HudAnimations Tf

//////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CTRL+F FOR "DAMAGEDPLAYER" TO ANIMATE CROSSHAIRS// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sample animation script // sample animation script // // // commands: // Animate <panel name> <variable> <target value> <interpolator> <start tim e> <duration> // variables: // FgColor // BgColor // Position // Size // Blur (hud panels only) // TextColor (hud panels only) // Ammo2Color (hud panels only) // Alpha (hud weapon selection only) // SelectionAlpha (hud weapon selection only) // TextScan (hud weapon selection only) // // interpolator: // Linear // Accel - starts moving slow, ends fast // Deaccel - starts moving fast, ends slow // Spline - simple ease in/out curve // Pulse - < freq > over the duration, the value is pulsed (cosine) freq times ending at the dest value (assuming freq is integral) // Flicker - < randomness factor 0.0 to 1.0 > over duration , each frame if random # is less than factor, use end value, otherwise use prev value // // RunEvent <event name> <start time> // starts another even running at the specified time // // StopEvent <event name> <start time> // stops another event that is current running at the specified tim e // // StopAnimation <panel name> <variable> <start time> // stops all animations refering to the specified variable in the s pecified panel // // StopPanelAnimations <panel name> <start time> // stops all active animations operating on the specified panel // // SetFont <panel name> <fontparameter> <fontname from scheme> <set time> // // SetTexture <panel name> <textureidname> <texturefilename> <set time> // // SetString <panel name> <string varname> <stringvalue> <set time> event LevelInit { } event OpenWeaponSelectionMenu


Hud animations for TF2

Transcript of HudAnimations Tf

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////CTRL+F FOR "DAMAGEDPLAYER" TO ANIMATE CROSSHAIRS//////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// sample animation script// sample animation script////// commands:// Animate <panel name> <variable> <target value> <interpolator> <start time> <duration>// variables:// FgColor// BgColor// Position// Size// Blur (hud panels only)// TextColor (hud panels only)// Ammo2Color (hud panels only)// Alpha (hud weapon selection only)// SelectionAlpha (hud weapon selection only)// TextScan (hud weapon selection only)//// interpolator:// Linear// Accel - starts moving slow, ends fast// Deaccel - starts moving fast, ends slow// Spline - simple ease in/out curve// Pulse - < freq > over the duration, the value is pulsed (cosine) freq times ending at the dest value (assuming freq is integral)// Flicker - < randomness factor 0.0 to 1.0 > over duration, each frame if random # is less than factor, use end value, otherwise use prev value//// RunEvent <event name> <start time>// starts another even running at the specified time//// StopEvent <event name> <start time>// stops another event that is current running at the specified time//// StopAnimation <panel name> <variable> <start time>// stops all animations refering to the specified variable in the specified panel//// StopPanelAnimations <panel name> <start time>// stops all active animations operating on the specified panel//// SetFont <panel name> <fontparameter> <fontname from scheme> <set time> //// SetTexture <panel name> <textureidname> <texturefilename> <set time>//// SetString <panel name> <string varname> <stringvalue> <set time>

event LevelInit{}

event OpenWeaponSelectionMenu

{StopEvent CloseWeaponSelectionMenu 0.0StopEvent WeaponPickup 0.0

// make the display visibleAnimate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "128" Linear 0

.0 0.1Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudWeaponSelection FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0

.0 0.1//Animate HudWeaponSelection TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudWeaponSelection TextScan "1" Linear 0

.0 0.1}

event CloseWeaponSelectionMenu{

StopEvent CloseWeaponSelectionMenu 0.0StopEvent WeaponPickup 0.0

// make the display visibleAnimate HudWeaponSelection Alpha "128" Linear 0

.0 0.1Animate HudWeaponSelection SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudWeaponSelection FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0

.0 0.1//Animate HudWeaponSelection TextColor "BrightFg" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudWeaponSelection TextScan "1" Linear 0

.0 0.1}

event MenuOpen{

StopEvent MenuClose 0.0

// fade inAnimate HudMenu Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu MenuColor "MenuColor" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu ItemColor "ItemColor" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu TextScan "1" Linear 0.0 0.1

// Undo any blurAnimate HudMenu Blur "1" Linear

0.0 0.01}

event MenuClose{

// Hide itAnimate HudMenu Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 1Animate HudMenu SelectionAlpha "0" Linear 0.0 1Animate HudMenu FgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1Animate HudMenu MenuColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1Animate HudMenu ItemColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1


event MenuPulse

{Animate HudMenu Blur "7" Linear

0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu Blur "2" Deaccel

0.1 0.1Animate HudMenu Blur "7" Linear

0.2 0.1Animate HudMenu Blur "2" Deaccel

0.3 0.1Animate HudMenu Blur "7" Linear

0.4 0.1Animate HudMenu Blur "2" Deaccel

0.5 0.1Animate HudMenu Blur "1" Deaccel

0.6 0.4}

event MenuOpen{

StopEvent MenuClose 0.0

// fade inAnimate HudMenu Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu SelectionAlpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu MenuColor "MenuColor" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu ItemColor "ItemColor" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudMenu TextScan "1" Linear 0.0 0.1

// Undo any blurAnimate HudMenu Blur "1" Linear

0.0 0.01StopEvent FillUberBar 0.0RunEvent ClearUberBar 0.01


event MenuClose{

// Hide itAnimate HudMenu Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 1Animate HudMenu SelectionAlpha "0" Linear 0.0 1Animate HudMenu FgColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1Animate HudMenu MenuColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1Animate HudMenu ItemColor "0 0 0 0" Linear 0.0 1RunEvent FillUberBar 0.0


event FillUberBar{ RunEvent ClearUberBar 0.0 Animate UberBox0 alpha "255" Linear 0.10 0.001 Animate UberBox1 alpha "255" Linear 0.33 0.001 Animate UberBox2 alpha "255" Linear 0.67 0.001 Animate UberBox3 alpha "255" Linear 1.0 0.001 Animate UberBox4 alpha "255" Linear 1.33 0.001 Animate UberBox5 alpha "255" Linear 1.67 0.001 Animate UberBox6 alpha "255" Linear 2.0 0.001 Animate UberBox7 alpha "255" Linear 2.33 0.001 Animate UberBox8 alpha "255" Linear 2.67 0.001 Animate UberBox9 alpha "255" Linear 3.0 0.001

