


How to Beast ebook

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There Are Only 2 Things A Man Can Depend On... ............................................. 4

3 Basic Activities That Guarantee Masculine Success ......................................... 6

A Simple Bodyweight Routine to Shred Fat and Build Muscle........................... 9

Simple Meditation: How 5 Minutes per Will Literally Rewire Your Brain

and Change Your Life ............................................................................................ 14

How to Approach Any Girl and Get Her Number and a Date in Under 60

Seconds................................................................................................................... 17

The Biggest Risk is NOT Taking Action… ............................................................. 21

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There Are Only 2 Things A Man Can

Depend On... Do you have a favorite quote?

Mine might be the following, compliments of rapper 50 Cent:

“I was born alone and I will die alone. I’ve got to do what’s right for me

and not live my life the way anybody else wants it.”

I like it because it's so brutally honest. And accurate. People don't like

to hear it, but it's the truth: you can't depend on anyone but yourself.

You see, if life were a board game, you’d be the game piece. You go

through life working towards a set of goals or outcomes (at least you

should), just the same as your game piece progresses around the


In a board game there are strict limitations. In life, we’re encouraged to

follow laws and social norms, but for the most part we’re free to do as

we choose. There are infinite paths that will take you to any goal


Along the way you’ll deal with many people. Some will help you, others

won’t. You can grow to depend on the ones that help you, but that

always incurs a risk. A family member can die. A close friend can betray

you. Your girl can leave you.

How will you react when one of these things happens?

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Playing with others is a necessary part of the game, yes, but you can

never depend on them. Doing so will ultimately lead to failure and


Accept that the only two things you can ever count on are your body

and your mind – your game piece, if you will. You must tend to these

things like a gardener tends to his plants. Focus on improving them and

facilitating their health and growth and you’ll always put yourself in the

best position to “win”.

If some tragedy befalls a dependent man, he may sink into depression.

He might feel like he’s lost all hope of accomplishing his mission in life.

He might give up.

A truly independent man, however, will not. He’s prepared, on some

level, for each of these tragedies. He doesn’t have a specific game plan

for when his best friend betrays him, per se, but he’s put himself in a

good position, both physically and mentally, that he can weather the

storm. Not only can he weather the storm, but he can keep his cool and

make the fine adjustments needed to get the ship back on course.

And so you must protect your game piece. You must cultivate your

body and your mind each and every day. This is the How To Beast

philosophy. I offer you this eBook and the following three habits with

the hopes that they'll help you do just that.

Beast on,


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3 Basic Activities That Guarantee

Masculine Success Over the past few years I’ve been going hard at the self-improvement

lifestyle. It began in 2010 when I was living in Madrid, working in an

office cubicle next to an amateur bodybuilder.

His passion for fitness spread quickly to me as I watched a nerdy,

seemingly overweight computer programmer transform into a

shredded beast in a matter of weeks. I’d later learn that this was simply

a cutting phase where he lost weight to remove layers of fat covering

his already developed muscle mass.

I slowly became obsessed with weight lifting and bodybuilding, and

transformed my skinny ass physique over a three year period:

But my transformation was so much more than a physical one. As I

counted my calories and hit the gym religiously I developed an intense

sense of discipline and thirst for growth that began to leak into other

areas of my life.

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What began as a quest for a better body quickly grew into an obsession

with identifying and improving weaknesses across all areas of my life.

Next, I moved onto dating, an area that I’d struggled with all the way

through college. I went from being unable to even ask a girl that I knew

was attracted to me out to being able to confidently approach random

women and walk away with a phone number and a date.

Then my career, as I quit my cubicle based software job to follow my

passion for fitness and entrepreneurship on a full time basis.

Over the years I experimented with countless habits. And I believe I’ve

found three that, when combined, produce a result so powerful that

any man would be silly to ignore them. Doing these 3 things on the

regular puts you in an emotionally balanced, supremely confident, and

intensely focused state that will guarantee the merciless slaughter of

any goal you can think of.

Proceed with caution…

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Below is a basic graphic that illustrates the powerful effects of the three

habits I’m about to delve into. This is how they support me as I move

from mission to mission in my life. The same way a camera is held

steady on a tripod to take solid photographs, these three habits will

support you physically, emotionally, and psychologically as you tackle

various obstacles in life … I call it the tripod of masculine success:

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A Simple Bodyweight Routine to

Shred Fat and Build Muscle Habit #1: Resistance training

Prescription: Every other day, about 15-30 minutes

Benefits: Physical strength, body composition (more muscle, less fat),

posture, discipline

Bodyweight routines are all the rage in the men’s fitness world lately.

And understandably so – the idea of working out with nothing more

than your own sweat and palms is inherently manly.

