23:1-12

Debbie Blair Janet Reister

Please say a special prayer for these people on their special day! October Birthdays Pearl Anderson Oct 1 Neil Johnson Oct 7 Mary Lou Masters Oct 9 Bill Hunteman Oct 17 Diane Yingling Oct 17 If you have updates for the address and birthday data-base PLEASE tell Teresa Hearl. I am missing a lot of birthdays and anniversaries. If I miss yours please let me know.

Seen on a Bumper Sticker— God doesn’t believe in Atheists

Page 4: HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN

If you would like to serve as liturgist please tell Pastor Reister.

Useful Information Pastor Terry Reister: Office: (301) 831-8184 Home: (301) 831-8679 Spiritual Formation: Lorenzo York (301) 831-4305 Biblical Studies: Jim Cole (301) 706-7404 Music: Phil Day (301) 693-3887 Barb Lang (301-)829-2527 Board Chair: Hugh Howard (301) 831-8643 Board Secy: Debbie Flook ( 301) 695-2678 Trustees Chair: Eddie Flook (301) 695-2678 Treasurer: Pierrette McIntire (301) 607-4242 Financial Secy: Bob Turman (301)620-7570 Christian Service: Pat Griffith (301) 972-1316 Barb Dangler (301) 668-4194 Education/Celebration: Chair: Janet Reister (301) 831-8679 Vice-Chair: Andy Blair (301) Property Chair: Eddie Flook (301) 695-2678 Outreach/Stewardship: Doris Horman (301) 662-8740 Newsletter: Teresa Hearl (301) 682-7360

Adult Education Opportunities

\Wednesday Morning Bible Study Wednesday Morning Bible Study be-gins at 9am. For info call Rev. Terry Reister. On vacation for the summer. Monday Evening Bible Study The pastor is leading the Evening Bible Study from 7:00-8:30pm. We are cur-rently studying Matthew. Theology Study Group Our Bonhoeffer Theology study group is meeting on alternate Saturdays. Call Janice Seaman for info. 301-831-6231

Donation Boxes at the front door We are still collecting old eyeglasses, school supplies and old cell phones in the boxes by the front door. Also collecting travel size personals, i.e. soap, shampoo, etc.

Matthew 21: 23-32

Page 5: HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN

Got Recipes? The Disciples Women are preparing to publish & print a new Hyattstown Christian Church cookbook & we need your help to contribute recipes in the following categories: appetizers, beverages, food children can prepare or special foods for children, cooking on the grill (marinades too), soups, salads & dressings, sauces, meats, vegetables, breakfast dishes, cooking by men & desserts. We need volunteers to:

• Contribute your favorite recipes • Determine the recipe categories • Information about measurements, hints & tips, substitutions, wines, etc. • Type recipes • Gather an assortment of favorite table Blessings • Proofread, Design/Format & Edit • Sell the cookbooks

NOTE: Barb Dangler has graciously agreed to collect and type recipes. Or you can send recipes to Teresa Hearl via email at [email protected] So many ideas!! We plan to include blessings in our cookbook. And how about reci-pes for kids? How about grilling recipes? Of course we need all your recipes, reci-pes, recipes! We can’t do it without you. How many have you sent ? (Some have arrived but we need many more! Please search your cookbooks for your specialties.)

Food Drive We are collecting food for the Frederick Food Bank for the next three Sundays. Boxes will be available at the church. COLLECTING ON OCTOBER 2 & 9 Needed items include non-perishables in glass or sealed con-tainers: cereal, pasta, canned meat, tuna, spaghetti sauce, ravioli, canned soups and canned vegetables and fruits. Barb and Martha noticed that the shelves were empty the last time we served at "Feed the Hungry" The Boy Scouts will collect again in November. The Boy Scouts provide about 60% of the food they receive annually, but that leaves 40% and they need food now. In November, the Yankaskas family will take food items for the Scouts if you do not receive a collection bag at your home.

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Page 7: HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN


Choir practice has begun! We are pleased that Phil Day is our Choir Director & Organist.

We have rehearsals between services at 10:00am. So practice your singing in the shower and come join us!

