Human Rights Monitoring Report -...

© ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007 1 Human Rights Monitoring Report August 2007 Zimbabwe Peace Project In this issue.……………………….... 1 Acronyms……….……………….......2 Definition of Terms …………………3 Executive Summary ……….……......4-6 Cases of Human Rights Violations graph.................................................7 Methodology…………………….....7 Cases of human rights violations….8—43 About ZPP…………………........………44-46 In this issue Provincial highlights Mashonaland East - One person was murdered in Marondera and another sustained serious injuries after a hate speech by a Zanu PF provincial secretary. All provinces - Space for civil society continues to shrink as workshops organised by civil society to discuss civic and political issues with communities, are disrupted and participants are victimised. All provinces - The price blitz has resulted in increased corruption, harassment by the police and food shortages Masvingo – Some traditional leaders have threatened villagers with eviction if they continue supporting the opposition, MDC. Mashonaland Central/ West – Some members of the opposition and people intending to be candidates for local government elections have been threatened with unspecified action during the campaign period. Bulawayo – Some NUST students have been arrested and unlawfully detained for participating in student demonstrations. Mashonaland West / Central/ Bulawayo/ Midlands/ Matabeleland South - Access to information is still restricted as those seen with Short Wave radios or listening to Studio 7 are targets of political violence. Harare /Chitungwiza – Tenants evicted for putting on MDC T/ shirts.

Transcript of Human Rights Monitoring Report -...

Page 1: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

© ZPP Programmes Dep

In this issue.…………………


Definition of Terms …………

Executive Summary ………

Cases of Human Rights Violgraph.....................................


Cases of human rights violat


Human Rights MonitoringReport

August 2007 Zimbabwe Peace Project

t. August 2007

…….... 1









In this issue

ovincial highlights

• Mashonaland East - One person was murdered inMarondera and another sustained serious injuries aftera hate speech by a Zanu PF provincial secretary.

• All provinces - Space for civil society continues toshrink as workshops organised by civil society todiscuss civic and political issues with communities,are disrupted and participants are victimised.

• All provinces - The price blitz has resulted inincreased corruption, harassment by the police andfood shortages

• Masvingo – Some traditional leaders have threatenedvillagers with eviction if they continue supporting theopposition, MDC.

• Mashonaland Central/ West – Some members of theopposition and people intending to be candidates forlocal government elections have been threatened withunspecified action during the campaign period.

• Bulawayo – Some NUST students have been arrestedand unlawfully detained for participating in studentdemonstrations.

• Mashonaland West / Central/ Bulawayo/ Midlands/Matabeleland South - Access to information is stillrestricted as those seen with Short Wave radios orlistening to Studio 7 are targets of political violence.

• Harare /Chitungwiza – Tenants evicted for puttingon MDC T/ shirts.


Page 2: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007


ARDA - Agricultural Rural Development Authority

BEAM – Basic Education Assistance Module

CCJP - Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace

CDE – Comrade

CEO - Chief Executive Officer

CIO – Central Intelligence Organisation

CIVNET – Civic Education Network Trust

CSO - Civil Society Organisations

DA - District Administrator

DCC - District Council Committee

DOMCCP- Diocese of Mutare Community Care Programme

GMB – Grain Marketing Board

MDC – Movement for Democratic Change

MP – Member of Parliament

NCA – National Constitutional Assembly

UK – United Kingdom

UPP – United Peoples’ Party

POSA – Public Order and Security Act

PTUZ - Progressive Teachers’ Union Zimbabwe

VIDCO - Village Development Committee

WOZA - Women of Zimbabwe Arise

ZANU PF – Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front

ZEC - Zimbabwe Electoral Commission

ZCDT – Zimbabwe Community Development Trust

ZCTU – Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions

ZINWA - Zimbabwe National Water Authority

ZNA - Zimbabwe National Army

ZRP – Zimbabwe Republic Police


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ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007


TERM DEFINITIONMURDER Unlawful and intentional killing of another person.

RAPE Intentional, unlawful sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent.SEXUAL HARASSMENT Unlawfully subjecting one to pressure, insult or threat with intent to cause

him/her to suffer anxiety, discomfort and /or the feeling of insecurity as aresult of sexual differences.

ASSAULT Unlawfully and intentionally (i) applying force to the person of another or (ii)inspiring a belief in that other person that force is immediately to be applied tohim.

KIDNAPPING/ABDUCTION Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movementand/or his custodians of control.


Consists of both arson and what used to be termed Malicious Injury toProperty (MIP) which is; unlawful setting an immovable structure on fire withintent to injure another and malicious and intentional damaging of property ofanother.

THEFT Unlawful taking of another’s property

TORTURE Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental isintentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from theminformation or a confession.

HARASSMENT/INTIMIDATION • Unlawfully subjecting one to pressure, insult or threat with intent to causehim/her to suffer anxiety, discomfort and /or the feeling of insecurity

• DuressUNLAWFUL DETENTION Unlawful and intentional deprivation of one’s liberty of movement by a person

or persons in positions of authority.DISPLACEMENT • Act of unlawfully, intentionally and forcibly evicting or causing someone

to vacate or leave his/her usual place of residence or settlement as a resultof political differences.

• Forced evictions

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ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007


• During the month of August, the cases of assault have intensified with a number of victims sufferingsevere injuries which resulted in hospitalisation. There is a definite increase in the level and degree ofviolence in Mashonaland East with one case of murder being recorded.

• Political intolerance continues unabated in Harare and Chitungwiza and at the personal level, landlordscontinue to evict tenants for putting on t- shirts of the opposition party MDC. This could be a result ofmost citizens being paranoid about overtly supporting the MDC.

• The arms of government including the army and the police are looting, harassing and even beatingpeople in queues for basic commodities, which are now very scarce.

• Citizens were forced to contribute in cash or kind towards the Heroes’ day celebrations. Those notsupporting the ruling party are excluded from the festivities while being expected to make acontribution. National events such as the Heroes day celebrations have also been used as a forum for thepresident to air his views about the opposition MDC and the West.

• The price blitz continued to have a negative impact on community relations as some people took the lawinto their own hands and seriously assaulted business people, vendors and shopowners. There are alsoreports of intra party violence in the ruling party with some members being victimised for not beingenthusiastic about the ruling party policies and actions.

• The voter registration exercise saw people being asked to bring stamped confirmation letters as proof ofresidence from Councillors, traditional leaders and Zanu PF officials. Officials from the RegistrarGeneral’s office seemed to have been under the control of the politicians as they failed to professionallymanage the process.

• Some traditional leaders in Masvingo have instructed people in their areas that they should all supportthe ruling party and threatened that they will personally oversee their eviction from their areas if theycontinue to support the opposition, MDC.

• There are reports of a possible resurgence of land invasions in Manicaland. It is reported that politiciansfrom the ruling party were conspiring to invade the few remaining commercial farms especially inChipinge and parcel them out among themselves. At least three farms Buzi, Whittington Valley andWolfstead farms were reportedly taken over by high ranking politicians.


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ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007


• Space for the Church and civil society continued to shrink as well. The ruling party continues to declarethat certain areas are Zanu PF strongholds and the wearing of t-shirts of organisations such as the NCAis seen as being anti-government and those seen wearing these t- shirts are harassed and intimidated.

• In Mashonaland West and Central, those opting to contest the Zanu PF council elections have beentargets of political violence from the ruling party.

• Inputs and food continue to be distributed along partisan lines as those not supporting the ruling partyare told that they are not supposed to be beneficiaries of food aid.

• The requirement that those intending to register or procure national identity cards should produce proofof residence has led to discriminatory tendencies among the councillors and chiefs who have only beenwilling to provide these to supporters of the ruling party with the proof of residence.

• In Matebeland North – There are reports that those taking part in activities organized by the EPIZinitiatives under the Zimbabwe We Want Campaign are reportedly being threatened with assault byruling party activists who view the programme as being MDC and British sponsored.

• In Binga, there are reports that some village heads of unknown political affiliation from Chief S’s areawere allegedly threatened by Chief S and the District Administrator, with stripping of their headship forallegedly being affiliated to the opposition MDC. The Village Heads are now urging their subjects tosupport Zanu PF because of the victimization.

Brief victim- perpetrator analysis

Figure 1: Perpetrator by affiliation





MDC Zanu PF otherUnknownState


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ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007


In the month of August, the ruling party members perpetrated most of the violence. With a staggering 82%of the cases being perpetrated by Zanu PF activists and sympathisers and state agents were also biasedagainst members of the ruling party. In some cases persons were victimised by the MDC indicating thatpolitical parties are perpetrating the majority of the violence since the country is in election mode.

Figure 2: Victims by affiliation



19.5% 0.4%MDC Zanu PF otherUnknownState

The MDC continues to have the highest number of victims followed by persons of no known politicalaffiliation, a significant number of victims were from Zanu PF with 15.5% were from Zanu PF., while 0.4%were state agents. Those of no known affiliation are could be targeted because of their lack of participationin ruling party activities.

Victims by gender and affiliation

This month ZPP looked at the gender of victims and perpetrators. In August the majority of victims aremales at 514 against 230 females mainly from the MDC. However, it is worth to note that among those ofno known affiliation there was a high number of women (142) compared to the males (92). This could be asa result of the fact that most women continue to be excluded from politics while at the same time they arebeing targeted as victims because their affiliation is not known. In a highly polarised environment, thedisengagement of women from politics is seen as a possible threat by both the ruling party and theopposition MDC, since those of no known affiliation are assumed to be an untapped resource which anypolitical party can use for its mileage.

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ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007










MDC Zanu PF Other State unknown

victims by gender and affliation

Females Males

Perpetrators by gender and affiliation

The majority of the perpetrators are males as indicated by the graph above. In total this month ZPP recoded1345 perpetrators and the majority were from the ruling party. A few of the cases were perpetrated byfemale and in total, only 10.6%, while males perpetrated in 89.3(%) of the cases


• ZPP recommends more targeted advocacy work for political parties to desist from using violence inthe campaigning period.

• Traditional authorities may also need to continue to receive education in respecting of human rightssince they are the custodians of most of the land and people in rural areas.




Zanu PF





Page 8: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

Figure 3: Comparison chart showing the human rights violation cases received from theNorthern and Southern regions during the month of August 2007

• Civil society organisations with capacity may need to lodge complaints against irregularities with thevoter registration exercise.

1 00 1

4 0123 73

10 910 2

004 5

209 14014 6

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%






Malicious Damage to property


Unlwaful Detention



NORTHERN REGION: Harare & Chitungwiza, Manicaland, Mashonaland West, Mashonaland Central & MashonalandEast Provinces.SOUTHERN REGION: Bulawayo, Matabeleland North, Matabeleland South, Midlands & Masvingo Provinces




This report is based onreports from ZPP long-termcommunity based primarypeace monitors (two in eachof the 120 electoralconstituencies of Zimbabwe),who observe, monitor andrecord cases of human rightsabuse.

The monitors compile reports

ZPP Programmes Dept. A

that are handed over to ZPPProvincial Coordinators whomanage ZPP offices in the tenadministrative provinces ofZimbabwe.

Upon receipt and verificationof the reports from themonitors, the ProvincialCoordinators compileprovincial monthly

ugust 2007

monitoring reports, which arethen consolidated at the nationaloffice, into the ZPP monthlymonitoring report. In addition,ZPP reviews relevant literatureincluding acts of parliament,policy documents andnewspaper articles.


Page 9: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


Harare Metropolitan


Harare Metropolitan

0 0 2


1 2 0 4










Unlawful Detentio





Type of cases





9 August 2007

In Budiriro 1, it is alleged that AM, anMDC activist, was abducted andquestioned for being a member of theMDC by two Zanu PF women’sleague members and one man.

10 August 2007

In Budiriro 2, it is alleged that MM,an MDC youth, was harassed andintimidated by two police officers, fordenouncing the government over theprice ‘blitz’.

16 August 2007

In Budiriro 4, women who gatheredfor prayers were allegedly harassedand assaulted by three Zanu PFyouths, T, M and G. They wereaccused of holding an MDC meeting.

18 August 2007

At Budiriro 2 shops, it is alleged thatGS, an MDC youth, was harassed andintimidated, by three CIO members,for talking ill of the outcome of theSADC Heads of States’ Summit heldin Lusaka Zambia.

21 August 2007

At Budiriro 2 Night club, MC, anMDC member, was reportedlyassaulted for being an oppositionparty activist by seven Zanu PFyouths.

ZPP Programmes Dept. Au


3 August 2007

In Unit D, it is alleged that two MDC youths,ON and TM, were assaulted, for wearingMDC T/shirts by three CIO operatives.

5 August 2007

In Unit B Extension, it is alleged that threeMDC members of the same family, MG, MGand ZG, were questioned and assaulted formore than two hours, for distributing MDCmembership cards, by six Zanu PF activists,led by C.

8 August 2007

In Unit L, TC, an MDC member, waspurportedly assaulted, for defecting from theruling party to the opposition party by twoZanu PF youths, LM and AP.

10 August 2007

In Unit F, it is alleged that two MDCmembers, CM and PM, were kidnapped andassaulted, by eight Zanu PF youths, fordistributing picture cards, which weresuspected to be an MDC game ofcampaigning.

16 August 2007

At Makoni shops, about sixteen MDC youthsin an Isuzu pick – up truck, campaigning fortheir party allegedly clashed with about thirtyZanu PF youths, who damaged the MDCtruck and assaulted the MDC youths

gust 2007


18 August 2007

In Unit C, it is alleged two youths, OM andKC, were assaulted, by two MDC youths,ET and CM, for supporting the pricecontrol of goods.

22 August 2007

At Unit A shops, two Zanu PF members,RM and TM were purportedly assaulted,by eight MDC youths, for wearing rulingparty T/shirts.

24 August 2007

It is alleged that three MDC youths, NM,EG and TM, were unlawfully detained andharassed, by two police officers, WM andTG. The victims were detained for eighthours.


4 August 2007

RC, an MDC youth, was purportedlyharassed and intimidated, for wearing anMDC T/shirt by two Zanu PF youths, PBand AT,

In Warren Park 1, it is alleged that GM, anMDC youth, was reportedly assaulted, forputting up posters of the MDC President,by seven Zanu PF youths.

11 August 2007

T, an MDC youth, was purportedly


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harassed and displaced from where hewas renting accommodation, by C, aZanu PF member and landlord, forwearing an MDC T/shirt.

In Tynwald, it is alleged that RK, anMDC youth, was harassed andassaulted, by two Zanu PF youths, TKand FM, for wearing an MDC bandana,which they confiscated.

12 August 2007

At Dzivarasekwa 1 shops, it is purportedthat GM, an MDC youth, was harassedand assaulted, by five Zanu PF youthsfor having attended an MDC meeting.

13 August 2007

In Kuwadzana Extension, it is allegedthat CM, a vendor, was harassed andintimidated, by about ten Zanu PFyouths, for not attending heroes’celebrations.

25 August 2007

In Warren Park 1, two MDC youths, Iand K, were reportedly assaulted, byfour Zanu PF youths, for denouncing theruling party President, RGM.

Glen Norah

4 August 2007

At Chitubu shops, it is alleged that AA,an MDC youth, was harassed andintimidated by two Zanu PF supporters,for wearing an MDC T/shirt and cap.

6 August 2007

At Mwamuka Service Station, it isalleged that three MDC youths, FM, RNand TM were harassed and assaulted, forchanting opposition party slogans, byfour Zanu PF youths.

11 August 2007

At Lusaka shops, it is alleged that TM, aZanu PF youth, was assaulted, by threeMDC youths, led by W, for wearing aruling party T/shirt.

At Spacemen bar, it is alleged that threeMDC youths, NM, GM and AM, wereassaulted by seven Zanu PF youths, forhaving attended an MDC rally.

13 August 2007At Glen Norah A Service Station, threeMDC members, PK, VM and MM wereallegedly harassed and forced to attendHeroes’ day celebrations, by ten Zanu

ZPP Programmes Dept. Augu

PF youths.

21 August 2007

At Gwanzura Stadium, it is reported thatCC, ST and FC, who are MDC youths,were harassed and forced to join in toyi-toying, by about twelve Zanu PF youths.

Glen View

9 August 2007

In Glen View 3, it is alleged that two MDCfamily members, MH and NH, accused ofhaving denounced the ruling partyPresident were assaulted and unlawfullydetained by four police officers. They wereonly released after paying a fine of twentythousand dollars each.

In Glen View 4, TC, an MDC youth, wasreportedly harassed and assaulted by D, aZanu PF member, over politicaldifferences with the victim’s father.

12 August 2007

In Glen View 3, three MDC supporters,MR, P and E, were purportedly assaulted,by six soldiers in a bar, for supporting theopposition party.

31 August 2007

In Glen View 7, it is alleged that abouttwenty teachers at a ZIMTA housing co-operative meeting, accused of supportingthe opposition party, MDC, were harassedand intimidated, by M, who heads the co-operative.

