How to Start Blogging a Guide for Business Bloggers iCrossing eBook

HOW TO START bLOGGING: k > image: web by: SoZeSoZe A GUIDE FOR bUSINESS bLOGGERS V 1.0 updated 01.05.09  a -ook ro C

Transcript of How to Start Blogging a Guide for Business Bloggers iCrossing eBook

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image: webby: SoZeSoZe 


V 1.0 updated 01.05.09

 a -ook ro C

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How to strt lo  -ook ro Cross ut 01.05.09


Wlco to our thr Cross UK -ook, How to Start Blogging.

 Ths s ot t u to th toc o lo. it hs t ro

rs, us ots w crt sccll to hl uls t our clt

orstos who wr strt to lo.


it’s ll out hl ou to strt lo. Oc ou o, h lo or

lttl whl, houll ou wll our ow rsos to crr o.

Lst t w cout thr wr ort o los ru Cross ol th UK.

Ol w o thos r out work sccll - th tocs r throuh c

usc, X box , jourls whtr ls tks ol’s trst t

ot. So o th r oulr, so o th r r w ts o thuthor, coul k w qu ro ru s o th.

Our trl LORe lo Coct, our ulc lo, r ortt rts o th w

tht w work, h co rt o th cultur o our co.

i thk o rsol lo s ulc otook, i’ lr ss outs

out ll sorts o ths ro wrt o t strt corstos ol wth othr

lors. it s hr or to xrss or qut th sct lu - rsoll

rossoll – tht lo s .


i ou lk ths -ook, tk look t What is Social Media? Brands in

Networks, oth ll or r owlo ro

 Anny mayd

had sa da, cssng

bgn, may 2009

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COnTenTS 3 >

inTROdUCTiOn 4 >

WHy bLOg? 7 >

 THe bLOgging WORK - FLOW 11 >


HandS OFF veRSUS HandS On 13 >

 TO mOdeRaTe OR nOT TO mOdeRaTe 13 >

WHiCH bLOgging pLaTFORm TO USe? 15 >

USeFUL TOOLS TO aid bLOgging 19 >

ReCOmmended Reading 22 > 

  abOUT THe aUTHORS 24 >

 abOUT iCROSSing 25 >

CReaTive COmmOnS COpyRigHT 26 >

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 Ths -ook ors strhtorwr, jro-r (wll s lttl sossl) u to tt strt wth usss lo –

how to rll jo t.

it clus:

Lks to usul wsts tools tht wll suort our•

our lo

guc o th rt lls o olt ou c h•

wth our lo – scusso out th ros cos

o ch

nots out th tcholo ou wll r rk ///... /// or our rrc.

 Thr r w ol ruls o lo tht t’s worth stt rht hr t th outst.

 you o’t h to tch to lor ut ou o h to urst th sc

rcls o th rot.

so remember

 Thr’s o ot h lo ou r’t o to wrt t oursl. b ll s,

wrt our osts u molsk otook wth ol-sho out rst.

 you o so r s to t ssstt to t our thouhts u, rhsulo th to our lo. but th orl wors ’t co ro our to th

scr, th t s’t our lo – t’s soo ls's. a kr os ow rtculrl

l th looshr.

 Th whol ot o lo s to strt or rtct corsto. i ou’r

lo wll, ol wll wt to rso to wht ou s, tlk to ou out

our thouhts. a cots scto s r-rqust or lo. So cosr

how ou wll th corsto – wll ou ort cots? Wll ou t

soo ls to ort o our hl? Or wll ou lt scusso h wthout

orto? Thr r luss uss to ch roch.

i crsc, oth r rll ts lt. Oc ou cot wors to lo,ou crt wht s sstll rt rcor o our thouhts. e ou lt

our ow lo, othrs wll h r t, ot, wll quot ou o thr ow los

thr othr socl scs. you c’t cotrol ths. So sur to thk out ths

or ou rss th 'ulsh' utto.




