
No 48 May 2009 Newsletter for the staff of NHS Barnsley 10 WHAT IS ICE? 7 PRAISE & GRUMBLE 9 DON’T WASTE ENERGY Well-known Strictly Come Dancing stars Darren Bennet and Lilia Kopylova treated the staff at NHS Barnsley to a dance lesson recently at the Live4Live wellbeing launch event. Organised by the Staff Support Service team, staff who attended the event were given the chance to try a host of complimentary therapies and activities and gather information on wellbeing which included; Nutrition, Maintaining an Active Lifestyle and Personal Health Checks with access to local services. The stars of the show had to be Darren and Lilia who led a dance session teaching a group of staff to salsa and enjoy dance as a way of keeping fit. Darren commented: “We know dancing can change lives - we want to open it up to everyone. Everyone from NHS Barnsley did really well at the session, we certainly got everyone moving around the dance floor and joining in!” One member of staff said: “I enjoyed a dance session that certainly improved and boosted my wellbeing.” Another said: “I just wanted to thankthe organisers the dance workshop and demonstration with Darren and Lilia from Strictly Come Dancing. It was great fun and such a treat to take part in, everyone was laughing and enjoying exercising so much. It has inspired me to give Salsa another go.” Strictly…dance fever hits NHS Barnsley INSIDE THIS ISSUE:



Transcript of 2009%20May%20News

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No 48 May 2009 Newsletter for the staff of NHS Barnsley




Well-known Strictly Come Dancing stars Darren Bennet and Lilia Kopylova treated the staff at NHS Barnsley to a dance lesson recently at the Live4Live wellbeing launch event.

Organised by the Staff Support Service team, staff who attended the event were given the chance to try a host of complimentary therapies and activities and gather information on wellbeing which included; Nutrition, Maintaining an Active Lifestyle and Personal Health Checks with access to local services.

The stars of the show had to be Darren and Lilia who led a dance session teaching a group of staff to salsa and enjoy dance as a way of keeping fit. Darren commented: “We know dancing can change lives - we want to open it up to everyone. Everyone from NHS Barnsley did really well at the session, we certainly got everyone moving around the dance floor and joining in!”

One member of staff said: “I enjoyed a dance session that certainly improved and boosted my wellbeing.”

Another said: “I just wanted to thankthe organisers the dance workshop and demonstration with Darren and Lilia from Strictly Come Dancing. It was great fun and such a treat to take part in, everyone was laughing and enjoying exercising so much. It has inspired me to give Salsa another go.”

Strictly…dance fever hits NHS Barnsley


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Message from the Chief ExecutiveRewarding excellent performance

It is with pleasure that I am able to announce the Board’s decision to award every member of PCT staff an extra day of annual leave in the 2009/10 year.

Within 2008/9 the organisation achieved amongst the best Healthcare Commission Annual Health Check results in the country, scoring ‘excellent’ for quality of services and ‘good’ for use of resources. In addition, more recently it has been recognised as one of the best performing organisations in respect of World Class Commissioning achieving the highest possible ratings for its finances, governance and strategy.

Clearly these results could not have been achieved without the efforts of staff who have worked with commitment, dedication and loyalty to put the organisation where it is.

In line with the feedback we received about how staff wish to be rewarded, the Board have chosen to recognise this by awarding the additional leave. This is our way of saying thank you and I hope that you will all enjoy the extra time off work.

Supporting staff

The recent wellbeing event for staff held at Brooklands has received good feedback from the people who attended. I’m pleased to hear our special guests Darren and Lilia (front page story) have inspired and encouraged us with their dance session. We know exercise is good for us, but finding something you enjoy doing is even better for your body and mind.

Local achievement awards

Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry for the team and individual awards. I have been involved in the judging process and enjoyed reading about the innovation and dedication of staff who are making a difference out there. By the time this issue goes to print, we’ll have celebrated the awards ceremony so we will report the winners in the next issue.

Staff survey results

On page 8 is an outline of the 2008 staff survey results. As usual we’ll be working on an action plan to tackle the areas where we are below average or worse than last year but overall, I find the results are largely positive and an improvement on some of the areas which were highlighted as a concern last year. Thanks to all who filled in their surveys.

