How we can use technology to increase our freedom - and outsmart governments and companies who want...

How we can use technology to increase our freedom and outsmart governments and companies who want the opposite Dr. Matthijs Pontier

Transcript of How we can use technology to increase our freedom - and outsmart governments and companies who want...

How we can use technology to increase our freedomand outsmart governments and companies who want the opposite

Dr. Matthijs Pontier


• Lessons from tech dystopia’s

• Self-driving cars as an example

• Platform capitalism and the harms of monopolization of tech

• Privacy protection / Safe communication

• Machine ethics

• Darkweb marketplaces

• Universal Basic Income

• E-Democracy


Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Free sharing of information, art and culture

Evidence-based policy with long-term vision

Stimulate self-determination, but keep rights

Trust civilians vs Distrust ‘power'

Enthusiastic about tech, but alert on risks

Tech to empower people; not to repress

Basic principles PPNL

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Using tech for good:Improving autonomy

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom


Road safety ;)

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedomMatthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

More room for people and plants

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Who will control ‘smart’ cars?

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Who will control ‘smart’ cars?




Car company that calls them back if you don’t pay?

The AI that tells you what to do?

Or will they control themselves?

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Local vs Centralized data

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom


Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

The bigger the company

-> Bigger power concentration

-> Bigger chance that this company will use its power in malicious ways

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Need to stop corporate surveillance

Regulate Big Business vs

More freedom for small startups

Safe communication is necessary for progress

We won’t know what will be prohibited when and where


If we would have had current control systems in the past, would homosexuality still be illegal?

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, Using tech to increase freedom

The government won’t protect your privacy

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Enrypt your e-mail Protonmail

Encrypt phone / messaging Signal

Use adblockers and DNT uBlock / DNT

Use TOR browser and VPN

Don’t use services from Google, Facebook or Uber

If something is free, YOU (or actually, your data) are the product

Removing something from the internet can be practically impossible

Privacy: DIY Solutions

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Techno-progressivism / Commons

Democratize the way technologies are built

Costs, risks, and benefits of tech are equally shared

Equal access to technologies

Develop tech in a way that promotes happiness

Emotionally intelligent robots?Speed-dating Experiment

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Smart technology

Als technologie voor je denkt

bepalen programmeurs dan wat je denkt?

Dr. Matthijs Pontier, Piratenpartij – HvA, HBO Rechten, 2-9-2016

Machine Ethics

Machines are becoming more autonomous

Machines and algorithms increasingly influence our lives

We should manage that machines do not harm us

or threaten our autonomy

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Moral reasoning system

We developed moral reasoning system that balances between several moral goals

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Able to simulate judge decisions about:

•Assertive outreach

•Judicial coercion after self-binding declaration

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Cars that make ethical decisions

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Why we should have mandatory Machine Ethics

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Why we should have mandatory Machine Ethics

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Why we should have mandatory Machine Ethics

Why we should have mandatory Machine Ethics


Make sure the intelligence explosion benefits us

Democratically decide about ethics technology

Why every AIshould be open-soure

Algorithms and robots will increasingly influence our lives

Who will control the programmers?

Good ideas are made to be copied:

Creating extra value with no extra costs

Book: Machine Medical Ethics


• How to develop robots with human-like ethics?

• Need for Open Source

• How to use healthcare tech in a way that improves well-being

• Changed doctor-patient relation

• Deep Brain Stimulation

• Sex-robots

• Etc.

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Darkweb marketplaces move part of the supply-chain to legal market

Safest way to buy (and sell) drugs

Darkweb marketplaces

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Darkweb marketplaces

• More efficient supply-chain

• Transparency in the supply-chain

• Privacy for consumers

• Decentralization prevents power-concentration

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom


Darkweb marketplaces

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Money sovereignityPay cash wherever possible

Demand paying cash where it’s not possible

For online transactions, use bitcoin (or other cryptocurrency)

(bitcoin now

worth more than paypal)

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Universal Basic Income

• Stops poverty and bureaucracy• No need for control-systems that invade our privacy• Level playing field on labour market• Simulates entrepreneurship and creativity

Experiments More education More entrepreneurship More useful work Less health problems

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom


• Easily participate in democratic process

• Vote on ideas; not on parties or persons

• Power of Ideas replace the idea of power

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom


Better Alamance

• Everybody can add ideas

• Everybody can add arguments

• Best ideas and arguments automatically come up

How does it work?

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

• Don’t vote once every few years, but always adjust vote

• Representation can differ per subject

• Representation is voluntary

• Makes representation personal; implies trust

Representation in an e-Democracy

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

Crowdsourcing a Constitution for the EU

Constitution was voted down in referendum

Lisbon-treaty largely same; no referendum

Symbolic for democratic deficit in EU

EU should be by the people, for the people @CrowdsourceEUFacebook: Crowdsource Europe

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

<slide e-democracy>

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom

More reading and watching

Intelligent cars could boost highway capacity by 273%

Autonomous Car Platoons

How to hack a car

Zelfrijdende auto's moeten leren wie ze dood willen rijden

Vrij van controledrift, bureaucratie en armoede met een basisinkomen

Boek: Machine Medical Ethics

Zorgrobots, maar geen botte zorg

Crowdsource EU: People's Constitution

De toekomst van democratie volgens Matthijs Pontier van de Piratenpartij

Matthijs Pontier, Psy-Fi 2017, 16-08-2017, How we can use tech to increase our freedom