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teChniCal requests

most o th cc ths -ook r out k sur ou h

ccss to rous wsts srcs. but thr r lso so sotwr

hrwr rcotos tht wll hl ou lo or sl:

bro t our ho tht ou c ccss wth lto•

 a 3g ol so tht ou c wrt our ow lo, or r othr ol’s los•

whl ou r o th o wth our lto

 a ol c tht llows w ccss or r ws s o th o (•

pho, blckrr or pockt pC woul l)

i ou r Wows usr co o mcrosot Onot (rt o th lst two ost•

rct rlss o mcrosot Oc)

i ou o’t lk k ots o lto or ol c, k sur ou h•

sll, roust otook wth ou t ll ts – molsk s rct – so wh

ou s soth tht ou’ lk to tlk out o our lo, ou c k

ot o t

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wng s nng n a.--wa Znss

i as vus sa a as vunay. evy sn nng ss as ngd a ans

us s and a—nsany—any ad n ea....--And Suvan

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Why should you blog?

W coul strt wth th s ol rso to strt lo usss: ttto.

 attto or our co, rch or our r, trc or our wst, gool-

 juc to oost our srch rks.

Or w coul strt whr t ttrs. Strt wth ou.

 you s, th ttto s outco, soth tht ht h ths o

rtculrl wll wth our lo. but t ht ot h.


 Th ol w lo r cos succssul, s rl rso s wrt t - wrt t

or thsls, or ol th lk, out ths tht r trst to th.

So to hl ou strt lo, whch s wht ths -ook s ll out, w' ttr strt

wth so oo rsos or strt, rthr th stt outcos rsol


Hr r th st rsos w c thk o or lo:

someWhere to thinK

Surrsl rhs, lo s rt w o orto orlo. W

hss r, cosu orto th w tht w work - wsrs,

tr jourls, zs, rorts ll co f our w. So w r, so w

sk, so w or l wth oo ttos or r ltr.

 Tk sll out o t out o our or wk to lo s choos

soth tht ou thk s ortt, thk out t or lo ouh to ut

tothr w stcs. Rthr th chor, lo c crt tht

oss o thk sc tht so o us lo or. Th rout, th scl, o 

cott to just o lo ost or two wk c h ct.

sharing things

“i’ll s ou lk” ust s coo w o corsto wth

collu, clt or cotct s “i’ll cll ou” us to .

 a, l, im Twttr, th lks ul f - sots to r rf,

sots to u l o ths w r t to r.


putt ths tht r trst to ou tht ou thk trst to

collus - t ook, rtcl, wst - o to lo s crl ct

w o shr lks. pol c tk look t whtr t s wh t suts th,

rthr th t ll ct to th l cull o ls tht r’t urt or ortt.

 Th c s wht ou thk out th, cot to s wht th thk.

e ttr th tht, ol ou ht ot h thouht to s th trst th

to, or tht ou h o woul t trst, c lso th lk lt ou

kow wht th thk out t.

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ConneCting to your netWorK

Wh ou strt ost ths ou trst, thouhts out wht ou’

o or r ol, ol wll to ou - ol who r trst

th s ths - our ustr, our r rtculr, or sl ths lk

oto or t tht ou touch o.


So ol wll l cots,

so Twttr or lo lk to

soth ou h wrtt or s.

 you wll lso lk (s th scto

low o wrt osts) to othr

ol’s wsts los. at ths

ot ou h ltrll co rt

o our ol twork, rst o th

w, x gool

lu to tht twork too.

Ol tworks, socl tworks

r xctl lk our rsol

rossol tworks. Wh w row

th, to th wth our thouhts,

s coctos, th r

lu to us ll sorts o ws.


W trrur Loc L mur oc s "i th ws s ortt t wll .” 

Wht h t ws tht s “hr-coct” ul, who los, Twttrs,rs hs ws throuh RSS rr, h c cout o hs twork to ctl f

wh soth ortt s h.

blo c hl ou crt work-fow twork tht wll hl ou to hr

out w lots our ustr lswhr tht wll usul to ou. it

ltrll hls ou to or coct to wht s h rou ou.

So ck to th rsos tht so ut to ou or lo, rhs th rso

tht th rkt or pR rtt s sk ou to lo th rst lc: ttto,

ts rous tl ors.

 Th ttto co our lo strts to work. i ou’r usul, to oursl 

othrs, ou wll strt to coct.

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douls a’s co sc- clssc,

 Th Htch-Hkr’s gu to th glx 

hs ss whch scrs

th rt o f.

 Th u o t s ths:

“t s an a, says, a, a na fyng.

t na s n anng yus a gund and ss.

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p a n day, [ Gud] suggss, and y .”

 Tht lst l s out th st c o how to lo tht thr s...

