How to submit suggestion

Suggestion and RT Part One How to submit suggestion Part Two How to apply suggestion (working on RT)

Transcript of How to submit suggestion

Suggestion and RTPart One

How to submit suggestion  

Part Two How to apply suggestion (working on RT)

How to submit suggestion

Part one

1. Correct format for suggestion email: email subject and email body; 2. How to choose the correct suggestion title: Sug-XX;  3. The procedure of Staff commenter and RT commenter dealing with suggestion; 4. How to submit high quality suggestion.

Sample: (date)Sug-XX:xxxxxxxxxx(5/22)Sug-Stay: Sug-stay: Move wink page into More info page for users to send wink or quick message easily.   

1. Correct format for suggestion email: email subject and email body A. email subject: correct email subject is made up of 3 parts: date(5/22), suggestion title(Sug-XX), and one sentence to summarize your suggestion.

a. Date: use the date you submit the suggestion, like (5/22); b. Sug-XX: choose the correct suggestion title (for details, please go to 2.How to choose the correct suggestion title: Sug-XX. ) c. The sentence to summarize your suggestion: try to make it simple and clearly. Receiver easily knows what changes you want to do when reading your email title.  

Pay attention to the details:

describe changes you make in detail; list advantages of your changes;  screenshots.        

B. email body: correct email body is mainly made up of 3 parts:

a. Changes you make: describe them in details, what changes you want to make, and on which pages; b. Advantages/Reasons: what are the advantages for those changes you make? c. Screenshots: usually there are three kinds of screenshots in one suggestion.  screenshots from competitors or users' feedback if any;   

Pay attention to the details:

screenshots before change: normally two, one is from test site, another is from live site (or your own project if it is a project suggestion). screenshots after change (date): mark the date when you make the after change screenshots.   

Take this suggestion email as an example:

Suggestion titles are different based on the changes made are different kinds of pages.  For example, if changes are made on registration pages, use title Sug-registration;if changes are made on payment pages, and the changes are about encouraging users to pay, then use title Sug-membership, etc.

2. How to choose the correct suggestion title: Sug-XX;

Suggestions we have now:

Explanations of THREE "commenters":

During suggestion procedureStaff Commenter RT Commenter

During RT application procedureApply Commenter


Staff Commenters change weekly, while RT Commenters and Apply Commenters seldom have any changes. Staff who are good at submitting quality suggestion will be assigned to be RT comments or Apply Commenters.

Staff Commenter: The staff whom you submit the suggestion to, is called staff commenter. Staff commenter will check if your suggestion is good or not first, then decide whether to forward your suggestion to [email protected]; or refuse your suggestion. (Staff commenters change weekly. )

RT Commenter: The staff who decides your suggestion is good and offer bonus comment, is called RT commenter. This staff will receive your suggestion from [email protected]. Then help you improve the suggestion and make bonus comment.

Apply Commenter: When your suggestion gets the bonus comment, it becomes an RT. Staff who deals with your RT request and decide how to test and apply your RT to product site(s) is called Apply Commenter.

News about the arrangement of weekly Staff Commenters will sent to [email protected] on every Monday morning. Check it carefully to find out your Staff Commenter this week.

A. Procedure and format for sending the suggestion email. To: to your staff commenter;Cc: cc email address [email protected] (it is used to collect all suggestions ) submitted by all staff);

Subject: (5/20)Sug-Registration: xxxxxx   

3. The procedure of Staff commenter and RT commenter dealing with suggestion;

Note If your suggestion is about fixing the bugs, use this format: To: to email address [email protected] (qa staff will test and verify the bug your report);Cc: cc [email protected] and corresponding RT Commenter;Subject: (5/20)Sug-Registration: fix the bug on page XXXXX. After getting approval from qa staff, RT commenter will decide and offer bonus comment directly.

B. The procedure of Staff Commenter dealing with your suggestion.

a. If Staff Commenter agrees with changes in your suggestion, Staff Commenter will: Forward it to: [email protected]; Cc: you b. If Staff Commenter disagrees with changes in your suggestion, Staff Commenter will: Reply to: you Then in the email body, Staff Commenter will list the reason for disagreement. Note: In this case, you may resend your suggestion to the Staff Commenter next week.

C. The procedure of RT Commenter dealing with your suggestion.

a. When RT Commenter agrees with changes in your suggestion, s/he will offer bonus comment: To: you Cc: [email protected], CEO, Product Manager, assigned engineer Bonus comments in the email body: WORK WITH SAM ON MS. 88VIP (engineer will first apply your suggestion on WORK WITH SAM ON ALL SITES. 88VIP (engineer will apply your suggestion to all product sites directly) b. When RT Commenter disagrees with changes in your suggestion, s/he will refuse it and reply to you directly. Note: In this case, you can do two things: a). Try to find out more better changes to improve your suggestion; b). If you do think your suggestion is pretty good enough, you can send it to Product Manager two weeks later in format: To: Product Manager Cc: RT commenter, [email protected] Subject: (5/22)Sug-Registration(rejected): xxxxxxx Email Body: List the reasons of RT Commenter's disagreement first, then your suggestion with newest before and after change screenshots.

Sample email of sending refused suggestion to Product Manager

Sample email of the bonus comment from RT Commenter

1. Check major competitors:,,, etc; For photos changes, refer to the popular site like, etc. Reading technical blogs like, etc. 2. Feedback from users: Check users' feedback and complaint carefully. You can always get some ideas.  3. And more, please refer to manual: 

4. How to submit high quality suggestion.

1. Check major competitors:,,, etc; For photos changes, refer to the popular site like, etc. Reading technical blogs like, etc. 2. Feedback from users: Check users' feedback and complaint carefully. You can always get some ideas.  

4. How to submit high quality suggestion.