hubble porposal3 akhari


Transcript of hubble porposal3 akhari







This exhibition is for you to experience part of the Hubble mission by standing in Hubble’s position in the space. It is for adult audiance who are intrested in the space, the planets and cosmology

Ground floor

In this floor, the audience will first see the model of Hubble. Then, on the wall next to the lift is this message: “Be The Hubble”. The aim of this exhibition is for you to experience part of the Hubble mission by standing in Hubble’s position in the space. After that, they take the lift to go to the first floor.

Lift: The reason to have a lift is because the Hubble is sent to the space and it can give some similar feeling to the audience. The floor of the lift is made of Glass. Inside the lift is dark. The light is coming from the animated earth on the floor. This animation will start when they enter the list and then end when they leave the earth.

Animated earth

Ground floor

First floor

Entrance is in the first floor. The list does not have any door to be opened to give the similar feeling as when Hubble was sent to the space. The entrance to the first floor is next to the earth planet. Around the earth, is a circle designed with glue in the dark colour. This circle shows the Hubble’s orbit around the earth. The audience should walk in the circle first.

In the first floor, the planets in our solar system are displayed such as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and etc.

Size of planets: The sizes of the planets that are displayed in the exhibition are different relatively to indicate their comparative size in reality.

Secound floor

Hypothetical Link system

Hubble Photography: Usually, Hubble is taking photos of planets as they are In line with Hubble’s position. The pictures of the planets in this exhibition are chosen from the first photos that Hubble has got from them.

Sound system

NASA: Sound does exist as electromagnetic vibrations. Through specially designed instruments the NASA Vayager, INJUN 1, ISEE 1, and HAWKEYE space probes. The recorded sounds are the complex interactions of charged electromagnetic particles from the solar wind, ionosphere and planetary magnetosphere. ( ritekid, (2010) NASA Space Sounds. Online: Accessed [10 February 2016] )

Speaker: Using a special speaker for the sound system. French based company Akoustic Arts manufactured the device. The speaker will be positioning on the back and top of each planets.Audience can hear the sound of each planet based on Hypothetical Link

system when they look directly at the planet. For the gaps between the planets, they will hear a very low sound of space.

The sounds of those planets that are near to the earth are louder than those planets that are far from the earth.

The audience also can go outside the circle near to the planet. When they get near to a planet, the sound of that planet will be louder.