Huffman United Methodist Church · Huffman United Methodist...

Huffman United Methodist Church Messenger Huffman United Methodist Church 711 Gene Reed Road | Birmingham, AL 35235 Phone: (205) 833-7636 Care Line: (205) 833-7690 Fax: (205) 836-3589 Rev. Ed Sims………………..……………Senior Minister (205) 516-0364 Rev. Donna Jo Godwin…………………………………Associate Minister Rev. Ragan Boling………………………...………...Minister of Visitation Stephanie Sparks………………....Minister of Christian Development Andy Rickles………………….……………………Director of Youth Ministries Donna Rowan…………….……………..Director of Childrens Ministry October 5, 2016 HOST WEEK 10/16/16 - 10/23/16 Our week to host the families is coming up on 10/16. We need volunteers to help pre- pare the rooms on 10/16, provide meals each evening, overnight hosts for each night, and to clean up the area on Sunday 10/23 at 8:00 AM. Please contact Ellen Lawrence if you would like to provide a meal: [email protected] Please contact Alma Moore if you can help with any of these responsibilities. 563- 6237 [email protected] THANK YOU! DONT FORGET Flu Shot Clinic at 8:30 am in the Narthex (Cry Room) No Mens Breakfast this month

Transcript of Huffman United Methodist Church · Huffman United Methodist...

  • Huffman United Methodist Church


    Huffman United Methodist Church 711 Gene Reed Road | Birmingham, AL 35235

    Phone: (205) 833-7636 Care Line: (205) 833-7690 Fax: (205) 836-3589

    Rev. Ed Sims………………..……………Senior Minister (205) 516-0364 Rev. Donna Jo Godwin…………………………………Associate Minister Rev. Ragan Boling………………………...………...Minister of Visitation Stephanie Sparks………………....Minister of Christian Development Andy Rickles………………….……………………Director of Youth Ministries

    Donna Rowan…………….……………..Director of Children’s Ministry

    October 5, 2016

    HOST WEEK 10/16/16 - 10/23/16

    Our week to host the families is coming up on 10/16. We need volunteers to help pre-pare the rooms on 10/16, provide meals each evening, overnight hosts for each night, and to clean up the area on Sunday 10/23 at 8:00 AM. Please contact Ellen Lawrence if you would like to provide a meal: [email protected] Please contact Alma Moore if you can help with any of these responsibilities. 563-6237 [email protected] THANK YOU!


    Flu Shot Clinic at 8:30 am in the Narthex (Cry Room)

    No Men’s Breakfast this month

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]


    Need to get ready for the holidays? What better way than clearing out some of your slightly used decorations and donating them to our Holiday Decoration Giveaway which is a FUN part of our Halloween Carnival. Contact Kathy George for details 655-0860.


    In honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is inviting the congrega-

    tion to show our appreciation to our ministerial staff. Let’s show our appreciation to Pastor Ed, Donna G.,

    Stephanie, Ragan, Andy, and Donna R. thru the Methodist commitment of our:

    PRAYERS – pray for each minister, our church, and our mission, “Embracing Our Community through the Trans-

    formative Love of Christ.”

    PRESENCE – let’s set attendance records for October Sundays! October 30th is our ‘Covenant of Giving’ Sun-

    day. Don’t miss the service or the catered lunch to follow.

    GIFTS – give a card, a note, a gift, a hug, a kind word! (a basket will be in the Welcome Center). Share your

    personal gifts and talents through Huffman’s many volunteer opportunities.

    SERVICE – get involved! There is something for everyone! Volunteers are always needed in the Welcome

    Center, choir, handbells, KIC (Kids in Christ), youth, and Family Promise of Birmingham. Join a Sunday School

    class, United Methodist Women (UMW), Bible study, Wednesday night suppers; it’s always the right time to

    combine fellowship and service!

    WITNESS – what a better way to honor our ministers than by showing Christ’s love to others. Helping with the

    Halloween Carnival on October 31st, as well as taking part in the many MISSION OPPORTUNITIES that HUMC

    sponsors throughout the year, puts your witness into action!


    Opportunity to Serve Wednesday Night Dinner

    Would you be willing to cook dinner once every eight weeks? Cooking dinner includes setup, cooking/serving and clean up.

