HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE...

ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm AUTHORS: Dong Zheng, Zhang Jun

Transcript of HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE...

Page 1: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban)



s#: »a, sm AUTHORS: Dong Zheng, Zhang Jun

Page 2: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Confucius Institute Headquartsrs(Hanban)


±sr mmw LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Dong Zheng, Zhang Jun

Page 3: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

2009^4fr#)&/&iftHSK#TA, ***£, #*t,&iWX

##5#iEfflR#l44T*liS»*^, !**£#,


**-#****♦#«»##»*+*»**, ff

«##, **ftH*ajM*fc, tfea^SR

( CTI) (HSK#>£#*I> , #HSKXft#£&**

#, ^JitT^HSK#^

**#fc <HSK#*#«) ##1^9*1*#*,

ft **#*«.#*»;" *&t£ # 3? #*#f # & o

iW # 3#


tHS^iX^ ± fi

Page 4: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

&2009frB£ft&}ttB 7 fnXi#A ( HSK ) K*. HSK#4 &#J*§ # 0 2012fr£

J$HSK#<kAfts£J!l31JFA, 2013#H-#^&at7^A*^o

4fc*, ***.*#«<&**#*», ariX*i+**#frHSK#^ftAM£M*M£0 Wtfft#-

AJ£AW#fr, frfr3lfrfM]^&i&#37Xi§, +

HE'frJgffltt*. Xlfc£HSK!f« + *#Sfcjft*, *3f-*Bt

HSKA^*^, fra > “K#flUt" .


«> **l (WF«# “#«” ) «


oftA21#£, flit'siMAAfr,

*3, £P*&, ±ft5U*#j**#*tt±it,

***«##&i#o “tit” £^it£ + fra7iXT#£:

1. &*£*+*, £n#¥£ft9rtttt2?&6SJIItt:*]

* Alt HA. BIHSK-, ~MAl*J, dfcW*tt4H*K#A9f**iW

fc, ******* , £*£*# + «t#9*»#

3J, #Jifti|fcW***'tt*»3fett-fe*t, **Bt “UNKtfif+Sfr” #±,

to #39tftj&W#*4«f9r;!K Wfc*»tfafA!tttft, »4**#^±6|f'>fifti*Aft*o

2. lfeA£Kti^&*S£Wtt¥A'>tt«*I&

-**lft*ttii€ + #3»*, W#*#fc***»*tt*£*#*6lr*:*. KA£*»ii«

t^#ifti|f|i,0 HSK#tt**W*-**#*ftfc*tfAlt**Ai*, ffi£«yXi#A

-¥-#i&*$ifi$£&, *#*#^#»1rft*AltftA*«o SA&#ftiUK, “#S” mm frfrfrEtftfc#*#,



Page 5: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


t Si HI

rt#^^#'tt^^S'|i, ifti±£*k*'i£>h±iR*l£to#>tk#®

«” 2FH#4tt«if, ^BftdHlff#K±*9HS, #i±®TX^

£t, T'Hif&o

-#S" ttftfe

1. , %&S?i “#fi"

7X»*^-=#t& (HSK) “*:«” **AJHHs*F*7 “A*R” ^iBM#

tf. ##***«£«-7 Ifc it, fcjfc, ift.fe.

iS*, $&*, ###, ^at#HSKA«^C^*W^^T, *ttttTf7 4*JWtt£Bk

#, A#£#*»T:

&**#«} i^)CS (i»l) tt*B*flk ( #B1 )

£81 HSK (—Si ) 150 30-34

#62 HSK ( ZlM ) 300 30-36

MB ■■■■■■iHBBMi HSK ( :M ) 600 35-40

«H4 (±/T) hsk (raa) 1200 75-80

«®5 (Jt/T) HSK ( E& ) 2500 170-180

«g6 (±/T) HSK (Ai# ) 5000 SIX± 170-180

&v\'-. m 5000 IX± 510-550

&#&i+ift#iX*IS^4*W&3i&, y±i^c#6<j#it'li, Jfc flit *»£«&, ?Sl*l^|lc#^L

&*>. -»W <*«i> &£Jfl34^B*£/£, *p£

B *fc-^±*#tt#3fe; £&*b*e*-$S4i£ *fcS£jJf

KJfc&tt. #& <#S1> &ffciiit-$#i£, B#^&<Hclf.

2> tEffeiiiU$#i£,

2. *Mttt#S!ftlfe3Jft. *53J»+«^W®A^HSKII«nhft

0ttJ6^^##^4k#ttHi6&HSK#iAt **#***:**«*£.


Page 6: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


£HSK#i£ + , P ^E#« + , #-*

fc4f*A#a*«/hfiiSa#, *#33*#;(pPiMMMIt*o

***«£*«*W£iia + ftiS7ft:f##J&#/B*RjiK :fc*i&**#mjKtl*»a#

BB* (CTi) ££#«#5!bJKifc&ft. *#*>«jMM*A* a#BIS**«



Page 7: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

(HSK#>t#m4» H4£3i±110#*|-, &#SHSK-, ", Eft**IJt-fe*W600 >M3

it, >£&#*> HSK ( Eft ) =#i£tti*iS#34fft/iIo

-x Tit, £20*, &#jg&HSK ( ESI) +4^^600>M8**i + AT

M^if) “*” #ft) o ±-#4H*4fl-T#30*±£, #ifg##if

Shf 0 3/4-6# ft <>

ft*IS*ft*7 <HSK#>|ftft} ftEftttftJf ***»#*!. £«A.

#*#*» “fc-Hi” ( Eft-jrAtfHUHlf) , “fl” ( H*iS) ft*.

= . if* (*4fi) > #-# (4- “tk-tk” A “«

if*rt#@#iw ) % xito ^a&if *£M*o

=frft£*fc. 04*fl*, tffliii#^,

#-*#*#*», 37#5J»rif«l*f«^o

2. if io if *^3Ffc$HSK ( 0$ ) #&*£!#, *ft, ftft# 20


ft “*£” » “&#” > “*«£#” , “#**#*#” * “ft ■*!&$£ £

TT±ft£tfft#0 £ft5?ft;&ffl#HSK ( Eft) *#***5*ft*kA«*.

&£##7 (HSK#*ftft> tf = ftft£*fttt, i^7£*ft#tfitbt,

*3; MTT±^*4,3£--&M*#3!clt&37 150-170#, ft-ftft** 170-190 #, */**»

*t£#J*S£$0 ##4MLJ*6'hJkft0

3. #-#0 “#-#” , f &t

Ao ftt/Sft “£#+«4r Jtft. #T»*£

ttft#J^ftAHSK (Eft)

K3~6^ftSft«it«*ftft4l/, # + $M&^0*j3/if*JF.'&7o #+«*-*#■*£, ##

7i§tAW4Hfrfc£, Pff&7#3*t*0 #^#-#A#ttTt7 3^ftJ3, £*#<k&J&33Tj£

fti$, -g-ffeiTfca #*4>ir ftftjtl.

lk4Mfr, “fck-fch” ttff£lk«ttftlrA{Bit, &fcb&£#«i#i£


Page 8: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

ifci+T “flfc—ft" , H*£,


4.&5J0 &gsf4£#& “*-#” ftjg, “&:&” 4

g” W#0 “£i£” +

AJF^ITTX*##, TT£#**#&xHiJHWl. *

£i£MlF*l£±, 4&^4££i£ftrt££*!l}_h, ***4M*»to*.*iMi„ “&&4i£Ml

fl«*£" l + &tfM04tj&i|ft*£*3, # + $-2P#5 Ai3M;&>J^AA^

4, $ '$454AIM/&>J^AA*tiSo


5. r^a rJ»*Ft*lUHSK^*WIH^ (A) f*r«IW#4. #*b£4l£/flE4 (A) Ml

*> “ftMSL tffiL AH, VH, &Hn 5^n%£\sl&% “H” i£4

j*4o Efttta#, &&^29$&#-is]i§, flf3*4>!4«P]4 ( A )

6. sfflo jfefc*fc#*A»3*4fl*fm4*^.

AA, *fi*#**#3#Mft^**±*fc*tt*«*, #ft/fl**+tB*,

#*£«*£#»$***&,, it4>J44i±^feA4ftM;AA, £*#!§& +

£A-Jfc£P*&^AftA, &£fc»*i*«i*ft**»lfc;&.

7. £ft0 A^UMiBMiJSif+ #*#ffiA4£M;^A,

^«->t^*#±*#*W + IS*fco *i*3i*. **«*«*£*,

Ejlfci*Mi “Aft” «**87+H#ttjE* “+dj£” ^ “illfc” Mi#Art&0

*$C#o €i±#5JAIi#, #ft^TlXgftv#g600-t HSK ( ) islif^t. lOO^Tft^, 4A4§

204^>&>#T&t£Mj#B, 4itHSK(Htt) #«*rT4*tt*ao £4, A

§*44##^, ?M$ #$£4” M/3&, 4lE£J£7« “#” 4 “A” o *J&,

&fcv4i£, *****6 6. »**«*.

*&#tM/$^®tf-*li!4l*9_t., *4tffsh Ail'll A

JMflMTfcflA*#**Wtt%T^^T^AftpDP, tfjfe, AilW«*#£ft'4S#S<Jfe4l





Page 9: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Contents ilX Lesson 1 Page 1 iil? Notes

1 Simple love


1. .H*L/i£/PniL.; 2.

3. Hi; 4. ?pit.4L ;

5. (4) .4

2 JliEWfllS A true friend


l.i*f; 2 .JLXPt 3.^-f;

4. ip ; 5. rSj

3 I’ve made a good impression

on the manager


l.-fe; 2. 3. 35>h

4.-fit.**..; 5.

4 Don’t be anxious to make



1. yy.%; 2. 3. ■#-;

4.#*; 5. -Sri

5 Buy the right, not the



l.lfrJti 2,-3-iJt; 3.

4. ft.frit; 5.*#

6 The higher the price, the

better the quality


1. $.£; 2.tt; 3. tef*;

4.*ts 5.(4).T

7 The best doctor is yourself


l.tiif; 2. £44;

3. 4.

5. Bit..

8 Beauty is not rare in life


1 .it; 2.**; 3. T44l;

4. BUt; 5.44

9 The sun will shine again

after the storm


1. 2. i&ii; 3.T4.;

4. «f£; 5.4

10 Standards of happiness


2.^£; 3.4.££;

4. dj4i 5. ft-ia

Vocabulary 129


Page 10: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

1 Words with the Same Character 1 Culture

&: jfii'J, *■** --b^lf Qixi Festival, Chinese

Valentine’s Day

*: **, **, a** 5C^r, sfcn*»I£ At Home One Relies on His

Parents, While Away from Home

One Relies on Friends

Bt: BtM, at«% ae+. -f-H\ ;$9t 'f 1L1

Chinese Tunic Suit and


rt:: i/Htr, TT it: Better to Teach Fishing than to

Give Fish

*: JfcH*. £4-. tBA^J Shopping Habits of Chinese

*: **. -#■ + .

Green Food

±*U Taiji and Taijiquan

-^-: t-^-, i-^-, X-^-, t “k" ■% “6" Red and White in Chinese

People’s Eyes

)&,*/}6*)4A'ik The Secret of Success

*»*.**■£ Contentment Is Happiness

Page 11: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Eft *b***.Mf/H*S# Confucius Institute Headquarters (Han ban)


Page 12: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Jiandan de aiqing

Simple love

Warm-UD Match the movies with their posters.

XTydtu Wei Mian Ye

o {$#8* 8. JO Dang Nanren Aishang Nuren

© «£ £_t iA»

Luoml'du Yu Zhuliye



0 «i^T^»

Luoma Jidri

O 4LQ)

Tditannike Hdo


tm %\w. What is your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend like? Why?

Mm —

mm tt+S xinggd *»

< 160cm □ <50kg □ tcS □ youmd

FtflK 153(1

160-170cm □ 50-60kg □ □ 'mm □ "IS □ □

170-180cm □ 60-70kg □ M □ dan ydnpf

> 180cm >70kg □ juan fa

□ i^jiC □ \m


Page 13: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

1 iSSt


1 «Lom

MB: VrvLtt MiU-l


» £ : # it; in ii*) 4. <t- £ i^iR 6$ ?

if*: 4, in A A—ft tt # t iUPs

^0 ^.in«ifein>ji^^, it

J6 T. 5h^: 4fc*fl-£4-*Mfc?

3E»: , <&&-•&



1. jSfefl*

2. fi9j

3. Efm

4. ®


6. ?fvfX

7. tttt

falu n. law


num.-m. two, both

yinxiang n. impression

shen adj. deep

shuxi v. to be familiar with

bujrn conj. not only

xingge n. character, personality

1. Sun Yue Sun Yue, name of a person

2. I# Wang Jing Wang Jing, name of a person

3. Li Jin Li Jin, name of a person


»: £*9f, *£-*




3E »: 5 &&iHiLiKNTs] ^ ,

i24M^*L&i£ & •& Jfc i± „


ifr—*8#. «u

T „ iMMn*#!

8. ffSc3S kai wanxiao to be kidding

9. JAJfe conglai adv. always, all along

10. *& zuihao adv. had better

il.£H gongtong adj. common, shared

12. is-a- shihe v. to suit, to fit



xingfu adj. happy

4. $ Li

Li, a Chinese family name


5® l$

l S3



Page 14: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK im&m 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

nmm: aif it M ^ it — -t

4- T ?

$']6F] 9-f-,

-f-T„ i&Z?*, 4UD^4l

**W: 4-

jUF*4MMr#, 4-^^f iE^5L^#0 te*:JE&.

If $, %_ ^ fr-j „


i»3^A£ —feBtfa]-ife.T , «,

fe 6-J & A , 4fc -fn it fcfc £ if *&




14. shenghud n./v. life; to live

15. MU gang adv. just, not long

i6. -ms. langman adj. romantic

17. & gou v. to be enough

18. quedian n. shortcoming

19. jieshou v. to accept

5. A Gao Guo, a Chinese famil;

inSiC lexts in Piny In

1. Sun Yud hd Wdng Jing lido Wdng Jing de ndnpengyou

Sun Yue: Tingshuo ni ndnpengyou LT Jin gen nl shi yi ge xuexido de, shi ni tdngxue mo?

Wdng Jing: Shi de, to xue de shi xinwdn, wd xue de shi fdlii, wd he to bu shi yl ge ban.

Sun Yue: Na nimen lidng shi zenme renshi de?

Wdng Jing: Women shi zdi yi ci zuqiu blsai zhong renshi de. Women bon gen tamen ban

bisdi, to yi ge ren tijin lidng ge qiu, wo dui ta yinxidng hen shen, houldi jiu

mdnmdn shuxi le.

Sun Yue: NI wei shenme xlhuan ta?

Wdng Jing: To bujin zuqiu ti de hdo, xingge ye bucuo.

2. Wdng Jing gen LT IdoshT lido ta ydo jie hun de shlqing

Wdng Jing: LI IdoshI, wo xia ge yue wu hdo jiu ydo jie hun le.

LI IdoshT: NT shi zdi kdi wanxido bo? Nimen bu shi cai renshi yi ge yue?

Wdng Jing: SuTran wdmen renshi de shfjian bu chdng, dan wd cdngldi mdi zhdme kudileguo.

LI IdoshI: Lidng ge ren zdi yiql, zuihdo neng ydu gongtdng de xingqu hd aihdo.

Wdng Jing: Wdmen ydu hdn dud gongtdng de dihao, jingchdng yiql dd qiu. chdng ge. zuo


Li IdoshT: Kdnlai ni zhen de zhdodao shihd ni de ren le. Zhu nimen xingfu!


Page 15: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

1 m 'FR.-tli/S/rfnM.

Notes “inaffir *p?

j®, st®a-MMMo sw'MHuwi “W &±iSJfT; “^R” *±«o 09 JH:

The conjunction “TR" is used in the first clause, often followed by “tii/ifi/ll'lfti” in

the second clause, indicating a further meaning in addition to what has been said in the first

clause. “'PR” is used after the subject when the two clauses share one subject, and it is

used before the first subject when the two clauses have different subjects. For example:

( 1 ) , -fcMML**o

(2M'BtR, #rK-&1L*t£3&lPtiLte4tfc.

&J1], i£$, T — Z, 8 „

( 3 ) i: i£] (Yunnan, name of a Chinese province) JA )L, aJf R R R

• *$ — ^ Practise

tc/A^IT' Complete the sentences.

(i) _. (4)

(2Mfc , (^R)

(3) o OUJ.)

“iA*”, mm, mu-. The adverb “AMS” indicates something has always been like this from the past to the

present. It is usually used in negative sentences. For example:

'A ftik, 4i£R M fe<„ (2) 3L*4MRAR^Btl^T>£,

(3) ft

A**. t^Alfi£^|;A0

3. Gao laoshT he LT laoshT lido jie hun hou de shenghud

Gao laoshT: TTngshuo nin gen qizi jie hun kudi ershi nian le?

LT laoshT: Ddo liuyue jiu hao, wdmen jiu jie hun ershi nian le. Zheme duo nidn, wdmen de

shenghud yizhf ting xingfu de.

Gao laoshT: Wo he zhangfu gang jie hun de shihou, mdi tidn dou juede hen xTnxidn. zdi yiql

y6u shuo bu wan de hud. Danshi xidnzai.

LT Idoshi: Lidng ge ren gdngtdng shenghud, zhT ydu langmdn he xTnxiangan shi bu gou de.

Gao laoshT: Nin shuo de dui! Wd xidnzai mei tidn kandao de dou shi ta de quedidn.

LT IdoshT: Lidng ge ren zdi yiqT shijian chdng le, jiu hui ydu hen dud wentT. ZhTydu

jieshdule ta de quedidn, nTmen cdi ndng geng hdo de yiqT shenghud.



ft# 3


Page 16: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

4 (±) UJ-kJ Standard Course 4 (A)

• ^ — & Practise

Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(DflL>A—wsMtten—_, t£7/i-f-

(2) 4*.&t


(3) A: tit

B: _. (A**P)

em m

“Hr, @m, a««r0

The adverb “RiJ” indicates that an action or a situation took place only a while ago. It

is used after the subject and before the verb. For example:

(1) 4uh-f T?

(2) —4SML&.#?

• — & Practise

;mft!c^'tii§ Complete the dialogues.

(DA: ttinfaiOUM. T °C.?

B:__ ( HI )

(2) A: tit*N4 JL VjiLte3 -If T

B:_J3ML*f*7. (HI)

( 3 ) A: £ #?


tt ~ It Compare RiJ—RlJ^-

Similarity: Both indicate that an action or a situation took place not long ago; both can serve

as an adverbial modifier.

tit t&tfcW'] m tlTti* tit £ 7 +4l ■?• *p Qt „


Page 17: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

1 'P N : Differences:

“Mr JiS'jis), OThu; mr

“MW” Ml'Hj^is], ifcnmffl£±®J5o In case ★, “M'J” is an adverb serving as an adverbial modifier, used only after the

subject and before the verb, while “MW” is a temporal noun which can be used

either before or after the subject.


4m t-irti-f-f07 T , ft&&4r&i£ 7 ?

M'J t fa] 7 , 'fe# 7 ?

2. “M'l" HtfffinIW7r^7K07|HjWiKli^; “MW” liyE^W't^^N'lBJW iHlioc

“M'J” can be preceded by a temporal word, while “MW” cannot.

3. m “Mr -mw” w0 In a sentence with “M'J”. the verb can be followed by a word of duration, while “M1]

can not.


4. “MW” “M'J” Wo

“MW” can be followed by a negative word, while “M'J” cannot.

*) -f+ £ M'J t W, t it?

• i - |U Drills

ijfc injifl5'!'? Tick or cross


(l)^. v/ V

(2)&nfc*._*-J, •*/ X


(4) W&&, & £-fn 7 , &Btla]JMfcft#q


|*J ^[sl |°]M Answer the questions based on the texts.





ft® 3


Page 18: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK fe/tmfi 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

\%X2: ©i#dt£ibH£W?

«3: © 4*

EM Qt-4_

Texts - «4r4*TSl&«

*pfl-&*.$&.#**? -TfeAit: >jL

;£A4fc&^-4] *Bt, ftX4-&*b£

3; t-f-Ail: >*fc4.*pft«Ui;Ji»


“£»**'] *>***$

*T*m, fi *#*.**


20. HJE xidnmu

v. to envy, to admire

21. HI# aiqi'ng n. love (between a man and

a woman)

* 22. SS xlngxing

n. star

23. BP® ji'shi

conj. even if

24. jinffi jia ban

v. to work overtime

* 25. ^ lidng

v. to shine, to be lit

26. Ja§4(l gandong

v. to touch, to move

5 ^ 01-5

ns'j tm, Atn

****. <s

P^A-* !§]£>£, *&*•*>*->***:*

•ft, £C-^'f£te--t£4si??l*l „

££iUt.>N&.*JRttA0 Fpft.

*.#.■*ii*+*, -Mfe* .Hit* £


■ft, fe -t- 41. Jb it- 4i, rs) -?£■ o

*jIL4t!LW\*LT^4, ttJfrtfe-f-*

T, dUl^/l-f- fltS *fl- £ r^i±


27. ft#* zirdn

adv. naturally, certainly

28. JK0 yuanyln

n. reason

29. sta huxiang

adv. mutually

30. PK‘j| xlyTn

v. to attract

3i. enxt youmo

adj. humourous

32. B$^i pi qi n. temper, disposition


Page 19: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


irt W levls in # Inrln


Hdn duo nuhdizi xidnmu Idngmdn de diqing. Nd shenme shi Idngmdn ne? Nidnqing

rdn shuo: Ldngmdn sh'i td xiang ydo yudliang shi, nl bu hui gdi td xingxing; zhongnidn

rdn shuo: Ldngmdn sh'i jishi wdnshang jid ban ddo ling didn, ddo jid shi, zijl jia li yd hai

liangzhe deng; Idonidn ren shuo: Ldngmdn qishi jiu xiang ge zhong chdng de ndydng, “Wo

neng xidngddo zui Idngmdn de shi, jiu shi he ni yiql mdnmdn bidn Ido. ” Qishi", rang wdmen

gdndong de, jiu shi shenghuo zhong jidndan de diqing. Ydu shihou, jidnddn jiu shi zui dd de



Shuoddo jid hun, renmen jiu hui hdn zirdn de xidngqi diqing. Aiqing shi jie hun de

zhdngyao yudnyin, ddn lidng ge rdn gongtdng shenghud, bujln xuydo Idngmdn de diqing,

geng xuydo xingge shang huxiang xiyln.

