HW4 Friday Logistics - Stanford University

CS 355 Lecture 16 ( 5123 ) . Logistics : HW4 due Friday (5/25) HWS released on Friday ( last problem set ! ) Sam 's office hours cancelled this week and next week - other office hours unchanged Upcoming : Security seminar This thursday , 4:15pm [ Gates 415 ] ( Mariana Raykoua speaking about ORAM ) Bay area crypto day this Friday , 10am - 5pm [ Arillaga Alumni Center ] ( Talks on searching on encrypted data , Bulletproofs, Zero knowledge , MPC ) Preview : Pairing based cryptography additional structure over elliptic curve groups enable new cryptographic constructions / properties This : Succinct non interactive arguments ( SNARGS ) Previously in This course , we looked at building zero knowledge proof systems - goal is minimizing the " knowledge complexity " in This lecture , our goal is To minimize the communicating of the proof system Boolean circuit What is a succinct proof / argument system ? It with Consider the language of Boolean circuit satisfiability : £c = { xe { 0,13 " / 7- WE { 0,1 }~ : C ( x , w ) = 1 } Trivial proof system for Lc : prover ( X , w ) verifier ( x ) # check That CC x. w ) = 1 Proof size is IWI Can we have a proof system where The total communication Is significantly shorter them the witness ? Definition . A non interactive proof ligament system for £c is sect if both the proof size as well as The - The length of the proof it satisfies IT ' I = Poly ( X , log ICI ) verifier complexity are much staler than the running time of the verifier is poly ( a , 1×1 , log KD ) the size of the NP witness Very strong notion : succinct non interactive pinots ( Statistically sound proofs ) unlikely to exist unless NP c- D TIME ( 204 ) Even for argument systems ( computationally sound profs ) , succinct arguments unlikely in the Standard model Constructions known in the random oracle model and in The common reference string ( CRS ) model - - " CS proofs " - computationally sound proofs Constructions from pairings ( public verifiability ) [ Kilian 's protocol + Fiat Shamir ] Constructions from additively homomorphic encryption [ more precisely , k¥4 ] ( secretly verifiable ) Related primes : NHK : succinct arguments of knowledge ( SNARG + proof of knowledge ) ZKSNLARK : Zero - knowledge succinct arguments of knowledge ( zero knowledge + SNARK ) core Primitive behind Z cash

Transcript of HW4 Friday Logistics - Stanford University

CS 355 Lecture 16 ( 5123).

Logistics: HW4 due Friday (5/25)

HWS released on Friday( last problem set ! )

Sam's office hours cancelled this week and next week - other office hours unchangedUpcoming: Security seminar This thursday , 4:15pm [ Gates 415 ]

( Mariana Raykoua speaking about ORAM )

Bay area crypto day this Friday ,10am -

5pm [ Arillaga Alumni Center ]

( Talks on searching on encrypted data, Bulletproofs,

Zero knowledge,MPC )

Preview :Pairing

- basedcryptography

- additional structure over elliptic curvegroups enable new cryptographic constructions / properties

This : Succinct non . interactive arguments ( SNARGS )

Previously in This course,

we looked at building zero - knowledge proof systems - goal is minimizingthe


knowledge complexity"

↳ in This lecture,

our goal is To minimize the communicating of the proof system

Boolean circuit

What is a succinct proof / argument system ? It with ✓Consider the language of Boolean circuit satisfiability : £c= { xe { 0,13


/ 7- WE { 0,1 }~ : C ( x,

w ) = 1 }

Trivial proof system for Lc :

prover ( X ,w ) verifier ( x )

#↳ check That CC x. w ) = 1

Proof size is IWI.

Can we have a proof system where The total communication Is significantly shorter them the witness ?

Definition .A non . interactive proof ligament system for £c is


both the proof size as well as The- The length of the proof it satisfies IT' I =

Poly ( X, log ICI ) verifier complexity are muchstaler than

- the running time of the verifier is poly ( a,

1×1, log KD

)the size of the NP witness

Very strongnotion : succinct non . interactive pinots (Statistically sound proofs) unlikely to exist unless NP c- D TIME ( 204 )

↳ Even for argument systems ( computationallysound profs),

succinct arguments unlikely in the Standard model

↳Constructions known in the random oracle model and in The common reference string ( CRS ) model

- -"

CS proofs" -

computationallysound proofs Constructions from pairings (public verifiability )

[ Kilian's protocol + Fiat . Shamir ] Constructions from additively homomorphic encryption [ more precisely , k¥4 ]

(secretly verifiable )

Relatedprimes: NHK: succinct arguments of knowledge (SNARG + proof of knowledge)

