How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not...

Do you remember a time when you had a big and lofty dream? Perhaps you dreamed of crossing the ocean in a sailboat or chiseling sculpture out of mountain rock. As a youngster, you may have worked hard toward achieving that dream. You talked about it with your every acquaintance and most distant relation whenever you had the opportunity. But slowly you drifted away from your heart's desire. What happened? The answer is easy: You got distracted! You got confused. Your friends enticed you into joining their parade. You were no longer in rhythm with who you are. The law of momentum in physics says that a body in motion tends to remain in motion until an outside force acts upon it. Distractions. Your friends or family members acted upon you by overtly discouraging you, or by encouraging you to follow a more "sensible" path. So you stopped practicing, stopped studying, stopped working toward your highest ambition. All those distractions and "sensible" decisions competed for your attention. Your grand dream gradually became just a footnote in the history of your life. Have you ever heard the truism that says "used to bees make no honey"? Do you know people who are always talking about what they used to do? They usually say, “Someday I will pick it up again.” But that's a weak excuse for avoiding the risk of living your dream. The time is now! When you have a worthy goal— something that is worth going after, you have to apply the law of critical success to your life. This law says that you should always be doing something that moves you closer to your goal. Question: What are you doing today that is drawing you a little bit nearer to accomplishing your dream? Shakespeare wrote, “This above all, to thine own self be true.” Bravo, Mr. Shakespeare! Being true to yourself means that you do what matters most to you, regardless of what else is competing for your time. Our deeds and achievements are the only yardsticks we can use to measure our integrity, and the only evidence we can use to judge whether we have been true to our selves. From now on, why not put the law of momentum into action? It is said that motion creates emotion. When you take action toward that which you most desire, your self-confidence will soar. Distractions shift you off-course or slow you down; actions accelerate you forward along your chosen course. Every action strengthens you to take another. You will become unstoppable! You will liberate yourself from guilt and self-pity. You will become the envy of the world. Many people never commit to anything. They have interests and hobbies, but no passion or driving ambition. I believe that you are one of those people who can commit; otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. Life is like a bicycle. The moment we stop pedaling, we start losing momentum. If we coast for too long, we fall. Resolve to press on in spite of all your distractions. Here is what you can do to get whatever you want in life: First, identify your distractions and move away from them. By doing so, you will become effective rather than merely efficient. Being effective means doing the right things, while being efficient means doing things right. It's nice to be efficient, but it doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective; let efficiency come as it may. Second, write the word MOMENTUM in big letters and hang it somewhere that you will see it often. Do something daily that will bring you closer to your goal. Third, make a public commitment by asking your friends—those who are positive and encouraging—to hold you accountable. Talk about your dream with them to begin edging it into the world. Speak of it as something that you are doing, not something that you think about doing. Finally, learn all you can about the lore of your passion. If you are not, at the least, more knowledgeable than the average person about the subject of your dream, you are fooling somebody—yourself. Live your finest ambition. Do it because you must. You probably won’t find any help when you begin. You will, however, get all the help you want when you are already there. So be true to thine own self. Honesty is the iron string that vibrates within every heart. Let results be the measure of your integrity. Work hard at it. Do more than is expected, more than is common. Keep the momentum going! MARCH/APRIL VOLUME 7, ISSUE 9 Columns and advice: How to Stay Motivated. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Education, Training, Contests . . . . . .2 Due’s Renewals/It’s That Time. . . . . 3 Promote your Corporate Club. . . . . ..7 Special Announcement to Officers. .14 District A Boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Building Membership w/ Teamwork 17 Opportunities to participate: Best Club Newsletter. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Spring Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Conference Education Presenters . . .9 Spring Division Contests . . . . . . . . . .14 Join the Marketing Team. . . . . . . . . .17 Recognition: New District Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Feb Hall of Fame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mar Hall of Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Welcome New Members . . . . . . 10/18 Dates and Deadlines: March/April Club Anniversaries. . . . . 4 Membership Promotions. . . . . . . . . . .6 Calendar/IRS Filing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Hotline is the official publication of District 25 Toastmasters, serving members throughout North Central Texas. How to Stay Motivated David McCallister, DTM - District 25 Governor DISTRICT 25 AT A GLANCE Membership & Marketing Total New Clubs: 15 Total New Members: 1258 Education Total CCs: 185 Total ACs: 92 Total Leadership: 118 Overall Performance Rank in North America: #1 Rank in World: #3

Transcript of How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not...

Page 1: How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective;

Do you remember a time when you had a big and lofty dream? Perhaps you dreamed of crossing the ocean in a sailboat or chiseling sculpture out of mountain rock. As a youngster, you may have worked hard toward achieving that dream. You talked about it with your every acquaintance and most distant relation whenever you had the opportunity. But slowly you drifted away from your heart's desire. What happened?

The answer is easy: You got distracted! You got confused. Your friends enticed you into joining their parade. You were no longer in rhythm with who you are.

The law of momentum in physics says that a body in motion tends to remain in motion until an outside force acts upon it. Distractions. Your friends or family members acted upon you by overtly discouraging you, or by encouraging you to follow a more "sensible" path. So you stopped practicing, stopped studying, stopped working toward your highest ambition. All those distractions and "sensible" decisions competed for your attention. Your grand dream gradually became just a footnote in the history of your life.

Have you ever heard the truism that says "used to bees make no honey"? Do you know people who are always talking about what they used to do? They usually say, “Someday I will pick it up again.” But that's a weak excuse for avoiding the risk of living your dream. The time is now! When you have a worthy goal—something that is worth going after, you have to apply the law of critical success to your life. This law says that you should always be doing something that moves you closer to your goal. Question: What are you doing today that is drawing you a little bit nearer to accomplishing your dream?

Shakespeare wrote, “This above all, to thine own self be true.” Bravo, Mr. Shakespeare! Being true to yourself means that you do what matters most to you, regardless of what else is competing for your time. Our deeds and achievements are the only yardsticks we can use to measure our integrity, and the only evidence we can use to judge whether we have been true to our selves.