News from Care Services DirectThe Launch of Transforming Community Services

We have now begun the staff participation programme to determine the future organisational arrangements for our Provider Services, known locally as Care Services Direct.

The context of this programme is provided by the document “Transforming Community Services: Enabling new patterns of provision”, published by the Department of Health in January. The aim is to help providers of Community Services (ie Care Services Direct) to consider what type(s) of organisation would best meet the needs of patients and local communities. There is no national ‘blueprint’ and all Primary Care Trusts in England will be undertaking similar transformational programmes.

I would encourage everyone who can, to attend one of the road show events, supported by Staff Side, that we will be running between April and June. Staff can also include a session during their team meetings. There will be a chance to discuss all the organisational options that are open to us and ask questions. During June, we will be running a large number of deliberative sessions with staff which will focus on the choices, opinions and views of staff.

We will use the outcomes of the road shows, deliberative sessions and other feedback received to identify the preferred type of organisation. This could take the form of preferred organisational arrangements for the whole of Care Services Direct, or for specific services within Care Services Direct.

Look out for your pay slips in July, when we will be sending out a form which will offer staff the chance to make their expression of preference. All returned forms will be collated and counted to inform the recommendation in the report that will be made to the NHS Barnsley Board in October 2009.

Between now and then, I would encourage you to get involved and find out about the types of organisation (called ‘governance arrangements’) that are available options to us.

A dedicated area has been set up on Connect which is linked from the home page. On this page are a number of programme Q&As, links to key national and local project documents, the roadshow schedule, feedback channels and regular updates, which will include in due course a video presentation link. This is not something that is going to go away, we have a real opportunity to shape our future.

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News in BriefNew Deputy in Estates

Mark Holloway is now the acting Deputy Director of Estates and Facilities following the promotion of Nick Phillips to Director of Estates.

How long do you keep yours?

Some staff have been asking about filing and retention deadlines for documents they keep.

Document retention schedules for Health and Non-health are available on the Information Governance (IG) pages on Connect, Records section along with quick links to all the national and local policy documents.

Visit http://nww.barnsleypct.nhs.uk/informationgovernance/ for more information.

Adult learning at work day

Join in ALW day on Thursday 14 May when staff from the Centre for Learning and Development will be at Kendray, Keresforth and Mount Vernon Hospital dining rooms to support ALW day.

Staff will be able to access information one-to-one on career planning sessions, leaflets and freebies. Everyone is welcome to drop in at one of the sessions.

New regulator for health, mental health and adult social careLook out for the new Care Quality Commission (CQC) that will put the public and users of services at the heart of its work.

The duties of the Healthcare Commission will be taken over by the Care Quality Commission, the new independent regulator of all health and adult social care in England. One of its first acts will be to publish a list of those NHS trusts providing healthcare directly to patients who are registered with CQC. A small, but significant, number of trusts will be registered with conditions attached.

In its first year CQC will also:• continue with quality ratings of care homes and home care provision• carry out an annual assessment of organisations that provide NHS services • carry out assessments of commissioning – primary care trusts and local authority adult social services departments• contribute to the Comprehensive Area Assessment process which will report on how well PCTs and councils are working together to commission services• develop a new registration system for health and adult social care to be introduced from April 2010• take action where the quality of services is inadequate.

The results of these assessments will be reported clearly, allowing the public to see how well their services are doing and giving them information to help them make choices about, for example, which care home to choose for a loved one or which hospital to go to for an operation.

Twittering about itGuess what? NHS Barnsley’s got its own Twitter site. You can sign up for news and updates on what’s happening here. With photos and regular ‘tweets’ from the site it’s a real hoot! Join at www.twitter.com

Oakwell Centre features in the HSJ!A supplement on Procure 21 and Eco Innovation in the NHS titled ‘Better Buildings, All Right on the Site’ featured the Oakwell Centre at Kendray in last month’s HSJ. The building’s ground source heat pump has generated a lot of interest in the field of sustainability. Pictures of the interior and exterior of the Oakwell centre were also featured in the supplement. We’re pleased to note that Barnsley is presented as an aspirational leader once again!

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Equitable Access into Primary CarePlans for a new GP-led health centre and new GP practices in Barnsley were set out as a result of a Government review last year.

