Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior

Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior 148 Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010 Case Length ................................ 26 Pages TN Length ..................................... 4 Pages Orient Marketing Pvt. Ltd: A Case Study in Business Communication Abstract This case study details the predicament faced by Nand Kumar, who worked as a Marketing Manager in a consumer packaged goods company. Aggrieved at the cost-cutting measures introduced at the company, Kumar shot off an email to the CEO of the company. Now, after receiving the response from the CEO, he wondered whether he had approached the issue in the right way Issues Understand the communication process. Understand the issues related to different forms of communication -- viz. oral communication, written communication and the appropriateness of each form of communication in different situations. Understand the pros and cons of using different types of media such as telephone, email, etc. Understand the issues in written communication and develop skills in this area. Reference Numbers ICMR ...................................... HROB 133 ECCH ........................................................ Organization(s) ............................................ Countries .............................................. India Industry .................... Consumer Packaged Goods Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010 Case Length .................................. 5 Pages TN Length .................................................... Cisco's Organizational Structure and its Collaborative Approach to Decision Making Abstract Cisco Systems, Inc. (Cisco), an Internet technology company, had an organizational structure comprising of various cross- functional teams. The key decisions in the company were taken by councils, boards and working groups. These committees (around 60 as of 2009) working at different levels were cross-functional in nature, and according to the company, lent Cisco speed, scale, flexibility, and rapid replication. Cisco had made the shift to this type of organizational structure in 2001 and had refined it in subsequent years. According to John T. Chambers (Chambers), the Chairman and CEO of Cisco, the company had reorganized to break free of the silo culture in the company prior to 2001, so that it could remain agile and innovative in a rapidly changing industry. The company felt that the traditional command- and-control model had lost its relevance, and the future would be about collaborate models of decision making. He also claimed that the new organizational model had served the company well and helped implement its aggressive growth strategy amidst the economic downturn. Industry observers and organizational experts were divided in their opinion about Cisco's organizational structure and approach to decision making. While some industry observers felt that such a model was effective, others felt that the management-by-committee approach would slow down decision making and impede innovation. Some experts were extremely critical of Cisco's organizational model. But others believed that if Cisco could further refine the model by addressing some of the lacunae associated with it, it could very well be adopted more widely and be accepted as a radical management innovation. Issues Understand the various issues and challenges associated with organizational design. Discuss the pros and cons of different types of organizational structures and in the light of this analysis, critically analyze Cisco's organizational structure. Discuss the pros and cons of Cisco's approach to decision making. Discuss ways in which the organizational model at Cisco can be improved further. Reference Numbers ICMR ...................................... HROB 132 ECCH ...................................... 410-040-1 Organization(s) ......... Cisco Systems, Inc Countries .................................. US / Global Industry ................. Information Technology Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010 Case Length ............................. 25 5 Pages TN Length ....................................... Pages Employer Branding Initiatives of the US Army Abstract This case is about the employer branding initiatives adopted by the US Army. Since the early 1970s, the US Army had been known for its recruitment efforts that aimed to encourage people to take up a career with it. Experts felt that it was one of the first organizations to practice employer branding more than a decade before the term 'employer brand' was coined. However, recruiting for the US Army became a challenge with the country engaged in wars in Afghanistan and SAS Inc.: Working the Good Life Abstract The case discusses the employee-friendly policies and practices of SAS Inc. (SAS), the largest private organization selling analytical statistical software. From its inception in the mid-1970s, the company's co-founder and CEO, Jim Goodnight, had created an employee-centric corporate culture. The company always worked on the ideology that satisfied employees resulted in satisfied customers. To create a satisfied work force, SAS had always focused on two aspects of work culture - work life balance and work life benefits. Moreover, the company CEO did not want to make the company public even if that meant more profits for the company. According to Goodnight, going public would have destroyed the company's employee- focused organizational culture as it would then have to work under the pressure of shareholders. The case discusses in detail the employee- friendly policies of SAS and the benefits and perks the employees enjoyed while working in SAS. Experts suggested that the SAS business model depicted that employee loyalty and customer satisfaction were interlinked and that this was the secret behind the company's success. The company said that it considered employee perks as long-term investment in creative capital and not as employee retention costs. Analysts said that this philosophy had provided SAS with a competitive edge even during the economic downturn. However, critics contended that many of the work life initiatives and employee perks were unnecessary expenses. Issues Understand the importance of work life balance and employee benefits, particularly in the knowledge-based industry. Study the corporate culture at SAS and its employee-centric policies. Analyze the various work life balance and work life benefits offered by SAS to its employees and how these contribute to reduced employee turnover and job satisfaction. Understand how the employee-centric policies and practices contributed to the business success of SAS. Explore strategies that SAS could adopt in the future in the HR area. Reference Numbers ICMR ...................................... HROB 134 ECCH ...................................... 410-072-1 Organization(s) ............................ SAS Inc. Countries .................................. US / Global Industry ................. Information Technology

Transcript of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior

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Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010Case Length ................................ 26 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Orient Marketing Pvt. Ltd: A Case Study in

Business Communication

AbstractThis case study details the predicament facedby Nand Kumar, who worked as a MarketingManager in a consumer packaged goodscompany.Aggrieved at the cost-cutting measuresintroduced at the company, Kumar shot off anemail to the CEO of the company.Now, after receiving the response from theCEO, he wondered whether he hadapproached the issue in the right way

IssuesUnderstand the communication process.Understand the issues related to different formsof communication -- viz. oral communication,written communication and theappropriateness of each form ofcommunication in different situations.Understand the pros and cons of using differenttypes of media such as telephone, email,etc.Understand the issues in writtencommunication and develop skills in this area.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 133ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) ............................................Countries .............................................. IndiaIndustry .................... Consumer Packaged

GoodsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010Case Length .................................. 5 PagesTN Length ....................................................

Cisco's Organizational Structure and its Collaborative Approach

to Decision Making

AbstractCisco Systems, Inc. (Cisco), an Internettechnology company, had an organizationalstructure comprising of various cross-functional teams. The key decisions in thecompany were taken by councils, boardsand working groups. These committees(around 60 as of 2009) working at differentlevels were cross-functional in nature, andaccording to the company, lent Cisco speed,scale, flexibility, and rapid replication.Cisco had made the shift to this type oforganizational structure in 2001 and had refinedit in subsequent years. According to John T.

Chambers (Chambers), the Chairman andCEO of Cisco, the company had reorganizedto break free of the silo culture in the companyprior to 2001, so that it could remain agile andinnovative in a rapidly changing industry.The company felt that the traditional command-and-control model had lost its relevance, andthe future would be about collaborate modelsof decision making. He also claimed that thenew organizational model had served thecompany well and helped implement itsaggressive growth strategy amidst theeconomic downturn.Industry observers and organizational expertswere divided in their opinion about Cisco'sorganizational structure and approach todecision making. While some industryobservers felt that such a model was effective,others felt that the management-by-committeeapproach would slow down decision makingand impede innovation. Some experts wereextremely critical of Cisco's organizationalmodel. But others believed that if Cisco couldfurther refine the model by addressing someof the lacunae associated with it, it could verywell be adopted more widely and be acceptedas a radical management innovation.

IssuesUnderstand the various issues and challengesassociated with organizational design.Discuss the pros and cons of different typesof organizational structures and in the light ofthis analysis, critically analyze Cisco'sorganizational structure.Discuss the pros and cons of Cisco'sapproach to decision making.Discuss ways in which the organizationalmodel at Cisco can be improved further.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 132ECCH ...................................... 410-040-1

Organization(s) ......... Cisco Systems, IncCountries .................................. US / GlobalIndustry ................. Information TechnologyPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010Case Length ............................. 25 5 PagesTN Length ....................................... Pages

Employer Branding Initiatives of the US Army

AbstractThis case is about the employer brandinginitiatives adopted by the US Army. Since theearly 1970s, the US Army had been knownfor its recruitment efforts that aimed toencourage people to take up a career with it.Experts felt that it was one of the firstorganizations to practice employer brandingmore than a decade before the term 'employerbrand' was coined. However, recruiting forthe US Army became a challenge with thecountry engaged in wars in Afghanistan and

SAS Inc.: Working the Good Life

AbstractThe case discusses the employee-friendlypolicies and practices of SAS Inc. (SAS), thelargest private organization selling analyticalstatistical software. From its inception in themid-1970s, the company's co-founder andCEO, Jim Goodnight, had created anemployee-centric corporate culture. Thecompany always worked on the ideologythat satisfied employees resulted in satisfiedcustomers. To create a satisfied work force,SAS had always focused on two aspects ofwork culture - work life balance and work lifebenefits. Moreover, the company CEO didnot want to make the company public even ifthat meant more profits for the company.According to Goodnight, going public wouldhave destroyed the company's employee-focused organizational culture as it would thenhave to work under the pressure ofshareholders.The case discusses in detail the employee-friendly policies of SAS and the benefits andperks the employees enjoyed while workingin SAS. Experts suggested that the SASbusiness model depicted that employeeloyalty and customer satisfaction wereinterlinked and that this was the secret behindthe company's success.The company said that it consideredemployee perks as long-term investment increative capital and not as employee retentioncosts. Analysts said that this philosophy hadprovided SAS with a competitive edge evenduring the economic downturn. However,critics contended that many of the work lifeinitiatives and employee perks wereunnecessary expenses.

IssuesUnderstand the importance of work life balanceand employee benefits, particularly in theknowledge-based industry.Study the corporate culture at SAS and itsemployee-centric policies.Analyze the various work life balance andwork life benefits offered by SAS to itsemployees and how these contribute toreduced employee turnover and jobsatisfaction.Understand how the employee-centric policiesand practices contributed to the businesssuccess of SAS.Explore strategies that SAS could adopt in thefuture in the HR area.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 134ECCH ...................................... 410-072-1

Organization(s) ............................ SAS Inc.Countries .................................. US / GlobalIndustry ................. Information Technology

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Iraq. Moreover, the recruiters also had toovercome certain misperceptions held byyoung Americans about considering a careerin the US Army. This the US Army did bytaking various initiatives that includedrecruitment advertising campaigns such asthe 'Army Strong' campaign and the'Officership' campaign that strove to showcasethe benefits of a career with the Army.These noteworthy campaigns weresupported by innovative recruitment toolssuch as the 'America's Army' game, VirtualArmy Experience, and the Army ExperienceCenter that aimed to bridge the divide betweenpeople's perceptions of the Army and the realexperience of people actually working for theUS Army.Experts felt that these campaigns andexperiential marketing initiatives had led toan increase in recruitment numbers in the USArmy and had also enhanced its employerbrand. While some experts appreciated theUS Army's recruitment advertisingcampaigns and its use of experientialmarketing as a promotion tool, these initiativesalso attracted criticism from certain quarters.Critics contended that the US Army wasduping young Americans with their advertisingand recruitment tools by projecting the careerin the Army as a fun-filled and thrillingexperience - something that was far removedfrom reality.

IssuesUnderstand the importance of employerbranding and its relationship to the ability ofan organization to attract and retain talent.Evaluate the employer branding initiativestaken by the US Army to bridge the gapbetween people's misperceptions about theUS Army and the real experiences of beingan Army officer.Understand the issues and challenges inplanning and implementing an employerbranding initiative.Understand how experiential marketing canbe effectively used as part of an employerbranding initiative.Explore strategies that the US Army can adoptin the future to enhance its employer brand.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 131ECCH ...................................... 410-041-1

Organization(s) ............................ US ArmyCountries ................................................ USIndustry ................................... GovernmentPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010Case Length ................................ 28 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Sony Corporation - Future Tense?

AbstractSony, the Japan-based multinationalconglomerate, is one of the leadingmanufacturers of consumer electronicsdevices and information technology products.Sony was responsible for introducing pathbreaking products like the Walkman, theDiscman, and the PlayStation gamingconsole, among others. But in the late 1990s,it lost its leadership position in many productlines in which it was operating. Analystsattributed this to the silo culture prevailing inthe organization. Each of the departmentsfunctioned like different fiefdoms, hardlycooperating with each other, even when itwas necessary. Moreover, Sony's growingcomplacency led to its failing to recognize thegrowing popularity of new technologies anddigital products and the company choosing tostick to its proprietary formats. Sony wascaught off-guard and tried to revive itself underthe guidance of its first non-Japanese headHoward Stringer, who took over as the CEOin 2005. For a couple of years, Sony appearedto be on the path to revival. However, for thefiscal year ending March 2009, the companyreported a loss. Sony's failure to bring outinnovative products in spite of having therequired competencies was one of the mainreasons for the company's problems, andanalysts attributed it to the existing culture inthe company. In February 2009, with the aimof addressing the issue of its silo culture,Stringer announced a reorganization thatinvolved changes in the organizationstructure. Through this reorganization, hesought to transform Sony into an innovativeand agile company. However, it remains tobe seen whether the reorganization can bringSony out of its problems.

IssuesExamine the challenges faced by Sony in acompetitive global business environment.Understand the importance of organizationalculture in effectively executing anorganization's strategy.Analyze how Sony can make its productscompetitive and foster innovation.Examine the efficacy of the reorganizationprogram initiated by Stringer in turning aroundSony and solving its problem relating to thesilo culture.Analyze other measures that need to be takenby Stringer to restore profitability of Sony.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 130ECCH ...................................... 410-029-1

Organization(s) .............. Sony CorporationCountries ........................................... JapanIndustry ................... Consumer Electronics

Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010Case Length ................................ 19 PagesTN Length ................................... 17 Pages

Employee Motivation and Retention Strategies at Microsoft Corporation

AbstractThe case examines the employee motivationand retention strategies of the US basedMicrosoft Corporation (Microsoft). Since itsinception, Microsoft was appreciated for itsemployee-friendly HR practices. However,during the late 1990s, as the company wasgrowing rapidly in size, it lost the popularelements of its work culture. Moreover,several racial discrimination lawsuits andantitrust proceedings affected the company'scorporate image and financial performanceadversely. In the early 2000s, in order toimprove its profit margins, Microsoft startedcutting several employee benefits, whichdemotivated its employees. To boost theemployee morale, in 2006, Steve Ballmer,the then CEO of Microsoft, appointed LisaBrummel as the Senior Vice-president of HR.After taking charge, Brummel announced aplan to significantly revamp some of theexisting HR management practices at thecompany. She announced a plan named'myMicrosoft,' which included developingappropriate systems to enhancecommunication between the employees andthe HR department, making changes in thecompany's performance review system,introducing several new employee benefits,and designing new workplaces in an effort toattract and retain employees. The caseanalyzes in detail the HR initiatives taken byBrummel. It ends with a discussion on thebenefits realized from the initiativesimplemented by her.

IssuesStudy the corporate culture and HR practicesat Microsoft.Analyze the problems faced by Microsoft onHR front during the late 1990s and early 2000s.Evaluate the measures taken by Brummel tomotivate employees.Discuss the benefits of the strategiesimplemented by Brummel.Appreciate the importance of recruiting theright people for a particular job.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 129ECCH ...................................... 410-033-1

Organization(s) ...... Microsoft CorporationCountries ................................................ USIndustry ..................................................... ITPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010Case Length ................................ 15 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

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Recruitment and Training at JetBlue Airways

AbstractThe case examines the recruitment andtraining practices at the US-based JetBlueAirways (JetBlue), which helped it to maintainexceptional customer service levels. Thecompany was founded in 1999 by DavidNeeleman. The company's culture was builtaround five values - Safety, Caring, Integrity,Fun and Passion. Since inception, thecompany encouraged employees to givesuggestions for improving its services andall employees were treated equally. Whilerecruiting people, JetBlue essentially lookedfor people with positive attitude and who werehighly focused on customer service. The caseexamines different recruitment practices thatexisted in the company for in-flight crew andpilots. The details of training resources anddifferent training programs for flight attendantsand managers in the company are alsodiscussed. The case ends with a discussionon the benefits JetBlue derived through itsrecruitment and training practices.

IssuesUnderstand the unique aspects of JetBlue'sculture.Analyze the recruitment and training practicesat JetBlue.Examine the training resources developedby JetBlue.Understand how training programs can bedesigned based on the specific needs of acompany.Appreciate the importance of recruiting theright people for a particular job.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 128ECCH ...................................... 410-026-1

Organization(s) ............................... JetBlueCountries ................................................ USIndustry ............................................ AirlinesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010Case Length ................................ 17 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Microsoft Corporation - Best Practices in

Human Resource Management

AbstractThe case examines the best practices inhuman resource management (HRM) at theUS based Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft).The company was ranked 38th in theFortune's list of '100 Best Companies to WorkFor' published in January 2009. Microsofthad a strong organizational culture whichsupported work /life balance and helped boost

employee morale. The company also had awell planned employee retention strategywhich was considered among the best in theindustry. It offered various benefits to itsemployees including health insurance,ESOPs, flexible working hours, discounts onseveral products and services etc. Thecompany also promoted corporate diversity.The case ends with a discussion on thechallenges before Microsoft to continue itsemployee friendly HR practices inrecessionary times where its customers arecutting back on IT expenditure adverselyaffecting its revenues and profitability.

