HR ANALYTICS: HOW DOES A DATA-DRIVEN APPROACH AFFECT FAIRNESS PERCEPTIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM? Master thesis, MSc Human Resource Management (HRM) University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business May 25, 2018 Pinelopi Apostolatou Student number: 3187632 Antaresstraat 25-05 9742 LA Groningen tel.: +31 (0) 645514561 E-mail: [email protected] Supervisor: prof. Dr. B.A Nijstad Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior Acknowledgement: I would like to thank my supervisor prof. Dr. B.A Nijstad for being so helpful and inspiring. This thesis would be impossible without his valuable suggestions.




Master thesis, MSc Human Resource Management (HRM)

University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business

May 25, 2018

Pinelopi Apostolatou

Student number: 3187632

Antaresstraat 25-05

9742 LA Groningen

tel.: +31 (0) 645514561

E-mail: [email protected]

Supervisor: prof. Dr. B.A Nijstad

Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior

Acknowledgement: I would like to thank my supervisor prof. Dr. B.A Nijstad for being so

helpful and inspiring. This thesis would be impossible without his valuable suggestions.





This study examines the potential of HR Analytics (HRA) to meliorate fairness perceptions of the

performance appraisal (PA) system. In particular, the relationship between the use of HRA and

perceived procedural fairness of the PA system is investigated. I propose that a high quality HRA

system would result in higher fairness perceptions than no HRA at all, while a low quality HRA

system would lead to lower fairness perceptions than no HRA at all. Moreover, I hypothesize that

human judgment would have an effect on perceived procedural fairness of the PA system. This

effect of human judgment is predicted to be weaker in case of high quality HRA. To test these

hypotheses, an online scenario-based survey (N=157) was performed. Even though none of the

hypotheses was supported, the results showed that high quality HRA led to higher procedural

fairness perceptions of the PA system than a low quality HRA. This study also identified some

significant relationships among types of fairness and work attitudes. Procedural fairness was found

to be positively correlated to distributive fairness, job satisfaction and organizational commitment,

but negatively correlated with turnover intentions. As this is one of the first attempts in which the

role of HRA on the PA system is explored, future research is needed for generalized assumptions.

Keywords: HR Analytics, performance appraisal, procedural fairness, human judgment


The field of Human Resource Management has evolved dramatically due to the enormous

impact of technology. More specifically, technology has transformed the way HR processes are

currently managed, mainly in terms of how organizations collect, store, use, and disseminate

information about applicants and employees (Stone et al. 2015). Because of this vast increase in

the availability and reach of HR data, human resource professionals have the opportunity to more

effectively employ HR metrics to assess HR in terms of its efficiency, effectiveness, and impact

(Dulebohn & Johnson, 2013). Thus, organizations have started to use a rational decision-making

model in HR, where decisions are based on quantitative information (Popovič et al., 2012).

HR analytics (HRA) is part of this overall trend of rational decision making. It involves the

use of data and statistical analysis to make decisions about HR practices based on facts (Davenport

& Harris, 2007). This means that HRA is not only about collecting data, but also about knowing

how to use it (Castellano, 2014). For this reason, there has been an increasing focus on Decision

Support Systems and Business Intelligence tools within human resource information systems.

These systems and tools make it possible to combine HR with other organisational data in order

to provide more developed analytical tools and enable better decision-making (Dulebohn &

Johnson, 2013). In this way, HR professionals can make better decisions that affect many of the

HR practices and policies.

Performance management is one of the HR practices that could benefit from the use of

HRA. Often, the performance appraisal (PA) system accounts for a large portion of employees’

dissatisfaction in terms of perceived fairness and effectiveness (Shrivastava and Purang, 2011).

Researchers have developed and practitioners have implemented various changes to the evaluation

criteria, rating instruments, and appraisal procedures in an effort to improve the accuracy and

perceived fairness of the process (Banks & Murphy, 1985). A data-driven approach, as the one of

HRA, could be a new tool in the appraisal procedures as it has the potential to contribute to the

perceived procedural fairness of the PA system. Indeed, data-driven decision making is defined as

something that is based on data and facts instead of intuition or personal experience (McAfee &

Brynjolfsson, 2012), which makes it a less biased approach.

In order to implement HRA effectively, companies need employees with the right

knowledge and skills to collect the correct data (Marler and Boudreau, 2017). The analysis of this

data should provide results that lead to organizational outcomes. When these conditions are not

met, HRA becomes of low quality and results in misguided decision-making. In that case, there is

a serious impact on the perceived accuracy and fairness of these decisions. This is where human

judgment could help. By assessing the quality of HR Analytics and filtering the outcomes using

common sense, HR professionals could deliver more accurate performance evaluations. Therefore,

the application of HR analytics, combined with human judgment, can potentially lead to better

conclusions and practices (King, 2016).

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential of HRA to contribute to fairness

perceptions of the PA system. For this reason, the relationship between the use of HRA and

perceived procedural fairness of the PA system will be examined, taking into account the

moderating effect of human judgment. The relationships analyzed in this paper have both

theoretical and practical significance. First, HRA is a new trend in the field of HR that has not

been adequately researched. Second, perceived fairness of the appraisal system is an important

issue to be faced by managers (Bretz, Milkovich and Read, 1992), as it accounts for a large portion

of employees’ dissatisfaction (Shrivastava and Purang, 2011).

Thus, the research question of this paper is: How does the data-driven approach of HR Analytics

affect fairness perceptions of the Performance Appraisal system?

To answer the above-stated question, I conducted an experimental scenario-based study.

The methodology of this study is presented, right after the theoretical development of the key

concepts and their relationships.


HR Analytics

Data analytics has been described as a merge of art and science (Fitz-enz & Mattox,

2014). It transforms a set of unorganized and unprocessed facts into information through analysis.

In turn, this information becomes knowledge when its importance or relevance for a problem area

is identified. As has been previously argued, knowledge is the ultimate source of organizational

competitive advantage (Grant, 1999). Supporting this claim, wide and sophisticated use of

analytics already exists in functions such as Finance, Supply Chain and Marketing (Hoffmann,

Lesser and Ringo, 2012). Data analytics can provide quantitative information about HR

performance as well and has the potential to put HR leaders on more equal base with others in the

organization as they all compete for limited resources (Schwarz and Murphy, 2008).