    Dinner needs to be served until about 6:15 (for those who work late). If you want to attend 6:00 study, clean up can be done after the study. There will be a calendar in the office to sign up for a particular week. We have September and October covered. We will not have any activities on November 23and December 28.

    Mission Trip to Mexico

    Mega Missions is traveling to Ciudad Victoria November 3-8. We will be building a church, sharing items with people in nearby villages, and taking a meal to people living in the local landfill. Please remember us in your pray-ers. If you would like more information about the trip, or to learn about ways you can help, see Stephanie Sparks.

    Angel Tree Ministry

    To ‘kinda’ quote a famous American…


    Yes our Christmas Angel Tree ministry will kick off in just a few weeks. Once again our Angel Tree will include community angels from Martha Gaskins Elementary, Huffman Academy Elementary and Huffman Middle schools as well as the Prison Fellowship Ministry angels.

    Embracing our Community Through the Transformative Love of Christ!

    The Children are going to The Great Pumpkin Patch in Hayden on Sunday, October 16th right after church. Please take a sack lunch and we will eat at the

    Pumpkin Patch. KIC is in need of a volunteer for the 4th Wednesday of each month. Please contact Donna Rowan if you are interested.

    Thank you all for your prayers and love over the past 18 months. God has blessed me and these last treatments have worked and I look forward to much better days for now. Love Margie, Ron and Liz

    Huffman Stitchers will meet

    Wednesday, Oct. 12th at 10 am in

    the DDR. We will be discussing

    our next project.

  • Dear friends, How is your prayer life going? I keep encountering a verse of Scripture this week: The prayer of the is powerful and effective (James 5:16b). Now, my experience is that when a passage of scripture keeps popping up in your life, it is a sign that your ears ought to perk up – God is trying to get your attention. Olga Veit, the “glue” that holds our Tuesday morning Bible study group to-gether, brought me an article by evangelist Leonard Ravenhill that points out, “The two prerequisites for successful Christian living are vision and passion, both of which are born in and maintained by prayer. The ministry of preaching is open to few; the ministry of prayer – the highest ministry of all human offic-es – is open to all.” Jared Burkholder, Minister of Prayer and Mission at Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, California, wrote in the Santa Clarita Valley Signal, “prayer is something that plays a really big role in scripture and something huge in Christ’s life… For me personally, prayers express our trust in God and is a means to thank him. It’s not that we are moving God to do something he wouldn’t normally do, but in prayer we get to participate with him and what he’s doing as we cry out for his help. It’s a cool reminder, prayer is not just something important to us, but something we rely on, and something that is the foundation of what we believe.” Prayer is essential for us, because more and more it is becoming a challenge to follow Jesus. Tom Krattenmaker, talking about his new book, Confessions of a Secular Jesus Follower, described why it is hard to follow Jesus: “Because what Jesus calls us to do often goes against the prevailing norms of our culture today. So much of our culture is self-serving and self-obsessed, whether it's our pursuit of material wealth or status or power or really awesome experiences that we have on our bucket list. Following the path of Jesus can orient us toward a life that is dedicated to more edifying ends that I think all of us can appreciate when we really think about it, regardless of where we are on the theological spectrum. Ultimately, I'm talking about getting outside of our-selves and our narrow self-interest and dedicating ourselves to something great-er — especially toward other people and their well-being.” We need to be in conversation with Jesus if we are to meet the challenges of living in today’s world. So I end with the same question I posed at the begin-ning: How is your prayer life going? Bless you all, Brother Ed

