HRMS Demo Material

7/23/2019 HRMS Demo Material 1/6 Question: What is value set? Answer: It is a set of values Question: Why do we need value sets? Answer: You do not always want a user to enter junk free text into all the elds. Hence !racle A""s uses value set to validate that correct data is #ein$ entered in the elds in screen. Question: Is value set attached to all the elds that re%uire validations? Answer : A #i$ &! Question: 'hen where lies the usa$e of value sets? Answer: (roadly s"eakin$ value sets are attached to se$)ents in *lexelds.  You can ar$ue that value sets are also attached to "ara)eters of concurrent "ro$ra)+#ut in reality oracle treats "ara)eters as ,escri"tive *lexelds- Question: 'his is insane exelds haven/t #een covered in htt":00$eta""strainin$.#lo$s" as yet? Answer: A$reed hence let/s restrict value set ex"lanation to their usa$e in concurrent "ro$ra) "ara)eters. Question: Any exa)"les? Answer: *or the na)esake lets add a 1ara)eter to the concurrent "ro$ra) that we dened in 23oncurrent 1ro$ra) 'rainin$ 4esson link5. 4ets add a "ara)eter na)ed 2cost centre5 the values to this "ara)eter )ust #e restricted to one of the three values i.e. H6 783 I'. At the ti)e of su#)ission of the concurrent "ro$ra) the user should #e a#le to "ick a cost centre fro) a list. 'his is where value set $ets used.

Transcript of HRMS Demo Material

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Question: What is value set?

Answer: It is a set of values

Question: Why do we need value sets?

Answer: You do not always want a user to enter junk free text into all the

elds. Hence !racle A""s uses value set to validate that correct data is

#ein$ entered in the elds in screen.

Question: Is value set attached to all the elds that re%uire validations?

Answer : A #i$ &!

Question: 'hen where lies the usa$e of value sets?

Answer: (roadly s"eakin$ value sets are attached to se$)ents in *lexelds.

 You can ar$ue that value sets are also attached to "ara)eters of concurrent

"ro$ra)+#ut in reality oracle treats "ara)eters as ,escri"tive *lexelds-

Question: 'his is insane exelds haven/t #een covered in

htt":00$eta""strainin$.#lo$s" as yet?

Answer: A$reed hence let/s restrict value set ex"lanation to their usa$e in

concurrent "ro$ra) "ara)eters.

Question: Any exa)"les?

Answer: *or the na)esake lets add a 1ara)eter to the concurrent "ro$ra)

that we dened in 23oncurrent 1ro$ra) 'rainin$ 4esson link5. 4ets add a

"ara)eter na)ed 2cost centre5 the values to this "ara)eter )ust #e

restricted to one of the three values i.e. H6 783 I'.

At the ti)e of su#)ission of the concurrent "ro$ra) the user should #e a#le

to "ick a cost centre fro) a list. 'his is where value set $ets used.

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&o 7ecurity 9 All security is disa#led for this value set

Hierarchical 7ecurity 9 Hierarchical security is ena#led. With hierarchical

security the features of value security and value hierarchies are co)#ined.

With this feature any security rule that a""lies to a "arent value also a""lies

to its child values

3hoosin$ a alidation 'y"e for Your alue 7et

&one +not validated at all- :You use a &one ty"e value set when you want to

allow users to enter any value so lon$ as that value )eets the value set

for)attin$ rules.

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a se$)ent that uses this value set does not "rovide a list of values for your


Inde"endent :An Inde"endent value set "rovides a "redened list of values

for a se$)ent.'hese values can have an associated descri"tion.

Inde"endent values are stored in an !racle A""lication !#ject 4i#rary ta#le

,e"endent :,e"endent value set is alues in the list de"end on which

inde"endent value was selected in a "rior se$)ent of the *lexeld structure.

 'a#le : *etch value fro) our own a""lication 'a#le

7"ecial +advanced- 7"ecial and "air value sets "rovide a )echanis) to

allow a ;exeld9within9a9exeld;. 'hese value sets


  are "ri)arily used for 7tandard 6e%uest

7u#)ission 1ara)eter.