Animate UberBox10 alpha "255" Linear 3.33 0.001 Animate UberBox11 alpha "255" Linear 3.67 0.001 Animate UberBox12 alpha "255" Linear 4.0 0.001 Animate UberBox13 alpha "255" Linear 4.33 0.001 Animate UberBox14 alpha "255" Linear 4.67 0.001 Animate UberBox15 alpha "255" Linear 5.0 0.001 Animate UberBox16 alpha "255" Linear 5.33 0.001 Animate UberBox17 alpha "255" Linear 5.67 0.001 Animate UberBox18 alpha "255" Linear 6.0 0.001 Animate UberBox19 alpha "255" Linear 6.33 0.001 Animate UberBox20 alpha "255" Linear 6.67 0.001 Animate UberBox21 alpha "255" Linear 7.0 0.001 Animate UberBox22 alpha "255" Linear 7.33 0.001 Animate UberBox23 alpha "255" Linear 7.67 0.001 Animate UberBox24 alpha "255" Linear 8.0 0.001 Animate UberBox25 alpha "255" Linear 8.33 0.001 Animate UberBox26 alpha "255" Linear 8.67 0.001 Animate UberBox27 alpha "255" Linear 9.0 0.001 Animate UberBox28 alpha "255" Linear 9.33 0.001 Animate UberBox29 alpha "255" Linear 9.67 0.001 Animate UberBox30 alpha "255" Linear 10.0 0.001 Animate UberBox31 alpha "255" Linear 10.33 0.001 Animate UberBox32 alpha "255" Linear 10.67 0.001 Animate UberBox33 alpha "255" Linear 11.0 0.001 Animate UberBox34 alpha "255" Linear 11.33 0.001 Animate UberBox35 alpha "255" Linear 11.67 0.001 Animate UberBox36 alpha "255" Linear 12.0 0.001 Animate UberBox37 alpha "255" Linear 12.33 0.001 Animate UberBox38 alpha "255" Linear 12.67 0.001 Animate UberBox39 alpha "255" Linear 13.0 0.001 Animate UberBox40 alpha "255" Linear 13.33 0.001 Animate UberBox41 alpha "255" Linear 13.67 0.001 Animate UberBox42 alpha "255" Linear 14.0 0.001 Animate UberBox43 alpha "255" Linear 14.33 0.001 Animate UberBox44 alpha "255" Linear 14.67 0.001 Animate UberBox45 alpha "255" Linear 15.0 0.001 Animate UberBox46 alpha "255" Linear 15.33 0.001 Animate UberBox47 alpha "255" Linear 15.67 0.001 Animate UberBox48 alpha "255" Linear 16.0 0.001 Animate UberBox49 alpha "255" Linear 16.33 0.001 Animate UberBox50 alpha "255" Linear 16.67 0.001 Animate UberBox51 alpha "255" Linear 17.0 0.001 Animate UberBox52 alpha "255" Linear 17.33 0.001 Animate UberBox53 alpha "255" Linear 17.67 0.001 Animate UberBox54 alpha "255" Linear 18.0 0.001 Animate UberBox55 alpha "255" Linear 18.33 0.001 Animate UberBox56 alpha "255" Linear 18.67 0.001 Animate UberBox57 alpha "255" Linear 19.0 0.001 Animate UberBox58 alpha "255" Linear 19.33 0.001 Animate UberBox59 alpha "255" Linear 19.67 0.001 Animate UberBox60 alpha "255" Linear 20.0 0.001 Animate UberBox61 alpha "255" Linear 20.33 0.001 Animate UberBox62 alpha "255" Linear 20.67 0.001 Animate UberBox63 alpha "255" Linear 21.0 0.001 Animate UberBox64 alpha "255" Linear 21.33 0.001 Animate UberBox65 alpha "255" Linear 21.67 0.001 Animate UberBox66 alpha "255" Linear 22.0 0.001 Animate UberBox67 alpha "255" Linear 22.33 0.001 Animate UberBox68 alpha "255" Linear 22.67 0.001 Animate UberBox69 alpha "255" Linear 23.0 0.001

Animate UberBox70 alpha "255" Linear 23.33 0.001 Animate UberBox71 alpha "255" Linear 23.67 0.001 Animate UberBox72 alpha "255" Linear 24.0 0.001 Animate UberBox73 alpha "255" Linear 24.33 0.001 Animate UberBox74 alpha "255" Linear 24.67 0.001 Animate UberBox75 alpha "255" Linear 25.0 0.001 Animate UberBox76 alpha "255" Linear 25.33 0.001 Animate UberBox77 alpha "255" Linear 25.67 0.001 Animate UberBox78 alpha "255" Linear 26.0 0.001 Animate UberBox79 alpha "255" Linear 26.33 0.001 Animate UberBox80 alpha "255" Linear 26.67 0.001 Animate UberBox81 alpha "255" Linear 27.0 0.001 Animate UberBox82 alpha "255" Linear 27.33 0.001 Animate UberBox83 alpha "255" Linear 27.67 0.001 Animate UberBox84 alpha "255" Linear 28.0 0.001 Animate UberBox85 alpha "255" Linear 28.33 0.001 Animate UberBox86 alpha "255" Linear 28.67 0.001 Animate UberBox87 alpha "255" Linear 29.0 0.001 Animate UberBox88 alpha "255" Linear 29.33 0.001 Animate UberBox89 alpha "255" Linear 29.67 0.001 Animate UberBox90 alpha "255" Linear 30.0 0.001 Animate UberBox91 alpha "255" Linear 30.33 0.001 Animate UberBox92 alpha "255" Linear 30.67 0.001 Animate UberBox93 alpha "255" Linear 31.0 0.001 Animate UberBox94 alpha "255" Linear 31.33 0.001 Animate UberBox95 alpha "255" Linear 31.67 0.001 Animate UberBox96 alpha "255" Linear 32.0 0.001 Animate UberBox97 alpha "255" Linear 32.33 0.001 Animate UberBox98 alpha "255" Linear 32.67 0.001 Animate UberBox99 alpha "255" Linear 33.0 0.001 Animate UberBox100 alpha "255" Linear 33.33 0.001 Animate UberBox101 alpha "255" Linear 33.67 0.001 Animate UberBox102 alpha "255" Linear 34.0 0.001 Animate UberBox103 alpha "255" Linear 34.33 0.001 Animate UberBox104 alpha "255" Linear 34.67 0.001 Animate UberBox105 alpha "255" Linear 35.0 0.001 Animate UberBox106 alpha "255" Linear 35.33 0.001 Animate UberBox107 alpha "255" Linear 35.67 0.001 Animate UberBox108 alpha "255" Linear 36.0 0.001 Animate UberBox109 alpha "255" Linear 36.33 0.001 Animate UberBox110 alpha "255" Linear 36.67 0.001 Animate UberBox111 alpha "255" Linear 37.0 0.001 Animate UberBox112 alpha "255" Linear 37.33 0.001 Animate UberBox113 alpha "255" Linear 37.67 0.001 Animate UberBox114 alpha "255" Linear 38.0 0.001 Animate UberBox115 alpha "255" Linear 38.33 0.001 Animate UberBox116 alpha "255" Linear 38.67 0.001 Animate UberBox117 alpha "255" Linear 39.0 0.001 Animate UberBox118 alpha "255" Linear 39.33 0.001 Animate UberBox119 alpha "255" Linear 39.67 0.001}

event ClearUberBar{ Animate UberBox0 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox1 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox2 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox3 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox4 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox5 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001

