How to practice Krishnamacharya's 'Original' Ashtanga Yoga

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  • 7/29/2019 How to practice Krishnamacharya's 'Original' Ashtanga Yoga


    05/02/2013 16:38Krishnamacharya's 'Original' Ashtanga Project: How to practice Krishnamacharya's 'Original' Ashtanga Yoga

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    How to practice Krishnamacharya's 'Original' Ashtanga Yoga

    krishnamacharya Yoga Makaranda

    One of the challenges we have with practicing Krishnamacharya's Ashtanga is time, here's


    1. Full Vinyasas : Krishnamacharya seems to be advocating full vinyasa between postures,

    half vinyasa between sides and possible variations of the key posture

    2. Breathing : Long slow inhalations and exhalations, from 10- 15 seconds

    3. Long stays in postures. 10 breaths seems to be standard more in certain postures

    4. Kumbhaka (breath retention) In several postures kumbhaka is included , many of the

    forward bends for instance

    5. Variations. Krishnamacharya doesn't seem to be advocating a fixed series, variations to

    certain postures might be added, perhaps preparatory postures but also extensions.

    If we take Janusirsasana as an example

    60 second lead in and out (say, 5 seconds for each stage of the vinyasa )
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    10 breaths in the posture at 10 seconds each per inhalation and exhalation, about six and a

    half minutes

    Ashtanga already has three variations of this postures, so around twenty minutes

    Doubt forget the half vinyasas between sides and between variations twenty seconds each

    so another minute and a half.

    So in an ideal practice, around twenty-three minutes just for janusirsasana

    If we compare the Primary group of postures in Krishnamacharya's list in Yogasanagalu

    with the Ashtanga primary we notice there aren't as many postures, this is just a frame-

    work of course but still, less postures seems to be the way to go.

    Pattabhi Jois comes to the same conclusion, for those of us strapped for time. He outlines

    the problem in the first quote below and in the second quote offers a possible solution. Hesuggests that if your busy with work and don't have time for a full practice you might

    practice up to navasana only and then move to finishing, he even suggests doing your

    headstand at work. On the next day you begin with Navasana after your Sury's ( he sug-

    gests only doing half the amount of those).

    And of course if your a beginner you will often stop your practice at marichiyasana C and

    move on to finishing or in 2nd series you might stop at Kapo or Karandavasana.

    Practicing half a series then isn't that new or that radical and doesn't have to be just be-

    cause your a beginner or have a busy lifestyle.

    So should we decide to explore Krishnamacharya's approach we could take the Primary

    and 2nd series we're familiar with and divide them in half and practice the longer slower

    breathing, longer stays and breath retention allowing for deeper bandha engagement.

    1st Day

    Primary to navasana + pranayama

    2nd Day

    Primary to end of series + pranayama

    3rd Day

    2nd series Bakasana + pranayama

    4th Day

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    Bhaadvajrasana to end of series + pranayama

    5th Day

    Full regular Primary

    6th DayFull regular 2nd series.

    It's difficult not to think of an advanced practice just in terms of the shapes of advanced

    postures and yet we might also think of an advanced or proficient practice as being reflect-

    ed in the approach we take to the asana rather than the asana itself.

    It appears Krishnamacharya's proficient group of postures wasn't intended to be practiced

    as one of more series but more likely as extensions to the asana found in the Primary andMiddle group. One might reflect on whether turning them into fixed series in the 70's and

    80's was, in retrospect, beneficial. I'd be interested to hear arguments for and against fixed

    advanced series.

    My own argumentfor, is that by practising Advanced series we practice the most challeng-

    ing postures everyday and this leads to increased proficiency rather than attempting an

    advanced posture once in a while which might lead to strain.