And while my wife the barbell back squat and my mistress the deadlift

don’t allow me to endorse bodyweight routines as the absolute most

effective workouts in existence, I have put together one that comes

really fucking close.

The benefit to doing them, of course, is that you don’t need ANY

equipment, aside from maybe a bar or branch to do pull ups on. And,

while it’s taken me quite a while to admit it, because of my history with

the big three (squats, deadlifts, and bench press), they can be pretty

fucking hard – and quite effective, too.

The key to any well-balanced routine is the inclusion of a set of

challenging squatting, pushing, and pulling exercises… and bodyweight

routines are no different. So below I’ll offer a progression of basic

squatting, pushing, and pulling exercises. I’ve also included a few

abdominal exercises so you can build a beastly core.

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How to execute the routine Your job is to select a variation from each category below that is

challenging for you to complete about 8-15 repetitions of (if you can do

more, then move on to the next variation).

You’re to perform the exercises in a circuit, 3 times through. Do this

every other day, or whenever you’d normally workout but can’t make it

into the gym.

The Squat Muscles worked: Legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes)


1. Bodyweight squat

2. Jump squat

3. Single leg chair squat

4. Single leg stoop squat (sit onto something shorter)

5. Pistol squat

6. Jumping pistol squat

The Push Muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, triceps


1. Kneeling push up

2. Incline push up

3. Push up

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4. Decline push up

5. Decline clap push up

The Pull Muscles worked: Back, biceps

Variations (if you don’t have a pull up bar)

1. Door pull up

2. Table pull up

3. Raised feet table pull up

Variations (if you have a pull up bar)

1. Assisted pull up

2. Pull up

3. One arm pull up

The Core Muscles worked: Abdominals (rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis,

internal and external obliques)


1. Sit ups (with your feet underneath a sofa or something similar)

2. Knee raises (hanging from a pull up bar)

3. Straight leg raises (hanging from a pull up bar)

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Sample Workout Assuming I’m at the lowest level for all of the listed exercises, one

workout would look as follows:

1. Bodyweight squats until failure (less than 15 reps, if I’m capable of

more then it’s time to advance to the next hardest variation)

2. Kneeling push up until failure

3. Door pull up until failure

4. Crunches until failure

Rest 2 minutes

1. Bodyweight squats until failure

2. Kneeling push up until failure

3. Door pull up until failure

4. Crunches until failure

Rest 2 minutes

1. Bodyweight squats until failure

2. Kneeling push up until failure

3. Door pull up until failure

4. Crunches until failure

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Other Training Options 1. If you have access to a set of dumbbells, check out a dumbbell

routine I wrote on my blog here.

2. And for a complete scientifically backed diet regimen and training

routine that takes advantage of more equipment like barbells and

benches, click here to read reviews and buy my book Shredded Beast.

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Simple Meditation: How 5 Minutes

per Will Literally Rewire Your

Brain and Change Your Life Habit #2: Meditation

Prescription: Every single day, 5-10 minutes

Benefits: Mental clarity, emotional stability, enhanced breathing,

discipline, testosterone

Meditation gets written off by most guys.

The benefits of meditation aren’t like lifting weights. It’s not going to

grow your arms by a couple inches or burn belly fat.

The benefits don’t seem very tangible, and we live in a society where

over-stimulation is the norm. We’re constantly bombarded by

advertisements, movies, video games, TV shows, sports games,

breaking news, and when we’re not, we tend to dive our heads into out

smartphones. So yes, I get it, sitting there and breathing can seem like

“a waste of time”.

But realize: the matrix is real my friend. And we’re all fucking plugged

into it. Meditation is the red pill that allows us to unplug ourselves from

the matrix of modern day society, if only for a couple of minutes. It

allows us gain a better perspective on the things that really matter.

After a solid meditation, you’ll feel amazing. I guarantee it. You won’t

have compulsive thoughts about things you have to do, or people who

are pissing you off. You won’t get tied down in depressive emotions,

either. Rather you’ll feel a calm, focused energy emanating from within.

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If that wasn’t enough, there’s conclusive scientific data showing that

meditation boosts your immune system, lowers your blood pressure,

and relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, among other


One study out of Harvard even found that short daily doses of

mediation can physically grow the grey matter in the area of your brain

associated with self-awareness and compassion, and shrink the grey

matter in the area of your brain associated with stress at the same


Another study measured how the practice of meditation alters our

bodies’ responses to stress. It found that after just a few months of

meditation, we’re able to better regulate our testosterone levels in

times of stress (as well as our growth hormone and cortisol levels).

All of this is why more and more people are adopting this practice, from

the US Marines all the way to professional and Olympic athletes.

