hstrial-executablepictog.homestead.com€¦  · Web viewPhiladelphia experiment actually happened...

Where is, the everything does come from? About the universe, everything and nothing Everything and Nothing The concept of the common misperception of the reality, building the concept of “how it works” in a few words: "... If you question the "universe", then you can find out: if the reality is a bagel (in its basic roll-with-a-hole design) shaped fractal, then universes in this infinite fractal structure composes a hole in it (I mean bagel hole in this analogy). And a bagel by itself is pure, infinite energy (which is out of our comprehension) of the nothing, as we know it. And, we have in this way, a building block to build the structure – a gradient of the imperfection of this pure, infinite energy in the shape of a black hole. So, we can tell now. The fractal structure has features we are in the black hole; we will never die; and nothing is moving (in the sense of movement, as we know it), but interactions of the structures in the bagels body by itself. And a space-time is a product of our perception, as a construct of imperfections (a content of the bagels hole, as well, in this analogy), which is interactions of the non-space- time structures of the pure, infinite energy (the bagels body by itself in this analogy) ...". Regimantas Streimikis I’m an author of the one concept about reality and how it works and I found the place, where we can look for a God. It's based on the suggestion of the duality of the reality, as the harmony of space-time and non-space-time pure infinite energy. The concept represented as paradigm shifting on the page of my WEB site designated to another paradigm shifting ontology-based system development concept, defining, as the substantial part of it, a nonexistent educational discipline a Computer Programming of Knowledge Engineering (what you know is a Computer Coding of the Software Development). http://www.executablepictograms.com/Warm-up- your-brain.html . The page is always in the development, displaying the current version of the downloadable treatise and dedicated to the ones Everything and Nothing 09/11/2019 edition Page 1 of 26

Transcript of hstrial-executablepictog.homestead.com€¦  · Web viewPhiladelphia experiment actually happened...

Page 1: hstrial-executablepictog.homestead.com€¦  · Web viewPhiladelphia experiment actually happened in 1943 and the material evidence of the Philadelphia experiment survivors, fused

Where is, the everything does come from?

About the universe, everything and nothing

Everything and NothingThe concept of the common misperception of the reality, building the concept of “how it works” in a few


"... If you question the "universe", then you can find out: if the reality is a bagel (in its basic roll-with-a-hole design) shaped fractal, then universes in this infinite fractal structure composes a hole in it (I mean bagel hole in this analogy). And a bagel by itself is pure, infinite energy (which is out of our comprehension) of the nothing, as we know it. And, we have in this way, a building block to build the structure – a gradient of the imperfection of this pure, infinite energy in the shape of a black hole. So, we can tell now. The fractal structure has features we are in the black hole; we will never die; and nothing is moving (in the sense of movement, as we know it), but interactions of the structures in the bagels body by itself. And a space-time is a product of our perception, as a construct of imperfections (a content of the bagels hole, as well, in this analogy), which is interactions of the non-space-time structures of the pure, infinite energy (the bagels body by itself in this analogy) ...".

Regimantas Streimikis

I’m an author of the one concept about reality and how it works and I found the place, where we can look for a God. It's based on the suggestion of the duality of the reality, as the harmony of

space-time and non-space-time pure infinite energy. The concept represented as paradigm shifting on the page of my WEB site designated to another paradigm shifting ontology-based system

development concept, defining, as the substantial part of it, a nonexistent educational discipline a Computer Programming of Knowledge Engineering (what you know is a Computer Coding of the Software Development). http://www.executablepictograms.com/Warm-up-your-brain.html. The page is always in the development, displaying the current version of the downloadable treatise

and dedicated to the ones perished at the 9/11 of the 2001 terrorist attacks, i.e.- I have developed two paradigms shifting concepts:

-- The one about “How to capture knowledge before it is created” and;

-- Another one – “Revealing misperception of how reality works –

- metaphysics of the cosmology”.-

- And I’m positive about “Akashic records”, by my own experiences.

“The origin of the universe is one of the greatest unanswered questions in the history of mankind. Humans have been debating it for thousands of years, and every religion

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attempts to posit a different explanation. Questions about the origin of the universe – or, indeed, the origin of reality in general – are challenging for science to tackle head-on. The simple answer is: “we don’t know”. We may never know exactly how the universe was formed or what, if anything, came before it, although science does have a few ideas to explore. However, not knowing the answer does not give us free range to make something up.” – Armin Navabi (http://www.atheistrepublic.com/blog/arminnavabi/if-there-no-god-where-did-everything-come).

