Hunt County Transportation Plan - Welcome to …€¦ ·  · 2010-02-23Hunt County Transportation...

Hunt County Transportation Plan Transportation Committee Meeting February 16, 2010 4:00 p.m. Greenville Public Library #1 Lou Finney Lane Greenville, Texas Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions (Judge Horn) 2. Transportation Committee’s Vision ~ History, Purpose, and Goals of the Committee (W.D. Hilton) ~ Organization (Dan Jones) 3. Coordination Meeting Summary (W.D. Hilton, Dan Lamers) ~ December 14, 2009 ~ Critical Issues 4. Hunt County Transportation Plan and Master Thoroughfare Plan (Dan Lamers, Chris Reed) ~ NCTCOG Overview ~ Integrated Plan ~ Data Resources/Needs ~ Needs Assessment 5. Future Meetings (Dan Jones) ~ Public Meetings ~ Conference Calls ~ Commissioners Court/City Council Workshops and Briefings 6. Other Business (All) 7. Adjourn (W.D. Hilton)

Transcript of Hunt County Transportation Plan - Welcome to …€¦ ·  · 2010-02-23Hunt County Transportation...

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Hunt County Transportation Plan Transportation Committee Meeting

February 16, 2010 – 4:00 p.m. Greenville Public Library

#1 Lou Finney Lane

Greenville, Texas


1. Welcome and Introductions (Judge Horn)

2. Transportation Committee’s Vision

~ History, Purpose, and Goals of the Committee (W.D. Hilton)

~ Organization (Dan Jones)

3. Coordination Meeting Summary (W.D. Hilton, Dan Lamers)

~ December 14, 2009

~ Critical Issues

4. Hunt County Transportation Plan and Master Thoroughfare Plan

(Dan Lamers, Chris Reed)

~ NCTCOG Overview

~ Integrated Plan

~ Data Resources/Needs

~ Needs Assessment

5. Future Meetings (Dan Jones)

~ Public Meetings

~ Conference Calls

~ Commissioners Court/City Council Workshops and Briefings

6. Other Business (All)

7. Adjourn (W.D. Hilton)

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Hunt County Transportation Committee

October 1, 2009

I. Background/Overview:

Most counties in the North Central Texas Council of Governments have, or are

working on, comprehensive transportation and thoroughfare planning. Hunt County has

no comprehensive transportation or thoroughfare plan. As Hunt County continues to

experience growth in population and building, we continue to lose ground on imperative

transportation issues.

As development continues to progress in our area we are, and will continue,

experiencing the effects on our mobility systems. The stress and congestion on main

thoroughfares will persistently increase as the volume of traffic follows the growth.

Planning and prioritizing these issues is essential to the economic success and quality of

life of Hunt County.

As of October 1, 2009, Hunt County will be a member of the Metropolitan

Planning Organization (“MPO”). The Regional Transportation Council (“RTC”) of the

North Central Texas Council of Governments, the MPO for this council of governments,

has agreed to facilitate a comprehensive transportation and thoroughfare plan for Hunt

County (the “Plan”).

It is fundamental to the orderly, quality development of Hunt County that a

Transportation Committee be assembled as an advisory and guiding voice for the local

governing entities to have meaningful input into the Plan.

II. Composition of Committee:

The committee would consist of twenty-five (25) committee members. The tiers

would be led by two (2) co-chairs. The composition would be as follows:

Committee Leadership:

Two (2) Co-Chairs – Dr. Dan Jones, President of Texas A&M – Commerce

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W.D. Hilton, Jr., CEO of Trust Services, Inc.

Governmental Members:

City of Greenville – City Manager and Mayor

City of Commerce – City Manager and Mayor

City of Caddo Mills – City Manager

City of Quinlan – City Manager

City of Royse City – City Manager

Hunt County Judge

Hunt County Commissioner – appointed by the Commissioners Court

Community & Corporate Members:

Four (4) Corporate Members – L-3 Communications Integrated Systems,

Innovation 1st, Rubbermaid, and HydroAluminim representatives

Three (3) Chamber of Commerce Members – City of Greenville, City of

Commerce, and Quinlan-Tawakoni Area Chamber representatives.

