Humans Were Now Beyond Genius

Humans were now beyond genius. We live in the time of technology as a medium of almost every single thing that we do. Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. In other words, technology makes us lazy, it procrastinates us and doesn’t hone our thinking skills. Firstly, technology makes us fat. It made our lives easy and comfortable. Technology invention has also reduced our physical activity which is making us lazy. Nowadays machines govern us. In every aspect of life we are becoming more and more dependent on modern machines and have stopped using our body and brain. It also makes human reduces their physical activity. As we can see, sitting on chairs for many hours, in front of the computers can hinder the growth of young children. Weak eyesight is another common complaint, and staying most of the time in a room keeps us away from the beautiful scenes of nature. Technology also preventing humans from doing outdoor activities. We say that sunlight and fresh air are very important for a plant to grow well. Similarly outdoor physical activities are important for a person’s health and well-being. We spend most of our time indoors working with the machines and have very little time for outdoor activities which is very harmful for us. Children prefer to play computer and video games instead of playing outdoors; this is also not good for their health. We can also say that Technology makes human “blind”. It is said that walking is the best exercise. But nowadays we prefer to use the car even to go to the next lane. We should not use vehicles for short distance but should walk the way. This will help us keep fit and our body slim and smart. It will also give us a chance to enjoy... QUESTION 2: The world today is turning more to electronic communications such as the e- mail, Facebook and Short Message System (SMS). What is your opinion of this growing trend? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words.



Transcript of Humans Were Now Beyond Genius

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Humans were now beyond genius. We live in the time of technology as a medium of almost every single thing that we do. Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. In other words, technology makes us lazy, it procrastinates us and doesn’t hone our thinking skills. Firstly, technology makes us fat. It made our lives easy and comfortable. Technology invention has also reduced our physical activity which is making us lazy. Nowadays machines govern us. In every aspect of life we are becoming more and more dependent on modern machines and have stopped using our body and brain. It also makes human reduces their physical activity. As we can see, sitting on chairs for many hours, in front of the computers can hinder the growth of young children. Weak eyesight is another common complaint, and staying most of the time in a room keeps us away from the beautiful scenes of nature. Technology also preventing humans from doing outdoor activities. We say that sunlight and fresh air are very important for a plant to grow well. Similarly outdoor physical activities are important for a person’s health and well-being. We spend most of our time indoors working with the machines and have very little time for outdoor activities which is very harmful for us. Children prefer to play computer and video games instead of playing outdoors; this is also not good for their health. We can also say that Technology makes human “blind”. It is said that walking is the best exercise. But nowadays we prefer to use the car even to go to the next lane. We should not use vehicles for short distance but should walk the way. This will help us keep fit and our body slim and smart. It will also give us a chance to enjoy...QUESTION 2:The world today is turning more to electronic communications such as the e-mail, Facebook and Short Message System (SMS). What is your opinion of this growing trend? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words. As time goes by, the world is changing rapidly; so are its people and the technology itself. Technology brings about a lot of amendments in people’s life. It is getting more advanced from day to day especially when it comes to Information Technology or in this case; electronic communications. Back then, mailing was seemingly to be one of the most vital ways of communication especially for the world communication. In contrast, nowadays people are more prone to communicate the easier ways; by staring on their electronic accounts on their computers or through their iPods and sending short messages from their iPhones or Blackberries. Why is it so? In my slight opinion, this growing trend gives a lot of dominances in today’s life, which are helping people to save their time and money, create borderless communication and make it easy for people to gain prominent information.FeedbackThe student introduces technology as a whole, looking at its history, from how it has grown from a simple form of communication through letters to today’s extensive choice of communication through electronic