ZKSNLARK: Zero - knowledge succinct arguments of knowledge ( zero .

knowledge + SNARK ) ←core Primitive behind

Z cash

High-level blueprint for constructing SNARGS [Bitansky - Chiesa - Ishai - Ostrosky - Pareth,

2013 ] :

1. Construct information - theoretic proof system with security against an algebraically - bounded prover

2 . Apply a cryptographic primitive To bind computationallyprovers to respect information - theoretic constraints

Informatica: linearprobabilistically

- checkable proofs ( linear PCPs )

traditional: ( X

,w ) statement - witness pair for an NP language

/ \ ±1¥17probabilistically - checkable proof ( long bit string )^

\ µ- chosenrandomty

Verifier ( x ) verifier reads a constantnumber of bits of The PCP and is convinced with

constant probability! [ long line of results -

one of The deepest results of complexity theory!]

LinearPCP= [ Ishai - Kushileuitz -

Ostrosky ,2007 ] :

( x ,w )

# \ fproof is a vector of fieldelements ( not necessarily binary field )

*8-D Tie Fm

of c- Fm / ) ( q ,t >

EEverifier ( X ) Verifier is given Oracle access to The linear PCP proof orade (e.g. ,


submits aquery

vector QEF"

and receives the response ( q ,Ti ) t F


A linear PCP for an NP language £ ( with corresponding relation R ) consists of Two algorithms ( P,

V ) with The

following properties :


Completes: If ( x ,w ) ER

,then if we set I ← PCX ,w ) :

Pr[ V( " ' " ( × ) = I ] =

If proof dimension


Sounded : For all Xcf £ and all I* E Fm

Pr [ ✓' " *

'' > ( x ) = I ] I E

€ soundness error

Constructing linear PCPs ( for Boolean circuit satisfiability- let C be the circuit )

- Can instantiate usingWalsh - Hadarmard code [ Arora - Lund . Motwani - Sudan - Szgedy ,

1992 ]

( 3 queries , query length m=0( 142 ),

soundness error e.- 2h # ]

Can instantiate using quadratic span programs [ Gennaro - Gentry - Parno - Ray Kara,

2013 ]

[ 3 queries , query length m= 0 ( Icl )

,soundness error E =

°( SYITH ]

Several useful properties of these linear PCP constructions :

- Verifier is oblivious lie,

The queries do not depend on the choice of the statement )- Verification algorithm Is a quadratic relation over the linear PCP responses ( useful primarily for achieving public verifiability ]

( if r,

= th, q ,



,rk = ( T

, qk >,

verifier's response is quadratic function in the variables r, ,


,rk )

From linear PCPs to SNARGS : Suppose verifier in linear PCP system is oblivious .Then

,we can generate the verifier 's


ahead of Time (before the statement is known ).

Lye:generate the queries during setup :

Setup ( 1h ) → ( o,

a ) where o is the CRS and T is the verification state

Suppose we have a k -

querylinear PCP


Then :

Setup ( 1" ) → ( 0,2 ) :

generate queries of , ,...

, qkE In and linear PCP verification state Tipcp

↳ 0 = ( q , ,...

, qk ) and T = tcpcp

preparation: 1. Encode statement - witness ( ×

,W ) as linear PCP TE Fm

2 . Compute responses To verifier 'squeries


= ( I, of , >


, rk = ( it, qk ) E Tt

3 . Proof consists of linear PCP responses r, ,


, rk ETF

Verifier runs verification procedure for underlying linear PCP (using r, ,

... ,rk and a )

Klein : Prover can choose proof TEFM after seeingThe verifier 's queries

⇒ cannot appear to soundness of linear PCP !

Solution: encrypt verifier 's queries with additively - homomorphic encryption scheme [ sufficesfor designated - verifier SNARGS ]

Setup ( 1 " ) : lpk.sk) ←Key Gen ( 17

generate linear PCPqueries q , ,


, qkE Fm and Tipcp encrypt each component of the query vector

-let Ctij for it [ K ] and jE[m ] be Ctij ←

Encrypt lpk , qi ;) ,and let Cti = ( ctin


,Hi ,m


Output O= ( Ct, ,


, Ctk ) and Ti' ( SK

,tipcp )

TO construct a proof , prover homomorphically computes


← GearsTy ' ctij = Encrypt (pk ,ti

, of ;D

Verifier Takes Cti, ... , ctk


, decrypts The cipher texts to obtain responses r, ,

... ,rk and applies linear PCP verification

Problem: Prover need not apply safe linear function a to construct Its queries

Solution : Introduce an additional consistency check

prover operates on queries q , ,...

