How to Succeed with Business Text Messaging


Transcript of How to Succeed with Business Text Messaging

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The Future of Business Communication

5 Predictions for Business Communication

SMS Basics: Fundamentals of Business TextMessaging

How to Increase Sales with Two-Way Text Messaging

Text Messaging Etiquette

Accountability and Compliance

7 Business Text Messages You Should Be Sending

9 Text Message Templates

Text Messages as Content

Ready to Increase Your Leads by 800%?

Page 3: How to Succeed with Business Text Messaging

Communication has changed. This is especially evident in young people, who use their

phones much differently from older people. For example, 18-to-29 year-olds don't leave


And while they do check their voicemails, they don't actually listen to the messages.

These behaviors are changing not just personal communications, but business

communications as well.

The Future of BusinessCommunicationAs we continue to ditch computers in favor of smartphones, we're alsoditching older forms of digital communication in favor of new.

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Here are five more statistics that show why text messaging is the business

communication wave of the future:

Text messaging is the most widely used smartphone feature or app. One survey

found that 100% of 18-to-29 year-olds use text messaging. (source)

Americans aged 18 to 24 send 10 times as many texts as those over 55. ( source)

Among teens, text messaging is the top form of daily communication: 63% say they

exchange text messages every day. The next most popular form of communication is

calling by cellphone, which comes in at 39%. (source)

A phone number for texting is the first thing teens share with new friends. (source)

43% of teens say texting is the number one reason for getting a cellphone. (source)

These statistics illustrate how important texting has become as a method of

communication, especially among people under 30, who represent a growing percentage

of consumers as well as business leaders. These are the people who will shape business

communication in the future.

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1. Text messaging will become mainstream.

We still talk about phone calls and emails as “traditional" business communication, and

text messaging and social media as “alternative." But that's about to change.

Currently, almost one-third of people would rather text than talk on the phone , and for

younger people that number rises to more than half. JPMorgan Chase recently eliminated

voicemail for thousands of employees who never use the service because they text,

instant message, and connect over social media instead.

What is alternative will become mainstream as the traditional goes the way of the dodo.

5 Predictions for BusinessCommunicationBusiness communication is evolving at the pace of communicationstechnology. In other words, very fast.

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2. Companies will focus on accountability andcompliance across communications platforms.

In many industries, communications must meet certain compliance standards. Even

outside those industries, companies need to maintain oversight of their communications

with customers -- for quality control, brand image, reputation management, and so on.

Companies will focus more on bringing accountability and compliance standards to non-

traditional forms of business communications, for example, by using a text messaging

platform rather than having sales reps text customers using their personal cellphones.

3. More communications will become automated asthings start to talk to each other.

Email automation, social media automation, text messaging automation -- these

technologies allow companies to communicate with more people, more effectively, and

on a more timely basis.

We'll see increased adoption of these technologies as well as others that remove humans

from the equation entirely. For example, new appointment scheduling apps can consult

multiple calendars, find available times, and schedule appointments automatically. The

appointment just shows up on your calendar -- you don't have to do anything at all.

4. Currently disparate communications channels willbecome more integrated and provide a moreconsistent cross-channel experience.

Although communications technologies are getting better every day, for the most part,

they're still separate. We have different programs for email, texting, and social media, and

the end user experience is different as well.

The effort to integrate various communications into a streamlined experience is known as

“unified communications." We'll see it start to really take off.

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5. Big data will bring about a rise in predictivecommunications.

Finally, business communications will move from reactive to predictive. Currently, a major

benefit of marketing automation software is that as soon as someone fills out a form on

your website, you can enroll them in an appropriate drip email marketing campaign,

providing touchpoints over the next several weeks or months.

With big data and predictive communications, you'll be able to predict the behavior of

visitors to your website so you can provide targeted messages and offers to them in real


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Text messaging is the #1 thing people do with their cell phones. Across all age groups,

people send and receive an average of 41.5 texts per day. Younger demographics are

pulling this number even higher -- 18-to-29 year-olds average 87.7 texts per day, while

teenagers top 100. And unlike for email and phone calls, we are all incapable of ignoring

text messages -- 98% of them are read, almost all within 3 minutes of receipt.

