Hush hush #5 Review

Always on the lookout for an update, I was teased with the new date for Hush Hush Cinema from the end of September right up until the event. Friday 10 th October, immediately emblazoned on my retinas (clue no. 1), and the phrase, “Lights! Camera! Action!” (clue no. 2) were more than adequate to begin the wonder of what would be. Hush Hush, a history: Stoke’s very own secret cinema. Quite literally, cinema with a secret; you don’t know the location, and you don’t know the movie. A date is set, you buy a ticket, you follow the clues, and you dress appropriately. A meeting point is given a few days before and by this point brains are being racked to see if the film can be guessed. What if it’s this? No it can’t be… but what about…? Having now attended three out of five events, two of which were period-themed, there is still awe and wonder at what is happening from the moment the crowd gathers at ‘said location’ right up until the reel starts rolling. Early October saw event links, ticket sales, and more clues appear: extreme close-ups of bloodshot eyes, a lense through a lense, and vintage Kodak slides accompanied the daily countdown to the date set. There was one post that had me gasping in excitement; yes, the dress code. 50s tailoring, men’s 50s layering, nipped in shapes and tiny waists. If tickets weren’t already purchased, a sense of panic and deadline loomed – this was too exciting to miss, why don’t we have a ticket yet! Now that the scene has been set, we can focus on the main event. Cut to a hidden street somewhere near Stoke town centre, we see a crowd gathered so glamourously in their most fanciful garments – a well- cut suit, classic patterns, and plenty of fur. We have only been given the location at this point, and a few well hidden references in the final meeting instructions – there will be a reconstruction of a heinous crime that we, as possible witnesses, need to address and investigate! In association with Specto Film Studios (clue no.3), a disclaimer was released so that we knew cameras would be rolling while the reconstruction took place (not that another excuse was needed to get on the glad rags); and our leading lady took direction from the surly Specto filmmaker…


A review of Hush Hush Cinema #5 by Emilia Rowley

Transcript of Hush hush #5 Review

Page 1: Hush hush #5 Review

Always on the lookout for an update, I was teased with the new date for Hush Hush Cinema from the end of September right up until the event. Friday 10th October, immediately emblazoned on my retinas (clue no. 1), and the phrase, “Lights! Camera! Action!” (clue no. 2) were more than adequate to begin the wonder of what would be.

Hush Hush, a history: Stoke’s very own secret cinema. Quite literally, cinema with a secret; you don’t know the location, and you don’t know the movie. A date is set, you buy a ticket, you follow the clues, and you dress appropriately. A meeting point is given a few days before and by this point brains are being racked to see if the film can be guessed. What if it’s this? No it can’t be…but what about…? Having now attended three out of five events, two of which were period-themed, there is still awe and wonder at what is happening from the moment the crowd gathers at ‘said location’ right up until the reel starts rolling.

Early October saw event links, ticket sales, and more clues appear: extreme close-ups of bloodshot eyes, a lense through a lense, and vintage Kodak slides accompanied the daily countdown to the date set. There was one post that had me gasping in excitement; yes, the dress code. 50s tailoring, men’s 50s layering, nipped in shapes and tiny waists. If tickets weren’t already purchased, a sense of panic and deadline loomed – this was too exciting to miss, why don’t we have a ticket yet!

Now that the scene has been set, we can focus on the main event. Cut to a hidden street somewhere near Stoke town centre, we see a crowd gathered so glamourously in their most fanciful garments – a well-cut suit, classic patterns, and plenty of fur. We have only been given the location at this point, and a few well hidden references in the final meeting instructions – there will be a reconstruction of a heinous crime that we, as possible witnesses, need to address and investigate! In association with Specto Film Studios (clue no.3), a disclaimer was released so that we knew cameras would be rolling while the reconstruction took place (not that another excuse was needed to get on the glad rags); and our leading lady took direction from the surly Specto filmmaker…

We followed suit; cautiously staying behind the starlet as the reconstruction was filmed and under the watchful eyes of Stoke’s 1959 police officers. A mere glance away and she had disappeared – we, the unassuming and slightly terrified crowd, were led meandering through an alley until herded into building front. The shutters came down behind us; the term pitch black springs to mind. A far too lingering pause, guests holding on to each other in the darkness, a few heated whispers; just some of the feelings experienced before internal doors were opened into Specto’s own film studio. Shuffling through the dimly lit set, characters were caught by the corner of your eye, and a feeling of being watched fell over the audience (clue no. 4).

With a few moments to spare, we were allowed to explore the set. From a pile of suitcases that were an ideal backdrop (clue no. 5), to a psychotherapist’s corner where your ultimate fears were realised and analysed (clue no. 6) by two very bearded and extreme therapists, leading to what can only be under the guise of “Portrait Studio” that if you were willing, gave you freedom to show some skin (ahem). These areas were all characterised by Hush Hush’s own performer extraordinaires, along with the reappearance of our starlet and two other actors darting through the crowd. Incredibly RP English-accented cries of “I’m an actor darling! You MUST’VE seen me in [insert made up movie/really old film no one’s heard of], surely! No?! Well anyway: we were in Cambodia, awfully

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hot...” and the like resonated between friendship groups and brought more focus into what we were about to witness on screen.

Beatnik film runners (studio helpers) although in the background, remained focussed and as surly as the director; making sure things were running smoothly. We did not interrupt. Note; all the while, strange figures were seen lurking in corners just out of eyesight (clue no. 4 (again)), carrying their own cameras and surveying the crowd with unease. You could never quite shake that feeling; even once we had been asked to take our seats.

The whir of a projector commenced and Peeping Tom (1960) flickered on to the screen (kudos to those who guessed following my terrible clues) for everyone’s enjoyment. Everything leading up to this moment had been excellently executed by Hush Hush; taking key plot points, ideas, and themes from the film and extracting them into real-life interaction for us all to enjoy. Rather than revealing the entire plot, take into account the ‘fear factor’, how this film turned cinema back on itself, and how carrying a camera around in a slow and melancholy manor is actually really, really creepy. Oh, and a bit of documented murder.

We can only hope that the next Hush Hush event is as amazing as the last (which of course it will be); and if you are yet to attend, I truly hope that this has whetted your whistle. The date is set for the next event on Friday 7th November and tickets are now available; what lies in store? Hush Hush, it’s a secret!