Hughes final chapter i

1 Project-Based Learning Implementing Project-Based Learning in the Classroom A Project Presented to the Faculty of the College of Education By: Kelly Hughes Touro University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of MASTERS OF ARTS In Educational Technology by

Transcript of Hughes final chapter i

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1Project-Based Learning

Implementing Project-Based Learning in the Classroom

A Project Presented to the Faculty of the College of Education

By: Kelly Hughes

Touro UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of



Educational Technology


Kelly Hughes

May, 2010

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This project examines the benefits of implementing Project-Based

Learning (PBL) in the classroom. These benefits include greater student understanding of

topics, higher-level reading, and an increased motivation to learn. PBL is a key strategy

in creating independent thinkers and learners, and, due to the key element of student

choice, lends itself nicely to differentiation amongst student interest and abilities.

Research supports PBL as an effective method to engage students in real-world tasks. It

demonstrates to students how what they are learning in the classroom is applicable to

their lives outside of the classroom. Research on PBL also indicates that students who are

engaged in project-based learning perform better on standardized tests than their

traditionally educated peers.

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Chapter 1


Project-based learning (PBL) is an innovative way to help children relate what

they learn in school to their lives outside of the classroom. Unlike traditional learning,

PBL is a student-driven, teacher-facilitated approach to learning. Through project-based

learning, students drive their own learning through inquiry, as well as work

collaboratively to research and create projects that reflect their knowledge (Bell, 2010).

Students select an area of interest and work collaboratively to research the topic, using as

many different types of information as possible. Using a competent model and a specific

audience, they then create a real-world product to share what they have learned (Diffily,

2002). Rather than being prescribed by textbooks, the content and the processes of

learning in PBL are connected to the world outside of the classroom. Textbooks aren’t

completely abandoned, but rather serve only as one resource for students in facilitating

their learning. PBL should not be looked at as a supplementary activity to support

learning, but rather the basis of curriculum since most PBL encompasses all of the main

subjects including reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies. As a result,

the outcome of PBL is greater understanding of a topic, deeper learning, higher-level

reading, and increased motivation to learn (Bell, 2010).

In project based learning (PBL) the role of the teacher and student are reversed.

Teachers give up the role of a “dispenser of knowledge” and “answerer of all questions”.

Instead, they serve as mentors, models, and facilitators to the students in their classes

(Diffily, 2002). Teachers who implement PBL in their classrooms still remain “in

charge”, they just use different teaching strategies than more traditional teachers.

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Teachers implementing PBL use questioning strategies with all of their students. Instead

of directly answering a student’s question, a project teacher might respond, I wonder how

you might find the answer to that question? Or if you’ve already checked the books in the

room, what else could you do to find the answer? (Diffily, 2002).

The role of students in a project-based classroom is also different than most

traditional classrooms. Students assume the decision making role about their learning

instead of just following the directives of the teacher. Students work with their teacher to

select a topic for their project, and plan the activities and share their learning. Throughout

the course of a project, students might take part in various different activities such as

researching through books, magazines, or Internet sites to find answers for their

questions, interviewing people who they feel are experts on the topic, plan field trips, or

any other number of activities. All of these decisions are made under the guidance and

support of their teacher (Diffily, 2002).

The active learning process that is implicit in PBL also takes into account the

various learning styles and preferences of students. The element of student choice allows

students the ability to decide various aspects of their project, including the tools and

resources they use in their research, how they want to demonstrate their learning in their

final product and the type of learning environment they would like to work in. A more

reflective child might choose to demonstrate their learning in journal entries that will be

shared with classmates, while a more analytical student might choose to demonstrate

their learning by creating timelines, graphs, and other visual representations to present to

their audience. Students who prefer a quiet working environment might choose to work in

the library, while other students who work better with more external activity might

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choose to work in a busy classroom, or outdoor area. Children learn so much about

themselves when they are empowered to make their own decisions (Bell, 2010).

Statement of the Problem:

Linking what children learn in the classroom with things they learn and can apply

outside the classroom, is one of the primary objectives of Project-based learning. Unlike

the traditional classroom learning environment where the teacher drives the learning,

PBL utilizes a more student-driven approach where the teacher is more of a facilitator.

