HP'olCr JULX2J DAILY JOURNAL. - University of...

r V HP'olCr DAILY JOURNAL. JULX2J y a V W 1 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1861. NUMBER "SOG. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL PKIHTSD A.HD PUBLiailJtD BY MfilAL OFFICE BBILBHO, GSS33 STK3ST, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH. 8TrwTRnTrow8--Dftnr,(loliver- In the city. ...Sin oo Daily, by mai1, in ftdvanca.. fi in) Csnnlry daily 6 ti 6 ! Weekly, in ft1van, single copy.... a i d In ciuh of five or over 1 M HT"EiaaittAaoe mail In rO)iisorv-- tatvtrt at o.ir fcTF3 of advertising in ths Loma7rLLS JOURNAL FOit REGULAR ADVERTISERS. qnre, chasgaabl' wot:!?, ppr (munm $4C 00 do rto a timt ; STeefc, per annum.. l1) do flo 8 tirupfl Ad do Iia, ou P.ach additional square, one- bi!f the abov- - p1ce. Ailvui liS'siiiMii-:- punaluxi at intervals I for lirst ln- - tion and 8iICjui.- l..r c:i siilwH.jue.nt one. Announcing c(ndi,W' ,I pr wwk for each nn. Yearly fc4vertiii pay iuarte.rly, 'all cwiw in iWl esUt an-- ptambcr.t id eomiii.einrj' aai, patent ni.'Oe.-m'- Theatric il. Circus, or (iiiiiar a lve.-i.i-si a, n.it p..:.!it ::el hy the year. Advert leTieuu for cbariubi;? lire . ward, and other public jel uic i, and such like, b r pi ico. Kdi!orial noticoc ftnfl eoTfinntilcaon inpflrt-- In ed- itorial colnrnna aod icter-ic- to promote private cent nei liii3; tn-.'- oniy tuau-ta- d it lue dicro-j- n of the editors. Mo eommunicuions wi'l he inwrtod crlPfs arcooi- - i d by the real narofl of tlie author. StearVooat advertiiiient &6 'jvkN for the first inner-to- n and cents for each continuance.; eaO cli.iupc eon?i1eivd a new advertisement. Advartisc:iie:it- - ii:pru rt only in tl'e Erei:?!ic Bulletin Wilt be charted h l: the bbove prices; if iorto! m l;My JoarnAi mid contiiiued. arrr fi'-- inpfrnou, in :e ci:-- buUpttu, outviourili the :'bove i ricr?. Advertif eaiHiits ke;-- n inn jnnide ol the Jcornal are harped nn extr prii-- Advkktibi q Katb T,i Wwkly Jotma.Tck pqnure 10 iiues or Its), first inByitiou... 10 ch c.mtiutif ace. f,(j Wriitou notict muat hn rivt-- tn U.'.- - out n:;il tlp of yeArly ailv.Tiir. n bt'irc tbe yjar otht'rwiiie we pt Jl d.me. of yai!y Lumen ts w'.U without iirevio.ic uoii; to us, nr wi.'I amp ohc(,e made tor leae than one yew at tho yearly rate. MEDICA vftV& M AM HOOD. y Row Lost, Kow Uestorcd. Just Fuhlishea, in a S&tled Envelop ON T1IK NATrUB, TilEA'i'MriNT, AND RADICAL .LRK OF SfKKMATOltHUliA, or Seminal W'eakne-s- , Sr.xual Debility, NeroiienffM, uA Iiivolrmmrx' inducing lropotoucy iiid MeauJ and Pbyiicai Bt ROB. J. CULVER WTttiL, M. D. Author of the "Griu LtjoK," Tbe author, in tbis e.d;xirable Lec-ln- r, clparly prova from hia own experience that lh aJ"nl nuiy'be rnioved without medicine and without dai.nrou- - o(irat:oii8, boiiKic. iutnnueut-- , rius,or oordials, "tin tin? out a mode ol cure at crtin n,ud e.iVc-- by which every ?nttVrei, no mattpr whnt hi coudi-- t ion may by. may cure frivol fly. and raaico.li. Thij Lecture wili prove a buou to tuousandi aud thousands. kmt under sal to any addresn. pout jxiiU, on the re- ceipt of two postage stamps, by wl.W-i- u Ur. OH. J. C. KLI NB, ifi. D., la; Jboweiy, New Vork, Toet iiox 4:G. a& dly 4i i'liicJnuati Venereal IfospUal. EinblbjhHt Id the year ' FOR THE CURE OF PRIVATE DI8KASK3. And coder the control of two of tho most eroiuent Pry- - jli iar.fi in the word. I K, R. BONAPARTE, from lnaoo and PaiIs JTwpl- - tAl. and for the Ui of the Citu iniiM Vnncreal Hospital, and l)r. E. R. Keyimlris, latoCNf-- Voik. This i thn or.Iy ofSire in tiin cir whi-r- a per- manent en of (h.-- run he obtain d without Iim usp or mpmiry or chance of dipt. Gonorrhea aired o to hours. (iet fnrr-- :n ?, to Idt.y3. Stiictores enri'd in 1 to 3 . S.vtuntnl fttv ji0n in t to S cUya. S.iitinal wcukn-t- w riT .1 in 2 to wor k?, flj philUs (n it pi lMi?.ry ,- cned in 3 d.ys. S srntpioms cnrnd in 1 S we--- 8km di;'8 mred in 1 to 8 wwaks. l:uroteriey vi?or restored in I lc 4 weeks. A It dippasf of a private nature trat d with ar.paraH ;led rucrs, male or fprcatc. Dr. P.iiapartn's . i wcrk rn nrivTito diwas1, the frU-R- suid to heaHh, Is rpnci:ii to a'l. mla the old and younjt h,vi.i tnis nk. It will sni'sht'n those who grope in darkuwte. Price 26 coutn, ent by mail. Dr. CpIc hrnf d Prviitlvp iv?ver ha- - nover will tail married lalie too feI1 o h.Mr c'ul-4tt- ercrpt t. hsiar-- Hi"- -, !iou5d be. ia t'ilt invention. Price rudnsrd to Dr. Innpart's Frenrh ! &fTit MM? ?f5l It is y nue; and novcr f ii! tyivo ion. It io'the only safe wid pure prfventlvrt sgtiinct pr' rnipy ar.d dtcnaP. The price of tfi? l'i 1 tbe single one, 44 pr hnl Mozeu, $7 per doaeu. Sfcut by mail. "Mdftroe Loyierp Fptp.Vp Monthtv Fill are a ssfo nd relis.h(f rentvdy for and nil fynsale shonid nnt u.'p t!s?m prer.a'icy, tf thy will jirodu'-- rnisrarri:ieq, 1 por boi sxtra firse $i sent, to tir.y addrrw by mall, Dts. B. R, are the m-- r to oniiit, thy nra tiprjn Honabiy scknowledtred be and and king of venereftl disease?, aid the o?j!y Povtoi-- who receive M'.ufc!y tiom th.oM woi M; t:,ev bve from an eai y ac; of yonth to witness tbo dbjeases which t mankind, and to wach the r'cres. tbronph a Ioiir career of proi!Mi'uu st'id. in - sphere of iiff, from the hum! !e abode of rov'erly to the mansions of the wealthy, and burin asct'rtHini;il bpond s doubt the vaat am Hi in oi h.inifuiity, they to tel"ct th? ;nernti r system as thp.ir ctndy. aud to devote rheir whole attention to the aileviitiou of the diwass ol thco imporfpnt fnuctious. No le'.ters will be anawereU onlasa tiiey oiutain a reaiit tance or a portage tamp. CalL, or address Dbs. iiOMVPARTEKBYWOTiR, No. 1S Syc&iiiore (ttaet, bu Finn tud bixth, eat ile, ' Ciocitma'i, O. OttJe-- honrs, 9 A. M. to S P. flS lor4;'diy Cbnajo of Firm Hi PHANKS CO. have W. A. GAIL-J- . BR AIT LI with thrir iirm, and p:irchr.sed tttn rland Of SMITH & OMER, on south eide of Muvkl Flovd, where thr.y will comturt the iI't,E-- 8 ALE and RETAIL GilOOKUY a. id PRODUCE Coni-cf- d with their honso thpy hr.ve a cr,cd WAGON-YAR- with M,ip'e axonmi..d uio-.- f for faorses, wa;o!is. and otner r.nd r.oald be glad toste Lheir old t'riecls. T. .IIANK, H. T. ilORD, Jnlv IB, lortrt. dtf W. A. 'iAllji'RMTn H UGH BRENT a CO. have removed to west I dp of ftnirt strDt. M vin snd th Kiver. irt VMN- E- T L5 -- asks Madeira Vtnc; h do Port do; hble lialara do; In store aud for sale V.y mi7 WAUITALT. KALTiKilT A CO. I C K 'Hi caaks rtu: dved nr m:;ilbost aud for sale bj T,T.('W. Miwiiii:. A IMHrM. COTTON YARN a'soitnrt nnrobern do Carpet Chaiu: 6o bales Twme; do CaoJiP-WU-.k- ; do No. 1 b.ttins: for ffl.?? m36 CASt'Lr MAN. MUKRW-L- A OO. UOAR-fi-ib- bH A Cru-h-j- d Hupir and 7 for sale by ihJJ r P.nNf Mt A (. 3 'DOICK SS a choice Green if and Black Tt&s. tiesh arrivaL in toi ajia r !K ia)e hy liL ml3 HTBBTTT SON. JM OJ.AriSK9l(rO hbln received por steamboat Louis- - viliii and for fain br REKINED SC;ARS-2"- ;I bhl? ( Yush.wl Oranntatd, Soit Sugars in store fud tr ale by AND'W UlCli A,NAi A CO., mio Corner Keror.H Wahinsti'n t. 3 HOODS DUES new style Amrcin Lawns; 6 do d do 1 n nc!i it ); 1 caw do do do Chintz; 7 Popltus; Receiv..'d aud tor sale che-- by a3n T. A R 8I VVIN A OMN. FISII-- No 1, 2, and 3 Mackerel In whole Mid NEW bhl? and k;t: No. gttlrr.n irt bhi- - and kitj; No. I White Kirh in half bM: a"rrior art i;e iVifi-- h in drinus; at:d No. 1 ecabd llerriut?; in store and lor Ale by m W. A H. nCKKMAUDT, 417 Marintpt. R1CE-4- 5 tierces Rice; M do io: Fresh brat; received iIir.Tt from Savannah via r !roail andioraie by IjlUJ i.AKhNliK i CO. C OFFICE Wl blip prime Rio Cvff ju?t received por ' steamer John tiaine and for a.ile by m35 WM PAY. Is LAOKHKRY WINE A choice article of y.nrs Blackberry Wiue in otoru a'jd foe sale b; the. bar- rel by MOLASSES prime, in food eooperp.j; 4i Jfcdo do, do do; Kecoived by the Doulsvllle and Joiin R.in and for ealt v n'Fl Cilii) A MO"IV. A M VJite Fish; 90 Trout; Jurt receired 3 railroad and lor pi'p h? all OAKDNR A CO. J AVA COKI'f.K- - p;ini Java by rii oad audi r sale by yl7 U V. cnoi It IO COFFEE- - i 5 rays good arriving and for sIe hy mt TODD. A CO. RINTS X IW ce? Pfw style prfntp; 6 do black and bhuK aa J Ti bite Prints; 2 do H tyle't j ui vlo do; Received and ior sale cheap tv 025 T. A ft. ALE VIM A OMN. ICE ao casks in store and tor ?.ile hy It a:! HAVrtON. TODD. CO. "RUSHED SUGAR "R bbls Npw York Circle A Crudhi-- i 3ugr in store and for sale by U WM. GAY. MOLAS3E3-1- 31 15 do do; Landing from steamer Jobn Ralne and for aV by mrt RAWtiON, Tti!.i. & CO. T 10 COFFEE (jyo bags fair to prime in store and lor it sale by ALLEN, MOOUE, A IIADEN. T IO COFFEE 3tHJ bas good tair and prime arriviuf X.X, aud for aale by RAWSON. TODD, t CO. AND LINSF.Y51-- H" bates Pbreuix MiUs in JEANS and tor sale low to close consignment by nil VM. GAY. CATAWBA WINE 10 bbls Bland's pure Catawba ind for ea!e by W. A tl. HLP.KLIART, 417 Market tl. COFFEE LOiiu bars Kio UUc, tair to pilmeyualtty iu store and lor ale by WM. GAY. O UNDRIKS O Diaodies, Gin. , Ac; fl irdinee 'U ces sit'jijo li.ii?i'j 4 n pkk--- . V. K, and wTivle OHeOU. Macrui Vtrciicelli, dtc ; In store and for sale bv AN THOilY ZANONE & BON. J 10 Titrh st.. belo-- Min. 4ALAD OIL Puie Olive Oil for sale by the bottle 3 or basket by J. T. LANHAM A CO., ml 3 Twirortpra if a, Thin1t AMI NY HAMS 1.5" U superi-- r iamily Ham-t- , ior F family une, tor sate by ni4 1. PMTTH ppfl-n- . Main st. V.MIESH PECANS 10 bushels Uesh Pecans just re i? ceivtd and ioi by toi'A W. A H. bURKHABDT. 417 Market ft. ARD OIL 4 bbli received on conz anient iu L and for bare uy . . T, J1 OFFFE-3:- -0 bust Ccff-.- for sal? by 10 CO KEf- j- fl; - K by tue iiipii iati ior tJu by fJOD A MOODY KAB ClDLH-- H Dbla pure Crao CitJsr in store and icr sale oy A CO JN( R hjWAhP 'm b,i'.-- tS"'d ?cllb:e F't? icr sale by IMEDICAL. West Baden Springs, Ind. THIS rttahliih"",'t ha be 'n very much improved J v iil bo , lo visitors nn the Mont June; and 1 ymiie my oid fi that I will do all that I em to matu them com lui table. The have p. ov.d tUPinsrlvt s to a preat many of the a;ttcted, and tlue tiiat try thm will rnmly he in receivinc h' neflt. Take your tipket at Nie L., N. A., A C. K. It. ollie for Orleans, and the bua will cji.!1 ior yon iu the moruinc and TaKe you to t.'i cars, then to orh-ans- , then by hack to the Syrlus bj Tea. Fire tiiroiiLh 53 5 . TERMS OF BOARDi Per dav 1 Wl Perwe.k 6(H) Four wpek4 IS OU Children ani Servants half price. Hi.riT'ji p t wi elt 2 00 ffer further pa ttculars, n' 1. Linton, James Rudd, J. H. and .eo. Wclby. Direct ail to Weil tiaien f prints. i,.h,,ii.n DR. I A LANE. Th'iEarly Physical Degeneracy AEERIGAH PEOPLE. JUST FCBLISHED BT DR. STONE, rhyicio.m to th Trav J,r fjr'"' inttitut A Treatise on the Causes of Erly Physical De- cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv- ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus. tVTMa work Is of a hirh moral tone, wrlttpn In chaete y t thrihine lanpnare. and appeals directly to the mors.1 coiijcioudne ct all Paxtnts a!id Oiiar-- ans esnrcil'Vi detailing scibutibc and raiiable aid !id treatment ior cure. It will be sent by mail on receipt of two 8tnnj8 anu Cdaiujiaks! fail not to send and obtain tnia book. llfYoiiwa Mbn! fail not to send and get this book. fTFLJiiz3l yoa, too, should atouccsecare copy of thU book, A Tord of3lemn Ccnscientionn Adrico to thuat wno will Stafloct. A clasof maladies prevail to a fearful extent In doomiug at. least l')0.'"m yo ith of both sexes to an e.ai ly praTP. Tlio- are very im-p- feetlv imdei'stood. Their external manifeit:vt0"ti or cm ptosis are Nervoi'-- D bilitv. Relaxation, and :a:r;uMnn- - or :i and consumption of the t; 'ik the whole bodv: hortiuv;" of breath in? or Imr-ri- d bre .thing on extern: in k a hill or a tiicht of ntairs, preat plnitstion of the M art; Athma, Bronchitis, and sore Throat; ehaxin of the Hands and Limbs; aversion to society and to cuiTiep or stndv; dinine?e of l'e- - ciKht; loss of Moraorv: dbiainessof the Head; Npnraleic Piria in various rrtd of the bod : Pain? in the Back or LiiQba; LuUibapo, Dyepepsia, or Indigestion: irretnitari-t- y of the Bowel; de.i anted sections of tlie Kidneys and other eiands of the body, a? Lencourh'va or Fleur Aihu?, i.; Iikeke Fpiiepsy, Hysteria, aud Nervous pa?ni3. Now, in nint'tr-nln- e cases out of every one hundred all th ahonamI'd diorJ-- r, and a host of others not nmel, ks Consumption of the Lunes, and the uioit and wily of of the $i until as TahrH Dnrmie. and Tahrs mUenteri-c- a, iiave tht-i- r fat and ortirin in diwaees of PebncVince-ra- . Hence tin- - want of snrcens on the part of old school practice in treating prmptoiu? only. Dr. Andrew sr.me, Pnyrieian to the Troy Lung and Institution, is n"w engaged in treating this clssof modern maladies with the niont astonishing stic-c- The ti"at:aef.t adopted by the Institution is new; it i? biuel upon Bcintitic principles, with new n medies, witliout minerals or poieous. Tne facili- ties of aire are surh tr.at patients can be cured at their i:i any part ol tup country, irom accurate of their case, by letter, and have the medicine s"nt them by mail or express. Printed interrogatories wil! he forward d on application. IVfConsumntim, Catarrh and dieeases of the Throat r.ir..l nn at tlie home ot vati'iits as at the Institu tion bv sending the Cold MelKt-- In fulling Balsamic Va porn, with inhaler, and ample directions ior their uee, and I'jr-'c- crrrhp- ndtnee. Patients applying for intfrrnnaUtrien or cuivtce mujt enclose return stamp to vwJ attention. i.Tne attending will be found at the In-- s itution , from S A. M. to 8 P. M. of each in tiie forenoon. Adirks DR. ANDREW STONE, u to the Troy Lnng and Hygienic Institution and Physician for diseases of the Heart, Throat, and Langs, 96 Fifth stroet, Troy, N. Y. TO MKS. DOCTKKSS STONE, Thf Matron or thf, I nst itittiom. Who is throniMv read and p'ted iu the pathology of th niatif aliuctive ana prostrating maladies of mre modern orUi i, will dev-t- exclusive attention to this cle.-- s of diie:fws tfl hersx. Sft'"T!:e Aurendiny M dioat d Douche, a most Impor- tant trrevntio ior kkmai-fs- , pent by pTpiv-t- for $5. y, males ch.i Mrs. 'octrees btone cviltidcntlV by Lttvr or prifti!!". A ad roe" MRS. N. O. STONE. M D.. Katrou to the Institution, 0rt7deodly Tltutr, N. Y. IIISCELLAINEOUS FOK GOOD MATTRESSES, UPU0L3TERY WORK, AMU WINDOW-SHADE- OF SUPERIOR STYLE, OO TO MARCELLl'S A LEN'TSCU3, JtrrCEOM STEKET, RORTil BII, Between Third and Fourth. OOODR of evorr stvle and quality. li'AWNI.NGS made and put up to ordr. IVJJont't forjtet o. J sTI Mir GEORGE T. SIIAW DICK PORTER. "ROUND THE CORNER" S1L00X AXD RESTilTRlST, Corner Sixth Street ar.d Court Place, OPPOSITE THE CITY COURT ROOMS, Ijomsville, Ky. BET AW & POHTSH, rropriotor. MEALS at all hours of tbe dav and nUht. Onr supplied with Fish, Meat3, Poultry, Game, and t ysters, tlie het in he market. Iu our Saloon are to be found imported Wintis, Liquors, aud Cigars of the Choicest P. and. 5 it? nLent-- in Kentucky for J. T. Iandi? celebrated Chu;:-- 0 and Muwaukie XA, and XXX Pale Cream and Stock Ales; wholesale, in barrels aud half barren-- , or t lue rK.ttle. Call ( 'HN'D TIIE CORNER." nT2 h1tf Brandies & Crawford, TIAV? reroovod to the new Warehouse on the south- - XA wibst corner o; Miu and First strata. We will nay th bihst market price for a:l klods of Grain, delivered at our Etore or at any good shipping poiut ci the O o river. diJ dtf PRANTET8 A CRWFORr. PO'WDEP, O F ALL qup.Mti"? constantly on hnnd and fn sale oy DAViti b BPEiiU), Agents for the Uanuiacturera, Lonsvi lt.c, Sept. 9, 1W. Mtssrb. Davis & Speed, Aeut of Orienul powder ., IvOnisv'lle: (ni We have been using your Blasting Powder and wo take pleasure in stating that we Cud it equal li not f apurior to any Fowtiur thut wc iiave ever ust-d- . ARTHUR CAMPHELL, Superiiitonueut tor Siiiith & Sniyaer. I rOTf1a!1v concur in the above and cheerfully reoom-meu- a it to the public. J. D. SMITH. I conhider ' he ahive Powder superior to any we have evei bteuableto obtahi, H. KoSKIT. We k" pleasure in reco'nm,:'nc?1ngyonr Indian Orien-ts- l Rifle Powder aa etpial if not superior to any we have ever used, it vry and ptrong. This we assert ai'xr a thorough trial. Re?ptt fully vours, OEORiiE W. WOMACK, ,7. FP.Y LAWRENCE, 8. P. H A. K N RASTER, ZACHAKY L. TAYLOR. A Ul'RNS. ONE SECOND II AM) WUNN it CO. THRESHER, ONE aKOOND-HAN- FAN MILL: " " lORE RAR E; All in eood order, and will bo told low if rail d for at C. ORMSUV'S, j'5 Main et. I'etioa Yarn and Kattia?. 1 Z( RAOS Hone Mill Cotton Yarn, No;. 400, 500, It-M- r and 7 ")- - tuu biles No. I Baiting; Received and lor eae tor uuh bv .IAMBS LOW ft CO., m" 5h!B and iio west side Sixth st RI ED FHUIT-- 75 bushels Dried Peaches in store I) ni tor sal-- mH DlfWIET A RON. Jl'!iAK-f- ti hluts fair to rrimo Sugar received pet J i v.j to;. a and John Kaine and for nle by m-- OOf'D A MOODY. 1R1 NTS a cMex 4 Ti!rkv r1! Prin; do l.ichoioua new style PiiuU; Koceired aud lor suie hy JAMES LOW A CO., rr.f2 nd l'i" t sito Sixrh st. ICE- - 10 tierces yine landing from ruailbcat and for sale hy irr..'l c MuuuY W IRl'P St. 1iuis and Loveiing'i extra Golden Sirup ") in kegs and o retail by HTWRTTT A SON 1KANDV A. Brandy; So '(i';V,J0 C''ruac do; tfi P'Pf do; pi ypiprs Otard, Dupuy, A Co. Brandy; 25 bbls N. Y. do; ii this line old Teach d '; b bhis o!d Ar.ple do; (n store and for sale bv m'7 MARSHALL HAT.BF.RT tk CO. i t)ME-ncs- - M hale? brown, d, and -- late Drillings; SJ - Idem 44 and and Lousda'e Cottons; Received and tor sals by JAMES LOW A CO.. mV) i'R "lo ivtit WtOi st. IJVEK!Nv SUOAlttt- feo bbls Cm-be- d receivdl -r Linilboat and ior sale b'' In.'JhJ . 'l'(.nTi. CO CtANDLEH AND SOAP it.ir Canals; I'M do Moid d- J"0 do coriin''n bai Sflp: bi u3 C'TL'tio do; M do '1 oil do: liO do e do: frrslaby mA AN, MUKhhLL, A CO. f10 COFFEE 4W ba jod to piiine Xio Coffee ebjre and ior sale Lv a4 a -- bu:h anan a on "'NDUFy-P- .n Da cis. Sides, and Shoulders lu Bt Lre and tor sale by HDIWTT-- ft, fliiN JAVA COFFtfc-U"- J mats fine old received per rail- s rrjad aud for sa'-- by tQt RAWSON, TODD. A CO Butter Buckets, &c- - fA POZLtH liuttei Bucket-- , a eiiee; tU tr.) do P- ted do: do bias boi.nd Palls: de do da covered Cans; 3') do Iron do do do; Totrethcr with a asortisDut of Wood and W11to Ware, Cord-ite- , broome, is.; in torp for sate by ORRIS RAWS0N, jl3 338 M.iin st. bstTrctn Third and bonrtfa. i.'O raekitves Gti"Tv,,r'S6- Imperial Tea; In store ft'iJ b.r sal-- ' fc? Uljiii-i-!1- "! prim- - R'o Cort-- laiining iSio cwamers Fiuuiy Builict E. K. Falrcnlld and for sale Lv i4'i COf)D A HOODV. "IDJKS -- 30 rx.x"s W. R Ch ee Jut neived per s tr.I a,'.d ur iaie by H RDNFP. A f '. 'UUAR 44 h!:- -s j'riLau l.nel.. ig irou Fey-k- " t.juaiiui lor a!-- ) b a!7 UAWS0N, TODD. & CO. MEDICAL. X XI.