From now on, why not put the law of momentum into action? It is said that motion creates emotion. When you take action toward that which you most desire, your self-confidence will soar. Distractions shift you off-course or slow you down; actions accelerate you forward along your chosen course. Every action strengthens you to take another. You will become unstoppable! You will liberate yourself from guilt and self-pity. You will become the envy of the world. Many people never commit to anything. They have interests and hobbies, but no passion or driving ambition. I believe that you are one of those people who can commit; otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article.

Life is like a bicycle. The moment we stop pedaling, we start losing momentum. If we coast for too long, we fall. Resolve to press on in spite of all your distractions.

Here is what you can do to get whatever you want in life: First, identify your distractions and move away from them. By doing so, you will become effective rather than merely efficient. Being effective means doing the right things, while being efficient means doing things right. It's nice to be efficient, but it doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective; let efficiency come as it may.

Second, write the word MOMENTUM in big letters and hang it somewhere that you will see it often. Do something daily that will bring you closer to your goal.

Third, make a public commitment by asking your friends—those who are positive and encouraging—to hold you accountable. Talk about your dream with them to begin edging it into the world. Speak of it as something that you are doing, not something that you think about doing.

Finally, learn all you can about the lore of your passion. If you are not, at the least, more knowledgeable than the average person about the subject of your dream, you are fooling somebody—yourself.

Live your finest ambition. Do it because you must. You probably won’t find any help when you begin. You will, however, get all the help you want when you are already there. So be true to thine own self. Honesty is the iron string that vibrates within every heart. Let results be the measure of your integrity. Work hard at it. Do more than is expected, more than is common. Keep the momentum going!


Columns and advice:

How to Stay Motivated. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Education, Training, Contests . . . . . .2 Due’s Renewals/It’s That Time. . . . . 3 Promote your Corporate Club. . . . . ..7 Special Announcement to Officers. .14 District A Boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Building Membership w/ Teamwork 17

Opportunities to participate: Best Club Newsletter. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Spring Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Conference Education Presenters . . .9 Spring Division Contests . . . . . . . . . .14 Join the Marketing Team. . . . . . . . . .17


New District Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Feb Hall of Fame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mar Hall of Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Welcome New Members . . . . . . 10/18

Dates and Deadlines: March/April Club Anniversaries. . . . . 4 Membership Promotions. . . . . . . . . . .6 Calendar/IRS Filing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Hotline is the official publication of District 25 Toastmasters, serving members throughout North Central Texas.

How to Stay Motivated David McCallister, DTM - District 25 Governor

DISTRICT 25 AT A GLANCE Membership & Marketing Total New Clubs: 15 Total New Members: 1258 Education Total CCs: 185 Total ACs: 92 Total Leadership: 118 Overall Performance Rank in North America: #1 Rank in World: #3

Page 2: How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective;

Education, Training, Contests and More! David D. Martin, DTM- Lt. Governor Education & Training 2009-2010




Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010


First let me start out by saying thank you to all the club officers who came out to

officer training as you strived toward your club’s DCP Goal. District 25 achieved

75% of clubs with at least the minimum of four (4) officers trained and several

more aiming high and obtaining their Super 7 award! A big thank you goes out to

all the trainers that worked hard to bring quality educational sessions to every-

one, as well as all the clubs who hosted the trainings at their home club sites, and all the Division Gov-

ernors who hosted all the makeup trainings. Also, a very special thank you to your D25 Training Chair

Bonne Stroman for her tireless efforts in coordinating this year’s TLI’s. She did an outstanding job

throughout the year with a smile on her face and deserves much praise. You may check the training re-

cords on the D25 website’s homepage under Online Services for accuracy. These records will be turned

into Toastmasters International in the very near future.

The spring Area contest season is complete, and I want to congratulate all the competitors so far on an

outstanding and spirited contest season thus far. The Area Governors did an exceptional job hosting the

contests and all are to be commended. As I criss-crossed the District I have heard some truly amazing

Tall Tales and International Speeches and look forward to the Division Contests and the culmination at

the District Conference. You can find the Division contest schedule on the D25 website under District

Services Education & Training. I hope to see you at one or all the contests!

If you haven’t already started, now is the time to start concentrating on your club’s DCP goals as you

strive to become Distinguished, Select Distinguished, and Presidents Distinguished clubs. There are

many ideas available on the D25 Website under Resources to assist you in achieving your club’s goal.

There is an abundance of information on marketing and membership as well as education. Check out

the Moments of Truth Module for free under Education & Training and give your club a gut check on

how you are doing and what you can do to improve in every area, from marketing, to guests, giving ef-

fective evaluations, and much more. I wish you all the best as you work toward your personal and club

goals. As always, please feel free to contact me at anytime if I can be of assistance to you in any way!



Page 3: How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective;

Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010

Dues Renewals-It’s That Time Again! Diana Patton, DTM—Lieutenant Governor Marketing 2009-2010

I hope that each club president has received the packet of information that we as a

team (David McCallister, David Martin and myself) put together and mailed at the

end of March. There are a number of items enclosed and detailed in letter ad-

dressed to each club president.

A club resource CD is the big ’gift’. There is a wealth of information on this CD that officers and mem-

bers can benefit from. This CD is the first version of this project, and we welcome any feedback you

have. Be sure and spend some time looking at information on the CD and sharing with your officers and


Also included in packet is a sample guest packet for your club. This can be used as a starting point to

create a guest packet or to enhance your current version. Also in the packet is a supply of materials to

build more guest packets. We welcome your feedback!




Current Prospective Club Leads April 2010

UTA—Arlington DynCorp—Ft Worth

Texas Women’s University-Denton Omni Ft. Worth Hotel—Ft. Worth

TCC-Ft Worth Chase—Arlington

Chase-Irving Ft Worth Housing Authority-Ft Worth

TXU Energy-Las Colinas Sogeti

Ft. Worth Housing Authority Flower Mound United Methodist Church

Las Colinas Towers Toastmasters

Club #1465837 Division B- Area 25

Las Colinas Towers II

225 E. John Carpenter Freeway Irving, TX 75062

Every other Wednesday, 6:00 PM

Open Club

Dan Coffin Bridget Curl John Farr Steve Farr John Ferguson Mike Figliola Sree Kanth Ganta Jacquelyne Griffin Charles Hart Bobby Jefferson

Janelle Jordan Adam Martin Regina McClendon Tracy Mollett Sherrie Norris Beth Parkhurst Diana Patton Samuel Puentes Thomas Richardson Kelly Smith

Welcome New Club to District 25!