Harare Central

4 August 2007

Along Nelson Mandela Avenue, it isalleged that NCA and WOZA activists,who were demonstrating for a newconstitution, were harassed and unlawfullydetained, by the police, who later releasedthem.

6 August 2007

At Mazowe flats, a family of four, motherand three children, were purportedlyharassed and evicted from their flatbecause their late husband and father wasan MDC activist.

13 August 2007

At Montague shops, it is alleged thatvendors and the general public wereharassed, assaulted and forced to attend

st 2007

Heroes Day celebrations at Heroes Acre,by about twelve soldiers.

21 August 2007

At Africa Unity Square, two MDCmembers, TC and JM, were purportedlyharassed and forced to remove MDCT/shirts they were wearing, by police, onthe opening of Parliament.

Harare East

4 August 2007

At Grange shops, it is alleged that AM, anMDC youth, was harassed, for wearing anMDC T/shirt, by three Zanu PF youths, ledby CC.

7August 2007

At Avondale shops, JR, an MDC member,was allegedly harassed and had hischickens looted from his shop, by Zanu PFyouths, led by A, after the price controlteam visited him and ordered him to slashprices.

15 August 2007

At Borrowdale shops, MM, an MDCyouth, was purportedly harassed andintimidated by three Zanu PF youths, FJ,TM and DN, after he was hearddenouncing the price controls.

24 August 2007

In Eastlea, it is alleged that JM, an MDCyouth, was assaulted and had his cellphone damaged, by four Zanu PF youths,led by SM, for having organised an MDCmeeting.

Harare North

1 August 2007

In Mabelreign, it is alleged that two MDCyouths, TM and JN, were harassed andassaulted, by TN, a suspected CIOoperative after they were heard discussingthe economic hardships and blaming themon the ruling party.

11 August 2007

In Sunridge, it is alleged that two femaleMDC youths, were assaulted for wearingMDC T/shirts, by two Zanu PF members,led by TK.

17 August 2007

It is reported that Mrs. M, an MDCmember, was harassed and evicted from

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her leased accommodation by herlandlord and Zanu PF member, C, forsupporting the opposition party.


3 August 2007

At Maruta shops, it is alleged that TN, aZanu PF member, was assaulted by twoMDC youths, SN and TJ, afterprovocation at an MDC meeting.

5 August 2007

At Overspill, it is alleged that the riotsquad police harassed, beat up andforced vendors to sell their goods atreduced prices.

10 August 2007

A shop owner at Domboramwari, forcedto reduce prices of commodities in hisshop was purportedly harassed andassaulted, by three Zanu PF youths.

13 August 2007

Along Seke Road, it is alleged thatmembers of the Apostolic sect, whowere having prayers were harassed andforced to attend Heroes’ Daycelebrations, by soldiers of OneCommand.

15 August 2007

At Munyuki shops, it is alleged that twoMDC youths, TM and BK, wereharassed and forced out of a movingcommuter bus, by five Zanu PF youths,for chanting MDC slogans.

18 August 2007

At Caledon shops, it is alleged thatvendors were harassed, their goodslooted and forced to reduce prices byZanu PF militias.

29 August 2007

At Airport Road, it is alleged that SGand others, were harassed and forced tojoin war veterans and war collaboratorsto demonstrate in support of the rulingparty president, confirming him as theZanu PF candidate for 2008 harmonizedelections.


4 August 2007

At Machipisa Friendly Supermarket, it is

ZPP Programmes Dept. Au

alleged that EM, was harassed andassaulted, by two Zanu PF youths, fordenouncing “Operation Clean – Up” bythe government in 2005.

7 August 2007

At Machipisa shops, it is alleged that NG,an MDC youth, was assaulted by Zanu PFyouths, led by RM, for wearing a red capand T/shirt, which the perpetrators regardas MDC colours.

11 August 2007

At OK Machipisa, it is alleged that UM, avendor, was assaulted and his goodsconfiscated, by five Zanu PF youths. UMwas accused of supporting the oppositionMDC party.

15 August 2007

In Willowvale, it is alleged that R, anMDC member, was harassed andintimidated by Zanu PF youths, forsupporting the opposition party.

At Cape Flats bottle store, VM, waspurportedly assaulted by three Zanu PFyouths, who heard him complaining abouteconomic hardships and blaming the rulingparty for the damage.

20 August 2007

GJ, an MDC member, was reportedlyharassed and assaulted, by the Zanu PFChairperson, BS, for refusing to attend aZanu PF meeting.

23 August 2007

At Karigamombe Housing Co–operative, itis alleged that PM, was harassed andforced to attend a Zanu PF meeting, byfour Zanu PF youths.


2 August 2007

In Kuwadzana 4, it is alleged that MK, aZanu PF member, was assaulted by twoMDC youths, PN and TM, for sellingruling party membership cards.

Along High Glen Road, DD, an MDCyouth, was allegedly harassed andintimidated, by four Zanu PF youths, forbeing an MDC activist.

5 August 2007

At Kuwadzana 4 shops, it is alleged that C,

gust 2007

a Zanu PF member, was assaulted and thebread he was selling looted by two MDCyouths, PT and SM.

10 August 2007

In Kuwadzana 4, KT, an MDC youth, waspurportedly harassed and his house destroyedby Zanu PF youths, led by DG. He wasaccused of holding a meeting with the MDClegislator of the area, NC.

12 August 2007

In Kuwadzana 1, it is alleged that TC, anMDC member, was assaulted, by four ZanuPF youths, for attending MDC meetings , ledby T.

In Kuwadzana 4, BM, an MDC member, waspurportedly harassed and assaulted, by ZanuPF youths, led by L, for wearing MDCregalia.

16 August 2007

In Kuwadzana 5, it is alleged that TM, aZanu PF youth, was harassed andintimidated, for being a ruling party activist,by six MDC youths,.

In Kuwadzana 4, it is alleged that two MDCmembers, BV and SM, were assaulted bysoldiers, accused of buying beer abovestipulated price, hence promoting the parallelmarket.


5 August 2007

At Caledonia Farm, it is alleged that MZ, aZanu PF youth, was harassed andintimidated, by six other Zanu PF youths whodemanded to see his membership card.

9 August 2007

At Old Tafara shops, two MDC youths, TSand AZ, were reportedly harassed andintimidated, by two police officers, forsupporting the opposition party.

14 August 2007

In New Mabvuku, two MDC members, TMand GM, were purportedly harassed andassaulted, by seven Zanu PF youths, forputting up MDC campaign posters.

In a separate incident, in Chipita Road, NewMabvuku, it is alleged that five MDCmembers, were assaulted, by seven Zanu PFyouths, for putting up MDC campaignposters.

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At K shops Mufakose, EC, an MDCyou , was reportedly harassed andthre ened with eviction from the FleaMa et by the Zanu PF Chairperson, HC,for ing an MDC activist.

13 A gust 2007

At arapula Grounds, where the MDCwas olding a rally, it is alleged that JMand S, were harassed and unlawfullydeta ed, by three CIO operatives.

18 A gust 2007

At A ea J Grounds, it is alleged that MM, aZan PF youth, was harassed andthre ened with death by OM, an MDCmem er.

19 A gust 2007

At Marapula Grounds, it is alleged that JZ,an DC member, was harassed andinti idated, by three Zanu PF youths GZ,TK d another, for supporting the MDC.

25 A gust 2007

Alo Crowborough Way, it is alleged thatLS, n MDC member, was harassed andinti idated for wearing a ZCTU T/shirt,by ree Zanu PF members. He wasacc ed of supporting the MDC.

St M ry’s

8 A ust 2007

At engeza 2, it is alleged that BC, anMD youth, was assaulted by KZ, a ZanuPF pporter, for denouncing war veterans.

10 A gust 2007

At ruyadzo shops, it is alleged that SH,of M C, was assaulted by TP, of Zanu PF,for earing an MDC T/Shirt.

13 A gust 2007

At L mboni shops, it is alleged that PU, ofMD , was assaulted, by ten war veterans

tw MDC members JM and TZ, werea aulted by five soldiers, for not attendingD fence Forces Day commemorations atR faro Stadium.

1 August 2007

A Huruyadzo shops, it is purported thattw MDC youths, TM and SM werea aulted, by three Zanu PF youths, JK,N and GM, for organizing an MDCm eting.

2 August 2007

A Zengeza 5 shops, ES, of MDC, wasr ortedly assaulted for singing MDCs gs by three Zanu PF members.

2 August 2007

A Zengeza 5 shops, TM, of MDC, wasr ortedly assaulted by six Zanu PFy ths, led by ES, for denouncing ther ing party.

Z ngeza

4 ugust 2007

I Unit C, it is purported that LM, ofM C, was harassed and intimidated, byth ee Zanu PF youths, LM, MM and TS,f supporting the opposition party.

8 ugust 2007

A Unit J shops, it is alleged that a Lucky7 hop owner, was harassed and forced toc se shop by police, for not reducingp ces.

1 August 2007

In Unit D, it is alleged that two MDCyouths, BM and CC, were harassed andassaulted by two Zanu PF youths, EP andMS, for being MDC activists.

14 August 2007

At Chidodo shops in new Zengeza, it isalleged that MC and three other MDC


0 August 2007

t Kamhunu shops, TM, an MDCouth, was reportedly assaulted, by twoanu PF supporters, P and M, forenouncing the ruling party.

4 August 2007

n Old Tafara, it is reported that AV, ofDC, was assaulted by M, a Zanu PF

upporter, for wearing an MDC T/Shirt.


August 2007

t Nenyere Flats, it is alleged thatelve MDC supporters, with their

amilies including EC, were harassednd evicted from the flats to pave wayor Zanu PF members, by three Zanu PFCC (District Coordinating Committee)embers, led by the Chairperson V.

August 2007

t Mupedzanhamo, it is purported thatDC supporters, led by KK, were

arassed and assaulted, by Zanu PFembers, led by MM, accusing them of

ot registering as voters.

4 August 2007

eople at Mbare Market, were harassednd assaulted, by Zanu PF youths, ledy MM, and forced to attend theefence Forces Day commemorations.

5 August 2007

t Magaba Flats, people atupedzanhamo were reportedly

arassed and assaulted, by Zanu PFouths, led by V and asked to produceanu PF cards.


August 2007

© ZPP Programmes Dept. A

long Mutamba Drive, it is alleged thatree MDC members, were harassed andtimidated, by ten Zanu PF youths.

August 2007

t Samuriwo shops, it is reported thatM, of the MDC, was assaulted, by twoanu PF members, TM and K, accusingim of putting up MDC posters.

1 August 2007

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14 A

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ugust 2007

denouncing Heroes’ Daymemorations.

engeza 2 shops, it is reported that CM,anu PF, was harassed and forced to go

he Heroes Acre for Heroes Daybrations, by about twenty Zanu PFths.

ugust 2007

higovanyika shops, it is purported that






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embers, were harassed and forced to go Defence Forces Commemorations atufaro stadium, by Zanu PF youths, led by.

0 August 2007

n Zengeza 2, it is alleged that EM, anDC youth, was harassed and evicted

rom a room he was renting by his landlordnd Zanu PF member T, who was assistedy three Zanu PF youths, for supportinge opposition party.

Page 14: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

29 August 2007It is alleged that TM, was assaulted bywar veterans for accusing them ofhaving caused the economic chaos inthe country.


ZPP Programmes Dept

. August 2007


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Mashonaland East


August 2007

t Juru Growth Point, NC, of the MDC,as allegedly assaulted by members ofanu PF , BJ and friends . It is reportedat NC, and his girlfriend were ordered toave a bar because he is a well knownDC cadre. NC, ignored the challenge

nd BJ, with his friends started beating himsing a beer bottle, clenched fists andpen hands. NC sustained injuries.

August 2007

M and AK, of the MDC, were reportedlyarassed by GC, and others of Zanu PFhile in a queue to board a bus. Theyere accused of not attending Zanu PFeetings and rallies.

8 August 2007

t St Francis Secondary School in Boshaillage, Councillor SG, of Zanu PF, is said have harassed and intimidated members

f the community, demanding that they allonate towards the Heroes’ Celebrations. is reported that when he saw that theeople did not want to contribute, hereatened that Zanu PF was going to dealith them during the election campaigns.ome of the people then contributed forar of victimization.


August 2007

t Magocha in Hwedza, for refusing to

1 0 10










Type of cases



ZPP Programmes Dept

ontribute a $100,000 towards the Heroes

and Defences Day celebrations, SM, of theMDC, was reportedly harassed by OS, SG andPM, of Zanu PF Women’s league, who accusedher of supporting MDC. They also promised todeal harshly with her.

9 August 2007

At Nhumwa Farm, FK, an MDC supporter, wareportedly harassed by C and five other waveterans, of Zanu PF, for refusing to contributetowards the Heroes Celebrations.

At Makurumure in Rupanga village, FM, of theMDC, was reportedly assaulted and harassed byTM, SS and OS, of Zanu PF, for allegedlyrefusing to close shop after he was ordered todo so in order that he attends the Heroescelebrations.

14 August 2007

At Hwedza Centre, Mr. J and two other ZanuPF youths, allegedly harassed and unlawfullydetained unidentified MDC supporters onlyidentified as a Kombi (commuter omnibusdriver and his assistant for allegedlyovercharging. The kombi was detained withpassengers on board.

14 August 2007

At Mapfura Growth Point, PS, of Zanu PF, whois employed as a storekeeper, was reportedlyassaulted by LM, TD, MM, CD, and KP, of theMDC. It is alleged that the perpetrators were athe bottle store run by PS, and when theavailable beer ran out, the perpetrators starteddemanding more beer. They were told thathere was no beer at which point the

Mashonaland East


3 50 2






Unlawful Detentio





. August 2007

perpetrators started beating PS, till he blethrough the nose, and sustained a fracturearm.

16 August 2007

GJ, of the MDC, was purportedly harasseby PB, GB, NM, and MM, of Zanu PFaccusing him of overcharging hicommodities. It is alleged that the fouknocked on GJ’s room at the shop wherhe sleeps and when he opened the door thseven youths entered and looted his waremeant for re-sale. The incident took placaround midnight. GJ, was threatened witsevere action if he ever reported the issuto anyone. GJ is said to have managed tidentify some of them and subsequentlreported the case to the police and thewere arrested.

16 August 2007

Mr E.C and his wife were assaulted by ECand two other villagers, of Zanu PF, foallegedly refusing to contribute towardthe funeral of the father of one Zanu Pyouth who had passed away.

20 August 2007

Mrs PC, of MDC, was reportedly harasseby C and two other Zanu PF supporters fodistributing MDC T/shirts. She was alsaccused of being an MDC spy

Marondera East

3 August 2007





Page 16: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


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At Rakata village, Mr DP and his faof six, were allegedly harassed, had tof their huts and household goods wZ$ 3,500 000.00 destroyed. The fawas displaced from their settlement ba war veteran in the company of five oZanu PF youths. It is alleged thatperpetrators had seen DP’s son wearinMDC T/shirt and thus accused the wfamily of supporting MDC.

8 August 2007

At a Catholic Church, Fr. K, Fr. L and unidentified Sisters, were purportharassed by four members of the CIOis alleged that they were accused of ballies of Bishop Pius Ncube and one tan albino was accused to be JMakumbe’s brother. They wunlawfully detained for four hours.

Mr. Z and other members ofcongregation, at Rapid Farm, wreportedly harassed and had their worinstruments destroyed by Zanu F youled by GJ. The worshippers were accof congregating for political purposes.

9 August 2007

At Dallas Farm, JB, of the MDC, reportedly assaulted by MS, and four oyouths of Zanu PF members for allegbelonging to the MDC and for talabout the current hardships in the couHe was beaten with clenched fists bricks.

16 August 2007

SM and other Zanu PF youths are repoto have gone to Rapid Farm and wrechavoc. The perpetrators allegedly kall the chickens belonging to the vicwho is an MDC supporter. The fowl were allegedly set on fire. perpetrators accused the victim supporting the MDC.

17 August 2007

At Eagle Training Centre, about twcommunity members were allegedly foto board a lorry which was ferrying peto attend a Zanu PF rally to be addreby Vice President Mrs J.M. The eventdriven by Councillor D, along withother Zanu PF supporters. The rally held at Marondera High School.

21 August 2007

At Dorset Farm, JM, an MDC suppo

ZPP Programmes D

was allegedly assaulted by four Zanuyouths, led by NC, for allegedly criticiZanu PF and blaming them for the hardsbeing faced in the country. The victim beaten with clenched fists.

25 August 2007

At Musikana Village, Mr. JC and TM, ofMDC, were reportedly assaulted by Mrand three other Zanu PF youths. Mrwhose party addressed a meeting wpronounced JC and TM state enembecause they supported MDC and therewere to be dealt with. Immediately afterstatement, the perpetrators went ahead started assaulting him severely untilsustained injuries and was taken Marondera Hospital. JC died as a resuthe injuries.