- - II AIj 10 Louisville MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON THB PLAN OF THE n03PlTAL DES VENEKIEN3, PARIS, BSTTt iWira- - WHERE those affllrted with any . lorin Ol rnvnw) itise" cu m.eivo N rromrt treatment without nst or (.leel, 8trvtures, Uiccra, Tumors, Cancers, Secondary, and Const Syphilid, Diseases of the etc. By this system it is roved that the vpnenal tomplMnt s as entirely undr the control of medicine as is a corn u. on cld or foerr and, while insufficient persons are dail i sending away their patleuts in hopelessness, and giving them up only from their own incompetency, complete and per an en t cults are constantly being etlectud at this In firman. YOl-N- MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTTCE. Dr. H. dcvol much of hi? time to the treatmr nt of those cases caused hy a secret habit which ruins both tody and mind, unfitting the individual for either buninesa or soviet". The sad elVct of thee early habit', or the excess of riper years, are to weaken and debilitate the rouetiturion. ditroy the physical and mental powers, diminish and enfeeble the na'-ir- f, and exhaust the vital s of manhood; Hie of lire are marred, the object of marriage f and existence itself renderurt a term of unceas- ing misery and regret. Such persona, especially those contemplating marriage, should loe no time iu making immediate application, as Dr. 11., by hie new treatment, is enabled to tiidiifB a speedy and pevmanent cure. DR. HALL'S AMERICAN PERIODICAL FILLS No article of medicine intended for the exclusive me of female- bas ever yet been introduced that has civen uch nniversal eatiffaciion as the American Periodica.' Pilis. They can be relied on in a!l caes of Menstrual obstruc- tions, Irregularities, &c., as a snre and sate remedy. Price, per mail, fM and one postage stamp. Patients living at a distance can bft cured a home by sending a description of their disease and inclosing a tamp Medicine sent to anv adders. 5Onice No. 116 Jefferson street, bctwm First and Second. Ofhce open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. d'34dtf T.. HALL, M. D. GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, Chartered by tbe Legislature of Ey. For the Cure of all Prlrate Diseases. Containing THIRTY Am Plate and Encravtoot q the Anatomy and PhyfAoloov Of S'xai in a state of Health and IHscace PRICE ONLY TEN CENT8. ty8nt free of potge to all parts of the Unlon.n ON A NEW METHOD of trat--J-J SiThiHs, Gonorrhea, Btric-ture-s, (iiret, Sexual Debility, Female Diseases, and all , y J ot tne repromicrive svs- - fy' - tem of both sexes, the intimities V.V- " 'isL of youth aud maturity arising i.( f . . - m v"' from the secret tonics ot both i'i.' s.vsp'tpa. with a full tratis on ftWJiA-&:- " 'V- AND SEMINAL A '' W'i WEAKNESS, its deplorable con- - '' ?';nv-.'!,- fit ')) 9liitinoft'1 upon the mind and 'jJ i)'.';''; body, pointing out the author's vfc.sy piAii of treatment, the only ra tional and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re- port of cab? heated. A truthful adviser to the married and ttiose conImpiatinn: taaiTtave, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent to any andress in a sealed wrapper on the receipt of TEN CENTS or FIF- TEEN COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR. Those aftiirted wiih any ot the above diseases bofire placing tbemietves iind'r the treameut of any cne, shuld firet rend this Invaluable biok-(rjT- Consulting Surgeon may be consulted daily from i A. M. toy P. M., on nil of which t hi shove work treaff: and patifiits at a distance, bv "t'luliug a statement of their eyniptomc.. can have, medicines w rit to any part of tho country iree from damage or detec- tion. For particulars wend for our lilank Chart, a lift of our teriu.', vr. All promptly Hnwtivd, and comiuunicatious considered DR. DKWEES' FEMALE MONTHLY RKOULATOH, a Rafe and certain remedy br OMtructioiiS, l'Tegulaii-tie- s, Ac, and is the only reliable "pievfeutivb of preg- nancy." CAnTinN. Thofio pilla should not he tnkeu during Prfaisani'Y, arf thev are (ture to produce M iHiutLfiiAUE. P, r box, snd ii .a' he p nt hi- - mail. tafiiALKVS HilAD DISPENSARY is thn onlyin-stituti'- of it- - kin-- in the Umled a t - that bar two recognized hi- - jude authoi it y. tjliarti-- i pcrpv tual. omce ol4 Fifth otrut-t-, Ubtwcvn Martct aud Jttterson, west sidi All letters for or MediHues -- horfd be directed to D GALtN'S DISPEN.ARk, maT-- flvf waow lstp STy. ,.;?ill avm g b?eH established m Ijouis- - ville tor the lact Id years, and hav- - HAi& , . rj nig li- alar'tt practice in the of the following digues: Scrolula, Cancer, Piles Sire Eytje, Sj philii, Finiula, and to remove tbe horrit'lc consequences of Onanism, or bus siv-- n him puof to stutaiu any of tin hihect characU-r--ic- men as Dr. W. L. Brecinnridre, .ludges J. R. Underwood, Loving, John- son, Capt. W. S. D. Megawan. 'HTV.1 I had Fistula and was cured by Dr. Price, without the knife or ligature, m saveuteen uAi'. JOSEPH YOUCE. (ttACTrn bt. I bad a ngro man with Fistula, aud be war by Dr. Price in three weeks. W M. RAJO). cii,00NiA. rr.r..1 I bad Fistula for rjteen yars. with six openings, and was cured hy Dr. Price in thrt e wi ck liiLLY WILLIAMS. I aro a beslthv aul Lsyoy man, baring from the horid c0ccts of Ci.iaulsm. A. CI TIZEN. Office on Market, b- tieeen ti:ith and Seventh sts. Ad ire-, enclosing a pootate stamp, Innsvilla, Ky. US, UIOSOXS'S PRIVATE MiaHCAI, TREATISE ON TLIE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MAXRIAGE. 360 Pages and ISO Fine Plain and Colored Lithograph, rwPMCE ONLY TWUNTV-FIV- CENTS.J Mr"8ent frc of poetaga to all rerto of the Union.tJ T. ON thtj foljrrnlties of yotith crct foliif of both of all &, causing debility, nervous-ne.j-s, lata d"pre?Hhui of spirits, palpi- tation ot the heart, fUicidal iui-- ions. iiivoluTitary e memory, indipes- - "3 !1g pages, and illustrated i'-ri 'ith upwaiasof cne hundred and hirtv It i3 a tmth- - V4L'.-- . is'.i-- advh'.T bt the married and coiitt-- nlit inir nt.ii rinir. who entertain secret doubts of t!i-- ir phj sicil condition, and who are CHiscieua of having haiu-rde- the health, happ'ne-ts- , and privlees to wiiich every human b.ting is entitled. Wii.h Coufescions of a Boarding School Mi s. a College StmUmt, and a Young Married Lady, full ot romance and thrilling interest. Young men who are troubled with weakness, general- ly caused by a bad hahit iu youtti, the efiVete of which are dizziness, psius, fuicetl'uloes, sometimes a ringing in the eers, weak eyes, weakness of and lower extremities, confusion of idean, loas of inem'ry, with melaucnolv, may N eur-- d by the author's NEW PARIS anij London treatment. We have for th-- greater part, of the veur, devoted our time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI- TAL'S, availing oiuvdves of the knowledge and re- searches ol the mogt skilled Physicians and Surreon? in Europe nod on the Courine-i- t eueh men as C1VIALE, LKNOIRE, RICORO, DKKCIi E i EA U, ACTjN, and CI RL1NGS. oi tiie French and En?linli hospitals. Our tour extended throuch France. Italy, fiennanv. Hol- land, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, visiting in our route the principal hepitale in Paris, Loudon, Rme, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, Rerlin, &c., he. Wo have been an'ply repaid bythe sdditionnl knowledge we have aeuuirt'd in the trenfm--n- t of vm'ious whicli we have directed our at tentioo. Those wiio place themselves undf-- oui care wili nw have the full beueut of the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest assured ol the same r.er.1. assiduity, SECRECY, and attention being paid to tlieir capiat, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore at a Physician in our PECCLLAK department ol profes- sional pi'uctice. Medicine with ftHMbrec'ions spnt to any part of the United States or Canadas by patients communicafiug symtoms by lelior. iiness oorrotpcudouce itnctly- conhdnial tyDr. L.'b Omce is still located as ptabli-hed- r under the name ol" Dit. LA CROIX, f aTo htflire ss.fetv t.o all lelters sirtiplv addr THE LA CROIX MEDICAL INSTITUTE," e4d&tf No. 31 Maiden Lane, Alnany, N. Y. DEY GOODS. i & DOWITS, 413 Main st., -13 Have now in store a full and complete stock of STAPLC AXD DOMESTIC CiOODS, Of the beet fabrics, such as TAP.LZ LINEN'S- - BED I IN ENS; 8H1KTINQ LINENS TOWELINC.S; FRUIT CLOTHS: FINE DIMITIES- - MARSEILLES SPREADS; 3D I RTI NO COTTONS; OSNAHUKOS, COLORVD AND WHITE; FULL STOCK OF WHITE GOODS; MOURNING GOOD-- OF ALL KINDS. Thppp Ooodij were all bou-r- r t for cash at the lowest sbb of the ruarfet, and are no-- j at such prices as rnu-- t please all parties. Call and examine stock and prices at oiiW MARK 4 DOWrlS, 412 Main st- - MARK & D0AVNS. I'HE eutrrma troubles of the tlc-e- f ns to I annomiro to our ni'nd and that we rjtut our srstem of business to a Ca8U STANDARD, and will offer all our lancy IDress Goods, of whirh w iisve a good stcrk at GU2ATLY RE- DUCED PRICES. MARS & B0WN3, 4 IS Mpin "tree. NE EA l'RA NAVY fcIZE REVOLVER for sale at () md C. ORMtfBY'ij, 3J2 Main et. CAVALR7 GAUNTLETS! CAVALZTST GAUNTLETS: hvp no on hand a iarte aesorrrut-ut- . oi Gaunt- lets WE suitable foe Cavalry and other Military pur- poses, and iorsaip 'ow st SPRol LP & M ANDEVILLE'9, Corner iourth and Main es , mil I Tder N'ttinnsl Hotel. CWEAP! CHEAn CHSiAF! GEEA2! F O C A 3 II J. .11, AIUISTRONfJ,' On Main street, opposite tbe National, Is now efferieg Lis elegant tcck of ICON'S 4 BOYS' CLOTH HG, Fjtulusively for cash. At grestly reduced prices. MEN'S SUITS; BOYS' SUMS; CHILDP.EH'S SUITfl. 94 No. 311 Fourth nt., bet. JMarUet and Jeffersn, MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER OF EVERY Fine Diamond Mount inys and all the new style of Fine HsirorkOrnaments executed in the most superior sty le,of the best material. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Old goid taken in exchange. ii'je" dly DRUGS, CH&2VXXCAL.S, fee 4P"TT chased, and would most respectfully k a all v fiom ill those wlabiug to purchase fre-.- b Dru. Z & Ci eniiCAl. Dv-- ilT;. and Hpirt s. I h io stcre a very eu:?t-- t .rk Vn jtlma. MiefOun, and KRQT'itky t wiU ofre- u. "'zr: vit.zizg cyi'b or prompt tie !:"( 01 tib rr.4 EDWAI'.fJ WILD'?.. f ' Wni" IjlNE 3UOAKS Cnvhed, Powofirrd, GrHD"lrA'ed, r and Preserving Sugars, aLo hue Prjn bu,;ar, in and lot r.an by HIRMTT SOW sUGAR-Sl- io lbs ifire Mapiy snyar just MAPLE aud lt:r sale hy mJo W. ft U. lilEKHARDT, 417 Market it. W. EL STOKES, (SUCCESSOR TO fi. W. IL 8TOKEtf, IAIlORTJiK DEALER IN" COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, Saddlery Warehouse. No. 4:35 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth, HiOiiisvillo, .y. Merchants and Mamfarrnren' would And It to their'interostto examine my stock before makirg tbelrprr Chases, mid onb-r- from a will be attended to as if made in perwon. a deow ft weow MISCELLANEOUS. OABII! O ASH! Great Sacrifice of LACES. KMBROTPI EIKS. FANCY GOODS, HOOP StHRTS. HOSIERY, WniTE GOODS, LINEN CAM- BRIC, J ACONHTand SWISS EDGINGS and INSERT INGS, JACONET, 8Y,'IS3, and LACE FLOUN1 1NGS, and in our eDtire stock, comprining the most beau- tiful denigns and styles. Will bo Sacrificed for Cash. The ladies will do well to call at once and secure the greatest and most drtdrale BARGAINS of the season. (JKRHAUT fc CANNON, mT Fonrth st., opposite Mozart Hall. When you co to NEW YORK, drive direct to the SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, CORNER OP HOUSTON STREET. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Good prompt attendance, and moderate charges. Single rooms bv cent, 7.S ceuta, aud ijsl per day. Double rooms sud parlors ifl & to $3. Meals as ordered This Hotel has all the appointments of the bet IWeD, a mo-- t central location, and ia heated throughout by steam, ml d:im SATUEL E. MEAD, Proprietor. . 0UISTEAD& O'COXXCE (Sncceseors to Joe. Robb), CBA3M3R3 ITM PITTSBURO AND raiTTOIJ A OAW2tj?j L COAL, And Sole Agents foi the Xomcroy Ooa.1. ORD ERS for any of the above Coals respectfully soil and prom ft li Aiied at the lowest market prices. (;onsts.nt!y on hand a large supply of the "PEYTONA C ANN EL" r.nd "PEACOCK" POMEROY COALS, which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber use have no eu penor. t;rTice No. Third strwt, between Market and at tdd stand; and at No. 8u2, southwest corner Biook and Market streets. jc$H dtf HINZEN.R0SEN.&C0., if vi 3 t ran -- ran lunumoi Market Street, North sido, between 3ixtb and Seventh, LOUISVILLE, KY. f Alwirs on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS at reasonable prices. aep'ife dly Wot Sale. C;jsIi juiM for ISarley AT T1PI REXTUCRY MILT KOliSE, feOL'TH MME HIAHKFT NTKRKT. Eetween Sixth aud Seveth. Jsndtf JOHN FNOELN A CO. PJ33X GOODS BLACK AND FANCY BROADCLOTHS, FANCY AND 3ILK MIXED CASSIMERES, SILK AND MARSEILLES VESTiNCS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, And 4 most cotppWe s.?sortment of eve.rv article g to Men'? Wear, to which wo call the attention ol cvli and prompt buyer. J. VON RORKIE9 & CO., B30 Cloth Houee, No. 4H4 Main et. MOLAP.SKS-- 75 asses; 16 ;vlv ; b'i bhle uhis Sin'ii; In stoi-- and for ealP by U MBfltlI,1, TTAT .PfRT flfi LiLOLR- - 1 3W he's A No. 1 Extra Flour; tJl hb.j duo do: In str ana n;c.'ti in? dU- - a"-- ! f--r w'e hv AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO., mf (!irn"v S.'ond sr-- ss CIGARS. CIGARS! DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA, OF ling a lot ol the very best brands, such c BUEVAS 1NTIM1DAD; LONDKES IN riMIDAD: CONCHAS WASHINGTON; CONCHAS LUCKRO: ItECALIA WASHINGTON; REGALIA LUCERO; REGALIA LOS ANDES: LONDRES DISTRACTION, &a Always on hand and for sale at wholesale and retail by EB"V735. rSTNADO, tn4 No. 31 Main st., under the Louisville Hotel. REFINED SUGARS-K- IP bM Crushed, IOVERINO'S anl Cianulated received and for sale by aJI KAWSON. ToDD, A-- CO SUGAR CURED HAMS In store and for sale by W. & 11. RURTCn ARDT. 417 Market st. HAMS canvaei'd tlams; dOJ country hngged llama. In store and tor sale by OA ROVER A CO. sacks mixed and White Corn in store and CMU? sale low by 12 AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO. Vi. Jl'ST r.E'JblVEJ A FINErjrri IfPtotoitwM ot new and elesantV-yy.iA- l Sont", by the beyt author-- ein- - V, i.rz-Ti-- J ?5s- bi aci'ig 6acred and Secular, Sei ioud and acii- - tim utat, i stic and Oratorical. Ethiopian aud Eo- - cerrtric, Pat i .'tic and Pathetic, to suit all tat.j; alno Bnuioy Ricliard 'b eb gant Transcriptions and Compo- sitions, also the BJ.BT uuAt.iTv of Fii'iM and Drums. Give me ft call. WM. McCAKRELI , SlU Jefferson trpet. west, ml' Lon'svipe, Ky. IRESII FRI'ITS, Green (iagee, Cher Apricots, Toms toes, tireeu Corn, Green Peas, abj Preecrves, Je'ties, frc.. for sale hy .1. T. LANHAM A r.t). ml4 Importers of 'IV, Ac. Third st. kitj. No. 1 Mackerel for sale loi MACKEREL-U- K) bi aS.l WM. OAY. ANVASl'D HAMS AND SIDES C" s 5' u Stagg, Mack tin, and Oregon Hams; 2,(M choice c .uulry Sides; For alc for each by H1KPTTT A SOM. 11 HALES blue, grsy, aud red Flannel, suitahle I for uniforms, to which we invite the attention of Union Compc.nits forming in tlie Stctp. juit received and ior sale by JMKS LOW CO , i 20 and am west side Sixth st f INHN GOODS- - piec4 guperfine Table Damask.; 10 canes Irish Linens, assorted; S no Spanish Linen; b do hloue do; a,()ii pair brown Linen s 3 caee brown Liuea Drillings; 3 do bleached di; 'J do fincy do; Received and tor sale by JAM r3 LOW A CO., m'y-- 3l and ilO west side Sixth st. IAVA COFFEK-I- M mate choice old Java in store and for saie by in- -t RAWSON, TODD ft CO. TLANTATiON MOLASSES-Su- o bbls in ttore aud A lor eaie by ALLEN, MOORE, ft HA PEN. WLNOR1ES O bbis No. 1 Salt- - Se bho Tihle Slt in small bags; M bids, l.'ider Virrar: 3i bi le Urge No. 3 Mackertl; K0 do large No do; 'JO bhis medium No. 2 do; !ii Jftdo No. "J do; h) kits No. 3 do; liHi boes " cuks ii'a: a b. si's in I Xh rarcia; l""J do btone Pips, S'uoj G. O. Cans; lL'0,uou 8 H. do; 2" boxos Butler's Blacking; 'n do 'i':c.rt plavjte, ?o do pint do; 10 dO Spirit 03; la store and fur sate W KALSnALL H ALBERT ft CO. Jyl 3MMain at WUGAB bO h'uds fully fair to prime landing frcm John Raine and for satw hy KAWSOM. Tnnn. A CO. MOLASSES Ibu PUutatlou received and Peytoua and for sale by H. W. GOOD. iINE TOBACCO Brown's and Holland's, of an quality, tor sale by UlRRPIT ft SON. rsi'.'E 15 casts liice received per mafboal and for sle by RAWSON, TODD, ft CO. RICE 14 cafks Rite received tnd for fl5 KAWSON. TODD, ft CO. yiNFS AMD SPIRITS-- A supply on band of pure eld Wmes and buints for ea'- - chefir f tr h hv J. T. LANHAM ft CO. Importer of Tea. Ac,. T hirrt t. HJLASSES - V bbls Plantation lauding from i J steamer Woodford aud for sa! by BAWSON, TODD, ft CO. IAVA COFFEE 25 Dockets superior old Java Coflee Ul tttore aud for sale h AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO. CORDAGE Manilla Rcpe, assorted sizes; ion do Cotton d, do do; E0 do Hemp W dozeu do do; ami tbs Trot-Lh-- and Staelngr for sate by ftw casil;:man, murrell, ft co. S 's cblHM Iron Fire asd Burglar Proof with h's combination x-- on them. In store and tor sil-- 1 at the manutachirer s prices by V. K BELKNAP f r iy lie R.a cctfoe recti" ec pei bct ;d fcr rr, " K f'ort Pitt rec'.ivfd r,et s?n.Tr! lnRt MtLrmnn ao-- for sale by JNO. F. IJ( W A RD A ; J.. for Mitiulacr rers. Mi Bcn TttiM .ini Eni th ts. IOX'S STARCH log boxee Krti.i'd fear! in stoie ior gale by KAWSON, TODD, ft CO. MISCELLANEOUS. UrANTr-M-ACPNT- TO Kf ,T IMCKM.'KS J of STATIONEKY-an- JEWELRY at piir le Than can be purcha-t- d Call on or address (stamp enclosed J. L. BAILEY, No. 1M Ccmrt str--- t. RoHt'in. Mnss. mar dm ilU" 3 GOULSimS, L. S. B. de CRETY....(E. RABY, Agent?, 32S (irefii strret. adjoining the Journnl Odlre to suit purehHspp a fine of A i'yU a ft a such as JJ BORDFAFX. BOrirCONR. COfJNui Itord .'am; Jn m.i rd; Bordeaui; De&redoc; FronTignan; Lunel St. totei.he. Ean-d- vle-de Langnwloc MospIIp, Vln de Tokay, Anottgnac, and Cordials. mar4 dly BOOTS SHOES REDUCED PRICES! THE subscriber having a ta-- stock of Ladie? and Winter Roots, ft ho'-- and Gaiters oo hnnd, all of his own manulacUire, etlura at' greatly reduced prices for cash. Gent's in want of Cne Calf Winter Boots ran bo commodated it the very icw price of 3.7 pur for ca?h only. Also, a lot of Men's and Boys Kip and thk Boots at D. MARSHALL, do dtf Main, below Third rwet. ELIAS ROW, jr., and S. If. ROPER'S PATENT, THE MOST RECENT IMPROVED ShuttleSewingMachine FOR ALL KTNDS OF WORK. PRICE ff75. Warranted the Host in tbo market; Fine fiuished, strone and durable; wheel feed of great power; exceedingly simple in ceujtnictioD; not a wire about it; all its parts are most admirably and ingeuioun-l- y arranged; cannot possibly get out of order, because everything is permanently adjusted: none so ea-i- h un derstood and opeir.t-d- , and wws the most beautiful stitch ever beheld, precisely alihe on both sides. Tab lors and all who have seen it pronounce it the best Ma- chine ever sent to this vicinity. All are cordially in- vited to examine it. T. JOHNSTON, Agent, nSW dly 212 Fourth street. To Millers, Produce Merchants, and Grain Dealers. TTIK sobecrlber offprs hlsservicss to the Prodnr in Louisville for purchasing all kinds of Grain and Country Produce. Having hnd long eiperipnce at the business, he feels assured that hecan give aausfactioo to all who may employ him. He will act an agunt for the purpose of buying Grain and Produco iu the counties of Franklin, Woodford, Scott- - Fa vet to, and adjoining counties. Refers to Gov. C. S. Moreuead and Colonel A. O. Hodges, Frankfort; Org. W. S. fiano and D. R. Camp- bell. Georgetown. Address WILLIS HoDGKS, jySH dtf fJrnrc-t'.wT- i. Ky J. O. JACK, E. W. JACK, Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La. JACK & BROTHER, Wholesale Grocers, PROVISION i C0U3IISSI0N MERCHANTS, No. 619 north side Main st., between Third and Fourth. i m isriu K. ky. UUGAR. COFFKK, AND MOLASSES O 60 hhds prime N. 0 Sugar; l')i bate prime Rio Cofli-y- KM) b' Id Crushed, Poderel and Granulated Sugar; tin do Plantation Molasses; Li-- )?bbls oo do; an )4bbls Oolden Sirup; m kego obten Sirup; Iu store aud for sale hy JACK ft BROTHER, 618 Main it. MANVFACTI 'P.KD TOBACCO Kin; MietMuri Tobacco; t'"0 do O. Pilis do d: 6'. do Swinoev rto do: li'O do Va. and Ky. do, varlouj brands; In itore and for sale by JACK A BKOTTIKR, 618 Main st J PANS AND LINSKYS-l- OJ Laics NeSro Jeans and Luibuye (best braudl in rtore and for eale by JACK di LKOTULR, olcMainst KANAWHA SALT 3.1'iKi bbls Kaniwha Salt, best stov and for sale bv JACK ft BROTH KR, 518 Main st WUNDRIFS O 4i half che-t- s Gunpowder Taa; ID do do h auk do; dor.en Shaker Brom ; 75 do fancy ne tied do; I'M do Painted buckets; nte do TuIm lh dozen Zinc Wah-Ko- dp; bo co is Cott.n Kpo, all eUea 3" do Hemp do, do; lv) boxes Sfar Candies; 45 do Star- h; 1h do Foin Soap; ?.') do Pa(m do; 60 do Geruisn Soar: fro bass Coftvm Yam, ail numbtt: 8" do ('ai-- d Chain; lis) hales Rat t :nn: Sit do t'sijdi-Wk- a " to do Wrapping Twine; lf be.srs Spice; 16 do Pepper; lno mats Cinnamon: 8 caivne Madras and Manilla Indigo; 8 caps Madder; l'l bb.a Alum; 6 do Sulphur: 6'j cAke Soda: 1 caf-- Nntnie?