Don’t be so fast with conclusions. Just explain what The God is made of. I’m working on it and have some strange feeling about it. I prefer not to talk about The God. I prefer to hear what he says. It took to me fifteen minutes to come up with the core of the concept to answer the question “Where is, the everything does come from?” and some fifteen months to develop it to this story which is still under development. So, how can I recall these fifteen minutes in my mind if not “The Gods word”, knowing that I only recently was lucky to find the Lawrence Maxwell Krauss keynote speech (in Quora discussion “If nothing can pop out of nothing, how can the universe exist?”) https://youtu.be/eXy9b--Swtc and I never ever before questioned myself for answer. And, moreover, in fifteen months to come up with answer, that infinite space-time is only a product (same kind of construct of imperfections as perception by itself) of our perception, which appeared to be an integral part of the construct of imperfections of the rest of reality, emerging out of pure infinite energy, which is out of our comprehension and do not represent (contain) a space-time. Nevertheless, we Americans have the right of free speech, given by the God in his Grand Design, so I’m going to construct a foundation to cover the subject and the rest of the reality. A foundation sufficient to address them. You can consider my faith is a fusion of two. Omnism (The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) quotes as the term's earliest usage the 1839 long poem "Festus" by English poet Philip James Bailey 1839). The belief "in a single transcendent purpose or cause uniting all things or/and people"; The belief that no religion is truth, but that truth is found in all of them; Recognition and respect of all religions) and Pantheism ((Baruch Spinoza in 1677, Joseph Raphson in 1697) – the reality is identical with divinity). I’m separating myself from the Atheistic Pantheism, as it defined by the Lewis Loflin “http://www.sullivan-county.com/id2/pantheism.htm” – “…Most of the universe is simply rock, gas, and metal completely devoid of life or real purpose. …”. I do see both the spirituality and the purpose, as The Grand Design and, accordingly, the quantity of stability-sustainability of the process in our perception (driven by the construct as imperfection of the pure infinite energy, out of our comprehension), which is called – a “time” – the ultimate reason. And I do not “poisoning science with pagan philosophy and mindless mysticism”, as author Lewis Loflin would address. Science is a tool to understand and explore the essence and the substance of the “Ultimate Reason” embodied by the construct of imperfections of the pure infinite energy – Black Hole. If we can’t measure, we call the science a “Metaphysics”. And we can’t measure the energy out of our comprehension, which do not contain space-time, unless we employ it to do the job, conceived as doings of imperfections on their way back from finite into pure infinite energy. For this reason, we create an ontology of abstract things to materialize, construct and reasoning. I prefer metaphysics rather than science fact, which is the only source to question part of the reality we call “Everything”. And I see a process of it as discovery and not an invention. A process of tune-up into reality and listening what and how it sounds in our brain. And I call it “What a God says to you” – later on you’ll see I’m using an ontological construct to express it as a “Vertical Integration” all over the scales of the reality perceived as a fractal of the structure we call a “Black Hole”. And as a unit for the measurement I choose a scale, which is a fractal mixture a point of different scales, if it was a construct called a “Black Hole” can be perceived. For an example, to substantiate what I mean, I say

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“our universe is a point of the black hole of the upper scale of the abstraction as a point to construct the black hole of the next upper scale. So, to say, I construct a fractal of the abstractions, were every point is called a “Universe”, as a point of the scale, were we can find the black holes and the point of different scales together. That’s why I call it a “mixture” of the points of different scales. So, to say as well, a reality is as infinite fractal of the mix of Black Holes of different scales. And the scale is a gap of the reality, were the downwards or upwards the scale by one unit, we can perceive again a Black Hole. For an example, starting from the observation of the Black Hole, if we decrease in size, the observable Black Hole will gradually increase and finally disappear from our perception for reason of being too big. And if we keep decreasing in size to become smaller and smaller, we going to reach another unit on the scale, were Black Hole appears again in our perception.

To compare with the definition of the same abstraction a “Universe” by the

Universe - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe), is: “The Universe is all of time and space and its contents. The Universe includes planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, the smallest subatomic particles, and all matter and energy. The observable universe is about 28 billion parsecs (91 billion light-years) in diameter at the present time. The size of the whole Universe is not known and may be either finite or infinite”.

The key of this definition (the ontology is constructed of) is “Time”, “Space” and the “Its contents”. To translate this definition into my perception of the same, we should have a dictionary, were: “Time” is a “Continuation of the Process”, “Space” is a “Duality of Nothing” and the “Its contents” is a “mixture”. Instead, to construct the definition of a “Universe”, I use the terms: “Pure energy”, to address infinite non-space-time constraint for finite imperfections of it, were an “energy” is the capability to do the job, independently of the fact the job to be done or not. And finite an “Imperfection”, which is the founding term to construct the rest of the subject “Everything and Nothing”, of this Pure energy. The bounding of these two terms environment is the fact, that our perception is constructed in the same way from the Imperfections as the rest of the Everything we going to deal with. The “Vertical Integration” will be, in my understanding of the subject, the creation of fractal identity by our perception of the anything can be imagined. So, to say “anything” in any scale will be created of the points, were a version of this same “anything” could be found, by the definition of a “Fractal”. And observable by us dynamics of the reality has nothing to do with the dynamics of the reality by itself, because the dynamics of the reality is not observable by us by the definition of the dual (space-time and non-space-time) environment bounding two foundational terms – infinite Pure energy (non-space-time) and the finite Imperfection (space-time) of the Pure energy. And the observable by us dynamics are nothing but the product of our brain for our own convenience and comfort in creating abstractions. When the real, independent of us, dynamics of the reality are defined by the ongoing processes, constraining imperfections, in the non-space-time body of the infinite Pure energy. These dynamics are the engine, which powers the reality by converting backwards finite imperfection into infinite Nothing. The proof of this fact is the weirdness of the observable facts of the quantum physics and the expansion of the space in our universe. In the other words, so to say, if we observe anything in the reality, we should thing about imperfections constrained by non-space-time processes of the Pure energy, which are creating our observation as well. The “Horizontal integration”, aside with the Vertical one, would be an interaction in-between the points over any given scale depending of the environment taken of every point, defined by the definition of the fractal. We call it – an

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evolution of the same given thing – identity – the abstraction we focus on. For an example: Homo sapiens (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=classification+of+the+living+organisms&id=08DA893B796D4789D11718371478094ED89C989D&s=1&view=detailv2&rtpu=%2fsearch%3fq

%3dclassification+of+the+living+organisms&FORM=IEQNAI), Classification of Organisms ( https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=axNLvL8T&id=E5F9D2E02626C2473F10E0269AA16B0263642A9E&thid=OIP.axNLvL8Ttc_CXpLYCZtjGAHaEU&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fblog.growingwithscience.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2011%2f12%2fclassifi.jpg&exph=395&expw=676&q=classification+of+the+living+organisms&simid=608054719746673588&selectedIndex=39&ajaxhist=0).

