How to Test Generator Protections and Engine Shutdowns (for Dsb's)

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    Procedures for the following vessels: H270 DSB I

    H272 DSB II

    * The procedures for protections and shutdowns on this document are the same to all four gensets. The genset #1 will be used as example for testing. [email protected] 06/15/2014

    1 Generator Protections: 2 Engine Shutdowns: 1.1 Reverse Power 2.1 Overspeed 1.2 Undervoltage

    1.3 Overvoltage

    1.4 Underfrequency

    1.5 Overfrequency

  • 1 GENERATOR PROTECTIONS 1.1 Reverse Power Pre-test condition: for safety reasons, DG #3 online and bus tie breaker opened. Thus, the Reverse Power test will be performed with DG #1 and DG #2 online (in parallel). Step 1. Go to DG #2 Easygen, select MAN Mode in the display, start the DG #2 and put online by closing its breaker (see Figure 1). Step 2. Go to DG #1 Easygen, select MAN Mode in the display, start the DG #1 and put online by closing its breaker.

    Figure 1 Generator in MAN Mode and online

    Step 3. Select Next Page. On the next screen, select Setpoints (see Figure 2). Step 4. Scroll down to the frequency setpoint (f = 60.00Hz). Start decreasing the frequency setpoint by pressing the minus signal (-) (see Figure 3). When the frequency setpoint be closer to 57Hz, the difference of complex power between DG #1 and #2 will be closer to the limit (~225VA) and DG #1 breaker is supposed to trip by Reverse Power. Pay attention on the Load Power (P) of both DGs and see the difference as soon as start decreasing the frequency of DG#1. After the test: Step 5. Set the frequency setpoint back to 60Hz.

  • Figure 2 Next Page screen showing Setpoints menu

    Figure 3 Setpoints menu with frequency selected

  • 1.2 Undervoltage Pre-test condition: DG #1 and DG #2 stopped, DG #3 online and bus tie breaker opened. Step 1. Switch the Voltage Control Mode key of the DG #1 to Manual and adjust the Manual Voltage knob to the zero position (Figure 4).

    Figure 4 Manual voltage regulator adjusted to zero position

    Step 2. Go to DG #1 Easygen, select MAN Mode in the display, start the DG #1 and put online by closing its breaker. Step 3. Increase the field excitation voltage smoothly by adjusting the Manual Voltage knob (turn to the right) and keep watching the voltage reading (V) in the switchboard analog meter (Figure 5) until reaches 4.16kV.

  • Figure 5 Voltage analog meter of DG #1 reading 4.16kV

    Step 4. Go back to the Easygen and select Parameter (Figure 6).

    Figure 6 Parameter menu option

  • Step 5. Select Enter password and go into Password display (Figure 7).

    Figure 7 Password display option Step 6. Enter the password 0003 (Figure 8).

    Figure 8 Password display (Password = 0003)

  • Step 7. Go back to Parameter screen and select Configuration (Figure 9).

    Figure 9 Configuration option

    Step 8. Select Configure monitoring (Figure 10).

    Figure 10 Configuration monitoring option

  • Step 9. Select Generator (Figure 11).

    Figure 11 Generator option

    Step 10. Scroll down to Undervoltage level 2 and press enter. Step 11. If the Monitoring option is Off, change it to On. Adjust the Limit to 90% and Delay to 3s (Figure 12).

    Figure 12 Undervoltage level 2 (trip) protection adjustments

  • Step 12. Decrease the field excitation voltage smoothly by adjusting the Manual Voltage knob (turn to the left) and keep watching the voltage reading (V) in the switchboard analog meter until reaches a value under 3.74kV. Under this limit (90% of 4.16kV), the protection will count 3s before trips the DG#1 breaker by Undervoltage. After the test: Step 13. Go back to Undervoltage level 2 menu and return the Monitoring, Limit, Delay and Alarm class to the original values (Off, 90%, 10s, F). Step 14. With DG #1 stopped, switch back the Voltage Control Mode to AUTO.