29 August 2007

At Bosha Township, CM, of the MDC, reportedly harassed by CC, EM and FMZanu PF, for supporting MDC. It is saidat one time CM, had contested for Couelections against a Zanu PF member G . has attracted a lot of attentions from Zanuwho are said to have engaged the serviceEM to spy on CM’s movements.

Marondera West

At St James Mozambique Primary SchMr. K and Mrs. R, of the MDC, wreported harassed by war veterans and ZPF youths because they were seen readingBishop’s Pastoral Letter.

12 August 2007

JS, of the MDC, and a teacher by professwas reportedly harassed by war veteran and two other Zanu PF youths for readingBishop’s Pastoral Letter and other Cathdaily devotional readings during a morprayer with his family. They accused himbeing anti government and was orderechange or would face unspecified seaction.

MM, a female member of Zanu PF, reportedly assaulted by OM, SK and TK mmembers, of the MDC, for allegedly weaZanu PF regalia. MM, was accused of bone of the Zanu PF spies.

17 August 2007

At Marovanga Village, SG, of the MDC,reportedly harassed and had his grin



urly Itngmhnre






ept. August 2007

and was told to conform to thegovernment’s price cuts or remain closed.

18 August 2007

Mr. M and Mr. K, of the MDC, wasreportedly harassed, by war veteran M, andtwo other Zanu PF youths, for complainingabout the hospital fee hikes and accusedthem of being sell-outs.

Mudzi East

Mr. and Mrs. B, and their children BB, TB,CB, and CB, of the MDC, were reportedlyharassed and displaced by Mr. K andHeadman of Muvhiza, of Zanu PF, forallegedly supporting MDC. The victimand his family were given twelve hours tomove out of the area.

10 August 2007

At Nyamuyakura shops, TM, of Zanu PF,and PM, of the MDC, were reportedlyharassed by TKG, and fourteen other ZanuPF supporters. It is alleged that the victimswere drinking with their friends whenTKG came with his group and accused TMof not wanting to join them to celebrate forthe new car that had been donated to theCouncil by the governor. TM and hisfriend PM were beaten and they sustainedinjuries.

12 August 2007

Mr M, of Zanu PF, was reportedlyassaulted by EH, a fellow Zanu PF,accusing him of not contributing towardsthe Heroes’ Celebrations and thus waslabelled an MDC supporter. He sustainedbruises all over his body.

13 August 2007

At Kapotesa Village, PK, of the MDC, wasreported assaulted by two suspected ZanuPF supporters while he was coming from abeer hall. He was seen wearing an MDCT/shirt and was manhandled and strippedof his shirt which was torn to pieces andhe was accused of supporting MDC.

13 August 2007

At Kotwa, CK, a guard withneighbourhood watch and a Zanu PFsupporter was purportedly harassed andassaulted by FT, MT, TM and two others,also of Zanu PF, for allegedly trying to


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as taken to Kotwa Hospital.7 August 2007

K, of the MDC, was reportedly assaultednd displaced by Mr. G, Mr. M and Mr. C, ofanu PF at a Primary School where he hadone to register as a voter. They took him toe office where he was assaulted and

ccused of being a spy.

0 August 2007

t Makaha Township, DM, a Zanu PFember and businessman, was reportedly

ssaulted by war veterans N and P, accusingim of overcharging basic commodities. Theo war veterans were supposedly drunk

hen they approached the victim. Heustained a deep cut on the forehead and fellnconscious before he was rushed to hospital.

0 August 2007

K, of the MDC, allegedly had his shopamaged when war veterans P, N and T, ofanu PF, went to his shop accusing him ofvercharging opaque beer. The three are said have broken the door to the storeroom in

is shop where they took the beer andontinued selling it a low price. The victimas also harassed and verbally assaulted.

udzi West

August 2007

r. M, of Zanu PF was allegedly assaultedy M, F and T, of the MDC. It is alleged thate victim a businessman, was the only oneho was being supplied with beverages byelta because he is a Zanu PF supporter andis angered the perpetrators who went ahead

nd assaulted him severely. He sustainedruises all over his body and was hospitalisedt Kotwa hospital and was later transferred toutoko hospital. It is also said that the

erpetrators were displaying placardsscribed “Pamberi nekurova vanhu veZanuF vane huwori nokunyepera vanhu zvisipo”eaning “Forward with beating Zanu PF

upporters who are corrupt and liars”.

5 August 2007

t GMB Kotwa, Mr. K, Mrs M and Mr. CH,f the MDC, were supposedly assaulted by, a Councillor of Ward 4 and another

ouncillor for Makwemere Ward. It islleged the Councillors called for a meetingdvising all known Zanu PF supporters touy cheap maize from GMB while those whoere found to be aligned to the MDC wereenied access to that food and assaulted.

ZPP Programmes De

8 August 2007

t is reported that the GMB Manager, nameot known, was reportedly assaulted by MDCupporter MM, and forty-five bags of maizeere burnt to ashes on allegations of

egregation when distributing maize.

urehwa North

August 2007

t Madamombe Business Centre, Mr. Z, ofe MDC, was reportedly kidnapped and

ssaulted by JM, TC and other Zanu PFouths, for allegedly overcharging basicommodities in his shop.

0 August 2007

t Bhunu, in Mudarikwa village DV and NP,f the MDC, were purportedly assaulted andreatened by FM a war veteran and MN, ofanu PF, for joining the MDC party. It islso said that the two did not contributenything or participate in the Heroes Dayelebrations. The victims suffered bruisesnd a swollen forehead.

4 August 2007

t Rukunguwe Primary School, SM, of theDC, was purportedly harassed by TK, and

M, of Zanu PF, when she was forced toontribute towards the Heroes’ celebrationsnd when the celebrations took place peopleere forced to produce Zanu PF cards.

7 August 2007

t Nyedza Secondary School, TS, of theDC, was allegedly harassed and displaced

rom his area of settlement by Zanu PFupporters, TB and TJ, for wearing an MDC/shirt.

8 August 2007

t Hukumwe Shops, VM, of the MDC, wasupposedly harassed and threatened witheath, by two unknown assailants suspected be Zanu PF supporters for passing

entiments to his friend that a lot of riggingkes place during the voters’ registrationrocess. He added that the CIO was involved the data manipulation. The friend thenld one of the state agents who attempted to

rrest VM. VM denied ever uttering suchentiments.

0 August 2007

pt. August 2007

t Munemo shops, TD, of the MDC, wasllegedly assaulted and harassed by TG andM for criticizing ‘Operation Dzikisaiitengo’(Price crackdown blitz) aftermathhich he said had left shops empty. Heescribed it as an evil exercise towards theusiness and public. The victim was accused ofemeaning the President’s rule and justice.

M. of the MDC, was purportedly harassed byK, of Zanu PF, for allegedly being seen at anDC meeting which took place in the area.

he perpetrators wanted to burn down hisillage. The incident took place at Matututuchool.

urewa South

August 2007

t Chimau Business Centre, it is alleged thatC, of the MDC, was reportedly assaulted byT and SM, of Zanu PF, accusing him of

elling MDC cards. The victim suffered awollen face. The incident was not reportednywhere for fear of further victimization.

August 2007

C, of the MDC, was purportedly assaulted byS and GN, of Zanu PF at Kareza Businessentre. The victim was accused of organizinge MDC party’s campaign strategies in the


2 August 2007

t Rumano Village, widows, ER and TC, of theDC, were allegedly harassed by WK, of Zanu

F who barred them from registering for theMaguta’ Scheme alleging that they were MDCupporters and thus were not eligible for anycheme spearheaded by Zanu PF.

6 August 2007

K, of the MDC, was allegedly assaulted byM, of Zanu PF, for being seen wearing anDC T/shirt at Mahowa. The case was

eported to the police but no action was taken.

utoko North

2 August 2007

t Gondo village in Nyamakope Ward, TW, ofe MDC, was allegedly assaulted by MS, ofanu PF, for reporting MS to the police andaving him arrested for selling sugar at a highrice. After the perpetrator had paid a fine, hellegedly came back and assaulted the victimccusing him of being a sell-out.


Page 18: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

At Ruvimbo Bottle Store, MS, of the MDC,was reportedly assaulted by T, of Zanu PF,for wearing MDC regalia and also for turningdown his love proposal.

14 August 2007

At Ruwa, S, of the MDC, was reportedlyharassed by L, of Zanu PF, for singing MDCsongs. It is alleged that L ordered the victimto stop singing MDC songs or else he wouldmake him stop.

26 August 2007

For accusing the Zanu PF of misusingpeople’s money which they collect forHeroes celebrations, R, of the MDC, wasreportedly assaulted harassed and threatenedwith unspecified action.

Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe

10 August 2007

At Dyirakumunda village, TS, NM and CM,of the MDC, were supposedly harassed, byTC and SC , of Zanu PF. It was said that at agathering where Zanu PF supporters hadgathered to celebrate the tractors presented tosome war veterans, the three MDC supporterswanted to see the tractors presented and wereharassed and intimidated . They were told notto participate in Zanu PF activities unless















denied freedom to sell her wares because shehad refused to attend a Zanu PF meeting atCorner Store. She was accused of supportingMDC.

5 August 2007

In village 33, OC and FM, of the MDC, wereallegedly assaulted, harassed and illegallydetained by TK, a veteran and two otherZanu PF youths accusing them of derailingthe progress of the country due to the corruptactivities. It is alleged that the duo werefound processing two tonnes of maize forsale in Mozambique and was taken toNyamapanda police station where they weredetained for further investigations.


2 August 2007

KM, of the MDC, was supposedly harassedby M, and TS, of Zanu PF, for allegedlyfailing to contribute towards the Heroescelebrations. It is said that the perpetratorswere going round with a list of names ofthose who had not contributed towards thecelebrations and KM was among them buthad refused to contribute towards the eventbecause he argued that they were of no value.

3 August 2007


3 August 2007

r. N, of the MDC, was allegedlyarassed, by Cde. M, of Zanu PF. It islleged that N, had bought firewood fromde M, on credit payable month end, butefore the month ended the perpetrator ine company of two other Zanu PF

upporter went to the victim’s house in aupposedly drunken state and startedemanding his money. He is said to havetolen two goats from the victim’s placeut was caught.

4 August 2007M , an MDC supporter, of Mapfiyanzaraillage, was allegedly assaulted by AZ ofanu PF, for telling him to reduce the pricef sugar he was selling at $350,000 to35,000 as per government directive.

7 August 2007

t Nyamauzuwe, JM and FM, of theDC, were allegedly assaulted by Cde M,

f Zanu PF, for wanting to control pricesf basic commodities in the perpetrator’shop. It is said that the two went to thehop with a list of gazetted prices andtarted accusing the shop owner ofvercharging commodities.

utoko South

ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007


they denounce their party and join the rulingparty.

11 August 2007

At Chimhodzi Maramaba in NgwandaVillage, PH, of the MDC, was allegedlyharassed by JN and four other Zanu PFsupporters, who wanted to force him to giveZanu PF youths, sixty (60) litres of diesel totransport villagers to the Heroes celebrationsat Maramba from Chimhodzi. The victimworks for ARDA.

12 August 2007

At Sori village, GS, of the MDC, wasallegedly assaulted by TS, of the ruling partyZanu PF, for allegedly wearing an MDCT/shirt at a burial ceremony of his father. Inretaliation the perpetrator was injured on theforehead and admitted at Nyadire hospital.

14 August 2007

At Maramba Primary School, Mutawatawa,TR, and JC, of the MDC, were purportedly

August 2007

G, of the MDC, was purportedlyssaulted by SC, of Zanu PF, after heailed to contribute towards the Heroes’elebrations because he had no money.

2 August 2007

t Village 4, FM, of MDC, was reportedlyarassed, by WM and PT, of Zanu PF. It alleged that the victim was approachedy the war veterans, accused of supportinge MDC and was ordered to surrender allDC regalia and membership.

5 August 2007

K, of the MDC, was allegedly harassed,y the village headman TK and three ZanuF youths, for refusing to attend the ZanuF meeting that was held in the village andddressed by the Councillor. The victimas labelled an MDC supporter.

7 August 2007

t Corner Stone Shops, GM, a Zanu PFupporter was reportedly harassed, by fouranu PF youths, led by KM. GM was also

MM, of the MDC, was allegedly harassed byan unidentified Zanu PF supporter. It isalleged that the two were on a train to townwhen a conversation started where the victimstarted complaining about the failure of theruling party to run the country since all thingswere getting worse. The suspected Zanu PFsupporter is said to have started threateningthe victim with unspecified action.

4 August 2007

At Dema Township, CM, of the MDC, wasreportedly assaulted, harassed and displacedby Zanu PF supporters F, G and F as revengeon CM for assaulting F during the 2002elections.

10 August 2007

DM, and SM, of Zanu PF, were reportedlyassaulted by J and JZ , of MDC . It isalleged that the victims had visited theirhome and went for a beer drink. SM waswearing an MDC T/shirt and on seeing DMand SM they started beating t hem.

12 August 2007

Page 19: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

assaulted by PC, LJ and KM, of ZanuPF, at Heroes day celebrations aftercomplaining about the diesel andelectricity shortages in the area. TheZanu PF youths were not happy with thesentiments and thus on their way homebeat the victims labelling them MDCsell-outs.

14 August 2007

At Katiyo Village, CK, of the MDC,was purportedly assaulted by RM, ofZanu PF, for attending an MDC rallyheld in the area on the 14th of July 2007.

21 August 2007

At Kandemiri Village, MK, of theMDC, was reportedly harassed by ZM,of Zanu PF, for attending an MDC rallyat Katiyo Township.


31 August 2007

At Dyora village, RK, of the MDC, waspurportedly harassed by Chief N, ofZanu PF, for allegedly refusing tocontribute towards the Heroes’ daycelebrations. It is said as a result thevictim was summoned to a traditionalcourt where he was fined $350,000 andforced to pay it.


ZPP Programmes De

pt. August 2007
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Guruve South

1 August 2007






Mashonaland Centr


August 2007

K, of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed KC (35),f the MDC, after he was found readingCA’s draft constitution, in an area whereeople are expected to support Zanu PF.

August 2007

C (35, of the ruling Zanu PF, purportedlyarassed AM (40), of the MDC. It is allegedhat M, had been forced to say his opinion on Zanu PF village meeting and he urged theeople to think of change as people will keepuffering.

0 August 2007

K, of the MDC, was reportedly harassed byK of Zanu PF, accusing him of singingpposition songs in a Zanu PF village, whichs perceived as lack of respect for the rulingarty.

1 August 2007

C (55), of Zanu PF, allegedly harassedC(32), of the MDC, after he was foundiscussing about the emptiness of all thehops and the way forward.

5 August 2007

G (60), of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed GJ,

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Type of cases



ZPP Programmes De

f the MDC, after he was found listening totudio 7, which is perceived as propaganda

RM, AM, AZ and NN (50), of Zanu PF,


CM and AK (40), of Zanu PF, allegedlyassaulted GN, of the MDC, after he was heardtalking ill about the price blitz.

11 August 2007

CK, allegedly assaulted PH (40), of the MDC,accusing him of organizing opposition MDCmeetings without informing the Councillor.

13 August 2007

IA and DB, of the MDC, were reportedlyassaulted by CD, BC and GC, of Zanu PF, forwearing an NCA T/shirt in a Zanu PFdominated area.

14 August 2007

LC, of the MDC, was reportedly harassed byJM (41) and GK, accusing him of overchargingsugar, which the pair alleged LC got from thewhite people.

22 August 2007

FT, of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed RM (85), ofthe MDC, accusing him of attending a ZESNworkshop, at which he was found talking aboutthe need to vote.


5 August 2007

TP, of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed FT, of theMDC, accusing him of organizing MDCmeetings without the Village Head’s

Mashonaland Central

2 0 0 0 1









Unlawful Deten...




pt. August 2007


14 August 2007

TK, of the ruling Zanu PF, allegedlyharassed TF, of the MDC, who was theZanu PF Secretary for the branch and hadjoined the opposition where he is tippedto contest as councillor in next year’selections.

22 August 2007

TM (48), of Zanu PF, allegedly harassedTC, of the opposition MDC, for havingbeen found listening to Voice of Americawhich is perceived as the oppositionpropaganda.

29 August 2007

SM and TM , of the MDC werepurportedly harassed by BC, of Zanu PFfor listening to Studio 7 and his radio wasconfiscated by BC.

24 August 2007

OG, of the ruling Zanu PF, allegedlyharassed SM, of the opposition MDC, afterhe was found discussing about the ailingeconomy at a bottle store.




Page 21: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

Mazowe West

10 August 2007

CG, PC and PG, of Zanu PF, allegedly lootedcooking oil worth ten million dollars belongingto RC and Mrs R, of the MDC as the Zanu PFtrio purported to be members of price controltask force.

13 August 2007

TM and AC, of Zanu PF, allegedly assaulted PTand RC, of the MDC, accusing them of openingtheir shop on Heroes day, which was viewed asa sign of lack of respect for those who diedduring the war.