IssuesStudy the organizational culture and HRpractices at Microsoft.Examine how a company's culture cancontribute in boosting employee morale.Understand the retention strategies adoptedby Microsoft.Analyze the challenges faced by Microsofton the HR front in recessionary times.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 127ECCH ...................................... 410-027-1

Organization(s) ...... Microsoft CorporationCountries ................................................ USIndustry ..................................................... ITPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2010Case Length ................................ 13 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

Edwards Lifesciences' Talent Management Practices: Creating

a Competitive Advantage

AbstractThis case discusses the talent managementprocesses of Edwards Lifesciences Corp.(Edwards), the world's leading heart valvesand hemodynamic monitoring company. Italso discusses how having talent in key areashelps foster innovation in the company andresults in it obtaining a competitive advantage.Since Edwards was spun off from BaxterInternational Inc. (Baxter) in 2000, thecompany showed good businessperformance with a consistent rise inrevenues and increase in its stock prices. Itcame out with many innovative products thathelped it hold its own in a highly competitiveindustry with many competitors that weremuch larger. The company's Chairman andCEO, Michael A. Mussallem (Mussallem),and its Corporate Vice President, HumanResources, Robert C. Reindl (Reindl), sawa good correlation between its innovation andbusiness performance and the company's itsrich pool of talent. While the talent managementprocesses at Edwards started taking shapeeven before it was spun off in 2000, afterobtaining its new identity, Mussallem and

Reindl worked closely to put talentmanagement up as a key priority on thecompany's agenda and wove it into thecompany's business strategy. The talentmanagement initiatives at Edwards includeda meticulous process to identify thecompany's mission critical jobs, talentacquisition, succession planning, training anddevelopment, and evaluation. The companyalso developed a unique culture that helped itrealize its organizational objectives andpromote a performance culture. Experts feltthat the Edwards's talent management processhad resulted in the company gaining acompetitive advantage.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and challenges in talentmanagement.Study the talent management processes ofEdwards Lifesciences.Understand how talent management helpedfoster innovation at Edwards Lifesciences.Understand how effective talent managementcan lead to a competitive advantage.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 126ECCH ...................................... 410-005-1

Organization(s) ...... Edwards LifesciencesCorp

Countries .................................. US / GlobalIndustry ....................... Healthcare/ Medical

TechnologyPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 17 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

Performance Appraisal and Review at the Zoological Society

of San Diego

AbstractThis case is about Zoological Society of SanDiego (ZSSD), a nonprofit organization thatoperated the San Diego Zoo, the San DiegoZoo's Wild Animal Park, and San Diego Zoo'sInstitute for Conservation Research, and howit implemented a new online employeeperformance management system. Beforethis, ZSSD did not have an effective systemfor employee performance. Appraisal wasalmost non-existent in the organization with itbeing given a low priority. The organizationhad a paper-based system, but there wereno consequences for not filling up the formsand sending it to the HR department. In 2005,as part of ZSSD's new strategic plan, theorganization decided to lay emphasis onemployee accountability and a make a shiftto pay-for-performance system that was tiedto goals. The HR team led by the new HRDirector Tim Mulligan (Mulligan) decided toopt for an online employee performancemanagement system - Halogen eAppraisal.

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As per the new system, each employee wasrated on two categories - goals and leadershipcompetencies. The goals flowed from theoverall organizational objectives while theorganization had involved managers inidentifying the required leadershipcompetencies. After rolling out the new systemin a phased manner, ZSSD said that the newsystem had not only resulted in 100 percentcompletion rate of performance appraisals,the system had also helped the organizationtransform its culture and increase employeeaccountability.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and challenges inemployee performance appraisal andperformance management.Analyze ZSSD's new performance appraisalsystem that rated employees on goals andleadership competencies.Analyze the respective advantages anddisadvantages of using a paper-basedperformance appraisal system and onlineperformance appraisal system.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 125ECCH ...................................... 410-004-1

Organization(s) The Zoological Society ofSan Diego

Countries ................................................ USIndustry .......................... Entertainment and

RecreationPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................. 11 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

Apple Inc.'s Corporate Culture: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

AbstractThis case is about US-based consumerelectronics company Apple, Inc's (Apple),known for its ability to come out with path-breaking products. Experts have associatedthe innovation at Apple with its corporateculture. The case discusses in detail thecorporate culture at Apple. At Apple, the workculture was driven by a passion for newproducts with no end to challenges andopportunities. The case discusses how Applebecame the pioneer of the "Work Hard PlayHard" ethic. The corporate culture at Applewas exemplified by its intense work ethics.Though the work environment was relaxedand casual, there was a very strongcommitment to deadlines. Analystssummarized the work culture at Apple as"fun, yet demanding". The case talks abouthow employees at Apple had to run their ownshow and work in a challenging and creativeenvironment. Apple adopted a style that wasnot too formal or hierarchical and a moreresults-driven approach which worked bestfor them. The case also focuses on the career

opportunities and employability security,compensation, and benefits offered to theemployees by the company. The caseexplains how Apple fostered a culture ofsecrecy. The demand for absolute secrecyand insistence on control were infused intothe company culture right from the beginning.The various dysfunctional aspects of Apple'sculture which led the company to the brink ofdisaster are also discussed. While someappreciated Apple's culture saying that itvalued creative people, others felt that it wasdysfunctional from a management standpointand was largely influenced by its CEO SteveJobs (Jobs) who had a very quirky style.Experts felt that Apple's obsession withmaintaining secrecy could hurt the companyand its brand in the new milieu. They felt thatthe biggest challenge for Apple was to moveout from under the shadow of Jobs. Theperformance of the company in his absencewas a key concern for all stakeholders, theysaid. The case concludes by discussingwhether a change in the company's cultureis required to remain competitiveness in thelong run.

IssuesStudy the key aspects of Apple's corporateculture.Understand how its culture contributed to thesuccess of the company.Identify the functional and dysfunctionalaspects of Apple's corporate culture.Discuss and debate whether the prevalentculture at Apple needed to change to reflecttoday's realities and for the long term.Explore ways in which the company couldaddress this issue.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 124ECCH ...................................... 409-093-1

Organization(s) ......................... Apple, Inc.Countries .............................................. USAIndustry ................... Consumer ElectronicsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 25 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Microsoft India's HR Practices

AbstractMicrosoft started its Indian operations in theyear 1990 setting up Microsoft IndiaCorporation (Pvt) Ltd in New Delhi. Later,Microsoft expanded its footprint in India bybringing all its six main units of business intothe country. The headcount at Microsoft IndiaDevelopment Center (MSIDC) at Hyderabadgrew from 20 in 1998 to more than 1,500 bythe end of 2008, making it the company’ssecond biggest development center in theworld. Microsoft India’s HR strategy wasfocused on building the organizational

capability and strengthening employeeengagement to leverage the limited humanresources to achieve the company’s mission.According to Microsoft India’s HR growthmodel, HR was ultimately expected to be achange leader and business driver. Set in acontext of a challenging global businessenvironment, this case discusses the talentmanagement and employee retentionpractices at Microsoft India, and its use of HRmetrics to build accountability of the HRfunction toward business success.

IssuesThe HR function as a change leader andbusiness driver.Aligning local HR practices to the corporatemission and global/local businessenvironment.Talent management and employee retentionin the Indian IT industry.Managing knowledge workers and their work-life balance.HR metrics and Return on Investment (RoI).

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 123ECCH ...................................... 410-006-1

Organization(s) .................. Microsoft IndiaCorporation Pvt. Ltd.

Countries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ................ Computers, IT and ITeSPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 16 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Axis Bank: The Succession Planning Fiasco

AbstractThis case discusses the issue of successionat Axis Bank Ltd. (Axis Bank), India’s thirdlargest private sector bank. The case detailsthe growth of Axis Bank under PangalJayendra Nayak (Nayak) the CMD of thebank from January 1, 2000 to April 20, 2009.Analysts credited him with taking the bank toa new level during his tenure. However,Nayak also attracted criticism for his failure toidentify and groom an able successor to leadthe bank after the end of his tenure. In early2009, the board of the Axis Bank initiated thesuccession planning process and hired aglobal HR firm, Egon Zehnder International toidentify the new CEO. After many months ofscouting and intense media speculation aboutNayak’s successor, the Axis Bank boardzeroed in upon Shikha Sharma (Sharma), thethen CEO and chairman of ICICI PrudentialLife Insurance Company Ltd., as the newCEO and MD of Axis Bank. The decisionwas opposed by Nayak as he reportedlywanted an insider to succeed him. Accordingto Nayak, Sharma did not have the relevantbanking experience to take up the position

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and in any case he felt that people who hadbeen involved in building up the bank shouldbe asked to lead it. The board, however,contended that the insiders who were frontrunners for the position were experts in theirfields but lacked an overall vertical experience.They also criticized Nayak for not groominghis successor. With the board deciding to goahead with the appointment of Sharma, Nayakquit the bank well before his tenure was toend July 31, 2009. As Sharma joined in hernew role as the CEO and MD of Axis bank inJune 1, 2009, industry observers felt shehad her job cut out, considering thesuccession drama that unfolded at Axis Bankafter her name was announced as Nayak’ssuccessor. Another challenge before Sharmawas to spur growth in the bank that had aculture that was in stark contrast to that of theICICI Group.

IssuesUnderstand the significance of successionplanning and leadership development in largeorganizations.Examine the impact of issues like corporateculture, leadership, and shareholdermanagement with regard to successionplanning.Identify the problems an organization has toface due to the lack of a succession plan.Understand the role of a CEO in theperformance of a company.Understand the challenges in bringing in anew CEO.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 122ECCH ...................................... 409-068-1

Organization(s) .......................... Axis BankCountries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ................... Banking and Financial

ServicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 26 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Employer Branding at McDonald's: Redefining McJobs

AbstractThis case is about the employer brandingstrategies adopted by McDonald's Corporation,one of the largest fast food chains in the world.Since the 1980s, entry-level jobs atMcDonald's had come to be associated withlow-paying dead end jobs. The term 'McJobs'had become synonymous with low-prestige,low-benefit, no-future jobs in the service orretail sector particularly at fast food restaurantsand retail stores. Though the term was coinedto describe jobs at McDonald's, it was laterused to refer to any low-status job where littletraining was required and workers' activitieswere strictly regulated Because of its common

Project Parivartan: State Bank of India's

Internal Communication Initiative

AbstractIn 2006, when OP Bhatt (Bhatt) was appointedChairman of India's leading bank State Bankof India (SBI), the bank was confronting ahost of problems. Though it was the marketleader, it was facing tough competition fromprivate players such as ICICI Bank, HDFCBank, etc. It was looking at a steady erosionin market share and its growth was slowerthan that of its competitors. Its ranking in thelist of top global banks was also slipping.The company was unable to attract young oraffluent customers and its brand image wasperceived to be old and staid. The topmanagement team led by Bhatt recognizedthe need for a transformation. They identifiedareas that needed to be transformed andcommunicated the new transformation agendato all the people in the organization.The top management realized that to achievethe transformation they sought, getting thegrassroots level employees on board wasextremely important. So a massive internalcommunication initiative called Parivartan(which means transformation/change) waslaunched. The initiative was aimed at obtainingthe support and acceptance of employees forthe change initiatives undertaken by the bank,and explaining to them why change wasnecessary.The project also sought to bring about achange in the attitude and approach of theemployees and to help them develop a morecustomer-centric approach. According to SBI,the program succeeded in achieving itsobjective.Industry observers too appreciated theinitiative and said that Bhatt had succeeded inchanging the employees' approach to work,which in turn, had led to the bank performingwell and maintaining its market leadershipposition in the Indian banking sector.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and challenges inchange management.Understand the issues and challenges incommunicating a change initiative.Study the Parivartan internal communicationinitiative and understand how SBI tried tochange the attitude and mindset of itsgrassroots level employees.Appreciate the importance of HR in anorganizational transformation initiative.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 120ECCH ...................................... 409-052-1

Organization(s) .......... State Bank of IndiaCountries .............................................. India

usage, the term appeared in the online versionof the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) inMarch 2001 and the Merriam-WebsterCollegiate Dictionary (Merriam-WebsterDictionary) in 2003. The case discusses howMcDonald's systemically tried to redefine theterm 'McJobs' and improve its employer brandsince the early 2000s. According toMcDonald's, this negative interpretation ofMcJobs was not only inaccurate but alsodemeaning to the thousands of peopleworking in the service sector. As employerbranding was a critical management tool forcompanies to attract the right talent,McDonald's decided to try and revise theimage associated with McJobs. This it didby taking various initiatives that also includedadvertising campaigns aimed at showcasingthe benefits of working at McDonald's andbridging the divide between people'sperceptions of the McJob and the realemployment experience of people actuallyworking for the fast-food chain. Experts feltthat these were some of the best examples ofa company successfully planning andimplementing an employee branding strategy.However, the case also highlights thechallenges faced by McDonald's in attractingnew talent as derogatory comments continuedto be made about McJobs and this coulddiscourage prospective employees from takingup such jobs.

IssuesUnderstand the importance of employerbranding and its relationship with the ability ofa company to attract talent.Understand the issues and challenges inplanning and implementing an employerbranding initiative.Understand the strategic role of HumanResource Department.Evaluate the initiatives taken by McDonald'sto bridge the gap between people's perceptionsof McJobs and the real employmentexperiences of people actually working at itsrestaurants.Explore strategies that McDonald's couldadopt in the future to enhance its employerbrand.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 121ECCH ...................................... 409-051-1

Organization(s) ....................... McDonald’sCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ...................... Food and BeveragePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 26 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

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Industry ................... Banking and FinancialServices

Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 12 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

NetApp's Corporate Culture and HR Practices

AbstractUS-based NetApp Inc. (NetApp), founded in1992, was a leading company in the networkstorage solutions industry. Ever since itsinception, NetApp’s founders laid a majoremphasis on developing a healthy workenvironment and making the companyemployee friendly. High importance wasgiven to trust and integrity, team spirit andambition to achieve higher goals. Thecompany practiced open door policy, allowedflexible working hours and offered severalother benefits to its employees. Thecompany’s employee friendly policies wererecognized by renowned magazines as oneof the best companies to work for. For theyear 2009, NetApp was ranked at the topposition on the list of ‘100 Best Companies toWork For,’ by Fortune magazine.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 118ECCH ...................................... 409-050-1

Organization(s) .................................... NikeCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ..................... Textile, Apparel, and

AccessoriesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 12 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

HR Problems at Jet Airways: Coping with Turbulent Times

in the Indian Aviation Industry

AbstractThe case is about the retrenchment dramathat unfolded in one of India’s leading aviationcompanies, Jet Airways (India) Limited (Jet),in late 2008. After showing the door to morethan 1000 employees in a bid to streamlineits operations, Jet was faced with immensecriticism and opposition by variousorganizations and political parties. Jet’schairman Naresh Goyal (Goyal) reinstatedthe employees a day later saying that hewas not aware of these sackings. The Indianaviation industry was going through a toughphase and experts felt that it was in the interestof the company to retrench employees toremain competitive. Experts largely felt thatGoyal had capitulated under pressure fromexternal parties while others felt that all maynot be well with the organizationalcommunication mechanisms at Jet.

IssuesAnalyze the HR problems faced by JetAirways in 2008.Discuss various concepts related to hiring,firing, and compensation management.Understand the rationale behind Jet's decisionto lay-off employees and the reason's behindits later decision to take back the sackedemployees.Understand the importance of communicationin an organization and analyze whether therewere any loopholes in Jet's organizationalcommunication network.Understand the rationale behind the pay cutsinitiated at the company.Understand how environmental variablescould affect a company's HR policies.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 117ECCH ...................................... 409-036-1

Organization(s) ........................ Jet AirwaysCountries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................................... AviationPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 16 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 119ECCH ...................................... 409-049-1

Organization(s) ....................... NetApp Inc.Countries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ................. Information Technology

and Related ServicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 15 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

Nike's 'Sports Knowledge Underground' E-learning Initiative

AbstractBy the early2000s, Nike, Inc. (Nike), one ofthe world's leading footwear and apparelcompanies, had became well-known forcontinuously churning out innovative productsand building up traffic to the stores through itsadvertising.However, the company realized that thecustomers' purchase decision was influencedby the sales associates they interacted withon the stores. So, training these employeeswas very necessary, but the fact that most ofthe sales associates were in their late teensor early 20s posed a challenge as this groupbrought their own unique characteristics tothe workplace and was not very receptive tothe traditional forms of training.Moreover, the turnover of the salesassociates was very high. This meant thatthe company always had new associateswho needed to be trained on selling skills andproduct knowledge.But providing them with training throughtraditional means was not a viable option dueto the high turnover rate. To address thesechallenges, a team at Nike designed an e-learning program in 2003 called Nike 'SportsKnowledge Underground' (SKU) for thethousands of sales associates stationed in itsown stores and that of other retailers that keptNike inventory.The interactive web-based training programclosely resembled a video game, andimmediately caught the attention of industryobservers.

IssuesUnderstand entry behavior in designing andimplementing a training program.Analyze the Nike 'Sports KnowledgeUnderground' program and how it enabledtraining of Nike's front-line sales force.Understand the issues and challenges indesigning and implementing an e-learningprogram.Discuss the pros and cons of using an e-learning program.Discuss how training can be imparted throughmodes such as video games and over themobile phone (m-learning) and the viabilityof this.

Case Studies inOrganizational Culture

Volume IHardcover; 356 Pages,

21 Case StudiesINR 2500/-

IssuesStudy the organizational culture and HRpractices at NetApp that has been consistentlyvoted as one of the 'Best Companies to WorkFor'in the US.Examine the key elements of NetApp's cultureand understand how they contributed to highemployee satisfaction.Analyze the factors that contributes to creatingand sustaining a strong organizational culture.

