Huzzah for being the president! Alexander Hamilton I can see it nowthose crazy Republicans are going...

download Huzzah for being the president! Alexander Hamilton I can see it nowthose crazy Republicans are going to give the people too much democracy! Democracy.

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Alexander Hamilton I can see it now…those crazy Republicans are going to give the people too much democracy! Democracy is scary!

Transcript of Huzzah for being the president! Alexander Hamilton I can see it nowthose crazy Republicans are going...

Huzzah for being the president! Alexander Hamilton I can see it nowthose crazy Republicans are going to give the people too much democracy! Democracy is scary! I may be a lame duck president, but Im not going out without making a few final marks on this nation - Midnight Appointments - Federalists fear too much democracy under Republicans - Last minute attempt by Federalists to maintain some control of judiciary - Lame duck President Adams and Congress take action - created more Circuit Courts and appointed Federalist judges - appointed more Supreme Court Justices including John Marshall Our western traders sure could use access to the mouth of the Mississippi and the port city of New Orleans This whole taking over Europe thing is getting expensiveand those annoying slave revolts in Haiti arent helpingstupid colonies I need some cashmaybe I should sell some of my American territory Hey Napoleon: Maybe I can help you outI would love to buy New Orleansor lots and lots of land! I could arrange to sell you some land For $15 million! HUZZAH! Ill take it! And the Constitution doesnt say anything about presidents being allowed to buy land FineIll just call it a treaty! Alexander Hamilton That is a pretty loose interpretationthe Constitution must be interpreted strictly! Im so confused Did the two parties just switch sides? Yepit was just more convenient... So then you want to buy all this nice land? It is only 3 cents an acreits a great deal Ill take it! - Jefferson wants access to mouth of Mississippi River (New Orleans) for trade - Napoleon is desperate for money - Slave revolt in Haiti: French Navy sent, most die - Haiti becomes independent - Napoleon becomes increasingly frustrated with North American colonies - Offers sale of Louisiana Territory for $15million (3 cents per acre) - Jefferson really wants to buy - Problem - Republicans always wanted strict interpretation of Constitution - Nowhere does it say president can make land purchases without Congressional approval - To try to get around this, Jefferson calls it a treaty - Very loose interpretation - Federalists argue for strict interpretation - Parties flip-flop out of convenience I probably should figure out just what I boughtI shall call on my most trusted explorers! Meriwether LewisWilliam Clark Yes? You called? Go explore the west! HUZZAH! Meriwether LewisWilliam Clark Were back! It was an amazing trip into the untouched wild! Regale me with tales of wonder and mystery! William Clark Such as Wellwe found a bunch of cool stuff! William Clark WellI made maps and talked with Native Americans William Clark Contrary to the rumors, I never had a relationship with Sacagawea. She was pretty cute though! Her husband, the French fur trapper Toussaint Charbonneau is one lucky guy! Meriwether Lewis While he was busy frolicking with Sacagawea I was drawing wildlife and collecting stuff Meriwether LewisWilliam Clark Overallwe both agree, the west is the best! Yeswe must settle there immediately! HUZZAH! I declare the West officially open to settlement! - For $15 million Jefferson doubled the size of the U.S. - Explored by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark from Traveled from St. Louis (the last Western City) to the Pacific and back - Documented wildlife, Native American tribes, and mapped the territory These just arent very good: This would be way better! - Transportation developments : Robert Fulton invents the steam boat - Rails and roads begin to connect East and West; New York becomes an economic hub You have four British deserters on board give them to us! The Leopard and the Chesapeake No British hereonly Americans! The Leopard and the Chesapeake Lies! The Leopard and the Chesapeake This is outrageous! Death to Britain! YesBritain is badbut I cannot hope to fight them right now, they are too powerful - The Leopard and Chesapeake Incident - British warship Leopard stops American frigate Chesapeake off the VA coast - Claimed four crew members were British deserters - American commander said crew was all American, refused to comply - Leopard opens fire - Three killed - 18 wounded - American public responds with outrage and demands war with Britain - Jefferson withdrew U.S. ships from Atlantic; knows he cannot fight Britain I guess the best way to protect our country and people is to simply cut off trade with foreigners by creating an indefinite EMBARGO on an all trade This is crazyall this does is hurt American merchants! Stupid America they just opened up a bunch of new markets for us! Too bad we didnt have the resources to patrol all this Martial Law was declared in NY and violence broke out between Federalist citizens and government officials As the situation worsened the Federalist governor of Connecticut issued a statement that he could use his power as governor to protect his state from unjust federal policy Gee.that sounds a lot like the KY and VA resolutions - Embargo Act - Forbid all American vessels from sailing to foreign ports - Trying to protect U.S. and hurt British: totally ineffective - British profits increase (new trading partners, less competition) - American exports fell 80%, American imports dropped by 50% - Major economic depression, especially in New England - Smuggling increased - U.S. government could not effectively patrol the Atlantic Coast or Canadian border; martial law declared in NY to prevent smuggling - Fighting broke out between civilians and government agents - Federalist Northeast became extremely violent - Connecticut governor