Infinity is a mother and The God is a father of everything 2). “Nothing” – is the starting point. It is the only building material to create “Everything”. Why? To answer the question, we should stretch our reasoning wide enough to employ an infinity in every step of it.

It is natural to imply the essential features of it:

“Nothing” is infinite. “Nothing” is nonuniform. “Nothing” is non-space-time constraint of anything emerging out of it (including

and a space-time as well). And I call it a God’s body. The fluctuation (imperfections – an energy, by our perception) of Nothing is

wavelike appearance and disappearance (and not a motion of something). The wavelike imperfections of Nothing are fractal in nature due to the substance

of the wave – to repeat itself, and the feature of the infinity to make infinite small equivalent to infinite big in the environment of imperfection of the infinite pure energy. The wavelike imperfection of Nothing has its own intensity gradient and it is of some sort of a fractal bubble in some sort of fluid, which we consider as pure energy (we can call it “negative” energy and later on we’ll construct a “Positive” one) or “Nothing” – the Fourth Dimension (and not the time which is not exist by itself, but it is a continuation of a process only). (Pulling Energy from the Vacuum - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden – Fourth dimension “Negative Energy”). It is naturally to imply the intensity to change from infinity in the center of the bubble to the finite amount of towards exterior surface and his gradient – appointing to the center, so, to say, it appeared from the infinitely small and expand to the finite size.

Saying this we mean, the imperfection (the change in the level of the energy) occurs, when the pure energy level drops from infinity to finite amount. And does the job when the level of the energy in imperfection comes back to the infinite level. The drop-off in the pure energy creating a frame of fractal structure to form inwards. If the drop-off reaches the finite zero level from the infinite level of the pure energy (a Big-Bang), that’s mean the infinite level of the positive energy, by our comprehension, is created in the singularities, forming the foundation of the fractal frame of imperfection. So, to say, infinite, non-space-time construct of the pure negative energy shattered into non-space-time singularities of the positive energy through infinite space-time body of the fractal creation. That’s mean every singularity of the infinite positive energy (infinitely small) point has non-space-time environment of the infinite negative pure energy. And that’s does define what we call a harmony of the infinite non-space-time pure negative and infinite space-time positive energies, which creates the loop of the transition of the identities created through the scales, starting from the singularity back to the single identity, which, feeding backwards every singularity through the non-space-time media of the infinite negative pure energy, defining the fractal by itself. So, to say, this non-space-time harmony of negative pure energy and the singularities of the infinite positive energy defines the same identity created by each of the singularities, which transition all over the scales in this way over the

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loop. Later we will name it as Vertical Integration, which interacting together with, so called, Horizontal Integration will define an Evolution and, as part of it, a Movement, as we know it, although in reality nothing moving, but Identity transition through interaction of vertical and horizontal integration. And because of the nature of the non-space-time this transition occurs back and forward simultaneously (by the way, this is the remote answer to the question “who came first into the being chicken or egg?”. The infinite complexity is a key to the answer. Chicken and egg are infinitely far away from each other in creating both of them).

And, if its fractal, every bubble, being a constituent of bigger bubble, following the direction opposite the one, the gradient of the bigger has appointing, shall manifest (an appearance – a cosmic inflation – the birth of “positive” energy) less “negative” energy. And along the natural way of “negative” energy buildup in the bubble to come back to initial state (disappearance – The Big Rip – aging – death of “positive“ energy) – infinite level, each bubble going to collapse outwards, by collapsing its constituents first, so, to say, we constructed a motion/expansion/”The Big Rip”/disappearance of the bubble outwards – expansion of the emptiness according our perception. The appearance of the bubble naturally, inevitably, is followed by the disappearance of it (a Wave of intensity – appearance/disappearance of the fractal structure), so to say, a death – change in the chain of processes of evolution of the structure of imperfection, failure to function maintaining stability of an identity – disappearance of the complexity. Keeping in mind this complex evolution of the fractal bubble-imperfection and the mix of them in their different stages of evolution, it implies the natural structure of each identity created, which will follow the shapes and dynamics of the observable cosmos and the quantum world. And, the infusion of new imperfections into present processes will initiate change in the chain of processes of evolution (modulation) of the structure of imperfection in a manner of free will, randomness (dependencies with the environment) and God’s will.

Summarizing assumptions, by our perception, we created “positive“ energy (gradient by itself), space/size, time/”span of evolution (to appear and disappear) of the existence of imperfection” and wave like motion of the intensity of the imperfection through infusion new imperfections into present processes, i.e. the most familiar to us notions: energy, space, time, and motion. And obvious, as it is, all of them are tightly intertwined among themselves.

The general answers to the questions, about the “First” of the anything, are as follow. It happened infinitely long time ago. It never was the one instance of the “First”, instead it was multiple instances of it, and always it was something before the “First” in multiple instances, which we cannot call yet, as a the “First” of what we mean, and which become the one after infinitely short period of time, where the time stands for the process.

