Html5 and beyond the next generation of mobile web applications - Touch Tour Chennai

HTML5 and beyond: The next generation of mobile web applications By Shwetank Dixit, Opera Software



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HTML5 and beyond: The next generation of mobile web applications

By Shwetank Dixit, Opera Software

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about meWeb Evangelist, Opera Developer Relations Team

Member, W3C Mobile Web for Social Development Group

Member, W3C Web Education Community Group [email protected]

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The most important thing to know about the mobile web...

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Just one Web

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Smartphone browsers != Webkit

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Furthermore, which webkit are you talking about?


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It’s ok if the same site looks different in different devicesAs long as they are optimized for it.

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It’s ok if the same site looks different in different devicesAs long as they are optimized for it.AND THINK WHETHER IT IS REALLY WORTH IT

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But if you do have a different mobile site...ALWAYS provide a link to switch back to the desktop version.

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W3C Mobile Web Best Practices guidelinesRTFG

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Offline webappswith html5

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Offline Apps: Storing the files need to run offline

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CACHE MANIFEST#this is a comment.



contents of the manifest file.

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<html manifest=”demo.manifest”>

Linking the manifest file to the html page.

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CACHE MANIFEST#this is a comment.




The NETWORK: section header bypasses the cache

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CACHE MANIFEST#this is a comment.



FALLBACK:original.jpg backup.jpg

If a file can’t load, then the FALLBACK: section header specifies which files to load as a backup in their place

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setInterval(function () { window.applicationCache.update(); }, 3600000);



window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', function(){ �

� window.applicationCache.swapCache();

}, false);


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Offline Apps: Storing the data for offline use

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Storage: Web Storage

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The problem with cookiesUnreliableNo programmatic APIs to manipulate itNot structured

Most of important of all ...Small file size, so very limited data can be stored.

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Web StorageSession Storage and Local Storage

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localStorage.setItem(yourkey, yourvalue); // Store the value

var item = localStorage.getItem(yourkey); // Retrieve the value and assign it to a variable

Example of using Web Storage to store and retrieve values in the browser’s local storageWith this, even if you close the browser and re-open the page again, the values should still load properly.

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You can store images (and more) with localStorage

....BUT DON”T.

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Automatically save entered form info locallyin case page crashes or closes, person can resume from where he left off

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<textarea id="draft" rows="10" cols="30"></textarea>



function saveMessage(){

� var message = document.getElementById("draft");

� localStorage.setItem("message", message.value)


setInterval(saveMessage, 500);


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Or...You could save only when you detect a new keystroke (or a minimum number of them)

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Gotcha Two tabs updating the same value

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Storage eventsKnow if some other page has changed the value or not

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addEventListener('storage', function(event){

� if (e.oldValue){

� alert('changed from \''+event.oldValue+'\' to \''+event.newValue+'\'');

� }

}, false);


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GotchaUsing a free hosting service - Don’t use local storage with it if they store users accounts on different directories.

e.g, and

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Other storage options- IndexedDB (Limited browser support currently)- WebSQL (Standard in impasse. Limited desktop browser support but nice mobile browser support.)

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SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics

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FormsHTML5 incorporates web forms 2, which makes forms fun again!

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Lets see an example!

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<input name="age" type="number" min="18" max="25">

<input name="email" type="email" required>

<input name="url" type="uri" list="mylist">

<datalist id="mylist">`<option label="google" value=""><option label="yahoo" value=""><option label="personal" value=""></datalist>

<input name="dob" type="date">

<input id="slider" name="a" type="range" mix="1" max="10" value="0"> </input><output name="result" value="5" onforminput="value=a.value" >0</output>

Some of the code in the example page

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Media queries

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/*Between 480px and 800px*/@media all and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 800px) {#container {width: auto; max-width: 800px;}#main {width: 70%; float: left;}#sidebar {width: 29%; float: left; margin-bottom: 10px;}#pub {width: 29%; margin-left: 70%; float: none;}�}

/*From 480px and lower*/@media all and (max-width: 480px) {#container, #main, #sidebar {width: 100%; font-size: 0.9em;}#pub {display: none;}#sidebar ul li {display: inline;}*{clear: both; border-left: 0 !important; border-right: 0 !important;}}

Provide different styles to different resolutions using media queries

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Traditionally, mobile browsers provide a ‘zoomed out’ view, and then you can tap in

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Viewport meta tagAllows you to set the zooming level

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Scaling constraints<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,maximum-scale=2, minimum-scale=0.5">

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Disable user scaling<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,user-scalable=no">

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In Opera, you can use CSS to control viewportFor example...

@-o-viewport { width: device-width; max-zoom: 2; min-zoom: 0.5;}

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GeolocationFind yourself

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“These are my thoughts in a well published format”-The early web

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“Here is what we can all do together”- “Web 2.0”

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“This is what I’m thinking”- Facebook, twitter and other social tools

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“This is where I’m at”- The next step

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Think of the possibilitiesAugmented realityGeofencinglocation aware advertising...more

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//Check if browser supports W3C Geolocation APIif (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successFunction, errorFunction);} else { alert('Geolocation not supported.');}

Sample code for running geolocation, if available

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function successFunction(position) { var lat = position.coords.latitude; var long = position.coords.longitude; alert('Your latitude is :'+lat+' and longitude is '+long);}

Determining the position

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function errorFunction(position){ if (pos.PositionError == 1){ alert('It seems you have decided not to share your location'); } if (pos.PositionError == 2){ alert('The location could not be determined by the browser. Try to reload the page to try again'); }


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watchPosition()Same as getCurrentPosition() but fires whenever there is a change in location.

Sometimes its better to use this than the former.

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AccuracyScarily accurate in some places, amusingly inaccurate in others.

DO NOT rely on it.Provide fallbacks, and ways to enter location info manually (like zipcode)

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The Geolocation SpecMay be up for a bit of a change in the future

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Further readingHow to use the W3C Geolocation API:

Use the Geolocation API in Webapps:

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A sneak peak

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Device OrientationAccess to gyroscope, accelerometer info etc

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Access gyroscope info

window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", function(event) {

// process event.alpha, event.beta and event.gamma

}, true);

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Access accelerometer infowindow.addEventListener("devicemotion", function(event) {

// Process event.acceleration

}, true);

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Another sneak peak

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Check for accessif (navigator.getUserMedia){ navigator.getUserMedia('video', v_success, v_error); }

else{ not_supported(); }

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Check for accessvar video_element = document.querySelector('video');......function v_success(stream){ video_element.src = stream; }

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Use camera + <video> + <canvas> for new tricksvar button = document.querySelector('#button'); button.addEventListener('click',snapshot, false);......function snapshot(){ var c = document.querySelector('canvas'); var ctx = c.getContext('2d'); var cw = c.clientWidth; var ch = c.clientHeight; ctx.drawImage(video_element, 0, 0, cw, ch); }

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Keep in mindWebRTC spec (containing getUserMedia) is still in flux. Not a mature standard yet.

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Download the Opera Mobile labs build with device orientation and getUserMedia supportDownload from here:

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Read up on

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Cheers!More questions? Ask me now or contact me at:[email protected] or,