Many scholars have also argued that some key factors in the transition of HRM to a

strategic partner is data processing, analysis and measurement that function as the basis for HRM

decision-making (Lawler et al., 2004; Walsh et al., 2010). HR Analytics (HRA) involves the use

of data and statistical analysis to make decisions about HR practices based on facts (Davenport

and Harris, 2007). Furthermore, HRA has been defined as a fact-based decision-making method

with the goal of improving the quality of people-related decisions for the purpose of improving

individual performance (Bassi et al., 2012). It can also give insights into how HR practices and

policies affect organizational performance and, therefore, become a powerful tool for HR functions

to add value to the organization (Lawler et al., 2004).

In this study, HRA is defined as the extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative

analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and

actions (Davenport & Harris, 2007) in HRM, by analyzing HR and business data with the goal of

predicting and directing employee performance and business outcomes (Bassi et al., 2012).

There are many factors that determine the success and quality of HRA. Minbaeva (2017)

conceptualized HRA as an organizational capability that includes three dimensions: analytical

competencies, data quality, and strategic ability to act. First, HRA is dependent on the ability,

motivation and opportunity of analytics users of the entire organization. Second, once the purposes

behind analytical efforts are realized and an understanding of how human capital could contribute

to organizational success is obtained, it is important to consider the data that will be used in

subsequent analyses (King, 2016). Data quality must be considered in terms of both missing data

and possible errors in data entries. Angrave et al. (2016) also argue that, if any meaningful insight

is to be gained, analytics must be rooted in an understanding of the collected data and their context.

Third, in order to derive meaning from these data, statistical techniques and experimental

approaches should be used in order to show causal relationships between particular HR practices

and performance metrics that affect the success of the business. These performance metrics can be

customer satisfaction, sales per employee and the profitability of particular business activities

(Lawler et al., 2004).

Based on the conceptualization of Minbaeva (2017), we can assume that quality of HRA

depends on the analytical competencies of data operators, quality of data and whether HRA can

contribute to organizational success. Thus, for the needs of this study, quality of HRA is defined

as the extent to which data operators are competent in analyzing data that is accurate, consistent,

relevant, and whose analysis generates knowledge that can add value to the organization.

However, not all the organizations are capable of implementing high quality HRA. Fitz-

enz and Mattox (2014) note that approximately 75% of HR departments do not have usable basic

metrics, such as cost per hire, overall employee turnover, and performance. This means that there

is a long way to go from their current state to the appropriate use of analytics. Similarly, Angrave

et al. (2016) argue that it is unclear whether HR has the ability to effectively utilize trends in big

data and analytics to reap organizational benefits. This means that most individuals in HR

functions do not possess the skills, knowledge, and insights required to appropriately use the HR

data they have at their disposal. Even though the skills and ability to conduct these analyses are

present, it is still a challenge to gather the data necessary to turn information into results (Fitz-enz

& Mattox, 2014). Lastly, organizations tend to collect data that is concentrated more on HRM

itself, and not on its effect on the business (Lawler et al., 2004).

Performance Appraisal & Perceived Fairness

Performance appraisal (PA) is one of the most critical HR practices in organizations by

which supervisors evaluate the performance of subordinates. More specifically, supervisors use

appraisal ratings to make pay and promotion decisions, identify training and development needs

and motivate employees (Cascio & Bernardin, 1981). Perceived fairness of these ratings is one

particular type of employee reaction that has been found to be related to acceptance or rejection of

performance appraisals (Murphy & Cleveland, 1991). Thus, reactions towards the PA system

depend on the three types of perceived fairness, namely: (1) distributive fairness which focuses on

the outcomes of the appraisal rating, (2) procedural fairness that focuses on the appraisal rating

procedures and (3) interactional fairness which focuses on the interpersonal treatment employees

receive during the appraisal process (Narcisse & Harcourt, 2008).

In this study, the focus is on procedural fairness, as it has attracted a great deal of attention

in the context of PA. Lawler (1967) discovered that in order to have a successful performance

appraisal system, ratees must have confidence in the evaluation process. This means that the

performance system must have procedural fairness. It has also been argued that people care about

the procedural fairness of the PA system because of its implications for tangible outcomes that

they will receive (Thibaut and Walker, 1975). As instrumental theory argues, people believe that

they will receive what they deserve when procedures are fair. Lastly, according to Keeping and

Levy (2000), procedures used to appraise performance and the manner in which performance-

related information is communicated play an integral role in shaping employees’ satisfaction with

the appraisal process.

In spite of the attention and resources paid to PA, it continues to generate some

dissatisfaction among employees as it is often viewed as inaccurate, unfair, and political (Skarlicki

and Folger, 1997). Evans and McShane (1988) found that perceived fairness of the prior year’s

performance appraisal affects the perceived fairness of the current year’s performance appraisal.

Furthermore, employees that have a good two-way dyadic relationship with their managers have

more control over appraisal procedures because of this high leader-member exchange (LMX)

relationship (Erdogan, 2002). Research has also found that an employee’s similarity to the rater

may have a favorable influence on one’s performance ratings (Tsui & O’Reilly, 1989). Lastly,

studies have shown that managers' performance judgments are sometimes influenced by the

gender, race, or age of the evaluatee (Murphy and Cleveland, 1995). In these cases, PA does not

depend only on the actual performance of the employees, as it is affected by biases.

It is also widely accepted that perceptions of fairness influence the way people think, feel,

and act on the job (Bies and Shapiro 1987). Research has demonstrated that perceptions of fairness

result in more favorable employee attitudes and behaviors, such as organizational citizenship

behaviours (Skarlicki and Latham, 1997) and organizational commitment (Folger and Konovsky

1989). On the other hand, serious consequences may arise from not implementing a fair

performance appraisal process, such as lower morale and productivity, and higher rates of

absenteeism and tardiness, and eventual turnover (Wright, 2004). Similarly, dissatisfaction with

performance appraisal could potentially lead to decreased motivation and feelings of inequity

(Dobbins, Cardy & Platz-Vieno, 1990). As it occurs, the perception of fairness in PA is one of the

most important factors and should considered a criterion when reviewing PA effectiveness (Jacobs,

Kafry, and Zedeck, 1980). Therefore, in order to implement effective PA, organizations need to

consider its fairness.

HR Analytics in the Performance Appraisal system

The biased performance evaluations that PA may include, create challenges for ethical

decision-making in organizations (Maas and Torres-González, 2011). Murphy and DeNisi (2008)

suggest that research needs to examine the effects of new technologies on performance appraisal,

as they have the potential to reduce these deficiencies. In this direction, Farr et al. (2013) pointed

out that incorporating technology into the PA system has various benefits over traditional PA

systems. It can provide objective measures that mitigate biases in supervisory ratings (Campbell

et al., 1998). As a result, reducing subjectivity biases through technology, makes the PA process

more accurate and reliable (Murphy and DeNisi, 2008).