-- 300,0i 0 G. D. and S. B. Caps-7f- i groae Matches; 17!j do Mason's lare and small Blacking; 3c boxes Candy; 4(1 bbls Cider Vinegar; 6u0 ketcs Nails, assorted numbers; On ha id aud for auie by dtc JACK A BROTHPR. RtR Main it. CHAMPAGNli AND CATAWBA WlMES f--. 20 eaees Widow C licuot Champagne; .l 2 do Delmoait do; U 2o baskets Veraer do; So do old HiPd-lr- k i'y. do; SO casr.s Mo. SparKlmg Cat awba; 30 dcz"u Dry do: In store and for sale in quantities to suit parchaserc by j '5 J. P. THOMPSON. 7 FAurtft st. rP.ASS AND GKAIN SGVTULS VJ 5(1 dozen Grsiu Scythes, loO d Gras do: 16 do Patent Snaths; for sale by 132 C. ORMSBY. COFFKK Jaia Ciffe a- bAts LafmavraCor7i-Jn- st received and for sale by il HARDER ft CO. WUEKTlNGS 35 bale Penn Mill and Aucbor Shpet-- jugs rticcivtd per eteamh 'at Florence and forsale by JNO. F. HOWARD A Co , Agents or Manulsctur ra, 191 hetwwn Third and I'mn th ftp. $Q5,000 WORTH FA8IONABLB Clothing and Furnishta? Goods! At great tacrihee lor cash at J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, Oa Main, opponhe ih Nnilooul liotrl, FINE DR?S3 SLITS; FINK BUNKSS SLITS; SCMMKR SUITS; BOY8' SU1T3; CH1LDRF.NS SUITS; Also a superior assortment at SHIRT 6: HOSILRY; GIX)VP,S: LNDERWEAR, Ac, at ARMSTRONG'S. to PLOvr-mARE- as. WR have in store STI'.Kl. W1NOS and , of the most iiu;iioved patterns, lor sals low by (til) W. V. Bl.LtvNAP A Co. APPLES 75 btils Applos just received and for sale by VI)'W BUCHANAN lLOUR-7- 6 bbls Kxtra Whits Wheat iamily Flour for sale by GARDNER ft CO. IL9 700 ki'ss Belmont tor ale by CA.STLKMAN. MUKHFLT,. A C;0. WIRCP-- yi packapesi eitra (Jolden Sirnp, tn whole and half bbls wid kffs, received per mallhont and orsaieby ANDRi'.W BUCHANAN A CO., nxi'i Corner Second and st?. IIOLASKS 10' j bbis St. Jamp-- Suirar House Molasses: lint bbls prime Planta'iou do; In etore and lor tale bv mfS AND'W BUCHANAN CO. (O-j.TiF- SIRUP-f- iy r&ckap-- Baltimore eitra Gol- - den Sliup in store and mr sale Uy mis AND'W BUCHANAN ft OO IO COFFKK ill ba;s good lair to prime arriving LA and for sale by alS RAWSON, TODD, A CO- - IACKLIN HAMS A choice lot sn?ar-e.ire- d Himi 1" and country tacou just received in stoie and for ale by m2S W. A H. BURKH AKDT. 417 Market VK. have on hand a cood stock of DRY GOODS, to 1 which we invite the attention of ttie trade. Terms OAsn. on dkuvrrv. JAMirS LOW 4 CO., mT M nrt tie wpfit Jtito Sixrh "t. TO BROOM-MAKER- S. KC f(i ( 'DD BROOM HANDLES, well seasoned Jll.UuU l,3i,(i tbs best quality Bro u Cord; 25 tlf be?t quality Sewing Twhine; M; lb be.t quality colored Sewing Twine; to best quality plated Wire: 2 0 bdls Cut Tacks. biO'm Nwedles, &r,.; Jnt reeiv-- d tt the. Wooden Ware aud Broom Store, 3rffi Mam street between Thud and Fourth, I.imsviUe, andforsalebv ffl wlAd) ORRi N RAWMHN. LOCK 10 bbls txlra Family Flour or suie bv Ij1 i OAKDNF.R A CO. W UG R 7i htnif prime Sugar landing from the Wood-rjtor- and for sale by mnp MOOjy WUNDKIK- S- O 10 bhdacbo'ce Suii'r: S5 bbls estra Plantition Molasses; . 2b do do do; b) base prime Rio coSee; for sale by fll GEO. W. MORRIS. Third st. fOFt T7 bats prime Kio received by mall boat vv and lorale by ll-- H. W. COOD. fOFFKE 89 bags prime Rio receive per mallboat and for eale by COOD 4k MOODY. Cash for Wool. wlllpaycash orwool.Hos & JAMS d various brands, country, and LL' IR- - A inn bls Fine Flour: 8oo Hie No. 1 Bxtia Floor; In sbre md for sale by AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO., ATA( KWHU bbls Nc. 1, and i! Mackerel Id A tDi ior sal by " : A lKii-.- pr'F.P AND TONr.irBS V It Heof auub d oaen Tongues for sale by H7BBTTT ft SON. ILOPb, Ac. A full of Silk, Linen, and Piot, and a lull asrortim-vi- t ol lljop Sirf Of all lues, lust iweived aud tor sale bv JAMF.3 LOW A (50., m 108 aud ilu wet cide duih it. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL Thk Skirmish on the Kanawha Ilit-hl- y exaggerated rumors of the skirmish, which took place on the Kanawha river, AVcdnesduy after noon, fifteen miles below Charltaton, are in circa In t ion. i he Cincinnati Commercial is enabled to give full pirticnlara derived from authentic sources. A ilotacment of OJiio troops come cp an unespectodly Urge furcu of tho enemy ad van raeuusiy pnstea, ana eniagea tnern. I he enemy wore nearly double the nvmber nf the Ohio troops in the start, and receiving reiiiforL-emontf- : whtn the Ohioans had exhausted thtir cartridges, th Utter retreated in order, having suffered a loss c four killbd, two mortally wounded, and fifteen others wounded. Col. Norton was wounded and fell into the hands of the eneiry. Captain Allen and Lieutenant To mercy are amonr- - the killed Cols. Woodruff, NciF, and VHUara left Gn. Cox encamptnent to vatness the fiht, a was eujiposcd (a strange sort of proceeding for a party of Col- onels), and bud not ben lieird from when tho boat lott. Col. Woodruff was reported to ha arrived just as tbe boat was leavii ht t thts was contradicted. A Ci:nmsiTV. Tbe Richmond Whifc savs that atiout ten days atro Serjeant Fisher, of the Tey ton Artillery, brought up to that city, for the in Sfection of Fresident l)avi, a nire inch shell, which, with fourteen olhoia, was di?covorod ia an old hidden miaziue hy an Alabama regi- ment, whilst enpaed in throwing tip breastworks at Yorittown. 1 he magazine was constructed of board, which havo loc since rottetl away, leaving only a few fragments of mouldering word. The discoverers of those hidden missiles were under the impression that they had come upon some of the relics of Lord Cornwallis, and hid djn by him previous to bis surrender of York town, eighty years ago. But military men agree that the nine-inc- h shell was unknown in those days, and that thay must h.ive beea deposited at a much later period perhaps during the war of 1812-'J- ine ;neus uiner irom iuo?e now iisert oniv in the size of their vents, which are much smaller 'iheir fuses have rotted away, leaving no ves tige. They were filled with buckshot and pow der, some of which, being dried, exploded read ily, seeming to have lost none of its strength. Traukdv in Illinois. The Sl. Louis Repub licn has a letter from McLeinsboro, Hamilton county, Illinois, which informs it of a terrible tragedy that occurred thero on the evening of the Lith inst. Political excitement has for some time been running very high in that region, and a great deal of dissension Im3 been tho consequence, A quarrel between a man named Craig and Pinck- noy Davis had spiting up, and on tho day men tioned, while Craig wa? on trial in a Justice's of- fice for some minor oil once, 1'avis, accompanied by one Campbell, rushed into Ihe room and made severe declarations ag.iinst all Republicans. A fight wi;h knives ensued, in which Craig and 3ome relatives Uok part against Davis and Campbell. The cm test is do. cribed as desperate and tragical in tbe extreme. Davis was killed ami the floor reeked with the blood of five others, all respecta- ble citizoDS, seriously, and, it was thought, mor- tally wounded. Lewis Martin, a town officer, received a severe thnnt in tlrgh whilst lo sepaiate the infuriattd combatants. SiDce the above was prepared, the Republican learns that Davis was killed by Leith Craig, and that the latter end two ns were amc-n- thos severely wounded. ifrThe cabin passage from tiebec to Liver- pool by the Grat La.-Jer- is only Auvanck on Fairfax iMfaiU of the Manh. TLe Waobington National Re- publican of Thursday says that the various regi- ments over the river, with a few exceptions, srtuck thtir tents on Tuc-da- atterntx-n- , and took un the line of march, with those that left the city, fur Fairfax Courthouse, where they expect- ed to encamp at nibt. Thn Vitrio'iii io ids leading thereto fr.m the IV.umac weie, in couici-uence- , greatly enlivened daring the entire dv. The fal lowing are the routes obeervel by tho respective culunirs ou thoir uia.nl ; : Oi tbe road ju.t beynd Arlington Irading lc- ard Fairfax Cfurlhou-o- , large U. dies uf men were moving all tbe afternoon. Among 'bom were tho Sixty-nint- anil Lighlh New York and the New Jnrsey voUmteerrt. Larlj in the morning tbe siege tiain was sent out on ihe road, each run draivn by ten horse-:- , fullowtd by a number uf wagons, containing oil tbe neces-r-v j and i io-j- 'Hiittiry of airma-ni'fc- n. The fcene on the Columbia Tump;ke Road was y interesting dining the bii-- k movement of the two Khc-d- Inland reg'nconls over tiie road, one of which regiments was commindsd by Gen. Liurnsi iu, who, il Lj said, w;ib observed inarching fthh bis column on foot. Five hut,d:-e- cavalry ami a mounted battery preened the litie. In Ibis division were a1 to Sbirman's battery, command;d byC;ipt. Ransom, atd tho West Point bat'erv. Capt. GrilHn. Tbe Lllsworth Zouaves moved up the lines of the Orange ar.d Alexandria railroad at an early hour on foot. Later in thediy, two trains loadt'd with snldiers moved over the same road. The brigade, under Col Howard, consisting of a Ver- mont regiment, and the third, fourth, and fif h Maine, broke camp in the afternoon The brigade comprising the Michigan regiments, under Col. Wilcox, was also in motion. Up to nightfall, we were not apprised of the movement of the Obio, Connei-ticur- , and second Maine regiments, poMod near the extreme riht, on the hue adjacent to Fairfax Courthouse. Tho third regiment of infantry, with three hor.drtd marine from the barrack-- took up their line of march, it U supposed, ju3t in the rear of the Rhode Inland brigade. We copy the following in regard to tbe move- ment from the Washington Star of last evening: At Un. McDowell's headquarters, early yes- terday afternoon, all was activity and bustle, and officers were continually coming and going, every one seeming anxious to be on the marcb and in the van. The numerous companies of regulars in the vicinity of Arlington House, comprising artillery, cavalry, and infantry, soon bad their tents struck and formed in column. They did not excel ia promptness of movement and military enthusiasm the New York Eighth, w hich rapidly formed and unrobed, leaving thfir tents on tbe eround in charge of a guard. The Fourteenth New York regiment (Bruuklyn) wag a part o- the ad umn which formed on the road at ihe foot of Arlington Heights, and wrn and follow- ed by regulars. They also left their tents on the ground. We noticed in the line several batteries of rifled ti old pieces. The fcene from the hills in the neighljorhottl of the tollgate was grand. IKking towards Washington, after reg- iment was seen coming along the road and across the liong liridga, their arms gleaming in the sun. On the left towards Arlington the column al- ready mentioned was approaching, their rear be- ing lo-- t in tbe distance. The columns coming fmm loi h directions joined at the toll gate, and took their places in ttie line marching onwards. Cheor after cheer was hnard as regiment greeted regiment, and this, wilh the martial music and sharp, clear orders of commanding ollicers, made a comtiin-.fio- n of sounds very pleasant to the ear of a Union man. It was live o'clock when the De Kalb roiment, the !a.-- t from tbiside, crossod the Jng bridge, and were greeted with loud cheers by Ihe Twenty-firs- t Npw Yoik Regiment, stationed in Fort Runvrn. We expect to bear a good account of ihe Da Kalb Regiment, particu- larly of that company of Turcos in front, who lock. is if I bey were every man made fur a sol- dier. They were accompanied bv vivandiercs. and followed by a long wagon train wilh their camp equipage, burgage, &c. Behind these, st retrhmg out in dim perspective, came a lonv; wagon train with camp stores, ic. We noticed sever-- I wag'ns loaded wilh nm.-ktt- s in boxes, but did not imp-tir- what il me.mt, as it was none of our business. As a gie-- t many emptv wagons were in waiting between Arlington H ue and the river, we presume they fallowed with camp equipage aud stores during the night. Ttie entbu-ia.-- and elasticity of spirit of the troops oidred to march, their ,v s with brother soldier?, their boyish naivete and abandon, were infi'otioufly joyoua. Onlv one clss of men were l;w spirited at-- dl pleaded. The troops left behind tu guard tbe fortiticition? were loud in their murmurs because thev loo were not tent forward. U:ie of the '21 it New York said he thought it was ad d hard case that after kept one or two wetfks inac- tive in Washington, othor regiments should have the preference. 1. very man in the regiments wanted to j tin the movement. Lm them all take heart. The pofin m of the tro-jp- 1 jft here is im- portant, aud theirs is as much a pjst of honor as that of tbe advanced regiments, and they will take tbe field in time tu do good service no doubt. Tbe column of tbe extreme riht is command- ed by Gen- - r d II '.inter; the ri,?bt centre column by General TyUr. Tnat con-i'- s of the follow- ing excellent troops, vi: 1 be Rl.-- i ;e Scond, and First, , and Tbird Connecticut under C- l. Kev-- ; tbe New York Second ai:d Fir.it andSvOn l Obio udor iSch?i ck, and the N'ev Yok i hir-- t eenth, hixty-rintb- , ! h, and First Wionsin, under Col. ord.ran, (rrulubly) with Sherman's U. S. liglit battery ai d six pieces of the New York Kighth, ani a d racTiiient of the Second L. S. Cavalry, under Capt. Harrison, and Lieuts. ToinnkiDS and Aiasou. Lieut. M.iton, by the by, was yesterday thrown frjm bia noroe, and so much bruised a to have to be carried into a bouse uik-- a litter. General Tvlei 'a column bivouacked last night in and around VUnua, miles from Fairfax Cuurt-hous- e. Colontl Miles, U. S. A., commands thj aft cen- tre column, and among ciber crack troops, has more than 2,600 regulars. He probably moved up by the wav of the Little River Turnpike yes- terday afternoon to a point withiu rive mifes of the Court House, if not nearer. A portion of the troops forming bis column were two hours g Bailey's Cross Roadf yesterday afternoon to the intersection of the Columbia w ith the Little River Turnpike. Col. Heintzleman commands tbe column on the extreme left, composed of the Naw York Fire Z uaves, the Michigan regiments, and rther veiv fin troops, inciu-Unr- United Stites cavalrvard liht .;tillerv. p.- - rcuif i vii xbt OraudD-- Aieia-.'rj- k r..r 'iu, a d ;t.ii''. :.r. cloi:y. A pirtioc yf ii, aouuci-"- ), reid it.s; nigot au Springfield staJion. Falln Church was aU) uccupied last night by & pcrtion of Tyler's rear. There must bfl at lea it SO.OfO troops actually on tiie nmiuh und--- r (ieieral M. Dowtll, exclusive of his reserve still resting in atid around his late entrimchmer-ts- . YOUNG PRAIRIE GROUSE St. Charles Restaurant Fifth street, between Matn and Market. Young Prairie Grouse! Soft Shell frabs, flims, Extra Sc- -, lccld t'ove Oysters, W oodcock, ftc, e"Dtaittr on hnnd, aud all of whlh will tv grrved up in floe st) le. G. 0. tL'FFll. N. B -- DAYTON ALE and PORTER aim h on hand Jve bi ;. r. AT WAR PRICES! Carpets and Dry Goods! CL'R TAINS AND CURTAIN MATFRIAL9: TAKLK A D ALL OTilFR GP.ADK3 LINENS; FLOOR all wiithf: EVKUY DKSCKIPriOS OP J AKPKTINvJ; PLAIN BLACK ORENADINE3: PLAIN BLACK SILKS, every ?rade; LAWNS, 11ISKEOF8. WHITE OOOIJS, 4c.; BLKACUEU ANI BKOWN COTTONS; With a full eto-- of DOMESTIC GOODS, CANTON MATTINU, A?., Ac. Which will be told low hy C. DU7AX.X. & CO., HA ab if, Maiu tit., owotilto Bmk of Kutuck7. GREAT REDUCTION ! Engravings, Lithographs, Gilt Frames, looking-GIasse- s, Walking Canes. A fine asaortmeut, and CHEAPER THAN EVER. r.o.-i:j- .rnrket nt.,bMwren H?tnd nnd Third aud s. W. conr lU&rket nnd Pret t.im At HL'ND 4t KNOFi:L-- ln bl Bookftor. Walker's Exchancre THIRD ST., BET. MAIN & MARKET. E2& XI. O O LEG-B- , First of the Season. IUST a fine lot of FROO LEGS, SPRING RVIPK prnupw nrri'-wiMn,- ,. MALLARD DLCKS, POTOMAC SliAl), SALMON. Partir e and famtllps ntplied with everv thine in ooi Hue l iiu) luurioet uoucc. JOnN CAWEIN A CO., a3 jAb Third st., between Main ar.d Marfcrt, N. R. Tti- -t rwiwa a Un-- e chinment of LONTOK DOCK BRANDY. OLD OTARD, fine MAD KR AS aud 8HKKKIKA. C. ItAMSEY, Removed to Ro. 318 Fourth street, opposite Tripp & Music Store, WHERE he if ftcain ready to wait on b friendi with etock of Watche.CIoch, Jewelry Bilverware, 'A a Die uiuiery, i'me spectacles, flic. tf"("Iieaier tlmn ever offered.,! REPAIRING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT I t:ke this ocra-lo- to return rov thanks to tliof who fo nobiv vir'td in (avine my enofa from the ore that me from my old eland ou Main strn. t. BilSjAa M. C. RAMSEY. GOLD FOR PAPEB. IilST ANT) CHEAPEST VOGT & KLINK, Kniifactnror, --- Third U r oGVr Inppc-t'r-- a!id sala Ut-- fc:'d splendid Jiortamt of 3" 313 "XW ira Us JHL of mT.eiior wort. n unship fi'd faahioaahlc t? ien. Dt roonrt. cora', i.Aiidinc'.s, i.-xrl- , 4p. articles vi, nn, ft'j-- bfButiiul ana everythioc bdlcafunf W ur Una, oi Uuropunu laipurt, New icuk Lbric. our own mak-- . Haviue ben inptroet by conHpnor tot 'LOSS Ol1! id" )l at 'jj rate rather than rotuxa good, and, to the bird tin.. dlron, t LET M.i CASH CUSTOMER GO ou tho ecorti of wo invite our fi iends and fbi nnbllo to evil and rxanune onr etork, p.nd rnf hat their wiutti and wiahna will and shall bo irratifiHl VOiiT A RLINK'S, H. GRKVB W. BUHRLAGE. J. ESCIIHAMIS GREVE, BUHRLAGE, & CO., WHOLESALE PAEL0E FUBHITUBJ Manufacturers AJTD CULQI in Cabinet-ISaker- s' Haterials, Gro-3- street, between Clay and Shelby tirea-- a LOClrtVII.LK, HY. 1AM lr Now Hooks New Books. IJSTOKV OF TUB LN1TKD NB'i UiKLANDS, bj Krj'PIi'fcl J Qf 'PIPTrTreU' Kit Tncl Ifirifli SO THF BIBLE AND THK CLASSICS, by Bishop Meado. AKNALS OF THK AMERICAN METHODIST FLL PIT. bv W. B. Spraei.p, D. D. 3. MACAULAY'S IIISTOKV OF ENGLAND. Vol. 6. 