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Transcript of HVL

  • 7/26/2019 HVL


    1. A society which puts a halo of sanctity round its traction gains an inestimable advantage of power and permanence.

    2. The hindu attitude to the vedas is one of trust tempered by criticism,trust because the beliefs and forms which helped our fathers are likely to be of use tous also; criticism because however valuable the testimony of past ages may be; it can not deprive the present age of it's right to inquire and shift theevidence.

    3. When hindu found that different people aimed at and achieved god-realizationin different ways, he generously recognized them all and justified their place in course of history.

    4. Hinduism is therefore not a definite dogmatic creed, but a vast complex, butsubtly unified mass of spiritual thought and realization. Its tradition of the godward endeavour of the human spirit has been continuously enlarging throughthe ages.

    5. We rise from life to thought and return from thought to life in a progressiveenrichment which is attainment of ever higher levels of reality.

    6. what is built for ever is for ever building.

    7. If a tradition does not grow, it only means that its followers have become sp

    iritually dead.

    8. The three prasthanas, or divisons, of the vedanata, the upanishads, the Brahma Sutra and the Bhagvad gita, answer roughly to the three stages of faith,knowledge and discipline.

    9. If religion is experience, the question arises, what is it that is experienced.

    10. Upanishads say that 'God, the maker of All, the great spirit ever seated inthe hearts of creatures, is fashioned by the heart, the understanding, and the will. They who know that become immortal.'

    11. Different philosophies and different temperament.

    12. When asked to define the nature of God,the seer of upanishad sat silent, andwhen pressed to answer exclaimed that absolute is silence.

    13. Man insists on interpreting the religious mystery in terms of his own experience.

    14. Tukaram said, "Know this O God , that because we exist, godhead has been conferred on you."

    15. The worshippers of the absolute are the highest in rank,second to them are the worshippers of the personal god; then come the worshippers of the incarnation

    like Rama,Krisna and buddha; below them are those who worship ancestors,deites and sages; and lowest of all are the worshippers of the petty forces and spirits.

    16.The man of action finds God in fire,the man of feeling in heart,and the feeble minded in idol,but the strong in spirit find God everywhere.

    17. Hinduism does not adopt one idea as standard for the whole race.

    18. For what counts is conduct not belief.

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    19. The aim of the reformer should be to cure the defect and not to criticze theview.

    20. Error of judgement is not moral obilquity. Weakness of understanding is notdeprivity of heart.

    21. Experience proves that attempts at a very rapid progress from one set of rules to a higher one does not lead to advance but abrogation.

    22. Hinduism does not believe in bringing about a mechanical uniformity of belief and worship by a forcible elimination of all that is not in agreement with a

    particular creed.

    23. Religion is not correct belief but righteous living.

    24.The true reformer purifies and enlarges the heritage of mankind and does not belittle, still less deny it.

    25. Those who love their sects more than truth end by loving themselves more than their sects.

    26. Respect for man and unending devotion to truth.

    27. We cannot have religious unity and peace so long as we assert that we are inpossesion of the light and all others are groping in the darkness.

    28. God wills a rich harmony and not a colorless uniformity.

    29. Nothing is good which is not self chosen; no determination is valuable whichis not self determination.

    30. Every great religion has cured its followers of the swell of passion,the thrust of desire and blindness of temper.

    31. The more religious we grow the more tolerant of diversity shall we become.

    32. We have enough religion to hate one another but not enough to love one another. (Swift).

    33. Vedic thinkers -> Realistic view of the world, Upanishads-> Relative reality.

    34. The state of perfection is a condition of absolute stillness,stagnation,death.

    35. There is no creative process without travail , and the attainment of perfection for all means the end of creativity.

    36. Activity is a charectarstic of historical process, and perfection is not historical.

    37. Moksa or release of any one individual does not bring about the destructionof the world but only the displacement of a false outlook by a true one,avidya by vidya.

    38. The world is in god and not god in the world.

    39. No one is really beyond hope.The worst sinner has a future even as the great

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    est saint has had a past.No one is so good or so bad as he imagines.

    40. Karma is not a mechanical principle but a spiritual necessity.

    41. Every act,every thought is weighed in the invisible universal balance scalesof justice. The day of judgement is not in some remote future but here and nowand none can escape it. Divine laws can not be evaded.

    42. God can not be bought over and sin can not be glossed over.

    43. The cards in the game of life are given to us.We do not select them. They are traced to our past karma, but we can call as we please, lead what suit we will, and as we play we gain or lose. And there is freedom.