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Four Seasons Hotels Inc.'s HR Practices: Fostering a Strong

Customer Service Culture

AbstractThis case describes the work culture at FourSeasons Hotels Inc. (Four Seasons), aToronto-based global luxury hotel chain andresorts. Since its inception in 1960, FourSeasons had created a niche for itself with itsfocus on providing exceptional andpersonalized service to the guests. FourSeasons was committed to providing itsguests with value added service and hassle-free stays.The Four Seasons culture was personifiedby its employees who shared the commongoal of offering excellent service to customers.From the time Four Seasons opened its firsthotel, its work culture was based on trust andmutual respect and it allowed employees toflourish and succeed.For the management, employee satisfactionwas as important as guest satisfaction. FourSeasons gained recognition for its qualityservice and also featured for elevenconsecutive years (1998-2008) on the FortuneMagazine's '100 Best Companies to Workfor' in the USA.The case examines a few elements of FourSeasons' work culture and how these havecontributed to its business success and tomaking it a great place to work. The caseconcludes with the future prospects of FourSeasons and the issues and challenges facedby Isadore Sharp, CEO, as he planned togrow further by expanding across newlocations.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and challengesinvolved in running a hospitality business.Understand the significance of a strongcustomer service culture to the success of afirm in the hospitality business.Analyze the factors that contributed to a strongcustomer service culture at Four Seasons.Understand issues related to HR such asemployee empowerment, working in teams,flexible working, control versus commitment,etc., and how these contribute to the successof a firm.Examine the steps taken by Four Seasons toensure employee satisfaction.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 116ECCH ...................................... 409-035-1

Organization(s) Four Seasons Hotels Inc.Countries ........................................ CanadaIndustry .................... Hotels and HospitalityPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2009Case Length ................................ 19 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

Flexibility in the Workplace & Discrimination by Association:

Sharon Coleman vs Attridge Law

AbstractOn July 17, 2008, to the European Court ofJustice (EJC) gave a ruling that expandedthe scope of European law on disabilitydiscrimination to include those who wereassociated with or responsible for a disabledperson. The case discusses in detail theevents that led to this ruling which wasconsidered a landmark one and was expectedto have huge implications for businesses inEurope. It all began when Sharon Coleman(Coleman) a former legal secretary withLondon-based law firm Attridge Law, suedher former employer (and a partner in thefirm) in August 2005 for constructive dismissal.Coleman, who had a disabled son, allegedthat the firm had discriminated against her atthe workplace due to her association with adisabled person. She alleged that she wastreated differently, subjected to criticism andinsults, denied flexible working arrangementsthat would help her to take care of her badlydisabled child, and ultimately forced intoaccepting voluntary redundancy. She claimedthat other employees were allowed flexibleworking arrangements. The case was referredby the UK Employment Tribunal to the EJC,to establish whether or not the EuropeanFramework Employment Directive includeddiscrimination against the carer of a disabledperson or discrimination by association. EJC’sruling in favor of Coleman was expected tochange the interpretation of discrimination lawsin the UK as well as in other membercountries of the European Union. The casealso discusses in detail the possibleimplications for businesses and particularlythe challenges faced by the HR Managers, inlight of this ruling.

IssuesUnderstand issues and challenges facingorganizations/HR managers in providingflexible working options, ensuring equalemployment opportunity, etc.Understand the organizational implications ofthe European court ruling on disabilitydiscrimination by association.Sensitize students/trainees regarding issuesregarding workplace discrimination.Explore ways in which organizations canensure compliance to laws relating to equalopportunity, flexible working anddiscrimination in the workplace.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 115ECCH ...................................... 408-126-1

Organization(s) ...................... Attridge LawCountries .......................... United KingdomIndustry ................................ Not Applicable

Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 16 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Pentagon’s New Personnel System: Coping with the

Challenges of Human Capital

AbstractIn the early 2000s, USA’s largest employer,the Department of Defense (DoD) (popularlyknown as the Pentagon) realized that itsdecades-old General Schedule (GS) paymentsystem was not in sync with the rapidlychanging scenario. The needs of the defenseforces and the way they worked had changedand the civilian personnel supporting themneeded to change too. Moreover, Pentagonwanted to be a more competitive employerand felt that the GS system was unable toattract and retain the best talent. Pentagonintroduced a new civilian personnelmanagement system, the National SecurityPersonnel System (NSPS), to rewardemployees based on their performance. Butit required huge effort on the part of policymarkers to actually design the systems, seekparticipation and approval from multiplestakeholders, and implement the program.The implementation of the NSPS also metwith resistance from several quarters includingfrom federal labor unions. The labor unionscontended that the NSPS did not focus onelements such as adverse actions, collectivebargaining, labor relations, etc. resulting inthe erosion of job security of the workers.

IssuesUnderstand the rationale behind DoD makinga shift from the General Schedule system tothe National Security Personnel System.Understand various issues and challengesinvolved in designing and implementation ofa new personnel system.Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of theNSPS and Compare and contrast the NSPSwith the GS system.Understand how the implementation of a 'payfor performance'system would help the DoDin attracting, rewarding, and retainingemployees.Discuss the challenges faced in implementingthe NSPS in a large public sector organizationlike the DoD.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 114ECCH ...................................... 408-125-1

Organization(s) ....... US Dept. of DefenseCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ........................................... DefensePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 21 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

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Management Lessons from Spain’s Euro 2008 Football

Championship Triumph

AbstractThe 2008 UEFA European FootballChampionship (2008 Euro Cup) saw aSpanish team that took many keen observersof the game by surprise. The side which,over the years, had earned the tag of'underachievers' in the international arenadespite having some of the most talentedindividuals and the best domestic clubs inEurope, played superbly to win the 2008 EuroCup, its first triumph in such major tournamentsin 44 years. Experts felt that the Spanishnational team's sub-par performance in majortournaments was primarily due to a lack ofteam spirit and the killer instinct. The lack ofteam spirit was a result of the intense rivalrybetween different regions of Spain as thevarious regions were divided in terms ofculture and political outlook. In such a situation,it was very difficult for the members of theteam to play as a unit, according to them.Spain's stellar performance in the 2008 EuroCup and the team spirit they displayed in thetournament was largely attributed to the brilliantmanagement and leadership of coach, JoséLuis Aragonés Suárez (Aragonés). Aragonés'appointment came shortly after Spain'sdebacle in the 2004 Euro Cup. The new coachput in much of his effort into team building andinstilling a sense of team spirit into the fracturedteam that was also short on self belief. Thoughthe team failed to perform well in the 2006World Cup, its overall performance recordunder Aragonés' leadership was very goodculminating with the success in the 2008 EuroCup. However, the feat was not an easy oneas Aragonés had to take some very toughdecisions along the way which dented thispopularity among the public and the mediaand attracted a lot of criticism. However, withthe team breaking the 44-year jinx, Aragonés'team building initiatives, strategy and tactics,management skills, and leadership came infor special praise. This case will help studentsunderstand various issues/concepts inmanagement and organizational behavior andgeneralizations can be made based on thiscase which could apply to the corporatesetting.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and constraints in teambuilding and team management.Understand and make generalizations on thevarious concepts of group dynamics, changemanagement, conflict management,leadership, etc.Appreciate the importance of team spirit inany team situation.Understand the issues and constraints incoaching and make generalization in coachingin the corporate setting.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 113ECCH ...................................... 308-373-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries ............................................ SpainIndustry ....................... Sports and Sporting

Goods EquipmentPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 18 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Compensation Management at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.:

Coping with Turbulent Times in the Indian IT Industry

AbstractThe case discusses the compensationmanagement practices at Tata ConsultancyServices Ltd. (TCS), one of the leading IndianIT companies. TCS' compensationmanagement system was based on the EVAmodel. With the implementation of EconomicValue Added (EVA)-based compensation, thesalary of employees comprised of two parts- fixed and variable. The variable part of thesalary was arrived after considering businessunit EVA, corporate EVA, and also individualperformance EVA. During the fourth quarter ofthe financial year (FY) 2007-2008, TCSannounced its plans to slash 1.5 percent ofthe variable component of employee salariessince its EVA targets for the third quarter of FY2007-2008 were not met The announcementcame as s jolt not only to TCS employeesbut also to the entire Indian IT industry. Thecompany came in for severe criticism and itwas accused of not being transparent withrespect to EVA calculation. However, someanalysts felt that the pay cuts were a result ofthe macroeconomic challenges that the IndianIT companies were facing -- rapid appreciationof the rupee against the US dollar and therecession in the US economy (USA was thelargest market for the Indian IT companies)

IssuesAnalyze TCS' HR practices with respect toits policy related to compensation of itsemployees.Discuss various concepts related tocompensation management.Discuss the importance of variablecompensation in light of its ability to motivateemployees and enhance organizationalproductivity.Discuss the pros and cons of the EVA-basedcompensation management system and alsoanalyze EVA as a performance measurementtool.Understand the rationale behind the cut in thecompensation of the employees at TCS.Understand how macroeconomic variablescould affect a company's HR policies.

Appreciate the importance of HR goals andstrategies in the success of an organization

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 112ECCH ...................................... 408-078-1

Organization(s) .............. Tata ConsultancyServices

Countries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ................. Information Technology

and Related ServicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 18 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

YES BANK: Human Capital Initiatives of a Startup in the

Indian Banking Industry

AbstractThis case is about YES BANK (Yes Bank),one of the new generation private sector banksand its unique Human Capital initiatives whichhelped it attract and retain the best talent in theindustry. Despite being a late entrant in theIndian banking industry, Yes Bank hadestablished itself as a top bank in India. YesBank's unique 'knowledge banking' approachand its emphasis on human capital helped itdifferentiate itself from its competitors. Thecase also discusses Yes Bank's effort towardestablishing a strong employer brand andprojecting itself as an 'aspirational' employerin the Indian banking sector. Yes Bank'svarious innovative HR initiatives helped itinstitutionalize a performance culture andentrepreneurial spirit in its employees. YesBank's focus on human capital initiativeshelped it in succeeding in establishing itselfas a key player in the Indian banking industrywithin a short span of time.

IssuesUnderstand the HR challenges faced by astartup organization.Understand the human capital initiativesadopted by Yes Bank and its role ininstitutionalizing innovative HR practiceswithin the organization.Understand the rationale behind creation of astrong employer brand and building anenterprise based on Employee ValueProposition (EVP).Understand the rationale behind Yes Bank'sfocus on human capital as an enabler of thebank's business strategy of differentiating itselffrom its competitors.

Reference NumbersICMR ....................................... HROB 111ECCH ...................................... 408-070-1

Organization(s) ........................... Yes BankCountries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ...... Banking & Financial Services

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Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 17 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

Designing a Training Program: A Training Manager’s Dilemma

AbstractThis case (based on generalized experience)is about a mid-sized direct selling organizationDirec2U. Sunit Verma (Verma), the newlyappointed Training Manager, has conducteda comprehensive training need analysis(TNA) and identified the training needs at thefirst-line manager level. Now he has beenentrusted with the responsibility of designingthe training program. However, the Vice-president-HRD at Direc2U, VK Prasad wasnot altogether satisfied with the training designthat Verma has suggested as he felt thatVerma's choice of training methods and toolsmay not help achieve the objectives of thetraining program. Verma has to now makechanges in the training design so that there isa better chance that the training program willbe really successful.

IssuesThe case will help the students to:Understand the issues and challenges indesigning a training programUnderstand the concepts, techniques and toolsof trainingUnderstand the issues and challenges inensuring transfer of learning and also ensurethat the trainees internalize the classroomtrainingUnderstand the principles of andragogy (adultlearning) and use this in the design of a trainingprogramUnderstand the factors to consider in theselection of training methods/tools

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 110ECCH ...................................... 408-085-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries ........................................ GeneralIndustry ............... Education, Training, and

DevelopmentPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length .................................. 5 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Collective Bargaining: The General Motors-United

Auto Workers Deal

AbstractThis case is about the collective bargainingagreement between one of the world's leadingautomobile manufacturers, General MotorsCorporation (GM), and the United Auto Workers

in late 2007. The agreement, which a numberof experts have termed as 'historic', was theresult of a very complex bargaining process.GM, which dominated the US market till 1980,with a market share of 46 percent, saw itsmarket share decline steadily after the entryof Japanese competitors. In addition to issuesrelating to its products and marketing, GM'sfortunes were severely affected with under-funded pension liabilities, rising employee andretiree healthcare costs, and a decreasingmarket share in the US automobile market.The company's US market share fell to lessthan 25 percent in 2006. In 2007, GM inked anew labor contract with UAW which, analystsfelt, would change the competitive landscapeof the US auto industry and go a long way inensuring GM's survival. Analysts felt that thedeal also showed the changing role of thelabor union in the 21st century.

IssuesUnderstand the challenges faced by GM inthe US automobile market while competingwith Japanese competitors.Understand the impact of GM's healthcareand other legacy costs on its ability tocompete in the US automobile market.Understand issues and concepts related tothe collective bargaining process, and, alsostudy how GM negotiated a historic deal withthe union that was expected to contribute toits turnaround strategy.Explore and discuss the changing role of tradeunions in the 21st century.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 109ECCH ...................................... 408-068-1

Organization(s) ................. General MotorsCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ....................... Auto and AncillariesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 19 PagesTN Length ..................................... 7 Pages

The Julie Roehm Saga at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

AbstractThis case is about the high profile firing ofJulie Roehm (Roehm) from the world's largestretail chain Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (Wal-Mart)and the ugly aftermath that saw both theparties engage in legal (as well as public)battle. Roehm was a highflier in the automotiveindustry who had earned a name for herselfdue to her edgy advertising tactics. In early2006, she was hired by Wal-Mart in the newlycreated position of Senior Vice President ofMarketing Communication. This was viewedby some analysts as the retail giant's moveto shake up its marketing department.However, in late2006, Roehm was fired fromthe company amidst rumors of her violating

Wal-Mart's ethics and gratuity policy. Shortlyafterwards, Roehm filed a civil suit againstWal-Mart for unlawfully terminating heremployment, infringing compensationagreements, and for slandering her in thepress. In reply Wal-Mart accused her ofviolating its employment policies. The publicbattle between Roehm and Wal-Mart becamemurkier by the day with Roehm accusingWal-Mart's top brass including the CEO ofviolating its ethics code. Analysts felt that thisepisode brought to the fore various issueswhich could provide vital learning onorganization culture, organizational change,office politics, organizational communication,managerial ethics, employee misconduct,employee surveillance, etc.

IssuesUnderstand important concepts related toorganizational culture, organizational change,organizational communication, etc., from theemployee's as well as employer'sperspective.Understand key concepts in managerial ethics(types of managers, factors effecting ethicalbehavior, etc.) and also explore ways inwhich an organization can deal with employeemisconduct.Explore ways in which an organization canensure that the employees comply with theethics code; also, discuss and debate thecontroversial issues such as employeemonitoring and employee surveillance bothfrom the business as well as ethicalperspective.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 108ECCH ...................................... 408-064-1

Organization(s) ............................ Wal-MartCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ............................................... RetailPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 17 PagesTN Length ................................... 10 Pages

Occupational Stress: A Junior Manager’s Predicament

AbstractThis case study is about a young executivewho had donned the mantle of a first-linemanager for the first time after havingsuccessfully worked as a sales representativefor more than five years. Within a year ofjoining the new company, he found thepressures of the job and the new lifeoverwhelming. The case study explores indetail the under-lying reasons that haveresulted in such a situation.

IssuesUnderstand the issue of job stress and stressmanagement, viz. sources of stress,manifestation of stress, burn out, etc.

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Understand the issues and challenges inmanaging stress in an organization.Understand the sources of conflict(intrapersonal, interpersonal andorganizational) and managing conflict.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 107ECCH ...................................... 408-086-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries ........................................ GeneralIndustry ...................... Pharma and BiotechPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length .................................. 5 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

company had to put in place mechanisms toensure that everyone in the company compliedwith the company's code of ethics and the lawof the land.

IssuesUnderstand the issue in managerial ethicsand challenges in ensuring compliance.Understand the factors that influence ethicalbehavior.Understand the mechanisms for ethical controland compliance.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 106ECCH ...................................... 308-276-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries ........................................ GeneralIndustry ...................... Pharma and BiotechPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length .................................. 6 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

Eli Lilly: Managing Workplace Diversity and Coping with

the Accusations of Racial Discrimination

AbstractThe case is about one of the world's leadingpharmaceuticals company Eli Lilly &Company (Lilly). Lilly, which claims to havea very good diversity program running at thecompany and was also widely regarded asa very good employer, faced a federal lawsuitthat raised some serious questions regardingthe company's human rights policies andpractices. In April 2006, three formeremployees and one employee who was stillworking at Lilly then filed a case against thecompany alleging that the companydiscriminated against its African Americanemployees on racial grounds. The lawsuitclaimed that the African American employeesworking at Lilly experienced disparity inwages, promotions, performance evaluationsand discipline. By the end of 2007, more thana hundred former and present employees ofLilly joined forces with the plaintiffs againstthe company. Lilly had, however, denied theallegations saying that discrimination againstany individual or group was inconsistent withtheir long-held core values and employmentphilosophy. On the other hand, a section ofthe employees at Lilly felt that in order topromote diversity the company was goingout of its way in hiring, grooming and promotingunder-qualified minority employees at the costof organizational effectiveness.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and challenges inpromoting and managing workplace diversity.Understand the issue of discrimination at theworkplace.

Understand the communication challengesfaced by companies in a multi-culturalworkplace.Understand the corporate communicationchallenges faced by companies facingallegations of workplace discrimination.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 105ECCH ...................................... 408-046-1

Organization(s) ............................... Eli LillyCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ...................... Pharma and BiotechPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 20 PagesTN Length ..................................... 3 Pages

Labor Unrest at Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (Private) Limited

AbstractThe case study focuses on the HR problemsfaced by Honda Motor Cycle & Scooters India(HMSI). The case discusses the variousreasons which led to the dispute between themanagement and employees of HMSI. Itelaborates the incidents, which led to the strikeat the company that resulted in HMSI workersbeing severely beaten up by the police. Laborstrife and the management's inability to dealwith it effectively had resulted in huge lossesfor the company due to the fall in the productionlevel at the plant. In addition to this, the companyalso received a lot of negative publicity asnewspapers and TV channels gave widecoverage to the violence of the action. Thecase highlights the growing number of instancesof clashes between the employees and themanagement of companies in India, which isoften guided by external parties such as tradeunions and political parties.

