How to review a journal paper and prepare oral presentation

How to review a journal paper, or give other scientific/technical presentation Seppo Karrila, PSU Surat Thani October 2014


The slides are for an about 2-hour lecture to students who each have to review one scientific journal article. There are guidelines on key content, as well as planning, preparing, and delivering an oral presentation. This should be useful to any student preparing for an oral presentation with slides.

Transcript of How to review a journal paper and prepare oral presentation

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How to review a journal paper, or give other

scientific/technical presentation

Seppo Karrila,

PSU Surat Thani

October 2014

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Executive summary

• This is a short tutorial on presentation techniques

• Often the first exercise is reviewing a paper in classroom, so this is discussed first

• The second part covers planning, making, and delivering a presentation in general

• Checklists and outline templates are included

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How to review a journal article

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When you review a journal article…

• You must answer these questions:– What is this about– Why is the topic important– What was done– Key result (or “what happened?”)

• Implications on practice OR on research activities

– What was left unanswered (according to authors)

• … and this is the real test of your understanding: – Your critique of the article

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Typical problems

• Using terms that were not defined, audience can not understand – Include definitions of uncommon technical terms

• Understanding details, but not the WHY – What was the motivation or significance

• Technicalities with presentation– We will discuss this, soon

• Inability to answer questions

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Why critique is not easy• Things that are obviously wrong– In a good journal you will not find this, because the

articles have been critically reviewed and screened

• … or missing– Notice things you would need for practical

application, or that you would have liked to see– Far-fetched or dishonest motivation – Otherwise noting missing details requires more

expertise than just understanding the given details

• … or could have been done better in another way– Top level expertise needed in subject area

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In practice for this reason

• … critical reviews are only done in projects that include reading many articles, from MS project onwards

• … in a “review this one article” exercise, critique is of little importance

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Prepare for questions

• When you present a review, expect questions when you are done.

• Can you prepare answers? Can you make “backup slides” perhaps from another source? – These are not part of your “main presentation”

and not included in its timing. The backup slides are a reserve that uses the time reserved for questions.

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How to prepare and deliver a Scientific or Technical


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Executive summary

• My goal is to share how to plan, make, and deliver Scientific or Technical presentations

• Planning, making & delivering are each discussed, with checklists and/or DO vs. DON’T lists

• Keeping it simple, no technical trickery is included

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The elements of “introduction”

• Issue – what is this about• Significance – why is this important• Approach – what was done• (Expected) results – what happened• Conclusions (effects on decisions or

actions) – what did we learn

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Example: This section of talk• Issue: preparing and delivering presentations

• Significance: be a good presenter

• Approach: checklists and guidance

• Results: you have a template to follow

• Conclusions: Use this in planning, making a presentation and delivering it

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• Planning a presentation

• Making slides

• Delivering your presentation

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Checklist for planning• Who is the audience?

What are they interested in? – Scientific level?– Detail or only the ‘big picture’ – Fast pace or explain a lot per slide?

• How much time do I have?– 20 slides can take an hour

• Format & technicalities – Follow format instructions– Avoid failure, such as PowerPoint version problems

PDF usually works

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Planning the content

• What is the key thing you want to tell?– This section of talk: an organized way to

presenting– Split the task to planning, making the

presentation, and delivering it

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Your presentation has a purpose

• Guide audience to the key result or point • This gives the direction to follow• Keep your focus ! – Do not include slides you don’t need or want to show

“If you don’t know where you are going, you may end up someplace else … “

(Yogi Berra)

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Structure of an article, modified

• Abstract Executive summary• Introduction Issue, significance,

approach, (expected) results• Materials & methods • Key results • Summary & conclusions

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Use the structure, step by step

1. Decide on focus and purpose

2. Write the introduction, in which you state the what, why, how, and what should happen (issue, significance, approach, expected results)

3. Fill in the rest…

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• You have the standard structure of science and technology reporting

• You have split your work to smaller steps or tasks

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• Planning a presentation

• Making slides

• Delivering your presentation

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Some rules for slides• Simple– Technical trickery can fail

• Short–Not too many words

• Readable – Large font size

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Figures on slides

• If you don’t want the audience to see the figure, don’t show it !–Unless you want to irritate them

• Make it LARGE, put LARGE numbers on the scales

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Don’t do this

• Too small figure, lots of print text that audience will try to read…

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Please, do like here

• Source

Medline database shows exponential growth rate of scientific publishing.

The vertical scale is logarithmic.

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Again, this is just silly

• Too small figure, lots of print text that audience will try to read…

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Keep it simple, AVOID

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Tables on slides, similar

• If you show it, people will try to see it…

• Table on right is illegible

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Hold “shift” while dragging

• Pressing shift keeps the figure proportions fixed when you re-size by dragging with mouse .

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Give credit• Sources of images, data, …

• Acknowledgements

• Just like in an article, you can include a list of References

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• Planning a presentation

• Making slides

• Delivering your presentation

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Check your slides before presenting

• If you can read your text in “slide sorter” view, on computer screen, then text is large enough

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File formats

• Save in old PowerPoint format ! – Old program will not open newer format

• Save as pdf – This will look the same on any computer, but may

differ from PowerPoint – Especially do this if you use a Mac (and present

from a PC)• E-mail all presentation files to organizer, bring

also along on memory stick

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Practice timing in advance

• Important to not go over time

• You can ask audience to hold their questions until the end

• DON’T learn by heart or read aloud when presenting – watch the audience’s reactions to go faster or explain more

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Check presentation equipment

• If you don’t know how something works, ask the chairman or organizer – don’t leave this till middle of the presentation

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First thing on stage is greeting

• Professor X, students of xxx Technology, it gives me great pleasure that you have invited me to present here.

• Make eye contact, introduce yourself (just in a few words, even if the chair gave an introduction)

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You can be excited

• Without being hyperactive

• If you are bored with your topic, the audience will also be unhappy

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Use the microphone

• They often give trouble…

• Some need to be held to your chin to work

• Watch the audience, you can ask if they hear you

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While presenting AVOID

• odd gestures• hopping around • hands in pockets • talking to your laptop• talking to the projection screen

• DO talk to the audience

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Little things• Follow your own presentation. If you need the

same slide twice, copy it ! (Don’t go forward and backward.)

• If you don’t want to show a slide, leave it out !• If it would require too much explanation, leave it

out! (you can give a reference, put slide in backup reserve at end of presentation)

• If you are asked a question, repeat it with the microphone

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Stay in control

• If a question would require too long an answer, say you can discuss after the presentation

• Be polite even if someone asks a silly question, or an impolite question– The chairperson or lecturer should step in if

someone is unprofessional

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At the end, remind of key points

• This is the “conclusions” part

• And thank the audience

• Remind that they can now ask questions

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You can have backup slides

• Not part of timed presentation, but part of time reserved for questions – You can prepare to use also this time effectively

• Prepare to answer some expected questions!– Leave extra detail to backup, someone can ask

about such details– Think of questions to expect ! Prepare answers !

Some answers will not need slides, some will.

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A less formal outline of slide deck• Title page– Include your e-mail

• Executive summary– What this is about, key results, key conclusions

• Background• Goals• Approach• Key results• Conclusions (to remember, or affecting decisions)• Closing• Backup slides

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Summary of key points

• Plan before you write• Follow a structured outline, so you have

many small writing tasks instead of one big task• Write slides so they are useful (LARGE

FONT & FIGURES & TABLES)• Present to the audience loudly and