The general answers to the questions, about the death of a living organism, let me guess, will describe the statements. The body fails to function as designed – disintegrating. A perception, as the part of the soul, merging, guided by the God (a soul – a part of him, true identity of the body, the same for all the instances), with

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another instance of the body to continue live in another universe of another scale. The perception, by itself, after it merged, could bring in the new qualities for the recipient-instance, i.e. after death experience some people find out to be able to speak the languages, they never learned or to have a skills they never expected having, or just self-combust into the strange flames, even multiple times after having it extinguished. And, you after death, as the same instance, will come back with the new universe, the one of the infinite numbers of them produced in the fabric of the reality, after the old universe disintegrates (to become swallowed by “Nothing”) – a pretty crazy guessing, hah.

Finite Imperfections of infinite pure energy emerging out, creating space-time and are constrained, developed and maintained by “Nothing” through convergence of them backwards to the infinite energy – non-space-time – “Nothing”. So, in this way we extend our perception and reasoning beyond it. We should be able to appoint holly aberrations/revelations, The Heaven and The Hell, The Soul and the way it travels to. The Fractal feature of the imperfections of Nothing is incorporating the notion of Infinity into our reasoning about everything; it is incorporating infinite self-computational power to maintain vertically and horizontally the process of the stability of the reality fabric (a computer with infinite calculational power, which builds itself, a process – a Time by human perception), so to say nothing short, but do reveal the abstraction equivalent to the God’s body – the constrain for Everything emerged, tested at no space-time to fit the equations of the nature and collected into being.

“Nothing” is infinitely unstable due to interactions of imperfections and the non-space-time “Nothing”, guided by their natural vertical – fractal (scale - Big/Small) and horizontal – multidimensional (scale - Wide/Narrow, High/Low, Far-away/Near, etc.) integration, and powered by a substance of the reality – infinite pure energy (an Intention) – The God’s Will. Later on we will talk about the Gravity, which we will consider as a focus of The God’s Attention. He is always busy in his creation, leading development backward and forward of the fractal of the imperfections from the finite initial to the infinite state of “Nothing”.

A simple structure of the imperfections reaching out their complexity (finite level of “Nothing”) through their evolution, from infinitely small (a non – space – time singularity of the infinite energy – positive one, as we know it) to infinitely bigger and finally leveling it (a time span, by human perception) to the level of infinite pure energy – Nothing (by human perception). The foundation of this structure is a fractal, bearing the infinite number of deviations from an average identity, built through its evolution towards the highest levels of the organization vertically and horizontally. Where a highest level of this structure – a perception by itself – a god's mind (human brain is a part of it) is a tool to convert this complexity into ontology (i.e., time, space, features, terms, rules, laws, theories, etc.) – an identity of anything, as a process (a time, by human perception) – a stability at some level (e.g., a time), built on infinite instability. Make no mistake, “anything”, what you can touch is still “noting”, as an energy by definition – the capability to do the job, which is a process – the backwards conversion of an imperfection to the initial infinite level of negative pure energy, out of our comprehension. So, to say, “anything”, which failed the test to survive as a process, never reached the reality. And “anything” what we can think about, if it has an environment and survive a test, we can touch it in our perception of it. And if we touch it all

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together, it is up to your perception only (that’s the power of infinity). “How it is possible?” – you ask; It is by definition of the “Nothing”, a play of the possibilities in the non-space-time environment, which includes everything else, you and your perception altogether. And you do not apply “a speed of calculations” reasoning about these kinds of processes, because it is a construct of capabilities only. So, sad to hear it, hah? What we can do about it? Nothing.

So, we can perceive reality (with the accuracy of abstraction to make a human sense about the infinite complexity of the structure of reality) as an infinite pulsating fabric of environment integrated vertically and horizontally. This pulsating fabric is already fully developed vertically and horizontally, and every pulse of disappearance is followed by appearance fed and defined vertically and horizontally in this environment which left in existence. So, to say, the future and the past are already in place together with the present by means of vertical integration of the pulsating structure of a fabric of the reality. (By the way, Albert Einstein in 1952, the year I was born, came to the realization “… the past, present and future all exist simultaneously, and the time is merely an allusion …”). Vertical integration means in deep (fractalization) direction in the fractal structure (every picture-entity is constructed of the same smaller picture-entities). What’s mean disappearance from the fractal structure in dept of any smaller picture-entity leaves intact or slightly modified larger picture-entity, which is constructed of infinite number of these smaller. The “same smaller” is understood always with some extent of this meaning, as “to be a different version of and still preserve the same entity in the ontology of the reality (the “same” picture-entity by means of this vertical integration)” (a different smaller me with his own deviations in live). The horizontal integration means that every “same smaller” has its own evolution (live) employing free will, randomness, God’s will and preserving the same picture-entity by means of vertical integration (you can examine in depth every piece of you and see yourself in different situations). The horizontal integration means also the interaction (which is out of our comprehension) among different picture-entities on the same in-depth scale (the facts and the results of a human or non-human creation – human to shape a matter or matter to shape a matter – physics, quantum physics, chemistry). Vertical integration means also that every point of the reality is created by combining matching points of smaller realities of the same picture-entity.

“Nothing” is a pure, infinite “negative” energy, which building up continuously and dissipating through its wavelike harmonics of imperfections to create Identity, where the abstraction of it is the laws of Harmonic Analysis.