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gadgets. This is a great way to start your introduction. Based on the question, explain what the issue is and give a brief background of its past and present. State your opinion as to why such situation arises.  First and foremost, the world today is turning more to electronic communications like e-mail, Facebook and Short Message System (SMS) and other electronic communications is because they will prevent people from wasting their time and money. How do these work? As we all know, sending a letter to someone will take a lot of processes and will eventually take a long time and waste a lot of money. On the contrary, electronic communications entail only the tip of our fingers so as an electronic device to work with. Then, what is left for us to do is just, typing! Has that not taken a much lesser time and money? For instance, an e-mail only requires us to turn on our laptops, open our accounts on the website and then, you can start write your letter and send them through e-mails. In short, with the very unstable economy nowadays, having these kinds of communications will ease everyone’s burden especially on their daily expenses and also their valuable time will not be wasted.  FeedbackState, Explain and then Illustrate. Remember SEI. First, state the topic that’s been mentioned. In this case, it’s the rise of electronic communications. Then explain. Explain what electronic communications entail. Next, illustrate. This means give examples based on your explanation. The student illustrates by giving a scenario of the use of emails. Secondly, the growing trend of electronic communications is making it possible for a borderless communication which is vital these days. Why is it vital? A lot of things require borderless communication; in education field, businesses and even daily activities, especially when foreigners involved. For example, when trading with foreigners, in order to communicate with each other, they need Skype or Yahoo Messenger as mediums to interact and be able to do the trade at a faster rate as compared to by using ‘snail mails’ or regular letters. Skype is the perfect example of an electronic communication which will cut the boundary that has separated each country and make communication between two different countries from around the world possible. In conclusion, it is crucial to have these electronic communications in today’s age of globalization as they make it easier for people around the world to connect with each other.

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  FeedbackStructure your subsequent paragraphs like the first one. Add a new point in the second paragraph and repeat the SEI format. It’s important to have a mind map of your points before you start writing.

Last but not least, the dominance of these electronic communications is people could gain prominent information more efficiently than before. As there are lesser borders between countries, the efficiency of getting much more relevant and prominent information is higher. People will have the ability to provide and gain information effectively through Facebook or Twitter accounts. For example, international artists who have planned to do a world concert can inform their fans about it through their Facebook account. Likewise, the fans also can ask just about anything to their favourite artists regarding the concert. Hence, this explains why people make these electronic communications as a huge trend these days and in order to keep the trend ongoing, each person has the responsibility to adapt with the technology itself. In a nutshell, the growing trend of using electronic communications is inevitably vital in people’s lives as it gives out a lot of benefits as stated in above paragraphs. So, to avoid ourselves from not getting the chance of keeping up with the changing trends, we have to try our best to adapt ourselves with the rapid changes. I believe that the electronic communication trend is a trend which is very important to be followed as the world is getting more advanced day to day. FeedbackTo indicate that your essay is coming to an end, use words like ‘in conclusion, in a nutshell, in short or to wrap up. Summarise your opinion based on all your previous paragraphs and emphasise your point through words like ‘I believe’.

Because of technology, our lives are now much more sedentary. Many of us sit at computers all day for our jobs. Children stay in on  their X'boxs' instead of playing outside with their friends. Nobody walks up stairs anymore -

The world today is turning more to electronic communications such as the e-mail, Facebook and Short message System (SMS). What is your opinion of this growing trend? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words. Everywhere we turn today, the world is crowded with people busy typing SMSes on their Nokias or iPhones or someone is staring unblinkingly at a Facebook or Yahoo page on the computer screen. Whether you like it or not, the age of

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Information Technology is upon us, and we can either learn new skills and adapt to this new technology, or be forever lost and stuck in the older generation. In my opinion, I am fully convinced that this growing trend is the way of the future, and it brings countless benefits to mankind. In this essay, I will discuss three positive effects of electronic communication, namely its efficiency, enhances communication and creates a borderless world community. 

First and foremost, more and more people are relying on e-mail, Facebook, Short Message System (SMS) and other types of electronic communication tools because of its high efficiency. This is because in today's age of globalisation, we need information at the tip of our fingers. Moreover, with the use of these tools, we can increase the speed of getting the necessary and relevant information within seconds and this will increase our productivity. For example, gone are the days of using 'snail mail' or regular letters using stamps and envelopes and many more examples of 'old' technology because it is simply too slow and inefficient. Therefore, these e-communication tools increases the access to important information which is why the new generation is fully accepting this growing trend.

Secondly, this form of technology enhances communication among people today. This means that when we use SMS, e-mails and websites like Facebook, we are able to communicate clearly and directly to our target audience. Furthermore, people today find that the message is more important than the form it comes in as an e-mail in short but clear sentences is just as good or even better than a long and formal letter. For instance, an SMS can give clear instructions in just a few words and this communicates what needs to be done quickly and directly. Thus, when the intended message can be spread clearly using short and clear information like in SMSes and emails, communication can be enhanced and there will be less problems of miscommunication. 

