Human-Centered Design for Social Innovation Workshop 6th week 9th May 2014

URBAN KAMPONG FARMING - LET’S PROTOTYPE!!! 09/05/14@Interior Design Dept., School of Design, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang

Transcript of Human-Centered Design for Social Innovation Workshop 6th week 9th May 2014

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URBAN KAMPONG FARMING - LET’S PROTOTYPE!!!09/05/14@Interior Design Dept., School of Design,

Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang

Page 2: Human-Centered Design for Social Innovation Workshop 6th week 9th May 2014

The Design ProcessA reminder (on what the DAG team already been doing):

The Activities:Week 1: did the DT-HCD Intro phase and produce 2 prototypes.Week 2: Discover Phase 1 decide to take our own DESIGN Challenge & produce the HMW Question: How might we encourage good garbage dumping habits among undeserved children in Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA? Week 3: Discover Phase 2 did our research by initiating an event ‘COLOR YOUR KITE’ dayWeek 4: Ideation Phase – Surprise! After gruelling session we developed our new HMW Question: How might we generate the community (of Kampong Pondok Pucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order to lift up their pride?WEEK 5: Prototype Phase 1 - Hardest part, as we have to build our ideas into something tangible, enriched one’s experience and of course meaningful! We chose then to do URBAN KAMPONG FARMING!, NOW LET’S DO THE PROTOTYPE!

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Hello, we are, the DAG Team doing the 4th Part of HCD Workshop: Prototype Phase 2! – We’re very THRILLED TO DO OUR URBAN KAMPONG FARMING!!!

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Fix Ur Neighborhood Board GamesMartin suggests

implementing values first through creating ‘fix ur

neighborhood’ board games, make a competition over it

and the big prize is scale 1:1 fix ur neighborhood!

Plants & Garden Everywhere

Rakyan suggests that

we started planting and gardening in every abandoned

corner of the kampong!

Urban Kampong FarmingPhebe suggests the urban kampong farming. Hers not

just about gardening but planting for harvesting!

OUR NEW ‘HMW’ QUESTIONHow might we generate the

Community (of Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to

keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order

to lift up their pride?

Butterfly & Birdie

KampongRuth suggests plants

and flower everywhere. She visions butterflies and birds will come,

coloring and twittering the kampong

Flowering Plants

MovementDona suggests to

make a movement, flowering plants


Reminder of PHASE 1

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OUR NEW ‘HMW’ QUESTIONHow might we generate the

Community (of Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to

keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order

to lift up their pride?

Urban Kampong Farming Prototype Sequence:

(1)the ‘How to’ (planting, nursery, harvesting) – should be easy, cheap

and fun (hydroponic plants, biopores, recycled materials, coloring activities; 5

senses wall, watering system etc.);(2)Create attractive

campaign/explanation and Showing proof ; (Invite Experts, Invite others and

bring the harvesting example from similar program, Garden party –

cooking, eating veggie feast!, etc.);(3) Showing the use: Consume by self

or Sell – (Create Business Model!);(4) Finding suited Location (anywhere,

abandoned but attached to their dwelling, preferably limited space) and

BUILD IT); (5) The Prize: The Pride (Social Media and Media Campaign, Invite guests,

competition etc.)

Reminder of PHASE 1

Our idea is to make use every possible space in the kampong, especially abandoned yet attached area to the community dwellings with plantation

and simple farming. It’s not just gardening, it is planting for harvesting

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OUR NEW ‘HMW’ QUESTIONHow might we generate the

Community (of Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to

keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order

to lift up their pride?

Name of the Prototype:CCC – Cultivating, Composting, Coloring

BBB – Berkebun, Biopori, Bermain in Indonesian

Urban Kampong Farming


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OUR NEW ‘HMW’ QUESTIONHow might we generate the

Community (of Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to

keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order

to lift up their pride?

The Prototype:C – Cultivating

B – Berkebunin Indonesian

Urban Kampong Farming


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OUR NEW ‘HMW’ QUESTIONHow might we generate the

Community (of Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to

keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order

to lift up their pride?

The Prototype:C – Cultivating/ B – Berkebun

Why Hydroponics planting? You can plant many variation of vegetables.

It is cheap and easy – the seeds, recycled materials (plastic bottles, ex-grocery Styrofoam

etc.), low maintenance and risk, minimum fertilizer, even the water supply can use rain

water harvesting system. You don’t need space, and you can use it over and over again. The

harvesting time relatively fast, only needed 1.5 to 2 months. The vegetables you produced is

pesticide free and healthier than the usual. Of course you can harvest and sell it for a very

good price. The expert and community exemplars are many in this particular fields. The design potentials is high – especially the

arrangement of the pipe (if we used pipe), or the used plastic bottles .

Urban Kampong Farming


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OUR NEW ‘HMW’ QUESTIONHow might we generate the

Community (of Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to

keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order

to lift up their pride?

The Prototype:C – Composting

B – Bioporiin Indonesian

The second activity embedded with cultivating is composting domestic organic waste with a system called Biopori . Children in the process will be involved in coloring the wall area and the

hydroponic installation.

Urban Kampong Farming


The Prototype:C – ColoringB – Bermainin Indonesian

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OUR NEW ‘HMW’ QUESTIONHow might we generate the

Community (of Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to

keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order

to lift up their pride?

The Prototyping:CCC – Cultivating, Composting, Coloring

BBB – Berkebun, Biopori, Bermain in IndonesianPut together, the three activities Cultivating, Composting, Coloring or CCC will be our prototype

for Urban Kampong Farming Campaign. It will respond to our themes from Ideation phase: VALUE, HOPE and HYGIENE. It will be for the mothers (although not limited) and the children, where they

can farm and have fun, while in the same time change their attitude towards garbage .The prototype that we built tried to respond to the real limited space (pic.on the right). The width is only

+ 50 cm and use for hanging clothes. While inserting CCC, our prototype will still incorporate this habit.

Urban Kampong Farming


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REFLECTION:• Wow! After only 6 weeks we discover the problem, we ideate and we built our

idea into prototype.• But you know that is not the best part. The best part is as a team DAG modes of

work becomes more and more synchronize with each other. We now works collaboratively – even better, we don’t think we could work just by our self!

• Well, that is the best part, but this is the GREATEST PART: We are all commit to work until the project is really done. We will pursue this with our ACTION PLAN that we are going to make next week!

Let’s Do Urban Kampong Farming &

CCC – Cultivating, Composting, Coloring

OUR NEW ‘HMW’ QUESTIONHow might we generate the

Community (of Kampong PondokPucung, Tangerang, INDONESIA) to

keep their kampong uncluttered/orderly in order

to lift up their pride?

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See you on our last report on this workshop session,