Over the past few years, text messaging has gone from just a way for friends and family

to keep in touch to a powerful tool for business communication.

SMS Basics: Fundamentals ofBusiness Text MessagingSMS text messaging -- what it is, how businesses use it, and some bestpractices.

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What is SMS?

SMS stands for Short Message Service. It's a protocol that allows plain text messages to

be exchanged over cellular networks. Believe it or not, the history of SMS development

dates back to 1984 (remember what cell phones looked like back then?), and the first text

message was sent in December 1992. It was “Merry Christmas."

SMS quick facts


SMS is fast. Almost all text messages are delivered in 15 seconds or less, with the

average being about half that.


SMS allows you to reach anyone with a mobile phone and a service plan, which means

you have a fast connection to more than 90% of adults nationwide.

No Internet required

SMS doesn't rely on an Internet connection.


SMS can be used with any type of phone. This, along with the lack of an Internet

requirement, are two reasons SMS has higher engagement rates than email, branded

messaging apps like iMessages, and over-the-top (OTT) messaging apps like Facebook

Messenger and Skype.

Types of SMS

There are two main types of SMS -- short code and long code. A short code is a 5- to 6-

digit number frequently used for automated notifications and marketing campaigns (see

below). A long code is a full 10-digit number. Whether it comes from a phone or a

desktop application, long code SMS looks and acts like a regular phone number.

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Major differences between short codes and long codes


You can't call a short code number. Long codes, which you can call, provide a seamless

integration of talk and text.


Before you can set up a short code, your application must first be vetted by the CTIA to

confirm you aren't a spammer. This process can take several weeks. A long code can be

up and running the same day.


Customers must opt in to receive short code messages. This is to prevent businesses

from sending unwanted spam. No opt-in is necessary for long codes. However, to protect

consumers, mobile carriers don't allow bulk marketing messages and other types of spam

to be sent using long codes.

Personalization and interaction

Short codes are used for automated messages. With the exception of certain functional

messages, like HELP (if you need assistance) and STOP (to unsubscribe), there is no

interaction with end users. In contrast, long codes enable personalized, two-way

communication between the business and the customer.

Cost to the end user

Messages sent to and received from long codes are subject to the terms of the end

user's service plan. Messages sent to and received from short codes can be subject to

these same terms, but they can also be set up to be free to the end user. However, with

most cell phone plans moving toward unlimited talk, text, and data, the potential cost

differential is quickly disappearing.


Finally, short codes are typically leased, not owned. This makes them useful mainly for

short-term campaigns. Long codes are like regular phone numbers -- they're exclusive to


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8 ways businesses use SMS

As a fast, efficient, direct form of communication, SMS text messaging is ideal for a wide

variety of business uses.

Automated, one-way text messages

Opt-in notifications

You can sign up to receive text message notifications about your flight status, when your

bills are due, and when there's been activity on your checking account. It's a great way

businesses use text messaging to keep customers informed about timely issues.

Marketing campaigns

Customers can opt in to receive marketing messages via text message. For example, SMS

is perfect for contextual marketing. Say you own a Thai food restaurant and someone

opts in to your marketing campaigns. Come Friday around 11:45, you can send them a

text message advertising a 10% off lunch deal. Then just make sure you have enough

staff on hand to handle the rush!


You've seen these offers: “Enter to win a TV! Text 303-442-3223 right now!" Offering a

contest by text is another way to grow your SMS marketing list.


Charities have found that SMS is an amazing way to collect donations. After Hurricane

Sandy, more than $900,000 was collected via text.

Real-time information on request

Text messaging can deliver real-time information on-demand. For example, bus schedules

-- many cities now have a service that allows you text a number to see when your bus is

due to arrive. These notifications are often sponsored by companies, so they serve

double-duty as marketing campaigns.