We are very blessed to have Barbara Lang & Phil Day

coordinating their calendars to provide music for our worship


Contribute to Week of Compassion to Aid Hurricane Relief Efforts

It's not too late, your check can help many re-gain some of what they have lost.

Make checks payable to Hyattstown Christian Church & in the notes section indicate:

Hurricane or Week of Compassion

95% of monies contributed go to people, only 5% is used for administrative purposes.

Page 8: HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN


Several HCC folks helped create the world of Motzart’s Magic Flute either by singing, sewing, building or directing. The opera came together beautifully. If you missed it last week there will be two more perform-ances this weekend at 8pm Friday Sept 30 and Saturday Oct 1

Dana the Set Queen And Joe the Set King

Hanging out

Our exhausted costume designer and seamstress with “Magic” fingers

Sweet Spirit

Page 9: HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS web...the pastor, an elder, or one of our associates. We cannot help if we do not know of a need or concern. HYATTSTOWN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWS HALLOWEEN

And here’s our Magic Flute funny guy , I mean Guy.

Costume cutting.

Work, work, work

The Director and the Maestro

Some familiar Spirits. Star-flaming Queen of the Night

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News in the Pews

Dear Friends, September seemed to fly by, we enjoyed a presentation from Dana Reitman at a fellowship hour about her 2 months in Malawi. The PowerPoint presentation that she did was phenomenal & the portraits she took of the people were beautiful. We also presented special cooks aprons to Rick Masters & Walt Moore as a thank you for their help at our cookout. And the choir has been busily re-hearsing. Pierrette McIntire has has a busy month, she went scuba div-ing with friends off the coast of Florida over the long Labor Day weekend. Then later in the month, she & Chuck went to northern Utah for a week of hiking & golf. Hugh Howard traveled to Can-ada on a trip with his siblings. Paul DeLameter has been in Texas for most of the month help-ing provide aid to people who lost so much with Hurricane Katrina. Eddie Flook went to a real estate

conference in Ocean City & par-ticipated in a number of classes. Sharron Smith is taking an oil painting class & enjoying some of the benefits of her retirement. Peter DeLameter received a full scholarship to dance with the Washington Ballet! He's been travelling to DC on his own al-most every weeknight for classes & rehearsals. Terry Reister was re-elected president of the 5th District Po-lice Advisory Board, a 10-member panel that works in the upcounty areas of Germantown, Clarksburg, Damascus, Boyds & Poolesville. Terry also enjoyed a long weekend in Cherry Hill, NJ at the MAES annual convention (magicians) where he serves as Chaplain. It was really good to see Jim Cole at worship & preaching at both services while Terry was away on September 11th. Jim proudly reported that he partici-pated in & finished a 100-mile bicycle ride to Gettysburg that was sponsored by the Baltimore Bike Club on September 10th!! We were all very impressed, & he said he was "only a little sore" the next day. Ellen Pierson enjoyed her first concert at the Great Frederick Fair. Debbie Blair spent the weekend with girlfriends in Bethany Beach

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& to quote Andy, "it was time off for good behavior." Visitors at worship this month included our Regional Minister, the Rev. Lari R. Grubbs. Marian Meyers went to Sen-iors Camp at Bethany Beach in early September. Numbers of people from Church attended the recent rousing pro-duction of Carousel in Damas-cus. Barbara Lang & Brenda, Michael & Christopher Yankaskas were playing in the orchestra. They all commented that they needed to catch up on their sleep after many long nights at rehearsals. Bob & Sharon Turman en-joyed a mini-family reunion here when Bob's sisters & their husbands visted for a weekend. The Frederick Camarata pre-sented the opera The Magic Flute at the Frederick Center for the Performing Arts. Partici-pants from our congregation in-cluded: Guye Memmott, Jesye Memmott, Magi Memmott, Becky DeLameter, Peter De-Lameter, Kelly DeLameter, Colin Reitman, Teresa Hearl & Phil Day. Gail Howard di-rected the staging for the play, Phil Day was the music direc-tor, Dana Reitman was set de-signer & Joe Reister led the set construction. Becky DeLame-

ter did an incredible job design-ing & sewing the costumes & they were absolutely gorgeous! Start planning your Halloween costume now! We're going to have lots of fun at our annual Halloween party on Sunday, October 30th after the 2nd ser-vice. And if you don't want to wear a costume, you can dress in colors of the season: black, or-ange, lime green, purple. See you there! Grace & peace, +Janet

Men’s Breakfast Mark your calendar ! Saturday - November 12 7:30 cooking & talking 8:00 eating & talking At the church Come Join us!