The wavelike imperfections of Nothing combine in the way the Harmonic Analysis should predict. (If the Harmonic Analysis is insufficient in some way to support it, it should be adjusted).

Thus, an everything at whole and the part of it – human and his perception (thoughts), in general, is a nature’s structure of the self-organized back and forward over the fractal vertically and horizontally of imperfection of Nothing due to the some scale’s equations matching set of the harmonics of wavelike appearance and disappearance of these imperfections vertically in the non-space-time environment.

And, finally, the most important feature – the interaction among the two imperfections resisting a push (pressure) of Nothing surrounding them – the

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difference between gradient of the intensity, in catching (entrapping them in the structure) new imperfections among them and buildup in this way of the “negative” energy to smash them back (elevate to the infinite level of the Nothing), which we call a Gravity of the areas among the interacting imperfections and the areas surrounding them, so to say, it is the cause 1), why the imperfections building up towards each other rather outwards, a mother-nature, guided by the God in this way, has an opportunity to create a “time” – stability – a continuation of the process. So, to say, more processes among the interacting imperfections has more opportunities for infusions of the new imperfections rather outward and “Big Rip” shall make more impact to the processes outwards rather inwards (among the interacting imperfections). The identities of the interacting imperfections shall remain not intact for some period of evolution (a time) as long the intensity of the evolution stays below the certain level. If this assumption is true, that’s mean, introducing of the any field of radiation (by our perception – a imperfection of the another scale), e.g. electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma radiation (γ), particle radiation, such as alpha radiation (α), beta radiation (β), and neutron radiation (particles of non-zero rest energy), and also, acoustic radiation, into the environment outwards of the interacting imperfections and creating sufficient gradient of it, will defy or overpower natural bounds of them (a gravity), changing the path of appearance and disappearance in the body of the interacting entities towards each other. Nowadays it is evident fact to proof it, a magnet and not the such, as depicted below, devices. I’ve rather would think about the Searl Effect, which was discovered by John Roy Robert Searl in 1946, to finish what he started and finally to construct future’s engine.

Jump to search (Wikipedia):

NASA's 2.3 kW NSTAR ion thruster for the Deep Space   1 spacecraft during a hot fire test at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NEXIS ion engine test (2005)

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An ion thruster or ion drive is a form of electric propulsion used for spacecraft propulsion

If we are lucky, we will succeed revising our understanding of a thruster to replace the tractive force and propulsion with something described above, changing nature of behavior of the processes in no-space-time environment of Nothing in charge for appearance/disappearance in fractal structure and not related with processes of horizontal integration (inertia). (Pulling Energy from the Vacuum - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden – Fourth dimension “Negative Energy”). So, to say, we should be able to direct at will a recreation of the designated local environment (the vehicle with all his content) in any direction, by encapsulating it and stimulating locally and directionally a process of vertical integration. In this way we will create UFO’s non-inertial thruster, if it's not created yet, to become a proof of this theory!

A scale (matching set) of the harmonics of wavelike appearance and disappearance of imperfections of Nothing in some of self-organized and guided by God its structure is by human perception (ontology) called Everything. Let’s illustrate the concept. We show the common misperception of the reality, building the concept of “how it works”. Anything, what we perceive in reality through our senses and abstraction, is depicted as a white polygon in the illustration on the left. The right polygon depicting an ontology of our perception of the Anything on the left (it could be, per say, a cell phone) presenting our life experience about Anything as his structure and the features.

An illustration of the concept of “how it works”

So, the misperception of the reality occurs, when building a concept of “how it works” we focus on the Right side of the illustration and do not realize, that Anything exists only as imperfections in the environment of the infinity – pure energy and it’s processes, as a real thing, which is out of our perception (by definition of the perception of itself). As a result of such a misperception, it is impossible to see the infinite fabric of the reality incorporating the fractal structure of the foundation of Everything, based on the range (spectrum/scale) of the matching frequencies (assembling every point in the structure of the observable cosmos as the same

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cosmos by itself with some deviations from the average) and the energy contained in the infinity of Nothing.

Disappearance of the imperfection of Nothing is the buildup of energy in the harmonics to reach the common infinite level of pure energy of Nothing due to the nature of infinite Nothing to create infinite small imperfection and support calculus of their interactions: to adding up (it is the same as rough imperfections of the landscape is covered smoothly by the snow), interference, resonance, suppressing and modulation.

The appearance of the imperfection of Nothing is a buildup of the fractal structure from the infinite small, due to the calculus of the wavelike fractal of imperfections of the Nothing. Every fractal piece of the current reality (a time by itself, as well) of the wavelike imperfection of Nothing is constructed from the fragments (pieces) of the history fully developed in the same way infinite smaller imperfection, which is matching/fit the structure, which is created, in accordance to the calculus of the wavelike imperfections. So, there is an infinite number of choices, delivered by these pieces of the smaller reality, to create the current reality of the wavelike fractal imperfection of Nothing, which depend on the environment, on “free will” (a presence of the structure of imperfections, representing our thoughts or intentions of the “God”) and random coincidences. That’s mean every fragment of the reality is the magnified average piece of the history of the infinite number of the smaller realities with some deviation. This deviation composes the evolution (development) in the structure of the bigger reality, representing an increment in time, which is created, as a part of this reality. So, it is possible to go back and forward in time by choosing any of the smaller realities engulfed in the creation of the fragment of this bigger reality. And, if we choose to kill our grandfather in the chosen reality, it's going to have no influence on the average of the history – so we still survive.