    44. Hinduism is more of a life than form of thought.Hinduism insists not on religious confirmity but on a spiritual and ethical outlook in life.

    45. Repressed desires are more corrupting in their effects than those exercisedopenly and freely.

    46. Man is not a tyrant nor is woman a slave,but both are servants of a higher ideal to which their individual inclinations are to be subordinated.

    47. That marriage is successful which transforms a chance mate into a life compa

    nion. Marriage is not the end of the struggle, it is but the beginning of a strenouslife where we attempt to realize a larger ideal by surrounding our private i

    ntrests and inclinations.

    48. Eight different marriages are described in the law book of Hindus. Gandharva(personal choice),Rakshasa (force), Asura (Purchase),Pisacha (Rape).The highestbeing in which personal inclinations are subordinated.

    49. So long as we take a small view of life and adopt for our guide the fancy orfeeling of the moment, marriage relation can not be regarded as permanent.

    50. The perfect relation is to be created and not found.

    51. The existence of incompatibility is a challenge to a more vigourous effort.To resort to divorce is to confess defeat.The misfits and maladjustments are but


    52. We are confusing self expression and self development with a life of instincts and passions.We tend to look upon ourselfs as healty animals and not spiritual beings.

    53. In hinduism the woman is seen as the helpmate of man in all his work. (Sahadharmini).

    54. So long as children cannot be shaken from heaven, but have to be built with

    in their mothers bodies, so long will there be a specific function for women.

    55. While a man is expected to take to the worldly pursuits (Yajnapradhanaya), woman is capable of great heights of self control and self denial (tapahpradhanya).The stricter code of morality applied to women is really a compliment tothem, for it accepts natural superiority of the women.

    56. What shall profit a man if he gains the whole world but lose his own soul?

    57. Renunciation is the surrendering of the notions of I and mine.

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    58. System of caste is outcome of tolerance and trust which degenerated into aninstrument of oppresion and intolerance.

    59. God does not give us the right to destroy or enslave the weak and the unfit.

    60. No race lives to itself and no race dies to itself.

    61. Uniformity is not the meaning of unity.

    62. Men to lower caste women Anuloma (tolerated).Women to lower caste men Pratiloma. (Manusmriti)

    63. No country belongs to itself.The need of the world are paramount consideration.

    64. The whole is present in each part while each part is indispensable to the whole.

    65. Property is looked upon as an instrument of service.

    66. Nature can not be hurried by our desires.

    67. Karma is adapted to Guna, and our qualities in nature can be altered only gr


    68. Brains and charectar will come to top, and within the framework of democracywe shall have an aristocracy of direction.

    69. Every line of development is exclusive and specific.If we wish to pursue onewe shall have to turn our attention away from others.

    70. Modern democracies tend to make us mere human beings but those beings existnowhere.

    71. Economic factor is not the most important in a man's life.

    72. In ancient India Brahminism was least paid and highly revered.

    73. Economically we are a co operative concern.

    74. Spiritual liberty,political equality and economic fraternity.

    75. True Brahmin-> Self sacrifice, true freedom,perfect self control,absence ofpersonal ambition along with most intense devotion to to the world.

    76. The higher the man, the fewer are his rights and more numerous his duties.

    77. The wise plan is to keep our feet on earth and our eyes steady on the stars.

    78. Manu says all are born sudra by the physical birth, but become regenerate (dvija) by the spiritual birth.Caste is a question of charectar.One becomes a brahmin by his deeds not by his family or birth; even a candala is a brahmin ifhe is of pure charectar. vasistha was born of a prostitute,vyasa of a fisher woman,Parasara of a chandal woman.

    79. Evil,error and ugliness are not the ultimate.Evil has reffernce to distancewhich good has to traverse.Ugliness is halfway to beauty.Error is a stage on theroad to truth.

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    80. On the principle that best is the enemy of the good, Hinduism accepts all forms of belief and lifts them to a higher level.

    81. A rigid uniform outlook is wrong.

    82. The law of karma tells us that the individual life is not a term, but a series. Fresh opportunities will be open to us until we reach the end of the journey.

    83. Freedom consists in making the best of what we have.

    84. Every definite type is limited to boundaries.

    85. Hinduism is a movement,not a position;a process,not a result;a growing tradition,not a fixed revelation.

    86. Growth is slow when roots are deep.

    87. Those who light a candle in the darkness will help to make the whole sky aflame.