HSSA Athletics Staff - mercy.vic.edu.au Issue 2 1.… · Natalie Fleming for her commitment to her...

ISSUE 2-1 26 th April, 2007 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Our Vision Mercy Regional College serves a wide rural community which values growth and diversity in Catholic Education in the Mercy tradition. Our Mission In the Spirit of the Gospels we commit ourselves to the core values of community, inclusiveness, learning, care, justice and mercy, excellence and achievement. Our Focus for 2007 Community Through the Mercy tradition we promote the uniqueness of the community and its heritage. Welcome Back Welcome back to term 2. I hope that you all had a restful and relaxing break. I also trust that you were able to spend a little time reflecting upon the joy of the risen Christ during the Easter period. I write to you from Cardinal Pole Roman Catholic School located in Hackney (inner city London), a two campus school with Year 7 & 8 on a junior campus and Year 9 to 12 located at a dedicated senior campus. The last few weeks has provided many wonderful learning opportunities while in London, Edinburgh and Glasgow. The ability to visit primary and secondary schools, attendance at lectures at the University of London and University of Glasgow and meeting with various system authorities that have responsibilities for the English and Scottish Education System has been most beneficial and insightful. Next week I have the opportunity to visit the Congregation for Catholic Education at the Vatican. I look forward to returning towards the end of next week and then to share with various members of the Mercy community my many and varied experiences. Presentation Ball On Friday 23 rd March, our College held its annual Presentation Ball and what a wonderful evening it was. The Year 11 students looked wonderful and they also danced with elegance and flare. They were certainly great ambassadors to the College. Some photos from the Presentation Ball are found elsewhere in the newsletter. Particular thanks are extended to Mrs Geraldine Conheady and Mrs Jenny Phillips who once again ensured the smooth running of the event through their meticulous planning and organization. Also thanks are extended to the many other parents who help with the coordination of the various parts of the Presentation Ball as listed below: Leanne Lucas & Anne Carr: - flowers Noelene Powling, Michelle Blain & Andrea Moloney – suits Wendy Crow & Mary Alexander – booklets Helen Bourke & Margaret Edge – photos Marie Harney, Donna Baxter, Heather Irwin, Jo Saunders, Bernadette Heffernan & Christina Lee – coordinating supper Lyn Davies, Jenny Phillips and other staff – supervision of students during practices and on the evening HSSA Athletics On Tuesday 27 th March our students competed in the HSSSA Athletics Carnival with Mercy achieving second place overall. A number of our students were announced as age champions. A great effort! Congratulations to - Under 15 Male: Jahd Anderson Under 16 Female: Candice Anderson Under 17 Female: Nicole O'Sullivan Under 17 Male: Bernard McLeod Under 21 Female: Amy Unwin Staff I am delighted to welcome back to Mercy Regional College Mrs. Maria Russell who returns from maternity leave. Maria will resume the teaching of music and drama to our junior classes.

Transcript of HSSA Athletics Staff - mercy.vic.edu.au Issue 2 1.… · Natalie Fleming for her commitment to her...

Page 1: HSSA Athletics Staff - mercy.vic.edu.au Issue 2 1.… · Natalie Fleming for her commitment to her studies and for her contribution to her peers. Junior School (Yr 7 & 8) Mercy Award

ISSUE 2-1 26th April, 2007 FROM THE PRINCIPAL

Our Vision Mercy Regional College serves a wide rural community which values growth and diversity in Catholic Education in

the Mercy tradition.

Our Mission In the Spirit of the Gospels we commit ourselves to the core values of community, inclusiveness, learning, care,

justice and mercy, excellence and achievement.