Oh, and one more thing: “turning off your mind” isn’t a requirement for

successfully meditating, so don’t bitch and moan about how you can’t

“just stop thinking”.

Rather “turning off your mind” is more like the unattainable goal that

you strive for. I’ve never sat there for an entire 5 or 10 minutes in

complete blissful emptiness. No, that doesn’t happen. But you’ll still

realize the benefits. And if it comforts you a bit, you do get closer to this

ideal over time.

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How to meditate Rather than re-inventing the wheel, I’ll just point you towards a guided

meditation video that served as my introduction to the practice. I

probably used this video for the first 100 times I meditated:

PS: I meditate lying down flat on my back, with my arms out to my

sides. I find this more comfortable than trying to contort my body into a

traditional “zen-like” cross legged pose.

For 23 more quick ways to boost your confidence, relieve stress, and

crush life, click here to check out my new book Confidence Hacks.

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How to Approach Any Girl and Get

Her Number and a Date in Under

60 Seconds Habit #3: Approaching women

Prescription: Every single day do one approach

Benefits: Comfort zone expansion, confidence, opportunity to meet

and date quality women, discipline

There is no such thing as a man without fear, only those who’ve trained

themselves to be comfortable confronting their fears.

By constantly exposing yourself to fearful situations where rejection is

probable, you slowly rewire your brain. You turn your default “fight or

flight” response to stress into something different – an enlightened,

adventurous approach to life where you’re more likely to try new things

and take bold actions despite the fear of failure or embarrassment.

For example, had it not been for my exposure to approaching a lot of

random women, I’m not so sure that I would’ve had the balls to quit my

9-5 software job and pursue my passions for fitness and


Pickup artistry, “game”, and seduction all get a terrible rap. And

understandably so – it’s for the same reason that salesmen get a bad

rap: it seems like sleazy manipulation.

And many of the approaches out there most definitely are. I won’t lie,

when I struggled to improve my success with girls I read a fair share of

literature from the above genres. And I’ll tell you the same thing that

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many other men who’ve drastically improved their “game” have told


If the only change I ever made was simply putting myself out there and

approaching more girls, I’m confident my success rate with women

would’ve improved just the same [as it did by doing this and also trying

to incorporate a bunch of other silly tactics].

What this means is that a lot of people are making money by try to

teach men specific “tricks” or “techniques” to seduce women. And most

of it’s bullshit.

The truth is that the easiest and most effective way to improve your

success with women is to simply be honest and straightforward – just

say what you mean and ask for what you want.

In terms of meeting women this means:

1. Approaching girls you’re attracted to

2. Asking for what you want

Anything more complicated sidesteps your primal masculine instincts

of going for what you want.

I’ll share the exact approach I use right now. I use these exact steps

whenever I see a cute girl I want to talk to at the grocery store, the bar,

the gym, or just walking down the sidewalk. It’s gotten me countless

numbers and dates.

1. Ask a simple question: “Do you know where the closest Starbucks

is?” or “Is that a vodka tonic you’re drinking?” for example – this is

simply so that she’ll actually stop and engage with you.

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2. Tell her the truth: “Honestly I just asked you that because you’re cute

and I wanted to talk to you.”

3. Introduce yourself: “By the way I’m David what’s your name [shake


4. Exchange some basic info: “Where are you from?” “What are you up

to today?”

Tip: Make guesses about her rather than asking questions: “you’re

not from around here, are you?” for example. This avoids entering

into interview mode and makes the conversation more fun for

both of you.

5. After a few minutes, ask for the date: “You seem cool and I’d like to

get to know you better, do you want to hang out sometime?”

6. If yes, hand them your phone and ask them to put their number in.

That’s all it takes.

And the best part is that doing this repeatedly

is amazing rejection therapy By constantly approaching women and confronting the universal fear

of failure and rejection, you gradually desensitize yourself to it – you

expand your comfort zone.

And this transfers into other areas of your life.

For example, I’m honestly not sure I would’ve been able to quit my

career in software in order to pursue a “risky” career in fitness and

entrepreneurship if I hadn’t approached hundreds of women and

become comfortable failing.

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I challenge you to approach at least one girl a day, tell her she’s cute,

and ask her to hang out. If you do this I offer two guarantees.

1. You’ll have a steady flow of dates with quality women

2. Your confidence will steadily increase as your fear of rejection

steadily declines

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The Biggest Risk is NOT Taking

Action… …and that’s why I created:

This online course or “bootcamp” is designed to radically enhance your

confidence, motivation, and discipline in under 1 month.

It consists of a series of daily missions that will challenge you to

improve yourself in many different ways. Yes, the above habits are a

crucial part of the course, but there is much, much more.

I invite you to read more about the course by clicking HERE.