4c. WOKKMKN AND THEIR DIFFICULTIES, by Mrt h.lvlttT. ("C. SOLDIKKS AND SAILOP' TEXT BOOK, by Rev- I. K. Macduff. D. D. '.i'ic GOD FY'S LAD k "S BOOK for May. Jit receive by A. UAViiwa, n.17 jdUb Tbini et.. near Markot. COAL! COAL! PITT SKIT RO, rZACH OROHABP, HAS COALI COA.L1 Of the bent quality and at the lowest prices, for aale by CRTTTRNDKN A GANTT, Wert aide of Third tr, mAyi A Main and Marfel. USEFUL AS WELL AS OSNAISHTU ( trlstmas and New Year's Present WM. KENDRICirS, tai Third at., between Main and Marki. My Bto:k of t WAT- - nffS, I JBWKLRT, X 31LVJK and PLATED WARB Wa nvr more ooropteto than at prwiit, and t offorpC on fair lxm enn be procured in tbo mv. Cell I ivn M4NV NI-'- STATE OF THE (01 VritV. riMIK DAN VILLI" QUARTERLY RKVIKW for I ,hm, rontainiuK Kv. Dr. article ou the State ol the Country, just received hv A. DAVIDSON, 1i fith 3n3Tblrfl utrt. nar Mhi 't. Jut Received, HARPER S MAOAilN! tor June, at A. DAVIDSON, mM th JUia Third Btrwt, nar Market. lOFE-I- t ills. Ilcrup, Jute, and t lot ton l'.opL' for ale by .'I A CO. UOMKTUINU EXTRA e choice ;iklVt Ttacou; f.n pircte i'i'iuiD it:d HfBf; T-- Htas;j; anil Markhn Hume; L'j keif 1'iinift Lat Lard; n KLore aud tur aale by u J DinpiTT SON. WLOAK. 4c. -- k? hhds Snpa'; 17 bole 4" whole and bail bbls Golden Simp: for mIr by 1V30 GARDNER & CO. ' i;0 b; Rio Coffee; a do Jva d ; aO do Ldfe'uaj'ia Cuffae; fcrsal 'bv jrj'ti tiAKDNF.R & 'Q. whole and half bb'? atid kits Mackerel, L151! iirriag, Sui'diuob, Whiti? liah, aud Trout tor ral.i by l.h GAKDNl.k c ;u. AILS tfi" k :c:i riwM-ttj- tfirp, Fcmceiio, Spikee, aad 1 hi Ada tor eaie by vm GARDN1-- c CO. (1ANDLFS and boioe Slur Ca:dlc ; f(l box be S immur Irteicd dj; 6 do Faratnae do for pa'e by OAR! iNFIt ft O. W L'NDKI i Salt Kanawha and Mason Citr). Ba?, Bouuat ijotrtis. FijMr, 'I'a raptr (common to but), vriope, ti ca uphur, Iudif, ,1'iiubini? Bruoti s. S ida Ci B1 liter Criic'tera aud V,',it-- r Crtickfis Ciicoliitt;, Wttshims fcoia, blacking, aud MatcUue for iifcio by j an OARDNER St CO. fClTON YARN olu bac Tuneee, Alahama, and VIM A R NKK A' i O LOWELL FLO UK 60 bbU received this day and for W. H. RURKH A RDT. 417 Markrt rt IViSH casks 10U bozoe scaled flprrlni; In store and for aale by OAWDNBK (X) ("OFfrBI- - 160 hags prime Cotteejust reopivd and for Itfii OA 1(1 INI ' H a CO UlCIf - U cki received pr Jauir Funic' and tor RAWSiiN, TODD, A t",0. WL.f-- - Miy-tn,- - KU(i landiu Irom '.biuifc! Grtjy i'Aitl-- j and lr al tv fiff RAWHON, TODD, CO. ) ICfc lu tiero- - prima Kica received by mall boa i- and for eale by noon Monnv l.iXTKA Wltl iF WIIKAT FLOUK '0 bbls cele-J- - bra tod Family Flour rtc'iv.d antf for eale by j) o W. A U. BllUklLAliDT, 417 Market st. THE ARMY oftheUNSTED STATES Badtf ay's Heady Belief. INFORMATION FOR TIIE TV All DKrAHTMENT. Tntlmrnt of Fl.-- OfTlcer t'otnpaiiy Odloerft, Bnd entire Iictnincnta In favor of the GREAT PEEVEM1VE AM) EESI0SAT1VF. We propose to eff- r, in'a few brief pararaphu, inch proofs of the efficacy of RADWAY S READY RELIEF as a preventive of and cure for tho ciseiwe to which bodies of nn acclimated ran are peculiarly subject in warm latitudes as cannot fil to command the atten- tion of a Paternal Ooveniment anxiou" to protect the health and live of the ten- - of thoiiai'dj of brave and patriotic cittjianB vho have le'.t and are daily leaving their hemes, their familien, and thair business to fight in ita defence. According to thj of emirjfit:t military men, of army BHreona of bieh ftauding In tbe pron-M- l , and j. f prlv&t aoldiera, RADWA Y'S READY RELIEF hss already biou of iremtuf-- e benefit to the sick among our giUant volunteer eoldiery in CAMP, in the bivouac, and on the march. Ttie subjoined summary of facte, which we reapect-f- u ly invite the Government to Ferity by application to th.i paniee named. Includes tut a nuill pTrtion of the voluuiinous testimony to the same effect lecelved by ns wifbin a few weeks from various hadn'iartem of regi ments and detuchmenta In the servico of the United Starr i: TESTIMONIAL NO. L From the Ninth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers (Zouaves). Col. Bush Hawkins, of thia regiment (now quartered at Newport Newts), writes us best ) wing the stronfeat en. oomiums o n the Rem ef, and reoimmeoding It, from the experience of himself aud officers, as 'a most valuable addition to the army uitdicine chest.n TESTIMONIAL NO. 2. Major Lineltl, Garibaldi Guard, pronounces the an "excellent mcdicino" for the army. TESTIMONIAL NO. 3. Col. Lrona, ot the Eighth Regiment N. Y. 8. M-- , all his cflicere, and Sou private, endor.ie the Relief in tbe moat emphatic terms, and suggest Its immediate introduction into the mtidlc&l stores of every branch of thesarvice. TESTIMONIAL NO. 4. 8ureon E. K. Seaborn and Colonel Phe'ps, of the Firet ReginiPtit of Vermont VoluuLeerp, warmly ap- prove the Ro!irf, and the regiment has taken with it to the field ft aullicient supply for preaent use. TESTIMONIAL NO. 5. Captain John Whitloc-t- , Co. I California Reeiment, stationed at Camp Yates Staten Ieland, srvys that, on the 5th of Jui.e, loii L, he administered the Relief to for ty men cf bii company who were laboring uodnr severe a'tacka of dianhea and dvatritt-ry- ; that iU remedial effects were immediate: and thut a mnjsrity of the sick RKPOBTHD I'OB t THF. 8AM E Af TrBCX.,. He there fore recommend its addition to the medical stores ot the ifcgiment &s a maure of th importance. TESTIMONIAL NO. 6. The military editor of the New York Suuday Atlas testifies, on behalf of members of the Seventy-firs- t Fif'h, Sixth, Seventh, Twelfth, and Sixty-nint- RegV meolf, to t?;e beneficial fleets ol" the Relief in "domis ef c.-e- e of As a protective against and remndy for dj Pcntery. diarrhea, fever and acu, bilious, yellow, and other fe ven, and of tlie efleeU uf m taenia, unwholesome wet r and ciceie)ve heat; a3 a gvoeral inviroiafit aud restora- tive; aud also as an e&terual appttcation fr reducing the inflammation of wouuit., he Kriitl b? lnfoillble When adntiui.'tered internally it instantly arret pain TO THE Ft PLI'J AT HOME. Thereof RidvTay's Rend: Rolief l8(f eual Impor. tuce In the domestic circle. Every family should keep a supply of it in tlie bouee. It can be aaed for so many complalDts and ailment, at.d will lu all C8e give eate aud comlwrt to the dbflersr. TAKEN INTI KNALLY. it will In a few minulos relieve the moat severe rains occasioned by DIARRHEA, CUOLERA MORBUS. CtLIC, FE- VER AND AG IX, SICK HEADACHE, HEART BURNS. CRAMP?. PPASM8, PAINS IN THE 6TOM. ACH AND BOWELH, PAIN IN THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, GIDDINESS, MELANCHOLY HYSTERICS, BILlOl 3 COLIC, WEAKNESS, LOW- - NESS OF BFIlilTB, SICKNLaS AT frToMACII, and will, with a few tunes using, cure the mot obstinate APPLIED EXTERNALLY, it imojedi-itel- leliere", aud 111 In a few days cue RHEUMATISM ad all RHEUMATIC affections. GOUT, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, HIDDEN COLDS. HOAR3ENKS8, SORB THROAT, DIPT II E- - RIA. INFUENZA, H UEADACHK, CA- TARRH, FLEUhldY. TIGHTNESS OF THE CHEST BITES AND STINGS OF MUSKETOS and other PAIN3 IS THE JOI HARD DWELL- INGS, LI M'iAGO, INFLAMMATION AND PAIN IN THE KIDNWi 3, WOMB, 6r "INK, Ac, 8 "'RAINS, STRAINS, WOUNDj, SCALDS, aud BURNS. Let Kdva'-- i K'ady Relief be applied or taktri Internally ou the first warning given of Mcknes-1- and no matter what may be. the character of the threatened disease the Reaiy Relict' m ill brtak up aud arrest the progTts of the disease. A ruat-- of evidt-nc- so direct and coucluptve aa the above, emanatiug irom military mcu who volunteer it to eaiuectly, and who (ccttl'y irm perEot-a- experience, can scarcely i disregarded at Washiuttou; and we cannot d,ubt that the Govemmaut, on looking into the facta, will deem it expedient to mpply the stationary military hoepitals and all regiments in the field with a protective and remedial preparation of such inapprecia- ble value and utility. RADWAY & CO., 33 JOHN STREET, Now York. XL- - 27L. Xi. IMPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH CHRONIC SCROFULAS AND SYPHILITIC DlSEAStfS. EADWAY'3 RENOVATING RESOLVENT 13 THE MOST PERFECT CURB FOR SORES, SKIN ERUPTIONS, ULCERS, FEVER SORES, 8ALTRHEUM, I' RYSIPELA3 (IN ALL ITS FORMS), SOKK HEAD, CANK- ER, AND ALL ClliiOMO DIS- EASES KNOWN TO MEDI- CAL SCIENCE. IN A FEW WEE 58. Those who take lUdnay's Renovith-- ResoWeot will have rich, pure, and , HEALTHY BLOOD courpinc through their veins. PURE SKIN CLEAR COMPLEXION. The con- - titiiied use of Rftdway's Renovating Resolvent for two or three weeks will change ft rou-rh- , enllow, discolored and unhealthy skin to a clear and healthy comploxkn. Infants and children altlirtt-- with Red Gum, Sore Heads, Km prions, and Breakinps Out, Cancers, Ac, will derive immediate bouSt by the uce of the Resolv ent, RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT 13 A GREAT LUNG AND STOMACH REMEDY. Bad Consh. Hackinp Dry Cou- - h. Stitchinp or Wreucl'- - inc Paini in the Sid, Sn'M-'- I'.uns aroiind the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Ilvd Breathing, Sharp Pains when taking a Lous Breath, and all other paintul symp- toms are quickly removed by the Rnnovaf in-- Reeolveut. BRONCHITIS -- SPITTING OF BLOOD. In all caws of Bronchitis that wo have kunwu the Rewlveut to be for it haa quickly cared the pa tientit never fails'. Likewise io Hemorrhage fioin the Lungs or Throat R R. Rwlvent is the nio.-- t sate and P rompt ft; ptic iu use. Those aimrted with Uyeiopela of lonp standiDit are especially recommended to it a a uever-iailin- lenudy. Price of R. K. ltosotwijl is $1 il b)Ulc. Sold bj; druggist and dealers evetywherw. KADWAV'S RElirLATLXG FILLS, HOUSEHOLD BLESSING NO. 3. RADVV AY'S VHNO PILI 2 ar trjp "lv Vrtfc- - etablc substitute fir -- tomel. Mfrcin v, Antimony, Qu- - niue, ano ther kimireo uuuercl poisons n uu. Kurtwav. Recrnlatine Fill ai " clrranl ty coated ith (imu-tlii- itv PiUs m each box do;6 fiom oue to six wariauted to npi.rato iu six hours. RADWAY'S REGULATING FILLS ARE TTIE MObf PKKFEC ( Pli.ltS IX ana me outy rnie tliat uv new mcdic'ua! prrprfies or that have betU diucoTyted during the pltfeut Coutuiy THE WEAK GROW STRONG. Th first do?e of Radwav'e Pills sows tbe seed of health in the ei' k and ej cteir'. and in hctueu mioute alter a U"?9 is wi!t the pro as ut diea-e- : iu six hour an evacuation irrm tne bowel? will when the y it'eut will crow every da.-.- ' the patient will gain si Tbe s'rk be- - oaie u. alt by ani me teeO;e etrouf; even o- es.ii in me difja?ed body it with new hto and vigor. id hculih aaa r'tiuUiity will reipn througbout tbe hoI system- The li,-i- - wi!l be re -- alar in secretin? bil , the skiu resular m its ion and th- - reg- ular iu .ti- - beatiusH. ihe PuUe regular In it motiou, and the bawelo regular, at. a regular hour, in d)echaiit;pT th ir contents. Lef ;tlt wi.o hve cctiiya i take phytic take a dn?e of Raway's Pi'is. If vonr nystPiu i out of order, two oc ihrw of Radway's Pi la will ert..blih regularity. l'he f llowine ailments Rdvars Pills .rill cure aud free the stem from ail irritat-n- r humor and leave every organ ol the body in ft uatair.1 aud healthy cooditioi: Constipation of the Bnv?lg, 'Hrsteilft, Iimiiumati n ot th yawcla, Whit, In H .mmatiin of thy Kiduuys, Inriuouza, lleanactie, rs'rvous, " i e. Hada- - be, bick, Ki luev Compialnfa, i !ii.ld' r Ciii rliuliU, dmaH-Po- t, Indigestion, Dijpj jrnriet Fevr, Cotiveness, jTyphue Fever, Biiiou- - uobb, ii?v, Dyifpe'isia, ;Bllruc! Fevw, Irreguii-ru- iHea't CNHCALTUT I'BAINS. Locfl of Appetite, Loss of Mt&iury, Loas of Energy, and Loss of strength. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Ladies d from Irrefiularltle, Monthly Pupprea aious, Retetitions, Ac, should take one or two of Rad-wa- y Reulatipf Pillt "very ulcbt frr oue week before the expected l"her wtll r- - more aH and : ure y ; tr a; tho .r tlQl- Price of ulw.y a ru-- 'A kvw v" t;oai-'- I wnn pl"aj-a- 'o t kn: SO p'm in box. Mold by fun); and M reliant ev-r- y where. RADWAY A CO., i JOHN 8TRJTT. York, K. WII DRR. Arn. LoaUviUe, jani3 dletpecdtbwlamly JUCTJ10 SALES. " A. 4. VHfii a o Q. Her 17 iVCv- - AOCTIOKKERS ANDCOm.-- rt i, . - - ftnvainoinit ,a we anfl at. nl) irr.,.. . Rwal KrtatMarAhat-- CousUble's h 4c, on term. wtlacT-- y .W FINK WINER AND LTQUoRSL. do Dflmoubxi il- - Vei truav a" d old H eUic-- r do- le ca'tw Mo. Catwl.a- - t dO I TV Hv. ' 5 W!n braoda " OO Oid Port dt; fi do pi - herry do- - t d" old Coiriwc L?raud'-- - 4 do old Apple do; ' do old Hut lKn WbLky tf do old Hollnud Oin: 4 do old .Ianinic-- Ruin H'i do old ?c trh Ale; "0 do Biewn Mout: In stm-- and fur aale lo miantltiei. to suit n,,,!.. Jyi' J. P. THOMPj-ON- . 1h Kou-t- ,t REMOVAL. WF. have UH llw. oillce toimerlr ocmnM bv ra A. f. H.mtACo., and GENLRAL BANKING a d ( Ol LE, TIM? b , CIs )?"-- QI'HJI.EY. LYO'-S- . ft co. ItiuTby tierC6a P'lme Rit coojcgnmeiit aud tor ',4 ANTt'W TlT'onANiM rr " AND RETAIL GROCERV rUOUK. and TEASTORK. No. Market stieC htvZ and Third. Lnnl-vill- )vi:; IlKIMr-- ; sarka Java, Laguayia, and Coffees in atore and for sate hv M 'lu-.- or. a5 lKxe new Wetrn K and Itau biirK e receired tkr steam tioAr Mit.-.- eon aud for salu by JNO. F. HOWABDA CO.. jjiu Main. Third txt iX)UR 1W bbls Family Ftour for ale low tu coee x by iyt:i HIRBITT A POV. IJ fi iiavie n ceifcDrftted S'lgir-cure- d Ham? tor A m tale by ivli'l GAKDNEK & CO, OAl'ON AND BEKF-- 1 Him, Shouluri, S i, pt inie Drivd Beef for wie at tower pric. ior cfj) (,p I SY GOODS M 9 1U cases fancy Prints 8 do bleached Cotton; 5 do Camlet Jean1: I case Cbauibray Gingham: Received and fer aale cheap bv lvlS T. A H. RLKVIN rAIV THK III1K1U OK tBHlhT, hj D. F. Hen dei ton. B.nd THK SPIRIT OF :OI AND TIIKSPIKIT OV ANT1 CHRIST, by P. fS Fall. IWO Dlscourjes delivered at the opening of the new House of Worship fr the First Cliri-ti- Cl , Louisville, Ky., March 17, 1861. 7u panes ivo. centi-- . i, a. i.iVILL. PISH- - I au kits Potomac Shad; 2) kitf Family Rn Ilerring; 5 H bbls do do do: Just received aud for sale by jvia GARDNER CIV s o . To Cash lingers Great Inducements ! TK ARE OFFERING CUR LARGE AND stork of FANCY DRE-5- CtnUiHata VERY HEAVY REDUCTION FuK CASH. DO M RrtT C 8TOCK ia one of tne largest in the city, coi listing in part of New York Mills and Water-twU- t Shirinc, Loisclale and Knglinh Siiirtiut'ti, Hope and Blackubme hiiirti-j??- , Wams-it'- and Sempe.r Idem Shitting, lriah Linen anri .ibi t. Front-'- , Utica and Allendale HowOn;.-- , lO aud li i Li iieu Sucetiuie. Table Damasks, Napkins and Doyle, Marm-Ul- and Allendnlo Rprends All colnw French Flaunt-1- , WhDe Goods in vsri.'-t- , tilo and Hocifry, Pra-o- I and Fan. Tj all of wblcb we ftk the attention ol cph hur-r- -. 2VCARTIN U CnUPT8T73H, lh SfH Fourth t .. bet. Mat-k- Tcnw. Military Equipments. Having had man v vp,ar' PJtpcrjetj' e in ti theinanuftftiire of M IUTA UV hrt i 1 such a" Svidle, Pdtn Hobt.r Car-- Scabbard-'- Ac , I feel con-ii- fid. nt iu guarantying to anv nhi may pat ionize me jn price and (tis'ity ol work. 1 aiu now d to fill all order-- : ou abort noth - O. PnOAL, SlSThlrd St., between Main and Market. lyf Kip n of fMOMd-- 8. WH1RT FRINTS, Ac rii'J dozen Shirt Fi'on's: do Crochet Brid. a"foi-t"J- 6b do LiteTbread ti loves. M jroM MrUl Vfldt But:ou; IS pif.-e- s oil Silk: r do Bilk Hankkfrr-bi-- f Rwived and for aale tor cab hv JAMES LOW f'tV, jj aim and aiu ?rle Suth tl. V'ELLOW SUGAR Mi bbls roi roCned rtr?id by uiaiiboat and for e by TT. W. COOD. OENTLEMEiYS ESTABLISliJlES SPROILE & HiDEVILLE, S.W. corner Fourth and Mam street. We have everrthlni- - appprta'nlng to a Gentleman's Wardiobe. tor sale low iorch. JV8 SPROULE A MANDEVILLF. The amplest. rarst, and mot iutrestine illustra tions of t'.e. lower creation hit have ever eached Eu- rope." Owkn ibetore the Royal Geographi- cal Society. CMMM,?'- - EQPATllWnr AFRICA, tlxplorntiou" ani Adteotures in Eimtorial At ic;; ith Account- of the M innrs and Curtoms of the People, and of the Chase of the Gorilla, the Crco-dd- Leopard, Hipoopotamu, and othr Animals. By Paul B. du Chai'ln With nnmero.ia iilutrtton. vo. Mustiu 'uniforni witb Living-stou- Barth, and Burtcn) si A D VV'KMK. AI Ifp-t- i Komnm e. By Chn. Lver, sutiior of "One ot Thclu,', ""Uarty Lotrt-quer- Ac. hvo. Pp.r 6 ct.. WILI.SONW RRAbEIK A Verted of Srh,.. aud lamily Readers: D eigned to t"ac h th Art of Ri'ftfting ?n the most Simple. Natural, and Practicil Wav: in ti.eir the whole ranie of Natural History and the Physical Science: air? ing ar t he huheet degree of uselulne-3- and apb ndidly illustrated. C'oni-tin- e of a Piimer ai:d Seven Kcftifr By Marciua Wi'loo. The Primer, riiI Kirt, Second, Third, Fourth, and Filth li. ad va now reaiy. PricdB 15, 2J, fit1, and iti cent?, aud l. jH L. A. CIVILL, m Mn'n ft CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES lor sate at greatly 4 J reduced Dricua to clui the coujlirani"Ht by OKKiN KAWbOJf, JyH 333 Main st., between Third aud Fourth. MOLASSES 100 bbls prime N.O. Plantitioo in store mHl WM. GAY. Braes Bound Cedar Ware, &c. DOZEN braes, bound Cedar Pails, eizrs; 40 do do do do Cane, 3 25 do do do do Churn". 4 45 do Iron do do do, 4 :to do do do do Cans, H :t do do do do Pails, 3 In store and for aale low by ORRIN KAWon. jy3 3:i Main st.. between Third anrf Fomlh Dissolution. THK 6rm of L. A. CIVI1.L WOOD - Ill's d;iy d.- -. I solved bv mutual consent of th" pari iff. Tb buine-- of tho late tirtu will be f'ttlfd by and w lib L. A. Civil!, who continues the business. Li. A. IV II, 1., Juno Efl, 16I. L. A. WOOD Xj CIVILL, Deat.kb in nmBL mnanT. ft nu mih. I300K AND JOT3 Printer and Bincior Main st., etween Fourth aud Fifth, LOUISVILLE, KY. t? LOOKING-GLASSE- and FANCY GOODS rt cot. jy o Xj o t xx iP-ro- : iiieap: cheap: VFKY ( HF 4 P! Cloth Coats woitli $15 fer . Cloth Coats worth $1 for 7: Cloth Coats worth $ia for if 4; Cftetraere Coats worth $12 for $ , Cassimere Coat worth $" for $2 b'1; Linen Coat worth from $3 fo to $5 at M; Summer Vests worth from $3 to at $1. The above ftondis a little out of tljle, but good, articles, for sale at J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, j20 On Main st., cppoelte the National. I "GAR- -) bbls Granulated 8urr nit rce;vrd and tor (m!-- 1 GARiNER A ( ' l. IAGLE COTTON YARNS l:ju bscs PitrMni'it Yams rec'ived tnr Lindou and tor aale by JNO. F. HOWARD CO., Aften'.d for Mitntif wfure: s. J'-- Main, between Tl.iM and Fourth!-- . BROOMS Ion d zrm Brooms of rariouj kinds jut aud for sale by ORRIN RAWSON. y' 3S Main it.. btwAon Third and FoMrh. UAKDWAKK AMD' "A est Main sirwi, mC m bvt. Third 4 Fourth, WE haie cn hanfl and dvlv receivinj- - a lars to eur stock of HARDWARE and CLTLKK , which will be sold at low figures tor cash t shmt time. C. OKMdBY. MILL AND CROSSCUT SAWS Mill and Croaccut Saws: Rowland's Mill aud Bawe Epear it Jcjou' Mill and Crocit Ss'l On hand and for sale F'w by C. ORMSBY. LS 500 kegs Shoenbtorrfe, Kails on h Jiid and for NAI low by c- OKeiSBY. CP.I aruicrs will find a larfce ajrtu. t Clone at ORMbui.' 3. JJOES 0 doceo PlauUrfs' How for 'gJggrjy, LOCKS AND Locks, assorted: &.H1 do Hinea. for saw by C ORMSBY. t2 CREWS-iiK- M) gross gimlet POlntrtwsftj sale ho FADES AND SHOVEL- S- O Ames' Shovels and Spades 6u down for sale lor by C. ORMSBif. 4 XES-- 6" Aie. toJtKKL J Vl fr f'e -- dci-- . FA::.i O luu dozen Grasd ScyrheR for sale by 60 do Grain C ORMY fIh P.r HLCilANA A CO.. "ns y coiSw second w VMuiui(iotfc