 'ranslata#le Inde"endent :A 'ranslata#le Inde"endent value set is si)ilar to

Inde"endent value set in that it "rovides a "redened list of values for a

se$)ent. However a translated value can #e used

 'ranslata#le ,e"endent : is si)ilar to ,e"endent value set in that the

availa#le values in the list and the )eanin$ of a $iven value de"end on which

inde"endent value was selected in a "rior se$)ent of the exeld structure.

However a translated value can #e used

*48<*I84,7: A exeld is a exi#le data eld that your or$ani=ation can

custo)i=e to your #usiness needs without "ro$ra))in$

>ey *lexelds :A key exeld is a eld )ade u" of se$)ents where each

se$)ent has #oth a value and a )eanin$. You can think of a key exeld as

an ;intelli$ent; eld that your #usiness can use to store infor)ation

re"resented as ;codes.;

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,** will #e used to ca"ture extra infor)ation

,ierences #etween ,** and >**

  ,** >**

@. ,** will #e used to ca"ture 8<'6AInfor)ation

@. >** will #e used to ca"ture >8Y Infor)ation

. Attri#ute colu)ns will #e used . 7e$)ent colu)ns will #e used

B. We can re$ister CA< ,** B. We have D #uilt in >** we are not su""osecreate new >**

E. ,** will #e acce"t what ever ,ata

we enter

E. >** we can dene rules to ca"ture valid da

F. W8 have context eld F. W8 have no 3ontext eld

G. ,** data will #e stored in Attri#ute3olu)ns

G. ,** codes will #e stored in se$)ents >**descri"tion will #e stored in *&,*48<A4ta#les.

What is the si$nicance of cross validate se$)ents in the >ey exeld

structure screen +$ure G-?

@- 3ross validation rule "revents user to enter invalid se$)ent value

code co)#inations.

- create when you enter values for key exelds. A cross validation

rule denes whether a value of a "articular se$)ent can #e co)#ined

with s"ecic values of other se$)ents. 3ross validation is dierent fro)

se$)ent validation which controls the values you can enter for a

"articular se$)ent.When a user nishes enterin$ se$)ent values in a

exeld "o"u" window the exeld checks whether the values )ake u"

a valid co)#ination #efore u"datin$ the data#ase. If the user entered an

invalid co)#ination a dia$nostic error )essa$e a""ears and the cursor

returns to the rst se$)ent assu)ed to contain an invalid value

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,yna)ic Insertion

,yna)ic insertion allows you to create a co)#ination of se$)ent values for a

key exeld without usin$ a co)#inations for). ,urin$ the i)"le)entation of a key exeld your or$ani=ation can either ex"licitly dene a list of valid

code co)#inations for the key exeld usin$ a co)#inations for) or allow

you to create valid co)#inations as you enter values in the key exeld for

the rst ti)e on a for) other than the co)#inations for). Your or$ani=ation

can also s"ecify cross9validation rules for a key exeld so that you can only

dene s"ecic code co)#inations durin$ dyna)ic insertion.

free=e rollu" $rou": 6ollu" $rou"s are used to create su))ary accounts for

re"ortin$ "ur"oses in J4. !nly accountin$ ex eld is usin$ this featurecurrently

What is the difference between flexfield qualifier and segment qualifier?

Flexfiled qualifier identifies segement in a flexfield and segment qualifier identifies

value in a segment.

There are four types of flexfiled qualifier 1) Balancing segment qualifier 2) cost

center 3) natural account and 4) intercompnay

segemtn qualifier ! 1) allo" #udgeting 2) allo" posting 3) account type 4) contral

account and $) reconciliation flag

,ierence #etween jo# and "ositions in oracle hr)s

 Ko#s are )eant to descri#e the duties so)eone "erfor)s e.$. 8n$ineer

Accountant Cana$er.

1ositions are )eant to descri#e s"ecic instances of that jo# e.$. 'rainee

8n$ineer 7enior 3ost Accountant 7ales Cana$er

In other words 1ositions are su#sets of Ko#s.

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Jrades can #e set u" a$ainst either a Ko# or a 1osition. You select which ones

are valid.

,ene 7ecurity 1roles:

7ecurity "roles are used in !racle A""lications H3C to restrict the

infor)ation which a user can see. Infor)ation can #e restricted in )any ways

e.$. #ased on !r$ani=ation 1osition 7u"ervisor etc

7ecurity "role controls access to "eo"le records when user lo$ins to H3C


!nce the security "role is created it is attached to a res"onsi#ility to

enforce the security access