Last but not least, e-communication creates a borderless community in the world we live in today. This is due to the fact that the boundaries that separate each country becomes less relevant when information is transferred without limitations. In addition, the world would be a better place because there is a sense of 1-World commitment, respect and tolerance for the global community through efficient and clear e-communication. Take for example, we are able to connect with people on an international basis using Facebook, Friendster, Tagged, Hotmail, Yahoo and others. Hence, these tools will enhance global unity and create a more peaceful world. 

In a nutshell, this growing trend has many positive effects not just to individuals but the global society in terms of efficiency, enhancing communicative skills and shaping a borderless community. In my opinion, I still firmly believe that this latest trend is the best way forward and if we do not catch up, we will be left behind by the tide of development. Our government can encourage the proper usage of electronic communications by increasing communication amenities and broadband accessibility especially in rural areas so that they can enjoy the same facilities as city-folks therefore balancing the development of our country towards achieving Vision 2020

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“People are becoming more materialistic. They are concerned with making more money and what money can buy.” What is your opinion on being materialistic? You should write at least 350 words. [60 marks]They say that money makes the world go round. And indeed it does as without money, life would be very difficult as in today’s society, nothing is free. The side effect however is that people are becoming more materialistic; more concerned with making money and what money can buy. But how much money is enough? Is it ever enough? To some, it will never be enough. In my opinion, I truly believe that this statement is true and that people are becoming more materialistic in nature. In this essay, I will discuss how materialism has affected modern society’s way of life on an individual level, the country’s economy as well as our spiritual and moral beliefs.

First and foremost, each individual is affected by materialism to some extent in this day and age because hedonism is becoming an uprising trend. This is because today's generation are geared towards making more and more money so that they can enjoy the carefree lifestyle that is so popular these days. Moreover, people now are striving to earn more income in order to afford things that are more expensive and branded. For example, people spend their hard earned money on material objects like genuine LV and Coach handbags, expensive gadgets like Iphones and Tablet pcs and so on which in my opinion is a waste of money when regular goods may prove to be good enough. Therefore, while individuals become more focussed on their pursuit of material wealth and improving their standard of living, they may forget that what matters most in life is quality time spent with family and friends and not the quantity of their material goods.

Secondly, when society starts spending in a materialistic manner it will surely have a domino effect on the country’s economy. This means that the spending power of society will help boost the economy and create more business opportunities for the booming trade. However, when a society overspends, using plastic money or credit cards, or when they take loans they cannot afford to repay, then the country’s debt margin will be higher. For instance, USA today is facing an economic crisis because banks have approved home loans to people who aspire to own bigger houses than they can actually afford and this is causing the collapse of the country’s economy there. Thus, while a society’s spending habits helps our economy to grow, overspending due to materialism will have an adverse effect to the country’s financial stability.

Last but not least, materialism affects our spiritual and moral

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beliefs. This is due to the fact people who are materialistic may become ‘amoral’ whereby they disregard their spiritual and moral upbringing and instead turn to crime to satisfy their materialistic needs. In fact, the crime rate is increasing because criminals these days have developed many ways to gain more money from society. Take for example, there are more reports of snatch thefts, burglaries, kidnapping for ransom, credit card fraud, internet banking hacking and others that are driven by materialistic criminals. Hence, when people lose sight of their spiritual and moral beliefs and believe instead in the greed of materialism, therefore the crime rate is bound to increase.

In a nutshell, materialism is a common agenda in the 21st century as more people are working hard to afford things beyond their reach. While this may spur individuals to work harder to improve their standard of living, overspending due to materialism may cause the downfall of a country’s economy and their morality. In my opinion, I still firmly believe that materialism has a strong hold on today’s society; both positive and negative effects. Our government can encourage society to be less frivolous and wasteful in spending by running campaigns such as ‘Consumer Awareness’ and ‘Buy Malaysian Made Products’ in order to educate our younger generation for the prosperity of our nation. 


The world today is turning more to electronic communications such as the e-mail, Facebook and Short Message System (SMS). What is your opinion of this growing trend? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words. [60 marks]

Everywhere we turn today, the world is crowded with people busy typing SMSes on their Nokias or iPhones or someone is staring unblinkingly at a Facebook or Yahoo page on the computer screen. Whether you like it or not, the age of Information Technology is upon us, and we can either learn new skills and adapt to this new technology, or be forever lost and stuck in the older generation. In my opinion, I am fully convinced that this growing trend is the way of the future, and it brings countless benefits to mankind. In this essay, I will discuss three positive effects of electronic communication, namely its efficiency, enhances communication and creates a borderless world community.

