HP Performance Insight - c.ymcdn.comc.ymcdn.com/.../HP_Performance_Insight_2009May20Webinar.pdf ·...

© 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice Optimize the business outcome of IT HP Performance Insight Techniques to Drive Performance Management Productivity Dom Ruffatto: NMC Product Management Stu Curtis: Sr. Solution Architect Joe Catalanotti: NMC Product Marketing

Transcript of HP Performance Insight - c.ymcdn.comc.ymcdn.com/.../HP_Performance_Insight_2009May20Webinar.pdf ·...

© 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

Optimize the business outcome of IT

HP Performance InsightTechniques to Drive Performance

Management Productivity

Dom Ruffatto: NMC Product ManagementStu Curtis: Sr. Solution ArchitectJoe Catalanotti: NMC Product Marketing

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Defining HP Performance Insight

Functional Components of HP Performance Insight

Practitioner Operations/Integrations−

Network Node Manager Report Pack

NNM iSPI for Performance

Data Acquisition Model



Last Points and Takeaways

What is HP Performance Insight?Description

Statistical analysis tool−

Reporting portal−

Extensible data acquisition & collection tool

Reporting benefits−

Consolidate Performance Data:•

Centralize metrics from disparate sources•

Compare & correlate performance between various disciplines and technologies

Business benefits−

Use Fewer Resources:•

Find & reallocate under-utilized resources. •

Save money by not upgrading and through consolidation.

Use Right Resources :•

Find over-used resources•

Target spending on only those areas which need improvement

Performance Insight Functional Components

P I S e r v e r

A p p l i c a t i o n

/ W e b S e r v e r

R e p o s i t o r y

Performance Data Warehouse

Remote Poller -

Raleigh Data Center

Data Acquisition & Collection

Remote Poller -

Denver Data Center Remote Poller -


ASCII FilesDatabase Router Server Switch

• Customizable, web reporting portal

• Performance data in warehouse

• Gather data from myriad sources & locations

• Red Hat, HPUX, Windows, Solaris

• Single server or multiple distributed

C e n t r a l S e r v e r

S a t e l l i t e S e r v e rS a t e l l i t e S e r v e r S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r

Distributed Servers+

Scale as large as need by adding multiple servers


Distribute processing


Distribute collections


Distribute reporting


Federated model: L.I.R.


Remove single point of failure


Proven in large environments

HP Performance Insight Architecture: Distributed Servers

Q & A Operations: Integrations:

Performance Insight with NNMi &

Performance SPI

Network Node Manager ReportPack PI + NNMi

Import data from NNMi •

Report Categories−


Service level reporting!•

Daily & monthly availability & downtime•

Customer & type summary•

Vendor & type summary−


By category•

By vendor•

By severity•


Executive summary•

Hot spots (exception nodes)•


Put availability & events into historical context

Forecast availability by node vendor & customer

Web-based service-level reports for customers

High-level view of managed elements

Performance SPI Operational performance management

•Reporting Solution−

Full suite of reports•

MIB-II and device resources•

Unified polling with NNMi

Build your own –

ad-hoc query tool−

Report scheduling−

Report delivery formats –

html, pdf, Excel

Performance Insight integration (data pipe)

Diverse array of out of the box reports−

Interactive and context sensitive navigation

Dynamic report configuration−

Path report

Performance SPI Architecture



Collect data and make available

SPI Back End

Grab data from NNM,process and aggregate.

Manage data files.

SPI Front End

Provide catalogServe up reports

Report building toolsAuthentication


NNM iSPI for Performance Report Examples




DashboardPath Health

Top N

Q & AData Acquisition: Customizations:


13 5/20/2009

A g e n t s

PI Server

Repository / Analysis

A p p l i c a t i o n

/ W e b S e r v e r

Data Acquisition & Collection



(Perf SPi)

P r o g r a m m a t i c


HP -


HP -

Ops J D B C

I m p o r t

P e r l S Q L

D a t a b a s e L i n k s


PI Clients

• Builder• Viewer• Console• Tools• Wizards


Multiple Data Sources may be correlated for reporting


Open Database


Match data source to changing business requirements


Acquire data with- built-in tools-

Agent pollers-

Programs or Scripts

E x t e r n a l DBO t h e r s ?

HP Performance Insight: Data Acquisition Methods

14 5/20/2009


Network Node Manager

Business Process Insight

Performance Insight

Service Desk

HP Agents

SQL Server




SNMP AgentsOperations Manager

HP Performance Insight: Integration Points

Some existing integrations between PI and other HP Software Products

15 5/20/2009

Reconcile multiple CMDBs into PI

HP Agents

Performance Insight

BAC/ TopazPerformance


Service Desk

Trades (business) data

Performance Insight

HP Agents

Performance InsightSNMP Agents

Billing Database

HP Performance Insight: Custom Integrations –

what customers built

Regional Service



Gather data from many sources


Integrate across the enterprise


User extensible

Major Auto Mfgr

Major Telco

Financial Trading Floor

PI Custom Report –

Production Line


Production Line Performance


Understand how many widgets produced every 5 minutes

Track threshold violations:

# widgets above upper limit

Too many will choke line

# widgets below lower limit

Too few are unproductive

Customization techniques:

Import data from ASCII file

Custom report to visualize average, and peak performance

PI Custom Report -

Earthquake Tracking


NW Mountain Eruptions Report

Requirement: Need to track/report seismic activity before deciding to construct a fab

plant on site

Customization techniques:

Download data from internet

Import ASCII data to PI DB

Custom reports -

research earthquake metrics by location, year

PI Custom Report -

Downtime Costs


Lost Cost per Circuit


Calculate money wasted /lost by downtime /unavailability of circuits

Could potentially add revenue lost

Customization techniques:

Network metrics -normal collection

Add dollar column to database

Enter monthly lease cost for each circuit

Modify shrink-wrap availability report

include dollar value

Math to reduce monthly cost to daily &

Add lost costs column to graph

Additional Customization Examples

Above: Access PI from other GUI


Brocade Status

Firewall –

Netscreen Dashboard

Below: Combined Dashboard

Mainframe Capacity

Hourly Interface Dashboard

HP Performance Insight Multi-tenancy

What is it?Security by user and groupAlready built into productProvide same reports to different groups of users, but expose different dataCustomers see only own data -- No need to publish multiple sets of reports

Managed Service Provider -

External customersSingle instance of Performance Insight manages elements from multiple external customersPI Groups are matched to external customers

Enterprise -

Internal divisionsPI groups are matched to internal divisions or workgroupsEx; Sales management doesn’t see throughput for legal division

Enterprise -

Technology breakout by domain responsibilityPI groups are matched to technology groupsEx; Windows admins don’t see performance of Unix serversEx; Server admins see port performance of servers, not of routers

Other approaches also offered with PIProvide different sets of reports to different groups of users, perhaps not efficient?Provide dedicated app server per group; no software charge, but admin overhead

Multi-tenancy Report ExamplesOne report -

Two views

Depending on the login and associated permissions, users see different data sets

Left –user has full rights to view all monitored devices

Right –

user is only permitted to see database systems

What Was New in Performance Insight v5.3

Location Independent Reporting (LIR)•

PA Collection enhancements, HTTPS collection, Certificate Management

Long Term Retention (LTR)•

Internal Monitoring

Report Scheduling•

Threshold Monitoring

Linux support

Latest Updates

• Performance Insight v5.4 (current)



Restore/Roll Back

• Performance Insight Upgrade Paths1.

PI 5.1 −

A direct upgrade to PI 5.42.

PI 5.2 −

Upgrade to PI 5.3 via available patch3.

PI 5.3x direct to 5.4

Versatility: Customizable & Flexible Data AcquisitionVersatilityVersatility:: Customizable & Flexible Data AcquisitionCustomizable & Flexible Data Acquisition

HP Performance Insight Key Takeaways: Performance Management & Reporting

Cross Domain: Network Perf. Mgmt. to Perf. Mgmt.Cross Domain:Cross Domain: Network Perf. Mgmt. to Perf. Mgmt.Network Perf. Mgmt. to Perf. Mgmt.

Integrated: NNMi & Network Lifecycle ManagementIntegrated:Integrated: NNMi & Network Lifecycle ManagementNNMi & Network Lifecycle Management

Business related:

Forecast, Capacity Planning, ThresholdsBusiness related:Business related:

Forecast, Capacity Planning, ThresholdsForecast, Capacity Planning, Thresholds

Last Points•

Important URLs−

PI on HP.COM: www.hp.com/go/nmc−

NNMi Portal: www.hp.com/go/nnmi−

NMC Blog: www.hp.com/go/nnmblog

Upcoming Webinars (registration information will be on the NNMi portal)−

NNM iSPI for Performance: How to Become a Power User−

HP Route Analytics Management System (RAMS)

This webinar recording/and others, the presentation pdf, “Using PI & Perf

SPI Together Guide”, and questions/answers will be posted on NNMi Portal: −


Performance Inisght


Dom Ruffatto –

Product Management (Fort Collins, Co)•

[email protected]

| 970 898 4297

Joe Catalanotti –

Product Marketing (Marlborough, MA)•

[email protected]

| 508-467-5091

Thank you to Vivit!

Coming soon -

Become a NOC Star!Share your experience using HP Network Node Manager i-software

For more information, go to: www.hp.com/go/nnmiSign up to receive updates and we’ll send you information on details and prizes.

Thank you…

Q & A

NNMi Portal:


HP Performance Insight: Integrated with Network Lifecycle Optimization


Key Challenges•

Measurement is required for improvement•

Scale & density of networks yields massive amounts of data

Too many reporting tools

Key Differentiators•

Extreme scalability & flexibility•

Report Packs for a broad range of technologies & HP SW

Integration with network lifecycle

Key Capabilities•

Highly flexible & scalable cross-domain reporting solution

Cover wide array of network technologies•

Forecasting & trending

Performance Mgmt. Solution Overview

C e n t r a l S e r v e r

R e m o t e C a c h i n g P o l l e r s

S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r

S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r

S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r

Distributed Polling+

Cache polled data if link to server drops


Auto forward collected data to server when link is restored


Place poller near data source


Distribute processing load of polling across more hardware

HP Performance Insight Architecture: Multiple Distributed Pollers -


C e n t r a l S e r v e r

S a t e l l i t e S e r v e rS a t e l l i t e S e r v e r S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r

Distributed Servers+

Scale as large as need by adding multiple servers


Distribute processing+

Distribute collections+

Distribute reporting+

Federated model: L.I.R.+

Remove single point of failure+

Proven in large environments

HP Performance Insight Architecture: Two Tier Multiple Distributed Servers

C e n t r a l S e r v e r s

Satellite -Typical Data Sets+

Rate ( as-polled ) +

Hourly aggregations+

Daily aggregations ?

Central -Typical Data Sets


Hourly aggregations?+

Daily aggregations +

Weekly, Monthly…+

Archival –

Long term retention+

Links to Rate Data on Satellite

S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r s

D a t a

C o

p i e

d ( H

o u r

l y ?


HP Performance Insight Architecture: Data Flow Between Servers

W o r l d w I d e C e n t r a l S e r v e r

S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r

R e g i o n a l S e r v e r

S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r S a t e l l i t e S e r v e r

R e g i o n a l S e r v e r

HP Performance Insight Architecture: N-Tier -

Multiple Distributed Servers