  • 1.3 Overvoltage Pre-test condition: DG #1 and DG #2 stopped, DG #3 online and bus tie breaker opened. Step 1. Go chapter 1.2 (Undervoltage) and proceed from Step 1 to Step 9. Step 2. Scroll down to Overvoltage level 2 and press enter. Step 3. Adjust the Delay to 3s (Figure 13) because the SEL Relay trips the breaker in 5s.

    Figure 13 - Overvoltage level 2 (trip) protection adjustments

    Step 4. Increase the field excitation voltage smoothly by adjusting the Manual Voltage knob (turn to the right) and keep watching the voltage reading (V) in the switchboard analog meter until reaches a value under 4.58kV. Over this limit (110% of 4.16kV), the protection will count 3s before trips the DG#1 breaker by Overvoltage. After the test: Step 13. Go back to Overvoltage level 2 menu and return the Delay to the original value (10s). Step 14. With DG #1 stopped, switch back the Voltage Control Mode to AUTO.

  • 1.4 Underfrequency Pre-test condition: DG #1 and DG #2 stopped, DG #3 online and bus tie breaker opened. Step 1. Go to DG #1 Easygen, select MAN Mode in the display, start the DG #1 and put online by closing its breaker.

    Figure 14 Generator in MAN Mode and online

    Step 2. Go chapter 1.2 (Undervoltage) and proceed from Step 4 to Step 9. Step 3. Scroll down to Underfrequency level 2 and press enter. Step 4. If the Monitoring option is Off, change it to On. Adjust the Limit to 95% and Delay to 3s (Figure 15).

  • Figure 15 - Underfrequency level 2 (trip) protection adjustments

    Step 5. Go back to the system overview (main menu) and select Next Page. On the next screen, select Setpoints. Step 6. Scroll down to the frequency setpoint (f = 60.00Hz). Start decreasing the frequency setpoint by pressing the minus signal (-). When the frequency actual value is under 57Hz (95% of 60Hz), the protection will count 3s before trips the DG#1 breaker by Underfrequency. After the test: Step 5. Set the frequency setpoint back to 60Hz. Step 8. Go back to Underfrequency level 2 menu and return the Monitoring, Limit, Delay and Alarm class to the original values (Off, 95%, 5s, F).

  • 1.5 Overfrequency Pre-test condition: DG #1 and DG #2 stopped, DG #3 online and bus tie breaker opened. Step 1. Go to DG #1 Easygen, select MAN Mode in the display, start the DG #1 and put online by closing its breaker. Step 2. Go chapter 1.2 (Undervoltage) and proceed from Step 4 to Step 9. Step 3. Scroll down to Overfrequency level 2 and press enter. Step 4. If the Monitoring option is Off, change it to On. Adjust the Limit to 105% and Delay to 3s (Figure 16).

    Figure 16 - Overfrequency level 2 (trip) protection adjustments

    Step 5. Go back to the system overview (main menu) and select Next Page. On the next screen, select Setpoints. Step 6. Scroll down to the frequency setpoint (f = 60.00Hz). Start increasing the frequency setpoint by pressing the plus signal (+). When the frequency actual value is over 63Hz (105% of 60Hz), the protection will count 3s before trips the DG#1 breaker by Overfrequency. After the test: Step 5. Set the frequency setpoint back to 60Hz. Step 8. Go back to Overfrequency level 2 menu and return the Monitoring, Limit, Delay and Alarm class to the original values (On, 95%, 5s, F).

  • 2 ENGINE SHUTDOWNS 2.1 Overspeed Go to the Marine CAT Panel mounted on the engine (Figure 17). Change the screens using the left/right arrow buttons until you find the System Information screen as Figure 18.

    Figure 17 Marine CAT Panel mounted on the engine In the System Information screen, press Menu. Change the screens until you find the ENGINE CONFIGURATION screen (Figure 19). Change Overspeed Verify from OFF to ON. Next time you start the engine, as soon as the engine increases the rpm over 1200 it will shutdown automatically by Overspeed. Please, change Overspeed Verify back to OFF.

  • Figure 18 System Information screen

    Figure 19 Engine Configuration screen