HR Analytics (HRA) belongs to these new technologies that could be a potential solution

to the issues of subjectivity in the PA system. Through data analytics, the goal is to transform large

complex masses of data into knowledge and, in this way, help the decision-making process of

HRM by making more accurate and data-driven decisions (Rasmussen & Ulrich, 2015). Data-

driven decision making is often defined as something that is based on data and facts instead of

intuition or personal experience (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2012). When the use of HRA provides

integrated, consistent and trustworthy data (LaValle et al., 2011), it can significantly reduce biases

related to human cognition.

Folger, Konovsky and Cropanzano (1992) used a "due process" metaphor to extend

the application of justice to performance appraisal. Three essential factors, namely adequate notice,

judgment based on evidence, and fair hearing were used to describe a procedurally fair system.

HRA could positively affect all these factors. First, adequate notice involves well documented

standards and objectives, and constant feedback. When HRA is used in the PA, standards and

objectives are agreed upon, implemented and communicated beforehand. Moreover, feedback can

be easily and regularly extracted. Second, HR Analytics is a logical method that enables

technological manipulation of information to provide insight on relevant issues and an evidence-

based approach to decision making (King, 2016). By this way, employees can be convinced that

evaluations are judgments based on evidence about their actual performance, rather than being

biased by factors such as personal prejudices. Third, fair hearing refers to an opportunity to

influence the evaluation decision through evidence and argument, and an opportunity to access

and challenge this decision (Folger et al. 1992). With HRA, employees can always ask access to

the data analyzed for their evaluation and use it as evidence in case they want to support their

dissatisfaction. In case of high quality data and HR professionals with high analytical capabilities,

this evidence becomes even stronger. Thus, I hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 1: High quality HR Analytics leads to higher procedural fairness perceptions

of the PA system than no HR Analytics at all.

The purpose of HRA is to contribute to the decision-making process by increasing data

quality and improving the integration of data from different sources (Dulebohn & Johnson, 2013).

However, the primary issue with this approach is that data quality is treated as an ‘end’ goal in

itself, rather than as a ‘means’ to achieving organizational objectives (Storey, 2012). As Orr (1998)

argues, the quality of data input should be accurate, timely, and consistent enough for the

organization to make reasonable decisions. Once data inconsistency becomes an issue due to some

intentional or accidental faults, such as data input errors, and data operator’s subjective judgment

(Strong et al., 1997) or low ability, trust in data quality can be significantly impaired. In turn, poor

data quality can be a major cause for damages and losses on organizational processes. To make

the matter worse, the extent of business damages due to missing and inconsistent data can be

difficult to assess, as it becomes virtually impossible to restore the data quality (Kwon et al., 2014).

Then, the decision maker may be forced to rely on alternative solutions, including resorting to

subjective knowledge, observing others’ behaviors through social comparison or even random

walk (Kim & Tsai, 2011). This undoubtedly discourages data-driven decision making (Kwon et

al., 2014), and in case of PA, a more traditional performance evaluation would lead to higher

perceived procedural fairness.

This leads us to the following hypothesis:

Hypothesis 2: Low quality HR Analytics leads to lower procedural fairness perceptions

of the PA system than no HR Analytics at all.

HR Analytics versus human judgment in the Performance Appraisal system

As stated before, a data-driven approach has the potential to improve decision-making in

the PA system. According to Pfeffer and Sutton (2006), decisions should be based on data. As they

argue, it is the evidence that helps us to make the right choices. Furthermore, the use of HRA

provides integrated, consistent and trustworthy data (LaValle et al., 2011) that can significantly

reduce biases related to human cognition. Pfeffer and Sutton (2006) also stress the possible impact

of evidence-based decision making as “changing how every manager thinks and acts”. Lastly,

Davenport, Harris, and Morison explain that this change alters the basis of decision-making from

‘gut feeling’ and intuition to objective data and analysis (Bassi et al., 2012).

On the other hand, the use solely of data in the decision-making process has been criticized.

To start with, Davenport (2006) argues that not all decisions should be wholly grounded in

analytics. Instinct and anecdote should be used in decisions involving human capital, as research

supports that many people are able to make fast and accurate judgments of personality and

character. Moreover, analytics might offer a good excuse to treat employees as pure resources, but

special attention should be paid to the “human side” of human resources (Davenport et al., 2010).

HRA is still sometimes seen as replacement for human thinking. But, data and analytics do not

often lead directly to actions (Rasmussen & Ulrich, 2015). According to Castellano (2014), it is

more a balancing between the human judgment and analytics. Qualitative information, for example

observations and interviews, is needed in addition to hard data.

Whether performance can be evaluated only with quantitative data is another important

issue of PA. According to Fitz-enz (2010), everything in business can be measured in 5 ways: cost,

time, quantity, quality and human reaction. Moreover, the use of analytics makes it easier to

collect, document and retrieve a variety of performance data from various sources, which provides

managers with better information to observe employee performance in terms of both outcome and

behavior (Sharma, 2017). It is, therefore, essential for the organizations to be able to quantify the

multi-dimensional aspects of performance which play a dominant role in performance

measurement systems (Dervitsiotis, 2004).

However, not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted

counts (Cameron, 1963). This means that there are some aspects of the employees’ job that cannot

be captured through quantitative measures or there are cases where the employer is not able to

measure what they require from employees. Subjectivity in performance measurement was

introduced to decrease distortion by taking into account those aspects (Kauhanen & Napari, 2012).

Subjective performance measures can be defined as the superior’s subjective judgments about the

qualitative aspects of the job performance and increased discretion of managers in performance

ratings (Moers, 2005). Thus, raters cannot rely only on numbers without taking into consideration

common sense.

Therefore, there is some debate among HR scholars and practitioners about the balance of

using intuition and data in making decisions (King, 2016). Ulrich and Dulebohn (2015) agree that

both are necessary and suggest that HR professionals need to improve their competencies in order

to be able to utilise HRA as part of the decision-making processes. All in all, the application of

HRA, combined with human judgment and managerial expertise, will lead to better conclusions

and practices than could have resulted from following the status quo of intuition and gut reaction

alone (King, 2016). Thus, human judgment will be necessary in order both the qualitative and

quantitative aspects of performance evaluation to be taken into account properly.

