Human interaction and emotion

Human Interaction and Emotion What social problems can arise from our emotions and how can we work through them?

Transcript of Human interaction and emotion

Human Interaction and Emotion

Human Interaction and EmotionWhat social problems can arise from our emotions and how can we work through them?

Highs and lows of emotion Emotions can range from dangerous highs to dangerous lows.

Negative outcomes usually occur immediately after emotion has been triggered

Can lead to negative outcomes and interactions

As well as dangerous lows, emotions can lean into dangerous highs

Too much of any emotion can lead to negative outcomes

Balance between them is the key

How do these emotions affect our interactions with other? Possible outcomes of negative emotions include: physical violence and destructive behaviour that can destroy relationships

Loss of friends and family

Constant tension and hostility when interacting with others

How do we find a good balance in our emotions? Six step coping method by clinical Psychologist, Dr. Carmen Harra

Dont react right away

Ask for guidance

Find a healthy outlet

See the bigger picture

Replace your thoughts

Forgive your emotional triggers

1. Don't react right away!

2. Ask for divine guidance

3. Find a healthy outlet

4. See the bigger picture

5. Replace your thoughts

6. Forgive your emotional triggers

References Hareli, S., & Eisikovits, Z. (2006). The Role of Communicating Social Emotions Accompanying Apologies in Forgiveness. Motivation and Emotion 30, 18990.

Harra, C. (2006). Decoding Your Destiny. Beyond Words Publishing Inc.

Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire fir interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497-529