Four (4) County Precinct Members – Precinct 1 (Wolfe City), Precinct 2

(Cash/Union Valley), Precinct 3 (Lone Oak), Precinct 4 (Celeste) area representatives to

be nominated by the County Commissioner with precinct jurisdiction.

Three (3) Citizen Members – to be nominated by the Hunt County Judge.

Committee Support (Non-voting):

Organizational: Ron Robinson (CEO – Greenville Board of Development)

Technical & Economic: TxDOT, Cities, Hunt County and economic development


Steering Committee:

In the interest of efficient administration of the committee’s work and effective

contact with the RTC task force, the Co-Chairs will appoint a Steering Committee with

representation from Government Members and Community & Corporate Members.

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III. Purpose/Duties:

The committee will be tasked with providing advice and coordination to the RTC

task force in researching the transportation needs of Hunt County, receiving citizens input

and formulating the Plan.

The authority of the committee will be to receive the Plan formulated by the RTC

task force and make recommendations to elected officials in Hunt County regarding its

acceptance and implementation.

The committee will attempt to work by consensus in its decision making process.

It may be necessary at some point for the Governmental Members to undertake a decision

making process that it will determine as the need arises.

The term of service for members of the committee will be for the shorter of the

duration of the project or service in the position that led to appointment. Meeting times

and places to be based on the call of the Co-Chairs and will coordinated with the needs of

the RTC task force.

IV. Conclusion:

Although the bottom line for any action to be taken is the availability of funds by

the local governing body, the formation of this committee and the research and

information it will provide will significantly increase the potential to obtain funding for

transportation projects from outside resources. The committee itself would be a

substantial asset to the cities, other governmental entities and Hunt County, as it will

provide the advice and coordination necessary to guide the RTC task force in formulating

the Plan to support continued growth of our population. The citizens will have the

security of knowing that their future is being considered and comprehensively prepared

for, and the governing bodies will be in a better position to allocate budgetary authority

for strategically planned project expenditures.

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Hunt County Transportation Plan

Transportation Committee Structure



Community &








(RTC Liaison)

Mayors and

City Managers


Hunt County



Hunt County






Chamber of




County Precinct








Technical &



Reference Item 2.2

Co-ChairW.D. Hilton

Co-ChairDan Jones

Steve Alexander

Billy Green

Mike Jump

Dion Miller

Tom Oliver

Cloy Richards

Bill Shipp

Quay Throgmorton

John Horn Jim Latham Jennette Burnett

Michael Grant

W.G. Henglein

Tony Norman

Sally Bird

Charles Elliot

Cindy Johnson

Billy Buchanin

Bryan Creed

David McNabb

Terry Trapp

Jason Davis

Jerry Littlefield

Mickey Pearson

Ron Robinson TxDOT


County Staff

City Staff

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Reference Item 3.1

Issue Primary Program Area Contact Telephone Email

Integration of campus and community Sustainable Development Karla Weaver 817-608-2376 [email protected]

Student commuting Sustainable Development Karla Weaver 817-608-2376 [email protected]

Safety Sustainable Development Karla Weaver 817-608-2376 [email protected]

Walkability Sustainable Development Karla Weaver 817-608-2376 [email protected]

How everything ties together Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

How Hunt County interacts with Collin and Rockwall County Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

Rail planning Rail/Transit Chad Edwards 817-608-2358 [email protected]

Air capacity (passenger, goods movement) Intermodal Planning Rachel Wiggins 817-704-2502 [email protected]

Funding Transportation Improvement Program Christie Jestis 817-608-2338 [email protected]

Commuter rail to DFW area Rail/Transit Chad Edwards 817-608-2358 [email protected]

Rail (freight and commuter) Rail/Transit Chad Edwards 817-608-2358 [email protected]

Redevelopment of downtown area (zoning) Sustainable Development Karla Weaver 817-608-2376 [email protected]

How do our streets need to be (design guidelines)? Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

Overall policy procedures Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

Master Thoroughfare Plan Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

Plan implementation Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

TxDOT District concerns (Dallas/Paris) Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

Where does SURRMA* fit in the process Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

Comprehensive long range plan Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

How can the plan enhance the quality of growth and development? Sustainable Development Karla Weaver 817-608-2376 [email protected]

Can such a plan be a controlling factor? Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