Page 4: How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective;





Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010

D25 Phoenix Award Eligible clubs: Any club with 13 or fewer members on July 1, 2009 Goal: Build club to 20 members by June 30, 2010 Award: Receive a Phoenix Patch to display proudly on your banner

5440 Clearly Speaking 6191 Afterburners 1415 Plymouth Park 5286 Plane Talk 5922 Nissan Toastmasters 4225 Shining Stars 4538 Power Communicators 7351 Fish Pond 7694 EDS-Trinity 7277 Baylor Orators Toastmasters 768318 Speaking With Class 771978 Connection Communicators 1002109 Waco Wordsmiths 988129 Eagle 1 1009806 Little Elm Toastmasters 1137495 Toast Captains


305 Wichita Falls 989 Southlake Reach for Success 3546 Waco - Early Birds

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Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010

5 Hotline




Submissions to D25 Public Relations officer Oliver Cozby: [email protected] Note: Submission should include Club Name, link to website, and/ or newsletter (or newsletter attachment). I suggest a short narrative in the e-mail (narrative can include how your club informs and draws members using these tools): Name of the club, Newsletter editor, and or Website designer. The Club Newsletter and Website will be judged on the following information: Club Name, Number, Area, Division Meeting date, time, location (map if desired) Contact Person and Title (if officer) Contact Phone Number and Email History of the Club, how and when did the club start? (Hint: date on International website) Events Calendar Photos Readability Informative Timely Creative Special Events / PR Mission Statement of the Club Toastmasters Promise D25 Website Toastmasters International Website

For more information go to: Club Newsletter Criteria in addition to above: Electronic or Hardcopy submissions allowed (links preferred) Club Website address documented in newsletter Club Website Criteria in addition to above: Link to club newsletter (including past newsletters) Website Links (if any)

For more information go to: Additional considerations for Website and/or Newsletter: Member Accomplishments Member News Member of the Month List of Officers and Term Officer Installation Article New Member Article Recent Awards Electronic Guest Book to draw internet traffic Area and Division Governor Information Toastmasters International Hierarchy (club, area, division,etc.) Member Testimonials

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Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010

6 Hotline


Pinpalooza! Free Membership Pins!

District 25 Marketing has gone crazy! We are giving away new member pins … FREE!!! For every new, dual, or reinstated member added to any Toastmasters

Club in District 25 from January 1, 2010 through Division speech contests, we will provide the new member pin. So if your club adds 3 members, we will send you 3 new member pins. Add 6 members, we will send you 6 new member pins. Add 20

members, we will send you 20 new member pins.




Golden Gavel


D25 Phoenix Award

Check the District 25 website for full details on current promotions and contests!

Page 7: How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective;

Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010




Are you an officer of a corporate club? Do you wonder how to get the word out to fellow employees about your club? Sandra McMillian is president of the Talk Blue Toastmaster club at IBM

and she took time out of her day to promote her club to fellow employees. She recently wrote an arti-cle which has been published in their corporate newsletters. To quote Sandra regarding Toastmas-ters: “Learn how to take your communications to a higher level.” Here is a portion of Sandra’s article: “When I was an OPS SE, I had the opportunity to present to customers in seminars, forums and train-ing classes on IBM’s mainframe products. I had no previous experience on giving presentations. It was definitely an ‘on the job’ experience to learn the do’s and don’ts when speaking and presenting. I had taken several IBM Asset classes (Negotiation, Writing, Empowerment and others) during the 90’s to increase my public speaking skills, but I was still always very nervous and lacked the confidence to stand before an audience. When I became a SE, I was often teamed up with the IBM Client Represen-tative, Project Managers and other team members assigned to the account to give presentations to the customers and executives on various software products, tools and offerings. Everyone on the team seemed more polished in their presentation delivery than I, and this greatly intimidated and frustrated me. “I never will forget the day the team scheduled a presentation for the customer to discuss migrating systems. My role was to present the compatibility of the new software products for the new Operating Systems as compared to those in the existing customer’s software environment. I had to also show which software products required converting and migrating, as well as the version levels. When it was my turn to speak, I was so nervous. The palms of my hands started to sweat and shake, my lips no-ticeably shivered slightly and I began to lose my thoughts. Once I stood up and faced the crowd in the room, there was no turning back. As I began to speak, I found myself saying lots of ‘Ums’, ‘Uhs’, ‘So’, ‘you knows’, ‘Ands’, lip smacks and more. To say the least, it was a very embarrassing experience and one that I vowed would never happen again. “I decided to seek help to improve my presentation delivery and communication skills. One day, I was browsing through IBM newsletters and saw an announcement and an invitation to join Toastmasters. At the time, I didn’t know what Toastmasters was all about, but the notice did say that IBM was form-ing a club to help employees build and enhance their leadership and communication skills. This was certainly the kind of club I needed to help me improve in those areas. In 1999, I attended the very first IBM Toastmasters meeting at the IBM Sales Center in Coppell, Texas. When I arrived, several IBM employees from various IBM organizations were present. I was not alone. I was excited to learn more about Toastmasters. The meetings were held in the evenings after work one day a week. With the ini-tial help from the Toastmasters International Organization, our ongoing meetings were fun and excit-ing. “My determination to improve my speaking skills, kept me returning to the meetings each week. In August, 1999, I joined the club and received a certificate for becoming a Charter Member of the IBM Toastmasters Club. I began to receive the Toastmasters educational booklets, monthly magazines and information about the Toastmasters International organization.” Consider doing what Sandra did. Promote your club by writing an article for your corporate newsletter. Tell your Toastmaster story.

How you can promote your corporate club to fellow employees? Sandra McMillian, President Talk Blue Toastmasters at IBM

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Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010




District 25 Spring Conference Dallas/Fort Worth Marriott Solana

5 Village Circle Westlake, Texas 76262

Page 9: How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective;

Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010




Spice Up Your Internet Presence with Easy, Free and Productive Website Creation Learn about new website tools that make it easy to create a quality club website in under 10 minutes. Learn how to meet the three main goals of a club website: Act as a Professional Image and Marketing

Tool for Potential New Members Act as a Resource Library for Forms, Brochures, and Helpful Information Share Current and Upcoming Events to Promote Club Involvement See how easy it is to change from one Webmaster to the next as Club Officers change by using templates that require no HTML, XML, or any internet knowledge.