The traditional approach to teaching and learning doesn’t always work for all

students. Oftentimes, students find it difficult to relate to what is being taught because

there doesn’t appear to be a linkage to what’s going on in their world outside of the

classroom. This learning disconnect can lead to students being less motivated to

understand and solve problems.

Traditional teaching methods also focus on students working and learning

independently, rather than with other students. This lack of collaboration can result in

some students feeling off on their own, reluctant to ask questions if they feel like they’re

falling behind. They assume that all of the other students understand what is being

taught, and therefore won’t take the risk of being embarrassed by raising their hand and

asking what they fear might be perceived as a dumb question.

A student’s ability to retain what they learn has long been an issue for schools.

Some of this goes back to the problem students have relating what is being taught to other

things in their life, but it also has something to do with the level of fun and excitement

students experience in the classroom. The traditional lecture approach to teaching

requires the students to consistently focus all of their attention on the teacher, which in

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some situations doesn’t lend itself to a fun and exciting learning experience. Lecture

approaches don’t lead to long-term retention. “Kids learn it for a week, then forget it.”

(Mergendoller, J.R., Maxwell, N., & Bellisimo, Y. 2007) If the students aren’t enjoying

their learning experience, they’re less likely going to retain what they learn.

Background and Need:

The traditional teaching methods used in classrooms today have not proven to be

effective for some students. Issues that need to be addressed include the linkage of

what’s being taught by teachers, to what students are experiencing outside the classroom,

a more collaborative approach to teaching that allows students to work and learn together,

rather than independently, and improving the long-term retention of students by making

their learning experience more fun and exciting.

The traditional teaching methods have also not proven to have a positive impact

on standardized test scores and graduation rates. The National Assessment of

Educational Progress (NAEP) indicates that there has not been any significant change in

test scores throughout the nation since 1971. At the same time, high school graduation

rates continue to decline, and the current drop-out rate is over 20%. In 2007, 6.2 million

students dropped out of high school, and 1 of 5 high school students in California

dropped out of school in 2008.

In measuring the basic academic subject proficiency, standardized testing shows

that students engaged in project-based learning outscore their traditionally educated peers

(Bell, 2010). This is partially due to the fact that students involved in PBL are solving

real-world problems. They aren’t being given problems that only require that they

memorize rules or concepts in order to solve, they are applying their knowledge to

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something more concrete; something that they will be able to use in their everyday lives.

This gives students more of a sense of ownership of their learning, which in turn

increases their motivation to learn and perform well.

In one British study, over the course of three years, students were taught using

traditional math programs at one school, and PBL at another. Results of standardized

testing indicated that three times as many PBL students achieved the highest possible

score on the national exam than the students at the traditional schools (as stated by

Boaler, 1999 in Bell, 2010). The study further indicated that PBL students were able to

answer the basic procedural problems using formulas as their traditionally taught peers,

but were far superior in answering conceptual problems. In another study, eighth grade

students in an inner-city, racially diverse school in Boston which implemented a PBL

program, exhibited the second highest scores in the district on the Stanford 9 Open Ended

Reading Assessment (as stated by Thomas, 2000 in Bell, 2010).

Project-based learning provides students with a powerful learning experience.

Students feel a sense of pride and ownership of their learning and their projects and in

turn push themselves to dive deeper into the subject matter. Because PBL is student

directed, and connected with the “real world” outside of the classroom, students are

motivated to learn, and acquire a deeper and conceptual understanding of subject matter.

PBL can not only be beneficial in increasing test scores, and motivating students, but it

also serves to create a more well-rounded, and empowered student.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to introduce Project-Based Learning into a 4th grade

classroom to determine the impact it has on the student’s learning. The baseline control

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data will be the student’s past grades and test scores, and project conclusions will be

based on the changes in performance over the school year.

As a relatively new elementary school teacher, I am passionate about identifying

and experimenting with new methods of teaching that have the potential of increasing

student engagement, participation and self-confidence, and improving their overall


The following issues/questions will be addressed throughout this project:

How receptive will the school be regarding this project and this new method

of teaching?