    However my argument against the above is that in Vinyasa Krama I've practiced advanced

    postures as extensions of similar asana of the same family. In Asymmetric series for exam-

    ple one moves from janu sirsasana and half lotus postures (primary), arcana dhanurasana

    A and B (advanced B)and on into eka pada sirsasana (2nd series) and then into skan-

    dasana and durvasana (Advanced A). I often add omkrasana, parsva dandasana kapi-

    lasana, buddhasana and marichyasana H (Advanced B) which while not in Ramaswami's

    book seem to be appropriate further extensions and because of the preparation any strain

    is avoided.

    And yet do any of the postures above really appear more advanced than Krishna-

    macharya's janusirsasana at the top of the page. Janusirsasana appears simple, we find it

    in the current Ashtanga Primary series and Krishnamacharya's Primary group yet it's basi-

    cally a forward bending version of mahamudra. It's a highly stable, grounded posture that

    cries out for breath and bandha work. We can stay here a long long time, engage mula, ud-

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    diyana and jalandhara bandha fully, it allows for variations, the deep forward bend of

    janusirsasana and yet also twist to both sides by changing the hold on the foot. It's all in

    the approach we take to it, five breaths only in such a pose seems a bit of a waste

    Here are the quotes mentioned above.

    Question: When is it good to do full vinyasa? That is come back to Samasthiti after each

    asana. Is it correct?

    Answer: Yes correct. Take one asana, finish it. After full vinyasa you do, standing position you

    come. Again next. Your strength how is you use (depending on your strength you should do half or

    full vinyasa). Without strength chat (sixth vinyasa) stop (If you are not strong stop at the sixthvinyasa eg do half vinyasa). Increasing your strength, you full vinyasa you take. Now there is no

    time (too many students).

    That is why I am telling. One asana, for example paschimottanasana (has) 16 vinyasas, Purvot-

    tanasana - 15, Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana, tiriang mukeka pada paschimottanasana,

    janu sirsasana A, B, C, marichyasana A, B, all 22 vinyasas. Full vinyasa .

    You doing full vinyasa all - that is the best. Secondary you with sixth vinyasa all the asanas is com-

    ing. That you changing, this time (when) your strength is more, you changing that time. Sixth,

    seventh (vinyasa) paschimottanasana you do. After 8 9 then jump again. sat (six) position you

    go. I every day I teaching now. Same method you do. Both is no problem

    Method is good no problem. Work is there. He is going work. (for a working man half vinyasamethod is good) Your yoga practice, you take one hour. One hour or two hours your expanding

    your time. That time all the asanas taken one day full vinyasa you do at least five hours also you

    want you can understand (if you take full vinyasa, you need 5 hours to complete practice). One pri-

    mary asanas doing, 5 hours also you want. That is why. You (are a) working (man). You not

    spending all the time on the yoga practice.

    You can understand. Full time you take, full vinyasa you doing. Only for (completing) primaryasanas takes 5 hours. 5 hours primary postures (with) full vinyasa. 50 asanas is there completely

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    primary postures. That 50 asanas you doing taken 5 hours, with full vinyasa. You working. Anoth-

    er place is working. Yes you take money, you eating food, all you want. That only for your spending

    (free) time only for yoga, very rare (little time), very difficult also yourself. That is why you short

    cut you take. That is one or two hours. Two hours spent your yoga practice. That is good. That is

    also is good. Yes OK. That I tell you.

    Sri K Pattabhi Jois Public Talks on Ashtanga Yoga - France 1991

    Question: If one has only half an hour for practice, what should he do?

    Answer: Now, no time. Many work is there. That time, no time. But you including half an hour

    time (if you have half an hour) you spend this way: You take practice.Anyone (always) start (with)

    Suryanamaskar half posture (half of the postures) you do, no problem. Halfposture means: primaryhalf to Marichyasana D. (next day) Navasana you do aftertake Suryanamaskar (after you have fin-

    ished surya namaskar you go on straight to navasana and the rest of the postures). Sirsasana and

    you do your work. No problem (do head stand at work?).

    Sri K Pattabhi Jois Public Talks on Ashtanga Yoga - France 1991


    How to practice Krishnamacharya's early, 'original' Ashtanga Part 1