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Customized, two-way text messages


Text messaging has proven to be a boon for recruiters, especially in fields like healthcare

staffing, where the target candidates (e.g., travel nurses) work long shifts and aren't easily

accessible during the day. Texting allows recruiters to reach more candidates and to

move them through the placement process faster. Check out these case studies to learn

how some of the nation's top healthcare staffing firms use text messaging for recruiting.


Salespeople in SaaS and other businesses have noticed a disturbing trend -- traditional

forms of sales communication (i.e., phone calls and email) don't work

anymore. Response rates to these efforts are falling off a cliff. Text messages, on the

other hand, have a 98% read rate and a 35% to 45% response rate. This is where your

prospects are, and if you want to reach them, it's where you need to be too.

Customer engagement

Customer engagement is the secret to business success. Gallup has found that across

industries fully engaged customers represent “an average 23% premium in terms of share

of wallet, profitability, revenue, and relationship growth compared with the average

customer." In some sectors, like restaurants, the engaged customer premium is greater

than 50%. An actively disengaged customer? A 13% decrease in those key metrics.

Text messaging provides an easy and effective way for businesses to stay engaged with

their customers, even if that just means sending a simple thank you message. Explore

these nine text message templates you can personalize and use as part of your customer

engagement strategy.

Best practices for business text messaging

In a previous post, we outlined 10 dos and don'ts of business text messaging etiquette .

(Example: DO respect your contacts' time and attention, DON'T text at weird hours.)

Here, we'll look at best practices for crafting your text message communications. These

best practices are specifically targeted toward customized, two-way business text

messaging, but most of them apply to automated one-way messages as well.

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Communicate your intentions clearly

Tell your contacts why you want to text them. Will you be texting meeting requests?

Renewal notices? Links to paperwork for them to fill out? Make sure your customers and

prospects know what to expect and give them the option to receive your communications

in another way if they prefer.

Don't send spam

As in, never ever. If you do, you'll lose your customers and prospects faster than you can

say CAN-SPAM Act. Even worse, you might get reported as sending spam and have your

number blocked. Before you start sending too many texts, get your contacts' permission

to communicate with them in this way.

Avoid the mass blast

We recently polled 45 staffing professionals about how they communicated with their

prospects. We found that companies growing at a very fast rate (>50%) used text

messaging very differently from companies growing at a slow rate (<5%). Specifically,

fast-growth staffing companies use texting in a highly personalized fashion -- for sales,

customer service, and normal communications. Slow-growth companies take more of a

shotgun approach -- blasting advertisements and sending mass texts.

The result? Obviously fast-growth companies are growing much faster, but also they

report that their candidates react much more positively to receiving their text messages.

Deliver value

Just like any good piece of content, the goal of your business text messages should be to

deliver value. Value can come in the form of increased efficiency or essential information.

The important thing is that you don't just ask for something -- You give something. Here

are three ways you can deliver value via text .

Provide a way out

If you send automated text messages as part of a marketing campaign, make sure your

subscribers have the ability to opt out at any time. If you conduct two-way texting

conversations with prospects or customers, be respectful and honor their wishes when

they say, “Can you call me instead?"

Here's a good rule of thumb: Don't send a text you wouldn't want to receive.

If you follow it, everything will be all right.

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MMS: The next evolution of business text messagingSMS allows plain text messages to be sent over cellular networks. MMS, or Multimedia

Messaging Service, is a newer protocol that allows multimedia files, like images, videos,

and attachments, to be sent as well. MMS is booming -- by next year, the MMS market

worldwide is expected to reach $21 billion, with almost 400 billion messages being sent.

For business communications, MMS offers many opportunities, but there are also a few


The opportunities

You can spice up your communications for better engagement. For example, instead

of sending a welcome text message to new customers, send a welcome video.

You can attach files, such as instructional documents or forms that need to be filled


You can use MMS for group text broadcasts.

MMS doesn't have a character-length limit (for SMS it's 160), so you have more

flexibility in what you send.

The caveats

Not all phones are capable of receiving MMS messages. Check with your contacts

before you start sending messages in this format.

