



Transcript of 208%20Newsletter%20Nov%2010

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On Thursday 15th July 2010, Year 7 were taken to France for a trip. We left Loxford at 6:15am and

went in a coach to Dover. The ferry in Dover took us to Calais in France. In France we visited a

bakery, aquarium and a hypermarket. We had to pay £55 to go on the trip, we came back to school

very late at night. In France everyone learnt how baguettes and croissants were made. It was really

interesting to see how the bakers made bread. Everyone got to buy things at the hypermarket and

also on the ferry as there were shops there too. We were allowed to go on the decks of the ferry

and visit all the shops; it was a really fun trip and everyone enjoyed it a lot.

By Anonymous Year 8

We went on a trip to France on 15th July 2010. I woke up at 4:30am so I could reach school at 5:45

which is the time the coach arrived. We got into groups and in my group I had Zeeshan, Tony

Priya, Aamna and Shahel. On the ferry we went on many different floors and I decided to visit the

top deck, but as it was very cold and windy my scarf flew off! I thought that the ferry was really

cool because on deck was full of arcade games and there were plenty of places to eat and sit down

on every floor. Boulogne was an amazing place we went around town and saw all kinds of things,

we went to a bakery and saw how they bake baguettes and croissants, we tried to do it ourselves

and it was great. Secondly we visited one of France’s most beautiful aquariums, they had sharks

and water turtles. Finally we went to beach where we ended up having ice cream; overall the trip

to France was a long journey but it was worth it.

By Fatma Said 8C

At the end of a hard year of work and tests the year 7 staff planned a trip to France, Boulogne to be

exact. In France we went to several places like bakeries. The aquarium and a massive supermarket

called Cite Du Europe. We also had a great time on the beach and lots of fun in the coach even

though it was a really long drive to each place. We all packed lots of food for the day as we knew

it would be an adventurous and tiring day. We split up into groups and was told to stick with each

other at all times. Everyone bought lots of souvenirs, I decided to buy a mini Eiffel Tower, a

bouncing ball and a boat which had Boulogne on it. My favourite moment was going to the beach

and being able to dip my feet in the water, and also going to the Cite Du Europe because it had

great items and it was a massive place. Everyone had a great time and we all were exhausted after

having a fabulous day trip, some of us even fell asleep on the coach on the way back! Boulogne

was definitely one of the best trips that I have experienced.

By Michael Simpson 8S

Year 7 Trip To France

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I am currently a student at Loxford

School. Furthermore in Year 7, our

tutor group won the tutor group of

the term which enabled us to win a

trip to watch Planet 51 at the

cinema. Also this prize enabled us

to work harder and achieve

excellent mentions in the Day Log,

as well as ‘Achieve the

Unachievable’ in our lessons. I

think that Loxford School of

Science and Technology is an

outstanding school, because the

tutor group awards prove that if

students work hard in lessons then

they can be rewarded for their

efforts. In my opinion I think that

this gives students a chance to

succeed in life.

By Rohan Karim 8L

Last year, my form won a trip to the cinema as

we were doing exceptionally well in school, as

we managed to get enough points required to

win. The coach ride was actually shorter than I

expected, I was really prepared with my sketch

book and pencils! I only got to draw a face but I

wasn’t pleased with the result and ended up

disposing of it. Before going to the cinema we

stopped at McDonald’s and bought ourselves

some food. It took another 15 minutes to get to

the cinema after stopping off, when we got

there we had to line up for another five minutes

and I bought sweets and some popcorn. We

were really disappointed to find out that we

wern’t watching ‘A Christmas Carol’ because

there was a problem with the screening. Instead

we watched ‘Planet 51’. I was quite annoyed

because I didn’t think it would be a film that I

would enjoy but it turned out to be alright. After

the film we called our parents to let them know

what time to pick us up and after a lot of fuss

we got on the coach again and returned to

school. Overall it was a good trip but it didn’t

prove to be too exciting.