Animate UberBox6 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox7 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox8 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox9 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox10 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox11 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox12 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox13 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox14 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox15 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox16 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox17 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox18 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox19 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox20 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox21 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox22 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox23 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox24 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox25 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox26 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox27 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox28 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox29 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox30 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox31 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox32 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox33 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox34 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox35 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox36 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox37 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox38 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox39 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox40 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox41 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox42 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox43 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox44 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox45 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox46 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox47 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox48 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox49 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox50 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox51 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox52 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox53 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox54 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox55 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox56 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox57 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox58 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox59 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox60 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox61 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox62 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox63 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox64 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox65 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001

Animate UberBox66 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox67 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox68 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox69 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox70 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox71 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox72 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox73 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox74 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox75 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox76 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox77 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox78 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox79 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox80 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox81 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox82 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox83 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox84 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox85 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox86 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox87 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox88 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox89 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox90 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox91 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox92 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox93 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox94 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox95 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox96 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox97 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox98 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox99 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox100 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox101 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox102 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox103 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox104 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox105 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox106 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox107 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox108 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox109 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox110 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox111 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox112 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox113 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox114 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox115 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox116 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox117 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox118 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001 Animate UberBox119 alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001}

event TimerIncrement{

Animate HudTimer Blur "7"

Linear 0.0 0.1Animate HudTimer Blur "2"

Deaccel 0.1 0.8Animate HudTimer Blur "0"

Deaccel 1.1 1.5}

event TimerDecrement{

Animate HudTimer Blur "7"Linear 0.0 0.1

Animate HudTimer Blur "2"Deaccel 0.1 0.8

Animate HudTimer Blur "0"Deaccel 1.1 1.5}

event ResourceIncrement{

Animate HudResources Blur "3"Linear 0.0 0.0

Animate HudResources PulseAmount "0"Linear 0.0 0.01

Animate HudResources Blur "1"Deaccel 0.1 1.5

Animate HudResources PulseAmount "1"Linear 0.1 2

Animate HudResources PulseAmount "0"Linear 2 2}

event ResourceDecrement{

Animate HudResources Blur "7"Linear 0.0 0.0

Animate HudResources PulseAmount "0"Linear 0.0 0.01

Animate HudResources Blur "1"Deaccel 0.1 1.5

Animate HudResources PulseAmount "1"Linear 0.1 2

Animate HudResources PulseAmount "0"Linear 2 2}

event ResourcePickup{

Animate HudResourcesPickup Alpha "255"Linear 0 0

Animate HudResourcesPickup Position "80 r40"Linear 0 0

Animate HudResourcesPickup Position "80 r120"Deaccel 0 1

Animate HudResourcesPickup Blur "7"Deaccel 0 0.2

Animate HudResourcesPickup Alpha "0"Deaccel .8 0.2

Animate HudResourcesPickup Blur "1"Deaccel 0.2 0.3}

event HintMessageShow{

Animate HudHintDisplay HintSize "1" Deaccel 0.0 0.3Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.4 0.4

// flash textAnimate HudHintDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 1.5 0.01Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 2.0 0.2Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 2.2 0.2Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 3.0 0.2Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 3.2 0.2

// hide the panel after a whileAnimate HudHintDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 0" Linear 10.0 0.2Animate HudHintDisplay HintSize "0" Deaccel 10.2 0.3


event HintMessageHide{

Animate HudHintDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 0" Linear 0.0 0.2Animate HudHintDisplay HintSize "0" Deaccel 0.2 0.3


event KeyHintMessageShow{

// show the hintsAnimate HudHintKeyDisplay Alpha 255 Linear 0.0 0.5

// flash textAnimate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.0 0.01Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 0.5 0.2Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 0.7 0.2Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "255 220 0 255" Linear 1.5 0.2Animate HudHintKeyDisplay FgColor "FgColor" Linear 1.7 0.2

// hide the panel after a whileAnimate HudHintKeyDisplay Alpha 0 Linear 12.0 1.0


event KeyHintMessageHide{

Animate HudHintKeyDisplay Alpha 0 Linear 0.0 0.5}


//Health Bonus Pulseevent HudHealthBonusPulse{

Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage Alpha "255"Linear 0.0 0.2

Animate PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage Alpha "0"Linear 0.2 0.4

Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue FgColor "Health Buff Cross" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate HealthBuffBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.3

Animate HealthBuffBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

Animate SpecBG BgColor "Spec Health Buff" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate SpecBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.3

Animate SpecBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

Animate FreezeBG BgColor "Spec Health Buff" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate FreezeBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate FreezeBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

Animate TargetBG BgColor "Spec Health Buff" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate TargetBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate TargetBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseLoop 0.4}

// call to loop HudHealthBonusPulseevent HudHealthBonusPulseLoop{

RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulse 0.0}

event HudHealthBonusPulseStop{

StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulse 0.0StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulseLoop 0.0

Animate PlayerStatusHealthValue FgColor "Health Normal Cross" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate HealthBuffBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate SpecBG BgColor "Spec Health Normal" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate SpecBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate FreezeBG BgColor "Spec Health Normal" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate FreezeBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate TargetBG BgColor "Spec Health Nor

mal" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate TargetBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0}


//Health Dying Pulseevent HudHealthDyingPulse{

Animate HealthLowBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.3

Animate HealthLowBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

Animate SpecBG BgColor "Spec Health Hurt" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate SpecBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.3