Wd zhdngfu shi ge hdn ydumo de ren. Jishi shi hdn putong de shiqing, cong td zui

li shuo chulai yd hui bidn de hdn ydu yisi. Zdi wd nanguo de shihou, td zdngshi ydu bdnfd

rang wd gdoxing qilai. Erqid td de piqi yd bucud, jie hun kuai shi nian le, wdmen lidng jihu

mei ylnwei shenme shi hongguo lion, hdn dud ren dou tebie xidnmu wdmen.

am ™ bp^.*.

^°tes “bp®” , mm, wnm, “BP®" oj

The conjunction “BP®” is used in the first clause, coordinating with “til” in the

second clause. The structure usually indicates a hypothetical concession, though it can also

indicate something that has already happened or been in existence. “BP®” can be used

either before or after the subject of the first clause. For example:

(i) Bp®

• #-# Practise

Complete the dialogues.


B: (4)





Page 20: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

m'Mwm 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

( 2 ) A: &&&& 'A it'A if’H?

B:_, (BPft)

( 3 ) A: if;—& ^ v2) ?

B:£&!_. (SPft.4.)

n ($).±

Mitt: The noun of locality “_fc” is used after another noun, meaning “on the surface of an

object” or “within a certain scope or regarding a certain aspect”. For example:


(3) *&**>*.£«$ ***, Xl-to


• »-» Practise

Complete the dialogues.

(1) A:ij:£ii;i*M,

B:_. (.Jl)

(2) A: iit& #F*?

B:_. (.Jl) (3) A:

B:_. (.Jl)

Answer the questions based on the texts.

\%X4-. -*F-fe/v, t-f/v, *$*»*?

i»*5: 0 * £ * * ?

Page 21: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


« Retell the dialogues.


A-li#, .


£T>HJ5^#-M*4frT, .

4i> £**]***■*$»*£, .

EH Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

ep#> m\

• M^X;, 4f^AU^0

• #>Nb38r#»Ji**, _-f*l£Si^h6$#£. ©&£^_+ , fc-i^.^AR4i/,0

© $,^.-“^1^) 7f^, _■&£.',LtfQ&(>

• T#**, it3T®fe*t4i.

8$^ r* m mm

© A:


B: _#.*, {Si^fUUk

©A:^- ft, #.7>MP2*£tf-*rWA!

©A:^ii^HtT, #..t-^i£i'SLi'J?

B: fefllfr T?

®Atii^'fcSj^r— #.$ML iLA#»]

B: «.4:-i-3lfe*it# .




Page 22: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK imm14 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

|H)^i5] Words with the Same Character

{$• Sf'k S*tk Sis sx®

(2) iM$AiftS^ffXT o

(3) A:.t-^r? 4-AT? B:^A;LA», i£*r.&JL**, Tlfe*.*WT.

(4) 4*.$ta#3vx.i#,

• *-« Drills

jgfe Fill in the blanks with the words given.

SS'J Ssfl SH SX®

• A4_T, W5UM—JUl.

BiatRi*. #*#■*■ aifc*—T.


_T 0

• *7«.JLJi, «**J—****,

O iit g|

r« ™ Expansion

feffl HM 5&A/t§zft Pair Work


Get to know the information about each other’s romantic relationship and complete the

questionnaire below.


IR) C=3

(-Mt**f. «#5. 641)


3 -M-iiHT ?

l« 5 -ft «. &■t tf? 45 /-A m k. Jk. +f 4k # #] ?



Page 23: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


91 Group Work

Tell your group members a love story you know. It can be your own experience or a story

from a movie or book. (Use at least four of the following structures.)

a. 2tfe/#,£p

b. ft JL-fite-tlLT^


e. j£'±fc/%&)£kA


g. &-\i&jL£*q«A?l



A.^-1 £ ^ Qixi Festival, Chinese Valentine’s Day

a „ 0*^is*&w±£#

iisn!r0»5ftwrt#x*w “£*5 ) ” * ±, “±:W ft "^ur” , “£JLTT » “tW

The seventh day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is the annual Qixi Festival (literally

Seventh-Eve Festival), a traditional festival of the Chinese Han ethnic group. As the participants in the

activities that day are mainly young girls and the aim of the activities (such as doing needlework, making

small handicrafts, and offering fruit sacrifices) is to “pray for skills”, the day is also called “Pleading-for-Skills

Festival”, “Maiden Festival” or “Girls’ Day”. Rooted in the love story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl,

the Qixi Festival is the most romantic traditional festival in China, acknowledged as the “Chinese Valentine’s





Page 24: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Zhenzheng de pengyou

IE foMtL A true friend

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.




o #3

gou wu

• A

lido tionr

0 JfrXJL



luxi ng


How did you know your friend? What do you often do together?


Page 25: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


^3- im$^02-1

Texts /jNg; S-l*—-T- T , ttiiA&Jl

■It SI A T , *«i££ T-^

tBW-to /J'ff: BP*#,

+ HJW£.

3,%: &1r\&&.R1Sl$ik&6$0 -f-Bt

4,-ffVfr'fr—jfe4Ms„ ife.#,

;ti£0 #8t0Mfci£&&£ —« I


'J'S: ifc**ifc>MJJ4US-**H T*4h *3 ^ fn ikiftikiR, & £ #?

atH*i 4unT-f-*-£-*&;t Jfc, iE.#—fe-i-'t.

2 <L> 02-2


/Mt: fe&o fa2-n%fo

#T? ££:>'A? 'J'$: -f ji*&, 5£i£i£4n

/j'#: *’-3)? 41-3ft

*tT , ^A-f-_L, ^

£*fc*US**l7i#-, WJt

/J'$: #il#T! /frfliifcJMfc#* —

T, ifr ^ ^ |5]

^0 fc**&**ncrap>Mi

£, *.&+. tfJi&i'J-fT!

'M*: *•«"&, iJftitTTA-f JL!


1. iilJSt shiying v. to get used to

2. £ jiao v. to make (friends)

3. W pingshi n. normal times

4. m guang v. to stroll, to roam

5. Sfa duanxin n. text message

6. IE# zhenghao adv. just in time, just right


1. * Xia

Xia, a Chinese family name

2. ^ Mdke Mark

7. m£ juhu'i v./n. to have a party: party, get-together

8. lidnxi v. to contact

9.£yfi£ chabuduo adv. almost

10. zhuanmen adv. specially

ll. *#>lk bi ye v. to graduate

12. mafan v. to bother


3. # Lin Lin, a Chinese family name

4. Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuan, name of a person

5. ±f& Shanghai Shanghai, a city of China






Page 26: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK #/£«§ 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

3 ^L. 02-3



i»: £ & T ,

-f-, **


i^Ti&3TX#, A-ffi-we.s#

if!*: *J\ -*■**&, i&t —


%-h\ I

i3. haoxiang adv. as if

14. Sfr chongxin adv. again, once


is. jTnguan conj. although

16. HIE zhenzheng adj. true, real

17. £tt youyi

n. friendship

| Ilf m W' X Texts in Plnrln

1. Xiao Xid he Make lido Make de Zhongguo pengyou Xiao Xid: Lai Zhonggud kudi yi nian le, nT shiying zher de shenghuo le ma?

Mdkd: Kdishi ydudidnr bu xiguan, hdulai jiu mdnman shiying le, zuijin wo hdi jiaole yi ge Zhongguo pengyou.

Xibo Xid: Nd jiu hdo, kudi gei wo jiangjiang ni xln jiao de Zhongguo pengyou. Mdkd: Wdmen shi zdi tushugudn rdnshi de. Pingshi women chdngchdng yiqi kdn shu.

gudng jie. ti zuqiu. Ydu shihou ta hdi gdi wd fa yixie youmd dudnxin. Xiao Xid: Ni de zhege pengyou zhen bucuo! Xid ci jieshdo wdmen rdnshi rdnshi, zenmeydng?

Mdkd: Mdi wenti! Wdmen xidwu ydo qu ti zuqiu, zhenghao yiqi qu ba.

2. Xiao Li he Xiao Lin lido tdngxue juhui de shiqing Xiao Li: XTngqTtidn tdngxue juhui, ni neng Idi ma?

Xido Lin: Neng Idi. Ban li tdngxue ni lidnxi de zdnmeydng le? Lai duoshao rdn? Xido Li: Chdbuduo yfbdnr ba, Zhang Yuan hdi zhudnmen cong guowdi fei huilai ne.

Xido Lin: Shi ma? B1 yd dou kudi shi nian le, zhen xidng dajia a! Duile, jintian zdoshang, wd zdi ditid zhan yudaole Wdng Jing, td bi yd hdu jiu qu Shanghai gongzud le, ta zhe ci shi Idi luyou de.

Xido Li: Nd tdi hdo le! Mafan ni gen td lidnxi yixia, qing td yiqi Idi canjid tdngxud juhui. Juhui jiu zdi xuexiao menkou ndge fandidn, liu dian ban. Bie chidao a!

Xido Lin: Fang xin ba. XTngqitian liu didn bdn jian!


Page 27: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Notes “IEif” , jE£3, ^ OttfSK ftS, TO, M, S (7WRfe> ^#PF/s, ***/K

3s) o MiP: “IEif” can be used as an adjective to mean “just right”, indicating a certain condition

(in terms of time, position, size, quantity or degree, etc.) is met (i.e., it is neither too early

nor too late, neither before nor after, neither too big nor too small, neither too much nor too

little, neither too high nor too low, etc.). For example:

(1) &/M-—jEJf—-Nk0

“IE#” , MEIf&S'Jis], 0MP: “IE#” can also be used as an adverb to mean “it is the right time or opportunity to do

something”. For example:

(3) jE.#—

•»-» Practise

Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(1) 4Mfff;*7. . (IE#)

(2) £i>'A?



B: T’&£-¥-.?£££7„

A: , J'JUtM—*■£*£. (IE#)


can be used as an adjective to mean “approximate” and “without much

difference”. For example:

3. Sun Yue he Wong Jing lido tamen de pengyou

Sun Yue: Zhe shi shdnme shihou de zhaopidn? NT zhen nidnqing!

Wdng Jing: Zhe shi shdng ddxud shf de zhdopidn. Yf kdndao zhe zhang zhaopidn, wo jiu

xidngqT gudqu nd dudn kudile de rizi, hdoxiang chdngxTn huiddole xidoyudn.

Sun Yue: Pangbian zhege ren yiding shi ni de hdo pengyou ba? NTmen xidnzai hdi lidnxi ma?

Wang Jing: Ddngrdn le. jinguan yijTng bi ye zheme dud nidn, women hdi shi jingchdng lidnxi

de, mdi ci dou ydu shuo bu wdn de hud.

Sun Yue: Zhen xidnmu ni! Wo shdng ddxue shi zui hdo de pengyou qule nanfang gongzud,

wdmen liang yijing haojiu mei lidnxi le. Wd yihuir jiu gei td dd ge didnhua.

Wdng Jing: Dui. Yao zhiddo, neng ydu yi ge zhenzheng de pdngyou, ydu yi dudn zhenzheng

de yduyi, shi duome bu rdngyi!


Page 28: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Thra#/tM 4 ( jl ) M kwStandard Course 4 (A)

(1) JLKP, A&ii'M-iD

(2) MifiA&mtI'ikZfWtitfeiki?.#), ■lifeM.K?, tfv'U^\kil


“H*£” , fttm. BE*.

Mia-. can also be used as an adverb to indicate being close in terms of degree, scope,

time, distance or quantity, etc. For example:

f JL*6.

(4) -kJLjLf^JS , #*]■!*:, Jl&tfte—jL't 7, 1T>2

• Practise

Complete the dialogues.

(1) A: w J* t I'a] it'h £ ■& "-Sr?

B:*t, Altii^*4.4f4f0

A: _ __„ (H'F#)

(2) A:T*£Jfc***i*T, #&$&&&#■ T?

B:_. (t^F#)

(3) A: S £ -JfeN-WI T?

B:_. (£*£)

tt ~ tt Compare^ —/l-?-

Similarity: Both are adverbs, indicating being very close or similar and can serve as an

adverbial modifier.

; Differences:

1. ffff “JL

In case ★, can be used right before a monosyllabic adjective, while

before or after the adjective following “JL?-”, there must be other words.



Page 29: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


S'Hfl&o can precede a numeral-classifier compound, indicating being close to

this quantity, while “JL f-" has no such usage.

*-t-* To

can also be used as an adjective to serve as the predicate, indicating

being similar and without much difference, while has no such usage.

M-, um*£n “JL^” can indicate something undesirable almost happened, yet finally didn't;

has no such usage.

• » - « Drills

jit iojifl Tick or cross


(l) _ >/ V

(2) i_o v/ X

(3) Jibuti, _L# i&*U.

fc4) isiflUi'Hfci:_

(s) jWtttHMUr fetfr, A_*T *»*»•«>».

*w’ , mm, i “fi** «!*, ip, *£**$?«

0Mll: The conjunction “/?•§” is usually used in the first clause of a complex sentence to state

a fact, often coordinating with words indicating transition such as “{0JS/dT^/4p/jSj&” in the

second clause, which introduces the result that won’t occur under normal circumstances. For



(2) %


Page 30: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)


• »-» Practise

Complete the sentences/dialogues.


( 2 ) A: ft 41ft t iHwiR*#!—^ f\ *tn. B:_. (&f)

( 3 ) A: ft *fi£ 1L AT 7 *%?

4KU§lJl3t §01al°]i!§ Answer the questions based on the texts.

lSKt2: ©


© Jpdk«J6 ,

EM ^ n9-j


SdWitfst#. **•«£, 4Un*$«t &# + !&

£*']*.* Sfc,

*1. —Jfcit

/wttJSl, <s^ip4fl*£^A£M£0 a

* M A^4- A A £ & £ \

§fA&-fe0 4.^i£*»'frflL«0SI«4

A&it.. iaMEitAfllitaT*, +* rsr, *



18. ^ fengfu

v. to enrich

19. JEW wuliao

adj. boring

20. if R taoyan

v. to dislike

21. ill que

adv. but, yet

22. /Sjffl zhouwei

n. surrounding

23. %M. jiaoliu

v. to exchange, to communicate


Page 31: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong



J&L. 02-5_


ftat^TJWA, ft j.*»-jmt & tfJW£. T>|5]


£«*.*&*» & £,—fete* 6^A; «

A*iHJi>$.A*«.«t-f-, Mae.# T'JftA. £&&*'] B

*M$Btfc, 4-jE.«$JW A

BfiHfcM; £tfc£«*£itBf *, «*>»&# =**&., »*• ji-iti^^.J']#^S0


24. mm ITji6

v. to understand

25. ft* jlngzi

n. mirror

26. M er conj. (showing a contrast)

while, yet

27. ^ dang

prep, when, just at (a time

or place)

28. S*E kunnan

n. difficulty

29. 5H-t jishi adv. in time

30. Bf p6i

v. to accompany

|ffn®i Texts in Plnyln


Mdi ge rdn dou xuyao pengyou, pdngyou kdyi fengfu women de shenghuo. Likdi

pdngyou, w6men de shenghud yiding hui feichdng wulido. Nome, zenyang cdi neng jiboddo

geng dud de pdngyou ne? Dangran, ydo ydu hdo piqi. Yf ge piqi bu hdo de ren suTrdn

buyidlng rang ren tdoydn, ddnshi que hen nan gen ren jiao pengyou. Yinwei mdiydu rdn

hui xihuan gen yi ge zdngshi rdngyi sheng qi de ren zai yiqi. Women hai ydo jlngchdng gen

zhouwei de ren jidoliu. Jiaoliu ndng rdng renmen huxiang lidojid, rugud ydu gongtdng de

xingqu. aihdo huozhe xigudn, jiu geng rdngyi chengwdi pengyou le.

5 Ren de yisheng kdyl shenme yd meiydu, ddn bu ndng mdiydu pdngyou, erqid bixu

ydo ydu zijT zhenzheng de pengyou. Shenme shi zhenzheng de pengyou? Bu tdng de ren

hui ydu bu tdng de ITjid. Yduxie rdn juede pengyou jiu shi neng he zijl yiqi kuaile de ren;

youxie ren juede pengyou yinggdi xiang jlngzi, ndng bang ziji kandao quedidn. Er wo de

ITjid shi: Dang ni yuddo kunnan de shihou. zhenzheng de pengyou hui zhdn chulai, jishi gei

ni bdngzhu; dang ni wulido huozhd ndnguo de shihou, zhenzheng de pfnj mi hwindi ini ni

shenbian, xiang bdnfa rdng ni gdnddo xingfu.


Page 32: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)


Notes "tji" , gijisl. The adverb “£fl” is used after the subject and before the verb to indicate a transition in

meaning in a softer tone. For example:


(2) — ^ fr^Ag &A— &itA-#>9L, <S^ipMSflA£

• Practise

jclfi'n] -£• Complete the sentences.

(1) ^4-^^#^,^^^ _. (iP)

(2) _. _ _ _o (#)

(3) 5 ia-Klk' (ip)

ES rfii

“rfff” , &m, iSffitM, Mka-.

The conjunction “Tfff” can be used in a compound sentence to connect two coordinate

clauses. For example:

(1) “0/1” i-'M “EJ” ^.S^Pa, “fl”

/] £o

(2) *#-m, ii £, .*rT>-£*U'iA*f

09*11: It can also be used to indicate an adversative relation. For example:

(3) T M, %^&$'\'£K4rM4r1-iiL, ^dcA4-

• &-& Practise

o (W)


TcfiZ^!^' Complete the sentences.

(i) $■

Page 33: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

(2) &—

(3) tf6$&75-—-,

— o



. (W)

Answer the questions based on the texts.

i**4: 0-hX.iMTJtJML, M*$£.&*&&#■?


m Retell the dialogues.

Exercises ^i.

h. ••••

i**2: /JvWt«|»^:


i$fcf?'nili(!K)T.n]T||i(:§E Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

jsibs mm its

9 A4-&*&&&&]>&7}r, ^^r-fS!.0 Kfcv'Alft

I^MT. eiw , r&, £■&**-


©4M'J£&n^0tte>fM; _, J6*.'It«J?fflTT, 4L£*!l74JL*JW




Page 34: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

mt m mm w K

©A:ji4*e., 4u&<fc.

B:^;_ft T , -4 „

b:£&, ^r/L>Msi#^Jk^Stat_7,

© A: ^5ytA 7 , ft ,t- £

B: ***$«.& 4, *P*feSM']

A, A?

©A:»h4, WA-kr&flA-fc’ftl ftiUR?

B: is A &.^JULit.

®A:&JS, ^,3tAi^7.

B:*f, ftA-tefcJLffiflW, ift^4*'J42'-o

rjgH R^Td] Words with the Same Character

Expansion >£^3R

(1) A:fl, «*, i^^L<qsiL%?

B: 4,^44.^.4^. A4^7,

(2) A: {M»4fc£ftjp£47, lfe^4i.4"«—T*4?

B: aw*.

(3) A: ft.fc. & T ? a**.** 7 ?

B^ftEtAJLift, a**, #.&—T*Wf7.

• |g - |® Drills

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

mm &m &&m

OA:4“fi. ¥j0

B:_ , 4*.i(UK'^&7r£.£.tiMt.

0A:ft4f, ifrl-ld'4-^^?

B Mifi7„

A: ft#], Sfi&.it—&1 l# M, #E0

©A: .ft.^4#?

B:^l, 4.4Unj££, *a4.**f«$JI)!£.


Page 35: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


2 m Pair Work

Application sffiTiUxt^rWXSIfa, Get to know the friends of your partner and how he/she made and is going to make friends

and complete the questionnaire below.

□ 1



91 Group Work

Describe your best friend to your group


b. ^ a t-

c. Ain&A&tte&V)

d. 4un .* t



At Home One Relies on His Parents, While Away from Home One Relies on Friends

itimwiB*" „ mwi*. «fSAW*Si»nrW«A^^#, MJi “WiMIs]^, W


—jeainijfcWjiwsfeo lam. As the Chinese saying goes, “At home one relies on his parents,

while away from home one relies on his friends”. Friends are very

important in our lives. Making friends is a type of culture as well as

a branch of learning. The Chinese value regarding friendship can be

summed up in one sentence—“share each other’s joys and sorrows”.

Share with your friend the good things that make you happy; tell

your friend the problem you’ve encountered and work out a solution

together with your friend. It’s easier to earn a friendship if you think

more about other people and put yourself in others’ shoes.

members. (Use at least four of the following


f. 'M&ILfy

g. W)



(-ML&1T. iHty5, 6M.)_


MM ■&.»&-&#?


Page 36: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

JmglT du'i wo yinxiang bucuo

I’ve made a good impression on the manager

mM Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.


O Kfc-



© IS)i£,





© i

What’s your ideal job like? Why?

£1ftA yue shouru

w\m jiaotong

±8EWfil zhudnyd

<5^p mwM-w □ 8:00-16:00 □ -#

ST-lTf □ □ □ 9: 00-17:00

*r-iUL££ □ 17J-27J n □ 10: 00-18:00

>27f fern


Page 37: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong






/J'S: i£ T $ , fll l“] &J l“]

**5, «*4i*r.£jL*fltD

/J'S: — %.-%■*$& Ct

**■«, -**n* g

/J'S: 3fl 15-f-_LJf-8.&&



/J'S: &!£&;*: £p4.„



l.M ting

adv. quite, rather

2. XSfc jinzhang

adj. nervous

3. ta-c.' xinxTn

n. confidence

4. mil nengli

n. ability, competence

5. zhaopin

v. to recruit

6. fcfft tigong

v. to provide


1. /J'S Xiaoyu

Xiaoyu, name of a person

2 gggfr/j'ftmsuiflW 03-2

3S3: *J'#., it*#****.*# $

/J' 4^4:']'^ ft -fr6^,


iSl: Jt^jfi.J»^A^^?

/J' ft: SS,

15A0 Sit 3Li&fa ® i4, TT

tf, «**.

*$*£.. ifcii-Mfcfr!T£| —

/J' #: *f*$.

7. m fuze

v. to be in charge of

8. benlai

adv. originally, at first

9. j&V# yingpin

v. to apply for a job

10. MM cailiao

n. data, material

11. fuhe

v. to accord with

12. jl& tongzhT

v. to inform

2.B, Mo

Ma, a Chinese family name


Page 38: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

g. 03-3

/JM*: i#, &1L ftJDUT, JLi#*?

ill: To

/htt: M3H&.#!j-ft—%.#$r%■&*£?


*#: §.%[ JL*% Cl 0 * HI **


iH: j|&*0 ntial4r



13. WW lushi

n. lawyer

14. zhuanye n. major, specialty

is. m- lingwai conj. besides, in


16. lift A shouru n. income

i7. mn zanmen pron. we, us

18. anpdi v. to arrange

ilfniJRjiC lext§ in Piny in

1. Xiao Xid he Xidoyu lido Xidoyu midnshi de qingkudng

Xiao Xid: N1 shdngwu de midnshi zdnmeydng?