By Uzma Chowdhury 8L

As you know Loxford School gives awards to

students who earn the most iBehaves in a

form class. Each form in a year group

competes against one another and whichever

form gets the best day logs in a term receives

a great prize at the end of the term. 8L won

the prize last year and got to see a fantastic

film called ‘Planet 51’ at the West India

Quay cinema one afternoon after school. On

the way to the cinema we also stopped at a

McDonalds to grab some food. Originally we

were going to see ‘A Christmas Carol’ but

unfortunately the screen broke down so we

were directed to see ‘Planet 51’. The seats

were really comfortable where we were and

we all bought snacks to eat, also we were the

only people in the screen so it was great to

have it all to ourselves. On the way back I

noticed that there were so many Christmas

lights on buildings in London as it was

Winter. We went past the O2 on the way

back and it was all lit up, it looked so

beautiful and bright. After this trip I really

want us to win again this year!

By Rhona Merwanji 8L

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For two terms my class 7.S(now 8.S)

came second in tutor group of the year as

a reward we go the cinema in West India

Quays to watch ‘Planet 51’. We travelled

to the cinema by coach along with the

form that came first, it was a very fun

journey as we got to talk to our friends

all the way there. We arrived at the

cinema at 5pm and on the way there we

stopped off at McDonalds, where I ate a

chicken burger and chips it was

delicious! At the cinema we all got

snacks before heading off to the screen.

The film was really fun and I ended up

crying with laughter at a few scenes. The

experience of winning tutor group of the

year along with 7L to get this prize was

amazing because it proved to everyone

that we were the best! The feeling was

very heart warming, when they

announced that we had won the award

we were asked to sit with Mrs. Johnson

for a picture which was an honour. My

teacher Miss Turker was very happy and

proud of us for winning. I think that we

deserved to win because we were always

at the top of charts.

By Rajdeep Singh 8S

7L and 7S had the chance to go to the cinema to

watch Planet 51 because we were the tutor

groups of the term. We didn’t go to the cinema

during school time because we would have

missed our lessons otherwise so we went after

15:25pm. We left school and boarded onto the

coach at 16:00pm, the reason as to why it took

so long is because we had to go over rules and

regulations. On the coach I sat with my

classmate Tsai, it was a bit of a long journey but

we kept ourselves entertained, on the way to the

cinema we stopped to buy McDonalds. The

queue was really long as there were more than

60 children and adults who were ordering food.

After we finished our meals we headed off back

to the coaches and went to the cinema. Once we

got there we headed straight for the concession

stand where there was yet another long queue! I

bought sweet flavoured popcorn and a packet of

pik and mix, then we went to the screen. I

thought that ‘Planet 51’ was alright and most of

us had enjoyed it, but some of us had preferred

to watch ‘Twilight’ or ‘2012’. The film itself

was about an astronaut who landed on a planet

inhabited by aliens, an alien tries to help him

return to Earth because the human is wanted on

their planet. The film ended quicker than we

expected so we had to ring our parents to tell

them to pick us up earlier, we made our way

back to Loxford feeling very tired. As soon as I

got home I went to sleep straight away!

By Navpreet Singh 8L

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The O2 Arena

Last year I went to the O2 to see the

Transformations Trust 1st Anniversary Party, it was

really good! There were loads of great artists

performing such as The Saturdays, The Warning,

Tinchy Stryder and Stacey Solomon. The O2 is

massive! There were thousands of people all there

and it was so loud!

By Candice Turner 8N

Going to the O2 to see the Transformations Trust 1st

Anniversary Party was a great experience and the O2

itself was amazing! It’s a stunning place and the building

is structured really well, inside there are lots of shops

and restaurants and there were activities going on

whilst we were there such as drama acts. Some of the

performances at the Anniversary Party were

exceptional, I very much enjoyed myself at the O2


By Rahil Soor 8C

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Loxford School Of Science And Technology

Year 8

In Year 8 there are two more

subjects than in Year 7. If you have

Food Technology then you would

be put into either System And

Control or Textiles and vice versa.