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blo s t-cosu. e ou h ct ssstt who wll ostour wors ort cots ck, t stll tks t thouht to

ut tothr oo lo ost. Th st w to roch t s to tr to trt t wth

our work or our wkl rout. Ths ou ht h ot to oursl,

cls ou ht h tk, wsts ou ht h ookrk or st to

collus l, rt hs ou ht h h th showr; ll

ht ost to our lo.

 Thk o lo wrt s our-st rocss. Sots ou wll l to o th

ll t oc – scll thr s soth ou wt to ost quckl – ut othrws

ou c s lttl t hr thr o ch o th sts:

radng: Th st lors r lot – t’s whr th th trl to sr

thr ow osts. a rll ct w o ors our ol r trl s to

us orsr (s blo Rr low). i ou r ot rr o ol

cott, th tr to k our r s ro w-r s ou c. you

r kow wh ou ht stul cross oo rtcl or ook tht’s o to t

our lo-ssor tl.

cng: Oc ou’ ou soth tht ou thk oo to wrt

out ou to s t sowhr. mcrosot Onot s l or ths ou’r

lto k o rso. but oo rl worl otook wll o just s wll ths s

wht suts our hts ttr.

wng: i ou r lo corort or ocl cct, ost o our lo

osts shoul r cocs: sowhr tw 50 150 wors. i ou l

our thouhts o sujct c’t cot to tht, thk out rt rtcl

or th wst or or o o our othr corort ulctos, th ou c lk

to t wth so urthr thouhts o our lo wh t s ulsh. i ou r lo

or rsol cct, th ou h or lcc to rwhl wth our

thouhts. but, ulss ou wrt lk Sth Fr, t’s ulkl tht o wll k

to r lo ost o or th 1,500 wors o rulr ss.

edng and usng: Oc ou’ wrtt our ost t ks oo ss to

r-r roor t. i ou’r usur, or st-chck, show t to soo

ls whos oo ou trust or ou ulsh. do’t ort to oul-chck tht

ou’ clu lks to othr wsts ro wors our txt whr t woul

usul to o so.

i ou r rl o collu or ssstt to o th tchcl s o ost our

lo tr, sur to h t clr whr ou wt lks to o our st,

tht th w st rsss ou h ro work. it s lso ortt tht ou

h r rocss t-scl wth th. m lo trs wll to

ost swtl to sur tht th r tl tocl. your 'tor' wll to

l to sur tht th r l to o ths sl o our hl. Th wll lso

to chck tht ll lks o our ost work rorl, , cssr, r-t th

ost to x rok os. Ths shoul h s soo s th ost s ulsh. it looks

slo urossol to h tos rok lks o lo.

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Hr r ur o rt ts o lo osts tht ht hl ou to thk o soth to lo out:

S adv s: quck t or u to soth c r usul to

our rrs: ou h sclst kowl tht th o’t, th stl

récs o toc whch wll hl to t th strt o th ro to lhtt. For

xl, Sth go's ac or rl stt ts (qut ow!).

t v, ns, anyngs: Lsts o ths k or rll stro osts

c hl structur our thouhts hurr. Thk “ ost ortt ths

wh. . .” or “s ths out . . . ” or “t ws to t . . .”. - or xl, th

hul succssul  To T mstks W ds.

Usu ns: i ou wst or ws stor ou thk s trst, o’t

r to sl ost ths wth stc or two out wh ou lk t. So

futl los rt lks o rulr ss too, (or xl, th gur's

pda nwsuckt ).

rund-u: atr us ws t c trst xrcs to lk to w

o th jourlsts lors who h tk rt ls o th s stor.

onns: you o't h to rt to us oo o our lo. i ou r wrt

corort lo, t ttr to rs qustos th to k outsok

ssrtos. Ths lso cour rrs to cot.

Howr, ou h t to host to sk rsol cct o

our lo, ou l r strol out rtculr ssu, ll s, s wht

ou thk. Just k tht th or oot our lo, th or lkl t

s tht our rrs wll sr. you to rr to hl crtcs

t our cots scto. do’t l r o ths – lo s’t trul l utl

thr’s oo rut ts cots scto.

 a rsosl lor wll lws chck thr sourcs. Rr tht th lw –

sc oo rs – rqur ou ot to ll or o ls. you c r

th bbC's u to o ll hr.

S: dst th thouss o ws sourcs th worl, t’s ot ossl to

co cross stor o o ls hs s. i ou thk t ht scoo, ost t.