Xidoyu: Hoi kdyi, tamen wen de wenti dou ting rongyi de, jiu shi wd ydudidnr jinzhang.

Xiao Xid: Midnshi de shihou, yiding yao dui ziji you xinxin, ydo xiangxin ziji de nengli.

Xidoyu: Ni shuo de dui! Sdnyud shiwu hdo shdngwu bd didn zdi xubxido tiyuguan hdi you

yi ge zhdopinhui, ni qu ma?

Xiao Xid: Wo hdi mei jueding ne.

Xidoyu: Tingshuo zhe ci zhdopinhui tigong de gongzuo jihui hen dud, women yiqi qu

kdnkan ba.

2. Md jingli he Xiao Lin lido zhdopin de shiqing

Ma jingli: Xido Lin, zhe ci zhdopin bu shi Xiao Li fuze ma?

Xiao Lin: Bdnldi shi Xido Li fuze de, ddnshi ta turdn sheng bing zhu yuan le, sudyi jiu

jibogdi wd Idi zuo le.

Md jingli: 6, zhe ci yingpin de ren dud ma?

Xido Lin: Jingli, zhe ci Idi yingpin de yigong ybu shiwu ren. Jingguo bishi he midnshi, ydu

lidng ge bucuo. Zhe shi tamen de cailido. nin kdnkan.

Md jingli: Zhe lidng ge ren de nengli dou bijido fuhe wdmen de ydoqiu. Ni tongzhi tamen

xid zhouyi shdngwu jiu didn Idi wd bdngongshi ba.

Xido Lin: Hdo de, nd wd mdshdng gen tamen lidnxi.


Page 39: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong



Notes “tif" . Sl] in], %>,: «fiS, W'JHffittj "S.M" „ Mi Hi The adverb “$£” means “quite, rather”, similar to “IS". It is often used in the structure

.fKj”. For example:

( I ) fain ft <4 M £ Gt.

(2) iifcAtfifctJi£fc®o

(3) &U4riki3i^fa7rtf, Ji.

• ft, — & Practise

jcf&iiJ-F Complete the sentences.

(DiUl*_ ftXWt&ZZKMio (it)

(2) _. (&)

(3) faintotf‘i±fe£T>?, . (it)

, g'jiHj, t/TmfiMtf; a^rim* um&, m*” w Mo mm-.

The adverb “^3}E” indicates naturally, it goes without saying; it can also mean

"originally, at first”. For example:

(1) i&ft?&&&iitfTfa#l'

(2) £**-*4^4,

(3) (i3UtW)

3. Xido Lin he Wang Jing lido Wang Jing de gongzuo qingkudng

Xiao Lin: Wang Jing, hdojiu bu jidn le! Daxue bi ye hou jiu mei lianxi le, ni xidnzai zdi nbr

gongzuo ne?

Wdng Jing: W6 yi bi yd jiu qii Shdnghdi dang lush! le.

Xido Lin: NI dui xidnzai de gongzuo yiding feichdng mdnyi ba?

Wdng Jing: Wo hen xihuan xidnzai de gongzuo, yinwei wd xue de jiu shi fdlti zhuanyd, erqid

tongshimen dou hen xihuan wd. Lingwdi, shouru ye bucuo.

Xido Lin: XTngqltidn zdnmen tdngxue juhui, ni neng Idi cdnjid ma?

Wdng Jing: Ndng Idi. SuTrdn zhe ci Idi BdijTng, shijian dnpdi de hdn jlnzhdng, dan wo yiding

jie zhe ci jlhui qu gen ddjid jidnjian midn.





Page 40: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

• ~ & Practise

Complete the dialogues.

(DA: #&&&-£-£ Otlfc?

B:_„ (*&)

(2) A: £4Mf5.&itT4J* T !

_. (**)

( 3 ) A:_(**)


“W , -»*k+m) + IStM (+£*3) ” £ “B^KW (+£isJ) ” WtSFfe. «:

The pronoun indicates the person(s) or thing(s) other than those that have been

mentioned, often used in the structure (+ iW) + Num-M (+ N)” or + f’Kl (+ N)”.

For example:

l?, 4Un*J5>l'— (2) .tSJL*.

“X” WP:

The adverb means “beyond the scope mentioned previously”, often used

together with “i£/#/X”. For example:


“W , i£i*J, "IfctffcW fits, m iU:

The conjunction “5r^h'’ means “besides”, used to connect clauses or sentences, etc.

For example:

(5) >|tA.



Page 41: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


• s-s Practise

Complete the dialogues.



( 2 ) A: ft /J'i 0^ 4$ Bt r»l T '■%?

B: 4Ut'J'X4-tfpffc T ,

(3) A:


tt — tt Compare^ —fi


Both can be used as pronouns referring to the person(s) or thing(s) other than

what has been mentioned.


Both can be used as adverbs meaning “beyond the scope mentioned previously”.


yf''l”],‘5.: Differences:

l. (+^is]) ” sJc

‘‘£*h+iW (+£itj) ” M-tSWo (+M ) +^(fi (+£is|) ” S

ffi “W” ^ftnroiq; w firffl “%+mm (+««) ” a*, a “W” o

In case ®, “5} 5h” is often used in the structure “£§5h (+ (f'j) + Num-M (+ N)” or

“53 5h + (f'j (+ N)”. The first structure may or may not include “D”, but if “5j5h”

is replaced by “55”, “fl'j” won’t be used.

m t % ft* r, #4*3*173—*•&.

Bit , ##3*1*4$—to"£.

B'l*s»£.te4-flMLT, ##3>l*4$*«-el0

_o (J^)

. 05rt)

. (J5*)







Page 42: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK W'M&m 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

“j§" tiwtnmmr'ZW" In case (2), “33” usually modifies a monosyllabic verb, while “3331'” has no such


r, at it I*] i|s, ^JA*t0 4Unm&Ti£35>N£


3. “33*h” nTflfc&i^j “3” “33 3h” can be used as a conjunction, while “33” cannot.

*£**.. 33 >K i£*i&4**

• « - » Drills

Tick or cross

333h 33

(i) 4fc*4%Jt.. _— v'

_.#**—*«**. v/ X

(3) jL+fmm.4rX&**oT. l.

f(4) *—*;L"S, , *M,*Mf**.

(5) #jj£2tH%,


Answer the questions based on the texts.

*£1: O **»*##*■&**?

© #.* £ Btm



Page 43: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


A iJL fe f'J,



itftMif:*.—>HUI-«SAD £>£, a

!*■***» 5*. W^R*8t, &***-*

i^'l*:, > -S--t!L^-£-;£.']', ij 6^r


19. ftffe shouxian pron. first

20. lit zhengshi adj. formal

21. ® liu v. to leave

22. %&. qfcl pron. second, next

23. ch6ngshf adj. honest



R - ep *.ft 4.4 %- & £ «nf & x ij

AfiTF*&*P*. a«|5 —*p**.&**4-

fit, ft*»**at £*>«.«*. i*JM»JA *$ R - *P & ^ *, fe in y'X fa *t if: a *

*»*J®To »r«, *&>$—*&«*$«*$

T*ftf*P#-, «J6 *]; J&-R — ;A£«^«S^-fifT#*4^P

*, ifcTte** ***«$*£. iS-JL,

-fc ^ E <6 &■# J AftTft^ * Bfil #6i)>^^p#., ^ & $jg; it;?'J Ate

ft if!. _U)t, i£A^



24. ȣ gaibian v. to change

25. Aft ganjue n. feeling

26. panduan v. to judge, to decide

27. H& guke n. customer, client

28. l£R} zhunshi adj. punctual, on time

29. buguan conj. no matter

(what, how, etc.)

30. ^ yu prep, with

31. yuehui v. to date, to go to an





Page 44: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK mM&m4(±) Standard Course 4 (A)

m i!8 X. Texts in t lnyln

4 Mianshi de shi'hou, jTngll dui wo yinxidng bucud, hdi tongzhi w6 mfngtian jiu kdyi

shdng ban le. Zhen mei xiangdao, zhdo gongzud zheme shunli. NI xidng zhiddo mianshi

xuydo zhuyi shenme ma? Shduxian, ydo chudn zhengshi de ylfu, zhe hui gei midnshizhe

liuxid yf ge hdo de yinxidng. rang td juede nT shi yf ge renzhen de ren. Oici, yingpin shi

buydo jlnzhdng. Huidd wentf shf, shuo de buydo tdi kudi, shengyin yd buydo tdi xido, ydo

xiangxin zij! ydu nengli zudhdo. Dangran, zui zhdngydo de shi huidd wentf ydo chengshf.

5 Di yT yinxidng jiu shi zdi di yT ci jidn midn shf gdi bieren liuxid de yinxidng. Suiran di yi

yinxidng bu zdng shi dui de, dan rugud xidng gdibian qud hdn kunnan. NT gei bieren de di

yi yinxidng hui yingxiang tdmen yihou dui ni de gdnjue he panduan. Suoyi, gei di yi ci jidn

midn de tongshi liuxid hdo de yinxidng, yihou de gongzuo keneng hui geng shunli; gdi di yi ci

jidn midn de guke liuxid hdo de yinxidng, ni kdneng hui maichu geng dud de dongxi. Ddnshi,

ruguo di yi ci jidn midn gei bieren liuxid xidng bu zhunshf zheydng de hudi yinxidng, name

yihdu jiu hdn ndn rdng bidrdn xiangxin ni. Suoyi buguan shi shdng kd. shdng ban, hdishi yu

bidren yuehui, zhunshf dou feichdng zhdngydo.

n t:$fc..

^otes “tT5fc” m nmmm 0 mun-.

The pronouns “If )fc” and are often used in coordination with each other in

written Chinese, indicating the sequence of the items enumerated. For example:

“1T5fc” toj£SL ma-. can also be used as an adverb, meaning “first of all, the earliest”. For example:

(4) —


Page 45: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


• #-» Practise

TciR'fc} 71 Complete the sentences.

( 1 ) (tft)

(2) o (£*)

(3) _o (t&)


“W , am, m

“fr^”, “«*”, “ir . “iPJL”, “^ (^) ” a « "M” Jg-'HHstfWT “#" ^isli&c m\x

The conjunction “T'fT' indicates that the conclusion or result won’t change under any

assumed circumstances, often used together with interrogative pronouns such as

“if”, “WIPJL” and It is often collocated with “HtJE:” or an affirmative¬

negative phrase, followed by a clause with “$5” or other words. For example:


(2) JiFji,

(3) ***=*■£, 'M'Ut^o

• & — Practise

Complete the sentcnces/dialogues.

(1) _, (*f, «)

(2) A: — %.■&■% A\

B: _(*f, #)

B:_(*#. V+^+V)

HI Answer the questions based on the texts.

ifJt5: 0 £ —

O # & #] A 6$ % — (p & *t ft K *P * % Hu ?






Page 46: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK fcimm 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)


Retell the dialogues.





WX3-. ilMMHl:

4k—T, .

£H Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

K3K ns $m nm

O fc*P , ft&iz-i:


0 *—•^A,_ib


0 ft.

© •£■•$, (Chdngcheng, the Great Wall) dq ;ff, °T -iiS s] 6^

* « £ , Bt f»l_* ft.


M*4 tififij ®HiJ- @

©A:^:, — A*****#..

# A: a » N- f»1 # * £ Sfc, te*_„

B:— 4f‘46i£4si«jE>^A*, T^-T7„


Page 47: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Q A: -fc, ii#_4i £M &)-£:£■ ttif T.

©A^JM^^tM-T^? &&i££_LR?


# A: ^lA0

B:*t, &i£AMU££tei&*]i±%.

r^Hi R^io] Words with the Same Character

Expansion &t: BfrfiU XBtK W. )£&t

(1) 4fc#»]**.,

(3) M&iWMi.

ft#, 9.JHm *>**£.

• « - i Drills

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

H m Il'tl'H] &0>t W #1=0*

• J3>K ^8*^_ifeftJt.

0_^iiff^JiT^, T4.4"A**tT, *t«tfir4*'*3IT. e , tKtK^s-^o wMio,



Page 48: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK mm&m. 4 <±) Standard Course 4 (A)

HI 3KA>S^I Pair Work

Application tfJJd,

Learn about each other’s job-hunting experiences and complete the questionnaire below.


l'q) m

(-k>££Tr, 64L)


3 # ^ TT f+4k48 & ?

4 ^7 ft 4k?

* fa-vkib i| ^it,4-ft4kJ-ft?

6 4 a If 47 -SLHr &■& vi *- ft 4k jS] &?

Group Work


Tell your group members who has made the deepest first impression on you and explain

why. (Use at least four of the following structures.)


b. zfti Cfi it <i»'




f. *«■***


h. *


Page 49: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong



tf* dl3Chinese Tunic Suit and Cheongsam

mi, x, m,u* mm, Wft£, fait*

it* j. m&XA’gmme.&j&T-mifo*

The Chinese tunic suit and cheongsam

are respectively the traditional formal attire

of Chinese men and women. The former was

designed by Mr. Sun Yat-sen, a leading Chinese

democratic revolutionary, by combining the

characteristics of both Western and Chinese

clothing styles. Its Prussian collar stands for Mr.

Sun’s rigorous theory of governing a country,

and the four pockets represent four traditional

Chinese moral virtues, namely propriety, justice,

honesty, and a sense of shame. In modern

international fashion circles, cheongsams are

regarded as the representative of “Oriental

women’s dresses”. The design of a cheongsam,

with its simple and elegant curves, goes well

with a woman’s figure. Cheongsams are

frequently seen in movies, TV programmes and

fashion shows. Today, wearing cheongsams has

become a fashion.




Page 50: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Buyao tdi zhao ji' zhuan qian

Don’t be anxious to make money

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.


O M t6n shengyi

Oil zhlshi

0 *»**


O •fe-Bf

zhuan qian

0t ¥k shdumdng-jiaoludn

Which of the four tasks below is the easiest to fulfill? Which is the hardest? Talk

about why.

O #] —^JL$I 6-1B+1®] (diaochd) 1000g) „

0 —A - 3L Bt ® sj £-f- 6* X # t+ *'].

© 4^4*1 (tiqian)

© #] —(jingyan) |s] ^ „


Page 51: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong



1 S&. 04-i

/M* = ■7ri>t#3U£x#T? &*■&&&

T T ӣ-?

/J'$: #J44T!


/h#: XX«xfH£x$tT *

ftff-T, -*£, &£i£y£-X£r 4fBtfSI, J^kX, &


XX T! /J'#: ift t , *;-*-£.£• as*


'J'i£: if. 4.—*4eJ3L£i£#X


2. IX*

3. f»


5. It

ti v. to mention

yTwei v. to think, to believe

fen m. used for jobs among

other things

wdnquan adv. completely

zhuan v. to earn

2 XggjQ/J^£iftXfE 04-2

X£3: ? £Utl51 t tfc


'J' 4£ $ £ &•> if *'J y£ H A ft £J ,

<2Xl4UnTkX4£Tft£.&, 81


igl: 5 £ *i£ X # -flL ‘fc , <S fit fil


X£H: *.if ^']^-

a ij £-£#*f Btl’aT. ifc-fcT

/Jn $:



6. ^4: diaocha v. to survey,

to investigate

7. ig* yuanlai adj. original

8. ftUJ jihua n./v. plan; to intend to

9. Mflif ti'qian v. to do (sth.) in advance

or ahead of time

lO.ftHE baozheng v. to guarantee

11. «H tf Xing

v. to remind

12. St luan adj. hurry-scurry, confused

i Wang Wang, a Chinese family



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HSK imwm 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)




■fT o Igl: iiifj\ ti, &



T o I§1: -It‘It*.,


13. shengyi n. business, trade

14. $ tan v. to talk, to discuss

15.# bing adv. used before a

negative for emphasis

i6. mm jllei v. to accumulate

17. jTngyan

n. experience

18. -w yi'qie pron. all, every

£:*£*&***, — *o

Ufr»iS;fc Texts in F/m/n

1. Xiao Un he Xiao LT lido Xido Li de gongzuo Xido Lin: Tingshuo nl you hudn gongzuo le? JTnnidn yijTng hudnle son ci gongzuo le ba?

Xido LI: Bieti le! W6 ylwei xTn gongzuo bl yiqidn de hdo, mdi xidngddo hdi mdiydu ylqian hdo ne.

Xido Lin: Shdng cl nd fdn gongzuo nl zhl zuole lidng ge yue jiu li'kdi le, qi'shf, wdnquan shiying yi ge xTn de gongzuo xuydo yl nidn shljian, sudyT, jTngchdng hudn

gongzuo bu yfding hdo. Xiao LI: Wo yd mlngbai. Ddnshl nd fen gongzuo de shouru tai shdo le!

Xido Lin: Nl cdi dao xTn gongsl, buydo tdi jizhe zhudn qian, dud xuexl cdi shi zui zhongydo de.

Xido LI: Hdo. Wd yi'dlng hui null bd xianzdi zhd fen gongzuo zuohdo.

2. Wang jlngll he Xido LI zdi shuo gongzuo Wang jlngll: Nd fen didocha hdi ydo dud chdng shljian cdi neng zuowdn?

Xido LI: An yuanldi de jihud ylnggai shi lidng zhou, ddnshl wdmen kdyl tlqidn wdncheng, zhoumb bdozheng zuowdn.

Wdng jlngll: Suirdn zuljln gongzud hdn mang, dan nlmen yd ydo zhuyl shenti a. Xido LI: Xiexie rn'n! Xianzdi you hen dud shiqing dengzhe wd zuo, zhen bu zhidao gdi

xidn zuo ndge hdo. Wdng jlngll: Mdi tidn zaoshang wd dou bd dangtian jihud ydo zud de shiqing xib zdi bijibdn

shang, tlxlng zijl anpdi hdo shfjian. Nl yd kdyl shishi zheydng zud. Xido Li: Zhege bdnfa zhen bucuo! Zheyang wd jiu bu hui shoumdng-jidoludn le.


Page 53: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

4 n

Notes “W*- , aiisl, The verb indicates what the speaker thought goes against the fact. For example:


(2) , *JT«—*, ftA*_ti£,

•»-» Practise

Complete the sentences.


(2) _, (8U5r)

(3) _, iSi&i'lM—£%&&$o (l'A%)


^ff«iBM«e5URiut(rtti#a^rao mn “®3fE” can be used as a noun to mean “the beginning, the past”, indicating the

situation described in the clause or sentence following it is different from that in the past.

For example:

(1 ) ***■££**«• 124-Mt, il&t)

T $)$L, 5>NM*alt 111*1.

m* “umw*

«, -w”» wm-. “K14” can be used as an adjective to mean “original, unaltered”. It cannot be used

alone as the predicate. When it modities a noun, “£Hj” should be used after it. For example:

(2) #4*

3. Wang jTngll he MS jTngIT zdi shuo gongzuo

Wang jTngll: Shdnme shi rang nT zhdme gdoxing a?

Md jTngll: W6men he shang ci ndge gongsT de shengyi zhongyu tancheng le.

Wang jTngll: Tdi hao le! NT gongzuo name null, gongsT hu'i yud Idi yud hao de.

Ma jTngll: W6 yudnlai yiwdi zuo shengyi hdn jidnddn, houlai cdi faxidn qTshT bing bu

rdngyi, xidnzdi zhudn qidn yud Idi yud nan le.

Wang jTngIT: Mdnman Idi, wanshi kaitou ndn, zhdngydo de shl ydo dud jTldi jTngydn.

Ma jTngIT: Wo xidngxin jTnggud women ddjia de null, gongsT de shengyi hui yud zuo yud

dd, yTqid dou hui hdo de.





Page 54: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

“jgjfs” , war , MAS.

can also be used as an adverb to indicate “a certain period in the past”,

meaning something/somebody has changed now.

(3) J3L£-&&jfcT—

“JTJfe” "£STKm*»AM1S«" , ffitPnTWo mUl\:

The adverb “Jj^3|E” can also indicate the discovery of a formerly unknown situation. It

can be used either before or after the subject. For example:


• %, ~ & Practise

‘Jr:h3c/'lJd1 Complete the sentences.

(1) , 4i, ^.0

(2) _,

(3) _.

| tt ~ tt CompareJl


1. m&mQW&M, ** “MW, filSI-W” 0

Both can be used as adjectives, indicating “original, unaltered”.

&**&**/*****«&, *itJgL&£fc*T*WK AM* St 7.

2. M##nH»SiJ^I, -&/K „ Both can be used as adverbs, indicating “the situation in the past is different from

that at present”.

4. JL Wit, >

3f\ [5] : Differences:

“JR*” ttfflmUi** “£A7Wir*fcliIMW«” ; jTn “**”

When is used as an adverb, it can indicate “a formerly unknown situation

has been found out”; when “3fc5|5” is used as an adverb, it can indicate “it should

have been like this”.





Page 55: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


&****&«■***£»>#, *W*S.

• «-« Drills

32fcitf]£fi Tick or cross


(i) ***&««.#**. ¥j

vM'J'f&tb ?i$. v' v/

(2) Aifsfl’, 4UL&)L3t*ife*.. v' X

(3) +

1 (4 ) 4k_iJtt —tttfew*. M^iL*,**


1(5) T^!i—iLftsj&0

i£, _


“#” , wm, mtt a (W) ” insss^ws^o %H£$11tKft£l$o 0Mn:

The adverb “#” is used before negatives such as “'f'/?5('ff)” to emphasize the

negative tone. It is often used in sentences indicating a transition in meaning to negate a

certain opinion and explain the real situation. For example:

(1) **$*£#}***.*:

^ & o

(2) 4L£*«*fc±*4M+,

• #-# Practise

Complete the dialogues.

(DA: *flW*T* «.&■£* , S,^}'SL-i-i/F^o5,?



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HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

(2) A:***.**.&***,

B:_. m

B:_. (#)

WIs] ^fa]M Answer the questions based on the texts.

iSJtl: Oftft & “-ba%.iL%% Jl4&„ ” i£ °J r#'#0',?


O&3Lfcin']£:WtV)lF'\1\iLTfrttt £*f *t?