The Government set aside £250 million to support every PCT in the country to invest in a new GP-led health centre and the 25% of PCTs with the poorest provision of GPs, which included Barnsley, to invest in new GP practices.

Ailsa Claire, Chief Executive said: “Our vision is for everyone who lives in Barnsley to have access to the world-class GP services that they deserve within the next two to three years.“We are committed to improving local people’s health and well-being and one of the ways in which we can do this is by improving access to GP services.”

Until summer 2008, Barnsley had 117 GPs working from 43 practices across Barnsley. Compared to the national average this meant we had 35 fewer GPs.

Last August, NHS Barnsley brought an additional ten GPs to existing practices within Barnsley. This was in direct response to local people asking for extended opening hours and wanting to have more choice in which GP they see when they book an appointment.

These new GPs were a much-needed boost ahead of the new practices and the GP-led health centre opening this year. With the opening of these new services, Barnsley is well on the way to delivering the world-class GP services that local people deserve, with more doctors, longer opening hours, more services and improved access.

The new GP-led health centreThe new GP-led health centre is planned to be in the Gateway Plaza development picture below (located at the top end of Westgate in the town centre) and is set to be up and running in summer 2009.

Open from 8am-8pm, 7 days a week, every day of the year, the health centre will offer pre-bookable appointments with both doctors and nurses as well as walk in services.

The GP practice within the health centre will be able to register patients as well as providing services for unregistered patients, providing a flexible and convenient alternative GP service.

The centre will also offer a minor injuries and illness service as an alternative to going to the accident and emergency department at the hospital.

Barnsley Civic Healthcare, an organisation formed by Primecare (who currently run the out of hours GP services in Barnsley) and Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, will run the GP-led health centre.

The new centre is focussed on working in partnership with existing GP practices, community services, social care organisations and the voluntary sector to ensure continuity of care for all its patients.

Gateway Plaza has been chosen as the location for the health centre as it is well served by public transport, disabled parking is available on site with public car parking available opposite the main entrance. It also provides a safe and secure environment for the public, patients and staff.

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Young Asylum Seekers get Sexual Health adviceA team of health integration, social care and a police representative joined forces to give a specialist master class on sexual health and local services to male asylum seekers aged 16 – 18 who come from countries including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Eritrea and now live in Barnsley.

Together, the team covered a range of topics from safe sex and C Card to appropriate behaviour and legal advice. Using picture cards and interpreters, the message was delivered to the young people.

Helen Taber, Lead Nurse on the Health Integration Team and TB Nurse Specialist said: “It’s a challenging group to reach with added language barriers but we managed to overcome these on the day. These young people are here on their own with English as a second language and they need to understand what is acceptable and where they can access services to help keep themselves safe.“

The day was organised by Lyn Ward (Specialist Nurse) and Joan Burton (Specialist Health Visitor) who opened the session with a quiz which was facilitated by police representative Allan Dickens, Children and Young Persons Officer for Royston and Cudworth’s Safer Neighbourhood Team.

“It’s been an important day for both us and the young men that have attended.” Said Jackie Wray, Asylum and Migration Social Care Team leader. “We felt this was an area that needs to be covered, although the topics we covered today were sensitive, we maintained a professional and respectful approach and hope that everybody learned something useful today.”

A new GP practice for Cudworth and Monk BrettonThe new GP practice is located within the Priory Campus, Lundwood and is now up and running, registering patients as of 1 April 2009. The practice is open from 8am-6.30pm Monday to Friday and will offer services at least one early morning, late evening or Saturday morning each week.

Priory Campus GP practice is anticipated to grow over the next five years to register more than 6,000 patients.

The centre will offer a range of ways in which patients can book appointments, including pre-bookable appointments, internet booking and a telephone triage service.

Hill Brow Partnership, who currently run a practice in Mapplewell will also run the new GP practice at Priory Campus.

The service is focussed on working in partnership with existing GP practices, community services, social care organisations and the voluntary sector to ensure continuity of care for all its patients.

Priory Campus has been chosen as the location for the practice as it is well served by public transport, disabled parking is available on site with public car parking available opposite the main entrance. It also provides a safe and secure environment for members of the public, patients and staff.