In case of low quality HRA, either because of the organization’s weak analytical

capabilities or inaccurate and insufficient data collection, human judgment will be even more

necessary. As stated above, poor data quality and weak capabilities of data analysts can be a major

cause for damages and losses (Kwon et al., 2014). In case of PA, there are many chances for the

performance evaluations to be inaccurate and, therefore, unfair. One could argue that HR

professionals should intervene and modify the decisions made depending on the results of a low-

quality system. Thus, comparing to high quality HRA, there are more chances for low quality HRA

to lead to misguided decision- making and, therefore, weaker procedural fairness perceptions.

That’s why the effect of human judgment is stronger in this case.

From the above, I hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 3: Human judgment on the HR Analytics results has a positive main effect on

the perceived procedural fairness of the PA system.

Hypothesis 4: The effect of human judgment on the perceived procedural fairness of the

PA system is stronger when the quality of HR Analytics is low, rather than high.

Hence, the conceptual model of Figure 1 occurs.

Figure 1 Conceptual model

Quality of HR



Procedural Fairness

of the PA system

Human Judgment


Design and participants

In order to investigate the hypotheses stated above, an experimental study was conducted.

The independent variable “Quality of HR Analytics” was manipulated, creating the following two

conditions: (1) High quality HRA (2) Low quality HRA. The moderator “Human judgment” was

either present or absent. There was also a control condition with no HR Analytics at all. That lead

to a 2 (quality of HRA: high vs low) x 2 (Human judgment: presence vs absence) + 1 (control

condition without HRA) design.

The sample consisted of 89 women and 68 men, 157 participants in total. Their average

age was 29 years (SD=7.72). Only ten of the respondents did not hold a university diploma, while

70 of them had already completed a Master’s degree. Furthermore, 92.4% of the sample has

already some work experience, 51.7% is currently employed, and 35.7% is currently studying.

Last but not least, 24.8% of the respondents hold an entry level job, 29% an intermediate or

experienced level job, and 11% a first level management position. The detailed participants

demographic information can be found in the Appendix (Table 2).


An online scenario- based survey was distributed to employees of diverse companies and

organizations located worldwide. I used my own network in order to reach out to them by phone,

email, social media, or physical meetings. After explaining the purpose and content of this study,

the respective online survey was sent to them and they could complete it voluntarily afterwards.

Apart from 157 valid answers, there were approximately 80 incomplete ones, as well as 20 that

failed the attention check. The latter were identified by the item “Please choose “Strongly agree”

to show that you are paying attention”.

Once the participants had read and agreed to the consent form, they were assigned randomly

to five different scenarios. All of them had the same start:

“Imagine that you work for a company where your performance is regularly evaluated

through a performance appraisal system. The respective appraisal ratings determine your

payment, possible internal mobility, promotion or dismissal and the identification of

training and development needs. For the last performance appraisal, however, you

received slightly lower ratings than you expected.”

In all the scenarios, it was presumed that the particular performance appraisal system lead

to a slightly disappointing evaluation. That’s because employees who receive low performance

ratings are more likely to perceive the process as unfair than those who receive high performance

ratings (Landy et al., 1980). Satisfactory ratings might have made the respondents happy and

possibly uninterested in the procedures of the appraisal process.

The rest of each scenario was different, satisfying the manipulation control of the study.

Briefly, the content of each scenario (See Appendix for detailed content) was:

Scenario 1: No HR Analytics, only human judgment

“This assessment is solely based on the evaluation by your supervisor.

Your supervisor, who is the main assessor of your performance, took into

account your performance, attitude, the relationships you have built inside

your work environment and your general behavior.”

Scenario 2: High quality HR Analytics, but no human judgment

“This assessment is solely based on information from the HR Analytics

system. In particular, your company has developed and implemented a

system where integrated data from all the departments is analyzed. This

data has been gathered for years and is accurate, consistent and


Scenario 3: High quality HR Analytics & human judgment

“This assessment is based on information from the HR Analytics system,

as well as on an evaluation by your supervisor. In particular, your

company has developed and implemented a system where integrated data

from all the departments is analyzed. This data has been gathering for

years and is accurate, consistent and trustworthy.”

Scenario 4: Low quality HR Analytics, but no human judgment

“This assessment is solely based on information from the HR Analytics

system. In particular, your company has developed and implemented a

system where integrated data from all the departments is analyzed. This

data has been gathered for years but there are some deficiencies, making

it less trustworthy in some cases.”

Scenario 5: Low quality HR Analytics & human Judgement

“This assessment is based on information from the HR Analytics system,

as well as on an evaluation by your supervisor. In particular, your

company has developed and implemented a system where integrated data

from all the departments is analyzed. This data has been gathered for

years but there are some deficiencies, making it less trustworthy in some


After the above information had been displayed, the items regarding fairness and satisfaction with

the performance appraisal system were presented. On the next page, the impact of this rating on

job satisfaction, intentions to leave, and commitment to the company was measured. The

subsequent set of items were some statements for manipulation control purposes. Lastly, self-

evaluation of the respondents was measured and demographic data was collected.


All responses were recorded on a 5-point Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 (strongly

disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). An exploratory factor analysis was conducted for the items related

to fairness perceptions, as they were combined from different scales. Initially, four components

were identified. The item “If I had evaluated my own performance, my rating would have been

similar to the one of my supervisor” of the first procedural fairness scale did not load on the

procedural fairness factor. Reasonably, the respondents were influenced by the statement that they

received slightly lower ratings than they expected. After this item had been excluded, three

components were identified, namely system procedural fairness, supervisor procedural fairness,

and distributive fairness. The factor loadings can be found in the Appendix (table 3). Thus, the

respective items were used for the measurement of those variables.

Dependent variables

Procedural fairness. Procedural fairness was measured by items from two different scales.

The first one consisted of six items and was developed by Tang and Sarsfield- Baldwin (1996). A

sample item is “The procedures of this performance appraisal were fair”. The other one, developed

by Erdogan et al. (2001), included three items measuring system procedural fairness and six items

measuring rater procedural fairness. A sample item is “My supervisor uses this performance

appraisal system to reward the employees s/he likes” (reversed). Five of the six items from the first

scale (one was excluded due to low factor loading) and the three items representing system

procedural fairness of the second were averaged to yield a single score scale, as were the rest six

items of the second scale representing rater procedural justice. Cronbach’s alphas were .86 and .85

for system procedural fairness and rater procedural fairness, respectively.

Distributive fairness. Distributive fairness was measured by four items developed by

Colquitt (2001). An example item is “The outcome of this performance appraisal reflects the effort

I have put into my work”. This scale was specific to the performance appraisal context and its

reliability in this study was almost excellent (Cronbach’s Alpha= .899).