Plan needs to be in synch with project priorities Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

Funding gameplan Transportation Improvement Program Christie Jestis 817-608-2338 [email protected]

What level of detail would be best? Thoroughfare Planning Chris Reed 817-695-9271 [email protected]

How would Collin County and Wylie's intermodal plans tie in? Intermodal Planning Rachel Wiggins 817-704-2502 [email protected]

Concerns over TxDOT's SH 34 recommendations Roadway Corridor Studies Chad McKeown 817-695-9134 [email protected]

Smart Growth Sustainable Development Karla Weaver 817-608-2376 [email protected]

*Sulphur River Regional Mobility Authority

Hunt County Transportation PlanCritical Issues (12/14/09 Coordination Meeting Input)

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Proposed Hunt County Transportation Plan Study Organization FY2010 and FY2011 Unified Planning Work Program (October 2009 to September 2011)

5.02 Transportation Subarea Studies and Comprehensive/Thoroughfare Planning Technical

Support (Planning)

Hunt County Transportation Plan – This project will combine various Hunt County planning efforts into a single comprehensive transportation study. The individual projects associated with this larger study include the Public Transit Feasibility Study, the Trail and Bike Master Plan, the City of Greenville Master Thoroughfare Plan, the Rail Transportation Study, the S.H. 34 Corridor Study, and the Hunt County Master Thoroughfare Plan. Project Manager: Chris Reed Activities by Program Area

Transportation Planning Thoroughfare Planning Roadway Corridor Studies Rail/Transit Environmental Planning

Sustainable Development Existing Conditions Best Practices Recommendations and Implementation

Strategies Fiscal Management and Transit Operations

Transit System Funding Job Access Reverse Commute

Air Quality Technical Planning Technical Analysis Standards, Policies, and Programs Operations

Congestion Management Transportation System Management Intelligent Transportation System Travel Demand Management

Transportation Safety and Security

Data Requests and Analysis Training Opportunities

Intermodal Planning Freight Aviation

Transportation Improvement Program

Review of Current County Projects Funding

Public Involvement Coordination Community Outreach Public Meetings Web Content and Organization

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Proposed Hunt County Transportation Plan

Study Organization

Issue Identification

Plan Adoption

Technical Analysis

Public Review

Study Formation

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Proposed Hunt County Transportation Plan Study Organization Outline

I. Study Formation

A. Kickoff Meeting with Local Officials

B. Formation of Project Work Group 1. Membership

Local Officials Consultants?

2. Role: Develop and Monitor Project Goals, Schedule, Milestones, and Deliverables

C. Formation of Community Work Group 1. Membership

Community Leaders Developers Business Owners

2. Role: Provide Local Perspective, Identify Issues, and Review Recommendations II. Issue Identification

A. Public Input 1. Public Meetings 2. Surveys (if needed)

B. Local Officials Input

1. Work Group 2. Local Government Publications/Studies

C. Data Collection

1. Traffic Counts 2. Demographics 3. Land Use 4. Other Data (as needed)

D. Project/Community Work Group Review

E. Commissioners Court and City Council Briefings

III. Technical Analysis

A. Needs Assessment

B. Alternatives and Solutions Identification

C. Development of Recommendations

D. Commissioners Court and City Council Briefings IV. Public Review

A. Public Review/Comments

B. Project Work Group

C. Community Work Group V. Plan Adoption

A. Local Government Adoption

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Reference Item 4.2

Program Area Sample Services Program Area Sample ServicesDemographic Forecast Data Transportation System Management (TSM) and

Population Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

Employment Review Traffic Count and Volume Data

Congestion Mitigation Strategies

Travel Demand Forecasting Identify Potential TSM/ITS Policies

Traffic Volume Projections

Performance Reports Travel Demand Management (TDM)

Review Traffic Count and Volume Data

Multimodal Transportation Study TDM Strategies

Needs Assessment Identify Potential TDM Policies

Roadway Recommendations

Transportation Security

Environmental Planning Data Identify Man-Made/Natural Disasters

Hydrology Identify Critical Infrastructures

Protected Areas Data Requests and Analysis

Crash, Fatality, and HazMat Spill Data

Environmental Planning Crash Analysis

NEPAssist Identify Strategies for High Crash Locations

Existing Conditions

Demographics (Current and Projections) Training Opportunities

Land Use (Existing and Future) - Comprehensive Plan Review Freeway Incident Management Training