«£3: ©

i^>C EM S&q<-<

TpxtS £isl

UTS it-AiH-lsi, 19. jfijffi anzhao

&, tisi4La#'jT^^a^, prep, according to

4.<riA^*nf*T 20. MWj chenggong

adj. successful

21. MM shunli adj. smooth

4-iff * £-^4? « &, &&H 22. ©« ganxie

UU4, 23. jHA

v. to thank

xiaoxi ££-=-f-zl£^0 *«■*£&.=.** n. news

*2 IB-*!&***** 24. ®Ett anshi

*#! adv. on time, on schedule

25. jiangjln n. money award, bonus


Page 57: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong





tb ZVjJ-'f/F&&,


26. T.%

21. im


X-4?M-& & e-T44tti^.#f A-g-^xf^ iiat, &n&t£rtf iUL*—^A*p&*fe

28. ftliR

29. ^3*

30. »M

31. nii

gongzi n. pay, salary

fangfa n. method, way

zhishi n. knowledge

bu de bu to have to, to have no

choice but

shenzhi conj. even, so far as to

zeren n. responsibility, duty

M n i!R >C fexts in Plnyln

Women jTnnidn de gongzuo dou yTjfng dnzhao jihua wdncheng le. Zhe yi duan shijidn,

jingudn gongzuo hen jlnzhdng. zhongjian ye yuddole hen dud kunnan, ddnshi yTnwei

ydu ddjid de null, wdmen chenggong de jiejuele wenti, shunli de wdnchengle gongzud.

feichdng gdnxie ddjid dui wd de bdngzhu! Lingwdi, Md jTngll rdng wo gaosu ddjia yi ge hdo

xiaoxi, yTnwei ddjid dnshi wdnchengle gongzuo, gongsi jueding zhege yue gei mei ren dud

fd sanqidn yudn jidngjTn. Gdnxie ddjid zhe son ge dud yue de null gongzud, xlwang rning

nidn neng ydu gdng dd de chdngji!


NidnqTng rdn gang kaishi gongzuo de shihou, buyao tdi jizhe zhudn qidn, buyao

ydnjing li zhlydu gongzi he jidngjTn. Zdi gongzud de qidn jl nidn, zhdngydo de shi fengfu

zljT de gongzuo jTngydn, xuexi yu tdngshi jidoliu de fangfa, jTIdi zhuanyd zhTshi, zhdxie

bi shouru zhdngydo dud le. Ddnshi hdn dud shi'hou, wdmen bu de bu qu zuo yixie ziji bu

yudnyi zuo shenzhi shi feichdng bu xihuan de gongzuo. Zhe shi. wdmen zui xuydo de jiu

shi dui gongzuo de zerenxTn. Yi ge ren jishT nengli zdi gdo, jTngydn zdi fengfu, rugud dui

gongzuo meiydu zerenxTn, yd hdn ndn bd gongzuo zuohdo.


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HSK 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

itm ™ m

Notes “M” , frm. “*«" WMo ttfti: The preposition “£?cM” means “according to”, similar to “ISIS”. For example:

(1) 7 Q

(2) &]-£■&>%&■■# 7 "C?

(3) .&•>!«.S4£, ifrk1£it‘~a

• & — & Practise

3rc,fi£'nJ~f Complete the sentences.


(2) , (ttJS)

_. (ttJ*)


“&M” , tm 5SW£HlW*fcl, sfrisL /Mg»

The conjunction “KM” emphasizes a salient case or example. It can be put before the

last one of the coordinate nouns, verbs or clauses to stress this item. For example:


• & — & Practise

^JjK'frJ'T'iiScX'j'ijS Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(D4fctn®-jfc®jfc.flLT, (#5)

(2) ifcfefcT .. (££)

(3) A: Sr£.t-&ii&-fftte$7?

B:_ _ («£)


Page 59: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

a Answer the questions based on the texts.


i%X5: 0

0 j& $ '] ^ 4 * flfc ^ x# Bt & it ,t- £ ?

EH jE5i. Retell the dialogues.

X'SeS ifcfcl: /Jv^tfji^:

^4k&&&7S-&J-K7, .



mx3: mzmMmH: MfrW^&*]Vj't£^1-i£A7, .

9 Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

%± m-. mm &n>t **§*

O TSfrlO.fc

i2^f±te r.—#0

O PlrMte 1M14 7-«Lt.

© A.

m -« &jr mm ms ©A:

B:i£l—A;l, &&•*;, & m3L9£1RU}-M0

© A: 4^^-T^^'c‘ii —'NJ'Bt,

B^^M i'J it*» T , flMHfc o

©A: .

b:*.**, iiit£ T4*$x#«4fc.


Page 60: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

felts 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

r« ■■ [Hj^is] Words with the Same Character



(2) *$**■«, &&#!>£


• » - » Drills

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

ifrfe fife

0 Tint##


OH Pair Work


Learn about each other’s attitudes towards jobs and careers, and complete the questionnaire


□ 1

|SJ C3

&*«*** J-4?

2 &&6 (+*JM§4.-Mf. 5, 641)

1 3

1 4 4-iC^ 'A & £-£?

1 5 1 6


Page 61: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

9 '\' £1 Group Work

*8—T<fc£££tifc0 () Suppose you’ve just got a new job, which is barely related to what you’ve majored in.

Tell your group members what you are going to do. (Use at least four of the following




c. —


e. $

f. XXfXAm

g. .? Jk.-fco-jJ(

h. -f


:}§ AIA& AlWjjl Better to Teach Fishing than to Give Fish

4ig^^r|jgni| “^AkX:SiX£Pif AIXiil (shou ren yi yu buru shou ren yT yu ) ” , St®

jiBw, “m (#m) ” insagdcssr&ifc, iks^im

There is a Chinese saying that goes, “It’s better to teach a man fishing than to give him fish”,

meaning that teaching people how to obtain knowledage or wealth is more useful than imparting

to them the existent knowledge or wealth, etc. The truth behind it is quite simple. In the saying,

“fish” is the aim, and “fishing” is the method. One who wants to always have fish needs to learn the

method of fishing. The same is true at work. If someone meets a problem, the best way to help is not

to finish the task for him, but to teach him how to solve the problem and overcome the difficulty.


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ZhT mai dui de, bu mdi gui de

JR ^ ^ ^ Hi Buy the right, not the expensive

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.

putoo jiu

o «% m xidnjTn


d6 zhe

© Jr4fr xinyongko



© gudnggao

0 t4-_

What do you often shop online? How is the stuff you’ve bought online?

USm zhiliang jidge ffffr pingjid


P /flop □ m □ ±%T □ □

» □ imvi □ "oil □ □ j.

□ ***? □ □ □

$ □ im □ □ □


Page 63: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


if 3t Texts


fttSS: *Ma, &*f! £®

'T°5|? 1. ft* jiaju

i »: «,

UStS: 2.a?s

n. furniture

shafa n. sofa

4r*r, H>fBHfc±7—-f*. 3. fT5r da zhe

i II: tfb&i£Tk<, «A.^**sg4tf:t v. to give a discount

'3Ltft&, 4. ffMft jidg6

m&M: &*■«, 4S*-fr£* “-Jr#” , 5. M*

n. price


n. quality

&P *H* &TvXi£#, £T« 6. kendlng

4"—To adv. surely, certainly

i H: it^3£.4Ltfjjir JL-irZ'tyk , *£-%rit


7.«ff liuxing v. to be popular


ill: »£)£^*MaJaST, Mi*HT

ifr, —

$it: 7 . &i£, it

£.££,&;& 7 JL-f- ? To

iH: ii££? ttT^,uej*7<’e.?

^itt: &4ih ,&]££>:>-£*£&7


ill: <*4.^ £<^Ma£££i0 T , 4*]

***■*,**# 7 , &]<>&„


fr-Kt ifH^o

j £iiH

8. WM shunbian adv. in passing

9. it tai

m. used for machines

10. 3t guang adv. only, merely

11. shizai adv. really

12. M# zh'ileng v. to refrigerate

13.** xidogud n. effect

i4. m± xianjTn n. cash





- su


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HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

Km ifr jg?L%i 05-3

mm-. &

^ #l#3 *j ;S°£-o



{3tr4-_ti£^#£4f, »r«*fe


15. j&tf yaoqing

v. to invite

16. ff« putao n. grape

17. 2* yishu n. art

is. r& guanggao n. advertisement

19. ftil weidao n. taste

20. youdian n. merit

21. shfjl n. reality

i»: tfc

Jjf m i® jJC Texts in Plnrin

1. Wdng Jlng zdi jiajudian mdi shdfa

shbuhuoyudn: Xidojie, nfn hdo! Nin xidng mdi shenme jiaju? Xuydo wd wei ra'n jieshao yixid


Wdng J'ing: Xidxie, wo xidng mdi shafd.

shouhubyuan: Nin kdn zhege shafd zdnmeydng? Xidnzai zhengzai dd zhe. bi pingshi pidnyile

yiqian kudi.

Wdng Jing: Jiage hdi keyi, jiushi bu zhiddo zhilidng you meiyou bdozheng.

shduhuoyuan: Nin fang xln, zhilidng kdnding bu "dd zhd”, zhd zhdng shafd shi jlnnidn zui

liuxing de. Ydu hdn dud zhdng ydnsd kdyi xudnzd. nin kdyT kdn yixid.

Wdng Jing: Zhege Idnse de kan shangqu biicuo, jiu ydo zhege ba.

2. Wdng Jing hd Li Jin zdi shdngchdng mdi dongxi

Wdng Jing: Zdn jib de bingxiang tdi jiu le. shdngchdng zhenghdo dd zhd, wdmen shiinbidn

yd mdi yi tdi ba.

Li Jin: Jintidn mdi de dongxi tdi dud le. Zaishuo, zhdge yud jid li yijing huale wijqian

dud le.

Wdng Jing: Zheme dud? Ni bu hui shi jicuo le ba?

Li Jin: Mdi cud. Shdng ge xingqi guang mdi shafd jiu huale liangqidn dud.

Wdng Jing: Ddnshi zdn jid de bingxiang shizdi tdi jiu le. zhildng xiaogud yd bu tdi hdo le,

haishi mdi ge xin de ba.

Li Jin: Na hdo ba, wd ddi de xidnjin bu gou, yong ni de xinyongkd ba.


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Notes "frffi" , **-S. SWIS]@ («]iih “Rf/tT’ can be used as an adverb to indicate “certainly” and “without doubt”. For


**-fr£* “4r4)t” .

wtm0 mu-. “ff/E” can also be used as an adjective, meaning “certain” or “definite”. For example:

mn-. The adjective “tt/2” also means “affirmative” or “positive”. For example:

• *$ — Practise

Complete the dialogues.

(1) A:WSU^ll?

B: T*&*.5tA, _(t£)

(2) A: ;L, T^T, 'tin#Ji&J'JT.

B:if!*.at _. (*£)

(3) As*p4Nl4T'M tefLAW

B:&fl«, o (*£)

3. LI Jin he Wang Jing zdi chdoshi mai llwu

LT Jin: LI laoshT ydoqlng zanmen qu ta jid zuo ke, gdi td dai didnr shenme llwu hdo ne?

Wang Jing: Td hdn xlhuan putaojiu, wdmen jiu gdi ta mdi lidng ping putaojiu ba.

LI Jin: Keshi zheli you zheme duo zhong, nl zhlddo na zhong hdo ma?

Wang Jing: W6 judde zhe zhong bucuo, nl kdn td jiuplng zuo de dou zheme yishu.

Erqid didnshi shang jlngchdng ydu td de gudnggdo, wd xidng weidao ylnggai


LI Jin: Gudnggdo zhl hui jieshdo youdian, que bu hui shuo td de quedidn. Shijishang,

hdn dud dongxi bing bu xidng gudnggdo shang shuo de name hdo, sudyl bu

ndng wdnqudn xiangxin gudnggdo.

Wang Jing: Nl shuo de yd dui.





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HSK mimm 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

mm, t ffiii-tit) «ip:

“W&” can be used as a verb to indicate to put something off until later. For example:

(i)JSL£*&*\ ftTJfi.it; v'XJaftit'

( 2 ) A: -t- £ T %?

-mr , wan

“ft-ft” can also be used as a conjunction to explain a further situation in addition to

what has been said. For example:

(3 4iiL, £.£6i.££?£Ti-f-£ T „

(4) A^j^U/L/l,^?

B: 5*Ji/V.i 4 it, &s£-£-/l*., •>'&£).

• »-* Practise

^hX^^ilSc^'fhf Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(1) iit, &«*]■*■ r . (ifiA)


B:^T>^T, . (if ft)

( 3 ) A:

B:4,*&***, . (lift)


, wxm&m, ^jin: can be used as a noun to indicate a thing or situation that objectively exists.

For example:

(1) if: in ft if *■] B- M * % f*.

“«”, mu-. “"sCRT” can also be used as an adjective to mean “actual” or "specific”. For example:

(2) As9fitilsJc^—ii#ft

X-*'k§> lh 6$# *4?

B: JiiktjK'k-, ^4otR.


Page 67: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


“«±” , c ^J5P:

The adverb “3tSF_h (in fact)” indicates the actual situation, often implying an

adversative meaning. For example:


****.£«**.&. «.****


%-% Practise

Complete the dialogues/sentences.

(1) tefll


(2) “*,*,**"



1^1 § 0 ^§T°] IS Answer the questions based on the texts.

i%£\: O *ySL«MrtM*J*±&W>



«3: 0 i#*»*iiMrJM4-#*!* “it





3-H • 3



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HSK im«m 4 (±>

Standard Course 4 (A)

EM Texts

Si. 05-4_

£ ,

“****«$, *

*•*■«$* „ *—, ij

* —, *Jlt ****-*■#,

ktfjS^S- *.k£4r4fr *JH,


Ttf, C., Spft.

it if

22. #fg kaolti

v. to consider

23. #Jt biaozhun

n. standard

24. ydngzi

n. look, appearance

25. ip& nidnlmg

n. age

26. $$ langfei

v. to waste

T, -* feA**4-xfe4fl _LJ5 6 <$„ &n XJL-f-ff£^TkX£i'J,

£*JWL *&,

i£TkX££*. £-H/i0 Pl_t$^

*&#£*j/din^4-£, «ai*t If A, PI Jl<^ -Si

JL«i-£i*A£ft±t itA?i?iAtn

lb £«$£•*•£ il. **, AtflTtf

I] C.4-*^*

it if

27. mw gou wu

to shop, to buy things

28. X% youqi

adv. especially

29. £M shoudcio

v. to receive

30. ftfa renh£

pron. any, whatever

31. 3f jl

v. to mail, to send


Page 69: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


\)\ h i!K X I cvh iii Pinrin


Mdi y7fu zhi kdolii jiagd dangrdn bu h6o, danshl zhl kdolii mdi hdokdn de ye bu

yiding dul. W6 mdi yTfu de biaozhun shi “zhi mdi dul de, bu mdi gui de". D'i yl, zijl

chudnzhe shufu; di er, yTfu de zhiliang yao hdo, erqle you bu neng tdi gu'i. Du'i wo lai

shuo, yTfu de ydngzi liuxing bu liuxing b'ing bu shl hen zhongyao. Hen duo nidnling da

de rdn xihuan zdi dd zhd de shihou mdi pianyi de yTfu, dbn dui ndxie yTfu shi bu shi

shihe zTjT que kdolii de bu dud. Zhe didn shi wd ITjid bu lido de. yTnwdi ruguo bu shihe

zijT, jishT hud qidn hen shoo, ye shi yi zhong langfei.


Xidnzai wdng shang gou wu bidn de yue lai yue liuxing le. nidnqlng ren youqi

xihuan zdi wdng shang mdi dongxi. Zdi wdng shang jThu shenme dou kdyi mdiddo, ni

kdyi shang wdng mdi shu. mdi yTfu. mdi bao, hdi keyi mdi jidju. mdi shouji. Wdng shang

gou wu nenggou shoudao renmen de xi’di, yuanyin zhuydo you lidng ge: Shduxidn,

wdng shang de dongxi hdn dud, erqid bi qii shangdidn mdi pianyi, zhe shi xTyin renmen

gdumdi de zhuydo yuanyTn. Oici, renmen keyi zdi renhd shijian shang wdng goumdi

ziji xihuan de dongxi, mdi jia keyi bd ni mdi de dongxi jidao ni bangongshi huozhe jidli,

feichdng fdngbidn.

n .

^°tes “*t.mr , mu-. “Xt.indicates the angle from which a matter is seen. For example:

(2) # —is.

M„ isA, Z


• $-** Practise

TcfjSt'nJ"? Complete the sentences.

(DftBier#_. (*s.*%)

(2) _o (*f.£&)

(3) e.i£4M-fe, *

_o (xt.*%)




- S



Page 70: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

4 (±)

I PJ HStandard Course 4 (A)

EM ±tt

“xnn , mm, m uxn” mjj=

The adverb “jtj)'” indicates a further degree. The first clause often states the whole

situation and the second clause uses to introduce the most outstanding aspect of the

whole. For example:

(1) **Jl*T*.

(3)* Tit*., J-fcJMMfc-i,

• ^ — & Practise

TChSt^)"? Complete the sentences.

(1 )&#*•] 4-afcifesfr, _. (A#) (2) o (AX)

(3) **&£*}*, o (AX)

tt-tt Compare

ffi, ★ Similarity: Both can be used as adverbs, indicating a very salient aspect in the whole or in

comparison with others. They are usually used in the latter part of a sentence.

/F/fflp (B^iduofen, Beethoven)^

&4r&H. To

: Differences:

“X%" OTira “M" , moron; - Atim “S" o

In case ★, “AS” can be followed by “JS”. “Jk” can also be omitted.

is usually followed by “J^”.



Page 71: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


2. “mr ttl'JW, “tt*k «” KlftJB; “XM” M


When is used as an adverb, it may also mean “especially” or “very”,

while cannot.

****** I—******, itA#U«J

3. -mr m. »tsi “xnn

“^fS}!|” can be used as an adjective, indicating “different from the rest” or “not

common”, while " Jcl£” cannot.

*»* M f+ £ #*>j£r4LjtWbzr, ittfrM&i$..

• M-B Drills

jvktKjifT'V? Tick or cross


(l j _ XAUk >/ </

iULTflUiWl. X v


U)*4JUiT*r**M**4fc, 3pT —fcfc-?-, *_fc.i #*, 3L&3L&, WtT-H.

(5>JR»MikA^MA«tA4i4Ul2rT, J»Mt4S,3S T/l* ■ft, -*feA0

ffc) § 0 qq11 °] IS Answer the questions based on the texts.

&u&" fz?

w%5: ©£rj---srvx%’ty£fc&?

© Aflj *) ft- £ 4-3k& R _t # 46?


Page 72: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

4 (±) T* J il Standard Course 4 (A)

E^| Retell the dialogues.

ExerCiSeS mxi: HlffiMfiH: **4-i-**J*T. .




Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

m itm ttfpi


©«£4: ^75%4:a^ 4fl/'-£-*$

*, 4'£ift0*i**Mfe*4. Q&ik& 7—'NO-, *Jgi£****4H!|S$*3l7. 4.1ft9

4*$, **i£4T £#*4

IftflE rriff rfLft £ St*

© A: ii & ^ jg-f-ft £ 4 4£4f * ¥} .


©A:/J'i, 5L^ia#X? £ft£fc#7?

B:*££jMl4*4, 4f2iS)/£#£_, ft*,



Page 73: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong



B-.&4LX1L7frit, ft fcji «***&, ^, £j64flfc*£.

©A: 4-**.']'-£#£? 4MTfl-£ A#*1*?

B:*Mft$r£7, fc_hifr:*B#ffl4-5fc.£«,ittL, _

_rfpioT, 4Un4*#r*$.

B: ?Jrj!L4fell&*— *DLtf, 3L£it>Mii&Jc.fl^0

rM ■■ [h] Words with the Same Character

Expansion ;f: >t$j\ >t&. £fOt

(1) A: afl^-f£4 n SL, JJ>Ji&*!fr!

B^t-iioe., &—jfcjfcutiij.

(2) fl#*.*£**>*:

“4-iff *. £—4*f &*—>HF iff A o if ift &*.TS-M T ! ^I'SUTIII^U, M4-1LT 0 ”

(3) ^TAiCi<7

■ft i >J ,£- j£ frf| £ 'ft ,c XL 4 is „

• M-» Drills

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

m «#

+»*.at*r t it a , t ^ .

QtiL&t't- ii*», -t— fl -ta Ji-t'V&

f: £_

©4-&44, *t38T*|iM.#J.n. e&_tn*4fc*4#.

2, _.




* B



Page 74: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 c±) Standard Course 4 (A)

feffl EH Pair Work

Application KWMo

Learn about each other’s situations regarding shopping and complete the questionnaire


|B) »

1 1 2

1 3 4 J-£-?


6 Lf+^?

Group Work

Shopping is an indispensable part of our lives. It can be a happy experience, yet unpleasant

things may happen now and then. Describe an unforgettable shopping experience of yours

to your group members. (Use at least four of the following structures.)

a. jLtfhifr



d. (fiJJL'kKty


g. ****$,



Page 75: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong



tf® AttWtt>Jtfl Shopping Habits of Chinese

8ft, mitm±.mmM*®mftTa &z, ajnmwtiiT& ®*®±njo

Shopping is an everyday occurrence in our lives. Nowadays, many shopping malls are multifunctional

places for shopping, leisure, entertainment and dining, etc., which can meet the needs of every member of

a family. Shopping has become a part of people's family life. Prices can be bargained in some small shops.

With a few bargaining skills, you will buy what you want at lower prices. Besides, online shopping is getting

more popular each day. In a word, the methods of shopping are becoming more diverse.


• sa>



Page 76: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Yi fen qian yl fen huo

The higher the price, the better the quality

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.

kuzi guozhl



O ## wdzi






Where do you often buy clothes? Do you have any good shopping experiences to share?

M±tfe,£ gouwu didian

mm tfrtt fffft pingjia

□ mu □ □

□ □ a" M □

m 1

□ □ □

w± □ mm □ □


Page 77: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


^ Q6-i

Texts 9tfciS: Bt ^Vt-t4K&lfr4T 4L-&-J:&/v

#14: Bt



#»: — atn,

£?#, 4fe£ T -—&#-T, -##


&&: i) e,3fcl?^, iSjJL



#»: *.1*! Sj£vX£, ;&*£J&,


1. wt-


3. «E^

4 .JTtt



n. fruit juice


n. salesperson


n. socks


v. to disturb, to bother


adv. indicating unexpectedness

2 ^S., 06 2

i »: &&#?

UStM: -t#:**—/f, jfctjfc.tf,

3E fl»: .t-fciifctfIT!



i »: if, «££/l^##0

USS: *ftf, ,


6. HiEW xlhongshi

n. tomato

7. W4fc£ bai fen zhT


8.ffif bei

m. times, -fold

9.&K pifu

n. skin

10. *J*t htiochu

n. benefit,


11.# chang

v. to taste


Page 78: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 1A1

3 3L 06-3_

2., $ it: AJLtf.