Satisfaction with the PA system. Satisfaction with the PA system was measured by the item

“Overall, I am satisfied with the performance appraisal of my company”.

Before the items of the following variables, the message “Please indicate how likely would the

following effects be due to this performance appraisal” was displayed.

Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction was measured by the item “My job satisfaction would be


Turnover intentions. Turnover intentions were measured by the item “I would look for

another job”.

Commitment. Commitment was measured by the item “I would be more committed to the


Manipulation and control variables

Quality of HRA. Quality of HRA was measured to check the manipulation of the

homonymous independent variable. The items “This system is of low quality” (R) and “This

system uses reliable data” were combined in order to yield a single variable indicating the extent

to which the system was perceived of high quality or not. The reliability was acceptable

(Cronbach’s Alpha= .732).

Human judgment. Perceived presence of human judgment was measured to check the

manipulation of the homonymous moderator. The item “This appraisal system relies both on

human judgment and data analysis” indicated if respondents identified human judgment, apart

from sole data analysis.

Self- evaluation. The control variable “Self- evaluation” was measured by a scale

developed by Judge, Locke, Durham, and Kluger (1998). Its twelve items were relevant to

neuroticism, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and locus of control. One example item measuring self-

efficacy is “I am capable of coping with most of my problems”. The Cronbach’s alpha of this scale

was .83.


Descriptive statistics and correlations among the main variables of the study are provided

in Table 4. Most variables have a relationship with one another. To start with, system procedural

and distributive fairness have a statistically significant positive relationship (p < .001). The

magnitude of this association is high (r=.66). Rater procedural fairness, satisfaction with the PA

system, job satisfaction, and commitment to the organization are all positively correlated with both

system procedural and distributive fairness. However, this is not the case for the intentions of

turnover, the only variable that is significantly negatively correlated with the ones mentioned

above. Moreover, gender, age, education, tenure, as well as self-evaluation did not have any

notable correlation with fairness perceptions.

Table 4

Descriptive Statistics and Intercorrelations

Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. System procedural fairness

2. Rater procedural fairness

3. Distributive fairness

4. Satisfaction with PA

5. Job satisfaction

6. Turnover intentions

7. Commitment

8. Self-evaluation

9. Gender1

10. Age

11. Education2

12. Tenure3







































































































Notes. N=157

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

1 Gender: 1=Male, 2=Female 2 Education:1=less than high school, 2=high school, …,8=PhD 3 Tenure: 1=none,2=less than 2 years, …, 5= 10+ years.

Manipulation check

To check if the manipulation worked, I conducted a two-way ANOVA with dependent

variable the manipulation check “Quality of HRA” and as factors the quality of HRA and the

presence or absence of human judgment. The means of the dependent variable were significantly

different for high (M=3.50, SD=1.04) and low (M=2.77, SD= .77) quality HRA system,

F(1,118)=20.484, p=.000. The effect of human judgment was insignificant, F(1,118)=1.812,

p=.181, as well as the interaction effect, F(1,118)=3.748, p=.055. Thus, the respondents could

distinguish when the HRA system was of low or high quality only by the description of the system

and that made the manipulation of the independent variable of the study, quality of HRA,


A one-way ANOVA was used for examining if presence of the moderator, human

judgment, was noticed. The manipulation check “Human judgment” was used as dependent

variable and human judgment (presence or absence) as factor. The mean of the dependent variable

for the scenarios with only data analysis (M= 3.08, SD=1.30) was significantly lower than the mean

for the scenarios with both data analysis and human judgment (M= 3.80, SD=1.19),

F(1,120)=12.122, p=.001. Therefore, presence of human judgment was identified by the

respondents, fact that makes the second manipulation of the study also successful.

Hypotheses testing

To test hypothesis 1, which stated that high-quality HR Analytics leads to higher

procedural fairness perceptions of the PA system than no HR Analytics at all, I conducted a one-

way ANOVA. System procedural fairness was used as dependent variable and presence of HRA

as factor. Responses regarding low quality HRA were excluded. The results showed that the

respondents of the control condition without HRA found the appraisal system less fair (M=2.96,

SD=.82) than the ones of the two scenarios that had high-quality HRA system (M=3.19, SD=.83).

However, system procedural fairness did not differ significantly between these two cases,

F(1.93) =1.762, p=.188. Therefore, the first hypothesis was not supported.

Hypotheses 2 stated that low quality HR Analytics leads to lower procedural fairness

perceptions of the PA system than no HR Analytics at all. To examine this statement, I conducted

the same one-way ANOVA analysis like before, excluding responses regarding high quality HRA

this time. The results revealed that the respondents of the control condition without HRA found

the appraisal system fairer (M=2.96, SD=.82) than the ones of the two scenarios that had low

quality HRA system (M=2.72, SD=.63). However, the scores pf system procedural fairness did not

differ significantly, F(1.95) =.168, p=.682. Therefore, the second hypothesis of this study was not


To test hypotheses 3 and 4, I excluded the responses regarding the control condition

without HRA and conducted a 2 (quality of HRA: high, low) x 2 (Human judgment: presence,

absence) between-subjects ANOVA. To start with, human judgment didn’t affect perceptions of

procedural fairness of the PA system significantly, F(1,118)=1.258), p=.264. Absence of human

judgment resulted in slightly lower procedural fairness (M=2.88, SD=.85) than presence of human

judgment (M=3.03, SD=.68). Thus, the third hypothesis that was about human judgment affecting

procedural fairness of the PA system cannot be supported by the data.

In addition, no interaction effect of quality of HRA and human judgment on procedural

fairness was identified, F(1,118)=.221, p=.639. This means that the effect of human judgment was

similar across both levels of HRA quality. More specifically, for high quality HRA, presence of

human judgment resulted in slightly higher procedural fairness (M=3.30, SD=.72) than absence of

human judgment (M=3.09, SD=.92). That was also the case for low quality HRA, with an even

smaller difference in procedural fairness levels between presence (M=2.77, SD=.52) and absence

of human judgment (M=2.68, SD=.73). According to the

fourth and last hypothesis of this study, the effect of human judgment on the relationship between

HRA and procedural fairness of the PA system is stronger when the quality of HR Analytics is

low. This hypothesis was not supported.

Lastly, A statistically significant main effect of HRA quality on PA system procedural

fairness was identified, F (1,118) =12.428, p=.001. The procedures of the PA using high quality

HRA was found fairer (M=3.19, SD=.83) than the ones of the PA using low quality HRA (M=2.72,

SD=.63). This finding proves that high quality HR Analytics leads to higher procedural fairness

perceptions of the PA system than low HR Analytics.