Further developments around Equitable Access into Primary Care will be announced in the coming weeks.

GOT NEWS?T E L E P H O N E 01226 43 ext 4298

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Do you need a new Ir1 pad? (Incident Reporting Form)

Care Pathways and Packages Project The Care Pathways and Packages (CPP) Project welcomed Consortium Director Carole Green to Barnsley recently to learn about the national direction of the project and share learning from other members of the CPP.

CPP’s main objectives are to develop a workable currency; develop local tariffs; and underpin contracts for mental health services. Work is currently ongoing to develop currency clusters around types of service delivery, develop needs assessment tools and develop and test a workable currency model.

“It was a key learning event for all delegates,” said Jill Jinks, NHS Barnsley’s Deputy Service Manager and Care Packages and Pathways Redesign Lead. “We invited staff from all over including mental health business units, finance, staff side, IT, HR, Commissioning and also partners from BMBC.”

The presentation by Carole covered timescales and information about mental health currency in relation to the Payment by Results national tariffs. Carole Green said; “It was extremely encouraging to note that the Darzi review has mental health service development high on its agenda. This supports the CPP Project’s objectives which focus on positive change. Nationally, the earliest we can expect a national tariff is 2012 but this means we can all input and influence the programme and take the time to get it right.”

All staff have a responsibility to ensure that incidents, accidents and near-misses are managed, recorded, reported, analysed/investigated and followed-up in accordance with NHS Barnsley policy and procedure.

Please note that new IR1 pads are available from the Risk Management Team based at Hillder House on extension 3724 or 3714. The Direct dial number is (01226) 433724 or (01226) 433714.

At present, the Consortia covers two Strategic Health Authority areas (Yorkshire and Humber and North East), with all primary care organisations signed up and six provider Trusts. There are four mental health provider organisations remaining who are expected to join during 2009.

A number of benefits to the CPP work were put forward as: • Opportunity for accurate profiles of current caseloads• Helping to determine patient need• Using evidence-based practice• Supporting the planning process for services which meet service users’ needs• Being outcome focused • Developing the skills of the workforce • Defining transitional points between services• Operating in a transparent way

Jill Jinks added: “Although we are part of the Consortium now, the CPP Project allows us to take into account variation across organisations and also within our own organisation. Whilst this provides an ideal barometer against best practice we can use this as an opportunity to understand our services and link outcomes to a financial model.”

The staff who attended were able to post their positive comments and concerns about the project which would be fed back into the consortium to be addressed.

For more information on the project contact [email protected]

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2009 Praise & Grumble awardsBarnsley’s Drug & Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) organised the first ever praise & grumble awards earlier this year at the Metrodome. Amongst the NHS Barnsley winners were Wendy Pursley who works at Worsbrough Lift in the Primary Care Clinic and won Receptionist of the Year and Dr Fleur Ashby who won Doctor of the Year.

Speaking about the awards, Wendy said: “I really rate the praise and grumble system. It gives you feedback when it’s good and bad and is generated by patients. I was really surprised when my name was announced, and managed to give an acceptance speech. I really enjoyed the evening and will treasure the glass award they gave me.

“I met people at the awards that I have spoken to on the phone many times but never seen in the flesh and it was great to put faces to names.

Wendy added: “I really do love my job so to win an award for the work I do is just the icing on the cake. Substance misuse patients can be difficult to work with but the harder they are to help, the harder I try with them! I do often go the extra mile and always find time to talk to them. They just want to be treated as normal people with respect and I just want to help them get their lives back on track.”

Dr Fleur Ashby was awarded Doctor of the Year because the service users said; “Fleur is brilliant at her job, very caring and treats us with respect. She is a credit to the NHS.”

The Primary Care Clinic at Worsbrough Lift Centre has had some real success stories since it started in 2007. People accessing the clinic number over 400 (and counting!) and lots of work has taken place to enable access to other services such as screening, welfare rights, Options and counselling at the same base. The clinic is a joint venture between NHS Barnsley, BMBC and Dr Kakoty’s practice.

The Barnsley Fit for the Future Walking Festival 2009 - Walk4Life will take place between 25th May and 30th June 2009.

Now in its sixth year the Barnsley walking festival is set to host yet more fun, free and easy walks across the borough.