, qk and can compete


= ( q , ,it , )


,a.) | neoatcnthetseponasaewattoebsin:FIAT.FI#oYFFanof

: thequery components

- but same idea applies +0•

the general settingrk = ( qk

,Tk )

useful Trick : tandemlinearity check - verifies chooses X , ,...


FI and submits a query qk+ ,= [ ieck , tniqi £ Tt


Verifier additionally

checks that rkti = [

ieek ]&ri

Observe : ifprover uses The same t for all


Sieck ]Ari = { ieck ]

Xi ( qi ,T' ) = { Eiea . ] digi ,

I ) = ( qµ , ,

I )


does not use The same I for allqueries ,


{ ieek ] Ari = { ieek ]A { Gi ,

Ti ) and (qk+ , ,

Tlkn ) = Sieck] & ( 9i , That )

Verifier acceptsonly If

{ ieek ]Xi { 9i , Ti ) = Sieck ]

& ( 9i , Ikti )

< ⇒ Sieck ] Xi ( gi ,Ii - That ) = 0

- if q; =0 on all

positions where Tlit Thai ,

non - Zero value | then can replace IT ; with TKH and There is

since Ii - TKH # ° for some i

( no longer an inconsistency

)↳ since di ¥ IF

,and independent of I , ,


, Ikn,

over the choice of xi,

This relation is satisfied with probability at most ¥1

[ Schwartz - Zppel lemma ]

Prnoblem: To appeal to soundness of linear PCP,

we need to ensure Thatprover only implements linear strategy

Solution : Assume encryption scheme is

" linear -

only" ( ice

; only supports linear homomorphisms )"

Linear -


(informally ) :

for all efficient adversaries A,

There exists an extractor E where for any sequence

of messages mi ,...

, mk :

Cti ←Encrypt (pk ,

mi ) fieck ]


← A (pk ,et

, ,...

,ctk )

|( T

,b) ← E ( pk , oh


,ctk )

it follows That

Decrypt ( sk,

ct' ) = Eiea . ] Timi + b E #


any cipher text That the adversary can compute can be explained by a linear function of the provided cipher text"

Note: Notyour Typical cryptographic assumption ( non - falsifiable)


Typical cryptographic assumptions like factoring ,DDH

,LWE can be formulated as a game

between a Challenger and an

adversary- To break the linear -

only assumption ,need To exhibit some adversary such That there is noeffi.ae#extractI ( can be

very challenging ! )

Putting :

Setup ( 17 ) : (pk.sk) ←Key Gen (E) generate public /private key for a linear .

onlyencryption scheme

Compute linear PCPqueries of . ,

... , qk ,linear consistency check

query qµ , and linear PCP verification state TLPCP

encrypt queries of , ,...

, qk+,(component - wise ) using linear -

only encryption scheme To obtain encrypted queries




publish 0 = ( pk , cti,


,Ctku ) and T = tcpcp

Prove ( 0,


w ) : construct linear PCP proof a EFM from ( X ,

w )

homomorphically compute Cti'

← Encrypt (pk , ( qi ,it >) from encrypted queries Cti


, ctkt ,

Output SNARG Tsnaro= ( Ct




, Ctk'+, )

Verify ( t, Tsnaro

,k ) : decrypt cipher texts in tsnarc and verify responses using linear PCP verifier

CompletedFollows by correctness of encryption scheme + completeness of linear PCP

Scoundrelly : Prover 'sstrategy can be explained by a linear function [ linear -

only encryption ]

Consistent linear function used for all responses [ linear consistency check ]

Power 's linear function independent of The verifier'squeries

[ semantic security ]


appeal to soundness of linear PCP proof size independent of

circuit size !Succinctness : Proof consists of ( KH ) cipher texts

. -

↳ Existing linear PCPs are constant query ( e.g. , 1<=3 ) ⇒ SNARG proof consists of 4 cipher texts ( 8th bit proofs! )

CI-einstantat.in : We can instantiate linear - only encryption with Poitier,

El Gamal ( over small fields), or Reger

↳gives designated

- verifier SNARGS

Can also instantiate withpairing

- basedlinearonlyencodingh> if the underlying linear PCP has a quadratic verification relation

,then can verify The SNARG publicly

( by evaluating The check in the exponent using the pairing)↳ Most efficient instantiations based on quadratic span / arithmetic programs

( Porno - Raykora - Howell - Ray koua,

2013 ] } proofs are 287 bytes for any statement

[ Ben - Sasson , Chiesa, Trower


,2014 ] ( 8

group elements )( Basis for


preserving concurrences like Zash )

↳ Most fancy crypto that has seen large-scale deployment !

Note: Techniques readily generalize To yield both Zero - knowledge as well as pmts of knowledge ( i.e. ZKSNARKS )