First and foremost, more and more people are relying on e-mail, Facebook, Short Message System (SMS) and other types of electronic communication tools because of its high efficiency. This

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is because in today's age of globalisation, we need information at the tip of our fingers. Moreover, with the use of these tools, we can increase the speed of getting the necessary and relevant information within seconds and this will increase our productivity. For example, gone are the days of using 'snail mail' or regular letters using stamps and envelopes and many more examples of 'old' technology because it is simply too slow and inefficient. Therefore, these e-communication tools increases the access to important information which is why the new generation is fully accepting this growing trend.

Secondly, this form of technology enhances communication among people today. This means that when we use SMS, e-mails and websites like Facebook, we are able to communicate clearly and directly to our target audience. Furthermore, people today find that the message is more important than the form it comes in as an e-mail in short but clear sentences is just as good or even better than a long and formal letter. For instance, an SMS can give clear instructions in just a few words and this communicates what needs to be done quickly and directly. Thus, when the intended message can be spread clearly using short and clear information like in SMSes and emails, communication can be enhanced and there will be less problems of miscommunication.

Last but not least, e-communication creates a borderless community in the world we live in today. This is due to the fact that the boundaries that separate each country becomes less relevant when information is transferred without limitations. In addition, the world would be a better place because there is a sense of 1-World commitment, respect and tolerance for the global community through efficient and clear e-communication. Take for example, we are able to connect with people on an international basis using Facebook, Friendster, Tagged, Hotmail, Yahoo and others. Hence, these tools will enhance global unity and create a more peaceful world.

In a nutshell, this growing trend has many positive effects not just to individuals but the global society in terms of efficiency, enhancing communicative skills and shaping a borderless community. In my opinion, I still firmly believe that this latest trend is the best way forward and if we do not catch up, we will be left behind by the tide of development. Our government can encourage the proper usage of electronic communications by increasing communication amenities and free broadband accessibility especially in rural areas so that they can enjoy the same facilities as city-folks therefore balancing the development of our country towards achieving Vision 2020. 

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The most valuable thing in life is friendship. Do you agree? Discuss. You should write at least 350 words.[60 marks] 

It is true that no ‘man is an island’ meaning that no one in this world can live alone without friendship. That person would be very socially challenged as he or she would miss the camaraderie and life experiences that come with friendship. However, I completely disagree with the statement that the most valuable thing in life is friendship as there are certainly more important and priceless things in life besides this. In this essay, I will outline how life itself is more valuable than friendship, and elaborate on why family and the individual’s principles in life are ranked higher.

First and foremost, before one can enjoy the beauty of friendship, one must surely value life itself or in other words, we should value our health. This is because, the quality of our life is the single most important criteria in life if we are to live a meaningful and wholesome life. Moreover, without good health, we will be hard pressed to do even the simplest of tasks like feed ourselves or relieve ourselves without the help of doctors, nurses and caregivers. For example, if we are paralysed, lost our sight, hearing or ability to speak or even a simple case of a fever or allergic reactions, then the quality of our life is greatly reduced and no amount of friendship can make us healthy again. Therefore, while friends can stand by us in our time of need, pristine health is still the most valuable asset in our lives.

Secondly, we are no one without our family as indeed blood is thicker than water. This means that however you analyse it, friendships will almost always play second fiddle because family always comes first. Furthermore, if we do not value our family above others, then there must be a problem among the family members that has caused their relationship to be strained. For instance, people tend to turn away from family if the family member(s) themselves are the ones to cause them to react negatively such as divorced parents, abusive parents or siblings and so on. Thus, when people consider friendship to be the most valuable thing in life, more often than not they may come from a troubled household.

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Last but not least, a person’s principles in life is by far more valuable than friendship alone. This is due to the fact that each person needs to have a code of ethics, quite often prescribed by their individual religions. In addition, this code will guide each person to live their lives according to the good and right principles. Take for example, if an individual has set his principles to do good, then no amount of friendship especially negative influence from friends, can shake his hold on his principles and cause him to commit undesirable deeds like smoking, stealing, raping, murdering and others. Hence, if a person values friendship so much to the point where he is willing to break his principles, then he has done a serious misdeed against himself and will most likely regret his actions later in life.