$ at: A**.**.


frZifrA999 0 45 ^h, —

-r&f ^-a. $ it:

12. e qing adj. light, of little


13. ^rffi fangmian

n. aspect

i4. zhide

v. to be worth

15. t£$l] huodong

n. activity, event

16. rt nei

n. in, within

17.*# mian fei

v. to be free of charge

is. xiuli

v. to repair, to mend

flt&iSi Text* in rinrln

1. Zhang Yuan he Li Jin lido Li Jin zu6 wdn de gduwu jTngli

Zhang Yuan: Zuotian wdnshang wo gei ni dd dianhud yizhi mei ren jie, ni mdng shenme ne?

Li Jin: Zudtian qizi rang w6 pei td qu chaoshi mdi guozhi. W6 ba shduji wdng zdi jia

li le.

Zhang Yuan: Mai zheme didnr dongxi yd yong bu lido ndme chang shijian a!

LI Jin: Women xidn qu gudngle huir shdngchang. Yi jin men, shouhuoyudn jiu reqing

de wei wdmen jidshdo zhe. jieshdo na, ta mdile yi tido kuzi. yi jidn chenshan.

lidng shudng wdzi, rdnhou wdmen jiu gaogaoxingxing de hui jid le.

Zhang Yuan: Mdi dongxi shi wo zhi kdn ziji xidng mdi de, erqie xihuan ziji kdn. ziji xuan, bu

xiwdng bei bierdn ddrdo.

Li Jin: Shi a! Hui jid yihou, wo cdi faxidn, jingrdn wangle qu shdngchang de chaoshi

mdi gudzhi!

2. Wdng Jing zdi shdngdidn mdi xihdngshi

Wdng Jing: Xihdngshi xinxian ma? Zenme mdi?

shouhuoyudn: Oi kudi qidn yi jin, nin fang xin, bdozhdng bdi fen zhi bdi xinxian.

Wdng Jing: Zdnme zhdme gui a! Wd jide zudtian cdi san kudi wu yi jin, jintian de jiagd

shi zuotian de lidng bei.

shouhudyuan: Nin wdn de zhe zhdng shi “liisd" de. Yi fen qidn yi fen hud. Mdi tian chi yi

lidng ge zhd zhdng xinxian de xihdngshi, dui pifu ydu hdochu.

Wdng Jing: Hdo, nd wd xidn mdi ji ge chdngchang.

shouhuoyudn: Hdo de. gei nin xihdngshi, yigong lidng jin, shisi kudi.


Page 79: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


Notes , gijisi, ^km^jij, *wt4o ^j^n: The adverb “IS#*” is used before a verb or an adjective to indicate unexpectedness or

surprise. For example:

(1) ii'Hfc##]*f°Jf, M&ft-’.'rii?

(3 itft

• Practise

^fi£'nJ'?1ilS^\f'TS‘ Complete the sentences/dialogues.

( 1 ) J^*$ri£fajb7£-i£JL-f-3u£-Kl3] ,

_. im) (2) (ttt)

(3) ? (£&)

nfg “fg” , Mis), ^ffi-WS^isIo 0>J$P: The measure word “fn” indicates the quotient of one number divided by another. It is

an unbound measure word, usually not followed by any noun. For example:


(2) i If 50003*:,


3. Li Jin zdi shdngchang mai xinglixidng

shduhudyuan: Xiansheng, wdmen dian de xinglixiang dou zdi zheli, qingwen nin ydo shdnme

yang de?

LI Jin: W6 xiang mai yi ge qing yididnr de.

shduhudyuan: Nin kdnkan zhege, bugudn c6ng jiage fangmidn kdn, hdishi cdng zhllidng

shang kdn, dou shi zhide kdolu de.

Li Jin: Zhllidng shi bucuo. Qingwen zhege duoshao qidn?

shduhuoyudn: Xidnzdi wdmen shdngchang zhenghdo you dd zhe huddong. dawdn zhe shi

jiubbi jiushf jiu. Lingwdi, yi nibn nbi wdmen dou fuzd midn fdi xiulT.

LI Jin: NImen de fuwu bucud, jiage yd kdyi, jiu mdi zhdge ba.



Page 80: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

• & — & Practise

Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(1) 200,1:_(ft)

(2 *>*$1*4*


( 3 ) A: 4-4-*1 £■ 5j tf) Ht A& 'A #?


“ft*#” , 5fcif, ftldP:

The verb “ft#” indicates that something is worth doing and will bring good results.

For example:

(1) ftjt*ii>K *Ji*,

(2) ft&ftatitll — A)l‘hlF£-X, *ft#o

(3) &*.«.* ***]—■<£*.#]&7,

• s-s Practise

_^uJ5ScvwJ^Fs5c^*fiS- Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(Diift^un_. (ft#)

B:_. (ft#)

( 3 ) A: ft $ ?£•#—.? ■£?

B:4., *i±_. (ft#)

tt ~ tt Compare ft#—ft

Similarity: Both can mean it’s meaningful to do something or something is worth doing.


Page 81: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


'F [5] : Differences:

“ft#” As&W, ffff

“fi” MBWM, In case ★, “{fit#” is a verb that can be followed by another verb or a clause,

while “{it” is an adjective which is usually not follwed by any other element.

— £)l4LT>i&, Ms^Fiwio “ft#”

m “<r Both can be used as verbs, yet with different meanings, “fit?#” means the price is

fair, followed by a verb or verb phrase, while “fit” means the commodity is worth

the price, followed by an amount of money.


i£ /f'~-f" i&- i- -f" o

• « — Itt Drills

Tick or cross

mm (i) ft T ***■**&£*&*»«$ *3,

lit it_ •v/ v/

(2) — 4h v' X


(4) it^l^

(5) — _Jfc#f+J!M*.

1^1 §0^l'DH Answer the questions based on the texts.

i%3:2: © Jf? 4^*?

© jMffefc#?

WX3-. ©

© J& JR £ #?


i i $«:

Page 82: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK mm&m 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

EM S nf^



if*," )&*fo, MmoOzLid—

t&4^, S*200*,i£—**3*d

—£ + , -J'

ilL7.5*f, *&,B8*r,

6*To :fe*##^500>L*r

s-f, # J& jft ^5 T -fr 8 4Jr o -4" Ait

4. 0 tiWJL*’0rttf*bJUUU£TyU


£isl 19. zhTchi

v. to support

20. j faring v. to hold (a meeting,

event, etc.)

21.## man

v. to reach a quota

or limit

22. qfzhong

n. among (which, them,


23. /Jtj£ xiaoshuo n. novel, fiction

24. t-fqt huiyuankd

n. membership card

25. m suoyou

adj. all

26. $*# huode

v. to get, to obtain


AtfrTifc “ ——0“*T ,

# »±4*titte-tfo k V]

**, “ftiat#ir, *f

em? , £#5*i54L#>tfcif. ££ tf. Matte,

41 *#.if ^ #■] *», MAT,

*r, 4*4Mf, i£4&.te±, ft#.*

— j'JUa, M


&, i* ^atteM^M^i'J 5U£



27. f*8d qingkudng n. situation, circumstances

28. min liru

v. for example

29. mfr juban v. to hold, to conduct

30.# ge pron. various, different

3i. jiangdl v. to lower, to reduce


Page 83: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


{if h i!R >C Texts in Fin?in

4 Guke pengyoumen, weile ganxid ddjid de zhTchf, wdmen shudidn jTntian juxfng "Gou

shu song hdo IT” hudddng, g6u shu man yibdi yuan song yf ge bijibdn, m6n erbai yuan

song yi ben cfdidn. Lingwai, yixie tushu hdi you da zhe hudddng, qfzhong, xiaoshuo qiwu

zhe, ditu ba zhd, liuxue kdoshi yongshu liu zhe. Rugud gou shu man wubdi yuan ke midn

fei ban huiyudnkd, yThou gou shu ke da bd zhd. JTntian guo shengri de pengyou he su6y6u

de xidopengyou hdi keyi huode yf fdn xido IIwu. Hudnyfng ddjid xudngou!

5 Renmen chdng shuo "yi fen qidn yi fen hud”, y'isi shi dongxi de zhilidng hd jidgd ydu

hdn da de guanxi, ye keyT shuo “pidnyi mei hdo hud, hdo hud bu pidnyi”, ylbdn qfngkuang

xia, nT hud de qidn yue dud. mai de dongxi yd jiu yud hdo. Qfshf yd bu yfding dou shi

zheydng de. Ydu de shihou, zhilidng hen hdo de dongxi yd hui hen pidnyi. Liru, chuntidn

Idi le, dongtidn de ylfu jiu hui dd zhe, zhilidng hen hdo, hdi hen pidnyi, hud hdn shoo de

qidn jiu keyT mdiddo. Yf ddo jieri, shdngchang yd hui juban ge zhong ge yang de hudddng,

jidngdT jidge, zhege shfhou wdmen yd kdyT mdiddo ydu pidnyi ydu hdo de dongxi.

Notes “3S+" , Mm SPSME” MIS, j6|[|, 4fc0ro #l$n:

The noun means “within that” or “among those”, indicating a scope or

location. For example:


(3) * + , >]'-SL7.54fr,


Complete the sentences.

o (* + )

(2) MflL? , _o (*+)

(3) £ , . (*+)


| |

Page 84: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK mm&m4 c±> Standard Course 4 (A)

n ($).t

“ (ft).T” ^7K

19«0 0M»:

The ellipsis part in the structure “(ft).T” is usually a disyllabic noun or verb with

a modifier before it, indicating a condition or situation. For example:

(1) —

(2) T,


• & — & Practise

5cJ®/[JJ“Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(1) **■*»]***,_(ft.T)

(2) A: 4k^ T T o


(3) T4»iR,


fll46Hls3t$l^[2]?3:f°]Ii Answer the questions based on the texts.

$£4: O V/A^Xti+Zteitj? Ht'frtS — To

G&Ztfet f

ifcfc5: • 4H*—4HT"

O —4LA- A «t VLH Mb 4tWl

m*} ™ Retell the dialogues.

Exercises ifcfcl:

■* JL#Lh^it£te*4-*1rJ5 ZLfto

mx2: T .




Page 85: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

EH Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

nut n#z

o«&., #W-AIW _fc.


© id'-iaAM^-^o -&AktM<J0] ±&Js , _it:

ie^tAJilio ” O , t_re-

OitfMLXizflUfQ, Jfl‘c£&J&*t_flrtf-IHHS- K-g-fayKIt—&o

H rt ^ j« #

©A: if: T '’•01? &**##«*&&#?

B: \m *t, it & *1 ft *.-f-4t. it) T £ „



© A: ii^aus_£«*.*, JMK&4fcft$>HL_—A;l.


B: T ^ =- E]_.

B^jnegsTi-fAt^ r,

ria fnj^iql Words with the Same Character

Expansion g: g<fcs ft*. ft£. ftffe. £ft

( 1 ) A: si-•$.■$. ft ^ ft & -K‘i&-ftiiftXft'’-3|?

(2) *****, is.



i $$1

Page 86: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK mm4(±) Standard Course 4 (A)

(3) — *t&*:;fr#JA,t-££v£, 33 —

gdJijA*. -S-Atf-S-A^jiv*, ^W&JM'JA.

<4)A:ttL*tfx#, *&*&*■*-*-, #4Mrrc*3t?

B:XtT>4§, AoSLit^tc^—-PMP, «&*.*A*teA*£0

(5) ifctftt.fi-£* ft, *$ *.**.&#. -*»*.35r&at

T, $l&M4Mftfifc*.; -fcaissr**!, -tLm

• K - fft Drills

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

»+ m xn


O IT*., , i£

@8«J'Btt*|, -£#1620^-tA*2i±ii**£-?-, l/36tA?UMi<Kl

«£■?-, dc£&i£^«E?$, *#M*Ai&*.

EH 2XA>SsJ] Pair Work

Application SffiTi»3^rWI»«U^ffi, 5£$M3to Learn about each other’s shopping habits and complete the questionnaire below.

] 1 5 ! □ l i^^rbX^? 1

2 I #-$-**. & HF Jl

3 !&#4rti 6ia-^-M7^?

4 M'ii "-friX-frir *2)'!

5 : i!f4-tk "^^il4HL"

6 /II:, ^£-£41? 333+4.?


Page 87: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

EH Group Work

mw^Tmmto) Tell your group members about your own shopping habits or the shopping habits of your

friend's. (Use at least four of the following structures.)

a. HIT

b. /Ul-ttL





g. fcft'fr&m-f h. -frVi-frlt


£lc&i££o Green Food

Mfr1990<b_lti?;I'y]± ffi ffjo 'S-ftiTOM 7r ±rff Kffi&iffio *SfclUVi<j

{I«&#nnu)ttJ^W#£t, MBMtsE* Wit ^o

Green food refers to the food which has been produced through a process free of any pollution and is

safe to eat. The first batch of green food was put into market during the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing. It

immediately earned popularity among the citizens. Though the prices of green food are generally higher than

those of ordinary food, green food is good for our health and has great significance to the protection of the




Page 88: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Zui hao de yTsheng sh'i

M E ^ te:

The best doctor is yourself


Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.

liu xie

O V&jk-


0 jian fei

9 A fit

chou yon

©& tel





vm Talk about the sports you do.

§&W|b] S W rnud'i &JH

S&& □ ^3-4& □ □ □

M □

I'TyW □ $S7 □

fTflS# □

m%M □ /LW ikiPMM □


Page 89: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


i%Z. Texts



/J'$: <fs6$-#-^£ £&-&!? '!*£)&.

/J'#: tttf


'J'£: #*.81 ^a***#*^,

&f To

'J'#: &&&f ^A#S'j£0 #-£*

E J. 7 ”4?

7J'$: at#, £**.•**, #jjl*

4, T^i, ^JuLsMt#


/J'tt: #jjij£*

&f„ &«■«—£-**&**

m, # >h

/jNM^a/jNimiP/jNM#a'Jta^]yt^ ^ 07-2

ME: &•**#.& JL 7 '•%? Si,t-£

vLtf? /J'M: flLit4t«J6*v*lf-

-t* rtp T o

ME: ;M»te]*t:$"fc—.&Jlif &&&.#.

/J'M: ;&•&-*» i&,

ME: *#*#.**.13*1,


ME: 4

•i*, «■«£#£&•« T.

/j'*: c&wk, i£^sj


* i. etjii liu xie

v. to bleed

2.#? ca

v. to wipe

3 .HM qihdu

n. climate

4. tttt- guji v. to estimate,

to reckon

5. i£* kesou

v. to cough

6. ;WS yanzhong

adj. serious, grave

7. chuanghu

n. window

8. kongqi

n. air

9.«« chou yan

to smoke

10. zbft dongzuo

n. action, movement

11. » shuai

adj. handsome

i2. mm chuxian

v. to appear, to


i3. mm houhul

v. to regret

14. Idibujf

v. to have not enough time to, to be too

late to

15. s*t fandui

v. to oppose, to object to








Page 90: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK U'feWM 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)


/Jv£: AJUtlMfr&jfcJfe. tMAa

/M*: 0&-8fr

tfllc *4fA#i£— 'J'«

/J'$: ££•&&&-&, 4fci£4-ifr£*£

/h#: fc Bf fa] *f # t JB^(SlXt8R.lffr^

if, JM*.4L^*#JJIt. *f&£

J3L, iL#^jtiit6*h

at, /h$: 4^!

A-*->A*, tT atl*) ;£ vir *h „

/J'#: if, -*4n + ttJ6 *■*■»&



16. JzJk daifu n. doctor

i7. mv>j zhi'wu n. plant

is. yanjiu v. to study, to do


i9. sa chaoguo v. to exceed, to


2o. mp san bu v. to take a walk

Dfui!ft>C Texts Inrinyln

1. Xido LT he Xido Lin lido tidnqi he shentT qingkuang

Xiao LT: NT de bi'zi zdnme liu xie le? Kuai yong zhT caca.

Xiao LTn: Wo hdi bu xiguan bdifang de qihou, guji shT tidnqi tdi gdn. JTntian tidnqi bu shi hdn

Idng, nT zdnme chuan zheme duo?

Xido LT: Jiu shi yinwei zuotian chuan de tdi shdo, wo dou gdnmdo le.

Xiao Lin: Zuijin gdnmdo de ren tebie dud. NT qu kan yisheng le ma?

Xido LT: Meiyou, wo zhi shi kesou. youdidnr tou teng, bu yanzhong, dud he didnr shuT jiu

hdo le.

Xido LTn: Chuntian tidnqi shi Idng shi rd, tebie rongyi gdnmdo. Zhe shihou yiding ydo dud

zhuyi bdo nudn, lingwdi, zuihdo jingchang ddkdi chudnghu hudnhuan kongql.

2. Xido Xid he Xidoyu lido Xidoyu chou ydn de shiqing

Xido Xia: NT kesou hdo didnr le ma? Yisheng zdnme shuo de?

Xidoyu: Hdi shi Ido ydngzi, ta rang wd yThou bu ydo zdi chou ydn le.

Xido Xid: Chou ydn dui shentT yididnr hdochu ye meiyou.

Xidoyu: Wd yd zhTddo, keshi wd juede chou ydn zhege dongzuo kan shangqu hen shudi.

Xido Xid: Ddng ni shentT chuxian wenti le, houhuT jiu Idibuji le.

Xidoyu: Qishi jiaren yd yizhi fdndui wd chou ydn, wd ziji que judde mdi shenme. Ddn zuijin

zdngshi kdsou, sudyT wd yduxie ddn xin le.


Page 91: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


an m tti+

Notes “fait” , Min-. The verb “ffiit” means to draw a rough inference from certain conditions. For example:

(1) 'fftii (2) {WittiFIf'l'I'i?

(3) >M'8t, tej+feT^rrAt&M']_t#0

• &-** Practise

Complete the sentences.

(1) _, (fci+)

(2) _o (#i+)


tt ~ tt Compare ftif—pf ft

ffl|s].&: M#tP"I ig* JBJgSgtff «, ★ Similarity: Both indicate rough inferences drawn from certain conditions.

/fN[[i]/‘j ; Differences:

“fti+” nrWMflW!®,


In case ★, “ft if” is a verb which can be used directly as the predicate, followed

by a verb or a clause, while “of fig" is a modal verb used only as a modifier before

the predicate verb.

Xido Xid: Chou yon bujin dui ziji mei haochu, hai hui yingxidng zhouwei ren de shenti

jidnkdng. Weile nl he nl de jidren, bie zdi chou le.

3. Xido Li he Xido Lin lido didnndo dui shenti de yingxidng

Xido Li: W6 zuijin ydnjing zdngshi tido, ddifu shuo shi yinwdi wd chang shijidn kdn didnndo,

ydnjing tai lei.

Xido Lin: Chang shijidn zud zdi didnndo qidnmian gongzuo, ydnjing hen rongyi lei. Zuihdo

shi mei guo yi xidoshi jiu xiuxi xiuxi, rdnhou zdi kaishi gongzud.

Xido Li: Yisheng ye zheme shuo, td hdi gdosu wd ydo dud xidng yuan chu kdnkan, yduqi

shi dud kdnkan I use de zhiwu.

Xido Lin: Chang shijidn duizhe didnndo bujin dui ydnjing bu hdo, shenti ye hui bu shufu.

Ydnjiu faxidn, ruguo ren yi tidn jing zud chdoguo liu xidoshi, jiu hui yingxidng

shenti jidnkdng.

Xido Li: Shi a! Xidng zdnmen zhdxie jiu zud bangongshi de rdn ydo zhuyi, ydu shijidn

yinggai dud zhdn qilai huodong huodong.

Xido Lin: Hdo. zdnmen wufan hou jiu qu fujin de gongyudn sansan bu ba.


Page 92: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

2. “Plfg” “ttit” S

“m[[}|” can be used as an adjective to indicate the possibility of something to be

realized or to come true, while “'fftij ” cannot be used this way.

3. “W Htjnr^in “ffi” ftjft “ffiRTIB" , mx “fait”

“bTfjE” can be used after “?B”, forming (most likely), which can

be used either before or after the subject to strengthen the affirmation of the

estimation; “,ft it” cannot be used this way.

• » - « Drills

Tick or cross

ttit am

(1) *p>MS.«rt,-*«l7 A#a<J2 , *4P4MfeN-fiI, JL-t_0

•»/ v'

(2) i£*r—4$,_

#7. %/ X

(3) _#.&7, iit«'J4r^^70

(4) «****,

(5) fit*.

jaffi^^JlSlo :

The verb indicates something cannot be done because time is short. It can

either be used independently or be followed by verbs. For example:

(2) 7,


Page 93: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


(3) ft *J*^TTf ^AJL<S'■%? T .

• #-* Practise

Complete the sentences.

(1) If 08.H*Nte, _. (**A)

(2) _(**X)

o) , (**x)

BH Reduplication of Separable Words


tfcln “tfctic^” , “flffflHi:” , “BiBSiT , “»»»” 0J*n:

The reduplication of a separable word may indicate a short time, an attempt or

randomness among other things, the form being “AAB”, such as “ffltffiCifc (to go for a

walk)”, (to do a favour)”, “ItiHi'Ht (to have some sleep)” and “iS?i(to go

swimming)”. For example:

(2) *?*«&&&£*•*!

• *-» Practise

/chSt/oJ-jF- Complete the sentences.

(1) _. (*^;L)

(2) _, (ft&)

(3) £*ftft.'J'*ft*tf T, _ (£W)

Answer the questions based on the texts.

flfcsti: Ff-fc?

© t tt *y & f ?

#*ft*f1-fc4-Xkfrft? ft FI ft *'4?

© **.ft***ntfil ff) , ft*& £ ftt£ I) e. V) JHtisUL?







Page 94: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

zm 07-4

£j ^'A\\ & ^ft'§tJtpft? i±-ft,

iftft.# <aft, Jfc&Atfl

iURJ'J, 4t*i£#*jMt_Ltf4kat0 X

tf*^*##***., *#ft-£.£6t>

ttftl. *T-H

«£«- = «Jt*.ftl, #fc*Pft l£®^0;

», 0]*iMLil:fl* 7 *£•!*.