And finally, now we can try to construct a definition of the God in our theory with the hope to not lose him in the definition: “The God is the everything out of physical evidence in our perception, i.e. Nothing is the body of Him, and the Imperfections are His doings. And the Devine Force to create is the choice by itself, in creating the current reality of the wavelike fractal imperfection of Nothing, defined as a presence of the imperfections and the processes of the Nothing constraining them in the response to this fact to fit the equations of the nature. In the other words, it is how and why the Gods body evolving to his infinite complexity. Due to the infinite number of the choices that could be made, the Devine Force has infinite power to compute employing calculus of the interaction of the wavelike fractal imperfections. And we can’t eliminate possibility of evolving consciousness of highest order (divine) in this infinite and out of our comprehension environment, if we have our own, which we can’t explain”.

So, to say, we are elevating our abstraction to the point, where constructing any piece/point of our reality, we are mixing up together at the lower scale a multiple instance of the same universe, which we observe at our scale, i.e., creating some kind of hologram to produce such a fractal. It would be nice, if it was truth the Philadelphia experiment actually happened in 1943 and the material evidence of the Philadelphia experiment survivors, fused with the metal of the ship in various ways (recreated/assembled in a disturbed reality of the same time), would be

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present. It would be much easier to reasoning on this concept of the Nothing and relate it with the work done by scientists Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla together in 1938’s for the military project (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVlosbjlZbw). And It would be much easier to reasoning about a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, especially a ghost or holly apparition, having an example to support our understanding, what's happening beyond our perception, because of our explicit disturbance and without it. A little bit different version about the same: with the difference, the universe is too small to explore this subject – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RO7ktbfiho.

So, if it happened once, there is no reason to stop it from happening. An “Infinite big Nothing” creating an “infinitely small something” as imperfection (fluctuation – a gradient of change from infinite to finite – a building block) of Nothing (the analog of “infinite small change” for reasoning in theoretical mechanics about the changes in physical structure). The universe, as an abstraction in our perception, is the infinite small wavelike fractal structure of imperfections of Nothing – the foundational fragment of the fractal structure of the bigger “infinite small”, as another universe in our perception (naturally, infinity is considered as a chain of scales, where every infinite small is infinite big in another scale, inheriting same properties/features). It will be considered, an “infinitely small” means that exist the scale, where the inside structure of “infinitely small” consist of smaller “infinitely smalls” (some sort of fractal like structure) and the observable (perceivable) “Identity”, constructed of these bigger “infinitely smalls” on a bigger scale, is only a tip of an iceberg above the water, where the internal structure of “infinitely small” will compose the bigger part of the iceberg below the water. Everything under the water then will be considered out of the physical evidence in our perception and the iceberg by itself will contain thoughts of our perception as part of this structure as well. The air and the water by itself according this analogy, shall be – a Nothing.

So, our reality is continuously constructed, due to the fractal structure, only from those fragments of the history of numberless fully developed infinite smalls, representing the structure, whose picked up by calculus of the interaction of the wavelike fractal imperfections to match/fit the equations of the reality, which is created. So, to say, survive a Time – a process of creation. Our freewill (a part of our thoughts) then shall be the selection of a candidate, among these fragments, to deliver needed fragment to this moment of the current reality, which is under construction. This selection by itself is the construction of the internal structure to connect these fragments to the structure of this moment of the reality. So, a moment of the current reality always is a deviation from an average of the histories, created by the environment (The God’s will), accident/coincidence or the free will. An infinite chain of laws of physics (as one of the many forms of our perception) combines to create “infinitely small” only, if it happened to exist in the future, after infinitely small period, then this chain coming into being for an infinitely small period. (As an analogy of this transfer of information from the future, could be the development of a lightning in the atmosphere, where it propagates through, by creating the thinly channel in the opposite direction first, for the lightning to discharge.) Altogether, it combines into “something” bigger (not observable by us “Identity”) on this infinite small scale. So, nothing is moving. Instead, it appears and disappear continuously in an infinite frequent way, manifesting activity on this “infinitely small” scale, and preserving the identity of bigger “infinitely small”. All of these combines

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“randomly” (see below) into the interactions of the chain of laws, that stays into being, because “something” bigger got created after infinite small period of time.

The “nothing is moving” also imply, “the speed of something” means different intensity of activity ratio throughout the scales directed inwards or outwards, i.e. if “something frozen (slowing down)”, the intensity of activity is changing to “less of activity” outwards in the structure, than inwards. And vice versa, if it speeds up, the activity is changing for “more activity” outwards. The ratio of “activity intensity change” depends on the identity of bigger “infinitely smalls” throughout the scales directed inwards or outwards, as well, i.e. in our conventional perception terms, depends on a different type of material.

A “Time (process evolution – how much of evolution it takes)” – is only human brain's interpretation of this, infinite in nature, complexity. We only can perceive features of the infinitely small by changing the scale of measurements and manipulation with thing observable on that scale. It is an imperative that it is hard to study substance, what we ourselves are and everything we are capable to perceive is made of.

Accordingly, a Speed – a comparison/measurement of the evolution of two processes by the quantity of evolution of the third process.