Bike and Pedestrian Trails Intermodal Planning Data

Freight Facilities

Best Practices Airports

Land Use and Mixed Use Free Trade Zones

Bike and Pedestrian Trails

"Complete Street" Concepts and Context Sensitive Solutions Intermodal Planning

Truck Lane Restrictions

Recommendations and Implementation Strategies Railroad Crossing Banking

Timelines/Phasing Quiet Zones

Costs and Financial Resources

Implementation and Next Steps Land Use Planning (Aviation)

Air Quality Technical Planning and Analysis NCTCOG Newsletters

Air Quality Conformity General Transportation Information

Mobile Source Air Toxics Air Quality

Air Quality Policies/Best Practices Bicycle and Pedestrian Topics

Sustainable Development

Air Quality Operations - Regional Smoking Vehicle Program

Receive Reports Community Outreach

Issue Letters to Vehicle Owners

Provide Outreach Materials Public Meetings

Hunt County Transportation Plan

Transportation Safety and Security

Intermodal Planning

Public Involvement Coordination

Congestion Management

Sample Services by NCTCOG Program Area

Air Quality

Transportation Planning

Sustainable Development

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Reference Item 4.3

Hunt County Transportation Plan

Sample Services by NCTCOG’s Transportation Improvement Program Area

Provide an inventory of funded projects o Major Bond Programs (Collect from local agencies) o TxDOT Funded Projects (Pass Through Finance, Prop 12, Prop 14, etc.) o Federally Funded Projects (Congressional Earmarks, Future STP-MM, etc.) o Economic Recovery Projects (ARRA)

Provide information on current and future funding opportunities including: o Evaluation criteria for different calls for projects o “One Stop Shop” master listing of transportation funding opportunities

Coordinate with the TxDOT-Paris District Offices o TIP/STIP Development and Modification o Assistance with Project Implementation as Needed o Financial Constraint

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The MetropolitanTransportation Plan

Amendments to the TIP / STIP andMobility 2030 - 2009 Amendment

Major HighwaySecondary HighwayMajor ArterialCurrent MPA Boundary

Non-Attainment Boundary

Projects for Inclusion inMobility 2030 - 2009 Amendment

±October 8, 2009

Hunt County Projects:1. FM 1903 (Widen Roadway)2. SH 11 (Construct New Lanes)3. US 380 (Construct New Lanes)4. US 69 (Repair Roadway)

Reference Item 4.8

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Mobility 2030 - 2009 Amendment MPA Boundary Expansion Project Listing Reference Item 4.9

October 2009

County Project To From Project Type Additional Descriptive Information Cost MTP Reference

Ellis FM 877 US 77 FM 984 Widen Roadway Add 3 foot paved shoulders $9.39 F3001

Hood US 377 SH 144 Old Acton Highway Widen Roadway

Widen 4 lane with continuous LTL to 6 Lane Divided with Interchange

at BU 377H $31.28 TH1 903.0

Hunt FM 1903 FM 36 1.9 MI E of FM 36 Widen Roadway Widen Roadway $1.26 TH2 1916

Hunt SH 11 .27 MI N of LP 178 intersection .28 MI N of Hopkins County Line Construct New Lanes Widen from 2-Lane w/o shoulders to 5-Lane w/ Shoulders $6.50 TH2 1917

Hunt US 380 .395 MI E of FM 903 US 69 Construct New Lanes Reconstruct to 4 lane divided rural and replace bridges $23.29 TH1 901.0

Hunt US 69 BU 69D FM 513 Repair Roadway Widen from 2-Lane w/ shoulders to 5-Lane w/ Shoulders $29.84 TH1 902.0

Kaufman FM 148 SP 557 IH 20 Widen Roadway Widen existing 2 lane facility to 4 lanes $3.80 TH2 1918

Kaufman FM 1836 1.3 MI W of FM 1895 FM 2515 Widen Roadway Provide additional paved surface width $3.16 TH2 1919

