HR Smart-Performance Management Training April-May, 2015.

HR Smart-Performance Management Training April-May, 2015

Transcript of HR Smart-Performance Management Training April-May, 2015.

HR Smart-Performance Management Training

April-May, 2015

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre 2


Context Setting – 15 min - Kelly/Barb

Workflow and HR Smart – Employee Perspective – 60 min - Pauline

Learning Planning – Components of Education Opportunities to Improve Performance - 15 min – Kelly/Barb

Workflow – Manager Perspective – 30 min – Pauline

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Why Performance Management Matters?

“The achievements of an organization are the results

of the combined effort of each individual." Vince


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Feedback Matters

The Coach does not play in the game, but the Coach helps the players identify

areas to improve their game.

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Giving & Receiving Feedback

What am I great at in my job? What areas do I need to work on to become even better?

Without feedback from others it’s hard to see my own strengths and weaknesses clearly

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New Performance Management Tools and Process

• For regulated health professionals - 2-year full review and 1-year touchpoint for Assessment, Documentation, and Resource Utilization

• All others 1-year full review

• All reviews will include a review of my performance by:• Vision• Values• Strategic Goals• Key Performance Indicators – 3 big dot measures for each

role• Goals – 1-2 individual SMART goals for the upcoming year• Job Skills specific to my role

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre

Performance Management System Overview Managers/ Directors

ONA - Regulated ONA (Non-regulated)

& Non-Union Support


Workflows • Annual Review• 360 Review• Interim Probation• Final Probation

• 2-Year Review• 12-month touchpoints

(Assessment, Documentation, Resource Utilziation)

• 360 Review• Interim Probation• Final Probation

• Annual Review• 360 Review• Interim Probation• Final Probation

• Annual Review• 360 Review• Interim Probation• Final Probation

Core Competencies

Mission, Vision, Values, Strategic Directions

Mission, Vision, Values, Strategic Directions

Mission, Vision, Values, Strategic Directions

Mission, Vision, Values, Strategic Directions

Job Competencies

LEADS:• Leads Self• Engages Others• Achieves Results• Develops

Coalitions• System


Probation (added):• Attendance/


• Receptive to Constructive Feedback

• Assessment• Engagement/

Disengagement• Service Planning• Systems Navigation

Probation (added):• Attendance/ Punctuality/ Dependability• Receptive to

Constructive Feedback

• Self-Direction• Quality of Work• Efficiency

Probation (added):• Attendance/


• Receptive to Constructive Feedback

• Self-Direction• Quality of Work• Efficiency

Probation (added):• Attendance/


• Receptive to Constructive Feedback

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre

Performance Management System Overview 12 Month Touchpoints

Managers/ Directors

ONA - Regulated ONA (Non-regulated)

& Non-Union Support


Assessment • n/a • Infection Control• Knowledge of

community resources• Person-centred

approach• Self-management• Use of technology

• n/a • n/a

Documentation n/a • Easy for readers to understand and free of spelling & grammar errors

• CHRIS notes objective• Assessments locked,

uploaded & dated appropriately

• Assessments complete and clearly documented

n/a n/a

Resource Utilization n/a • # of assessments/visits• Standards of Care• RUM Trends

n/a n/a

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre

Performance Management System Overview…pg 2


ONA - Regulated ONA (Non-regulated)

& Non-Union Support


KPIs (Accountability Frameworks are the foundation)

• % of EEs with high absenteeism in Absence Management Program

• >95% of Performance Reviews up to date

• Others TBD

Community CC :• Assessments/RUM

period• Meeting RUM targets

for population• Meeting initial

assessments for population

Hospital CC:• AUA for PSW 100%• D/C Care Plans

Other Roles: TBD

To be developed Community TA:• Data errors ≤ team

average • Initial contact

meets standard of care for population

• Phone queue pickup ≥ team average

Other Roles: TBD

Goals 2 Goals can be added in the Performance Phase

2 Goals can be added in the Performance Phase

2 Goals can be added in the Performance Phase

2 Goals can be added in the Performance Phase

Workplace Participation

Optional, for logging Committees and Working Groups

Optional, for logging Committees and Working Groups

Optional, for logging Committees and Working Groups

Optional, for logging Committees and Working Groups

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The Business Process


Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre


Automates the process – no need to remember, or scramble to prepare for PM interview

Journal Entries throughout: mgr/employee

Built on notification system – you are advised when to go in do something with time lines to have completed

HR the Administrator – Confidentiality maintained

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre


Performance:- period of time between reviews- time to journal – keep private or share with manager

Assessment – 3 ratings- Needs Improvement, Proficient, Exceptional- Self Assessment- Manager Assessment- PA meeting

Closing- Manager closes, sends to HR- Official – to Personnel File- Set up to Launch new PA for new Period

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre 13


Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre


First time: On receipt of notification from HR with Link- your email address is your login- click of Forget your Password- re-set to your Network Password

Subsequently: Through Icon on Desk top

Interruptions: Finish later message

Times out after 60 minutes

Reminder click on Red HR button top left to take you back to the landing page dashboard

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Areas of development identified? Here are 5 things you can do to see improvement in

these aspects of your job.

1. Develop a learning plan

2. Access e-learning programs

3. Attend workshops, webinars or seminars

4. Seek out a peer mentor

5. Request 1:1 assistance from an Educator

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre 17


Provincial LMS (>370 courses)• Art of Client Services curriculum• Assessments, • Legislative/compliance courses, e.g., AODA, H&S, Privacy, • Business & Technology • Management & Leadership

Internal On-line (Sharepoint>team>HROD>Organizational Development>Education)

• Training presentations, e.g., Documentation, Sharepoint, Clinical Connect, Blackberry

• Reference documents, videos, job aids,• Orientation resources

Free University Courses • free, online University courses that are offered by some of the top Universities around the world •And here’s another one!

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre 18

Classroom and Other learning sources CCAC Education Calendar

• Available on Education Sharepoint site• Schedule of learning opportunities • Individual event notification includes registration process • Some topics offered on a regular recurring basis, e.g.,

Clinical Connect

External Workshops, Webinars, Seminars • Self-sourced or recommended • Submit request to manager; • Divisional approval required

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre 19

1:1 Support for Learning

Peer support • You and/or your manager may identify a peer able to assist

you in your learning. Your manager will be responsible to facilitate the process

Educator support• Where a SME is required, an Educator may be requested to

provide specific training, e.g., RAI-CA

Governing principles • The information is not otherwise available, or that the your learning need is best met through an individual approach; e.g., job shadow, use of a SME• the support relationship is specific…what is to be learned and is time limited….approximately 2 -3 sessions• Information sharing between support person, employee and manager is transparent

Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre


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