In short, friendship is the rainbow of life as it colours our horizons with invaluable experiences but without good health, a supportive family and strong principles, life becomes empty and meaningless. In my opinion, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that I still firmly believe that friendship is not the most valuable thing in life. Our government can encourage people to prioritise health, family and principles in life by organising awareness campaigns especially in primary schools where the younger generation should learn about priorities in life because they are the leaders of tomorrow.


The rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products. How will this affect the society? Give your opinion. You should write at least 350 words.[60 marks] 

Money is always an issue in today's era of materialism. Most people need it for basic survival while the lucky few indulge in luxuries without worrying about money. In my opinion, I strongly agree that the rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will definitely affect the society. In this essay, I would like to touch on the effects this price increase has on society today, namely increasing vice activities, widening the gap between the rich and the poor and affecting the population trend in the long term.

First and foremost, society will immediately be affected by the rise in fuel prices because consumer products will be more costly and this leads to an increase of vice activities. This is because basic necessities such as rice, flour, sugar and so on will be in great demand and some warehouses will store or hoard the items to further increase the price of the product. Moreover, in the newspapers today, reports of smuggling of these items prove that

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this vice activity is on the rise. For example, the recent sugar price hike caused a furor among the Malaysian society as it costs more fuel to travel to and from the supermarket and when arriving, most places had run out of stock even though the government had allocated 2kg of sugar to one person. Therefore, the fuel price increase had definitely caused more hardships to society today.

Secondly, it is undeniable that the rise in fuel prices leads to the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor. This is due to the fact that people are greatly affected by the price of basic necessities such as food and fuel in particular. Furthermore, the rich people will still be able to afford such things but the poor will face greater challenges as the popular saying goes: "The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer." For instance, when money is used to purchase consumer products that are necessary for survival, then less money will be spent on health and dental check-up, educational purposes and others. Thus, it is clear that the fuel price hike will further stress on the differences between the rich and the poor which is such a tragedy.

Last but not least, in the long term the population trend or demographics of the society will be greatly affected. This means that new families will consciously decide not to have too many children in order to increase their quality of life. In addition, society is now more aware of birth control and family planning so this will greatly reduce the population as most families will have 1 to 5 children instead of more. Take for example, new families with less children will surely spend less on basic necessities like food, clothes, transport and many more. Hence, the demographics of the whole country will be affected and this in turn will reduce our workforce which will affect our country's productivity and prosperity.

In short, there are many short term to long term effects of a fuel price increase which includes more crimes like hoarding and smuggling will occur and this leads to the widening of the gap between the rich and the poor as well as a change in the society's demographics. I still strongly believe that the rising fuel price has pushed up the price of other consumer products and this will surely cause a negative impact to society. The government must find a way to stabilise the fuel price at a reasonable rate so that it does not affect the productivity of this country towards achieving the aspirations of the nation for Vision 2020.


Health is very important in our lives as we cannot carry out daily activities efficiently without a healthy body. In Malaysia, mass

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vaccination is practiced in public schools. The vaccines may be administered by school nurses or a team of other medical staff from public sectors. For instance, children may receive the oral polio vaccine in Year One of primary school, the BCG in Year Six and the MMR (measles, Mumps and Rubella) in Form Three of secondary school. In 2010, the government will provide all 13-year-old girls three doses of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. This policy aims to prevent illness, disability and death of Malaysian citizens which can be triggered by various diseases.


The Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said according to PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation) about 2000 students qualified for scholarship worth RM73 million. So far, PTPTN had approved loans amounting to RM38.69 billion for 1.75 million students and waived loan repayments totaling RM277.99 million for 9545 students with first class honours last year. This shows that the government is serious in raising the standard of human capital in Malaysia so we may achieve developed nation status by Vision 2020.


Sports should be integral to a person’s life. This is due to the benefits in health that can be derived from it. In addition, skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork can be emphasised among Malaysians. The Ministry of Education had introduced the 1 Student 1 Sport policy (1 Murid 1 Sukan) to encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Making participation in sports compulsory helps student develop a more holistic and balanced approach in life while sharpening the skills of talented individuals in various sports such as badminton, football, athletics and so on. Our government can improve this program by providing subsidized sporting equipment for each student so that they can afford racquets, bats, balls, spikes that are essential to the development of the sporting standard of the country.