Mark White

Elevate to Motivate Speech evaluation is the heart of the Toastmasters educational program. Join Jamey Rider, 2009 District 25 Speech Evaluation Champion, as he presents the

educational session "Evaluate to Motivate" from the "Successful Club" series. The session will answer question such as: How do I evaluate both novice and experienced speakers? What are the components of a speech that should always be reviewed? How do I prepare for Speech Evaluation competition?

The Training Clinic-Tips to Keep Them Involved Pure lecture in a classroom can be boring. This session is to help you provide “edu-tainment” by making the learning process fun for both the instructor and the student. Bring your creative self and let your mind be open to new ideas. Become a leader of material instead of a provider of material. This educational session provides tips that you can use to make you a better instructor, more interesting to listen to and build the self confidence needed to be a Toastmaster Presenter.

The Good Fight Don’t we all wish life was easy? Unfortunately, it is full of pitfalls and mountains. Many of these come right when we feel we are on the verge of doing something big. This session will teach you to identify what is really a problem and what is a minor setback. Knowing what is important to you will change your perspective on what requires your immediate attention. You will leave appreciating life and always looking for the silver lining.

Mary Roth LaShunda Rundles

Jamey Rider Enhancing Your Peace Toastmasters, this session meets the needs of every Toastmaster everywhere! This is a unique opportunity to gain new skills on keeping peace in the midst of your

own storms or those of others. Experience team synergy with your unique participation. Get up close and personal over the course of the session. You will be able to ask the questions you’ve always wanted to ask!

Jeff Young

How to Live Your Life to Its Fullest Potential In this session, you will find out the importance of dis-covering the real you, understanding the power of the tongue, overcoming obstacles, thriving in difficult times and the power of determination. Maurice works as a motivational speaker and hotel development consultant has caused him to travel extensively to most of the earth’s continents. Maurice joined Toastmasters in 1995 and has served his district in many capacities. As District Governor, he led his district to Distinguished Dis-trict status for the 2007-2008 year.

Maurice Taitt

Here’s Your Speaker’s Bureau

Interested in becoming a professional speaker, or in making presentations to community organizations? Come to this session. The chair of the District 25 Speakers Bureau will discuss the purpose of the District’s Speakers Bureau and how it is intended to

promote Toastmasters in the Metroplex. Benefits to the community and to members will be covered, and the process speakers must complete to join the Speakers Bureau. If time permits, and there are applicants with completed applications, some qualifying speeches will be heard.

Ron Fory

The Mentor Handshake

This session identifies the Toastmasters definition of Mentoring and the guidelines and expectations both Mentor and Mentee should follow, as well as the facilitator’s view on the give and receive as-pects of Mentorship. Toastmasters’ believes Mentorship to be one of the most valuable tools human beings have to excel in personal growth. Mentorship has been the path to many accomplished Distin-guished Toastmasters awards. New and old members alike can benefit from the many give and receive aspects that come from the wonderful world of Mentorship.

Cindy M. Warmbrodt

Conference Education Session Presenters

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Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010






Y 2


0 H







Club Division Area Award Date Member Club760 F 62 CC 2/25/2010 LaDonda Boswell T-Toasters

4987 E 54 CC 2/1/2010 Bill J. Eden Southlake4987 E 54 CC 2/24/2010 Patricia Fleming Southlake5496 A 11 CC 2/28/2010 Lydia R. Frias Cowtown Toastmasters7351 D 42 CC 2/19/2010 Jamie Gipe Fish Pond4963 A 11 CC 2/10/2010 Eugene Grooms Weatherford3546 D 42 CC 2/16/2010 Jeryl J. Hejl Waco Early Birds349 A 11 CC 2/23/2010 Jim McCaghren Plus-Two

2209 B 26 CC 2/26/2010 Jeanne Lynn McDonald AAFES710987 D 44 CC 2/17/2010 Shirley McKee Cleburne633836 C 34 CC 2/15/2010 Mary Roth Speakers Exchange

1336005 E 52 CC 2/9/2010 Monty Shipp Conservative4225 B 22 CC 2/2/2010 Shana L. Shurn Shining Stars2209 B 26 CC 2/28/2010 Karen A. Skinner AAFES

638381 D 42 CC 2/3/2010 Christopher K. Watkins Centex Clearly Speaking5286 C 33 CC 2/10/2010 Gregory D. Wyatt Plane Talk

Club Division Area Award Date Member Club643446 C 32 ACB 2/19/2010 Adrian Castillo AAFCU Flying Toasters959155 B 23 ACB 2/8/2010 Mariam K. Durrani A-Team

629 B 21 ACB 2/10/2010 Harrolee Gibbons Six Twenty Nine5496 A 11 ACB 2/28/2010 Jeffrey H. Harwell Cowtown Toastmasters

633836 C 34 ACB 2/15/2010 Pat Hasty Speakers Exchange7407 C 35 ACB 2/18/2010 Jesse R. Torres Pro A.M.

633836 C 34 ACS 2/15/2010 Keith Boepple Speakers Exchange4355 A 15 ACS 2/16/2010 Karen L. Hagar Fighter Enterprise5555 A 14 ACS 2/3/2010 Shawn Shook Kornegay TCU Toastmasters5496 A 11 ACS 2/28/2010 Jerry Lynn McAdams Cowtown Toastmasters4987 E 54 ACS 2/1/2010 Marylee Mims Southlake3365 B 21 ACS 2/3/2010 Patricia Viveros Irving Toastmasters5537 F 63 ACG 2/1/2010 Jacalyn M. Deaner Airport

692498 D 41 ACG 2/21/2010 Anna M. Jaworski Texas Stars3365 B 21 ACG 2/3/2010 Robert A. Sparks Irving Toastmasters

Club Division Area Award Date Member Club879088 F 65 CL 2/4/2010 Michael Amos BNSF Expressed

5537 F 63 CL 2/9/2010 Michael A. Deaner Airport6411 E 53 CL 2/23/2010 Dawna Erion InnerVoice

676842 D 43 CL 2/17/2010 Mary L. Feltman Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers4987 E 54 CL 2/24/2010 Patricia Fleming Southlake2209 B 26 CL 2/28/2010 Louisa V. Garcia AAFES