Animate SpecBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

Animate FreezeBG BgColor "Spec Health Hurt" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate FreezeBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate FreezeBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

Animate TargetBG BgColor "Spec Health Hurt" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate TargetBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate TargetBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseLoop 0.25}

// call to loop HudHealthDyingPulseevent HudHealthDyingPulseLoop{

RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulse 0.0}

event HudHealthDyingPulseStop{

StopEvent HudHealthDyingPulse 0.0StopEvent HudHealthDyingPulseLoop 0.0

Animate HealthLowBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate SpecBG BgColor "Spec Health Normal" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate SpecBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate FreezeBG BgColor "Spec Health Nor

mal" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate FreezeBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate TargetBG BgColor "Spec Health Normal" Accel 0.0 0.0 Animate TargetBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0}


event HudLowAmmoPulse{

Animate HudWeaponLowAmmoImage Alpha "255"Linear 0.0 0.075

Animate HudWeaponLowAmmoImage Alpha "0"Linear 0.125 0.075

Animate AmmoLowBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.0 0.3

Animate AmmoLowBG Alpha "255" Accel 0.3 0.6

RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulseLoop 0.25}

// call to loop HudLowAmmoPulseevent HudLowAmmoPulseLoop{

RunEvent HudLowAmmoPulse 0.0}

event HudLowAmmoPulseStop{

StopEvent HudLowAmmoPulse 0.0StopEvent HudLowAmmoPulseLoop 0.0

Animate AmmoLowBG Alpha "0" Accel 0.0 0.0}


event ControlPointIconShrink{

Animate HudControlPointIcons icon_expand "0" Linear 0.0 0.2}

event ControlPointIconGrow{

Animate HudControlPointIcons icon_expand "4" Linear 0.0 0.2}

// Metal Account

//activecolor - instantly turn red, fade back to yellowevent AccountMoneyRemoved

{Animate HudAccount FgColor "HudIcon_Red" Linear 0.0 0.0001Animate HudAccount FgColor "OrangeDim" Accel 0.0 3.0

Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "HudIcon_Red" Linear 0.0 0.0001

Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "0 0 0 0" Accel 0.0 3.0}

//activecolor - instantly turn green, fade back to yellowevent AccountMoneyAdded{

Animate HudAccount FgColor "HudIcon_Green" Linear 0.0 0.0001

Animate HudAccount FgColor "OrangeDim" Accel 0.0 3.0

Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "HudIcon_Green" Accel 0.0 0.0001

Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "0 0 0 0" Accel 0.0 3.0}

event AccountMoneyInvisible{

Animate HudAccount FgColor "OrangeDim" Accel 0.0 0.0001Animate HudAccount Ammo2Color "0 0 0 0" Accel 0.0 0.0001



event FlagOutlineHide{

Animate OutlineImage Alpha "0"Linear 0.0 0.1}

// Local player flag pickup/drop


// Spy Disguiseevent HudSpyDisguiseChanged{

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Alpha "255"Linear 0.0 0.2

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Position "c-200 c-200" Linear 0.0 0.2

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Size "400 400" Linear 0.0 0.2

RunEvent HudSpyDisguiseHide 0.7}

event HudSpyDisguiseHide{

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Position "3 413"Linear 0.0 0.2

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Size "55 55"Linear 0.0 0.2

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Alpha "0"Linear 0.2 0.1}

event HudSpyDisguiseFadeIn{

//RunEvent HudSpyDisguiseChanged 0//Animate PlayerStatusSpyImage Alpha "255"

Linear 0.9 0.1

//Uncomment the line below for spy disguise image.//Animate PlayerStatusClassImage Alpha

"255" Linear 0.0 0.0}

event HudSpyDisguiseFadeOut{

//RunEvent HudSpyDisguiseChanged 0//Animate PlayerStatusSpyImage Alpha "0"

Linear 0.9 0.1

//Uncomment the line below for spy disguise image.//Animate PlayerStatusClassImage Alpha

"0" Linear 0.0 0.0}


// Show the Overtime panelevent OvertimeShow{

Animate OvertimeLabel Alpha "255"Linear 0.0 0.1

Animate OvertimeBG Alpha"255" Linear 0.0 0.1}

event HudSnapShotReminderIn{

Animate ScreenshotPanel Position "c-83 -50" Linear 0.0 0.001

Animate ScreenshotPanel Position "c-83 13" Spline 0.001 0.2}

event HudReplayReminderIn // Places the replay reminder in the same place as the snapshot reminder{

Animate ReplayReminder Position "c-83 -50" Linear 0.0 0.001

Animate ReplayReminder Position "c-83 13" Spline 0.001 0.2}

event HudReplayReminderIn2 // Puts the panel below the snapshot panel{

Animate ReplayReminder Position "c-83 -50" Linear 0

.0 0.001Animate ReplayReminder Position "c-83 53" Spline 0

.001 0.2}

event HudReplayTipIn{

Animate ReplayTip Position "10 -100"Linear 0.0 0.001

Animate ReplayTip Position "10 6"Spline 0.001 0.1}

event HudReplayTipOut{

Animate ReplayTip Position "10 6"Linear 0.0 0.001

Animate ReplayTip Position "10 -100"Spline 0.001 0.1}

event HudTournamentSetupPanelOpen{

Animate HudTournamentSetup Position "c-90 -70" Linear 0.0 0.001

Animate HudTournamentSetup Position "c-90 70" Spline 0.001 0.2}

event HudTournamentSetupPanelClose{

Animate HudTournamentSetup Position "c-90 70" Linear 0.0 0.001

Animate HudTournamentSetup Position "c-90 -70" Spline 0.001 0.2}


// Flash the medic charge hud when we have full charge

event HudMedicCharged{

///////Rainbow ChargeAnimate ChargeLabel FgColor "ColorGreen" Linear 0

.0 0.1Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "ColorCyan"

Linear 0.1 0.1Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "ColorBlue"

Linear 0.2 0.1Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "ColorMagenta" Linear 0

.3 0.1Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "ColorRed"

Linear 0.4 0.1Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "ColorYellow" Linear 0

.5 0.1

///////Solid Color Charge

// Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "Solid Color Uber" Linear 0.0 0.000

///////Orange Pulse Charge

// Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "Flashing Uber Color1"Linear 0.0 0.3// Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "Flashing Uber Color2"Linear 0.3 0.3

///////Rainbow ChargeAnimate ChargeMeter FgColor "ColorGreen" Linear 0

.0 0.1Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "ColorCyan"

Linear 0.1 0.1Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "ColorBlue"