IssuesUnderstand the factors that lead to labor unrestat a factory and the impact of such incidentson the employees and the company.Study HR policies adopted by organizationsto prevent labor unrest at the workplace.Examine top management's role in maintaininga peaceful working environment.Analyze the role of external parties such astrade unions; political parties etc., in disturbingthe working environment in a company

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 104ECCH ...................................... 408-024-1

Organization(s) ........ Honda Motorcycle &Scooter India (Private) Limited

Countries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ....................... Auto and AncillariesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 15 PagesTN Length ..................................... 7 Pages

Case Studies inHuman Resource Management

Volume VIPaperback; 380 Pages,

26 Case StudiesISBN No: 978-81-314-2581-7

INR 2000/-

Success at What Cost? - A Case Study in

Managerial Ethics & Compliance

AbstractThis case study is about SuperDrugz, a mid-sized pharmaceutical company in India. Initiallystarting off as an entrepreneurial venture, thecompany had been put in the hands of aprofessional management group. The newteam strove to cultivate a performance culturethrough strong results-based controls andweeding out non-performers. However, awhistle-blower brought out into the open seriousethical lapses in the company. Shortly afterjoining as an Area Manager in the country'sNorth Eastern Region, the person found thatthe team (including his seniors) was adoptingunethical/illegal means to meet the high salestargets. Faced with the dilemma of whether toconform to the team or comply with law, hechose the later. Now the founder of the

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Cirque Du Soleil’s Human Resource Management Practices

AbstractThe case discusses the HR practices ofCirque du Soleil (Cirque), the Canada basedcircus entertainment company. Since itsinception in the mid-1980s, Cirque had beenknown for its innovation and creativity.In 2007, Cirque had more than 3,000employees representing 40 nationalities and25 languages. To manage such a diverseworkforce, it had a dynamic HR team.The case highlights the recruitment &selection, training, performance appraisal,culture and work environment at Cirque. Italso examines how Cirque managed culturaldiversity of its workforce.

IssuesStudy the HR practices at Cirque includingrecruitment, selection, training andperformance appraisal.Examine the importance of a strategic HRteam in Cirque.Critically examine the work culture andenvironment in a creative company likeCirque.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 103ECCH ...................................... 407-081-1

Organization(s) ................ Cirque Du SoleilCountries ........................................ CanadaIndustry ................... Media, Entertainment,

and GamingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length ................................ 13 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Enhancing the Credibility of the Training Function: Involving

Line Managers in Sales Training

AbstractThis case is about a mid-sized direct sellingorganization Direc2U. Rakesh Sharma(Sharma), the training manager at thecompany realized the need for a trainingintervention for line managers as he felt thatdespite a contemporary training program,the sales force was unable to internalize thetraining due to lack of support from the linemanagers in the field.But the CEO of Direc2U was not supportiveof the initiative as he saw no value in thisprogram. Moreover, as the company wasgoing through a tough phase he also wantedto cut the training budget further. Sharma hadto find ways to involve the line managers insales training and also find ways to linktraining to the bottomline results.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and challenges inensuring transfer of learning and also ensurethat the trainees internalize the classroomtraining.Understand the importance of involving linemanagers in reinforcing classroom trainingand the issues and challenges involved ininvolving them in sales training.Explore the direct and indirect costs associatedwith training.Understand the issues and challenges inascertaining the ROI of training.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 102ECCH ...................................... 408-047-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries ........................................ GeneralIndustry ................... Consumer ElectronicsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2008Case Length .................................. 5 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Some HR Dilemmas in Information Technology and Business Process

Outsourcing Firms

AbstractThis is a collection of three short case studieshighlighting some dilemmas faced by HRprofessionals in managing knowledgeworkers, particularly in the InformationTechnology (IT) and Business ProcessOutsourcing (BPO) sector. The first casestudy deals with the high stress levelsexperienced by employees in these sectors,the reasons for the same, and the strategiesadopted by HR professionals to address thisproblem. The second case study deals withthe issue of data security and theft byemployees. With most of the informationbeing kept in electronic form it has becomeeasy to steal the data, particularly byemployees coming to the office with portableIT/storage devices. The third case studydeals with the problem of indiscipline amongBPO workers in India which led some firmsto explore the possibility of introducingalcohol testing and HIV testing measures.Whether it is efforts to prevent data theft orcurb indiscipline, HR professionals have tobe very tactful as any wrong move couldaffect employee morale leading to attritionand lower productivity. Moreover,measures such as introducing mandatoryHIV testing could be perceived asdiscriminatory and even lead todiscrimination in the workplace.

IssuesUnderstand some of the issues and constraintsin managing knowledge workers

Understand the impact of high job stress onknowledge workers and the initiativesundertaken by some organizations to dealwith this problemUnderstand the issues related to data securityand theft by employees and the dilemma facedby HR professionals in handling this issueUnderstand issues such as disciplinary actionand discrimination in the workplace

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 101ECCH ...................................... 407-080-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries ........................................ GeneralIndustry ................. Information Technology

and Related ServicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................. 11 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Ritz-Carlton’s Human Resource Management Practices and Work

Culture: The Foundation of an Exceptional Service Organization

AbstractRitz-Carlton was counted among the topluxury hotel chains in the world, and wasknown for its sophisticated and elegantambience and culture of service excellence.Ritz-Carlton's commitment to quality isdemonstrated by the fact that it was the onlyhotel company to have ever won the MalcolmBaldrige National Quality Award, and the onlyservice company to have won it twice. Thiscase discusses the organizational culture ofRitz-Carlton, and how it contributed to makingit a great service company. It presents thedifferent aspects of Ritz-Carlton's culture, suchas its recruitment practices, the intensivetraining program, employee empowerment,and the rituals the company followed to ensurecultural continuity and uniformity. The casealso talks about the cultural shift that Ritz-Carlton initiated in 2006, when it replaced the20 Basics that had acted as guidelines toemployees in providing service, with 12 newKey Service Values designed to make theservice more relevant to the early 2000s.Ritz-Carlton's decision to do away withuniformity of décor in favor of matching eachhotel's design to its location and surroundingsis also mentioned. The case concludes witha question of whether the cultural shift waslikely to benefit Ritz-Carlton or put off itstraditional customers.

IssuesExamine the elements of the organizationalculture of a company known for serviceexcellenceAnalyze the significance and benefits of havinga strong organization culture, especially forservice companies

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Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 099ECCH ...................................... 407-067-1

Organization(s) ......................... NordstromCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ............................................... RetailPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................ 15 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

The Chappell Way (B): A Case Study in Teambuilding

and Group Dynamics

AbstractThis case is about the second phase of Indiannational cricket coach, Greg Chappell(Chappell) describing the poor performanceof the team that culminated with the WorldCup debacle in March 2007. Chappell hadundertaken various initiatives to bring about aradical change in the Indian team as part ofhis ‘Vision 2007' and make them topcontenders for the 2007 World Cup.The coaching method, which was personallyresearched by Chappell and his businesspartner Frazer, could best be described asunconventional. In addition to unconventionaltraining drills the team was also subjected tolectures on concepts in lateral thinking andother concepts and methods that are generallyused in management training.After some initial success in the 2005-06season, the team went through a string of badperformances. All the "experimentations"conducted by Chappell came a cropper andcriticisms of the coach gathered momentum.This led to the recall of players like SouravGanguly (Ganguly), Zaheer Khan, AnilKumble, who were not considered to be inthe scheme of things of Chappell, into theteam just a few months before the World Cup.The team had a disastrous World Cup andChappell faced a lot of flak for the debacle. Arift in the team and the difference betweensenior members of the team and the coachcame out in the open following which Chappellquit as coach.Experts felt that Chappell had tugged at thefabric of the team by the way in which hadousted India's most successful captainGanguly in 2005.His people management skills, alleged culturalinsensitivity, and his alleged modus operandiof leaking potentially damning information aboutindividual players to the media were widelycriticized. Others felt that he was a victim ofthe system in India marked by a "star culture".The players, the captain and the BCCI alsocame in for a lot of criticism.The case will help understand various issuesin human resource management andorganizational behavior and generalizationscan be made to the corporate setting.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and constraints in teambuilding, team management and performancemanagementUnderstand the issues related tocommunication and management in themulticultural settingUnderstand and the various concepts of powerand politics, group dynamics, conflictmanagement, etcAppreciate the importance of people skills fora coach / leader / managerUnderstand the issues and constraints incoaching (Generalizations can be made tocoaching in a corporate setting)

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 098ECCH ...................................... 407-069-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ....................... Sports and Sporting

Goods EquipmentPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................ 25 PagesTN Length ..................................... 7 Pages

The Chappell Way (A): A Case Study in Team Building

and Group Dynamics

AbstractThis case is about the coaching style adoptedby Australian cricket legend, Greg Chappell(Chappell) as the coach of the high profileIndian cricket team. The case discusses thevarious initiatives undertaken by Chappell tobring about a radical change in the Indianteam as part of his ‘Vision 2007' and makethem top contenders for the 2007 World Cup.The coaching method, which was personallyresearched by Chappell and his businesspartner Frazer, was very unconventional. Inaddition to unusual training drills, the teammembers also took part in lectures on conceptsin lateral thinking and other concepts andmethods that are generally used inmanagement training. The case alsodiscusses the public spat between Chappelland India's most successful captain SouravGanguly (Ganguly) which led to the ouster ofGanguly from the team. The team had a verygood run in the 2005-06 cricketing season inthe One Day Internationals. Chappell'scoaching method and his emphasis onprocess was widely appreciated. He wasapproached by many corporate houses totake sessions on team building. The Indiancricket team seemed to be on the right track.However, Chappell's handling of the issuerelated to Ganguly, who had many loyalsupporters in the team, was criticized. Someexperts felt that Chappell lacked the humantouch and cultural sensitivity that was so

Understand the significance of rituals inkeeping organizational culture uniform andconsistentStudy the issues in change management incontext of the company under studyAppreciate the importance of orientation andtraining for new employees, and its impacton employee moraleExamine whether strict standards can lead torigidity in organizational culture and thenegative impact that rigidity can have onemployees

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 100ECCH ...................................... 407-082-1

Organization(s) ..... The Ritz-Carlton HotelCompany LLC

Countries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry .................... Hotels and HospitalityPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................ 23 PagesTN Length ..................................... 6 Pages

Workforce Diversity at Nordstrom

AbstractNordstrom was well-known in Americancorporate circles for its commitment todiversity. The company not only made aconscious effort to recruit a diverseworkforce, but it also extended its diversityinitiative to outsiders who were associatedwith the company, through its third partydiversity initiatives. This case discussesNordstrom's diversity initiatives. It describeshow the company partnered with severalorganizations to ensure that it had access toa diverse pool of candidates for itsrecruitment efforts. It also providesinformation on the culture at and policies ofNordstrom that ensured that diversity waspromoted in all parts of the organization.The case also discusses the ways in whichNordstrom extended its diversity initiativesto its suppliers and consumers through someof its programs. The case concludes with acommentary on the extent to which thediversity initiatives were successful at thecompany, in light of the lawsuits filed bysome disabled employees against thediscrimination they faced.

IssuesUnderstand the need for and importance ofdiversity in organizationsStudy the implementation of diversity at alarge American retail storeAnalyze the extent to which diversityinitiatives can be implemented at largecompaniesUnderstand the challenges in implementingdiversity policies at large companies, andissues companies can expect to face whencreating and maintaining an image of diversity

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Study how circle based organization helpedH-D in fostering teamwork among theemployeesAnalyze the Human Capital DevelopmentFramework and how its implementation canbring improvements in various humanresource functions

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 096ECCH ...................................... 407-055-1

Organization(s) ............... Harley-DavidsonCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ....................... Auto and AncillariesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................ 14 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

important for the success of a coach. Theyfelt that though the team was doing well in theshort-term the long term ramifications for theteam was ominous.The case will help understand various issuesin human resource management andorganizational behavior and generalizationscan be made to the corporate workenvironment.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and constraints in teambuilding and team managementUnderstand the various concepts of groupdynamics, change management, conflictmanagement, etcAppreciate the importance of people skills fora coach / leader / managerUnderstand the issues and constraints incoaching a team (Generalizations can bemade to coaching in a corporate setting)

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 097ECCH ...................................... 407-068-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ....................... Sports and Sporting

Goods EquipmentPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................ 20 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Human Capital Development: The Harley-Davidson Way

AbstractThe case discusses the human resourceinitiatives adopted by Harley-Davidson MotorCompany (H-D), the leading manufacturer ofheavy-weight motorcycles in the US, toencourage greater employee participation andcollaboration.In 1992, H-D adopted circle based organizationstructure in its efforts to foster teamworkamong the employees and do away with thecommand-and-control leadership style ofmanagement.The case also discusses another major HRinitiative that H-D implemented in 2004; thedeployment of 'Accenture Human CapitalDevelopment Framework' (HCDF).This initiative was undertaken by the companyin order to bring about major improvements inits human resource functions, and therebyattain improved business performance.The case describes the HCDF in detail andthe benefits reaped by H-D after itsimplementation.

IssuesUnderstand the various HR initiativesundertaken by H-D to encourage greateremployee participation

IssuesStudy the organizational culture of a retailcompany that was consistently voted as oneof the Best Companies to Work For in the USExamine the various elements of thecompany's culture, and to understand howthey contributed to keeping employees happyand attrition lowAnalyze the factors that contribute to creatingand sustaining a strong organizational cultureUnderstand the importance of keepingemployee engagement high, and to studythe steps taken to that end by the companyin focus.Study the issues related to the continuity oforganizational culture and the steps thatcompanies can take to ensure that their cultureremains constant as they grow

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 095ECCH ...................................... 407-056-1

Organization(s) ................ Wegmans FoodMarkets Inc.

Countries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ............................................... RetailPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................ 13 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

People Matters in Sales Force Management

AbstractThis case is about a mid-sized companyDrugPharmz which was in the process of re-launching its operations in West Bengal. Thenewly appointed regional manger, Barun wasstruggling with the high attrition rate in his region.During these tough times, Barun recruited Rohitas an area manger for Siliguri. There was amarked difference between the managementstyle of Barun and Rohit. Barun soon realizedthat even though they did not see eye to eyeon various issues, Rohit was effective in holdinghis team together and also delivered goodresults. Unfortunately, Rohit met with anaccident and the company insisted that heresign as he was not entitled to long leaveduring the probation period. Rohit felt that Baruntoo failed to support him and puts in his papers.Soon Barun found himself in a difficult situationas more than half of Rohit's team resignedfrom the company. He was also unable to getsuitable replacements. Barun was forced to goback to Rohit, but Rohit was no longer interestedin rejoining the company.This case deals with the issue of peoplemanagement in a sales team. It highlights theimportance of attracting and retention of talent.The case also covers the conflict that mayarise due to a difference in working stylesand expectations between the boss andsubordinates.

Case Studies inHuman Resource Management

Volume VPaperback; 418 Pages,

40 Case StudiesINR 2000/-

‘Employees First, Customers Second’: Wegmans’ Work Culture

AbstractWegmans was consistently voted as one ofthe best companies to work for in the US byseveral independent sources. It was also oneof the rare companies in the retail sector thathad a relatively low voluntary attrition rate(seven percent for full time employees). Thiscase examines the elements ofWegmans'work culture, and how theycontributed to making Wegmans a great placeto work. It discusses the steps that thecompany took to ensure that employeeengagement remained high and the culturestayed strong. The case concludes with acommentary on Wegmans'future prospects,and whether there is any danger of the culturebecoming diluted in the future.

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IssuesAppreciate the importance of HR (people skills)in attracting, retaining, and motivatingemployeesUnderstand the theories such as, employeemotivation theory (McGregor's Theory X,Theory Y, etc.); skills required by managersat different levels (technical, people,conceptual); halo effect; management styles;values; conflict, etcUnderstand the importance of the various salesforce management functions with specialemphasis on people management

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 094ECCH ...................................... 407-058-1

Organization(s) ................... Not ApplicableCountries ........................................ GeneralIndustry ...................... Pharma and BiotechPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length .................................. 8 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Remaking JC Penney’s Organizational Culture

AbstractThis case is about the initiatives taken bythe top management of department storechain JC Penney (JCP), under theleadership of Mike Ullman (Ullman), toremake its century-old organizational culture.The initiatives were taken just after JCP hadachieved a remarkable turnaround in the mid2000s. After taking charge as the CEO andchairman of JCP in December 2004, Ullmanrealized that the existing culture at JCP wastoo formal and was contributing to employeeturnover and inability of the company toattract enough talent.He also felt that the culture and mood prevalentat JCP was not conducive to the achievementof the aggressive growth objectives set bythe company. To inspire the employees andproject JCP as a great place to work in,Ullman and his team initiated various symbolicchanges. They followed up these symbolicchanges with various training anddevelopment initiatives. Within two years ofstarting the culture change initiatives, resultspertaining to job satisfaction, attracting talent,and the bottom line were visible.Analysts were of the view that the focus ofculture change initiatives have changed ascompanies were focusing on culture changethat would result in a competitive advantagerather than wait for the situation to worsenand then bring about such changes.

IssuesAppreciate the importance of HR/organizationalculture in attracting, retaining, and motivatingemployees

Understand the importance of organizationalculture in creating a competitive advantageUnderstand the issues and challenges facedby JCP in changing a more-than-100 years-old cultureUnderstand the role of top managers in settingthe culture of an organization

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 093ECCH ...................................... 407-057-1

Organization(s) ........................ JC PenneyCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ............................................... RetailPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................ 19 PagesTN Length ................................... 16 Pages

Best Buy’s ‘Results Only Work Environment’: Changing the

Productivity Paradigm?