Figure 2 Estimated marginal means of system procedural fairness

Additional Analysis

For exploratory reasons, I conducted a two-way ANOVA with dependent variable the rater

procedural fairness and as factors the quality of HRA and the presence or absence of human

judgment. In this case, only human judgment had a statistically significant effect on rater

procedural fairness, F(1,118)=5.226, P= .024. More specifically, presence of judgment leads to

lower rater procedural fairness (M=3.47, SD=.75) than absence of human judgment (M=3.79,

SD=.83). Contrary to system procedural fairness, quality of HR Analytics did not have an effect

on these results, F(1,118)=2.008, P= .159. Interaction effect of human judgment and quality of

HRA on rater procedural fairness was not significant either, F(1,118)=3.885, p= .051. However,

the p value was found marginally higher than .05. Thus, it is worth to mention that absence of

human judgment resulted in higher rater procedural fairness (M=3.83, SD=.67) than presence of

human judgment (M=3.23, SD=.71) for low quality HRA. In case of high quality HRA, presence

(M=3.75, SD=.98) and absence of human judgment (M=3.71, SD=72) resulted in similar levels of

rater procedural fairness.

Furthermore, I ran the same analysis replacing rater procedural fairness with distributive

fairness first and with satisfaction with the PA system afterwards. Both variables had similar

results with system procedural fairness. This means that high-quality HR Analytics led to higher

distributive fairness and satisfaction with the PA system. In both cases, only quality of HR

Analytics had a statistically significant effect. This means that presence or absence of human

judgment, as well as their interaction with quality of the HRA system did not have an effect on

these dependent variables.

Figure 3 Estimated marginal means of rater procedural fairness

Table 5

Means and standard deviations of dependent variables

Low quality HRA High quality HRA

Dependent variable Control condition

(no HRA)

No human




No human

judgment Human


System procedural fairness

Rater procedural fairness

Distributive fairness

Satisfaction with the PA

Job satisfaction

Turnover intentions

Organizational commitment


















































































Research on performance appraisal (PA) systems shows that this HR practice suffers from

a great deal of subjectivity biases (Laird & Clampitt, 1985). These biases affect perceived fairness

of the procedures with which performance information is selected, observed, organized, and

eventually evaluated. As Leventhal (1980) proposed, fair procedures include bias suppression

rather than decisions based on preconceptions. However, the human element related to rater’s

attributions and expectations (Gibbons & Kleiner, 1993), and supervisors’ cognitive ability to

recall employees’ performance over a period (Lee, 1985) are inevitable in a traditional PA system.

According to the theoretical framework of this study, a data-driven approach, as the one of HR

Analytics (HRA), could eliminate these biases. This kind of decision making is based on data and

facts instead of intuition or personal experience (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2012). In addition,

further human judgment on the results that analyses provide can correct any inaccuracies of the

HRA system and eventually lead to better conclusions when it comes to performance evaluation

(King, 2016).

Unfortunately, the results of this study did not provide support for the hypotheses. Firstly,

it was assumed that high quality HRA leads to higher procedural fairness perceptions of the PA

system than no HRA at all. However, the PA system of the two scenarios that involved the use of

a high quality HRA was not found significantly fairer than the one of the control condition without

HRA. One explanation for this might be that the concept of HRA seemed unfamiliar to some

respondents resulting in questioning its fairness. On the other hand, conjectural ratees’ familiarity

with the traditional appraisal process might have been the reason why higher than expected

procedural fairness was attributed to it. Furthermore, the data did not support the claim that low

quality HRA leads to lower procedural fairness perceptions than no HRA at all. One reason why

might be that employees who had negative experience with subjective performance evaluations

found the use of HRA, even if its quality was low, extremely fair. Some respondents gave feedback

unofficially after the survey and argued that, as this system would be exactly the same for all the

employees, some small mistakes are acceptable when compared to biases and subjectivity.

Nevertheless, it was found that high quality HRA leads to higher procedural fairness

perceptions of the PA system than low quality HRA. Indeed, respondents that were assigned to

scenarios that involved the use of a high quality HRA system, with or without supervisor

intervention, perceived their evaluation significantly fairer than the ones that were confronted with

a low quality HRA system. The analysis of reliable performance related data by well trained

personnel would make employees feel that their performance ratings are accurate and fair.

However, procedural fairness scores were relatively low across the board. This can be attributed

to the assumption that conjectural ratees received a slightly disappointing evaluation. Generally,

employees who get low performance ratings are more likely to perceive the process as unfair than

those who receive high performance ratings (Landy et al., 1980).

Surprisingly, human judgment was not found to have an effect on procedural fairness when

there is an HRA system established, no matter of what quality. That was also the case for the

interaction effect of human judgment and quality of HRA. This means that the description of the

system played an important role and whether there was supervisor intervention or not did not affect

fairness perceptions. According to the theoretical framework of this study, it was predicted that,

especially when the HRA system is of low quality, employees would like the supervisor to

intervene and correct possible inaccuracies of data analyses. However, that was not supported by

the data. Different opinions of the respondents might have shaped this result. More specifically,

some ratees might have perceived the intervention of the supervisor beneficial, while others

somewhat threatening. Thus, the overall impact of human judgment came across as negligible.

Lastly, exploratory analysis showed that this investigation disclosed some other

unpredicted findings. Firstly, two dimensions of procedural fairness were distinguished: system

and rater. Interestingly, HRA and human judgment did not have the same impact on both of them.

Contrary to system procedural fairness, there was not an effect due to HRA’ quality while human

judgment had a statistically significant effect on rater procedural fairness. However, its presence

lead to lower rater procedural fairness, probably due to beliefs of subjectivity and biases.

Respondents might have perceived their supervisor’s intervention as a threat and not as a way to

correct inaccuracies of the data-driven system. This study also identified some important

relationships among types of fairness and work attitudes. Procedural fairness was found to be

positively correlated to distributive fairness, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, but

negatively correlated to turnover intentions. As expected, the majority of respondents felt that fair

procedures of the appraisal process would have a positive impact on their behavior and feelings in

their work environment.