918987 F 65 CL 2/17/2010 Frank Griffin Fossil Creek5788 A 15 CL 2/20/2010 Melissa L. Hart Top of Texas

771978 B 24 CL 2/2/2010 Saby Mandhata Connection Communicators1061347 F 62 CL 2/4/2010 Sandra Manning Public Health Speakers

6102 A 12 CL 2/25/2010 Laila Oommen FAA1061347 F 62 CL 2/4/2010 Jennifer Self Public Health Speakers

6102 A 12 CL 2/25/2010 L. Don Tidwell FAA3546 D 42 CL 2/3/2010 Darrell W. Vickers Waco Early Birds3365 B 21 CL 2/3/2010 Patricia Viveros Irving Toastmasters

Congratulations to our fellow Competent Communicators

Congratulations to our fellow Competent Leaders

Congratulations to our fellow Advanced Communicators

Page 11: How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective;

Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010




Club Division Area Award Date Member Club2975 F 65 ALB 2/22/2010 David Himmelstein BNSF9595 A 14 ALB 2/28/2010 David E. McCallister Tip Top Toastmasters7407 C 35 ALB 2/10/2010 Diana M. Traicoff Pro A.M.5590 D 41 ALS 2/16/2010 D. K. Kirkland Big T1415 B 21 ALS 2/24/2010 Maurice E. Taitt Plymouth Park

Club Division Area Award Date Member Club3365 B 21 DTM 2/15/2010 Robert A. Sparks Irving Toastmasters

Congratulations to our newest Distinguished Toastmaster

Congratulations to our fellow Advanced Leaders

Welcome New Members to District 25 February 2010

Mary Bauer Aegonizers Rick G Nash Aegonizers Wyman Ward Afterburners Gilberto Villela Baylor Orators Toastmasters Mark Novak Bell XworX Toastmasters Nicholaus Foster BNSF Expressed Toastmasters Leelarani Hattarki BNSF Expressed Toastmasters Jeremy A. Love BNSF Expressed Toastmasters Jamila A. Phillips BNSF Expressed Toastmasters Adrienne L Peavy BNSF Toastmasters Ryan Sinclair Burleson Toastmasters Lee Taylor Wilson Clearly Speaking Toastmasters Mike Hoggard Connection Communicators Ginae McDonald Cowtown Toastmasters Teresa L Covey Daybreakers Kim Y Nowlin Daybreakers James Hawarden DFWAE Toastmasters Chuck Burke EDS-Trinity Rafael Otoya EDS-Trinity Marshal Tolle EDS-Trinity Virginia Venious EDS-Trinity Robel Lulseged Energizers Toastmasters Sarah E. Wright Excellence in the Speaking Arts TM Gregory A Adams Expressionaires Erica Aguilar Expressionaires Matthew C Edens Expressionaires Emily Massmann Expressionaires Guimel Kappell Eye Can Toastmasters Heping Zhang Eye Can Toastmasters Sonya Bridges Golden Triangle Toastmasters Sonja L. Clay ICE Breakers Travis Guess ICE Breakers Naya Pope ICE Breakers Cheri Kammeyer Inner VoiceToastmasters Sandra Moss Inner VoiceToastmasters Nam Nguyen Irving Toastmasters Tom G Thomas Keller Communicators Thomas Saulsberry Las Colinas Communicators Abbie F Anderson LM AeroSpeakers Jarrah M Hamer LM AeroSpeakers Bradley Benton Longhorn Toastmasters Ellen Prater Longhorn Toastmasters

LaQuandra Roberts Manna Toastmasters Ronda Seymour Manna Toastmasters Lesia Stahl Manna Toastmasters Barry Andersen Mid-Cities Noontime Amanpreet Khurana Nissan Toastmasters Dale Jones Phi Rappa Yappa Jason Craig Plane Talk Stephen Bomar Plus-Two Saira Dar Plymouth Park Jennypher Williams Power Communicators Kyle Stevenson Pro A.M. Toastmasters Peter Mansfield Quicksilver Express Cassia Myers Reveille John Droter Ryan Plaza Joseph Nguyen Ryan Plaza Orlando Borges Sabre Classic David Mitchell Sabre Classic Stacy Spencer Siemens DFW Toastmasters Martha Roe Six Twenty Nine Chris Cole Southlake Jacquelyn Martin Southlake David Hughes Southlake Evening Toastmasters Amie Vongphachanh Speak With Success Jeff Catoe Speaking With Class Ethelyn Williams Speaking With Class Lisa Curry Successful Speakers Cassandra Guinn Successful Speakers Kiran Sikder Successful Speakers Linda Elsey TCU Toastmasters John Farley TCU Toastmasters Chris Higgins Technically Speaking Charles Sanzone Tip Top Toastmasters William Prater Toast of Texas Matthew Tepper Toast of Texas Chris Cagle Top Notch Toastmasters - TNT Tanisha Cunningham T-Toasters LaShelle Robinson T-Toasters Rey Hummond Unique Toastmasters At Vista Ridge Terry Neumann United Communicators Sean Dyer Weatherford Tomas Lopez WINS Texas Toast Sara Macdonald WINS Texas Toast Becky Martin WINS Texas Toast Gina Mayfield WINS Texas Toast

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Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010

12 Hotline


Calling ALL Toastmasters, 

family members and friends!  Please  

join us for our Member  

Appreciation Picnic, to celebrate the 

outstanding accomplishments for the 

2009‐2010 year as a  

Distinguished District!

RSVP by May 19, 2010

Where:   Texas Wesleyan University, Historic East Fort Worth Campus 

     In front of the  Eunice & James L West Library (grassy mall) 

Time:   11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.   

     Lunch, Volleyball & other activities, all ages welcome ! 

Menu:     Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, drinks and other goodies. 

Need more information? Want to volunteer?