In Music you will get to use

instruments as well as learn music

notes and about the artists who

produced certain songs. Other

than that there are no more new

subjects, however you will find

that in every subject you will be

doing more skilled activities and

you will learn new GCSE tactics.

Finally you will be put into sets for

English, Maths and Science as well

as possibly put into sets for


By Sangita Bhalla 8S

Debate Club

As some of you may already know

a club has been opened by the

English department. This new club

is called ‘Debate Club’, and as it

suggests encourages students to

debate various topics. By getting

involved with clubs like this and

mentioning it on your CV, it could

make entering universities much

easier, as debating is a skill not

only for arguing over academic

topics but it is also used by

managers and MP’s. This club

takes place until around one hour

after school and though spaces

have already been verified, I’m

sure if you ask your teacher about

this he or she would be happy to

get you the details and find out if

there’s any space left...

By Ajay Masih 8C

Mini Marvels

Last year Loxford School of Science & Technology held a Young Writers competition

for students in Years 7-11 called Mini Marvels. The aim of the competition was to write

a short story of only 50 words. Young Writers are part of a parent company called

Forward Press LTD, the largest publisher of poetry in the world, Young Writers give

children the confidence to write. The teachers sent out the Mini Marvel stories and

then some of us received a certificate with a letter to say that if we could give in our

stories to be published. Most pupils sent their stories in and this year they all got

published in a little book that got sent to our school, and now the Mini Marvels book is

in the library for everybody to read. Well done to everyone who entered the Mini

Marvels competition and got their stories published!

By Fatima Patala 8F

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Trip To Woodlands School

On Friday 2nd July, 7X went to Woodlands School to show Year 5’s how things are at

secondary school. We had to bring a packed lunch, we would be able to finish our

lunch quicker instead of waiting in the lunch lines for ages due to the fact that we were

leaving the school at lunchtime. As we reached Woodlands we were introduced to the

Year 5’s by our teacher Miss Leyland and Mrs Turker and a few members from our

class. Firstly, we performed our little pieces of drama to how life is like Loxford. I

thought everyone performed extremely well but I thought that we still could have

been better, but at least we made them laugh! Afterwards we had a little Q&A session

and I think that my partner and I did well at answering all of their questions. Later

planned to show them a presentation about the timetable and subjects but sadly it

didn’t work. Finally a few of us read poems as well as talk about punishment and

rewards at the school before we all said goodbye and left.

By Zaynah Wajid 8X

My First Day

My first day at school was the worst day of my life. I was really nervous because I kept

thinking: ‘What if I get lost and can’t find my way around?’. The headteacher, Mrs

Johnson is so strict and I was worried that the older kids would tease me, it was

horryifying to think about. When I reached the school gates on my first day my heart

was pounding really fast, the huge gates opened and it was really frightening.

However after a few weeks the school was like my second home! I made new friends, I

found the teachers to be really friendly, and every lesson was really fun.

By Minju Uddin 8R


In Technology we made our own

designs for a desk tidy. We had to

make four initial ideas, last year we

made our own keyrings using

different types of machines. My

keyring was a white bunny but it

turned out a bit dodgy-looking!

By Rasa Milcuite 8N

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Twilight is one of my most favourite novels and I would recommend it to all the girls out

there. I have seen all the films and have read all the books and I can truly say that they are

extraordinary. The Twilight series has become a very famous and well known book and film

just like Harry Potter. Some of the biggest stars have been cast in the Twilight series

such as Robert Pattison, Taylor Lautner, Kirstin Stewart and Ashlee Green. The author

of Twilight, Stephinie Meyes has earned millions with her novel. She thought up the

plot through dreams she had in which she saw

a vampire and a girl talking to each other about their problems. Twilight is for any girl

who likes fantasy mixed with romance and a bit of horror.

