"How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

Writing better user stories José E. Rodríguez Huerta (@jrhuerta)


Presentación realizada en el #webcat Barcelona de Abril 2013 Autor: José E. Rodríguez (@jrhuerta) ------------------------------------------------ RECURSOS: - Agile Barcelona http://agile-barcelona.org/ - "User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development", Mike Cohn, 2004, Addison-Wesley Professional http://www.amazon.com/User-Stories-Applied-Software-Development/dp/0321205685 - "Lean UX", Jeff Gothelf & Josh Seiden, 2012, O'Reilly Media http://www.leanuxbook.com/

Transcript of "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

Page 1: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

Writing better user stories

José E. Rodríguez Huerta (@jrhuerta)

Page 2: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta


Not a single original thought in this presentation.

Although there is some first hand


Page 3: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

What this talk is about

•  Why use user stories at all?

•  Some guidelines on how to


•  Identifying common “user

story smells…”

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Why use User stories at all?

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Requirements gathering is an

integral part of software


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Page 7: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta
Page 8: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

Common pitfalls •  Lack of context

•  Fail to deliver value

•  Overly specified

•  User/Client doesnt know

what they want.

•  No priorization

•  Hard to build incrementaly

•  Difficult to estimate

•  Too long… Didn’t read.

•  Too technical… Didn’t read.

•  Long time to market cycle

•  Not always clear who the

users are and what they

expect from the software.

•  Long feedback loops

from users/stakeholders

•  Acceptance criteria is:

everything is implemented.

•  Hard to maintain

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User stories to the rescue!

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Yes, they are still a

requirements document,


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They are cool

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How do User Stories address those problems?

•  Provide Context =>


•  End user/customer

language, makes it easy

to read/understand

bridges the gap between

technical and business

•  Focus on Delivering Value

•  User/Customer centered

•  Small, Cheap

•  Easily priorizable and re-


•  Versatile

•  Switch the focus to

communication instead of

a detailed specification.

•  Shortens Time to Market.

Page 13: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

What is a user story?

three critical parts:

– Card

– Conversation

– Confirmation

(“conversation placeholders”)

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What is a “Good” USER STORY?  

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It helps YOU

to solve your problem

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Defining a “good” u.s.

•  follows the INVEST acronym

(by Bill Wake)

•  Defines conditions FOR

“satisfaction” (in DoD)

•  Defines conditions FOR

“readyness” (in DoR)

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Defining a “good” U.S.

•  Uses the customer’s language

•  has the Who, the What and Why

•  Everyone participates in


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•  Independent

•  Negotiable

•  Value

•  Estimable

•  Size/Small

•  Testable

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I for Independent

Independent also means it can

be built incrementaly

and iteratively

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Art  by  Jeff  Pa,on  

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Art  by  Jeff    Pa,on  

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Art  by  Steven  Thomas  

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I for Independent

Ok… maybe, some dependency

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N for Negotiable

•  Avoid implementation details

– It says the What, not the How.

•  Its not carved in stone

– Until its part of an iteration it

can still be rewritten

Page 25: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

V for Value

Provide value to your customer with every story

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V for Value

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V for Value

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V for Value

Page 29: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

E for Estimable

Otherwise you can’t know when it will be done

(or if it will ever be…)

Page 30: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

S for Size/Small

•  If its too big, split it.

– Learn how.

•  If it too small, maybe its not a

user story

– I smell micromanagement!

Page 31: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

T for Testable

If it’s not worth testing it… Is it worth writting it?

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Not everything is a

User Story

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Page 34: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

What? •  The process context:

– Definition of Done

– Definition of Ready

•  Non functional requirements:

– Requirements that extend

through the whole project

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Use aids to “Power Up”

•  Wireframes

•  Navigation maps •  Color tags •  Personas •  User Story maps •  Anything else you may find


Page 36: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

Use aids to “Power Up”

•  Wireframes

•  Navigation maps

•  Color tags

•  Personas

•  User Story maps

•  Anything else you may find useful

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Revise and Refine and even Re-do

•  User stories are alive, they:

–  Are Born

– Grow

–  Reproduce

– Die

•  Make time to groom your

backlog with the team and client

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user story smells

Page 39: "How to write better User Stories" por @jrhuerta

User Story smells…

•  Too much detail or too little detail

•  No conditions of satisfaction

•  A story per page/component or sliced in ways that don’t deliver value

•  Technical tasks masqueraded as user stories

•  Skipping the conversation

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15m is not a lot of time so…

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Where DO I get more info?

•  Agile Barcelona community (@agilebcn)

•  Books:

–  User stories applied: For Agile Software

Development by Mike Cohn

–  Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve

User Experience by Jeff Gothelf & Josh Seiden

•  The Mountain Goat Software:


•  Google

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 Thanks Any questions?