Our Focus for 2007 Community

Through the Mercy tradition we promote the uniqueness of the community and its heritage. Welcome Back Welcome back to term 2. I hope that you all had a restful and relaxing break. I also trust that you were able to spend a little time reflecting upon the joy of the risen Christ during the Easter period. I write to you from Cardinal Pole Roman Catholic School located in Hackney (inner city London), a two campus school with Year 7 & 8 on a junior campus and Year 9 to 12 located at a dedicated senior campus. The last few weeks has provided many wonderful learning opportunities while in London, Edinburgh and Glasgow. The ability to visit primary and secondary schools, attendance at lectures at the University of London and University of Glasgow and meeting with various system authorities that have responsibilities for the English and Scottish Education System has been most beneficial and insightful. Next week I have the opportunity to visit the Congregation for Catholic Education at the Vatican. I look forward to returning towards the end of next week and then to share with various members of the Mercy community my many and varied experiences. Presentation Ball On Friday 23rd March, our College held its annual Presentation Ball and what a wonderful evening it was. The Year 11 students looked wonderful and they also danced with elegance and flare. They were certainly great ambassadors to the College. Some photos from the Presentation Ball are found elsewhere in the newsletter. Particular thanks are extended to Mrs Geraldine Conheady and Mrs Jenny Phillips who once again ensured the smooth running

of the event through their meticulous planning and organization. Also thanks are extended to the many other parents who help with the coordination of the various parts of the Presentation Ball as listed below:

Leanne Lucas & Anne Carr: - flowers Noelene Powling, Michelle Blain & Andrea

Moloney – suits Wendy Crow & Mary Alexander – booklets Helen Bourke & Margaret Edge – photos Marie Harney, Donna Baxter, Heather Irwin, Jo

Saunders, Bernadette Heffernan & Christina Lee – coordinating supper

Lyn Davies, Jenny Phillips and other staff – supervision of students during practices and on the evening

HSSA Athletics On Tuesday 27th March our students competed in the HSSSA Athletics Carnival with Mercy achieving second place overall. A number of our students were announced as age champions. A great effort! Congratulations to - Under 15 Male: Jahd Anderson Under 16 Female: Candice Anderson Under 17 Female: Nicole O'Sullivan Under 17 Male: Bernard McLeod Under 21 Female: Amy Unwin Staff I am delighted to welcome back to Mercy Regional College Mrs. Maria Russell who returns from maternity leave. Maria will resume the teaching of music and drama to our junior classes.

Page 2: HSSA Athletics Staff - mercy.vic.edu.au Issue 2 1.… · Natalie Fleming for her commitment to her studies and for her contribution to her peers. Junior School (Yr 7 & 8) Mercy Award

Congratulations The College extends congratulations to Mel Kavanagh and her husband Anthony on the safe arrival of their son Max at the end of last term and also congratulations are extended to Daniel and Jo Beard on the safe arrival of Cooper also at the end of last term. Also this term congratulations are extended to Jacque and Wayne Walsh on the arrival of their son, Tommy. Condolences Also towards the end of term 1 the College was saddened by the death of Mr. Robert Smith after a long illness, father of Holly (Year 10) and Lizzie (Year 7) Deepest sympathies were conveyed to Michele, Holly and Lizzie. Sympathies are extended to the Staunton family on the death of Vera, mother of Justin and grandmother of Julianna and Stephen. Vera’s Funeral Mass celebrated a full life dedicated to her family. Our thoughts are also extended to Mrs Lesa Thornton on the death of her father during the school holidays and to Ms Tina Jenkins on the death of her father this week in Queensland. Date Claimer Last year the first Annual Mercy Dinner was held where the College welcomed back and honoured past student Mr Paul Broderick. This year the second Annual Mercy Dinner will be held on Friday 25th May commencing at 7.00pm. Our guest this year will be Fr Ed Moloney, our first past student to be ordained as a Priest. It again promises to be a most enjoyable evening, so please make a note in your dairies and keep the date free. Uniform The beginning of term two all students will be required to wear the winter uniform. Parents and students are reminded that the wearing of casual jackets as an outer garment during the colder months is not allowed. The College Spray jacket is the only acceptable item for this purpose. It should also be noted that the College spray jacket does not take the place of the College jumper. I refer all families to the College Uniform section of the student diary, which states very clearly the College’s uniform requirements. Procedures for reporting absences to the College All absences need to be reported to the College on the day of absence by 9.00am. The College switchboard opens at 8.15am. Absences then need to be followed up with a note to the homeroom teacher the next day that students are at school. The College has a legal responsibility to be able to account for all students. Also, students who arrive late to school need to have a note from parents explaining the reason for late arrival. Parent’s cooperation in these