Some things on the quantum level, possibly could be explained by studying the outer cosmos, if the nature of every feature, we want to observe, is cyclic “inwards” and “outwards” throughout the internal structure. Some things should be perceived as an embedded feature of the “infinitely small”, rather than the interaction of the created. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may not reveal anything consisting of, but new things created in only. For our own convenience, we will consider, the observable cosmos as “infinitely small”, setting up the unit for measurement “inwards” and “outwards” throughout the internal structure. There is no other option for quantification of our perception to explore the internal structure of “infinitely small”, as a carrier of all features of a larger, bigger “infinitely small” and to perceive an “identity” of it.

So, it is natural from this point of reference (per this theory) to explain whatever you want:

If you move your hand, nothing is moving. It’s frequently appears and disappear in small scale, like new year led rope light’s switching, which is interpreted by the brain as movements of the light.

The human genome exists, because we exist in our time scale and it took google years on our time scale to achieve its complexity. But if we consider our time scale as infinitely small, then google years become a period after infinitely small one.

Gravity – it is embedded feature of the “infinitely small”, i.e. intention to create (exposed by the infinite chain of different laws of physics, which appear in random fashion, creating different density of observable matter – potential of the gravity) and intention (exposed by new location of the created bigger “infinitely small”) to appear, in creation of bigger “infinitely smalls”, towards each other, because of in-between more “infinitely small” things engaged in creation than in outer side, which employs more intense dynamics related with “appearance” from Nothing of an “infinitely small” and its interactions. It’s the obvious feature derived from the perceived existence of gravity.

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Magnetism – it is the same as gravity with difference of another thing has created, which has an “appearance” entangled with “disappearance”. That means, the “disappearance” is affected, by “appearance”, redistributing intensity of activities throughout the scales inwards in the structure, leaving the intensity on the scale of reference in the structure less, than natural background, to trigger in-between effect in outer side, opposite to, like one in the case of gravity (in terms of our practical reality – the same poles repel each other). That means, an explanation of an explosion could be related to the intense disappearance of the acquired some sort of magnetism by some type of “Identity”.

Change of location and recombine into another bigger “infinitely small” of larger infinite small “Something”, when another larger infinite small “Something” created in close vicinity. Is the propagation (inheritance) of the embedded feature “to change location” throughout the structure of the affected (created) larger infinite small “Something” through propagation of change in ratio of the intensity of activity change throughout the scales, directed inwards or outwards in the structure, leaving the intensity on the scale of reference in the structure less, than natural background, to trigger in-between effect, opposite to, like one in the case of gravity. Manifestation of this feature could be the application of force on the scale of our practical reality, and entanglement and activities without observable cause in quantum physics.

Light (a photon) is the bigger “infinitely small”.

Light propagation, when the identity – light (a photon) is created as the result of appearance/creation of two larger infinite small “Something” in close vicinity to each other – is the evidence of creation “something”, beside the light itself, on the scale of “infinitely small” and equivalent to the infinite smallness. The propagation by itself says the “in-between” is located on the outer side of “something” created (address the gravity and magnetism, explained above). That means, what is created found the equivalent “something” in pair already in existence, to form in-between feature “intention to appear towards each other”. A photon, by itself must have a structure at different scale with embedded features “to change location” and preserve the identity. And that means propagation, resembling the propagation of the feature “to change location” (see above, the propagation of the feature “to change location”), where disappearance couples with the feature, same as with magnetism, but less ratio in change of intensity, to redistribute intensity of activities throughout the scales inwards in the structure, leaving the intensity outwards in the structure less, than natural background towards unaffected areas.

Light speed limit – is the time needed, which is the fact of creating something equivalent to the light itself from the “infinitely small”, because we have light propagation.

Why the gravity is so weak in comparing with the magnetism? Because the gravity is a manifestation of the local feature, created by the change in ratio of activity intensity, when environment of more than one larger bigger “infinitely small” is created. And the magnetism is the global manifestation of North or South features by the each “infinitely small”. These two features can create a different ratio of activity intensity by mixing together, and be a reason for self-organization, by directing intention to appear in specific configuration, forming the structure of larger bigger “infinitely small” (in terms of our practical reality – Permanent Magnet), manifesting a propagation of feature “to change location” in specific direction for some type of identities, which in terms of our practical reality, is called electric

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current (a directed propagation of feature). Our live experience show, that this manifestation works in both ways: electric current creates a magnet (electro-magnet – a specific configuration for some type of identities) and, correspondently, a movement of the permanent magnet creates an electric current. In terms of our practical reality the science behind of “some type of identities” is called a “Chemistry”.

So, a “Chemistry” and the magnetism is the way to defeat a gravity, because the only way in our practical reality to design activity of “infinitely small” is to create an environment with the help of chemistry and to utilize a magnetism, i.e. to change the natural ratio of activity intensity, manifested by the environment of larger bigger “infinitely small” of ordinary type, as in-between feature.

Dark Matter – implicitly simple answer. The entirety of the employed “infinitely small” (things) in creation. The potential of the gravitational (see above). The environment for the manifestation of the embedded features of the “infinitely small” by itself employed in creating, and the features, exhibited in continuation of creation of the bigger “infinitely small”, employing in-between effect on the cosmic scale propagation (address the gravity explained above) and, the feature of the bigger “infinitely small”, an entanglement with each other. In other words, Dark Matter is the invisible, underwater part of the iceberg, as mentioned above about the part of the structure of an “infinitely small”.

Dark Energy – it’s either simple explanation. The balance of the embedded features of the “infinitely small” by itself employed in creating, and the features, exhibited in continuation of creation of the bigger “infinitely small”, employing in-between effect propagation all over the invisible scales (address the light, gravity and magnetism, explained above), on the cosmic scale.

