How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

How to upload your slides or poster presentations to the Medicine 2.0 slideshare group Note: Only presenters at a Medicine 2.0 (World Congress of Social Media and Web 2.0 in Medicine and Health, incl Stanford Summit) can post in this group


In case you are confused, here is how to upload your files to slideshare and associate it with the Medicine 2.0 event (for participants at Medicine 2.0 ONLY!).

Transcript of How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

Page 1: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

How to upload your slides or poster presentations to the Medicine 2.0 slideshare


Note: Only presenters at a Medicine 2.0 (World Congress of Social Media and Web 2.0 in Medicine and Health, incl Stanford

Summit) can post in this group

Page 2: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

You should post your presentation in the Medicine 2.0 group as this allows for automatic distribution through

the med2 channels


“New #med2 slides: …”

Page 3: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

Login at

Page 4: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

Go to and search for “Medicine 2.0” in the RIGHT search box (not the top one)

Or go directly to for the 2011 Medicine 2.0 @ Stanford conference

Page 5: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

Select “I am attending”

Page 6: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

On your user page, click the orange UPLOAD button

Page 7: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

2. Click the orange “upload publicly” button

Page 8: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

Select “My uploads” from the dropdown menu of your username, wait until conversion is complete, and then click on

the slideshow

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Click on “More…”

Page 10: How to post you slides/poster on the Medicine 2.0 event page at Slideshare

From “More…”, select the Medicine 2.0 event, click SEND

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DONE! Slideshow shows up under the Medicine 2.0 event and is disseminated on Twitter, FB, Med2 etc