Please contact Event Chair, Judy L. Pérez, ACB, ALB [email protected] Cost: Free

District 25 Membership Appreciation Picnic

May 22, 2010 Texas Wesleyan University

1201 Wesleyan St. Fort Worth, Texas 76105

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Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010

District 25 Calendar of Events

March 2010 1-31 Hold Area and Division Council Meetings Area Tall Tales & International Speech Contests begin Talk Up Toastmasters Promotion Continues (ends Mar 31) 25 First day to submit club dues renewals online (minimum 6) 15 District Executive Committee Meeting / Staff Training District Leadership Open House for 2010-2011 year

April 2010 1-30 Hold Area and Division Council Meetings Division Tall Tales & International Speech Contests begin 10 Last day for dues renewals and receive DCP Credit 25 Last day for Newsletter Contest Submissions 24 Deadline to Submit Outstanding Officer Nominations for Awards 30 Last day for Area Visits

May 2010 1-31 Hold Area and Division Council Meetings May Magic / Beat the Clock Promotion Begins 14-15 District Spring Conference - Marriott Solana, Westlake, Texas 22 District Picnic - Ft. Worth, Texas 11am-3pm 31 Last day to submit Area Club Visits Online

June 2010 1-30 Hold Area and Division Council Meetings Beat the Clock Promotion Continues (ends June 30) 25 Remember the Member Together Promotion Ends. 26 Toastmasters Leadership Institute Kick Off - Texas Christian University 30 Last day for Distinguished Club credit for 2009-2010 year.

13 Hotline


Hotline Staff

Newsletter Editor Michelle Coleman

[email protected]

Publisher David McCallister DTM

[email protected]

Public Relations Officer Oliver Cozby, DTM

[email protected]

Photographer Mark Novak, DTM

[email protected]

Hotline is published monthly and is avail-able to the members of District 25 Toast-

masters and clubs. Subscription avail-able for one year at the price of $36 for those wishing to receive their newsletter delivered via postal mail. Back issues

are available online at

Newsletter Submissions or Letters to the Editor

[email protected] Deadline for submissions:

25th of each month.

IRS 990‐N Filing Requirement for all US clubs All US clubs must file IRS form 990‐N for any given year no later than May 15 of the following year. Failure to file by the due date could cause the club to lose their nonprofit tax exempt status as a subordinate under Toastmasters International. 

 Information You Will Need To File the e‐Postcard The e‐Postcard is easy to complete. Before you begin, make sure you have gathered the following information about your club: 4Employer identification number (EIN), also known as a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). 4Tax year – Choose calendar. 4Legal name and mailing address – Legal name is the club name and the mailing address is the    address of the current club president.   Visit for more detail instructions for filing. 

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14 Hotline


Special Announcement to Club Officers Please help your club members prepare for single sign‐on at  

The Toastmasters Web site is being updated, and how members log in will change. Beginning in July 2010, a unique e‐mail address registered with World Headquarters will be required from any Toastmaster who wants to conduct business, pur‐chase products or enjoy new online membership benefits. As a result, it is vital that every Toastmaster has his or her own personal e‐mail account – and that the e‐mail address is registered with World Headquarters by June 30.  

Many members already have a unique e‐mail account, but has each person registered it with World Head‐quarters? Shared e‐mail accounts will no longer work to access the Toastmasters Web site. So if your club or other group is sharing an e‐mail account, it’s time for each person to contact World Headquarters with a unique e‐mail address. Until June 30, 2010, you may do this by going online at or calling World Headquarters at 949‐858‐8255 and asking for Member Services.  

A Golden Speaking Opportunity This is an opportunity for a technical presentation! Anyone in your club who is Web savvy can present an in‐formational speech on how to sign up for a free e‐mail account. Take it a step further and demonstrate how to register a new e‐mail address at the Toastmasters Web site. A presentation of this nature will provide an important service to your club as well as tech‐talk practice for the presenter. Preparing your club is only a 

2010 Spring Contest Schedule by Area/Division Tall Tales and International Speech Contests

D iv is io n D ate D a y o f W eek Tim eA 4 /1 7 /2 0 1 0 S a tu rd ay A fte rnoo nB 4 /2 3 /2 0 1 0 Frid ay E ven ingC 4 /2 2 /2 0 1 0 Thu rsd ay E ven ingD 4 /2 4 /2 0 1 0 S a tu rd ay A fte rnoo nE 4 /1 7 /2 0 1 0 S a tu rd ay M orn ingF 4 /2 4 /2 0 1 0 S a tu rd ay M orn ing

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PROPOSAL B: DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE Currently the eastern part of District 25 and District 50 are separated by I‐35E.  As directed by the Board of Directors from Toast‐masters International and to better service the members in Dallas County, the change in boundaries will include all of Dallas County except for the cities of Irving, Grand Prairie, and Coppell.    As required by the Bylaws of Toastmasters International and the District Administrative Bylaws, the proposed boundary change has been presented and ratified by the District 25  Executive Committee and the District 50 Executive Committee.  Once approved by each District Council, this change will be ratified by the Board of Directors in August 2010 and will go into effect on July 1, 2011.  


Special Note: The boundary change does not affect the 2010‐2011 District Club Alignment for either District.  

CURRENT DISTRICT BOUNDARIES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2010 District 50 ‐ On the West from the Texas‐Oklahoma boundary southerly along the Western boundary of Grayson and Collin coun‐ties, the Eastern side of 135 E within Dallas County, the Western boundary of Ellis, Navarro, Limestone and Robertson counties.  District 25 ‐ On the East from the Texas‐Oklahoma boundary southerly along the Eastern boundary of Cooke and Denton Counties, the Western side of I‐35E within Dallas County, the Eastern boundary of Johnson, Hill, McLennan, and Falls counties.   DISTRICT BOUNDARIES  EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2011 District 50 ‐ On the West from the Texas‐Oklahoma boundary southerly along the Western boundary of Grayson and Collin coun‐ties, all of Dallas County except the cities of Coppell, Grand Prairie, and Irving, the Western boundary of Ellis, Navarro, Limestone and Robertson counties.   District 25 ‐ On the East from the Texas‐Oklahoma boundary southerly along the Eastern boundary of Cooke and Denton counties, the western side of I‐35E to include only the cities of Coppell, Grand Prairie, and Irving within Dallas County, and the Eastern boundary of Johnson, Hill, McLennan and Falls counties.  

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Join the D25 Marketing Team!Join the D25 Marketing Team!Join the D25 Marketing Team!