21. ffi

* 22. fit#

23. mg


25. &BJJ

26. wm

3. 07-5

^.-?f—{iEft-&i£ — -*7#: “ft*J :£M

^Eftftiie,, fttf^ftBtfal, ft


>*, ft£-£^££rs] <1, Mftft#

ft ft (»S ft ftl #L & ft & , gfc T # v£ ft

#■, 5LT^;ftr,

ftft0 b£&£,

ft, ft—fMR.*# «$***.

t-Z-teatj, ^A-fcT-ft^ftwft., ft

«# T o

* 27. BE

28. EcflE


30. Afrp

31. /itS

32. MW

33. ^

zhi v. to refer to

jTngshen n. spirit, mind

jidoshou n. professor

shuzi n. number

shuoming v. to explain, to show

yaoshi conj. if, supposing

j' adv. (used together

with “JZ") both.. .and...

jicin fei v. to lose weight

xlnku adj. hard, toilsome

duzi n. belly, stomach

ganqing n. affection, love

fannao adj. worried, vexed

dido v. used after certain

verbs, indicating the

result of an action


Page 95: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


f/f h i5R H Texts in flmln

4 Mei ge ren dou xTwang zijT jiankang, name shenme cdi shi jiankang ne? Gudqu,

renmen renwei jiankang jiii shi zhT shentT bu sheng bing. Ddnsh'i, xianzai rdnmen renshi

ddo, jiankang hdi zhl jTngshen shang de jiankang. ZhTydu shentT he jTngshdn dou jidnkang,

cdi suan shi zhenzheng de jiankang. You yi wei jidoshou ydng shuzi Idi shuoming jiankang

you dudme zhongydo: Ydoshi jiankang sh'i yi, qftd dou shi yi houmidn de Ifng; rugud

meiyou yT. bugudn ydu duoshao ling yd mdi ydng. SudyT wdmen pingshi yiding ydo zhuyi

dudnlidn, bid ddng jiankang chu wdntT le cdi hduhul.

Wd tTng yf wdi ylsheng shuoguo yi ju hud: “Zui hdo de ylsheng shT zijT, zui hdo de

ydo shT shijian, zui hdo de yunddng shi sdn bu.” Qidn lidng tido wd ITjid de bu shen, zuihou

yi tido wd wdnquan tongyi. Sdn bu shi shenghuo zhong zui jidndan de dudnlidn fangfd, ji

kdyT huddong shentT, ydu keyT jidn fei. erqie bu hui xidng pao bu ndyang xTnku. Wdnfdn

hdu, yi jia rdn yiql chuqu sansan bu, shi yi jidn hdn xingfu de shiqing. Duzi chibdo le xuydo

huddong, jiaren mangle yi tidn xuyao jidoliu, fuqT shuoshuo yi tidn de gongzud neng jiashen

gdnqing, tTng hdizi tdntan xuexido li ydu yisi de shi, yi tidn de fdnnao jiu dou pdodido le.

SB » M

^otes . mn, “M, mm, “is*.(ft «), m.” sttio “M” siw<of!i!“«r

wm-. The conjunction “Wit'' means “if, in case”, usually used in the structure “Wjft.

(£KliS), M.”, in which “Hr®” introduces a sentence indicating an assumption, and “It”

introduces a sentence indicating the action or result consequent upon the assumed situation.

For example:


(2) ■**.&**. + ««*** A#, JkiH,

• Practise

TtJiSf/oJ T Complete the sentences.

(1) _ , (M)

(2) _ , .WtS)

(3) _. (It)


Page 96: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK tmm* 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

EM @E.X/ib/a.

“BE.X/tH/i5.” ,

„ «tn:

The set of conjunctions “US.X/til/iE.” is used to connect two verbal

structures or adjectives (usually the same in structure), indicating two situations, both

positive or both negative, existing at the same time. For example:


(2) fcfcftfc***.*.


(3) i£

• % ~ %. Practise

^EJSSc^tComplete the dialogues/sentences.


B:_ . (gt.X.)

(2) *+«*$**, _. (BE.4.)

(3) 4Un«&«.£M&, _. («,.a.)

■1 Answer the questions based on the texts.

if X4: O Afl*tjUk¥liUK f ’W&KI*}?

& t$£■*]'?

ifX5: ©“£” &£]■&($?

« fti£ Retell the dialogues.

Exercises ifXI:


ifX3: d'Wjip^,:

-^Bt fa] ££ %, J&lft « X#,


Page 97: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


2 Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

mm m rm »

0 #—ep|L*._

Offers e,04MUMi, _Ait & Ht, 3t ftji#A.

rn. mti ^ aisa

O A: iP«,t-& T? *l*£TPk&—'^ILf.

B: at * ;l , k kiiLK_.

0 A: ip^—T,

B:—^^T-pi^A, T^K-0

OAj4-a*& *.&&&#?

B:#Wt. _ ipT, —■

@ A: ip. ft4WJ'it*A;& £ #?

© A: ippp Jk,£5 ipfip &-Pr$-? a?^b'^'i£4.,@7ii-t57 (Jiangxi, name of a Chinese


B: i£.;it'&, 4k.&.z%'£-<,

irm h fa]^iq] Words with the Same Character

Expansion :

(2) -si-MF^if, jfc *&&*]—4Nfi#.


(4) ii/£v£^^2007-^46^, ££AiH:£^£‘-ilP*^i££ifc^







Page 98: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK immm. 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

• jfi - ft Drills

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

O A: t'/f Ht (fc -ir fiH (Lijiang, name of a place in China) fcl17? #P >L -1L- & 4^-?

0 A: %?

B: — it.

®A:mifWT(&? —#”5)?

BifcjUL**, M4‘A4b^rrti4t.-f-.

O A: # ,t- £ i£& *J fT! 4. AS * T ft—>N' ut T .

B:M , a To

JSffl HB 3KA/Ssft Pair Work


Learn about how well your partner has adapted to the climate and complete the

questionnaire below.


|q] 3£ 1=3

& *+ A * *) HL-Z Ho *.#. >1 tiT*Sj1 iMfcip*. 54i)

1 2 iH ■ifLat« A «. ■A A <5k # k o

3 ^M+4k?

4 A ^ A 4? ^ ii A?

5 i£ £ # ih % <M«* <b?

EH Group Work

istfr(A ) ( t#

There are many ways to work out. Tell your group members about your favourite sport(s).

(Please use at least four of the following structures.)


Page 99: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong



b. jtfeikJ&nM


e. M. H

f. &mftx-fc b«*T



AiffifO Taiji and Taijiquan

n, a®ns8«, xnm^^x^o ^ARrw«*aaw#»«f«,

Tay/' is a basic concept in ancient Chinese philosophy, referring to the origin of the universe. With

taiji and yin-yang as its theoretical basis, taijiquan, or Chinese shadow boxing, is a martial art of boxing

integrating theories of art and traditional Chinese medicine, etc. Its movements being gentle, slow and easy

to learn, taijiquan is particularly suitable for middle-aged and senior citizens. Everybody can choose an

appropriate workout to practise it according to their own physical conditions. To regularly practise taijiquan

can help people improve themselves both physically and mentally.







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Shenghuo zhong bu queshao mei

Beauty is not rare in life

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.


O kfett




) ‘Jf #

qidokeli i jt 4 A


du che

Presents in your life.

(frtt n'Ami®

□ □ □ □

□ mm&zm □ □ □


□ 9c1&—Wlh^i'h] n imtmnm. □

Page 101: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


TextS &*Qk,

$%m: m^Ati:®jstt&%?\-®vj^ k.t), Aiil^-'#'J$Ufl A„

WM: ^L-fT, £*£>?&#,


*5 A ti fv £

^4-ifc.,,Lftl'frvL iSjiL, '’JrvL'ffi'^



1.153£if qidokell

n. chocolate

2. £b£ qTnqi

n. relative, kinsfolk

3. 'fS'll' shang xln

adj. sad, sorrowful

4.ffi shT

v. to make, to cause

5. 4'ffl xinqing

n. mood, state of


6. lift yukuai

adj. glad, cheerful


'J'S: i£J.^&-&4, S^AJff.

&£#, «-'ftifl£T'’-S)?

/J'S: if £ T , Ji;£;U£kt#£, if


if if ;t/f£&T;*.rt:

**if 7 „



—A JL, i&—'N#-,

^'Ji £,*£££ 7 , ii-i-tftf.it £

iJU^ii-t'e,. X-*-it;A^ifif JL

>%4r, -Zfetettftfytf,


7. Jft& jingse

n. scene, view

8. SS* fangsong

v. to relax

9. ffifj yali

n. pressure, stress

io. mu hufy'i v. to call to mind,

to recall

n. ££ fasheng

v. to happen, to

take place

12. chengwei

v. to become

13. MS zhiyao

conj. as long as, provided


Page 102: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)


m£: )fft, {‘T-ZlKxl&M 7 ?

ms-, ^nn, Bti'8-],

*u*H^ “«T .

mm-, t^! ifw&n, T&-&4-

Ki&f']%4-, s,#: — i&i']#4,


14. ilipM shTfu n. a polite title for one

with accomplished

skills in a trade or


15. dashlguan n. embassy

16. ig£ du che v. traffic jam

17. fti& julf n. distance

18. ft'fr ndixln n. patience

—T, RTHfrlr il Z4-MS-6.

iitnWJC Texts in Plnyln

1. Li Idoshi hd Gao IdoshT lido guanyu qidokeli de shiqing

Li IdoshT: Zhe zhong qidokeli weiddo bucuo, ni zdi ndr mdi de?

Gao IdoshT: Bu shi wo mdi de. shi wo nu’dr gei wo edng guowdi dai huilai de liwu.

LT Idoshi: Hen dud ren chu guo hou chdngchdng hui mdi wdiguo de qidokeli, huilai songgei

qTnqi pengyou.

Gao laoshi: Shi a, yinwei hen dud ren dou ai chi qidokeli, youqi shi nuxing.

Li IdoshT: Zhe shi wei shenme ne?

Gao IdoshT: Qidokeli ddduo shi tidn de, er hdn dud nuxing dou xihuan chT tidn de. Erqie,

tTngshuo shdng xin nangud de shihou chT kudir qidokdli, hdi neng shi rdn de

xinqing bian de yukuai.

2. Xido Xid he Mdke lido guanyu shdng ci zuqiu bisdi de shiqing

Xido Xid: Zheli de jingse zhen mei, kongqi ye hdo.

Make: Zenmeydng, xinqing hdoxie le ma?

Xido Xid: Hdoduo le, shdng ci zuqiu bisdi hou, hdojiu dou mei zheme fdngsong le.

Make: Ni buydo you ydli. haohaor zhunbei xid ci bisdi jiu hdo le.

Xido Xid: Zhe dudn shijidn wd zongshi yi ge ren zuo zdi fangjidn li huiyi nd ci bisdi. Ruguo

wdmen neng zdi null yididnr, jiu yiding hui dud jin yi ge qiu.

Mdke: Shiqing yijing fdsheng le, guoqu de jiu rang ta chengwei guoqu ba. Zhiyao zhe

ci ni haohaor zhunbei, yiding neng ba bisdi tihao.


Page 103: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Notes ft” . “it” ftlftl:

The verb “ft” means “to make, to cause”, similar to “it”; it is usually used in written

Chinese. For example:

(i) W-,

* '£ — % Practise

7clHb]~F Complete the sentences.

(1)4- la] %-lkti. £ &—&&&&%>, . (ft)

(2) o (ft)

(3) £&*«*$Btft, o (ft)

“rw , mm, izm “R®.it.” gtt. “K^” j^h “«r ftj*n:

The conjunction “R®” is often used in the structure “R®.M.”, with the

clause after “R®” stating an essential condition and that after “*)[” indicating the result of

this condition. For example:

(2) X4MJ:ft, tWZ?

o) *)-•&*&, C4-M

3. Make he sljl lido guanyu du che de shiqing

Make: ShTfu. wo qu dashTguan, nl shi bu shi zoucud le? shlfu: Xidnzai shi shdng ban shi'jidn, qidnmidn ydudidnr du che, women zou lingwai yi

tldo lu, julf chdbuduo.

Make: Na jiu hdo. du che Idngfei shi'jidn, yuddo du che. xTnqing yd “du”.

shlfu: Kdbushi! Shdng ban du che pa chi'dao. xid ban du che pd hui jib wan. Mbi tidn zdi

mblu shang kai che, ydo xidng bu yudao du che, hdi zhen nan.

Make: Vi yuddo du che, renmen jiu rongyi biande meiydu naixln. Changql zhdydng, hdi hui

yingxidng piqi shenzhi xingge. Ddnshi nin de xTnqing wei shenme zheme hdo ne?

shlfu: Wdmen gdibidn bu lido du che, ddnshi kdyi shizhe gaibidn ziji de xTnqing. Du che

shi zhenghdo kdyl xiuxi yixid, hdi kdyl tTngting ziji xThuan de ylnyue.


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4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

• Practise

Complete the sentences.

(1) _(Klc)

(2) _, *—£***»o (**)

(3) _(it)

“nTT” o Min-. The adverb “nTTJfe” is used to agree with or echo what the other party has said. It is

often used alone as a sentence. We can also use “hJT” instead. For example:

(da: - t o B:T*4l! N-WitffiittT, ***£.

(2) A: o

(3) A:t&M*p^Mf.

B:T^^:! i£&dT-MUlS

• »-# Practise

Complete the dialogues.

(1) A:4fc*JU!fit£:)r,


(2) A:

B: TT>,_

(3) A:

BTd>4., _o

4SJSiH^trt§[s]^f°]JE Answer the questions based on the texts.


Page 105: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


• &*>]#■£, ft*4kfl-&it6 £•«+*


™ s -nfl-4

« T , *P4.4l^A$H &; &

# 7 , W&k il VktfiUho £-&

9fr0 i;it^4f'lft^

^ 0

jib, &*'JJj(ttllt, #&«& —

& it & C,4^* ft # «$.«tfr + *. ife

t, teAflT «&##&*? >Mrr rta &#->M&^ **M,fl * -f> ^

'§’/', it#4 tbit 4--'ft, &*fi


19.4# shengmlng n. life

20.5*4 queshao v. to lack

21. SIJ& daochu adv. everywhere

22. &ffi taidu n. attitude

23. Hill: yTncT conj. therefore, so

5 3. 08-5

& &m^-i±&*r *.

6 -*•# *»#•«:«. fa

#A; ^ 4-^*#-7-


£4f-£#T£; m&ik&

24. kexue n. science

25. ffiBJ zhengming v. to prove

26. fttt wangwang

adv. often, usually

27. PEOt yanggudng adj. optimistic, cheerful

28. jij' adj. positive

29. *#.& tedian n. characteristic


Page 106: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK &/£#« 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

Wn i!R>C Texts In Plnrln

4 Coo lu le. nd sh'i shengming de ydnse; hud kai le. nd shi dazirdn de ITwu. Shenghuo

zhong bu queshdo mdi. queshdo de sh'i faxian mdi de ydnjing. Zhiyao youxTn, shenghuo

zhong de mdi ddochu dou sh'i. Shenghuo de taidu ydo zljl xudnze, ylncl, yuddo fdnnao shi,

ni yinggai xiang yixie bdnfd rang z'ljT cdng bu gboxing de xlnqing zhong zou chulai. Chudng

wdi sh'i shdnme ydngzi, wdmen wufd gdibidn, dan wdmen kdyi xudnze zhdn zai nd ge

chuanghu qian. Xudnzd yi ge nenggou ddigdi women kuaile de chudnghu. zheydng cdi neng

xuandui xlnqing, xudndui shenghuo de taidu.

5 Kexue yanjiu zhengming, nuhdizi dui ylfu ydnse de xudnze wdngwdng yu tamen de

xingge yougubn. Xihuan chudn baise ylfu de nuhdizi xingge bijiao ydnggudng, shenghuo

tdidu jTji xidngshang shi tamen de gdngtong tedidn; er xihuan chudn hongse ylfu de nuhdizi

xingge bijido langman. Ydnsd yd hui yingxidng ren de xlnqing, bu tdng de ydnse hui gdi

wdmen ddildi bu tdng de gdnqing bidnhud. Hongse rang ren biande reqing; huangse he

baise rang ren xlnqing yukudi; heise que rongyi rang ren gdndao shang xin; rdnmen zai

kdndao Idnsd shi hui judde hdn shufu, biande anjing xialai; liise rang wdmen de ydnjing

deddo xiuxi.

lu “Hitk” , mm. mm mi, m "mr

m<nm wr ma-. The conjunction “Mitt” means “because of this”, similar to “(iff lit (so, therefore)”, but

it cannot be used together with “M For example:

(l) Sit,

(2 Sit, £')f

A, MKW]#)?,

(3) iit#, Sit,

*it ij e.ft t A*

• & — !& Practise

'Jcl&hj-F Complete the sentences.

(1) 'bm&i&'VftK-lif, (Hit)

(2) _. (Sit)

_. (Bit)


Page 107: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

PM lift


, s'J isj,

The adverb “ffft” indicates that a certain situation frequently happens under specific

circumstances, which often occurred in the past, usually used to talk about things somewhat

regular. For example:

(2) %■<&&&) tbU4

(3) t SA-3C^4i

• *$ — *$ Practise

Tcf&^'iT' Complete the sentences.

(1) ia.Jk_. (ftft)

(2) —nit a,_. (ttft)

(3) _. (ftft)

~ tt Compare^

Similarity: Both can be used as adverbs, indicating a situation occurring repeatedly.

^[S] di: Differences:

“asr gxtpj □ ^ %jhhi, w

“sir irwfflTiJMt*. Hjitnr*^aa«iafi^riB^i»:Hjaww0do

In case ★, “ttft” is a summary of the situation up to the present, demonstrating

certain regularities without being subjective, so it can only be used to talk about

things that have already happened. “SUf”, however, only indicates that an action

occurs many times, not necessarily showing any regularities; it can be used to

express subjective wishes, and therefore can indicate things that have not yet

happened but may occur repeatedly.



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HSK im&m 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

m “M” mu, & MSI; m “£#” fflQT&ti&ttRUMo In case ★, when a sentence uses “ftft”, it usually specifies the situation,

condition or result related to the action being talked about, while sentences with

has no such restriction.

ftiNrM-, HAJt.

3. “£#” ; “ftft” “ft” o

“i&lft” is usually equivalent to while “ft®” cannot be shortened to “ft”.

• » - K Drills

fs? Tick or cross


(DtaA v'

(2) *•■$>._ X v/

(3) v'Afs HTkX_■£-.

_/l-f-atN-/3! »#■?-, it

ca'RIi Answer the questions based on the texts.

**4: O&fcJK# ii^#?

9-SL—vL IT %-#] utF” M Alt A.

tM*15: ©^-t£s:ftkX4oi£, T If—

«L«fr—jLDfe, & e,ifc|fr



Page 109: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


Exercises mxu

Retell the dialogues.

«2: /hKWa^:

itA 8t l'B1 &—Ji.£ & 'fc^|K£ tt $,

®X3: iue^fatnw®4!:

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

fob am km wm vew

© tfe’tffJii.'H#&J5 *5c T „

©it*#****#! J.** lOOO^i^A^, i*-l*l**l

© « ‘i'&TMtfrt $ ®_.—X*lfe#*J.

• a £,*$&#

it'll' PJ^b m& ££

©A:^t^-E^T, ZfUiT,

B: **.#.*■*$*_«.&, ik)Ub#*Z.

© A: lY^JLV) fi #?

B: &«*,**** A—T, iUM'J^.t-, _

©Ar^-fi&J'H+^M, _

B: £4-**?««: A«, ’tfttt.AAfcAiMt, •«**_W.

©A: HA*? -(fc^r-ia—T!


Page 110: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 ( A)

rm hi fa] Words with the Same Character

Expansion fill. W&

(1) -*feA***

(2) 7 f Jto

**$/■•£, AfBttS],

(4) a #**#*»,

• iiS - i® Drills

Fill in the blanks with the words given.


O A: &.£&-&#■&, £-£»?

B=ii *£****^6

#A: #'J A, ftil-ftWT.

0 A: h/ia# tfiitf* , ftJttf-fiuijfan.

B:^4oi£, ijt«iJ4a-i*'T , A—

® A:-fciLA£4M 4s*.*J6flt*-t.

B:#£#tfl-£X#*P—#, *]•«,

OH Pair Work

Application sffi7*xf#£T*feWJiife, Learn about each other’s ideas of colors and complete the questionnaire below.


IR) «F


3 *M-a?

4 ftl-jufc- tfj?

5 ^-l+4k?

6 Mi


Page 111: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


91 /Mfi/Ssfa Group Work


Everybody may feel down now and then. When you are in a bad mood, how do you make

yourself feel better? Tell your method to your group members. (Use at least four of the

following structures.)

a. &



d.*R| ***«;£&

e. *-HHL&££.

f. X.

g. &*+£;•£&•!&&



“%L " £) “£T Red and White in Chinese People’s Eyes

£nfefn£fc£+fflA;£ft41W'Fl0]M Ac tSAIHfcafe,


fctoMKJW, fEto M

MSl^A^SMJiSfeWfEfafpB^, & us*jl” , *m-£**A


The colors red and white have different connotations in

Chinese and Western cultures. The Chinese love red because

in their culture, it symbolizes good luck and festivity,

meaning life is “(as good and prosperous) as the red fire”.

When people get married, red is seen everywhere in their

homes, which is why weddings are called the “red events”.

White, on the other hand, symbolizes sorrow and death

besides cleanness and purity. When white flowers and cloth

are seen all over a house, it means the “white event (funeral)”

is going on in the house, where someone must have died.


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Yangguang zong zai fengyu hou

The sun will shine again after the storm

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.






9 FMl-




Q %.&£.

vm What is success?

i§fik£A □ shangye mi'ngren

20# WT □ IfBfr

B5££A 21-30# □ MM jiating xingfu

□ mingxing

31-40# □ yunqi hbo y6u jinbii

#iiWA: 40# &ftk:

Page 113: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


iSS* Texts



a. 09-f

iff: & & 5L 5c T il & 5 #f ‘Tf1 J5 ^

^? MtitA«.r?

»fl: j*T-^J|tiUTA, ££

&}4,^M**«7. i«i: -tostijt & ar, *tft ■)'°t &

& , ^7 JL-^- £ is. ^7 o

fU£*Lil£$C^, <2il— ''M

T*., 4i,*fe7 — ^/r. i»: —MT.

