Humans Are Equal

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Humans are Equal, But Some are More EqualThe saying is loaded with wisdom and realism. George Orwell paraphrased this statement from the Declaration of Independence in his novelAnimal Farm.In the story, animals on a farm joined together, overthrew their human owners, and"liberated" all the animals. The first thing the animals did was proclaim that "all animals are equal." They painted this credo on the barn in big letters for all to see.Over time, some animals started taking charge, overseeing things at the farm, devising the rules and enforcing them. Order was necessary after all! This all seemed innocent and harmless enough until the animals in charge got comfortable with their power. They had cushy jobs on the farm, as did their family and friends.Other animals worked and worked, being punished if they questioned this arrangement. The governing animals produced nothing, but took more than an equal share of feed and water, claiming it was necessary for maintaining order and productivity on the farm. One night, without discussion or consent, the governing animals changed the credo on the barn to: "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."From here, the quote turns from animal form to human psychology and the way they live on this planet by holding a system of government in which all humans are equal but some are more equal than others.Equality is misconceived and misused because of the power relationships in society, and cannot be existed as long as money carries an importance in social hierarchy as it can be seen in many countries of the world.The distribution of wealth on unjust grounds gave space to the conceptions of haves and have-nots. We are living in an unjust global system where affluent class has gone to senselessness regarding other human beings.Here, I would like to unfold this saying with an event happened at the very creation of the first human being i.e. Adam. When Adam was created and the empyrean angels were asked to prostrate before him, all were at once went into prostration except the Satan who started arguing with Allah Almighty and spoke the most notorious and abhorrent sentence that I am better than him (Adam). This sentence is the most dangerous one present in its most heinous shape in different parts of the world and these very words have divided people from high to low classes formation.When this kind of attitude prevails in a society, it faces severe annihilation in its very foundation. Calling oneself better than the other is like drawing an endless gulf between oneself and the others. This attitude prevailed in the novel the Animal Farm in which some animal considered themselves as superior to other and form their government to rule on others materializing that they are more equal than others.Similar is the attitude of our todays world so-called leaders from developed world to the under developed countries. If we glance at the NATO, it considers itself the unbeatable power of the world and regards the rest of the world as inferior. It violates international law blatantly with the belief that no power can contain it from doing so. Its glaring example can be found in the case of Iraq war in which it clearly violated the UNs resolution of not attacking Iraq on the false presumption of weapons of mass destructions.In the same vein, coming to Muslim world, Saudi Arabia has been playing a role of distinguishing itself superior to the other Muslim world. It has enacted such callous laws that even the wind has to blow according to their specified direction. Beheading is so common that speaking against their monarchy there, one should be ready to be beheaded by them.At the advent of the 21stcentury, the world in which we are living has been completely transformed into a world science, reason and technology. Now the old concepts regarding societies and governance are getting obsolete and the media of this century has gone ahead of time that an ordinary person can get any kind of information at any time. Now we will have to change our thinking and the way of seeing things. All humans are equal in the sense that no one has more superior rights over the other.As a matter of fact, in life, we have to qualify two things, one is that one should be eligible to live and qualify the criteria to depart from this world. He who is not eligible to die, the level of his life can never be that of a human being. So, adapting the animal behavior by following their examples of ruling and governing by considering themselves superior to others is a horrible practice that leads to destruction and disruption within the society. We will have to change our way of thinking and viewing in order to make a peaceful and prosperous society in which all human beings could spend their lives equally and on just grounds. As Marcel Proust said, the real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.