Help our clubs and members reach their fullest Help our clubs and members reach their fullest Help our clubs and members reach their fullest

Roles and Responsibilities within the Marketing Team

Lieutenant Governor of Marketing (LGM) Directs and coordinates the marketing strategies and activities necessary to achieve district growth objectives

Directs membership development and retention programs

Marketing Chairman Assists the LGM in club-building efforts within the district, including reporting leads for prospective clubs

Demo Team Prepares and presents demo meeting for prospective clubs

Seeks team members to fill all Toastmaster meeting roles for demo meetings

Club Rescue Team Assists an at-risk club (with 12 or fewer members) by filling meeting roles

Works with assigned Club Coach Serves a minimum of 4 weeks and participates at every meeting

Club Assistance Team Assists a club with 13 or more members

Serves a minimum of 4 weeks and participates at every meeting Focuses on bringing club to charter strength or net 5 gain

Club Sponsor* Organizes the new club

Sets up regular club meetings Completes the paperwork and plans the charter presentation

Club Mentor* Advises and tutors new clubs

Ensures that the new club is strong and fully functional Makes sure officers understand their duties and have tools they need

Fosters a culture of membership-building within the club Explains TI’s educational program and the Distinguished Club Plan

Club Coach* Builds a rapport with the club leadership and members

Observes and analyzes the club environment, then assists club in generating solutions Helps the club develop a plan with goals for improvement

Makes it possible for the club’s officers and members to implement the plan Instills enthusiasm, fidelity, and a sense of responsibility for the club’s future

*Club Sponsor, Mentor, and Coach earn credit toward the DTM!

Lots of opportunities to help!Lots of opportunities to help!Lots of opportunities to help! Marketing ChairmanMarketing ChairmanMarketing Chairman

Demo TeamDemo TeamDemo Team

Club Rescue Team Club Rescue Team Club Rescue Team Club Assistance TeamClub Assistance TeamClub Assistance Team

Club SponsorClub SponsorClub Sponsor Club MentorClub MentorClub Mentor Club CoachClub CoachClub Coach

Contact Your Local RecruiterContact Your Local RecruiterContact Your Local Recruiter [email protected]@[email protected]

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17 Hotline


Be a Hero! Your experience and enthusiasm can be a valuable asset to a club that needs a little help in rebuilding. For more information go to > Marketing and Membership

Question: How can you get 21 guests at ONE Toastmasters meet-ing? The Answer: Sponsor an Open House. The Keller Communi-cators recently hosted a successful Open House and demonstra-tion meeting with a club record 21 guests! What contributed to our success? Planning, communication, and execution by club members…in a word TEAMWORK!

The question was posed, "How can we reach out to the community and show them what we offer?" The Open House and demonstration meeting was planned in conjunction with the spring membership campaign. Club members were challenged to "Talk Up Toastmasters" with friends, families, and co-workers, and bring at least one guest to the Open House. We utilized the talents of our entire club. Member Debbie Dodge, a real estate agent with public relations expertise and a vast knowledge of our community, suggested we research HOAs. As a result, a local HOA included a press release in their newsletter that was distributed to 1800 households! Members spread the word through creative and FREE avenues: emailing flyers; posting flyers in the work place and houses of worship; contributing press releases to community magazines, and the Chamber of Commerce; and posting updates on our club website. A local real estate company offered use of their conference room, as it accommodated a larger number of people than our meeting room. Members provided hearty snacks and beverages. We invited Chamber of Commerce leaders, and Dis-trict 25 and Area 64 dignitaries. Diana Patton, our D25 Lt. Governor of Marketing, and Earl Hill, Our Area 64 Governor, both attended. Earl entertained us with a motivational speech. Two members were designated greeters. They welcomed guests and offered TI resources displayed on a table. Members with meeting roles prepared thoughtful introductions for their respective roles to orient guests to the meeting flow and the significance of their roles. Because of their diligence in planning, members executed their roles flawlessly. Publicity continues after the fact. Rick Sharon, DTM, videotaped our Open House event and placed the footage on our club's website. All guests were contacted following the meeting. The outcome? Two attendees have joined (so far) while others continue to visit our club. Through teamwork, the Keller Communicators implemented a vision, culmi-nating in a record setting attendance and new membership! Go Team!

Building Membership With Teamwork Suzie Donskey,CC Keller Communicators, VP Membership

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Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010




Club Division Area Award Date Member Club1336005 E 52 CC 3/21/10 Basta, Labib Conservative Toastmasters988129 F 64 CC 3/3/10 Castillo, Lisa Eagle 1

3055 E 52 CC 3/22/10 Clark, Ronald B. Denton Toastmasters 7407 C 35 CC 3/4/10 Erts, William Jeffrey Pro A.M. Toastmasters

1171841 C 31 CC 3/30/10 Foltz, Annette Siemens Toastmasters2971 A 11 CC 3/4/10 Gouldie, Jeff K. Reveille 2209 B 26 CC 3/17/10 Haertl, Kady D AAFES Toastmasters

1429458 A 11 CC 3/5/10 Hauser, Karen Technology Toasters988129 F 64 CC 3/17/10 Heredia, Angelica Eagle 1

989 C 34 CC 3/30/10 Hill, Germon Earl Southlake Reach for Success1415 B 21 CC 3/14/10 Huang, Minjie Plymouth Park 1415 B 21 CC 3/14/10 Lewis, Leone Plymouth Park 989 C 34 CC 3/28/10 Ma, Lily F. Southlake Reach for Success

2008 A 15 CC 3/4/10 McBride, Leora L. Quicksilver Express9595 A 14 CC 3/31/10 McCallister, David E. Tip Top Toastmasters

1082792 A 12 CC 3/11/10 Morales, Blanca Savvy Sayers114 C 32 CC 3/17/10 Morgan, Britt T. Fly to Excellence

7502 B 23 CC 3/6/10 Nguyen, Son H. Successful Speakers 5718 F 65 CC 3/24/10 Patton, Diana C. Motorola 7502 B 23 CC 3/6/10 Phan, Larry Successful Speakers 5537 F 63 CC 3/5/10 Richard, Diana F Airport Toastmaster8055 B 25 CC 3/17/10 Samuelson, Gary M. Las Colinas Communicators 5213 C 31 CC 3/23/10 Smith, Dennis Wayne Ryan Plaza 4236 E 54 CC 3/23/10 Sporl, Ben Southlake Evening Toastmasters7407 C 35 CC 3/4/10 Virgo, Launa Lureen Pro A.M. Toastmasters 825 D 44 CC 3/2/10 Weber, Robert Arthur Top Notch Toastmasters - TNT