says he can use his power to protect his state from unjust federal laws (similar to Virginia/Kentucky Resolution) After the Embargo Act everyone was pretty upset with the Republicans James Madison As a result, Federalists made a huge political comebackbut I was able to hold on to the presidency for the Republicans Thats right, Im back! And I am still trying to take over England This said I could re-open trade with England and Francebut only with the first one to recognize the neutrality of U.S. ships James Madison HmmIll take that deal! We would rather just steal and impress Besides, hes a liar Federalists rebound in the election - James Madison (Republican) elected president - James Monroe appointed Secretary of State Embargo Act repealed under new Federalist influenced Congress Macons Bill No.2: authorized president to reopen trade with France and Britain - U.S. would only trade with the first side to recognize neutrality of U.S. ships - Napoleon said he would not interfere - Britain continued impressment and confiscation of goods Charter of the First National Bank expires The Royal Navy is seizing our merchant vessels and impressing our sailors. The British are stirring up the Native Americans out West. They refuse to surrender forts promised to us in the Treaty of Paris and the worthless Jays Treaty. This is unacceptable! James Madison Warhawks led by Henry Clay Lets declare war on those jerks! They may be stronger than us, but right now they are busy fighting Napoleon (still) James Madison War it shall be! If they cannot respect us as equals we will show them our power! Our national pride is at stake here! No.not war this is going to be fought almost entirely in the Northeast! - War of 1812 Begins - War Hawks (Republicans e.g. Henry Clay) encourage war because: Poorly defended British settlements British refusal to surrender forts promised in Treaty of Paris Royal Navy seizing merchant ships and impressing sailors British believed to be encouraging Native American revolts - Britain at war with France; moment of weakness - New England states opposed to war Death to all you British jerks! What is this? Theyve burnt the Capitol? What is this? Theyve burnt the Capitol? James Madison - Course of the War - U.S. forces attack Canada - Britain effectively blockades New England - U.S. forces have early success, but are then repelled - British troops invade U.S. - Occupy much of the Northeast - Burn Washington, D.C. August 24 th, 1814 This bombardment suckshey, maybe I should write a song. Our flag is tattered but its there! Huzzah! Ft. McHenry, Maryland This war has to stop! - Creates jobs for working class - Little direct impact outside New England - Republicans attack a Federalist newspaper which had been publishing anti-war articles - Federalists use cannon grapeshot on the protestors, kill several, and are then jailed - Republicans attack jail and beat the prisoners to death - Federalists continue to oppose war (war threatened wealth/power of upper class) - Republicans continue to support war (war created jobs for working class) - Baltimore Riots - Republicans attack a Federalist newspaper; Federalists defend it with grapeshot - Federalists jailed; Republicans raided jail and beat prisoners to death Options Considered - Secession - Seven constitutional amendments to protect states rights Maine is a territory, not a state December 24 th, 1814 - Hartford Convention (December 1814) - Five New England states meet to discuss secession - Propose seven amendments to protect states rights, but nothing came of it - Federalist Party falls apart - Treaty of Ghent (December 24 th, 1814) - Ends War of War rarely touched lives of Americans outside New England - Resolved virtually nothing - Did not deal with impressment, blockades, or protection for American ships - Britain agreed to evacuate western forts - Ended conflict: included prisoner exchange and restoration of U.S. territory lost during the war General Andrew Jacksons victory at the Battle of New Orleans made him a national hero and later propelled him to the presidency - Battle of New Orleans (January 8 th, 1815) - After war was legally over, but nobody knew; U.S. defeated attacking British - General Andrew Jackson became a national hero - Jeffersonian Republicans sole remaining party Monroe James Monroe! Republican President And thats why we call it the Era of Good Feelingall that new money seemed to make political conflict just go away I be glad that public schoolin aint law yetthat be makin me feel good fer shore. Second National Bank (charter of the first had expired in 1811) James Monroe became president - Begins a strong economic period for U.S. - Rapid industrialization - High foreign demand for cotton, grain, tobacco, and manufactured goods - Public education considered, but not mandated Remember how during the early 1800s the North was industrializing and the South was continuing to expand agricultural production? NorthSouth IndustryAgriculture No slavery (1804)Slavery More educationLess education New states would be added in pairs to maintain the balance and the 36 30 line would mark the division between slave and free territories - Regional differences (sectionalism) - North: industry, no slavery, more education - South: agriculture, slavery, less education - Missouri Compromise - Maintain balance of slave and free states in Senate by adding states in pairs - Divide slave and free territories at the 36 30' line Now that our nation has established itself, we need to make some rules about the Western Hemisphere James Monroe The Western Hemisphere is closed to European colonization! But of coursewe wont get involved in European affairs unless something you do threatens us If you do try to colonize we will take that as a threat and we will defend ourselves! - Monroe Doctrine - American continents are closed to further European colonization - U.S. will only involve itself in European affairs if U.S. rights are threatened (Washingtons Farewell Address) - Any attempt at colonization will be considered a direct threat to U.S. national security