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blog etiquette

 Andng and dng usd ss

do’t lt or osts wthout k t clr whr th chs r. Ths

ks t lss cous or ol who r orl ost thr ws

rr or clck throuh to our lo. grll th st w to rk chs

s to “UpdaTed” or “amended” ol t th h o th ost th to

ch th ot o txt ou wt to ro to strk-throuh. a w txt ol or

tr “ut” hr.

Nv g n ang

Rr tht th our lo s ctl o th rt rcor o oth ou

our co . e ou wr to lt ost t coul stll sl th

“gool cch” or soo ls's lo rr. i ou'r usur out th wso

o ulsh soth, ru t soo ou trust or co ck to t ltr.

 Aays n yu susnot ol s t olt to ot th lo or ws sourc ou t stor ro, t crss

our “coctss” th cout o trst rou sujct.


 as w s o, t’s o o th sc ruls o lo tht ou to ctull

wrt our lo trs oursl.

Howr, t rctcl or ou to th roucto t o our

lo – rhs ou’r o th ro lot, or just ot r trst th hscl

rocss o tt our wors o to th scr! i whch cs, us r orcollu to ct s our 'lo tor' ht ssl roch.

Rr, our lo tor s ot o to wrt our lo osts or ou. but, th

wll l to ost th txt ou wrt to our lo, cturs, llustrtos lks

to rlt urthr r, chck our sll rhs or c o

tocs or ou to lo out.

i ou o us lo tor, ou shoul lt our rrs kow – scll rw

thr ttto to th ct tht rsoss to our los ro th wll lost

crtl s our lo tor s wll s ou. it’s just oo rs to

ckowl th w our lo wrt works.


Oo out whthr ou shoul ort our rrs' cots rs wll.

 Thr r thos who l tht socl sc lk lo, th os – tht

ro o sch s rout. For othrs, scll thos who r ulsh

'corort lo', or who rrst th ws o orsto or o rou o 

ol, orto s sstl rt o lo.

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reasons Why you need to thinK about hoW you Will manage

Comments on your blog:

 a lo s oth wthout th cots, ws, sustos ck o ts


Just s crt s th ct tht ot ro th worl wll r wth our ws,

whtr th r, so lo lws ls o th osslt tht ou wll

t ck strol sr wth wht ou’ h to s. it’s lso ossl tht

soo ht wt to us our lo to cot ro ct o “rtul rt” –

l os, us or l osscl ss. Or sll or root

soth wthout our rsso.

i ou o’t h so or o orto o our lo, ll such sss wll

ulsh rctl to our lo wthout ou (or our lo tor) s th rst.

it’s r s to ro uwt sss ro lo’s cot str – ut  

ou l tht ou or our orsto’s rutto ht uwt

cots ulsh (howr rf) o our lo, th ou shoul srousl

cosr so or o orto.

 you shoul wr tht, or th uross o ll lw, lo or othr w s

or o ulcto. as wth othr ulshrs, ou hl lll ll or th

cott ou ulsh, whthr or ot ou wrot t.

diFFerent Forms oF moderation

morto tsl c r. you coul ot or th sc uctolt o sst tht

rso who ls cot ust sul ou wth thr l rss

or thr cot c ulsh. Ths c ouh to tr sch 

krs. Howr, t’s sl ouh to crt oous l rss, so t’s

hrl ool-roo.

 a or ct, ut t-cosu, orto rocss ols sss

stor, uulsh, quu wt or ou or our lo tor to ulsh or rjct

th s ou s t. Ths surs tht oth rs our cots scto tht

hs’t rst ro ou. Th oto o “ lo ortor” c s

ut. but th rlt s tht th ost oulr los h o or th w

ts o cots ch , th st jort o ths c ulsh ut

wth sl clck.

explain What is aCCeptable on your blog and What isn’t

Sc our lo s two-w corsto, th oortut to r th ck ro

our rrs orto quu c ct w o urst how

th corsto s o rso rtur to th ck ou’ h.

i ou o ot or orto – or ou o’t – ou shoul our rrs

thorouh urst o wht k o cots ou wll cctl, wht

ks o cots r ll to o uulsh, t or ro th r

sutt to our lo. a sc “co o couct” or our lo wll work r wll  

ou r ort corort rot.