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SNAPSHOTS By Dana Appleton Reitman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Is there someone in the congregation you would like to know more about? Is someone you know involved in something really interesting? Do *you* want to tell your story? Please call or email Dana Ap-pleton Reitman. 301-846-0654 or [email protected]" One thing I really love about writing this column is that I am getting to know more and more people and families at HCC. This last Sunday I had the pleasure of meeting and talk-ing with the entire Yankaskas fam-ily. Since their youngest, Julie, had to run off to a birthday party with her friend Madeline, she was the first one I talked with. Julie is 10 years old and in the fifth grade. She told me that she likes HCC. “Other churches are very strict but in this church you can laugh and have fun. There’s even a little costume party coming up!” She is very excited about the Halloween party on Octo-ber 30th but she would not tell me what her costume is going to be. Julie likes to draw, hang out with her friends and play with her dog, Tessa. Julie, like her mother and brothers, plays a musical instrument, the cello. She also sings in the chorus at school, and likes gymnastics. As if she weren’t busy enough she also told me that recently her mother en-couraged her to take jazz/tap dance. She wasn’t thrilled at the idea at first but she told me she enjoys that class

now. Julie is very extroverted and loves to have her friends around. I really enjoyed chatting with her before she left for the party. If you want to talk to a happy young lady be sure to talk to Julie the next time you see her! Since Kurt had to drive Julie to the party he talked to me next. Kurt designs ships for the U.S. Navy as a civilian employee. He is also very active in the Boy Scouts on the Troop level as well as the District level in Frederick County. He has received national training in aquat-ics so he is qualified as an official aquatics director at Boy Scout Camps. He runs the annual popcorn fundraising drive. He also is in-volved with the International Sub-marine Races. He and both his sons participate in assisting and judging scouts who have designed and built submarines for racing. Because he is so actively involved with his boys and the Boy Scouts, Kurt is not the kind of father who spends his weekends on the golf course; most of his evenings and weekends are spent with the kids. The Yankaskas family not only spends time together on Scouting activities but they also make music together. Brenda, the Music and Drama teacher at The Friends Meeting School in Ijamsville, has been the source of their interest in music. She plays the guitar (and I can tell you that she does it beauti-fully, as she has played for us in church!) as well as the piano, and

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the most recently learned to play the violin. Michael, 17, told me that his mom encouraged all of the children to learn music. Michael started playing the piano and then switched to violin. Christopher, 14, started with the violin. They both told me that Brenda liked it so much that she decided to play the violin, too! The last two weekends in September they all played in the pit orchestra for the Damascus Theater Company’s production of “Carousel”. I asked Michael and Christopher about school. (I later found out that Brenda had also homeschooled her children for a while). Currently a junior at Urbana High School, Mi-chael told me that he is most inter-ested in physics and calculus in school. He thinks that he would like to attend either Florida Atlan-tic University, or Virginia Tech, or maybe my husband’s alma mater, the University of Maryland. Mi-chael thinks he might like to get a degree in acoustical engineering or

possibly ship design. Both Christopher and Michael told me that they have been very interested and involved in aspects of their father’s work for many years. Christopher, a fresh-man at Urbana, espe-cially enjoys math and writing. I was very impressed that

Michael generously praised Christopher for his academic ac-complishments. Both boys play on the ice hockey team at Urbana High School, though they told me it is not a sport that is awarded a Varsity letter. Both of them understand the rationale, but also would like to see that changed and are con-testing the current policy. They also both play street hockey for the Frederick Independent Roller Hockey League. Michael and Christopher both ex-pect to complete their Eagle Scout requirements soon. The Saturday before we talked they had spent a good part of the day working on another scouts Eagle Scout project. Michael told me that he was going to having his Eagle Board of Review soon. They will question him about what he has done in Scouts and about his Eagle project. (I just