Kaufman FM 598 FM 1392 SH 205 (Terrell) Rebuild Roadway $4.63 TH2 1920

Kaufman IH 20 FM 148 SP 557 Construct Frontage Roads New location frontage road $2.10 FR3991, FT3006

Kaufman SH 34 Grove St. High St. (Terrell) Construct New Road

Construct 4 lane divided urban and railroad grade separation on new

location $15.70 TH2 1921

Kaufman SP 557 at CR 305 Construct Bridge & Ramps Construct bridge and access ramps $2.00 TH2 1922

Parker FM 113 at New School Complex (Millsap) Intersection Improvement $0.35 TSM2100

Parker Holland Lake Road at IH 20 Construct Bridge

Construct bridge over IH 20 on Holland Lake rd; 2 lane w/ shoulders

and sidewalks $1.14 TH2 245, FR3993, FT3006

Parker IH 20 SH 171 FM 2552 (EB & WB)

Construct New Lanes & Frontage


Reconstruct and extend frontage rd to connect and reverse existing

entrance and exit ramps; add entrance ramp $29.77 FR3994, FT3006

Parker IH 20 Bowie Dr. FM 1884 (EB & WB) Rebuild Roadway

Reconstruct and extend EB frontage rd to FM 1884 and reverse

entrance and exit ramps $9.70 FR3995, FT3006

Parker SH 171 IH 20 Causbie St. Construct New Lanes

Widen from 2 lane to 4 lane curb and gutter section with raised

median $5.56 TH2 231

Parker Hike/Bike Trail Connect Downtown with Other Facilities Construct Hike/Bike Trail

Construct hike and bike trail to connect downtown with other facilities

in weatherford "town creek hike and bike trail" $4.03 BP2002

Parker School Road Bankhead Hwy Bailey Ranch Road Construct New Road $1.43 TH2 232

Parker US 180/IH 20 at Lakeshore Dr. (Hudson Oaks)

Construct Ramps, Widen Bridge,


Intersection improvement at Lakeshore Dr and IH 20 frontage rds, EB

frontage to one-way; relocate EB exit ramp; construct turnaround $9.94 TH2 246, FR3996, FT3006

Parker Lution Road Lution Rd Bend FM 1884 Realignment $0.45 TH2 233

Parker Greenwood Road Greenwood Cutoff SP 312 Widen Roadway $1.28 TH2 234

Parker Old Garner Road W. Lambert Rd US 180 Widen Roadway $0.23 TH2 235

Parker South Denton Street US 180 FM 2552 Construct New Road $8.06 TH2 236

Parker Weatherford Loop IH 20 FM 51 Construct New Road $45.80 TH1 904.0

Parker PoJo Road FM 51 J.E. Woody Rd. Construct New Road $6.90 TH2 237

Parker Poolville Cut Off Road SH 199 FM 920 Widen Roadway $0.24 TH2 238

Parker Maddux Road FM 113 US 180 Widen Roadway $0.32 TH2 239

Parker Old Agnes Road Scott Rd FM 51 Widen Roadway $0.46 TH2 240

Wise FM 718 SH 114 N end of Derrett Creek Bridge Widen Roadway Widen roadway to 2 -12' lanes with 10' shoulders $4.90 TH2 241

Wise FM 730 County Road at MI PT 9.293 3.331 MI N of SH 114 Construct New Road Widen and reconstruct roadway $10.78 TH2 242

Wise SH 114 0.155 MI N of FM 51 0.129 MI S CR 3386; Intersection FM 51 Construct Bridge, Widen Roadway Construct grade separation $4.53 TH1 905.0

Wise SH 114 at CR 4599/CR4590 Widen Roadway

Add left turn lane at FM 51 and widen shoulder at CR 3386 to

reconstruct right turn $0.13 TSM2100

Wise Pedestrian Enhancements Downtown Decatur Pedestrian Enhancements Construct sidewalks in downtown area $1.23 BP2002

Wise US 380 BU 380F Denton County Line Construct New Lanes reconstruct 2 lane to four lanes divided rural $44.70 TH1 906.0


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Reference Item 5.1

Hunt County Transportation Plan Project Meetings, Public Involvement, and Plan Adoption

Project Coordination Meeting Attendees: NCTCOG, Hunt County Transportation Committee