    Karen Acker

    Michelle Andrews Katherine Bester, Martha Gaskins

    Elementary Counselor Ann Blanpied Cathy Bowlin

    Lisa Brooks, niece of Julianna Schoettlin John Calhoun

    Christian Cooper Elizabeth Davis

    Ronny & Elaine Deas Sgt. Ryan R. Fish

    Henry Garrett Jerry Garrison

    Sandy Goodwin, friend of Sandra Mallory Virginia Grant

    Pat Greer Debbie Griffin Evelyn Griffin

    Mark Griffin, son of Evelyn Griffin Karen Griffis

    Dot Hardy Charles Hazel

    Stacie Higgins, friend of Carol Romager Barbara Kent Bob Kontzen

    Margaret K. Landmon, sister of Dot Hardy Jean Mark

    Martha & Tommy Mosley Jim & Betty Nash

    Harold Nelson Carol O'Rourke, in the death of her

    husband Warren O’Rourke Rick Parsons,

    Richard Norton’s brother-n-law Kreg Rayburn, brother of Jennifer Johnson

    Virginia Robertson Betty Rowell

    Jan Scholl Bonnie Simmons Maude Simmons

    Jane Vaughn

    Deepest Sympathy to

    Ed, Amelia and Thomas Sims in the death of Amelia’s mother,

    Lois Gossett, who passed away on September 28, 2016

    Carol O’Rourke and family in the death of her husband,

    Warren O’Rourke, who passed away on October 4, 2016

    Ever heard of e-voice?

    This is a communication tool from the North Alabama Conference. They publish about once a month. E-voice

    provides info about what is going on at the district and conference level. If you would like to receive this publication via e-mail go to: Once you fill out this form you will be sent an email to acknowledge your request and further instructions on how to manage your subscription.

    In Memory of Lois Gossett by Lorene Billups, for Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

  • Sunday, October 9 8:30 am Flu Shot Clinic, Narthex (Cry Room) 8:45 am Sunday School, Educational Building 10:00 am Morning Worship, Sanctuary 2:30 pm Charge Conference: Refreshments, Parlor 3:00 pm Charge Conference: Meeting, Sanctuary

    Monday, October 10 12:00 pm AA Meeting, DDR 1:30 pm Dominoes, DDR 6:00 pm Girl Scout Troop 718, DDR 7:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 351, Room 223

    Tuesday, October 11 9:45 am Staff Meeting, Pastor’s Office 10:00 am Tuesday Bible Study, DDR 6:30 pm Better Image Group, Chapel 7:00 pm Cub Scout Pack 351, Room 223 7:00 pm AA Meeting, DDR 7:00 pm Warblers, Choir Room

    Wednesday, October 12 10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study, Parlor 10:00 am Huffman Stitchers, DDR 5:00 pm Wednesday Night Dinner, FH

    Menu: Vegetable Soup, Salad, & Dessert

    **Reservation slips are in the pew racks. Please complete and put in the offering plate or contact Dolores Bunn or the Church Office by

    Tuesday at noon: [email protected] or 833-7636

    6:00 pm Adult Study, Parlor 6:00 pm Bell Choir Practice, Bell Choir Room 6:00 pm Confirmation Class, DDR 6:00 pm KIC (Kids in Christ) 6 - 6:30 Children’s Choir, Room 203

    6:30 - 7:30 Lesson & Activity, Room 203 7:00 pm HUMC Youth, Y outh Room 7:00 pm Chancel Choir Practice, Choir Room Thursday, October 13 12:00 pm AA Meeting, DDR 6:00 pm Good Neighbors, DDR

    Friday, October 14 7:00 pm AA Meeting, DDR

    Saturday, October 15 8:00 am Karate, FH

    Huffman United Methodist Church Rev. Ed Sims, Senior Minister 711 Gene Reed Road Birmingham, Alabama 35235 Phone: 833-7636 Care Line: 833-7690

    Address Service Requested


    PAID Birmingham, AL

    PERMIT NO. 1295

    Embracing Our Community Through the Transformative Love of Christ


    Jeremiah 31:27-34 Psalm 119:97-104 or Psalm 19

    2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Luke 18:1-8

    Our Stewardship…

    Society of Saint Andrews 10/2/2016 $19.71

    Tithes & Offerings Amount Needed Weekly $12,520 Offering 10/2/2016 $16,983 Needed Year-to-Date $488,280 Received Year-to-Date $469,184 YTD -+ (-) ($19,096)

    Attendance October 2, 2016 Worship 170

    Eastern Area Christian Ministries

    Food request for EACM in October is JELLY. Boys clothing is also needed: ALL SIZES. Underwear is needed as well...for women, men & children...again, all sizes. Also, men’s pants,

    blankets and coats. For October we have 52/250. THANK YOU so very much, for helping us surpass our

    goal for last month!!!

    No Men’s Breakfast this