By Minahil Khan 8C

Love Letters

My favourite book is ‘Love Letters’, by Anne Cassidy. The story is about a girl

called Victoria who has been feeling a bit left out since her best friend has started

spending every minute with her new boyfriend. So when mysterious love

letters start to arrive its perfect timing and Victoria feels very flattered. Victoria

starts to like the idea of having a secret admirer even though she doesn’t know

who he is...or what he likes.... or what he wants......

By Aaisha Contractor 8R

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Magic Kitten

The book I will tell you about is a review of the novel ‘Magic Kitten’. I think this is a

good book as it makes the reader use their imagination a lot. The story is about a lion

who is trying to run away from his uncle and the only option left is to go and live

with humans but he disguises himself as a black cat. A girl finds him and decides to

keep him and take care of him, but he ends up going back when the lions find him. The

book can be very emotional and one particular part sticks out for me which is

when some boys bully the girl who is

looking after the kitten because she is on crutches. I think that the book teaches

empathy to readers about how people feel when they get bullied.

By Avneet Panesar 8R

Saving The Bacon

I think that the inspiring author Kathryn Lamb has very cleverly included such

technique in her writing that whoever reads this book is entranced into it. You

feel unable to put it down until the last page is turned. The story is about a young

girl called Lola and her best friend Evie who have planned to become eco-

worriors. They have decided to become vegetarian and eat only healthy, locally

sourced organic products and waste as little as possible. They want everyone else

to do the same, so they are delighted

when their friend feeds all his leftovers to his pig. However the girls soon discover

that their friend is in fact fattening the pig up for his Christmas dinner, so they decide

they must do something to save the bacon! The book is a great mystery which

is well written, and packed full of fascinating eco-facts. I recommend this

book to tall those young readers out there who want a future in writing.

By Aaminah Mohammad 8R

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Interesting Stuff An Ode To Candy Sour and sweet candy makes me hyper and it makes me jump off my feet . It comes in different colours blue, white, orange and pink, when it’s on the ground it may start to stink. Candy is so delicious I love it, I want it and it’s so good to eat!!! By Aamna Khan 8C

Twilight: Eclipse The third instalment of the Twilight saga: Eclipse has caused huge excitement amongst teenage girls. Edward and Bella broke up but get back together, at the end of New Moon you saw Edward propose to Bella and it left us all eager to see what was going to happen to them in Eclipse. Edward and Jacob are once again protecting Bella from danger, she loves them both but which will she choose? I spoke with Robert Pattinson and he had this to say about the major motion picture: “I loved working on set, we’re all like a huge family. I’m going to miss the guys but I can’t wait to see how it all turned out.” Twilight isn’t just for girls! There will something for boys as Eclipse has plenty action to keep them entertained! By Navneet Bansal 8R

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President Obama In 2008, Barack Obama became the first African American President of the United States of America. He won the U.S. Popular vote against fellow candidate John McCain by 52 per cent, He also won the Electoral vote by 349 to McCain’s 159. By Anwar Sheikh 8N

Step By Step Guide To Making Fruit Scones Fruit Scones Ingredients 400g self raising flour 100g hard/block margarine 100g caster sugar 100g dried fruit or sultanas 250ml milk + a little extra Preparation Preheat the oven to gas mark 7/210C Method

1.Sieve the flour into a large mixing bowl 2.Cut the margarine into small pieces, add this to the flour 3.Rub the margarine into the flour using your fingertips until it looks like breadcrumbs 4.Add the caster sugar and stir into the mixture 5.Add the milk a small amount at a time, stir with a table knife 6.When the mixture looks like a dough use your hands to gather it together 7.Lightly knead the dough on a floured work surface for a couple of minutes until its

smooth 8.Roll out the dough until it is about 3cm thick 9.Cut out the scones using a pastry cutter and place them well apart on a baking

sheet, repeat stages 8 and 9 until all the dough has been used 10.Lightly brush the tops of the scones with a little milk to glaze them 11.Place them in the oven – bake for 12-15 minutes until well risen and golden brown

By Alka Namajee and Zaahriah Karimullah 8F