Transcript of HP'olCr JULX2J DAILY JOURNAL. - University of...

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r V






8TrwTRnTrow8--Dftnr,(loliver- In the city. ...Sin ooDaily, by mai1, in ftdvanca.. fi in)Csnnlry daily 6 ti

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Announcing c(ndi,W' ,I pr wwk for each nn.Yearly fc4vertiii pay iuarte.rly, 'all cwiw in

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otht'rwiiie we pt Jl d.me.of yai!y Lumen ts w'.U

without iirevio.ic uoii; to us, nr wi.'I amp ohc(,emade tor leae than one yew at tho yearly rate.


vftV& M AM HOOD.y Row Lost, Kow Uestorcd.Just Fuhlishea, in a S&tled Envelop

ON T1IK NATrUB, TilEA'i'MriNT, AND RADICAL.LRK OF SfKKMATOltHUliA, or Seminal W'eakne-s- ,

Sr.xual Debility, NeroiienffM, uA Iiivolrmmrx'inducing lropotoucy iiid MeauJ and Pbyiicai

Bt ROB. J. CULVER WTttiL, M. D.Author of the "Griu LtjoK,"

Tbe author, in tbis e.d;xirable Lec-ln- r,

clparly prova from hia own experience thatlh aJ"nl nuiy'bernioved without medicine and without dai.nrou- -

o(irat:oii8, boiiKic. iutnnueut-- , rius,or oordials,"tin tin? out a mode ol cure at crtin n,ud e.iVc--

by which every ?nttVrei, no mattpr whnt hi coudi-- tion may by. may cure frivol fly. and

raaico.li. Thij Lecture wili prove a buou to tuousandiaud thousands.kmt under sal to any addresn. pout jxiiU, on the re-

ceipt of two postage stamps, by wl.W-i- u Ur. OH. J. C.KLI NB, ifi. D., la; Jboweiy, New Vork, Toet iiox 4:G.

a& dly


i'liicJnuati Venereal IfospUal.EinblbjhHt Id the year 'FOR THE CURE OF PRIVATE DI8KASK3.

And coder the control of two of tho most eroiuent Pry- -jli iar.fi in the word.

I K, R. BONAPARTE, from lnaoo and PaiIs JTwpl- -

tAl. and for the Ui of the Citu iniiMVnncreal Hospital, and l)r. E. R. Keyimlris, latoCNf--Voik. This i thn or.Iy ofSire in tiin cir whi-r- a per-manent en of (h.-- run he obtain d without

Iim usp or mpmiry or chance of dipt. Gonorrhea airedo to hours. (iet fnrr-- :n ?, to Idt.y3. Stiictores

enri'd in 1 to 3 . S.vtuntnl fttv ji0n int to S cUya. S.iitinal wcukn-t- w riT .1 in 2 to wor k?,flj philUs (n it pi lMi?.ry ,- cned in 3 d.ys. S

srntpioms cnrnd in 1 S we--- 8km di;'8mred in 1 to 8 wwaks. l:uroteriey vi?or restored in Ilc 4 weeks. A It dippasf of a private nature trat d withar.paraH ;led rucrs, male or fprcatc.

Dr. P.iiapartn's . i wcrk rn nrivTito diwas1, thefrU-R- suid to heaHh, Is rpnci:ii to a'l. mla

the old and younjt h,vi.i tnis nk. It willsni'sht'n those who grope in darkuwte. Price 26 coutn,ent by mail.

Dr. CpIc hrnf d Prviitlvp iv?ver ha- -nover will tail married lalie too feI1 o h.Mr c'ul-4tt-

ercrpt t. hsiar-- Hi"- -, !iou5d be. iat'ilt invention. Price rudnsrd toDr. Innpart's Frenrh ! &fTit MM? ?f5l It is y

nue; and novcr f ii! tyivo ion. It io'theonly safe wid pure prfventlvrt sgtiinct pr' rnipy ar.ddtcnaP. The price of tfi? l'i

1 tbe single one, 44 pr hnl Mozeu, $7 per doaeu. Sfcutby mail.

"Mdftroe Loyierp Fptp.Vp Monthtv Fill are a ssfond relis.h(f rentvdy for and nil fynsale

shonid nnt u.'p t!s?m prer.a'icy,tf thy will jirodu'-- rnisrarri:ieq, 1 por boisxtra firse $i sent, to tir.y addrrw by mall,Dts. B. R, are the m-- r to oniiit, thy nra tiprjn

Honabiy scknowledtred be and and kingof venereftl disease?, aid the o?j!y Povtoi-- who receiveM'.ufc!y tiom th.oM woi M; t:,ev bve

from an eai y ac; of yonth to witness tbodbjeases which t mankind, and to wach the

r'cres. tbronph a Ioiir career of proi!Mi'uu st'id. in- sphere of iiff, from the hum! !e abode of rov'erlyto the mansions of the wealthy, and burin asct'rtHini;ilbpond s doubt the vaat am Hi in oi h.inifuiity, they

to tel"ct th? ;nernti r system as thp.irctndy. aud to devote rheir whole attention to the

aileviitiou of the diwass ol thco imporfpnt fnuctious.No le'.ters will be anawereU onlasa tiiey oiutain a reaiittance or a portage tamp.

CalL, or addressDbs. iiOMVPARTEKBYWOTiR,

No. 1S Syc&iiiore (ttaet, bu Finn tud bixth, eat ile,' Ciocitma'i, O.OttJe-- honrs, 9 A. M. to S P. flS lor4;'diy

Cbnajo of FirmHi PHANKS CO. have W. A. GAIL-J- .

BR AIT LI with thrir iirm, and p:irchr.sed tttn rlandOf SMITH & OMER, on south eide of Muvkl

Flovd, where thr.y will comturt the iI't,E-- 8

ALE and RETAIL GilOOKUY a. id PRODUCEConi-cf- d with their honso thpy hr.ve a cr,cd

WAGON-YAR- with M,ip'e axonmi..d uio-.- f forfaorses, wa;o!is. and otner r.nd r.oald be gladtoste Lheir old t'riecls. T. .IIANK,

H. T. ilORD,Jnlv IB, lortrt. dtf W. A. 'iAllji'RMTn

H UGH BRENT a CO. have removed to west I dp offtnirt strDt. M vin snd th Kiver. irt

VMN- E-T L5 -- asks Madeira Vtnc;

h do Port do;hble lialara do;

In store aud for sale V.y


I C K 'Hi caaks rtu: dved nr m:;ilbost aud for sale bjT,T.('W. Miwiiii:. A IMHrM.

COTTON YARNa'soitnrt nnrobern

do Carpet Chaiu:6o bales Twme;

do CaoJiP-WU-.k- ;

do No. 1 b.ttins: for ffl.??m36 CASt'Lr MAN. MUKRW-L- A OO.

UOAR-fi-ib- bH A Cru-h-j- d Hupir and7 for sale by ihJJ r P.nNf Mt A (.

3 'DOICK SS a choice Greenif and Black Tt&s. tiesh arrivaL in toi ajia r

!K ia)e hyliL ml3 HTBBTTT SON.

JM OJ.AriSK9l(rO hbln received por steamboat Louis- -viliii and for fain br

REKINED SC;ARS-2"- ;I bhl? ( Yush.wl Oranntatd,Soit Sugars in store fud tr

ale by AND'W UlCli A,NAi A CO.,mio Corner Keror.H Wahinsti'n t.

3 HOODSDUES new style Amrcin Lawns;6 do d do 1 n nc!i it );1 caw do do do Chintz;7 Popltus;

Receiv..'d aud tor sale che-- bya3n T. A R 8I VVIN A OMN.

FISII-- No 1, 2, and 3 Mackerel In whole MidNEW bhl? and k;t: No. gttlrr.n irt bhi- - and kitj;No. I White Kirh in half bM: a"rrior art i;e iVifi-- h

in drinus; at:d No. 1 ecabd llerriut?; in store and lorAle by

m W. A H. nCKKMAUDT, 417 Marintpt.

R1CE-4- 5tierces Rice;

M do io:Fresh brat; received iIir.Tt from Savannah via r !roailandioraie by IjlUJ i.AKhNliK i CO.

C OFFICE Wl blip prime Rio Cvff ju?t received por' steamer John tiaine and for a.ile by

m35 WM PAY.

Is LAOKHKRY WINE A choice article of y.nrsBlackberry Wiue in otoru a'jd foe sale b; the. bar-

rel by

MOLASSES prime, in food eooperp.j;4i Jfcdo do, do do;

Kecoived by the Doulsvllle and Joiin R.in and for ealtv n'Fl Cilii) A MO"IV.

A M VJite Fish;90 Trout;

Jurt receired 3 railroad and lor pi'p h?all OAKDNR A CO.

J AVA COKI'f.K- - p;ini Javaby rii oad audi r sale by

yl7 U V. cnoi

It IO COFFEE- - i 5 rays good arriving and for sIe hymt TODD. A CO.

RINTSX IW ce? Pfw style prfntp;

6 do black and bhuK aa J Ti bite Prints;2 do H tyle't j ui vlo do;

Received and ior sale cheap tv025 T. A ft. ALE VIM A OMN.

ICE ao casks in store and tor ?.ile hyIt a:! HAVrtON. TODD. CO.

"RUSHED SUGAR "R bbls Npw York Circle ACrudhi-- i 3ugr in store and for sale by


MOLAS3E3-1- 31

15 do do;Landing from steamer Jobn Ralne and for aV by

mrt RAWtiON, Tti!.i. & CO.

T 10 COFFEE (jyo bags fair to prime in store and lorit sale byALLEN, MOOUE, A IIADEN.

T IO COFFEE 3tHJ bas good tair and prime arriviufX.X, aud for aale by


AND LINSF.Y51-- H" bates Pbreuix MiUs inJEANS and tor sale low to close consignment bynil VM. GAY.

CATAWBA WINE 10 bbls Bland's pure Catawbaind for ea!e by

W. A tl. HLP.KLIART, 417 Market tl.

COFFEE LOiiu bars Kio UUc, tair to pilmeyualttyiu store and lor ale by


O UNDRIKSO Diaodies, Gin. , Ac;

fl irdinee 'U ces sit'jijoli.ii?i'j 4 n pkk--- . V. K, and wTivleOHeOU. Macrui Vtrciicelli, dtc ;

In store and for sale bvAN THOilY ZANONE & BON.

J 10 Titrh st.. belo-- Min.

4ALAD OIL Puie Olive Oil for sale by the bottle3 or basket by

J. T. LANHAM A CO.,ml 3 Twirortpra if a, Thin1t

AMI NY HAMS 1.5" U superi-- r iamily Ham-t- , iorF family une, tor sate byni4 1. PMTTH ppfl-n- . Main st.

V.MIESH PECANS 10 bushels Uesh Pecans just rei? ceivtd and ioi by

toi'A W. A H. bURKHABDT. 417 Market ft.

ARD OIL 4 bbli received on conz anient iuL and for bare uy . . T,J1

OFFFE-3:- -0 bust Ccff-.- for sal? by

10 CO KEf- j- fl; -K by tue iiipii iati ior tJu byfJOD A MOODY

KAB ClDLH-- H Dbla pure Crao CitJsr in store andicr sale oy


'm b,i'.-- tS"'d?cllb:e F't? icr sale by


West Baden Springs, Ind.THIS rttahliih"",'t ha be 'n very much improved

J v iil bo , lo visitors nn the Mont June;and 1 ymiie my oid fi that I will do all that Iem to matu them com lui table. The havep. ov.d tUPinsrlvt s to a preat many of thea;ttcted, and tlue tiiat try thm will rnmly he

in receivinc h' neflt. Take your tipket at NieL., N. A., A C. K. It. ollie for Orleans, and the bua willcji.!1 ior yon iu the moruinc and TaKe you to t.'i cars,then to orh-ans- , then by hack to the Syrlus bj Tea.Fire tiiroiiLh 53 5 .


Perwe.k 6(H)Four wpek4 IS OU

Children ani Servants half price.Hi.riT'ji p t wi elt 2 00

ffer further pa ttculars, n' 1. Linton,James Rudd, J. H. and .eo. Wclby. Directail to Weil tiaien f prints.

i,.h,,ii.n DR. I A LANE.

Th'iEarly Physical Degeneracy



rhyicio.m to th Trav J,r fjr'"'inttitut

A Treatise on the Causes of Erly Physical De-

cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv-

ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus.

tVTMa work Is of a hirh moral tone, wrlttpn Inchaete y t thrihine lanpnare. and appeals directly tothe mors.1 coiijcioudne ct all Paxtnts a!id Oiiar--

ans esnrcil'Vi detailing scibutibc and raiiable aid!id treatment ior cure.

It will be sent by mail on receipt of two 8tnnj8anu Cdaiujiaks! fail not to send and

obtain tnia book.llfYoiiwa Mbn! fail not to send and get this book.

fTFLJiiz3l yoa, too, should atouccsecare copy ofthU book,

A Tord of3lemn Ccnscientionn Adricoto thuat wno will Stafloct.

A clasof maladies prevail to a fearful extent Indoomiug at. least l')0.'"m yo ith of both sexes

to an e.ai ly praTP. Tlio- are very im-p-

feetlv imdei'stood. Their external manifeit:vt0"ti orcm ptosis are Nervoi'-- D bilitv. Relaxation, and

:a:r;uMnn- - or :i and consumption of thet; 'ik the whole bodv: hortiuv;" of breath in? or Imr-ri- d

bre .thing on extern: in k a hill or a tiicht of ntairs,preat plnitstion of the M art; Athma, Bronchitis, andsore Throat; ehaxin of the Hands and Limbs; aversionto society and to cuiTiep or stndv; dinine?e of l'e- -ciKht; loss of Moraorv: dbiainessof the Head; NpnraleicPiria in various rrtd of the bod : Pain? in the Back orLiiQba; LuUibapo, Dyepepsia, or Indigestion: irretnitari-t- y

of the Bowel; de.i anted sections of tlie Kidneysand other eiands of the body, a? Lencourh'va or FleurAihu?, i.; Iikeke Fpiiepsy, Hysteria, aud Nervous

pa?ni3.Now, in nint'tr-nln- e cases out of every one hundred all

th ahonamI'd diorJ-- r, and a host of others notnmel, ks Consumption of the Lunes, and the uioit

and wily of of the $i untilas TahrH Dnrmie. and Tahrs mUenteri-c- a,

iiave tht-i- r fat and ortirin in diwaees of PebncVince-ra- .Hence tin- - want of snrcens on the part of old school

practice in treating prmptoiu? only.Dr. Andrew sr.me, Pnyrieian to the Troy Lung and

Institution, is n"w engaged in treating thisclssof modern maladies with the niont astonishing stic-c-

The ti"at:aef.t adopted by the Institution is new;it i? biuel upon Bcintitic principles, with new

n medies, witliout minerals or poieous. Tne facili-

ties of aire are surh tr.at patients can be cured at theiri:i any part ol tup country, irom accurate

of their case, by letter, and have the medicines"nt them by mail or express. Printed interrogatorieswil! he forward d on application.

IVfConsumntim, Catarrh and dieeases of the Throatr.ir..l nn at tlie home ot vati'iits as at the Institution bv sending the Cold MelKt-- In fulling BalsamicVa porn, with inhaler, and ample directions ior their uee,and I'jr-'c- crrrhp- ndtnee.

Patients applying for intfrrnnaUtrien or cuivtcemujt enclose return stamp to vwJ attention.

i.Tne attending will be found at the In-- s

itution , from S A. M. to 8 P. M. of eachin tiie forenoon.

Adirks DR. ANDREW STONE,u to the Troy Lnng and Hygienic Institution

and Physician for diseases of the Heart, Throat, andLangs, 96 Fifth stroet, Troy, N. Y.


Thf Matron or thf, I nst itittiom.Who is throniMv read and p'ted iu the pathology ofth niatif aliuctive ana prostrating maladies of mremodern orUi i, will dev-t- exclusive attention to thiscle.-- s of diie:fws tfl hersx.

Sft'"T!:e Aurendiny M dioat d Douche, a most Impor-

tant trrevntio ior kkmai-fs- , pent by pTpiv-t- for $5.y, males ch.i Mrs. 'octrees btone cviltidcntlV

by Lttvr or prifti!!". A ad roe"MRS. N. O. STONE. M D..

Katrou to the Institution,0rt7deodly Tltutr, N. Y.







JtrrCEOM STEKET, RORTil BII,Between Third and Fourth.

OOODR of evorr stvle and quality.li'AWNI.NGS made and put up to ordr.

IVJJont't forjtet o. JsTI Mir



S1L00X AXD RESTilTRlST,Corner Sixth Street ar.d Court Place,


Ijomsville, Ky.BET AW & POHTSH, rropriotor.

MEALS at all hours of tbe dav and nUht. Onrsupplied with Fish, Meat3, Poultry, Game,

and t ysters, tlie het in he market. Iu our Saloon areto be found imported Wintis, Liquors, aud Cigars of theChoicest P. and.

5 it? nLent-- in Kentucky for J. T. Iandi? celebratedChu;:-- 0 and Muwaukie XA, and XXX Pale Creamand Stock Ales; wholesale, in barrels aud half barren-- ,or t lue rK.ttle.

Call ( 'HN'D TIIE CORNER." nT2 h1tf

Brandies & Crawford,TIAV? reroovod to the new Warehouse on the south- -

XA wibst corner o; Miu and First strata.

We will nay th bihst market price for a:l klods ofGrain, delivered at our Etore or at any good shippingpoiut ci the O o river.


PO'WDEP,O F ALL qup.Mti"? constantly on hnnd and fn sale oy

DAViti b BPEiiU), Agents for the Uanuiacturera,

Lonsvi lt.c, Sept. 9, 1W.Mtssrb. Davis & Speed, Aeut of Orienul powder

., IvOnisv'lle:(ni We have been using your Blasting Powder and

wo take pleasure in stating that we Cud it equal li notf apurior to any Fowtiur thut wc iiave ever ust-d- .

ARTHUR CAMPHELL,Superiiitonueut tor Siiiith & Sniyaer.

I rOTf1a!1v concur in the above and cheerfully reoom-meu- a

it to the public. J. D. SMITH.I conhider ' he ahive Powder superior to any we have

evei bteuableto obtahi, H. KoSKIT.We k" pleasure in reco'nm,:'nc?1ngyonr Indian Orien-ts- l

Rifle Powder aa etpial if not superior to any we haveever used, it vry and ptrong. This weassert ai'xr a thorough trial. Re?ptt fully vours,




All in eood order, and will bo told low if rail d forat C. ORMSUV'S,

j'5 Main et.