MMS messages cost more to send and receive. If your contacts don't have sufficient

data plans, you might be hitting them with extra charges. Again, the key is simply to


The caveat to the caveats: Most modern phones do support MMS and cell phone data

plans are getting bigger as a matter of course. So these caveats won't be caveats for long.

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Which one of these are you most like to respond to most quickly: voicemail, email, or text


Let me guess: you picked text message.

People are becoming less responsive to phone calls, voicemails, and emails. However,

they still read 98% of their text messages (90% within the first three minutes ) and

respond about 30% to 40% of the time.

For salespeople and recruiters, wasting time on unheard voicemails results in less sales

for you or your team. Our clients find that two-way text messaging improves response

rates by up to 20% and can save recruiters up to 83 minutes a day!

How to Increase Sales withTwo-Way Text MessagingPeople are becoming less responsive to phone calls, voicemails, andemails. But, they still read 98% of their text messages!

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Here are three ways you can increase your sales with two-way text messaging.

1. Send personalized messages

Whatever message you send and however you send it, personalization will increase the

open and response rates. Old school SMS 1.0 -- which uses short codes and is just one-

way -- is generic and often spammy.

With two-way text messaging for business, aka SMS 2.0, you can send personalized

messages, and your contacts won't be able to tell the difference between a text message

sent from your computer and one sent from your phone.

2. Make contact more often

You probably spend a lot of time leaving voicemails and sending emails with very little

response. TextUs.Biz changes this.

Research shows that, as long as texting is done well, more text messages means more

conversions. A study by Velocify found that sending three or more “purposeful" (i.e., not

spammy) text messages following initial contact boosts conversions by 328%.

With two-way text messaging from, you can manage multiple conversations at

the same time, which means you can make contact with all of your prospects more often.

You can even set up auto replies so the software manages your conversations

automatically when you're away from your computer.

3. Manage the communication process from beginningto end

While text messaging is not a complete replacement for phone calls and emails, it is

instrumental in managing your communications with prospects from the beginning of the

sales cycle to the end. Here are three times text messaging is particularly useful.

1. Making initial contact

There are two schools of thought about when in the sales process it is appropriate to use

text messaging. Some suggest it should be used only after an initial phone conversation or

email exchange, but others find it useful for making initial contact. Recruiters in particular

find that making initial contact via text message can get you that essential “yes" or “no"

answer right away, so you can either plan to follow up or turn your attention to more

promising prospects.

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2. Scheduling phone calls

Many people simply won't answer a phone call they aren't expecting. And if you call at an

inconvenient time, you might blow your chances of ever getting your prospect on the

phone. With two-way text messaging, you can ask your prospects' permission to call and

then schedule the call at the time that is best for them. When the day comes, send a text

message reminder to decrease the chances that your appointment will be forgotten.

3. Following up after a sale

It costs up to seven times less to retain a customer than to acquire a new one . Use two-

way text messaging to follow up after sales as a way of exchanging information,

maintaining customer relationships, and obtaining feedback.

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Every new communication technology comes with its own etiquette challenges, especially

when that technology is applied to the business world. Business text messaging is

particularly tricky, because while business communications are more formal, text

messaging is the ultimate in casual.

Texting is also a very direct line of communication -- you are literally dropping a message

right into someone's pocket! This is what makes texting so effective. But it's also what

can make texting feel intrusive if it isn't done properly.

The secret to sending great business texts isn't really a secret. Like so many other things

in life, it comes down to having great manners.

Text Messaging EtiquetteAsking permission, texting at appropriate times, showing respect --manners are just as important for texting as for any other form ofcommunication.

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Here are the dos and don'ts of business text messaging etiquette.

Business Text Messaging: The Dos

Do respect your contacts' time and attention

According to research by mobileSQUARED, 90% of text messages are read within 3

minutes of delivery. If you're going to demand your contacts' immediate time and

attention, be respectful and don't send them messages they don't want.

Here are seven types of business text messages your customers and prospects will be

happy to receive.

Do use proper spelling, grammar, capitalization, andpunctuation

Sloppy writing isn't acceptable in any medium.