Date(s): December 14, 2009

Transportation Committee Meeting Attendees: NCTCOG, Hunt County Transportation Committee

Date(s): February 16, 2010

Commissioners Court Workshops/Briefings Attendees: NCTCOG, County Commissioners, County Judge

Date(s): To be determined

City Council Workshops/Briefings

Attendees: NCTCOG, City Mayors, City Managers

Date(s): To be determined

Draft Comprehensive Plan

Date(s): To be determined

Public Meeting Attendees: NCTCOG, Local Governments, open to the public

Date(s): To be determined

Final Comprehensive Plan Date(s): To be determined

Plan Adoption

Date(s): To be determined

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Surface TransportationTechnical CommitteeJim Sparks, P.E.,Chair

NCTCOG Executive Board 2009-2010

Regional Transportation Council 2009-2010

PresidentBobby WaddleMayor, City of DeSoto

Vice PresidentB. Glen WhitleyCounty Judge, Tarrant County

Secretary-TreasurerLinda KoopCouncilmember, City of Dallas

Past PresidentJohn MurphyCouncilmemberCity of Richardson

DirectorAllen HarrisCouncilmemberCity of The Colony

DirectorKelly WalkerMayor Pro TemCity of University Park

DirectorJohn MatthewsCommissionerJohnson County

DirectorJohn HornCounty Judge, Hunt County

DirectorMike CantrellCommissionerDallas County

DirectorCarter BurdetteCouncilmemberCity of Fort Worth

DirectorSheri CapehartCouncilmember City of Arlington

DirectorBobbie MitchellCommissionerDenton County

DirectorSteve TerrellMayor, City of Allen

General CounselJerry Gilmore

Executive DirectorR. Michael Eastland

B. Glen Whitley, ChairCounty Judge, Tarrant County

Ron Natinsky, Vice ChairCouncilmember, City of Dallas

Jungus Jordan, SecretaryCouncilmemberCity of Fort Worth

Ron BrownCommissioner, Ellis County

Mike CantrellCommissioner, Dallas County

Sheri CapehartCouncilmember, City of Arlington

Maribel Chavez, P.E.District EngineerTxDOT, Fort Worth District

Maurine DickeyCommissioner, Dallas County

Lee DunlapCouncilmember, City of Plano

Rudy DurhamCouncilmemberCity of Lewisville

Andy EadsCommissioner, Denton County

Charles EmeryBoard Chair, Denton County Transportation Authority

Mark EnochBoard MemberDallas Area Rapid Transit

Sal EspinoCouncilmember, City of Fort Worth

Pauline MedranoDeputy Mayor Pro Tem, City of Dallas

John MonacoMayor, City of Mesquite

Rich MorganCitizen Representative, City of Dallas

John MurphyCouncilmember, City of Richardson

Robert ParmeleeChair, Fort Worth Transportation Authority

Mark RileyCounty Judge, Parker County

Rick StopferCouncilmember, City of Irving

John TatumCitizen Representative, City of Dallas

T. Oscar Trevino, Jr., P.E.Mayor, City of North Richland Hills

Marti VanRavenswaayCommissioner, Tarrant County

Paul N. WagemanChairNorth Texas Tollway Authority

Bernice J. WashingtonBoardmemberDallas/Fort Worth International Airport

Kathryn WilemonCouncilmember, City of Arlington

Michael Morris, P.E.Director of Transportation, NCTCOG

Chris FloranceCounty Judge, Rockwall County

Rob Franke, P.E.Mayor, City of Cedar Hill

Bill Hale, P.E.District EngineerTxDOT, Dallas District

Roger HarmonCounty Judge, Johnson County

Kathleen HicksCouncilmember, City of Fort Worth

Vonciel Jones HillCouncilmember, City of Dallas

Joe JaynesCommissioner, Collin County

Ron JensenMayor Pro Tem, City of Grand Prairie

Ron JonesMayor, City of Garland

Pete KampMayor Pro Tem, City of Denton

Linda KoopCouncilmember, City of Dallas

Mike LeymanCouncilmember, City of Mansfield

Brian LoughmillerMayor, City of McKinney

Matthew MarchantCouncilmember, City of Carrollton

Maher MasoMayor, City of Frisco

Bill McLendonMayor Pro Tem, City of Hurst