Linear 0.2 0.1Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "ColorMagenta" Linear 0

.3 0.1Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "ColorRed"

Linear 0.4 0.1Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "ColorYellow" Linear 0

.5 0.1

///////Solid Color Charge// Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "Solid Color Uber" Linear 0.0 0.000

///////Orange Pulse Charge

// Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "Flashing Uber Color1"Linear 0.0 0.3// Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "Flashing Uber Color2"Linear 0.3 0.3

RunEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.6}

// call to loop HudHealthBonusPulseevent HudMedicChargedLoop{

RunEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0}

event HudMedicChargedStop{

StopEvent HudMedicCharged 0.0StopEvent HudMedicChargedLoop 0.0

Animate ChargeLabel FgColor "Ammo In Clip" Linear 0.0 0.0001

Animate ChargeMeter FgColor "Uber Bar Color"Linear 0.0 0.0001



event VideoCaptionFadeIn{

Animate VideoCaption Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1}

event VideoCaptionFadeOut{

Animate VideoCaption Alpha "0"Linear 0.0 0.1}


// arena

event ArenaVsPanelOnShow{

Animate bluepanel Position "-200 50" Linear 0.0 0.001Animate redpanel Position "r-200 140" Linear 0.0 0.001Animate vslabel Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.001

RunEvent ArenaVsPanelSlideIn 1.0RunEvent ArenaVsPanelSlideOut 4.8


event ArenaVsPanelSlideIn{

Animate bluepanel Position "c-100 50" Spline 0.0 0.2Animate redpanel Position "c-100 140" Spline 0.0 0.2Animate vslabel Alpha "255" Linear 0.15 0.2


event ArenaVsPanelSlideOut{

Animate bluepanel Position "-200 50" Spline 0.0 0.2Animate redpanel Position "r-200 140" Spline 0.0 0.2Animate vslabel Alpha "0" Linear 0.0 0.05



//Cart Alarm Pulseevent HudCartAlarmPulse{

Animate EscortItemImageAlert Alpha "160" Linear 0.0 0.3

Animate EscortItemImageAlert Alpha "0" Linear 0.6 0.3

RunEvent HudCartAlarmPulseLoop 1.2}

event HudCartAlarmPulseLoop{

RunEvent HudCartAlarmPulse 0.0}

event HudCartAlarmPulseStop

{StopEvent HudCartAlarmPulse 0.0StopEvent HudCartAlarmPulseLoop 0.0



// Active Timer BG Pulseevent ActiveTimerBGPulse{

Animate ActiveTimerBG Alpha "0" Linear 0.1 0.1

Animate ActiveTimerBG Alpha "255" Linear 0.3 0.1

Animate ActiveTimerBG Alpha "0" Linear 0.5 0.1

Animate ActiveTimerBG Alpha "255" Linear 0.7 0.1

Animate ActiveTimerBG Alpha "0" Linear 0.9 0.1

Animate ActiveTimerBG Alpha "255" Linear 1.1 0.1}


event TeamsFullArrowAnimate{

Animate TeamsFullArrow Position "c-118 165" Linear0 0

Animate TeamsFullArrow Position "c-118 180" Linear0 0.4

Animate TeamsFullArrow Position "c-118 165" Linear0.4 0.4

RunEvent TeamsFullArrowAnimateLoop 0.8}

event TeamsFullArrowAnimateLoop{

RunEvent TeamsFullArrowAnimate 0.0}

event TeamsFullArrowAnimateEnd{

StopEvent TeamsFullArrowAnimate 0.0StopEvent TeamsFullArrowAnimateLoop 0.0



event TrainingHudBounce{

Animate ObjectiveStatusTraining Position "c-160 r187"Linear 0 0

Animate ObjectiveStatusTraining Position "c-160 r127"Bounce 0.0 2.0}

event TrainingPressSpacebarBlink{

Animate PressSpacebarToContinue Alpha "255"Linear 0.0 0.1

Animate PressSpacebarToContinue Alpha "0"Linear 0.2 0.1

Animate PressSpacebarToContinue Alpha "255"Linear 0.4 0.1

Animate PressSpacebarToContinue Alpha "0"Linear 0.6 0.1

Animate PressSpacebarToContinue Alpha "255"Linear 0.8 0.1

Animate PressSpacebarToContinue Alpha "0"Linear 1.0 0.1

Animate PressSpacebarToContinue Alpha "255"Linear 1.2 0.1

RunEvent TrainingPressSpacebarBlinkLoop 3.0}

event TrainingPressSpacebarBlinkLoop{

RunEvent TrainingPressSpacebarBlink 0.0}

event TrainingPressSpacebarBlinkStop{

StopEvent TrainingPressSpacebarBlink 0.0StopEvent TrainingPressSpacebarBlinkLoop 0.0



event IntroMovieContinueBlink{

Animate continue Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.1Animate continue Alpha "0" Linear 0

.2 0.1

Animate continue Alpha "255" Linear 0.4 0.1Animate continue Alpha "0" Linear 0

.6 0.1

Animate continue Alpha "255" Linear 0.8 0.1Animate continue Alpha "0" Linear 1

.0 0.1

Animate continue Alpha "255" Linear 1.2 0.1

RunEvent IntroMovieContinueBlinkLoop 2.0}

event IntroMovieContinueBlinkLoop{

RunEvent IntroMovieContinueBlink 0.0}

event IntroMovieContinueBlinkStop{

StopEvent IntroMovieContinueBlink 0.0StopEvent IntroMovieContinueBlinkLoop 0.0



event HasMOTDBlink{

Animate MOTD_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"Linear 0.0 0.1

Animate MOTD_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "0"Linear 0.2 0.1

Animate MOTD_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"Linear 0.4 0.1

Animate MOTD_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "0"Linear 0.6 0.1

Animate MOTD_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"Linear 0.8 0.1

Animate MOTD_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "0"Linear 1.0 0.1

Animate MOTD_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"Linear 1.2 0.1

RunEvent HasMOTDBlinkLoop 2.0}

event HasMOTDBlinkLoop{

RunEvent HasMOTDBlink 0.0}

event HasMOTDBlinkStop{

StopEvent HasMOTDBlink 0.0StopEvent HasMOTDBlinkLoop 0.0Animate MOTD_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"

Linear 0.0 0.1}


event HasNotificationsBlink{

Animate Notifications_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"Linear 0.0 0.1

Animate Notifications_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "0"Linear 0.2 0.1

Animate Notifications_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"Linear 0.4 0.1

Animate Notifications_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "0"Linear 0.6 0.1