I'etioa Yarn and Kattia?.1 Z( RAOS Hone Mill Cotton Yarn, No;. 400, 500,It-M- r and 7 ")- -

tuu biles No. I Baiting;Received and lor eae tor uuh bv

.IAMBS LOW ft CO.,m" 5h!B and iio west side Sixth st

RI ED FHUIT-- 75 bushels Dried Peaches in storeI) ni tor sal-- mH DlfWIET A RON.

Jl'!iAK-f- ti hluts fair to rrimo Sugar received petJ iv.j to;. a and John Kaine and for nle by

m-- OOf'D A MOODY.

1R1 NTSa cMex 4 Ti!rkv r1! Prin;

do l.ichoioua new style PiiuU;Koceired aud lor suie hy

JAMES LOW A CO.,rr.f2 nd l'i" t sito Sixrh st.

ICE- - 10 tierces yine landing from ruailbcat andfor sale hy irr..'l c MuuuY

W IRl'P St. 1iuis and Loveiing'i extra Golden Sirup") in kegs and o retail by


1KANDV A. Brandy;So '(i';V,J0 C''ruac do;tfi P'Pf do;pi ypiprs Otard, Dupuy, A Co. Brandy;25 bbls N. Y. do;

ii this line old Teach d ';b bhis o!d Ar.ple do;

(n store and for sale bvm'7 MARSHALL HAT.BF.RT tk CO.

i t)ME-ncs- -

M hale? brown, d, and --late Drillings;SJ - Idem 44 and and Lousda'e

Cottons;Received and tor sals by

JAMES LOW A CO..mV) i'R "lo ivtit WtOi st.

IJVEK!Nv SUOAlttt- feo bbls Cm-be- d

receivdl -r Linilboat and ior saleb'' In.'JhJ . 'l'(.nTi. CO

CtANDLEH AND SOAPit.ir Canals;

I'M do Moid d-

J"0 do coriin''n bai Sflp:bi u3 C'TL'tio do;M do '1 oil do:liO do e do: frrslaby


f10 COFFEE 4W ba jod to piiine Xio Coffeeebjre and ior sale Lv

a4 a -- bu:h anan a on

"'NDUFy-P- .n Da cis. Sides, and Shoulders luBtLre and tor sale by

HDIWTT-- ft, fliiN

JAVA COFFtfc-U"- J mats fine old received per rail-s rrjad aud for sa'-- by


Butter Buckets, &c- -

fA POZLtH liuttei Bucket-- , a eiiee;tU tr.) do P- ted do:do bias boi.nd Palls:de do da covered Cans;

3') do Iron do do do;Totrethcr with a asortisDut of Wood and W11toWare, Cord-ite- , broome, is.; in torp for sate by

ORRIS RAWS0N,jl3 338 M.iin st. bstTrctn Third and bonrtfa.

i.'O raekitves Gti"Tv,,r'S6- Imperial Tea;

In store ft'iJ b.r sal-- ' fc?

Uljiii-i-!1- "! prim- - R'o Cort-- laiiningiSio cwamers Fiuuiy Builict E. K. Falrcnlldand for sale Lv i4'i COf)D A HOODV.

"IDJKS -- 30 rx.x"s W. R Ch ee Jut neived pers tr.I a,'.d ur iaie by

H RDNFP. A f '.'UUAR 44 h!:- -s j'riLau l.nel.. ig irou Fey-k- "

t.juaiiui lor a!-- ) ba!7 UAWS0N, TODD. & CO.




BSTTt iWira- - WHERE those affllrted with any. lorin Ol rnvnw) itise" cu m.eivo

N rromrt treatment without nst or

(.leel, 8trvtures, Uiccra, Tumors,Cancers, Secondary, and Const

Syphilid, Diseases of theetc. By this system it is

roved that the vpnenal tomplMnts as entirely undr the control of

medicine as is a corn u. on cld orfoerr and, while insufficient

persons are dail i sending away theirpatleuts in hopelessness, and giving

them up only from their own incompetency, completeand per an en t cults are constantly being etlectud atthis In firman.

YOl-N- MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTTCE.Dr. H. dcvol much of hi? time to the treatmr nt ofthose cases caused hy a secret habit which ruins bothtody and mind, unfitting the individual foreither buninesa or soviet". The sad elVct of thee earlyhabit', or the excess of riper years, are to weaken anddebilitate the rouetiturion. ditroy the physical andmental powers, diminish and enfeeble the na'-ir- f,

and exhaust the vital s of manhood; Hieof lire are marred, the object of marriage

f and existence itself renderurt a term of unceas-ing misery and regret. Such persona, especially thosecontemplating marriage, should loe no time iu makingimmediate application, as Dr. 11., by hie new treatment,is enabled to tiidiifB a speedy and pevmanent cure.

DR. HALL'S AMERICAN PERIODICAL FILLSNo article of medicine intended for the exclusive me offemale- bas ever yet been introduced that has civen uchnniversal eatiffaciion as the American Periodica.' Pilis.They can be relied on in a!l caes of Menstrual obstruc-tions, Irregularities, &c., as a snre and sate remedy.Price, per mail, fM and one postage stamp.

Patients living at a distance can bft cured a home bysending a description of their disease and inclosing atamp

Medicine sent to anv adders.5Onice No. 116 Jefferson street, bctwm First and

Second. Ofhce open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M.d'34dtf T.. HALL, M. D.

GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY,Chartered by tbe Legislature of Ey.

For the Cure of all Prlrate Diseases.

Containing THIRTY Am Plate and Encravtoot q

the Anatomy and PhyfAoloov Of S'xaiin a state of Health and IHscace


ty8nt free of potge to all parts of the Unlon.nON A NEW METHOD of trat--J-J

SiThiHs, Gonorrhea, Btric-ture-s,

(iiret, Sexual Debility,Female Diseases, and all

, y J ot tne repromicrive svs- -

fy' - tem of both sexes, the intimitiesV.V- " 'isL of youth aud maturity arising

i.( f . . - m v"' from the secret tonics ot bothi'i.' s.vsp'tpa. with a full tratis on

ftWJiA-&:- " 'V- AND SEMINALA '' W'i WEAKNESS, its deplorable con- -

''?';nv-.'!,- fit')) 9liitinoft'1 upon the mind and

'jJ i)'.';''; body, pointing out the author'svfc.sy piAii of treatment, the only ra

tional and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re-

port of cab? heated. A truthful adviser to the marriedand ttiose conImpiatinn: taaiTtave, who entertain doubtsof their physical condition. Sent to any andress in asealed wrapper on the receipt of TEN CENTS or FIF-TEEN COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR.

Those aftiirted wiih any ot the above diseases bofireplacing tbemietves iind'r the treameut of any cne,shuld firet rend this Invaluable biok-(rjT-

Consulting Surgeon may be consulted daily fromi A. M. toy P. M., on nil of which t hi shovework treaff: and patifiits at a distance, bv "t'luliug astatement of their eyniptomc.. can have, medicines w ritto any part of tho country iree from damage or detec-tion. For particulars wend for our lilank Chart,

a lift of our teriu.', vr. Allpromptly Hnwtivd, and comiuunicatious considered

DR. DKWEES' FEMALE MONTHLY RKOULATOH,a Rafe and certain remedy br OMtructioiiS, l'Tegulaii-tie- s,

Ac, and is the only reliable "pievfeutivb of preg-nancy."

CAnTinN. Thofio pilla should not he tnkeu duringPrfaisani'Y, arf thev are (ture to produce M iHiutLfiiAUE.P, r box, snd ii .a' he p n t hi- - mail.

tafiiALKVS HilAD DISPENSARY is thn onlyin-stituti'-

of it- - kin-- in the Umled a t - that bar tworecognized hi- - jude authoi it y. tjliarti-- i pcrpv tual.

omce ol4 Fifth otrut-t- , Ubtwcvn Martct aud Jttterson,west sidi

All letters for or MediHues --horfd be directedto D GALtN'S DISPEN.ARk,

maT-- flvf waow lstp STy.

,.;?ill avm g b?eH established m Ijouis- -ville tor the lact Id years, and hav- -

HAi& , . rj nig li- alar'tt practice in theof the following digues:

Scrolula, Cancer, Piles Sire Eytje, Sj philii, Finiula, andto remove tbe horrit'lc consequences of Onanism, or

bus siv-- n him puof to stutaiu anyof tin hihect characU-r--ic- men as Dr. W. L.

Brecinnridre, .ludges J. R. Underwood, Loving, John-son, Capt. W. S. D. Megawan.

'HTV.1I had Fistula and was cured by Dr. Price, without the

knife or ligature, m saveuteen uAi'.JOSEPH YOUCE.

(ttACTrn bt.I bad a ngro man with Fistula, aud be war by

Dr. Price in three weeks. W M. RAJO).cii,00NiA. rr.r..1

I bad Fistula for rjteen yars. with six openings, andwas cured hy Dr. Price in thrt e wi ck

liiLLY WILLIAMS.I aro a beslthv aul Lsyoy man, baring

from the horid c0ccts of Ci.iaulsm. A. CI TIZEN.Office on Market, b- tieeen ti:ith and Seventh sts.Ad ire-, enclosing a pootate stamp, Innsvilla, Ky.


PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MAXRIAGE.360 Pages and ISO Fine Plain and Colored Lithograph,

rwPMCE ONLY TWUNTV-FIV- CENTS.JMr"8ent frc of poetaga to all rerto of the Union.tJ

T. ON thtj foljrrnlties of yotith

crct foliif of both of all&, causing debility, nervous-ne.j-s,lata d"pre?Hhui of spirits, palpi-tation ot the heart, fUicidal iui--

ions. iiivoluTitary e

memory, indipes- -

"3 !1g pages, and illustratedi'-ri 'ith upwaiasof cne hundred and

hirtv It i3 a tmth- -

V4L'.-- . is'.i-- advh'.T bt the married andcoiitt-- nlit inir nt.ii rinir.

who entertain secret doubts of t!i-- ir phj sicil condition,and who are CHiscieua of having haiu-rde- the health,happ'ne-ts- , and privlees to wiiich every human b.tingis entitled. Wii.h Coufescions of a Boarding School Mi s.a College StmUmt, and a Young Married Lady, full otromance and thrilling interest.

Young men who are troubled with weakness, general-ly caused by a bad hahit iu youtti, the efiVete of whichare dizziness, psius, fuicetl'uloes, sometimes a ringingin the eers, weak eyes, weakness of and lowerextremities, confusion of idean, loas of inem'ry, withmelaucnolv, may N eur-- d by the author's NEW PARISanij London treatment.

We have for th-- greater part, of the veur, devotedour time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI-TAL'S, availing oiuvdves of the knowledge and re-searches ol the mogt skilled Physicians and Surreon? inEurope nod on the Courine-i- t eueh men as C1VIALE,LKNOIRE, RICORO, DKKCIi E i EA U, ACTjN, andCI RL1NGS. oi tiie French and En?linli hospitals. Ourtour extended throuch France. Italy, fiennanv. Hol-land, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, visitingin our route the principal hepitale in Paris, Loudon,Rme, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, Rerlin, &c., he. Wohave been an'ply repaid bythe sdditionnl knowledge wehave aeuuirt'd in the trenfm--n- t of vm'iouswhicli we have directed our at tentioo. Those wiio placethemselves undf-- oui care wili nw have the full beueutof the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIESwhich we are enabled to introduce into our practice, andthe public may rest assured ol the same r.er.1. assiduity,SECRECY, and attention being paid to tlieir capiat,which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore ata Physician in our PECCLLAK department ol profes-sional pi'uctice.

Medicine with ftHMbrec'ions spnt to any part of theUnited States or Canadas by patients communicafiug

symtoms by lelior. iiness oorrotpcudouceitnctly- conhdnialtyDr. L.'b Omce is still located as ptabli-hed- r underthe name ol" Dit. LA CROIX,

f aTo htflire ss.fetv t.o all lelters sirtiplv addrTHE LA CROIX MEDICAL INSTITUTE,"

e4d&tf No. 31 Maiden Lane, Alnany, N. Y.

DEY GOODS.i & DOWITS,413 Main st., -13

Have now in store a full and complete stock of

STAPLC AXD DOMESTIC CiOODS,Of the beet fabrics, such as



Thppp Ooodij were all bou-r- r t for cash at the lowestsbb of the ruarfet, and are no-- j at such prices asrnu-- t please all parties. Call and examine stock andprices at

oiiW MARK 4 DOWrlS, 412 Main st- -

MARK & D0AVNS.I'HE eutrrma troubles of the tlc-e- f ns toI annomiro to our ni'nd and that we

rjtut our srstem of business to a Ca8USTANDARD, and will offer all our

lancy IDress Goods,of whirh w iisve a good stcrk at GU2ATLY RE-DUCED PRICES.

MARS & B0WN3,4 IS Mpin "tree.

NE E A l'RA NAVY fcIZE REVOLVER for sale at() md C. ORMtfBY'ij, 3J2 Main et.

CAVALR7 GAUNTLETS!CAVALZTST GAUNTLETS:hvp no on hand a iarte aesorrrut-ut- . oi Gaunt-

letsWE suitable foe Cavalry and other Military pur-poses, and iorsaip 'ow st

SPRol LP & M ANDEVILLE'9,Corner iourth and Main es ,

mil I Tder N'ttinnsl Hotel.


F O C A 3 II

J. .11, AIUISTRONfJ,'On Main street, opposite tbe National,

Is now efferieg Lis elegant tcck ofICON'S 4 BOYS' CLOTH HG,

Fjtulusively for cash.At grestly reduced prices.



No. 311 Fourth nt., bet. JMarUet and Jeffersn,MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER OF EVERY

Fine Diamond Mountinys and all the new style of Fine HsirorkOrnamentsexecuted in the most superior sty le,of the best material.All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Old goid takenin exchange. ii'je" dly

DRUGS, CH&2VXXCAL.S, fee4P"TT chased, and would most respectfully k a all

v fiom ill those wlabiug to purchase fre-.- b Dru.Z & Ci eniiCAl. Dv-- ilT;. and Hpirt s. I h

io stcre a very eu:?t-- t .rk Vn jtlma.MiefOun, and KRQT'itky twiU ofre- u. "'zr: vit.zizgcyi'b or prompt tie !:"( 01 tib

rr.4 EDWAI'.fJ WILD'?.. f ' Wni"IjlNE 3UOAKS Cnvhed, Powofirrd, GrHD"lrA'ed,r and Preserving Sugars, aLo hue Prjn bu,;ar,in and lot r.an by


sUGAR-Sl- io lbs ifire Mapiy snyar justMAPLE aud lt:r sale hy

mJo W. ft U. lilEKHARDT, 417 Market it.



Saddlery Warehouse.

No. 4:35 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth,HiOiiisvillo, .y.Merchants and Mamfarrnren' would And It to their'interostto examine my stock before makirg tbelrprr

Chases, mid onb-r- from a will be attended to as if made in perwon. a deow ftweow






and in our eDtire stock, comprining the most beau-

tiful denigns and styles.

Will bo Sacrificed for Cash.The ladies will do well to call at once and secure the

greatest and most drtdrale BARGAINS of the season.(JKRHAUT fc CANNON,

mT Fonrth st., opposite Mozart Hall.

When you co to NEW YORK, drive direct to the


CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Goodprompt attendance, and moderate

charges. Single rooms bv cent, 7.S ceuta, aud ijsl perday. Double rooms sud parlors ifl & to $3. Meals asordered This Hotel has all the appointments of thebet IWeD, a mo-- t central location, and ia heatedthroughout by steam,

ml d:im SATUEL E. MEAD, Proprietor.

. 0UISTEAD& O'COXXCE(Sncceseors to Joe. Robb),


And Sole Agents foi the

Xomcroy Ooa.1.ORD ERS for any of the above Coals respectfully soil

and prom ft li Aiied at the lowest marketprices.

(;onsts.nt!y on hand a large supply of the "PEYTONAC ANN EL" r.nd "PEACOCK" POMEROY COALS,which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber use have no eupenor.

t;rTice No. Third strwt, between Market andat tdd stand; and at No. 8u2, southwest

corner Biook and Market streets. jc$H dtf


if vi 3 t

ran -- ran lunumoiMarket Street,

North sido, between 3ixtb and Seventh,

LOUISVILLE, KY.f Alwirs on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS

at reasonable prices. aep'ife dly

Wot Sale.C;jsIi juiM for ISarley



Eetween Sixth aud Seveth.






And 4 most cotppWe s.?sortment of eve.rv article g

to Men'? Wear, to which wo call the attentionol cvli and prompt buyer.


B30 Cloth Houee, No. 4H4 Main et.

MOLAP.SKS-- 75asses;

16 ;vlv ;

b'i bhleuhis Sin'ii;

In stoi-- and for ealP byU MBfltlI,1, TTAT .PfRT flfi


1 3W he's A No. 1 Extra Flour;tJl hb.j duo do:

In str ana n;c.'ti in? dU- - a"-- ! f--r w'e hvAND'W BUCHANAN ft CO.,

mf (!irn"v S.'ond sr-- ss

CIGARS. CIGARS!DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA,OF ling a lot ol the very best brands, such c


Always on hand and for sale at wholesale and retail by

EB"V735. rSTNADO,tn4 No. 31 Main st., under the Louisville Hotel.

REFINED SUGARS-K- IP bM Crushed,IOVERINO'S anl Cianulated received and for sale byaJI KAWSON. ToDD, A-- CO

SUGAR CURED HAMS In store and for sale byW. & 11. RURTCn ARDT. 417 Market st.

HAMS canvaei'd tlams;dOJ country hngged llama.

In store and tor sale byOA ROVER A CO.

sacks mixed and White Corn in store andCMU? sale low by12 AND'W BUCHANAN ft CO.

Vi. Jl'ST r.E'JblVEJ A FINErjrriIfPtotoitwM ot new and elesantV-yy.iA- l

Sont", by the beyt author-- ein- - V, i.rz-Ti-- J

?5s- bi aci'ig 6acred and Secular, Sei ioud and acii- -

tim utat, i stic and Oratorical. Ethiopian aud Eo- -cerrtric, Pat i .'tic and Pathetic, to suit all tat.j; alnoBnuioy Ricliard 'b eb gant Transcriptions and Compo-sitions, also the BJ.BT uuAt.iTv of Fii'iM and Drums.Give me ft call. WM. McCAKRELI ,

SlU Jefferson trpet. west,ml' Lon'svipe, Ky.

IRESII FRI'ITS, Green (iagee, CherApricots, Toms toes, tireeu Corn,

Green Peas, abj Preecrves, Je'ties, frc.. for sale hy.1. T. LANHAM A r.t).

ml4 Importers of 'IV, Ac. Third st.

kitj. No. 1 Mackerel for sale loiMACKEREL-U- K)

bi aS.l WM. OAY.

ANVASl'D HAMS AND SIDESC"s 5' u Stagg, Mack tin, and Oregon Hams;2,(M choice c .uulry Sides;

For alc for each byH1KPTTT A SOM.

11 HALES blue, grsy, aud red Flannel, suitahleI for uniforms, to which we invite the attention of

Union Compc.nits forming in tlie Stctp. juit receivedand ior sale by JMKS LOW CO ,

i 20 and am west side Sixth stf INHN GOODS- -

piec4 guperfine Table Damask.;10 canes Irish Linens, assorted;

S no Spanish Linen;b do hloue do;

a,()ii pair brown Linen s

3 caee brown Liuea Drillings;3 do bleached di;'J do fincy do;

Received and tor sale byJAM r3 LOW A CO.,

m'y-- 3l and ilO west side Sixth st.

IAVA COFFEK-I- M mate choice old Java in storeand for saie by

in- -t RAWSON, TODD ft CO.

TLANTATiON MOLASSES-Su- o bbls in ttore audA lor eaie by


WLNOR1ESO bbis No. 1 Salt- -

Se bho Tihle Slt in small bags;M bids, l.'ider Virrar:3i bi le Urge No. 3 Mackertl;K0 do large No do;'JO bhis medium No. 2 do;!ii Jftdo No. "J do;h) kits No. 3 do;

liHi boes" cuks ii'a:a b. si's in I Xh rarcia;

l""J do btone Pips,S'uoj G. O. Cans;lL'0,uou 8 H. do;

2" boxos Butler's Blacking;'n do 'i':c.rt plavjte,?o do pint do;10 dO Spirit 03;

la store and fur sate WKALSnALL H ALBERT ft CO.

Jyl 3MMain atWUGAB bO h'uds fully fair to prime landing frcm

John Raine and for satw hyKAWSOM. Tnnn. A CO.

MOLASSES Ibu PUutatlou receivedand Peytoua and for sale by


iINE TOBACCO Brown's and Holland's, of anquality, tor sale by


rsi'.'E 15 casts liice received per mafboal and forsle by


RICE 14 cafks Rite received tnd forfl5 KAWSON. TODD, ft CO.

yiNFS AMD SPIRITS-- A supply on band of pureeld Wmes and buints for ea'- - chefir f t r h hv

J. T. LANHAM ft CO.Importer of Tea. Ac,. T hirrt t.

HJLASSES - V bbls Plantation lauding fromi J steamer Woodford aud for sa! byBAWSON, TODD, ft CO.

IAVA COFFEE 25 Dockets superior old Java CofleeUl tttore aud for sale h


CORDAGE Manilla Rcpe, assorted sizes;ion do Cotton d, do do;

E0 do HempW dozeu do do;

ami tbs Trot-Lh-- and Staelngr for sate byftw casil;:man, murrell, ft co.

S 's cblHM Iron Fire asd Burglar Proofwith h's combination x-- on them.

In store and tor sil-- 1 at the manutachirer s prices byV. K BELKNAP f r

iy lie R.a cctfoe recti" ec peibct ;d fcr


" K f'ort Pitt rec'.ivfd r,et s?n.Tr! lnRt MtLrmnnao-- for sale by JNO. F. IJ( W A RD A ; J..

for Mitiulacr rers.Mi Bcn TttiM .ini Eni th ts.

IOX'S STARCH log boxee K rti.i'd fear! in stoieior gale by



le Than can be purcha-t- d Call on oraddress (stamp enclosed J. L. BAILEY, No. 1M Ccmrtstr--- t. RoHt'in. Mnss. mar dm

ilU" 3 GOULSimS,L. S. B. de CRETY....(E. RABY, Agent?,

32S (irefii strret. adjoining the Journnl Odlre

to suit purehHspp a fine of Ai'yU a ft a such as JJ

BORDFAFX. BOrirCONR. COfJNuiItord .'am; Jn m.i rd; Bordeaui;De&redoc; FronTignan; LunelSt. totei.he. Ean-d- vle-de

LangnwlocMospIIp, Vln de Tokay, Anottgnac, and Cordials.

mar4 dly


REDUCED PRICES!THE subscriber having a ta-- stock of Ladie? and

Winter Roots, ft ho'-- and Gaiters oo hnnd,all of his own manulacUire, etlura at' greatly reducedprices for cash.