How much is the universe accelerating since it started to accelerate (5-6 B years ago,)? What is its rate? Really, if, you consider, that infinite big Nothing gives a bird of infinite small “Something” and above on the scale, where the universe is that infinite small “Something”, the acceleration of disappearance doesn’t matter. Matters only fact, that appearance and disappearance are present, and the Big Bang is the “Appearance”, and, also, the Big Bang is the way the structure of the “infinitely small” coming into being and covey development of all its embedded features. And “Disappearance”, thus shall be the “Big Rip” and “Collapse into singularity”, depending on the set of embedded features the “infinitely small” has developed and preserved in his environment.

Black holes. Very important features are that, they stop feeding or they grow up. The fact that they grow up, means the universe must have a size, i.e. the “infinitely small” has a limit of their density, as his embedded feature. And together with the assumption, that bigger “infinitely small” forms identity of its own, means the internal structure of the “infinitely small” is bigger than the size of observable one, i.e. it is some sort of iceberg above the water, where the underwater part is the dark matter.

If we consider Black hole, as the coil with an electric current, acting as a magnet, then the environment of “North” and “South” poles is created (this feature could explain the observed massive similar orientation of the galaxies). Black holes open direct exposure, to the elements of the infinitely big Nothing, of the structure of “infinitely small”, when the “infinitely small” appears in these “North” and “South” pole environments. Every star due to

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internal electro-magnetism, will do the same “North” and “South” differentiation among the “infinitely smalls”. That means “infinitely small” becomes marked differently by these environments (i.e. carry outwards, this feature from the internal structure) and could create “infinitely small” magnets by itself, if two “infinitely smalls” couples together to form a new identity of bigger “infinitely small”. This fact could explain the nature of intentions “to change of the location” and “to create identity”, and, also, to explain the “Disappearance”, as “Big Rip” or “Collapse into singularity”, of the “infinitely small” by itself, depending of the balance of the “North” or “South” carried by “infinitely small” in its internal structure. That means, universe by itself must have “North” or “South” pole features, which defines the type of her disappearance through “Big Rip” or “Collapse into singularity”. This fact could be due, as well, for an explanation of the “Dark Energy” nature (where it comes from) and movements of “Dark Energy” by itself, as play of magnets among themselves.

When it happens, some sort of larger bigger “infinitely small” carry out the “North” or “South” feature, then we call it “Positive” or “Negative” charge – electrostatics (in conventional terms of our practical reality). On the scale below this larger bigger “infinitely small” carry out the feature, as well, to lose (not preserve) “Positive” or “Negative” native feature after its creation, initiated by the identities, carriers of the opposite “Positive” or “Negative” features in close vicinity (in conventional terms of our practical reality – electric current - discharge).

The identity of the larger infinite small “Something” not changing, if it changes location, means the “infinitely small” has its structure, which preserves the identity.

Inertia. Is the part of the structure (embedded feature of the “infinitely small”) of the larger infinite small “Something” containing intention to maintain propagation of the feature “to change location” throughout the internal structure of the affected identities;

Things (among many more) to explain:

• Challenge for physical location (gyro effect, Josephson effect);

• Domination of circular natural geometry (not “man-made”, which is also naturally by itself, as the “man” is) in the cosmos.

To make things ease, explaining the rest of our practical reality, I’ll give you a clue.

Why nature does create? Because it has infinite Nothing, Big Bang, Big Rip and Collapse into singularity.

How nature does create? It must, make it happen, because of her fractal structure, enhanced by “infinitely small” standing for the rest, of what's left after the Big Bang, and the “North” or “South” features developed later of the “infinitely small”.

What the directions are the nature follows in creation. Big Rip – outwards in the structure and Collapse into a singularity – inwards in the structure.

That’s the elegance of The Grand Design made by nature. And we have plenty room for adjustments explaining it.

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1) “Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist.” – The Grand Design, Steven W. Hawking (and Leonard Mlodinow).

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2) The link to the treatise “Infinity is a mother and The God is a father of everything” –


“… The lesson is clear: quantum gravity not only appears to allow universes to be created from nothing – meaning, in this case, I emphasize, the absence of space and time – it may require them. “Nothing” – in this case no space, no time, no anything! – Is unstable.

Moreover, the general characteristics of such a universe, if it last long time, would be expected to be those we observe in our universe today.

Does this prove that our universe arose from nothing? Of course not. But it does take us one rather large step closer to the plausibility of such a scenario. And it removes one more of the objections that might have been leveled against the argument of creation from nothing as described in the previous chapter.

There, “nothing” meant empty, but preexisting space combined with fixed and well-known laws of physics. Now the requirement of space has been removed.

But, remarkably, as we shall next discuss, even the laws of physics may not be necessary or required. …” – A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing, by Lawrence M. Krauss. Afterword by Richard Dawkins (Goodreads Author). Page 170.

January 10th, 2012

“Nothing could be further than - to - from the truth. The multiverse, we've been driven to it by our discoveries in cosmology and particle physics. We've been driven to that possibility, which seems plausible and maybe even likely. And if as a corollary, it allows for our universe to be spontaneously created and even the laws created, well, that's OK, but we weren't driven there because of some philosophical prejudice against a creator. That didn't even enter into the discussion.” - Lawrence Krauss on 'A Universe from Nothing'.January 13, 2012 1:00 PM ET

IRA FLATOW, HOST. Heard on Talk of the Nation

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