matters will eliminate the need for the College to make phone calls later in the morning. PTFA The PTFA Annual General Meeting was scheduled to be held this week, but due to the absence of some executive members, it was decided to postpone the AGM until the next meeting on Monday 30th April. This postponement will also provide the opportunity for parents to make a commitment to come along to the AGM to support the small band of parents who have worked on your behalf to raise a significant amount of money for the College over many years. It was interesting to note from the PTFA accounts that were tabled at this weeks meeting that the PTFA had a turnover of close to $90,000 for the year. This result is quite amazing considering it was achieved by a small number of parents who have given of their own time. Often when either the PTFA or myself make requests for parents to consider coming along to meetings we live in hope that parents will give some serious consideration to coming along. It is very disappointing when this fails to occur. The commitment is far from onerous and requires one hour of your time twice a term to support this important organisation within our school community. I trust that our request will not be ignored again and that parents will be able to support the PTFA. 2nd Annual Mercy Dinner Please find an invitation attached to this newsletter to the 2nd Annual Mercy Dinner. I hope that you will be able to come along to what should be a great night. Coming Events Wednesday 25th April

ANZAC Day Monday 30th April

PTFA AGM 7.30pm – McAuley Campus Tuesday 8th May

Board Meeting 7.30pm – McAuley Campus


Page 3: HSSA Athletics Staff - mercy.vic.edu.au Issue 2 1.… · Natalie Fleming for her commitment to her studies and for her contribution to her peers. Junior School (Yr 7 & 8) Mercy Award


Catherine McAuley for Today What is it about Catherine that continues to appeal to people of mercy all over the world? FAITH AND CONFIDENCE – In God who provides, even when it seems that everything is lost. COURAGE – in facing all kinds of difficulties in order to make her dream a reality. GENEROSITY AND HOSPITALITY – in giving all she had so that others could live lives of dignity and worth. HUMANITY – in her warmth and humour that shine out. HEART – in listening to her heart to dare to step out and make a difference. In a world yearning for the touch of mercy, Catherine’s example is encouraging and empowering. She had a tremendous desire to make some lasting effort for the poor, the sick and the uneducated. This engendered a response that was practical and immediate, warm and open, enabling and respectful. She followed her heart and trusted that God would provide whatever was needed. God did just that. Catherine invites us to walk the path of Mercy in new times with new needs – to take up the challenge and live the Mercy dream for today. (From “Mercy Works Inc”) Mercy Awards VCE (Yr 11 & 12) Mercy Award Year 12 Boys for being prepared to be involved with the 2007 Presentation Ball – Thank you. Stephen Staunton

Ben Blain

Nathan Brewer

Thomas Prentice

Grant Place

Jacob Mahony

Matthew Gstrein

Joshua Saunders

Nicholas Downs

Nicholas Lenehan

William Bradshaw

Christopher McKenzie

Daniel Graham

Justin Logan

Nathan McLeod

Jared Lenehan

Ben Harkin

Stefan Phillips

Middle School (Yr 9 & 10) Mercy Award

Natalie Fleming for her commitment to her studies and for her contribution to her peers. Junior School (Yr 7 & 8) Mercy Award

Declan O'Connor for helping out with a new student who came this term. From the Deputy Principal Kerin Glennen Welcome back to Term 2. I hope that all families had time together over the Easter season. Term two is a term where the focus for students needs to be on completion of school tasks as set for them. This is particularly important for our VCE and Year 10 students who have exams in early June. Term 2 also heralds in the winter uniform for students, an outline of the uniform can be found on page (iii) of the diary. If a student is out of uniform, for whatever reason, then they need to furnish their Homeroom Teacher/Year Level Coordinator with a note as to why this is so. On the same page there is an outline of what is acceptable when it comes to jewellery. Thankyou to all parents / students / staff for interviews at the end of last term, the support of the new process of an evening and day was heartening. On the evening of Monday, 30th April, a PTFA meeting will be held at the McAuley Campus commencing at 7.30pm. If you have a spare hour please come along and enjoy the company of others. Last week an outline of what the PTFA does and how important it is to Mercy was sent home to each family. Please remember to send back the Parent Reply Form by 4th May.