Gent's in want of Cne Calf Winter Boots ran bocommodated it the very icw price of 3.7 pur forca?h only.

Also, a lot of Men's and Boys Kip and thk Boots atD. MARSHALL,

do dtf Main, below Third rwet.


ShuttleSewingMachineFOR ALL KTNDS OF WORK. PRICE ff75.

Warranted the Host in tbo market;Fine fiuished, strone and durable; wheel feed of greatpower; exceedingly simple in ceujtnictioD; not a wireabout it; all its parts are most admirably and ingeuioun-l- y

arranged; cannot possibly get out of order, becauseeverything is permanently adjusted: none so ea-i-h understood and opeir.t-d- , and wws the most beautifulstitch ever beheld, precisely alihe on both sides. Tablors and all who have seen it pronounce it the best Ma-chine ever sent to this vicinity. All are cordially in-vited to examine it. T. JOHNSTON, Agent,

nSW dly 212 Fourth street.

To Millers, Produce Merchants, andGrain Dealers.

TTIK sobecrlber offprs hlsservicss to the Prodnrin Louisville for purchasing all kinds of Grain

and Country Produce. Having hnd long eiperipnce atthe business, he feels assured that hecan give aausfactiooto all who may employ him.

He will act an agunt for the purpose of buying Grainand Produco iu the counties of Franklin, Woodford,Scott- - Fa vet to, and adjoining counties.

Refers to Gov. C. S. Moreuead and Colonel A. O.Hodges, Frankfort; Org. W. S. fiano and D. R. Camp-bell. Georgetown. Address WILLIS HoDGKS,

jySH dtf fJrnrc-t'.wT- i. Ky

J. O. JACK, E. W. JACK,Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La.



No. 619 north side Main st., between Third and Fourth.

i m isriu K. ky.UUGAR. COFFKK, AND MOLASSESO 60 hhds prime N. 0 Sugar;

l')i bate prime Rio Cofli-y-

KM) b' Id Crushed, Poderel and Granulated Sugar;tin do Plantation Molasses;Li-- )?bbls oo do;an )4bbls Oolden Sirup;m kego obten Sirup;

Iu store aud for sale hyJACK ft BROTHER, 618 Main it.


t'"0 do O. Pilis do d:6'. do Swinoev rto do:

li'O do Va. and Ky. do, varlouj brands;In itore and for sale by

JACK A BKOTTIKR, 618 Main st

J PANS AND LINSKYS-l- OJ Laics NeSro Jeans andLuibuye (best braudl in rtore and for eale by

JACK di LKOTULR, olcMainst

KANAWHA SALT 3.1'iKi bbls Kaniwha Salt, beststov and for sale bv

JACK ft BROTH KR, 518 Main stWUNDRIFSO 4i half che-t- s Gunpowder Taa;

ID do do h auk do;dor.en Shaker Brom ;

75 do fancy ne tied do;I'M do Painted buckets;

nte do TuImlh dozen Zinc Wah-Ko- dp;bo co is Cott.n Kpo, all eUea3" do Hemp do, do;

lv) boxes Sfar Candies;45 do Star- h;1h do Foin Soap;?.') do Pa(m do;60 do Geruisn Soar:fro bass Coftvm Yam, ail numbtt:8" do ('ai-- d Chain;

lis) hales Rat t :nn:Sit do t'sijdi-Wk- a


to do Wrapping Twine;lf be.srs Spice;16 do Pepper;

lno mats Cinnamon:8 caivne Madras and Manilla Indigo;8 caps Madder;

l'l bb.a Alum;6 do Sulphur:

6'j cAke Soda:1 caf-- Nntnie?--

300,0i 0 G. D. and S. B. Caps-7f- i

groae Matches;17!j do Mason's lare and small Blacking;3c boxes Candy;4(1 bbls Cider Vinegar;

6u0 ketcs Nails, assorted numbers;On ha id aud for auie by

dtc JACK A BROTHPR. RtR Main it.

CHAMPAGNli AND CATAWBA WlMESf--. 20 eaees Widow C licuot Champagne;

.l 2 do Delmoait do;U 2o baskets Veraer do;

So do old HiPd-lr- k i'y. do;SO casr.s Mo. SparKlmg Cat awba;30 dcz"u Dry do:

In store and for sale in quantities to suit parchaserc byj '5 J. P. THOMPSON. 7 FAurtft st.

rP.ASS AND GKAIN SGVTULSVJ 5(1 dozen Grsiu Scythes,

loO d Gras do:16 do Patent Snaths; for sale by

132 C. ORMSBY.

COFFKK Jaia Ciffea- bAts LafmavraCor7i-Jn- st

received and for sale byil HARDER ft CO.

WUEKTlNGS 35 bale Penn Mill and Aucbor Shpet--

jugs rticcivtd per eteamh 'at Florence and forsaleby JNO. F. HOWARD A Co ,

Agents or Manulsctur ra,191 hetwwn Third and I'mn th ftp.


Clothing and Furnishta? Goods!At great tacrihee lor cash at

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,Oa Main, opponhe ih Nnilooul liotrl,


Also a superior assortment atSHIRT 6:HOSILRY;GIX)VP,S:LNDERWEAR, Ac, at


to PLOvr-mARE- as.

WR have in store STI'.Kl. W1NOS and ,

of the most iiu;iioved patterns, lor salslow by (til) W. V. Bl.LtvNAP A Co.

APPLES 75 btils Applos just received and for sale byVI)'W BUCHANAN

lLOUR-7- 6 bbls Kxtra Whits Wheat iamily Flourfor sale by GARDNER ft CO.

IL9 700 ki'ss Belmont tor ale byCA.STLKMAN. MUKHFLT,. A C;0.

WIRCP-- yi packapesi eitra (Jolden Sirnp, tn wholeand half bbls wid kffs, received per mallhont and

orsaieby ANDRi'.W BUCHANAN A CO.,nxi'i Corner Second and st?.

IIOLASKS10' j bbis St. Jamp-- Suirar House Molasses:lint bbls prime Planta'iou do;

In etore and lor tale bvmfS AND'W BUCHANAN CO.

(O-j.TiF- SIRUP-f- iy r&ckap-- Baltimore eitra Gol- -den Sliup in store and mr sale Uy


IO COFFKK ill ba;s good lair to prime arrivingLA and for sale by


IACKLIN HAMS A choice lot sn?ar-e.ire- d Himi1" and country tacou just received in stoie and forale by

m2S W. A H. BURKH AKDT. 417 Market

VK. have on hand a cood stock of DRY GOODS, to1 which we invite the attention of ttie trade. Terms

OAsn. on dkuvrrv.JAMirS LOW 4 CO.,

mT M nrt tie wpfit Jtito Sixrh "t.


KC f(i ( 'DD BROOM HANDLES, well seasonedJll.UuU l,3i,(i tbs best quality Bro u Cord;

25 tlf be?t quality Sewing Twhine;M; lb be.t quality colored Sewing Twine;

to best quality plated Wire:2 0 bdls Cut Tacks. biO'm Nwedles, &r,.;

Jnt reeiv-- d tt the. Wooden Ware aud Broom Store,3rffi Mam street between Thud and Fourth, I.imsviUe,andforsalebv ffl wlAd) ORRi N RAWMHN.

LOCK 10 bbls txlra Family Flour or suie bvIj1i OAKDNF.R A CO.

W UG R 7i htnif prime Sugar landing from the Wood-rjtor-

and for sale by mnp MOOjy

WUNDKIK- S-O 10 bhdacbo'ce Suii'r:

S5 bbls estra Plantition Molasses;. 2b do do do;

b) base prime Rio coSee; for sale byfll GEO. W. MORRIS. Third st.

fOFt T7 bats prime Kio received by mall boatvv and lorale by ll-- H. W. COOD.

fOFFKE 89 bags prime Rio receive per mallboatand for eale by


Cash for Wool.wlllpaycash orwool.Hos &

JAMS d various brands, country, and

LL' IR- -A inn bls Fine Flour:

8oo Hie No. 1 Bxtia Floor;In sbre md for sale by


ATA( KWHU bbls Nc. 1, and i! Mackerel IdA tDi ior sal by

" : A

lKii-.- pr'F.P AND TONr.irBS V It Heofauub d oaen Tongues for sale by


ILOPb, Ac. A full of Silk, Linen, andPiot, and a lull asrortim-vi- t ol lljop Sirf

Of all lues, lust iweived aud tor sale bvJAMF.3 LOW A (50.,

m 108 aud ilu wet cide duih it.

LOUISVILLE JOURNALThk Skirmish on the Kanawha Ilit-hl- y

exaggerated rumors of the skirmish, which tookplace on the Kanawha river, AVcdnesduy afternoon, fifteen miles below Charltaton, are in circaInt ion. i he Cincinnati Commercial is enabled togive full pirticnlara derived from authenticsources. A ilotacment of OJiio troops come cpan unespectodly Urge furcu of tho enemy ad vanraeuusiy pnstea, ana eniagea tnern. I he enemywore nearly double the nvmber nf the Ohio troopsin the start, and receiving reiiiforL-emontf- : whtnthe Ohioans had exhausted thtir cartridges, thUtter retreated in order, having suffered a loss cfour killbd, two mortally wounded, and fifteenothers wounded. Col. Norton was wounded andfell into the hands of the eneiry. Captain Allenand Lieutenant To mercy are amonr- - the killedCols. Woodruff, NciF, and VHUara left Gn. Coxencamptnent to vatness the fiht, a was eujiposcd

(a strange sort of proceeding for a party of Col-

onels), and bud not ben lieird from when thoboat lott. Col. Woodruff was reported to ha

arrived just as tbe boat was leavii ht t thts wascontradicted.

A Ci:nmsiTV. Tbe Richmond Whifc savs thatatiout ten days atro Serjeant Fisher, of the Teyton Artillery, brought up to that city, for the in

Sfection of Fresident l)avi, a nire inch shell,which, with fourteen olhoia, was di?covorod iaan old hidden miaziue hy an Alabama regi-

ment, whilst enpaed in throwing tip breastworksat Yorittown. 1 he magazine was constructed of

board, which havo loc since rottetl away,leaving only a few fragments of moulderingword.

The discoverers of those hidden missiles wereunder the impression that they had come uponsome of the relics of Lord Cornwallis, and hiddjn by him previous to bis surrender of Yorktown, eighty years ago. But military men agreethat the nine-inc- h shell was unknown in thosedays, and that thay must h.ive beea deposited ata much later period perhaps during the war of1812-'J-

ine ;neus uiner irom iuo?e now iisert oniv inthe size of their vents, which are much smaller'iheir fuses have rotted away, leaving no vestige. They were filled with buckshot and powder, some of which, being dried, exploded readily, seeming to have lost none of its strength.

Traukdv in Illinois. The Sl. Louis Republicn has a letter from McLeinsboro, Hamiltoncounty, Illinois, which informs it of a terribletragedy that occurred thero on the evening of theLith inst. Political excitement has for some timebeen running very high in that region, and agreat deal of dissension Im3 been tho consequence,A quarrel between a man named Craig and Pinck-

noy Davis had spiting up, and on tho day mentioned, while Craig wa? on trial in a Justice's of-

fice for some minor oil once, 1'avis, accompaniedby one Campbell, rushed into Ihe room and madesevere declarations ag.iinst all Republicans. Afight wi;h knives ensued, in which Craig and 3omerelatives Uok part against Davis and Campbell.The cm test is do. cribed as desperate and tragicalin tbe extreme. Davis was killed ami the floorreeked with the blood of five others, all respecta-

ble citizoDS, seriously, and, it was thought, mor-

tally wounded. Lewis Martin, a town officer,

received a severe thnnt in tlrgh whilstlo sepaiate the infuriattd combatants.

SiDce the above was prepared, the Republicanlearns that Davis was killed by Leith Craig, andthat the latter end two ns were amc-n- thosseverely wounded.

ifrThe cabin passage from tiebec to Liver-

pool by the Grat La.-Jer- is only

Auvanck on Fairfax iMfaiU

of the Manh. TLe Waobington National Re-

publican of Thursday says that the various regi-

ments over the river, with a few exceptions,srtuck thtir tents on Tuc-da- atterntx-n- , and tookun the line of march, with those that left thecity, fur Fairfax Courthouse, where they expect-

ed to encamp at nibt. Thn Vitrio'iii io ids leadingthereto fr.m the IV.umac weie, in couici-uence- ,

greatly enlivened daring the entire dv. The fal

lowing are the routes obeervel by tho respectiveculunirs ou thoir uia.nl ; :

Oi tbe road ju.t beynd ArlingtonIrading lc- ard Fairfax Cfurlhou-o- , large U. diesuf men were moving all tbe afternoon. Among'bom were tho Sixty-nint- anil Lighlh NewYork and the New Jnrsey voUmteerrt. Larlj inthe morning tbe siege tiain was sent out on iheroad, each run draivn by ten horse-:- , fullowtd bya number uf wagons, containing oil tbe neces-r-v

j and i io-j- 'Hiittiry of airma-ni'fc- n.

The fcene on the Columbia Tump;ke Road wasy interesting dining the bii-- k movement

of the two Khc-d- Inland reg'nconls over tiie road,one of which regiments was commindsd by Gen.Liurnsi iu, who, il Lj said, w;ib observed inarchingfthh bis column on foot. Five hut,d:-e- cavalryami a mounted battery preened the litie.

In Ibis division were a1 to Sbirman's battery,command;d byC;ipt. Ransom, atd tho West Pointbat'erv. Capt. GrilHn.

Tbe Lllsworth Zouaves moved up the lines ofthe Orange ar.d Alexandria railroad at an earlyhour on foot. Later in thediy, two trains loadt'dwith snldiers moved over the same road. Thebrigade, under Col Howard, consisting of a Ver-mont regiment, and the third, fourth, and fif hMaine, broke camp in the afternoon The brigadecomprising the Michigan regiments, under Col.Wilcox, was also in motion.

Up to nightfall, we were not apprised of themovement of the Obio, Connei-ticur- , and secondMaine regiments, poMod near the extreme riht,on the hue adjacent to Fairfax Courthouse. Thothird regiment of infantry, with three hor.drtdmarine from the barrack-- took up their line ofmarch, it U supposed, ju3t in the rear of theRhode Inland brigade.

We copy the following in regard to tbe move-ment from the Washington Star of last evening:

At Un. McDowell's headquarters, early yes-terday afternoon, all was activity and bustle, andofficers were continually coming and going, everyone seeming anxious to be on the marcb and inthe van. The numerous companies of regularsin the vicinity of Arlington House, comprisingartillery, cavalry, and infantry, soon bad theirtents struck and formed in column. They did notexcel ia promptness of movement and militaryenthusiasm the New York Eighth, w hich rapidlyformed and unrobed, leaving thfir tents on tbeeround in charge of a guard. The FourteenthNew York regiment (Bruuklyn) wag a part o- thead umn which formed on the road at ihe foot ofArlington Heights, and wrn and follow-ed by regulars. They also left their tents on theground. We noticed in the line several batteriesof rifled ti old pieces. The fcene from the hills inthe neighljorhottl of the tollgate was grand.IKking towards Washington, after reg-iment was seen coming along the road and acrossthe liong liridga, their arms gleaming in the sun.

On the left towards Arlington the column al-

ready mentioned was approaching, their rear be-

ing lo-- t in tbe distance. The columns comingfmm loi h directions joined at the toll gate, andtook their places in ttie line marching onwards.Cheor after cheer was hnard as regiment greetedregiment, and this, wilh the martial music andsharp, clear orders of commanding ollicers, madea comtiin-.fio- n of sounds very pleasant to the earof a Union man. It was live o'clock when theDe Kalb roiment, the !a.-- t from tbiside, crossodthe Jng bridge, and were greeted with loudcheers by Ihe Twenty-firs- t Npw Yoik Regiment,stationed in Fort Runvrn. We expect to bear agood account of ihe Da Kalb Regiment, particu-larly of that company of Turcos in front, wholock. is if I bey were every man made fur a sol-

dier. They were accompanied bv vivandiercs.and followed by a long wagon train wilh theircamp equipage, burgage, &c.

Behind these, st retrhmg out in dim perspective,came a lonv; wagon train with camp stores, ic.We noticed sever-- I wag'ns loaded wilh nm.-ktt- s

in boxes, but did not imp-tir- what il me.mt, as itwas none of our business. As a gie-- t manyemptv wagons were in waiting between ArlingtonH ue and the river, we presume they fallowedwith camp equipage aud stores during the night.Ttie entbu-ia.-- and elasticity of spirit of thetroops oidred to march, their ,v s with brothersoldier?, their boyish naivete and abandon, wereinfi'otioufly joyoua.

Onlv one clss of men were l;w spirited at--

dl pleaded. The troops left behind tu guard tbefortiticition? were loud in their murmurs becausethev loo were not tent forward. U:ie of the '21 itNew York said he thought it was a d d hardcase that after kept one or two wetfks inac-

tive in Washington, othor regiments should havethe preference. 1. very man in the regimentswanted to j tin the movement. Lm them all takeheart. The pofin m of the tro-jp- 1 jft here is im-

portant, aud theirs is as much a pjst of honor asthat of tbe advanced regiments, and they willtake tbe field in time tu do good service no doubt.

Tbe column of tbe extreme riht is command-ed by Gen- - r d II '.inter; the ri,?bt centre columnby General TyUr. Tnat con-i'- s of the follow-ing excellent troops, vi: 1 be Rl.-- i ;e Scond, andFirst, , and Tbird Connecticutunder C- l. Kev-- ; tbe New York Second ai:dFir.it andSvOn l Obio udor

iSch?i ck, and the N'ev Yok i hir-- teenth, hixty-rintb- , ! h, and First

Wionsin, under Col. ord.ran, (rrulubly) withSherman's U. S. liglit battery ai d six pieces ofthe New York Kighth, ani a d racTiiient of theSecond L. S. Cavalry, under Capt. Harrison,and Lieuts. ToinnkiDS and Aiasou. Lieut. M.iton,by the by, was yesterday thrown frjm bia noroe,and so much bruised a to have to be carried intoa bouse uik-- a litter.

General Tvlei 'a column bivouacked last night inand around VUnua, miles from Fairfax Cuurt-hous- e.

Colontl Miles, U. S. A., commands thj aft cen-

tre column, and among ciber crack troops, hasmore than 2,600 regulars. He probably movedup by the wav of the Little River Turnpike yes-

terday afternoon to a point withiu rive mifes ofthe Court House, if not nearer. A portion of thetroops forming bis column were two hours g

Bailey's Cross Roadf yesterday afternoon to theintersection of the Columbia w ith the Little RiverTurnpike.

Col. Heintzleman commands tbe column on theextreme left, composed of the Naw York FireZ uaves, the Michigan regiments, and rther veivfin troops, inciu-Unr- United Stites cavalrvardliht .;tillerv. p.- - rcuif i vii xbt OraudD--Aieia-.'rj-

k r..r 'iu, a d ;t.ii''. :.r.

cloi:y. A pirtioc yf ii, aouuci-"- ), reid it.s;nigot au Springfield staJion. Falln Church wasaU) uccupied last night by & pcrtion of Tyler'srear.

There must bfl at lea it SO.OfO troops actuallyon tiie nmiuh und--- r (ieieral M. Dowtll, exclusiveof his reserve still resting in atid around his lateentrimchmer-ts-.


St. Charles RestaurantFifth street, between Matn and Market.

Young Prairie Grouse!

Soft Shell frabs, flims, Extra Sc- -,

lccld t'ove Oysters, W oodcock,ftc, e"Dtaittr on hnnd, aud all of whlh will tv grrvedup in floe st) le. G. 0. tL'FFll.

N. B --DAYTON ALE and PORTER aim h on handJve bi ;. r.


Carpets and Dry Goods!


With a full eto-- ofDOMESTIC GOODS, CANTON MATTINU, A?., Ac.

Which will be told low hy

C. DU7AX.X. & CO.,HA ab if, Maiu tit., owotilto Bmk of Kutuck7.



Gilt Frames,looking-GIasse- s,

Walking Canes.A fine asaortmeut, and CHEAPER THAN EVER.

r.o.-i:j- .rnrket nt.,bMwren H?tnd nnd Thirdaud s. W. conr lU&rket nnd Pret t.im

At HL'ND 4t KNOFi:L--ln bl Bookftor.

Walker's ExchancreTHIRD ST., BET. MAIN & MARKET.

E2&XI. O O LEG-B-,

First of the Season.IUST a fine lot of FROO LEGS, SPRING

RVIPK prnupw nrri'-wiMn,- ,.


Partir e and famtllps ntplied with everv thine in ooiHue l iiu) luurioet uoucc.

JOnN CAWEIN A CO.,a3 jAb Third st., between Main ar.d Marfcrt,N. R. Tti- -t rwiwa a Un-- e chinment of LONTOK



Removed to Ro. 318 Fourth street,opposite Tripp &

Music Store,WHERE he if ftcain ready to wait on b friendi with

etock ofWatche.CIoch, Jewelry Bilverware,

'A a Die uiuiery, i'me spectacles, flic.tf"("Iieaier tlmn ever offered.,!

REPAIRING IN EVERY DEPARTMENTI t:ke this ocra-lo- to return rov thanks to tliof

who fo nobiv vir'td in (avine my enofa from the orethat me from my old eland ou Main strn. t.



VOGT & KLINK,Kniifactnror, - - - Third U

r oGVr Inppc-t'r-- a!id sala Ut--

fc:'d splendid Jiortamt of

3" 313 "XW ira Us JHLof mT.eiior wort. n unship fi'd faahioaahlc t? ien. Dtroonrt. cora', i.Aiidinc'.s, i.-xrl- , 4p. articlesvi, nn, ft'j-- bfButiiul ana everythioc bdlcafunf Wur Una, oi Uuropunu laipurt, New icuk Lbric.

our own mak-- .

Haviue ben inptroet by conHpnor tot 'LOSS Ol1!id" )l at 'jj rate rather than rotuxa good, and,

to the bird tin.. dlron, tLET M.i CASH CUSTOMER GO

ou tho ecorti of wo invite our fi iends and fbinnbllo to evil and rxanune onr etork, p.nd rnfhat their wiutti and wiahna will and shall bo irratifiHl





ManufacturersAJTD CULQI in

Cabinet-ISaker- s' Haterials,Gro-3- street, between Clay and Shelby tirea--a



Krj'PIi'fcl J Qf 'PIPTrTreU' Kit Tncl Ifirifli SO






I. K. Macduff. D. D. '.i'icGOD FY'S LAD k "S BOOK for May.

Jit receive by A. UAViiwa,n.17 jdUb Tbini et.. near Markot.


