How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online...

It's a New Day in Public Health How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers Click Registration (Fig.1). Figure 1 HEALTH '»- !:WI:! h'I'Ontll!i. •J IRAINftgwtdalunWijM ... IJWtAI!IlttiG•IImy • :tJ pHf. 111A!N by kJ4 s elMS IMMUNIZATION: YOU CALL THE Coune t l): 104G680 COtltM Nvtllbtr: CoiiiUSSj; CourlM:I O.:M::ripliun:: 000 0.1 CEVJ'Ce. 1 Q£.3, 1 CME. I CNE"COOI.ctMo ... I',IACPe riP .ad bE-low l or c;ontinviniJ todU(;.I Iil)n lnf(Wm;a llon. nut lnut'd wit hi n TI\AJH. follow the dlrn.1ion' below to t(l mplt:b: yO\n c:ontlnuil• "duutlon requ ffi.CULTY/CR£DENT11\l.S: S,')bCOC:k. IJS, TI.'Chril(;111 nlormat1Qn Planner, (0(/NIP/ISO/EIPP. U1mborslqo, Jennifer, MPtt.. CUCS, Public Health t:duutor, CDC., NCi fi.O $111kQI•., ll..i•yr'IIOriel , MO, MPH, M dteal NCtPIO Donn.. Wt!l't'l!r, AN, MN, Nurse Cducator & T•flet Audience CQntent (Xpt!rt. COC/NCIFIO ORIGINATION{O:PI RA l iON DATE= 01/JS/2014 to Ol/CJ/2016 HAR[)WARE/SOnwAAf: MATrRIALS: Interne! eonnett lon Md' oompultt p . ., • !>ll.

Transcript of How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online...

Page 1: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Click Registration (Fig.1).

Figure 1

HEALTH -----------------------------------~

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01/JS/2014 to Ol/CJ/2016


MATrRIALS: Interne! eonnettlon Md' oompultt

p .

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Page 2: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Click Create Account (Fig. 2).

Figure 2

HEALTH -----------------------------------~

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Page 3: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select I agree box (Fig. 3) to proceed; otherwise the registration process will end.

Figure 3

HEALTH -----------------------------------~

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Page 4: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Click Next (Fig. 4).

Figure 4

HEALTH -----------------------------------~

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Page 5: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

All Fields Marked With * Are Required: (Fig. 5).

• Login Name – First Name.Last Name format (period between first and last name). • Organization Field – Provider’s organization name goes in this field. • Department/Division Field – Organizations with multiple locations need to provide the VFC site

name in the Division Field. • Organizations with one location (one name) need to put the organization’s name in both the

Organization and Division Fields. (The name in the Organization and Division Fields should be the same).

• Learners must put their VFC provider PIN in the Bureau/Section (Fig. 6) located in the Optional Fields screen. If the VFC PIN is not included, a provider may not receive credit for taking the required training.

Figure 5 Figure 6

Page 6: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Click Select Groups (Fig. 7)

Figure 7

HEALTH -----------------------------------~

PHF-TRAIN powered by ICMt's e l MS - lntemrt Explorer provided by Flofida Department of 11Hith

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j ~ PHF-TRAIN powt_red byi<Mi'sfi_MS

Flonda TRAitl Welcome Guest! ILOQIR

• Competencies Abotrt Help

F lorid~ D•p.~~rtment of Health's Official Learning System

j Seard1 ov Kevwort:l or Course 10 I Advanced Search

Group Selection: As a member ofTRAJN, you have the opportunity to partidpate on one or m ore of the TRAIN portals listed below. TRAIN portals are conneded and will not require you to have a separate accounts or logins. Remember that you will only need one TRAIN account for any portals youselect To partidpate on one or more portals. follow ltle instructions below

1. Choose the "Select Groups• button next to the desired portal , "state Portal". "MRC Portal" (Medical Reserve Corps), "CDC Portal " (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) or "HRSA Portal"

2. Select yourgroupswithineadlportal

The portals and groups you select will determine what TRAIN con tent (induding courses) you can access

Selectthestateorterritoryinwtlidl yo~led,ntemationar Stale Portal I Select Groups I .

If you are a member of the Medical Rese!Ve C rps, then you should select MRC Portal in addition to your state

MRC Portal I Select Groups I No Groups Selected

To access additional CDC TRAJN (Centers lor Disease Control and Prevention) content and to participate in CDC~hosted communWes of pradice, youshouldalsoaddtheCDCPortal

CDC Porta l I Select Groups I No Groups Selected

To access additional Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) con tent and to participate in HRSA practice and content groups you should add to the HRSA Porta!. H RSA grantees are especially encouraged to select HRSA groups

HRSA Portal I Select Groups I No Groups Selected

Note: Youmustselectat leastoneportal

I DOH Homepage I DOH Privacy st~tement I TRAIN PrivaC)I I

I OOH D1sda1mer ~ i i"JJO..A~~I!<:;<:;ih•hlvlnfnrm:~tion ~


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Page 7: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select Florida (Fig 8).

Figure 8

Page 8: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select Affiliation (Fig 9).

Figure 9

Page 9: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select Florida General (Fig. 10), Click Submit.

Figure 10

Page 10: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select Next (Fig. 11).

Figure 11

Page 11: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select at least one Professional Role (Fig. 12), Click Next.

Figure 12

Page 12: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select Work Setting (Fig. 13), Click Next.

Figure 13

Page 13: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select Demographic Information (Fig. 14), Click Next.

Figure 14

Page 14: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Select Professional License Information (Fig. 15), Click Next.

Figure 15

Page 15: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Click Continue (Fig. 16).

Figure 16

Congratulations, you now have a TRAIN Florida account!

You are ready to proceed to course registration through TRAIN.

Page 16: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Click Registration (Fig. 17).

Figure 17

Page 17: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

Upon clicking launch in TRAIN you will be redirected to CDC courses.

Click Launch (Fig. 18).

Figure 18

Page 18: How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers ... · How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

It's a New Day in Public Health

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

How to Register for TRAIN Online Courses for VFC Providers

The CDC website courses are listed (Fig. 19). Take courses and download certificate of completion for each course.

Figure 19