Animate Notifications_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"Linear 0.8 0.1

Animate Notifications_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "0"Linear 1.0 0.1

Animate Notifications_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"Linear 1.2 0.1

RunEvent HasNotificationsBlinkLoop 2.0}

event HasNotificationsBlinkLoop{

RunEvent HasNotificationsBlink 0.0}

event HasNotificationsBlinkStop{

StopEvent HasNotificationsBlink 0.0StopEvent HasNotificationsBlinkLoop 0.0Animate Notifications_ShowButtonPanel_SB Alpha "255"

Linear 0.0 0.1}


event AddToCartBlink{

Animate CartButton BgColor "TanDark" Linear 0.0 0.01Animate CartButton BgColor "255 150 0 255" Linear 0.1 0.01

Animate CartButton BgColor "TanDark" Linear 0.2 0.01Animate CartButton BgColor "255 150 0 255" Linear 0.3 0.01

Animate CartButton BgColor "TanDark" Linear 0.4 0.01Animate CartButton BgColor "255 150 0 255" Linear 0.5 0.01

Animate CartButton BgColor "TanDark" Linear 0.6 0.01Animate CartButton BgColor "255 150 0 255" Linear 0.7 0.01

Animate CartButton BgColor "TanDark" Linear 0.8 0.01Animate CartButton BgColor "255 150 0 255" Linear 0.9 0.01

Animate CartButton BgColor "TanDark" Linear 1.0 0.01}


event NotificationsPresentBlink{

Animate NotificationsPresentPanel Alpha "255"Linear 0.0 0.1

Animate NotificationsPresentPanel Alpha "0"Linear 0.2 0.1

Animate NotificationsPresentPanel Alpha "255"Linear 0.4 0.1

Animate NotificationsPresentPanel Alpha "0"Linear 0.6 0.1

Animate NotificationsPresentPanel Alpha "255"Linear 0.8 0.1

Animate NotificationsPresentPanel Alpha "0"Linear 1.0 0.1

Animate NotificationsPresentPanel Alpha "255"Linear 1.2 0.1

RunEvent NotificationsPresentBlinkLoop 2.0}

event NotificationsPresentBlinkLoop{

RunEvent NotificationsPresentBlink 0.0}

event NotificationsPresentBlinkStop{

StopEvent NotificationsPresentBlink 0.0StopEvent NotificationsPresentBlinkLoop 0.0Animate NotificationsPresentPanel Alpha "255"

Linear 0.0 0.1}


event DamagedPlayer{

Animate DamageCircleDot FgColor "242 0 0 255" Accel 0.0 0.0

Animate DamageCircleDot FgColor "0 255 0 255" Accel 0.2 0.0

//Change "DamageCircleDot" to the fieldname of your crosshair//Change the TOP value of "FgColor" to whatever color you want it to flash//Change the BOTTOM value of "FgColor" to what you want the xhair to be colored normally}


event SpyWarningFlash{

Animate EnemyCountImageBG BgColor "RedSolid" Linear 0.0 0.01

Animate EnemyCountImageBG BgColor "TanLight" Linear 0.21 0.01

RunEvent SpyWarningFlashLoop 0.42}

event SpyWarningFlashLoop{

RunEvent SpyWarningFlash 0.0} event SpyWarningFlashEnd{

StopEvent SpyWarningFlash 0.0StopEvent SpyWarningFlashLoop 0.0


event HudReadyPulse

{Animate TournamentInstructionsLabel FgColor "255 165 0 255"

Linear 0.0 0.3Animate TournamentInstructionsLabel FgColor "255 69 0 255"

Linear 0.3 0.3

RunEvent HudReadyPulseLoop 0.6}

event HudReadyPulseLoop{

RunEvent HudReadyPulse 0.0}

event HudReadyPulseEnd{

Animate TournamentInstructionsLabel FgColor "TanLight"Linear 0.0 0.1

StopEvent HudReadyPulse 0.0StopEvent HudReadyPulseLoop 0.0

}event HideStamp{

SetVisible ApplyStampButton 00}

event CollectionCrafting_Intro{

// ResetSetVisible ApplyStampButton 0

0SetVisible Stamp 0

0Animate Stamp xpos c140 Accel

0 0Animate DrawingPanel xpos c0 Accel 0 0Animate DrawingPanel wide 0 Accel 0 0Animate LetterFront xpos c0 Accel

0 0Animate LetterFront wide 0 Accel

0 0Animate LetterBack_Top xpos c-250 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 400 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Top wide 500 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Bottom xpos c-250 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Bottom ypos 400 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Bottom wide 500 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Flap xpos c-250 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Flap ypos 400 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Flap wide 500 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Flap tall 0 Deaccel 0.6 0.4Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 400 Accel 0 0SetVisible ReturnModel 0

0Animate SendEvelopeButton ypos 280 Accel 0 0SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 0

0 SetVisible ResponseTimeout 0

0SetVisible WaitingForResponse 0


SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton1 10

SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 00

Animate TradeUpContainer wide 800 Accel 0 0

// Slide paper downAnimate TradeUpContainer Position "0 60" Deaccel 0 0.3

// Slider BG upAnimate BG Position "0 34" Deaccel 0


// Fade dimmer downAnimate Dimmer Alpha "255" Linear 0 0.4


event CollectionCrafting_LetterStart{

// Slide envelope upFireCommand 0.0 "playsound ui/trade_up_envelope_slide_in.wav"Animate LetterBack_Bottom ypos 60 Deaccel 0 0.3Animate LetterBack_Flap ypos 60 Deaccel 0 0.3Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 60 Deaccel 0 0.3SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton1 0 0

// Close flapFireCommand 0.3 "playsound ui/trade_up_envelope_fold.wav"Animate LetterBack_Flap tall 250 Deaccel 0.4 0.2

// Start FlipFireCommand 0.8 "playsound ui/trade_up_envelope_spin.wav"Animate TradeUpContainer wide 0 Accel 0.8 0Animate LetterBack_Bottom wide 0 Accel 0.8 0.2Animate LetterBack_Bottom xpos c0 Accel 0.8 0.2Animate LetterBack_Flap wide 0 Accel 0.8 0.2Animate LetterBack_Flap xpos c0 Accel 0.8 0.2Animate LetterBack_Top wide 0 Accel 0.8 0.2Animate LetterBack_Top xpos c0 Accel 0.8 0.2

// End FlipsAnimate LetterFront xpos c-250 Deaccel 1.0 0.2Animate LetterFront wide 500 Deaccel 1.0 0.2Animate DrawingPanel xpos c-250 Deaccel 1.0 0.2Animate DrawingPanel wide 500 Deaccel 1.0 0.2SetVisible ApplyStampButton 1