AbstractThis case discusses a workplace programcalled the 'Results only Work Environment'implemented by US based electronics retailerBest Buy in 2003-2004. ROWE initially startedas an experiment to stem attrition in twodepartments at the corporate headquarters ofBest Buy, but after its initial success, began tobe implemented more widely. The basicpremise of ROWE was that productivity wasthe cornerstone of work, and work meant theachievement of results and not presence at theworkplace. Accordingly, employees workingunder ROWE were allowed to work whenthey wanted and where they wanted, as longas they achieved their targets. This casediscusses the factors that led to theimplementation of ROWE at Best Buy, theworking of ROWE, and the advantages anddisadvantages of the program. It talks aboutthe challenges Best Buy faced in implementingthe rather radical program, and the prerequisitesfor its success. It also discusses whether BestBuy would be able to implement ROWE in itsretail stores as it planned to, and the challengesthe company might face in attempting to do so.The case concludes with a commentary onthe prospects of ROWE, and whether theprogram had the potential to become aworkplace standard.

IssuesUnderstand some of the issues in changemanagement, and how change relates toemployee morale and organizationaleffectivenessExamine the implementation of an innovativeworkplace program at a large retail companyStudy the factors that led to the implementationof the program, and whether the program waseventually successful in addressing the issuesthat led to its implementation

Study the various elements in the working ofthe program and the prerequisites for itssuccessAnalyze the challenges in the implementationof a radical change initiative and to study thesteps taken in this case to address thesechallengesAnalyze the prospects of the program, and todiscuss whether it had the potential to becomea workplace standard

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 092ECCH ...................................... 407-047-1

Organization(s) ............ Best Buy Co. Inc.Countries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ................... Consumer ElectronicsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2007Case Length ................................ 13 PagesTN Length ..................................... 8 Pages

Genentech’s Work Culture and Practices

AbstractThis case describes the organizationalculture and human resource managementpractices at Genentech Inc., a major biotechcompany based in the US. In 2006,Genentech was the ranked as the bestcompany to work for in the US by Fortunemagazine. The company was recognizedfor its culture, which encouraged employeesto pursue projects that interested them andto have fun at work. Genentech had beenone of the few companies for whichacademicians opted to work in its earlyyears in the 1970s. The company continuedto maintain the same university researchlab atmosphere even in the early 2000s.Genentech was also one of the rarecompanies in the biotech industry that heldparties on campus and encouragedemployees to have fun. The company alsohad a generous benefits program and theHR practices encouraged employees toachieve work/life balance. The case alsotalks about whether Genentech's culturecould come under threat as the companyincreases in size.

IssuesExamine the organizational culture and HRpractices at a company that was recognizedas one of the best companies to work for inthe USStudy the positive elements in the company'sculture and to understand how they contributedto employee moraleAnalyze the benefits and drawbacks ofcultivating an academic atmosphere in aresearch oriented corporate entityAnalyze whether the company's culture couldbe put at risk as it grew in size

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Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 091ECCH ...................................... 407-025-1

Organization(s) ................. Genentech Inc.Countries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ...................... Pharma and BiotechPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 16 PagesTN Length ..................................... 6 Pages

Human Resource Management - Best Practices in

Infosys Technologies

AbstractInfosys Technologies, a leading softwarecompany based in India, was voted the bestemployer in the country in many HR surveysin the recent years. The company was wellknown for its employee friendly HR practices.Though Infosys grew to become a US$ 2billion company by the year 2006, it stillretained the culture of a small company.Infosys attracted the best talent from acrossthe world, and recruited candidates byconducting one of the toughest selectionprocess. All the selected candidates wererequired to go through an intensive 14 weektraining program. All the employees wererequired to undergo training every year, andsome of the chosen employees were trainedat the Infosys Leadership Institute to take onhigher responsibilities in the company. Infosyswas one of the first companies to offer ESOPsto its employees. The company followedvariable compensation structure where theemployees' compensation depended on theperformance of individual, the team and thecompany. The case highlights many suchbest practices of Infosys in human resourcemanagement. It also discusses the challengesfaced by the company to retain its talentedworkforce.

IssuesStudy and appreciate some of the unique HRpractices at InfosysUnderstand the recruitment, selection andtraining practices of InfosysExamine some of the retention strategiesadopted by the companyAnalyze some of the challenges faced byInfosys on the HR front

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 090ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) ............................... InfosysCountries .............................................. IndiaIndustry ................. Information Technology

and Related ServicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 24 PagesTN Length ....................................................

Diversity and Talent Management Practices at IBM

AbstractThe case examines the diversity and talentmanagement practices of the US-based IBM,the leading IT Company in the world. IBMfigured in the Fortune magazine's list of"America's Most Admired Companies" in theyear 2004. It was appreciated for recruitingand retaining the best talent across the world.IBM actively encouraged recruiting peoplefrom various social and cultural backgroundsirrespective of their age, sex or physicalstatus. In the same year, IBM had developeda talent marketplace to effectively manageits workforce.The marketplace supported employees to findthe most suitable job across differentorganizational units within the company.Experts felt that the talent managementinitiatives of IBM would help it to gaincompetitive advantage in the long run as talentis the key differentiator in the IT industry.

IssuesProvide an understanding of diversity and itssignificance at the work placeProvide insights on how an organization canleverage diversity to gain competitiveadvantageUnderstand the concept of talent managementand its importanceProvide insights into how talent managementinitiatives can complement an organization'srecruitment and retention policy

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 089ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) .................................... IBMCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ................. Information Technology

and Related ServicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 14 PagesTN Length ....................................................

IR Problems at Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited

AbstractThe case examines the industrial relationsproblems at Toyota Kirloskar Motor PrivateLimited (TKM), an Indian joint venture betweenJapan based Toyota Motor Corporation andKirloskar Motors. The case discusses thevarious reasons, which led to the disputebetween the management and the employeesof TKM. It elaborates the incidents, which ledto the strike and lockout at the company. Thecase highlights the growing number ofinstances of clashes between the employees

and the management of companies in India,which is often guided by external parties suchas trade unions and political parties.

IssuesUnderstand the factors that lead to strikes andlockouts at a factory and the impact of suchhappenings on the employees and thecompanyStudy HR policies adopted by organizationsto prevent labor unrest at the workplaceExamine the role played by the topmanagement in ensuring peaceful workingenvironmentAnalyze the role of external parties such astrade unions; political parties etc in disturbingthe working environment in a company

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 088ECCH ...................................... 406-082-1

Organization(s) ................................ ToyotaCountries ............................... Japan / IndiaIndustry ....................... Auto and AncillariesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 17 PagesTN Length ....................................................

Leadership Training and Development at the BBC

AbstractThe case describes the various training anddevelopment initiatives taken up by the BritishBroadcasting Corporation (BBC) under theleadership of Greg Dyke. It discusses in detailabout the 'One BBC' program and its trainingmodule - 'Making It Happen.' The case alsoexplains in detail BBC's leadershipdevelopment program which was developedin collaboration with Ashridge BusinessManagement school. Finally, the casepresents the benefits of the leadership programto the employees and views of the analystsregarding its effectiveness.

IssuesExamine the problems faced by largeorganizations as a result of poor managementand cultureStudy and analyze the training anddevelopment programs undertaken by BBCAppreciate the importance and benefits ofleadership development programs in publicorganizations

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 087ECCH ...................................... 406-083-1

Organization(s) ......... British BroadcastingCorporation

Countries .......................... United KingdomIndustry ................... Media, Entertainment,

and Gaming

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Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 15 PagesTN Length ....................................................

Whole Foods Market’s Unique Work Culture and Practices

AbstractWhole Foods Market was the biggest organicand natural foods retailer in the world. Thecompany was well known for its team-basedoperations and employee-oriented workculture, which were thought to be the maindrivers of its growth and profitability in anindustry that was characterized by negligiblegrowth rates and declining profits.The work culture at WFM was centered onthe company's grassroots level management,which helped it eliminate bureaucracy. A highamount of decentralization also allowed thecompany to tailor its operations to meet therequirements of local communities.An example of the degree of decentralizationat WFM was the 'hiring vote', whichempowered existing team members tochoose the new recruits to their teams. WFMwas also known for disclosing vast amountsof critical financial information to employeesat all levels, and for encouraging teammembers and leaders to take decisions at theteam level based on this information.WFM also disclosed the annual salaries of allits employees in its 'salary book', which wasmade available at all its locations. Additionally,the company had a salary cap, whichrestricted CEO John Mackey's pay to 14times the average annual salary of all fulltime employees. These measures werethought to have played an important role increating a culture of trust and openness at thecompany. Competitiveness was alsopromoted at WFM, and the company had ametrics-based culture, which encouragedteams to benchmark their performance againstthat of others within the system, leading to aculture of 'excellence'.This case examines the main elements ofWFM's work culture, and analyzes how theyhelped create a culture that became a sourceof competitive advantage for the company.The case also discusses Mackey'sleadership style, and how it influenced theculture of WFM. It concludes with an analysisof WFM's stand on unions and the company'sprospects and challenges in the future.

IssuesUnderstand the role of culture as a source ofcompetitive advantage for companies.Study the effect of leadership on culture,especially when the leader also happens tobe the founder of the company.Examine the importance of teams in a retailsetup, and to analyze their role and importancein a company with a decentralized anddemocratic cultural system.

Understand the importance of transparencyand openness in creating a 'high trust'organization.Study how internal competition can contributetowards creating a 'culture of excellence'.Study the issues of unionization in large retailorganizations, and the ethical dimensions ofdiscouraging unions

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 086ECCH ...................................... 406-084-1

Organization(s) ....... Whole Foods MarketCountries ........... United States of AmericaIndustry ............................................... RetailPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 24 PagesTN Length ....................................................

SABMiller’s Human Capital Proposition - Institutionalizing a

Performance Culture

AbstractThis case is about SABMiller and its uniqueHuman Capital Proposition (HCP), whichfostered a unique performance culture atSABMiller. Analysts opined that SABMillerseemed to have transformed itself from aSouth African company into a successfulglobal beer company through its HCP.The case discusses the finer aspects ofSABMiller's HCP and its importance ininstitutionalizing a strong performance culturewithin the organization. The case alsoincludes details about the "SAB Ways", aproven approach to performancemanagement and reward at South AfricanBrewing Company (SAB).SABMiller was also successful in reshapingthe organization culture of Miller BrewingCompany (MBC), which it acquired in 2002.

IssuesUnderstand the Human Capital Propositionmodel of SABMiller and its role ininstitutionalizing a strong performance culturewithin the organizationUnderstand the key steps adopted bySABMiller to reshape the organization cultureof Miller Brewing Company

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 085ECCH ...................................... 406-076-1

Organization(s) ........................... SABMillerCountries ............................... South Africa /

United States of America /Europe

Industry ...................... Food and BeveragePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 16 PagesTN Length ....................................................

IG Metall: The Metal Union

AbstractThis case is about the IG Metall Trade Union(IG Metall), one of the oldest and largest tradeunions in Germany. Since 1949, IG Metallhad played an important role in German laborrelations and was considered by many asthe pioneer in collective bargaining inGermany. However, with the advent ofglobalization and modernization in Germanyand Europe, IG Metall, with its traditional andinflexible views on labor relations, began toface a crisis in terms of decline in membershipand bargaining power.

IssuesUnderstand the issue of trade union activismin Germany; Understand the challenges facedby a large trade union on account of the changein the economic environment and attitudes ofworkers.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 084ECCH ...................................... 406-078-1

Organization(s) ...... IG Metall Trade UnionCountries ..................................... GermanyIndustry ....................................... DiversifiedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 17 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Promoting Diversity: The American Express Way

AbstractAmerican Express was well known inAmerican corporate circles for its commitmentto diversity. The company not only made aconscious effort to recruit a diverse workforce,but it also created a work culture wherediversity was valued and promoted. Thiscase discusses the diversity initiatives ofAmEx. It talks about how the companypartnered with several profit and non profitorganizations to ensure that it had access to adiverse pool of candidates in its recruitmentefforts. It also talks about the culture andpolicies at AmEx that ensured that diversitywas promoted in all parts of the organization.The case concludes with a commentary onthe extent to which the diversity initiativeswere successful at the company consideringa law suit filed by some women employeesagainst the discrimination they faced at thecompany.

IssuesUnderstand the importance of diversityand its role in creating a positive workenvironmentStudy the practical implementation of diversityat a large American company

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Analyze the extent to which diversityinitiatives can be implemented at largecompanies with dispersed operations.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 083ECCH ...................................... 406-079-1

Organization(s) ............ American ExpressCompany

Countries .............................................. USAIndustry ....................... Financial Services,

Travel and TourismPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 13 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Understand the cultural and HR managementimplications to a company in the event of itbeing acquired by a larger entity.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 082ECCH ...................................... 406-077-1

Organization(s) ... Pixar Animation StudiosCountries .............................................. USAIndustry .............. Media and EntertainmentPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 21 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Innovation at Whirlpool: Creating A New Competency

AbstractThis case is about the initiatives undertakenat Whirlpool Corporation (Whirlpool) to createa new core competency in the form of buildingan innovation culture within the organization.In the late 1990s, Whirlpool was faced withstagnation in revenues, profits, and marketshare. According to analysts, this was a directresult of the stagnation in its product line causedby very little attention being paid to innovation.The case discusses the steps initiated by thetop management at Whirlpool to bring about achange in the company's corporate cultureand embed innovation as a core competency.Analysts felt that these efforts had borne fruit,judging by the consistent growth in Whirlpool'srevenues since 2002.

IssuesUnderstand the issues and challenges facedby a company in bringing about a change inorganization cultureAppreciate the role of the senior managementin culture change initiatives.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 081ECCH ...................................... 406-061-1

Organization(s) ...... Whirlpool CorporationCountries ............................... USA, EuropeIndustry ............ Electricals and ElectronicsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 20 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Diversity Training at Toys “R” US, Inc.

AbstractToys “R” US, Inc. is a major retailer of toysand children's merchandise and has storesspread across the world. This case dealsprimarily with the implementation of adiversity training program at Toys “R” US. It

gives an account of the different stages of theprogram, and includes a discussion of thefactors that necessitated the introduction ofthe program.

IssuesProvide an introduction to diversity trainingProvide insights into the components ofdiversity training and their implementationUnderstand the growing need for diversitytraining in multi-ethnic countries like the US.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 080ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) .............. Toys “R” US, IncCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ................................................ ToysPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ................................ 10 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Disney: Succession Problems in the Magic Kingdom

AbstractThis case highlights the succession problemsin the Walt Disney Company (WDC). Eisner,the Chairman and CEO of WDC, was creditedwith having transformed Disney from a moviestudio and theme park operator into a hugemedia conglomerate.However many shareholders criticized Eisnerfor being responsible for the controversialexits of his deputies like Katzenberg and Ovitz,which involved huge multi million dollarsettlements. Added to this since 2003, Eisnerhad fallen out with Roy E Disney. Eisner wascriticized for poor governance, improperhandling of WDCs business, and the failure toidentify an able successor. After Eisner wasvoted out as chairman in March 2004, theWDC board tried to find a successor.However after many months of scouting andintense media speculation about Eisner'ssuccessor, the WDC board ended up selectingIger, Eisner's deputy to take over the reinsfrom Eisner from October 1, 2005.

IssuesImportance of succession planning in largeorganizationsImpact of issues like corporate culture,leadership, and shareholder management withregard to succession planning.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 079ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) ............... The Walt DisneyCompany

Countries .............................................. USAIndustry ............ Media and Entertainment

Case Studies inHuman Resource Management

Volume IPaperback; 321 Pages,

27 Case StudiesINR 2500/-

Pixar’s ‘Incredible’ Culture

AbstractThis case is about the unique organizationculture at Pixar Animation Studio (Pixar).Many analysts attributed Pixar's success toits unique culture marked by an informalapproach toward work and its HumanResource (HR) policies that built a motivatedand loyal employee base. The case highlightsthe company's hands-off management stylecoupled with an artisan cultivation of thecreative process, which helped it become abenchmark against which the rest of theindustry measured itself. The case alsodiscusses the cultural and HR managementimplications to Pixar as a result of it havingbeing acquired by The Walt Disney Company.

IssuesUnderstand the techniques adopted Pixar increating and maintaining its uniqueorganization culture

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Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ............................... 12 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Discrimination Cases at Boeing

AbstractThe case focuses on the charges ofdiscrimination against Boeing. The caseelaborates the treatment meted out to minorityand female employees in the company anddiscusses a few cases filed by its employeesagainst the company's discriminatorypractices. The case discusses the lawsuitsfiled against Boeing that allege racial, andgender discrimination and the implications ofsuch suits on the company.

IssuesFactors that contribute to discrimination atworkplace and the impact of such practiceson the company and its employeesVarious strategies adopted by theorganizations in their policies, codes andprocedures to prevent discrimination at theworkplaceThe role played by the top management inensuring proper employment practicesThe need to continuously monitor employmentpolicies to see that they are properlyimplemented, and to improve them from timeto time to achieve the desired objectives.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 078ECCH ...................................... 406-027-1

Organization(s) ...... The Boeing CompanyCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ..................................... AerospacePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ............................... 19 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

GM’s Pension Fund Problems

AbstractThe case describes the huge employeepension, healthcare and retirement benefitsrelated liabilities of GM which according toindustry analysts may lead the company intobankruptcy. It explains how these liabilitiesgot accumulated over the years and mentionsthe measures taken by GM to pay them.The case also discusses the reasons for thecontinuous decline of GM's market share inthe US automobile industry. The case endswith the analysts' view on how GM shouldsolve its problems.

IssuesAppreciate the importance of sustainable planto fund post retirement employee benefits;

Examine the role of labor unions in GM'spension fund problems.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 077ECCH ...................................... 406-022-1

Organization(s) ..................................... GMCountries ................................................ USIndustry .................................... AutomobilePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006Case Length ............................... 22 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Valero Energy’s HR Practices and Culture

AbstractValero Energy was well known as one of thebest employers in the US. Not only did thecompany have the distinction of not havinglaid off an employee even during the mostdifficult times, but it also offered some of thebest benefits and bonuses among the largecompanies in the country. In the early 2000s,Valero earned the appreciation of HR expertswhen it started applying scientific principlesand tools to typical HR practices likemanpower planning and recruitment. Thecompany was also known for its 'caring andsharing' culture which gave peoplepreponderance over all other factors. Thecompany was well known for its communitydevelopment initiatives.This case discusses the factors behindValero's success as an employer. It detailsthe company's approach toward humanresource management and talks about thecultural elements that gave Valero its reputationas a great employer. It also talks about thecompany’s commitment to safety and itscommunity development initiatives. The caseconcludes with a discussion of the challengesto sustaining Valero's culture.