Implications for theory and practice

Drawing from the above findings, several implications for theory can be derived. To start

with, Farr et al. (2013) suggested that incorporating technology into the PA system has various

benefits over traditional PA systems, mainly because it can provide objective measures that

mitigate biases in supervisory ratings (Campbell et al., 1998). In this direction, Sharma (2017)

proposed a conceptual model where the role of HRA on PA system and its impact on employees’

willingness to improve performance were explored. This present study contributes to the relevant

literature by examining empirically fairness perceptions of the PA system when an HRA system

is established. Its main finding is that high quality HRA leads to higher procedural fairness

perceptions of the PA system than low quality HRA.

However, this investigation did not prove that the application of HRA, combined with

human judgment and managerial expertise, will lead to better conclusions and practices than could

have resulted from following the status quo of intuition and gut reaction alone (King, 2016). The

results support theories arguing that not all decisions should be wholly grounded in analytics and

that instinct should be used in decisions involving human capital (Davenport, 2006), at least in the

PA context. Analytics might indeed offer a good excuse to treat employees as pure resources

(Davenport et al., 2010). Furthermore, the claim that supervisors’ subjective judgment about the

qualitative aspects of the job performance (Moers, 2005) was introduced to decrease distortion

(Kauhanen & Napari, 2012) of the HRA system was not supported in this study. Human judgment

on the information that data analyses give did not have an effect on how accurate and fair the

appraisal procedures were perceived.

Moreover, this study offers some insights for the literature on fairness of the PA system.

Firstly, it was found that procedural and distributive fairness of the PA system are positively

related. This relationship provides support for instrumental theory, as it shows that when

procedures are fair, people think that they will receive their share of favorable outcomes (Thibaut

& Walker, 1975). It is also worth to mention that two dimensions of procedural fairness were

distinguished: system and rater. This finding confirms Erdogan et al. (2001) theory of procedural

fairness as two-dimensional construct in the PA context. Furthermore, procedural fairness was

found to be positively correlated to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, but negatively

related to turnover intentions. Indeed, prior research has shown that perceptions of procedural

unfairness can adversely affect employees’ organizational commitment and job satisfaction

(Colquitt, Conlon, Wesson, Porter, & Ng, 2001), while these perceptions result in increased

employee turnover (Dailey & Kirk 1992).

When it comes to practical implications, this study provides some insights to organizations

that could potentially, or do already, use HRA. To start with, HRA is treated as a new promising

HR tool. However, it is unclear whether most HR departments have the ability to effectively utilize

trends in big data and analytics to reap organizational benefits (Angrave et. al, 2016). It is,

therefore, suggested that organizations should assess their capability of implementing an HRA

system before starting incorporating it in their functions. As it has not been proven that HRA leads

to better performance evaluations than traditional PA systems, it would be risky and wasteful to

create a system of questionable quality and results.

If analytical capabilities of the organization are sufficient, HRA can be employed, but with

caution. As stated throughout this study, there are certain circumstances under which it can ensure

fair procedures for performance evaluation. First of all, organizations should develop and

implement a system where integrated data from all the departments is analyzed. This data needs

to be accurate, consistent, and trustworthy. Moreover, appropriate employees should receive

adequate training in order to derive valid information from every data analysis. Otherwise, poor

data quality and weak capabilities of data analysts can be a major cause for damages and losses

(Kwon et al., 2014). When high quality of the HRA system is ensured, its careful incorporation to

supervisors’ decision making during PA should take place. The purpose of all these attempts is the

higher procedural fairness of the PA system. When an organization implements a fair appraisal

process, positive consequences can be expected, such as the acceptance of the performance

evaluations, satisfaction with the appraisal process, performance improvement and employee

loyalty (Smither, 1998). Otherwise, organizations need to realize that not investing in a fair PA

system could cause lower organizational commitment and job satisfaction, both leading to eventual


Limitations and future research

Interpretations of the above-mentioned results should be in light of some limitations. First,

the hypothetical nature of the survey creates some restrictions. Respondents might have not been

provided with enough details, at least comparable to the ones they would have in a real situation.

In addition to that, the diverse sample and the general content of the scenarios might have left

room for interpretations based on personal experience or other characteristics of the conjectural

ratee. For instance, employees who had received a subjective performance evaluation might have

found the use of HRA, even if its quality was low, extremely fair and the intervention of the

supervisor threatening. This implies that possibly fairness perceptions might have been affected

by reasons other than quality of HRA and human judgment. Future research could mitigate these

limitations by conducting the same study among employees with similar characteristics in one

single organization.

Second, each participant was confronted with one scenario and was not aware of the

existence of the other four. A direct comparison of different PA systems by the same participant

could yield significant findings when it comes to perceived fairness. For example, participants

assigned to the control condition with no HRA might have not encountered or imagined a data-

driven approach. Thus, they might have rated the traditional PA system higher on procedural

fairness than they would have done in comparison with one that uses high quality HRA. Moreover,

the fact that not all respondents had the same degree of knowledge about the main concepts may

reduce the validity of the results. Some of them were HR professionals, while others were still

studying and had a few years of work experience. Future studies could examine perceptions of

people who have been evaluated with HRA or are familiar with it. Their insights might provide

more valid results.

Third, the motivation and accuracy of the respondents is questionable. The online survey

was distributed to my own network and was filled in as a personal favor. As they did not have

anything to earn from their participation, respondents might not have spent enough time to read

and understand the scenario. It is also unknown under what circumstances this online survey was

filled in. Most of the participants received it and completed it while they were working, studying,

or doing other activities. Normally, this survey takes approximately ten minutes. However, the

duration of many responses was much longer. Thus, some participants did not read the scenario

and answered all the questions at once or were distracted during its completion. Both situations

affect negatively the validity of their responses. Future similar studies in a research lab or under

better circumstances would resolve these issues. Their results would be even more robust if

incentives were offered to the participants and enough time, concentration, and effort were


Lastly, all the limitations of this study would be resolved at once in two cases. First, the

same hypotheses could be tested in real organizations currently using HRA in the PA system.

Questionnaires could be distributed to employees that had been evaluated also with the traditional

appraisal process. Even better, satisfaction surveys of these employees, if present in these

organizations, could be compared. Second, the impact of introducing an HRA system on fairness

perceptions could be examined in a field experiment. Both investigations would be a great

contribution to the immature literature on HRA, that could also be enriched by studies involving

other HR practices rather than performance appraisals. Researchers and HR practitioners need

more information on how this new HR tool could contribute to improved execution of HRM

activities that eventually would lead to higher organizational success.