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Day 1 this term saw staff involved in a number of activities that directly affect our school. The staff were introduced to the Children and Family Act that is now legislation. It is important for staff to be aware of this legislation and have an understanding of how it affects them as teachers in a school. Karen Glennen, a member of our Wellbeing team, presented this information and answered staff queries regarding it. Staff, in their Key Learning areas, directed by Lisa Pope worked on curriculum and course writing. There is an expectation by both the Catholic Education Office and the State Government that schools audit their curriculum using the recently developed Victorian Essential Learning documents. This year the Mercy Cross Country will be held at the Camperdown race track on the 2nd of May commencing at 1.00pm. Parents are invited to come along and support the students. Staff News We remember in our prayers Mrs Lesa Thornton and her family on the recent death of her father, as well as Tina Jenkins and her family on the death of her father this week. We congratulate Jo and Daniel Beard on the safe arrival of Cooper, also Jacque and Wayne Walsh on the safe arrival of Tommy Wayne, also Mel and Anthony Kavanagh on the arrival of Max, all mothers and babies are doing well. Congratulations also to Fiona Sargeant who was welcomed into the Church on Easter Sunday at St Thomas’ Terang. Change of Date A reminder to Board members that the next meeting is on 8th May at 7.30pm From the RE & Faith Development Coordinator Margaret Leahy This year the Year 7 students were asked to purchase a new bible for their religious Education classes. Each student in the school is expected to have a copy of the prescribed bible which is used regularly for Religious Education classes, liturgy preparation and scripture studies. As a matter of course this expectation would be found in all Catholic schools. It is not expected that students in the school will pass their bibles down to younger students. It would seem reasonable to expect also that each student takes his/her bible from secondary school into their young adult and later life. This year we chose to begin implementing the new Catholic Youth Bible which is the same literal translation as the previous edition to be purchased, but in a revised format which is most relevant for young adults.

There are a number of very useful explanations of various key areas and a number of excellent teaching references to go with this edition. The Religious Education course takes high priority in the life of MRC and as such it is expected that the most up to date and appropriate texts are utilized. In fact the Bible is the only text needing to be purchased at present across all the six year levels. I would like to think that Year 7 students will value the new Bible they are using in class this year and that parents may take some time to look at the bible for themselves and view what it has to offer. Each Year 7 intake for the next five years will be asked to have this version of the bible and in that way only one purchase per student is required. From the Head of O’Keeffe Campus Michael Goss Welcome back to all our families for Term Two. As with each term in the school year, there are many activities and opportunities to be enjoyed and this term will be no exception. Students returned from the holidays to see work developing the campus has continued. Smartboards are now up and running in both our Year 7 and Year 8 homerooms. These are excellent tools to further engage and enhance our learning foci and for our students to interact with their lessons. A number of staff have attended professional development sessions on how to use the se interactive whiteboards and there have been many exciting lessons developed and conducted to utilise this technology. Many students come into the College having used this particular technology and as is often the case, are confident with the medium. An enormous thanks to Danny Gordon who spent much of the break ensuring that the boards and sound systems were installed ready for use. A number of pictures and our College Vision and Mission statements are also brightening up our Multipurpose Area. Our Year 9s have been developing their leadership skills in a number of areas that will enhance the appearance of the Campus and at the same time, educate the students on the need to use resources carefully and to recycle where possible. The Year 9s were able to outline the program at our final Term One assembly which was also attended by Father Barry. I congratulate all our Year 9s on their initiatives and to Mrs Sargeant and Mrs Thulborn for guiding the process. The College has once again been well-represented at the ANZAC Day dawn and morning services held in the region. These students have a great regard and respect for the commemorative services and the College is very proud of the way students willingly, and in greater numbers, continue to attend and represent us at ANZAC Day services. Well done to those students directly involved in the services. A number of unnamed lost property items are building up at the Campus.