Do keep it short

The limit for text messages is 160 characters. If you need to go beyond that, it's probably

better to send an email instead.

Do respond to texts

You want your customers and prospects to respond to you, so respond to them.

Especially if they ask a question or need help with something -- don't leave them hanging.

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Business Text Messaging: The Don'ts

Don't use inappropriate abbreviations

“Thx" for “thanks" is ok, but don't use abbreviations like “WTF" or “LMAO." In Business

Insider, Jacquelyn Smith and Vivian Giang provide a very good rule of thumb for

abbreviations: “only type what you would be comfortable saying out loud."

Don't text at weird hours

Remember that people will most likely read your texts immediately, so don't send them in

the middle of the night. Stick to normal business hours.

Don't change appointments or schedules via text

If you're going to be late or need to cancel an appointment, switch venues, or make

another change that could affect your contacts' schedule, pick up the phone.

Don't rely solely on speech-to-text or autocorrect

They often get things wrong. Avoid embarrassment by double- and triple-checking every

text before you hit Send.

Don't call and email and text and…

It's common to both leave a voicemail and send an email. But unless there's an

emergency, don't leave a voicemail and send an email and send a text. That's just


Text messaging can be a huge boon for your business. These tips will help you do it right.

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If you're in healthcare or finance, or if you use email for commercial purposes, you know

all about regulatory compliance. You also probably have internal systems in place (like call

recording and email archiving) so you can keep an eye on how your salespeople and

customer service agents are representing your brand.

Compliance and accountability are two of the reasons companies invest in TextUs. For

example, many of our staffing clients tell us that before becoming TextUs clients, their

recruiters were already using text messaging with great success. But they were doing it

using their personal mobile phones. TextUs provides is a way for these agencies to meet

compliance requirements and also monitor the text messages being sent on their behalf.

Accountability and ComplianceTextUs provides is a way for your company to meet compliancerequirements and also monitor the text messages being sent on yourbehalf.

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Here is a three-step guide to managing accountability and compliance with business text


1. Use a text messaging platform

You wouldn't want your employees sending business emails from their personal email

addresses. Texting is no different -- any communications that come from your employees

should be sent via an authorized platform.

By using a text messaging platform, you can also make sure that your business text

messages will be archived and accessible on demand, a requirement of many compliance


2. Provide training

It's one thing to put a process in place; it's a different thing to get people to follow it.

Provide compliance and accountability training for your employees so they understand

why it's important and how to do it right.

Also make sure your staff is trained on how to use your text messaging platform. It's easy

and won't take much time! But it's still an essential step.

3. Perform regular audits

Auditing yourself is a great way to prepare for a regulatory inspection. It also provides an

accountability spot-check. So, at least once a year, conduct a self-audit to identify any

areas in need of improvement -- before anyone else does.

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You ignore mail, voicemail, and even email. But there's just something about text

messaging you can't resist. It's the same for your prospects and customers -- the open

rate for text messaging is an extraordinary 98%!

Here are seven types of business text messages you should be sending to reach your

audience where they're most eager to connect.

7 Business Text Messages YouShould Be SendingTo succeed with business texting, you need to reach your audiencewhere and when they're ready to connect.

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Welcome messages

When a customer leaves their information with you, or trusts you with a purchase, a

hearty welcome text can make them feel even better about their decision. Send an

automated (but personalized) welcome note that shows customers how happy you are

that they joined you.

Thank-you notes

A variation on the welcome message is a thank-you note. Thank you is one of the most

powerful phrases in the English language. And for sales: saying “Thank you" is a tried and

true way to earn repeat customers. Importantly for text messaging, it also increases the

likelihood that you'll get a note back. There is no wrong time to say “thank you," so send

this type of text message as reinforcement at any point.

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Meeting requests and reminders

Scheduling appointments is one of the top uses of business text messaging. Before you

spend time calling someone (and probably talking to their voicemail), send a quick text to

ask when is a good time. Before your meeting, send a reminder. Rather than making your

contacts check their email or voicemail, shoot them a text to get your message right in

front of their eyes.