This study examined whether and under what circumstances HRA should be employed in

order to lead to higher procedural fairness perceptions of the PA system. Even though results did

not support that the use of HRA is preferable over the traditional appraisal methods, some

important findings were identified. First, quality of HRA have an influence on how fair the PA

system is perceived. Ratees showed more trust in the system that used reliable data and qualified

HR analysts. Second, further human judgment on the results that data analyses give did not prove

to be of pivotal importance. Nevertheless, it led to slightly higher system procedural fairness. As

this was one of the first attempts where the role of HRA on the PA system was explored, more

research is needed in order generalizable assumptions to be derived.

Last but not least, this study contributes to the literature by exploring the use of HRA in

the context of performance appraisals as a means of objectivity and fairness. This knowledge is

also important on practical level. Organizations should grasp every possible opportunity to

improve procedural fairness perceptions of the PA system as these perceptions are highly

correlated with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, as well as turnover intentions. As this

study revealed, the decision of implementing an HRA system in performance appraisals should be

made after taking into consideration various aspects. Each organization should assess its analytical

capabilities, as well as weigh the gains and losses of such a change in its context. Nevertheless, it

is unquestionable that once HRA is in place, it needs to be of high quality in order to generate

positive outcomes.


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Table 1

Scenarios’ content

Scenario Content

1. Human judgment

- The supervisor, who is the main assessor of the employees´ performance,

takes into account their attitudes, relationships, general behavior and


- In order to ensure that supervisors conduct the appraisals competently, fairly

and equitably, the company has enforced some general guidelines.

- However, there is always the subjectivity of human judgment.

- The supervisor takes into consideration contingencies or factors that do not

directly relate to employee’s effort, if they believe that these factors affect

employee’s performance somehow.

- This can be either favorable or disadvantageous for the employee, depending

on the situation.

2. High quality

HR Analytics

- The company has developed and implemented a system where integrated

data from all the departments is analyzed.

- Data has been gathering for years and is accurate, consistent and


- A team specialized in data analysis with HR background, is in charge of

analyzing this data for HR purposes.

- The results of these analyses show how employees have performed, taking

into account internal and external factors, e.g. market condition, time of the

year, past performance, general performance etc

- The performance evaluation of the employees depends on these results. The

supervisor consults the metrics and their interpretation in order to make any

performance appraisal- related decision, according to the standards set by the


- In case the supervisor disagrees with these decisions, they are not allowed to

modify them.

3.High quality

HR Analytics

& human judgment

- The company has developed and implemented a system where integrated

data from all the departments is analyzed.

- Data has been gathered for years and is accurate, consistent and trustworthy.

- A team specialized in data analysis with HR background, is in charge of

analyzing this data for HR purposes.

- The results of these analyses show how employees have performed, taking

into account internal and external factors, e.g. market condition, time of the

year, past performance, general performance etc

- The performance evaluation of the employees depends on these results. The

supervisor consults the metrics and their interpretation in order to make any

performance appraisal- related decision, according to the standards set by the


- In case the supervisor disagrees with these decisions, they can modify them.

4. Low quality

HR Analytics

- The company has developed and implemented a system where integrated

data from all the departments is analyzed.

- Data has been gathered for years but there are some deficiencies, making it

less trustworthy in some cases.

- HR employees of the company recently received training in data analytics in

order to analyze this data for HR purposes. However, they are not fully

proficient yet.

- The results of these analyses show how employees have performed, taking

into account internal and external factors, e.g. market condition, time of the

year, past performance, general performance etc

- The performance appraisal of the employees depends on these results. The

supervisor consults the metrics and their interpretation in order to make any

performance appraisal- related decision, according to the standards set by the


- In case the supervisor disagrees with these decisions, they are not allowed to

modify them.

5. Low quality

HR Analytics

& human judgment

- The company has developed and implemented a system where integrated

data from all the departments is analyzed.

- Data has been gathered for years but there are some deficiencies, making it

less trustworthy in some cases.

- HR employees of the company recently received training in data analytics in

order to analyze this data for HR purposes. However, they are not fully

proficient yet.

- The results of these analyses show how employees have performed, taking

into account internal and external factors, e.g. market condition, time of the

year, past performance, general performance etc

- The performance evaluation of the employees depends on these results. The

supervisor consults the metrics and their interpretation in order to make any

performance appraisal- related decision, according to the standards set by the


- In case the supervisor disagrees with these decisions, they can modify them.

Table 2

Participants Demographic Information

Item % Subtotals Totals







89 157


20-25 years

25-35 years

36-45 years

46-55 years

Over 55 years












Educational qualifications

High school degree

Some college, no degree

Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree

Professional degree















Employment tenure


Less than 2 years

2 to 5 years

6 to 10 years

10+ years












Job title


Manual worker


Entry level

Intermediate or Experienced level

First level management

Middle level management

Senior, Executive or Top-level management


















Sector employed























Organization size


























Table 3

Factor Analysis of Items Measuring Fairness


Factor Loadings

1 2 3

1. This performance rating truly represented how well I have

performed my job.

,805 ,021 ,285

2. The procedures of this performance appraisal were fair. ,729 ,236 ,298

3. My performance has been evaluated accurately. ,709 ,150 ,375

4. My supervisor was justified in this rating of my


,548 ,164 ,344

5. This performance rating was free from bias. ,376 ,364 ,302

6. The performance appraisal system of my company is fair. ,801 ,135 ,190

7. The performance appraisal system of my company is able

to differentiate high performers from poor performers.

,519 ,114 ,364

8. Having a high or low score from this system is not related

to actual performance. (R)

,558 ,072 ,069

9. My supervisor uses this performance appraisal system to

reward the employees that s/he likes. (R)

,121 ,815 -,050

10. My supervisor uses this performance appraisal system as

a means to threaten employees. (R)

,121 ,809 ,061

11. During this performance appraisal, my supervisor

evaluates my personality instead of my performance. (R)

,132 ,639 ,085

12. I do not think my supervisor will give me a high score no

matter how good my performance is. (R)

,063 ,767 ,240

13. I think my supervisor uses this performance appraisal to

punish the employees s/he does not like. (R)

,056 ,838 ,167

14. I believe my supervisor really tries to conduct a fair and

objective appraisal.

,329 ,472 ,287

15. The outcome of this performance appraisal is appropriate

for the work I have completed.

,391 ,288 ,740

16. The outcome of this performance appraisal reflects what I

have contributed to my company.

,317 ,138 ,790

17. The outcome of this performance appraisal reflects the

effort I have put into my work.

,250 ,085 ,869

18. The outcome of this performance appraisal is justified,

given my performance.

,447 ,127 ,716

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis, Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser


NOTE: n=157. Factor analysis was conducted after items were reverse score (R).