Agriculture in Malaysia makes up 12% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). 16% of the population of Malaysia is employed through the field of agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry (MOA) serves as an agency for private agriculture businesses in Malaysia to get advice by experts that specialize in agriculture, fishing and livestock. The statutory body under MOA, Agrobank also helps farmers and fishermen by offering financing packages and loans so that they

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can start their businesses without life-long savings.


The major industries in Malaysia are rubber, textiles, basic metals, food processing, petroleum and electronic goods. In 2007, Malaysia was the 3rd largest economy in South East Asia. The Malaysia New Economic Policy (NEP) was created in 1971 with the aim of achieving a 30% Bumiputera share of the economy of Malaysia while eradicating poverty amongst Bumiputera. After 30 years of program, the NEP had achieved its goals where Bumiputra ownership increased to 18.9% in 2004 against 2.4% in 1970, while poverty decreased to 8.3% in 2004 from 64.8% in 1970.


Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had distributed a total of 285332 laptops to secondary school students in Malaysia to help educate and engage poorer students in information and communication technology (ICT). The aim of the ‘1Malaysia Computer’ program was to benefit 65% of the students in government and government-aided schools. The conditions to receive free laptops were: only household incomes below RM3,000 in rural areas (below RM5,000 in urban areas), the family did not own a computer, and the children were in Forms 1 until 5, each family was limited to one computer. Free laptops would help students improve their learning skills as they could search for extra information independently by using the internet access. This program can be improved as the government should provide free internet access through portable broadband connection so that all students could do self-learning conveniently at home.FACTUAL WRITING

1. WARIn terms of world peace, we should never repeat the mistakes of World War I in 1918 where we lost about 5 million people and World War II in 1945 that took the lives of more than 61 million. These wars are concrete examples of why killing and death are not acceptable. Instead, we should find a way through the United Nations and other such organisations to conduct peace talks at all costs because wars give nothing but negative impact to the human race.

2. ENVIRONMENTMankind is doing irreparable damage to mother nature to the extent that more and more natural disasters have occurred in recent times such as the undersea earthquake a day after Christmas in 2004 which unleashed multiple tsunamis in 14 countries killing over 230,000 people. More

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recent are the earthquakes in New Zealand last year and this year Japan was hit full force by a tsunami that almost destroyed the Fukushima nuclear power plant and caused a nuclear meltdown similar to the radioactive disaster in Chernobyl, Ukriane (1986). Therefore, we must reduce our negative impact to the environment because it will definitely affect mother nature.

3. NATIONAL UNITYThere are many lessons we can learn from our own history including the May 13 1969 racial riots between the Malay and Chinese especially in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur. Almost 200 people were killed and this really emphasised why we need to be more understanding, tolerant and respectful of each others’ cultural differences. Otherwise, another terrible racial riot will occur and this will destroy the national unity that we have worked so hard to achieve for the past half century of independence.

4. TERRORISMWorld peace is threatened when terrorists launch attacks such as the 9/11/2001 hijacking of two 767 jets into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City. This is such a tragedy because it took 2,753 lives but there are uncountable more lives, maybe millions, that have been shaken by this terrible event. This has led to more lives lost through the hunting down of Saddam Hussien and Osama bin Laden, both of whom were influential leaders that commanded troops of terrorists. Hence, the governments of each country need to work hand in hand to protect its citizens from further terrorist threat.

5. PATRIOTISMIn recent times, the world has seen a number of tragedies that are unbelievable and atrocious such as the bombing in Oslo, Norway where Anders Brevik went on a shooting rampage and killed at least 77 youths because he was against multiculturalism and Muslim immigration. Thus, although we should be patriotic at all times, there must be moderation because the extremism showed by Norweigian Anders Behring Breivik is very unhealthy and this does not create peace, but instigates world wars.

6. PROUD TO BE MALAYSIANWe should be proud to be living in a peaceful land as there are no wars, enough food and opportunity to improve our standard of living. On the other hand, places like Palestine face the uncertainty and horrors of war every day, while there are many crisis elsewhere such as in Somalia,

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Afghanistan and even in Thailand which is our direct neighbour. In short, we need to defend our peace and freedom not just for this generation but for our children, and our children’s children.