18 August 2007

TM and AM, of Zanu PF, allegedly lootedc ta eto odr git



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allegedly harassed KZ (30) and AC (25) afterbeing found talking ill of the government’sprice blitz and the emptiness of the shops.

13 August 2007

PT, of the MDC, was reportedly harassed byCM, of Zanu PF, for failing to chant Zanu PFslogans, as they waited for sugar in a queue.

15 August 2007

KC, of Zanu PF, allegedly assaulted MC(40), of the MDC, accusing her of being astaunch mobiliser, when it comes toorganizing meetings for the opposition MDC.

Four unidentified ZRP Officers, allegedlyunlawfully detained TM (30), SM (35) andMS (32), accusing them of attending an NCAconstitutional workshop which had been heldin the village.










13 August 2007

MM, of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed MM(43) and TM, of the MDC, as they resistedgoing to commemorate Heroes’ day.


1 August 2007

D, a deputy head at a local school, wasreportedly harassed by CD (55) and K (50)of Zanu PF, accusing him of being MDC,because he had sent home children whohad not paid their fees.

5 August 2007

SM, of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed LM, ofthe MDC, accusing him of being electedinto the School Development Committee,which Zanu PF supporters view as

d Msinglainns.



PF,d Ciling the

edly SS his


0 August 2007

C, of the opposition MDC, was reportedlyarassed by JM, the Village Head at a villageeeting where all villagers were being urged

o join the ruling party. FC argued that it wasvery citizen’s right to belong to a party ofheir choice.

azowe East

August 2007

C, of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed JK (30),f the opposition MDC, who wanted toenefit from Garikayi houses, yet he refusedo denounce his opposition partyembership.

August 2007

azowe East MP, allegedly harassed CG,lso of Zanu PF, accusing CG of havingntentions of contesting in the next elections,s he had bought Tsungubvi, a local team aport kit, which was viewed by the MP as aampaign gimmick.

3 August 2007

hief N, of Zanu PF and Senator for the area,llegedly harassed Headman M of the MDC,hom he threatened with unspecified actions,

f he did not change his behaviour.

ZPP Programmes Dept

risps and freezits from R (32), of the MDC, a mobile registration station, where he had gon register and the Zanu PF pair, were there t

eny any opposition supporters fromegistering, so they drew his attention by lootinems he was selling.


August 2007

and GK, of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed BMf the MDC, accusing him of shopping at thrmy Brigadier’s shop, where only Zanu P

upporters are supposed to buy.

August 2007

rs. M,of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed PB (25f the MDC, who wanted her contract with thunicipality to be renewed while Mrs. M, tole Mayor not to re engage him and she referre PB as ‘an MDC dog’.

0 August 2007

(40), of Zanu PF, allegedly assaulted WM35), of the MDC, accusing him of incitineople of being too vocal at a residents meetingfter he had questioned about the residentsights from the Councillor.

0 August 2007

K (43), of the MDC, allegedly assaulted J40), of Zanu PF, accusing him of spying oeir meeting.

. August 2007


positions for them and not any other.

6 August 2007

JM (55), of Zanu PF, allegedly harasse(38) and C (40), of the MDC, accuthem of inciting other teachers to compabout poor salary and working conditio

9 August 2007

MM (55), of Zanu PF, allegedly haraBM, of the MDC, after he was fotalking about the economic hardshwhich was perceived to be incitingpublic to revolt against the government

13 August 2007

MC (37) and GD (32), of Zanu allegedly harassed DM, TP (32) an(37), of the MDC, accusing them of fato attend a Zanu PF meeting held incompound.

17 August 2007

SS (25), of Zanu PF, was reportharassed by DC, of Zanu PF, accusingof being found in the company of MDC neighbour.

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Mashonaland West


5 August 2007

SB (28),TM (32) and GN, allegedlyassaulted KZ, when they identified himamongst the crowds, during the heroessplash gala as the Zanu PF supporters toldhim that there was no place for oppositionMDC supporters at the gala.

10 August 2007

PC (29), of Zanu PF, allegedly assaultedKM (25), of NCA, accusing him ofadvancing opposition MDC politics at aZESN workshop. According to PC, it wasnot proper for KM to urge people toexercise their voting rights.,17 August 2007

RS (38), TM (20), PC (30) and JJ (34), ofZanu PF, allegedly assaulted BM (29), ofMDC, accusing him of not reducing theprice of beef at his butchery.

19 August 2007

Inspector H, of ZRP, allegedly assaultedTN (30) and TM (32), of MDC, accusingthem of selling soap at the bus terminus yetthey had no licences to sell there.

20 August 2007

PM, was reportedly assaulted by JM andTT, of Zanu PF, accusing P of criticising

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Type of cases



ZPP Programmes Dept. A

22athe coming back of high prices before thecommodities are in stock.

pporters were deployed to make sure


2 August 2007

M (36), TM (29) and EM (27), of theDC, allegedly harassed RW, accusing

im of threatening MDC supporters withlood shed in the campaign for next year’slection.

3 August 2007

F (40) and BM (38), of the oppositionDC, allegedly harassed FT (38), of Zanu

F, accusing her of being a spy at an MDCally, of which she had gate crushed.

0 August 2007

T (24), EC (26) and TD (36), of Zanu PF,eportedly harassed SG (33) and JB (40),ccusing the Zanu PF trio of masqueradings the price control team at the localwnship and stealing from shop owners.

8 August 2007

M (47), allegedly harassed KS (26), ofe MDC, accusing him of supporting the

andidature of another person, instead ofim in the coming local authoritylections.

urungwe East

August 2007

M (37), of the MDC, was reportedlyarassed by JI (55), of the MDC, onllegations that JM had declared his











ashonaland West


1 1 0 1






Unlawful D







ugust 2007

rest to contest JI in the primarytions in preparation for the counciltions in January 2008.

ugust 2007

(33), of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed (42), on allegations that he wasing on behalf of the oppositionC, as he attended all Zanu PFtings but did not want to buy a Zanu


ugust 2007

(33), of Zanu PF, was reportedlyssed by CZ (29), of the MDC, on

gations that CZ was going aroundvillage encouraging villagers to go register and yet the registration team been given specific people toster.

rungwe West

ugust 2007

(24), was reportedly harassed by (34), of MDC, after LK had tried toourage MR to go and register, onlye shocked by MR who did not wantegister.

ugust 2007

(36), of the MDC, allegedly harassed (35), of Zanu PF, whom he accusedhindering MDC supporters fromstering as CG and other Zanu PF

Page 23: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement



Kr om





M gigi







C cdio


T anDv


C (30) and a group of unidentified Zanu PFuths, allegedly assaulted G (39) and LM (48),



3 A

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Ahfound commenting ill about thegovernment ‘blitz’. The officer harassedAN at the shops and later warned him notto criticize the government.

24 August 2007

PC (38), of Zanu PF, allegedly harassedFM (35), of the MDC, accusing her ofletting her opposition party call forsanctions which have caused people toqueue for everything. FM was later





















MDC supporters do not register.

mba South

ugust 2007

unidentified price control team, allegedlyed goods worth $20 million dollars from (34), an MDC supporter, who had his tuck-p raided by the price control team. The team away goods instead of giving him themmended price list.

ugust 2007

(24), of the MDC, was reportedly harasseda group of Zanu PF youths, who wore theiry T/shirts, accusing the victim of wearing al observer T/shirt, while queuing forstration and National Identity cardection. He did not get the National Identity.

ugust 2007

(36), of the opposition MDC, wasrtedly harassed by an unidentified police

cer, who accused SN, for criticising theernment price control blitz.

ugust 2007

group of unidentified Zanu PF youths,gedly harassed PM (25), for failing to attendth meetings in the village, yet she wanted toefit from party programmes brought by theng party.

mba North

ugust 2007

(35), of the MDC, was reportedly harassedMC (36) and EK (33), of Zanu PF, ongations that his red T/shirt meant he was anC supporter and warned that he should joinruling party campaign team for next year.

ugust 2007

(31) and EK (33), of Zanu PF, allegedlyssed IK (26), accusing him of distributingN flyers, which encouraged people to goand register. The perpetrator perceived it aspposition campaign strategy.

ugust 2007

(34), was reportedly harassed by AM (36) SC (32) on allegations that she wasouraging the youth to go and register iner for them to exercise their voting rights

ZPP Programmes Dept. Augu

of t

coming elections.

ugust 2007

, allegedly harassed PM (40), of the MDC,failing to attend the Heroes' Day

memoration at the stadium.


ugust 2007

of Zanu PF, was reportedly assaulted by hisy colleague, KN, in the company of someentified Zanu PF youths, who had got into apany premise, purporting to be the price

trol taskforce, yet they wanted to loot. Theths were later arrested by police and awaitrt appearance.

ugust 2007

, of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed WM (21),the MDC, accusing him of criticising thestration process and the attitude of thestration officers.

ugust 2007

, was reportedly harassed by Z (40), of Zanu who labelled SM, of the MDC, as he did not his produce to the G.M.B, but wanted toefit inputs.

oma Central

ugust 2007

roup of Zanu PF youths, aged between 21 45, allegedly assaulted CY (35), of theC, for not attending Ward Zanu PFtings.

ugust 2007

(26), of the MDC, was reportedly harassedDM (36), MC (28) and GJ (20) of Zanu PF,using VC of being in possession of the solaros, which the ruling party views as apaganda-churning machines.

ugust 2007

(27), SD (35), CM (20) and MN (40), ofu PF, allegedly harassed K (30) of theC, whom they found denouncing theernment’s price blitz.

ugust 2007

st 2007

he MDC, accusing them of failing to attend

Zanu PF supporter's funeral.

4 August 2007

G (34), of the MDC, was reportedlyarassed by Zanu PF’s NM (37) onllegations that she had left heratrimonial home, where she had livedith her Zanu PF husband because she hadnded a high post in the MDC.

Y (33), of the MDC, allegedly harassedP (50), of Zanu PF, for making noise ase passed by LY’s house singing Zanu PFongs on his way from the Heroes'elebrations.


2 August 2007

K (33), of the opposition MDC, waseportedly harassed by Zanu PF’s, TM52), who refused to sit next to RK in aommuter omnibus and all people wereurprised at the humiliation caused on RK.

6 August 2007

K, of Zanu PF, allegedly destroyed RM’sMDC) property worth Z$32 millionollars after TK discovered that there was kitchen party at RM’s house which heerceived as an MDC women’s meeting.K is currently serving community serviceentence after his arrest and appearance inourt.

7 August 2007

M (35), was reportedly harassed, by MH,f Zanu PF, accusing the victim of wanting benefit from the ‘maguta scheme’ whichey purported to benefit Zanu PF

upporters only.

3 August 2007

n unidentified CID officer, allegedlyarassed AN (37), of Zanu PF, after he was


Page 24: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007


removed from the queue.


3 August 2007

VM (38), of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed SuperGrocery’s unidentified workers, accusing themof overcharging.

6 August 2007

C (58), and other eight MDC youths, allegedlyassaulted G (51) and Mrs C (58), also of theMDC, after they had declared their interest tocontest C, in their next primary elections inpreparation for next year ‘s council elections.

11August 2007

CH (27), of the MDC, was reportedly assaultedby an unidentified CIO official, after he wasfound talking ill about the government’sgazetted commuter transport fares.

17 August 2007

MW (32) and MM (29), of the MDC, werereportedly assaulted by PM of Zanu PF (36) andPM (30) of Ward 9, for refusing to chant theZanu PF slogan at a Ward Developmentmeeting.

19 August 2007

N (45), of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed M (39),of the opposition MDC, accusing the victim offailing to attend Zanu PF Ward meetings.

24 August 2007

CB (36) and MM (24), of Zanu PF, allegedlyharassed Mrs. Z (38), after she failed to producea ruling party card.


11 August 2007

PD (35), of Zanu PF, allegedly harassed PK(25), ER (29) and CT (27), of the MDC,accusing them of being spies because they hadpassed by where Zanu PF was having its Wardmeeting.

13 August 2007

JK (31), of the MDC, was reportedly unlawfullydetained by PK (47), for failing to attend Zanu

allegedly harassed MG, of the oppositionMDC, who had come to register, as they triedto frustrate him until he was told to go backand get proof of residence from hisCouncillor.7 August 2007

Cde C and RM, of Zanu PF, allegedlydisplaced JM (50), JB and CP (50), who usedto work for a white farmer. The trio were alsochased away as they were accused ofbecoming close to the white farmer.

10 August 2007

Cde C (50), VN (35) and DG (60), of theruling party Zanu PF, allegedly harassed AK(20), FJ (20) and BT (20), of the MDC,accusing them of having an interest toregister as voters. They were then told to goand seek clearance from the Councillor. Theyeventually did not register.

15 August 2007

JM (21), SS (20) and PR (23), of the MDC,were reportedly harassed by LM (39), DM(40) and TJ (30), of Zanu PF, as theydemanded Zanu PF cards from villagers whohad come for registration. Those who did nothave, were not afforded the right to register.

16 August 2007

Councillor PM (35), JT (30), SJ and OT, ofZanu PF, allegedly assaulted SD of the NCA,accusing him of supporting those who arecalling for regime change. His NCA T/shirtwas torn by the Zanu PF supporters who werelater arrested, after OT had made a report tothe police. The perpetrators were released thesame day without any charge.

16 August 2007

SK and MC (30), of Zanu PF, allegedlyharassed MK, FT (30) and WL (30), of theMDC, accusing them of spying on theirmeeting, yet they had forced all people toattend the meeting.

PF Ward meetings, which are a mustwhether you support Zanu PF or not.

16 August 2007

MM (42), CS (30), LS (28), of the rulingZanu PF, allegedly harassed SM (38) andSM (18), accusing them of failing to attendWard Development meetings organized byZanu PF.

18 August 2007

PM (32), of the MDC, was reportedlyharassed by MC (41), of the ruling ZanuPF, who had forced PM to attend a‘Maguta’ meeting, yet he denied himaccess to the inputs unless he denouncedhis party.

20 August 2007

AK (47) and MP (29), of the ruling ZanuPF, allegedly harassed SM (30) and BK(27), of MDC, on allegations that theyalways hold MDC meetings, withoutnotifying the Zanu PF youths.


14 August 2007

MM (65), was reportedly harassed by N(60), of Zanu PF, on allegations that he hadembarked on a membership drive for theopposition, yet the constituency issupposed to be Zanu PF dominated.

15 August 2007

M (53), of the MDC, was allegedlyharassed by Mrs D (39) and C (39), ofZanu PF, accusing him of failing to attenda Ward meeting organized by theCouncillor.

16 August 2007

T (34) and JM (43), of the MDC, werereportedly harassed by VM (40), of ZanuPF, for failing to attend Zanu PF villagemeetings, which are said to be compulsory.


6 August 2007

JJ (40) and Constable K (30), of ZRP,


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ZPP Programmes

Dept. August 2007


Page 26: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


2 Aug

At Dallegea veMDCpuncta ston

11 Au

At Mofficiof theurbanvisitinsuspe

17 Au

At MincludNatioas voby oand labell

19 Au

At Myouthsomeinvolwho rThe weap











2 Au

At Mallegpunismeet

3 Au

HM, bandand lshe rbe usBirch

7 Au

At CZanuand twhomat hivictimthe dbe M

10 A

At ShPK, assau






ra North

ust 2007

orowa, Zanu PF youths, led by OM,dly stoned and extensively damaged

hicle belonging to M (40), of the, when they saw him repairing aure on his car. The victim was hit bye on the head sustaining a deep gash.

gust 2007

urambinda Growth Point, Zanu PFals, led by TD, allegedly warned RM, MDC, that children who live in the areas will soon be barred fromg the area, since they are all

cted of being MDC members.

gust 2007

arenga School, about forty peopleing, TN and FB, who wanted to get

nal Identity Documents and registerters were reportedly denied to do sofficial from the Registrar of VotersRegistrar General’s Offices whoed them MDC members.

gust 2007

awangwe village, a group of Zanu PFs, led by OM, who wanted to extort foodstuffs from Mrs. C, wereved in a fist fight with MDC youths,esponded to the victim’s distress call.

0 005




Type of case



ZPP Programmes Dept

perpetrators used an assortment ofons including stones and sticks. M


ra South

gust 2007

utiusinazita, a Zanu PF activist, TN,edly assaulted SG (35), of the MDC, ashment for not attending Zanu PFings that are held in the area.

gust 2007

a Zanu PF youth Chairperson, leading a of youth militias, reportedly harassedabelled CC (28), an MDC member, afterefused to allow her cooking utensils toed at a Zanu PF rally, that was held atenough Bridge.

gust 2007

habata village, AM, leading a team of PF youth militia, reportedly harassedhreatened to kill GN (30), of the MDC, they accused of hosting MDC officials

s home. This was in reference to the’s friends who had visited him during

ay, whom the perpetrators suspected toDC officials.

ugust 2007

ayanewako village, a Zanu PF official,leading suspected CIOs allegedly

lted an MDC member, FK, accusingof possessing a Ranger- Short Wave



3 0 2







Unlawful D







. August 2007


adio and listening to Studio 7 and otherirate radio stations”. The radio wasnfiscated by the perpetrators.

