Hull kr talk 3 breakfast

Principle 1 recap to play great you must hydrate 1. How long a gap should you leave before and after a meal to ensure food is digested optimally? 2. How does water help with fat loss? 3. What benefits do green drinks offer? 4. How much weaker will your upper body be when dehydrated?

Transcript of Hull kr talk 3 breakfast

Principle 1 recapto play great you must hydrate1. How long a gap should you leave before and

after a meal to ensure food is digested optimally?

2. How does water help with fat loss?

3. What benefits do green drinks offer?

4. How much weaker will your upper body be when dehydrated?

Principle 2 recap For a longer career, eat plenty of veg

1. Name 5 benefits of eating more fruit and veg

2. What’s the best way to cook veg?

3. How can you ensure that your absorb the Vitamins A,D,E and K?

4. How many portions a day should you aim for?

Hull KR Principle 3Start the day like a champion

Rich McKeating

John Harvey Kellogg (February 26, 1852 – December 14, 1943)

Great quote from the 7th day Adventist!

"A remedy [for masturbation] which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision...The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an aesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind...In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement. " -- Dr. John Harvey Kellogg

The problem with cereals• According to the International Journal of Obesity breakfast cereal appears mainly to

prime the body to break down only carbohydrates.

• Whole Grains cereals are a con

• 1960s. Researchers at Ann Arbor University were given 18 laboratory rats. They were divided into three groups: one group received corn flakes and water; a second group was given the cardboard box that the corn flakes came in and water; the control group received rat chow and water."

• The rats in the control group remained in good health throughout the experiment. The rats eating the box became lethargic and eventually died of malnutrition. But the rats receiving the corn flakes and water died before the rats that were eating the box! (The last corn flake rat died the day the first box rat died.)"

• But before death, the corn flake rats developed bizarre behaviour, threw fits, bit each other and finally went into convulsions. The startling conclusion of this study is that there was more nourishment in the box than there was in the corn flakes.

The cholesterol Con• 1960 a study published by Kellogg's shows that eggs contain (not

increase) cholesterol

• western governments responded by suggesting people limit their egg intake to avoid the risk of coronary heart disease ( Between 1960 and 1990, egg consumption dropped from about 321 to 235 eggs per person annually )

• Eggs are great source of choline which helps protect the liver and increase fat loss, in mitochondria, choline converts o Betaine which helps protect against oxidization and therefore inflammation.

• Growing heart disease and lowering saturated fat consumption.

• The role of cholesterol

– Anti- inflammatory

– Hormonal construction

The very start of a day• Time you wake up

• The way you wake up

– 30 day challenge

– Exceptions after ( naps)

– Low sound alarm

– Lumi alarm

• Eat within 1 hour of wakening

The importance of breakfast• Intestinal parasite build up

• Eat less throughout day

• People who eat breakfast are 55% less likely to be obese or become diabetic.

• Protein decreases water retention

What to include?

• The first thing you put in your mouth at the beginning of the day will affect your entire day, amino acids from proteins will help increase alertness, in particular Tyrosine found in meats, dairy products, nuts.

• The macronutrient content will affect your metabolism for the day.

– Multiple studies on employee productivity or on children’s attention patterns have demonstrated that a high protein breakfast does not only impact on the energy and productivity levels of morning till noon, but extended its positive way in the late afternoon.

– Fat first thing helps burn fat and carbohydrates a high rate throughout the day.

• So a great breakfast should include

– At least 30g of quality Lean protein

– Lots of quality veg

– Lots of quality fats

Good examples• Day 1

• • Vegetable Omelette

• • 1 handful of macadamia nuts, peppers,0

• Day 2

• • Stir Fry King prawns, ginger, garlic, sugar snap pea's, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes

• • 1 handful of cashew nuts,

• Day 3

• • 1-2 Lean turkey burgers

• • 1 handful of almonds , Steamed Broccoli, carrots

Day 4

• smoked salmon

• 1 handful of brazil nuts, Spinach, Olive Oil

(spinach improves muscle growth 20% in culture ( Petri dish!) and increases glucose metabolism

Day 5

• 2 chicken breasts

• 1 handful of hazelnuts, mixed salads

After breakfast, I recommend to use a teaspoon to a tablespoon of quality fish oil to mitigate even more the insulin response. That will insure top level concentration till your next meal.


What to have with breakfast?• Coffee before hand will decrease

morning appetite• Green tea can help increase

Dopamine, lower stress• Omega 3 can increase

catecholamine production by 40%• Certain berries can help protect the

brain• Nuts are a great source of protein

and quality fats• Pumpkin seeds are a good source of


• Avoid vegetable/soy/ corn/ canola oils as they compete with omega 3 and damage are often rancid resulting in damaged brain cells

• Alpha GPC 300mg Breakfast, 300mg Lunch– Raises acetyl carnitine– Raises growth hormone– Regenerates pituarty gland– Can increase reaction times

Morning Carbohydrates?• For those looking to put on size adding

slow carbs such as Lentils/ beans or oatmeal could be a good option

• On exceptionally tough training days

When to have protein shakes first thing

• When mass gaining

• When woke up late and in a rush

• When you would otherwise miss breakfast or have a poor breakfast

Summary• Eating breakfast will make you psyched up for

the day and enable you to work harder• Eating breakfast will make you leaner over the

long term.• A quality breakfast will include

– At least 30g Protein– Lots of veg– Quality fats– Slow Carbs in some cases

• 5 things you have learnt today?