Club Division Area Award Date Member Club349 A 11 ACB 3/22/10 Bomar, Ruth Plus-Two

9916 A 15 ACB 3/30/10 Hawkins, Jarrette A. LM AeroSpeakers 349 A 11 ACB 3/9/10 Kormos, Tim A. Plus-Two

2209 B 26 ACB 3/31/10 Santy, Michael C AAFES Toastmasters 7351 D 42 ACB 3/31/10 Whitehead, Louisa M. Fish Pond 4236 E 54 ACS 3/23/10 Beene, Kenneth Southlake Evening Toastmasters7277 D 43 ACS 3/17/10 Kincheloe, Faron Baylor Orators Toastmasters 6332 C 33 ACS 3/8/10 Monahan, James Grand Prairie Toastmasters 5440 A 13 ACG 3/11/10 Clancy, Patrick Clearly Speaking Toastmasters4355 A 15 ACG 3/25/10 Fanimokun, Abiodun Fighter Enterprise Toastmasters 3546 D 42 ACG 3/16/10 Hansen, James Bradley Waco - Early Birds 6332 C 33 ACG 3/9/10 Monahan, James Grand Prairie Toastmasters 1415 B 21 ACG 3/10/10 Taitt, Maurice Eugene Plymouth Park

Congratulations to our fellow Competent Communicators

Congratulations to our fellow Advanced Communicators











Club Division Area Award Date Member Club349 A 11 ALB 3/18/10 Bomar, Ruth Plus-Two

593906 B 23 ALB 3/23/10 Griffin, Jacquelyne Skymasters 594840 A 13 ALB 3/2/10 Hawkins, Yahdiah C. Toast the Blues Toastmasters 633836 C 34 ALS 3/29/10 Clark, Ronald B. Speakers Exchange

Club Division Area Award Date Member Club1415 B 21 DTM 3/10/10 Taitt, Maurice Eugene Plymouth Park

Congratulations to our fellow Distinguished Toastmaster

Congratulations to our fellow Advanced Leaders

Page 19: How to Stay Motivated - D25 Toastmasters · 2017-10-20 · doesn't do you any good if you're not doing the things that will move you toward your dream. Focus first on being effective;

Hotline MARCH/APRIL 2010




Welcome New Members to District 25 - March 2010

Club Division Area Award Date Member Club4370 C 32 CL 3/25/10 Aller, Tiffany Anne Flagship Speakers Toastmasters 5590 D 41 CL 3/3/10 Bramlett, Kay Big T Toastmasters 7694 C 32 CL 3/17/10 Courter, Kim Diane EDS-Trinity 9916 A 15 CL 3/17/10 Cravins, Denni Rae LM AeroSpeakers

638381 D 42 CL 3/13/10 Creech, Sandra K. Centex Clearly Speaking638381 D 42 CL 3/3/10 Feltman, Mary L. Centex Clearly Speaking

8474 A 14 CL 3/3/10 Heinzman, Gregg A First Command 988129 F 64 CL 3/17/10 Heredia, Angelica Eagle 1

4963 A 11 CL 3/1/10 Kinser, Michael Weatherford 988129 F 64 CL 3/17/10 McVicker, Ron Eagle 1988129 F 64 CL 3/18/10 Munoz, Chuck Eagle 1

1336005 E 52 CL 3/1/10 Nickerson, Susanne M. Conservative Toastmasters2209 B 26 CL 3/27/10 Raich, Michael Sean AAFES Toastmasters

Congratulations to our fellow Competent Leaders

Young Lee Abilene Toastmasters Jason Snow Abilene Toastmasters Mark Mills Aegonizers Sean Caho Baylor Orators Patricia Garcia Baylor Orators Margaret Dolsen BNSF Toastmasters Stephanie Rausch Burleson Toastmasters Albert Gonzales Cleburne Toastmasters Jon Bullock Cowtown Toastmasters Jeremy Good Cowtown Toastmasters Laura Hobbs Cowtown Toastmasters Gina Lanthripe Cowtown Toastmasters Kelli McDuff Cowtown Toastmasters Cassia Myers Cowtown Toastmasters Joseph Worcester Cowtown Toastmasters Chris Rainey Denton Toastmasters Lynda Vislosky Eagle 1 Roslyn Melde Fish Pond Justin Hof Fly to Excellence Melissa Pate Keller Communicators Ryan Adair Lakeside Steve Byars Lakeside Stephen Johnson Lakeside Michael Sheridan Lakeside Sunny Thandassery Lakeside Satya Malkapurapu Las Colinas Communicators Riaz Maulvi Lonestar Toastmasters Nancy Woods Manna Toastmasters Vihang Jani Motorola Sanjiv Shah Motorola

Phillip Folkertsma Pro A.M. Toastmasters Muhammad Barkhadle Six Twenty Nine Diana Pittman Six Twenty Nine Tom Kerr Southlake Evening Toastmasters Ricardo Martinez Speak With Success Jimena Santana Speak With Success Balaji Thirnrayan Speak With Success Shane Weber Successful Speakers Sul Ha Kim Tip Top Toastmasters Pradip Mehta Tip Top Toastmasters Mark White Tip Top Toastmasters Karen Yancey Top Notch Toastmasters - TNT Marshall Lehr Top of Texas Toastmasters Ana Ortega Top of Texas Toastmasters Joe Carvalho Unique Toastmasters At Vista Ridge Mitra Bhattarai United Communicators Nathan Fritch United Communicators Toni Carroll WINS Texas Toast Cheryl Carter WINS Texas Toast Nicole Clemons WINS Texas Toast Jerlyne Crain WINS Texas Toast Ginger Dallas WINS Texas Toast Bryant Durham WINS Texas Toast Sharron Franklin WINS Texas Toast Rachel Giles WINS Texas Toast Rodney Gober WINS Texas Toast Charles Knowles WINS Texas Toast Martha Martinez WINS Texas Toast Cindy Murphy WINS Texas Toast Sam Williams WINS Texas Toast