HTML Hypertext Markup Language Layout vs. Markup HTTP, HTTPs Browsers Latest version 4.0 –(3.2)...

HTML • Hypertext Markup Language • Layout vs. Markup • HTTP, HTTPs • Browsers • Latest version 4.0 – (3.2) • Tag-based
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Transcript of HTML Hypertext Markup Language Layout vs. Markup HTTP, HTTPs Browsers Latest version 4.0 –(3.2)...


• Hypertext Markup Language

• Layout vs. Markup


• Browsers

• Latest version 4.0– (3.2)

• Tag-based


• <HTML>, </HTML>

• <HEAD>, </HEAD>


• <BODY>, </BODY>

• Spaces ignored

• Case insensitive

• Plain Text

Basic HTML Page



<title>Insert Title Here</title>



Page Body Here



Text Modification Tags

• <B>Bold</B>,<I>Italic</I>,<U>Underline</U>

• <FONT COLOR=RGB SIZE=size>– RGB Triplets

• <H1></H1> - <H6></H6>

• <PRE>Preformatted</PRE>,

• <S[trike]>Strikethrough</S[trike]>

• <SUB>subscript</SUB>, <SUP>Superscript</SUP>

Special Characters

• &nbsp;

• &amp;

• &gt; &lt;

• &copy;

• &reg;


• <OL></OL>, <UL></UL>

• <LI></LI>

• Nested lists allowed

• Type parameter– Disc, Circle, Square– 1,A,a,i,I

• Start parameter


• Anchor tags: <A></A>– HREF=“URL”

• protocol://user:pass@server:port/path/filename.ext

– NAME=“NAME”– TARGET=“frame name”

• Link to a spot on a page:– protocol://.../filename.ext#anchorname



• Standalone. No </IMG>!

• Parameters:– ALT=“text”– BORDER=number– ALIGN=“position” (top,middle,bottom,left,right)

Other Stuff

• <HR>

• bgcolor,background, text, link, alink, vlink

• <P></P>, <BR>


• Comments– <!--Comment-->


• <TABLE></TABLE>– width=% || pixels– border=number– cellpadding=number– cellspacing=number

• <TR></TR>– align=left,right,center– valign=top,middle,bottom

Tables (contd.)

• <TH></TH>– Usually bold and centered, but no guarantee!

• <TD></TD>– Can place ANYTHING within a <TD>, even

another table!– Any and all formatting stops at the </TD>– Cell alignment


Tips on Tables

• Warning: Entire table must be loaded into memory before it can be displayed!

• Draw a picture before you start coding, or at least have it very clear in your mynd

• Don’t forget browser-dependence: Opera may not display your table the same as IE or Netscape Navigator


• <FRAMESET></FRAMESET>– rows=“%,pixels,*”– cols=“%,pixels,*”

• Nested framesets

• <FRAME SRC=“URL”>– Name, NORESIZE, others


Special Frame Names

• “_blank”• new window

• “_self”• current frame

• “_parent”• parent frame; defaults to _self if no parent

• “_top”• main browser window


• Used for complex behavior, running scripts on the server, etc.


• <INPUT TYPE=“type”>



Forms 2

• Common parameters:– Name=“name”– Value=“value”


• Lots, lots more!

• HTML has a lot more than what is presented here.– Image maps– Style Sheets– DHTML– ...


• Scripting language designed to activate the Web based on ECMAScript

• Java-like syntax (= C-like syntax)

• Loosely-typed

• Interpreted

• Contains limited OO functionality

• But in JavaScript Methods=Properties!

How to Use JavaScript


• Support for Integers, floating pt., strings, booleans• To define a variable, use var:

• var a=“ABC”;

• a=123;

• a=“3.14”;

• a=3.14;

Basic Flow of Control

• if(),else, while(), do {…} while();

• for()– standard notation (for(initial;test;increment))– for each (for (var in obj))

• function– no return type (can return or not return as



• with obj {…}– any properties inside will either be global, or

will be assumed to be part of obj– e.g. with document {write “Hello!”;}– same as document.write(“Hello!”);

JavaScript Objects

• Standard set of objects– window, document, location, history, forms…

• Can create your own objects– function house(rms, stl, yr, garp) {

this.rooms = rms; = stl;this.yearBuilt = yr;this.hasGarage = garp;


– var myhouse = new house(3, “Tenement”, 1962, false);

The location and document objects

• Location– href,protocol,host,hostname,port,path,hash,search

– toString(),assign(x)

• Document– title, location, lastModified

– forms[]• Can access a form by name

– links[]

– write(x)

The forms object

• Can be referenced by name (for a form named “bob”, you can say “document.bob”)

• Properties (methods)– focus(), blur()– select(), click()– submit()

• Properties– name, method, action, target– individual form input fields can also be identified by name

The window object

• Browser creates a new window object for every window created

• document is the data contained in the window– window.document = document

• alert(), confirm()• open(“URL”, “windowname”, “options”)• close()

Event handling

• Placed inside of tags:– onclick, onChange– onFocus, onBlur– onSubmit

• Example:– <input type=“button” name=“bob”


Zippy Stuff

• Eval()– Accepts a string expression and evaluates it as

JavaScript code.• Example:

– var a = new abc();var b = new def();var c = “a”;eval(c + “.def()”);c = “b”;eval(c + “.def()”);

• Also:– Eval(“document.write(”+(20+75)+“)”);

More zippy stuff

• setTimeout(javascript_code, delay)– Waits for delay milliseconds, then executes the

javascript code in quotes.– Useful for timers:

• <input type=“text” name=“bob”><script language=“javascript”>function doit() {

var Now = Date();document.bobform.bob.value = Now;setTimeout(doit,1000);



• Lots, lots more!

• This is only a sampling of what JavaScript can do!– Powers DHTML– Form validation– Interact with Java– ...