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 Thr r so ortt ssus to thk throuh wh choos lo ltor:

Shoul ou us r lo, or host our ow lo o our ow o?•

Wht r th ros cos o ch lo ltor?•

Whch shoul ou us?•

Shoul ou strt out o r lo ltor ur ltr?•

Wht ollows s ttt to fsh out so o th ctors w lors ht lk to

cosr c o lo ltor. it s or Cross’s ow xrcs

o lo, s o lss o th looshr tht tks to ccout

ortt rsourcs.

taKe your time and thinK things through.

 Thr r cot lo ltors o th rkt. Whl ou c ch

our lo ltor t ltr t ( o th or ws to ort xort our

cott) thr r usull so costs ssoct wth such trsrs. also, ch

ro r host lo src to sl-host o s ch our o,

whch hs lctos o srch trc.

 you to sk oursl w k qustos to hl ou k th cso.

wa a yu ggng gas? - prol th ost ortt th to o

wh strt th rocss o choos lo ltor s to cosr our srtos

or our lo.

wa's yu udg? – you c lo or r, ut ou ht wt to or

turs. drt lo ltors or rt lls o src. So,

lk, or th ltor or r wll host our

lo. but ou wt or fxlt (sc, cotrol o our w rss, rossol

turs) ou'll to lttl or – tcll o or th w ous


h '' a yu? - How uch tcholocl kowl s ll to ou

our t? O o th rt ths out lo s tht thr s worul

h o coul kowl ll to ou orus ct to hl

ol t th ost out o thr chos ltors. i ou' ot th t, th xrts

s thr or ou to rw o – ou h't, k t sl.

wa g as a s usng? – Wh t cos to choos

ltor, tk look t wht our rs cottors r us.

Hr's rou u o th k lo hosts sotwr ltors, rr


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blor s r, host lo tool. it’s o o th olst lo srcs rou

to hs llos o usrs.

+ ps:

Fst st-u•



irss rr o turs•

 attrct tlt "sks" to choos ro•

 Th auolor src. b ror th auolor ur to •

ho, usrs c ut uo rcors o thr lo sl cll th ur

rcor thsls. at th t o wrt, ths src ws uqu o

lo sotwr cks

 allows usrs to us FTp (l trsr rotocol) to trsr ls rt or thr•

lo to thr ow w st. Us tothr wth custozto o th blor

tlt, ths uusul uctolt s tht rrs r rls tht

wst s us blor

mks t ossl to h rsol o , rthr th th rc•

blor URL ''

- cns: 

 Th st hol blor’s ltor s th lck o ost ctorsto.

 you to kow HTmL to k custo chs to th tlts ro.

Ulk so o th or colx host srcs, blor os’t k

custosto s.

 vr w rossol lors stck wth blor or r lo, th strt thr.

bcus t s so sl, rhs cus t s r, ost rossol lors

choos to us lo sotwr tht hs or 'rst'. Howr, t s l tool

to us wh rst , scll or ru tst lo or coul o wks

or ot srous t or o to t.


blowr s host lo ltor tht c cult to custos, or

xrc HTmL usr. Howr, t lso ros r ur o otos wth th

strto trc to lt ou st u louts stls wthout tt to th


purchs blowr lo s rt to ost othr cks; ou ust u

blowr throuh rsllr, so rcs cks wll r. Lk blor, blowr

lts ou ulo ls FTp to th srr whr our lo s host. i ou’r look

to crt wst tht hs w o-lo s, ths s scll hlul.

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How to strt lo  -ook ro Cross ut 01.05.09


mol T, sl-host ltor crt Sx art, s o o th st kow lo

sotwr tools. Ths sst s owrul, ut ot sl to stll or us.

+ ps

 as lo tool lo, mol T hs rl r tur ou ht wt,

cotus to or:

m o ts usrs r hhl tchcl, h crt tol• lu-s tht c

to th str stllto

mol T rctl ouc tht t hs o r/o-sourc, rlcs ts co•

ur th gpL r lcc

 Th lcc ttls ou to suort scouts o utur urs•

- cns

 Th ost coo colt cocrs th to rul our lo whr ou•

k ch to tlt, courto stt, or w ctor

For th o-tchcll cl, stllto o ths sotwr c qut chll.•

 you shoul ot ttt t ll ou r’t lr coortl wth ulo owlo ls to w srr. Thr r srl w hosts tht or mol T

stllto s rt o thr ck o srcs


 T s host lo ltor. its rc sch turs r to

thr lls:

1. bsc

2. plus

3. pro

ds custosto s xtrl lt t th bsc ll, ol ull ccssl t th

pro ll. i ou wt to ru rou lo, or rt usrs rt lls o ccss, ou

ust o wth th pro ccout.

 at ll ccout lls, T hs ult- tur cll Tlsts tht llows ou to ul

lsts tht ssoct ch t wth URL. Ths lsts c sl to th lt- or rht-

h colu o our lo – o to touch th tlts – whch s rtculrl usul or

show our currt r lst, lks to othr sts (loroll), or lks to w stors.