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Could I ask that parents and students check for jumpers in particular and that other items of clothing are clearly named. All students should now be wearing the winter uniform and if for some reason students are not in the correct uniform, a note should be provided. Finally, the O’Keeffe Campus will be holding its Open Morning on Wednesday, May 24 from 9.00a.m. - 10.15a.m. Prospective and current parents are warmly invited to attend the Campus where there will be tours, displays of student work and opportunities to see the students at work. Enquiries can be made at the McAuley Campus on 5593 2011 or at the O’Keeffe Campus on 5592 5353. From the Head of Sport Darren Cheeseman MRC Cross CountryThe MRC Inter-School Cross Country will be held on Wednesday 2nd May starting at 1.00pm. The venue this year has been changed to the Camperdown Racecourse. The reason for the change is a safety issue in that we wanted to avoid running on the roads as last year we had a lot of traffic on the day of the event. Icy-poles and water will be available from the SRC and parents are more than welcome to come along and watch. HSSSA Athletics ReportIn the last week of term 1, Mercy Regional College participated in the HSSSA Athletics. The students that represented Mercy Regional College did a fantastic job on the day participating in most events. Of the twelve overall age group champions five came from Mercy Regional College. An excellent effort. These students were listed earlier in the newsletter. Congratulations to the five students. Overall Mercy came second to Cobden Technical School in a very close result. Cobden Technical School finished with 633pts and Mercy Regional College finished with 615pts. In September there will be an opportunity for students who performed well to participate at Olympic Park in Melbourne against other Catholic Schools. Presentation Ball Report Geraldine Conheady - Coordinator Once again the Presentation Ball was a wonderful evening for all. Special thanks to all the committee members without whom this event could not possibly be staged. Each one of you did a great job and on behalf of the whole school, I wish to acknowledge your efforts. Flowers: Leanne Lucas & Ann Carr Suits: Noelene Powling, Michelle Blain,

Andrea Moloney Booklet: Mary Alexander & Wendy Crow Photography: Helen Bourke & Margaret Edge Thankyou also to all staff members present on the evening who helped with supervision, manning

doors, backstage assistance etc. We couldn’t manage without you and you make all the difference! Emcees, James Castles and Kelly Wilson, we got you ‘on air’ after that last moment audio failure and you did such a great job. Thankyou. Thankyou, Jenny Phillips and Lyn Davies. I know you do an enormous amount of work with the students at school – planning, organizing, rearranging and this year particularly, a good deal of coaxing – your skills are amazing!! Year 12 students, we are so grateful for your generous support of the ball and for so considerately giving your time to make this years ball just as wonderful for year 11 as any other. Year 11 students – you conducted yourselves very well indeed and performed your presentation and all your dances beautifully. I’ve heard some lovely remarks about the wonderful sight you made. Year 10 mums, you did a fantastic job with supper. There was plenty for everyone and what a great effort to feed so many people. Special thanks to Marie Harney and her team for organizing this enormous task. A number of parents kindly assisted throughout the evening where they could see the help was needed. I appreciate that very much. What a great night we had! Thankyou everyone.

MRC/St. Pat’s Canteen Roster Term 2 Week 3 & 4

Starting time 10.15am. Any enquiries to Rose ~ on 55932011 or A/H on 55932862. Thanks.

WEEK 3 Mon 30 Apr

Jenni Lenehan Chris Moloney

55921732 55922017

Tues 1 May Jodie Marsland Wed 2 May Rose Thurs 3 May Barbara Ryan 55933033 Fri 4 May Michelle Evans 55979249

WEEK 4 Mon 7 May

Julie Bradshaw Kelly Wickenton

55932218 55933863

Tues 8 May Ange Cunningham 55932260

Sharyn Spicer 55938256 Wed 9 May Cherolyn Bulleen 55983191

Thurs 10 May Carolyn Richardson 55946200

Fri 11 May Annie O’Sullivan 55954366 Allison Veenstra 55933466

St Patrick’s Parents & Friends Fundraiser As a fundraiser for Terms 2 & 3, St Patrick’s Office will be selling Andrew & Nora Bone’s premium potatoes – both red and white varieties. A 10 kg bag will cost just $10.00 with $2.00 per bag being donated to the school.