August 2007

nnamed Zanu PF officials, reportedlynied EG (48), of no known politicalrsuasion, to harvest his wheat from the

elds at Devuli Irrigation Scheme inirchenough Bridge. The victim wasspected of being an MDC member because does not attend Zanu PF meetings.

August 2007

embers of the price control team reportedlyrassed and threatened to arrest M, asinesswoman and MDC activist at

irchenough Bridge for overcharging herods in her shop. They reportedly forced her slash prices and also issued her with acket. The business has apparently folded.

August 2007

embers of the price monitoring taskforceportedly ordered wholesalers atirchenough Bridge not to sell goods to someop operators at the Growth Point, sinceey suspected that the shop owners are MDCembers.

hipinge North

August 2007

T, a Zanu PF official, allegedly forcibly

Page 27: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


























9 Aug

At MaPM anof theMDC for the

15 Au

At MactivisSC, oprice by the

17 Au

Zanu allegeof theand dpricesrefusepolicefor ov


6 Aug

At Chreporttaking“Chitaservicmemb

7 Aug

At a Mugoofficiaservanforcedattend

9 Aug

LN, reportbeing to preconferShe cattendMDC


victed J and TC from their Whittingtonalley farm. MT wanted to occupy the

arm house. The victims who have livedeir entire life at the farm are preparing vacate the farm. The victims grewacadamia nuts, tea and potatoes.

1 August 2007

t Holfstead farm, a Zanu PF official,rs. B, allegedly forcibly took over the

arm belonging to “M” J and B broke into the main house andrew the victims’ property outside sinceey were not at home on the day thevasion took place.

3 August 2007

uring Heroes Day commemorationsat were held at the Chipinge Districteroes Acre, the Member of Parliament

nd Deputy Minister of Localovernment and Public Works, MS,

eportedly warned all white farmersemaining in Chipinge District that theyre going to be dispossessed of theirarms.

6 August 2007

olice details reportedly stopped M andore than two hundred MDC supporters a funeral procession to Chipingeemetery to bury a fallen colleague,reatening to shoot them if they did notwer an MDC flag they were hoisting

nd stop singing MDC songs.

7 August 2007

he Senator for Chipinge-Chimanimani,, allegedly went to Buzi farm where

e ordered the farm owner, CT, to leavee farm and make way for him. The

arm invasions are being perpetrated byenior ruling party officials, whoublicly claim that they do as they wishnd nothing can happen to them.

8 August 2007

T, of Zanu PF, allegedly assaulted JM,f the MDC, with booted feet and fistss punishment for publicly denouncingrice controls. The victim was accusedf insulting the President.

ZPP Programmes Dept. Augu

nge South

ust 2007

tsani village, Zanu PF activists, TM,d MM reportedly “arrested’ JC (32) MDC, accusing him of trainingyouths in military tactics, in orderm to remove the ruling government.

gust 2007

utovhoti Business Centre, MDCts, MM and IS, allegedly beat upf Zanu PF, because he supportedcontrol measures being undertaken government.

gust 2007

PF members and two police details,dly invaded a shop belonging to SG MDC, at Mutovhoti Business Centreemanded that the victim slash the of his goods. When the victimd, the perpetrators brought in some details who gave the victim a ticketerpricing.

ni East

ust 2007

iwenga village, AC, of Zanu PF,edly told JM, of the MDC, to stop part in the “Guild of Mount Carmel Chamai Maria” flag waving”

e at funerals because she is an MDCer.

ust 2007

Zanu PF meeting that was held atti School, AC, who is a Zanu PFl, purportedly warned all civilts including, NM, that they face transfers from the area if they fail to Zanu PF meetings.

ust 2007

a Zanu PF Ward 23 Councillor,edly accused N (63) and N (44), ofMDC members because they triedvent her from attending a churchence (Catholic) at Triashill Mission.laimed that they did not want her to the church event since it was anactivity.

st 2007


3 August 2007

Zanu PF member, Mrs. M, reportedlyhased away PM, of the MDC, who hadeen impregnated by her son, from herome claiming that she will not have anDC member as a daughter in law. Thecident happened at Madondo village.

7 August 2007

anu PF activists, led by AN, reportedlyemanded that FM, relinquish her duties as Care Giver with the Diocese of Mutareommunity Care-Giving Programmeecause she is an MDC member.

akoni North

August 2007

t Chikore School, Zanu PF activists, ledy the Youth Chairperson, JC, allegedlyent to the house belonging to S, a teacher

t the school and demanded that he shouldave the school because he was seen

ttending an MDC meeting the previousay. They argued that their children couldot be taught by an MDC member.

5 August 2007

t Village 48, Nyahawa, the villageommittee, led by Zanu PF members,eportedly refused to give DM, aonfirmation letter that would havenabled him to register as a voter becausee is an MDC member. The perpetratorseportedly advised the victim to get aonfirmation from his party.

7 August 2007

t Chiendambuya and Bingaguru,embers from the District Registry whoere conducting the mobile voter

egistration exercise, reportedly refused toegister people demanding that they shouldet their confirmation letters from the localillage heads stamped by the councillor.his prejudiced many potential voters.

2 August 2007

t Dawara Business Centre, TK, of theDC, purportedly accused members of theobile registration team of corruption and

emanding unnecessary things from

27eople. This angered MV and other Zanu

F members and a fist fight broke out. At

Page 28: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement



entd inhere


d toare


TMBM,acestiong an

uter andtareere



vist, herctimgs.


re in


least twenty people were involved inscuffle.

Makoni West

6 August 2007

Zanu PF activists, CH and FC, allegassaulted LG, of the MDC, for denounthe “price slashes’ undertaken by governmas “waste of time’. The victim was injurethe attack. The incident happened at Mavillage.

13 August 2007

At Gurure School, Zanu PF activists, JKLN, allegedly assaulted M and JB becthe victims were seen chatting to “strapeople” whom the perpetrators suspectebe MDC activists. The victims, who teachers, were warned never to talk aMDC issues in the area.

20 August 2007

At Chiunya village, Zanu PF activists, and LC, allegedly harassed and warned of no known political affiliation, that he fvery difficult times ahead during the eleccampaign, since they suspect him of beinMDC supporter.

Mutare Central

10 August 2007

TS, GK, DT, CM and ten other commdrivers and conductors were rounded upforced to park their vehicles at MuCentral Police Station, where they wseverely beaten by soldiers for overcharpassengers. They were labelled Mactivists and were made to sing revolutiosongs during their ordeal.

15 August 2006

Mrs. R, a landlady and Zanu PF actiallegedly evicted her tenant Mrs. M andfour children, after she leant that the vihad hosted an MDC meeting in her lodgin

18 August 2007

Police details from the riot squad, allegrandomly beat up people including CM, MCD, GM and about thirty others who we

ZPP Programmes Dept

a queue to buy bread at a bakery in theindustrial area.

23 August 2007

Inspector N, of ZRP, reportedly arrestedand detained AM, for asking her tointervene on the passengers’ behalf whowere being asked to pay $100000, a tripfrom Dangamvura into town. Theperpetrator instead scolded the victimand declared she was going to practiceher police duties on the victim.

23 August 2007

At the main bus terminus in town,soldiers manning the queue, allegedlybeat up MM, who was nursing her babysaying that the victim had jumped thequeue, despite the fact that the victimwas only reclaiming her place.

Mutare North

2 August 2007

A Catholic Priest, Father MB, wasreportedly forced to leave the country byan officer from the ImmigrationDepartment and CIO, who accused thevictim of being an MDCsympathiser and writing and publishingmaterial not favourable to thegovernment like the book entitled ‘TheTruth shall set you free; a compendiumof the Social teachings of the church.’

8 August 2007

Suspected Zanu PF youths, reportedlywaylaid JM, whom they severelyassaulted using sticks and booted feetlabelling him a traitor. They tore theMDC T/shirt the victim was wearing.They disappeared into the night afterassaulting the victim.

13 August 2007

In the OTS Section of Sakubva,unnamed ZRP details from the CIDsection, reportedly arrested and detainedNCA activists, SS and C as a “pre-emptive measure” to stop the victimsfrom organizing NCA demonstrationsduring the heroes holiday. The victimswere released after the holiday withoutany charges being levelled against them.

. August 2007


21 August 2007

At Sakubva Market, a police detailreportedly harassed and threatened toarrest a woman known only as “MaiTracy” and her colleague forcondemning the price slash measures,saying that it had caused goods todisappear from the open market.

28 August 2007

A group of soldiers reportedly assaultedPS, NM and eight other licensedbeverage vendors claiming that thevictims were littering the country andfuelling the parallel market. Theirmerchandize consisting of Coca Colaand other fizzy drinks were impoundedwithout any receipts or refunds.

Mutare South

3 August 2007

In Muoko and Kwembeya villages, ZanuPF activists, led by LM, TK, DH andothers, reportedly went around thevillages putting up stickers on the doorsof all known and suspected MDCmembers, including DK, CK and SC.They claimed that they were conducting“a census”.

16 August 2007

VD, MM, JK and fifty other NCAmembers, were reportedly denied entryinto Zambia by the ImmigrationDepartment at Chirundu, alleging thatthe victims wanted to demonstrate andembarrass the SADC Heads of Statewho were meeting in Lusaka. Thevictims had their money, especiallyforeign currency taken by the CIOs whowere vetting and interrogating them.

17 August 2007

At Mafuke Hall, OS (19) and CM (19)were purportedly denied to register asvoters by officers from the RegistrarGeneral, after the Zanu PF Councillor N,demanded that the victims should not beregistered because they did not appearon his list that he had prepared, despitethe fact that the victims had properdocumentation.

Page 29: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007

24 August 2007

Some police details, who attended anMDC meeting at Dzobo BusinessCentre, reportedly demanded that PNand JM (Secretary and Chairperson)furnish them with details of all MDCExecutive Committee members in theWard.

Mutare West

8 August 2007

At Gwindingwi, Zanu PF activists, JG,SM, BM and others, reportedly harassedand demanded that LC, a pre-schoolteacher, relinquish her duties becauseshe is an MDC member. They sworethat they could not risk having their littlechildren taught by an MDC member.

24 August 2007

At Gwiriri village, MDC activists, led byKC, allegedly waylaid a Zanu PF activistPH, whom they severely thrashed usingfists and booted feet accusing him of“supporting Zanu PF”.


9 August 2007

At Tsengerai village, MDC activists, ledby S and TN, allegedly disrupted a ZanuPF Heroes day meeting and assaulted Gand M, who were attending the meeting.

16 August 2007

At Sanhani village, Zanu PF activists, ledby MN, reportedly beat up JS , of theMDC, to prevent him from inspecting hisname in the voters’ role. At Kagore, people

ere being asked to produce Zanu PFemb


7 Au


emaegistonfirrom ouncDC


2 Au



lost ten bags of maize and other valuablesincluding the granary itself.

7 August 2007

Ward Councillor M, of Zanu PF, who was amember of the mobile registration and voterregistration team, reportedly harassed andattempted to deny KK, the right to register as avoter because the victim is an MDC activist.The incident happened at Sahumani PrimarySchool.

18 August 2007

At Hauna Growth Point, Zanu PF activists, ledby Councillor S, allegedly disrupted an MDCYouth forum and attacked CN and two otherswith sticks and stones. The meeting wassubsequently abandoned as people ran awayfrom the scene.

23 August 2007

At ChachairperGT, resafter heMDC ra


2 Augus

At Haunby M, other faStywell farmers instead. payouts

10 Augu

PM, a wthe aid stoppedSherukuofficialsseek pol

12 Augu

Zanu PFEM, allebooted financinwarned evictionhis polit


9 August 2007

DM, a Zanu PF youth, allegedly orderedTN, of the MDC, to remove and burnthe MDC T/shirt that he was wearing.The victim refused and threatened toretaliate.

12 August 2007

Zanu PF members, RM, HM and CM,reportedly refused to work with TM atACR Diamond Mining Company, after awar veteran, MK, had recommendedhim for the job. The victim was forcedto abandon his work after his co-workersrefused to accept him.

17 August 2007

TM, the Zanu PF DCC Chairperson,allegedly forced all families in Mafanavillage to pay $10000 as Heroes’ Day“donation”. Those like AZ, who had nomoney to pay were harassed andintimidated.

Mutasa North

2 August 2007

At Dangamombe village, MT, of ZanuPF, allegedly set fire on a granarybelonging to ER, of the MDC, aspunishment for denouncing Zanu PF andthe price control operation. The victim






vanga village, PC, the Zanu PF DCCson, allegedly severely beat up his wife,ulting in her losing a set of two teeth, had leant that his wife had attended anlly.


t 2007

a Growth Point, Zanu PF officials, ledreportedly barred Mrs. M and twelvermers from selling their produce toHoldings and instructed the group ofto sell their produce to the GMBThe farmers will receive very low

from the GMB.

st 2007

ar veteran and Zanu PF activist, withof unnamed police details reportedly

a scheduled MDC meeting atru Business Centre, accusing the MDC, CM, SH and MM of having failed toice clearance to hold the meeting.

st 2007

members, led by the Youth Chairman,gedly beat up MM, a businessman withfeet and sticks, accusing him of

g MDC activities in the area. Theythe victim that he faces imminent

from Hauna Growth Point because ofical activities.


ership cards in order to register as.

gust 2007

bers of the mobile births, nationalty cards and voter registration teamwas at Sanhani School, reportedlynded that those who wanted toer as voters should bring stampedmation of proof of residence lettersZanu PF officials, like G or theillor. M and more than fifteen other activists, failed to register at the as it is alleged that the Zanu PF

als and headmen refused to confirmn or suspected MDC members asfide residents.

gust 2007

activists, PS, AM and TG,tedly assaulted the Zanu PF Wardcillor, accusing him of having deniedand many others proof of residencemation letters that would haveed them to register as voters.

Page 30: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

goods confiscated by EM and DK , ofthe MDC, for wearing a Zanu PFT/shirt, singing ruling party songs andselling basic commodities on the parallelmarket. The perpetrators took her goodsand paid the gazetted price for them.


2 August 2007

EM and HM, of Zanu PF, wereallegedly assaulted by United PeoplesParty youths, MD, TZ, SC and MZ, forpassing through where the perpetratorswere holding their party meeting.

5 August 2007

MN, of the anti-senate faction of theMDC, was allegedly harassed by MN, ofthe pro-senate faction. The victim wasgoing on a door-to-door campaignselling anti-senate membership cards, hewas accused of being a sell out.

7 August 2007


accused of supporting the oppositionMDC.

11 August 2007

LN (29), of Zanu PF, was allegedlyassaulted by ND, of MDC, after he wasseen carrying a case of sugar. The victimwas quizzed on where he got the sugarwhich was in short supply. The perpetratortook the sugar.

14 August 2007

AN, of Zanu PF, was reportedly assaultedby suspected MDC supporters for wearinga Zanu PF T/shirt and campaigning for theruling party.

24 August 2007

IP (38), of the MDC, was allegedlyharassed by KJ (29), also of the MDC, for


















popoma Pelandaba

August 2007

D, TM and CB of ZINASU, areeportedly said to be facing expulsion fromhe National University of Science andechnology (NUST), because of theirolitical affiliation and for staging aeaceful demonstration. They wereccused of being enemies of the state.

August 2007

N, AZ and TL, members of ZINASU,ere purportedly kidnapped by six wareterans, who took them to Bulawayoentral police station, where they weressaulted and detained for 16 hours. Theyere accused of contravening POSA. Theictims were also denied access to aawyer.

August 2007

B, a member of ZINASU, was reportedlyetained by police at the Bulawayo Centralolice Station, whilst he had brought food

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Type of cases



ZPP Programmes Dept. Augu

or his colleagues who were in custody.


August 2007

D and CM, of the MDC, were verballyssaulted by LB, LM and HS, of Zanu PF,

Bulawayo South

5 August 2007

It is purported that a group of Zanu Pwomen, CN, LK, MC and URM, wer


1 0 02



ting MDPTort


Unlawful D










st 2007


AM, of Zanu PF, was purportedlyassaulted by MG and MD, of Zanu PF,for refusing to attend a Zanu PF meetingfor war veterans. The victim wasaccused of being a sell out.

14 August 2007

BM, of the MDC, was allegedlyharassed by MS and MK, of Zanu PF, at

attending a Zanu PF rally in Mutare. Thevictim was accused of associating withZanu PF supporters.

29 August 2007

SN, of Zanu PF, was harassed and had her

Page 31: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement



Nkulumane Council Offices, for wearingan MDC cap. The perpetrators took thecap, warning the victim not to wear the capagain.

17 August 2007

MM, of the MDC, was allegedly harassedby NM, of Zanu PF, accused of being asell out by supporting the opposition party.

