HumanitarianResponse - CaLP Market Assessment Tools ... · Web viewSamah Ibrahim Mohammed Abu Lamzy...

Cash Learning Partnership Working together to improve the quality of humanitarian cash and voucher transfer programming CaLP Market Assessment Tools Training Gaza, OPT 16-20 February 2020 1

Transcript of HumanitarianResponse - CaLP Market Assessment Tools ... · Web viewSamah Ibrahim Mohammed Abu Lamzy...

Page 1: HumanitarianResponse - CaLP Market Assessment Tools ... · Web viewSamah Ibrahim Mohammed Abu Lamzy Mercy Corps 11 Samer M. Mohsen Mercy Corps

Cash Learning PartnershipWorking together to improve the quality of humanitarian cash and voucher

transfer programming

CaLP Market Assessment Tools Training

Gaza, OPT16-20 February 2020


Page 2: HumanitarianResponse - CaLP Market Assessment Tools ... · Web viewSamah Ibrahim Mohammed Abu Lamzy Mercy Corps 11 Samer M. Mohsen Mercy Corps


1. Summary of details 32. Workshop rationale 43. Participant profiles 44. Training facilitators 45. Challenges and implications 46. Training evaluation 7

Annexes1. Agenda2. Participants


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1. Summary Dates 16. – 20.02.2020Location Gaza, OPTNumber of participants 16 participants completed Total number of days 5 days

Facilitator names Jürgen Mika, independent consultant C. Mike Daniels, independent consultant

Workshop organizer CaLP MenaVenue Roots Hotel, Gaza City


By the end of the course participants will be able to:

Contribute to and engage in the market analysis process and response option discussions.

Utilise core market analysis tools, understanding their contribution to market analysis in a range of contexts.

Sessions Session 1: Introduction and rationale for market analysis

Introductions and a discussion exercise to introduce some of the commonly held fears around market analysis and provide some rationale for including markets as part of initial and on-going assessments in a humanitarian context.

Session 2: A framework for market analysis

The session opens with an introduction to a framework for market analysis that will be used to frame the various steps throughout the training. Emphasis is also given to needs assessment and gap analysis, and how an understanding of this needs to be reflected in market assessment and analysis.

Session 3: Critical market selection and KAQ

The session links needs analysis with the identification and section of critical markets and key analytical questions that can vary according to the mandate of an organisation and potential programme duration amongst other considerations.

Session 4: Revisiting Market Mapping

This session exposes participants to the essentials of mapping, the do’s and don’ts, how to construct a market map, how to use the map as a visual tool to communicate a baseline and post-emergency context.

Session 5: Market mapping

This session continues the market mapping theme from session 4 by asking groups to map a market system from a case study.

Session 6: What we measure in market assessments

This session is designed to introduce participants to the key analytical


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instruments used in market analysis in the majority of market analysis toolkits and approaches to varying degrees. This includes market mapping, price monitoring, understanding demand and supply, multi-sector market analysis, competition and integration of markets, gap analysis etc.

Session 7: Understanding market performance

This session continues the market performance theme from session 6 and looks in more detail at competition and integration of markets and provides examples of market power.

Session 8: Analysing market data

Participants are exposed to raw data and are asked to draw conclusions and assumptions. Participants will be led through exercises that will enable this process.

Session 9 and 10: Overview of market tools and guidance

Participants are introduced to the range of market analysis tools and approaches that are frequently used in humanitarian contexts and through group work, and will inform each other of each.

Session 11 and 12: Response options and recommendations

As market analysis is one component of cash feasibility analysis and situation analysis, this session looks at the role of market response analysis processes as a foundation for identifying a range of response options and recommendations.

Session 13: Monitoring

This session builds on the discussions from Sessions 11 and 12, testing participant understanding of analysing collected data, undertaking basic response analysis and defining response options and recommendations.


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2. Workshop rationale and objectives

The main focus of the course is;

1) how to measure market performance and2) how to select appropriate market tools and guidance.

The Market Assessment Tools course is designed to support participants to utilise core market analysis tools, and understand their contribution to market analysis for different objectives, in a range of contexts.The course is aimed at both programme and operations staff involved in programme design and quality. It explores assessment tools which can be used across a range of sectors. The course has been structured to enable the inclusion of fieldwork on Day 4 of the training package. Where possible, fieldwork should be included as it provides the participants with the opportunity to ‘learn whilst doing’ or ‘learning in action’ which can be highly beneficial to participant learning and confidence in using market analysis tools.

3. Participants26 people were registered, but some were not informed about the training dates and therefore only 17 showed up on the first day of the training. One participant dropped out due to other commitments, so only 16 Participants completed the training.

4. Training facilitatorsJürgen Mika, independent consultant C. Mike Daniels, independent consultant

5. Challenges and implications

1. Many participants were late on the first day, so the training started with one-hour delay.

2. The schedule was adapted to local schedule starting at 8h00 am and finishing at 4h00 pm having lunch at 1h30 pm providing 3 sessions in the morning and one the afternoon with participants getting tired at the end of the morning.

3. During group work, some participants took advantage to “escape” and rather spend time drinking coffee and smoking.

4. Overall, the lack of discipline in terms of punctuality and participation was a challenge and made it difficult for the facilitators to start and finish on time.

5. Some participants had complaints about communicating the date and time of the workshop to the participants. One participant commented that communication mainly related for the 1st day was a bit confusing and no proper communication done ahead of time.

6. At a meeting with WFP (during the fieldwork) two WFP staff complained that they had been registered (confirmed) for the training but were never informed by CaLP about the training dates.

7. Communication between CaLP Amman, Trainers and on the ground organisers must be improved.


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7. Training adaptation

In coordination with the Gaza Cash Working Group, the trainers decided to use a contextualized approach. Instead of using the case study provided in the training materials, 3 existing Market Assessments were used as a case.

