Http:// has lots about genes – let them pick!

• has lots about genes – let them pick! • Has best KS3 clips – you could get the pupils to choose. • Show Connor's story and then Pamela's - pose the question –-what if it were your child? • diseases_conditions/bones/ muscular_dystrophy.html? tracking=T_RelatedArticle Good Audio sections if you want impact without visuals

Transcript of Http:// has lots about genes – let them pick!

• has lots about genes – let them pick!

• Has best KS3 clips – you could get the pupils to choose.

• Show Connor's story and then Pamela's - pose the question –-what if it were your child?

• Good Audio sections if you want impact without visuals

Jeans for Genes

Jeans for Genes

30,000 children are born with a genetic disorder every year in the UK

Friday 7th October 2011

Chimp Fruit Fly

Trout Rose

The Saturdays

Big similarities

What are your little differences?

Can you rollyour tongue?

Do you havefreckles?

Do you havedimples?

Genetic disorders

Connor, aged 15Star, aged 10

Your money makes a real difference

Care and Support Research

Pamela’s Story

Wear your Jeans and show that you care.

Thank you!

Normal Uniform on the top; Jeans on the bottom half –(no shorts-Thank you)£1 – or as much or little as you can afford please.Monies to the Finance Office in morning registration.

Friday 7th October 2011

• has lots about genes – let them pick!

• Has best KS3 clips – you could get the pupils to choose.

• Show Connor's story and then Pamela's - pose the question –-what if it were your child?

• Good Audio sections if you want impact without visuals

• Dear Tutors / DoLs,

• Please find attached the power point location for Wednesday 5th October 2011.(You could ask a pupil / group of pupils from your tutor group to present this on Wednesday – they are welcome to come and discuss it with Debbie Webb, Liesel Parris, Kate Finlay of more advice needed.(The script is there…)

• Mrs Webb would also like to receive an email from anyone interested in doing a short – Art / Science / Textiles project across lunchtimes of:

Weds 5th October, Thursday 6th and Friday 7th October .She will reply by email as to when and where to meet.

• Normal Uniform on the top; Jeans on the bottom half –(no shorts-Thank you)• £1 – or as much or little as you can afford please.• Monies to the Finance Office in morning registration.

Please show slides again on Friday morning registration too.

Mrs Webb would love to hear how this goes – so please let me know! PLTS= Effective participators – young people engage with issues that affect them and those around them)SEAL=Leadership