Bulawayo East

12 August 2007

NM ,of the MDC, pro-senate faction waspurportedly harassed by TM and WN, of






17 August 2007

GN, of Zanu PF, was reportedlymanhandled by five Zanu PF youths, whoaccused him of pretending to be a memberof the ruling party, yet he was a sell out.

22 August 2007

LN, WS and D, of the MDC, werepurportedly denied to get water from abowser by M, N and M, of Zanu PF. Thevictims are known MDC supporters andhuman rights activists. The victims areresorting to going to other locations to getwater.

the MDC anti-senate faction, accused o

being a sell out and a spy. The victim wathreatened with assault and burning of hihouse.

16 August 2007

SD, of the MDC, was allegedly assaulteby M and JC ,of Zanu PF, he was accuseof taking down posters of the ruling partand defacing them.

28 August 2007

N and TS, of Zanu PF were reportedlassaulted by GM, C, JM, M and AZ, oZanu PF, at a meeting to choose theicandidate after a disagreement on thcandidate.

26 August 2007

N, of Zanu PF, was allegedly harassed bM, of Zanu PF, accused of having conneM into buying a Zanu PF membership carand promising her that she will get vending licence.

Pumula Luveve

9 August 2007

JM and H, of the MDC, were allegedldenied to buy mealie-meal, by S and M, oZanu PF, because they did not have ZanPF membership cards.

ZPP Programmes Dept. Augu

24 August 2007

MN, of Zanu PF, was allegedly assaultedby unknown youths, who were accusinghis of belonging to a ruthless party.

25 August 2007

LP, was allegedly harassed by the police atChigumira shops, where she wanted to buymeat. The police told her that the meatbelonged to Zanu PF supporters only.

st 2007

Page 32: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


17 August 2007

At Madlambuzi shops, two MDCmembers purportedly harassed VN, ofZanu PF, because he was carrying 20litres of cooking oil and 50kgs of mealiemeal. They wanted to know where andhow he got them.

20 August 2007

At Ndolwane Bottle Store, it allegedthat, NT, of Zanu PF, assaulted ND, alsoof Zanu PF, for wearing an MDCT/shirt, and being a hypocrite. Hesustained minor injuries on the head.

22 August 2007

At ZBS houses in Plumtree Town, it isalleged that SK, of Zanu PF, had hisclothes stolen from the line by suspectedMDC supporters, with whom he had hada fight the day before. The two MDCsupporters, BN and IM, accused K ofbeing a greedy uneducated man who isstupid for allowing Zanu PF to use him,yet he is suffering like everybody else.A police report was made.

23 August 2007

At Ngwanyana store, it is alleged that,NN, of the MDC, harassed andassaulted, SN, of Zanu PF, for being ahypocrite by going out with VM, anMDC member. She sustained injuries on

ers like,LK andot wear

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influence in the MDC.

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f caseAug-07

Matabeleland Sou


13 August 2007

It is alleged that, at Brunapeg Stores, DSN, of Zanu PF, reportedly assaulted the MDC, after an argument about thblitz. The victim accused the perpetrabeing thieves. DB and SN became angbeat up the victim with a stick on the h

17 August 2007

It is purported that, JS and MN, of Zaharassed MH, who is an MDC memblistening to Studio 7 at MH homesteadtold MH not to listen to the station said it distorts information about Zaand that if they found him listeningstation next time they will beat him up

20 August 2007

It is alleged that, after drinking togethePF supporters assaulted SN, TK andthe MDC, for not being members of ZaThe victims sustained minor injuries.

22 August 2007

It is alleged that, AN, of the MDC, asBM, of Zanu PF, for being a Zamember and wearing a Zanu PF T/shir

25 August 2007

NN and MN, of the MDC, purportedlGS’ s cattle, saying that he got them tcheating people, since he is a memZanu PF.







Type o



ZPP Programmes Dept.

25 August 2007

It is alleged that, Zanu PF supportSK and NM, harassed and told VM of the MDC that they should nMDC T/shirts in the area.


8 August 2007

At Mabuzeza store, it is alleged than MDC youth was harassed by suZanu PF members, VN, HS, for bMDC activist and for asking tooquestions.

10 August 2007

At Marula Growth Point, it is allegtwo MDC members, MN and ANharassed and intimidated by MS, MS, for being MDC activists who amoney. The perpetrators tried tthem to resign as MDC membfailed.

12 August 2007

At Fig Tree Shopping Centre, it isthat, two Zanu PF youths, ZD assaulted HD for wearing MDC reg

15 August 2007

At Tishi Bottle Store, it alleged, tand MS, of Zanu PF, assaulted ENMDC, for not being a Zanu PF actithey said her son is a traitor becaus

Matabeleland South



0 0 0





Unlawful D





August 2007


Page 33: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

company came to operate in the area andneeded youths to work. The kraal headsand NT said only those who had paidtaxes could get employed. Most of theyouth do not own homes, so they did nothave to pay.

11 August 2007

At Sitezi School, it is reported that, WS,of the anti-senate faction of the MDC,called a meeting for his party supportersand told them that he wanted to contestagainst the pro senate candidate. Thisangered the pro-senate members whostarted threatening him, he ran away andthe police calmed the situation.

11 August 2007

At Simbumbumbi Business Centre, it isalleged that the Chief M, of Zanu PF,promised to deal with all known MDCsupporters in his area at a meeting.

16 August 2007


Councillor, NN, of Zanu PF, said theman’s son was seen at an MDC meeting,therefore they are MDC.

the arm but was not hospitalized.


15 August 2007

At Ntalale Business Centre, it is allegedthat SN, a farmer had gone to show caseher produce at the Gwanda Agricultureshow and she won two times fiftykilogrammes of compound D fertilizer.The Councillor, WS, of Zanu PF, isdemanding a certain fraction of thefertilizer because SN is from his Ward.

26 August 2007

At Phumula village gathering point, it isalleged that villagers from Ward 11 havebeen made to pay two thousand dollars perhousehold, which will be used to pay PNof Zanu PF and friend to WS, for the workthat he is doing at the local clinic.


thewithnearetterwasy hee on waseen are

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ged andoplehim, asbers

8 August 2007

At Lingwe, it is alleged that MN, ofMDC, had his cattle kept together those of EN, a war veteran, at a farm Kezi. MN’s cattle went missing and a lsummoning EN to the Zanu PF office received. EN, was questioned as to whwas keeping an MDC supporter’s cattlthe war veterans’ farm. A police reportmade and some of the cattle have bfound. It is believed that war veteranskeeping them somewhere.


9 August 2007

At Sikukwe, it alleged that an unnaNon –Governmental Organization helps the sick and orphans has a commthat looks into these issues per Ward. members of this committee are Zanumembers like, JM and those who desto be helped but are not Zanu PF aregetting help.

9 August 2007

At Gwakwe Business Centre, it allethat MMM, of the MDC, was harassedsent out of a meeting for registering pefor cattle restocking. MS and LM told that he had attended a wrong meetingthis one was to benefit Zanu PF memonly.

10 August 2007

ZPP Programmes D

At Gondo, Msizini village, a new Chinese

At Blanket Mine, it is alleged, that twoNational Constitution Assemblymembers, who are workers at the minenearly lost their jobs as BM and LD, ofZanu PF, felt they were interfering withother workers, telling them about theneed for a new constitution. The MineManagement told them to stop theiractivities.

24 August 2007

FM, of the MDC, purportedly assaultedhis mother SN, of Zanu PF, after hefound no food prepared at home. He toldher that it was her party that was causingall the trouble.

24 August 2007

At Mawabeni, it is alleged that NN andNM, of the MDC, assaulted andharassed SM and BM ,of Zanu PF whowere coming from buying maize. Theytold them that MDC supporters’ maizewas taken away and how come theirswas not.

At Ntemba an unnamed Non-Governmental Organization has in itscommittee that deals with Wardproblems, members of Zanu PF. As aresult BM of the MDC reportedly failedto get help when he fell sick because the

ept. August 2007


Page 34: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement



1 August 2007 GM, a headmaster at Nsenga PrimarySchool, is reportedly being victimized andthreatened with eviction by SM, JM, BMand Councillor WM, of Zanu PF, forallegedly being close to PS, of the MDCwho is an aspiring MP on an MDC ticket.

7 August 2007

Villagers from Chininga Chapanzi area,


9 August 2007

At Dakamela hall, AN, a Village Head fromDakamela village and a member of the MDCcalled a meeting in his village and wasreportedly confronted by JD, MN and SM, ofZanu PF, who wanted to know what themeeting was about and when he told them itwas a development meeting, they said theydid not buy that because they knew him to bean MDC supporter, so he was told not to usethe hall and was chased away.


18 A

SS, oZanudecaWanvillawishassaprog

18 A

CS athe PL, suppwithwerestopperpMDC

18 A

PS, fromthreafor PeacZimbwas NB.:inicetime

Matabeleland North


1 0 0 0







Unlawful D








Matabeleland Nor

nge West

ugust 2007

f Jotsholo Mission, a member of PF, reportedly went aroundmpagning the Zimbabwe Wet Programme, intimidating thegers and threatening those whoed to participate in it withult, saying it was an MDCramme.

ugust 2007

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Type of cas



ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007


who are settlers from Mashonaland arereportedly threatened with eviction byZanu PF supporters, for allegedlysupporting the MDC and complaining overthe worsening crisis in Zimbabwe.

16 August 2007

At least three village heads of unknownpolitical affiliation from Chief S’s area,were allegedly told by Chief S and theDistrict Administrator, CM that they weregoing to be uprooted, for allegedly beingaffiliated to the opposition MDC. TheVillage Heads are now urging theirsubjects to support Zanu PF because of thevictimization.

29 August 2007

At the belated Independence celebrations,which were held in Chininga village, PSand JM were purportedly chased away bySM and MD the councillor of Zanu PF, for

13 August 2007

SN and NS, of the MDC, from Sibangilizwevillage, was allegedly assaulted by CM andMN, of Zanu PF, for refusing to tell themhow the previous meeting with the councillorwent. Although the matter was reported to thepolice no arrests were made.

16 August 2007

MN, UB and others from the MDC, werereportedly harassed by TM, RM and MM, ofZanu PF, after they accompanied the MDCMember of Parliament, AB to the dam site toshow a donor on the progress. The Zanu PFmembers insulted them and told them to goand tell the MDC Member of Parliment andthe donor not to come to the area again.

nd AG were doing a research onZimbabwe We Want for EPIZ,a war veteran and Zanu PF

orter allegedly threatened the two violence and ordered those who filling in the questionnaires to

and return the papers. Theetrators said programme was

and British sponsored.

ugust 2007

a soldier and Zanu PF supporter Manganganga village, allegedlytened SS, with unspecified actionparticipating in the Ecumenicale Initiative programme of theabwe We Want, indicating that it

MDC sponsored. For this constituency thedents were being verified at the of going to press.

Page 35: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


allegedly belonging to the MDC.


10 August 2007

NM, of Gumede Ward, Menyezwavillage, a member of the MDC, wasallegedly threatened with eviction byKM, of Zanu PF, for allegedlybelonging to the MDC.

21 August 2007

PD, of the MDC, was reportedlyassaulted by MD, of Zanu PF andaccused of elonging to a party whichbrings poverty in Zimbabwe.

23 August 2007

Community members of Ndamuleni,were purportedly threatened withforced eviction by the Councillor MN,

of Zanu PF, to give way to theconstruction of a school withoutcompensation. They were told thatcompensation will be given to ZanuPF affiliates only.

30 August 2007

MD,of Malunku Ward was allegedlyassaulted by her mother, NL, of theMDC, for allegedly going out withNM, of Zanu PF. The headman N, ofthe MDC, denied her to get married toNM because he belonged to Zanu PF.

ZPP Programmes D

ept. August 2007


Page 36: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement









a hp





, o

rster as a voter, but he failed to produce































okwe Chireya

August 2007

n MDC supporter, BP, of Biyabuyaillage was allegedly assaulted by a ZanuF supporter, FC. It is alleged that theictim was watching a soccer match whenne of the Zanu PF youths approached hernd started assaulting the victim with wiresn her back, accusing the victim of beingt the wrong place, since she was anpposition supporter. The victim did notetaliate, instead police details picked uphe victim for questioning.

August 2007

M and CG were reportedly forced toontribute towards Heroes’ Dayelebrations. It is purported that Zanu PFupporters, MM, the Zanu PF Districthairperson, Mr. M, a teacher and RM,ent on harassing and forcing locals to

ontribute towards the Heroes dayelebrations. It was further alleged that allhose who could not manage to contributeere labelled MDC supporters.

0 August 2007

Zanu PF supporter, LC, ofandavacheche Primary School, wasurportedly harassed by police forhanting MDC slogans, while queuing forugar.

0 1 00







Type of cases



ZPP Programmes Dept


5 A

A UngattaalleCouthir

6 A

A ZharaKTwasneigcomto r

9 A

Susbe iwersupunkvoteaccu

9 A


August 2007

and EN who are supporters of theposition MDC, were harassed by Zanu PFuths, MM, TM, TM and DB, forcing themattend Heroes’ day celebrations.

August 2007

ur locals of Chitekete Primary School, GH,, PN and MC, were allegedly assaulted by

lice officers, Sergeant Z, Constable R andnstable C, after they found the victimspressing their views on “Operation Dzikisatengo”.

August 2007

, of the MDC, from Musorowenzouimary School was allegedly harassed by anu PF supporter, CM, for organizing herrty’s meeting. She was accused of trying

dethrone a democratically electedvernment by using unorthodox means.

August 2007

ree MDC youths, JM, EM and T wereegedly harassed and threatened by theing party youths (Taliban’s) during acer match. The victim’s side had made are and this did not go well with the

aliban’s’ who then stopped the match andrted harassing the victims.




1 0 0 3





ooting MDP


Unlawful D










. August 2007a Zan

e Nembudziya

gust 2007

spected MDC supporter, JT, frome Primary School, was allegedly

ked by a Zanu PF supporter, PS, foredly attending a celebration party forcillor M, who was celebrating his

term in office.

gust 2007

nu PF supporter, SK, was allegedlysed by his Zanu PF party colleagues,nd TC. It is alleged that the victimaccused by one K, who is a

bourhood watch member for notlying with the government directiveuce prices of basic commodities.

gust 2007

ected MDC supporters who could notentified from Batsirai Primary School, allegedly assaulted by Zanu PFrters CN and P. It is alleged that

own youths were pulled out of the’s registration queue as they wereed of being MDC supporters.

gust 2007

a local from Mavherehwa Primaryol, was allegedly harassed by people the Registrar General’s office. It isted that the victim had gone to


u PF membership card and he could

Page 37: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


tos a T.hiser,theon,


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MT and TJ who stays within the CIO complexwere allegedly assaulted by members of the






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not register as a voter.

12 August 2007

It is reported that officials from the RegisGeneral’s office harassed locals, especiyouths who were not ruling party supportAll those suspected MDC youths were asto produce Zanu PF membership cards.16 August 2007

Mr. M allegedly had basic commodities fhis shop confiscated by three police officThe police officers reportedly accused victim of trying to derail the governmdirective to reduce prices and aid the ageof the opposition.

22 August 2007

It is alleged that Mr. G, who is a forpolice officer was attacked by unidentiyouths, whom he suspects to be Msupporters, since he had an altercation wthem earlier on.

23 August 2007

Two MDC supporters, SJ and C, wreportedly harassed by a Zanu sympathiser, Headman M. The headmwanted to build a house and so he waneveryone to participate and those who fawere made to pay a fine. The victims wlabelled as ‘sell outs’.

Gokwe Nemangwe

3 August 2007

Two locals, one opposition supporter andone other person of no known affiliaton wallegedly harassed by Zanu PF supportLT and TN. It is reported that Zanusupporters have been organised in groupmove around forcing residents to prodZanu PF cards.

6 August 2007

PM, of Rugora Primary School, allegedly harassed by officials from Registrar’s office. It is alleged that PM gone to register as a voter, when she identified as an opposition party suppoand that all opposition party supporters wnot allowed to register and that if she wanto clear her name she was to pay a goat.

12 August 2007

TM, a local from Zarova Primary Sch

ZPP Programmes D

was allegedly harassed by Zanu PF suTH and GS. It is alleged that when threturned home from the Diaspora whergone three years ago. The victim foundthe kraal head had repossessed his piecand upon inquiry he was told to producPF membership card to prove his innoce17 August 2007

A Zanu PF supporter, TM, was purharassed by ND and EN, for failing Zanu PF meetings. He was accused of opposition supporter.

20 August 2007

PN, an opposition sympathiser, was aharassed by Zanu PF youths, who werethem to vote for the ruling party in fort2008 elections. They threatened to danyone who fails to comply with their d

Gokwe Kana

3 August 2007

It is alleged that Zanu PF youths routine door-to-door campaigns, intiand harassing locals to support Zanu and MK, who are known MDC supportassaulted for refusing to denounopposition, MDC.