Page 6: HSSA Athletics Staff - mercy.vic.edu.au Issue 2 1.… · Natalie Fleming for her commitment to her studies and for her contribution to her peers. Junior School (Yr 7 & 8) Mercy Award

Invites all Families

To our College Feast Day Mass

to be celebrated by Bishop Peter Connors (Bishop of Ballarat)


Thursday 24th May commencing at 11.00am

in the

de Chantal Stadium

McAuley Campus, Camperdown

Media Release Heytesbury District Landcare Network

Heading: An Inconvenient Truth Screening with Local Perspective

Heytesbury & District Landcare Network is having a free screening Al Gore’s movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”, at three venues with a presentation on what Global warming could mean in the South West. Terry Roberts, Greenhouse Officer with the South West Sustainability Partnership, will be giving a local perspective on predicted changes to climate, rainfall and sea levels after the film. Karen Wales, Landcare Support Officer from the Heytesbury & District Landcare network explained that the group was keen to support discussion on the topic of global warming and what actions we can take to help mitigate the effects. “The film has a global perspective but much of the detail is specific to the northern hemisphere,” explained Mrs. Wales. “In showing the film, we also wanted to give people a feeling of what changes in weather patterns and sea levels could mean in our region based on recent research findings.” “This is where Terry comes in with his presentation and there will be some written material for people to take home as well to base their actions on reducing their carbon emissions.” “We’re already seeing changes,” said Mrs. Wales. “The current drought has focused peoples attention onto this issue as nothing else has over the years that scientists have been flagging changes such as glaciers melting, plants and animals being forced from their habitat, and the number of severe storms and droughts increasing.” “There is still conjecture on whether global warming is man made of part of the earths natural cycle, “ said Mrs. Wales “By attending this event people can become more informed to make up their own minds on whether the threat is real or not” “There will be a question and answer session afterwards as well.” The screenings have free entry and a light supper is provided. They all start at 7.00pm sharp. Camperdown is on Thursday 26th April, in the Killara room of the Theatre Complex. Timboon screening is on Wednesday 2nd May at the Community Hall and Port Campbell is the following Wednesday the 9th May at the Surf Lifesaving Club. All welcome. For more information see contact details below. Terry Roberts can be contacted at: 5564 8574 or [email protected]

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From the Director of Learning and Teaching Mrs. Lisa Pope Career News Monash University The Bachelor of Architectural Design will be added to our broad range of courses for 2008. Architecture at Monash will be the only course in Australia conducted within an art and design faculty environment. The course will teach students to imagine, design and create the future. To learn more about the course and book a place in the ‘Architecture at Monash’ information session on 30th April at 6.30 – 8.00pm please contact Alison Walters on 9903 1910 or email [email protected]. Bookings are essential. Chemical Engineering Experience – a two day school holiday program on 11th & 12th July 2007. For students interested in science, chemistry or engineering wishing to learn about chemical engineering. Details about for the program can be found at http://www.eng.monash.edu.au/chemeng/highschools/chemengexperience/. For more assistance please contact Lilyanne Price on 9905 1872 or email [email protected] Law Institute Victoria Law Week 13TH – 19TH May 2007 Careers in Law Expos – City Campus Victoria University – Wednesday, 16th May 2007. 4.45 – 7.45pm Monash University Clayton – Thursday, 17th May 2007. See the full program for Law Week at www.vic.lawweek.com.auFor more information on careers in law go to the website www.careers.liv.asn.auFor copies of videos and resources about a career in law please contact Leanne Newson on 9607 9468 or email [email protected] Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre Careers in Sports Medicine Evening: Friday 15th June 2007 at 7.30pm – Cost $20.00 per student, one parent or guardian per student welcome at no charge. Registration 6.45pm. Spaces are limited RSVP by 8th June. For more information contact: Megan Ellich 9427 0366 or [email protected] Royal College Of Nursing The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing are funding 110 rural and remote undergraduate scholarships administered through the Royal College of Nursing Australia. For applicants studying in a full time capacity the scheme provides financial assistance of $10,000 each year (up to $30,000). Information regarding this scheme and application packs will be available on the RCNA website www.rcna.org.au from Saturday 5th May