1.3SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 1 1.3


event CollectionCrafting_PlaceStamp{

SetVisible Stamp 10

SetVisible ApplyStampButton 00

FireCommand 0 "playsound ui/trade_up_apply_stamp.wav"}

event CollectionCrafting_LetterSend{

SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 0 0SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 0

0 Animate Stamp xpos c70 Deaccel 0 0.3Animate LetterFront xpos c-320 Deaccel 0 0.3Animate DrawingPanel xpos c-320 Deaccel 0 0.3

RunEventChild BehindItemParticlePanel PlayEnvelopSendParticles 0.3Animate Stamp xpos 1120 Accel 0.3 0.2Animate LetterFront xpos 1000 Accel 0.3 0.2Animate DrawingPanel xpos 1000 Accel 0.3 0.2SetVisible CloseButton 0

0FireCommand 0.2 "playsound ui/trade_up_envelope_slide_out.wav"


event PlayNewItemParticles{

FireCommand 0 "start0"}

event PlayCrateSmashParticles{

FireCommand 0 "start1"}

event PlayEnvelopSendParticles{

FireCommand 0 "start2"}

event ShowFoundLabels{

Animate YouTradedForLabel alpha 0 Linear 0 0Animate ItemName alpha 0 Linear 0 0

Animate YouTradedForLabel alpha 255 Linear 3 1Animate ItemName alpha 255 Linear 3 1


event CollectionCrafting_ItemRecieved{

RunEventChild NewItemPanel ShowFoundLabels 0FireCommand 0 "playcratesequence1"SetVisible NewItemPanel 0 0 SetVisible ReturnModel 1 0.05RunEventChild BehindItemParticlePanel PlayCrateSmashParticles 0.2

FireCommand 0 "playsound ui/trade_up_crate_smash.wav"

SetVisible NewItemPanel 1 1.5 SetVisible CloseButton 1 1.5

FireCommand 2.1 "playcratesequence2"RunEventChild BehindItemParticlePanel PlayNewItemParticles 1.5

FireCommand 1.0 "playsound ../player/taunt_medic_heroic.wav"}

event CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable{

Animate OkButton FgColor Red Linear 0 0.1Animate OkButton FgColor TanLight Linear 0.1 0.1


event CollectionCrafting_OKBlink{

RunEvent CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable 0RunEvent CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable 0.2RunEvent CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable 0.4RunEvent CollectionCrafting_OKBlink_Repeatable 0.6


event CollectionCrafting_ShowSendButton{

SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 10

Animate SendEvelopeButton ypos 320 Deaccel 0 0.5}

event CollectionCrafting_ShowWaiting{

SetVisible WaitingForResponse 1 0}

event CollectionCrafting_HideWaiting{

SetVisible WaitingForResponse 0 0}

event CollectionCrafting_ShowFailure{

SetVisible ResponseTimeout 1 0SetVisible CloseButton 1 0


event CollectionCrafting_WaitForItemsOnly{

// Set Everything InvisibleSetVisible ReturnModel 0

0SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 0

0 SetVisible ResponseTimeout 0

0SetVisible WaitingForResponse 0

0SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton1 0

0SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 0

0SetVisible ShowExplanationsButton2 0 0SetVisible SendEvelopeButton 0


SetVisible CloseButton 00

SetVisible ApplyStampButton 00

SetVisible Stamp 00

Animate Stamp xpos c140 Accel0 0

Animate DrawingPanel xpos c0 Accel 0 0Animate DrawingPanel wide 0 Accel 0 0Animate LetterFront xpos c0 Accel

0 0Animate LetterFront wide 0 Accel

0 0Animate LetterBack_Top xpos c-250 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 400 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Top wide 500 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Bottom xpos c-250 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Bottom ypos 400 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Bottom wide 500 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Flap xpos c-250 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Flap ypos 400 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Flap wide 500 Accel 0 0Animate LetterBack_Flap tall 0 Deaccel 0.6 0.4Animate LetterBack_Top ypos 400 Accel 0 0

// Slider BG upAnimate BG Position "0 34" Deaccel 0


// Fade dimmer downAnimate Dimmer Alpha "255" Linear 0 0.4

}//--------------------------------------------------------------------------event QuestItem_Identify_Expand{

StopEvent QuestItem_Identify_Collapse 0Animate Dimmer wide 285 Bias 0.1 0.0 0.4Animate Dimmer xpos 0 Bias 0.1 0.0 0.4


event QuestItem_Identify_Collapse{

StopEvent QuestItem_Identify_Expand 0Animate Dimmer wide 0 Accel 0.4 0.4Animate Dimmer xpos 142 Accel 0.4 0.4


event QuestItem_Complete_Expand{

Animate Dimmer wide 285 Deaccel 0.4 0.1Animate Dimmer xpos 0 Deaccel 0.4 0.1


event QuestItem_Complete_Collapse{

Animate Dimmer wide 0 Accel 0 0.4Animate Dimmer xpos 142 Accel 0 0.4


event QuestItem_Complete_Progress{

Animate Dimmer wide 0 Linear 0 5Animate Dimmer xpos 142 Linear 0 5


event QuestItem_Options_Flash{

Animate OptionsButton FgColor LightOrange Linear 0 0.1Animate OptionsButton FgColor TanLight Linear 0.1 0.1Animate OptionsButton FgColor LightOrange Linear 0.2 0.1Animate OptionsButton FgColor TanLight Linear 0.3 0.1Animate OptionsButton FgColor LightOrange Linear 0.4 0.1Animate OptionsButton FgColor TanLight Linear 0.5 0.1


//--------------------------------------------------------------------------event QuestItem_Expand{

Animate FrontFolderContainer ypos 240 Gain 0.75 0 0.4RunEventChild IdentifyButtonContainer QuestItem_Identify_Expand 0RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Expand 0

SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 0 0RunEvent QuestItem_Options_Flash 1


event QuestItem_Collapse{

Animate FrontFolderContainer ypos 0 Gain 0.75 0 0.4RunEventChild IdentifyButtonContainer QuestItem_Identify_Collapse 0RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Collapse 0

SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 1 0}

event QuestItem_TurningIn{

RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Progress 0}

event QuestItem_Reset{

Animate FrontFolderContainer ypos 0 Linear 0 0RunEventChild IdentifyButtonContainer QuestItem_Identify_Collapse 0RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Collapse 0

SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 1 0}

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------event QuestItem_Operation2_Expand{

StopEvent QuestItem_Operation2_Collapse 0

RunEventChild IdentifyButtonContainer QuestItem_Identify_Expand 0.4RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Expand 0.4

Animate FrontFolderContainer xpos -270 Gain 0.75 0.4 0.3

Animate BackFolderContainer xpos -270 Gain 0.75 0.4 0.3

Animate FrontFolderContainer xpos -10 Gain 0.75 0.7 0.3Animate BackFolderContainer xpos 0 Gain 0.75 0.7 0.3SetVisible FrontFolderContainer 0 0.7SetVisible BackFolderContainer 1 0.7

SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 0 0RunEvent QuestItem_Options_Flash 1


event QuestItem_Operation2_Collapse{

StopEvent QuestItem_Operation2_Expand 0

RunEventChild IdentifyButtonContainer QuestItem_Identify_Collapse 0RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Collapse 0

Animate FrontFolderContainer xpos -270 Gain 0.75 0.0 0.3Animate BackFolderContainer xpos -270 Gain 0.75 0.0 0.

3Animate FrontFolderContainer xpos 0 Gain 0.75 0.3 0.4Animate BackFolderContainer xpos 0 Gain 0.75 0.3 0.4SetVisible FrontFolderContainer 1 0.3SetVisible BackFolderContainer 0 0.3

SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 1 0}

event QuestItem_Operation2_TurningIn{

RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Progress 0}

event QuestItem_Operation2_Reset{

StopEvent QuestItem_Operation2_Collapse 0StopEvent QuestItem_Operation2_Expand 0

RunEventChild IdentifyButtonContainer QuestItem_Identify_Collapse 0RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Collapse 0

Animate FrontFolderContainer xpos 0 Linear 0 0Animate BackFolderContainer xpos 0 Linear 0 0SetVisible FrontFolderContainer 1 0SetVisible BackFolderContainer 0 0

SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 1 0}

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------event QuestItem_DisableFrontMouse{

SetVisible FrontInputProxyPanel 0 0}

event QuestItem_EnableFrontMouse{

SetVisible FrontInputProxyPanel 1 0}

event QuestItem_Expand_Halloween{

StopEvent QuestItem_Collapse_Halloween 0

// Immediately disable the mouse proxy so the inactive hint goes awayRunEventChild FrontFolderContainer QuestItem_DisableFrontMouse 0SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 0 0

// Slide the sleeveAnimate SleeveImage xpos 300 Bias 0.2 0.0 0.4Animate EncodedStatus xpos 300 Bias 0.2 0.0 0.4Animate ReadyToTurnInStatus xpos 300 Bias 0.2 0.0 0.4Animate InactiveStatus xpos 300 Bias 0.2 0.0 0.4

// Once the sleeve is off, then "unroll" the paperFireCommand 0.4 "playsound ui/quest_folder_open_halloween.wav"RunEventChild IdentifyButtonContainer QuestItem_Identify_Expand 0.4RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Expand 0.4Animate FrontFolderContainer ypos 240 Gain 0.75 0.4 0.

4Animate QuestPaperContainer tall 300 Gain 0.75 0.

4 0.4

RunEvent QuestItem_Options_Flash 1}

event QuestItem_Collapse_Halloween{

StopEvent QuestItem_Expand_Halloween 0

// Roll up the paperAnimate FrontFolderContainer ypos 0 Gain 0.75 0 0.4Animate QuestPaperContainer tall 70 Gain 0.75 0 0.4RunEventChild IdentifyButtonContainer QuestItem_Identify_Collapse 0RunEventChild TurnInContainer QuestItem_Complete_Collapse 0RunEventChild FrontFolderContainer QuestItem_EnableFrontMouse 0

// Put the sleeve backFireCommand 0.5 "playsound ui/quest_folder_keeper_slide_on_halloween


Animate SleeveImage xpos 15 Bias 0.8 0.5 0.2Animate ReadyToTurnInStatus xpos 10 Bias 0.8 0.5 0.2Animate InactiveStatus xpos 10 Bias 0.8 0.5 0.2Animate EncodedStatus xpos 10 Bias 0.8 0.5 0.2SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 1 0


event QuestItem_Reset_Halloween{

StopEvent QuestItem_Expand_Halloween 0SetVisible FrontFolderContainer 1 0RunEventChild FrontFolderContainer QuestItem_EnableFrontMouse 0

// Roll up the paperAnimate FrontFolderContainer ypos 0 Linear 0 0Animate QuestPaperContainer tall 70 Linear 0 0Animate EncodedStatus xpos 10 Bias 0 0 0Animate ReadyToTurnInStatus xpos 10 Bias 0 0 0

Animate InactiveStatus xpos 10 Bias 0 0 0

// Put the sleeve backAnimate SleeveImage xpos 15 Linear 0 0SetInputEnabled FrontFolderContainer 1 0


//--------------------------------------------------------------------------event QuestItem_Front_Selected{

StopEvent QuestItem_Front_OtherSelected 0StopEvent QuestItem_Front_NoneSelected 0

Animate MainContainer ypos 0 Gain 0.75 0 0.4}

event QuestItem_Front_OtherSelected{

StopEvent QuestItem_Front_Selected 0StopEvent QuestItem_Front_NoneSelected 0

Animate MainContainer ypos 300 Gain 0.75 0 0.4}

event QuestItem_Front_NoneSelected{

StopEvent QuestItem_Front_Selected 0StopEvent QuestItem_Front_OtherSelected 0

Animate MainContainer ypos 120 Gain 0.75 0 0.4}

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------event QuestItem_Back_Selected{

StopEvent QuestItem_Back_OtherSelected 0StopEvent QuestItem_Back_NoneSelected 0

Animate MainContainer ypos 0 Gain 0.75 0 0.4}

event QuestItem_Back_OtherSelected{

StopEvent QuestItem_Back_Selected 0StopEvent QuestItem_Back_NoneSelected 0

Animate MainContainer ypos 300 Gain 0.75 0 0.8}

event QuestItem_Back_NoneSelected{

StopEvent QuestItem_Back_Selected 0StopEvent QuestItem_Back_OtherSelected 0

Animate MainContainer ypos 0 Gain 0.7

5 0 0.4}

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------event QuestItem_Highlight_On_Halloween{

SetVisible GlowImage 1 0Animate GlowImage Alpha 255 Bias 0.8 0 0.2


event QuestItem_Highlight_Off_Halloween{

Animate GlowImage Alpha 0 Bias 0.8 0 0.2}