IssuesBest practices in the field of human resourcesmanagement at a large energy companyUse of scientific methods and tools in typicalHR functions like manpower development andrecruitmentThe impact of a company's culture and valueson employee moraleThe difficulties in keeping intact the culture ofa large company given to acquisitions.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 076ECCH ...................................... 406-020-1

Organization(s) ................................. ValeroCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ...................... Energy and UtilitiesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2006

Case Length ............................... 14 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

EVA and Compensation Management System at

Tata Consultancy Services

AbstractThe case examines the compensationmanagement system at TCS based on theEVA model. With the implementation of EVAbased compensation, the salary of employeescomprised of two parts - fixed and variable.The variable part of the salary was arrivedafter considering Corporate EVA, Businessunit EVA and also individual performance EVA.The new system was implementedsuccessfully and it helped the companyidentify the non-performers. The companyalso benefited a great deal in retaining talent.However, it also received criticism fromseveral quarters for 'putting golden handcuffson excellent performers.'

IssuesStudy the compensation management systemat TCSAnalyze EVA as a performance measurementtool.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 075ECCH ...................................... 406-021-1

Organization(s) .............. Tata ConsultancyServices

Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ................ Information TechnologyPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ............................... 14 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Racial Discrimination at FedEx Corporation

AbstractIn late 1990s and early 2000s, FedExCorporation faced allegations of racialdiscrimination from its minority employees.A case filed by the company's minorityemployees in 2003 was given a class actionstatus in 2005 thus strengthening the racialdiscriminatory allegations on the company.The case focuses on the charges of racialdiscrimination against FedEx Corporation. Itelaborates the treatment meted out to minorityemployees in the company and discussesfew cases filed by the employees of FedExCorporation against the company'sdiscriminatory practices.

IssuesRacial discrimination and the laws protectingindividuals from such discriminatory practices

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Situations or factors that contribute todiscrimination at workplace and the impact ofsuch practices on the company and itsemployeesVarious policies, codes and procedures toprevent discrimination at workplaceReasons for the failure in implementing thecodes and employment policies framed bycompanies and the need to continuouslymonitor such policies to implement andimprove them from time to time to achievethe desired objectives.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 074ECCH ...................................... 406-003-1

Organization(s) ................................ FedExCountries .............................................. USAIndustry .......................................... SevicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ............................... 16 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Human Resource Management Practices at the National Thermal

Power Corporation (NTPC) in India

AbstractThe case discusses the various HumanResource Management (HRM) practicesadopted by NTPC, India's largest and theworld's sixth largest power generatingcompany.It discusses the framework for humanresource development in the company andthe way it is linked with the company's overallcorporate strategy. It details NTPC's practicesrelating to recruitment, employee training anddevelopment, mentoring, comprehensivebenefits and work-life balance.It also describes how NTPC has establisheda culture of high performance, making thecompany the second most efficient powergenerating company in the world. The casealso explores the payoff arising from goodhuman resource management as seen in theorganization's performance.The case concludes with a discussion onwhether NTPC can further optimize its returnsby modifying its HRM practices to prepareitself for the future.

IssuesThe human resource management practicesof a major Public Sector UndertakingThe need for employee development and thepractices adopted by a major PSU towardthis endThe importance of positive human resourcemanagement practices in employee retentionThe effect of organizational culture onemployee morale and high performance.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 073ECCH ...................................... 405-068-1

Organization(s) .............. National ThermalPower Corporation

Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................................... UtilitiesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ............................... 24 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Training and Development:The GE Way

AbstractGE is one of the world's leadingconglomerates with operations spread acrosseleven businesses. It has been adjudged asone of the top companies for executivedevelopment in the world in recognition of itsability to nurture executive talent. The casedescribes how GE pioneered the concept ofa full fledged corporate university, the John F.Welch Leadership Centre (WLC) atCrotonville. It further explains how a stronglearning culture was developed at GE throughinnovative programs like Work-Out. It alsodetails the various employee training andeducation initiatives undertaken at GE andexamines how these initiatives helped inimproving employee productivity andperformance. The case also discusses GE'se-learning initiatives and highlights the benefitsof e-learning for employee training anddevelopment.

IssuesTraining and development initiativesundertaken in a large conglomerateLeadership training and developmentprograms in a highly diversified companye-learning initiatives at GE its benefits anddrawbacks.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 072ECCH ...................................... 405-051-1

Organization(s) ...................................... GECountries .............................................. USAIndustry ..................................... DiversifiedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ............................... 17 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Managing Attrition in the Indian Information Technology Industry

AbstractThe case analyzes the management ofhuman resource in the IT industry with aspecial emphasis on the factors responsible

for the high rate of employee turnover in theindustry. The IT industry, being aknowledge-based sector, requires aworkforce that is highly competent. Also,the demanding nature of work in the industryrequires effective strategies to retain itsworkforce. With growing demand for IndianIT professionals overseas and withmultinational IT companies establishing theiroffices in India, retention becomes verydifficult. To handle the challenge, companieshave started using a variety of retention toolssuch as ESOPs and RSUs.They have also taken other initiatives likeimproving the work-life balance of theiremployees, encouraging learning anddevelopment, developing a positiveorganization culture, etc. to retain theiremployees. The case examines the retentiontools used by Indian IT companies to combatattrition. It ends with the discussion on thechallenges the Indian IT industry faces in thefuture in view of the growing need to retain itstalent pool.

IssuesTrends in attrition in the IT industry in IndiaDrivers of attrition in the IT industryVarious retention strategies formulated forretaining employeesImportance of recruitment, compensation &rewards, work-life balance, learning anddevelopment, organization culture andleadership in reducing attrition.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 071ECCH ...................................... 405-060-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ................ Information TechnologyPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ............................... 14 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Organization Culture at Goldman Sachs

AbstractThe case focuses on the organization cultureat Goldman Sachs. It explains the driversand elements of Goldman Sachs' culture,which has been a source of competitiveadvantage for the company. Goldman Sachs,which operated based on its 14 businessprinciples, was known for its risk-taking ability,ruthlessness, and conservatism.The case also looks into the changes that aretaking place in the partnership culture at theorganization after the company went public in1999. The case also looks into the role playedby the top management in the evolution of theGoldman Sachs culture.

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IssuesHow culture can be a source of competitiveadvantage for an organizationThe elements of an organizational culture.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 070ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) ................ Goldman SachsCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ..................... Investment BankingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ............................... 13 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Cisco’s Organization Culture

AbstractThe case focuses on Cisco's organizationculture, which many feel, was responsiblefor Cisco bouncing back to profit afterrecording losses during the tech meltdown of2001. The case looks at Cisco's growththrough the years, the drivers of Cisco culture,and the characteristics of work culture atCisco. Incorporated in 1984, Cisco had aculture based on the principles of customerfocus, transparent communication, employeeempowerment, integrity, and frugality. Thework culture, which epitomized fun andfostered a spirit of employee involvement,ensured that employee turnover was waybelow industry norms. Continuous Learning,an element of the Cisco culture, was taken careof even through acquisition and partnerships.The case also looks into the role played bythe company's CEO, John Chambers, in theevolution of the Cisco culture.

IssuesHow an organization can use its culture as acompetitive advantageThe elements of an organizational culture.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 069ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) .................................. CiscoCountries .............................................. USAIndustry .................................... NetworkingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ................................ 11 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Starbucks’ Human Resource Management Policies and

the Growth Challenge


Starbucks is one of the best known and fastestgrowing companies in the world. Set up in1971, in Seattle, the company grew slowlyinitially, but expanded rapidly in the late 1980sand the 1990s. By the early 2000s, therewere nearly 9,000 Starbucks outlets acrossthe world and the company's eventual retailtarget was to open 30,000 outlets. It waswidely believed that the company's successand rapid growth could be attributed largely toits committed and motivated workforce.

This case discusses the human resourcemanagement polices and work culture atStarbucks. Starbucks cared about itsemployees and was one of the few companiesin the retail sector to provide generous benefitsto both full time workers as well as part timers.This ensured that employees remainedmotivated, and Starbucks had a relativelylow employee turnover. However, in the early2000s, the company faced the challenge offinding and retaining the right number and kindof employees to man its future growth.

IssuesThe human resource management policiesof a large service-oriented retail company.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 068ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) .......................... StarbucksCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ............................ Coffee RetailingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ................................ 11 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Employee Training and Development at Motorola

AbstractUS based Motorola is the world's leadingelectronics and telecom goods company. Ithas been adjudged as one of the bestcompanies for employee development.Motorola gave utmost importance to trainingright from its inception. This case describeshow training and a strong learning ethic hasbeen an integral part of Motorola's culture. Itexplains in detail the various employee trainingand education initiatives undertaken byMotorola University and examines how theseinitiatives helped in improving employees'productivity, performance and quality of work.The case also describes Motorola's e-learninginitiatives and highlights the benefits of elearning for employee training anddevelopment.

IssuesUnderstand the best practices in training anddevelopment of employees.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 067ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) ............................. MotorolaCountries ................................................ USIndustry ......................................... TelecomPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 16 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

IKEA’s Innovative Human Resource Management

Practices and Work Culture

AbstractIKEA was one of the largest furnituremanufacturers and retailers in the world, withoperations in 32 countries (in early 2005).The company was well known for its stylishand innovative designs. It was the pioneer offurniture that could be dismantled and packedflat, to allow ease of transportation.IKEA's main strength was its committedworkforce, which was often the source of thecompany's innovative concepts. IKEAadopted a positive approach toward humanresource management. In the late 1990s andearly 2000s, the company implementedseveral initiatives that promoted 'life balance'and diversity. The case discusses theinnovative human resource managementpractices adopted by IKEA and describes itswork culture. Initiatives related to flexible workdesign, comprehensive benefits, quality ofwork life, and employee training anddevelopment are outlined. The case alsodiscusses the prominent elements of IKEA'sculture, such as diversity, openness, equality,cost consciousness, and competitiveness.

IssuesUnderstand the human resource managementpractices and work culture of a major furnituremanufacturer and retailerAppreciate the importance of positive humanresource management practices in employeeretentionThe need for employee development and thepractices adopted by a major multinationalcompany toward this endThe effect of culture on employee morale andthe relationship between culture andinnovation.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 066ECCH ...................................... 405-020-1

Organization(s) ................................... IKEACountries ........................................ Sweden

“Hire people, who are better than you are,then leave them to get on with it . . . ;Look for people who will aim for theremarkable, who will not settle for theroutine.”

– David Ogilvy

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Industry ........................ Furniture RetailingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ............................... 15 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Training and Development at Godrej

AbstractThe case explains the training anddevelopment initiatives of the Godrej groupsince the late 1990s. In the late 1990s, theGodrej group initiated various training anddevelopment programs such as the TQMworkshops, 'Parivartan', EVA training,GALLOP, Spark, e-Gyan, English languagetraining, and BPO training. The case explainseach of these programs in detail and thebenefits that the group reaped from all theseinitiatives. The case ends with theshortcomings in Godrej's training anddevelopment initiatives.

IssuesTraining and Development; Total QualityManagement; Top management’s role inchange management.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 065ECCH ...................................... 405-012-1

Organization(s) ................................ GodrejCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ..................................... DiversifiedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2005Case Length ............................... 12 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Human Resource Management: Best Practices at

Marriott International

AbstractThe case examines Marriott International's(Marriott) various innovative HR practices,which earned it the reputation of being 'thebest place to work' in the hospitality industry.It describes Marriott's 'Spirit to Serve' cultureand the company's HR philosophy whichguided its various HR initiatives. The casegives an overview of the best practicesemployed by the company in the recruitment,selection, training and development ofemployees. It also details the employeeretention strategies and grievance redressalsystem at Marriott. Finally, the case reviewsthe benefits reaped by the company becauseof its employee friendly HR practices.

IssuesThe role of an organizational philosophy andculture in the development of human resourcepolicies in a multinational organization.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 064ECCH ....................................... 404-116-1

Organization(s) ........ Marriott InternationalCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ..................................... HospitalityPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 18 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

IssuesEffect of change in leadership on culture;cultural evolution in an organization.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 063ECCH ...................................... 404-128-1

Organization(s) .................... Home Depot.Countries .............................................. USAIndustry .............................................. RetailPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Volvo’s HR Practices: Focus on Job Enrichment

AbstractThe case discusses the efforts made by theSwedish automobile major - Volvo AB towardsimproving the work conditions at its facilitiesthrough job enrichment programs. In its effortsto reduce the instances of employee turnoverand absenteeism in its manufacturing facilities,Volvo introduced innovative job enrichmentprograms including job rotation, managementemployee councils, small work groups,change implementation and employeeoriented facilities. These programs helped thecompany to understand the importance ofdesigning its facilities according to the workdesign and employees' requirements. Volvowas one of the first automobile companies todeviate from the traditional assembly linesystem and adopt a more employee-centricapproach for manufacturing automobiles.

IssuesJob enrichment; Adapting the workplace tothe employee requirements.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 062ECCH ...................................... 404-102-1

Organization(s) ............................. Volvo ABCountries ........................................ SwedenIndustry .................................... AutomobilePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 14 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Southwest Airlines Act II:An Airline in Trouble?

AbstractThe case discusses the changes that occurredin Southwest's culture in the early-2000s andto what extent these changes were related toleadership. It also talks about the problemsfaced by Southwest, some of which werecultural and others external. The case

Introduction toHuman Resource Management

Paperback; 349 Pages,ISBN No: 81-7881-978-3

(Workbook also available)


Home Depot’s Cultural Evolution: A Comparison of the Company’s

Culture under Its Founders and Bob Nardelli

AbstractHome Depot was the biggest retailer of homeimprovement products in the US in the early2000s. The company was also well knownfor its entrepreneurial and laissez-faire culture,a culture fostered by co-founders BernieMarcus and Arthur Blank, who led thecompany from 1978 to 2000. In late 2000however, the board appointed Robert Nardelli,a GE veteran, as CEO. Nardelli was giventhe task of solving the problems that thecompany ran into in the late 1990s.The case discusses the cultural changes atHome Depot under the leadership of Nardelli.Nardelli was responsible for changing HomeDepot's culture from an entrepreneurial andinformal one, to one that focused onprocesses. He also introduced a fair amountof centralization and managed to link thevarious departments and regions of thecompany together.

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concludes with an analysis of the reasons forthe changes that occurred at Southwest andwhether the new CEO Gary Kelly would beable to change the culture for the better andreplace Herb Kelleher at the airline.

IssuesThe relationship between leadership andculture and how charismatic leaders caninfluence the elements of culture atorganizations.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 061ECCH ...................................... 404-101-1

Organization(s) ............ Southwest AirlinesCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ........................................... AirlinesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................ 11 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Semco: A ‘Maverick’ Organization

AbstractThe case explains the unique culture atSemco, a Brazilian company. It explains howSemco survived and performed well in theturbulent Brazilian economy by makingchanges in the structure and culture of thecompany. The case also highlights the valuesand beliefs that the company holds, therelationship between mangers andemployees, and the unconventional paths theorganization followed in order to develop newbusiness segments - all these being factorsresponsible for making Semco one of the mostsuccessful companies in Brazil.

IssuesChange Management; How culture evolvesin an organization.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 060ECCH ...................................... 404-071-1

Organization(s) ............................... SemcoCountries ............................................ BrazilIndustry ..................................... DiversifiedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Political Advertising: The ‘India Shining’ Campaign

AbstractThe case describes the 'India Shining'campaign that marked the beginning of a newage of political advertising in India. It discussesin depth the political advertising strategy ofthe erstwhile NDA government and examines

how the campaign was aimed as a tool towin votes. The case also discusses thepolitical advertising campaign of the presentruling party - Congress that mainly targetedthe masses. The case ends with a debate onthe efficacy of political advertising campaignin general, and explores reasons why the'India Shining' campaign was unsuccessful.

IssuesExamine the role of political advertisingcampaign in promoting a political party.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 059ECCH ........................................................

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................................................Pub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 17 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

HR Problems in Hyundai Motor Co.

AbstractHyundai Motor Company was a part of thelarge South Korean Chaebol - the HyundaiGroup - until the group split in September2000. In the last four decades, Hyundaimanaged to establish itself all over the worldas a company producing reliable, technicallysound and stylish automobiles. In the 90s,the company started aggressive overseasexpansion programs.By the late 1990s, when Southeast Asiancrisis struck, the company faced seriousfinancial problems. To survive, it had to cutits labor force. The company offered variousretirement schemes, unpaid leave for twoyears, etc. to workers, and expressed itsinability to support its entire workforce in theslack period. The unions refused tocompromise and the management too stoodits ground.Finally, the government intervened to force anegotiated settlement between the union andthe management.

IssuesDamage that unhappy management-laborrelations can cause to an organization.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 058ECCH ...................................... 404-070-1

Organization(s) ........... Hyundai Motor Co.Countries ................................ South KoreaIndustry .................................... AutomobilePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................ 11 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Succession Planning at Ranbaxy: Family Drama, Corporate Style

AbstractThe case discusses the CEO successionplanning controversy at RanbaxyLaboratories Limited (Ranbaxy), India'slargest pharmaceutical company. It describesthe concept of succession planning and itsimportance in managing large companies(especially family owned businesses).The case describes how and why ParvinderSingh (Ranbaxy's promoter, also CEO)believed in running the businessprofessionally and handed over thecompany's management to D S Brar (Brar), aprofessional (and a non-family member),amidst stiff opposition from family members.The case then details how Brar transformedRanbaxy from a small Indian pharmaceuticalcompany into a research based globalpharmaceutical major. The case concludeswith a discussion of whether Ranbaxy'spromoters would take over the company'smanagement or continue to allow professionalsto manage their business.