COALI COA.L1Of the bent quality and at the lowest prices, for aale by

CRTTTRNDKN A GANTT,Wert aide of Third tr,

mAyi A Main and Marfel.


( trlstmas and New Year's Present

WM. KENDRICirS,tai Third at., between Main and Marki.

My Bto:k oft WAT- - nffS,I JBWKLRT, X31LVJK and

PLATED WARBWa nvr more ooropteto than at prwiit, and t offorpCon fair lxm enn be procured in tbo mv. Cell

I ivn M4NV NI-'-


I ,hm, rontainiuK Kv. Dr. articleou the State ol the Country, just received hv

A. DAVIDSON,1i fith 3n3Tblrfl utrt. nar Mhi 't.

Jut Received,HARPER S MAOAilN! tor June, at

A. DAVIDSON,mM th JUia Third Btrwt, nar Market.

lOFE-I- t ills. Ilcrup, Jute, and t lot ton l'.opL' for aleby .'I A CO.

UOMKTUINU EXTRAe choice ;iklVt Ttacou;

f.n pircte i'i'iuiD it:d HfBf;T-- Htas;j; anil Markhn Hume;

L'j keif 1'iinift Lat Lard;n KLore aud tur aale byu J DinpiTT SON.

WLOAK. 4c. --k? hhds Snpa';

17 bole4" whole and bail bbls Golden Simp: for mIr by


' i;0 b; Rio Coffee;a do Jva d ;

aO do Ldfe'uaj'ia Cuffae; fcrsal 'bvjrj'ti tiAKDNF.R & 'Q.

whole and half bb'? atid kits Mackerel,L151! iirriag, Sui'diuob, Whiti? liah, aud Trouttor ral.i by l.h GAKDNl.k c ;u.

AILS tfi" k :c:i riwM-ttj- tfirp, Fcmceiio, Spikee, aad1 hi Ada tor eaie by

vm GARDN1-- c CO.

(1ANDLFS and boioe Slur Ca:dlc ;

f(l box be S immur Irteicd dj;6 do Faratnae do for pa'e by

OAR! iNFIt ft O.

W L'NDKI i Salt Kanawha and Mason Citr). Ba?,Bouuat ijotrtis. FijMr, 'I'a raptr

(common to but), vriope, ti ca uphur, Iudif,,1'iiubini? Bruoti s. S ida Ci B1 liter Criic'tera aud

V,',it-- r Crtickfis Ciicoliitt;, Wttshims fcoia, blacking,aud MatcUue for iifcio by


fClTON YARN olu bac Tuneee, Alahama, andVIM A R NKK A' i O

LOWELL FLO UK 60 bbU received this day and for

W. H. RURKH A RDT. 417 Markrt rt


10U bozoe scaled flprrlni;In store and for aale by


("OFfrBI-- 160 hags prime Cotteejust reopivd and forItfii OA 1(1 INI ' H a CO

UlCIf - U cki received pr Jauir Funic' and torRAWSiiN, TODD, A t",0.

WL.f-- -Miy-tn,- - KU(i landiu Irom

'.biuifc! Grtjy i'Aitl-- j and lr al tvfiff RAWHON, TODD, CO.

) ICfc lu tiero- - prima Kica received by mall boai- and for eale by

noon Monnv

l.iXTKA Wltl iF WIIKAT FLOUK '0 bbls cele-J- -

bra tod Family Flour rtc'iv.d antf for eale byj) o W. A U. BllUklLAliDT, 417 Market st.


Badtf ay's Heady Belief.


Tntlmrnt of Fl.-- OfTlcer t'otnpaiiy Odloerft,Bnd entire Iictnincnta In favor of the


We propose to eff- r, in'a few brief pararaphu, inchproofs of the efficacy of RADWAY S READY RELIEFas a preventive of and cure for tho ciseiwe to which

bodies of nn acclimated ran are peculiarly subject inwarm latitudes as cannot fil to command the atten-tion of a Paternal Ooveniment anxiou" to protect thehealth and live of the ten- - of thoiiai'dj of brave andpatriotic cittjianB vho have le'.t and are daily leavingtheir hemes, their familien, and thair business to fightin ita defence.

According to thj of emirjfit:t military men,of army BHreona of bieh ftauding In tbe pron-M- l ,and j. f prlv&t aoldiera, RADWA Y'S READYRELIEF hss already biou of iremtuf-- e benefit to thesick among our giUant volunteer eoldiery in CAMP,in the bivouac, and on the march.

Ttie subjoined summary of facte, which we reapect-f- u

ly invite the Government to Ferity by application toth.i paniee named. Includes tut a nuill pTrtion of thevoluuiinous testimony to the same effect lecelved by nswifbin a few weeks from various hadn'iartem of regiments and detuchmenta In the servico of the UnitedStarr i:

TESTIMONIAL NO. LFrom the Ninth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers (Zouaves).

Col. Bush Hawkins, of thia regiment (now quarteredat Newport Newts), writes us best ) wing the stronfeat en.oomiums o n the Rem ef, and reoimmeoding It, from theexperience of himself aud officers, as 'a most valuableaddition to the army uitdicine chest.n


Major Lineltl, Garibaldi Guard, pronounces thean "excellent mcdicino" for the army.


Col. Lrona, ot the Eighth Regiment N. Y. 8.M-- , all his cflicere, and Sou private, endor.ie the Reliefin tbe moat emphatic terms, and suggest Its immediateintroduction into the mtidlc&l stores of every branch ofthesarvice.


8ureon E. K. Seaborn and Colonel Phe'ps, of theFiret ReginiPtit of Vermont VoluuLeerp, warmly ap-

prove the Ro!irf, and the regiment has taken with it tothe field ft aullicient supply for preaent use.


Captain John Whitloc-t- , Co. I California Reeiment,stationed at Camp Yates Staten Ieland, srvys that, onthe 5th of Jui.e, loii L, he administered the Relief to forty men cf bii company who were laboring uodnr severea'tacka of dianhea and dvatritt-ry- ; that iU remedialeffects were immediate: and thut a mnjsrity of the sickRKPOBTHD I'OB t THF. 8AM E Af TrBCX.,. He therefore recommend its addition to the medical stores ot

the ifcgiment &s a maure of th importance.


The military editor of the New York Suuday Atlastestifies, on behalf of members of the Seventy-firs- t

Fif'h, Sixth, Seventh, Twelfth, and Sixty-nint- RegV

meolf, to t?;e beneficial fleets ol" the Relief in "domisef c.-e- e of

As a protective against and remndy for dj Pcntery.diarrhea, fever and acu, bilious, yellow, and other feven, and of tlie efleeU uf m taenia, unwholesome wet rand ciceie)ve heat; a3 a gvoeral inviroiafit aud restora-tive; aud also as an e&terual appttcation fr reducingthe inflammation of wouuit., he Kriitl b? lnfoillbleWhen adntiui.'tered internally it instantly arret pain


Thereof RidvTay's Rend: Rolief l8(f eual Impor.tuce In the domestic circle. Every family should keepa supply of it in tlie bouee. It can be aaed for so manycomplalDts and ailment, at.d will lu all C8e give eateaud comlwrt to the dbflersr.


it will In a few minulos relieve the moat severe rainsoccasioned by



NESS OF BFIlilTB, SICKNLaS AT frToMACII, andwill, with a few tunes using, cure the mot obstinate


it imojedi-itel- leliere", aud 111 In a few days cueRHEUMATISM ad all RHEUMATIC affections.GOUT, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, HIDDENCOLDS. HOAR3ENKS8, SORB THROAT, DIPT II E- -



PAIN3 IS THE JOI HARD DWELL-INGS, LI M'iAGO, INFLAMMATION AND PAIN INTHE KIDNWi 3, WOMB, 6r"INK, Ac, 8 "'RAINS,STRAINS, WOUNDj, SCALDS, aud BURNS. LetKdva'-- i K'ady Relief be applied or taktri Internallyou the first warning given of Mcknes-1- and no matterwhat may be. the character of the threatened diseasethe Reaiy Relict' m ill brtak up aud arrest the progTtsof the disease.

A ruat-- of evidt-nc- so direct and coucluptve aa theabove, emanatiug irom military mcu who volunteer itto eaiuectly, and who (ccttl'y irm perEot-a- experience,can scarcely i disregarded at Washiuttou; and wecannot d,ubt that the Govemmaut, on looking into thefacta, will deem it expedient to mpply the stationarymilitary hoepitals and all regiments in the field with aprotective and remedial preparation of such inapprecia-ble value and utility.










Those who take lUdnay's Renovith-- ResoWeot will

have rich, pure, and, HEALTHY BLOOD

courpinc through their veins.


titiiied use of Rftdway's Renovating Resolvent for two

or three weeks will change ft rou-rh-, enllow, discolored

and unhealthy skin to a clear and healthy comploxkn.

Infants and children altlirtt-- with Red Gum, SoreHeads, Km prions, and Breakinps Out, Cancers, Ac,will derive immediate bouSt by the uce of the Resolvent,



Bad Consh. Hackinp Dry Cou- - h. Stitchinp or Wreucl'- -

inc Paini in the Sid, Sn'M-'- I'.uns aroiind the Heart,Shortness of Breath, Ilvd Breathing, Sharp Pains

when taking a Lous Breath, and all other paintul symp-

toms are quickly removed by the Rnnovaf in-- Reeolveut.


In all caws of Bronchitis that wo have kunwu theRewlveut to be for it haa quickly cared the pa

tientit never fails'. Likewise io Hemorrhage fioin theLungs or Throat R R. Rwlvent is the nio.--t sate and

P rompt ft; ptic iu use. Those aimrted with Uyeiopelaof lonp standiDit are especially recommended to it a a

uever-iailin- lenudy.Price of R. K. ltosotwijl is $1 il b)Ulc. Sold bj;

druggist and dealers evetywherw.



RADVV AY'S VHNO PILI 2 ar trjp "lv Vrtfc- -

etablc substitute fir -- tomel. Mfrcin v, Antimony, Qu- -

niue, ano ther kimireo uuuercl poisons n uu.Kurtwav. Recrnlatine Fill ai " clrranl ty coated ith

(imu-tlii- itv PiUs m each box do;6 fiomoue to six wariauted to npi.rato iu six hours.

RADWAY'S REGULATING FILLS ARE TTIEMObf PKKFEC ( Pli.ltS IX ana me outy rnietliat uv new mcdic'ua! prrprfies or

that have betU diucoTyted during the pltfeutCoutuiy


Th first do?e of Radwav'e Pills sows tbe seed ofhealth in the ei' k and ej cteir'. and in hctueumioute alter a U"?9 is wi!t the pro

as ut diea-e- : iu six hour an evacuation irrm tnebowel? will when the y it'eut will crowevery da.-.- ' the patient will gain si Tbe s'rk be- -

oaie u. alt by ani me teeO;e etrouf; even o- es.ii in medifja?ed body it with new hto and vigor.

id hculih aaa r'tiuUiity will reipn througbout tbehoI system- The li,-i- - wi!l be re -- alar in secretin?

bil , the skiu resular m its ion and th- - reg-ular iu .ti- - beatiusH. ihe PuUe regular In it motiou,and the bawelo regular, at. a regular hour, in d)echaiit;pTth ir contents. Lef ;tlt wi.o hve cctiiya i takephytic take a dn?e of Raway's Pi'is. If vonr nystPiui out of order, two oc ihrw of Radway's Pi la willert..blih regularity.

l'he f llowine ailments Rdvars Pills .rillcure aud free the stem from ail irritat-n- r humor andleave every organ ol the body in ft uatair.1 aud healthycooditioi:Constipation of the Bnv?lg, 'Hrsteilft,Iimiiumati n ot th yawcla, Whit,In H .mmatiin of thy Kiduuys, Inriuouza,lleanactie, rs'rvous, " i e.Hada- - be, bick, Ki luev Compialnfa,

i !ii.ld' r Ciii rliuliU,dmaH-Po- t, Indigestion,Dijpj jrnriet Fevr,Cotiveness, jTyphue Fever,Biiiou- - uobb, ii?v,Dyifpe'isia, ;Bllruc! Fevw,Irreguii-ru- iHea't

CNHCALTUT I'BAINS.Locfl of Appetite, Loss of Mt&iury, Loas of Energy, andLoss of strength.


Ladies d from Irrefiularltle, Monthly Puppreaaious, Retetitions, Ac, should take one or two of Rad-wa- y

Reulatipf Pillt "very ulcbt frr oue week beforethe expected l"her wtll r- - more aH

and : ure y ; tr a; tho .rtlQl-

Price of ulw.y a ru-- 'A kvw v" t;oai-'- I wnnpl"aj-a- 'o t kn: SO p'm in box. Mold byfun); and M reliant ev-r- y where.


K. WII DRR. Arn. LoaUviUe,jani3 dletpecdtbwlamly

JUCTJ10 SALES."A. 4. VHfii

ao Q. Her 17 iVCv- -AOCTIOKKERS ANDCOm.-- rt i, . - -

ftnvainoinit ,awe anfl at. nl) irr.,.. .

Rwal KrtatMarAhat-- CousUble's h4c, on term. wtlacT-- y .WFINK WINER AND LTQUoRSL.

do Dflmoubxi il- -

Vei truava" d old H eUic-- r do-le ca'tw Mo. Catwl.a- -

t dO I TV Hv. '

5 W!n braoda" OO Oid Port dt;fi do pi - herry do- -

t d" old Coiriwc L?raud'-- -4 do old Apple do; '

do old Hut lKn WbLkytf do old Hollnud Oin:4 do old .Ianinic-- Ruin

H'i do old ?c trh Ale;"0 do Biewn Mout:

In stm-- and fur aale lo miantltiei. to suit n,,,!..Jyi' J. P. THOMPj-ON- . 1h Kou-t- ,tREMOVAL.WF. have UH llw. oillce toimerlr ocmnM bvra A. f. H.mtACo., and

GENLRAL BANKING a d ( Ol LE, TIM? b , CIs)?"-- QI'HJI.EY. LYO'-S-. ft co.

ItiuTby tierC6a P'lme Rit coojcgnmeiit aud tor',4 ANTt'W TlT'onANiM rr

" AND RETAIL GROCERV rUOUK.and TEASTORK. No. Market stieC htvZand Third. Lnnl-vill- )vi:;

IlKIMr--; sarka Java, Laguayia, andCoffees in atore and for sate hv

M 'lu-.- or. a5 lKxe new Wetrn K and ItaubiirK e receired tkr steam tioAr Mit.-.-

eon aud for salu byJNO. F. HOWABDA CO..jjiu Main. Third txt

iX)UR 1W bbls Family Ftour for ale low tu coeex byiyt:i HIRBITT A POV.

I J fi iiavie n ceifcDrftted S'lgir-cure- d Ham? torA m tale by ivli'l GAKDNEK & CO,

OAl'ON AND BEKF-- 1 Him, Shouluri, S i,

pt inie Drivd Beef for wie at tower pric. ior cfj) (,p

I SY GOODSM 9 1U cases fancy Prints

8 do bleached Cotton;5 do Camlet Jean1:I case Cbauibray Gingham:

Received and fer aale cheap bvlvlS T. A H. RLKVIN rAIV

THK III1K1U OK tBHlhT, hj D. F. Hendei ton. B.nd


IWO Dlscourjes delivered at the opening of the newHouse of Worship fr the First Cliri-ti- Cl ,

Louisville, Ky., March 17, 1861. 7u panes ivo.centi-- . i, a. i.iVILL.

PISH- -I au kits Potomac Shad;

2) kitf Family Rn Ilerring;5 H bbls do do do:

Just received aud for sale byjvia GARDNER CIVs o .To Cash lingersGreat Inducements !


VERY HEAVY REDUCTION FuK CASH. DOM RrtT C 8TOCK ia one of tne largest in the city, coilisting in part ofNew York Mills and Water-twU- t Shirinc,

Loisclale and Knglinh Siiirtiut'ti,Hope and Blackubme hiiirti-j??- ,

Wams-it'- and Sempe.r Idem Shitting,lriah Linen anri .ibi t. Front-'- ,

Utica and Allendale HowOn;.-- ,

lO aud li i Li iieu Sucetiuie.Table Damasks,

Napkins and Doyle,Marm-Ul- and Allendnlo Rprends

All colnw French Flaunt-1- ,

WhDe Goods in vsri.'-t- ,

tilo and Hocifry,Pra-o-I and Fan.

Tj all of wblcb we ftk the attention ol cph hur-r- -.

2VCARTIN U CnUPT8T73H,lh SfH Fourth t .. bet. Mat-k- Tcnw.

Military Equipments.Having had man v vp,ar' PJtpcrjetj' e in ti

theinanuftftiire of M IUTA U V hrt i1 such a" Svidle, Pdtn Hobt.r Car--

Scabbard-'- Ac , I feel con-ii-

fid. nt iu guarantying to anv nhi may pat ionize mejn price and (tis'ity ol work. 1 aiu now d

to fill all order-- : ou abort noth -

O. PnOAL,SlSThlrd St., between Main and Market.

lyf Kip n of fMOMd-- 8.

WH1RT FRINTS, Acrii'J dozen Shirt Fi'on's:

do Crochet Brid. a"foi-t"J-

6b do LiteTbread ti loves.M jroM MrUl Vfldt But:ou;IS pif.-e- s oil Silk:

r do Bilk Hankkfrr-bi-- f

Rwived and for aale tor cab hvJAMES LOW f'tV,

jj aim and aiu ?rle Suth tl.

V'ELLOW SUGAR Mi bbls roi roCned rtr?idby uiaiiboat and for e byTT. W. COOD.



SPROILE & HiDEVILLE,S.W. corner Fourth and Mam street.

We have everrthlni- - appprta'nlng to a Gentleman'sWardiobe. tor sale low iorch.


The amplest. rarst, and mot iutrestine illustrations of t'.e. lower creation hit have ever eached Eu-rope." Owkn ibetore the Royal Geographi-cal Society.

CMMM,?'- - EQPATllWnr AFRICA,tlxplorntiou" ani Adteotures in Eimtorial At ic;;

ith Account- of the M innrs and Curtoms of thePeople, and of the Chase of the Gorilla, the Crco-dd-

Leopard, Hipoopotamu, and othrAnimals. By Paul B. du Chai'ln With nnmero.iaiilutrtton. vo. Mustiu 'uniforni witb Living-stou-

Barth, and Burtcn) siA D VV'KMK. A I Ifp-t- i Komnm e. By Chn.Lver, sutiior of "One ot Thclu,', ""Uarty Lotrt-quer-

Ac. hvo. Pp.r 6 ct..WILI.SONW RRAbEIK A Verted of Srh,..

aud lamily Readers: D eigned to t"ac h th Art ofRi'ftfting ?n the most Simple. Natural, and PracticilWav: in ti.eir the whole ranie ofNatural History and the Physical Science: air? ingar t he huheet degree of uselulne-3- and apb ndidlyillustrated. C'oni-tin- e of a Piimer ai:d SevenKcftifr By Marciua Wi'loo. The Primer, riiIKirt, Second, Third, Fourth, and Filth li. ad vanow reaiy. PricdB 15, 2J, fit1, and iti cent?, aud

l.jH L. A. CIVILL, m Mn'n ft

CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES lor sate at greatly4 J reduced Dricua to clui the coujlirani"Ht by

OKKiN KAWbOJf,JyH 333 Main st., between Third aud Fourth.

MOLASSES 100 bbls prime N.O. Plantitioo in storemHl WM. GAY.

Braes Bound Cedar Ware, &c.DOZEN braes, bound Cedar Pails, eizrs;40 do do do do Cane, 3

25 do do do do Churn". 4

45 do Iron do do do, 4

:to do do do do Cans, H

:t do do do do Pails, 3In store and for aale low by

ORRIN KAWon.jy3 3:i Main st.. between Third anrf Fomlh

Dissolution.THK 6rm of L. A. CIVI1.L WOOD - Ill's d;iy d.- -.

I solved bv mutual consent of th" pari iff. Tbbuine-- of tho late tirtu will be f'ttlfd by and w libL. A. Civil!, who continues the business.

Li. A. IV II, 1.,Juno Efl, 16I. L. A. WOOD

Xj CIVILL,Deat.kb in

nmBL mnanT. ft nu mih.I300K AND JOT3

Printer and BinciorMain st., etween Fourth aud Fifth,



o Xj o t xx iP-ro- :iiieap:cheap:

VFKY ( HF 4 P!

Cloth Coats woitli $15 fer .

Cloth Coats worth $1 for 7:

Cloth Coats worth $ia for if 4;

Cftetraere Coats worth $12 for $ ,Cassimere Coat worth $" for $2 b'1;

Linen Coat worth from $3 fo to $5 at M;Summer Vests worth from $3 to at $1.

The above ftondis a little out of tljle, but good,articles, for sale at

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,j20 On Main st., cppoelte the National.

I "GAR- -) bbls Granulated 8urr nit rce;vrd andtor (m!-- 1 GARiNER A ( ' l.

IAGLE COTTON YARNS l:ju bscs PitrMni'itYams rec'ived tnr Lindou

and tor aale by JNO. F. HOWARD CO.,Aften'.d for Mitntif wfure: s.

J'-- Main, between Tl.iM and Fourth!-- .

BROOMS Ion d zrm Brooms of rariouj kinds jutaud for sale by

ORRIN RAWSON.y' 3S Main it.. btwAon Third and FoMrh.


"A est Main sirwi, mC mbvt. Third 4 Fourth,

WE haie cn hanfl and dvlv receivinj- - a larsto eur stock of HARDWARE and CLTLKK ,

which will be sold at low figures tor cash t shmttime. C. OKMdBY.

MILL AND CROSSCUT SAWSMill and Croaccut Saws:

Rowland's Mill aud BaweEpear it Jcjou' Mill and Crocit Ss'l

On hand and for sale F'w by C. ORMSBY.

LS 500 kegs Shoenbtorrfe, Kails on h Jiid and forNAI low by c- OKeiSBY.

CP.I aruicrs will find a larfce ajrtu. t Clone atORMbui.' 3.

JJOES 0 doceo PlauUrfs' How for 'gJggrjy,

LOCKS ANDLocks, assorted:

&.H1 do Hinea. for saw byC ORMSBY.

t2 CREWS-iiK- M) gross gimlet POlntrtwsftj saleho

FADES AND SHOVEL- S-O Ames' Shovels and Spades6u down for sale lor by


4 XES-- 6" Aie. toJtKKLJVl fr f'e-- dci-- .FA::.i O

luu dozen Grasd ScyrheRfor sale by

60 do Grain C ORMY

fIh P.r HLCilANA A CO..

"ns y coiSw second w VMuiui(iotfc