This year we have chosen to join the change4life movement and adopt the walk4life logo as part of the festival. The change4life movement encourages us to eat well, move more and live longer.

We hope our 2009 guided walks programme with events including earth walks with orienteering, tea time walks, buggyactiv and family walks with extreme Frisbee will encourage families in the borough to ‘move more’.

Events will be relaxed and informal occasions where you can have an enjoyable time in the outdoors at the same time as improving your health and wellbeing by taking more gentle exercise.

We have also extended the festival by promoting the bike4Life festival, which will run from 20th June – 4th July 2009. There will be some great family friendly bike rides, a small number of bikes to hire and a real opportunity to have more fun as a family.

Lots of staff are already enjoying the benefits of walking by joining lunchtime groups. We recommend all staff keep regularly checking the fit for the future website to find all the latest news and updates on the festival and where you will discover new ways to keep you and the family happy, healthy and entertained.

For more information visit www.barnsleyfit4thefuture.co.uk or email your details to [email protected]

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Staff Survey Results Our Staff Survey results for 2008 have been released by the Healthcare Commission recently. The survey asked a sample of 500 staff 40 questions about their work within the NHS in Barnsley, which received a 57% response rate. All NHS organisations take part in the annual survey to enable benchmarking and identify areas for improvement and examples of good practice.

Highlights of the survey ranked NHS Barnsley as notably better than the national average (against comparable organisations) in a number of key areas which included uptake of health and safety training (16% higher), less staff working extra hours (5% lower), the availability of hand washing materials, (4.66 out of 5 compared to national average of 4.52), reporting errors incidents and near misses that had been witnessed (4% higher).

Since last year’s results, the Trust have improved their scores in a number of areas. Less staff intend to leave their jobs and less staff are experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients and relatives. More staff felt that the procedure for reporting incidents, errors and near misses was dealt with in a fair and effective manner and less staff felt work pressure.

Ailsa Claire commented on the staff survey results: “The NHS Review led by Lord Darzi recognises the link between motivated and fulfilled staff and patient satisfaction. We know staff are the right people to ask to find out more about an organisation’s culture and we welcome the opportunity to benchmark at NHS Barnsley.

“This year’s results demonstrate notable improvements in key areas, and have proved to be a positive overall reflection of our workplace. It also helps us to identify where we need to focus our sights for next year to further improve staff experience at work.”

Areas for improvement will be targeted over the coming months via an action plan which touches on the following areas: staff agreeing they have an interesting job (3% lower than average), staff agreeing their role makes a difference to patients (1% lower than average), staff satisfaction in their roles (4% lower than average) and staff receiving job relevant training (2% lower than average).

A full set of results are available on Connect on the staff zone.

We’d like your opinionWhat do you think about the results?

Tell us what areas you think should be addressed in the 2009 action plan?

Name Directorate Tel

Return to Katy Jarvis-Morgan (details on page 12)

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Don’t waste energy!Energy used when it is not necessary is energy wasted. Every department has its share of energy waste. For example, lights are left on when daylight is adequate, medical and office equipment is left running when not needed, windows are left open when the heating is on... the list goes on. Increased energy usage leads to increased pollution. Therefore by reducing energy waste we can help to limit the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The saving of wasted energy will not reduce the level of patient care or quality of service the Trust provides but will actually save money which can be used to improve patient services.

Simple ways to save energy

The following is a checklist of good housekeeping measures that can be carried out by all Trust staff to use energy efficiently.

• Whilst there is enough daylight, switch off all lights that are not essential• Do not leave lights on in unoccupied areas- switching off lights is cost effective if you are away for more than 15 minutes.• Ensure someone is responsible for switching off lights after hours.• Turn off radiators when not in use, especially evenings and weekends.• Avoid the use of electric heaters – contact the estates maintenance department if heating is not working.• Switch off computers and other equipment and applicances when not being used. Turn off your monitor at lunch and break times. • Do not make more copies on the photocopier than you need.• Use water sparingly and report any leak or dripping taps to the estates maintenance department.• Only boil as much water as you need when making hot drinks or cooking.This is a general list that all staff can use to reduce energy waste. However there are many more measures that can be applied to your specific area of the Trust. Please look for additional ways of saving energy in your department and encourage your colleagues to adopt them. If you would like to submit any comments or ideas on saving energy and reducing carbon emissions please contact Katy Jarvis-Morgan on extension 4298. These will be forwarded onto the Trusts Carbon Reduction Group for discussion.