IssuesSuccession Planning in Family OwnedBusinesses.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 057ECCH ...................................... 404-059-1

Organization(s) ............................ RanbaxyCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................... PharmaceuticalsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 16 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Succession Planning at GE

AbstractThe case examines the succession planningprocess at the US-based GE, the leadingdiversified business conglomerate in theworld. The case details the growth of GEunder its various leaders from its inception,and examines GE's commitment tosuccession planning through the decades.It discusses in detail the succession planningand leadership development processes atGE, and also examines the CEO successionplanning under Jack Welch, GE's CEO andchairman in the period 1981-2001.The case examines the differences betweenthe management styles and ideologies ofWelch and Jeff Immelt, who succeeded Welchas chairman and CEO of GE. Finally, thecase examines the future of GE under theleadership of Immelt.

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IssuesCEO Succession Planning; LeadershipDevelopment.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 056ECCH ...................................... 404-053-1

Organization(s) ...................................... GECountries ................................................ USIndustry ..................................... DiversifiedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 13 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

HR Restructuring at Lucent Technologies

AbstractThe case examines the human resources(HR) restructuring exercise undertaken bythe leading US-based telecommunicationcompany - Lucent Technologies (Lucent) - inthe early 2000s. The case discusses brieflythe evolution and growth of Lucent andexamines the various problems the companyfaced at the turn of the 20th century. Itcomments on the restructuring measuresLucent took to resolve these problems, anddiscusses the reasons for the restructuring ofthe company's HR organization andpractices. The case examines in detail theHR restructuring exercise at Lucent and thebenefits reaped from it.

IssuesHR Restructuring; Standardization of HRPolicies; Employee Downsizing.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 055ECCH ...................................... 404-052-1

Organization(s) ......... Lucent TechnologiesCountries ................................................ USIndustry ......................................... TelecomPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Improving Performance through Change Management

AbstractThese caselets deal with the issue of changemanagement. Caselet 1 discusses how theimplementation of change management in anorganization can bring about dramaticimprovement in profits and help it become amarket leader. It also highlights the role playedby management and employees of anorganization in implementing planned change.Caselet 2 discusses the importance of

changing employee behavior and managerialpractices for change programs to besuccessful in organizations. Caselet 3examines the difficulties encountered bymanagement in merging two unequalorganizations and the steps to be taken toovercome employee resistance to change.

IssuesEffect of managerial practices and employeebehavior on performance.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 054ECCH ...................................... 404-025-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 6 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Employee Participation, Organization Structure and


AbstractThese caselets deal with the issue of decisionmaking in organizations. Caselet 1 discussesabout the conformity pressures of being in agroup and the impact on group decision-making. The caselet also discusses thecharacteristic phenomena associated withgroup decision-making. Caselet 2 discussesthe impact of employee behavior onorganizational performance. It also examinesthe usefulness of training programs to bringabout an improvement in employee behavior.

IssuesRelationship between organization structureand decision making.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 053ECCH ...................................... 404-019-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 6 PagesTN Length ..................................... 6 Pages

Leadership: The Right Approach

AbstractThese caselets deal with the issue ofleadership. Caselet 1 discusses the impactof micromanagement on employee moraleand their performance. Caselet 2 discussesthe initiatives that are taken by organizations

to develop leadership skills among itsemployees. It also discusses the need forsuccession planning in organizations.

IssuesImpact of autocratic style of leadership;Micromanagement.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 052ECCH ...................................... 404-018-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 5 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

The Right Way to be an Effective Leader

AbstractThese caselets deal with the issue ofleadership. Caselet 1 discusses the impactof leadership style on employee morale andtheir performance. It also discusses theimportance of employee participation tofacilitate the development of leaders from withinthe organization.Caselet 2 describes the impact of excessivepressure on employee performance and theneed for an effective leadership style in orderto bring out the best in employees.

IssuesImportance of employee participation; Impactof stress on employee performance.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 051ECCH ...................................... 404-020-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 4 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Needs Drive Performance

AbstractThese caselets deal with the issue ofmotivation. Caselet 1 discusses theimportance of motivating, empowering andretaining employees in organizations. It alsoexamines how employees' needs can belinked to work motivation.Caselet 2 discusses the role of equity inemployee motivation. It also describes howperceived equity or inequity affects the workperformance and satisfaction of employees.

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IssuesRelationship between individual needs andmotivation.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 050ECCH ...................................... 404-024-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 4 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Employee Satisfaction: An Outcome of

Motivated Workforce

AbstractThese caselets deal with the issue ofmotivation. Caselet 1 discusses theimportance of employee recognition inmotivating them to deliver superior workperformance. It also examines the variousfactors that act as motivators for employees.Caselet 2 discusses the impact of inductionand socialization processes on employees'work performance and motivation. Caselet 3discusses the impact of work environmenton employee motivation and satisfaction.It also describes how alternative workschedules can motivate employees andimprove organizational performance.

IssuesChallenges faced by HR managers in modernday organizations.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 049ECCH ...................................... 404-023-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 6 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Organizational Culture: The Recipe for Success

AbstractThese caselets deal with the topic oforganizational culture. Caselet 1 discussesthe importance of adapting organizationalculture to meet the demands of the externalenvironment. The caselet also describes theinfluence of an organization's founders on itsculture. Caselet 2 discusses how the rightorganizational culture can foster creativity andinnovation in employees. Caselet 3 discusses

the importance of having the rightorganizational culture to reduce employeeturnover in call centers.

IssuesAdapting to meet the demands of the externalenvironment.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 048ECCH ...................................... 404-022-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 6 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Compensation Management

AbstractThe compensation policy and the rewardsystem of an organization are viewed by theemployees as indicators of the management'sattitude and concern for them. Traditionally,pay scales in companies reflected theimportance of the work and the responsibilitylevel. Today, organizations try more to assessthe worth of an individual in terms of hisperformance and contribution to theorganization. These caselets discuss theimportance of a compensation system that iscompetitive and attractive for the employeesand at the same time, profitable for theorganization.

IssuesThe role and importance of compensationmanagement in an organization.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 047ECCH ...................................... 404-021-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 8 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Performance Appraisal Management

AbstractPerformance appraisal has always been ahot and challenging issue for the managersacross the world, HR managers as well asthe line managers. These caselets discusssome of the common issues in designing andimplementing a performance appraisalsystem. One of the caselets discusses notjust performance appraisal, but the broader

issue of performance management. Themethod of appraising using the balancedscorecard approach has been discussed inthe last caselet.

IssuesThe importance of employee acceptance forthe appraisal systems.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 046ECCH ...................................... 404-027-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 5 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Quality of Worklife

AbstractThe success of any organization is highlydependant on how it attracts, recruits,motivates, and retains its workforce. Today'sorganizations need to be more flexible so thatthey are equipped to develop their workforceand enjoy their commitment. Therefore,organizations are required to adopt a strategyto improve the employees' 'quality of worklife' (QWL) to satisfy both the organizationalobjectives and employee needs.These caselets discuss the importance ofhaving effective quality of work life practicesin organizations and their impact on employeeperformance and the overall organizationalperformance.

IssuesFlexible work options; Quality of work life.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 045ECCH ...................................... 404-028-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 4 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Recruitment and Selection

AbstractIn today's rapidly changing businessenvironment, organizations have to respondquickly to requirements for people. Hence, itis important to have a well-defined recruitmentpolicy in place, which can be executedeffectively to get the best fits for the vacantpositions. Selection is one area where the

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interference of external factors is minimal.Hence the HR department can use itsdiscretion in framing its selection policy andusing various selection tools for the bestresults. These caselets discuss theimportance of having an effective recruitmentand selection policy. They discuss theimportance of a good selection process thatstarts with gathering complete informationabout the applicant from his application formand ends with inducting the candidate into theorganization.

IssuesChallenges in the process of recruiting andselecting employees.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 044ECCH ...................................... 404-029-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 6 PagesTN Length ..................................... 6 Pages

Retaining Employees

AbstractIn today's rapidly changing businessenvironment, it is not only important to attractcandidates, but at the same time to retainthem. When an organization has a highemployee turnover, it is important for the topmanagement to immediately understand andanalyze the causes and devise strategies toretain employees. High employee turnoveralso affects the morale of the other employees.These caselets discuss the causes for highemployee turnover. They discuss theimportance of having a good retention strategyand the role the management should play inretaining the employees.

IssuesEmployee turnover and employee retention.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 043ECCH ...................................... 404-030-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................. VariedPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ................................. 5 PagesTN Length ..................................... 6 Pages

Managing Cultural Change at P&G

AbstractThe case discusses in length about the HRpractices and corporate culture of the USbased Procter & Gamble (P&G), global leaderin the fast moving consumer goods industry.The case elaborates on the measures takenby Durk Jager, former CEO of P&G, to bringabout a significant change in the corporateculture of the company in order to fuelinnovation and financial growth. It examinesthe reasons why Jager's measures failed todeliver the desired results. The case thendiscusses how Alan George Lafley, the newCEO, who followed a different approach fromthat of Jager, managed to restore the culturalequilibrium at P&G and was able to revivethe company's financial performance.

IssuesCorporate culture of a large, multinationalcompany.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 042ECCH ...................................... 404-017-1

Organization(s) ............................ P&G Inc.Countries .............................................. USAIndustry ............................................ FMCGPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 18 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Google’s Organizational Culture

AbstractA company's organizational culture plays avital role in its success. A company's culturehelps it attract the best talent available in theindustry. The case discusses theorganizational culture at Google Inc. Googlewas one of the few companies thatsuccessfully blended technologicalinnovation with strong organizational culture.The case provides insight into the workenvironment, and recruitment process atGoogle. The case also provides insight intohow Google fostered innovation amongemployees. The case ends with a critiqueof Google's organizational culture.

IssuesThe role of organizational culture in attractingthe best talent in the industry.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 041ECCH ...................................... 404-016-1

Organization(s) ........................ Google Inc.Countries .............................................. USA

Industry .................................................... ITPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

Innovations at Wipro

AbstractThe case describes the innovation processat Wipro one of the leading IT companies inIndia. The focus of the case is on theinnovation process at Wipro and the elementsof the innovation process.The case also describes in detail theimplementation of innovation process in thecompany. The case discusses how the topmanagement at Wipro created a culture ofinnovation and encouraged employees tocome out with new innovative products.

IssuesUnderstand how a technology company canuse innovation as a differentiation tool to securea strategic objectiveStudy how innovation can be introduced inan organization covering its process, structure,tools and techniques, systems andprocedures to ensure its success.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 040ECCH ...................................... 404-008-1

Organization(s) .......... Wipro TechnologiesCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................................ SoftwarePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

SRC Holdings: The ‘Open Book Management Culture’

AbstractThe case examines how SRC Holdings, akey player in the engine and partsremanufacturing market in the US, turned itselfaround by implementing the 'Open BookManagement' philosophy.The case gives an overview of the evolutionof SRC and the problems that necessitatedthe adoption of the OBM philosophy. Detailsof how and why SRC opened its financialbooks to employees and made them partnersin the business are given.The case then discusses the evolution ofSRC's 'Great Game of Business' (GGOB)system. It examines the company's uniqueorganizational culture that emerged on accountof implementing OBM and GGOB.The case also reviews the benefits SRCreaped on account of the OBM and GGOBinitiatives.

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IssuesGet an insight into the automotive engine andparts remanufacturing market in the USUnderstand the impact of an organization’sstrategic problems on its divisions andemployees.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 039ECCH ...................................... 404-002-1

Organization(s) ................... SRC HoldingsCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ............................... ManufacturingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 12 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Fannie Mae’s Human Resource Management Policies

AbstractThe case examines the innovative humanresource (HR) policies adopted by the largestmortgage financing firm in the US, FannieMae. These policies helped the companyearn the reputation of being one of the bestcompanies to work for. The case gives anoverview of Fannie Mae's growth since itsinception in the late-1930s and examines thecircumstance under which the companydecided to focus on strengthening its HRpolicies. It examines in detail Fannie Mae'scommitment to fostering a culture of diversityat the company and also studies theinnovative HR practices employed (especiallyin the areas of employee benefits and careerdevelopment).

IssuesInnovative practices at Fannie Mae to meetemployee needs.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 038ECCH ...................................... 404-001-1

Organization(s) ....................... Fannie MaeCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ..................... Mortgage FinancingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 15 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

The Good and Bad of Wal-Mart’s Culture

AbstractWal-Mart was the biggest company in theworld. With sales at a quarter of a trillion andover 1.3 million employees, it was the biggestretailing success ever. A lot of Wal-Mart'ssuccess was attributed to the strong and

pervasive culture at the company, which wasdeveloped and nurtured by founder SamWalton. In over four decades of operation,Wal-Mart managed to retain most of theelements of culture it had when it first startedout, as well as the entrepreneurial spirit whichoften drives startup companies to success.The fact that the company's growth rate wasoften in double digits bears this out. Wal-Mart'sculture was characterized by an orientationtowards customer service and providing thebest value at the lowest prices

IssuesElements of culture fostered by a company tosupport its growth and success.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 037ECCH ...................................... 404-004-1

Organization(s) ............................ Wal-MartCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ......................................... RetailingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 17 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

reward systems and the work culture. Thecase also discusses the various criticismslabeled against Nucor's HR policies.

IssuesShaping the culture of an organization.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 036ECCH ...................................... 404-003-1

Organization(s) ........................ Nucor CorpCountries ............................. North AmericaIndustry ............................................... SteelPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2004Case Length ............................... 12 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Microsoft's People Problems

AbstractThe case examines the growth of MicrosoftCorp. from a small partnership startup to aglobal software firm. It discusses the changesthat occurred in the culture of Microsoft as aresult of its growth, and how these changesaffected the employees of the company. Thelate 1990s saw a rise in the voluntary attritionrate at Microsoft. The case discusses thereasons for this increase and its effects on thecompany. It also talks about some otherhuman resources problems experienced byMicrosoft, such as the problem of recruitingnew employees and the allegations ofdiscrimination. Further, the case describesthe efforts undertaken by the company to retainemployees, notably, the restructuring of thecompany into seven new customer-focuseddivisions and changes made in thecompensation policy.

IssuesImpact of a rapid growth on the culture of acompany.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 035ECCH ...................................... 403-062-1

Organization(s) ...... Microsoft CorporationCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ........................................ SoftwarePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 15 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Introduction toOrganizational Behavior

Paperback; 484 Pages,(Workbook also available)


Nucor Corp’s Organizational Culture

AbstractThe case examines the organizational cultureat Nucor and the way in which it led to thesuccess of the company. The policies andmechanisms adopted by Nucor'smanagement to encourage the productivityand profitability are also discussed. The casetakes a close look at Nucor's recruitment,

““Management” means, in the lastanalysis, the substitution of thought forbrawn and muscle, of knowledge forfolklore and superstition, and ofcooperation for force.”

– Peter F. Drucker

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Human Resource Management: Best Practices at

FedEx Corporation

AbstractThe case examines FedEx Corporation'svarious innovative HR practices, which earnedit the reputation of being one of the mostemployee-friendly companies in the world.The case gives an overview of the bestpractices employed by the company in therecruitment, selection, training anddevelopment of employees. It also details theperformance appraisal system and employeeretention strategies of FedEx.Finally, the case reviews the benefits reapedby the company because of its employeefriendly HR practices.

IssuesHR best practices and their benefits.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 034ECCH ...................................... 403-063-1

Organization(s) ........... FedEx CorporationCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ........................................ LogisticsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 12 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Human Resource Accounting in Infosys

AbstractThis case examines the various models ofhuman resources accounting (HRA) forvaluing human assets in an organization. Itgives an overview of the HRA models adoptedby the public sector and software companiesin India.The case also explains in detail the HRAmodel adopted by Infosys, a leading softwarecompany in India. Finally, the case mentionsthe advantages and the hurdles in adoptingHRA models in India.

IssuesHuman Resources Accounting Models.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 031ECCH ...................................... 403-008-1

Organization(s) ............................... InfosysCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................................ SoftwarePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 12 PagesTN Length ..................................... 6 Pages

Training Employees of IBM through e-Learning

AbstractThe case explains in detail the concept of 'e-learning' - the new mode of employee trainingadopted by IBM.The case discusses in detail about how IBMimplemented different e-learning programs fordifferent groups of employees, based on theirrequirements.The company implemented the 'Basic Blue'program for its new managers, which wasbased on a four-tier learning model. 'SalesCompass' was a program designed for itssales team which provided critical informationto the sales personnel that helped them toimprove their selling skills and consequentlythe sales. Managing@IBM was an exclusiveprogram designed for experienced managerswhich offered 'just-in-time' performancesupport to the managers.Finally, the case talks about the benefitsreaped by IBM from its e-learning initiativesand about its future endeavors in this field.

IssuesVarious methods of employee training;Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 030ECCH ....................................... 403-011-1

Organization(s) .................................... IBMCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ................ Information TechnologyPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 13 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

ESOPs: A Tool for Employee Retention?

AbstractThe case examines the emergence of ESOPsas an employee retention tool across the worldin the late 20th century.The case discusses the concept of ESOPsand explores its efficacy as a retention tool.The impact of the technological downturn onthe global corporate world, and the stockmarkets, has been discussed in detail.The case also illustrates how ESOPs wereused in some organizations for increasingemployee productivity and controllingturnover. It also discusses various otheremployee retention tools that can be adoptedby organizations for employee retention.