12 August 2007

Three MDC supporters, CC, TM and Tallegedly harassed by Zanu PF youthsand JC. It is reported that Zanu distributing paraffin to its youths so could sell to the villagers. The victitold that the paraffin was meant for card holders only.

16 August 2007

Two MDC supporters, were allegedly by two Zanu PF supporters, NM and approached MM and KM and contharassed them demanding to knoaffiliation.

21 August 2007

CH, RC and TN (MDC), were harassed by MM and MM, forcing theto talk about their party’s campaign stra

Gokwe Central

5 August 2007










ept. August 2007

CIO. It is reported that MT is marriedT, who is a CIO official and TJ ibrother to MT and they both stay withIt is alleged that T together with friend assaulted MT and her brothaccusing them of planning to take government’s secrets to the oppositiMDC.

6 August 2007

One of the MDC youths, AC, frGokwe Primary School, was purporteassaulted by Zanu PF supporters, Land three others. It is alleged that victim had taken the perpetrator’s sias his wife. The perpetrators teamedwith three others to go and beat victim. The perpetrator could not accthat his sister marry an MDC member

7 August 2007

SM, wanted to register as a voter was allegedly turned away by officfrom the Registrars office who wanteletter from the councillor. It is allethat after being directed to councillor, the victim was also askedproduce a Zanu PF membership card.

14 August 2007

A neighbourhood watch member, was allegedly beaten by C and friends, who visited the victim in early hours of the morning and told victim to surrender his allegiance frthe MDC since he was working with government. The victim was beaten aleft for dead.

17 August 2007

DC, of MDC, was allegedly harasseda war veteran, M, for going to registea voter wearing a ‘Local ObservT/shirt. M reportedly ordered DCleave the area before he was harmbecause of his T/shirt.


1 August 2007

AD, an MDC supporter from Maswosvillage was reportedly harassed by ZPF youths, JM, EM and JP. AD gone fishing but was caught by Zanuyouths who chased him away from river because he was wearing an N

ters,ctim had thatlandanu


edlytendg an





ere MPwasthey

ere PF



Page 38: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement

M, of no known political persuasion, wasallegedly harassed by JM, a war veteran. It


2 August 2007

AM and PN from Ndabankulu village andan MDC member, were allegedly harassedby Zanu PF supporters. It is alleged thatpeople in the area had gathered at theChief’s homestead, where they werebuilding a granary, when senior Zanu PFsupporters arrived and accused the victimsof being MDC party supporters, who werenot to take part in the project.

8 August 2007

An MDC supporter and youth, MD fromKotamayi Primary School, was allegedlyharassed by Zanu PF youths, AN, TN andLN. The victims used not to attend ZanuPF meetings so they were told to attend theZanu PF restructuring meeting and werethreatened with physical assault, if theyfailed to attend.

13 August 2007

A Zanu PF supporter, PS, was reportedlyassaulted by an MDC supporter, GN. It isalleged that the victim had informed hisperpetrators that he was not supposed tosocialise with Zanu PF supporters and thisangered GN, who then assaulted thevictim.

15 August 2007

Residents of Ward 10, Bhamala PrimarySchool, had grouped for a developmentalmeeting, when the police arrived. Thepolice then accused the villagers ofwanting to have an MDC meeting, thevictims were taken to the Police Postwhere they were detained for five hoursand then released without charge.

20 August 2007

SM, of Zeto Business Centre, wasallegedly found wearing a ZESN T/shirt byDB. It is alleged that DB then ordered SMto remove the T/shirt. When he refusedDB, then grabbed and tore the T/shirt.

21 August 2007

AK, of Zanu PF, was purportedly attackedby two MDC supporters, JS and FN. Thevictim was told that it was his day ofgetting punished for what he did to otherMDC supporters.

29 August 2007

MDC youths, NV, AM, LM and CN, were

ZPP Programmes De

allegedly assaulted, by JM and LM, ontheir way home from an MDC meeting for

no known reason.


1 August 2007

A suspected opposition party supporter,JH, was allegedly harassed by Zanu PFyouths led by CJ. It is alleged that H, wasbeaten because he had refused to attend aZanu PF youth meeting.

4 August 2007

An opposition MDC supporter, LM, wasreportedly harassed and threatened byZanu PF youths. It is alleged that Zanu PFyouths, led by SM, forced the victim toattend their meeting.

5 August 2007

A suspected opposition MDC supporter,GM, was reportedly harassed by Zanu pfyouths, led by TM, for failing to contributetowards the heroes day celebrations andwas also accused of being anti-government.

8 August 2007

An MDC supporter, EM, was reportedlyassaulted, by three Zanu PF youths, TB,MM and AM, for wearing an MDC T/shirt,the victim was ordered to go back homeand remove his T/shirt.

13 August 2007

MG, a suspected MDC supporter, wasallegedly assaulted, by a Zanu PFsupporter, CM, for failing to show aninterest in attending a Zanu PF meeting.

17 August 2007

Two MDC supporters, DS and KF, wereallegedly harassed by eight Zanu PFyouths, led by KM, after he was foundpanning gold and was also asked toproduce a Zanu PF membership card asidentification that he was a legal goldpanner, to which he failed. The victim wasthen assaulted and told to leave the area.

20 August 2007

MS, was allegedly harassed by AP, ofZanu PF, for refusing to give theperpetrators his details as they went roundtaking down residents particulars. Thevictim was threatened with physical assaultif she continued to resist their orders.

pt. August 2007

20 August 2007

TG, who is suspected to be a member ofthe MDC was allegedly harassed by TM,of Zanu PF. It is said that it was during aconservation meeting where the victimsaid Zanu PF was going to lose theelections because most people no longerwanted to vote as votes are always rigged.The perpetrator threatened to beat up thevictim.


3 August 2007

RM, of the MDC youths, was allegedlyharassed by Zanu PF youths, led by CF, ofZanu PF. It is reported that a group ofZanu PF youths approached the victim andasked her to produce her party card andwhen she failed she was ordered to get onequickly.

10 August 2007

Three Zanu PF youths, KS, JM and GM,were allegedly harassed by MDC youths,led by RC. The victim was asked toproduce his Zanu PF card.

15 August 2007

SB and M, were allegedly harassed by thepolice. It is alleged that M had organisedto send some MDC representatives for theSADC Summit, but it was discovered thatthey did not reach Zambia as they had beendeported and spent the next day at theChirundu Border Post, they were detainedand later released.

16 August 2007

JM, was allegedly harassed by a Zanu PFsupporter, Mrs M, who did not want thevictim to register as a voter because shesuspected him to be a member of theopposition MDC. Mrs. M alerted others totell him that he was in the wrongconstituency.

21 August 2007

OC, an MDC youth, was reportedlyassaulted by Zanu PF youths, FM, CV andCN, accused of organising an MDCmeeting.

22 August 2007


Page 39: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


8 August 2007







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1 A




















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3 A


9 A



























alleged that JM went to Sparpermarket Redcliff and demanded to see manager. It is further alleged that JMeatened the manager with dismissal if store continued to sell sugar at a higherce than the government stipulated one. instructed the manager that he must been first preference every time he visits shop.

August 2007

, of MDC, from Hlangana Primaryhool, was allegedly harassed by somenu PF youths. It is alleged that theuths met the victim on his way from aarby village and asked why he wasving alone. They then accused him of

ing a sell out. The perpetrators advised victim to attend all Zanu PF meetings.

eru Rural

ugust 2007

, of Makunzani Lower Gweru, wasegedly attacked by two Zanu PFporters, PT and CM. The victim was

acked on suspicion that he was a spy of opposition MDC, which was working the down fall of the ruling party.

ugust 2007

, from Sibindi kraal, was allegedlyrassed by PS and RN and accused of

ays expressing her dissatisfaction withat is happening in the country.

August 2007

, of St Patrick’s Chiwundura, wasrportedly unlawfully detained by Zanu supporters. It is alleged that CM and visited PM at whose house an MDC

uth meeting was held. She was detained 2 hours as her perpetrators wanted toow why an MDC youth meeting wasld at her house.

August 2007

MDC supporter, JM, from Shangarimary School, was reportedly beaten by, because he was wearing an MDChirt.

August 2007

, of MDC, was allegedly assaulted by, in an effort to teach SM a ‘lesson’ thatC will never rule at a Zanu PF


ZPP Programmes Dept.

August 2007

, from Mbano kraal, was allegedlyrassed by KM, NN and BM. It is said that victim was accused of having talked ill

out Zanu PF and the government, for theteriorating state of affairs in the country.

August 2007

member of the NCA, JS, was harassed by and NS. It is said that the perpetrators did

t want NCA members in their area sincey are supporters of the opposition. JMs told never to come to the area again.


ugust 2007

Zanu PF supporter, KM, was allegedlyrassed by G, an MDC supporter for havingmed Zanu PF for the troubles taking placethe country.

August 2007

C supporters, GM and KC, wereegedly assaulted by six Border Geziuths. The victims were assaulted after theyd attended the Heroes’ day meeting.

August 2007

. C, a member of the opposition MDC wasegedly threatened by Mr. M, a Zanu PFporter, who was telling him to resign fromC and return to Zanu PF.

August 2007

, of Zanu PF, was allegedly harassed by, of MDC, for failing to attend Zanu PF


August 2007

s. B, of Zanu PF, was allegedly harassed AN, of MDC, for refusing to join theuths who were singing, sloganeering andncing. The victim later reported to thelice.

August 2007

, of the opposition MDC, was reportedlyrassed by Border Gezi youths militia. It iseged that CN was harassed for wearing an

C T/shirt. The victim was humiliated,imidated and was also threatened withath.

eru Urban

August 2007

MDC supporter, KM, of Mkoba 7,used of trying to divide the party, was

egedly attacked by fellow party friends,. The victim was threatened withault.

August 2007

, of the opposition MDC, was allegedlyrassed by the police. The victims werelding their monthly burial societyeting, when the riot police arrived anded them why they were holding angal meeting. The police told them thaty had received a phone call that theres an MDC meeting. The police lefter being advised that it was a burialiety meeting.

August 2007

, was allegedly harassed by suspectednu PF supporters, the victim was putting the Save Zimbabwe Campaign posters,en he was approached, by three youthso accused him of putting up MDCsters.

August 2007

s alleged that an employee of ZIMCET,, was suspected to be an MDCporter by the CIO. The CIO officialscovered that PM had organised aeting for the Save Zimbabwe Campaign

d visited him at the ZIMCET offices.ter failing to get in touch with the victimy then phoned him wanting him to

plain why he had organised the meeting.

August 2007

, was allegedly unlawfully detained bylice. It is alleged that ZC, a member ofIDAWU), was picked up by police,tained for several hours after he wasnd distributing fliers of the Savebabwe Campaign. He was later

eased without charge.

August 2007

MDC supporter, TC, was allegedlyaten by police, for putting up posters of Save Zimbabwe Campaign.


ugust 2007

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A Zanu PF supporter, G, was reportedlyattacked by a group of unidentified MDCyouths at his home at night. The youthsordered the victim to denounce the rulingparty, the victim refused and that is when theyouths assaulted G.

17 August 2007

SM, of the MDC, was allegedly assaulted byET, who was forcing the victim to denouncehis party and join Zanu PF.

20 August 2007

B, a businessman, was allegedly ordered by

victim was labelled a ‘sell out’.


3 August 2007

An MDC supporter, PM, was allegedlyharassed and assaulted by TM and N. Thevictim met the perpetrators on his wayfrom work. The two accused PM ofinfluencing the community to follow himand his party MDC.

5 August 2007

PM, had visited her relative in the area andat night a huge fire was reportedly lit closeto her car by unknown people. PM


HM, of Chachacha Township, wasallegedly assaulted, by LS of Zanu PF. Itreported that the victim was beaten by thiswar veteran for selling bread above thegovernment stipulated price.

5 August 2007

AA, an opposition supporter, was allegedlybeaten up, by AS of Zanu PF, for blamingthe government for all the problems. AAwas denied to register for maizedistribution.

9 August 2007

CN, of the opposition MDC was allegedlybeaten up, by JM, after commenting thatthe government and the ruling party were

ZPP Programmes Dept August 2007


the police to leave his premises during“Operation Dzikisa Mitengo”. The policeofficers are said to have just ordered thevictim to leave the area without verifyingfacts, accusing him of being an MDCsupporter who did not want to comply withthe government’s directive.

Mberengwa West

5 August 2007

Opposition MDC supporters, RD and LZ,from Mavhorovondo Primary School, wereallegedly harassed FN, BM and TP, of ZanuPF. The girls were accused of being MDCyouths and that they were related to the chief.

7 August 2007

PZ, from Chegato Primary School, wasallegedly attacked by two Zanu PFsupporters, TZ and MH. It is alleged thatafter the victim had been promised someseeds, the perpetrators did not forward hisname to the people who were distributing thefood which led to the victim failing to obtainthe seeds.

12 August 2007

Two MDC members, TZ and NN, fromChiedza Primary School were purportedlyharassed by Zanu PF youths, PT and KH,who did not want the victims to use the sameroad with the perpetrators when going to theshops.

16 August 2007

It is alleged that a Zanu PF supporter, MS,was reportedly harassed by opposition MDCmembers, GP and NN, accusing him and his

managed to move her car before it caughtfire. In the morning she found leafletinscribed, “We do not want MDC, MDChas no place here”.

20 August 2007

An MDC supporter, TP, was allegedlyassaulted by ST and FP, of Zanu PF,during a discussion, when TP said thatMDC was going to come out winners inthe next election.

Mberengwa East

2 August 2007

TC, was purportedly assaulted by an MDCsupporter, FJ. It is alleged that TC, a ZanuPF supporter had impregnated a sister to anMDC member who did not want his sisterto marry a ruling party supporter, hence theassault.

7 August 2007

GN, of Zanu PF, was reportedly beaten upby an MDC supporter, TR, for being inlove with a neighbourhood watch member.She was accused of falling in love with“enemies from the ruling party”.

7 August 2007

A sixteen year old girl, SM, was allegedlyraped by OM. It is alleged that SM’sparents were not home when theperpetrator knocked at the girl’s door atnight. The girl suspecting that her parentswere back, woke up and opened the doorand that is when this man raped her once.The perpetrator told the girl that he knewthat her parents had gone for an MDCmeeting.

13 August 2007

worsening the situation in the country.

14 August 2007

PS, of the opposition MDC, was reportedlybeaten up, by JC, for flashing his MDCmembership card by mistake during asoccer match.

15 August 2007

AM, of the ruling party, was allegedlyassaulted by war veteran, LS, during aZanu PF meeting, after the two failed toagree on who was going to be the nextChairperson in the area.

22 August 2007

MM, of Zanu PF, and also a vendor wasreportedly harassed by Z, a Zanu PFmember. The victim was accused ofselling her groundnuts at a very high price.The victim was threatened with arrestwhen she tried to protest.


2 August 2007

Three women suspected to be supporters ofthe opposition MDC, N, S and S, werepurportedly harassed by Inspector T, at asugar queue. The Police Inspector accusedthe victims of being saboteurs of the State.

8 August 2007

J, a Zanu PF supporter, was allegedlyharassed by the Member of Parliament forChirumanzu, EM. It is reported that theMP was campaigning for his re-election bybringing in two ZUPCO buses to servicethe route Gweru to Chirumanzu, when thevictim commented that the ZUPCO buseswere too old to service the route. The


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party of giving the MDC party a hard time.

18 August 2007

TS and KB, of Zanu PF, fromMavolovondo Store, were allegedlyharassed and threatened by MDCsupporters, BS and SK, for commentingthat MDC was responsible for theproblems being faced in the country.

20 August 2007

GC, of the ruling party, from BvabvuPrimary School, was allegedly assaulted byMDC supporter, JM, for notifying thepolice that MDC supporters were sellingsugar on the parallel market.

ZPP Programmes Dept

. August 2007


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headman threatened to expel the victim fromthe village if he goes on to contest as an

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ikita East

August 2007

t Chikuku Business Centre, unnamed ZanuF youths, reportedly looted clothes worthore than Z$15 000 000 belonging to JC

33), accusing her of overpricing her goods inontravention of the Presidential decree.

August 2007

raalhead CM, reportedly demanded that theurviving wife of the late MDC activist, M,hould appease him by paying a beast to bellowed to stay at the family home because ofer late husband’s political activities. Theerpetrator has vowed to evict the victim ander family, if she does not pay the fine.

0 August 2007

eadman M, who is a Zanu PF activist,eportedly demanded that all kraal heads inis domain should pay Z$250000 towards hisedical expenses. Those who failed to payere labelled MDC members and face beingmoved from their positions as kraal heads.

6 August 2007

t Boora village, Zanu PF youths, led by M, and S, allegedly beat up MDC members,S (56), JS (36) and TZ (26), whom theyccused of encouraging people to join theDC. The victims were also warned thatey face tough times during the campaign





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ZPP Programmes D

16 August 2007

MB, the Zanu PF VIDCO ChairpersMazvazva village, reportedly warnedthreatened all MDC members in the areaserious beatings and evictions durincampaign period towards the harmogeneral elections due next year.