4i,**&&4r4Mfc#7 , ta4_ ifr «'J t &)T&it&St^L T i^o

iij&fcf-f f»?5&.#i3L^i1t T 0


$a: titpWr#-*#, i£ifit«p^

#HPf:Jc^! ***#«;*■,


f'J i£^i£^4rtTA^ £ # „ *S: ifc*»it*4? ^f ii:^, &$

*-*.*& *1*! **&***']

7ft*.WfilLft*W$., + it vi # J'J tit MlftfaT ¥j if


i'Jo !£#*#,

tlt-tL^Mr^if 6vi„


1. WT bmggan n. biscuit

2. ®il nandao adv. used in a rhetorical

question for emphasis

3.® d6i mod. must, have to

4. jianchi v. to insist, to persist

5. fangqi

v. to give up

6. ±jS zhuyi n. idea, plan

7. m# wangqiu n. tennis

8. HUS guoji n. international

9. g& qTngsong adj. relaxed, effortless

10. fit ying v. to win

11. Iffiffi suibian adj. casual, at random

12.tT hdn n. sweat, perspiration

i3. iia tongguo prep, through, by

means of



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HSK mm&m4(±> Standard Course 4 (A)

em o9-3

Ih#: ilti

*•]—JS*-f **$*r«,


A# T „ d't*: % a+#,i^5C#-:fr^$^;^

-f T

/h$: T £) £,tf J£fe, *i# —«


#f kX # *H£;&

14. £| pian m. usedfor writings, papers or articles

15. zuojia

n. writer

16. ^a-t dangshi n. then, at that time

17. «TJi k&shi conj. but. however

18. jH* zhengque adj. right, correct

i9. as. ITxiang n.ideal

Wang Hong Wang Hong, name of a


/J'^: , tfefeiI

Jpc .lo „

#f u i$ j3C Texts In Piny in

1. Wong Jing he Sun Yue lido Sun Yue ji6n fdi de shiqing

Wang Jing: Zenme you maile zheme duo binggan he qiaokeli? Nandao ni bu jian fei le?

Sun Yud: Jidnle yf ge yue dou mei shdu xialai, w6 shfzdi mdiydu xinxln le.

Wang Jing: Ruguo ni xiang jian fei, jiu ddi shao chi dongxi, erqie yao duo yundong.

Sun Yue: Wo jiu shi zheme zuo de, dan zhe yf ge yue xialai, wo zhl qingle yi gongjin.

Wang Jing: Yf ge yue tdi duan le. Yao xidng jian fei chenggong, zhl neng jianchf, cdi hui

mdnmdn you xidoguo.

Sun Yue: Wd bdnldi yijTng dasudn fdngqi le, ddnshi ni gdngcdi de hud rang wo gdibidnle

zhuyi. Zhexie binggan he qidokeli songgei ni le.

2. Li Jin hd Zhang Yudn lido Zhang Yuan de chenggong jingli

Li Jin: Ni wdngqiu dd de zhen hdo, hdi deguo name dud guoji da jidng! Mdi ci kdn ni

bisdi, ganjue ni qingqingsdngsdng jiu yfng le.

Zhang Yuan: Ndli a! Na shi ni mei kanddo wd xinku lianxf de yf midn, meiydu ren

sufsufbianbidn jiu neng chenggong de.

Li Jin: Wd congxiao ye dui wdngqiu gan xingqu. ddnshi ddo xidnzai hdi shi dd de bu


Zhang Yudn: Ni zhiddo mo? Bugudn chun xid qiu dong, wd lidn qiu congldi meiydu xiuxiguo

yi tian.


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mm ™ ^ Notes “alii" , gijifl, insiisrsjif^o

iu “ttXMMrAlKi? ”

#»WR»*J*o f^J^P: The adverb “itfliS” emphasizes the tone of a rhetorical question. Positive rhetorical

questions indicate negative meanings, and negative rhetorical questions indicate positive

meanings. For example, the sentence “JtftxSSin (Is Chinese really that

difficult?)” emphasizes that Chinese is not difficult. For example:


( 2 ) A: «R.. \& T , £?

(3) JfcaMUifcT

B: 4 sb T A JLR«, «'l tigJHt T .

• »-» Practise

/£ 'i'J ~jP j|£ ft Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(niMJMiiOSBT! ? Ofcat)

( 2 ) A: lit 5L*z4k. 7 ?__ __ ? (mt)

B:*f-f*fT, ««!*]*?£ n.iL"P0

(3>A:^, w.t,

B: ? (Sfit)

Li Jin: Zhen shi bu rongyi a! Kdnlai w6 zhi kdnddole ni chdnggong shi huode de

xianhud, que mei zhuyi dao ni chenggong qian liuxia de hdnshui.

Zhang Yuan: Renhe chenggong dou ydo tongguo nuli cai neng dedao. Zhiyao ni jidnchi

lidnxi, wd xidngxin ni ye hui yue da yue hdo de.

3. Xiao Lin he Xiao Li tbn Wang Hdng de chdnggong jingli

Xiao Lin: Ni hai jide Wang Hdng ma? Wo zdi bdozhi shang kdnddo yi pidn gudnyu to de

xinwen, td xidnzdi yijing shi yi ge youming de zuojia le.

Xido Li: Tingshuo td bi yd hdu fdngqile Itishi de gongzud. kaishi zhudnmen xie

xiaoshuo, mei xidngdao td jingran chenggong le.

Xido Lin: Dangshi td de fumu he qinqi dou bu zhichi td, keshi td jidnchi ziji de xudnze,

xidnzdi zhongyu xidng sudydu rdn zhengmingle td de xudnze shi zhengque de.

Xido Li: Kdnldi wdile ziji de lixiang. fangqi yixie dongxi ye shi zhide de.

Xido Lin: Yi ge ren zhiyou liang zhi shdu, bu keneng deddo sudydu xidng ydo de dongxi,

suoyi ydu shihou fangqi shi yi zhdng congming de xudnze.

Xido Li: Shi a, zhiyou xuehui fangqi, cai neng bd ziji de nengli yongddo zui gdi zud de

shiqing shang, zuihdu huode chenggong.


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HSK imwm 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)



The preposition “iilid” means “the attainment of a certain result via somebody or by

means of something”. For example:

(1) n t o

$L—ffilo MtU: “iifiid” can also be used as a verb to indicate “to pass through some place from one

end (side) to another end (side)”. For example:

(3) t.

“Mii” mm-. The verb “jfiil” can also mean “to have reached a certain standard or met a certain

requirement”. For example:

(4) fcgr&WJLii


• Practise

A/tS/rdT'SKA i/i Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(D«M&^) ii>M? B—J>R.£*fc£,_Oiit)

(2) A: ii/AHSK^ft^.t-A#?

B:_. (iS.it)

(3) A:

B:_. (iti±)

Jtt^ttCompar^ llii—^i±

Similarity: Both can indicate the attainment of a certain goal via somebody or by means of



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: Differences:

••ail” m “ea” ramMas,, [n case ★, “ilit” is a preposition, and is a verb. Semantically speaking,

“ifiil” emphasizes the method or means (of achieving something), while “Sit”

emphasizes the process.

Sfcfc8-H; “£&” MttSS, When used as a verb, “Mii” means “to pass through someplace from one end

(side) to another end (side)”, while means “to go...by way of...” without

the meaning of “passing through”.


3.“isa” “iia” Mo

“Sil” can also be used as a noun to indicate the development process of

something, while “iMiJ” has no such usage.

ft £ * o

•M-M Drills

j?t iifJijS£r» Tick or cross

aa aa (i)_.**4URM.. &A£*ltA*<v4iA'f‘ v/ v"

(2) "T kX _Li6

at fn. v' X

(3) 4,* T _, ftfl|5|jHfcA*G0


m«A_***&***.**», AiMrtt. <2





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HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4(A)

, mm. 0 “M

M" min-. The conjunction “nTJIk” is used in the second clause of a complex sentence to indicate

a transition in meaning, often coordinating with a clause introduced by “MM” before it. For


B: s, Mi&Artj,

(2) <J>*H£, , to

fn £ to & -gr „

(3) i) -to

£*1^ T **$&#*. i*©.

• & — ^ Practise

Complete the dialogues.

(1) toat»3?4**fc*.«,_(*r&)

(2) A:fc%1f£X4-lk‘l'3.‘!

Bs_. («)

(3) A:£#*7 fl?4L-±-»C,.

B:_ . («)

pfcj [5] -H | □] gjj Answer the questions based on the texts.

**1: ©*]'/]£ Ti§H+£? T?

• fcJMUStIMrat*.?

© iSi^^ftiWAlSiSiW^?


Page 119: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


EM SL 09-4

*Jl-&Wl, *-*-4e <«#*., *■**&

£-*£-jfe.Ifc. -H-**.**#*., *.&

*£^Aln 'f 4UJL £ * «o & ff] & it it#


jfe.it r tat#**, eu&j.


jfe.It+&#ife#ffll$&4k, ^Tii#

ft X, A# & & &4Ufi>tiJM&ii0

£tiH 20. mi ydnggan

adj. brave, courageous

2i. $# jieguo n. result

22. #cP& shlbai v. to fail

23. ag guocheng n. course, process

24. S4> zhishao adv. at least

25. g# zongjie v. to sum up



^ Ait J'j $«;&#, ^^Ai&


£T>I§], fcJML*.*—#**. £i*4i

T Ji-f ##4f £ t-JM'j T *&

:*|s&JB5i±if$ jfe.lt,

E »\ $L%. fem 4p l£# T T £. #fkX


100%^-^^. BaMAtfut**, “w

, **T4.frl)5lt*fe,tf

£W 26. m qu

v. to gain, to seek

27. mi jTngl'i

v. to go through,

to experience

28. xuduo num. many, plenty of

29. K»J qubie n. difference, distinction

30. fftfj- zdnshi n. temporary, for the

time being

31. [fiiX't miandui v. to face, to confront


Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), an American inventor





Page 120: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

SfraiKi Texts in Plnrln

4 Rugud nl xidng zuo shenme shiqing, nd jiu ydnggan de qu zuo, buyao dan xln jiegud.

buydo kdolu hui bu hui shTbai. Ydoshi tdi kdnzhong jiegud, shibai jiu hui gdi rdnmen ddilai

hdn duo fdnnbo. Women yTnggbi bd zhuyili fdngzbi zuo shiqing de gudchdng shang,

zheydng nT hui zdi zu6 de guocheng zhong fdxidn jiejue wdnti de kudild, zhe shi qita renhe

dongxi dou gdi bu lido de. JTshT zuihou shibdile ye meiyou gudnxi, ylnwei zhishdo nT yljlng

nuliguo, erqie women hai kdyT cong shibdi zhong zdngjid chu yduyong de jTngydn, youle

zhexie jTlei, chenggong zirdn If wdmen yue Idi yud jin.

Mei yT ge ren dou xTwdng chenggong, keshi hdn dud shihou, zdi chdnggong zhTqian

hui yuddo hdn dud kunnan. Yduxie ren yuddo kunnan jiu fdngqi, er yduxie ren yuddo

kunnan qud xidng bdnfd jidjue ta. Dui kunnan de tdidu bu tong, jiegud ye shi bu yiydng

de. AidTsheng jiu shi zdi zhdole shdng qidn zhong cdiliao hou cdi zhdoddole neng dianliang

didndeng de cdilido. Qudd chenggong de rdn wdngwdng dou jTngliguo xuduo shibai, tdmen

hd putong ren de qubie jiu shi tdmen dou jianchile xialai. SudyT jiu sudn zhlydu bdi fen

zhT yl de xTwdng, wdmen ye ydo zuochu bdi fen zhi bdi de null. Kunnan zhT shi zdnshi de,

“Ydnggudng zong zdi fengyu hou”, zhlyou wdmen yonggdn de midndui kunnan, cdi neng

you xTwdng qude chenggong.

Notes “W , mu-. “fn can be used as a noun to indicate the final state that something has developed

into. For example:

(1)**., #it4Ht*J*3|**4*,

mim; can also be used as a conjunction to indicate a cause-effect relationship,

usually used in the second clause of a complex sentence, introducing the result of the

situation mentioned in the first clause. For example:

(3) HXL^


Page 121: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


***, fc*T*. #£*£#.* 7.

• 1$ — & Practise

^C.fiSc'pJ^F'sKX'I'bS Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(1) _ . (&*)

(2) efciUlLfc.^—jLi-fMMMfc+lfc, _. (&*)

(3) A: ? (£#)

B: VHU&.-&&£.*&, **&•*».

“±” , ^is], 31* “&3K ^ ) " MM, JgffillHR ^*£Sc#M^i#0 WO:

The verb “_h” means “to achieve or reach (a certain quantity or degree)”, often

followed by an object indicating quantity. For example:

</) tr„


• & — & Practise

irc.fiSi'PIlP Complete the sentences.

(I) _. (±)

_. (_t)

_. (J:)

Answer the questions based on the texts.

$£4: o it#****,

i*i5: © 4.14—A-t,

O £i* £*&#/£,#£«/) t*rM? “FB*,&4fl.*aJ6" &if£ it- ®-?


Page 122: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

filti 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

^ Sii Retell the dialogues.

ExerC'SeS ifAl:

if A2:

S&itWiMj-##*']#, .

if A3: JiTfijiftn:

i^3'niS6tli°]ipftS Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

id ft Mil? E5Ji] IE 01 find

Oilizfc, &J&-

B*MM. ¥i. >

©ur’ 4- u4*r “*" ht iL4?r

©££, *4WUl-Ai£$-£i±T, **#•*-.*.:*•«&*.. 0*?T>-f&£

£■$?■£«$ t, 4une-a**JT

0 **&**,*.* T A, £*l*»T1&4L0

tl, ^is.^7,

if- 4# <d6i) m mm urn

©A:'W, A &iL&Z.1ft*\ktiLVI.

© A: >h&M? #&-£}#* A ?


Page 123: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


• A: ft * 7* j£ T ? AVlZr it).

B-.M, f.

® A:


rsH [aj^ln] Words with the Same Character

Expansion %. $nn.

(1) 4L£0UL*LtSl>i.fi-Z&it&tJLMli, «$£•***--**


(2) A: iW, AJLkMftT!


• W — W Drills

jeti^l-Wrai Fill in the blanks with the words given.

M %% «

• flfc^tUr, *■* —


0 4 \Hf ^0t&, SftSS, ^ *, -f,^fr,^^Bt

•A" S. „

&0 i, ^^r^st/A.


Page 124: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

im&m 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

IB Pair Work

Application ^l«4Sa

Learn about each other’s opinions about success and complete the questionnaire below.

fq] §




4 ■+ It 41+ ?


6 4-iA^ ^ -Hr?

/.J' £§, Group Work

ifcikKmMmn ftkkrg lift?


Do you agree with the saying “Nobody can succeed effortlessly”? Who do you think is

successful? How has he/she achieved success? Tell your group members about his/her story.

(Use at least four of the following structures.)

a. it

b. *

C. ij£iif)


e. r a





Page 125: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


BThe Secret of Success

There is a Chinese saying that goes “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”. It

tells us that in order to become successful, we have to start with minor matters and learn to keep going on.

Perseverance is the easiest as well as the hardest thing in the world. It’s easy because everybody can make

it as long as they are willing to, and it’s difficult because only a small minority of us can actually do it. The

secret of success lies in perseverance, which is not mysterious at all. Don’t give up even if difficulties come

up in the process.

Page 126: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

Xingfu de biaozhun

Standards of happiness

Warm-up Match the pictures with the words.




Br . services

les services die Dienstleistungen

tt-t:zmm mm





0 ®


o m

What is happiness?

XffcJSK ifcAift □ tmm □ □

□ □ Xffc □

□ □ "W& jioting □

^11 □


Page 127: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong





il-ft3Lf£ )l°%7

iff-: -&T&-£T>7,

flt/1 : 'fc?

&JJL&Ji«, T^T'J'o

iftJUfcJfc&**.#, A

flt* ;L,#H*H *it*£&4U^*S,

>M&J!R«te.*$**, iiih^^TT^-

75 a-j^n^.

2 10-2

mZ'M: ftikK%3--%n, m&tiUlJ-ftS.

■£•?-, *-


$%m-. &%,


@^!W: ^Ln-%?

$*W: tt*T —******;L, i£flp^ifc

$, ^i^JkTssti 7#8#0

4UtrJL*£5p4*, t£#Mfc»]*-*|$

—'Mijfr&t, &&&%&.*>

*-£**■£ *f*&, JM,*l£*L4fe, ^

Bf£*»*4&'ttA*]4l. £ 4 T !

£]£&#] A. ft*.4Uji]/d$»m,

fe tfl T *fe tit £ Jl * ifc 9fc.


1. *L?¥^ ITbaitian

n. Sunday

2.£JL kongr

n. free time, spare


3. muqTn

n. mother

4. buguo

conj. but, yet

5. 7jcS ybngyuan

adv. forever

6.3rfa fangxiang

n. direction,


7.tt£ youxiu

adj. excellent,


8. ®hfc shuoshi

n. Master, person

who has a master’s


9. Si$ fanyi

n. translator,


io. m% queshi

adv. truly, indeed

11. xlngfen

adj. excited

12. isL la

v. to pull, to drag



Page 128: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

iy 'afeints 4 (±) 1 4 Standard Course 4 (A)

**: %XdL£r¥&To $

JkJ&fMrJMfcfl-fc? 13.

/J'S: jLJ&9r9ri* 14 Klhll'

ft *<&£&#****-,

/I'M: *$****«-**$,

&4-M 15

d'S: 4^.4di£&„ g e, i7.

4-*fc*$i#, aw^A*J*. ^it. *1

&Vr&k£j*m'A-t, <LteB/jk*L 18 ju


/J'M: #*S££4M-¥-, ‘e**.*-*#**# ,9-ffl

t7f‘7f^ * , BJ T 8404*, o

/J'S: +**.*M**I—e-st

ft T„ 1

16. tt$

i7. mm

jianyi n. suggestion, advice

zhiye n. occupation,


guanjidn n. hinge, crux

jianglai n. future

fazhan v. to develop, to


tang v. to lie (on one’s back)

kun adj. sleepy

i if iJR JC Text* ill Pinrin

1. Sun Vue hd W6ng Jing lido Wdng Jing de shenghud qingkudng Sun Yud: LTbaitian you kongr ma? Pdi wo qu gudng jie zenmeydng? W6 xidng qu gdi

zhdngfu mdi ge shengri liwu. Wdng Jing: W6 kdneng qu bu lido, zuijin shiqing dud.

Sun Yue: Ni zuijin shi bu shi gongzuo tebie mdng? Wdng Jing: Wo xidnzdi shdng you Ido, xid you xido. Chule gongzuo yiwai, jia li hai you

muqin he erzi xuydo zhdogu. Sun Yue: Zhen shi xinku a! Ni zuijin lidnse bu tdi hdo, shi bu shi ndr bu shufu? Yao zhuyi

shenti a. Wdng Jing: Met shir, xidxie! Buguo xidnzdi wo hen xingfu, yinwei zdi muqin midnqian wd

keyi zuo yi ge ydngyudn zhdng bu dd de hdizi; zdi haizi midnqian wo you shi ge neng zhdogu to de muqin, zhe rang wo youle nul'i de fdngxidng.

2. Gao IdoshI he Li Idoshi zdi tdn xingfu Gdo Idoshi: Ni kdn renjia Wdng Idoshi, gang Idi zher gongzuo son nidn jiu dangle jidoshdu,

hdi you ge hdo qizi, zhen rang ren xidnmu!


Page 129: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

10 n


»JEo Mill: “'T'££” can be used as a conjunction used at the beginning of the second clause to

indicate a transition in meaning, supplementing and revising what has been said in the first

clause. For example:

(i)4u*.£.ur*, T^T'K ifrTi#«>h Ki±$UL4U&-£is„

“^a” , li^rim^, ^ “ixtr , im^a mn: “''Fil” can also be used as an adverb to mean “merely”, emphasizing the amount or

scale is small. For example:

(3) AnKitit T A)Li#3jr * V](5|«,




LT IdoshT: Qishi, m zdi bieren yan zhdng ye shi hen xingfu de. zhTshi ni ziji mei you faxian.

Gao IdoshT: Shi mo? W6 nd neng gen Wang IdoshT bT a?

LT laoshT: NT you yi ge piaoliang de nu’er, hai name youxiu. shuoshi bi ye hdu jiu dangle


Gao IdoshT: W6 nu’er qudshi bucud, jide ta gang nddao di yT ge yud gongzT shi, jiu xTngfen

de lazhe wd he td bd lid qu shdngchdng, gdi wdmen mdi llwii, nd shi wo hd td

bd xTn li bietf dud mei le!

LT IdoshT: SuoyT shuo mei ge ren you mei ge ren de shenghuo, bu yong xidnmu bierdn. NT

xidnmu bieren de shihou, tamen kdneng yd zhdngzdi xidnmu nT ne.

3. Xidoyu hd Xiao Xid lido zhdo gongzuo de shiqing

Xidoyu: Shfjian gud de zhen kudi, mdshdng jiu ydo bi yd le. Bi yd hdu nT ddsudn zuo


Xiao Xia: Wd hdi mdi xidnghao ne. zheng xidng tTngting ni de jidnyi. NT judde zdi xudnzd

zhiye shf, shouru zhongyao ma?

Xidoyu: Zdi wd kdnldi, zhudn qidn dud shao bu shi zui zhongyao de, xlngqu cdi shi

guanjian. ZhTydu zuo zijT xThuan de shi, cdi hui judde xingfu, jiangldi yd hui you

geng hdo de fazhan.

Xido Xid: Wd yd zheme xidng. Rugud wd ddizhe reqing qu zuo ziji xlhuan de gongzud, jiu

bu hui gdnddo Idi. Buguo, xidnzdi shenme dongxi dou name gui, shenghuo ydli

tdi da le. meiyou qidn ye bu hui gud de xingfu a!

Xidoyu: Xingfu qishi hdn jidndan, td bu shi zhTydo you qidn jiu neng mdidao de. Wd

judde gongzud jidshu hui jid hdu, xi ge re shuT zao, rdnhou tdng zdi chudng

shang kdnkan shu. tingting yinyue, kunle shuishui jiao, jiu hdn xingfu.

Xido Xid: NI shuo de yd dui. Rugud neng zhdoddo yi fen zijT ji gdn xingqu, shouru you

bucud de gongzud, nd jiu zui hdo le.


Page 130: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

• Practise

Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(1) ft-*eL0 (*3±)

(2) A:

BrTl'X, _.„ (*it)


tt ~ tt Compare ~j ^i±—1B;H

Similarity: Both are used at the beginning of the second clause to indicate a transition in


^|ri],ii‘: Differences:

ffiJ “ffiJi” In case ★, “d'id” is often used in spoken Chinese to politely give a suggestion

or express refusal, while “'flu!” conveys a harder tone.

*f*.£, *i±, —Til

2. “*&” “fiUT . “fift” »

can also be used as an adverb, meaning “only, merely”, usually followed

by a numeral; “{B>§”, however, has no such usage.

• » - « Drills

i^thiJlitS Tick or cross


(l) **.*<5—.SJLiiJGig, v/ r ; |


(2Mfc<*#«tN-« 20?„ v/ X


Page 131: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


(3) _St ^ # >% -jf A i£ ^ -&—-t' A.