 T s oo oto or usrs who wt to t strt quckl ut stll wt ll th or

c turs. Custosto s ossl, ut colct, so t’s lso oo oto or

thos who just wt lo tht works wthout uss too uch or how t looks. Howr,

 T plus pro o ttr jo th ost lo sotwr t llow ou to choos

lout otos wthout h to l out wth th tlts.

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Worprss rst luch 2003 hs row to th lrst lo tool th worl,

us o hurs o thouss o sts s ts o llos o ol r .

it's ll r ro www.worrss.or s sotwr or sl-host los, or ro www. s r, host ck.

+ ps

 you c sttc s. Ths llows cott s to crt outs•

th orl lo chroolo - st w ro sl lo t sotwr

towrs co ull cott t sst

 a sl tlt/th sst, whch llows usrs to sl ctt ctt “sks”•

or thr sts

Worprss s qu wth ult tlt ('Kurck') s • mchl Hl.

Strhtorwr t ulo, st ost, rll uto-s (h•

wh ou los our trt cocto o th o – rol lso tckl wtur cll grs )

 a w wk-lk 'rso hstor' tur, tht llows ou to trck chs to •

rstor rous rsos rqur

es us o wts • RSS s, to o strs o cott rou our st llows

othrs to suscr to our cott sl

 a oo sst or ctors ts•

es otcto o uts•

- cns

 you’r rsosl or l wth s•

Lt custosto o ths (thouh or r )•

 you c’t hck th co h our lo•

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bLOG READERSit s ortt to ul u stro r lst o los ws sourcs. Th stst w

to o ths s wth lo rr (sots cll ws rr), whch s tool tht llows

ou to suscr to ors RSS s – whthr th'r ro lo, ws sourc or

whr ls.

poulr rto tools r gool, nts blols. you c us th ltst

rso o mcrosot Outlook, whch llows ou to r osts wh ou'r ot coct to

th w.

gool Rr s r oulr, hs hhl cot ol rso. Wh ou r

us th rowsr o our ol c tr th rss. Th ol rso wll sl

th stors th orr o th ost rctl rc. as ou tht o trst

or our lo or tht ou wt to s or utur rrc ou c clck th “a Str” lk.

Wh ou rtur to our gool Rr skto rso ou’ll l to s ths our

“Strr its” olr.



mk sur ou h thr th ltst rso o mcrosot Wows exlorr, Frox or 

gool Chro. Ths ll llow 't rows', wthout th to o ultl

wows, whch ss t wh ou'r rw ws lo osts cross or th

o st. Frox lso hs w -os whch r r hlul to lors.

 acto: esur tht ou h t rowsr

 ///Technology: approve FireFox browser download///


 Tchort s lo srch – s w o los

tht r usul to ou. Ths c hl ou othrs who r lo

out th s tocs, ro sourc o srto wh

ou'r cosr w sujct.

Wh ou usul-look lo, ou c w tht lo’s rol

o Tchort to out how othr los lks to t. Ths s

us to th lo sur o ts “uthort” th looshr.

Oc our lo s l, t's r sl to rstr t wth Tchort. K o Tchort

rrcs to our lo ou'll s who's wrt out ou.

 you c lso crt “Wtchlsts” o Tchort, s o toc, wst rss or “t”

tht ou wt to otor – r hlul ou’r rsrch lo ost o rtculr toc.

 acto: Rstr or Tchort ccout.

 ///Technology: ensure This siTe is noT blocked by The Firewall///

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 Th rr ol ookrk src. at ts slst, t c

rlc ro uo our “ourts” olr our rowsr -

ut or th ths, t c lso hl ou shr our s wth othr

ol, scor wht othrs h ou.


 you’ll to rstr to t dlcous ccout.

Oc ou h dlcous ccout ou c owlo -o 

or our Frox rowsr (or or exlorr ) whch wll k t s to

us wth th sl clck o utto.


 acto: Rstr or dlcous ccout.