7. ENDANGERED ANIMALSDatuk Michelle Yeoh from Perak is an international actress most famed for her role in action movies and being the Bond girl in ‘Tomorrow never dies’ is also known for her full support of the anti-smuggling of endangered animals campaign. Along with celebrities such as Jackie Chan, they both support the saying, “When the buying stops, the killing will too.” Therefore, we should also support this campaign to stop the buying of illegal animal products such as ground rhino horn, ornamental elephant tusks and animal fur and skin to make clothes and accessories.

8. INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLETun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed is an extremely inspirational man as he was the longest serving prime minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003 during which he was called the ‘Father of Modernisation’. We have a lot to thank him for including our aspiration to achieve the developed nation status through Vision 2020. He was also behind the successful programs such as Multimedia Super Corridor, Proton cars, KLCC and KL towers, Formula 1 Sepang Circuit and many more which have brought prosperity and countless opportunities to fellow Malaysians. Therefore, to me he is truly inspirational as even today he has his own website, blog and Facebook page where he shows eloquence and critical thinking even though he is now 86 years old.

9. SPORTSMalaysia has a lot to be proud of in terms of sports as today we have two individuals in racquet sports that are ranked No. 1 in the world. They are Datuk Lee Chong Wei for badminton and Datuk Nicol Ann David for squash, both hailing from the island of Penang. The two are prime examples of a combination of hard work and good upbringing because they have managed to divide their time to be a successful sportsperson. Datuk Nicol is 28 years old and been playing squash intensively since young but she still managed to score flying colours in her SPM where she obtained 7As. This is evidence that with the right attitude and diligence, anything is possible.

10. BUSINESSMalaysia is proud to have businessmen who have carved a

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name for themselves in the international arena. Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes, CEO of Air Asia, owns the world best low-cost airline (2009-2011) which has created countless opportunities for Malaysians to travel around the world for business and leisure. With his amazing tagline, “Now everyone can fly”, it is truly wonderful that we can experience international travel because travelling is now affordable for all. Another famous Malaysian entrepreneur is Datuk Jimmy Choo, famed for his exquisite handmade heels which are sought after by all the celebrities in America and the whole world including the fashionista Sarah Jessica Parker, a famous Hollywood actress. Therefore, we should always look for opportunities to expand our business not just in the Malaysian market but penetrate the international market as well.Another good example for the internet crimes essay.In this era where everything is just a click away, the advanced technology available has provided mankind with loads of convenience and the invention of internet access allows people to do various kinds of job sitting in front of the computer. In my opinion, I believe that the increasing cases of internet crime has brought about many disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss two bad effects of internet crime which include loss of personal properties and disturbance in personal life as well as a prevention method which is to increase self-awareness and alertness in the society.

First and foremost, the victims will suffer from loss of personal properties such as a huge amount of money and some official data. This is because the personal information of the people who have been cheated such as bank account number is abused by the criminals. Moreover, the number of hackers who know well how to access to people's personal online account illegally is also on the rise. Take for example, many opportunist parties send emails to people telling them that they have won cash prizes and require their bank account number to bank in the money to their bank accounts but the criminals actually derive all the money from those bank accounts. Therefore, internet crime has caused people to lose their personal properties.

Next, internet crime threatens the personal life of the victims. This means that their personal security, safety and privacy are challenged. Furthermore, their family members probably will suffer from deep depression too. For instance, some irresponsible people spread rumours on the internet that will ruin the victim's reputation and some even post the personal details and inappropriate photos of the victim out of hatred or grudge for the victim and many more. Thus, the victims will experience an ordeal which people around will look down on them or make fun of them

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over a long period due to internet crime. In order to prevent the internet crime from escalating, one should avoid giving others their email addresses and especially their account passwords. People should also sign up for trusted websites only. Besides that, the crime prevention department can collaborate with schools and government to teach people how to increase their online account protection such as Facebook account and to report as spam when they receive junk emails. All in all, all these strategies can help to lower the number of internet crime cases by increasing the self-awareness and alertness of the society.

In conclusion, the disadvantages of internet crime that I mentioned are loss of personal properties and disturbance of personal life while increasing the self-awareness and alertness of society is one of the preventions. I still agree that internet crime brings a lot of bad effects to people and the society. I hope that the government can impose stricter laws so that less people will become the victim of internet crime in the future.