1. The Crisis is Now: A Pre-Crisis Market Analysis of Credit, Mattresses and Drinking Water in the Gaza Strip (the training focused on the Drinking Water Market)Gaza Strip, September 2018

2. EMMA of the Broiler Chicken Market SystemGaza Strip, October 2013

3. EMMA of the Wheat Flour Market SystemGaza Strip, October 2013

During the field exercise findings of these reports were updated or verified

8. Training evaluation

The below tables show the results of the qualitative questionnaire:

Section 1: General Feedback on the Course


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Was there anything missing from the course that you would have liked to have covered? Or was there anything in the course you would have liked to have covered in more detail?

No How to practically design effective and efficient market-based interventions. NA better and more Monitoring practices and actual results of M&E to be discussed as

case study It was very informative training and I really enjoyed, but I wish if you explained the

basics of the market assessment because the training was an advanced one. I know you did another training in this regard. It will be more useful if you went through the basics.

Yes, I was expecting to have some more focus on the tools. I think one tool with some focus would be helpful. But thanks

Fair enough for me as a first course in Market Assessment It was comprehensive and logical given the time provided and the amount of

material presented to cover more critical commodities in other sectors like shelter/WASH no May be more time to go through the different tools one by one I would like to have gone through the different tools (EMMA, RAM, MAG, MARKit,

etc) in more details. Looking at sections, topics and operational guidance for each one.

Do you have any general comments about the course, or suggestions for how this course might be improved?

It was an interesting training. It is full of information. However, it would be good if we could avoid the long reading sessions and focus more on the practical side of the topic.

You can compress it in 3 days maybe if we decrease the time from 5 days to 4 days yes, actually it was useful and I liked it, but I think maybe worth working more on

using game based training to give a bit of fun to the learning process, for some moments I felt bored, but overall its really good and liked the exercise of doing desk review and come up with conclusions and ways forward

Yes, I would cut out the field work part, and have more in depth understanding to examples were already done using one or two tools.

It was squeezed in matter of time iT CAN BE SHORTER No I think it was all good - generally if in the future there would be better focus and

agreement between the group members to agree to focus on aspects more than others.


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keep it as it is It was rich, useful and I learnt a lot in market assessment, will take most of the

learning to my program next year where we plan to conduct market assessment None

Section 2: Feedback on the workshop delivery


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Do you have any specific comments or feedback on the training materials?

NA no Everything was okay. keep doing the process logical across the market assessment process I think it gives a

thorough understanding of the assessment. Its need more narrative presentation none - all was reasonable and fair. none Lunch to be moved instead of second break. And then have a break in the afternoon


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Do you have any specific comments or feedback about the workshop organisation or administration?

There was a problem in communicating the date and time of the workshop to the participants.

Better coordination and communication mainly related for the 1st day it was a bit confusing and no proper communication done ahead of time.

Yes. When I emailed Mr. Mourad to confirm my participation, the email gave me a notification that the email delivery failed.

The communication with eligible applicants should be improved There was an issue of miscommunication that resulted in some issues while

organizing the workshop I think some miscommunication in terms of who registered and who attended - some

gaps with colleagues who didn't receive confirmation etc. no thanks to the organizers Improve the inclusion of ONLY the people who actually want to learn and be



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Section 3: Questions specific to the course Objectives


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Please add any comments on your response here:

interesting and useful training. A follow up by the CPWG is required to ensure that the humanitarian actors apply what they learnt during the course in their work especially at the assessment and proposal design stage.

NA thanks, you have done great work :) Well done Guys :) Thank you! Grate effort, well done thanks to the trainers' efforts and contributions, space given for participation, I wish

to attend other topics of CaLP training in the future.


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Agenda: Market Assessment Tools Training (with Field School included)


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

8.00 (90’)

Registration and welcome

Recap Recap Recap Session 13: Presentations on field work

Session 1: Introduction and rationale for market analysis

Session 5: Market mapping

Session 9: Overview of market tools and guidance

Field work


Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break

10.00 (90’)

Session 2: A framework for market analysis

Session 6: What we measure in market assessments

Session 10: Overview of market tools and guidance

Field work Session 14: Response options and recommendations


Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break


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Session 3: Critical market selection and KAQs

Session 7: Understanding market performance

Session 11: Preparing for fieldwork: Selecting tools and approach for data collection

Field work Session 15: Monitoring


Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break

14.30 (90’)

Session 4: Revisiting market mapping

Session 8: Analysing market data

Session 12: Finalising tools and approach for data collection

Session Back to analyse findings

Summary of learning, Final Evaluation, Closing


End End End End


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Participants:No. Full name Organisation email address1 Mohammed Tayseer Elaklouk NRC [email protected] Mariam Mohammed Ashour Fares Al Arab for Development and Charity Works (FAFD) [email protected] Mohammed Saed S. Rasheed Islamic Relief [email protected] Hazem Zeyad Yassin Almadhoun Action Against Hunger (AAH) [email protected] Walaa Mahmoud Khalil Abu Zaiter Action against Hunger [email protected] Yuji Miyoshi United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) [email protected] Hanin Mohammed Ahmed Shurrab Norwegian Refugee Council [email protected] Khalid Said Ramadan AL Naouq Save the Children [email protected] Mohanad S. Al Dirawi Palestine Association for Education and Environment Protection [email protected] Samah Ibrahim Mohammed Abu Lamzy Mercy Corps [email protected] Samer M. Mohsen Mercy Corps [email protected] Ahmad Saleh Safi Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe [email protected] Luca Sangalli AAH [email protected] Anas Musallam FAO [email protected] Najla Shawa Oxfam [email protected] Ahmed M. A. Ghanim Oxfam [email protected]