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Stroke services reviewA feedback event to review activities in Stroke Services took place last month. The review focused on the outcomes from a six month secondment undertook by Steve Sullivan, who works for the Pharmacy company Sanofi Aventis.

Steve began his presentation with the statement that he had found the stroke unit staff at Mount Vernon Hospital “Second to none” to work with. The joint partnership with the pharmaceutical industry was deemed helpful by stroke services. Ian Slater, Nurse Consultant in Stroke Services. “We were able to learn from their business, in how they market their products and communicate change.”

The secondment linked closely to the National Stroke Strategy and covered a major action plan which fed into a wider project plan. Steve continued: “The project has helped to raise awareness and improve the accuracy of referrals into both NHS Barnsley and BHNFT stroke services.”

Working closely with Clinicians Dr Albazazz at BHNFT, Dr Beden and Dr Jha from NHS Barnsley helped raise the profile of the project. “We focused on the patient journey and how we could make it quicker and easier for them to navigate.” Said Ian. “By educating GPs to recognise the early warning signs of stroke and T.I.A. we can help to prevent something more serious happening.”

Both Steve and Ian had regular meetings and kept a log of their elations and frustrations throughout the project. “Whilst the elations outweighed the frustrations, it was a good learning tool and enabled us to reflect and amend the project plan accordingly.” Ended Steve.

A DVD is currently being produced in partnership with Barnsley College. It will be used to help patients understand the service and their conditions. The DVD features real patients telling their own life stories connected to stroke.

Pictured: l-r Dr Jha, Ian Slater, Vivianne Nicholson, Steve Sullivan, Cayley Dimelow, Carol Bishop, Gill Madden and Dr Albazazz at the review event.

Who is your ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency)?We all carry our mobile phones with names and numbers stored on its memory. But if we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, how would the people attending us know who to call? Which of the numbers stored on our phones is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence, the ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency) Campaign.

The concept of ‘ICE’ is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As mobile phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during an emergency under the name ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency).

The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to scenes of accidents there were always mobile phones with patients, but the emergency staff didn’t know which number to call. He therefore thought it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognised name to serve this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and Hospital Staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialling the number you have stored as ‘ICE.’

By making others aware of this and putting it into action, it really could save your life or put a loved ones mind at rest.

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Remember reading about the mental health football league launched for world mental health day last October? Since then, organiser Hannah Geal has accepted a new role within NHS Barnsley as Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) Sports Lead and is organising a mental health football league for Yorkshire and Humber. Hannah’s spent two months in her new role, and is currently based at the Oakwell Centre at Kendray.

Since starting in her new role, Hannah, a colleague and four service users have completed their FA Level

1 Coaching certificate, which included first aid and child protection alongside the football focused programme.

“We really couldn’t have done all this without the funding we received from the football foundation and money from Dr Chari in the medical directorate. The support we have been given both internally and externally has made all the difference to me in this new role,” said Hannah.

Linking in with the other PMA Sports Leads in London and Surrey, Hannah’s been putting Barnsley on the map again and has been invited to take a team of 6 service users

PMA Sports lead takes team to Munich

Looking after someone else’s childThe Duties of Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards have been extended to ensure the interests of children who are Privately Fostered are protected. All professionals have a duty of care to ensure that the local authority is informed when a private fostering arrangement comes to their attention and that privately fostered children are well cared for and safeguarded from harm.

Private fostering arrangement

Is one that is made privately (without the involvement of the local authority) with someone other than a parent or close relative with the intention it will last 28 days or more. Close family (Children Act 1989) will not be defined as private foster carers. Private foster carers are people who by private arrangement with a parent or other person with Parental Responsibility are looking after someone else’s child.

Legal Obligation

Carers have a legal obligation to notify the Local Authority that they are privately fostering a child. Leaflets and information are available from Barnsley Fostering Team 01226 775876 and www.barnsley.gov.uk or www.somebodyelse’schild.org.uk. As the professional involved, if the carer is unwilling to act, you must let the carer know you will be notifying the Local Authority. The Local Authority wish to be supportive of all parties.