(4) ££, 5un£ wm-fM* r , ”Eff]joi

4a_*f*&»x£*rs4Mf, ft*Tn^,

(5) te«=-iL, atiMMlfc.*.

, mm, vm-. The adverb confirms the veracity of an objective condition. For example:

(1) *******#«$»*a, *•#*.*#**.

(2) A:4f /L-f-StJL, tZ&JfiLK,


(3) £ —'M iUTst,


• *-» Practise

Complete the dialogues/sentences.

(1) A^-fjfeji^T, .fiL&T,


(2) A T,

B:__ (*£)

(3) —

feft'ItSL*. ” **£,&*£*, ii-n-i

ito-lofc, —&£v£, —

_. (*£)


“&., JfiAm, ^TjCSlfeMiSL^^J&Sfeo “|E.If A”(in sb.’s opinion) is a parenthesis, indicating what is to be followed is

an opinion or idea. For example:

•y I7 -£ A *t >&•-ffffc $ ^ & o



§Ti S




Page 132: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK fcJfeftg 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

(2) «:*!**#***«■*$,

i] £.&»***«■.

(3) A:

B:£«£, *******«■*$.

• »-» Practise

^ftStB’PijSc^'l’iS Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(1) tfAitN-IB] _. (&.#*)

( 2 ) *P -O' (Deng Yelping, name of a famous Chinese table tennis player) "f7 S

„ (£- •••#*)

(3) A: ifs ■£# 5? ABdcif A E *>J ?

B: - o (*- •■■**)

Answer the questions based on the texts.

«3: a d'X%?

« SB.™_


* — *, A%4&#



tf, *H»nffiL &-HK

A, ^3*1*—^®*, *»*3t«L fL

4M*ii4***l. Sifs^T, *»**-f

#.*£.#£BfciiE., st^B-iL^*® T o


20. g>8f j'ngji n. economy

21. tiaojidn n. condition

22. ar fu adj. rich, wealthy

23.^ qiong adj. poor, impoverished

24. ^ deng pan. etc., and so on

25. *B youyu conj. because, since


Page 133: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

5 10-5

A if

r^, tlMM*#***; #^Ai^, .a

+ -tlL^TAiA.

*7, IMfJ»*]A*4.—ii^A

#,, —^'ft & & , Jrt-iw—^

#&. —jytfc, 4MJ !*>».** 5 ££

4UH ****$*-».. *P<lL-4f^‘#4.-&.£ -$*&■#-&#—

•f , *-*#*!•«-£-

26. tfcin biru v. for example, such as

27. xiangpi n. eraser, rubber

28. tt tbng n. sugar, candy

29. dT adj. low

30. WM dd’an n. answer, key

&, it—&&£&'£„

Ilf h 8R >C Texts in Plnrln

4 Youde rdn xTwdng chuan de zdi hdo yixie, fdngzi zdi dd yixie, rdnwdi jTngjl tidojidn yud

hdo ren jiu yud x'ingfu. Qishi y6u hdn duo fu ren guo de bing bu yukudi, dr yduxie qidng ren

que guo de hdn kudile. You qidn bu yiding x'ingfu, yinwei hdn duo dongxi dou shi bu neng

yong qidn mdidao de, liru shfjian. ganqfng. shenghuo jingli deng. Ddnshi, cong lingwdi

yf ge fdngmidn kdn, rugud mdi qidn, yd hdn ndn guo de xingfu. Dang ni sheng bing le,

rugud yduyu que qidn dr bu neng jishi qu kdn yisheng, ni de jidnkdng dou hdn ndn ddddo

bdozheng, jiu gdng bieshuo xingfu le.

Shenme shi xingfu? Ydude ren renwei, gongzT gdo. neng zhudn qidn jiu shi xingfu;

youde ren renwei, xlnqing fdngsong. shenti jidnkdng cdi shi xingfu; yd you ren renwei,

ndng bangzhu bieren jiu shi yi zhdng xingfu. Hdi ydu rdn shuo, xido shfhou xingfu shi yf jidn

dongxi, bTru yf kuai xiangpf. yf kudi tang, dedaole jiu hdn xingfu; zhdngdd hdu xingfu shi

yi zhdng tdidii, shenghuo de tdidu juedingle women xingfugan de gdodi. Nd zenyang cdi

sudn shi zhenzheng de xingfu? Qfshf, xingfu bing mdiydu yf ge bidozhun da’dn, mdi ge ren

dui xingfu dou ydu bu tong de ITfjid. Bugudn ni renwei xingfu shi shdnme, zhiydo ni ydng

xin qu zhao, jiu yiding neng fdxidn ta.


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HSK nni 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

&*f LM ST

Notes tr—i^

#*•1+0 0MP:

“i f ” can be used as a conjunction to indicate the reason for something, usually

followed by a sentence and used in the first clause of a complex sentence. For example:

“ST” , 0MH;

“if” can also be used as a preposition indicating a reason; it is followed by a

nominal phrase. For example:

(3) MX&KtfUftltmfii}].

(4) * *Jl—

•»-» Practise

Complete the sentences/dialogues.

(1) _, (if) (2) _,

2fc*IT$„ (*f)

(3) A:

B:_. (if)

91 tt$n

“tw, f&w, §!£%«%*«. gitawaiT, ft*: The verb “tbitl” introduces the examples to explain something or some situation. For


(D&ft'A.ft, A—«:+»—*#.*. — Jfctt,

(2) ft tk-4a, #££35 fit, ®

££®©;i0 T If T ft £*****#£,

*.41 ft


Page 135: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


J, /L'Hbar, &4£4.

£#, —■£--£;& ;i 2 «n+*£-

• s-f* Practise

Complete the sentences.

_. (fcfr)

(2) &■*—.& JLit&.

_o (tb^p)

(3 ) 4tfl-fc, “#” , “ji” , “if"

# “=.,*,7jc” o +»*—

fe*»*MT**. ,

_„ (thfr)

Answer the questions based on the texts.

&>] n H.i£ Retell the dialogues.

Exercises **1:




i*i3: /JnMW®^:



§fi 3


Page 136: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK 4 (±)

Standard Course 4 (A)

Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks.

{ft M ft AiZE

© —£)

• ft «***■#, *-f~&,

>lHo ££.&&«+, — A®. +f T**iR, ft^Tfi&/7, 3 — y*,

5L_it T Atf!41151 .

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B:^P{+^? A&itfttttt-idfe#'*?

©A: tt^TRl#.BC,?

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0A:ft| -hrU■? ^ 2 ft—^ AA rij ¥j % m A, {it ”£?

B: $)&}$.&%.£.$■ , _A4MS4-5&4&, £{fe0

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B:*]ftT, _3M'JJU6, *J9l:>-7—4s A*AA A To


Page 137: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


»■ [o]^i,n] Words with the Same Character


4.#*, £.*&. 9j"*-£,

i£tfJMi!£—**3UL, fc**,

JMNHfe, ft

j»0 iti*4.&e,&ii, ajAifcfl-a***,

• |8| - i Drills

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

tm tm &m


04UHH^F-26£, Jt,&j£&i£iJii^£4L, 4,

• 4UH ****&«, ^3L—>M3*,

JSffi Hi 5RA/§zrfj Pair Work

Application s«7l^f$ffiS!llS,

Learn about each other’s opinions on happiness and complete the questionnaire below.

|q) 3£ 1=3

1 a,

3 ; ifcjJUMfr.? 3L^/4L^t<5k?


Page 138: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

HSK mmwm 4 (±) Standard Course 4 (A)

9 Group Work

*#*WA^#-#ihl!l«8i!I»W4fo () Happiness is a feeling. Everybody has a unique understanding of it. Tell your group

members about a person you think is happy or a thing that makes you feel happy. (Use at

least four of the following structures.)

a. _t#£,


c. -&ihA

d. 41 £ *4*


f. **MM*


h. #&*—*#***:


4®5Lip;flv Contentment Is Happiness

+ S4T>h*Sn4 o A££Kjft^l£#

#]#{*, A, -+M4MHWSUIL

^KS'JWc fcUEUHR. #lt§#ffo

The Chinese idiom “ftlid/M'^ (Contentment is happiness)” means in simple words that to be happy

you need to be content with what you have. The highest realm of life is maintaining a happy mood. Money

is not the only goal to be sought after; there are many other important things in life, such as good health, an

understanding lover, a warm, happy family, and a desirable job, none of which can be bought with money. To

be content with what you have will make each and every day of your life full of sunshine and pleasantness.


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vH '14 jft i8l Abbreviations of Parts of Speech

Part of Speech Abbreviation if 14

Part of Speech Abbreviation

n. S'] if adv.

§(]if V. fHf prep.

«5$if adj. i£if conj.

ft if pron. af/if part.

•Rif num. nXif int.

it if m. tfl^if onom.

SScfiif num.-m. mm _ _


fitsils&if mod. jg* suf.

New Words

if if if tt if V Word/Phrase _Pinyin Part of Speech Meaning | Lesson


m aiqing n. love (between a man and a woman) 1

4c* anpdi V. to arrange 3

** dnshf adv. on time, on schedule 4

anzhao prep. according to 4


IT^iL bai fen zh? percent —


ffcii bdozheng V. to guarantee 4

is- bei m. times, -fold 6

benlai adv. originally, at first 3

tt-iP biru v- for example, such as 10

bi ye v. to graduate 2

## biaozhun n. standard 5

f*4- blnggan n. biscuit 9

bu de bu to have to, to have no choice but 4

buguan conj. no matter (what, how, etc.) 3

*i± buguo conj. but, yet 10


Page 140: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

bujln conj. not only 1

c ca v. to wipe 7

cailiao n. data, material 3

chdbuduo adv. almost 2

A* -zz chang V. to taste 6

*i± chaoguo V. to exceed, to surpass 7

chenggong adj. successful 4

chengwei V. to become 8

A* chengshi adj. honest 3

±# chongxln adv. again, once more 2

-fib® chou yan to smoke 7

A fit chuxian V. to appear, to emerge 7

tr chuanghu n. window 7

Ak%. conglai adv. always, all along 1


do’an n. answer, key 10

trVL ddrdo V. to disturb, to bother 6

4t-ifr da zhe V. to give a discount 5

ddshigudn n. embassy 8

** daifu n. doctor 7

% dang prep. when, just at (a time or place) 2

iut ddngshi n. then, at that time

fj*t ddochu adv. everywhere 8

ff dei mod. must, have to 9

♦ deng part. etc., and so on 10

ft di adj. low 10

mi didochd V. to survey, to investigate 4

# dido V. used after certain verbs, indicating the result of an

action 7

dongzuo n. action, movement 7

** du che V. traffic jam -1


ut-t duzi n. L^_^__

belly, stomach 7

M.fj dudnxin _"_

text message 2


I?T7 conj. {showing a contrast) while, yet 2


Page 141: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong


fdsheng v- to happen, to take place 8

tUk fazhan V. to develop, to promote 10

ii:# fdlii n. law 1

iSif fanyi n. translator, interpreter 10

fdnnao adj. worried, vexed 7

fiL*t fandu'i V. to oppose, to object to 7

7Ti& fangfd n. method, way 4

2t4i fangmidn n. aspect 6

3n6j fangxidng n. direction, orientation 10

zk-fi- fdngq'i V. to give up 9

ifc. fdngsong V. to relax 8

# fen m. used for jobs among other things _4

+* fengfu V. to enrich 2

fuhe V. to accord with 3

** fuze V. to be in charge of 3

[* fit adj. rich, wealthy 10


&S. gaibidn V. to change 3

&■#] gdndong V. to touch, to move 1

«£ gdnjud n. feeling 3

|*+* gdnqing n. affection, love 7

[** ganxie V. to thank 4

«'] gang adv. just, not long 1

-8- ge pron. various, different 6

if- gongzi n. pay, salary 4

gongtong adj. common, shared 1

gou wii to shop, to buy things 5

% gou V. to be enough 1

-frit guji V. to estimate, to reckon 7

| «r& guke n. customer, client 3

1 £* gudnjian n. hinge, crux 10

guang adv. only, merely 5

r-4- guanggao n. advertisement 5

ife guang V. to stroll, to roam 2


Page 142: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

@ fa guoji n. international 9

guozhT n. fruit juice 6

i±S guocheng n. course, process 9


if han n. sweat, perspiration 9

hdochu n. benefit, advantage 6

hdoxiang adv. as if 2

hbuhui v. to regret 7

.Mb huxiang adv. mutually 1

EJ'fc huiyt V. to call to mind, to recall 8

?£■&} huodong n. activity, event 6

huode V. to get, to obtain 6


j'j' adj. positive 8

** jildi V. to accumulate 4

3LBf jishf adv. in time 2

*P<* jishi conj. even if 1

if*'] jihua n./ v. plan; to intend to 4

$ j' V. to mail, to send 5

.fa.#. jid ban V. to work overtime 1

jiaju n. furniture 5

jiage n. price 5

']£•# jidnchi V. to insist, to persist 9

;&r. jidn fei V. to lose weight 7

ittX. jianyi n. suggestion, advice 10

#* jidngldi n. future 10

jiangjin n. money award, bonus 4

FM& jidngdT V. to lower, to reduce 6 £ jiao V. to make (friends) 2

itiit jidoliu V. to exchange, to communicate 2

Mt jidoshou n. professor 7

4i± jieshou V. to accept 1

jidgud n. result 9

^■f jlngubn conj. although 2

*•* jinzhang adj. nervous 3


Page 143: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

jingjl n. economy 10

jfngli V. to go through, to experience 9

jlngydn n. experience 4

jingse n. scene, view 8

±#k jingran adv. indicating unexpectedness 6

jingzi n. mirror 2

7f' 't/' juban V. to hold, to conduct 6

3Mt juxing v- to hold (a meeting, event, etc.) 6

jull n. distance 8

ft* jiihul v./n. to have a party; party, get-together 2

K _J

7f-£c£ kdi wanxido to be kidding 1

4M kdolu V. to consider 5

kexue n. science 8

kesou V. to cough 7

keshl conj. but, however 9

■ft. kdnding adv. surely, certainly 5

kongqi n. air 7

£;L kongr n. free time, spare time 10

_® kun adj. sleepy 10

f kunnan n. difficulty 2


4i la V. to pull, to drag 10

&*;S. laibuji v- to have not enough time to, to be too late to 7

&# Idngfei V. to waste 5

*.*. Idngmdn adj. romantic 1

ITbditian n. Sunday 10

lljie V. to understand 2

JE& ITxidng n. ideal 9

#'J*» liru V. for example 6

m lid num.-m. two, both 1

| «* lidnxi V. to contact 2

lingwdi conj. besides, in addition 3

© liu V. to leave 3

;*t-ff liuxing V. to be popular 5


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ItishT n. lawyer 3

tl ludn adj. burry-scurry, confused 4


fa® mdfan V. to bother 2

l mdn V. to reach a quota or limit 6

*.# mion fei V. to be free of charge 6

muqln n. mother 10


naixin n. patience 8

5$ilt ndnddo adv. used in a rhetorical question for emphasis 9 1*3 nei n. in, within 6

tit* nengli n. ability, competence 3

nidnlmg n. age 5


*]*f pdndudn V. to judge, to decide 3

P& pei V. to accompany 2

fafa pifu n. skin 6

piqi n. temper, disposition 1

% pian m. used for writings, papers or articles 9

+ 8t pingshi n. normal times 2

*3 putao n. grape 5

_ _ Q

qfci pron. second, next —


* + qizhong n. among (which, them, etc.) 6

qihdu n. climate 7

>S£.ti qidokeli n. chocolate 8 *fa qlnqi n. relative, kinsfolk g

fe qTng adj. light, of little weight 6

fete qingsong adj. relaxed, effortless 9

rt-ut qingkuang n. situation, circumstances 6

2r qidng adj. poor, impoverished 10

E35'l qubie n. difference, distinction 9

i 3*. qu V. to gain, to seek 9

quedian n. shortcoming 1

&•}' queshao V. to lack 8

(j*P que adv. but, yet 2


Page 145: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

queshi adv. truly, indeed 10

R _

renhe pron. any, whatever 5


scin bu V. to take a walk 7

&& shafo n. sofa 5

slicing xin adj. sad, sorrowful 8

w. shen adj. deep 1

shenzhi conj. even, so far as to 4

shenghuo n./v. life; to live 1

shengming n. life 8

±* shengyi n. business, trade 4

shlbai V. to fail 9

shTfu n. a polite title for one with accomplished skills in a

trade or handicraft 8

£l$ shfjl n. reality 5

£& shizai adv. really 5

f*. shi V. to make, to cause 8

ii'o' shihe V. to suit, to fit 1

it& shiy'ing V. to get used to 2

J&A shouru n. income 3

tf*, shouxian pron. first 3

OJ shoudao V. to receive 5

HtfJi shouhuoyuan n. salesperson 6

#v.& shuxi V. to be familiar with 1

shuzi n. number 7

shuai adj. handsome 7

rate shunbian adv. in passing 5

ra*J shunl'i adj. smooth 4

•ifcsfl shuommg V. to explain, to show 7

ra± shuoshi n. Master, person who has a master’s degree 10

&te suibian adj. casual, at random 9

W* su6y6u adj. all 6


1 « tai m. used for machines 5

[&/t tdidu n. attitude 8


Page 146: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

ton v. to talk, to discuss 4

m tong n. sugar, candy 10

m tang V. to lie (on one’s back) 10

vtlk. tdoydn V. to dislike 2

#.* tedidn n. characteristic 8

1* ti V. to mention 4

tigong V. to provide 3

#ur tiqian V. to do (sth.) in advance or ahead of time 4

ti xlng V. to remind 4

** tidojian n. condition 10

* ting adv. quite, rather 3

ili± tongguo prep. through, by means of 9

i4*> tongzhi V. to inform 3


wazi n. socks 6

wdnqudn adv. completely 4

wangqiu n. tennis 9

4M£ wangwang adv. often, usually 8

'Ait weiddo n. taste 5

*,#P wuliao adj. boring


xlhongshi n. tomato 6

*.51 xlyin v- to attract 1

3SL4r xianjin n. cash 5

but xianmu V. to envy, to admire 1

xidngpi n. eraser, rubber 10

ft A xiaoxi n. news 4

'J'-it xidoshuo n. novel, fiction 6

s££ xidogud n. effect 5

'Ci'rt' xTnqing n. mood, state of mind 8

xlnku adj. hard, toilsome 7

1t‘i£ x'inxTn n. confidence 3

•7\4f?- xTngfen adj. excited 10

A=f® xingfu adj. happy 1

4±* xinggd n. character, personality 1


Page 147: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

If 32. xiulT V. to repair, to mend 6

xuduo num. many, plenty of 9


yali n. pressure, stress 8

r-t yanzhong adj. serious, grave 7

ydnjiu V. to study, to do research 7

FB*. ydngguang adj. optimistic, cheerful 8

yangzi n. look, appearance 5

yaoqTng V. to invite 5

ydoshi conj. if, supposing 7

—fej yiqie pron. all, every 4

yiwei V. to think, to believe 4

2* yishu n. art 5

0J* yincT conj. therefore, so 8

y'inxidng n. impression i

JL y’ng V. to win 9

yingpin V. to apply for a job 3

4^-ii yongyuan adv. forever 10

J5#t ydnggdn adj. brave, courageous 9

it.k youdian n. merit 5

VL% youxiu adj. excellent, outstanding 10

&WL youmo adj. humourous 1

X.& youqi adv. especially 5

*-f youyu conj. because, since 10

yduyi n. friendship 2

ttrik yukuai adj. glad, cheerful 8

yu prep. with 3

£*. yudnlai adj. original 4

4& yudnyTn n. reason 1

yuehu'i v. to date, to go to an appointment 3


'inn zanmen pron. we, us 3

4fnt zdnshi n. temporary, for the time being 9

*«■ zerdn n. responsibility, duty 4

48# zhdopin V. to recruit 3

Page 148: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

zhenzheng adj. true, real 2

i# zhenghdo adv. just in time, just right 2

zhengque adj. right, correct 9

SL& zhdngshi adj. formal 3

zhengming V. to prove 8

zhichi V. to support 6

zhTshi n. knowledge 4

{iff zhide V. to be worth 6

SRik zhiye n. occupation, profession 10

zhi'wu n. plant 7

X* zhlydo conj. as long as, provided 8

•tS zhT V. to refer to 7

£'>' zhishdo adv. at least 9

*± zhllidng n. quality 5

^ s zhouwei n. surrounding 2

zhuyi / zhuyi n. idea, plan 9

-t-n zhuanmen adv. specially 2 -$-Jk zhudnye n. major, specialty 3

* zhuan V. to earn 4

#Bf zhunshi adj. punctual, on time 3

£l& z'irdn adv. naturally, certainly 1

&& zongjie V. to sum up 9

It# zuihdo adv. had better 1

Jt* zuojid n. writer 9

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Proper Nouns


£ it 4. Aidi'sheng


Sun Yue


Wdng Hong

Wang Jing


Tliomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), an American inventor

Gao, a Chinese family name

Li, a Chinese family name

Li Jin, name of a person

Lin, a Chinese family name


a Chinese family name

Shanghai, a city of China

Sun Yue, name of a person


Wang, a Chinese family name

Wang Hong, name of a person

Wang Jing, name of a person

X Xia, a Chinese family name

Xiaoyu, name of a person

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuan, name of a person


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Page 151: HSK 4 A Standard Course 4A...ifucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban) STANDARD COURSE BEIJING LANGUAGE ANDCULTURE UNIVERSITY PRESS LEAD AUTHOR: AUTHORS:Jiang Liping s#: »a, sm Dong

New Words Made Up of Characters Learned before

From This Book

SriS New Word

sm Pinyin

Will Part of Speech

mx. Meaning

aw Lesson

10^ Character(s)

Learned before


4? dn prep. according to 4


fit bao V. to guarantee 7

bishi n. written exam 3 fir*.

bian V. to change into, to become 1

biitong adj. different 2 ^ N 4s l^l


* can n. meal 9

chdngqi n. long time 8

A cheng V. to succeed, to accomplish 4

At chu n. someplace 7 f]At

chuang n. window 8


dedao V. to gain 8 PUf, S'J

** du V. to block up 8 #4


fumu n. parents 9


gandao V. to feel 2 *1

#3 gou V. to buy 6

goumbi V. to buy, to purchase 5


hub n. stuff 6


jib V. to add 7

pm jiaqidn n. price 6

* jibng n. award, praise 9

% jie n. street 2 ■frit


1 * mei adj. beautiful 8 It as

mianshi n. interview 3


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Supplementary Vocabulary



common, ordinary

s shopping mall

at or by one’s side






feeling of freshness


to have sth. to do with

z I, we, us


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