2007. For more information: Email scholarships @rcna.org.au or 1800 117 262. DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Health Information Evenings 2007 Nursing – July – More information next newsletter Health – July – More information next newsletter Sport Melbourne Campus at Burwood Thursday 10th May at 6.00pm Lecture Theatre 12 Health & Nutrition Melbourne Campus at Burwood Thursday 10th May at 7.30 pm, Lecture Theatre 12 Medicine Melbourne Campus at Burwood Wednesday, 9th May at 6.00pm Lecture Theatre 12 Quest Apartments, 15-17 Liebig Street Warrnambool Thursday 24th May at 5.30pm Geelong Campus at Waurn Ponds Monday 28th May at 6.00pm, Peter Thwaites Lecture Theatre 1 Ballarat Health Services, Education Resource Centre, Drummond St, Ballarat Tuesday, 29th May at 5.30pm For more informati0on please contact: Deakin University, Faculty of Health, Medicine, Nursing & Behavioural Sciences, Phone 9251 777, Email: [email protected] or visit www.deakin.edu.au/hmnbs For application forms or more information on careers please see Mrs Pope.

Heated Indoor Pool – KOLORA Keith & Sally McConnell

Phone: 55927220 Email:[email protected]

Term 2 Classes (11 weeks) LIMITED VACANCIES **Stroke Development: (1 hour class) for children who can swim freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke but who wish to improve their stroke. Mon, Tues & Wed classes **Laps 4 Kids: (1 hour class) is a continuation of the above program with less stroke development and more endurance swimming Must be competent in all strokes. Wed classes **Lap Swimming for Teenagers/Adults 1 hour sessions for lap swimming – limited morning & evening sessions available For bookings or enquiries phone Sally on 55927220.

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Institution/Campus Date

Australian Catholic University

Melbourne 19 August (10:00am - 4:00pm)

Ballarat 26 August (10:00am - 4:00pm)

Australian College of Natural Medicine

Melbourne 20 August (11:00am )

Australian College of Sports Therapy

Melbourne www.sportstherapy.edu.au

Australian Guild of Music Education

Telephone: (03) 9822 3111

Australian Institute

Elsternwick 19 August (12noon)

Australian Institute of Public Safety

12 August (10:00am)

Australian Maritime College*

Newnham www.amc.edu.au

Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE

Bendigo 19 August (10:00am)

Blue Mountains Hotel School

Telephone: 02 9437 0300

Box Hill Institute of TAFE

Elgar, Nelson, Whitehorse 6 August (10:00am)

Carrick Institute of Education


Central Queensland University


Charles Sturt University

Telephone: 1800 334 733

Chisholm Institute

Rosebud 21 June (10:00am)

Frankston 4 August (10:00am)

Dandenong 4 August (10:00am)

Deakin University

Melbourne (Burwood) 5 August

Warrnambool 12 August

Geelong (Waurn Ponds) 19 August

Geelong (Waterfront) 19 August

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East Gippsland Institute of TAFE

Telephone: 1300 133 717

Elly Lukas Beauty Therapy College

City 28 April (11:00am)

City 9 June (11:00am)

Peninsula (Dromana) 23 June (11:00am)

Hepburn Springs (Spa campus) 24 June (11:00am)

City 1 September (11:00am)

City 20 October (11:00am)

City 15 December (11:00am)

City 19 January, 2008 (11:00am)

Eltham College Training Services

Telephone: (03) 9433 9956

ESTT College of Natural Medicine


Footscray City College Film and TV School

Footscray 19 August (1:00pm – 4:00pm)