Documentation will need to reflect Health professionals practice of the need to ask questions as to a child’s placement and requiring carers to inform Local Authority of any private fostering arrangements or doing it themselves if the carers are unwilling to do so. This has implications for all of health staff dealing with children including BHNFT and paediatric departments (wards, outreach, OPD and A&E) NHS Barnsley; Mental Health Services, Therapy Services as well as Community Services. GP practice would also be an ideal opportunity to identify these children and act accordingly.

For more information visit http://www.safeguardingchildrenbarnsley.com/ or email questions to: [email protected].

and two staff to a European football health tournament hosted in Munich later this month.

“It’s been a busy time getting organised for Munich,” added Hannah, “Some of the team didn’t have valid passports so we’ve had to work together to fill in the forms to make sure we can all travel. Whilst we are in Germany we plan to do some sightseeing including the Munich stadium.

Back at home, the Yorkshire tournament kicks off in September and so far, 12 teams across Yorkshire and Humber have signed up. The teams will be all service

users with all the players registered and holding membership cards.

Future plans from the PMA sports lead include recruiting volunteers to progress the Yorkshire and Humber league, a website and a tournament to celebrate the 2009 World Mental Health Day. In the meantime, we wish the team luck on their Munich venture!

Pictured: Members of Barnsley Challenge have undertaken the FA Coaching Award recently and are looking forward to Munich.

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Eunice retiring from intermediate care

Have you visited? ... the Oakwell Centre cafe at Kendray Hospital yet? -located in the new Oakwell Centre, next to reception.

Staffed by volunteers who have used or are in contact with mental health services as well as NHS Barnsley staff, the café will be open to service users, visitors and staff on the Kendray site serving home baked cakes, fruit, snacks and refreshments.

Caroline Brindley, the Oakwell Café Project Lead said: “We’re looking forward to the launch of the café later in May and have a number of special events planned throughout the year including strawberries and cream when Wimbledon is on!”

Developed in conjunction with the Employability Team, Catering Services, Mental Health Services including Moorland Court, the project promises to allow volunteers who are keen to get back into employment the opportunity to increase their confidence or develop new skills.

Caroline added: “We want to use this project to challenge some of the attitudes and boundaries surrounding employment of people from disadvantaged groups.”

The café is currently open 10-3 weekdays and 11-3 weekends with a view to extending the opening hours in the future.

Look out for our specials menu and open sign outside the centre!

Thanks to this month’s contributors

Linda Barker • Caroline BrindleyVicky Caunt • Cayley DimelowSara Galer • Hannah GealRose Goldsmith • Mark HollowayJill Jinks • Bob Kendall • Tom SheardIan Slater • Helen TaberJody White • Amy Wright

Training begins for TomNHS Barnsley chair, Tom Sheard is determined to help raise as much money as possible with his team the ‘Barnsley Old Boys’ through taking part in Oxfam’s 2009 long distance charity walk; Trailtrekker at the end of May. He’s also hoping his team’s effort will help encourage people of all ages to take up walking and stay active.

“Trailtrekker is a great cause and I am delighted to be part of a team from Barnsley, raising as much money as possible for Oxfam and Barnsley Hospice.

The Trailtrekker route, organised by Oxfam, covers over 100 kilometres (62 miles). It is hoped the team will complete the trek in less than 30 hours.

If you would like to sponsor Chairman Tom Sheard you can do so through www.justgiving.com/tomsheard

Tom is training for the upcoming 62 mile walk, pictured on Pen Y Ghent mountain during a trek across Yorkshire’s three peaks last month.

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Congratulations to Eunice Taylor who has worked as rehabilitation support worker with the Hospital at Home Team for nearly 10 years. Eunice retired 5 April and was presented with M&S vouchers,

champagne and flowers by her friends and colleagues at her retirement party. Linda Barker, the Manager of the Intermediate Care Service said: “Eunice has made a valuable contribution to the

team and will be greatly missed. We wish her and her husband well in retirement and hope they have many happy years gardening and caravanning.”

Pictured: Eunice and her Husband at her retirement party.