 ///Technology: ensure This siTe is noT blocked by The Firewall///


it hrl s troucto, ut Wk s tstcll usul

s rsrch rrc tool or lors.

 Th jo o hrlk s tht ou c sl hl our rrs

out or out crt s trs wthout h to thr

u-ow or or-colct our lo osts. For trs(rtculrl thos tht r tchcl or w) Wk hs th st

ost ccssl xlto.

 ///Technology: ensure This siTe is noT blocked by The Firewall///


mcrosot’s Onot s r usul tool or lo: t lts ou cut

st txt ro wsts wll utotcll t wth

URL. Ths s h wh ou wt to cl txt ro los ws

sts tht ou woul lk to lo out ltr.

Onot s lso usul or ctur s to st to our lo

osts. To o ths, rss th Wows k th 'S' k tothr,

th slct th rt o th scr ou wt to srt th txt.

 ///Technology: insTall onenoTe///

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How to strt lo  -ook ro Cross ut 01.05.09


it's oo rctc to us ts – wors tht scr th sujcts ou'r lo out. Th

hl our lo osts to ou quckl othr lors srch s.

 Two or thr ts r ost r usull ouh – thk out how ou woul ctors wht

ou' wrtt out, th cosstt out t osts o cotu toc or

th th s w so rrs c ollow our thouhts sl.


 at th t o wrt ll th uzz th worl o socl ss

to out Twttr. W wo’t o to tl hr out how to us

 Twttr - tht srs ook o ts ow - ut suc to s tht

t rol Twttr s r usul th to o s rt o 

our lo.

Frst u, crt Twttr rol ollow ol ou’r trst (scll lors

ou’r r) c hl trst ths to lo out. m ol lso ost lks to

thr w lo osts s wll, thouh so thk ou shoul’t o ths too ot s t strts to

look lk s. you ht thk o Twttr s rt lc to ost lks or short thouhts tht

ou o’t h t to tur to lo osts.


i ou lo to socl tworks, ou ht lk to st u utotc to th

ro our lo. it’s ot r sl to o - or stc, s u or th Worrss

lcto Fcook or th Worrss / bloLk (or T) lctos our lo s

o thos ltors Lki. Oc ou’ st ths u, hls ro our lo osts wll

ulsh o our rol sl to rs cotcts.

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How to strt lo  -ook ro Cross ut 01.05.09


 Th ollow xtrcts r ro coul o usul rtcls out lo:

aad manj: h bg

w ag Sa’s ngy d as s sund adv n

ggng, nudng:


“do't worr our osts suck lttl. Ulss ou'r Jr golr, our rst lo

ost s ulkl to rct. i, lot o our osts r't o to s rt s

th coul ou st hours o th— tht's OK. Flx Slo, who

wrts portolo's xcllt c lo mrkt mors, uts t ths w: "Qutt s

or ortt th qult. do't scr o wro, or lt; ou h

uch lss o wht our rrs r o to lk th ou ossl .

So ju rht , ut oursl out thr."

nrl r lor i sok to r wth ths stt. i ou'r tr to

uc, ou c't or to worr or r stc s t wr ... s, i ws

o to s 15 uts thk o hlrous l shtul sl thr,

ut, t, i' lo o to o o.

“Wrt csull ut clrl. Ths o fows ro th lst two—th st w to stck to

lo schul s to wrt quckl, oo w to wrt quckl s to wrt s

ou'r tlk to r. mrc ar, th oltcl-ws t th atltc,

tol , "i' ou tht i t to wrt th w i sk. Short, stccto stcs,

lots o rthtcls. Tht os ursts, ut t's uqul ow oc, i thk

t hls to ul cocto wth th rr."

 also rr tht our rrs wt ou to t to th ot. "b clr, ot crtc,"

Slo ss. "blo rrs h thr th t or th clto to r tw

th ls; los r't ltrtur.”

S Gdn: h g a yu g

S's u s nans 50 s n ggng:

"m r Fr, tlt lor, sk or c th othr . Hr's

rtl swr, wth w olos to Swt:

1 Us lsts.

2 b tocl... wrt osts tht to r rht ow.

3 Lr ouh to co th xrt our l.

4 brk ws...

...55 do't or.

56 Wrt stu tht ol wt to r shr."

(Sth go, Ju 03, 2006)

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How to strt lo  -ook ro Cross ut 01.05.09

panng.: h t bg l o ma

raj's u s nans u ns, and xands n a.