GippsTAFE (Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE


Gordon Institute of TAFE

City 19 August (10am – 2pm)

Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE


Grenadi School of Design

Melbourne City 5 August (10:30am)

Melbourne City 21 November (10:30am)

Holmes Institute


Holmesglen Institute of TAFE

Chadstone 11 August (10am)

Moorabbin 11 August (10am)

Waverley 11 August (10am)

Institute for Design Entertainment and the Arts (IDEA)

Melbourne 12 August (10:30am)

International College of Creative Arts (ICCA)


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International College of Hotel Management

Regency 5 August (2pm)

JMC Academy

Melbourne 19 May

Melbourne 11 August

Kangan Batman TAFE


La Trobe University

Bendigo 5 August (10am - 4pm)

Mildura 12 August (10am - 3pm)

Shepparton 12 August (10am - 2pm)

Albury-Wodonga 19 August (10am - 3pm)

Bundoora 26 August (10am - 4pm)

Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology


Melbourne Institute of Technology


Monash College


Monash University

Clayton 4 August

Berwick, Caulfield, Gippsland, Parkville, Peninsula 5 August

Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE (NMIT)


Oceania Polytechnic Institute of Education


Ozford College of Business

Telephone: 03 9662 9989

Photography Studies College

Southbank 19 August (10am)

PIC - Photographic Imaging College


Pivot Point Hair Design College


RMIT University*

City, Bundoora, Brunswick 12 August (10:00am - 4:00pm)

Point Cook 12 August

Point Cook 9 September

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SAE Institute

Telephone: (03) 9681 8422

South West Institute of TAFE


Southern School of Natural Therapies


Stott’s Colleges


Sunraysia Institute of Technical and Further Education

Swan Hill 5 August (10:00am)

Mildura 12 August (10:00am)

Swinburne University of Technology*

Croydon, Hawthorn, Lilydale, Prahran, Wantirna 26 August (10:00am)

University of Ballarat*

Mt Helen, SMB, Camp Street 26 August (10:00am – 3:00pm)

University of Melbourne (The)

Werribee 25 March (10:00am - 4:00pm)

Burnley 26 August (12noon – 4:00pm)

Dookie 26 August (10:00am – 3:00pm)

Creswick (at Parkville), Parkville 19 August (10:00am – 4:00pm)

Victorian College of the Arts

19 August (10:00am - 4:00pm)

Unitec New Zealand


Victorian Institute of Technology


Victoria University*

Footscray Park 12 August (10:00am)

Victorian College of Health Care Education

See website: www.vche.com.au

William Angliss Institute of TAFE

City 12 August (10:00am)

Wodonga Institute of TAFE

Wodonga 19 August (10:00am)

Page 12: HSSA Athletics Staff - mercy.vic.edu.au Issue 2 1.… · Natalie Fleming for her commitment to her studies and for her contribution to her peers. Junior School (Yr 7 & 8) Mercy Award

Cordially invites you to attend the second Annual Mercy Dinner

to be held on

Friday May 25, 2007

at the Noorat Community Centre, McKinnons Bridge Road, Noorat


Father Edward Moloney

(first past student of MRC to be ordained as a Priest)

The Dinner will commence at 7.00pm with pre dinner drinks and savouries followed by a sumptuous two-course meal

featuring keynote address from Fr Edward Moloney.

This will be an occasion not to be missed. Please reserve your table early to avoid disappointment, as there are only limited numbers available.

Drinks at Bar prices

I wish to purchase ________________ tickets at $37.50 per person to attend the dinner.

Total $ _____________

Please reserve me ____________ tables of 10 @ $375.00 per table for the dinner. Total $ _____________

Name: ___________________________________________

Attached is a cheque (payable to Mercy Regional College) for $ _______________ Credit Card Payment [please tick which card is applicable]

Visa Card Master Card Credit Card Details Expiry Date / Signature_____________________________

Please phone Sue on 5593 2011 to reserve your table by Monday May 14, 2007 Please Note: All payments must be received at the office by Monday May 21, 2007