Order confirmations

Order confirmation emails are common. But again, why not send a text? If you're shipping

a product, you can even send a shipping confirmation with a tracking code.

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Renewal notices

Subscriptions running out? Send a renewal notice. Put a link to re-up directly in the text

message, so customers can take action immediately.

Special offers

Anytime you've got a promotion running, send a text to your target audience. Be sure to

personalize the message so your customers think the offer is just for them, and include a

quick link or code for maximum accessibility and effectiveness.

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Want to know what your customers think? Send them a survey via text. The average

response rate to email surveys hovers around 25%, but studies show that sending a

survey via text message significantly increases the response rate. Not only that, but you'll

get your responses much faster. But be kind to your respondents and remember they're

on their phones -- don't make your survey too long, and don't include too many open-

ended questions where they need to type.

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You're already sending business text messages to reach your target audiences more

quickly and effectively. Why not also set up personalized templates? It's faster for you,

and it makes your customers feel like a million bucks.

On the following pages, you'll find nine templates you can use right away. Go ahead and


9 Text Message TemplatesPersonalized templates make it fast and easy to communicate withcustomers and prospects.

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To welcome someone to your business

A welcome can make a world of difference. Use it to acknowledge the simple fact of a

customer's presence and to set the tone for future interactions.

To remind them of an appointment

For visitors who may or may not be in the habit of checking their voicemail, a text

provides a quick visual reminder and a chance to spark an interaction.

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To give directions

Make sure your visitors can find you. Sending directions via text saves them the trouble

of having to ask!

To send event details

For conferences or trade shows, sending a text with logistical details will make attendees

feel cared for. Crowds will flow better and stay friendlier when they know what to expect

from their schedule.

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To confirm an order

You can still send an email receipt, but a quick text to confirm an order makes an

immediate, personal connection.

To send a renewal notice

Adding a link to your renewal notice gives customers a one-stop option for immediate


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To highlight a special offer

Catch your target audience with special offers and time-based promotions when they're

already out and about.

To gather feedback

Surveys sent via text are more likely to be answered. Let your customers tell you what

they think quickly and conveniently.

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To thank your customers

Thank-you notes have a proven return rate. Customers are more likely to send you a note

back and more likely to bring you their business again, too.

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We talk a lot about text messaging as a new and exciting form of two-way business

communication. Indeed, business texting is a great way to schedule appointments, send

quick welcome and thank you messages, and just generally keep the lines of

communication open between you and your prospects.

But text messages can do more than that. Just like with email and social media, you can

use text messages to deliver valuable content.

Text Messages as ContentText messaging isn't just for notifications and conversations. Learn howto integrated texting into your content strategy.

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Here are three ways to use text messages as content:

1. Link to blog posts and other content on your site

Email marketing, such as through newsletters and drip campaigns, is a top way to engage

your audience with content. Why not do the same thing with text messages? If you

publish a blog post that would be valuable for your customers or prospects, send them a

text with the link.

2. Create drip text messaging campaigns

If you use a text messaging platform like TextUs.Biz, you can even schedule drip text

message campaigns. Set up a series of three or five texts that provide valuable

information to your audience or help move them down your sales funnel. It's like a drip

email campaign, but much more difficult to ignore!

3. Use relevant hashtags (judiciously) for easysearching

Hashtags have come to mean a lot of things -- on social media, they are commonly used

for emphasis or commentary as well as for joining a conversation. But hashtags can also

be used in text messages for organization and searchability.

Especially if you are sending content or information that someone might need at a later

date, include a relevant hashtag. For example, if you're a recruiter texting candidates

about job opportunities, tag your messages with #JobOp. This will enable the recipients

to easily search their text messages in the future.

The one thing to keep in mind before implementing any of these ideas is to be respectful

of your audience -- make sure the information you are sending is truly valuable and don't

send it uninvited. Remember that sending a text message is like dropping a message

directly into someone's pocket. Always get permission before you start sending texts, and

always provide a way for people to opt-out.

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Ready to Increase YourLeads by 800%?

Request a free demo of our two-way text-messagingsoftware.