"O mlk o gO... s or h s crt to hs sourcs. as ro

hs hot scoos, h's th rr lor tht c tk th lowl 'sur' ost

trsor t to soth worth r..."

Hr r w ts or ou to lo lk Omlk (just stto, l to cot/ 


Kow our toc, our toc...•

prst rt wots...•

O cours, to ctull owr lo, ou oo tools. Hr r w:

 a oo w rowsr...•

 a oo lo tor...•

F suscrtos...•

 alt to wrt...•

( Rj dsh, Jur 28, 2007)

 And Suvan’s ssay n ggng n t Aan agazn:

wy i bg s an nsana n ass

ggng as a . A u sa qus:


“it ws oous ro th strt tht t ws rolutor. er wrtr sc th rt

rss hs lo or s to ulsh hsl rch—sttl— rr o


“you c’t h lor’s lock. you h to xrss oursl ow, whl our

otos rol, whl our tr frs, whl our huor lsts. you c tr to h

oursl ro rl scrut, th xosur t s, ut t’s hr. a tht’s wht

ks lo s or st out: t s rch rsolt....

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 a mf

 Vc p,

c &


 ato hs t tht hs

lo ot rochs to

rkt couctos ol,

clu th ntwork Ss m

tool, whch llows lsts o th

t to ul sul rrsttos o how rs r coct to socl

tworks othr wsts ol. Th t hs lso lo th Socl Scs

Frwork, ustr l roch or lr orstos wth ol


pror to jo Cross UK (th Srworks) to stlsh ts Cott & m

so 2006, ato work corort r couctos or or

c, ost rctl s rctor th bll pottr grou, ts tcholo

sclst r, Hrr.

H s rulr ulc skr o ssus rou socl rkt,

wrts o hs rsol lo O (ms, Fs, Corstos) Cross’s lo


t h c c C Ts hs t o jourlsts cowrtrs who rouc usr-ctrc, rr

rst cott o hl o Cross’s clts. Ths t ow los o hl o r

o cos clu mORe TH>n Toot gb.

pror to work t Cross sh l th Ho Oc’s trl torl t (

ot th prt Scrtr o th Ho Oc lo), ht crtoo cht

sl cll doo (o o th UK’s rst socl tworks – ow uct!) ur th

lt 1990s ws rt o th orl or torl t t

bor tht sh ws ol-school rkt rsrchr t bmRb itrtol.

Sh los (r) rsol cct t Ts’s blo Twttrs coulsl s


m n c Cmtt hs sso or ll ths Socl m ur hs t t Cross hs

work o cs or clts such s emi, mrks & Scr, aros & Toot.

pror to jo Cross UK (th Srworks), mtthw work s rkt

r or ot succssul usc owlo st. H ws lso rulrl

souht out or rlc cosultc t urous cos wth th trttsctor.

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C w- k c w c c c. rk F

rc c sc Wv r

c seo,

c w vc

c wk k v

k c c’


Cross’s roch s s o th l tht our ttto hs st r. W

ow l coct tworks o xrcs orto tht w us to kll our csos. bussss tht urst ths sht - tht to l

lu thos tworks - wll succ. Ths r wht w cll 'coct rs'.

bs o ths outos, Cross ls turl srch, srch, socl

, cott, sl rts, usr xrc, w lot, ltcs

& sht to ul coct ol rkt strts or rs tht sk to

r trul or thr custors’ ol jours s.

W r t o 550 ol cross 12 ocs th US euro. i th UK w

lo 97 st Loo brhto clts clu Chl 4, Lx/ax,

mORe TH>n, Toot, HboS, porsch, Corhll drct, Chfhts, Kcr, Ls,

 vr atltc, Trloct, STa Trl, or.

F out or t, our lo, cotct us

o +44 (0)1273 827 700 or l [email protected]

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How to strt lo  -ook ro Cross ut 01.05.09


pls l r to co, shr rrc ths -ook. all

w sk s tht ou ckowl Cross s th sourc

lk to ://www.C.c/k wh ct th


 Ths work s lcs ur th Crt Coos attruto-Shr alk 3.0


 To w co o ths lcs, st

htt://crtcoos.or/lcss/-s/3.0/ or s lttr to Crt

Coos, 543 Howr Strt, 5th Floor, S Frcsco, Clor, 94105, USa.