(Continued on page 14)

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(Continued from page 13) found out he passed his Board of Re-view Monday night!) He told me that for his Eagle Scout project he built and installed six benches along various trails in Little Bennett Re-gional Park. I would like to go there to take a walk some lovely day this fall, and look forward to resting on one of those benches. Michael will also be teaching younger Boy Scouts how to properly handle axes, knives, saws and fire. Christopher said that he too is very close to finishing his Eagle Scout project. He said that he has built a twenty-eight foot long footbridge at the Friends Meeting School, which I am sure they are very appreciative of! He will have to complete some paper work, have his Board review and also attend the Scout Master Conference. In their spare time (what spare time!?) the boys like to draw and paint, practice archery and marks-manship and play paintball. They are certified as scuba divers and work at the International Sub Races as support divers. Both of the have gotten to pilot subs: Michael piloted two, one called “Scubadoo” and one called “Sublime”; Christopher pi-loted one called “Manatee”. On top of all that they also like to fly stunt kites. I must say that I don’t think there is anything in the water or the sky that these guys wouldn’t be into.

Michael also told me he likes to work on cars, too, though I don’t know where he finds the time! I asked the family how long the fam-ily had been attending HCC and to tell me a bit about how they came here. Brenda said that they have been coming to HCC for almost two years. Both she and Kurt were raised in New Jersey, and had both at-tended the same Roman Catholic church there. In fact, their parents attended the same church and played in the same bridge club for 30 years. Brenda and Kurt, who have been married twenty years, and joke that theirs was an arranged marriage be-cause their families knew each other for so long. Brenda said “I got to a point in the doctrine where I felt it was difficult to tell my children they had to believe in things I wasn’t sure I believed in. So we started visiting and investigating other churches and we found our home here.” Since they live very close to HCC they found it by simply driving by. They, like many of us, like our diverse mem-bership, and that our pastors and

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members examine aspects of faith from many perspectives. They also like that our church allows us the freedom to interpret and make up our own minds about what is writ-ten in the Bible. Kurt said that he has heard some very different per-spectives on classic stories that he found very interesting. Brenda said “I like how it respects each per-son’s spiritual journey and supports that.” They also like that the church is smaller, which enables them to know so many more peo-ple than in a much larger church. I had asked Brenda how she and Kurt met, and she told me about their parents and the bridge club and how they had grown up to-gether and that their story was very romantic. Even though they had grown up knowing each other it wasn’t until Kurt, who had once worked for her father, attended her dad’s retirement party that they be-came acquainted as adults. By that time Kurt was living in Maryland and Brenda was in New Jersey, so they had a brief long-distance courtship. Kurt would fly his Cessna 152 plane up to see her on weekends. I agreed that was very romantic! They were married after six months of dating. They moved to Bethesda, Maryland, and then to Point-Of-Rocks. Soon after Chris-topher was born they moved to their present home in Ijamsville. One thing that Christopher and Mi-chael told me that they liked about living so close to Hyattstown is

that they could walk or ride their bikes to the barber shop. Brenda worked as a journalist, then for a local government, and then for non-profits in human resources. She stopped working outside the home when the children were born. When Christopher was three his preschool needed someone to help with music so Brenda started working there. She developed an early childhood music program, and when she went to work for the Friends School she added elementary and middle school and the drama program. She has been working there for seven years. The Yankaskas family impressed me with their closeness. Brenda told me that everyone in the family helps to keep the household running smoothly. They are all so busy with all their various activities they know that they all must work together and pitch in. If dinner needs to be made and Brenda is giving private music lessons, then the boys and Julie make dinner. Julie has never had a baby sitter from outside the family. Everyone cleans the house and takes care of the necessities. Clearly this is a family that loves and supports each other. Remember that old saying “The family that prays together stays together”? The Yankaskas family proves it is true!

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