17 August 2007

At Mwayera village, Mrs. R, of Zanallegedly fought Mrs. M, of the MDC, da funeral service after a pomisunderstanding. The perpetrator wanforce the victim (M) to leave the fuservice because of her political affiliatio

Bikita West

7 August 2007

At Machingambi village, PM, a Zanactivist, who harbours interest of becomchief, reportedly harassed the incumChief M- JM, accusing him of being an member. He warned the victim that he wstripped of the chieftaincy and it wpassed onto him.

8 August 2007

Headman JM, reportedly warned JG against contesting in next year’s electian MDC Ward councillor candidate.


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ept. August 2007

MDC candidate.


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13 August 2007

At Makomo village, a United Party (UPP) supporter, CM reportedly harassed by a group ofmembers, led by Ward 11 Couaccusing the victim of trying toparty by contesting against him iWard elections. The victim waswarned against contesting agperpetrator again in nextharmonized elections.

17 August 2007

M M, of UPP, and other omembers from Chifire village, whto join a small mining scheme inwere reportedly denied to participprogramme by a Zanu PF offibecause they are members opposition. They were told product that comes from the “soiZanu PF members only.

21 August 2007

Headman LM, of Zanu PF, rsummoned RT, to appear kangaroo court to answer “chawearing an MDC T/shirt in the vi26 August 2007

Headman JC, reportedly summothan sixty households in his dom







42for Zanu PF. Those who support theopposition parties were threatened withexpulsion from the area.

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hiredzi North

August 2007

M (38,) of the MDC, allegedly ran awaym his rural home in Mazamani village,

ter a war veteran and Zanu PF supporter,M, allegedly threatened him with severensequences for supporting the MDC.

August 2007

war veteran and Zanu PF activist, IM,legedly threatened to have NM (19),pelled from Matambandiro village, forpporting the MDC and also because thectim is not “a Shangani” (tribe).

August 2007

t Tshovani Bus Terminus, some unnamedlice details allegedly stole and extorted00 Rands from FM by lying to him thatwas unlawful for one to possess foreignrrency in Zimbabwe.

August 2007

t Masimboti village, war veterans PM,M and Zanu PF youths, allegedlymmoned MDC members, EM, MC and, to a kangaroo court demanding that thectims should renounce their MDCembership. The victims were held inptivity for thirty six hours without foodd water.

August 2007

t Zvemombe village, TN of Zanu PF,legedly severely beat up MM, using a logl over the body resulting in serious injury the victim as punishment for supportinge MDC.

hiredzi South

August 2007

t Dzapera beerhall, a group of soldiersder ‘operation maguta’ allegedly beat SS, of the MDC and forced him to singvolutionary songs and denounce hisrty, the MDC.

August 2007

t Dzapera farm, MDC activists, ES and, were reportedly severely assaulted by

group of soldiers who were in civiliantire after the victims were asked by the

ZPP Programmes De

Business Centre, allegedly demanded agoat from 70 year old, FM, in order tofacilitate her to get three birth certificatesfor her grand children. She indeed got thebirth certificates after giving them the goat.

4 August 2007

About sixty Zanu PF supporters, whowanted to attend Z’s victory party at Gutu-Mupanadawana, spent the whole daywaiting for transport and food at Shu Shinehall as promised by the three MPs M, Mand Senator M. Some of them also put upin the open since their homes were faraway. They made their own way backhome the following day.

5 August 2007

WM, a Zanu PF Deputy Minister and MP,reportedly refused to open his shop afterthe price control taskforce visited his shopand asked him to open the shop.Multitudes of people who had gathered to“buy” at reduced prices went back emptyhanded.

9 August 2007

Soldiers manning public transport queuesat the TM bus terminus, reportedlyassaulted, harassed and labelledcommuters MDC members. They told thecommuters to get buses from the MDCbecause the few that were plying the localurban routes were enough to carry Zanu PFmembers only.

15 August 2007

At Mukondo village, the Zanu PF WardChairperson R, allegedly assaulted his sonFR (19), after he found a red card in thevictim’s pocket assuming it was “an MDCred card”. The perpetrator feared that if theheadman found out about the red card, thefamily will be evicted from the areathinking that they were all members of theMDC.

19 August 2007

At Murinye Business Centre, the Zanu PFWard 17 Councillor, WK, reportedlyharassed and threatened people withserious consequences from the rulingparty, for refusing to pay Z$20000 towardsHeroes’ day commemorations.

pt. August 2007

asvingo North

August 2007

bout sixty families who were resettled Nemanwa new farming area wereportedly forcibly evicted from the area the police, Zanu PF officials and

hief C. The troubled new farmers wereportedly ordered to vacate the area by00hrs on the 4th of August, so that theea will be clean since the Presidentas to pass through the area on his way grace the graduation day at Greatmbabwe University.

to 11 August 2007

e Mobile registration team that visitedukovo and Zano School Inspectionntres reportedly demanded bribesom villagers who wanted to get birthsd death certificates, national identityrds and to register as voters, in therm of goats, chickens, guinea fowlsd money. The team also lackedough resources for the activity. Some the victims who were asked to pay theibes include, DS, Mrs. VS.

August 2007

war veteran and Zanu PF activist, IM,portedly ordered over 100 newrmers who settled at Windcrest farm in00 to vacate the farm and make wayr him. The farmers were ordered toave on their own volition before themy and support unit are called to evictem.

August 2007

a security detail at Great Zimbabweniversity, reportedly confiscated adeo camera belonging to EP, allegingat the victim recorded information ate college and sent it to the west tonigrate the country. The victim wasbsequently suspended from theniversity over the matter.

August 2007

and T, who are security details atasvingo State University, allegedlysaulted OM and GM, who are students the college, accusing them of buying


Page 44: Human Rights Monitoring Report - Unlawful and intentional deprivation of a person of liberty of movement


B, aon

activist, MN (33), was allegedly assaultedby Zanu PF activists, PN and SM, who


and giving food to fellow, starvingstudents at the college. The victims werefurther summoned to appear before adisciplinary committee by the Universityofficials.

17 August 2007

At Chikarudzo School, where the mobileregistration team had set up camp, ChiefM reportedly demanded $20000 for eachconfirmation letter that he issued. Hisaide demanded $10000 for the same.ZEC officials reportedly distributedpartisan campaign material which read“through the liberation war that waswaged by Zanu PF, the country got itsindependence’. 68 people wereregistered as voters but just 18 peoplewere photographed and given nationalidentity cards and the rest, about 50were told to follow to Masvingo to get

ZPP Programmes D

the documents because the film had runout.

Masvingo South

5 August 2007

A Zanu PF Ward 19 Councillor, LM,reportedly denied TC (31) and CJ (35)to board his vehicle because the victimsare members of the MDC. He advisedthe victims to seek transport from theirparty.

15 August 2007

At Renco Mine, TM (65), reportedlydied of heart failure, whilst being held incustody on charges of refusing to openhis shop for price control monitors. Thevictim succumbed to heart failure, afterbeing informed that his merchandize hadbeen sold at give away prices.

18 August 2007

At Musingarambwi village, a Zanu PFactivist, KM, reportedly expelled hisson, TM (26) from home because hesupports the MDC and was also againstthe issue of price controls.

26 August 2007

TG, of Zanu PF, allegedly assaulted GG,of the MDC and a local businessman fortelling TG that his shop was emptybecause of the misrule of the rulingparty. The incident happened at DubeBusiness Centre.


2 August 2007

At Chitanga village, Zanu PF activists, lby TH, TZ and others, allegedly assaultMDC members, AM, CW, AC and TH, punishment for refusing to “donate’ towarthe Heroes’ day commemorations. Tvictims were labelled unpatriotic and angovernment.

9 August 2007

A police detail, JP, allegedly forced Mrs. to sell 200 pockets of oranges to him atvery low price threatening her with evictifrom the farm, if she refused.

9 August 2007

ept. August 2007

At Maranda, some unnamed police detailsfrom Mwenezi police post, allegedly extorted500 rand from JS, a cross border trader afterharassing him and threatening to arrest himfor possessing foreign currency.

15 August 2007

KT (40), a facilitator with the EcumenicalPeace Initiative of Zimbabwe (EPIZ), whowas holding a workshop at Jijoni village, wasreportedly harassed and the workshopdisrupted by Zanu PF members, JS and TR.They went on to tear the booklets entitled“The Zimbabwe We Want’ that she wasdistributing and threw them into a blair toilet.The perpetrators told the victim that the titleof the book should be “The Zimbabwe wewon” and not the Zimbabwe We Want.

20 August 2007

MDC members, TC, TD and PS, wereassaulted severely by a group of Zanu PFactivists, IT, SG, PZ, BC and others, forwearing MDC T/shirts at Sengaira Township.

Zaka East

1 August 2007

War veterans at Benzi Resettlement,allegedly evicted LM, an MDC activist andbusinessman who operated a grinding mill atthe centre and set fire to his buildings,claiming that the area was a no go area forMDC supporters.

3 August 2007

During a funeral wake at Zingwandavillage, Zanu PF members, PC and BN,reportedly demanded that FM of the MDC,remove his MDC T/shirt, which he waswearing, arguing that it was illegal to doso.

4 August 2007

At Maraire Business Centre, an MDCmember, G, was reportedly arrested anddetained for three days without food andwater by police details, as punishment foraccusing the police of corruption,especially, those who are members of theprice monitoring taskforce.

12 August 2007

At Dzvore Business Centre, an MDC


accused her of distributing MDC partycards. They also gave the victim a warningthat if she continued supporting the MDCthey were going to set fire on her.

13 August 2007

At Nhema Business Centre, Zanu PFactivists, PC and EM, allegedly assaultedRM (36), using a broom stick for ‘buyingtoo much beer using money sourced fromthe West.”

17 August 2007

Headman M, leading a band of Zanu PFactivists, reportedly destroyed the home ofan MDC activist, CT (40), in an attempt toevict him from the village, for holdingMDC meetings at his home. The victimlost property worth over $20 000 000.

18 August 2007

NM, a Zanu PF member, allegedlyassaulted and divorced his wife NC, whenhe learnt that his wife was a member of theMDC. He demanded that she shouldrenounce her MDC membership andsupport Zanu PF like her husband.

Zaka West

5 August 2007

The Zanu PF Ward 16 Councillor C,reportedly threatened to send members ofthe Zanu PF youth militia to deal withMDC activists, TM and PM, in an effort to

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stop them from campaigning for theMDC. The perpetrator was giving asermon during a funeral.

6 August 2007

Kraalhead EC, allegedly summonedMT, RD and MC, to a kangaroo courtbecause they attended an NCA meetingthat was held in the village. The victimswere ordered never to attend futureworkshops or else they risked expulsionfrom the area.

12 August 2007

At Mukotami village, the Zanu PF Ward28 Councillor M, reportedly deniedresidents in the area, especially inManatsa village to attend a ZESNworkshop. The ZESN facilitator, C, wasreportedly summoned to a hearing by


the perpetrator.

13 August 2007

TP, of the MDC, allegedly beat up MMand KM, of Zanu PF, accusing them andtheir party of causing the suffering thatpeople are experiencing in the country,especially after the introduction of pricecontrols. The victims were chased awayfrom Veza Business Centre by theperpetrator.

26 August 2007

At Chivasa village, MDC activists, AM(20) and JT (35), were purportedlyharassed and threatened with severeconsequences, by IM, a war veteran andZanu PF activist, for wearing MDCT/shirts. He reiterated that the victims

should brace for some trying times,especially during the election campaignperiod.

28 August 2007

At Mushaya village, LC, was allegedlyharassed by Zanu PF activists, R and C,when they saw her wearing a Women’sCoalition T/shirt. They told the victim thatthe T/shirt was not allowed in the area.

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Project(ZPP) was

conceived shortly after 2000 by a group ofChurches and NGOs working or interested inhuman rights and peace-building initiatives, andwas to become a vehicle for civic interventionsin a time of political crisis. In particular ZPPsought to monitor and document incidents of

human rights violations and politically-motivatedbreaches of the peace e.g. violence.Today, ZPP’s member organisations include, theCatholic Commission for Justice and Peace(CCJP), Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC),Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ),Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN),Counselling Services Unit (CSU), ZimbabweLiberators’ Platform, Zimbabwe Civic EducationTrust, ZimRights, Civic Education NetworkTrust.(CIVNET)


ZPP was established with the aim of promotingpeaceful co-existence and to help reduce politicalconflict and violence through monitoring,investigating and researching the causes andnature of violence and circulating widely theresults of such activities. The organisation alsoaims to help resolve politically related conflicts,and to identify victims and perpetrators of

such conflicts, the former of whom will beassisted by being given any support they mayrequire, e.g. legal, medical or material assistance.ZPP aims to work in cooperation with anyauthorities, institutions and individuals toachieve its objectives of curbing violence andupholding human rights.

VISIONTo see Zimbabwe transform into a society that cherishes the pursuit and realisation of justice, freedom,

peace, human dignity and development.


ZPP is a community based Trust that promotes peace through documenting human rights violations anddisseminating them to stakeholders and policy makers.


To reduce violence and human rights violations through community-based and national monitoring,documentation of cases of human rights abuses, and making partnerships and alliances that tap the

expertise and assets of local communities and local and regional organisations that will help the attainmentof sustainable peace and democracy in Zimbabwe.


• To be positioned as a leader inquantitative & qualitative trends,patterns on systematic human rightsviolations in Zimbabwe

• To be identified as a promoter ofpeace & campaigner against humanrights violations

• To have sufficient capacity thatenables ZPP to effectively deliveron its mandate

• To be part of a coalition that shareslearning experiences & expertisewith like-minded local, regionaland international organisations

• To have victims access redress, andperpetrators brought to book

• To have MMR used as referencefor perpetrator conviction, victimredress and policy influence by keystakeholders

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ZPP believes in and upholds the following moral principles and standards:

• Democracy and good governance

• Rule of law

• Probity & accountability of publicoffice

• Factual & credible documentationof human rights excesses

• The protection of individual group

rights and freedoms, and thehuman worth.

• Non partisanship and impartialityin dealing with situations ofconflict and human rights abuses

• -Gender sensitivity and Equality ofall mankind.


The organisation is engaged in the following activities to achieve its goals:

• Monitoring all forms of violenceand human rights abuse andcollecting data on conditions,practices and policies which affectthe human rights, freedoms, dignityand livelihood of people, e.g. theavailability or otherwise of food;

• Recording and documenting casesof conflict and human rightsviolations;

• Networking strategically with otherorganisations able to assist victimsand perpetrators;

• Conducting follow-upinvestigations to gather enoughevidence to build up water tightcases for purposes of litigation;

• Ensuring that certain verified casesof violence and human rightsviolations are litigated andperpetrators are punished; as part ofan anti-impunity drive through thecourts

• Providing basic counsellingservices for both victims andperpetrators of violence and human

rights abuses;

• Training monitors

• Referring of victims of violenceand human rights abuses toorganisations better placed to offerrelevant assistance;

• Researching on causes, degree,effects of violence and humanrights abuses, and ways ofeliminating and avoiding conflictand human rights violations;

• Promoting dispute resolution andconflict management interventions;

• Issuing policy briefs to influencepolicy decisions deterring theculture or institution of violenceand human rights abuses.


The organisation’s strength lies in the fact that it is perhaps the only permanent community-based civilsociety organisation with a country-wide grassroots presence. ZPP has two trained primary monitors

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deployed in each of the 120 electoral constituencies of Zimbabwe.

The monitors are members of the communities within which they reside and work, and this gives ZPP thecapacity to, among other things, ‘sense’ conflicts long before their symptoms spread.


The member organisations which formed the Zimbabwe Peace Project are:

The Zimbabwe Peace Project has offices in all provinces of the country. If you wish to know more about the organisation you are free toapproach our officers at any of the following addresses:

Head Office43 Dan Judson RoadMilton Park, Harare

P O Box BE 427, BelvedereTel: (04) 77 83 11, 77 84 77, 2930180,

2930182, 2900555, 2900556Cell: 011 414 334/ 011 423 182

Harare/Mashonaland EastHead Office

Tel: (04) 77 83 11/011 401 340

Bulawayo39 Edge House, Fife St.

Cell: 011 423 189

Mutare27 Fifth St.

Cell: 011 423 183


2 Robin House, 974 Mazorodze Ave

GweruOffice 407 CABS Centre

Cell: 011 423 185

Hwange1179, Baobab Hill Ext.

Cell: 011 423 184

GwandaGwanda Pharmacy Bldg. Gwanda

Cell: 011 423 186

ChinhoyiChidavayenzi Building

46 Midway StreetCell: 011 423 192

Report Editorial Team• Jestina Mukoko: National Director

• Christine Kwangwari: Programme Manager• Chipo Mhike: Programme Information Assistant

• Shamiso Makande: Programme Information Assistant



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ZPP Programmes Dept. August 2007