How receptive will parents be of this project? What is the best way to

communicate the project and project updates to them?

What will the student’s acceptance level be related to transitioning from a

traditional learning environment to a Project-Based Learning environment?

What impact will PBL have on students who are currently struggling with the

traditional teaching methods? What impact will it have on students who are

currently realizing success in the traditional environment?

Other than test scores and grades, are there other metrics that can be used to

effectively measure the success or failure of the project?

What are some of the lessons learned during the project and once the project is


Project Objectives:

The objectives of this project include the following:

Create a handbook to infuse technology into the Interact Gold Rush teaching unit

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to include:

o Project implementation process

o Issues and Challenges

o Project Controls

o Project Results

o Lessons Learned

Create an evaluation plan to:

o Identify and document any challenges and obstacles related to

the implementation of PBL in a 4th grade classroom.

o Determine if some students prefer the PBL learning

environment over the traditional method. Attempt to identify

any common characteristics of those who prefer PBL.

o Measure the effectiveness of the PBL process by tracking,

trending and evaluating the performance metrics for each

student during the project (specific milestones) and at the

conclusion of the project.

Definitions of Terms:

Project-Based Learning – An innovative teaching method that can help students relate

what they learn in school, to their lives outside of the classroom.

Standardized Testing – Nationally approved tests to measure the aptitude of students at

all levels in various subjects.

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Stanford Open Ended Reading Assessment – These valuable open-ended assessments

address important educational objectives best measured with student-constructed


Performance Metrics – Data points used to determine the progress and performance (i.e.

grades, test scores, etc.)


Project-based learning is a successful approach to instruction for a variety of

reasons, its proponents say. For one thing, it helps students retain the information they

learn. Lecture approaches don’t lead to long-term retention, “Kids learn it for a week,

then forget it.” (Mergendoller, J.R., Maxwell, N., & Bellisimo, Y. 2007). Another reason

project-based learning is useful is because it engages students’ interest and motivates

them to learn. One of the main reasons kids drop out of school is because they’re bored.

With project-based learning, students are encouraged to explore their own interests and to

make connections to the world beyond school. “I can’t tell you how many times I have

heard, ‘Why am I learning this? This is a waste of time. What’s the point?’ Project-based

learning gives you a way of answering those questions,” (Kantrov, as cited in Nastu,

2009). Project-based learning also encourages a deeper level of thinking by involving

students in answering questions for themselves, making connections, and using analytical

skills. “When I’m doing project-based learning, I’m looking at taking the ‘whole’ apart

and looking at the pieces. That’s problem-solving, the ability to analyze information by

putting it together in a new way to solve the problem,” (Walkington, as cited in Nastu,

2009) Walkington is the vice president of sales and marketing for Sebit LLC, which

produces an online learning solution called Adaptive Curriculum. Adaptive Curriculum is

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an interactive, web-based software product that allows students to conduct scientific

experiments, in realistically rendered surroundings, that are substitutes for actual

experiments when these might be dangerous in real life or when they require costly

equipment. The virtual experiments help students develop standards-based scientific

inquiry skills. “In project-based learning, instead of answers being provided to students,

[students] have to do experiments to come up with the solutions.” (Walkington, as cited

in Nastu 2009) What’s more, project-based learning can help students develop the same

kinds of 21st-century skills— such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication,

collaboration, and creativity—that today’s employers covet. Tackling long-term, student-

led projects can help students build real-world skills and knowledge.

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Bell, S. (2010). Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century: Skills for the Future. The

Clearing House, 83, 39-43.

Diffily, D. (2002). Project-Based Learning: Meeting social studies standards and the

needs of gifted learners. Gifted Child Today, 25(3), 40-43, 59. Retrieved from

ERIC database

Mergendoller, J.R., Maxwell, N., & Bellisimo, Y. (2007). The effectiveness of problem

based instruction: A Comparative Study of Instructional Methods and Student

Characteristics. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 1(2), 49-


Nastu, Jennifer. (2009). Project-based learning engages students, garners results. eSchool

News Retrieved from