IssuesESOPs as a tool for employee retention.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 029ECCH ...................................... 403-013-1

Organization(s) ............................... VariousCountries ......................................... VariousIndustry ........................................... VariousPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Human Resource Management System Reforms at Matsushita

AbstractThe case discusses in detail about the reformsin the liberal human resource managementpolicies at Matsushita and the lifetimeemployment policy at Japanese corporations.Matsushita was a traditional Japanesecompany that followed the policy of lifetimeemployment. However, due to variousproblems like falling revenues, companyposting losses and slowdown in the globaleconomy, the company was forced to changeits employment policy. The case discusseshow Nakamura, the President of Matsushita,introduced a new personnel system at thecompany with the objective of reducinghuman resources costs to the company.Finally, the case talks about the benefitsreaped by the new system.

IssuesChanges in the employment policies atMatsushita; implications of HR restructuring.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 028ECCH ...................................... 403-010-1

Organization(s) ........................ MatsushitaCountries ........................................... JapanIndustry ................. Consumer ElectronicsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 13 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

The Taj People Philosophy and Star System

AbstractThe case discusses the people practices,also known as the Taj People Philosophy(TPP), at the Taj Group of Hotels. The caseexplains the various components of thephilosophy.The case also discusses the 'Special Thanksand Recognition System' (STARS), arecognition and reward system for employeesadopted by the group. It details the variousbenefits reaped by the employees as well asthe organization through TPP and STARS.

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IssuesSTARS program and its overall implicationsfor the Taj Group; People management.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 027ECCH ...................................... 403-019-1

Organization(s) ........................... Taj GroupCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ..................................... HospitalityPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ................................. 9 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Pink Slip Parties: A New Human Resource Buzzword

AbstractThe case examines the emergence of theconcept of pink slip parties and its growingpopularity during the early 21st century onaccount of the slump in the IT industry. Thecase discusses in detail the concept of pinkslip parties and examines the benefits theyoffer to both job seekers as well as recruiters.It explores the effectiveness of these partiesin extending the much-needed emotional andcareer support to laid-off employees. The casealso discusses the concept of layoff loungesand other job assistance websites that offeredsupport to laid off employees during the early21st century.

IssuesPink slip parties and their growing popularityacross US.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 026ECCH ...................................... 403-014-1

Organization(s) ............................... VariousCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ........................................... VariousPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ................................. 9 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Johnson and Johnson’s Health and Wellness Program

AbstractThe case discusses the increasingimportance given to Health and WellnessProgram (HWP) by corporates in order to limitthe rising health care costs of employees.The case describes in detail the componentsof HWP introduced by the pharma major,Johnson and Johnson (J&J). The caseprovides detailed information about how J&Jwent about implementing the HWP, the initialhurdles faced and the benefits reaped after

the implementation. The case also talks aboutthe initiatives taken by J&J to significantlyenhance the health and well-being of itsemployees in the new millennium.

IssuesTangible and intangible benefits reaped byimplementing HWP.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 025ECCH ...................................... 403-026-1

Organization(s) ...... Johnson and JohnsonCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ......................... Consumer GoodsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 14 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

The Fall of Arthur Andersen: Organizational Culture Issues

AbstractArthur Andersen's culture popularly knownas the 'Andersen Way' made it one of theleading consulting firms in the world. The'Andersen Way' represented a culture ofintegrity and ethics in business. The casediscusses the evolution of this culture andalso its deterioration (over the decades) dueto internal conflicts (between the audit andconsulting groups) and changing businessdynamics during the 1990s. It examines howand why one of the world's most respectedauditing firms got entangled in a web ofcontroversies and accounting scandals bythe early 2000s, which eventually led to itsdemise.

IssuesEffects of internal conflicts in an organizationon its performance and survival.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 024ECCH ...................................... 403-049-1

Organization(s) ................ Arthur AndersonCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ..................................... ConsultingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ................................ 11 PagesTN Length ............................................. N/A

Nokia: Fostering Innovation

AbstractThe case describes the organizational cultureat Nokia and explains how it helped thecompany become one of the most innovativeones in the industry. The focus of the case ison innovation and how, by constantly

upgrading and introducing new features Nokiabecame the market leader in the mobile phonemarket. The case discusses the factors whichhelped Nokia become the biggest player inthe mobile phone market: the culture of thecompany, its human resource philosophy andthe organization of its R&D.

IssuesFactors that contributed to a unique culturefocused on innovation and creativity.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 023ECCH ...................................... 403-040-1

Organization(s) .................................. NokiaCountries ......................................... FinlandIndustry ........... Mobile TelecommunicationPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 13 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

3M’s Organizational Culture

AbstractThe case examines the organizational cultureat 3M and the way in which it facilitatedinnovation at 3M. The policies andmechanisms adopted by 3M's managementto encourage the spirit of innovation in itsemployees are also discussed. The casetakes a close look at 3M's environment ofinnovation; the culture of knowledge sharing;and the reward system. It also discusses thesteps implemented by the new CEO, JamesMcNerney, to accelerate growth at 3M. Theimpact of cultural change at 3M on the spirit ofinnovation is also discussed.

IssuesStrategies for developing a culture of innovationin an organization.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 022ECCH ...................................... 403-041-1

Organization(s) ...................................... 3MCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ............................... ManufacturingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 15 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Southwest Airlines’ Organizational Culture

AbstractThe case "Southwest Airlines' OrganizationalCulture" gives an account of the developmentof the organizational culture of SouthwestAirlines. The case starts with the background

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of Southwest and its development over theyears. The case explains the unique cultureof Southwest, and how it has helped Southwestto face challenges. The case also describeshow Southwest responded to the situationarising out of the September 11 terrorist attackswhich dealt a severe blow to the airlineindustry. Southwest's response to the crisiswas shaped by its organizational culture,which laid emphasis on taking care ofemployees and building relationships. Theinfluence of the leadership of Southwest on itsculture is also explained.

IssuesRole played by leadership in shaping anorganization's culture.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 021ECCH ...................................... 403-025-1

Organization(s) ............ Southwest AirlinesCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ........................................... AirlinesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 14 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

components of the compensation structure ofa CEO and the implications of high CEOcompensation on the performance of theorganization and on the morale of lower levelemployees. Finally, the case suggests somemeasures to solve the controversy.

IssuesVarious factors that influence, or areresponsible for, high CEO compensation.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 020ECCH ...................................... 403-015-1

Organization(s) ............................... VariousCountries ......................................................Industry ........................................... VariousPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ................................. 9 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

The Corporate Glass Ceiling

AbstractThe case deals with the concept of 'glassceiling,' which prevents women from reachingtop management positions in the corporateworld. It explains the concept in detail andexamines the various reasons that preventwomen from reaching the top management.The case gives several examples of womenwho have reached top management positionsin the US and in India.

IssuesFactors that have brought corporate glassceiling into existence.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 019ECCH ...................................... 403-012-1

Organization(s) ............................... VariousCountries ................................... India, USAIndustry ........................................... VariousPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2003Case Length ............................... 12 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Flexible Work Options

AbstractThe case examines the reasons for thegrowing popularity of flexible work options(FWOs) in several organizations across India.It examines in detail the FWOs offered byvarious companies in India including HP India,P&G India and ICICI. The case also discussesthe concept of FWOs and its evolution, and itsadvantages and disadvantages for employersand employees. Finally, it also examines thefuture of FWOs in India and identifies someindustries that encourage this option.

IssuesFlexible work options in India – Need,Advantages, and Disadvantages.

Reference Numbers

ICMR ...................................... HROB 018ECCH ...................................... 402-050-1

Organization(s) ............................... VariousCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................................... VariousPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ................................ 11 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Personal Appearance: The Changing HR Norms

AbstractThe case explores the changing trends incorporate dress codes the world over andthe role of a company's HR department in thiscontext. The reasons for the growingpopularity of casual attire at the workplacesince the 1990s, especially in the US, areexamined in detail. The case also providesan in depth analysis of arguments for andagainst allowing casual dressing at corporateoffices. The case concludes with a note onthe ways of striking a balance between casualand formal attire and proposes ‘appropriatebusiness attire.’

IssuesIssues and implications regarding personalappearances across the business world.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 017ECCH ...................................... 402-049-1

Organization(s) ............................... VariousCountries ..................... India, USA, OthersIndustry ........................................... VariousPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Employee Downsizing

AbstractThe case examines the increase in employeedownsizing across the world in the late 20thand early 21st century. The case discussesin detail the downsizing concept and exploresits positive and negative impact on both,organization and employees. The case alsoexamines the ‘best practices’ regardingdownsizing and the steps downsizedemployees need to take, to overcome thetrauma of being downsized and to find otherjobs. It also discusses concepts such asflexible working arrangements and contingent

Managerial EffectivenessPaperback; 214 Pages,

ISBN No: 81-314-0032-8(Workbook also available)


CEO Compensation Controversy

AbstractThe case discusses the reasons behind thehigh compensation of top executives andCEOs in particular. It examines the evolutionof the CEO compensation structure over theyears, and why it has become a controversialissue. The case also examines the various

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employment that are being adopted by manycompanies to avoid the negative impact ofdownsizing.

IssuesCircumstances that led to the adoption ofdownsizing practices across the world.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 016ECCH ...................................... 402-048-1

Organization(s) ............................... VariousCountries ............. USA, France, GermanyIndustry ........................................... VariousPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ............................... 13 PagesTN Length ..................................... 6 Pages

Xerox: People Problems

AbstractThe case study discusses the problems facedby leading document management company,Xerox, as a result of a change in the leadershipand work culture.The case explores in detail the problems thatarose during the tenures of Paul Allaire aswell as Rick Thoman. The case also mentionsbriefly the steps taken by the current CEOAnne Mulcahy to bring back the company toits erstwhile glory and restore employeeconfidence.

IssuesImportance of treating HR as an integral partof the organizational setup.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 015ECCH ...................................... 402-020-1

Organization(s) ............ Xerox CorporationCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ......................... Office Automation

ProductsPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ................................. 9 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Recruiting: The Cisco Way

AbstractThe case examines various changes broughtabout by global networking major, Cisco, in itsrecruitment policies in the mid-1990s. Itdetailes the various tools adopted by thecompany to attract the best talent andexamines how the company benefited fromthem. The case also discusses theemergence of e-recruitment as a strategic toolfor IT companies in the changing businessenvironment.

IssuesImportance of human resources in theinformation technology industry.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 014ECCH ...................................... 402-024-1

Organization(s) .................................. CiscoCountries .............................................. USAIndustry .................. Computer NetworkingPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ................................. 8 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Netscape’s Work Culture

AbstractThe case discusses the organizational cultureof Netscape, one of the leading Web browsercompanies. The case discusses variousaspects of the culture that contributed to thesuccess of the company. In 1998, AmericaOnline acquired Netscape Communications.The case examines the post-merger cultureat Netscape and the impact of the new cultureon Netscape employees.

IssuesRole of culture in the success of a softwarecompany, cultural problems after mergers.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 013ECCH ...................................... 402-023-1

Organization(s) ........................... NetscapeCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ................ Information TechnologyPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ............................... 12 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

HP at Cultural Crossroads

AbstractThe case discusses HP's organization cultureand the role of 'HP Way' in strengthening it. Italso discusses the steps implemented by thenew CEO Carly Fiorina in a bid to cut costsand improve the financial performance of HP,which proved to be a major departure fromHP's long cherished culture.

IssuesEvolution of culture in a large organization;Implications of radical cultural change.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 012ECCH ...................................... 402-025-1

Organization(s) ...................................... HP

Countries .............................................. USAIndustry .................................................... ITPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Microsoft: Discrimination at the Workplace

AbstractThe case examines the charges of gender/racial discrimination and sexual harassmentagainst leading IT company Microsoft.It explores in detail the treatment meted out tofemale employees in the company's initialyears and the measures Microsoft took toimprove the work culture of the organization.The case also discusses the lawsuits againstMicrosoft that allege racial discrimination, andanalyzes the implications of such changesfor the company.

IssuesDiscrimination and harassment at theworkplace.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 011ECCH ...................................... 402-016-1

Organization(s) ...... Microsoft CorporationCountries .............................................. USAIndustry ................ Information TechnologyPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Wipro’s PCMM: Level 5 Certification

AbstractThe case examines the HR measures takenby software major Wipro to get itself assessedon the PCMM standards. The case alsodiscusses the evolution of CMM and PCMMstandards besides examining the potentialbenefits for Wipro after the certification.

IssuesThe importance of quality standards such asPCMM for a software firm.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 010ECCH ...................................... 402-022-1

Organization(s) .................................. WiproCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ................ Information TechnologyPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

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Reorganizing HP

AbstractThe case discusses the problems faced byHP during the mid 1990s due to its highlydecentralized organization structure. The casealso analyzes the aggressive managementreorganization plan implemented by CEOCarly Fiorina and its effect on the company.

IssuesNeed to alter organization structure to facilitategrowth, coordination and control.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 009ECCH ...................................... 402-026-1

Organization(s) ...................................... HPCountries .............................................. USAIndustry .................................................... ITPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Change Management at ICICI

AbstractThe case examines the process of changemanagement at the Industrial Credit andInvestment Corporation of India (ICICI), aleading development finance institution, afterK.V. Kamath took over as managing directorand chief executive officer in May 1996 andfollowing the merger of its subsidiary, ICICIBank and Bank of Madura in December 2000.It reveals the importance of changemanagement how effective management ofchange could bring out best results from theemployees.

IssuesChange Management.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 008ECCH ...................................... 402-014-1

Organization(s) .................................. ICICICountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................ Financial ServicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ............................... 10 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

The State Bank of India VRS

AbstractThe case 'The State Bank of India VRS' isintended to provide a detailed insight into thedevelopments after leading Indian public sectorbank SBI decided to implement a VRS. The

case examines in detail the reasons for SBI'semployees protesting against the VRS andthe post-VRS scenario.

IssuesManpower planning, Voluntary RetirementSchemes.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 007ECCH ...................................... 402-004-1

Organization(s) .......... State Bank of IndiaCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ................... Banking and FinancePub/Rev Date ..................................... 2001Case Length ................................. 7 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Indian Airlines’ HR Problems

AbstractThe case 'Indian Airlines' HR problems',examines the causes of the HR problemsfaced by Indian Airlines. The case revealshow poor management and stubborn workforce can drive a monopoly into loss.The case also throws light on other lapsessuch as poor canteen management andpayment of excessive allowances.The case is so structured as to enablestudents to understand why and how IndianAirlines was constantly plagued by HRproblems.

IssuesHR problems in government owned units,airlines.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 006ECCH ...................................... 401-031-1

Organization(s) .................... Indian AirlinesCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ..................... Aviation and AirlinesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2001Case Length ................................. 7 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

The Indian Call Center Journey

AbstractThe case provides a detailed insight into thereasons behind the Indian Call Center (CC)industry in not being as successful as wasexpected by analysts. Outlining the CCindustry history, concept and functioning, theindustry's problems on the human resourcesfront are explored in detail.

IssuesHR Problems faced in the Indian Call Centers.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 005ECCH ...................................... 402-019-1

Organization(s) ............................................Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........... IT Enabled Services, BPOPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ................................. 8 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Philips India: Labor Problems at Salt Lake

AbstractThe case studies the labor problems of thePhilips India Limited's (PIL) Salt Lake factoryin Kolkatta, India, around 1998 whendifferences with workers led to decliningproduction and losses. When PIL'smanagement decided to sell the factory, theUnion objected and made a counter bid.Highlighting the problems between PIL and itsworkers, the case examines the reasonsbehind the conflict.

IssuesIndustrial relations; Workers participation inmanagement.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 004ECCH ...................................... 402-018-1

Organization(s) ....................... Philips IndiaCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ..... Consumer Goods & ServicesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ................................. 6 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages

HR Restructuring: The Coca-Cola & Dabur Way

AbstractThe case study 'HR Restructuring. The Coca-Cola and Dabur Way' looks at the humanresource restructuring exercises taken up byCoca-Cola and Dabur in the late 1990s. Thecase essentially brings out the differentcircumstances that led to the restructuring andthe repercussions of the exercise. The caseto look at diverse circumstances that led tothe HR restructuring exercise at Coca-Colaand Dabur.

IssuesHR restructuring at Coca-Cola & Dabur.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 003ECCH ...................................... 402-007-1

Organization(s) ......................... Coca ColaIndia Limited, Dabur

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Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ....................... Food & BeveragesPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2002Case Length ................................. 7 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

SAIL’s Voluntary Retirement Scheme

AbstractVoluntary retirement scheme (VRS) is one ofthe least studied phenomena in both businessand academia. The case study focuses onthe VRS introduced by Steel Authority of IndiaLimited (SAIL).Since financial year 1998-1999, SAIL hadbeen incurring huge losses. One of the majorreasons for the losses was its high manpowercost. To deal with the situation, McKinseyadvised SAIL to reduce its workforce from1,70.000 to 1,00,000 by 2003.The case deals at length with various VRSschemes that SAIL launched, its staff education

initiatives and the problems faced by thecompany while implementing VRS.

IssuesImplementation and implications of VRS.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 002ECCH ...................................... 401-030-1

Organization(s) ................................... SAILCountries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ............................................... SteelPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2001Case Length ................................. 7 PagesTN Length ..................................... 4 Pages

Bata India’s HR Problems

AbstractThe case study focuses on the HR problemsfaced by Bata India. Labor strife and themanagement's inability to deal with it

effectively has resulted in huge losses for thecompany. After a brief turnaround of four years(1996-1999), Bata was once again movingtowards declining path.The case highlights various HR and industrialrelations issues which Bata has toimmediately deal with in order to haveproductive workforce.

IssuesHR and IR issuesMNCs experiences in India.

Reference NumbersICMR ...................................... HROB 001ECCH ...................................... 401-022-1

Organization(s) .................. Bata India Ltd.Countries ............................................. IndiaIndustry ........................... Shoes & ApparelPub/Rev Date ..................................... 2001Case Length ................................. 6 PagesTN Length ..................................... 5 Pages